{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

A Wolf in Samurai's Clothing


"Why isn't she waking up?" Kuno tried to gently rouse Nabiki, but nothing seemed to work.

"I don't know. Maybe she's hurt worse than she looks," Tomas offered. "I just think we need to get her away from here as soon as possible. Get someplace warm, get her some food, and I know someone that could check her..."

"What have you done to her!?"

Kuno and Tomas looked up at the sound of the near scream. Running at them was the woman from the castle, the one that had tried to stop them from rescuing Nabiki.

"We haven't done anything to her," Tomas said calmly, standing.

Irina ran up to him and meant to grab Nabiki's hand and run. She stopped short when she saw not the girl she remembered on the ground. "Is that... She's..."

"She will not wake up. Maxim is gone, but she seems no better. I... I don't know what to do." Kuno looked up at the woman that seemed so concerned. "I would never do anything to hurt her on purpose."

Irina looked at him, then at Nabiki. If it was really her. There wasn't any way for her to tell. "It's really her?"

"Of course it is. He wouldn't be on the verge of tears if it wasn't," Tomas snapped.

"Well I didn't know that." Irina was just as harsh with her reply. "I don't know anything about you people."

Tomas snorted. "You people, eh? You mean the people that were subjected to experiments and enslavement, used for sport and torture after some idiot managed to make us turn into animals! Those people?"


"Quiet!" Kuno finally yelled. "Arguing is not accomplishing anything!"

Irina and Tomas continued to give each other nasty looks though stopped the yelling.

"She had this problem before we ever came to this place, so however she was when you... cared for her, she is no different now. But now, she needs help."

Irina looked into Kuno's pleading eyes, feeling her resistance melt. She looked at the head he was cradling gently. There was nothing about it she recognized, and yet she believed both of the young men. "Can... can she turn back into a person?"

Tomas answered, "Under normal circumstances, yes. If she was conscious, but now... I don't know if she will on her own."

"It won't be easy getting help for her like this. If she were human..."

Tomas thought for a moment and nodded to himself. "Up in the mountains. That's the only choice we have."

"The mountains?"

Looking at Irina, Tomas nodded. "The mountains. And I don't know who you are, but you've obviously got some kind of affection for the girl. You're human and now your master's dead; I'll leave it up to him to decide what to do with you." He pointed at Kuno.

Kuno looked between them, unsure. "How can you help? How can you heal her?"

Irina kneeled on the ground next to him and put her hand gently on his arm. "When she wakes up, I'll be a familiar face. Part of this is my fault anyway. I should have stopped the m... Maxim from doing this to her. Let me make it up."

"You may come if you wish." Kuno couldn't deny the sincerity she spoke with.

"Fine," Tomas said, sounding annoyed. "You had better get going. Carrying her is going to be a lot of work."

"You're not coming?"

"I have to check one last thing in the castle, then I'll catch up with you. Avoid going the way we came down, and wait in that cave by the ice field. I'll catch up."

"I understand." Kuno lifted Nabiki slowly as Tomas ran back toward the castle. He began walking, not looking to see if the woman was following or not.

"Why did you come here?" Irina asked, keeping pace easily.

"To find a way to cure ourselves, and if not ourselves, then our children. Far too many people have been hurt by this; I didn't die when I should have." He adjusted Nabiki's weight in his arms; he hadn't realized how heavy she was.

"I... I need to change. She's too heavy for me to carry like this." He looked back almost apologetically. His eyes seemed to wander for a moment. "What is your name?"

"Irina. If the mistress were awake, she'd be able to tell you I'm..."

"It matters not. Nothing does."

Irina waited for him to go through his change, not sure what to expect, never having seen it before, but he never did. If there was any doubt in her before, it no longer existed.


It was getting colder as they ascended the mountain. It hadn't been bad by the forest and swamp, but wasn't on a mountain. The altitude they were climbing to reflected that.

Irina was completely unprepared for it, being dressed in only the woven clothing she had worn in the castle. It was no protection against the wind that whipped around them, kicking up snow that got in her vision and blinded her for long moments. She hugged herself, teeth chattering, as they walked through the narrow pass.

They weren't walking very fast, but the distance alone was enough to wear her out. That along with the fact that she hadn't had much food or sleep in the previous day and she wasn't sure how much longer she could go on.

"Here. Put these on," a voice from behind her commanded.

Turning quickly, startled, Irina saw the other young man, having returned from the castle. In his arms was a bundle of clothing, which he offered to her.

Nodding curtly, she put on as much of the clothing as she could in an effort to stay warm. The outfit was unwieldy, but it would keep her alive.

"And this too. I don't think you'll much care for our choice of meals." Tomas handed over a wrapped bundle that Irina supposed was food.

She was about to thank when he abruptly began to change shape, and she was left speechless. She watched as he moved up behind Kuno and touched him lightly on the shoulder.

Tomas took Nabiki from him and continued walking.

Without her weight in his arms, Kuno's fatigued muscles began to cramp in the cold air. He had lost track of when his depression had changed to complete fatigue of his mind and body. It was time for him to just lay down and go to sleep.


"Why did you bother with this fire?" Irina asked. "I'm sure you don't need it."

Tomas shrugged. "But you do. No need to let you freeze to death. He might get upset." He gestured to Kuno, who was asleep on the other side of the cave, cuddled up to the still comatose Nabiki. "It helps take the chill off too."

She looked away from Tomas when he tore at some bleeding flesh with his teeth. "Where are we going anyway? There's nothing in these mountains."

Snorting, Tomas smiled grimly, showing his teeth smeared with blood. "Of course you wouldn't. Rest assured, there is something in these mountains. It was the only place we could hide."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you don't. You were just a pet. You had no idea what was going on in the real world."

"You can say anything you want, but I don't know who you are or what you're talking about. What you're saying doesn't mean anything to me."

Tomas narrowed his eyes. "How those two then? he asked, pointing at the two sleepers. "Why don't you ask them what happened, how they were tortured? Maybe you'll care then."

"Of course I care. I sat by for too long before I realized... because..."

"Your guilt finally caught up to you, eh? Don't worry, I'm not the one you'll have to make excuses to. I just think you're less than a person."

Irina hung her head, unable to argue. "I am. But it was either do that, do what he wanted, or..." When she looked up, she had tears in her eyes/ "I didn't want to die! You have to realize that!"

Tomas looked into the fire, the reflection of the flame sin his eyes. "I do. I had no choice. I was taken away from my mother, forced to live like an animal, threatened with death, and all because..." He sighed. "Forget it."

"What happened to your mother?"

"I don't know. I was separated from her before my first real memories. Maxim said that she was released, though I don't really believe that. She's probably died by his hand."

"I really am sorry. Even if you don't believe me."

"Maxim's gone now. That's what's really important. Personal vengeance takes second to the good of all my friends, what will happen in the future." Tomas looked briefly over at the two sleeping, jealous and happy, and satisfied.

"There's someone you miss. I can tell. What happened?"

For a moment, Tomas couldn't answer, wanting only to scream his rage at her for having the nerve to ask him about something so personal. In the end, he didn't, and said quietly, "The same thing that happens to everything else here... Destroyed by Maxim, some vampire who thought he could control everything..."

"I have never been a mother, and I know I shall never have the chance now. That was taken away from me when I was forced to serve at the castle before I even knew what life was." Irina held her own hands tightly. "I can sympathize. Something you can never regain has been taken away. Don't think you are the only one who has suffered in this manner."

Tomas changed the subject, not wanting to speak of things he couldn't change. "She's pregnant. If she doesn't come out of this by that time, I don't know what will happen."

Irina swallowed and wished for some water. "She'll make it though. I know it; she's a fighter."


"We need to get her back to the caves as soon as possible. We'll be able to take care of her better there. She hasn't eaten since before we killed Maxim."

Kuno nodded to Tomas. "Water as well. How far away are we?"

"We should reach them by the end of the day if we keep this pace. It will be good to get back home finally."

Finding a spot to enter the conversation, Irina asked, "How many live there?"

"I'm not sure. We've never taken head counts, never needed to. Enough to make our own community."

That many? Irina had to wonder just what she was getting herself into. But she owed it to the mistress, owed it for being an accessory to Maxim's tortures.

It was strange. Maxim had always been the master until he had been destroyed, and then he became simply Maxim. The mistress, however, was still the mistress, and calling her anything else felt like a rebellion.

And the two men... Men? They were practically still boys! In either case, she didn't even know their names, but they would not be her masters. No one would be. "I never asked your names."

"And we didn't ask yours," Tomas offered gruffly.

"I'm asking now, and there's no need to be rude about it."

Tomas glanced back at her, then directed his gaze forward again. "Tomas. The only thing I have left from my mother."

"Tatewaki Kuno. And her full name is Nabiki Tendo. We are not from here."

"So I gathered. Though it was best to never question Maxim. You could come from the stars and I would have never asked."

"The stars? No. Just a place very different from here. All of our... her family is waiting for our return," Kuno said, his voice neutral.

Irina heard the hesitation though. "What about your family?"

"I have no family except my sister, and she is in a coma. I must return to take care of her. I fear to consider what kind of shape she is in."

"How old is she?" If she just kept mundane things as the topics of conversation, so much the better.

"She is 16. Though she has a birthday coming up very soon. I hope she is awake to see it."

Irina nodded slowly. They seemed close. She wondered just how much the sister knew and what had put her into a comatose state. It could have been anything, but Irina got the distinct impression it had something to do with their trip.


"Hey, Tomas! You made it!"

Tomas waved, looking more forward to laying down someplace warm and sleeping for a week. "Right now, we could use some food, water, and a warm spot to rest."

"Of course! Anything for the ones that defeated Maxim!" Murron led them through the system of caves and tunnels, others greeting them happily along the way. At an empty cave in the back, he said, "You relax. I'll bring food and water."

The smallish cave was lit only by the glowing embers in a small fire pit. Tomas went to a pile of pelts and began separating them.

"For now, we can stay here. After we're more rested, we'll be given separate areas." He smirked. "None of you are my preferred sleeping companions."

After making three piles, he picked one of the smaller ones and began making himself a bed.

Irina did likewise, leaving the largest pile for Kuno to use. Even though she should have been relieved they were safe, there was a bleakness to the situation she didn't like at all.


There was one encouraging thing: Nabiki was no longer deathly still. She moved her arms and legs a little, even making minor grunting noises periodically. Still, she would not wake up.

"Here. Pour a little in her mouth. She should swallow reflexively."

Kuno held Nabiki's jaws open and her head straight as the young woman poured water in her mouth. He watched nervously until Nabiki swallowed with only a little dribbling out the sides. "Thank you for helping her."

"It was my pleasure, especially for the one who disposed of Maxim." She smiled and laughed a little when she saw his nostrils flare.

"I am already a taken man," Kuno said seriously.

The woman laughed lightly. "I know, but it's nice to know I can get the attention of a man who already has a mate. It does wonders for the ego."

Kuno blushed, causing the woman to laugh again.

"If you need anything, you can just ask me; I'll be happy to help."

He nodded absently, still confused by her response. There was also the fact that Nabiki needed to eat, and he had no idea how to make her do that. The only way was for her to wake up.

Everyone that had looked at her had simply shrugged and said she needed to wake up in her own time. Well and good, and she _was_ showing improvement, but the problem simply couldn't be ignored.


Whispering from someplace far away. Whispering with no way to tell what was being said.

Trying to get closer didn't help; it was always just out of earshot. Then more whispers joined in, but these were coming from the opposite direction.

They each were unreachable, but with the passing of time, they did grow louder. The whispering pierced the darkness, but...

That wasn't right. There shouldn't have been darkness. There shouldn't have been whispering. Where was everyone?

"Hello? Who's there?"

The whispering continued, not offering any answers at all, not shedding any light in the darkness.

"Someone talk to me! I need help!"

A stranger's voice floated out of nowhere. "...needs to eat. Water will only sustain her for so long."

"Please! Please hear me!"

the voice faded, but in the direction of the whispers, there was a point of light.


"She looks like she's slowly coming out of it. Slowly, but..."

Kuno nodded. When do you think it will be time to..."

"If she wakes up and she's coherent, we won't need to. If she doesn't know what's going on, we'll have to subdue her and administer it. The shock might snap her back into reality." The older man was squinting in the dim light of the cave.

"Thank you, Papa." The young woman that had helped Kuno earlier gave the man a hug.

"It's perfectly fine, child. It'll be a week at least before I can return though. I hope you can last that long."

"I'm sure we'll manage, Papa. Thank you for coming."

The man nodded, then slipped on a dark robe and left.

"Did he say anything about the birth?" Tomas asked, entering the cave.

"The same thing he always does."

Tomas frowned. "Damn. I wish nature wasn't so unpredictable."


She broke out of his hold and made a groaning noise. For a moment, Nabiki's eyelids fluttered like they might open, but she settled back down and remained in her coma-like state.

Kuno rubbed a hand across his forehead, waiting for the nightmare to end. They all thought he was strange, but knew there was nothing else he could do. He would wait with her until she woke up.

Damn whatever toll it took on his sanity.


The light was getting larger and brighter. As it did so, things became clearer and clearer to her. Something terrible had happened that she would be in her current state.

The light was her way back to awareness, having been hidden as her mind healed from the damage it had sustained. The whispers were...

Well, the second group of whispers were people on the outside, taking care of her. None of them were immediately recognizable, but they weren't particularly clear. The other whispers... There was a reason they had been in the opposite direction. They weren't external presences, but internal.

Whatever had happened, her children had survived.

And that was all she knew. Hopefully, things would become more evident once she was awake. If only that light would ever get big enough.


His dreams were invariably unpleasant, even when they shouldn't have been. Things weren't perfect, but they were better than before, so why?

Currently trapped in one of those dreams, the why didn't seem so important. He just wanted to wake up.

"...wake... wake... wake..."

Kuno opened his eyes, disoriented from his dream. The first thing he saw was the woman leaning over him and shaking his shoulders.

"She's awake!"

The concept took a moment to register, and when it finally did... He sat straight up and looked over at Nabiki.

He eyes were open and blinking slowly.

"Can you understand me?" Tomas asked, kneeling next to her.

Nabiki nodded, a confused look on her face.

"Do you know your name? How much do you remember?"

"Back off, Tomas. Give her a chance to breathe." The young woman moved to Nabiki's side. "Come on, sit up," she urged, assisting.

"Tasha, you know she might think you're a..."

"Rival? I doubt it. She needs help right now, not our distrust." Her hands were firm, but gentle as she helped Nabiki.

"Do you... do you think whatever Maxim did to her has healed yet?" Kuno asked, afraid to talk to her directly.

Tomas shrugged. "I think the only way we'll be able to tell is by talking to her. And that's going to be difficult under the circumstances."

Nabiki observed the others and wondered why they were all looking at her like that. Was there something wrong that she wasn't picking up on?

"She's got to change eventually. That's just the way it happens. Like a muscle twitching when you're relaxed." Tomas stood and put his hands on his hips. "She'll change. Probably be more pissed than a demon, but she will."

Tasha took Nabiki's hand in her own. "Are you hungry or thirsty?"

"Of course she is. She's been like that for..."

Turning around, Tasha hit Tomas' leg. "Then get some food and water, you idiot!"

"There is no need. I will do it," Kuno said, interrupting the argument. He needed a chance to think anyway.

As he walked, his mind kept threatening to wander, lose track of the important things, but he forced himself to consider... What if she never remembered anything at all?

It had been his hope that she would fully recover. It had been his nightmare that she would still be under Maxim's spell. And if she were reduced to a blank slate? He just didn't know.


Things were still pretty sketchy for Nabiki, but she knew one thing definitely: she couldn't remember a whole lot.

Whoever the people were in front of her were, they acted like they knew her and were friendly enough, but they were still complete strangers. She didn't quite trust them.

The female called Tasha offered a covering, which she accepted and put around her shoulders.

Food though... Food and water was what she really wanted. And some explanations.

Kuno returned and started over to give Nabiki the food and water, but Tomas was quick to stop him.

"She might still see you as an enemy. Don't move too quickly," he warned. Leaning over to Tasha, he whispered, "We really need to get her changed back. This is too dangerous."

Tasha nodded, watching Nabiki, but appearing wary openly. "I'll help if you want me to," she offered to Kuno.

"I... I would appreciate it." He kneeled next to Tasha, and they offered Nabiki the meat and water.

Stomach rumbling, Nabiki took the meat and swallowed it almost whole. Snatching the container of water from Kuno, she drank all of it down as well.

The male with the water raised conflicting feelings within herself. At the same time, she was wary of him, but knew that he wouldn't harm her.

The female didn't pose a threat though, and she didn't have any problem with the male, so Nabiki decided to let it go for the time being.

"Has the mistress..." Irina's voice cut off as she put her hand over her mouth and gasped.

Nabiki looked up at the person that had just entered. She was not like the others; she did not pose any threat. In fact, there was a different feeling, one of safety and security. It was an irrational idea that this woman could protect her when the others couldn't.

Watching the others back away as she stood up, Nabiki went to the woman. Walking on her back legs, upright, felt strange and unsteady, so she lowered herself and stood next to the woman.

"What's she doing?" Tomas asked, confused.

Irina held very still, not sure if it was safe for her to move. "Mistress," she whispered shakily.

"I guess she recognizes you. That's a plus," Tomas noted.

"What should I do?"

Tasha and Tomas looked at each other and shrugged.

"How about a walk? She's been immobile this entire time. She could probably use it." Tasha's suggestion was again met with a shrug, and for a brief moment, she saw the fright in Kuno's eyes.

It must have been terrible for him. She couldn't help but lower her guard, for his sake; she didn't completely trust his docile-looking mate, but it felt wrong to be so... uptight around her as well. Why was it all the good-looking ones were taken?


"Still three weeks. Unless she's premature, there's still plenty of time, so stop worrying." Tomas was getting annoyed having to reassure Kuno every single day.

"Yes, but..."

"You need to relax. When the time comes, things will go smoothly. After all, we've been handling these things ever since we settled here/ And nature's been getting along just fine since the beginning of time." Shaking his head, Tomas knew that nothing would work to calm Kuno, no matter how much sense it made.

Kuno, instead of questioning further, stared blankly at the wall in front of him. She didn't recognize him, which was better than being afraid of him, but... The only person she really trusted was that servant woman, Irina, and Tasha to a lesser extent. She looked at Tomas too, but he was non-existent. There was certainly never any eye contact, and she avoided looking at him as much as possible. Whenever Nabiki's eyes were directed at him, her gaze seemed to go right through him.

"What's troubling you?"

Kuno sighed deeply.

"The usual then. It must be hard." Tasha sat next to him to join in his contemplation of the wall. "I've never had a mate so I have no idea what this must feel like."

"It hurts worse than any injury ever could."

"She'll snap out of it. If my papa thinks everything will be all right, it will be."

"That is a very naive point of view."

"Maybe, but what else is there? Who else is to say if things will work out or not?"

"Tasha, how old are you?"

"It's been... twelve, two... Twenty about. I don't keep close track."

"And you have not found someone for yourself yet?"

Blushing, Tasha shook her head. "I haven't found anyone that I... connect with. As many of us as there are, still, there aren't so many that I can have whoever I choose."

"That is strange," Kuno said thoughtfully. "When I was in such a situation, I had many a young woman interested. Frighteningly so."

"I bet there wasn't any competition. When there isn't, that's how things are." She saw the puzzled look on his face and continued.

"It's like if there are thirty hungry swamp vipers and one rabbit. The vipers compete among themselves to see which one will eat. But the rabbit can have its pick of who," she said, turning to smile at him in an odd way, "it wants to eat it."

Kuno blushed immediately and shook his head. "Tasha, do not forget..."

"Yes, yes. I know, but..." There was just something about him that she didn't feel like resisting.

"You are a lovely woman, and I would have a hard time resisting your charm if not for one thing."

"Papa tells me I'll have someone eventually, but no one wants me." Tasha leaned against Kuno, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Why does your father not stay here when he is so needed?" Kuno asked in an effort to change the subject and get the woman off his shoulder.

"Oh, he would be missed in the castle if he was. And being there, he learns a lot of things that we would never find out. He gets medicine too, and knows how to help when we get hurt too bad." She spoke with child-like innocence, a facet of her personality that took Kuno by surprise.

"You mean your father is..."

"He's a vampire."

Kuno's entire body stiffened. He had allowed that thing to look over Nabiki, touch her, entrusted her well-being to it?

"He helps us all the time. He wouldn't ever hurt anyone."

"I shall not allow him to touch Nabiki again. None of his kind..."

"Don't say that! Papa's not like that! He only wants to help!" Tasha pleaded.

With regret for saying those things and making Tasha upset, Kuno looked at her apologetically. "I am sorry. I do not know your father like you do, and I have trouble trusting his motives."

Tasha looked ready to cry. "It's not his fault; he never asked for it. He's a good man, really he is."

"I am sorry."

Tasha looked at him like that for a moment, the fire illuminating the cave softly, then leaned forward and kissed Kuno. She kept it up for a bit before releasing it. "I'm sorry."

Kuno's head was swimming. He'd never been kissed completely voluntarily like that. He was thinking he rather enjoyed it. "Tasha," he said, looking into her eyes, "do not make me do this. If you try to make me choose, you will not like the answer."

"I know. I really do, but... I couldn't stop myself. I want it to be you even though it can't. I want you to be my m..."

"No. You do not. You are far too pretty and generous and understanding. You need someone who knows how to take care of you. I am unable to take care of anyone and am undeserving of your attention." Kuno put his hand to her cheek, wishing he didn't have to refuse her, wishing he could finally make someone happy.

"I... I'm sorry. I should have never..." Tasha choked on her words and turned away. "I'll go now. I don't want to embarrass myself further."

"There is no need to. You did not embarrass yourself. I understand your plight completely. Do not leave because of me." Things should have been like this. He should have ended up with someone who wanted to be with him, not a person that thought he was stupid and didn't respect him.

Kuno stroked the side of her neck with his fingertips. "If I did have a choice,... I wish I could change and make all three of us happier," he said in barely a whisper.

"You... you can make me happier. Share this night with me, just one night," Tasha asked, her eyes revealing her desperation.


Her fur tickled his bare skin, making the ache in him grow, making the pain of being separated from his mate that much worse. Another moment of weakness on his part, but Tasha had been impossible to resist. How could he have refused her?

She groaned and stretched at his side, putting her arm over him protectively.

That sent a pang of guilt shooting through him, for things done that could not be undone. He could imagine how nice it would be if he were only human and someone protected him like that. That was how it should have been for Nabiki, but he had ruined that for her.

"Tasha! What are you doing!?"

Kuno sat straight up, eyes wide and staring at the entrance to the cave. Tasha was up next to him, staring as well.

Standing there, looking like he was ready to kill, was Leinid. He was a bit older than Tasha, with a slim and powerful build. "What are you doing with him!?"

Tasha changed, not bothering to cover herself, and yelled back, "What business is it of yours!? I don't belong to you!"

"This is disgraceful! He is..."

"He was kind enough to show me the attention no one else will! Now, Leinid, if you'll give us our privacy..."

"No! Tasha!"


"Excuse me. There's really no need to fight about this. I was simply..." Kuno tried to say quietly.

"You have no idea what you're doing to her, do you? Don't you realize how this will affect her? I can't believe how irresponsible you are! Why Tomas ever let you stay here is beyond me!"


"And you! I can't believe you would do such a thing! Because I know he didn't do it on his own!"



Tasha smiled. "Why didn't you ever say anything before?"

Caught by surprise by the question, Leinid could only sputter.

She stood and walked up to him before suddenly throwing her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "All you had to do was ask," she said quietly, smiling ear to ear.

"I... I never knew what to say, how to say it," he replied, returning her hug.

Kuno watched the two for a moment before wrapping a skin around his waist and leaving the cave.

It looked like Tasha had finally found what she wanted. It was just too bad that she had to open her feelings so painfully to him, and he had removed her virginity, something she should have shared with her mate.

His own experience with Nabiki had been rather abrupt and not much of a memory, but it was something they shared. It was all a part of how they had arrived at their current situation, and that was nothing to take lightly.

"If only things had been different, Nabiki," he said to empty air in front of him.

"Tha... that's me?"

Kuno turned suddenly at the sound of the voice. Standing there, not more than halfway down the tunnel, dressed in loose clothing, was Nabiki, looking very unsure of herself.

Irina was at her side to guide her around the network of tunnels and caves. "That's you, Mistress," she confirmed softly. "He's talking about you."

It was strange. Nabiki had a private mental perception of herself, but that was a lot different than hearing about herself from someone she didn't even know.

For a moment, Kuno forgot about the skin he was holding up to maintain his modesty. This time... She was actually looking at him, somewhat curiously, and that meant one thing to him.

He started forward, one arm held outstretched, the other keeping the skin up, not able to articulate words to express his joy.

Seeing him move quickly at her, Nabiki stumbled back, trying to escape. Irina's hand helping her keep her balance was the only thing that prevented her from falling to the ground. "Stop. No closer," she warned, holding out one hand.

Kuno was brought up short. "But... but..."

"Maybe we should return to your... quarters now, Mistress. It's a bit drafty in these tunnels," Irina said, trying to steer Nabiki away from Kuno.

"I'm not cold," she said, staring at Kuno. "I don't want to sit around anymore." She looked at Irina. "I want to go outside."

Irina shook her head. "It's too cold out; there's too much snow for you to go walking around in."

"I think she should have the chance to go out. She needs to get used to changing before those children decide it's time," Tomas said with a friendly smirk as he entered the tunnel. "And what was that business with Tasha? I could hear the yelling throughout the caves."

"Tasha has found someone," Kuno offered.

"Interesting start for her. Not that I'm surprised. Some people need a kick in the butt before they realize everything they need is waiting for them."

"But I..." Kuno started to say.

Tomas waved him off. "Don't worry about it. They'll get over it. You mate for life, but that doesn't mean you can't get find pleasure somewhere else," he answered frankly.

That got Kuno thinking as he watched Tomas walk off in one direction, and Nabiki and Irina leave in the other.

Maybe what Tomas said was true, but that didn't make him feel any less guilty. Not after the horrible way he had abused Nabiki's condition, knowing she wouldn't do anything to him, or even find out.

He sighed and headed back to his own cave. It was better being alone and constantly rejected than to deal with the pain he was feeling.


"Maxim. I remember that name." Nabiki stared out at the snow, random flashes of memory making themselves know.

Irina stood behind her, bundles in warm clothing. "That's... nothing you need to concern myself with, Mistress."

"No, I do remember. A... a man, and he..." Nabiki grimaced, though Irina could not see it. "He..."

"He was a monster, Mistress, but he can't ever hurt you again. He's gone." Irina tried to be soothing, but it was obvious she wasn't succeeding.

"He did..."

"Don't say it, Mistress." Irina wanted to comfort her, but her feet were frozen in place, and her spine felt like a rod of iron.

"He hurt them. He hurt them and thought I wouldn't know." Nabiki stared into the snow, the glare from the infrequent sun almost blinding her. One hand rested protectively on her stomach. "He thought he could hurt my children and I wouldn't know."

"Mistress, he's dead now. He can't hurt anyone. Don't get upset please."

Not even Irina's begging could sway Nabiki's anger. "He hurt the one thing in this place I would die for. How... how can I just forget him?" She turned to face the servant, revealing the tear tracks down her face.

"Wanting to embrace her, Irina could only watch as Nabiki fled into the snow. Paralyzed with fear for a moment, she recovered and went to get help.


"She started to remember... things," Irina said worriedly, wringing her hands and avoiding Kuno's gaze.

"Things? What things?"

Irina couldn't answer.

"Tell me!"

Flinching, she whispered, "Maxim."

Scowling, Kuno pushed past Irina and ran for the entrance.


He found her, sitting in the snow, crying. She was rubbing her arms, but not in an effort to warm herself. It was more of a scrubbing motion really.

"He is dead," Kuno said, standing behind her.

Nabiki didn't turn, didn't appear to have heard him. She just kept rubbing her arms, rocking herself slowly. The snow didn't affect her at all even though she was dressed in barely anything.

"He will never hurt you again," Kuno said, hoping to get a reaction out of her.

He got one, but it wasn't at all what he was expecting. "It's too late," she said, keeping her back to him. "It doesn't matter because it's already happened. It's already done."

That was when she turned and revealed the blank look on her face. "I remember. I remember him, his hands touching me, and they were cold. He shouldn't have been cold; live things don't feel cold like that."

Kuno swallowed, the look on his face something between disgust and rage.

"He made me so upset. I couldn't stop him. It all hurt so much..."

"I killed him," Kuno whispered. "For you, I killed him."

"But I still remember, and that doesn't go away."


"A name. Someone I..." Nabiki looked away, the color high in her cheeks.

Even though it wasn't quite her- she would not blush that way about anything- Kuno couldn't stop himself from hoping for the best.

"He... he protected me. Miroslav. In the forest."

Kuno felt his stomach drop, and he made his way back to his cave. No progress at all really, and the time she had left was growing short. The concerns were not so much physical as mental. The children would be a link to something she didn't remember at all.

He wished it was something he could understand, something he could do something about.


"Mistress, are you ready for when the time comes?"

"I don't know. It's kind of scary. I know it's going to be hard, but... It's kind of exciting too."

"I can imagine. I'm sure they'll take very good care of you here. They all seem to care very much."

Nabiki nodded, eating delicately. "I don't even know them and they're all so nice to me. I wonder why..."

"Simple kindness, I suppose, Mistress."


She was simply sitting, apparently staring at the wall. Irina was nowhere to be seen, so Kuno entered quietly. "How are you feeling?"

"Why do you keep checking on me? I don't know who you are?"

"I know you though. I was informed that it may be disruptive to you to speak of things you do not remember."

"That sounds like an excuse. Why don't you just leave me alone then? I don't like you hanging around like this."

Kuno ignored that and stood directly behind her. "If you are ever in need, do not hesitate to ask me for assistance."

"How about leaving then?"

Smiling, Kuno kneeled and put his hands on her shoulders. "Do you mean that?" He began to gently massage her neck.

Nabiki resisted the sensation for a moment before she relaxed. "Yes, I mean it," she said quietly, without conviction.

"Ah. I shall leave then." He didn't move though, and Nabiki didn't mind. For a few minutes, there were no words spoken between them, until Kuno finally broke the silence. "Your servant does not do this for you?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

"No. Not like this... never like this..." Her entire body felt like it was just going to melt, and she was thinking that it would feel pretty good at the moment.

So tense, she felt like she was going to snap in two. Kuno relaxed and let himself sink into the familiar motions and feelings. Eyes half-lidded, he sighed and tried something daring: he growled.

Shuddering in response, Nabiki pulled away from his hands and pulled her shirt off. She tossed it aside and laid down partially on her side and stomach.

Words were still kept to a minimum, and none were wasted as Kuno continued with the massage. "Don't be afraid to ask for anything. If I can provide it, I shall," he whispered, running his hands up and down her back.

Nabiki murmured something unintelligible.

"What was that?"

She turned her head more to the side. "Show me what you look like. I want to know."

Kuno stopped his movements, not sure of what to do. "I... I..."

"What? Why not?" She kept her eyes closed, more curious than anything and not at all upset.

"I am not sure that would be a wise thing to do."

"Why not?"

"I am not sure, but..."

Nabiki's eyes opened and she looked at him. "Show me. I want to see."

"You don't know what that might do to me. I... I might be unable to resist."

"Resist what?"

"The way I feel about you." He leaned over her, teased by her bare back and the partial swell of one breast. "It is a hard thing to deny."

"How do you feel about me? I don't even know you."

"But you know, and you know how I feel about you." He leaned in closer, to the point he was almost laying on top of her.

"So tell me then. If you're so confident, tell me."

"I love you. For almost a year I have been unable to think of anything except you."

"That's not healthy, being obsessed like that," she said, able to feel his breath on her cheek.

"Maybe, but I can't help myself. I like feeling like this."

Nabiki finally rolled over to her back. "You killed him for me?"

"Yes. I did it all for you." Kuno dared to lower his head so that they were almost touching lips.

"Do you know what you're doing?"


It took little more than the twitching of the muscles in her neck for their lips to make contact. Why she was kissing him, she wasn't sure, but... But nothing. How could she have known she was so easy to seduce.

"Now," Nabiki said breathlessly after they broke apart, "show me. After that, you at least owe me something."

Any reservations Kuno had held before were gone, blown completely away. While she was watching him, as he kneeled over her, he changed, their eyes never breaking contact.

Kuno waited for her reaction, not sure what it might be. The look in her eyes didn't change, but he wasn't sure if that was good or bad. He didn't smell any fear, so he could only hope...

Nabiki looked and didn't know what to say. He was certainly different than the others... She watched as he lowered one hand to her stomach and began to rub in slow circles, creating a pleasant sensation in her. It was like he knew exactly what to do to make her feel good.

Maybe he was right, this person she didn't know. Maybe there was something in the back of her brain that she couldn't remember. All her memories, everything... Nabiki continued to look in his eyes and whispered, "I don't even know your name."

He shook his head.

"But it does matter. I'll never know, I'll never remember."

One finger went against her lips, quieting her. The hand then moved up to pass gently over her eyes, prompting her to close them.

The message was understood. She could relax, was supposed to, but there was still the question about his name.

His hands moved over her skin, light and ticklish, but soothing. Sometimes he worked on the stiff muscles in her legs and feet; her body still wasn't quite used to the change after her time of inaction.

Nabiki could feel herself relaxing slowly into sleep, and didn't bother to fight the feelings.

Kuno finally stopped when Nabiki was asleep. She had such a peaceful look on her face, he knew he had done the right thing giving in to her demands. Sighing happily, he covered her with a pelt and laid down next to her.

She did not stir when he put his arm over her and nuzzled her neck. That was how he eventually fell asleep.


Nabiki's eyes opened at some point in the middle of the night. The fire had burned itself out and the only real light came from the glow of the dying embers.

The dream she had been having stayed with her, the fear clinging to her skin like a wet cloth, the darkness still clouding her vision, and the feel of the thing against her...

She wasn't exactly sure what it all meant, but there was no mistaking the terror and loathing it left within her. After the things she had already remembered, a stupid nightmare was the last thing she needed to be bothered with.

When she tried to move, she found herself covered by an arm. Looking over revealed an inhuman face, the same one from her dream, very close to her own. It was like an electric shock pulsing through her body, and a cascade of images flowed through her mind.

The more prominent ones, so bold, so mentally loud they dulled everything else, involved the thing beside her and brutal, physical violation. The other thoughts that could not be completely drowned out were of a hundred other humiliations at the hands of Maxim going back further...

The torture, how the pain had nearly driven her mad, her cries of agony, begging for mercy or death, and her vows of vengeance... Much worse than the blaring recollections of rape she had suffered was the knowledge of the intellectual, mental assault and destruction she had undergone. A toy, conditioned to serve, to be faithful, to never question her master.

Ripping herself free of the beast's hold, Nabiki sat up, put her hands to her head and tried to scream. Her voice would not come as anything more than a faint shriek though, more of a squeak.

It was a flood; a dam had abruptly broken open and let loose all this information on her at once. The family she had forgotten, had been ripped away from her, her true past and childhood mixing obscenely with what Maxim had tried to force into her mind.

The truth of the past two months was more than she wanted to believe. The fake memories of the rape clashing with her final moments with Kuno, and then it was all crushed beneath the pain and terror of the torture reverberating throughout her body.

Nabiki lay paralyzed on the floor of the cave until her memories could sort themselves into something other than a confused jumble. She couldn't even get her wits about her long enough to stand.


Kuno woke up in the morning, disappointed to find that Nabiki was no longer at his side. He sat up, stretching and yawning before seeing her body on the other side of the cave.

Instantly he was at her side, checking for injuries. There didn't appear to be any marks on her, but he knew well enough that that didn't always mean there was nothing wrong.

Nabiki turned to look at him. She stared at him blankly for a moment, her mind catching up with the situation finally. Her arms flew out and wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Kuno-chan," she said with her face buried against his shoulder.

It took Kuno some time to realize that she had actually called him by name, and acted, for the first time in longer than he wanted to think about, like herself.

"I want to go home," she said, voice muffled by his fur. "Now. I don't want to be here anymore." She had been so weak before, crying at the drop of a hat. It was time to stop all that; it was time to go back to what she was used to.

"Please take me home," she said, trying not to sound like she was begging. In an effort to hold back her tears, she didn't think anything out of place at the way her breathing had grown heavy, labored.

Not until the pain started. The pain was all she needed to know what was going on. "Get some help."

Kuno made a questioning sound and pulled back to look at her.

"Get help. It's started. I don't know what to do, and..." Nabiki closed her eyes. All she could think of was that woman being ripped apart from the inside.

Updated 4-2-99