{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

That was when Nabiki finally realized what she was feeling: a sudden and very powerful fear. Fear of what she had no idea. But it was so strong... If someone had unexpectedly spoken to or touched her, she was positive she would have screamed like there was no tomorrow.

Though the fact that she knew what was going on made it easier to control herself. She closed her eyes and laid back in the bed, trying not to think of the nausea twisting in her gut.

Horrible visions wormed their way into her imagination. Scenes of twisted figures, people without flesh chasing her, the smell of their rotting bodies an almost tangible thing.


A rock or something similar hidden in the snow grabbed his foot and sent him crashing to the ground. A hand on his arm hauled him back to his feet.

Not even sparing a moment for thanks, Kuno began running again, his bait left scattered on the ground. It slowed the ones in front, but it drove the ones following into a greater frenzy.

His eyes watched the trail of blood in the snow, his only indication of where he was heading. Tomas was running slightly ahead of him, tossing bloody chunks of flesh behind him every 100 meters or so.

They had managed to make it this far in the blowing snow and were gradually making their way down the twisting path to the castle.

Breathing heavily, Kuno was just waiting for Tomas to give the signal that they should switch off with another pair of targets for a while.

The plan had worked frighteningly well. The once-human beasts had chased them with terrifying ferocity; Kuno had almost been overwhelmed by their speed as they moved far faster than they appeared capable of.

The entire time, he had continued to tell himself, "Just one more mile," in the hope that he wouldn't collapse on the spot. The shrill whistle from Tomas was music to his ears then.

Tomas dropped all the bait he was carrying, leaving his chest stained crimson, then scampered up some rocks and hid in a narrow alcove.

Kuno say Tomas' fleeting figure, near invisible in the snow, move over to the rocks and clamber up them. He was a bit slower to follow, unsure of his footing on the icy mountain. There was panic in him, sure that they would follow, that he was too slow, that they would catch him.

"Hurry." Tomas grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shelter of the alcove. "Quiet. Visible food is preferred to that which must be hunted. The others will lead them for a while now."

Tomas leaned against the rough, rock wall and allowed himself to relax. He hadn't really been counting on just how frightening, how exhausting leading the horde down the trail would be.

"We can't wait here," he said, pushing away from the wall. "We have to be ready for when they reach the castle." Tomas clenched his hand into a fist. "We will directly follow the horde inside."

That would be the most dangerous point. They would have to balance infiltrating the castle, defending themselves against vampires and not getting eaten by the horde. It was far too early to even consider the prospect of fighting Maxim.


Nabiki ate the broth that Irina offered her, but didn't feel she needed it. Whatever had caused those intense feelings had passed, and so had the symptoms of her illness.

"Eat it, to help you rest," urged Irina.

Again, Nabiki got the impression there was something going on behind her back. For once, there seemed to be more eagerness in the servant's voice than genuine concern.

She ate slowly, the broth carrying a distinctly bitter taste, and sipped her water often. She wished she was allowed some of the wine that was offered only in Maxim's chambers.

This was one time she didn't want the offered healing and the void that often followed. The fear had felt genuine, real, as compared to falling into a period of numb sleep. "Please, I don't want anymore. I feel better; I don't want to sleep any longer," she pleaded.

"But... but, Mistress, it's for your own good!" Irina looked truly shocked. "Trust me. Finish it; it will not make you sleep. It will heal you. Konstantin has..."

Nabiki flung the bowl away, spilling the broth all over. "No! I'm not eating it if he's done something to it!"

Irina recoiled, staring in horror at Nabiki. She didn't say anything, her instincts being to fall to the floor and grovel, as she had done often enough with Maxim.

"I don't care why, but I'm not going to eat anything he's had his hands in. Nothing! I don't trust him, I don't trust Maxim, and I don't trust you!" Nabiki yelled, a snarl on her face.

"But Mistress, you must trust someone."

"Myself. Only myself. I'm the only person I can count on because I'm not a lying murderer. Or one of their servants."

The look in Irina's eyes had turned sad, regretful. "I'm sorry you feel that way. There are some thing that are beyond our control. For me, I was 16, and it was this or death. I wasn't ready to face that, wasn't prepared to make that choice. It was infinitely safer to be allied with my enemy than to stand against him." Irina's voice was calm and rational the entire time, hiding the fear and doubt she was really feeling.

Nabiki looked away, her snarl having settled into a frown. "You don't understand."

"But I do. More than you even. I know his methods, his techniques. I know the answers to many of your questions because I've seen it happen too many times before." Irina sighed and gently lifted Nabiki's hand.

"If I were your enemy, then I would not be here. I know I am not your friend, but I am here to take care of you. Maxim entrusts me to do what is best for you, and that may be a mistake on his part."

Nabiki's head turned and she looked with surprise at Irina. "What?"

"I do not think that staying in this castle, staying with Maxim is best for you. I think it is hurting you in ways you can not imagine. I know it is. And things will never get better." The servant's voice held the qualities of a prophet predicting doom. "Your unborn children... Maxim will only..."

"What will he do? he said he wouldn't... That I could keep them. He can't..." The look in Irina's eyes made all of Nabiki's protests die on her lips.

"He will not kill them. Death would be a mercy. They will become soldiers, and if they prove to be too... untrainable, then they will be slaves.

"You will not see them. They will be lost to you, and you will remain here until Maxim grows tired of you." Irina slumped on the bed, Nabiki's hand falling away from her own.

"There are other things that I can't tell you. Things about yourself that would answer many of the questions you have. But I am a coward and fear for my life." She hung her head, finally finished.

"You know and you won't tell me? You won't tell me? You just feed me whatever it is Konstantin tells you, dress me up so Maxim will be happy, and then I'm tossed to the side?" Nabiki's voice was steadily growing in pitch and volume. "No! I'm not going to let you! I'm not just going to..." Her body shuddered then and an inexplicable wave of drowsiness overcame her.

"You have no choice. Nothing you say will change the course of events. I have helped Konstantin only because he has no interest in you and would allow you to leave. And if he survives, let you leave with your m..."

Nabiki finally slipped into unconsciousness.

[27 DAYS]

They skirted the swamp, the waters reaching almost the base of the rock, and headed for the castle. It was a delicate task. If they drew too close to the horde, their path could change, and that would be a terrible defeat.

But they had to follow, be prepared to make their attack. Organized chaos was their only other ally.

"I'm surprised the alarm hasn't gone off yet. They must have gotten lazy in their watch of the mountain," Tomas whispered.

Kuno shrugged, keeping his eyes trained ahead. The castle wasn't visible yet, but he knew it soon would be.

"You know the plan when we get inside," Tomas said, going over the plan for about the twentieth time. "You go for her first. Maxim will use her against you otherwise. Kill any vampire you encounter along the way. They'll be confused by your temporary condition and won't attack. You must take advantage of this.

"Watch out for Konstantin. He has tricks we can't even predict. And Maxim..."

"Enough. If I find them, when I find them, I will kill them," Kuno answered.

"Burn them. Fire... Turn their bodies to ashes."

"Burn them..."


Being posted to guard a door that was accessible by only a path through the highest peaks of the mountain and a swamp that only a few lucky souls had ever passed through was not exactly exciting work.

Never did any sort of messages or visitors come to said door. There was only maddening silence that seemed to stretch through the entire wing of the castle.

Until a point early in the morning, just after the clouds had gathered to keep the day in darkness.

There were three muffled *whumps* on the door that startled Oleg from his nap. Staring at the door, he was completely dumbfounded. Someone... at the door?

He stood and unbarred it, not sure what to think. He couldn't imagine anyone who would be visiting by this door since it only led to the swamp and the mountains, and up there lived...

Oleg was caught completely by surprise and left rooted to the spot when he opened the door and saw a teeming horde of... things waiting there. He got out half a strangled shout before they surged forward at the presence of "live" prey.

"That went better than I thought it would," Tomas said as he watched the mass push forward and force their way inside. It hadn't even been necessary to use their primitive homemade bombs that they had fixed to their door.

As he watched what was going on down below, he had his hand on Kuno's chest, restraining him. "Wait until they're gone," he said, counting carefully, timing events.

The others, numbering about thirty, waited most impatiently for him to give the signal. They watched the last of the horde disappear inside the castle and continued to wait.

"How long..." Kuno started to ask.

Tomas was staring intently at the open door. "You'll know. You'll hear it."

Kuno looked at him, then at the door. There, just like, Tomas had said; he heard it. It was an alarm, but also the sound of shouts, screams, and destruction all coming from the mountain stronghold.

"Now! Hurry!" Tomas shouted, already running to the door.

Immediately, they were all heading for the door, only one thing on their minds. The exact why of what they were doing never occurred to them, only that it was something they had to do.

Tomas ran through the doorway and beyond. The stench was terrible, though there was no visible gore.

The others were behind him as they ran down a corridor and paused at an intersection. "Be careful. Kill as many as you can, but don't get trapped."

The warnings were unnecessary; everyone was ready to go. "Keep away from the noise. Keep in large groups, no less than five. Don't be caught looking the other direction." He met each of their gazes, getting small nods as he did.

The group split apart and all moved through the castle.

"Can you find her?" Tomas asked Kuno. They were the only ones left standing in the hallway.

"I can. You go worry about..."

Tomas shook his head. "Our reasons may be different, but our goal is the same."

With a simple nod, Kuno began following the faint scent he had picked up almost the moment he had entered the castle. It was quickly obvious that Tomas had known what he was talking about: the place really was a maze. It was one hallway after another, doorways here and there seemingly at random, and it didn't seem like they were any closer to the goal than when they had started.

"This is odd," Tomas whispered at one point when the only light was an oddly flickering torch. "She shouldn't be down here, not this deep in." This was there the dungeons and the vaults were, not the storehouse for the master's favorite toys.

"It matters not."

"It will if this is a trap. You had better care then."

Tension between the two was high and this was not the proper time or place to be getting into petty arguments. For Tomas though, it was a stress reliever; releasing that little bit of annoyance kept him from simply exploding.

Kuno, for his part, didn't seem to care one way or the other. He was singularly focused, motivated. If it was a trap, then he would fight through it. It really didn't matter to him.

Continuing their hunt in silence, they continued through the halls until they stopped at a rather unassuming looking door.

"Shall we..." Kuno started to ask.

"You go first. Act like you belong here," Tomas said. "We can take them by surprise."

Kuno nodded and began to open the door. Silently it glided open and revealed a brightly lit room beyond.

It wasn't possible for Tomas to disguise his shock or dismay. While the rest of the castle was a nest of sleeping vipers, this place was a pit of scorpions. "This is trouble," he whispered, hoping he wouldn't draw attention to himself. "There's only one reason she'd be down here."

"And what reason is that?" Kuno calmly observed the activity before him. Many people, he assumed they were vampires, rushed about the room.

The room itself was large, furnished with many large benches and work tables. One wall had a large set of shelves, and each shelf has an assortment of bottles and flasks. They all glowed with their own luminescence, eerily illuminating the area.

"We've located Konstantin's workshop." Tomas shrugged. "Our bad luck."

"I thought you said this would be located in the tower," hissed Kuno, his eyes wider than they had been.

"Sometimes. And sometimes that's where their experimenting areas are. I just depends."

"Thank you for telling me this now." Still, he couldn't stop staring. If he had to fight... all of them, and...

"Konstantin," Tomas breathed, his entire body going rigid.

Kuno sucked in a breath, and before Tomas could stop him, charged into the room, yelling at nearly the top of his lungs. "Fiend!"

Everything just seemed to stop as every head in the room turned to stare at Kuno. Konstantin blinked. "You!? What are you..."

"Release her, monster!" Kuno would not hear this creature's lies; he refused to let himself be tricked by them.

"But you were supposed to..." The rest of Konstantin's sentence was a bloody gurgle as Kuno, taking advantage of the vampire's inaction, thrust his his fist and most of his arm straight through Konstantin's chest.

Kuno yanked his arm free and severed the vampire's head with a quick, powerful swing of his claws.

The head went flying across the room and landed at the feet of one stunned lesser vampire. "Kill... Maxim..." it gurgled even with its shredded vocal chords.

The body crumpled to the floor, the hands twitching spasmodically even as Kuno set it afire with a small burner on a table.

Still the room was frozen, most of the vampires there too confused by what had just happened, and some by Konstantin's final words. Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, they all were in motion, most of them running for the door.

Tomas stepped aside as all of the workers ran by, not even glancing in his direction. When none other passed him and he looked into the room, there was only Kuno standing over the burning body.

"Good job," Tomas said hollowly, not exactly sure if things had gone well or not.

Hypnotized by the dancing flames, Kuno stood there, only watching. He didn't speak or move until Tomas put his hand on his shoulder. Starting and looking at his companion, Kuno shook his head.

"This isn't over yet," Tomas spoke grimly.

"It has not even begun."

It was another minute before Kuno looked away from the fire, sudden, and alarming to Tomas, clarity in his eyes. There were several passages from the room that led deeper into the mountain, and Kuno headed down one seemingly at random.

Sighing and shaking his head, Tomas followed closely behind.

One door they passed, and another, and Tomas had to wonder if Kuno really knew where he was going. When they came to a third door and stopped, some of his trust was restored. "Is she here?"

Kuno nodded and abruptly kicked the door open, ripping the deadbolt from the wood.

Even Tomas was caught by surprise and spent a moment recovering, in which time Kuno darted into the room.

When he did enter, he was confronted by a yelling, nearly hysterical woman, commanding them to both leave or she would call the master. "Your master is occupied elsewhere, servant," Tomas growled, his eyes glowing.

"I won't let your hurt her! You won't take her!" The woman's eyes moved between Kuno and Tomas, not trusting either one. If she lost her life, it would be while she was doing something she thought was right.

"And what are you so protective of? Eh?" Tomas asked, pushing the woman aside. She wasn't very strong, but she was definitely stubborn. "Ah, so we've finally hit the jackpot." He turned to Kuno. "Grab her and let's go. Once we're outside safely, we can finish off Maxim."

"No! You... you... animals! I won't let you take her! I know what you beasts do and..."

"Just like your master, eh?" Tomas said critically, eyeing the woman coldly.

She looked away for a moment, ashamed because it was the truth, and that she could not deny.

In that brief time, Tomas grabbed her wrists and pushed her back against the wall, effectively restraining her. "You just stay out of the way and you won't get hurt." He glanced over at Kuno. "Hurry up! We need to move fast!"

Kuno approached the cot Nabiki was asleep on and kneeled by it. He reached out to touch her cheek.

"Don't you touch her!"

Tomas chuckled. "She's a feisty one."

"What's going on?" Nabiki asked sleepily, awakened by the noise.

"Mistress, you must escape from these men! They will..."

Tomas put his hand over her mouth. "Keep quiet, you."

"Nabiki, we are here to rescue you. Please come with us," Kuno said quietly, withdrawing his hand. "We will not harm you."

Nabiki turned away from Irina and Tomas to look at Kuno. It was guarded, but there was joy in her eyes. "You're really here this time?" she asked, reaching out to touch his cheek. "You won't leave this time?"

"Not without you. Come with us."

Irina watched in horror as Nabiki embraced the stranger. If Maxim saw this... "Mistress, you mustn't! The master will..." she said as she freed herself from Tomas' gag.

"Your master," Tomas growled, "will soon be a pile of ash. I suggest you leave this castle as soon as possible so that you are not destroyed with him."

Nabiki looked at Irina somewhat sadly. "I can't stay here. Wherever I end up going, I just can't stay here any longer."

"You don't realize..."

"She realizes fine who is really looking out for her," Tomas growled, pushing Irina away to the side, making her fall to the floor. "And we're getting her out of here and taking care of Maxim once and for all."

Irina watched as the three exited the room, Nabiki giving her one final, sad wave.

"Where are we going?" Nabiki asked as they hurried through the halls.

"First, we're going to get you out of this castle. Then we're going to destroy Maxim," Tomas answered.


"Hush now. Stealth is still a necessity," Kuno warned gently. He was heading toward the closest scent of fresh air, assuming it would be the way they had come in.

"But I don't think..."

"He said quiet," Tomas snapped at Nabiki. "So be quiet."

Nabiki immediately complied, not sure about the sanity of such a strange looking man.

"There is no need to be so harsh; she is merely confused."

"If she doesn't stay quiet, we'll all be dead!"


Tomas suddenly jerked on Kuno's arm and pulled him back. They pressed flat against the wall as a small group of Maxim's men marched past in an intersecting corridor.

The three held still until they couldn't hear the guards any longer, then started moving again. This time, no one spoke.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Tomas whispered, finding that the area of the castle they were in didn't look familiar at all.

"Not particularly." Kuno was about at the end of his rope. "Next time, if you are so sure of our location, then perhaps you should lead," he snarled back.

"Ease up. I don't want to end up in the middle of things is all. I don't know where we are either." Tomas looked around at the featureless stone walls and sighed. "I think we're going up though."

"How do you know where we're going?" Nabiki asked, even more confused by the hallways that all looked the same.

"We just do," Tomas answered quickly, fully aware that he could not reveal themselves until Maxim was dead.

Nabiki fell silent, looking vaguely troubled.

Moving again, they traveled the halls almost blindly. Yes, the scent they were following was getting stronger, but it was obvious to the two leading that they were getting into the upper levels of the castle.

"This isn't good," Tomas muttered as they passed a pile of blackened corpses.

Kuno was doing his best to ignore the scattered carnage. They were definitely heading in the wrong direction, but he didn't have a clue what the right direction was. "If you have any suggestions..."

"Just keep going. We're already lost so we might as well keep moving. We might make it out without any trouble," Tomas answered, getting nervous about the situation.

Nodding, Kuno began walking more slowly than before. He heard evidence of people close by several times, even smelled some of those things, but none ever entered sight, which was totally fine with him.

The hallways were getting wider, obviously as they entered the more... public areas of the castle. Their situation wasn't getting any better though. The chances of running into someone unpleasant before they were ready were going up.

"This is bad. This is very bad. We're getting closer to... Don't go in there!" Tomas yelled.

Kuno threw open the large doors, not heeding Tomas' warning in time. The group was brought up short as they stood in the entrance of the great hall.

"We can't just stand here in the open. Hurry!" Tomas started running through the hall toward the doors on the opposite end. If they could just get through without trouble, the main doors would be somewhere outside, not too far...

Kuno quickly followed, pulling Nabiki along behind him. He couldn't because Nabiki couldn't keep up, but every instinct was screaming at him to do so anyway.

He couldn't stand it. "Come, I will carry you," he said and moved to lift Nabiki into his arms.

"Hurry, you fool!" Tomas' hand was on the door, ready to open it so they could escape.

What felt like a shockwave struck them all, throwing Kuno and Nabiki to the ground, and slamming Tomas against the solid doors. "Yes, you are a fool. I don't believe you were stupid enough to return here after I warned you of the consequences."

Shimmering into existence in the middle of the room, Maxim appeared. "I'd accuse you of stealing my property, but I know she went with you willingly." His eyes shone with golden fury.

"So instead of just taking her back, I'll have to... How can I put this? Recondition her, to remove your influence." Maxim grinned at the two on the floor, ignoring Tomas completely. "And Konstantin... You did a favor," he continued, "getting rid of him. Whatever he had been attempting, I no longer need to worry about him."

Kuno got to his feet, winded by the unexpected attack. It hadn't really hurt; it had surprised him more than anything.

"And when I'm done turning you into a pile of hash, I'm going to do the same to the rest of your pathetic group. Attempting to infiltrate my castle..."

"It looks as if we have already done so," Kuno replied.

"Maybe, but you will not live long enough to leave. I still can't believe the nerve you have coming back here after I spared your life once." Maxim approached Kuno, gliding forward.

"Yes, it was a mistake on your part. If you had done so, I would not be here to destroy you." Kuno stood his ground, hoping the room would very quickly stop rocking back and forth so he could effectively fight Maxim.

"True, but the time it afforded me with this rather... enticing specimen was well worth it." Maxim's eyes narrowed and he grinned maliciously. "You should know..."

Kuno's only response was a growl and the clenching of his fist.

Maxim stopped five feet away, still grinning. "She was so excited that first night. It's a shame she finally stopped actively participating. Each and every night."

This was guaranteed fun. "Though I admit, I'm getting tired of her like that. I think once I've disposed of you, I'll get rid of those two little beasts as well."

Kuno's stomach dropped, but he only felt it for a second as his rage reasserted itself.

Maxim laughed lightly. "If she only knew they were yours..." His eyes grew wide in mock surprise and he covered his mouth with one hand. "Did I say that?" he asked innocently. "That was supposed to be your secret, wasn't it?"

Sparing a look at Nabiki, Kuno was horrified by the look on her face. "A falsehood. He speaks lies to confuse you," he pleaded, no look between her and Maxim.

"Do I now? Then why don't you show her, soothe her fears. We'll all feel better if you do. Prove that you're not the one she dreads. Show us what you truly are."

"What's he talking about? It was a monster, not a person. Big and black, red eyes. It did this. What is he saying?" Nabiki asked, starting to panic. She screamed out suddenly, "Who are you!?"

"I told you," Maxim answered for Kuno, "he's the father of the two little animals inside you. I suppose he's taken a liking to you and that's why he's here."

"Tricks. Magic. He has used them on you to..."

Nabiki was backing slowly away, not able to process everything she had heard. "I don't know who you are, but... but... I won't let you touch me again."

"But I..." Kuno reached out to touch her, but she smacked his hand away. He looked at her, stunned, with the hurt very plain on his face.

For an instant, Nabiki's distrust weakened and she almost reached out to take back what she had done. It was entirely possible that Maxim had lied; she should have known better.

Then Kuno turned to face Maxim and he was growling, and for a moment she had seen his eyes. They had been red and she knew Maxim had not been lying. Irrational fear gripped her, more than she had ever felt, even in the forest.

"Look what you've done, frightening her like that," Maxim tsked. "I don't think she'll ever be quite the same after this."

"Because of you!" Kuno yelled back, losing control. He shuddered, trying to hold himself back, then gave in and changed, possessed by rage.

Maxim eyed Kuno, then the shell-shocked Nabiki. Using a minor expenditure of his power, he released the controls put on her lowest conscious level of ability to change; he woke up the animal that had been sleeping. He wasn't sure what exactly would happen, but it would definitely be interesting.

Shivering, violent memories assaulting her, Nabiki slumped against the wall and put her arms around herself. The monster was there, fighting for her, to take her away and... and...

Her mind snapped finally. Conscious thought left her, and the only left...

Kuno was eyeing Maxim, not sure of the best way to approach the powerful vampire. It was true, he could feel whatever that woman had done to him rushing through him, singing like bloodlust. But this was more refined, less animalistic. It was like hate, sweet and comfortable.

The scream that quickly changed to a howl startled him, and made him turn around.

No conscious thought. Only instincts and emotions. Fear, anger and shock at everything. It was like waking up from a long winter's sleep only to find the snow had grown deeper.

She could only act on what she felt, not rationalize it. She feared the one in front of her even though she knew he was important. But it was impossible to deny the fact that she felt threatened while he was in her presence.

Her first instinct was to run, especially when he looked at her, but when she did run to the nearest door and tried to escape, she couldn't get it open. Whining, not wanting a confrontation, she moved with her back to the wall, so she could keep _him_ in her sight at all times.

They had trapped her there for some reason, but she would resist, she would fight them. They would not harm her, would not touch her. She would kill herself before she allowed them to take her children.

That was the only solid thought that made it through her animal mind. Not instinct, but thought. She would not let them use her or her children.

Maxim backed away, seeing that the sparks were about to fly. This was something he didn't want to get in the middle of, to give the two of them a mutual focus of dislike.

Kuno watched Nabiki walk back and forth, looking very much like an animal trapped in a cage. Her eyes were constantly locked with his and he knew how bad the situation was. There was only animal intelligence in them, no personality. Whatever had happened, Nabiki hadn't been able to make the shift.

That changed things for the better and worse. If he did have to fight, the animal would be much harder to beat than Nabiki. That was worse. But he might be able to appeal to her instincts, and maybe she'd recognize him without the lies forced upon her mind.

Taking a chance and dismissing Maxim, Kuno lowered himself to the ground, tail drooping in a show of submission, and inched forward. He had to not appear as a a threat and get close enough for her to realize it was only him and he wouldn't hurt her.

Nabiki held absolutely still as he approached, not sure what she should do. He was in a submissive posture, but that didn't alleviate the fear. All she wanted was to be away from there, but they weren't letting her leave.

Taking small steps, Kuno got closer still. He wanted to believe it was working, but the look in her eyes told him she wasn't convinced. If she attacked...

"Watch yourself," Maxim said from behind. "I hear they can be quite dangerous when cornered," he laughed.

Kuno tried to ignore him, tried not to let himself believe that he was right. He couldn't let himself be distracted, knowing that even flinching at the wrong moment could provoke her to attack.

The hair along his back bristled as Tomas' voice startled him.

"Don't try it. Just back away from her." His vision had stopped blurring in and out, but his temples were still throbbing. Whatever Maxim had done had tossed him head first into the door and smashed him flat.

Kuno shook his head slowly, determined to make her understand that he was trying to help.

"You don't understand," Tomas said, trying to watch both Kuno and Maxim at the same time. The way Maxim looked at him with those golden eyes, glittering with amusement was unnerving. "You probably don't know, never heard..."

Kuno was getting very annoyed. Talking like that was probably the quickest way to spook Nabiki, and that would...

"It's a poison, generated during pregnancy as a defense. It's deadly to humans, crippling to us. If she bites you..." Tomas narrowed his eyes at Maxim, not liking the look of joviality on his face at all.

"You're telling him this now? Excellent timing," Maxim said and clapped quietly. "If I can actually keep her from tearing the two of you apart, I think I might have two new additions to the dungeons. We'll have a little welcome home party for you."

Tomas trembled with rage. "I will never be your prisoner again! I will die before that."

"Oh, but your mother would have wanted..."

"Don't talk about her! It's because of you that we were separated!"

This, of course, did nothing to improve the situation between Kuno and Nabiki, who were locked in a staring contest.

"I saved her life and gave her a second chance at a normal life. She didn't need puppies jumping on her everyday," Maxim sneered. "She seemed rather relieved when we took your pathetic little deformed body away. In fact, I think she's living out in the regular world, wondering whatever became of her poor mutant son."

Tomas lowered his head, his eyes still meeting Maxim's, and growled. Deep and guttural, the sound seemed to echo throughout the entire room.

Nabiki's ears perked up at the sound, and for a moment, she turned her attention to Tomas. He was a stranger to her, and unknown factor. He was with the other one, but hadn't done anything, and she wasn't sure what to make of him. He wasn't presenting a threat... yet.

"I wouldn't try it," Maxim warned. "You can't defeat me and you know it. I'll only kill you that much more slowly when the time comes." The look in his eyes proved that he meant it.

Tomas did not back down. He was well aware of the fact that he would probably lose to Maxim in a fight, but there were just some things he had to do, some things he had to defend.

"You may not care whether you live or die, but what about the rest of your pathetic 'pack'? What about their lives?" Maxim continued, squeezing as much fun out of things has possible.

"They know the risks and they chose to take him. To die in the attempt to kill you is no shame, foul creature," Tomas hissed, willing the ache in his shoulder and arm to go away.

"How noble. And stupid." Maxim shook his head. "I pity you really. You have no idea just what you're up against, do you?"

"Yes. A murderer, a thief, a fraud..." Tomas wiped the back of his hand across his nose, smearing the trickle of blood there.

"Very cute. Now just give up quietly so I won't have to rip off your arm or anything."

For some reason, that startled Kuno. He hadn't really been considering that Maxim would use torture like that. He had just assumed death was the only possibility... But torture...

Then, had Maxim... Kuno looked back at Nabiki, still staring at him intently and poised for action.

What was he thinking? M Of course Maxim had tortured her. Whether it was something as simple as the beating he had received or worse, it was obvious that causing pain was a tool of the vampire.

Kuno lowered his head and shook it, not wanting to believe the things that had happened to them. He whimpered, just once and barely audibly, but it was enough.

He had showed a sign of weakness; it was her opportunity. A quick strike would take care of him. Nabiki lunged, jaws gaping wide, trying to sink her teeth into Kuno's neck.

Instead of lifting his head to meet her attack, Kuno lowered his further, taking away the front of his neck as a vulnerable area. He then dropped to the ground and rolled away clumsily. Poison... her bite was poison and if something happened top him, what would happen to her?

Self-preservation was Kuno's top priority, but only to save Nabiki. In a small and petty way, he was getting annoyed at that.

His body shuddered and he knew what was happening. That inhuman vampire rage was taking over. It was the only way; he would be killed otherwise, unable to injure Nabiki, even to save her.

Kuno stood quickly, his head snapping up to stare at Nabiki. Eyes glowing with golden fire, he began to growl in warning. If she did not cease her behavior, he was going to have to get nastier than he wanted to.

Nabiki backed away slowly, her head lowered. He was showing himself to be the superior and that dictated how she should behave toward him.

Yet, this was one she had strong negative feelings for, strong enough to make her want to fight those instincts. Nabiki whined in frustration, not sure what she should do.

"You've tamed her?" Maxim said from where he had been watching the display. "I'm surprised, and a little dismayed. That wasn't nearly as entertaining as I hoped it would be."

His mood shifted when he he turned his attention to Nabiki. "Don't you know what you're doing, you stupid girl? Attack him! Kill him!"

Looking between Maxim and Kuno, Nabiki whined and backed away. She was so confused, not sure whether to attack, to back down or be grateful for her rescue. The whole thing was getting to be too much for her.

"Kill him!" Maxim yelled again.

"Leave her alone!" Tomas shouted, not moving from his spot by the door. He had to wait until Kuno made a move; attacking alone would only get himself killed.

Back finally against the wall, Nabiki had no other place to go and cowered there. Her hatred could not overcome her instincts of submission, no matter how much she wished it to.

It was Maxim's turn to growl. "You stupid, little bitch. I'll deal with you later for being so worthless," he snarled and flicked his hand in Nabiki's direction.

With a brief yip of pain, she crumpled to the floor.

Howling savagely, that one act had pushed Kuno over the edge. Eyes still blazing, he launched himself at Maxim with no regard at all for his own life. It was as if there was something inside him that knew what no one else did.

Laughing, Maxim swatted Kuno aside. "When will you realize? You're nothing! You don't stand a chance. Even if I allowed you to attack me for an entire day, you would not win. In the end, you will lose and I will destroy you."

Kuno got to his feet slowly, a little winded, but not much more. He wasn't sure why since that hit should have dazed him, maybe even knocked him unconscious.

"There's no one left to bargain for your life. No more mercy. She won't save you this time. Enjoy these last few moments, you pesky little rat!" Maxim raged.

"His head!" Tomas yelled. "Remove his head and he'll be helpless for us to destroy!"

Maxim shook his head, laughing. "As if you could really manage that. No, that won't be happening, and you'll both be lucky if the most merciful thing I do is remove your heads!"

Maxim made a sound somewhere between a roar and a growl, sounding like the largest tiger the planet had ever known.

There was no mistaking that the teasing and threats were over. Every attack would be in an attempt to kill, not injure. Kuno shifted lightly on his feet, feeling a twinge of pain in his hip.

If removing Maxim's head was what was necessary, then that was what he would do. That thought combined with a glance back at Nabiki's still form pushed him one level higher.

His body trembled, a fire burning in the pit of his stomach. This was what Tomas had meant; this was the thing that would help him defeat Maxim.

Tomas watched in amazement. It was all true, all that he had learned, what he had assumed was a lie, but hoped was true... Just as he had told Kuno that the ability to change was more powerful than one form or the other, being all three at once was the most powerful of any. A shame it was only temporary.

Maxim narrowed his eyes. This was something he hadn't been expecting, this show of power. The boy, even with his mate unconscious and his manhood insulted, was looking defiant and angry. He didn't look at all like he was ready to die, as Maxim thought he should have.

"I don't know what you've done to yourself, but I can tell you it won't help. You can't beat me and you'll never save her."

Kuno wasn't listening to the words being spoken, only the sound of Maxim's voice. In the vampire lord's voice, he could hear less bravado and more fear. Who was the fool then?

With Tomas helping, defeating Maxim was only a matter of doing the deed. Speaking to Tomas in the way that Maxim did not understand, he gave him instructions on what to do.

Tomas nodded and moved slowly to get behind Maxim.

"Yes, I'll deal with him later/ I've tired of you now, though, and all your little games." His toys had grown tiresome and it was time to dispose of them.

Tomas continued moving around until he was out of Maxim's vision, and finally into position directly behind him about ten feet. Once ready, Kuno would act, and he had to be prepared to do his part.

Kuno held Maxim's angry gaze, matching it with his own. The power radiating from the vampire was almost tangible, visible, like flags snapping in a stiff wind. He knew he could survive the attack though; as long as Tomas could do the same, the fight was as good as won.

Seeing Tomas in place and ready to go, Kuno moved forward slowly. Keeping all of Maxim's attention, he bared his teeth and brought his claws up. The fear had been there ion Maxim's voice, no doubt about it. He could take advantage of that.

"If you think that will accomplish anything, you're mistaken." Raising his hands, Maxim prepared to release a blast of energy.

Not giving him a moment more, Kuno charged, making as much noise as possible with his posturing. As long as Maxim had all his attention focused forward...

The light from Maxim's hands was almost blinding and hit him in the chest like a car moving at 60 KpH. Kuno flew backwards, bouncing off the floor, but didn't reach the wall, saving some of the pain.

With blurry vision, Kuno watched Maxim start to walk forward with a terrible grin on his face. Shaking his head in an effort to make the swirling colors go away, Kuno couldn't quite make himself stand up yet.

Maxim turned to late when he heard the sound behind him to avoid having Tomas pin his arms at his sides, as he leapt on his back.

As soon as Tomas latched on to Maxim, the feeling of fire raced up his arms. The pain almost made him let go, but he managed to keep his hold, giving Kuno a precious few moments.

Maxim attempted to reach up to grab Tomas, but his grip would not allow him to do so. The vampire's hands were quite effectively held down.

Bellowing with fury, Maxim's entire body started to glow, humming with what might have been raw electricity.

The pain was excruciating for Tomas, and his arms began to quiver with the effort of not letting go. Howling in pain, he felt his grip to start to loosen.

Kuno stood, short of breath and pains shooting up and down his back. In front of him, Maxim was struggling with Tomas, and both of them were covered by a white glow. The pain Tomas was experiencing was obvious from the look on his face, and Kuno knew it was his chance.

Running on unsteady legs toward Maxim, his anger fueling him, making his muscles thrum with the desire of action, Kuno practically dove forward.

His claws closed on Maxim's neck, going through it like it was a brick of Spam. With a squelching noise, Maxim's head popped off, shooting into the air.

The pain Tomas had been feeling disappeared abruptly, and the sudden feedback of power into Maxim's body knocked him and Kuno away.

There was a sound like gas igniting and Maxim's body shuddered before bursting into flames. The head hissed in pain and rage, the mouth open, showing fangs almost two inches long and a hideous forked tongue.

The entire hall was illuminated as the flames burned red, then green, and finally blue before they faded. In the place where the body had been was only a black stain on the floor, and while Kuno watched, the head deteriorated into nothing.

It was finally over. Maxim was dead, along with Konstantin, and he was free. Now...

Kuno ignored the stain and the ash and Tomas as he hurried over to Nabiki. She seemed fine, still breathing, no real injuries, but she was still unconscious.

"Good. Finally."

Tomas' voice frightened Kuno, and he shot back an annoyed look.

"Just carry her. We've done it; we have no reason to stay, and neither does she. I'm sure you probably want to go home."

Lifting Nabiki gently, Kuno and Tomas went to the main doors to leave the castle behind.

Updated 3-5-99