Any similarities with other fics are completely by coincidence.
Disclaimer: The characters of this story are my invention, however,
the Jusenkyo curses and the amazon village of Joketsusoku are part of Ranma
1/2, therefore a copyright of Rumiko Takahashi. Used without authorization.
The characters of Project A-ko are also not mine.
Please, don't sue me, I don't have any money anyway.
Okay now, on with the Fic.
Adventures of the Amazon.
By Persona
--- Episode 13 ---
Kain walked around B-ko's house.
Damn, he tough, he had planed every single thing, except that stupid
A-ko getting in the way! He was going to make her sorry for that. Oh yeah.
But not now. Now he had to prepare, he knew that Perfume had identified B-ko (who else would make a mecha just to attack someone?) and since lots of people knew where B-ko lived, he was sure that they were going to come over any time.
He checked B-ko security system one more time to see if everything was
how it should be. It was. The whole house was like a fortress, and B-ko
had her new mecha to fight.
So that left just one more thing. Kain had to charge up his powers
as to be fully powered when Perfume gets here, and there was just one way
to do that.
Leaving the security room, Kain walked towards B-ko's room were she was waiting his next order.
B-ko was on her bed, wearing only her mini skirt as she was caressing
her breasts with her hands, moaning in pleasure.
Since Kain had marked her, she wasn't able to think straight, all she
wanted was to be pleased
to reach orgasm as many times as possible. And
Kain surely knew that, because he was using her magic-influenced desire
to control her every action. That way he made her build that mecha, and
attack Perfume.
And now, B-ko couldn't think of anything else better to do but to masturbate in her room.
She didn't notice Kain walking inside, and smiling at the sight over the bed. "Stop." He said.
With a whimper, B-ko stopped. Kain's hold over her had been getting stronger and stronger with each passing day. At the beginning of the week she may had been able to fight back a little. But now she could do nothing but obey, as she was yelling at herself to do something. It was as if her mind and body were two different beings.
Slowly Kain walked towards the bed, "Turn here," B-ko obeyed, "B-ko, my dear toy, as you know we had a little problem when we tried to beat Perfume at the mall."
"Yes master Kain I know."
"Then you must also know that she and Gel and very probably A-ko too, will come here to try to get the Kaisufu."
"Yes, I know."
"We must be prepared. So, I better have my powers fully charged for when they get here."
B-ko's eyes opened wide as she realized what Kain meant. "No master Kain everything but that please "
"Shut up! You either obey me or I'll make you stay in the brink of orgasm for an entire month!"
"NO! Not that! "
Kain smiled evilly, he loved to see his sex-toys suffer. Even more when they were strong willed like B-ko was. "You will cooperate then?"
"Yes master Kain I'll do everything you ask me to do."
"Good, then take off the rest of your clothes and we'll begin."
B-ko nodded as she took her mini skirt off, leaving her completely naked. Meanwhile Kain was making his clothing disappear using his incubus magical powers, and was naked too, his black wings were wide on his back.
"Now lie down on your back." Kain ordered. B-ko obeyed without any complain, even if she looked like she didn't want to.
Kain opened his wings even more and flew over B-ko, then landed on all fours over her. "Good thing you played with yourself, so I don't have to make sure you are wet."
B-ko blushed and turned away in shame, Kain's evil grin became wider.
"Aaah! Hmmm! *gasp*!"
Kain was using his right hand do tease B-ko's pussy, keeping her aroused
and frustrated at the same time.
"Ask me and I'll let you orgasm." Kain told B-ko.
Fight him! B-ko screamed to herself. You can't let him win! Ooooh! I can't take this much longer! No! I have to hold on! But it feels so goood!
B-ko tried to use her hands to reach orgasm, but Kain used his left hand to hold B-ko's wrists while his right hand kept teasing her. "Sorry, but the only way that you'll get release will be to ask me." Said Kain; he was really enjoying watching B-ko twist around in frustration.
You are B-ko! You don't take orders! You give orders! I
I can't take
this! I have to! I can't!
B-ko was going mad with desire, she didn't want to but her body reacted
to every single one of Kain's ministrations. Until she finally gave up.
"Please! Please fuck me master Kain!"
"Now that's better."
Kain moved B-ko's hands and held them over her head, then removed his right hand from B-ko's cunt, and began introducing his hard cock into B-ko's vulnerable pussy. Once it was fully inside, he moved it out, and in again.
"Oh! Ah! Hmmm! Aaaaah! Oooh!" B-ko moaned with every thrust, getting closer and closer to orgasm, and finally she reached it.
B-ko screamed at the top of her lungs, and arched her back as she was struck all over with a powerful orgasm. And could feel Kain cuming inside her as well.
Kain felt his and B-ko's orgasms, and began collecting all the energy
that B-ko was releasing, until finally he was completely charged and ready.
He let B-ko come down from her orgasm, and then moved away from her
and made his clothes appear again.
He was about to leave the room, when he turned to B-ko, who was still breathing heavily on the bed, "When you are ready, go to your mecha and wait for any intruder." After that he opened the door and left the room.
Perfume and Gel, still in girl form, were following A-ko to B-ko's house, since she was the only one of them that knew were B-ko lived.
"You don't mind?" Asked A-ko after Gel's answer when she told him her what she and Perfume did in the collapsed mall.
"No, It's part of Perfume's nature, she is half succubus, and I understand that."
"It must be hard for both of you." A-ko said to Perfume and Gel.
"We are used to it just the demon hunting we did in China alone would be enough to "
"Hum Gel, I don't think she wants to know that."
"Oh yeah sorry."
Perfume smiled and nodded, it was amazing, the energy she had collected from A-ko was incredible, even if A-ko was a girl, Perfume was sure that the energy she collected from her was going to last at least 7 hours. More than enough to cure Gel and beat Kain back to the demon realm.
"There it is."
Perfume stopped thinking when A-ko spoke, and pointed to a huge house in front of them.
"This is B-ko's house?" Asked Gel.
"Yes, I told you that she was rich, didn't I?"
"Yes you did but this house is HUGE how are we going to find Kain and the Kaisufu water in here?"
"I'll take care of that." Said Perfume and took a step forward.
Perfume closed her eyes and a white light surrounded her, "I'm doing
a magic reading of the house
there are some wards here and there
must have placed them
but I think I can overpower them now that I'm this
" Perfume began to shine even more brightly, "There! I found it!
Kain is in the second floor
the Kaisufu water is in the basement
there is also a box filled with different Jusenkyo water in another section
of the basement."
With that Perfume stopped shining.
"Jusenkyo water? Why did he brought Jusenkyo water?" Asked Gel.
"What's Jusenkyo water?" Asked A-ko.
"Its a magical water that turns things into other things as for why he brought them here I don't know " Replied Perfume. Then she took a step towards the huge metal bar door of B-ko's house. "Now we have to go in."
"I'll take care of that." Said A-ko, and kicked the door open, twisting the metal bars as she did.
B-ko was in her new mecha, waiting, just like Kain told her to do.
Suddenly one of the walls caved in, and A-ko, Perfume and Gel dashed into the huge room.
"B-ko!" Said A-ko when she saw the mecha.
"Hello we were expecting you."
"We don't have to fight B-ko. We know that Kain is forcing you, we can help you."
"I I can't I can't disobey him, I want to with all my heart but I just can't do it I'm sorry."
B-ko raised one arm of the mecha and fired a beam towards the three, who jumped at different directions.
A-ko landed with a stand, "I'll keep her busy you two go find Kain and the Kaisufu water."
Perfume and Gel nodded, and ran down a hallway.
B-ko tried to stop them, but A-ko stood in her way. "Come on B-ko. Show me what you got."
Kain was in a room filled with TV monitors, all showing different sections of the big house.
Kain watched how A-ko and B-ko were fighting. Good, he was expecting that to happen, now that stupid red head wouldn't interfere.
He turned to look at another monitor, and saw how Perfume and Gel were
running towards the basement, it seemed that Perfume had enough energy
to do a magic reading in the house, and was heading towards the Kaisufu
That was strange
he didn't expect for Perfume to collect so much
energy in so little time.
He decided to let them find the Kaisufu water, and then separate them.
Perfume blasted another laser cannon that came out of a wall with one of her magic beams.
"We are getting close I can fell the magic of the Kaisufu water nearby." Said Perfume.
"Great. Let's go." Answered Gel.
In the basement they found a huge safe.
"It's in there." Said Perfume.
Then she began to shine more brightly, "MAGIC BEAM!"
The door of the safe came down.
Inside the safe, on top of a small pedestal, was a bottle with the
word 'Kaisufu' written in Chinese.
"Finally." Said Gel, as she walked towards the bottle. And she opened
it. She could feel that Kain had kept the Kaisufu water very warm.
Gel poured herself with it, the magic of the water, combined with the
fact that it was warm, transformed her back into a he.
"Gel! It worked you can transform back!" Said Perfume, and she ran towards him.
Before she could reach him, a trap door opened under Gel.
Perfume watched in horror as Gel fell down the trap door, and then it closed. It seemed that the house had a sub-basement.
"Gel! GEL!! Damn it Kain! Why are you doing this to us!"
Perfume closed her eyes, and did another magic reading of the house she spotted Kain, and with a determined look she walked out of the basement.
"Oooow my head " Gel stood up slowly. He was in a somewhat dark room, there was light, but it was very dim.
"Where am I?" Gel said as began to walk.
"I think this is B-ko's 'Fortress of solitude'." Gel said when he saw
a huge lab-workshop, and a wall lined with mechas of all sizes.
Gel smiled, "Well, well, well
what do you know
" He walked towards
the suits, all of them were really complex, and he knew that he didn't
have enough time to learn how to drive them. One of the power suits caught
his eye tough, it looked simple enough to use
the Akagiyama 23
at least
that was what the label above it said.
One problem tough
it seemed to be designed for a girl
very normal considering that B-ko was a girl.
He looked at himself, and cursed inwards. "The one time I need cold
Gel began to look around frantically to find some cold water that will turn him into a she again.
"Stand still A-ko!" B-ko tried to fry A-ko again with her mecha, but failed again.
A-ko was holding her ground just fine, but she wasn't going anywhere fast. She had to finish this fight, now!
And so, A-ko took off her wristbands off. And jumped towards B-ko.
Without her wristbands A-ko had no restrains on her strength, and with a single punch she ran trough B-ko's mecha. "Damn you A-ko!!" Said B-ko as she ran out of the mecha before it exploded.
A-ko picked up her wristbands and placed them back on her wrists as the mecha exploded, well, that was over, now she had to find Perfume and Gel, and then
She stopped thinking when she heard someone cry but the only person there with her was B-ko? B-ko was crying?
A-ko turned to her right, and saw how B-ko, dressed only in a see trough teddy, was kneeling on the floor, her hands on her face, crying.
"B-ko? You are crying?"
"Don't you dare look at me A-ko!"
A-ko ignored B-ko's words, and walked towards her, kneeling on the floor next to her. "B-ko what's wrong?"
"Look!" Said B-ko, signaling the clothes she was wearing, and the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. "Look what I have become! I, the powerful B-ko, is nothing more but an incubus toy! And you ask me what's wrong!?"
"I see." Said A-ko she didn't know what else to say, this felt really awkward. B-ko hated her guts, and even tough she didn't 'hate' B-ko, she didn't like her either.
"I know I haven't been a good girl so I guess I'm paying for it but this is too much "
"Nobody deserves what you are going trough B-ko. No matter how bad or cruel they were don't worry, we came to help, and then we can erase that thing," She pointed at the tattoo next o B-ko's navel, "and you can go back to your mecha building and fighting me to get C-ko." A-ko said with a smile.
B-ko turned to look at A-ko, she couldn't believe her ears, A-ko, the girl she hated, her nemesis, was trying to help her! There's when B-ko realized that she didn't need to keep C-ko all to herself, they could all be friends, they didn't need to fight.
"Why are you helping me A-ko?"
"Because because I'm "
"You are my friend?"
A-ko smiled and nodded, "Yes I'm your friend B-ko."
"Oh A-ko! Thank you! Thank you so much!" B-ko hugged A-ko, who returned to hug, still smiling.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, then they stood up.
"Okay B-ko, let's go find Kain and kick his ass good bye!"
B-ko nodded, and the two girls ran down the hall.
Gel walked around the house, from room to room, with some difficulty.
It took him a few minutes to find some cold water to transform into a girl, and after putting on the Akiyama 23, she found the stairway leading out of the lab and into the main hall.
She was having some troubles walking tough, first of all the Akiyama
23 had high heels, and Gel wasn't use to wear those things.
Second, the Akiyama 23 was skin tight, it was almost a second skin
for Gel.
It molded to her figure, giving her a lot of cleavage, and it also
made her waist look skinner, her stomach a flatter, and her butt more firmer.
It also had this weird mask-helmet thing, which made her face look
purple from the outside but normal from her point of view.
Gel blushed when she made a mental picture of how Perfume would look like wearing this thing, and shook her head. This was NOT the time to be thinking about this.
"I just wish it could be easier to walk with this thing like flying or something.
Before Gel could blink, the rockets of the Akiyama 23 ignited, lifting her a few inches from the floor. "Alright! This thing can fly! Now, on to find Kain!"
Perfume opened the large doors of a room with a sign "control room" over it, the room was dark and huge, only a few TV screens were at the end, all showing the same image. Herself waking into the control room.
"I know you are here Kain. Show yourself." She said to the whole room.
Suddenly all the lights in the room turned on, and all the TV screens turned off. And there he was, dressed in his usual raven black clothes, and his bat like wings wide over his shoulders. Kain.
"Hello Perfume. Did you have trouble finding the place?"
"Cut the crap Kain! Where's Gel?"
"He fell on one of the bobby traps of this house. Showing just how stupid he is. Don't ask me, I have no idea where that hole went."
I just hope he's fine, tough Perfume, but first things first, I have to send Kain back to the demon realm.
"So Perfume, why are you here?" Kain said with an evil smile.
"Do I have to answer you?" Replied Perfume, and began to shine in a white and powerful light.
Kain uncrossed his arms, and opened his wings even more. Rising his hand, the one with the bleeding rose mark on its palm, and placing the other over a small bottle on his belt, he was ready.
"Okay Perfume, let's begin this."
"MAGIC BEAM!" The beam of light flew towards Kain, but he flew up high and dodged it.
"HA! You missed! Huh?" Kain turned to see where Perfume was standing, but she wasn't there anymore.
"Over here!" "What the! HUG!"
As Kain heard Perfume's voice behind him, he turned just in time to see a fist impacting on his face. Perfume had used the beam as a diversion, and then used her powers to jump next to Kain, attacking him in mid air.
BLAM! Kain hit the floor hard, and opened his eyes looking angrily at Perfume, who landed with a stand.
"Damn you! Take this!" Kain raised his palm, and fired a blood red beam towards Perfume, and another, and another.
Perfume jumped, and dodged, and jumped again and again as Kain was shooting everything he's got toward her. Using her powers to increase her reflexes and speed was making this an easy task, but it was a major drain of her energy reserves, and she didn't know how long she was going to be able to keep this up.
Kain smiled evilly as he kept shooting his energy beams at Perfume. It was working, she was using up her powers, and soon it would be time to use the Jusenkyo water he had in the bottle.
Kain stopped shooting and Perfume stopped dodging as one of the walls exploded. And a slim and well-formed figure flew inside the control room.
"Hi there, how are you doing?"
"What the! Gel!?" Kain said, completely surprised.
"Gel? It's that you?" Perfume was surprised too.
"Perfume. I'm here to help."
Perfume looked at Gel dressed in the Akiyama 23. "Wow, Gel. You look sexy in that outfit."
Gel blushed so much that the purple visor couldn't hid it. "Perfume! Please! It's not a good time to be teasing me about it!"
"Heh, heh yeah sorry."
The two amazons turned to see Kain. "I'm not going to be defeated by you two! No matter if you are using one of B-ko's suits! Now die!"
Kain fired another beam, toward Gel, who dodged it by flying to a side, and then fired one of the arm missiles.
The missile flew towards Kain, and it was too fast for the incubus, who received the impact and the explosion. Kain crashed through one of the walls, and fell into another room.
"Wow this thing is powerful." Said Gel, staring at the smoking cannon on her arm.
"I can see that. Now let's finish him before he can get up!" Said Perfume and ran towards the next room.
Gel nodded and followed her.
A-ko and B-ko were running trough one of the hallways, and they could hear the explosions coming from some place else.
"It seems that Perfume and Gel found Kain." Commented A-ko.
"Yes, let's check where they are." Said B-ko, and walked next to a wall.
"B-ko? What are you doing? We have to go and whoa!"
A-ko was surprised when B-ko pushed a small button on the wall, and a computer terminal appeared on the wall.
"This is a security control panel, we can see what's going on through the house from here." Said B-ko as she pressed a few buttons next to the black and white screen of the control panel.
A few images of different rooms showed up on the screen, as B-ko switched from room to room, and finally she found them.
"There they are! Kain and Perfume are using some kind of magic beams and Gel hey! He stole my Akiyama 23!"
"Don't worry about that now! Just see what room they are in!"
B-ko nodded, and pressed another button on the panel, the screen went black, and a small map of the house appeared on the small screen, one of the rooms was highlighted.
"That room that room is " B-ko was stunned.
"What is it B-ko? What is that room?"
"It's the prototype lab! In there I keep all my inventions that either don't work, or don't work as they are supposed to. We have to stop them before they activate something!"
A-ko nodded, and the two began to run again towards the prototype lab.
Kain was doing his best in dodging Gel's missiles and Perfume's magic beams, but if he didn't counterattack soon, they were going to fry him.
"Take this!" Kain fired another beam, Perfume dodged it, but it managed to hit Gel behind her.
"Hugh!" Gel flew backwards, and impacted on a weird looking machine, it looked like a big hockey goal, with no net, and a control panel next to it. As Gel fell down he accidentally pushed one of the buttons of the panel.
A small screen lighted up on the machine, and it said, "countdown: 20 seconds 19 seconds 18 second "
"MAGIC BEAM!" Perfume tried to hit Kain again, but again he dodged it. Perfume was using up her power, and she could feel it.
15 seconds 14 seconds
As Gel stood up, he flew next to Perfume. "Are you okay Perfume?"
"I'm fine I just don't have much power left."
This is it, tough Kain, is now or never. He took the small bottle from his belt, opened it, and threw it towards Perfume.
"Gel! Watch out!" Thinking that it was more Chisuiton water, Perfume pushed Gel out of the way, and got splashed with the water.
10 seconds 9 seconds
"AH!" Perfume grabbed her stomach as a sharp pain stuck her entire body.
"Perfume!" Gel said as she stood up, and watched Perfume on the floor.
"I feel like I'm being torn apart! AAAAHHH!!!" Perfume said.
"HA HA HA HA! You idiot! That wasn't Chisuiton water! It was Jusenkyo water. A very special water indeed."
"Jusenkyo water?" Asked Gel as she was now looking between Perfume and Kain.
"Yes, it's water from the spring of drowned twins. It doubles everything that it touches."
"But on someone as Perfume, this will have a nice side effect."
7 seconds 6 seconds
"AAARRRGGGHHH!!" Perfume screamed in pain as a hand came out of her stomach, ripping a hole trough her shirt. The hand then became an arm, and then two arms.
"Perfume!" Gel was worried as she watched Perfume, and something coming out of her stomach. Even then, Perfume looked unhurt, there was not a wound on her body, and it seemed as if the arms were coming from a black hole in Perfume's body.
"What's happening to her!?" Gel said, turning towards Kain.
"Simple, because Perfume has another half of her, the division will result on a completely human Perfume and a completely succubus Rina! HA HA HA HA!"
Gel gasped as he realized what was happening, and he turned to see how a head was coming out of Perfume, it looked just like Perfume but her hair was a bright orange Rina.
The head came out, then it's naked torso, and a pair of black bat wings on her back. And finally it was over.
The two girls were unconscious on the floor. Perfume the human, and Rina the succubus.
4 seconds 3 seconds
"You bastard!" Gel flew towards Kain, completely angry, and punched him with all her might, Kain fell down next to the machine that Gel activated before. Perfume and Rina were also there, both still unconscious.
"You are going to pay for what you did!" Gel flew towards Kain.
B-ko and A-ko ran into the room.
"The dimensional vortex! It's ready to start up!" Said B-ko when she
saw the machine that Gel, Perfume, Rina and Kain were next to.
0 seconds start up
"What the!?" Kain and Gel turned to see the machine as it began to shine in red, yellow, green and blue. Suddenly it flashed, and the four of them disappeared and then, everything went quiet again.
"Where where did they go?" Asked A-ko.
"I'm not sure " Replied B-ko as the two girls walked towards the machine.
B-ko looked at some things in the control panel, and flipped a few switches. "My dimensional vortex isn't tested on living things yet it transports things to different dimensions, but the problem is that it can't make them return "
"What!? Where are they B-ko!?"
"Don't worry they are alive and they have all reached the same dimension "
"So what do we do now?" Asked A-ko.
"I don't know hope that they can find a way to return I suppose." Answered B-ko.
To be continued