Any similarities with other fics are completely by coincidence.
Disclaimer: The characters of this story are my invention, however, the Jusenkyo curses and the amazon village of Joketsusoku are part of Ranma 1/2, therefore a copyright of Rumiko Takahashi. Used without authorization. Please, don't sue me.
Adventures of the Amazon.
By Persona <>
Episode 1: The beginning (Part 1)
The Amazon Village of Joketsusoku, China.
The Present.
Inside one of the huts, a young girl with long blond hair, ember eyes
and Joketsusoku's female amazon clothing was pacing around, she seemed
worried, and somehow sad.
Perfume didn't know exactly what to do.
Her 16 birthday was just one week away. To a normal amazon that would
be just another birthday in their way to womanhood.
But not for her, nooo. She was a descendant of Nadia, the amazon succubus.
And the rules of the village were strict about the members of that family.
First of all, being stronger faster and more resistant than normal
human beings because of the fact that they were half succubus, they were
denied to participate from any of the annual tournaments.
Second, also because they were half succubus, they had to marry before
their 16th birthday.
The reason of that needed a little more explaining. Nadia was a full
succubus, so she was in control of her sexual lust.
But, human-cuccubus did not posses that much control, and they lust
increases after they turn 16. And that wasn't really good, as a fully mature
human-succubus had almost no sexual inhibitions.
There was a boy her age in the village that Perfume liked since they
were little. But she didn't know if his feelings were the same about her.
If only he would challenge me … that would show me that he really does
love me, Perfume tough, but she knew he would never do that. Gel (the name
of the boy she loved) was just a regular male amazon, who would think that
he's unworthy of an amazon such as her.
There was always the choice of her challenging him, if a female amazon
challenged and defeated a male amazon in combat, then the male amazon had
to marry her no matter what, but she didn't like the idea of forcing him
to marry her if he didn't love her.
What to do? What to do? That question repeated itself over and over in Perfume's mind.
Meanwhile, at the road heading from the training grounds back to the
A young boy, he was walking back to the village, wearing a standard
outfit for male amazons. He had green eyes and long black hair, tied up
in a ponytail that reached half way down trough his back,
Gel could never stop thinking about Perfume, even more now, that her
16th birthday was getting closer, and by amazon law, she had to marry or
be thrown away from the village.
If only he were more strong! He was just a regular, just average, male
amazon. How could somebody as strong, and as beautiful as Perfume love
somebody like him? He wasn't worthy of her, he just knew that. All he wished
was that Perfume would be happy with whoever she marries.
The days passed by, and the week was in its last day. Perfume reached a decision, she would ask Gel if he loved her, if he said yes, then she'll marry him. But if he said no, then she would not wait for her 16th birthday, she would leave the village by herself, to never return.
She walked out of her hut, and towards Gel's hut.
Before Perfume couldn't even knock on the door, two amazons walked towards her from behind, the two were armed, one with a long and sharp spear, the other with bows and arrows.
"Perfume, we are here to get you to the council."
Perfume turned around to look at them, no … it couldn't be … it wasn't time yet … or was it?
"Hum … ok …" Perfume answered and followed them, somehow, she felt as she decided what to do just in time to be too late.
Inside the hut, Gel tough that he heard something outside, he opened the door to see how Perfume was taken to the village council.
"Perfume? Why was she here? Was she … no … she couldn't … or could she?"
A minute later, Perfume was in front of the council, she didn't look to happy.
"Perfume, as you know by our law, the descendants of Nadia, the first amazon succubus, has to get married before their 16th birthday."
"But … it's not my birthday yet!"
"Maybe, but your birthday will be today at midnight, so we can't take any chances, we still remember what happened when one of Nadia's descendants reached the age of 16 without being married, and we certainly don't want that to happen again. So, we have no choice but to forever bound you from Joketsusoku."
Perfume just nodded, she felt terrible, but she had to hide it, she
was an amazon, the best warriors in the world, she couldn't demonstrate
Without a word, she just walked towards the entrance of the village,
the doors closing as soon as she was out.
"Good bye … Gel …" She said to herself, and walked away, not knowing were to go or what to do.
She never noticed Gel, looking at her form one of the watch towers, and she also didn't notice that he could hear her.
"Did Perfume just said … what I tough she said?"
It was late at night, almost midnight, but Perfume didn't care. She sat at the top of a hill, looking at the training ground of Jusenkyo below her.
The starry night above her, was reflected in each of the springs below like a little sky of their own, wach with their own stars, each with their own moon.
What was she going to do now? She knew the rules of Joketsusoku … this
was not the first time that something like this happened to one of the
descendants of Nadia. Even if she got married, she was bound forever to
leave, only when she had a daughter she will be able to go back, and leave
her to be trained in the arts of the amazons.
But never going back to the village didn't bother her. Actually she
felt kind of happy about it, now she could start a normal life somewhere
else, somewhere were nobody knew that she was half succubus.
Then it hit her, that wasn't going to be possible either. By midnight
all of the dormant power of her succubus side will be free, and unless
she finds a sexual partner, she'll be going around in a sex frenzy, and
the tough of that wasn't something nice for her … at least right now.
"If just I would have spoke with Gel … this wouldn't have happened." She whispered to herself, as she felt the warm summer wind blow at her.
"Perfume? Is that you? I spent the whole day looking for you."
Perfume was surprised to hear that voice behind her, could it be? She wished with all her heart that it was him.
Perfume slowly turned around, and saw him. "GEL! It's you! Oh, I'm so happy!" Perfume leaped towards him and hugged him, after a while, she let go. The two of them sitting on the grass.
"Perfume … I'm sorry … this is all my fault."
"Huh? Why is it your fault?" Perfume asked.
"If I would have told you about how I felt … then they wouldn't have thrown you out of the village."
"Please, don't worry about that … it's as much as my fault as it is yours. Are you going to stay with me?" Perfume asked.
Gel just nodded, "Yes … I don't care about going back to the village, I want to be with you forever."
"Gel … I want to be with you too." Perfume said, her eyes shining in the moonlight, her cheeks beginning to turn a reddish tone. She leaned closer to Gel, and placed his mouth on her own.
The two of them moaned inside each other's mouths as they played with their tongues, after a few minutes, Perfume broke the kiss, both of them had red cheeks filled with arousal.
Perfume took off her shirt, revealing the cloth strips around her breasts, instead of a bra. With a single hand, she removed that two, letting her breast be free in all their glory.
"Lick them …" She said in a very aroused tone of voice.
Gel did as he was told, leaning forward and placing her mouth on Perfume's right breast, licking around her nipple with his tongue.
Perfume moaned as the pleasure washed over her, she felt her body react to caressing it was getting as a wet spot began appearing in between her legs.
While gel was busy on her breasts, Perfume was busy unbuttoning Gel's shirt and sliding it down his back, then she reached down and also took off his pants, leaving Gel only in his trunks.
"Gel … you don't need to … oooh … do that anymore … I'm … uuuuh … ready." Perfume managed to say, felling that tingling sensation in her nether regions build up.
Gel looked at Perfume's face, how she wanted him, how he wanted her,
reaching down, he pulled down Perfume's pants, slowly, ever so slowly,
letting the fabric brush against Perfume's flesh, making her moan.
Finally, Perfume was free of her last piece of clothing, as all her
flesh seemed to be on fire, and the warm wind caressed her exposed skin.
Then, Perfume pushed Gel down, while kissing him passionately, until
his back was resting on the soft grass.
Still locked in the kiss, Perfume reached down, and took of Gel's trunks,
letting his hardening member out, and brush against her stomach.
The feeling of that made Perfume eager to take him inside her. Placing herself on top of him, she guided his member to the entrance of her pussy lips, and moved down, taking in an inch at a time, until she felt him hit a barrier. "Hold still." She said to Gel.
Then, she pulled down using all her weight, and with that her hymen was broken. The pain, combined with the pleasure, was a strange felling.
Gel noticed Perfume's expression of pain and a single tear falling down her cheek. "Are you alright?"
"I'm … I'm ok … don't worry." Perfume answered, and took Gel's hands in her own as if wanting to reassure him that she was fine.
"Now caress my breasts." She said while placing Gel's hands on her mounds, he felt her erect nipples against his palm, as he began to caress them.
At the same time that Gel was pleasuring her, she was pleasuring him, moving up and down on Gel's member, taking in a little it more with every stroke, moaning in pleasure.
Gel was also moaning from the attention he was getting, he felt release coming. "Oooh … Perfume … I … huuummm … I'm going to cum!"
"Yes!" Perfume answered in a voice filled with lust and pleasure, "Yes! Cum for me! Cum inside me!" She answered as she quickened the pace.
That did it, and screaming out Perfume's name, Gel came inside her sending
waves of his seed into her.
Perfume was also in the brink of release, and when she felt his seed
inside her, she also reached her orgasm, screaming Gel's name, and milking
his member whit her pussy as it spasm.
The two teenagers felt how wave after wave of pleasure washed them over, and, after what seemed like centuries, their orgasms ended and the two collapsed to the ground, they felt warm even if they were naked in the middle of the night.
The two just laid there, Perfume resting her head on his chest, while gel had his hand caressing Perfume's long blond hair.
"Gel … I love you …" Perfume said.
"I love you too, Perfume." Gel answered.
As the two slowly drifted to sleep, the moon was high in the night sky, right in the middle, as it was midnight.
And so, episode 1 is done. Sorry if it took too long for the sexual part to appear, but I needed to set the story plot before I do anything.