{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}
Finally, Kodachi pulled away. "Go now so I may sleep."
"No. I shall stay here. I will take no more chances. If that demon-spawn should somehow find you, then I shall be waiting to separate his heart from his chest and his head from his shoulders."
Knowing that he was set in his decision, Kodachi sighed and nodded. "Very well." She made herself as comfortable as possible on the bed, unhappy with the conditions she was forced to endure, and tried to sleep. Shivering in the cool, damp air, Kodachi pulled the blanket up tighter around her neck and curled into a loose fetal position to conserve heat. 'Gosunkugi had better be a god of the underworld, or I'm going to be very annoyed,' she thought.
Kodachi woke up slowly, returning to awareness, and sighed, almost happily. She snuggled contentedly under the blanket, feeling very warm and comfortable. Gripping her teddy bear tightly, she buried her face in its softness. Then it exhaled heavily and put its arm over her.
Hmm... Since when did her teddy bear breathe or put its arms around her? Something in Kodachi's sleep-fogged mind wasn't clicking. Then, all the pegs began to fall into place and Kodachi opened her eyes. 'Naturally,' she thought, then, something along the lines of 'How dare he!' And finally, 'This is pretty warm,' because, of course, she had her face pressed deep into the fur of her brother's chest.
She was under the blanket while he was on top of it, but there was a whole feeling of... wrongness. Yet, she took her time pulling away, taking in her brother's appearance from a better vantage point. She could almost see that it was him under all the fur. That was a comforting idea, humanizing the imposing figure somewhat.
"Brother," Kodachi said quietly, running her hand down his chest. She allowed herself a brief fantasy about Ranma, carefully controlling it so she didn't get too carried away. Why was fate so cruel? Why did she wake up in the arms of her brother when it was Ranma she longed to feel next to her.
The feel of the female body next to him was comforting. He knew exactly who it was though, so there was no confusion about what was going on, but the identity of that female was what settled him. His family, even his father, was very important to him. Knowing full well it was because of his change, he took the safety of his family very seriously, especially after the previous night.
It was that sense of duty that kept him motionless when Kodachi's hands began to pet him soothingly. It was not something a sister should be doing to her brother, even if it was innocent. Still, if it was for her benefit, he would endure it.
Akane pulled the strand of hair out of her dinner without saying a word, and quickly disposed of it. Everyone had learned to keep quiet about the strange things Kasumi had started doing, especially if it involved her cooking. Quickly, noticing Kasumi glaring at her, Akane started eating. A stray hair wasn't really any cause for concern, right? It happened to everyone now and then. 'Not Kasumi,' that little voice in Akane's head said.
Ranma's return to school was... interesting to say the least. Being a quick healer and a headstrong teenage male meant Ranma refused to put his life on hold, even if it did mean going back to school. And, in fact, if it wasn't for the bandages still on his arms, Ranma was no different than he had been the morning before the ill-fated fight.
Charging onto school grounds like they were being chased by a pack of... amorous suitors and fiancees, Akane and Ranma both skidded to halt on some loose gravel. They could both feel the extreme tension in the air and it was obviously getting to their classmates as well. They looked around until they spotted the source of the tension skulking around.
Kuno was looking for Gosunkugi. If the boy was anywhere near the school, he would be found and punished. The morning hours had given Kuno time to think through his situation. It wasn't possible for him to sit at home and simply wait for the little monster to pay a visit. No, better to be the hunter than the hunted.
Ranma and Akane watched Kuno move from student to student, never speaking, only glaring mysteriously at each one. Anything anyone said to the upperclassman was, amazingly enough, ignored. Ranma watched warily as Kuno moved toward Akane at his side. Automatically, he assumed a fighting posture; he would not be caught off-guard by Kuno again.
Kuno walked over and stood in front of Akane and Ranma. Akane saw the two men glare at each other, moreso than usual, but that was their only exchange. Ready to dodge away at any moment, Akane watched Kuno closely. There was no way she was going to have her arms, or any other part, looking like Ranma's. She could see Kuno's nostrils flare as if he was... smelling them. 'He's really gone off the deep end,' Akane thought as she watched Kuno move away to another group of students.
Stunned didn't quite accurately describe Ranma's, or Akane's, reaction when Kuno snubbed them. Akane couldn't remember the last time Kuno had ignored them (aside from the times he hadn't been in school).
A trace. That was all it took. A trace, a careless remnant from one visit. Obviously, Gosunkugi underestimated him, or even more insulting, believed he wasn't a threat. When Kuno managed to get his hands on the little retch and mention the names Sayuri, Akane, and Kodachi, then rip the frail body to shreds... Gosunkugi will have wished he had never heard the name Tatewaki Kuno.
"I shall go to his home and confront him. That is the only way."
"No. There are... things that have to be taken care of first. More important things than that..."
"What could be more important seeing a demon like that torn apart?"
"My sister. I saw the way you and Kasumi were looking at each other. You owe her an explanation."
"I shall do no such thing. I owe her nothing."
"You owe her, and me, plenty, so come on."
"I refuse."
Nabiki sighed. Still acting as thick as a truck a lot of the time. He still needed quite a bit of work. She looked at the annoyed look on his face. Quite a bit. "Look, you changed in front of her. I hear her crying at night. She's acting strange now, doing all sorts of weird things, and I think it's because of you. So I'm saying you owe her an explanation, whether you want to give her one or not."
Kuno looked shamefacedly at his feet. "Very well." Argued into submission once again. He was shamed for refusing to help... No, there was something he wasn't ready to admit yet.
After school, they headed to Nabiki's home, ignoring the intense whispers of fellow students as they left school together. Kuno had to continuously keep his hands in check, as they kept wanting to hold Nabiki's hand, rest on her back, or go around her waist. And she kept giving him dirty looks, which stung him more than any physical blow.
Why did she blame him? It wasn't his fault that Kasumi did such... Kuno shivered at the prospect of seeing Kasumi again. She did such torturous things to him. Just her presence drove him insane; it was impossible to say what would happen if she ever allowed him to touch her.
"Get your mind out of the gutter. Kasumi doesn't want anything to do with you."
Nabiki's sharp words ripped Kuno from his rather pleasant daydream. He looked at her, shocked. "How..."
"I know that stupid grin, and I know my sister." Did she really though? Kasumi had been acting so strange, nothing at all like herself. Sure, she'd seem like her regular serene self, then suddenly be yelling at Akane, making snide remarks at her, and giving Uncle Saotome dirty looks. Nabiki had also noted some very *different* looks Kasumi was giving Ranma.
There was something deeper than just Kuno transforming in front of Kasumi and going after her like that. Nabiki knew that Kasumi was one of the most unflappable people on the planet, but she had seemed just a bit too... relaxed in the face of a wolfman grabbing for her.
Finally, unable, or unwilling, to mask her worries with annoyance, Nabiki spoke haltingly. "I think..." She shook her head. "There is something very wrong. Kasumi's just not herself. Even she should have reacted to you..."
"I understand." If his sister suddenly started wearing pink frills and baking brownies for Akane, he'd be worried too. "Do you know of anything that might have..."
"No, it's just so strange. It was all so sudden." Wait. Or was it? Nabiki hadn't really been around all week and hadn't noticed the changes until they were too obvious to ignore. "Damn it. I'm missing something here. Kasumi wouldn't just flip her lid like that."
"Oh, Ranma?"
"Yeah, Kasumi?" Ranma said, poking his head into the kitchen.
"Could you give me some..." Suddenly, Kasumi was all Shampoo, pouty lips, smoldering gaze, all pertinent body parts thrust toward the muscular young man. "Help," she finished when she saw Ranma's eyes start to bulge.
"Uh... Sure." Ranma entered the kitchen, wondering what was going on with Kasumi. he stopped well back to keep out of Kasumi's way, knowing the kitchen was her domain.
"Come, Ranma. Come... closer." She gave him her usual friendly smile that did not match her tone of voice at all.
There was a certain breathy quality to Kasumi's speech that Ranma wasn't sure he liked. It wasn't Kasumi at all, but she had asked for his help, so Ranma would give it. He stood next to her at the counter. "So... what do you need help with?" he asked, looking at the things set out on the counter.
"I just thought you looked bored and could use someone to do." Kasumi stopped everything she was doing for a moment. "I mean, something to do."
"Thanks, I think, Kasumi." He hadn't liked that little slip she had made.
Kasumi began to proceed with the vegetable slicing. She picked up a carrot first. "My, Ranma. Look at the size of this carrot."
Ranma looked somewhat disinterestedly at the carrot Kasumi was speaking of. His eyes, which had stopped their grotesque bulging, resumed that activity when he saw the way Kasumi was holding the carrot. She watched her slender hands move up and down the length of the vegetable. It was an awfully large carrot.
"It's so large. How big do you think it is, Ranma?"
"I... I..." Ranma's entire mouth seemed to have lost feeling. Talking was a difficult feat. "I wouldn't know."
Kasumi looked disappointed at his admission. "Then how will we know if it will fit." Kasumi watched Ranma's jaw drop. "In the pan?"
Getting no answer from Ranma, Kasumi shrugged and and cut up the carrot. "Could you please put that in the pan, Ranma?" she asked sweetly.
Ranma, his mouth drier than a desert, nodded, and put the carrot in the pan. Kasumi was really starting to give him the creeps. She never needed anyone to help her cook before.
Kasumi reached over for a celery stalk and accidentally knocked it on the floor. "Ranma, could you get that for me?"
"Sure, Kasumi." Ranma turned his back to Kasumi and bent over to get the celery. He had his hand on it when he felt the flat of a hand on his rear. "Eep!" Ranma jerked away, flinging the celery in the air. He whirled around and stared at Kasumi, his chest heaving.
Kasumi looked back, her knife in one hand, another carrot in the other, her face a masterpiece of innocence. "What's wrong, Ranma?"
"N... nothin', Kasumi. I just... think I... heard Pop callin'! Yeah. Sorry, I can't help more!" Ranma backed away, out of the kitchen, never turning his back to Kasumi.
"I'm home! Kasumi, can I..."
Ranma suddenly came scurrying out and stopped in front of Nabiki. "She's lost it! Hide me! I'll pay anything!" Ranma clutched at Nabiki, his eyes wild and desperate. "Ya gotta help!"
"Ranma," Nabiki said, removing his hands from her person. "What are you talking about? What did you do to Kasumi?" Sure it was an unfair accusation, but it was expected.
"I didn't do nothin'!" The volume of his denial seemed yo surprise him, and he looked around quickly to see if Kasumi was anywhere within hearing distance. "She... she was... actin' all funny!"
"Well, that's descriptive. Now, Ranma, why don't you just go to your room and not worry about it. We've got business to take care of. Things I'm sure you wouldn't care about at all." Nabiki patted Ranma on the shoulder and walked past.
Kuno started to follow when Ranma grabbed his arm. "What're you doin' here? I thought I told you to stay away." Annoyed and angry, Ranma was just too attached to his grudges.
"Release me, pig-tailed girl," Kuno answered, sneering and emphasizing 'girl'.
Ranma's eyes narrowed. "Up yours." Ranma squeezed with all his strength.
Kuno's eyes gleamed and he smiled maliciously. "You wish, pig-tailed girl."
Slowly, Ranma's face turned red and he was angered beyond most words. "You... I'll kick your..."
"Ranma! Let him go!"
Ranma flinched at the sharp sound of Kasumi's voice. Reluctantly, he released Kuno's arm and stepped back.
"Please, Tatewaki. Nabiki says there is something to be discussed."
Kuno nodded, still smiling at Ranma, their eyes locked. A battle of the egos, one of the deadlier and more ruthless fights known throughout history.
"Now," Kasumi added, annoyed that she wasn't being obeyed, but excited by the display of manliness unfolding in front of her.
"So what is it that you needed to talk about, Nabiki?" The four of them, Nabiki having decided that Ranma might want to know what he was up against, were sitting in the dojo.
"Kasumi, how do you feel about Ranma?" Nabiki asked, seemingly out of the blue.
Kasumi blinked. "Ranma? Why, he's nice..."
Kasumi's frown reappeared and settled in. "Nabiki, I've warned you about questioning me."
"And I want to know what you were doing to Ranma."
Kasumi flushed and kept silent. After chastising Nabiki, she couldn't possibly admit what she'd done to Ranma.
"So you're not talking. Then how do you feel about Kuno-chan here?"
Kasumi couldn't even make eye contact with Kuno without feeling funny all over. At first, she had just thought they were goosebumps and that the dojo was a bit chilly. But when the goosebumps hadn't stopped, intensified in fact, and she was having a hard time breathing...
"No answer again. I guess that clears that up. Now we've got a demonstration, so keep your eyes open." Nabiki waved at Kuno, but he didn't stand. "Come one. Do it."
Kuno shook his head, refusing to speak or stand.
"Yeah, so this is real impressive. Even I've got better things ta do than this," Ranma said, throwing unhappy looks at Kuno and Nabiki. He started to get up to leave the dojo.
"Ranma, sit down!"
As if he was knocked back by the sound of Nabiki's voice, Ranma sat back down, a stunned look on his face.
"Nabiki, you shouldn't be..."
"No, Kasumi. There's something wrong with you. I don't... trust you." Shaking her head sadly, Nabiki tried to ignore Kasumi's nasty look. "Kuno-chan, I suggest you change before things get ugly."
"Change?" Ranma asked, a bit more interested. "Jusenkyo?" He looked back and forth excitedly, between Nabiki and Kuno.
"No, not Jusenkyo. Show them, Kuno-chan. You almost killed Ranma."
That was all Kuno could take. He stood, completely avoiding looking at Kasumi, and began to undress. Looking at Kasumi would simply ruin his concentration and make him more horny, and Nabiki hated it.
"Yo, I don't want to see him change his clothes," Ranma yelled as Kuno removed his shirt.
"Just watch." Nabiki glanced at Kasumi to see her sister watching with extreme interest. Kuno's strained groan grabbed her attention.
He was taking the transformation slowly so Kasumi and Ranma could see the entire thing. There were several stomach-churning crunches and Nabiki saw Ranma wince. The whole thing, with all the sights and sounds, was going on not more than five feet away from him.
Kasumi watched unblinking. She wasn't surprised or afraid or even amazed. But her heart started pounding in her chest, and all the saliva in her mouth dried up. The way the creature standing in the middle of the dojo made her feel was just awful. Tofu didn't make her feel anything of the sort and she had... The memory made her blush.
"Well, that definitely ain't Jusenkyo," Ranma said, eyeing Kuno. He studied the huge claws and figured they could have hacked through his entire arm, let alone slicing up his skin. The doctor had been more right than he knew about how lucky Ranma had been.
"So this is what happened to you, Ranma," Nabiki said, finally breaking the silence.
Ranma nodded. Several nagging questions were suddenly answered and the whole thing with the apology seemed... sad. On both their parts. Damn, he was big. "Yo, Kuno, is that you?"
Kuno turned to look at Ranma, nodding his head, his arms hanging at his sides. Strangely, Kuno felt relief at his secret being revealed, a weight he hadn't even realized he had been carrying was lifted from his shoulders. Looking at Ranma, still seeing amazement in his eyes, Kuno stood up straight, standing to his full height.
"How'd ya do that?" Ranma asked. Nope, not Jusenkyo. The Jusenkyo change was fairly docile, magical in nature. For the most part, there weren't any physical sensations except for the odd tingling in.. certain parts. But when he had watched Kuno change... Ranma would sleep with the sound of crunching bones haunting his dreams for a few weeks.
In response to Ranma's question, Kuno could only shrug. Even if he could speak, how would he answer it? He sure didn't know how. He just... did it. Something in his body allowed him to change shape and gave him strength and ability far beyond any that he possessed before.
Ranma stood up and approached Kuno carefully. There was no doubt in Ranma's mind that Kuno could split him open if he really wanted, so he was exercising extra caution. Standing somewhere around Nabiki's height, Ranma didn't quite make it up to Kuno's shoulders. What was there to say? Kuno was huge. He'd probably give the dojo destroyer a run for his money.
Nabiki watched Ranma a bit, then decided to work on Kasumi. "So, sis..." But when she looked at Kasumi, her older sister was still avoiding looking at Kuno. And likewise, Kuno wasn't looking at Kasumi. "What's wrong, sis? It's just Kuno, he won't hurt you." Inside though, Nabiki didn't think Kasumi was afraid in the least of Kuno.
Kasumi nodded, but said nothing. She was afraid all right, but not of Kuno. She was afraid of herself. All the thoughts and feelings in her head were so foreign, so strange, things she never would have imagined. And she was always unhappy with herself, and everyone around her, even her family. "Please go," she said quietly.
Ranma looked surprisedly at Kasumi, his problem with Kuno momentarily forgotten. "Kasumi, what's wrong?" She would never say anything like that to a guest.
"Just go, please," Kasumi said, her voice wavering. "Both of you."
Ranma looked at Kuno, wondering exactly what was going on. Kuno purposefully kept his back to Kasumi and looked... annoyed? Ranma wasn't all that sure how to read the expression on Kuno's face. "Kasumi, what..."
"I said go!" Kasumi yelled, and looked up at Ranma.
'Man, I didn't no she was cryin',' he thought as he saw her bloodshot eyes. Wait... They weren't bloodshot, they were red! "Kasumi!" he yelled and stepped back. He stumbled a little, completely flabbergasted, and felt a hand on his arm. He looked up at Kuno. Red eyes. "What the..."
"Ranma, what is it?" Nabiki asked, looking at him. She had never seen him look quite like he was right then. Frightened amazement? Complete disbelief? Nabiki looked at Kasumi, which is where Ranma's eyes kept going. Nabiki's jaw dropped and stayed that way.
"Just leave! Don't you understand? Leave me alone!" A few tears ran down Kasumi's face. "Leave me ALONE!" Kasumi roared, her voice deepening and taking on an animalistic growling.
That got Nabiki and Ranma to back off, neither of them with any clue as to what had happened. Kuno, however, finally looked at Kasumi, hearing the anger in her voice. Without any hesitation, he went to stand before Kasumi, and held his hand out to her.
Kasumi looked up, feeling angry and embarrassed. Why wouldn't Nabiki just leave her alone? Why couldn't they all just leave her alone? Kasumi wanted to scream. But there was something about the massive creature in front of her... She slipped her hand into the one held out for her.
Kuno pulled Kasumi gently to her feet and put his arm around her shoulders. Kasumi leaned heavily against him, and allowed him to escort her from the dojo, leaving Nabiki and Ranma just a little stunned.
Back in the house, in Kasumi's room, Kuno sat on the bed and held the eldest Tendo sister while she cried. Kasumi buried her face in Kuno's powerful chest, while he held her in his arms. The flood of tears wouldn't stop, but being held helped a lot.
It was just like having a pet to confess her secrets to and to hold when she was down. Just like the nappy little stuffed rabbit she had when she was young. But there was something to be said for the arms around her, and slowly, the tears began to dry.
Kuno removed his arms from around Kasumi's gently hitching body and laid her down on the bed. She refused to release him though, and maintained a hold on his fur. He plucked her hands from his body and placed them at her sides on the bed, then covered her with the blanket.
Somewhere, churning in his heart and brain, Kuno felt a bond with Kasumi, like she was his sister, that completely transcended his desire to mate with her. It was even stronger that the bond he had with Kodachi. He looked down into Kasumi's eyes, which were still red, and stroked her cheek. Even though she was older than he, his station as the male, the alpha male, he thought proudly, to protect and comfort her.
"What's happening to me?" she asked.
Kuno only shook his head. He recognized what was happening to an extent. It had happened to him before. Her eyes were an unmistakable sign. But how... How had it happened to her? He hadn't done it. He had only seen her three times, so it just wasn't possible. So how?
Patting Kasumi's cheek once more, Kuno stood and went to the door. He had something very important to investigate.
"Tell me! Don't leave until you tell!" Kasumi called. "I need to know what's happening to me. I'm so scared." It just wasn't something she could happily ignore this time.
Kuno couldn't resist her pleading and sat on the bed again. She was scared, but what could he tell her? The truth? And he still needed to investigate the house. He leaned down to hold Kasumi and felt her arms encircle his neck like she was a small child. Kuno felt almost fatherly.
Tucking his nose into her neck, Kuno held his body to Kasumi's. Could that have helped him? Understanding and guidance? He hadn't been able to get that as a human, let alone some hideous monster. Kuno started his purring, it really being a type of growling, and hoped Kausmi could find some peace.
Nabiki and Ranma went up to Kasumi's room and listened at the door. Each of them could hear the soft sounds of Kasumi's crying. The two looked at each other, Ranma shrugging. He had never heard Kasumi cry before, or look even remotely upset. Nabiki lifted her hand and was about to knock when Kasumi's crying faded.
The door opened, catching them by surprise, and Kuno stood in the doorway. He prevented the two visitors from entering for a moment, the stepped aside. Kuno watched Nabiki enter and go to Kasumi's bedside, and begin speaking softly. When Ranma attempted to enter, Kuno put his hand out and stopped the younger man. Pushing Ranma back into the hall, Kuno exited the room and closed the door.
Ranma didn't care to be pushed around in such a manner, but the scars on his arms were still fresh, so he didn't particularly feel like going up against Kuno at the moment... The moment. So Ranma settled for passing dirty looks to Kuno, who, frustratingly enough, seemed to be ignoring him, and nervously awaiting the news from Nabiki.
Trying his hardest to ignore Ranma, Kuno began his search, inhaling deeply, trying to pick up any remaining molecule of Gosunkugi's scent. It seemed there was something that might have been it, but Kuno wasn't sure. It could have been the scrawny demon, but it was so very faint. I also could have been anything, from potted plants to musty clothes. There just wasn't any way to be sure when it was so faded.
Going slowly, Kuno searched the upstairs hallway, Ranma watching him the entire time. Then he went to Nabiki's room and searched. Still nothing, though Kuno had a very bad feeling about it all. Next, Kuno went to Akane's room, knocking before entering.
Kuno grimaced. What else could it be? It was all over everything, no matter how faint. Some old clothes couldn't leave a smell so pervasive. He felt building frustration. How long ago had it been? What had Gosunkugi done? And encounter was looking more necessary by the passing seconds. It would be one in which both parties did not survive. That was the only way it could be.
"Kasumi, I..."
"Leave me alone," Kasumi said, her head turned away from Nabiki. "I know you must hate me for the things I said..."
"No, I don't hate you," Nabiki said automatically. She had said it without thinking, but it was the truth. It just wasn't possible to hate Kasumi, no matter how much she might have wanted to... It just couldn't be done. Her erratic behavior hadn't induced any hate, only a kind of... pity. Pity because it was so obvious that Kasumi didn't understand it, and was hurting inside. "I don't care about what you said."
Silence loomed, punctuated by sniffles from Kasumi.
"You don't?" Kasumi said finally. "But I was..."
"You weren't yourself," Nabiki interrupted. She wanted Kasumi to turn over so she could see her eyes. She didn't want to believe what she had seen, even though it seemed like it might be the truth. "Come on, sis, tell me what's wrong." Just to get her talking. The actual problem wasn't a concern at the moment.
"I can't, Nabiki. I don't know what it is," confessed Kasumi, even though she refused to roll over still.
"I think I might know, but I need to see your eyes." Kuno was about to be in a lot of trouble, and it took all of Nabiki's control to not show her anger in front of Kasumi.
Kasumi rolled over slowly. "You know what's wrong?" she asked hopefully.
"I think so." Nabiki looked closely at Kasumi's eyes as they came into view, and breathed a sigh of relief. She was relieved, yes, but unsure now. Kasumi's eyes were normal, but it couldn't have been just her imagination.
"What's wrong, Nabiki? Why do I feel like this?" It was Kasumi's turn to be the child, looking for someone to comfort her.
"Damn it, I want to know what's going on," Ranma said angrily, grabbing Kuno's arm. He tried to squeeze threateningly, but found he couldn't dig his fingers into the muscle at all.
Kuno turned and looked at Ranma dispassionately. If Ranma knew, then maybe he could help. The more people that knew the truth, the more there would be to defend against future problems. He could see the angry fire in Ranma's eyes, and nodded. Ranma was not his friend, but it was not necessary for his ally to be his friend in any case.
Kuno changed back, causing Ranma to yank his hand away quickly, and sat on Akane's bed. He sighed tiredly, his stomach complaining loudly. "My problem is not the issue," Kuno began, Ranma staring at him. "There is a larger, more pervasive menace. One that, I am afraid, I can not handle on my own."
Ranma rolled his eyes at Kuno's arrogance.
"You may think me a fool, but this I say with all truth and sincerity. The Tendos, and possibly yourself, are all in great danger from..." There was no way Ranma would believe Gosunkugi was any kind of threat. He barely did himself.
"From what?" Ranma asked, disbelief clear on his face. He still wasn't sure why he should believe Kuno.
"I must warn you, Ranma Saotome, this will sound like mad fantasy, but it is all true."
"So get on with it. What's goin' on?"
"There is evil magic afoot." Ranma's eyes rolled again. "Listen! Ranma Saotome, if you care at all for Akane, you must guard her at all hours of the night." Kuno hung his head, knowing he was somewhat responsible for everything. "That's when he appears, traveling with the utmost stealth. I do not know what he plans, but it can not be good."
"Who?" There was something eerie about the way Kuno was speaking. Something that Ranma didn't like at all.
"Hikaru Gosunkugi."
Ranma stared for a moment, expecting the name of some monster or demon to come from Kuno's mouth, the burst out laughing. "Go... Gosunkugi?" He inhaled deeply and began laughing again, doubling over, his face turning red. "Gos... Gos..." he squeaked out before falling into hysterics.
Kuno frowned. He shouldn't really have expected anything more from a person like Ranma. "I warn you, he is not a force to be taken lightly."
"Bwahahaha! F... force... Gos... A f.. force?" Ranma found he couldn't breathe, and his laughter died quickly as he tried to compose himself.
"Yes. Nabiki and I..."
Ranma was mostly recovered, though was still wearing a big grin. "Yeah, so what's up with you two?" he asked, his face returning to its normal color. "Why are you two so buddy-buddy all of a sudden?"
Kuno flushed and shook his head. "That is not important. But we believe Gosunkugi is responsible for the death of Akane's friend, Sayuri."
That brought Ranma back to seriousness, even if he didn't fully believe the things Kuno was saying. "How do you..."
"Several nights ago, I witnessed Gosunkugi outside a club. He left with a woman... A woman far above his stature. He saw me, and, as ashamed as I am to admit, I was frightened, as his gaze held such incredible power."
"Gosunkugi was with a girl?" Ranma asked, thinking Kuno's story was back in the unbelievable territory. "That's definitely not normal."
Kuno nodded, giving Ranma time to work the problem over in his head. He knew, after all, that Ranma was not the most intelligent student at Furinkan.
"OK, so maybe..."
"No! Not maybe! If you value Akane's life, you will heed my warnings!"
Ranma pulled away from Kuno's outburst. Never had he seen Kuno quite so adamant about anything. He wasn't being his usual blustery self, making weak threats and posturing arrogantly. "Whoa..." Ranma held up his hands, maintaining a measure of distance between himself and the nearly foaming Kuno. "All right, OK, whatever you say... So maybe I should just..."
Then, as if he knew what Ranma was going to say, Kuno said, "Speak to Nabiki if you feel you must, but I will tell you now that she believes my words and vouch for what I have said." As if it were possible to burn the words into Ranma's brain with his eyes, Kuno stared hard.
Ranma sat for a moment in silence, until he could no longer hold Kuno's gaze. "Well, maybe I'll do that then," he said quietly. He looked down at his hands, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. "I... I do care for her," he added.
"Then I know you shall do your best to protect her." Kuno put his hand on Ranma's shoulder, before standing and walking to the door. "At night... Protect them all..." He left the room, hoping his words had left an impression.
Ranma stayed on Akane's bed for several minutes. He believed Kuno, if only for his non-threatening attitude and very impassioned words. And there was no faking the monster Kuno had turned into. 'At night...' 'If you value Akane's life...' Those were very serious words. Ranma was quickly giving more weight to what Kuno had said. Really, not even Kuno would be afraid of Gosunkugi without a real good reason...
"Nabiki, he refuses to believe, yet I have detected Gosunkugi's presence here."
"Right now?" Nabiki whispered loudly, handing Kuno his clothing. They were in her room to not worry the others any more than they had to.
"No. The scent is much faded, but unmistakable. He has been here, and I fear for all your safeties."
"We'll be sure to keep a watch out for him. He can't get past us all if we're looking for him," Nabiki said, giving herself confidence.
Kuno nodded, not mentioning the fact that he had missed Gosunkugi's presence before, when he should have known, he should have been able to smell it... If he had been paying attention instead of worrying about which Tendo sister was willing to put out for him... He growled at himself.
"Now what's your problem?" Nabiki asked, trying to think of a way to really squeeze the answers out of Kuno without annoying him. He just wasn't all that agreeable when he was annoyed. She had learned that the hard way. Twice.
"Everything. How can you sit there and believe nothing will happen when you know..."
"No. I don't know. Sure, I believe you, but I don't know. You haven't actually seen him kill anyone have you? You didn't see him with Sayuri, did you?" Nabiki watched him put his shirt on, faintly disappointed in the back of her mind.
"I suppose not. How is it possible for proof to be attained then? You know the importance of..."
Nabiki waved her hand. "Yeah, yeah." But he was right. Proof, real proof, was needed before anyone would believe them. "I don't know. I guess... just go out at night and look for him." Nabiki shrugged. It wasn't like following Ranma around. If Gosunkugi had known Kuno was there, out of chance, who was to say he wouldn't know Nabiki was there. And she was slightly less of an imposing figure than Kuno in his wolf form.
She hated to admit it, even to herself, but she was afraid. Whoever said 'It never rains, but it pours' had been more correct than he/she could have possibly imagined. "Maybe a camera..." she trailed off, not able to put her thoughts together. She simply stared out the window, feeling frustrated, confused, and afraid.
Nabiki jumped a little when Kuno's arms slipped around her. "Do not concern yourself with it today. There is time, I don't know how much, but there is some," he said, his mouth very close to her ear.
If it hadn't been too late already, Nabiki would've thought he was trying to seduce her. Nodding, Nabiki shivered a little. Whether it was from the slight breeze coming in the window, the erotic value of him talking in her ear, or if it was the fear gripping her soul... "Kuno-chan..."
"What is it?" His arms tightened, and for once, she seemed to melt into them, leaning against him, drawing on his strength.
"Just... kinda cold... I guess." She shivered again, sending Kuno a subtle request she would never put to voice.
In response, Kuno shifted his grip to warm Nabiki with as much bodily contact as possible. It was still quite chilly, even for being late afternoon, but Kuno knew it was not simply the temperature that made Nabiki shiver. He was getting pretty good at reading her, even if he didn't know all her secrets, but he definitely planned on learning more. "It will be tonight," he said to himself more than anything.
"No, not tonight," Nabiki said worriedly, destroying her mask. No matter how things were to go, she wasn't ready for it. What if Kuno failed? What would happen to Akane then? And Kasumi... "S... stay here," she added even when she knew how weak it sounded.
"I can not. My sister..." he said hesitantly. Kuno wanted to stay, badly, but then Kodachi... What would she do? "I must protect her. Saotome will protect all of you here."
Nabiki turned in his arms, her eyes sparking to life. "Do you think Ranma could actually...."
"I do not know, but he is the only one." Kuno brushed Nabiki's hair back, his heart suddenly pounding like a jackhammer. Whatever it was that encoded Nabiki as his mate was powerful, and seemed to forcing them to an end, no matter the circumstances surrounding them. "I do not believe you would appreciate my sister as houseguest, correct?"
"Yeah, I suppose it would be kind of inconvenient," Nabiki answered, knowing what he would ask next.
"Then I must go. Unless..." Kuno looked thoughtful for a moment, even a little hopeful.
"Unless what?" There was something strange about the entire conversation, something very surreal that Nabiki couldn't quite identify. She felt like she was in a movie.
"Unless you... want to come with me..." The chance was slim. Nabiki wanted to stay close to her family, but he wanted to stay close to his, what he had left of it. There was no in between for them.
Nabiki shook her head. "I can't."
Kuno sighed, but refused to let himself pressure her. He had known what her answer would be, and there was nothing he could say or do to change that. "I understand," he said quietly.
They stood in silence for a few minutes more, their hearts beating nearly in rhythm seemed to be the only sound. Just once more, before the night came, to feel the heat, to fight off the encroaching darkness, no matter how much she said she didn't care, or how much he did... They met each other in a rather passionate kiss.
Kasumi exited from her room, looking a little pale and haggard, but in surprisingly good spirits. An outlet for all those pent up feelings. That was all she needed. A good cry. Walking past Nabiki's room, the door shut, Kasumi could hear the two of them and smiled sadly. 'If they're not more careful, someone will hear them,' she thought and continued walking.
Then Akane's room, the door still open from earlier. Kasumi looked in quickly to see if there was anyone inside, then closed the door. It was time to talk to Akane about cleaning her room. There was a musty smell, something Kasumi attributed to the clothing of a martial artist. 'But Akane really shouldn't leave dirty laundry in her room.' Then Kasumi headed downstairs.
"And how are you felling, Kasumi?" her father asked merrily, preparing to plant himself in front of the shogi board.
"Perfectly fine, Father. Would you like some tea?"
"That would be wonderful, Kasumi." Almost bursting into tears, Soun smiled i at Kasumi. It seemed his oldest daughter was finally back to normal.
'What about me?' read Genma's sign. 'Can I have some tea too?' He was holding an empty cup in his paw.
"There's no tea for you, you freeloading fat-ass!" Kasumi snarled. Then she blinked rapidly for several seconds. "Oh my, did I say that?" she asked sweetly.
Soun and Genma both nodded once, their eyes wide and jaws hanging open.
"Well, I shouldn't get so carried away next time," Kasumi said as if she had just hugged someone too tightly. "The tea will be right out."
Upstairs, Nabiki and Kuno changed positions, the clock getting knocked to the floor in the process, the bed creaking almost dangerously with the combined weight and strain.
The sun seemed to set more quickly than usual. Even with the near cloudless sky, everything got dark very quickly. The moon sat low in the sky, the reflected light from it not providing very much illumination at all. Some people were afraid of the dark, and some people didn't care. But for others, it was perfect...
Kodachi watched the sun set and darkness set in. As much as she thought her brother a fool, his warning had given her serious food for thought. She was beginning to wonder where he was... For his own safety she kept telling herself. She, naturally, did not need any protection, but he so oftentimes...
Kodachi realized she had been absently staring out the window, watching for... her brother? Or someone else? Something else... Some shifting shadows drew her attention, and the fact that she was there, alone, and standing in the lighted window...
Pulling back from the window, Kodachi turned out the lights and closed the shades, though the darkness inside provided as little comfort as the darkness outside. But she was not afraid! She was Kodachi Kuno, a champion rhythmic gymnast! She was unstoppable!
Unstoppable, yes, but still... She looked out the window and at the shadows around her. Walking silently back to her room, trying not to disturb even the air as she moved, Kodachi wished her brother would return soon. His presence, even if he was something of an annoyance, helped.
Kodachi stopped and listened to the night noises of the house. The noises sounding foreign and threatening. What had happened to her so that she was now cringing like a child in the darkness? Because, simply enough, she was a child in the darkness, and there were monsters in the dark...
Gosunkugi peered out the window carefully, smiling when he saw that the sun was gone. He was still somewhat undecided on what to do though. There were always clubs filled with unsuspecting girls that he could have, or he could make another attempt at the Tendos... Or maybe Kodachi again. He had been very close the first time, very close. Only chance had thwarted him.
That might be fun. Someone to toy with, the same way people had always toyed with him... He nodded thoughtfully to himself. Yes, he would make another try at Kodachi, and this time... Gosunkugi concentrated briefly and his hand lit up with green fire. Nothing would stand in his way this time.
Kodachi had paced the entire length of the hall outside her room many times, expecting her brother to show up at any time. She crept back through the house, expecting her brother to show up any minute and tell her to go back to the basement and sleep there... She looked at the windows, wanting to look, but feeling a strange forboding.
She almost resorted to cursing. Nothing should intimidate her. Nothing had before, so why now? And someone like Hikaru Gosunkugi. A flash of green out of the corner of her eye caught Kodachi's attention.
Narrowing her eyes in a predator-like manner, Kodachi looked slowly around her, wondering if she should let these little imaginary glimpses get to her. But what if it really was an intruder? Kodachi stomped down the frightened little girl trying to escape. "No intruder can escape my traps," Kodachi proclaimed, but didn't feel nearly as confident as she sounded.
The way her voice echoed through the empty house only added to the weirdness of the night. It was far too late. Her brother should have been home hours ago. He had been so concerned before... Kodachi walked listlessly back to her room. The whole situation was getting too strange, and affecting her too severely.
Absentmindedly, she began to get ready for bed, changing from her kimono, since she hadn't bothered with her leotard that afternoon, and into a modest nightgown, listening with half an ear for the sound of a trap going off. She slipped into bed and fell almost immediately asleep.
Gosunkugi watched her move around behind the inadequate veil of the shades. He could tell she was on the watch for someone. Maybe her brother, maybe him... It was hard to say, but a minor expenditure of power and there she went. There were all sorts of little useful things to be learned from the book.
Gosunkugi avoided a series of traps meant to ensnare and immobilize, and went to the door. It was the same way he had gone in before, so finding Kodachi wasn't going to be any problem at all. He hadn't quite been able to get the hang of teleportation the way the book had instructed, and he had been too concerned about trying it out in the middle of the day to really practice. That would have made everything easier, but, for the moment, Gosunkugi was a hands-on guy.
"I must speak with that girl. Surely we can afford better soap. My skin feels dry and flakey," Soun mumbled to himself, scratching his arms. How would he ever manage to get any sleep with all the horrible itching? "Nabiki!" he called.
Receiving no answer, he started for the stairs. She was most likely doing her homework or the finances. Soun was determined to put his foot down about a new brand of soap, no matter what the cost.
Kasumi had to admit it: she was jealous. Both of her sisters had studly young men to... play with, a concept that brought a devilish smile to her face. Of course, she always had the older, more sophisticated Tofu, but she really liked a good sandwich...
Her father's voice brought Kasumi out of her fantasy. She looked around to see that she was still in the kitchen. Thank goodness for small favors. Then the sound of her father's footsteps on the stairs. As jealous as she might be, she just couldn't let Father catch Nabiki with Tatewaki. Father would never understand.
Kasumi was still amazed that no one had heard all the noise the two were making in Nabiki's room anyway. At least they had finished, or Father would have surely caught them. Hurrying out of the kitchen, Kasumi stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Father?"
"Just a moment, Kasumi. I have something very important I must speak with Nabiki about."
"But, Father..."
"I will be back in a moment, Kasumi." Soun got to the top of the stairs and disappeared down the hall.
"No! Father!" Kasumi yelled sharply.
Shortly, Soun appeared back at the top of the stairs. "Kasumi?" The worry was clear in his voice.
"Dinner's almost ready, Father. Won't you please set the table for me?" 'Nice save,' Kasumi told herself.
"Dinner? At this time of night?" Soun asked. It was much later than when they normally ate, but no one complained to Kasumi anymore.
"Yes. I'm sorry it took so long. I was a tad distracted." Kasumi smiled, which immediately pacified her father. Distracted listening to the sounds coming from upstairs. Next time she would have to tell those two to take it somewhere else.
Soun mulled over his daughter's words, then nodded and descended the stairs. Dinner was far more important than soap any day.
In the dark of the room, Nabiki and Kuno slept soundlessly, completely undisturbed. Nabiki mumbled something and pressed herself into Kuno's arms. Dead to the world, Kuno worked himself deeper into the warmth of Nabiki's bed, pulling her closer to him. Their worrieds were forgotten while they were asleep.
Gosunkugi whistled merrily as he walked through the house. He was in unusually high spirits, a way he hadn't felt in a long time. He went straight to Kodachi's room, not hearing any sound when he passed Kuno's, and slipped inside.
Asleep, just as he had planned. It was just so much easier when they didn't know what was coming. Especially since Gosunkugi thought Kuno was becoming a threat, and almost definitely would have told Kodachi. So this was a sort of pre-emptive strike. Though it would probably break Kuno quickly if he found out...
Kodachi rolled over, snapping Gosunkugi from his contemplations. he was there for a very specific reason, and the sooner he did it, the better. Gosunkugi smiled. Muck better. He sat on the edge of Kodachi's bed and watched her sleep for a moment. She was definitely a girl he could get to like.
Touching one finger to Kodachi's temple, Gosunkugi's face was bathed in sickly green light. Kodachi seemed to struggle against sleep for a moment, then settled back down. Gosunkugi removed his finger and watched Kodachi slowly open her eyes.
"Wha..." There was someone in her bedroom, sitting right on her bed... He had the most amazing eyes. Twin pools of swirling, golden light that danced and sparked...
"So tell me, Kodachi Kuno, what do you think of your brother?" Gosunkugi asked, seeing the dreamy look on Kodachi's face.
"My brother?"
"Yes. You know, the one you dislike intensely?"
"Him?" Kodachi sounded confused. "I suppose... I don't like him very much, do I?" she asked sleepily.
"No, you don't. So this is what I want you to do..."
Kodachi nodded her head in earnest.
"Watch your brother closely. He may be a threat to me, and I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to me."
"Of course not. I'll watch him closely."
"And you'll tell me what he does, and where he goes... I can't have him getting too close to me."
"I'll tell you what he does and where he goes. He already knows about you though."
"I'm not surprised. He's not completely stupid. But there's no real way I can actually get to him..." There were dangers, even with the power he wielded, in going against a very upset and temperamental werewolf. "I just need to hold something against him."
"What about me?" Kodachi offered helpfully.
"Only as a last resort. You're important to me right now as my little spy." But if he really needed the ace, he had her right up his sleeve.
"Well, what about..." Kodachi hesitated.
"What, Kodachi? Tell me what you're thinking. Is it your father?"
Kodachi shook her head. "Neither of us like him very much. I don't think he would care..."
"Who then?"