{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

"Mistress, relax. Help is on the way." Irina kneeled next to Nabiki and took her hand.

"That woman... I don't want that to happen." She looked over at Kuno. "Help, Kuno-chan. I don't want to die." She took his hand and squeezed almost to the breaking point.

He grunted and nuzzled her neck. Everything would be all right; it had to be.

Tomas returned with several soft cloths, drinking water, and warm, cleansing water. He was expecting the whole thing to be fairly routine, just like all the others before. "Just relax. You'll get through this fine," he said, and offered the drinking water. There was something wrong though, more than the usual worry. The girl was deathly afraid of something.

Voices from the tunnel let Tomas off the hook. "Sounds like Tasha and her father are here..." He stepped aside, not wanting to be in the way or get volunteered to help.

"Here, Papa! Here!" Tasha ran in, dragging her father along.

"He didn't waste a thing. "Get undressed and changed!" he commanded. "Get that warm water and those cloths ready. This could happen at any moment."

"I don't want to. I don't want to die," Nabiki repeated, shaking her head.

"If you don't change, you will. Your body isn't strong enough to handle these two little hellions like this. You'll find it much easier if you just change." He observed her coldly, trying to get the importance of his words across.

"Do what he says," Tasha urged. "It'll make it not so bad."

It looked as if Nabiki might resist, but she relaxed and let herself go. Surprisingly enough, the pain faded and was replaced by a dull ache. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Is that better?" Tasha's father asked.

Nabiki nodded, having sudden confidence that everything would be all right and the birth would go through without a hitch. She would not be that woman.

"Good. Now Tasha, Tomas, both of you out."

"But Papa!"

"None of that. You'll only be in the way, and I'm sure they want their privacy. Wait outside and don't let anyone else in."

Pouting, Tasha nodded. "Yes, Papa."

The man watched them leave, then turned his attention back to Nabiki. "I am Georg, and ideally, you won't need me. I will be here in case something goes wrong, but other than that, your body should be able to do this on its own."

"But what about... She's two weeks ahead of schedule!" Irina said, shocked that this supposed doctor wasn't doing anything to help.

Georg shook his head. "I'm here and prepared to help if something goes wrong. That's all I can do. Just keep calm; getting hysterical won't help."

Irina was about to protest, but kept quiet instead. Who was she to say anything? She didn't know a thing about childbirth, human or otherwise.

"And you," snapped Georg, looking at Kuno, "turn back so I can talk to you. You'll have to act as interpreter."


"I'll go get more water. They might need it."

"You know they won't, Tasha. Just sit down and relax." Tomas leaned against the tunnel wall and sighed. It was always a tense situation; the mortality rate was low, but even one death was enough to make him worry.

Tasha fidgeted, tapping one foot restlessly. "How long do you think it'll take?" she asked, peering down the tunnel to the cave entrance.

"As long as it takes. There's no way to say." He looked over at his companion in waiting. "Shouldn't you be with Leinid? Trying to start your own family..."

Blushing, Tasha tried to hide her smile. "Maybe, but I wanted to know what happened here."

"He's an idiot, you know that? How she puts up with him, I'll never know."

Tasha shrugged. "He's kind. The rest isn't important."

"I'll never understand you females. There's more to it than being kind. What happens if..."

"I know! I don't need another one of your lectures! Besides, I have Leinid. He passes your inspection, doesn't he?" Tasha asked sarcastically.

"Yes. You could have done worse. Leinid will..."

"Oh be quiet! I'm not looking for your approval! You're impossible sometimes!" Tasha turned away and crossed her arms.

"And you're so emotional. How do you females deal with all that?"

"And so now I'm just a female? I don't have a name? You _males_ are just a bunch of stubborn, macho jerks! Leave me alone!"

Tomas cocked his head to one side. "Did you hear that?"

"Don't try and change the subject. I don't want to..."

"No! I mean I think..."


"It's fine now, you two. You can come in."

Tasha and Tomas poked their heads in at the sound of Georg's voice. They saw three happy and satisfied people, one exhausted Nabiki, and two annoyed infants.

Immediately, Tasha rushed in and cooed at the fussy one Irina was holding. "Oh..." She looked briefly. "He's adorable!"

Tomas went to Kuno's side. "That's a cute one. Got a name picked out for her yet?"

Kuno shook his head, looking at the grumpy-faced baby girl in his arms. She wasn't struggling, content to express her unhappiness through the expression on her face.

"She's got an attitude. Must get it from her mother." Tomas grinned as the baby seemed to scowl specifically at him.

Her scowl deepened to a frown, her eyes not open more than slits. Then the frown gave way to a yawn, revealing a mouth full of sharp, tiny teeth.

""I think all concerned parties could use some rest. Take care of those little ones, though I think you'll have to watch yourselves more than anything." Tomas smiled and leaned down to rub his thumb over the girl's head.

"Tasha, let's go, give them some privacy," Tomas urged.

"Yes. Things are fine here; let's go, child." Georg took Tasha by the arm and pulled her away.

Standing, she waved at the squirming baby boy. "Bye bye. Don't be too mean to your parents."

"Come _on_, Tasha," Tomas said and grabbed her arm as well.

Kuno didn't even notice them leave, too absorbed in the admiration of the baby in his arms. She was beautiful; as beautiful as a baby covered with a short coat of glossy fur and a tail could be. None of that mattered to him though.

"This one's feisty. He's going to be a rambunctious little thing," Irina said fondly, trying to keep control of the baby. "I can barely keep hold of him."

"Give him to me. I will handle him." Kuno took the boy when Irina presented him, and held a child in each arm. "You two," he spoke quietly, "will be raised better than my sister and I were. Remember this because it is a promise."

"Do they understand you?" Irina asked, watching with awe and possibly envy.

"They understand enough. Enough to know that they will be loved and cared for under any circumstances, by the both of us."

Irina looked at Kuno, and then at the two children he was holding. She nodded, her own feelings churning mysteriously within her. "And I suppose you're going to return to your home now."

"As soon as we are able to travel. Hopefully not more than a few days." Kuno set the girl next to the sleeping Nabiki. The girl wiggled closer, clinging to her mother's fur.

Irina watched the two huddle together, her thoughts troubled. "I see. I'm sure you're looking forward to it."

Kuno didn't hear the sadness in her voice before he responded. "Oh yes. It will be very good to get back home. My life there is not much to speak of, but it is home, and it is a comfortable situation. I miss it." He put his finger in the tiny palm of the baby.

The boy started squirming again and began to cry pitifully.

"Hush now," Kuno said quietly, and leaned his head down to touch noses.

The baby stopped crying immediately, his steely blue eyes crossing to glare at what was touching him. Father or no, this was not acceptable. He turned his head, pouting.

"Little boy, you will learn to appreciate that attention. You would miss it sorely if I did not give it to you," Kuno said softly, rubbing his fingers behind one ear.

Starting his crying again, the baby struggled to free himself. He just wasn't sure about his father; there was something odd about him.

"Perhaps you wish to be with your mother or sister. Perhaps you do not completely realize who I am. Do not believe I will always be this lenient with you." Chuckling at the stubbornness of the... his boy, he started to change.

See the process his father was undergoing, the boy watched wide-eyed with fascination. This was more like what he had expected, though maybe not so... big. His fascination turned to awe as he was overwhelmed. Instead of crying, he whimpered softly.

Seeing the beginning of fear in the eyes that reminded him so much of his own, Kuno put the boy down by his sister against Nabiki. There was no need for him to be frightened; he was with his family, who would protect him, and Kuno wanted him to know that.

Though they didn't need it, Kuno covered all three with a pelt and tucked them in. Under the cover, he watched two shapes wriggle around before finally settling down. He knew that if he pulled back the pelt, he would have seen the two little ones snuggled up to each other and against Nabiki.

Kuno looked at Irina, who had been watching him the entire time, and gestured that he should follow him.

Irina followed, not sure what to expect. He had acted wildly unpredictably before, and there was not telling, in her mind, what he might do next.

Outside the cave, in the tunnel, Irina whispered, "What do you want?"

Kuno didn't act as if he had heard her. He leaned against the wall and shivered. Closing his eyes, he took slow, even breaths in an attempt to get his wild heartbeat under control.

"Is there something wrong?" Irina asked and touched Kuno's arm. It was obvious enough that, especially now, if she tried to keep the two young people apart, she would only be hurting them. Even if she didn't trust this young man. "Don't you want to go back and..."

Shaking his head violently, Kuno shrugged off the woman's touch. He just needed to catch his breath, settle down. Just needed air.

"Are you ill? Should I tell someone? What's wrong?" Her hand was actually holding her arm, something she wouldn't have been bold enough to do even a day ago.

The feeling of his body changing under her touch was alien enough to make her jerk her hand away.

"What are your intentions toward us?" Kuno asked, gasping for breath, doing his best to glare at Irina.

"I... I hadn't..." she started.

"Do not lie to me. I have been victim enough of it to be able to tell," he warned.

"I hadn't considered it. I... don't have anywhere to go. I was just helping as best I could; it's what I know how to do." She looked at him with pleading eyes. "Don't be upset with me! I only wanted what was best for the mistress." She cringed under his glowering, but pressed on. "And you. I know that if something happened to either of you, it would be devastating."

"You know nothing about us. You do not know anything about our nature, do you?" he asked, his voice quiet and dangerous.

"Not really. It was never important that I..."

"If you wish to be of help, it is important now that you know."

Irina looked away and nodded. "I hate this place," she said under her breath.

"How can you say that after the hospitality they have shown us? After they were willing to allow you to..."

"No, you misunderstand. Not this place specifically; this whole world. I hate it all. It took away everything I wanted to do in my life. It left me like this: empty, soulless. I'm nothing, worthless. I have no aspirations, no future, no friends, no family..." Irina laughed bitterly. "I don't even have someone to tell me what to do now."

"I am fetching food and water," Kuno said, his tone softening. "Walk with me." He began walking, making sure Irina was following before he continued to speak. "You should know that I would give my life to protect them. If for some reason you endanger their lives..."

"No! I wouldn't! You have to understand that at the castle..."

"That is done, and none of us can change it. Nabiki does not seem to mind you, and I am unable to go against her wishes. I am simply informing you of how things will be." Until Nabiki tired of her and they left.

"I suppose. It wouldn't really be proper for me to overstep my bounds." She didn't know a lot about these creatures, but she knew how to appeal to the male ego. "She's your responsibility to take care of, and surely I couldn't do that."

Instead of seeing him inflate like she expected, his shoulders sagged and his head drooped.

"Yes, it is my responsibility. Though I am barely worthy of such a task."

She saw him glance at her and wondered what he was hiding behind his eyes. There was something going on in his mind that he wasn't comfortable with. "If there's something wrong, don't be afraid to tell me. I can take it."

Kuno shook his head immediately, and Irina knew he didn't completely mean it.


Nabiki woke, though recovered was probably the more correct term for it. The first thing she noticed that prevented her from noticing anything else were the two small, warm bodies huddled against her side.

She pulled back the pelt and stared. It wasn't a dream or her imagination. Reaching down, she scooped up one of them in her hand and brought it close to her face so she could get a better look.

It was small, it was female, and it was furry. For a brief moment, she hoped it _was_ a mistake, that it wasn't hers, but looking at it, smelling it, Nabiki knew. And the fact that she had hoped it was a mistake shamed her.

She nuzzled the girl and got a contented little sigh in return. Nabiki did it again, this time getting the girl to open her eyes. Their gazes met, and that was the end of it.

Struggling, the girl escaped Nabiki's hand and dropped lightly next to her head on the padding of pelts. Her goal wasn't escape though; she grabbed Nabiki around the neck and hugged her tightly. Now that the initial bonding ritual was complete, it was time to eat.

Sniffing, she pawed gently at her mother's mouth and received a lick in return.

Nabiki knew what the child wanted, but didn't feel completely confident about it either. Was her body ready for it? Could she even do it safely? Maybe they ate solid food and would prefer meat.

The girl wasn't waiting though. There was no indecision on her part; she crawled down Nabiki's body until she located one swollen breast and nipple, and latched on, sucking fiercely.

Grunting, Nabiki almost pulled the child away, the pain in her nipple a bit too sharp for her liking. It was only a matter of a few seconds though, and the milk finally began to flow. The insistent suckling was reduced to a contented nursing.

Nabiki delicately traced the baby's backbone with one claw, the mother-child bonding an almost tangible thing. That prompted her to reach down and lift her son to where she could see him.

He immediately woke up and fixed her with a baleful stare.

Nabiki couldn't help but laugh a little, and nuzzled him. This one seemed sharp as a tack, responding to the nuzzling after a moment with his own. Sighing and receiving a reassuring lick in response, Nabiki set him down on her chest so he could nurse as well.

There was definitely no going back now. Nabiki found herself rather fond of the two little monsters.


"When will we be able to travel? I want to get home as soon as possible. And you don't need to hold my arm! I can walk!"

Kuno jerked his hand away, an action that had become second nature to him, and looked at Irina.

She only shrugged and smiled in return.

"We can ask Tomas. He knows the weather and the paths," he offered, glaring at the servant woman.

"Good. I've been wanting some sea urchin ever since yesterday morning." Nabiki kept walking, holding a silently suffering child in each arm.

The girl wanted to be put down so she could play, and the boy just wanted to be put down.

"Cut it out, you two. The second I put you down, you'll be off causing trouble," Nabiki chided, which settled them for a moment.

"They're so smart," marveled Irina. "How do they know..."

"Being not wholly human. As you see them now, between human and animal, that is how they develop," Kuno informed her.

"And how do you know that?" Nabiki asked, glancing over at him.

Kuno blushed. "Tasha informed me."

"Oh? And who is Tasha exactly?"

"Well, she... assisted me... when..."

Waving her elbow, Nabiki shook her head. "Don't bother. I know. I could still smell her on you."

Kuno winced and didn't say anything in reply.

"Not now," Nabiki growled, trying to handle the children as they began to squirm again. "Wait ten minutes until we've got some privacy."

"Let me," Kuno said, trying to take the little girl from Nabiki's arm.

"No!" she snapped, turning away from him. "I've got her. Just go and get out of my way. I have to take care of these two."

Kuno stopped walking as he watched Nabiki and Irina continue on without him. He knew exactly what she had meant, and he wasn't sure he didn't deserve it. Yet, as surely as Nabiki had bonded with the two children, so had he, and he didn't want to give them up.


"I wish to speak with you."

"Again? I was just about to..."


That got Irina's attention. She looked at Kuno for a moment and nodded. "What is it?"

"Nabiki trusts you."


"She... she does not trust me."

Irina had no response.

"I... I am afraid that..." He looked miserably at Irina, receiving only a neutral stare in return. "I am losing her. I know it, and yet, I am powerless to stop it."

"And what am I supposed to do?" Irina asked, trying to maintain her even tone.

Kuno looked away and swallowed the lump in his throat. "Take care of them. For me. Make sure they return home safely. I am not sure I can trust you, but Nabiki does, and you are the only one she will listen to."

He held out his closed fist, now looking steadily into Irina's eyes. "Here."

Irina held out her own cupped hand and watched as Kuno dropped something into it.

"Just tell her it is from me. And that... I'm sorry, For everything."

Staring at the object in her hand, Irina didn't even see her leave.


It was Nabiki's turn to examine it. The silvery disc was almost flawless, except for the back, which had a very faint impression of a heart on it. "This looks like white gold." She looked back at Irina. "Where is he?"

"I'm not sure. He gave that to me and left. He asked me to take care of you."

"Why would he do a stupid thing like that?" She paused for a moment, looking at the charm that both the children were smelling enthusiastically. "I guess I answered my own question. I guess I can't just let him act like a pouting baby. Better go find him."

It took only a few minutes of searching, using her heightened sense of smell, to find that Kuno was gone.

"So where the hell did he go?"

"I don't know. He also wanted me to tell you he was sorry for everything."

Nabiki got a sinking feeling when she heard that. He had no doubt taken things too far and made all sorts of stupid assumptions. Growling, Nabiki marched off to find Tomas.

"Mistress, where are you..."

"Don't call me that! Dammit," she swore to herself. "Tomas! Where are you?"

"Is there something you want?" he asked from almost immediately behind her.

Nabiki turned, not missing a beat. "I need to find Kuno, and I need you to help me."

"He's probably just..."

"No, I don't think he's coming back. That's the way he works. You know this place, the mountains and everything. You need to help me find him."

"I really don't think you should go. Those little ones..."

"Will be fine. They're not the ones that might end up doing something incredibly stupid because they overreact to the smallest think." Nabiki huffed in frustration. "Do you understand what I'm saying here?"

Tomas smiled. "Perfectly. If you're this determined, I'll help. Gather your things and we can be on our way."


"Do you think this is wise?"

"No, I think it's incredibly stupid, but considering who I'm going after, it's about par for the course. My annoying conscience won't let me just sit here and do nothing. What I said made him run off, so I have to get him back."

"But what about..." Irina stopped herself, knowing it would sound strange.

"What about what?" Nabiki was working on a knapsack-type carrier for the two kids. It looked like a plain leather bag from the outside, but was fur-lined and had a hood that folded over the top. "Kasumi would probably have a heart attack if she saw me doing this," she said as she worked on the leather stitching.

"I feel partly responsible for his actions as well," Irina confessed. "I was rather unforgiving of him."

"Yeah, but he's used to that." Nabiki clipped off the end of the last stitch and held out her project to inspect it. "You'd probably be surprised how much he'll put up with," she continued. "Actually, I am too."

"But that's just it. I don't think he will. I think he loves you very much and would never disagree with you. However, he has been somewhat hostile toward me, and I don't think he would tolerate any disagreement." Irina gave Nabiki a pained look.

"Don't be silly. I'll just tell him that he needs to back off a little and he'll do it. There's nothing to worry about." Nabiki got one fussy baby in the carrier and then the other. "You two are awfully cute... and you look really annoyed. Get used to the close quarters."

"Mistress, what will happen to me?" Irina asked, unable to hold back any longer.

"What do you mean?" Nabiki tried on the pack and adjusted the straps. It would fit her in either form snugly with the tie that went around her middle. She really wasn't paying much attention to the other person in the room at all.

"When you're gone, where will I go? I don't have anything," she said quietly.

"Why don't you just go to a village and..."

"I don't know how to live, how to make a life. I haven't had to worry about the same things as other people since I moved into the castle. I won't have anything."

Nabiki looked at her and could only stare blankly. What was she supposed to do? What was Irina going to do? "I... don't know."

"I shouldn't have brought it up. You have more important things to worry about. Don't be concerned." Irina smiled as if nothing was wrong.

How could Nabiki not be concerned though? "I don't know. You can't expect me to regret Maxim dying, because I don't. I'm sorry it left you without a home, but I just couldn't..."

"I understand, Mistress. It's not your concern."

"Don't call me that! You say that and that makes it my concern, but I still don't know what to do!" Nabiki yelled. She winced when the crying started almost immediately. She should have known better than to yell like that. It was the last thing she needed.

Holding back the tears of frustration that suddenly threatened, Nabiki tried to settle the children down. "Come on... Be quiet. You can't be hungry again already."

"Mistress," Irina interrupted smoothly, "go rest. I can see you need it. I'll take care of them."

For a few moments, Nabiki sat there, dismayed and angry and frightened and confused all at the same time. It was even worse because she knew exactly why she was feeling it all too. "Damn you, Kuno. Why do you keep doing this to me?" she asked quietly before standing and marching off.

It was only when she was in her own cave, covered completely by pelts, that she cried silently. It felt like the weight of the world was on her and didn't plan on moving. And under that weight, she fell into an emotionally and physically exhausted sleep.


"You can't eat now, little ones. Your mother's not feeling well and needs to rest longer," Irina said softly, watching the two children cry pitifully. "I know you want her, but only I'm here now."

She lifted one, then the other, and cradled them, trying to soothe their distress. "Just go to sleep," she whispered, rocking them. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

They were still agitated, but appeared to be slipping into sleep. Irina smiled and made soothing sounds as she watched their eyes close.

"They're hungry, aren't they?" Nabiki asked from behind Irina, looking like she just woke up.

Startled, Irina looked up and shook her head. "They just went to sleep. But..."

"I saw, I heard. They were hungry," she said accusingly. "Why did you say they weren't?"

"I... I was about to, but you didn't give me a chance. I didn't mean..."

"To lie? Is that it? Did you think I'd still fall for your lies? All the things Maxim told me? Did you think..." Nabiki swayed on her feet. "Did you think I..." Before she could say more, she collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Irina stared, horrified, not having a clue as to what just happened.


"We're not going anywhere," Tomas pronounced grimly.

"Why not? What's wrong with her?" Irina looked frightened. "She won't... die, will she?"

"Nothing that serious. Just an infection, but it's not smart to move her around while she's recovering." Tomas kneeled down to the restless, but still unconscious Nabiki. "Your mate is going to stay gone for a little longer," he said quietly.

"But shouldn't..."

"Just take care of her until she's lucid. Food, water, keep the cool cloth on her forehead. The fever's bad, but it could be worse. When she asks for food, make sure it's easy to swallow. And force her to drink even if she doesn't want to."

Irina's head was spinning from all the instructions Tomas was giving her. "Easy to swallow? What if the fever gets worse? What about the children?"

"Easy to swallow. Mash it up; I can guarantee she won't care. And if you keep her covered and follow my instructions, the fever won't get worse. We heal fast. That doesn't mean we never get ill. And the kids will be fine as soon as we get some milk." Tomas looked Irina directly in the eye. "Understand?"

"I... I understand. Food and water. Cold cloth and keep her covered." She nodded firmly.

"Good." Tomas stood. "Slava."

"Yes, Tomas?"

"Two things. See if you can pick up our guest's trail, and get some milk for the little ones."

"Yes, Tomas." The slightly smaller man ran off, his body hunched as if it was in the midst of changing.

"Relax. We've handled this type of thing before," he said to Irina.

"Yes, you keep saying that, and I've dealt with worse. It doesn't make me feel any better about it." Irina was already dipping a cloth into cold water and placing it on Nabiki's fevered brow.

Tomas looked at her oddly for a moment. "For being in Maxim's service for so long, you have bravery. I'm surprised."

"It was necessary. The things I had to cope with were not always pleasant. And Maxim did not tolerate squeamishness," Irina answered in a tight, angry voice.

"Yes. I suppose you'd be right about that. Still, it's uncommon, but not unwelcome."


"I found it. It's faint though. A little over a day old."

"Do you know where it was heading?"

"Hard to say. North, then curled back around, getting around the swamp."

Tomas nodded. "That area would be more familiar to him. Anything else?"

"Nothing good. Some of the lady's men had been in the area recently."

Tomas sighed and closed his eyes. "She's got a grudge too. Could you tell if he was taken by them?"

Slava shook his head. "All tracks headed up the river, but that's where I'd expect them to go."

"I really shouldn't be doing this," Tomas said and shook his head.


"Here's some milk. Go feed those two children," Tomas said to Irina. "Go on. I have something to say in private here."

"But she's not..."

"Go. This is her concern, not yours."

Irina frowned at him before collecting the silently concerned children and leaving.

Seeing she was gone, Tomas kneeled next to Nabiki. Her cheeks were flushed, and she periodically trashed about. Her fever appeared to have dropped though. "Girl, whatever your connection with him is, if you want him back, you need to use it. If you don't, he might be gone for good."

Tomas waited for a moment, watching Nabiki's face. "I don't care if you don't want to admit it; I know the truth. You call out to him, tell him you're sorry, that you want him back, or you'll never see him again," he whispered fiercely.

"You want those two kids of yours to grow up without him, to ask you where he is? Don't think you can just forget him..." He took the cloth and wiped her cheeks. "Don't hold back. Not this time."


"Lady Anya, we found this one along the river near the swamp."

The woman seemed to flow like water, her robes billowing around her. "Found him? How convenient," she said pleasantly with just a touch of menace.

"Indeed, Lady. What should we..."

"Bring him. His kind aren't simply found." She smiled though it looked to be more of a sneer.


"You two may wait outside. I don't believe there's anything for me to fear." She waved off the escort and studied her passive guest.

"Why did you return here?" she asked when they were alone.

Kuno kept his head down and did not speak.

"Something that you forgot the first time?" she asked as she circled him, her long-nailed fingers trailing across his bare skin. "Speak up."

Kuno opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again and sighed.

"Despair? Is that what I see? You couldn't possibly be feeling guilty. I know better." Her fingers slid up his neck and into his hair.


Anya stopped her circling and put one hand under Kuno's chin. She tried to lift his head, but he resisted.

"I came here of my own free will. Your mental lies are not necessary." He tried to sound brave, but he couldn't even manage that much emotion.

Laughing lightly, golden green eyes flashing, Anya shook her head. "Free will means very little to me. You came here of your own free will, then you have only yourself to blame."

When she exerted her strength, Kuno couldn't help but lift his head, though he kept his eyes closed. "You will not submit?" she asked. "That would make it so much easier."

"I... I came here of my own free will."

Anya made a disappointed sound. "So I heard the first time. I'm assuming this means you're going to stay though."

Kuno gave a small nod.

"You would be the first to do so." She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. "I believe I'll keep you for myself though. Leaving you with the others would probably ruin those lovely eyes you have. If you would allow me to see them again."

Kuno could barely hear the woman talking over the noise of his heart beating.

"Still not going to cooperate?" Anya moved around behind Kuno and looked at his back. "Normally I mark my property. Sometimes here," she explained, running her hand across his shoulder blade. "Sometimes here."

Kuno resisted jerking away when he felt her hand on his behind.

"But that doesn't work when you just heal up. Maybe I'll have to use something more... obvious." She paced around him, thinking aloud. "It's really too bad. I would have liked to see you with my mark branded on your skin. Maybe I should try anyway, just to see what would happen."

Whatever reason Kuno had decided to go back to the castle for, whether he had been wishing for death, hoping to have his mind wiped blank, or just be turned into a feelingless husk, being branded didn't sound fun. He found the courage to shake his head. "I would not..."

"You would not, but you don't have a choice, so I think in this case, you will." The teasing in her voice was rather plain as she moved back around to face him. "Maybe something..." The backs of her fingers traveled lightly up his stomach.

"It might sting a moment, but I'm sure you'd get used to it," she said quietly, slowly stroking his right nipple lovingly. "The pain would last only seconds." Anya smiled at Kuno's trembling. "Silver? Or gold? I think the silver would look quite nice on you."

Kuno felt a pattern, some symbol, being traced on his stomach.

"You wait here while I make preparations," Anya said and poked him lightly in the middle of the pattern she had been drawing.

Cold lead seemed to surge throughout his body, and he found that he couldn't move at all, not even to open his eyes.

"You wanted to keep them closed and now you will. Not permanently, of course. I'd be denying myself some pleasure if I couldn't see them when... Well, I won't ruin the surprise for you. I haven't been this excited in half a century!" Anya's voice took on the tone of a giddy schoolgirl for a moment and she giggled wildly.

For Kuno, there was only the sensation of not being able to breathe, like being a marble statue. For a frightening moment, he thought that was what she had done to him, turned him into a stone statue. The panic bubbled up inside him, and it was only then that he realized what a mistake he had made.

He had not underestimated Maxim's capacity for cruelty, so why had he done so with this woman? Crying out for help inside, unable to audiblize even a whimper, he tried to break free of the paralysis.

"Still here, I'm glad to see. I haven't used that technique in longer than I can remember," Anya said, her voice strangely out of breath. "This will be so much fun."

Her hands were on him again, and they were impossibly cold, like they had been carved from a glacier. The touch yanked him free of the paralysis, and he gasped for breath.

Like she was reading his mind, Anya spoke before he could. "Too late to stop now. Remember? Your own free will? Hold still..." She passed her hand slowly across his chest, the cold air coming off it almost like a solid object. The slender needle in her other hand was poised, and she pinched his nipple lightly, and glanced at Kuno's face. "It's perfectly acceptable to be afraid. Just a moment more..."

Slowly she pierced the flesh, drawing a single drop of blood. Once the tip emerged from the other side, Anya hooked an ornately carved half-ring on it. The two needle-sharp ends she bent with the tips of her fingers effortlessly. "And now everyone will know who you belong to."

Kuno didn't feel anything. His whole chest was numb, and he didn't dare open his eyes to see what had happened.

"I hope that little change of yours doesn't hurt. Well, too much. A little pain will do wonders if channeled properly," Anya said, all the while staring at the blood dribbling down his skin. She licked her lips, her canines beginning to extend.

Shuddering with desire, the vampire woman leaned forward and followed the trail up his body with her tongue. His body, at first still numb, started trembling, and she knew that her chilling touch had worn off.

She lapped up the blood and toyed with the ring, pulling it slightly. Her lips curved in a cruel smile, and her serpentine tongue wrapped around it, pulling it slightly harder.

That did it. Kuno yelped in pain and tried to pull away, but only ended up hurting himself more. His eyes flew open at the spear of burning pain, and he knew immediately it had been a mistake.

It was like a worm wriggling into his brain, his eyes unable to leave the woman's. No matter how he tried to force it out, it kept wriggling forward, moving in his mind. The pace of his heartbeat increased to the point he thought it might explode. "Na..." he gasped out though he knew he shouldn't; he was desperate though.

The action of that invading worm intensified, but Kuno wasn't ready to give in yet. He just needed some help, any help to keep it out. The pounding in his temples grew to an unbearable level, causing pain he had never imagined existed.

The name came to his lips again, but Kuno refused to say it. If the woman wanted to take his thoughts, she would have to do it without his cooperation.

"Fiiighting wiiill ooonly huuurt yourseeelf."

The voice seemed to come from very far away, from behind the curtain of pain, but there was no comfort there. There was no comfort in knowing that the pain would stop if he gave in.

"Nooo mooore paaain... Iii dooon't waaant yooour soooul... Juuust yooour bloood... Yooour chiiildren... Sweeet."

It gnawed at his brain, eating through his defenses, digging into his most personal of thoughts and tossing them aside.

"Looove iiis weeeak. Sheee haaates yooou. Yooou're miiine."

That was his moment of clarity. That was why he had run to this woman. Nabiki hated him, and his children would never want anything to do with him. It was best, for everyone, to just stop fighting. That was the quickest way to stop the pain, everybody's pain...


"Mistress! Mistress!" Irina shook Nabiki gently, trying to wake her.

"No... No! Stop!" Nabiki was thrashing violently, yelling out for all to hear. "Don't let her... No! Pain..."

Irina started to panic, and knew of only one thing to do. She took the container of cold water and splashed it into Nabiki's face.

She sat up sputtering, too groggy to swear. "Wha... Who..."

"I'm sorry, Mistress. I didn't know what else to do. You were in distress." Irina offered some drinking water and sat well back. "It seemed like a nightmare."

Nabiki looked tiredly at the older woman. "It wasn't a nightmare. It was true." She put her face into her hands and took deep breaths.

"What was true? Sure your dreams don't..."

"It wasn't a dream. Kuno-chan, he was... He wanted..."

Irina looked at her with concern and curiosity. "He what, Mistress?"

"He was hurt. He wanted help, my help, but..." Nabiki looked up, and her eyes burned with an all too-human emotion: jealousy. "She won't take him. She lied, but she won't take him from me."

"Mistress, I think you should..."

"We were getting ready to go, right?" Nabiki asked, standing slowly. Her legs were a bit wobbly, but what she was feeling made up for it. "We can't just sit around here; we have to go."

"But you're sick, Mistress."

"Not sick enough to stop me," she declared, her voice lacking any traces of nonsense. "Get started. I need to talk to Tomas."

Watching her hobble away, Irina sighed and shook her head. She was strong-willed. Really, almost a perfect match for the young man, who seemed just as stubborn.


"Tomas, you have to take me to get Kuno-chan from that woman."

"Do I now?"

"Yes. Don't smirk at me. All I need is you to get me wherever he is and I'll do the rest." Even though she was determined, she had to lean against the tunnel wall while she stood.

Tomas snorted. "You can't even stand up and you want to..."

"Yeah. I heard you, you know? I know she lied to him, hurt him and threatened... his..." Nabiki furrowed her brow. "It doesn't matter. But I'm not going to let her have him. Not until I'm done with him."

That got Tomas smiling. "Ah, that's more what I'm used to. I still don't think you should go like this though. You're in no shape for a fight."

"That's fine because I'm not going to fight. I'm going to... negotiate. I'll buy him back from her."

"Interesting," Tomas conceded. "But what do you plan on paying her with?"

"I'll figure something out. I just need to get there first. So let's go."

"I still think you should wait until you're better, but if you're determined, just let me know when you're ready."

"I will." Nabiki turned and started back to the cave.

"You know, someone might think you actually cared. It's quite... heartwarming." Tomas smiled, but it was more of a sly grin.

"You can think what you want; I don't care, but you know that he's mine, and it'll be my decision when I'm done with him. I'm not yet."

"Spoken like one of us. Admirable. You'd fit right in here."

Nabiki closed her eyes and swallowed heavily. "No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to."


"Lady, you look pleased."

"Oh, I am. He's like a field of new-fallen snow. I could still taste my mark in his blood." Anya stretched luxuriously, her robes opening slightly. "Have you ever had blood like that?"

"No, Lady. I've never had that pleasure."

"Ah well, I'm sure you'll have your chance one day." She glanced behind her at a white curtain hanging in a wide doorway. Sighing wistfully, she closed her eyes.

"Lady, you didn't..."

She laughed and shook her head. "Goodness no. He's too much fun to waste on the first night. He's just... catching his breath. I thought I'd give him a few minutes to recover."

"Do you think it's wise to let him be without..."

Anya waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "Something you've forgotten, Okoth, is that a broken spirit is as good as a pair of shackles. It's too bad he had to come like that. So much promise, so little energy."

"I have to say I'm not comfortable with this situation, Lady. He's dangerous, a wild animal."

"Nonsense. You worry too much, Okoth. He's a kitten. A broken-spirited kitten."

"If you're sure, Lady."

"I am, Okoth. In fact, you're excused for the evening." Anya took his hand and bit the end of one finger, licking up the dark, viscous blood that welled up there.


"Don't be jealous, Okoth. I know you well enough."

Okoth took a shaky breath. "I'll try, Lady, but no promises."

Anya smiled and released his hand. "Don't worry. A kitten he is."

Nodding once, Okoth left the chamber.

Anya tried to relax, but her excitement was too great and got the better of her. She rose from the elegant couch then and walked through the curtain. Her preferred color was white; her personal chambers epitomized this fact.

"I hope you're not worn out completely," she said giddily. She parted the airy netting around the bed to look in on her new possession.

The silky material on the bed did little to hide what was beneath it, giving teasing glimpses of details instead. None of the decoration had anything to do with modesty; Anya did things to maximize her own pleasure.

"There's no point in pretending. I have an eternity to wait, young man," she said, lazily running her finger over Kuno's foot.

"Please, I shall beg if I must. Here I am; is there not some way you can..." Kuno started to roll over, but changed his mind. The gaze of the woman was a dangerous thing and he wished to avoid looking into them again at all costs. She found sport in torturing him with things in his mind, appearing as people and teasing him...

She hadn't hurt him physically at all, though he wouldn't admit just how she _had_ made him feel. It had taken everything he was made of to not give in completely when she had dragged Nabiki's image out of his mind and had her way.

"What do you want me to do? I could make you forget all about that girl, if that's what you really want," Anya said slyly, grinning.

"No, not like that. I just want... I don't want to feel anything. To be cold and emotionless, to not care, to not regret, to not... love," Kuno answered with his face against the mattress.

Anya watched him lay there, surprised. It was the most he had spoken since he had arrived. "I may be able to arrange that." She got on the bed and ran her hands up Kuno's legs. "But it will have to wait until a later time. My appetites are insatiable now."

Updated 5-2-99