{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

"Kodachi, I don't..."

"You know very well what I speak of. Please do this for me."

"Kodachi..." He just didn't know what to say. "I can't."

"Please, I beg of you. Change me; give me the ability to fight back." Her face was sorrowful, her eyes large and pleading.

"Fight back? Kodachi, what do you mean?" It was all so unlike her.

"I never said anything... I was too ashamed..." She looked away, unable to meet his gaze.

"You must tell me what's happened. Why do you feel this is what you need?"

She stepped up to him and put her head on his chest, her nudity forgotten. "I never said anything because you were so angry."

"Angry?" He took her by the bare shoulders. "Kodachi, tell me now."

There were tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Three men..."

He squeezed his eyes shut as tightly as possible. "How?" he asked, his voice a dangerous whisper.

"It was night and I didn't..."


"I don't know. I've seen them before by the Nekohanten."

"Describe them."

"Tall, muscular, colored hair, leather jackets, boots, tattoos..."

"Of what?"

"Skulls with wings, barbed wire..."

He had seen them too. They were definitely powerful enough that if they caught his sister off guard... So they had defiled her. That meant they had to be punished... dealt with most severely. "Why did you not speak of this before?"

"You... you were angry when I returned home and my uniform..."

Kuno's anger turned to illness. He remembered that night about three months ago. She had come home, her clothes in disarray, her uniform ripped and stained. He had really popped off on her about taking care of herself, never seeing the tears in her eyes. "Oh... little sister. What have I done?" He hugged her then, a wave of protectiveness coming over him.

He pulled her kimono up and covered her. He looked in her eyes before speaking. "You do not want what I have. It can only bring more trouble..." He hesitated for a moment. "And pain."


Kuno stood in front of his window, watching the sun leave the sky. It wasn't happening fast enough for him; it hadn't for the last two hours. He had put Kodachi in her room and commanded her to get some rest and to most definitely not disturb him.

She agreed and given him a sad smile. Then he had gone downstairs and cleaned out the refrigerator. After that, he had returned to his room and waited in front of his window for the sun to go down.

Thankfully, Kodachi stayed in her room the entire time. She wasn't asleep but she was laying down; probably fantasizing about Ranma. He shook his head. Her love life was not his concern, but her safety and well-being were.

He watched the sun finally sink below the horizon and the darkness began to gather. It rather matched the darkness in his heart at the moment. "My little sister..." His fist clenched. "Will have her revenge."


"He told me he was not to be disturbed, but I believe he had some business to attend to near the Nekohanten."

Nabiki wasn't sure how much she should believe Kodachi, but for some reason, she did. Even though Kodachi was highly unpredictable, the sad look in her eyes convinced Nabiki.

"Could you tell him I was looking for him next time you see him? Just in case."

"I shall." She owed him a little something for what she knew he was going to do.


There were a lot of people around. That was something he didn't like. He didn't like potentially being exposed, and he knew there was a safety risk as well. He watched the street below him and all the people; he didn't see the three thugs he was looking for. He would wait; revenge was something he could be patient for.

Every so often, he would skip to another rooftop to look for the criminals from another vantage point. So far, nothing. His tail swished back and forth angrily; it was more like a cat's than a dog's, really. Mostly it helped him with balance since his weight was shifted all over.

It was getting later and he still hadn't seen the culprits. They were surely going to die when he found them, and by his hands. He was starting to lose his patience. He wouldn't be able to stay much longer, but it was so important to him. He was almost ready to leave when he espied the mop of oddly shaded hair in the crowd.

All his senses went on red alert as he watched the vile criminals mingle among the thinning crowd. He could hear their mocking laughter and rude comments they directed at each passerby. A schoolgirl, not much older than 14, a good girl he could tell, was the target of their sexual suggestions and rude gestures.

These were definitely the people he was looking for. He watched as the Nekohanten closed up for the night and the streets began to clear. He whined quietly before he even knew why. Then all the fur on his back stood straight up as Nabiki rounded the corner.

What was she doing? Why was she out so late? He couldn't reveal himself though, he had to stay where he was. He couldn't let anyone see him, but his legs were tensed for immediate action anyway.

As Nabiki walked down the sidewalk, Kuno followed her along the rooftops. He knew she was now the target of the very men he meant to kill. He tried to get closer by precariously clinging to the side of a building, hanging on to every nook and protrusion. From his vantage point, it appeared that she wasn't paying much attention to what was going on around her. She appeared lost in thought.

Nabiki kept as far away from the three seedy characters as she could, but Kuno watched them keep pace with her, making comments to each other loud enough for her to hear. He knew there was going to be trouble when the street suddenly emptied and only Nabiki and the three men were left.

Then they made their move, quickly flanking Nabiki and grabbing her arms; one of them put a hand over her mouth. They moved toward the alley along the Nekohanten, holding her tightly so she couldn't escape.

Immediately, Kuno released his hold on the building and plummeted head first toward the ground. He landed on his hands and dropped lightly to his feet, feeling no ill effects from the 20 foot drop. He bounded across the street, into the alley. He could see all of them had their backs toward him. Their mistake.

Kodachi couldn't have lied about this. She wasn't that evil; Nabiki just couldn't believe it. The hand was removed and she opened her mouth. "He..." she started to yell.

She doubled over as a fist was driven into her stomach. The men began laughing, but she didn't hear; she was too busy trying to breathe. She looked up, her vision somewhat hazy, at the leering faces.

The face she was looking at changed from mean-spirited mirth to pain and terror. His laughter shifted to an ear-piercing scream. The eyes bulged and Nabiki felt a warm wetness splash on her skin. The laughter from the others stopped as their companion's screaming changed into a pained gurgling. There was no other sound, except for Nabiki's labored breathing and the growling.

There was a wet smacking sound and the thug fell face first to the ground at her feet. The sight almost made her vomit. In the guy's back, a sizable hole was punched through the skin and a large portion of his spine was missing. A hefty chunk of skin and bone was also missing from his side.

Nabiki looked up quickly, away from the gore at her feet, and let her eyes settle on the blood-spattered wolf beast. It was staring maliciously at the other two men and growling. She couldn't make herself be happy at being rescued or at seeing her savior again; she was too busy not puking.

The two would-be rapists were concerned by their adversary but unaffected by their partner's death. One pulled out a large knife from his boot and the other held a blackjack. They stepped apart to attack more efficiently.

The one with the knife lunged and Kuno sidestepped, turning his back to the other thug but catching the wrist of the knife-wielder in his mouth. He reached back and grabbed the incoming fist, holding it painfully tight. Kuno closed his mouth until his teeth met and twisted his head. There was a crunch, then a tear and the hand separated from the rest of the arm.

He squeezed the fist he was holding until he felt a satisfying crunch. The man without the hand was quickly succumbing to the shock, his mouth working noiselessly. Nabiki had fallen to the ground, her legs completely without strength.

Kuno stood about an arms length away from the man with the crushed hand. He wouldn't stop screaming, cradling his hand and staring at up with crazed fear at Kuno. Kuno lashed out with one claw, the brutal talons slicing through the thug's stomach like it was so much Jell-O.

The man stopped screaming and looked down at his stomach. There were four gashes clearly visible through his clothing that were slowly getting wider as his internal organs threatened to escape.

Kuno watched the man realize he was dead then turned to Nabiki. Unable to handle the situation, she slumped down, unconscious.

She was perfectly fine, but she needed to be removed from the carnage. He lifted her gently, cradling her head between his body and arm. With a sense of urgency, he ran out of the alley and headed towards his home.


Nabiki opened her eyes, revealing nothing but more darkness. She sat up, feeling her head. Nothing wrong there; she had simply fainted. That was when she also noticed she was naked. She quickly pulled the blanket that had been covering her up, over her chest. She looked around, trying to figure out where she was. The room was so dark though, it prevented her from seeing any details.

She was most definitely not at home and not at any hospital. "Hello? Is anybody here?" She listened, but there was no reply. She strained her ears, trying to pick up any noise at all and was rewarded with the sound of slow, heavy breathing.

"Who's there? Where am I?" She wasn't willing to get up from the bed she was in; it was some sort of comfort and familiarity.

Kuno didn't move. He hadn't had time to change back before she started to regain consciousness. He watched her, wondering if he should show himself or not. She wasn't afraid of him, but...

"I know you're in here. If it's you, then come out. I'm not afraid." It... he was in there with her, she was sure of it.

When he had removed her blood-stained clothes, and had been unable to stop himself at her pants and shirt, he had cleaned the blood off himself as well. That was where the root of his problem was; he was too worked up over the deaths to calm himself. He couldn't change unless he was calm. And he couldn't let her see that he was a vicious killer.

"Don't hide. There's nothing wrong; you saved me."

Yes, he had. But who would save him? Resigning his fate, he walked toward her slowly until he was visible to her.

"I knew it was you." She looked around again. "Where are we?"

It was nothing special; he had simply taken her to one of the basement rooms that she wouldn't recognize. He shook his head.

"You're not going to tell me? You're not going to tell me anything? You're just going to follow me around and keep showing up when I need help?"

He looked down from her slightly heated gaze at the bed.

"So I guess it's not going to help to ask who you are or why I'm naked?"

He shook his head; he just wasn't ready yet.

"So why do you keep saving my life?"

He kneeled down next to the bed and bowed his head, supplicating himself to her.

Nabiki tentatively reached out and stroked the fur of his neck, feeling the taught muscle and bone structure beneath. It was frighteningly similar to her dream, an idea she wasn't sure she wanted to consider. It was too surreal. She continued to pet him anyway and he sighed contentedly.

Amazingly, his instincts were keeping quiet as her hands ran across his fur. It was a pleasant sensation, one that didn't feel like anything he felt as a human. He gave in to the feeling and laid his head in her lap. He felt the blanket fall away from her, but he kept his head down and allowed her to explore him.

He snorted as she ran her hands down his back, her fingertips raking his skin gently. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know where she was, she didn't know where her clothes were, her rescuer didn't talk and didn't seem inclined to want to help her. "So what do we do now?" she said quietly.

He looked up at her, a little ashamed that he didn't have any plan for what to do. Not that it really mattered; they were at his house so she would find out the truth eventually. But at the moment, her hands on his back felt really nice.

His eyes shifted down from her face to her bare chest and licked his chops. She looked down at him and where he was looking.

Nabiki stopped petting him and started to pull the blanket up but he lifted one hand and stopped her. He sat back up on his knees, holding her hand. He could see the trace of fear and doubt in her eyes, but was that also... excitement?

"What are you..." She couldn't quite form the words because she knew what he was doing.

He stood up, gripping her hand firmly but gently, and pulled.

She pulled back and shook her head. "Why are you doing this?"

He only pulled more, forcing her to rise to her feet, the blanket falling away, blushing heavily. She wasn't sure if she was just being modest or embarrassed over the whole situation. But the red eyes were looking at her and they were almost... kind.

His other hand settled on her hip, and for the first time, she noticed how truly soft and warm his skin was. If her dream was vivid, then reality was about to send her into sensory overload. He pulled her close to him, then released her hand and slipped his long arms around her slender body.

That was when his instincts started to kick in, with her body pressed close to him. There were some parts of him that were male and they refused to be suppressed no matter how delicate the situation. He fought down the urges for the time and enjoyed the feeling. He knew, however, that he had committed himself to something more by doing this and not changing back. He had let things go too far to stop now.

She pulled out of his arms and put some distance between herself and... she couldn't call him a beast. "I know you're hiding something. Why won't you tell me who you are?"

He lowered his eyes and nodded. He sighed heavily then looked back up at her. She would never forgive him... Much to his surprise, she put her hand on his chest, working her fingers into the fur there. He closed his eyes as she began to rub his flesh.

She lifted one of his unresisting hands and placed it over one of her breasts. She saw his eyes open wide and smiled a little. So it wasn't something he had been expecting; that raised her confidence. She wasn't sure why she was allowing things to happen, even initiating them, but there was something...

He squeezed lightly, getting his first good feel of her with his super sensitive touch. He could feel the rapid beating of her heart as if he was holding it in her hand. He made an animal groaning sound as he felt her body react to his touch. Obviously there was something in her that knew it was him even if she couldn't see that it was.

She sighed under his surprisingly gentle touch. She just wasn't sure what to do; it wasn't right. It sure as hell wasn't normal. But there was something familiar about the way he was fondling her. Not that it wasn't enjoyable, but it was the same insistent, teasing touch that Kuno always used. She couldn't say she had a whole lot of experience though, so maybe it was just her.

His hand trailed across her skin as he maneuvered himself behind her. This was the dominant position he liked to be in, where she was easily holdable. And at his height, he could see all of her assets quite clearly.

He tickled her neck with one claw, gently breathing on her skin. He saw a little wave of goosebumps travel across her back and put one arm around her with his hand on her stomach. It was easy to tell she was enjoying things which made him feel better, if still hesitant.

His other arm went around her so that his forearm was supporting her breasts and he had her in a comfortable hold. He began licking her neck and shoulders lightly, snorting in her ear periodically. He lovingly cupped one breast as the hand on her stomach moved lower.

Hovering somewhere between human desire and animal lust, he closed his mouth on the back of her neck in the manner common for the dominant male to do... when he's preparing to mate. He gently pinched some skin with his teeth when she jerked away from him.

She turned and stared. "What the hell?" That was the last straw. "I want to know what the hell is going on!"

He tried to take her hand but she ripped it away from him. "I don't want you to touch me until I get some damn answers!"

He did his best frown, which consisted of flattened ears, furrowed brow and a slight snarl. He got as close as she would allow him to, his frown soon replaced by a more neutral expression. Without words he couldn't adequately express himself, so he raised one hand and cupped her chin.

Her eyes got very wide at the familiar gesture; she looked ready to faint. "K... Kuno-chan?" she asked quietly.

He nodded sadly and averted his eyes. He managed to catch her before she hit the floor. He laid her down on the bed and covered her with the blanket. It was as good a time as any to change; she knew his secret and would either have a ton of questions or want to see him dead.

It didn't matter. He wanted himself dead at that point; someone else might as well get some pleasure from killing him. He sat down next to the bed and tried to concentrate. Tried. Whenever he closed his eyes, tantalizing visions presented themselves. Images that drown out all his thoughts of being human. The images... they were so pleasing, and he never saw them when he was human; there was nothing enjoyable about his human life. Except...

"It wasn't a dream this time."

He opened his eyes and looked at Nabiki. She was staring at him with curiosity and amazement. He was fairly surprised himself that she hadn't attacked him yet.

"It wasn't a dream, right? It's really you?" She sat up a little, keeping herself covered this time.

He nodded, wishing he could speak. Then he shrugged in frustration, his body beginning to tremble. Things were going exactly the way he didn't want.

Nabiki was nearly speechless. Could it be Jusenkyo? She had seen him in hot water and cold and no changes took place. He had seemed to stop obsessing over Ranma, though, like he knew the truth. Then again, he had dumped Akane as well. She flinched internally and shoved that thought away. "All I want to know is how, Kuno-chan. How did this happen?"

He got a strange look on his face, trying to look apologetic. He started to gesture but soon realized it was futile. He held up one finger, asking her to give him a minute.

That was what he needed: a reason, a focus, something beyond his physical wants. He underwent his change right in front of Nabiki, managing the pain admirably.

"Holy shit!" Nabiki said after he was done. "I..." She shook her head and blinked her eyes. "I don't believe it." She reached out with one barely quivering hand and touched Kuno's arm.

He took a big breath and released it. "When I was attacked... That's when it all started." His stomach growled angrily; he hadn't eaten in quite a while.

"I don't know what to say." All that time... She had seen the changes but ignored them. She should have known... She had known, but what was she supposed to do about it? She couldn't possibly have known what was happening exactly. Yet, he knew. For how long? How long did he plan on lying to her? She really hated it when people withheld information from her.

She was about to get furious in a very controlled manner when she saw the pathetic look on his face.

"I did not mean to deceive you... ever. That day in the garden, I was ready to tell you. I was ready to face your judgment. But I was overtaken suddenly and could not..." It was very difficult to admit how frightened he was of losing control.

"I did not want you to think of me as a monster. I just wanted to be left alone from the very beginning, but this thing inside me refused. It called out... and you answered it.

"I never meant for anything to happen, I never wanted anything to happen. You know that. But it has and now..." This would be the hard part. "I know you care nothing for me, and I have said the same about you, but..."

"No. Don't you even say it. I don't want to hear those words out of your mouth. I'll deal with this, but that's all. Anything more and you can just forget it!" It was all just a dream. Just relax and wake up and the dream will be over. Kuno will be back to his normal idiotic self, still pining away after Ranma and Akane... No worries...

"I know you feel something, some attraction. Otherwise we wouldn't have..."

"Shut up! That was never my choice! You dragged me down in your own perverted little world and now I'm stuck." Nabiki laughed bitterly. "You know, and this was so stupid of me, I thought you'd changed. Just maybe, if you'd changed, I wouldn't have to feel so bad about what we were doing. But you haven't changed at all. Now you've just got someone who's willing to let you screw them!"

"No! It's nothing like that! I l..."

"Don't say that! Ever! Never say that to me!" She was shaking with rage. "You're so stupid. You think I care how you feel after the way you've treated me? I don't care about you at all!"

"But what about all I've done for you?"

"All you've done? If it wasn't for you, I would have NEVER been in any trouble in the first place. Those thugs in the alley because I was coming back from YOUR house. The thing with Kinnosuke and the truck because of what YOU said. By the Nekohanten because I was looking for YOU." There were tears of anger in her eyes. "I don't ever want you to talk to me again. I just want you to leave me alone!"

He had felt the ache build in his chest until it felt like his lungs and heart might explode. And when his chest was no longer capable of containing it, it traveled up his neck and throat to his head. His face flushed and the blood pounding through his skull was very loud.

Then he did something he hadn't done in over eight years: he cried. "I knew..." He gasped for air, sobbing silently, unable to look at Nabiki. "I knew that wh... when you left... I wou... would rather d... die." He covered his face with his hands. "If you do... don't want anything to do wi... with m... me, then k... kill me."

"What? Don't be so melodramatic."

"I'm not!" His sobbing had slowed. "But I can't help myself. I can't help the way I feel. I can't control myself anymore!" He looked up at her, his face red. "I killed for you! I killed for my sister... But no one cares... I didn't want any of this, I didn't ask for it. Just kill me. I don't want to live any longer like this; it's not worth it." He hung his head and tears hit the floor.

"You can do it any way you want, I won't resist. Just... make it painless. I've caused so much pain... I'm in so much pain already..." Then he bowed over so his forehead touched the floor and stayed that way, shaking like a leaf.

Nabiki didn't move. She wanted to hate him and be angry beyond the bounds of heaven and earth, but she couldn't be. She had said it before: he was too stupid. He never did things like this on purpose, he never tried to be hurtful... the way she had just been.

Why would he want to die? He had everything SHE had ever wanted. So why? "You really want me to?"

He nodded, not lifting his head. "Please. I've caused you so much trouble. My sister will make sure you are not connected with my death." He was waiting, waiting for it all to end. "I never meant..."

If any of it ever got out, Nabiki would have to leave the country. "I... I can't." She was getting too soft, she couldn't be mad at him. "Hell, I don't hate you. For the most part, you're not a bad guy..."

He didn't respond to her at all. He just waited for her to kill him; one more body on the pile wouldn't matter, no one would care. His sister had been avenged, Nabiki didn't care about him, he didn't care about his father... and that was all. The fact that his life was so pitiful only made him feel worse.

"Oh no you don't, Kuno-chan. Don't do this. Snap out of it." She was out of the bed and at his side with one arm over his back. "I'm don't want to kill you."

"Whether you want to or not means nothing. If I can't have you, if I have to live without you, I can't live. There is no in between. It's not my choice. Ask Kodachi, she knows."

"Come on, we can talk about this later. Just get up." She pulled on him sideways, rocking him a little. He wouldn't move for her. "Don't act like this. Get up and we can go get something to eat." She pulled harder. "Damn it, get up!

"I swear, if you don't get up now, I'll..." What? Make him? Hardly. "I'll..." It didn't look like he was even listening to her. "Get up!" And then she hit him.

He grunted, but that was his only reaction.

She hit him again, her hand curled into a fist, impacting on his back. "You're so damned stubborn!" She hit him again. "Bastard! Can't you hear me? Answer me when I'm talking to you!" She hit him repeatedly, leaving red marks all over his back.

"Do you feel better?" he said, finally lifting his head.

"No! I feel worse now!" She smacked him once more for good measure. "You're still as stupid as ever; you'll never understand." She went back to the bed and pulled the blanket off. After wrapping it around her shoulders, she gave him a cross look. "Now where are my clothes?"

"They are in the wash. I did not want them to stain."

"Oh." Silence. "Are you feeling better now?" Too damn soft.

"If you do not hate me."

She sighed. "I don't hate you." Way too soft.

He stood up slowly, as if he didn't trust his legs. "You don't hate me, I know you don't love me..." He approached her carefully. "But would you allow me to touch you?" He fingered the edge of the blanket running down the middle of her chest.


He lifted her hand to his face, parting the blanket, and kissed it, licking her knuckles lightly.

"Picking up right where you left off," she said, suddenly matching his overheated gaze.

"Is that a yes?"

"Don't tell me you did all this just so you could have your way with me."

"Of course not. You know I would never do that. I don't need to deceive you to have my way with you."

"Maybe not, but I would have liked to known the truth."

He started to pull the blanket apart but stopped. "What are your feelings on this? I must know that you are confident."

"About..." She made a circular motion with her hand. "Not being able to control myself?"

He nodded. "I know how adverse you are to not being in full control of a situation."

"Yeah, I hate it, but it could be worse."

He grimaced, thinking that it just might be. He would wait and make his concerns known after they were done. One more time wouldn't make it any worse. He slipped his hand inside the blanket. "So you are not opposed?"

"I suppose not." She shivered a little. "But."


"No more secrets, OK? I know this isn't... an ideal situation for either of us, so I think we should be straight with each other."

He nodded, a somewhat blank look on his face. "No more secrets. And in exchange..." He pushed the blanket off her shoulders.


"So I want to know more about this." She ran her hand down his fur-covered chest.

He shrugged. It wasn't the right time for any explanations.

Nabiki laughed a little. "You can tell me later then. Personally, I think the puppy needs a bath anyway," she said, smiling mischievously.

It had been very strange and scared him a lot. They had been getting around, he had put his pants on, but Nabiki had not claimed any clothes yet, when he found himself changing. Out of the blue, for no apparent reason. It had been completely unexpected and quite painful. Nabiki had yelled her concern but she had watched with intense curiosity. And now, she was looking at him with intense... something else.

He fidgeted a little as she ran her hands over him. A bath? But that would mean... It was a frightening, yet exciting idea all at once. His sex drive didn't seem to slow when he was changed, so it wasn't like he was unwilling...

"What's wrong, Kuno-chan? Are you out of flea powder?" she joked, taking hold of his forearm. Her hand wasn't even close to encircling it, the ropey muscle she held was rock hard.

That did it. He swept her up and put her over his shoulder as if she weighed no more than a bookbag. He walked out of the room and into the darkness of the basement. The air was cool and dank, the carved rock walls were fairly inhospitable.

"Can't you give me some clothes? It's cold down here."

He grumbled a little but didn't walk any faster. He turned left at another hallway and headed for a set of stairs.

Nabiki craned her neck to see where they were heading. Her eyes got wide when she saw the stairs and the little door at the top. "You are not taking me up there like this. You are NOT..."

He nodded his head, a movement she could feel against her bare leg. So she was a little naked, he didn't mind. He had his pants on so what was the big deal. He didn't think she'd mind so much when she saw where he was going anyway.

He went up the stairs, ignoring all of Nabiki's protests, and opened the quaint looking little door. He gave an animalistic chuckle when he felt Nabiki freeze on his shoulder. He ducked out the door into the night air and closed it behind him.

He walked down the little path that led to the private hot spring. Naturally, the paralyzed girl over his shoulder had no clue as to where he was headed. All she knew was that they were outside and she was naked. She wasn't pleased.

He got to the edge of the spring with the water steaming in the crisp night air. He removed her from his shoulder and held her so she could see the water.

"You better not drop me in there." She didn't figure he would listen to her. She felt him pull her back a little, then she was rocketing forward, straight into the center of the spring.

She hit the water, letting out a yell, and submerged. Disoriented, she finally managed to get her head above the surface, sputtering. She swept her hair back and cleared the liquid from her eyes. There was a large splash behind her, sending waves up her back.

She turned around and saw a very wet wolf wading towards her, a twinkle in his red eyes. Behind him, on the rocks around the spring, were his pants. She wasn't quite sure about things yet, but... While the water was just below her chest, it was only slightly higher than his belly button.

Which meant she had never seen a body like his exposed in full view. Actually, she had never seen a body built like his. The exquisitely sculpted, beyond belief chest. The long muscular arms with large hands she knew were so delicate. The stomach with each perfectly defined abdominal muscles covered with fine, soft fur. It almost made her whistle. Would that be a wolf whistle?

"And just what do you think you're doing?" She moved back as he got closer, trying to keep out of his reach. She idly wondered, watching him get near, if playing hard to get was making her look like his prey.

He surged forward and grabbed her, then fell back into the water, taking her with him. There was much splashing and struggling before the two came up for air.

Nabiki coughed then hit Kuno's arm, almost hurting her hand. "Do you mind? Water isn't my chosen source of oxygen."

Kuno splashed her then shook himself, sending water everywhere. He hadn't realized how warm the fur kept him until he was wet and the water soaked to his skin. It was also somewhat uncomfortable, so he shook himself again.

"What's with you, Kuno-chan?" Nabiki was shielding herself from the flying water. He was like a whole different... person. he was being playful in a way she had never seen him be before. She had to wonder if his mind wasn't being affect somehow.

She watched him wade over to edge nearest the house and sit against a seat carved from an immense stone. The bath was perfectly fine, but when he had the time, there was nothing that beat the spring. He settled down in the water, vaguely irritated, but content none the less.

"You never got tired out this quick before. What's with you?" Nabiki sat against a smaller rock, next to him. Under the water, she put her hand on his muscular thigh.

He looked at her, still unsure. In her eyes, he could see that she was uncertain as well. He reached over to Nabiki and put his hands on her sides, then pulled her toward him. Something flashed in her eyes that he read as fear, but it was quickly gone.

He set her across his lap and lightly ran his hands over her ribs. She squirmed a little, which didn't help at all the restless feeling in him. He snorted. Restless. What a laugh. He was horny as hell and the naked female in his lap didn't help.

Kuno put one finger to the side of Nabiki's chin and turned her head towards him. How badly he wanted to speak then, to tell her not to be afraid, to tell her he would never hurt her. He didn't want to hurt her, that was the last thing on his mind.

Kuno didn't allow her to resist his powerful arms as he pulled her closer.

"I... I can't do this." Nabiki tried to remove herself from the hold on her hips. She struggled vainly, though unsure if it was from Kuno's hold or her own unwillingness. The feeling was hitting her hard, and the feel of the firmly muscled but softly furred body was breaking her control.

Kuno pulled her closer still until he could feel her leg brushing his rapidly stiffening penis. He leaned forward and put his chin on her lightly shaking shoulder. Nabiki was still shaking her head, but he could tell, just by the way she was holding herself, that she wanted it.

Closer still, her resistance flagging... Kuno lifted his chin from her shoulder and tried to turn her body. Unfortunately for him, Nabiki was too close and couldn't swing her leg over. Yet, he knew the limits of her flexibility quite well and raised her right leg, bringing it down on the other side of his body. Finally face to face, his manhood... wolfhood?.. his cock was pinned between them.

Nabiki looked scared, very scared. To Kuno, her fear was... unpleasant. It was nothing at all like he found his sister's to be, or that of the men he killed. What he thought were his human sensibilities made Kuno want to kiss the fear-covered face before him and make things alright, but that really wasn't an option.

Hands on her hips, he looked in her eyes. Bitter fear, sweet lust, intoxicating physical pleasure... Kuno lifted Nabiki's body easily, then roughly forced her down on his erection.

Nabiki cried out in pain at the sudden violation by the huge member. She fell against her furry lover and put her arms around his neck.

Kuno felt her grab him. He hadn't realized how big his transformation actually made him, and he hated the fact that he had caused her pain. Smothering her in his embrace, he did his best to comfort her, while also savoring the sensations. He was that much bigger, which meant she was that much tighter and it all felt that much better.

Letting out a choked whine, Kuno used inhuman will to control himself. Feeling Nabiki shake against him, he held her gently; he was quivering a bit himself. He felt her fingers grip his fur, coming close to pulling two handfuls out.

Nabiki groaned quietly in the tufted ear, feeling uncomfortably full and achingly stretched. The whole thing had most definitely been a bad idea since she just didn't feel like she could accommodate him. "Ouch," she said quietly as she breathed heavily.

Kuno made a growling noise that was meant to be comforting, a sort of lupine purring sound in her ear. He couldn't believe how stupid he was to think he could just do something like that and that there'd be no problems. They were two different species. One and one did not equal two! His rough purring got louder and more insistent when Nabiki didn't move.

"I'm OK," she said, her head resting on his shoulder. "It just kind of hurts."

He whined and hugged her tighter. It would have been better if she had killed him. Kuno licked her neck, hoping she was really OK. If Nabiki needed medical attention, there would be big trouble. He'd have to get Kodachi's help, and he just didn't want to do that under the circumstances.

"I'm fine. Just give me a minute." Nabiki's voice was stronger than before and she wasn't as afraid. Sure it had hurt like nothing she had ever felt, but she figured it was just that she wasn't used to his size.

Taking two deep breaths, she pulled away from his shoulder and looked at his wolven features. By animal standards, he would be considered cute. But from the perspective of her fogged brain, he was handsome. Even though his eyes were red, they were quite expressive, he had big perky ears that begged to be pulled, and the thick, glossy fur all around his neck and down his back...

Pleased that Nabiki had finally moved off his shoulder, Kuno stared at her, waiting for her to say something. He was still making the purring noise, concern on his face.

"Next time," she said, her voice still strained, "warn me."

Kuno nodded and made a little clucking noise, bumping the side of Nabiki's chin with his nose.

"I said I was fine. Now stop that."

He nuzzled her neck only to have her push his nose away.

"Stop acting like a dog. I don't like that." Because if he acted like a dog, it was too close to actually... BEING with a dog. Yuck.

Kuno's ears drooped and he looked hurt.

"Don't give me that..." She started to remove herself from him, and he shifted his position... A bolt of pure pleasure ripped through Nabiki's body. She shuddered at the sensation; it felt like fireworks were going off in her arms and legs. She moaned loudly, unable to control the feelings racing through her.

It was Kuno's turn to squirm as he felt a similar feeling run through him, all the way to the tip of his tail. It felt like his heart was going a mile a minute and he was panting heavily. He moved his hands back to Nabiki's hips, nearly drawing blood with his grip, and lifted her again.

It had only been two inches, but it was the most mind-blowing two inches Kuno could have ever imagined. He lost control of his voice and howled loudly, his eyes closed, his ears back, and his face turned up at the sky.

As if in response, Nabiki leaned her head back, her hands still tugging on his fur and moaned again. It was still somewhat uncomfortable, but the slightest movement was now the... The feeling was simply indescribable, but it was well worth the pain and discomfort she had felt initially.

Again Kuno lifted her and squeezed his eyes shut from the electric shock it sent through him. He was barely able to pant now, let alone howl. Then he did it again, and again, his long tongue hanging out and his eyes still closed as he concentrated on the imminent explosion in him.

"So close..."

Kuno's ears perked up when he heard Nabiki speak. If she was close, then he would try harder. With the combination of raising Nabiki and grinding his hips at a speed he could never accomplish, he drew close to the edge. He snarled as the pressure mounted, the sense of urgency growing within him.

As for Nabiki, she couldn't think. She couldn't move, except for her fingers sporadically, and she could barely breathe. The only thing she could even come close to comprehending was the intense combination of extreme pleasure and throbbing ache in her that combined to be so unreal... She clutched at the fur around his neck and started grinding her body against his.

Kuno snorted and laid his ears back as his efforts increased further. The feeling was incredible, and he wanted to let go, but he didn't want to lose it either. Soon he was overcome by his lust though, and whatever had been holding him back snapped.

His claws dug into Nabiki's sides as his whole body spasmed, drawing a bit of blood, and he began howling. Then Nabiki joined in with her screams, and soon enough, lights were going on all over Nerima because of the noise.

After the two had settled down, with him leaning against the rock and her against his chest, almost asleep, he carefully removed her from his lap and held her. They were both messy and the spring would need a good cleaning, but he didn't really care.

Kuno cradled Nabiki's head as she rested and felt the process of his transformation begin. Once returned to his normal form, he found himself starving.

Nabiki's eyes opened and focused on him. "Kuno-chan?"

"Yes, my l..." He put a clamp on that very quickly. "It is I."

She looked up at him for a few moments then slapped him weakly across the face. "Don't ever do that again. At least not without telling me."

"I'm sorry." He was sorry, but the image of her quivering against him, yanking on his fur as she screamed just wouldn't leave his mind.

"Don't even try to play innocent. I can see right through you." She attempted to sit up, but was still too weak. "Get me out of this water. I don't want to sit in..." She blushed.

"Of course." Kuno stood up, holding her securely, and went to the edge of the spring. It was strange. Aside from being hungry, he felt perfectly fine. He wasn't winded in the least. Nabiki looked like she had been run over by marauding elephants and he was fresh as a daisy. "Wait here while I retrieve some covering." Gently, he set her down in a large flat rock.

"Hurry back," she mumbled. "It's cold out here."

He chuckled. "I shall."


"I wanted to speak with you about something."

"Oh really? What?" Nabiki stretched out luxuriously on the guest bed, the cool, silk sheets enveloping her.

Kuno watched her relax on the bed, a massive construct, far surpassing his simple futon. He had balked at the idea of a guest bed; it was an unnecessary expenditure at the time. And oh how he had raged over the dark green silk sheets. Yet, it all seemed worth the price as Nabiki settled in. Getting in bed and mounting her was starting to look like a very good idea... No! That was not a good idea. That was not what he would do.

Still... No! He had to fight for control of himself. One part wanted to do what was most pleasurable for an animal, one part wanted to remain the noble person he thought himself, and one part was really turned on. But that part never seemed to be turned off anymore. It was all quite embarrassing.

He sat on the edge of the bed, carefully maintaining his cool. "Now that we are each..." Kuno cocked his head to the side. "More relaxed, I wanted to discuss some things I have been considering."

"I'm listening."

"I think I know why things have proceeded in the manner they have." This would be touchy, he would probably be hurt a lot.

"Really? Do tell."

Kuno cleared his throat. "Yes. You have been affected by powerful urges, have you not?"

"You know I have."

He nodded. "As have I. And they were directed at me?"

"Yeah. So what's your point?"

"Allow me to finish. I felt urges, desires, but for any attractive female form." Kuno's hand was running up and down Nabiki's leg. "But when you started spending more time with me, it was you that I thought of, dreamed of, fantasized about more often.

"And then, the first time we... Well, I felt a much stronger connection with you. Your sister and the pig-tailed girl were uninteresting, unimportant to me. The only thing that mattered was being with you. Why, I didn't know, but I could not stop the way I was feeling. Whenever I was with you, I felt content, even... happy. Happy even though we held no feelings for each other.

"Then, as my condition began to worsen and I realized my nature, things became clear. The beast does not go away while I am human, it only hides itself. It is still lurking, still affecting me and those around me.

"That explained several things. My extreme hunger and violent outlashes were accounted for. I was still an animal, after all." Kuno stopped speaking and took a deep breath. "An animal I am, and to some extent, I am forced to obey the laws of nature. One of these laws, one that the beast in me has not failed to obey, is the selection of..." He couldn't say it. It was so impersonal, so inhuman. "The choosing of a... mate."


Kuno cringed away from Nabiki.

"I've been elected to be your MATE?! I don't think so!"

"I know you are unhappy, but I don't know what can be done. It is by no effort of mine that these things are happening, and I would not wish for you to be my... mate if it makes you angry."

"Stop calling me that. I am not your mate, and I never will be."

"Don't you see? It's already been decided for us... or by us. I can't live without you, and you... you..."

Nabiki closed her eyes. 'Shit, he's right,' she thought. She laid in the bed and didn't say a word. How degrading it was that she was his 'mate' of all things... Did that mean they were going to have to get married? It was impossible to consider a normal life with him, but without him... She'd probably end up a gibbering fool. Those three days had been akin to hell.

"Fine," she said suddenly. "So what do we do about it?"

Kuno could only shrug. "If I knew, it would have been attempted."

Nabiki sighed and tried to relax; it wasn't easy. "Well, under normal circumstances, I'd be out of here in a second. This isn't even close to being normal and I'm too tired to be running off."

He watched as she gave him a strange little smile, her eyes closed in a look of peace. His heart started beating faster. "In fact, I am finding you nigh unto irresistible as we speak. I am constantly yearning to have you close to me, to touch you..."

"Is this how you felt about Akane and your pig-tailed girl?"

Kuno blinked. "No, never."

"Oh, so was that true love, and this is just..."

"No. That was... I don't know. Those were crushed. This is something more; it's turned into something more for me." Why had she asked? Was she jealous? Did she actually care? He wasn't sure, and while she had never been his first choice, or even his third, she had grown very important to him.

Kuno looked at her somewhat frowning features. "Will you stay?"

"Do you want me to?"

"I would like it very much."

"I suppose I can."

"Would you mind terribly?"

"I suppose not."

Kuno slipped off his pants then slid under the sheets. He stared up at the ceiling in the darkness of the room. Nabiki didn't protest at all when he put his arm around her and pulled her close. He could not continue the way he was. Even after revealing the truth, things could just not stay the same. His one main goal in life would be to become human, fully human, once more. That he vowed.



"Aw, geez... Whadya want, Kuno?"

"To see your defeat at my hands. Now..." Kuno assumed his most threatening posture.

Ranma gave him a bored look. "Whatever, sempai." He tensed for his attack.

"Hey, Kuno-chan!"

Ranma saw Kuno's head turn toward Nabiki's voice and took the opportunity presented to him. He jumped forward and kicked Kuno in the head, sending the dazed kendoist off into the trees.

"You owe me one, Ranma," Nabiki said, walking into the school.

"But I... Aw man..."


"I would appreciate it if you would not make such a mockery of me."

"You don't own me."

"That is true. For if I did, you would find yourself severely punished for such insolent manners."

"It's a good thing you don't then."

"Aye. 'Twould be a shame," he said quietly.

Nabiki looked back at Kuno, surprised. That was a rather unexpected answer. It seemed he was full of surprises. 'Duh. Of course he is,' she thought. 'One of them has to do with sprouting large amounts of fur and growing...' She chuckled to herself. Really though, it was about time actually try and do something about Kuno's problem.


He should have felt like the king of the world. He didn't. More like a royal lapdog. Slowly, eyes heavy and mind wandering, he began to fall sleep.

Royal lapdog... That made him feel inferior. That wasn't good. He would find a cure... by any means...

Updated 7-7-97