{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

Gathering her school uniform, she was gone, closing the door behind her. Kuno looked at the door, still surprised. That had been a very odd response from her, but one that he had rather enjoyed. In fact, Kuno hoped Nabiki would act that way more often.


"Damn! Where did that worthless mutt go?" Anatoly was beginning to realize he needed to feed e hadn't expected to be trapped in the damned house for a day and a half.

He would wait, one more night, and then conduct his own investigation.


So maybe, sometimes, he was a little slow, but he refused to believe it was all his fault. Was it so surprising that a beautiful girl could make him forget about everything else? Especially when she was naked and had given him one of the most pleasurable since he had been attacked. Actually, it was the most pleasurable experience of his life, since he hadn't known any before the attack.

When the door opened and a lithe female figure in a school uniform walked in, Kuno didn't stop himself from grabbing her. Of course, when Akane screamed and unleashed her elbow on Kuno's gut, he realized he had made just one tiny mistake.

"Just what do you think you're doing, pervert?!" Akane yelled, turning on the wounded Kuno, her face red with rage.

Kuno, now sitting against the wall, holding his stomach, managed to wheeze out, "Pardon me."

There was a click from behind Akane, and she turned, ready to lash out again.

"I think I'll keep this in my scrapbook. That look on your face is priceless, Akane," Nabiki said, smirking, a camera in her hand. She was in her uniform, almost ready to go. Akane looked somewhat horrified, and also plenty angry.


"Don't worry, Akane. He's completely harmless. Right, Kuno-chan?"

Kuno nodded weakly, still trying to recover his breath. "Accident..." he wheezed.

"There. Now did you want something, sister of mine?" Nabiki went to put her camera away while Akane tried to figure out what was going on.

"I was just... I... Never mind." Akane turned around and quickly left the room. Her footsteps were heavy as she descended the stairs.

Nabiki shook her head. "You'd think she'd learn. Anyway..." She looked over at Kuno. "Aren't you ready yet? No wonder Akane looked so mad. Why don't you get your clothes on?"

Remembering what Akane's face looked like when she walked in, and just imagining what had happened, Nabiki couldn't help but chuckle. It was just too funny. "Come on, Kuno-chan, I'll wait for you."


"What happened to you?" Anatoly couldn't believe the pathetic sight before him.

Karl shrugged. He wasn't able to talk at the moment as he was in his wolf form and his lower jaw was still in a lot of pain. He sat down on the floor, grimacing; his stomach wasn't too great either. Changing to a wolf had been the only way he had been able to make it back to the house, and it had hurt more than anything.

"Damn it, you stupid mutt! Change back!"

Karl shook his head again. The simple fact was that he couldn't; it just wasn't possible and he didn't know why. His body refused to go back no matter how hard or how long he willed it to. That female had done it, she had really messed him up. How, he didn't know, but she would get it all back in spades.

"Well, you look like you're half dead. Did you find the book?"

Karl nodded.

"But you didn't get it?"

Karl shook his head; he had been a little distracted. He vowed that he wouldn't let that get the best of him next time.

"But you DO know where it is, right?" Please just let one thing go right.

Karl nodded. Anatoly really had no faith in him.

"Shall we go out for a visit tonight then?" Anatoly had a pleased little smile on his face.

Karl felt the scarred and pitted surface that used to be his lower jaw and nodded slowly.


"I told you we were going to be late!" Akane yelled at Ranma as they ran to school.

"I told ya, it's not my fault Kuno attacked me!"

"You're always making up excuses!"


"We shall be tardy."

"Do you really think so?"

"Unless we make great haste."

"So let's make great haste then, Kuno-chan." Nabiki grabbed her bag and walked quickly out the door.

Kuno looked a little bewildered, but soon followed. Going outside and heading down the walk, he couldn't figure out where Nabiki had disappeared to. Maybe it was time to stop playing innocent and just let everything go... He opened himself to the full extent of his senses, not holding anything back, allowing everything through.

The sensation was exhilarating and amazing. What had frightened him before was a thing of beauty now. Right away, without any effort he smelled her down the street. Immediately he was off and running.


Nabiki hadn't run that fast. He would most likely be catching up with her... She suddenly started sprinting and heard the loud thump behind her. "Sorry about that, Kuno-chan. I had no idea you were back there," she called out teasingly.

Kuno growled behind her and she quickly cut to her left. "You're far too predictable, Kuno-chan," she said loudly.

Then he was directly behind her and he was about to... She feinted left and dodged right. She planted her hand and pushed off a little, hurdling a post office box without breaking her stride. Nabiki laughed aloud suddenly. She had just jumped over a post office box and hadn't thought anything of it.

"What is it that you find..." Kuno started to say.

Nabiki used a burst of speed to break away from Kuno and continued at that pace until she saw Ranma and Akane. "Hi, you two. Don't want to be late," she said, slowing down momentarily." Then she was off again, running at the pace of an Olympic sprinter.

Ranma and Akane looked at each other, then at Nabiki's retreating form.

"Hold, woman!" Kuno yelled as he blew past them, trying to catch up to Nabiki.


It was about one hour before lunch when the feeling struck Nabiki somewhat suddenly. She had been listening to the lecture, taking notes when she had abruptly stopped writing.

For the next hour, Nabiki sat uncomfortably, waiting for lunch to arrive. And this was the review for the test the next day. How annoying. And all for a little...

The bell rang and like a shot, Nabiki was up and on her way with Kuno in tow. "Where, where, where?" she wondered aloud.

"Where are we going?" Kuno asked.

She spied an empty classroom. "Right in here," she said going in and closing the door. She tossed her books over by the desk, closed the windows and locked the door. Turning, Nabiki knocked the books from Kuno's hand and shoved him against the desk.

"Nabi..." Kuno's question was cut off as Nabiki crushed her mouth to his. She ran her hands down his back as he made soft murmuring sounds, melting beneath her touch. He was quickly immersed in the sensation, running his hands down her back and lifting her dress up.

Nabiki finally broke the kiss. "I've been waiting for this for an hour," she said breathlessly and began undoing Kuno's pants.

"No. We can not," Kuno said, pushing away Nabiki's hands.

"Just real quick. Come on. I know you want to," Nabiki answered, hands back at his pants.

"I insist that you stop this." Kuno grabbed Nabiki's wrists and meant to pull them away, but she used her own strength to resist. Kuno sighed, knowing it was useless. "It is even more difficult to deny that which you desire now," he said, sounding tired.

Nabiki grinned. "I know." She pulled her wrists from Kuno's grasp and continued to get his pants undone. "Don't worry; we can make this quick."

"Your generosity knows no bounds."

"I know, now do your part." She yanked down his pants, then lifted his shirt and began to kiss his chest. Slipping her hands into his shorts, Nabiki began to gently squeeze his butt. She felt his entire body stiffen under her touch and knew what was about to happen.

"Not here, Kuno-chan," she whispered to him. "Not all the way." The flesh rippled beneath her hands and she felt the fur begin to escape from his skin. "Not so fast... Take it easy..."

She was a master manipulator. As she spoke soothingly, seductively in his ear, Kuno's entire body relaxed. His change slowed, then finally stopped as he was caught, perched, settled somewhere in the middle. Kuno groaned and began removing enough of Nabiki's clothes to get the job done.

Kuno suddenly lifted Nabiki and turned around. He set her on the desk, moving things aside with his arms. Lowering his shorts, he positioned himself, knowing it would be short and sweet for the both of them.

As soon as Nabiki felt Kuno position himself, she also felt her own change begin. Instead of it starting at her feet as it normally did, it seemed to be rippling out from her stomach, out from the point where everything had started. Far from being painful, it only heightened the feelings in her at the moment.

Before she could really comprehend what was happening, the switch from pleasure to pain, it was too late. Nabiki's mind was tripped up by the extreme pleasure and feeling of... rightness. Holding down the want to cry out, she suffered her pleasure in silence.

A few minutes later, the feeling had faded for the both of the, the stars faded, the earth stopped moving, and they were simply two messy teenagers, one with an overabundance of body hair.


"Good afternoon, Akane, Ranma," Nabiki said smoothly as she sat down next to them.

"Uh, hi..." Akane wasn't sure what to say. Nabiki had been acting so strange lately, and on the way to school that morning... "This morning..." she finally gathered the courage to say.

"Over here," Nabiki called out, interrupting Akane.

Ranma and Akane followed Nabiki's gaze and cringed when they saw Kuno approaching. "Oh no," Ranma said quietly.

"Have a seat, Kuno-chan," Nabiki offered, eyeing his lunch hungrily. "And what did you bring today?" she asked as he sat down.

Kuno glared darkly at Ranma before answering Nabiki. "The finest cuisine your sister could prepare." Kasumi had generously fixed him a lunch, not that he couldn't prepare his own. He wasn't great, but he wasn't bad either. When it was a regular occurrence that your sister poisoned your food, you quickly learned how to fend for yourself.

"I bet. Let me see."

"No, ladies first."

"No way. I want to know what you've got."

"Until I have discovered what you are hiding from me, only force shall reveal the contents of my lunch."

"If that's the way you want it." Nabiki promptly made a grab for Kuno's lunch as he pulled it just out of her reach.

"Foolish woman. Did you think it would be so easy?" Kuno teased, moving his lunch away from Nabiki each time she grabbed for it.

Ranma and Akane were watching, both stunned for the second time that day, as Nabiki and Kuno wrestled over his lunch. "What's going on? Didn't Kasumi make us all the same lunch?" Ranma whispered to Akane.

"I thought so," Akane whispered back.

Ranma watched for another moment then decided it was time to vacate the vicinity. "I'm going to eat with Hiroshi and Daisuke," he said, standing up quickly. He really wanted to get away from the strange display going on before him.

"But Ranma..." Before Akane could finish her question, Ranma was long gone. She looked disgustedly at the two combatants, wondering just how Nabiki could stand it. She had finally pinned Kuno, holding down both his arms. He still held his lunch, and Nabiki couldn't get it without breaking her hold.

"Do you give up?" she asked, breathing heavily.

"Never. I battle to the las... Ergh!" The sudden proclamation of something not so noble and heroic sounding was due to the fact that...

"Give up?"

"Ne... Ergh!"

Nabiki had lodged one knee in Kuno's groin and was sending him subtle hints that he should give in.

"One more time," she said, grinning down at him.

Kuno nodded and released his lunch to her. His entire body shuddered as the pressure was lifted from his groin. Once was MORE than enough; he wasn't about to let it happen again just because of lunch.

Grabbing the prize, Nabiki returned to her seat by Akane. She opened it and looked with interest at the still warm beef and chicken over rice. She picked out one piece of beef that looked like it might have been a little less done than the others with her chopsticks. She popped it in her mouth and swallowed it whole.

"To the winner, the spoils." Nabiki smiled, then started on her own lunch, which was indeed the same thing. "You should bring something like that tomorrow."

"So you may have the pleasure of eating it yourself?" Kuno asked, sitting up and starting to eat finally.

"Of course not, Kuno-chan," Nabiki said, sounding hurt. "Would I do something like that to you?"

Akane and Kuno answered in unison, "Yes."

"Well aren't we the comedians today?" Nabiki replied.


It had been hard since he hadn't actually been able to visit the place himself, and Karl couldn't give a very good description when he couldn't talk. Yet, Anatoly had somehow muddled through Karl's hand signals and put them where they were at the moment, which was in the Gosunkugi house.

"That boy has the book and you couldn't get it from him?" Anatoly asked in a quiet rage as he watched through the little portal. "Stop thinking with your little doggie hormones and just follow the plan next time!"

Karl growled at Anatoly. Just because the thin, little snot was right didn't mean Karl had to admit it. Besides, he had accomplished more than Anatoly had; Anatoly hadn't even left the house. The nerve of some people...

"Anyway," said Anatoly, recomposing himself, "this should be a very simple task now. We just have to wait until tonight."


"I would wager, Nabiki Tendo..."

Wager? That got her attention. "Yes?"

"That your delicate constitution leaves you before the well of my strength is dry," Kuno said a bit uncomfortably.

"Why, Kuno-chan, is that pillowtalk?" Nabiki asked, grinning at him.

"'Tis a wager. You managed to best me at lunch..."

"Sore loser. How much?"

Kuno cleared his throat. "A single yen."

"A whole yen? Kuno-chan, I didn't know you had so much to spare. Look here, I'll go as high as five." Nabiki pulled out a five yen coin.

Kuno pulled out his own. "Then it is settled." With a growl, he lunged forward and scooped Nabiki into his arms, then sprinted off toward his home.

"Kasumi, I'm a little worried," Akane said, walking into the kitchen.

Kasumi was preparing the usual afternoon snacks. "About what, Akane?"

Akane hesitated for a moment. Kasumi knew, she just had to. "It's about Na..."

A knock on the door interrupted her. "Akane, could you please see who that is?" Kasumi asked.

Akane nodded and went to the door. When she opened it, it was the strangest thing. "Yes?" she said, not sure what to make of the person standing in front of her. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. I'm looking for your sister," the man said, his voice sounding strained. "The short-haired one."

Akane barely heard what he said, as she was too busy staring at him. The man was dressed in a long black coat, floppy hat, scarf, sunglasses and gloves. He looked like he was waiting for it to snow. "Uh... um, she's... not here right now," Akane finally stammered.

"Oh, that's unfortunate. Do you know when she will return?"

Akane shook her head slowly.

"Very well then. I apologize for taking up your time." Saying that, he walked away, stiff-jointed, almost hobbling.

Akane watched him make his way down the walk and out of her sight. She closed the door, still looking out to see if the man would reappear. She shook her head and went back to talk to Kasumi.

"About Nabiki," she said, back in the kitchen.


Nabiki stretched out on the bed, her arms spread out, taking up the entire thing. It was very cool and relaxing, even though she didn't need any relaxing. In fact, it was the last thing she wanted. Even after what had happened before lunch, Nabiki was anxious for more.

It was somewhat embarrassing that she was, as Kuno had called her, insatiable, but it wasn't her fault, right? She wouldn't be having sex with the most convenient guy if she didn't turn into a wolf periodically. That much she knew, she was confident of it. At the moment, that wasn't too big of a concern though. "What's taking you so long, Kuno-chan?"

"Pardon my tardiness," Kuno said, coming into the room. "I thought you might be hungry after you lose our wager." He was carrying a large tray with just about every bit of food out of the refrigerator.

"Was that meant to be funny, Kuno-chan? Because if it was, I don't want you to be too embarrassed when you're passed out on the bed," Nabiki countered.

"We shall see." He set the tray down on the dresser then closed the door. "We shall see." Kuno pulled off his clothes and left them scattered on the floor. The pride of a tidy room was nothing compared to what he was about to feel.

He stood at the foot of the bed, a hint of a smile on his face. "Roll over," he said.


Forgetting everything he knew and seeing only that which he wanted, he gave in to the animal urges in him, the ones that made him forget how to act like a gentleman and speak properly... "You'll like it. You know you will."

"What makes you think so?" Nabiki asked warily.

"You're not accepting the terms of our wager... And I know you." The look she gave him was pure poison. "I know your nature. I was the one that gave it to you." He leered at her then. "Now roll over."

Hmm... Nabiki considered the prospect; it did seem... inviting. It wouldn't be... bad... It might be fun even. She rolled over slowly and felt Kuno get on the bed behind her.

He forced her legs apart and kneeled between them. Grabbing her, Kuno lifted Nabiki's rear end, gauging its position in comparison with himself. When he had her at the acceptable height, he stroked her lower back. "Shall we let the contest begin, my love?"

Nabiki decided to let that one slide and nodded, suddenly grabbing a pillow. She buried her face in it, not sure what to expect. Which was silly, because they...

Kuno didn't give her a chance to finish her thought, and the contest had begun...


"Akane, could you set the table? Dinner is almost done," Kasumi called from the kitchen.

Akane was looking outside, still thinking about the mysterious visitor. Ever since Gosunkugi, things had been... well, definitely not the same, but very foreboding. The air around and in the house had seemed dark and unpleasant, even with Kasumi's eternal cheerfulness.


"Sorry, Kasumi. I'll do it right away."


"Thank you for helping with the dishes, Ranma."

"'S'no problem," Ranma answered, drying the last bowl.

"You shouldn't be so hard on your father though."

Ranma rolled his eyes. A little punch-kick combination into the pond wasn't being hard on the old man; it was simply what he deserved.

"Sorry, Kasumi," he apologized anyway.

"Now, about Akane..." When Kasumi looked next to her, Ranma was long gone.


"Good night, Akane."

"Good night, Kasumi."

"Good night, Ranma."

"G'night, Kasumi."

Silence, then a polite throat clearing.

"G... g'night, Akane."

"Good night, Ranma."


"OK, you win. I give up, Kuno-chan," Nabiki said tiredly. She tried to pull away, but Kuno held her tight.

"Not yet."

"Damn it. You won, now let me go." She tried to collapse from exhaustion, but Kuno continued to hold her up.

"If you give up, then it's my turn now."

"What are you..."

Kuno gripped Nabiki's hips almost painfully tight, and two forceful thrusts later was finished. The abruptness wasn't surprising considering her had held off the entire time and was nearly at the point of serious pain. Almost. He released Nabiki and fell back on the bed. "My knees are pained."

Nabiki fell to her side and almost passed out right then. She couldn't make her eyes open, could barely make her body move; she had lost big time. There was no denying it.

"Wh... where's my f... five yen?" Kuno managed to say. He started to sit up then fell back down. "Never mind... it's not worth it."

Nabiki forced herself to retain consciousness, though moving was still out of the question. Slowly, she managed to turn her head to look at the tray on the dresser. Things were kind of dark and blurry, but her nose wasn't lying to her. The food smelled delicious and she was rather hungry.

"Kuno-chan," she tried to say, but her throat was too dry. Nabiki conjured up some measure of saliva, then tried to speak again. "Kuno-chan."

He must have been asleep because he didn't respond except with unintelligible mumbling and growls.

Nabiki forced her body to sit up, her muscles feeling barely existent. They weren't sore or hurt, they were just completely exhausted. She tried to nudge Kuno with her toe, but her leg didn't both to comply with her wishes.

"Damn it, Kuno-chan. This is your fault. Get me some food."

Kuno didn't move.

"Figures. I should've known it wasn't just a stereotype." Nabiki forced herself to move, swinging her legs out of the bed and letting her feet touch the floor. Nabiki stood up slowly, carefully, surprised that she was actually able to stand at all, let alone without any assistance.

Walking with small, even steps, she went to the dresser and started eating off the tray. Slowly at first, then faster until she stopped and realized it was almost all gone. She looked down at the few scraps remaining and smirked. 'Serves him right.' She carried what remained over to the bed and sat down.

Sitting by Kuno's head, Nabiki rolled him over and opened his mouth with one finger. Still wearing the smirk, she stuffed some food in his mouth. That seemed to do the trick, bringing him to near wakefulness.

"Wake up, Kuno-chan. You need your strength." Surely not for another round since she could just imagine what she looked like at the moment. Hair a mess, tired smirk, sleepy, red-glowing eyes...

Kuno's eyes opened, revealing something very similar. He chewed slowly, smiling gently up at her. He swallowed and waited patiently for her to feed him more.

Nabiki looked at him, a half sandwich in her hand, her stomach twisting in knots and she didn't know why. Maybe... maybe it was...

"You're starting to show," Kuno said quietly.

Nabiki blinked, not fully comprehending the meaning of the words he had just spoken. As they slowly sand in, she looked down at herself, almost afraid of what might greet her. What she saw woke her up very quickly. Indeed, she was showing, seeing an extra roll of flesh that hadn't been there before. And hadn't... hadn't her bra seemed rather tight the past few days. Oh no. Had anyone else noticed?

Kuno noticed the near panic on her face. "Don't worry, I think you look wonderful."

Nabiki looked at him, the disbelief shifting to anger. "You don't have to live with it! I don't believe this!"

That seemed to break the mood and each of their masks were replaced. Kuno looked away sadly, keeping the bitter comments to himself. He would do anything to make Nabiki happy, but never could he let the two innocent children come to harm.

Of course, Nabiki couldn't voice how worried this was getting her. What would happen when it was that time? Who would she turn to? She should have been able to talk to her mother about it, about everything, but... It was too late to be acting like a child again.

Kuno didn't see, but he felt Nabiki get off the bed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her put her clothes back on, then he watched her leave the room, still keeping his silence.


Nabiki sat under the bridge in the darkness. She no longer had any of the simple fears of the people that roamed the night. Even if she actually allowed them to get close enough to her, they would discover exactly who was the hunter and who was the hunted.

At the moment however, she had her mind on the violent ups and downs she was going through, lunchtime rendezvous not withstanding. Well, she was definitely afraid. That much she could admit to herself if no one else. But of what was she afraid? Shit, she practically had to count.

Having a baby... well, two. That scared her. Understandable really, but it was still scary. And then what to do with them after they were born... assuming they weren't taken away from her because they were... deformed. Nabiki's face twisted in a snarl. She wouldn't let anyone take them away. If she was going to go through the trouble of giving birth to them, then she was going to keep them.

That was one thing, and as silly as it might sound, she was afraid of Kuno. She was afraid of the way he seemed to know these things about himself, and things about her, that she hadn't been able to come to grips with. And he seemed to like turning into a wolf. That was scary because Nabiki thought that she just might like it too.

Then there were all the problems. Not current problems, but problems in the future that she couldn't predict. So that was a little worrisome, but not too bad. Nabiki Tendo had always been good at coping with those problems that popped up unexpectedly. Except Kuno and getting pregnant and turning into a wolf.

And the last thing... She couldn't or didn't want to admit it, didn't even want to bring the idea into her conscious thought. She knew it wasn't her fault and that provided some comfort, but she kept it all carefully buried. Deeply and carefully buried, tucked away where she didn't have to think about it... Until she had been sitting on the bed and Kuno had looked at her and smiled... Her stomach had practically yanked itself inside out and she had felt so light-headed.

Nabiki forced the remembrance down very quickly. She didn't want to know what was making her feel that way, even though she already did. Then again, being worried about it wasn't helping at all, which meant she should just... let it go. Yet, Nabiki Tendo never had a penchant for just going with the flow. She didn't follow the current, she made the current. Things were just too uncertain; she was just too uncertain.

Nabiki stood up and decided it was time to go home. Walking out form underneath the bridge, she headed toward home slowly, her mind thankfully empty of worries and concerns. At one point she stopped and looked around her.

Sighing, she said, "You can come out now. I'm not mad at you."

Out of some shadows, Kuno walked silently, his eyes luminescent in the darkness. He walked timidly up to her, keeping his face passively neutral.

"Come on, you can walk me home," Nabiki said, just wanting to get home with as little confrontation as she could manage. She began walking again with Kuno at her side. "Shouldn't you change? What if someone sees you?"

Kuno shrugged. Being caught was the farthest thing from his mind. He had done something stupid again; a habit which he couldn't seem to break himself of. He hung his head, wishing he could stop being stupid and stop hurting Nabiki.


"So we grab the girl, since you say they're attached at the hips, and then he doesn't have a choice. He'll have to do what we tell him... bring what we want." Anatoly grinned. "You were right, Karl. This is more fun than I had anticipated."

Karl was standing by the door looking more than just a little annoyed. 'Stupid shit Anatoly might think it's a game, but I've had enough of this,' he thought.

Anatoly was still smiling to himself. "Well, don't be a grouch, Karl. Let's go!"



"Whatever you think I think..." This would be tough. "Well, I'm not upset, and I did enjoy this afternoon." Still stalling, still harder than hell to say. "And I'm..." Nabiki looked down at her feet. "I'm... not unhappy... with you," she finished lamely. It sounded sentimental and sappy and all around pathetic. She WAS pathetic!

Kuno nodded slowly, obviously unhappy with what Nabiki had just said. He should have felt some modicum of joy, but that bitter pill stayed with him at all times. It was the one that said she never liked him and thought he was a joke and a loser, and she was only saying these things because she didn't have a choice any longer...

Kuno suddenly shook his head vigorously. He needed to leave, he needed to be away from her and clear his mind. It would be easier in human form, but more difficult at the same time. There were words associated with being human, words he didn't want anything to do with. 'Another duty to perform...'

He changed quickly, efficiently, the process becoming no more than an act of daily grooming. Should he comb his hair or change into a wolf? "I must take my leave. The situation is becoming too..." Kuno breathed deeply. What was the situation becoming? He obviously just couldn't drop everything and go; it was all his fa... responsibility.

"What? The situation is becoming too what? Too big of a cramp on your pompous, over-inflated ego? You know this is all your fault!"

"No. It is not that at all." He looked down at the floor, the hot flame of anger usually reserved for Ranma coming to life in him. When he looked back up, ready to say how mad he was, that he didn't deserve to be treated like a floor mat, that he felt like dying when she was mean to him... the flame sputtered and died.

"I am needed at my home," he said evenly then started to leave.

Nabiki watched him start to go. "Idiot," she said sourly, annoyed that he was acting like this. But as the word left her mouth, she saw his body jerk, as if he had been struck.

That... that had really hurt. Hitting him with that shinai again wouldn't have been as painful as that. "I am sorry for being too stupid to live up to your standards. But even stupid people have feelings. Even I have feelings," he said bitterly before walking out, out of the room and down the stairs.

Nabiki stared at the empty doorway. Maybe, just this once, she had been too smart for her own good. Maybe, just this once, she had taken things too far. And maybe, just this once, she was truly sorry for it. Nabiki sat on her bed and drew her knees to her chest. It was time, she figured, to take stock of her personal assets and liabilities. She wasn't too happy with what she was finding.


This would only work if he could get her by surprise. If it wasn't a surprise, then she could likely overpower him. Sad, but true. The small ones always managed to find some hidden store of strength when they knew they were in trouble.

Anatoly toned down his aura until he was invisible to the naked eye, then slowly levitated, forcing himself to rise until he could see into the window. And there she was, her back to the window, apparently lost deep in thought. So much the better. Now all he had to do was dive through the window and subdue her before she managed to do to him whatever she had done to Karl.

Shifting the flow of magic around him, Anatoly prepared to strike. There was a point on the back of the neck that was guaranteed unconsciousness; that would probably work best. Speed was the most important thing though. Any hesitation or even the slightest interference would most likely mean a heap of trouble for himself.

With a sudden burst of power, Anatoly flew into Nabiki's room, breaking through the window, and landed next to her bed. Before Nabiki could fully turn to see what the hell had caused all the noise, Anatoly was touching a point on the back of her neck; it was an effective human off switch.

Feeling the cold finger on her neck, Nabiki jerked away, but it was already too late. She struggled against the encroaching darkness for a moment before it overtook her.

Anatoly lifted his unconscious prisoner and left the room the same way he had entered it. As his feet touched the grass, he immediately gave the agreed upon signal to Karl, but received no response.

Making a sound of annoyance, Anatoly glided silently around to the front of the house to see what girl Karl was drooling over this time. Anatoly stopped at the corner of the house. It seemed he had been only a few seconds from trouble when he had made his move on the girl.


"You again. What is it this time? I have already warned you about Akane Tendo, have I not? And yet you still dare to cross me." Kuno was putting up a pretty good show if he did think so himself. He was definitely confident in his abilities, but the intruder, the interloper... he obviously had so much more experience.

Karl growled, his eyes glowing like Christmas lights. He had had enough of the boy and his bitch, and even though he was only supposed to run a little interference if someone tried to stop Anatoly... Well, this would be more than just some interference.

Things would work either way really. If the boy was alive, he'd bring the book. If the boy was dead, Karl would just have to find the book himself, and he much preferred to do things himself.

Karl suddenly lunged at Kuno, who barely managed to dive out of the way. Landing just in front of the door, Karl turned and made to lunge at Kuno again when Anatoly called out to him.

"You idiot! I have her!"

Kuno's head turned at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. The sight of some other obviously unpleasant character carrying Nabiki made something in him snap. This wasn't some little schoolyard fight with Ranma and this wasn't a challenge of his honor... This was something really serious.

"Leave the boy and let's go!"

It was then that Kuno lurched to his feet and tried to get at Anatoly. That involved turning his back on Karl though, which was a huge mistake. Karl took immediate advantage of the opportunity presented to him.

Before Kuno could get close to Anatoly, he was knocked to the ground by a vicious swipe of Karl's claws. Hitting his chin on the ground and getting a mouthful of grass, Kuno could feel the blood gush down his leg from the deep and brutal cuts.

Anatoly backed away just a little, enough to be safely out of Kuno's reach. "Now," he said, looking down at Kuno, "if you value this girl's life, which I think you do, you'll bring the book back to the house. Then we'll consider an exchange." Anatoly smiled and glided off, carrying Nabiki over one shoulder.

Kuno tried to stand up to go after him, but Karl hit him hard between the shoulder blades, driving him back to the ground. "It would facilitate my retrieval of the book if I was allowed to stand," Kuno said, his face against the ground.

Karl made a little tsking noise then slapped Kuno across the back of the head. Placing one foot on Kuno's lower back, Karl began to exert pressure, increasing slowly. Karl snarled as he felt Kuno fight him and tried to crush the boy beneath his foot. 'This is for what your bitch did to me!'

Kuno struggled under the pressure and the pain. His body couldn't take much more of it; the next thing to give would be his spine. Flat-out resisting would only get his back broken that much quicker most likely. If only Nabiki had been there to smack the bastard in the nads with that shinai and really give it to someone that deserved it.

Kuno felt his vertebra about to snap when he heard a very distinctive clang sound and the pressure was lifted from his back. Before he could think about reacting, his body was reacting. Scrambling to his now wolfen feet and turning, Kuno saw Karl threatening Kasumi, who had a heavy pot in her hand.

Karl was advancing on her slowly with one claw raised. Kasumi was holding the pot in front of her as protection. Kuno knew the pot would be a pile of scrap if Karl decided it was in the way. That could not be allowed to happen.

Grabbing Karl, putting him into a modified full-Nelson, Kuno locked his jaws on the vulnerable neck in front of his face. Karl obviously knew how quickly death could sweep down when in such a vulnerable position and held himself still.

Kasumi looked at the two. "I heard that man... What book was he talking about?"

Karl growled at her, for which Kuno clamped down a little harder. Karl quieted immediately.

"I... I want to know what's going to happen to my sister," Kasumi said, her voice firm and unwavering. "Where is she?"

Karl shook his head slowly, mindful of the deadly hold on his neck. He would rather die than help any of these people, preferably taking as many as he could with him. The longer they stood there though, the more he could feel the boy's strength wane. Very soon...

"What is this book, Tatewaki?" Kasumi asked. If this book was the source of the problem, then returning it would be the easiest thing to do.

If Kuno could have screamed, he would have. If the book was that important to them, he couldn't just give it back, and that was what Kasumi wanted to do. So far, this position wasn't getting him anywhere. He was getting tired and he could tell he wasn't going to get the information he wanted. Namely, what was the big deal with the book, and where had these... people come from?

Suddenly, Kuno shoved Karl away, tearing away enough flesh from to leave the taste of blood in his mouth and deep furrows in Karl's neck. They each assumed a fighting stance, snarling at each other, Kuno's black fur melting him into the shadows and Karl's silvery fur making him look like a ghost in the night.

The blood was clearly visible running down Karl's shoulders while Kuno's leg felt like it was on fire. Neither noticed when Kasumi disappeared back inside the house.

She would stay up, but what she would do if Kuno lost... And she could hear them fighting, so violently, and if she hadn't been cured then she could do something to save her sister...


Anatoly set Nabiki on the floor of the room, making sure she was still out. The portal waiting, cats its eerie glow about the room, pulsing softly. Anatoly looked at it. Maybe he should just say to hell with Karl and go back. It would be bad without the book, but... He looked down at Nabiki. He did have an alternate offering, and he did have an excuse...


Karl was surprised momentarily as Kuno disappeared into the darkness. Damn the foreigners. It was so much easier when they were all lightly colored and stood out in the darkness. But this one... He was sneaky, but not quite sneaky enough as Karl pinpointed the source of his scent... laced with fear.

Kuno braced himself as Karl came leaping at him, fangs and claws bared. Catching Karl's hands in his own, Kuno fell back, landing hard on the ground and almost getting his throat torn out. With a shift of momentum, Kuno managed to roll back a little and catapult Karl away with his legs.

Karl did an acrobatic flip in the air to land on his feet, looking angrier than ever. Battling was out; this would be a brawl, plain and simple. If only he had been taught the more advanced techniques, incorporating the use of magic into his attacks. The fight would have been over long ago if he had. As it stood, his only real advantage over the boy was his experience.

Kuno rolled to his side then stood up as quickly as his body would allow, which was significantly slower than it had been just ten minutes ago. With that realization, he was suddenly very angry, more upset than he could ever remember feeling before. The pain in his leg was soon forgotten and all he could think about was the pain he wished to inflict on the monster standing in front of him. And then the destruction he would reap on the other one, the one that had walked off with Nabiki.

Standing straight up, raising his head to the sky, bringing his height to well over seven feet, he let loose his battle cry: a loud, blood-curdling howl. His howl was joined by the rumble of thunder and several streaks of lightning ripping across the sky.

More posturing. Karl had seen it all before, though the thunder and lightning was an interesting new trick. Then the boy was moving at him, charging him, almost a blur. That was a new trick too. Karl tried to leap back and give himself more room, but the boy was too fast, too incessant. There was no time for retreating, only fighting, so Karl swung at his approaching adversary. His claws sliced through the flesh and warm rivulets of blood flowed down his arm. It was like slicing through so much butter, and gave Karl a warm feeling inside.

At least, that was how things should have happened. That was how things would have happened if he had actually hit. Unfortunately for Karl, Kuno came in under his swing with a slash that would have ripped him open from gut to gullet. Kuno was too low for his claws to go that deep, so he only left four deep gouges in Karl's stomach.

That wasn't anything close to the worst injury Karl had experienced, but about five of those type of injuries came real close. Karl tried to block, dodge, counterattack, anything, but the boy's speed was simply phenomenal. A slice here, a slash there, a bite in the back, a kick to the back of the knee that dropped Karl when several tendons were severed, and soon the world was a gray haze.

Then, the cuts stopped coming and he was simply being beaten. The cuts were being torn open wider, and it was his turn to feel the his own blood running out of him. What had happened? How... how he have been defeated by a pup not even past his first spring of life? His head was jerked around so he was looking up, and that was when Karl realized the beating had stopped.

"Where is she?"

Karl stared up, not seeing. He was trying to form some sort of plan, but his mind was coming up completely blank.

Kuno swatted him across the muzzle. "Where did he take her? What is the importance of the book?" Not receiving any answer, Kuno put his hand on Karl's windpipe and began to squeeze.

Black spots began to appear before Karl's eyes and his body finally gave up on its hold on the alternate form, depleted of energy. His eyelids fluttered and he finally gave in. Beaten by someone who had more purpose than he... Figures.

Kuno saw the light in Karl's eyes begin to dim and released his throat. "Tell me what I wish to know," he said menacingly.

Karl's eyes opened widely. He coughed then attempted to speak. "Book?" He laughed hoarsely, breaking out into more coughing. "Book... House... That bastard." Karl's eyes narrowed. "He'll kill her, then what will you do?"

Kuno inhaled sharply, his face becoming a mask of hatred. "Who are you?"

"Just like you... Wish they had given me the cure... I could've been cured..." Karl seemed to fade then snap back to reality. "I only wish I could watch her die, then have her sister..." His blood covered lips curved upward in a smile.

What sounded like an explosion occurred overhead as the broiling clouds that had moved in crashed with thunder. It managed to drown out the sound of Kuno's scream as his fist rammed into Karl's face and caved it in. There would be no recovery, no chance for revenge.

It was that point that Kasumi came scurrying out in her nightgown and robe, looking more than frightened. Kuno looked back at the house and saw that at some point he had gained an audience. He could make out the silhouettes of all the members of the household, standing quietly, watching him.

Kasumi stopped short when she saw the mess Kuno was crouching over. "Tatewaki, come inside so your leg can be bandaged." She touched his shoulder gently.

"No!" he said, a mixture of blood and saliva flying from his mouth. "I have to go!" Kuno started to stand, then wobbled and nearly collapsed.

"Come inside. Your leg needs to be bandaged and you can have some tea." Kasumi was just as stubborn in her own way. She pulled on his arm and expected him to follow. "They're going to be waiting for you so you have some time," she reasoned, speaking in soft, gentle tones.

Kuno looked down at Karl's body. "You are not like me, and I shall never be like you." He stared at the body for a few more moments, and when the rain started pouring down, he followed Kasumi back inside.


No matter how many times he washed himself, there still seemed to be blood on him. He had managed to get the blood out from underneath his toenails finally, but there it was... clinging to his hand now. Kuno scrubbed desperately at it until it disappeared, but... When he poured the water over his head, he could see it wash away red still.

At least the taste was gone from his mouth. The tea Kasumi had given him had helped that, and even now, she was making him something to eat. Now if he could only get the blood off to make himself presentable. And if he concentrated on that, then he wouldn't have to think about what he would do if Nabiki was dead.

A knock on the door shook him a little. "Tatewaki, the food is done." Kasumi had gotten bold ever since... the incident.

Kuno stood up, the problem with the blood forgotten; he didn't notice the bloody mess his leg left on the stool, didn't feel the dull pain that was still throbbing, he could only concentrate on making himself presentable.

He stood in front of the mirror and lifted the comb by the sink with one shaking hand. He didn't notice the tremor as he dragged the comb through his hair, slicking it back while it was still wet. Seeing his hair in place, Kuno dropped the comb and went into the changing room.

"Presentable... must be presentable..." he mumbled as he slipped on the robe so graciously provided by the Tendos. Kuno was about to leave the changing room when Kasumi came in, not even bothering with knocking.

"Good. Now let me fix your leg up," she said in her special way of getting anything she wanted. Without giving Kuno a chance to answer, Kasumi kneeled down behind him and lifted the robe. Seeing the ugly gouges in his left thigh, she began applying bandages while he stood docilely for her.

"Tatewaki," Kasumi said as she finished up, "you have to do something for me." She let the robe fall and stood up. She looked Kuno in the eyes as he turned to face her. "Tatewaki, there's something you have to do for me," she repeated.

Kuno looked at Kasumi, wondering if there was something wrong with his appearance; he couldn't be unpresentable. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Tatewaki. I just want you to do me a favor." Kasumi began straightening the changing room. "I want you to..." Kasumi refolded some towels. "I want you to bring Nabiki back safely," she said quietly, looking tired.

Kuno looked at her somewhat blankly, then nodded. "Or I won't come back at all."

"I know you will," Kasumi said, stacking the towels neatly. "You need to eat something now." They both left the bathroom and went to sit at the table.

Kuno looked at the food set before him. "I can not eat," he said, shaking his head slightly.

"You must. That fight must have drained you; eating will help." Kasumi poured him a cup of tea.

Kuno sighed then began eating slowly.

Kasumi watched him, sipping her own tea. "You'll need some sleep, I imagine."

Instead of resisting, Kuno simply nodded.

"It can wait until morning; they won't do anything to her so soon, right, Tatewaki?" Kasumi was almost panicky.

Kuno nodded again. "Morning," he said.


Anatoly frowned. Why couldn't Karl ever follow the plan? It had been a big mistake in not protesting the appointment of such a fool to assist him on this mission. He stared at the portal almost longingly. He was tired of being there, tired of waiting in the tiny house, tired of not having any freedom while he was banished to this worthless little world.

Nabiki stirred on the floor, but remained unconscious.

She was fighting hard. Even if Anatoly decided to return without the book, she would make a nice consolation prize. Still, all he could do was wait...


Kuno woke up in the darkness of early morning. He had only gotten a few hours sleep, but it made all the difference in the world. Instead of getting up right away, he pulled the pillow to his face and inhaled deeply. She was still alive and she would remain so. He would make sure of it.

Feeling much better, Kuno got out of Nabiki's bed, trying to form a plan. Only, he wasn't so good at making plans, and while his body changed, that hadn't. The house. There was only one house Kuno knew with the sense of foreboding those two words carried. The cure. The man he had killed... He knew someone with a cure. It was finally his chance to cure... Nabiki. Stretching, Kuno knew he had to jump at what could be his only chance to get a cure for... Nabiki.

Sitting on the desk was a note and some clothing that caught his eye. Kasumi had written it.

'Please wear this. I'm afraid your own clothing is far too dirty to go out in. Please don't forget what I asked you.'

Kuno nodded to the note and looked at the clothing. A large, off-white gi was folded neatly, waiting for him to wear it. He smiled, somewhat vaguely, that the black belt that was also there.

He put on the top, knowing he would end up discarding it or ruining it later, then picked up the pants. Underneath them was the book. Kuno couldn't even remember bringing it with him, but there it was. He pulled on the pants, his eyes never leaving the book. The book was the key to everything. But exactly how much could it unlock?

His mind still on the book in his hand, Kuno went downstairs quietly, stopping in the kitchen. He scribbled his own note for Kasumi's peace of mind.

'I thank you. The house is the Gosunkugi home, of that I am sure. If I do not return...'

He didn't bother to sign the note he had left on the kitchen counter as he walked off into the night.


"Don't struggle now. That will only make it worse," Anatoly said pleasantly. "And I don't really want you hurting yourself. You're my backup plan, you know? If I don't have the book, at least I'll have you." He smiled and Nabiki's stomach suddenly wanted to rid itself of all contents.

She tested whatever was binding her hands, tugging at the bonds. There was no give to them at all.

"Come now. Don't bother; my magic is strong enough to hold you, so you might as well save your energy. You're most likely going to need it." Anatoly tried to settle back into his chair after giving the magical bonds he had constructed a cursory glance.

'So I know Kuno-chan changes when he wants to, but how do I do it?' Nabiki thought, relaxing for a moment. But changing didn't mean she would break her bonds; she might just end up giving away an ace up her sleeve... If she could actually make herself change. She couldn't make herself stop, so how could she make herself go?

While pondering these questions, Nabiki didn't notice Anatoly sit up like there was an electric current running through him. Conjuring up one of his little viewing portals, Anatoly checked to see what had tripped his alarms. The blurry portal showed a huge, lightly colored wolfen figure entering the house. "Well well," the vampire said, rubbing his hands together. "I guess we'll get to hear what Karl has to say." He looked down at Nabiki. "You had just better hope your boyfriend brings the book. It'll make things easier on both of you."

What the hell was going on? That was a question Nabiki seemed to be asking a lot lately, and she didn't like it. For the moment, she put on a show. "He's not my boyfriend," she said tersely.

Anatoly arched an eyebrow, a half-smile on his face. "Didn't look that way to me when he tried to rip my throat out."

Nabiki wasn't sure why, but that surprised her. "He... did?"

"Yes, that is, until Karl politely discouraged him from doing so." Anatoly's smile turned cruel. "He should be in good enough shape to bring us the book, then we'll dispose of him."

Oh no. He did have that humongous ego that was as likely to get him killed as anything. Kuno was probably lucky if he wasn't dead already.

"You, on the other hand," Anatoly said, interrupting Nabiki's train of thought, "I think we'll keep you around. I know someone that would be very interested in... meeting you."

Nabiki actually managed enough force and accuracy to spit in Anatoly's face. She had no vocal reply though, because if Kuno was dead or hurt... Well, she was in a whole lot of trouble then.

"Don't worry. I imagine you'll live a very long, very... productive life as long as you don't anger anyone."

The evil smile Anatoly was wearing... It made Nabiki even more sick and angry. She scowled and felt it starting, brought about by her intense emotions. Nabiki stifled her gasp as she felt the pain surge through her, and tried to keep the change from happening. She had never been able to stop it before, but this time, she had to; she couldn't let her captor know.

"What seems to be the matter?" Anatoly asked. "There's no need to be so distressed over all this. Once I've taken care of this mess and handed you over, you won't remember a thing about all of this. It will just be a dream."

Nabiki couldn't stop it, couldn't hold it back. And once the piece of crap in front of her found out, he'd probably think of something more humiliating, and her one chance of escape would be wasted.

Her hands were the first parts to go for a change; lucky that they were behind her back. Lucky until she could feel her feet and the rest of her body all want to change at once. That would be impossible to hide. And Nabiki couldn't see the strange looks Anatoly was giving her because her eyes were closed tightly and she was grimacing.

"What's..." Anatoly started to say before the door opened slowly. He looked up, now annoyed. "Karl, it's about time you..."

The door was flung open all the way suddenly, and for an instant, Anatoly could see the hulking silhouette that was not Karl. Since he hadn't completely shed his human instincts, Anatoly froze in fear for one second too long.

Kuno saw him, saw him freeze, saw that he was so confident and leapt at him. Driving Anatoly to the floor, Kuno sunk his claws into the thin bony chest and snapped his jaws shut on Anatoly's neck. Bitter blood gushed into his mouth as his teeth ripped through every tissue and met in the middle.

"Kuno-chan!" Nabiki's change had stopped when the door burst open and she had seen who it was. Happily, whatever bonds had been restraining her had disappeared too. As Kuno lifted his head and looked at her, Nabiki turned away. She didn't want to see any more blood. It may not have been a big deal when she was angry, but not now.

Looking at Nabiki quizzically, Kuno licked the blood from his muzzle. He couldn't fathom why she had her eyes shut like that. A gurgling noise from beneath him made him look down. Apparently, the bastard was still alive, and he had fangs. That made Kuno snarl at the mostly decapitated vampire he had pinned down.

"Kuno-chan, do something with that. It's going to make me throw up," Nabiki said, the smell itself making her a little green.

Kuno looked at the mess, then around the room. Seeing Gosunkugi's school jacket, he grabbed that and draped it over the mess; it was still gurgling. He stood up and grunted to get Nabiki's attention, standing between her and the body.

Even though the smell was making her stomach roll dangerously, at least she didn't have to look at it too. Nabiki swallowed heavily, trying not to look past Kuno at the blood oozing out over the floor. "Good. Now get me the hell out of here!"

Kuno pulled the book out of his gi and looked at it. Gosunkugi knew there was a cure and the one he had killed knew there was a cure, so maybe... As Kuno changed back to human, the gi sagged on his much smaller body.

"This book..." He held it up for Nabiki to see. "This book can be our... your salvation."

"Salvation? What are you talking about?" Nabiki got to her feet, the nausea subsiding. She looked at the book, her eyes narrowed. "What about that book?"

"I am speaking of a cure. They desired this book desperately. Yet, now... we hold power over them. They must do what we wish them to. This fiend can cure you, as Gosunkugi did with your sister."

"Where did you get that book?"

Kuno looked at her blankly. Why wasn't she happy about this? She could be cured, so why was she giving him that funny look? "I found it here. It was hidden." Something was wrong; things were going all wrong again.

"How can that book be a cure?"

The mess on the floor gurgled louder than before.

Kuno blinked twice. "They know how to remove the curse of this condition. You can be cured in exchange for this book."

"What about you?"

Looking at the wall to his right, Kuno shook his head. "No, it is more important that you..."

"You don't want to be cured." It was not said as a question.

Kuno couldn't answer; he didn't know how to respond to the truth.

"Why?" Nabiki asked, not really surprised by his non-answer.

"What do you think of me now?" he asked quietly, ignoring the gurgling from the floor.

"What do I... I don't know," she answered defensively.

"No, not how do you feel about me... What do you think of me? Am I still the fool? Am I still the incompetent? Am I still an object of humor and amusement at school?"

Nabiki shook her head. This was exactly what she was thinking about before. It wasn't a curse, but a supreme temptation.

"Then why should I be happy with the way I was before? Why should I go back to having nothing when I have everything now? Maybe I didn't realize why they were laughing at me, but I know that they were. No one laughs at me now.

"I had no respect, I had no friends, I had no..." He looked back at Nabiki. "Well, my life was unfulfilling for a number of reasons. But now..."

"Now what? You don't have respect. Everyone's just afraid of you! You still don't have any friends..."

Kuno stood a little straighter and gave Nabiki a sneer that would chill even old man winter. "I have never needed friends," he said haughtily.

"Cut the bullshit!" That had been the absolute last straw. "Look here, you may think you're the only one who can see and hear things other people can, but you're not. I can too. And you might think that you're the great 'samurai wolf' of Japan, but you're not! Do you know what I see?" Nabiki wasn't stopping; she was on one rather angry roll. "I see a little boy. A scared little boy so socially dysfunctional he wouldn't have made it through high school without ME!"

Nabiki hmphed a little and folded her arms across her chest, returning to her normal confident and mentally aloof self. "Think anything you want, but I do want to get rid of this mess."

For no more than a second, Kuno looked frightened, very frightened. "Do you mean..."

"Will you stop harping on that! They'll probably come out to be a couple of mutants anyway."

For once, Kuno barely managed to control his rage. He said in a calm and quiet voice, "Don't you dare say that." The muscles in his jaw visibly clenched.

"Spare me the maternal instinct. I just want to put an end to all this garbage as soon as possible." They stared at each other, the gurgling coming from the floor still being ignored.

"The only think I want," Kuno said quietly, "is for them to be safe. I know this causes you... discomfort, but that is how I feel."

Nabiki looked down at herself, her anger dissipating. "Yeah, I suppose I understand how you feel. But I still..."

Kuno nodded. "The tempest has engulfed you, and I have only..."

"Don't say it." She didn't want to hear it again; she already knew. Her stomach gurgled again just to make sure she didn't forget it. "So... what do we do now?"

Kuno looked at the book, then at the portal. He could always just go through it... And end up where? Do what? How would he get back?

"You're not going to do that. That's suicide," Nabiki said incredulously.

"It is the only way." Kuno's voice seemed wistful, far away as he stared at the portal, hypnotized by the pulsing light.

"I don't think so. What about him?" Nabiki pointed at the covered figure on the floor. "Didn't you say he could..."

Kuno shrugged. "Gosunkugi did, but only against his will. We might be able to force this one to do the same, but I would not trust him." He nudged the figure with his toe, watching it jerk.

Nabiki stared and started shaking her head. "You can't go through there. You're not going through it. I don't care." Something very heavy was starting to build up in her chest and she didn't like it at all. "I won't let you."

"But I thought you..." Now Kuno was completely confused.

"It's not that important. I wouldn't ask anyone to risk their life over this. I'll just..."

The gurgling at their feet intensified then, drawing their attention. Kuno leaned down and pulled the jacket away.

The vampire had made some admirable progress in pulling himself back together, the neck actually looking like a whole neck. The mouth moved and blood could be seen bubbling up through the still visible veins and arteries. There was also a hissing sound.

"What is... that trying to do?" Nabiki asked, barely able to stand the sight.

"Perhaps he attempts to speak."

The bubbling blood and hissing continued, and it appeared that Anatoly was attempting to move.

"The sunlight will destroy you," Kuno said simply.

Nabiki glanced up at him. "How do you know that?" Before the words had fully left her mouth, she knew it to be true as well.

"Sunlight will kill you and your overconfidence is your weakness. Your reliance on magic and deceit will be your downfall. There is only one chance for you to survive." Kuno was staring down at Anatoly with naked hatred.

As he spoke, Nabiki was starting to feel uneasy. She was getting a bad feeling about things. "Just forget him. Let's go; I don't feel comfortable here." It was like they were being watched. Watched by hostile eyes.

"No. This is what you wanted. You will have your cure at whatever cost." Kuno never removed his eyes from Anatoly, who, creepily enough, was looking back.

There was a nearly audible popping sound, and Anatoly took a deep breath. The blackish blood dribbled from his lips again and he began moaning.

Watching Anatoly warily, Kuno could see his eyes start to glow. "Do not try any of your tricks; they will not work," he warned.

The glowing in Anatoly's eyes faded as a sign of understanding. He had been defeated. He wasn't too proud to admit that. So now all he had to do was take the two of them with him. He could not be denied some measure of revenge.

"Will you give us information?" Kuno asked, not that he planned on really believing anything said by the deceitful vampire at his feet.

Anatoly's mouth moved, ichor gushing out of it, but no sound. His arm moved slowly, fingers twitching, toward Kuno's ankle.

Stopping it by stomping his foot down on it, Kuno pinned it to the floor. "I know you can speak. I suggest you do so." There wasn't going to be any game playing at that point. He had done enough of that before.

"Ne... ver," Anatoly wheezed, regaining his strength slowly.

"Kill it."

Kuno looked at Nabiki and shook his head. "No. This is your only way. He is the only one who knows how..."

"You can't trust anything he says if he doesn't try to kill us first!"

"I am aware of that, but..."

"So kill it. Get rid of it." Nabiki glared at Kuno, who simply looked back at her. "If you don't then I will."

"You... can't. Fools." Closer, just a little longer. "I could... cure you... but not..." Anatoly wheezed. "Not your... runts." Anatoly's gaze became darkly playful. "Tear you open... if you're cured."

Kuno looked horrified and Nabiki looked totally pissed. "Shut up," she said flatly.

"Can't cure them... In too deep." His neck may have been in bad shape, but that was fine because he could still blow them all brats to smithereens.

"I said shut up!"

Anatoly began to laugh, a deep, hoarse cackle that grew in volume until Nabiki couldn't stand it.

With a strangled cry, Nabiki shoved Kuno aside and grabbed Anatoly's head, pulling and twisting it. Kuno held her arm, trying to stop her, pull her away, but she would not let go.

Anatoly's hands flew up to try and stop what was being done to him, but as the tenuous attachment between body and head began to separate, he lost control. There was an explosion of blood from the neck and mouth as the head pulled free of the body.

Holding it high like a trophy, Nabiki stared at it hatefully, squeezing it, meaning to make pulp of it. She turned, growling at Kuno as he began to move the body. "What are you doing?"

"I am disposing of this. You would do well to do the same with that." he said, gesturing with his head at what she was holding. Ignoring the looks she was giving him, Kuno moved the body out of the way then lifted it carefully, not getting any gore on himself.


"I am sending him back from whence he came." Kuno heaved the body at the portal and watched it disappear through the portal of light.

Nabiki looked at the head in her hands, then suddenly hurled it at the window. It crashed through the shade, broke the window and landed in the middle of the small yard.

The sky was gray with the earliest morning light, but even that was enough to set it to smoking.


The portal flared to life and a body came flying out. It landed on the ground with a splat and rolled to a stop.

"What the..."

The body burst into flames and burned until there was nothing left except a pile of ashes.

"What... who was that?"

"I think that was Anatoly, but where's Karl?"

The two looked at each other.

"You don't think Karl..." the first one said.

The second man shook his head. "No. Karl was too well trained. He wouldn't have."

"Fine. So you tell Dmitri what happened."

There was more verbal argument and almost some physical before the two came to an understanding. They would wait longer and see what else happened. Procrastination always worked...


"I must go."

"Damn it. Didn't you hear him? He said it can't be done."

"And you believed those words? Were you not the one who said he would lie to us?"

"Yeah, but he..."

"It makes no difference. I am going. You can not sway me against it." It was almost like there was something calling out to him, beckoning him beyond the portal. "I must go," he said softly.

"What are you talking about?" Nabiki knew this was the end; he had finally lost it.

"I am not sure. I would gladly go to give you want you want, but I am going either way." He turned to face her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Do you want to be cured?" Kuno asked seriously.

Nabiki was suddenly frightened by his intensity and her own indecision. She tried to keep her fear from showing and nodded.

"Very well. A cure I will seek, even if you are undecided."

That got Nabiki angry. "Don't even try that on me. What I want is..." She cut herself off. She couldn't be cured because she didn't want to die, but as for the two fetuses... When she spoke again, her voice was quiet. "I want to live, and I want them to be safe."

Nabiki ran her hands across her stomach, feeling the swell that hadn't been there a week ago. "I want them to be safe and I want them to be human. I want them to be safe and I don't want to do this alone."

Kuno seemed completely impervious to what she was saying. "What makes you think that they are not?" he asked. She was dredging up his own worries, the ones he couldn't admit to because everything had been his fault.

"You know it! You know they aren't! I don't want them to be freaks!"

"They are not! I told you not to call them that!"

Nabiki just didn't know what to say after that. The things she was arguing for were contradicting each other. She didn't want him to go, but she needed the cure. And that meant going through the portal, wherever it led.

"I'm going."

Kuno blinked. "You're what?"

"I said I'm going. Don't try to stop me. I have to do this."

Kuno didn't say anything for a time. "There are preparations to be made," he said finally. "I do not know what lies beyond that portal; only that the two that wanted to kill me and kidnap you came from it."

Nabiki walked over to the portal and reached her hand out.

"Do not touch it!"

Not listening to Kuno, Nabiki touched her fingers to the light. It flared feebly as it encased her fingers in small ripples of shimmering white light. "It's like it's not even there. I don't feel anything." She thrust her hand in to the wrist and wiggled her fingers. Pulling her hand out, Nabiki looked at it and found nothing different.

Watching her, Kuno didn't feel so confident all of a sudden. Something felt wrong about it, but he knew he had to go. The danger of it was something he had to face. "There... there is much to do."

Nabiki heard the hesitation in his voice and faced him. "You're not chickening out on me now, Kuno-chan. You can't."

Kuno shook his head slowly. "I would do no such thing."

"Good. We have plans to make and I don't want you getting cold feet at zero hour."

Kuno nodded and silently considered the portal. The decision had been reached and there was no going back now.

Nabiki looked as well. "What do you think's over there?" she asked. But no way was she getting second thoughts. This was something she had to do.

Updated 2-11-98