The small group traveled as quickly as they could. Unfortunately, Irina lagged behind and couldn't force herself to move any faster. "Mistress, just go on without me. He is more important to you."

"Tomas, if you want to go ahead, I can follow with her," Slava suggested. "We'll catch up with you at the keep."

Nabiki looked at Slava, then Irina, the hope, guarded but visible, in her eyes. She wanted to run, full bore, on to the castle and not stop for anyone.

"Go, Mistress. Do what's necessary." Irina waved her on, urgency in tune with Nabiki's own in her voice.

"Then we go," Tomas agreed. "Make sure those little ones are strapped in tight. I can see your desire to run."

Nabiki nodded and cinched the strap tight around her waist.


"Stop for a moment. I have to warn you that Lady Anya is dangerous in ways Maxim wasn't. She has dangerous mind powers, can turn foe into mindless slave, know exactly what you're thinking, or make you think something completely different if she wishes.

"If there are non-violent ways to protect against it, I don't know what they are." He looked questioningly at Nabiki. "You still want to do this?"

A single nod.

"Follow my example to get an audience, and then... It's all up top you."

Another nod, this one firmer than before.


"We wish to have an audience with the lady of this stronghold!"

"Go away, filthy dogs. You're not welcome here," a voice shouted down to them from a narrow observation window.

"We have serious and I'm sure the lady still holds that grudge against me," Tomas shouted back.

"Unless she's afraid!" Nabiki added, earning a glare from Tomas.

"We don't want to anger them," he whispered in warning.

Nabiki shrugged. "I'm already pretty upset; they'll manage."

There was silence for a bit, then one of the large doors they were standing in front of swung open slowly. "Tomas, so you've returned."

The woman Nabiki was staring at was as glamorous as anyone she had ever seen. She was thin and lithe, elegant, but she had an internal strength; enough to have anything or anyone she wanted... She yanked her thoughts away from that. If the vampire could read her mind, it was best not to give her anything to work with.

But her eyes were so... green. Or maybe golden. They contrasted sharply with the lush red of her lips and pale alabaster of her skin. Nabiki started to wonder what it would be like to touch that skin, if it would feel like cold, smooth stone, or if it would be warm and supple.

~Warm enough and supple. If you're that curious, things can be arranged.~

Recoiling in disgust, Nabiki realized her thoughts must have collected like pebbles on a beach.

~Not that easy. You close yourself off very well, but not well enough.~ There was a mental chuckle. "You seek an audience, and though you bring this animal with you, I think I can accommodate you."

Anya turned and began to walk away. "Follow me and we'll speak of things."

Without hesitation, Nabiki followed her, feeling the comforting weight of her children on her back. "I want to see..."

"You may not. He is mine; he came here on his own seeking me. Why should I give him up?" Anya asked simply, sound every bit the queen of her castle.

"Because he's not yours! He's..."

"Yours? I think not. I saw in his mind how you rejected him time and time again. That is what drove him to me, made him give himself to me."

Nabiki breathed deeply, trying to close out her mind and getting herself into the bargaining mindset. "Fine. How much?"

Anya glanced back. "How much what?"

"How much for him?" In a way, Nabiki was humiliated, having to actually buy Kuno, but... she couldn't leave him. Not with that woman who could make him not care.

Keeping quiet, Anya entered her chambers and waited for Nabiki to join her before closing the door. "Please sit," she offered, gesturing to the couch.

Nabiki, watching warily, sat down, keeping her expression as neutral as she could manage. She was nervous and very much on edge, but she didn't want to reveal it.

"Now, the simple fact is that you really have nothing I want and nothing that matched his value." Anya sat next to Nabiki and fixed her with a bored gaze.

"Name it. Even if I don't have it, I could get it." She hoped the lock she was trying to set on her mind was holding. The woman had no reaction that told her whether it was or not.

"I believe you would certainly try. But again, you don't have anything of matching value." Anya gave her a condescending smile, and Nabiki could feel her own composure slip.

"Are you sure you should be travelling? You don't look at all well, young lady."

Before Nabiki could protest or move, the woman's cool, slim hand was on her forehead.

"You are a bit warm..."

"Stop it!" Nabiki snapped, pushing the hand away. "Just tell me what you want!"

Time seemed to stand still as Anya looked at Nabiki, each of them unmoving. Then Anya smiled. "I _can_ think of one thing," she said quietly.

"What is it? I'll give it to you."

"An exchange." Anya moved closer to Nabiki. "Him... for you." She brought one finger to Nabiki's cheek.

Nabiki's stomach lurched, and no protests would come to mind.

"Considering it? I could make it worth your while. I could be anyone you wanted me to be. Anyone at all. Just say yes."

"No!" Nabiki yelled, snapping from her paralysis. She stood suddenly and backed away, almost tripping and falling.

Anya leaned forward. "Then what about those two little ones you have with you? They could be trained... I'm sure they would work well as a team."

Nabiki's face twisted into a disgusted snarl. "Never."

Sighing, Anya reclined. "Then we have no deal. You have nothing of interest for me; you may leave."

Mind whirling, Nabiki blurted out, "How about..." Something, anything. "If I..."

"If you what?"

It all depended on how well she was blocking her mind, but she had no other choice. "What if I... we, both of us, came back sometime, and..."

"Future services rendered?"

Nabiki nodded, her mind clamped down on itself, trying not to let anything slip that might reveal her lie.

"Both of you?"

Again, Nabiki nodded, feeling herself start to sweat.

"An intriguing offer, but what stops me from simply not allowing you to leave and keeping all for of you for myself?" Anya was finding the entire situation quite entertaining.

Nabiki thought desperately, not really sure what would stop the woman. She had only one idea, as humiliating and loathsome as it felt to say it, it was her last gasp. "Well, we... could... We would be... cooperative. For a week. Whatever you wanted."

"You're very brave. I have to give you credit for that. Willing participants would be so much more entertaining. And a week I could stretch to..." Anya looked calmly at Nabiki and nodded. "Very well. This is an intriguing offer. But your first week's service starts now."

Nabiki choked back her protest. "No, please," she said quietly, serenely. "Give us some time to..." Get away, get back home. "Fix things between us. It'll be better if we do." She had a hard time keeping eye contact, knowing how easily her lies could be discovered.

"A sensible request. Let's complete the transaction then." Anya stood and walked through the curtain, not pausing for Nabiki to follow. "Wake up," she said loudly.

Her only response was a feeble groan that made Nabiki's ears perk up.

"Wake up. I've sold you and have to turn you over now."

Nabiki passed through the curtain hesitantly, staring at the bed with trepidation.

"He's tired. I gave him very little time to sleep," Anya explained, smiling. She went to the side of the bed and opened the netting. "Come along. Don't you want to see your property?" she asked.

"I... suppose." Nabiki went to stand next to Anya and stared at Kuno on the bed. He looked exhausted and had tiny bruises all over his body. "What are all those marks on him? And... that." She pointed at the silver ring piercing his flesh.

"That's my mark. I had to identify him somehow. Couldn't have anyone stealing him away from me. And those will heal up quickly. If you think he's damaged..." Anya said suggestively, still smiling.

"No, no. It's just... He looks..."

"As I said, he's tired." She smiled as she watched Nabiki sit on the bed. "You can wait here while he rests. He's yours now, after all."

"I think I'd better."

"Still don't trust me? Let me make it official." Anya reached down and took the ring between her index finger and thumb.

For one horrible moment, Nabiki thought she was going to rip it out.

"What's your name?" the vampire asked.

"Nabiki," she replied absently, her eyes glued to the ring, afraid to see what would happen next.

Without another word, the ring began to glow red. It stayed that way for a few moments, then faded. When Anya took her hand away, Nabiki could see that the symbols in the metal had changed. Instead of the straight lines and circles that had been on it before, the rings was now engraved with a series of gentle curving lines. It took Nabiki another moment to realize that it was her name.

"Your mark now. And in one week, I expect you both to start fulfilling your end of the deal. You go as you please until that time." Anya gave a short bow, then left.

When she was gone, Nabiki removed her pack and opened it. The two inside were sound asleep, so she set them on the other side of the bed. Turning her attention back to Kuno, she touched a small bruise on wrist ever so slightly.

He hissed and pulled away from her. His eyes opened and fixed on her, though he didn't appear happy to see her.

"Kuno-chan, I'm here and I'm going to take you home," Nabiki said gently.

"No, I won't be tricked by that again. Just let me sleep. Please, Lady," he begged, his voice sapped of all energy.

Nabiki was about to try to convince him that it was really her, but could tell that he was exhausted. "Go to sleep, Kuno- chan. No one's going to bother you."

"Thank you, Lady." He closed his eyes and was almost immediately asleep.

With a small frown on her face, Nabiki watched him. The woman had almost ruined him. It made her thank every possible god that Maxim hadn't done the same thing to her.

Still, there had to be something she could do to help. Thinking about it for a bit, Nabiki got an idea that she'd just have to try. It wasn't anything she had ever done, but she couldn't not do it.

Crawling up on the bed next to Kuno, she lay next to him and closed her eyes. She tried to relax, but being aware of where she was didn't help in the least. If only she had been more diligent about martial arts the way her parents wanted her to be, she might have more of an idea on how to meditate.

Instead, she just lay there silently, thoughts swirling, trying to capture something she wasn't even sure existed.


"Lady, I..."

"Not now, Okoth. I don't want to miss any of this. It's wonderful." Anya was in a secret room adjacent to her bedroom. It had been constructed as a lark, but she had gotten much use out of it. Her eyes were closed, and the look on her face was of joyous pleasure.


"Hush! She's an interesting one. I knew she was bold, but not this bold. I could learn something from this!" she gasped, writhing. "Come here, Okoth. I want to share her dream with you," she said, holding out her hand, her squirming becoming more active.

Okoth sat down gingerly and took Anya's hand, and he _saw_.


Kuno woke up from the absolutely most erotic dream he had ever had. Everything else paled in comparison; it wasn't even funny. And she wouldn't be happy that he had made such a mess on her bed.

He kicked off the covering and sat up. He really wished she wouldn't' do things like that to him; it simply wasn't necessary. But she seemed to enjoy it, and enjoyed the pain it caused him. That made it hurt that much more. "I must protest, Lady. I asked that you not..."

All words failed him then. Disgust and anger warred for supremacy within him. "This is unforgivable," he hissed, knowing he was overstepping his bounds. He moved to stand, slowly, every muscle crying out with fatigue.

Nabiki stretched and yawning, groaning as she did. "What's wrong, Kuno-chan? Didn't you like the dream?" She looked at him with sleepy eyes and shrugged. "It was the best I could do on short notice."

Kuno stared. He wasn't sure if he should believe her or not; it was certainly convincing, better than her previous attempts. "Lady..." he said doubtfully.

"Nope. It's me. Don't you remember anything about last night? Besides the dream."

"Being... sold? I thought it was a trick." It was all too confusing; he didn't know what was real and what was a lie any longer.

Nabiki nodded and crossed the bed to kneel in front of him. "That wasn't part of the dream." She hesitantly fingered the ring, reading her name on it. "It's official. You belong to me." She looked up at his face for a moment. "Now put some clothes on. We're getting out of here."


"You know they won't be back. Why are you letting them go, Lady?"

"I remember being like that. Nothing could hold me back. If I wanted something, I took it and didn't let anyone stop me." Anya sighed. "You're not sorry to see him go, are you, Okoth?"

"No, Lady. But if he made you happy..."

"He did, but so do many things. Such as you.. A loss, but one I don't mind. His heart wasn't in it, and I couldn't change that." She shrugged. "Love is a weak bond, but he believed in it too strongly."


Tomas waited anxiously. It could have taken any amount of time, but the longer he waited, the more he figured things weren't going well.

It certainly been lucky that they had forced him to wait outside the castle, instead of getting retribution for his earlier visit.

Irina waited with him, visibly shaking. "I should have gone with her. She should have waited for me."

"She wouldn't have," Tomas said simply.

"Wait! I think it's them!" Slava exclaimed, catching their scent.

Nabiki walked out of the darkness, wearing her pack, and half-supporting Kuno with his arm around her shoulders. She waved when they were in sight.

"Can we stop for a day? Kuno-chan needs to rest," Nabiki said and coughed. "And so do I." Tomas nodded. "Of course. Slava, if you want to head back, we'll be fine now."

Slava nodded and immediately ran off.

"Not very far from here, at the edge of the river we can camp." Tomas led the group away from the castle.


"C'mon, Kuno-chan. In the river. Getting cleaned up will make you feel better." Nabiki felt like the mother of three children with the way he was acting.

Helping Kuno along and carrying the pack as well, she moved slowly away from the small fire. It felt nice to get out into the open, into some warmer weather. Hopefully there would be a nice shallow spot they could sit in and relax. "Have you changed with that in?" Nabiki asked in a lame attempt at conversation.

Kuno shook his head.

"Hey, talking is one of your favorite things, so speak to me," she urged. "Aren't you happy to see these two? I think they missed you."

His reaction was not encouraging.

"Talk to me, Kuno-chan. I don't know how to deal with you when you're like this." His weight felt like it had doubled as he leaned against her, and Nabiki found herself wondering just how close the river was.

"I know how you feel about me," he said quietly.

"Yeah, so? What does that have to do with anything?" Very close by, the burbling of the water was quite clear.

"Why didn't you leave me? Why didn't you just leave me someplace I was wanted? he asked, desperate and angry at the same time.

Nabiki took a moment to answer, debating with herself. "Because you're wanted here more. And you don't belong there; you belong here."

"For your sport instead of hers? As an object to be used when it suits you and discarded when it does not? What about me? When do I get to say that I have had enough? When do they get to be my children too? When do I get respect? When do I..." He choked on his words and tried to pull away from Nabiki.

Kuno tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground.

Nabiki waited for him to get back up, but he just lie there. She was thinking that she had possibly underestimated the extent to which the vampire woman had affected him. Still, she was trying to be nice, trying to make him understand, but he just acted like he didn't care. Yet... Nabiki knew that he did care, maybe too much, and that was why he took everything so badly.

"This is why I wish you'd talk to me," she said quietly. "I hardly know you it feels like, and you're too busy telling me how much you love me to show me who you really are." Nabiki felt tears welling up and made no effort to stop them. "Why don't you just drop the act for once? Just... be a person. I know you can; I remember you almost telling a joke before."

There was no sound, no movement from Kuno.

"I'm going to clean up. You can stay there if you want, if you don't want to talk," Nabiki said somewhat harshly. "Though... I wish you would," she added softly and walked away.


There was an old tree that had fallen half-way across the river, and it was against that Nabiki relaxed in the water. She held the children, who seemed fascinated by the water moving around them.

Though they were more fascinated by her and her breasts.

Frowning at the little mewling noises they were making, Nabiki held one to each breast to shut them up. She wasn't sure if she should have been happy because they didn't nurse for very long, or unhappy because they wanted to do it about 50 times a day.

They accepted food of any kind, but Nabiki felt it would be better to do it naturally. She wasn't sure why; it just seemed better. Also, with the water flowing gently around her and the quiet night noises, she was thoroughly relaxed and didn't care.


"I was always afraid of my father."

Nabiki jerked in surprise at the voice. She had been almost asleep and hadn't detected Kuno's approach.

"I never really knew my mother; she died before I got the chance. My sister and I were distant."

Turning around, Nabiki looked at Kuno standing at the water's edge. His chest had dirt all over it and his face was blank. "Kuno-chan," Nabiki said, adjusting her position. "What's wrong?" she asked, changing her hold on the two sleeping infants in her arms. "Come in the water with us."

"Tasha... wanted me," Kuno continued. "She wanted to be my mate. The Lady did too. That was why I went to her. I could never be Tasha's mate, even if I wanted it. You have never wanted me. I was trying to do what would make us both happy." He stood almost humbly, hands clasped in front of him.

Nabiki gave him an annoyed sigh. "You idiot, what did I tell you before? What did I say about you being melodramatic? Why do you get like this?"

"Because... because I love you, but you don't love me, and I know you're slipping away from me. Nothing I do makes a difference though."

She couldn't help but stare. Whatever had happened, this was not the same person she had traveled to this place with. "Come here. Come into the water. It'll make you feel better." She tried to sound non-threatening, just wanting him to act like what passed as himself. "Just hold them a little bit."

Kuno looked down at his feet and shook his head.

"Damn it, Kuno!" Nabiki finally snapped. "Just take off your damn clothes and get in here!"

Like a remote controlled robot, Kuno peeled off his clothes and stepped into the water.

Nabiki stared again. The woman had obviously done something to him to make him act like an automaton. He was obeying commands, but that wasn't anything she wanted. "Kuno-chan, what did she do to you?"

He sat slowly in the water next to her, looking down at the river and not her.

"Here, hold her," Nabiki said, trying to get him to take the girl.

Kuno shook his head.

Nabiki growled. "Kuno, hold her," she commanded. "She's your daughter."

That did the trick, and Kuno took the child from her arms. Cradling her to his chest, he reverted to some semblance of his regular self and smiled at the child in his arms.

Snorting with frustration, Nabiki shook her head. What would get him back to the real world? If his children wouldn't do it, she had only one other idea.

Nabiki stood and put the boy back in the carrier. Having just eaten, he would be out for a little while, which was all she needed. She plucked the baby from Kuno's arms and tucked her in the carrier as well. Back in the water, she sat right next to Kuno and looked at him.

"Look at me, Kuno-chan."

Turning his head, he managed to meet her gaze, but not hold it.

"Here I am. Aren't you going to kiss me?" she offered, noting the way his eyes looked everywhere except at her.

"Kuno-chan," Nabiki said sharply and watched his head snap up to look her in the eye. "Kiss me."

Kuno looked at her for a moment, his face confused, but that slowly melted away as he leaned forward.

As his lips were about to touch hers, Nabiki said, "You remember that dream?" Her lips brushed against his as she spoke, their wet skin sliding sensually together.

He remembered the dream very well and proceeded to kiss Nabiki.


Nabiki watched him sleep with the kids tucked against his side. She kissed each of them on top of the head before she settled down. Things had worked out, luckily, as she had hoped they would. With the reality of her in his arms, Kuno had managed to shake off the direct effects of the vampire's influence.

Toying with the ring through his flesh again, Nabiki just watched him. If she could keep him like that, peaceful and serene and happy, she would have. Sighing, she forced herself to stop playing with her "mark" and said barely above a whisper, "I love you." Her eyes closed and she settled in to sleep.

Kuno's eyes opened and he looked at Nabiki for a moment, a smile flickering across his lips. Then he too closed his eyes.


Nabiki looked up at Kuno. "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

Kuno shook his head. There had been a moment of discomfort, but other than that, he didn't feel it.

"Good. Get down."

He lowered himself to the ground, and Nabiki set one child on his back. Kuno craned his head around to watch as the boy investigated this new experience. Moving slightly, Kuno could feel the little claws clutch his back tightly, then stood and walked around a bit.

The boy let out a little squeal that sounded almost like a laugh.

"Do you think he's safe there?" Nabiki asked, watching closely.

"We won't be moving that fast. If one of us follows behind, we won't accidentally leave them," Tomas suggested. "Even if they do fall, they won't be hurt. They're hardy little things."

"I suppose. Kuno-chan, let me put them both on." It seemed nicer to let them experience the fresh air and the woods around them than to stuff them back in that bag. They obviously enjoyed being out, and Nabiki was having a hard time doing anything that they didn't agree with.

Kuno held still as the girl was placed on his back. He moved and felt her grab on tightly as well.

"They're hanging on?" Nabiki asked, worry in her voice.

Nodding, Kuno jogged around, receiving a pair of squeals this time. He shook and almost tossed the two off, but they clung to him and retained their perches.

The group began walking then, briskly, but not so fast as to leave Irina behind.

"She wants us back in a week. Do you think we'll make it home by then?" Nabiki asked, slowing her pace to walk beside Kuno and keep watch on his two riders.

"Maybe. We're not terribly far away, but we're not moving that fast either," explained Tomas, walking in front. "Are you worried?"

"A little. What if she comes after us? I don't know if I could actually... fight."

Kuno began making a series of noises that got Tomas chuckling.

"Kuno-chan, you won't always be able to do that," Nabiki replied, shaking her head. "Besides, I might like to learn myself at some point."

Kuno made a disbelieving noise and snorted.

"And who says I can't? I learned a little from Dad before I gave it up. What would you know about it anyway? The only time you fight, you use your bokken, or, well..." Nabiki trailed off.

He snorted.

"I think you've insulted him," Tomas said, grinning. "Though I do think it's a good idea to be prepared to fight even if you don't want to. You would at least get used to the limits of your body. I know you'd find something useful to do other than fighting."

"Maybe," Nabiki replied, grabbing Kuno's tail and stroking it lightly.

Kuno turned and circled Nabiki, brushing up against her. She didn't know that he knew, but that was fine. He just needed to remember she felt that way.


"I was worried. You definitely weren't yourself."

"I did not feel like myself. I was empty. Without you." His next words were too quiet to hear.


"I was afraid."

"Why? What could you have been afraid of?"

"What I would do without you. Why you didn't want me. What I would do without my children. How I would survive..." Kuno looked at Nabiki, touching her cheek. "The thing I fear the most is hurting you. To see you unhappy causes me more pain than anything."

Nabiki smiled, actually embarrassed. "Are you going to beat me up?" she asked to disguise the awkward situation she found herself in.

He blinked and shook his head slowly. "Why would I do such a thing?"

"The privilege of dating me, of course. I don't go out with just any guy, you know? There is some strict criteria you have to meet," Nabiki said, feeling silly, but happy as well. "Kuno-chan," she said suddenly.


"Let's have sex."

"You confuse me."

"So does that mean we can't?"

"I did not say that." He smiled and took her hand. "You know that you can do anything to me," he said and put her hand over the ring on his chest. "I know you like it."

Nabiki shivered a little and whispered, "What does it feel like?"

"Maybe you should get one and find out."

"I don't think so. It just wouldn't be the same for you then, would it?" She sat up and offered him one breast. "Besides, I have two important reasons not to."

Kuno understood, but didn't bother to answer her.

It was almost an immediate reaction: Nabiki began panting, getting worked up to a plateau of pleasure with just Kuno's meager touch. It would take a more earnest effort to move her higher, but she was sure it would happen.

Maybe a little quicker than she had anticipated. With still just his mouth on her, Nabiki moaned shakily. "Kuno-chan... don't stop..."

"As you command," he answered breathlessly, and lay her back on the ground.

It didn't really occur to Nabiki why she was so quick to excite; it was just one of those things. The desire to change welled up within her, and she pushed it back down subconsciously. Nothing special for her, not this time.

She opened her eyes a bit and looked up at Kuno. There was no point in denying it. She really liked the look of the ring, and not just because her name was it.

The feelings surged in her again, and... Nabiki practically kicked Kuno off her and sat up, breathing heavily. "No!"

Kuno looked hurt for a moment, but that quickly faded. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

It took Nabiki a moment to get her breath, but when she did, she sounded almost hysterical. "No, not now. This is a bad time."

"I think it is the perfect time," Kuno insisted.

"No! It's the worst time! I'm not taking anymore chances because I'm not having anymore kids. So this is exactly the wrong time to be putting anything anywhere..." She looked at him sternly, knowing she might not have a whole lot of power the way her chest was heaving.


There it was again, the glimpse of the person inside. "Well..." She dragged out the word, watching Kuno squirm. "Maybe... one or two places."

"You are indeed generous. Perhaps this humble possession could return the favor."

That caused Nabiki to start grinning. "Humble? You're cute when you make jokes. You should do it more often."

"I shall endeavor to please you."

"Oh, I know you will."


They lingered behind a little, just enough so that they had privacy.

"It itches."

"Not unexpected. The changes are quite drastic."

Nabiki looked at her hand and resisted the urge to scratch it furiously.

"The method I explained before works well?"

"Yeah. I don't think it makes a lot of sense, but it works." Nabiki exerted her will and watched her hand revert back to human, fascinated by the process. "But how do you do it so fast? And without even thinking about it?"

Kuno thought about it for a moment. "If you were to touch a hot object, what would your reaction be?"

"Probably pull my hand away, maybe say ow or something."

"It is a similar thing. When a sudden threat arises, my instincts control the change." With the speed reserved normally for his kendo techniques, Kuno spun around and tried to backhand Nabiki.

With a slight shriek, Nabiki threw her arm up in a blur and grabbed Kuno's hand. Heart racing, she looked at what she had done. Her hand and arm looked human, but the shape was wrong, deformed. The skin of her forearm bulged oddly, and she had the idea that she could put her fist through a block of concrete easier than Akane ever had.

"Wow. That's..."

"Only the beginning." He removed his hand from hers, looking into her eyes.

There was an odd look, something there, something she could recognize, but couldn't exactly identify. He was definitely hiding something from her. "What's your secret, Kuno-chan? What aren't you telling me?" Nabiki asked, meeting his gaze evenly.

"Whatever could I hide from you?" he asked, though his tone was far from its usual seriousness.

One eyebrow arched delicately. "I don't know what you're hiding, but I know it's something. Why don't you just make it easy on the both of us and tell me what it is you're hiding so deeply." She leaned in very close and whispered, "So deeply that not even I know what it is."

Kuno returned the arched eyebrow. "May I say that..."


"I love you."

Pushing Kuno's face away, Nabiki snorted and started walking. After a few steps, she turned briefly and stuck her tongue out on him.


"How many days?"

"I am not sure. You should relax; this is affecting you adversely," Kuno informed her.

"Well, no kidding. Do you know what I told her? You should be worried too!"

"What was it that you promised her then?"

"That we'd... comply with whatever she wanted for a week," Nabiki answered weakly.

Kuno paled, but remained stolid. "A week. It is not so bad. If we are caught, it is a... Things could be worse."

"Whatever she wants. This isn't a one-time thing either. It was the only thing she would accept, and even then, I don't think she was all that impressed." Nabiki sighed. "I just want to go home."

Standing close to her, Kuno put his arm around her, and waited for her to knock him away. Yet, she allowed it, and even leaned against him. "Sometimes," she began quietly, "I wonder why I didn't just take Ranma as my fiance, instead of shoveling him off on Akane."

For a brief moment, Kuno found himself ready to say something insulting, but managed to keep quiet.

"And it's because of this," Nabiki continued.

"What?" he blurted out, confused.

"He's too short."

Kuno blinked, realizing that it was his luck that the only thing he had over Ranma Saotome was his height. Typical.

"Hey, I know that look. No fights with Ranma," Nabiki scolded, holding on to his arm. "That's likely to get way out of hand, and I don't want either of you hurt."


"But nothing. A fight like that will either end up hurting me or Akane, and neither of those options is acceptable. I've been through too much crap to see something go wrong." Now she was getting annoyed. "Here, hold him," she said and thrust the boy at him.

"He does not like me."

"Of course he doesn't; you're his father. Now take him."

"Do you think that you will always control me?" he asked, taking the child from Nabiki.

Pausing for a moment, Nabiki thought about it. "Yes. I will. The sooner you accept that, the happier you'll be."

"I am not surprised."

"The more you get into this, the more tolerable you get. I'm starting to like it." Nabiki grinned at him.

"As if these were things you did not already know. One day, the tables will turn."

"And then what?" Her voice had lost its playfulness, and was completely serious.

"And then you will do what I want for a change."

"What do you want?"

The continued somber note in her voice made him look worriedly at her. The look she had on her face, something he couldn't describe, frightened him. "What I want..."

Nabiki nodded, waiting with terrible anticipation for some reason she couldn't fathom.

"Is for you... to love me. Openly."

"Openly? What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means no whispered confessions when you believe I am asleep, no more denials... I want you. All of you. Everything you have to offer." Seeing the terrified look in her eyes at such a suggestion, Kuno added, "I have already done so for you. Do I not deserve the same in return?"

Looking away, Nabiki shook her head. "I don't have anything to offer. I used, but not anymore. I... can't."

"Untrue. You have done so already; it is simply time to give in to your feelings." He took her hand and squeezed it tightly. "This is the only thing I ask."

"Damn it. Just leave it. Wasn't it enough? Everything else I did? And you want more... I don't have anymore to give!" she yelled, her voice raw with emotion. "I just want to go home. Go home and never think about this again."

"Home... with me?"

"No," Nabiki answered softly, her lips set in a thin line. "I told you..."

"You told me many things, and some of them I believe. Some of them, I know better." He frowned suddenly. "Still, I wish you would find it within yourself to forgive me. I... I am not so repulsive, am I?" He lifted the child in his arms to get a better look. "He is fair, is he not?"

Nabiki glanced over for a moment. "Yeah. If you're into that type of thing. But that's not the point."

"Then enlighten me."


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to. I've been over this stuff a hundred times in my head, and I just can't do it again. It's like living it all over again, and I..." She hung her head, hair drooping over her eyes. "I don't have anything left."

When she lifted her head and looked at him, her eyes were shimmering with tears. "I just feel like I'm going crazy. Every time you ask me to... to... It just feels like I go a little more crazy. Keeping everything inside keeps me safe, keeps me sane..."

"It does not. I know you are aware of this." He wanted to beg her to understand even though he knew it would accomplish nothing. "You may roll your eyes, think I am disgusting, but I love you. Whatever you are lacking, take it from myself. Find comfort in my presence. It is the least I can do."

Looking at him again, tears on her cheeks, she could only stare. The laughter seemed to release a flood of tension from her. The absurdity of the child in Kuno's arms chewing on the ring adorning his chest struck her especially hard.

Nabiki actually had to sit down while she laughed, the tears coming faster because of it. Sparing another glance at him did nothing to alleviate her mirth.

"Is there something..."

She laughed harder when he suddenly cried out in pain. It took a few moments, but when the laughter finally slowed, she wiped her eyes and looked. The sight was almost enough to get her started again. Kuno and the baby were actually glaring at one another. "Give him here. He's probably hungry... or just very strange."

"I think I must have this removed before great bodily harm comes to my person," he said sourly, handing the child over.

"Don't be a grouch, Kuno-chan. What about you and your father? There had to be some time you got along. Give the kid a chance," Nabiki said while pulling her shirt up with one hand.

Scowling, Kuno shook his head. "You coddle him too much. He hasn't learned the proper respect yet."

Nabiki snorted. "He's two weeks old. I don't think respect is something we should worry about right now."

Apparently she had not noticed, but Kuno had, her observation that the both of them would be worrying about how to raise the children. "Perhaps. I still think it is wise to instill in them a sense of..."

"Two weeks old. Think about that and come back in five and a half months."

So she would not listen. He would just have to do it all by himself whether Nabiki agreed or not. Surely, he would not let his children become like... him or his sister. And he would never be like his father; he would die before he did.

"I can't even imagine how much I'm going to enjoy a hot bath when we get back." Nabiki shivered in anticipation, drawing protests from the feeding child. "Hey, am I not allowed a little me time?" she asked, looking down. "Shape up or I'll give you back to your father. See how much you get to eat out of him."

Kuno paled, his hands quivering. "I do not think..."

"Oh relax. You know, if you really hate it that much, you can have it removed." But she really liked it; as the only non- standard mark or decoration on him, it stood out impressively.

Nabiki snapped back to herself when she saw Kuno looking at her. Panic gripped her when she realized what the look on her face must have been like.

"If you find it that appealing, I can... manage its presence."

Blushing, Nabiki shook her head. "It might not... come out right. Or leave a big... hole there. Or something..." She cleared her throat and looked away.

"Or something." He looked down at the ring. "I have never been someone's... property before."

"You'll get used to it. Just do what I say and we'll get along fine." The smile on her face was of genuine amusement and a hint of affection, but Kuno wasn't watching her.

Being told what to do, being called property triggered something in him. It was the first time he had ever considered if it was anything comparable to what Nabiki had gone through.

Struggling with the loss of control, Kuno stopped walking and leaned heavily against a tree. His legs and arms felt heavy, and didn't want to move. Something had happened to him, that witch had done something... A tortured moan escaped, capturing Nabiki's attention.

She approached him, a quizzical look on her face.

The words were there, just waiting for him to say them, but even with the effort of his entire body, he could not tell her to leave him alone. In fact, the more intense the effort he put into it, the worse he felt.

"Kuno-chan, what's wrong?"

They were her words, but not her voice. Instead, it was deep and gravelly, like that of a monster. Loud and echoing, it carried a weight he could only imagine from a demon or a god.

"Kuno-chan, what's wrong?"

His moan became a strangled howl and he put his hands over his ears, but the voice just echoed in his brain endlessly.

"Tell me what's wrong."

It was impossible to resist. "I can't control myself!" he yelled, the noise in his own mind like a windstorm. "The... voice..." Kuno collapsed to the ground, the look on his face pure agony.

"Stand up, Kuno-chan. Come on."

As much as he wanted to stay on the ground, he had to obey. He scrambled to his feet, near sobbing, his vision clouded by tears.

"Here, put your arms around me."

Crying out with intermingling relief and anguish, he threw his arms around Nabiki and crushed her to his body.

Nabiki choked. He was squeezing to the point of pain. "Not like that..." she croaked out. "Let... go..."

His arms were gone the moment the words were out of her mouth. Gasping for breath, Nabiki tried not to be appear frightened. It was a lucky thing she had set the baby down, or he would have been crushed between them.

Kuno flopped to the ground again, squirming pitifully. His body was being yanked in all different directions at once, wanting to act on every piece of stimulus, and putting him through sheer hell.

There was only one thing Nabiki could think of. It had worked on her, and she had done it to him... "Kuno-chan!" she snapped.

To him, the voice was the sky and earth at the same time. To ignore it would have been like trying to ignore his very existence. Head snapping up, he looked fearfully into Nabiki's eyes. He was waiting for another command, something for his mind to focus on and take the pain away.

"Look at me..."

Kuno was doing it already, but the very concept of looking away was swept from his mind by the command. For several agonizing seconds, he stared at her, waiting. Something, anything, if she would only speak...

Nabiki's lip twitched in a snarl, and she lowered her head. To make him do what she wanted without speaking, to ferret out whatever that woman had done to him, to make sure he was hers once and for all...

"Whatever she did to you, it doesn't matter. She doesn't own you. I do."

The words were there, but Nabiki couldn't tell if she had spoken them aloud or not. She only knew that... Inhaling deeply, she could smell it in him, a dark tendril of influence, and she had to break it.

Kuno was reacting to her gaze as she had predicted. His eyes glazed over and his body went slack, so she was ready to try the only thing she could.

"Kuno-chan, can you hear me?"

He nodded.

"You can feel it, can't you? What's controlling you..."

Again Kuno nodded, looking more and more out of it as time went on.

"Ignore it then. It doesn't control you. It can't control you unless you let it. Simple as that." Breathing heavily, head starting to throb, Nabiki said, "Say you love me."

"I love you," he answered easily.

"Say you hate me."

Kuno frowned, his eyes rolling a little. "I... will not."

Gasping for breath, Nabiki smiled and tore her gaze away. She sank immediately to her knees, sweat running freely down her face. "That wasn't so hard... Right, Kuno-chan?"

"It was more enjoyable than being in a car accident," he answered quietly.

Nabiki laughed. "Keep that up. It's very entertaining."

Kuno shook his head and closed his eyes. Whatever she had done to him, it seemed to have worked. The sensation of loss of control was gone, and Nabiki's voice was back to normal.

There was a sound of inquiry and a weight settled on his chest. When Kuno opened his eyes, he was met by the concerned gaze of his son.

"Come on. They're leaving us behind," Nabiki said, recovered fully. "Grab the little rugrat and let's go."

"At least I can forgive the baby for treating me like a doormat," he grumbled under his breath.


"You know, I'm kind of going to miss it here."

Kuno stared in shock. "You what!?"

Nabiki shrugged. "Don't normally get the chance to just go do whatever I want out in the open. If you know what I mean."

His cheeks flushed as he got her implication. "Perhaps there are aspects that I will think back fondly on."

"I don't know if I'll be able to get back into the school routine. I've been out of it too long, and there's too much other stuff to do."

As if in response, both the children cried out, begging for attention.

"Exactly. How will I graduate while having to take care of these two all day long?" Nabiki griped, lifting one in her arms. "It's not like I can just leave them at daycare when they look like this."

"An unfortunate predicament. I had not considered this before," Kuno said thoughtfully, cradling the little girl to his chest.

"That's why I'm here. Need someone to do the thinking for you." She smiled, but there was very little humor in it, just the day's fatigue.

Kuno looked at her evenly, then handed the baby over.

Nabiki took her, very confused. "Thanks."

Not allowing her to say more, Kuno lifted all three in his arms. "We will be there shortly. Sleep."

Updated 6-22-99