{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}
And she was very aware that Maxim knew about her trips. There simply wasn't any way he could remain blind to the things she was doing. She knew that now, and it made her very conscious of her behavior.
Even though Maxim had warned her about leaving the protective enclosure of the walls, he did nothing to stop her from doing so. That was a small price she paid, knowing that she was openly defying him. And to feel Konstantin's presence hovering over her every time she left.
Oh yes, Maxim knew, and Nabiki had given up hope of ever having true privacy.
And she never went out at night. That's when it had happened to her...
Darkness. Complete darkness, and she had no idea where she was. How she had been so foolish as to let herself get lost at that time of night was insane.
She crashed through the underbrush, running blindly, not having any clue as to where she was going. If she had her wits about her, she would have realized how foolish it was to make so much noise and call attention to her presence.
By the time she had tired and stopped running, it was too late. The glowing red eyes appeared in the darkness before her. Any cries for help were caught in her throat as she felt her will drain away. Her legs were like two stone pillars attached to her body, unwilling to obey any of her commands to run.
The monster stalked toward, its huge animalistic body covered in coarse black and white fur, towering above her.
She remained silent and immobile even as it tore off her clothes with long, yellowing claws. The only thing she seemed capable of doing was crying as it threw her to the ground and smothered her under its immense weight.
'They are men, or used to be men, who have turned to the ways of wild animals. You are lucky you were not killed.'
Nabiki woke up from her dream feeling all... wrong. It wasn't fear or loathing or terror; it was just wrongness. It took her a moment to orient herself, to realize she was in her room in the castle, feeling detached as well.
The door abruptly opened then, and in strode Maxim. Nabiki got a glimpse of Konstantin standing outside, giving her a dark look before the door was slammed shut.
"You enjoy this, don't you?" Maxim asked, barely keeping his rage under control. "If I didn't know better, I'd say the things Konstantin tried didn't work and you've been fooling us the entire time."
Nabiki was frightened. This was Maxim's temper, the fire she had been warned about. But she had continued to test it, and now it was starting to burn her.
She huddled deeply into the covers of her bed, fear plain on her face. This was the rewritten Nabiki Tendo, and she had no trouble admitting that she was very frightened.
"What did you think you were doing!?" he roared.
"I... I'm sorry, Master. I didn't mean..."
"I forbade you to leave the castle for your own safety, but you are not even able to do that." He glared at Nabiki, who could only look at him with fearful eyes. "Maybe I should send you to Konstantin to break you of these unsafe habits."
"No, Master! I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Please don't make me!" Konstantin... Konstantin was mind-rape personified. Whatever the monster in the forest had done to her, it was not as bad as what Konstantin could do.
Towering over her at the side of the bed, Maxim frowned. "Why did you disobey me?" he asked softly.
"I... I only wanted to be outside, Master. It's so... dreary inside all the time," she answered fearfully.
Sighing, Maxim seemed to soften. "Next time you find it necessary, you need only ask. I will assign you an escort."
"Was it necessary to use so strong an influence on her?" Maxim asked Konstantin once they were in private.
"I'm afraid so. She seemed to be straying rather far and I thought boosting her fear would..."
"Konstantin, if you do not show more restraint next time, I will be most unhappy. Eventually, she will join me, and if you damage her mind with your torturer's techniques again..." Maxim left the threat unspoken.
Konstantin bowed deeply. "Of course."
"I wish to go out," Nabiki said tentatively. She wasn't sure how Maxim would react after what had happened before.
To her surprise, he laughed. "Such spirit you have. You don't frighten easily, do you?"
Nabiki shrugged, a little embarrassed and unsure of what she should say.
"I shall arrange for an escort. Then you may venture out in safety whenever you wish."
She bowed her head. "Thank you, Master."
"Miroslav, do not let her out of your sight."
The burly man bowed. "I understand."
"My lovely, this is Miroslav. He will be your escort whenever you wish to leave the castle walls." Maxim turned back to Miroslav. "At all times," he said sharply, then walked away.
Nabiki looked up at her protector and smiled tentatively. He was actually rather good-looking; somewhat tall, well-muscled, but not overly so, square-jawed, and clean-shaven with a head of brownish-red hair and a pair of sparkling green eyes. "Um..."
Miroslav regarded her dispassionately. His instructions had been very clear. He was not to reveal his nature or to mention hers. He was not to speak of much of anything actually so he kept quiet.
"Uh, can I go outside now?" Nabiki asked.
"If that's what you want to do."
Feeling a little shot down, Nabiki nodded. She was probably off-limits anyway, though she was not too thrilled with her duties any longer.
Miroslav looked down at her body for a moment. "Dressed like that? The weather is a bit cool today."
Blushing, Nabiki nodded, having totally forgotten the state of near undress she was in. "Right," she mumbled before heading back to her room to change.
Finally outside, the castle at her back, Nabiki felt happy. She definitely felt more secure with Maxim's permission and Miroslav only a few paces away.
She walked slowly, enjoying the outside air, the bare ground beneath her feet, and even the darkened sky overhead. She went to a moss-covered log and sat on it.
Miroslav stood two feet to Nabiki's right, looking at the forest around them. Keep an eye on the girl and don't let _anything_ get too close to her; those were his responsibilities. They were turning him into a damn watchdog!
He spared a quick glance at the girl. She was looking off to the left, and Miroslav couldn't help but think she was kind of cute. She belonged to Maxim though, and such thoughts were dangerous, even when they were innocent.
"Why do you want to be out here anyway?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Nabiki looked over at him, surprised that he actually bothered to speak. "I just like being outside instead of being in that castle all day. You don't like being outside?" This was something she missed and hadn't even realized it: someone to talk to.
He shrugged. "It stinks out here. And it is definitely unsafe."
"Stinks? I don't smell anything." Anything to keep the conversation going.
"You probably just don't notice it. It blows down from the mountains, where the hordes are. Once you know it, it's something you can always smell, no matter how used to it you are."
"Hordes?" Nabiki wasn't sure she wanted to know.
Miroslav looked surprised. "You don't... It's nothing you need to worry about." He shook his head. "We have adequate protection here if they do come."
If he wasn't going to tell her, Nabiki was pretty sure she didn't want to know. But the silence that followed was uncomfortable. "How long have you lived at the castle?"
"I was born here and I will most likely die here." His answer was brutal in its honesty.
Nabiki looked at the ground and hugged herself. "I don't want to die here."
"No one does," he replied. "Though it seems death is an unavoidable event here."
Without an adequate reply to that, Nabiki kept quiet, feeling uneasy about the conversation.
They waited in silence for a while longer, Nabiki just enjoying the outdoors, until she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She didn't see the wary look in Miroslav's eyes.
And there, another furtive movement, unlike that of a forest swelling animal. Miroslav moved to stand behind her protectively, the sensation of change rippling up and down his back.
"I think it's time we return to the castle," he said, smelling the faint traces of an intruder.
Nabiki nodded and stood. She had seen something that wasn't some harmless animal, and it was getting close to dark outside... "I'm ready."
A sudden violent rustle of bushes from nearby, and several large birds flew straight at them.
Nabiki let out a surprised shriek and was swept into Miroslav's arms.
She could feel the alertness of his body, how he was holding himself, how intense, prepared, how... strong his arms were. She looked up at his face, feeling the heat in her own, and simply stared.
Miroslav eyed the spot the rustling had come from, then began walking back slowly, his gaze never leaving the seemingly peaceful forest. He glanced down at Nabiki, still wary and not wanting to let anything surprise him. But the look on her face when he glanced made him look again, this time longer.
When his green eyes met her brown ones, something seemed to click. Miroslav knew it was wrong because she was already twice claimed, but he was having a hard time controlling his impulses.
As he moved his head down slowly, she lifted hers up and the two kissed.
Tomas was having a hard time restraining Kuno. "If you go down there, you'll lose her permanently! She doesn't remember you," he warned harshly, holding Kuno's arms.
"Release me!" Kuno hissed quietly, trying to pull away from Tomas. "I will not allow this! He can not..."
"He can and will," Tomas said angrily, shaking Kuno a little. "Right now you can't do anything. You have to let them be." He held Kuno tightly until it seemed that he had simmered down. "There's nothing you can do. Not yet."
"But... he..."
"I know. Things won't get any easier either. You must realize this before we go on." He released Kuno and looked at him sternly.
Kuno drew a shuddering breath and nodded, but could not look back at the two people in the forest.
Nabiki's nose was filled with Miroslav's scent. His lips were warm and slightly moist against hers, and their tongues teased each other hesitantly. The overcharge of emotion finally made Nabiki pull away, excited and confused by what had just happened. She kept her eyes closed and inhaled deeply.
"That was a mistake," Miroslav said in a most unflattering manner.
Nabiki shook her head, still aroused by what had happened, the shared indiscretion.
"It was. Maxim will be very unhappy with me."
"No," she answered, opening her eyes finally. Miroslav's eyes took on a very different shade of green when he was worried. "He won't know if we don't give him a reason to suspect."
"If it was only that easy..." He looked worriedly back at the castle. "This... We can't repeat this." He looked seriously at Nabiki.
She leaned her head against his chest. She wanted to, really wanted to, but if Maxim caught her crossing him again... And there were strange feelings running through her for no reason she could figure out.
As Miroslav carried her back to the castle, she stayed quiet. She was confused about the way the kiss had made her feel. It had been good as kisses go, but it had also felt strange, wrong. Wrong like she was betraying someone, and that someone wasn't Maxim.
But until she knew who that person was, if they existed at all, Nabiki was thinking that Miroslav wasn't a half-bad companion.
"When? We must do it soon." Kuno was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the cave, staring out at the silhouette of the castle. "The longer we wait, the more danger..."
"No. If we go without a plan, we will be in danger. Your only chance of helping her is to get rid of Maxim, break his hold on her. Even if she doesn't remember you, she still knows that she has a mate."
Tomas shook his head at the angry look on Kuno's face. "Whether she has a physical relationship with another male or not is secondary to her well-being, is it not?"
"I grow tired of your words. When will we be ready for action? Our time grows ever shorter."
"You are impossible. Let me ask you, do you know where she's being held? Do you have any idea how to defeat Maxim? Do you know how to get through the castle's defenses?" Tomas glared at Kuno.
Kuno shook his head, averting his gaze from Tomas'. "I do not, but there must be something we can do now instead of sitting here."
"There's not. You don't know the first thing about any of this because if you did, you would know that you are nothing here. No one cares who or what you are because you don't belong." Tomas was fed up finally with it.
Kuno was all action and no brain, and that would get them both killed. "Just forget it." He stood up and dusted himself off. "I'm leaving. I was stupid to think this would work. I should have known better than to try and help."
Glaring one last time at Kuno, Tomas shook his head. "I should have remembered that it doesn't work to help anyone except yourself." And then he left, walking calmly out into the darkness.
Kuno sat there, unbelieving, before actually getting up and looking out. There was no sign of Tomas; he was truly gone, and Kuno was forced to do it all on his own. And he had no idea how.
"A minor scare. I was on guard the entire time, but didn't detect anything. It was simply getting late and the night life was becoming active." Miroslav stood straight and looked at the wall directly ahead of him.
"Excellent work. Continue," Maxim said, dismissing Miroslav without looking away from what he was doing.
Giving a short bow, Miroslav turned and left, not relaxing until he was well away from Maxim. Only then did his body relax and he allowed his mind free thought again. Even if his encounter with maxim hadn't been close, it felt like it; it was like he had been sized up all while he was in Maxim's presence.
Away from Maxim, he had someplace to go.
The sharp rap on the door startled Nabiki. She half-turned to it in the chair at the desk and said apprehensively, "Come in." Her eyes lit up at seeing who it was.
Miroslav entered and closed the door behind himself. "Nothing. He barely noticed I was there. Though at any time he could..." He cried out in surprise as Nabiki was suddenly in his arms, holding him tightly.
He pried her off and held her at arm's length. "No. If Maxim were to find out..."
Nabiki made a disgusted face and shook her head. "I wish he would leave me alone. I hate him." She looked down at the floor between their feet; maybe that had been the wrong thing to say. She didn't actually know Miroslav that well; he might just go and tell Maxim.
"I know," he answered quietly, dispelling her fears. "But these meetings are far too dangerous when he finds you so... appealing." Miroslav removed his hands from Nabiki's shoulders, sliding them down her arms. He took her hands in his and waited until she looked at him.
She did and he smiled at her. "Another walk outside tomorrow, perhaps?"
Nabiki smiled shyly and nodded.
Still brooding in the cave, Kuno was angry that, in fact, it was the only thing he could do. As much as he complained about the inaction before, he knew if he made any attempt on the castle, he would be caught and dispatched slowly and painfully. He slammed his fist into the floor of the cave.
Every time one problem got solved, another seemed to pop up, and this time was no different. If only he hadn't angered Tomas then maybe he would have a chance... Any chance at all.
Again he was filled with anger with nothing to take it out on. Going out was too dangerous when he was so close to the castle, so he just had to sit and simmer. And his neck was still bothering him.
Kuno scratched at the twin marks there. He had been... mildly concerned that they hadn't cleared up, but Tomas hadn't said anything. And if Tomas didn't think there was anything wrong, then Kuno wouldn't worry about it either. He scratched more. This was getting hard to not worry about though.
Pulling his hand away, Kuno looked at it and the blood mixed with yellowish pus on his fingers. This was not good and not something to ignore. It smelled sour, like disease... rotting from the inside... Kuno's entire body shuddered violently. Not something to ignore.
He leaned back against the wall and inhaled deeply, shuddering every few minutes. There was definitely some internal problem, and it felt like it wasn't going to work itself out any time soon.
Nabiki walked quickly through the halls with Miroslav following her. She tried to appear relaxed and in control, but wasn't sure if she was succeeding or not. Most of all, she didn't want to encounter Maxim or...
Eye contact was important to avoid with Konstantin. He gave Nabiki a strange crawling sensation whenever their eyes met. And she could definitely feel him looking at her whenever her back was to him.
But in the hallway, she had to keep calm and hope Miroslav did as well. If they were lucky, they'd pass him without any trouble.
She felt his piercing gaze, but he said nothing as they walked past. And then they turned a corner, leaving Konstantin's presence, and Nabiki felt the weird sensation dissipate.
When she saw the door to the outside, she released a shaky breath. Her excitement carefully controlled, Nabiki began to walk a little faster.
Once outside and in the forest, out of direct line-of-sight from the structure, Nabiki stopped and turned. "Miroslav," she said breathily, surprising him with her faintly glowing eyes.
He stared in amazement for a moment. Apparently she didn't even realize it was happening because her eyes continued to burn, and she walked toward him. "I warned you about this," he said in a non-threatening manner.
"I know," she answered, "but I don't care." She grabbed him around the waist and leaned against him. "What's the worst that can happen?" Nabiki asked, the glow of her eyes undiminished.
"We could be killed or tortured if we're caught."
"It would be worth it, wouldn't it?" she asked him and slowly leaned up, hoping he wouldn't refuse her. So desperately she needed the heat and passion, the lust and desire... She needed the pleasure without the pain.
Kuno opened his eyes slowly, his head pounding. This was something else that was not all right; the pain hadn't been so severe before. Staggering to his feet, he could smell the disease all over the cave, all over him...
Leaning against the rough rock wall, he threw up, splattering his bile all over the ground. He hadn't eaten since Tomas had left so the blood, his blood, was very visible in the mess. And why had Tomas left? And how was he supposed to defeat Maxim? And why did his head hurt so much?
Letting out a strangled cry, a cry of pain and rage, he left the cave to go to the castle to... to... Hurt somebody.
"Please, just this once..."
Miroslav knew better. He knew he should say no for both their sakes, but... But he couldn't, couldn't refuse because she was right. It was worth the risk.
When Nabiki reached up to undo his shirt, Miroslav didn't move, allowing her to have her way, no matter how dangerous.
Bending his knees a little, he fell back to the ground and pulled Nabiki down on top of himself. So maybe he couldn't change, but being outside in the open held its own excitement.
As Nabiki got his shirt open completely, baring his chest, he pulled at her loose blouse, pulling it off over her head.
The two accommodated each other, removing clothing until they were each naked on the ground.
Nabiki sighed as Miroslav's large hands caressed her skin. This was what she had really wanted.
Good. She was out again. He could smell her. And she was with that... impostor. How dare he do such a thing when it was so obvious she belonged to someone else? The nerve... Not that it mattered because he would simply smite the foul villain and rescue the beautiful pig-tailed goddess. And she would be so grateful...
Kuno grabbed his head and fell to the ground. The forest was spinning around him, and his thoughts were so confused. His heart seemed ready to explode from his chest, and he could feel the burning in his veins, in his blood.
The woman, when she had bit... It was because of her. Kuno knew it, knew everything he was feeling was wrong, but he was so angry still. Why didn't Akane love him? What had he done to deserve such a horrible family? And exactly how was he going to torture that bastard that was...
Kuno listened and sniffed the air. The bastard that was fucking his mate!
Somehow, Kuno forced himself to stand and ignore the pain and confusion, and headed for the couple.
Nabiki could barely contemplate what she had done. It felt so nice, and Miroslav was so gentle. She murmured softly against his chest and felt him squeeze her gently.
"Night approaches," he whispered. "We must return soon." The fact that it would be night shortly really had nothing to do with it. If they were gone too long, someone might start to get suspicious. If any of that suspicion involved Maxim or Konstantin a round of intense questioning would occur. Miroslav did not care much for the interrogative tactics used, and he most definitely did not want them used on him.
A night bird called out softly above them, lending a sense of peace to everything.
Nabiki and Miroslav slowly got around, redressing, picking the leaves off and brushing the dirt away. The best part for Nabiki was that there wasn't any of the pain or soreness that she was used to. Miroslav was really nothing like Maxim.
That thought made her smile as she watched Miroslav pull his shirt back on. "How long?" she asked. "How long until..."
Shrugging and doing up the clasps of his shirt, he answered in a business-like voice, "As long as he's happy otherwise. As long as nothing disturbs his routine, keeps him from what he wants, he won't care."
Miroslav looked at Nabiki and smiled a little. "You worried him that day you strayed too far from the castle. That was why he was so angry; he didn't want to lose you."
They were talking, and damn them, they were happy! She was happy without him while he was miserable. Miserable, and it was her fault because he had never wanted to come here, never wanted to do any of it. He had only wanted to live and survive and be alive.
Be alive and just to do whatever he wanted. He was better than the rest after all. He had finally defeated Ranma, the on thing he had wanted more than any other. And the blood...
The blood and flesh he should have feasted on, but had felt too guilty to do so. Guilty when it had been his right, the same way it was his right to deal with his mate.
It was his right to deal with his mate and the interloper in any way he wished. Growling, changing, feeling the power surge through him, Kuno rushed through the darkness, pinpointing their position with ease.
He tried to move quietly, but he was too infuriated to actually care. Instead, he moved instinctually through the forest, the white flame of anger building. When he found them, they would both be sorry they had ever crossed him.
Nabiki adjusted her flimsy clothing. It was out and out insulting what she was forced to wear, but she had no choice in the matter. As Miroslav said, as long as Maxim was pleased, then her life would be... still hers.
She pulled the gauzy long-sleeved shirt tighter to her body and shuddered. The air was definitely cooler, bordering on cold even. Miroslav's arm around her warmed her though as they walked back to the castle.
Sighing happily, Nabiki leaned against Miroslav. She was happier than she could remember being. Far happier than the time after the... after she had been attacked.
They walked slowly, enjoying the contact with each other, when the footsteps approached. They were heavy, plodding, decidedly unfriendly sounding. Miroslav felt Nabiki grow ridged beside him as the footsteps got louder. He turned to face whatever was approaching them and pushed Nabiki behind himself. "Show yourself," he commanded.
Kuno emerged slowly from the darkness in front of them, his eyes glowing with fury.
"You!" Miroslav couldn't believe it. The fool had come back. He must have had a deathwish. Didn't he realize how he was jeopardizing his mate's life?
Behind him, Nabiki was frozen with terror. It was him; it was the monster that had raped her. "Kill it," she whispered. "Kill it. that's him. Kill it."
Miroslav watched the trespasser approach. The posture was unmistakable; there would be bloodshed. "I've got no problem with you. It's Maxim you want," he said calmly. "Go to the castle and get Maxim if you want revenge."
Maxim was the last thing Kuno was concerned with. The only thing in his mind, the only thing he saw were the two people in front of him. The male would have to die; there was no way around it. And as for his mate... It depended on how well she cooperated. He didn't want to hurt her, but if she refused him, broke the bond that they had formed...
"Nabiki, run back to the castle. I'll keep him occupied while you escape," Miroslav said. "Warn Maxim that..." Warn him and completely destroy her happiness by giving her back to him?
As much as Miroslav enjoyed Nabiki's... company, it was still hard for him, as a person, as someone with a heart, to put Maxim's and his own desires above what should be.
Before he could say anything else, Nabiki said, "I'll go get help." And then she was off running through the forest.
Miroslav had no choice at that point. At least with Nabiki gone, he didn't have to hold back at all. Not giving up anymore ground to Kuno, Miroslav changed, his clothes stretching to the very brink of tearing. Even though he knew he had to fight, it still felt strange.
He had never had to fight one of his kind to the death. Miroslav had no idea how vicious a battle it might turn out to be, and he knew nothing of the ability of the one in front of him.
Miroslav would not be intimidated by the possibility of death.
Kuno watched him change impassively. He had expected that. And because he knew he was superior, he did not worry. He would let his foe call for all the help he wanted because it wouldn't make any difference.
Without any posturing at all, the two attacked each other, Kuno in rage and Miroslav in self-defense. Almost immediately, Miroslav knew he was overmatched by the ferocity the other was displaying.
Yet, that ferocity was also a weakness, and Kuno left himself open to many attacks. They exchanged blows furiously, not doing any serious damage, but as each of their strength began to level out after the adrenalin had faded, the potential for such damage grew.
Miroslav thought he had gotten the stranger beaten down enough to finish him off, and went into a series of rapid strikes. The realization that he should have known better dawned on him too late.
The battle ended in a most uninspiring manner with Kuno taking every hit and then thrusting his claws deep into Miroslav's chest. Kuno couldn't even feel the wounds on his chest through the anger festering in him.
Blood exploded from Miroslav's mouth as he started to revert to human, and looked at Kuno with surprise. His mouth formed an amazed O as he slumped forward. "Mutant," was the word on his lips as Kuno wrenched his claws free.
Miroslav dropped to the ground as Kuno watched him with cold, almost dead eyes. The fool had tried to steal his mate and had the nerve to call him a mutant? Death was a slight punishment.
A noise pulled his attention away from the corpse at his feet. It seemed the help had arrived.
Nabiki ran back to the castle, panicking. It had come back for her, back to kill her, back to do something worse... And she was too tired, the added weight of her pregnant belly not helping at all. Without thinking about who else might hear, she yelled, "Help!" as loud as she could.
She could almost feel the thing behind her, breathing down her neck, just waiting for her to falter. "Someone help!" she yelled again.
Gods, she couldn' even see the castle in the darkness. Sparing a glance behind her, she couldn't see any sign of the monster following, but there was no doubt in her mind that it was there.
The footsteps were like whispers, gliding over the fallen leaves and dead sticks on the forest floor, moving to intercept Nabiki.
She gasped and tried to run faster, but she just couldn't push her body anymore. "Help! Someone... Oof!"
Nabiki tumbled to the ground as her ankle got caught on a fallen branch. Sharp pain ran through her stomach as she landed on the ground. Tears sprung to her eyes immediately, but that didn't stop her from getting to her feet.
"Why did you stop me?" Kuno knocked Tomas' hand away. "And why did you return? To mock me? To lift my hopes then abandon me? Foul..."
Tomas' hand was on Kuno's neck, squeezing painfully. "This, you fool. You know nothing!" Pulling his hand away, Tomas showed it to Kuno, showed him what had happened. "This is what's wrong! You can barely control yourself!"
Kuno blinked at the mess on Tomas' hand. "But I... You never..."
"I know, but there is an advantage. I was hoping to be able to use it. After this, I don't know if it's possible."
Kuno snarled. "You blame me for this? You act as if I wanted that witch in my mind! I killed that man and scared her away; you think that was my wish!?"
"You did not scare her away," Tomas answered quietly. "Maxim did it. He gave her a fear of you. That is how he works. No w settle down and let me explain my plan. We may still have a slim chance, which is better than no chance at all."
Kuno managed to reign in his boiling anger and nodded slowly. "You are correct. Now tell me why you left, only to return now."
"I wasn't going to. Maybe I shouldn't have, but... this is as a good a time as any. Better maybe. I couldn't let it go to waste, and I know it wasn't entirely your fault..."
"What will this bite do to me?" What had it already done? More importantly, what had he been about to do to Nabiki?
Tomas shook his head. "I'm not really sure. Some things it can do, I know, like the rage. Emotions, powerful ones can be near uncontrollable. And your smell... Just like one of them. Temporarily. She didn't get enough of you to do any permanent damage."
Sinking slowly to the ground, Kuno looked at his hands. "What can I do? How can I get her back?" he asked no one in particular.
"Go to the castle and kill him. Kill Maxim," Tomas urged. "It may sound simplistic and insanely dangerous, it is, but there just isn't any other way."
"none other?"
"I said none. I won't say it will be that simple, but that's the basic idea." A simple plan was beginning to form in his mind. It was against his instincts to go to the castle since Maxim would learn of Kuno's return, and the formation of a plan... If there had been another way, he wouldn't have hesitated to go with it.
The door. Finally. "Open up! I need some help out here!"
Opening at roughly the speed of a slug, the door let loose some of the light trapped behind it.
"Hurry up! It's out here!" Nabiki looked back again, not feeling secure even with her proximity to the castle.
"It's about time you two got back. Maxim was ready to..."
"You've got to help him! It came back! I think it killed Miroslav!" Nabiki yelled at the crack, wondering why they would not open it. She pounded on it, but it would not open further. "Please..."
"Whatever seems to be the problem, my lovely?" Maxim asked through the door.
Nabiki was in near tears having to explain it again and receiving no help. "The thing that... The thing that..."
"That raped you, my lovely?"
"Yes! It's got..."
"I want to hear you say it, my lovely."
What kind of game was he playing? She needed help right away.
"Go on. Say it and I'll send help."
"The thing that... raped me is out here!"
Maxim smiled behind the door. "Yes, my lovely?"
"Send some help! Miroslav's..."
"He's protecting you. He'd never let anything harm you, it's his sworn duty after all, to not let anything hurt you."
"Yes, now please..."
"Let you in?"
Nabiki was getting closer and closer to hysteria as the process went on; she was already in tears. "Yes, please let me in."
"Are you frightened, my lovely?"
A sob finally escaped. "Yes, I don't want it to happen again. Please don't let it happen again. Save me from it." She could almost imagine it running up behind her, ready to tear her throat open, ready to throw her to the ground...
There was silence for a bit longer, during which, Nabiki had turned and put her back against the door, staring out into the darkness.
"We'll let you in then, my lovely," Maxim said finally, and opened the door the rest of the way.
Spinning off the door, Nabiki ran inside, past Maxim and the guard. She ran through the halls to her room and burst through the door.
At first, she was ready to dive into her bed and hide there, but the thought of being in her bed if it came for her made her sick to her stomach. Instead, Nabiki huddled in one corner of the room and curled up into the tightest ball she could manage.
That thing had hurt her (but there were the times that she really enjoyed)... She hated it for what it had done (but she loved him and couldn't admit it yet)... It was a monster (but he could be sweet when he wanted to)...
The tears escaped finally, rolling slowly down her cheeks. Her body was wracked by sobs, as if each was a blow caused the violently conflicting thoughts and emotions, the terrible memories.
She never even heard the door open as the servant entered hesitantly. "Mistress?" When she didn't receive a response, she entered the room the rest of the way and closed the door. She approached Nabiki carefully, mindful not to scare her.
"Mistress," she repeated, kneeling next to the traumatized girl. "Mistress, there's nothing to be afraid of now. You're safe inside..."
"No! He did it! I could have been killed and he let me wait out there! It's all his fault!" Nabiki shouted hoarsely, her eyes shut tightly. Her crying resumed then, worse than before.
"Mistress, you mustn't think that about the master." She put her arms around the crying girl in an effort to soothe her. "He wouldn't do such a thing."
When she realized Nabiki wasn't listening, to her, the servant began to gently rock her, making soft shushing noises.
"Mistress, relax and I'm sure all will be well." She didn't know what had happened, but she was pretty sure not all would be well.
The door was thrown open, revealing Maxim looking marginally satisfied. "Leave us," he ordered.
"Master! She..."
"I said leave us. This is of no concern to you."
"But Master, she is unwell."
"Irina, leave now or suffer the consequences of disobeying me. This is between her and me," Maxim warned.
The servant, Irina, looked at him fearfully for a moment, then nodded. She squeezed Nabiki comfortingly and whispered, "Fear not, Mistress. I will be back later." She stood then and quickly left the room.
Maxim watched her go and closed the door gently. "No, my lovely, I think we have something that needs to be discussed." He sat on the bed, looking down at Nabiki still huddled in the corner.
"You know what I'm speaking of, don't you? Why you two ever thought you could hide it from me is a mystery. Did you truly think I wouldn't find out about your little affair?" He chuckled darkly. "My influence spreads far beyond theses walls. I see and I know."
Maxim looked disinterestedly at his long nails. "Miroslav's dead now, and it's because of you. If you hadn't done such an idiotic thing in the forest, rutting like animals, it would have never come. It smelled you, you know?
"It smelled your sex and couldn't stay away. If you hadn't seduced Miroslav, he would still be alive right now. But he's not, and now your m... that thing will be waiting for you." Maxim shook his head and tsked.
He stood and started to leave when Nabiki asked quietly, "You're not going to..."
"Punish you? No. Miroslav was still loyal to the end and I still have you. I think knowing what you've done will be punishment enough." He strode to the door and stopped with his hand on the knob. "Adieu, my lovely. I shall see you tomorrow night in my chambers."
"Mistress, please don't cry. It's not really your fault. The master, he... he's a cruel man. He knows what hurts you most and he won't hesitate to use it against you." She was still on the floor, late into the night when they should have both been asleep.
"Leave me alone. I want to be by myself," Nabiki said and tried to push Irina away.
"No, Mistress. I think you need me here more than you need to be by yourself." She would not leave even though the situation was a bit strange for her. Never before had she been required to play the role of a mother because all the others had simply accepted their roles. This one had defied the master more than once.
And the others had died empty, lifeless shells after the master had drained them of their usefulness. "Mistress, you haven't eaten. You must eat before..." Before she had to go to see the master. "You must eat a little something before you sleep. It will make you feel better."
Nabiki had her head down, face hidden in her arms, intermittently rocking herself. It had been... unpleasant before with Maxim. Things had gotten just plain bad, and now... Life didn't seem worth living any longer.
Kuno sagged against a tree, hugging it. Why did it have to happen then and not later? The feeling was, at the same time, better and worse than the times before.
He was suddenly, almost violently, so mind-numbingly depressed that even moving seemed too much of an effort. She wasn't d... but the utter blackness... The rough bark of the tree scratched his cheek as he rubbed his face against it, eyes closed, mouth set in a deep frown.
"It will pass. It always does. It's not fun or pleasant, but those feelings will pass." Tomas' voice was quiet even in the stillness of the forest. He understood the cocoon of darkness that had enveloped his companion.
If only he... he could repeat what he had done before. If he could draw on the link they shared, but he had no idea how. If, if, if. Everything seemed to be about if and not when. Well, _when_ Kuno saw her again, not if, when, he would make sure he never let her get away again.
Never never ever. It had taken him too long to see, too long to realize the truth, and now he was in danger of never being able to do anything with that knowledge.
His head began throbbing inexplicably until it happened.
Nabiki lifted her head to look at Irina, maybe tell her to go to hell, to leave her alone, when the air on the other side of the room started to shimmer. A form started to take shape, and when it finally did, she gasped. "You," she said, staring.
Irina looked at Nabiki, and, following her eyes, looked across the room. There was nothing there. "Mistress, what is it you see?"
"Who are you?" Nabiki asked, pulling away from Irina and standing.
Kuno hated the feeling. So close and so far away at the same time. "Nabiki," he said, his voice sounding airy and nearly insubstantial even in his own ears.
He reached out to her, hoping that he would be able to feel the solidity of her her hand, the warmth of her skin. "Remember me, please." It was the only thing he could think of to say.
"How do you know my name? Who are you?" There was something achingly familiar about the young man looking at her. "Tell me who you are!" she demanded.
It was there, just daring her to reach out, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember who it was. The feeling was maddening.
"Why are you here? Why were you here the other night?" Nabiki ignored Irina's continued questions about who she was talking to as she waited for the visitor to answer.
"Why?" It was killing him. She didn't know how he was, she didn't remember anything about the two of them... "I love you."
There was so much that he wanted and needed to say, but he couldn't; she wouldn't understand. "You do not belong here. I need you back." It was so true... Even though she didn't want him, he needed her so badly.
Maybe if he had been a real man, a true warrior in mind, body, and spirit, he wouldn't be so desperate. But he was too entirely human, weak, and she gave him strength. Yes, he needed her.
"I love you, and I remember that you love me as well. I shall never forget that." He watched her approach him and reach out tentatively. Just... one brush of their hands, something small, insignificant. Anything.
"You told me not to forget, and I promised you that. I will free you, even if it costs me my life." Kuno waited for her to try and make contact, painfully aware that she might not.
He sounded so convincing, looked so sincere... Nothing at all like Maxim with his smug smile and dangerous eyes. Nabiki reached out to touch his hand.
Her solid hand passed through his slightly translucent one while she watched curiously. There was nothing, no sensation, no feeling, nothing. Nabiki had been expecting something, a tingle, a cold spot, some sense of this person.
The young man made a small sound of... satisfaction. The look on his face definitely changed, and he looked happier. Why that made her feel better, she wasn't sure. And she still didn't know who he was.
"Please..." Her hand moved back through his, and this time there was some heat and tingling. "Tell me who you are."
"Tell me who you are."
Nabiki stopped and looked at him. "Me? I'm Nabiki." She had the distinct impression that he knew more about her than she knew about herself.
"Nabiki what? What is your family name?"
What was he talking about? "My family name? I don't know what you're..."
"Tendo. And your sisters Akane and Kasumi. Remember."
The whole thing was giving Nabiki a terrible headache. "I don't know what you're talking about," she whispered, frowning at the same time. Pulling her hand back, Nabiki stepped away. "I don't know you."
"Fear not. All your confusion will be removed. I will save you from that beast, my love. I will return for you." At that, the room around him faded, Nabiki faded.
Returning to his surroundings, Kuno slumped to the ground, emotionally drained. He wasn't totally sure what to make of the encounter. It hadn't been great, but it had gone better than he had expected.
He hadn't really been expecting anything, but either way, the next step was to have a face to face confrontation. Maybe that would jog her memory enough. Maybe. Hopefully.
Irina stared at the spot Nabiki had been talking to. There was nothing there, still nothing there. She hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary the entire time Nabiki had been talking. There wasn't any way she could tell anyone about it either. There was no telling what would happen, and she wasn't willing to take the chance with her own life or anyone elses.
Taking three small steps toward Nabiki, who was still staring at the spot, Irina opened her mouth to speak. What to say though? Act as if nothing had happened? That would probably have been easiest, but it was obvious that something had. It might have complicated things as well.
Or she could simply wait until morning and put everything aside until then. Even then, her near confrontation with the master was enough to give her nightmares.
"Nevermind the food, Mistress. I think it would be best for you to get some sleep now." She stood and placed her hand on Nabiki's shoulder.
Flinching at the contact, Nabiki looked unhappily at Irina. The look of confusion on her face was obviously not from what had just happened. "I don't feel right."
"Of course not, Mistress. You need sleep. When you have your rest, that's when you'll feel better." Irina tried to steer Nabiki to the bed, pulling her gently.
"I won't. I won't go. He can't make me," she said obstinately, resisting Irina.
"He can, Mistress. He will." She spoke as if she was dealing with a disobedient child. Disobedient, but not incorrect. She really shouldn't have the Master's attention forced upon her when she was in such a state.
The same way all those others shouldn't have. The time she had spent in the master's service had changed her in that way. The things he did didn't bother her the way they had 20 years ago.
Not until then.
Asleep at last, Nabiki's dreams returned in full force. All those people and places were back, haunting her. The dreams were so nice, they were on the verge of being nightmares because she knew she would never experience peace like that while she was awake.
Irina shut the door slowly, hearing the quiet click of the latch. She needed sleep badly, but just didn't feel right leaving the mistress alone after everything that had happened.
The entire situation was starting to get confusing.
"I think I have a plan. It will be dangerous in all aspects, but it may be the only way."
Kuno looked angrily at Tomas. "When?"
"I do not know if I can wait that long."
"You don't have a choice. That's how long the preparations will take to make. If you don't want to nearly ruin things as you did before, you'll learn to control your emotions until they will serve you."
"Against Maxim?"
"Possibly. There will be others as well."
"What did you say the name of the villain that..."
"Konstantin. You might encounter him as well. If you do, do not hesitate to destroy him. Beheading, then fire. The sunlight here is inadequate to kill them. Fire will work. Fire will kill even the strongest of them."
Kuno suddenly wasn't sure about the tone in Tomas' voice. "No mercy, no hesitation." He matched the intensity of the other's gaze.
"As I said, save your rage. Save it, but don't be afraid to let it go when you need it. It can help if you are in control."
"You sound as if this is something you are familiar with." Kuno turned away quickly, doubt running through him, and looked out at the forest.
"Not to me, but someone I knew. We didn't know until it was too late and he was consumed by his own uncontrollable rage. He was a friend." Tomas' eyes softened for a moment. "It is indeed a waste of life when it can be put to use for the good of us all."
Kuno subconsciously put his hand to his neck. It still hurt, and was still oozing pus, but since he knew what was going on, it was easier to keep himself under control. "When?"
Tomas looked up at the sky, as black as the rest of the landscape. "It depends on how willing you are to make it work. But it should only be a few days before we can lure them down."
Tomas took a sharp breath and exhaled through his nose. "The hordes."