{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

His tongue worked its way up her sternum, then back down, detouring over to one breast. She moaned a little and clutched his fur again. And then he quickly stopped himself. Maybe, when she knew the truth, she would allow him to attend to her, but not this way. He closed her nightgown and pulled the blanket back up, allowing himself one last gentle caress of her soft curves.

He stood back up and stroked her head lovingly, looking down at her still form. There wasn't any way for him to avoid wondering how he had gotten himself into such a situation. Why she caused such reactions in him, why she stirred such primal feelings inside of him... Still, his fires had been extinguished for the night and he was content. He could finally return home.

Kuno squeezed himself out Nabiki's window and dropped to the ground lightly. He jogged to the wall and leapt over it with casual grace. It seemed that nearly every physical effort was performed with that same sort of ease, and that was one thing Kuno took comfort in. As his feet hit the pavement, he started running home, soon dropping to all fours. It was faster and felt more comfortable, more... natural.


He cleared the wall around his home easily and stood up straight. Yes, his home. Not his worthless father's, not his sister's... His home. That was something else he took comfort in. Heading inside, Kuno considered going to the kitchen, but went to his room instead. He wasn't as hungry as he was tired. Bed was sounding like a very nice option. He was walking down the hall, which seemed much smaller than before, and was about to open the door to his room when Kodachi came around the corner.

'Ohhh shit' was what he was thinking, but it came out as a single, strangled whimper. He felt like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. Heck, he was about as big as a deer anyway, and his sister's eyes were almost the size of truck headlights.

Kodachi froze when she saw the monster standing before her. Her face adopted an expression that was most unlike her and it looked like she was going to scream.

He shook his head and began patting the air in front of him, palms down, hoping she wouldn't blow his eardrums out. He grimaced and laid his ears flat, anyway, waiting for the inevitable.

Unfortunately, that look was very similar to one that could be interpreted as 'fresh meat, prepare to die'. Kodachi seemed to be completely frozen in surprise and fear at that point, so he took advantage of it and slipped into his room.

Leaning against the wall, he wished he was in his normal form. Speaking of, how did he turn back? Kuno panicked; he couldn't be stuck forever! He growled in frustration, refusing to accept it. But what if he was stuck? How would Nabiki feel about him? There was no way she would ever...

There was an itching in his skull, and suddenly he was going through the reverse process of earlier, pain and all. After a few minutes of agony, in which it felt like he had been broken into a hundred pieces and glued back together again, he was on the floor and human once again.

Slowly on unfirm legs, he stood up, shaking his head and reacquainting himself with his normal weight and balance. He felt himself all over to confirm that he was wholly human then sat back on the floor. How would he begin to explain to Kodachi, Nabiki, anyone?

The door burst open and Kodachi charged in, barely containing herself. She almost struck her brother with her ribbon before she realized it was only him. "Where?" she demanded.

He looked up at her, a sad, downtrodden look on his face, then shook his head and shrugged.

Kodachi looked at him closely, critically. "Brother?" she asked, her voice not friendly at all. "What was that?"

He looked down at the floor and shook his head again.

"You know something about that creature, don't you?"

He didn't say anything, knowing his silence only proved his guilt, and continued to look at the floor.

Kodachi directed her gaze at the pants with the red sash. "Brother," she spun her ribbon threateningly as she spoke, "you will tell me."

He shook his head. "I don't know," he finally said and looked back up. "I don't know. I... just can't."

She glared at him. "I have a right to know what is going on in my own house!"

"I don't know what's happening to me!" Kuno yelled back. "Just... just leave. Leave me alone and don't interfere. That way you won't get hurt."

"That sounds like a threat."

"Not a threat, just a warning. I don't want to hurt anyone. Not you, not..."

"Nabiki Tendo?"

He blushed. "I shouldn't have been so blind in the beginning. I should have done something. Things never would have gotten this far." His stupidity, his selfish desires... "She doesn't love me, yet she is bound to me. I have ruined her life. I had to destroy someone else's life along with my own."

"Then... that was you?"

Kuno nodded. "I am sorry I yelled at you. It was all my fault."

"What... what..."

"I don't know. Just don't interfere. It will be better for you that way." He crawled to his futon and covered himself completely with the blanket. "Just go," he said, his voice muffled.

Kodachi looked at his covered shape then left the room.


"Do you know what happened last night?"

Oh, he could imagine. "No. Please inform me."

"I was getting ready for bed..."

In that sheer little nightgown that was every man's wet dream... He closed his eyes.

"And there was this weird noise outside."

"Of what type?" He would have to be careful, try and control himself next time.

"That's what was so strange. It sounded like a dog, but when I looked out, I could have sworn it was a person."

"An intruder?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. I went straight to bed after that. Though I did have a real strange dream."

Uh oh. He had been found out. He opened his mouth to apologize, beg her forgiveness, and generally worship her...

"But I can't tell you here." She smiled at him and it was far from innocent.

Any man's wet dream. Or even a wolf's.


"Ranma, you moron! Look what you did to my homework!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry, Nabiki. You know how Akane gets sometimes."

"I know how YOU get."

"I said I was sorry!"

"You're always sorry, and it's NEVER your fault. Damn it. Look at this. Thanks loads, Ranma."

Kuno almost got up to charge over to the confrontation, but Nabiki had plainly told him not to act as if they were a couple because they weren't. So he stayed where he was and simply glared across the yard. There would be another time...


That night, it happened again. Luckily, Nabiki had already left for home, or he would have been in some considerable trouble. He had just had a high protein shake (no doubt one of the most disgusting things he had ever tasted) and was thinking about taking care of Ranma Saotome once and for all when it started.

He immediately sat on the floor; if it was like last time, that's where he would end up anyway. This time, however, he found his voice and let out a bloodcurdling scream. He tried to watch, tried to see what happened to him, but his eyes were clouded by tears.


Kodachi heard the scream and stood in front of her brother's door. It must have been happening to him right then. She had to look, she had to know if it was really him. She lifted her hand to open the door, but stopped. She wasn't sure she wanted to see it... But she had to know.

She opened the door a little way and peered in. She saw him writhing around on the floor, clutching his head. His mouth was opening and closing, but he was only making strange gurgling sounds. She watched his body go stiff as it began.

She stared with horrified amazement as he changed, his feet mutating and growing to an immense size, long claws on each toe. His thighs beneath the gi bulged and gained further definition, straining the fabric. His waist remained the same, but his stomach... She could almost hear the popping noise as his abdominal muscles appeared and he seemed to get thicker through the middle. Then his chest seemed to inflate like a balloon on an air tank. Muscles that he shouldn't have seemed to strain against his skin.

There was a crunching noise as he bent forward, his back bowing, reshaping itself. His forearms grew in length and his hands seemed to explode. Ivory talons jumped out of each finger as his hands widened, flattened out and lengthened. Then more crunching noises as his head... She couldn't make herself watch; it was too horrible.

She peeked through her fingers and watched the hair... fur swarm over his body. His back, upper arms, stomach and head were covered by thick, black fur, and he even had a big bushy tail. The rest of him was covered in, what looked to be, a very fine, almost downy, white fur that bordered on silver.

Exposed skin, mostly in his ears, the bottom of his feet and his palms was a pale gray. His eyes met hers; angry red surrounded by yellow piercing her to her soul. They were definitely not the eyes of her brother. A growling came from him as soon as he recovered.

She watched him get to his feet and struggle with his balance, his tail twitching back and forth. It was fascinating and frightening; she couldn't take her eyes off him. He held her gaze, still growling.

Kodachi backed away when he started to approach the door. "Brother?" she asked with a hint of desperation.

A series of growls, snarls, yips, grunts and barks came out of his mouth while he gestured wildly with his hands. It made Kodachi smile.

"Why, Brother, you're just as incomprehensible as you were before."

He stopped his hand motions and looked at her. He snarled, which made Kodachi's smile falter, and stepped up to her so that they were toe to toe and face to... well, chest. He was at least a foot taller, and by the increase in muscle mass, 75 pounds heavier.

He grabbed her by one shoulder and lifted her effortlessly. He made a little tsking noise and shook his head, then set her down gently and walked away.

He went to the kitchen, his stomach rumbling unhappily, and opened the refrigerator, careful not to yank the door off. There was a rather large piece of raw meat that he had been saving it for a time much like now, when he was unable to make himself a protein drink.

Sniffing at the raw meat, he began to drool. He ate it in five quick bites, the way most people eat an apple. Satisfied for the time being, he headed outside where he was more comfortable. He knew Kodachi was following him, but there was very little he could do about it. She would not listen to him even when he could speak, and he couldn't bring himself to injure her. If only she hadn't found out...

As he sat down in the grass, he noticed his legs didn't cross so well. It was beginning to dawn on him that this wasn't so much an awful curse as it was a big nuisance. The transformation itself hurt like hell, and he was hungry all the time, and he couldn't talk...

But there were some good things too. Like the incredible amount of energy he always had, enhanced senses and increased speed and strength. He was fairly powerful... Powerful... Power... Animals attract each other using hormones for mating. Mating meant sex... with a girl... to have offspring. All those girls had been attracted to him after he was attacked... until he had...

If Nabiki ever found out, she would kill him.


Kodachi watched her brother sit in the yard, changing his position every few minutes, his tail twitching away. He licked his chops once or twice, his ears moving this way and that, listening to the night sounds. He used his forefinger to scratch his neck, the claw getting through the thick fur. She wondered if he was hot, or if he always ate raw meat, or if he felt compelled to kidnap virgins.

Her brother was suddenly a lot more interesting than he used to be. She was contemplating him when he looked back at her. Kodachi grimaced a little, knowing she had underestimated him again. He waved her over, wanting her to join him. For a moment, she hesitated, but when he repeated the gesture, she acquiesced.

She walked across the yard to where he was sitting and looked at him. Under the light of the moon, his eyes glowed green, which Kodachi found a bit eerie. "What is it... Brother?" It felt so strange calling him that.

He patted the ground next to him.

She looked at the gesture with something between humor, disgust and fascination, then sat next to him. "Why did you want me to join you out here?" She looked at him again, noting a great deal of his attention was on the moon.

He shrugged his sizable shoulders, then pointed at her, held up one hand and drew a question mark on his palm.

"Do I have inquiries?"

He nodded.

"I suppose I do..." She evaluated his appearance, unsure of where she should begin. "I assume you are not locked in this form forever."

He shook his head.

"How... Was it from when you were assaulted?"

He nodded his head more slowly. It was the only logical assumption since his appearance was very similar to that which had attacked him.

"Is it really you? You're not just some animal?"

He shook his head emphatically and pointed at his chest.

"I see. What makes your form change?"

He shrugged and made a shoveling motion with his hands toward his mouth.

"Eating makes you..."

He shook his head. He patted his chest then held his hands close together. He separated them until they were a foot apart, then made the shoveling motion again.

"You have to eat after you change?"

He nodded vigorously.

"Then the other night..."

He nodded again.

Kodachi put two and two together. "Those murders... Did you..."

His eyes were very wide and surprised as he looked at Kodachi.

"You mean you didn't know?"

He shook his head, then started to shake his head violently, trying to deny it. He drew the question mark on his hand again.

"Who were they?"

He nodded.

"The newspaper said they were common street criminals."

He pounded his fist into his hand and nodded his head.

"You know who they were?"

He nodded again, then pounded his fist into his hand several times and made a stabbing motion.

The ambushes were the top news and everyone knew about them, so she knew what he was referring to. Still, it felt odd that it was so obvious to her. "Those were the villains that were preying on..."

He nodded. Suddenly, it didn't feel so bad.

Kodachi remained silent after that. Her other questions required more than yes or no. She looked up at the sky, the stars hidden by the light of the moon. She shivered as a breeze blew through the yard.

He scooted over to her and put his arm around her shoulders, curling his tail around her backside.

"Unhand me, fie... Brother," she said pulling away.

He pulled her roughly against him, so her back was on his chest, nestled in the warmth of his fur.

The siblings stayed that way for an hour in the moonlight.

Eventually, Kodachi stood up, no longer disturbed by her brother's appearance, and held on to his hand. "Come, dearest Brother. I will make you something to eat for your change."

He got to his feet, her hand so tiny and delicate in his, and followed her inside.


Kuno sat at the table meditating. It wasn't easy when he could smell the food being cooked. It was all a matter of turning back to human now, a process he wasn't sure he knew how to begin.

He took deep cleansing breaths and tried to clear his mind. He blocked all the sounds and smells coming from the kitchen out. The thing he wanted most at that moment was to return to his human form. He concentrated on that thought and tried to recapture the feel of his human body.


Kodachi was cooking away, preparing several huge dishes, feeling far more content than she ever had before. Her brother had a very strange effect on her. It was probably the same way he affected Nabiki Tendo, with differing results, of course.

It had been guiltily pleasant sitting outside with him, the incredible warmth and security she found with him... She had felt like a family for that time. She was shaken from her pleasant thoughts by his screaming; he was turning back to his usual self.

She took one dish out to the table and set it down. She watched him sit up, looking quite exhausted, and gave him a smile. He looked back at her wearily and began eating.


"Please say nothing of my condition. It is the only thing I ask of you."

"I won't, Brother, as long as you do one thing for me."

He looked at her with trepidation. "What?" he asked cautiously.

"Spend more nights stargazing with me."

"That I will do, Sister."

"And, please, keep your private affairs private, Brother. A closed door will do wonders to maintain your... modesty."

He blushed heavily. "Thank you. I will keep your words in mind."

"Does she know?"


"Does she know of your secret? Nabiki Tendo is smart enough to know there is something going on."

He shook his head. "I only discovered the truth yesterday. She is aware of a problem, but... Please, I would prefer to notify her myself."

"Of course. I would not wait too long though. She may not be very appreciative of your condition." Kodachi had been smiling the entire time, looking genuinely pleased.


"I must speak with you tonight."

"I know. Is your sister going to be home?"

"Not in that manner. It is of the utmost importance."

"Well, I'll be over anyway, so..."

He nodded and turned his attention back to his lunch. He just knew she would mad. And she would never want to see him again. And he would rather die than live without her.


"She will be over very soon." He paced back and forth in front of Kodachi. He was wearing his most formal kimono and was scared witless. "How will I tell her? I know she will be angry..."

"You must relax. If you are not at peace, you will ruin everything."

He stopped pacing and looked at her. "You are correct. I must try to maintain my personal harmony." He took three deep breaths. "Sister, would you direct her to the garden when she arrives?"

"Of course, Brother."


Being in the garden relaxed him. There was peace and serenity in the delicate machinations of nature that put him at ease. He was at ease, but struggling with what he would say to Nabiki, how he would explain things. He didn't believe she would be upset at his condition; it had been something he had no control over. But she would be upset to find out she was... stuck with him.

His thoughts began to drift away from the predicament at hand. How pleasant it would be to put Saotome in his place, take revenge on the heathen... Kuno doubled over as his stomach revolted. "Not now..." he said through gritted teeth. He tumbled off the stone bench he had been sitting on and pulled himself out of sight, into the bushes.

Nabiki walked into the garden a few minutes later and sat on the bench to wait. Kuno had been very serious about whatever he wanted to talk to her about. That concerned her. There were only three things he ever got serious about: revenge, honor, and love.

She shuddered, only seeing two of those three choices he would want to speak to her about. She had seen the way he looked at her, and wondered if he wasn't getting just a little too attached.


Kuno watched her from the bushes, barely stopping himself from tromping out, scooping her up and taking her to his room. Wouldn't that be a little bit of a shock? He had to suppress a chuckle. It was still awfully difficult to contain himself though. She was ready, she was waiting for him, she wanted him... and he was stuck hiding in the bushes.


She waited impatiently for a while, getting more and more annoyed. "So much for his serious conversation," she said disgustedly.

Just then, Kodachi came out with her hand over her eyes. "Brother?"

"He's not here," Nabiki answered with venom.

Kodachi uncovered her eyes and looked around. "He was here not more than ten minutes before you arrived." She saw a bush rustle behind Nabiki. "Though he did say... he wasn't feeling well..." The bush rustled again and Kodachi got sight of a black tail poking above the shrubbery.

Nabiki looked at the girl, eyes narrowed. She didn't trust Kodachi at all.

Kodachi looked behind Nabiki at the bush. A claw appeared and pointed up.

"Uh, I'm sure you could wait in his room. I will inform him of where you are." She could tell Nabiki didn't trust her. "Your private business is exactly that. If you wish to wait in a place more suitable for... relaxing, then may I suggest you go to his room."

"Maybe I'll do that then." Nabiki got up, went around Kodachi and went inside.

Once she was gone, Kuno came out of the bushes, looking decidedly worried.

"Poor Brother. And you don't know why?"

He shook his head.

"Maybe you should go up there as you are." Kodachi was smiling and being most unpleasant in a teasing way.

He gave her a little snarl then went into the house. She was becoming more and more of a nuisance now that she knew the truth. He stalked around the kitchen, frustrated by the turn of events. Really, he had been all set to tell Nabiki and accept the consequences when he had changed.

And now all he could think about was how badly he wanted her and how hungry he was. All right then, he would see what she was doing, then perhaps reveal his nature to her.

He went back outside and around the house until he was below his window. He would simply jump up, grab the sill and peek in to see what kind of mood Nabiki was in. Then he'd work from there.

A small exertion of energy and he jumped, and grabbed the sill, then pulled himself up just enough to see in his room. His heart almost stopped. She was on the floor, completely naked.

Nabiki was cradling one of his bokkens, caressing it. She had it against her bare skin between her breasts. She moved it up and down, the cool, dark wood contrasting with her flesh. She shuddered as the bokken found its way between her legs, and she began to move it a little faster. There was no relief in it though; the hard shaft between her thighs, rubbing against her sex only heightened her desire.

Kuno watched her with wide eyes, looking with a whole new light at the bokken in her hands. He squirmed, hanging from the sill, and whined quietly. If he could get any purchase with his feet, he would have dove through the window and taken her right there in his current form.

She moved the bokken back and forth, the position changing to stimulate all of her at once, but did not allow it to penetrate her; that was reserved for only him. Though if he didn't show up soon...

He kicked his legs, trying to propel himself upwards. He was having an awful internal battle over whether to give in to his desires, or to be smart enough to stop and try to become human. He could be a monster, and have his way with her, or he could be a man and stop and return to his humanity. Nabiki would be much more... agreeable if he was human.

His hands cramped and he lost hold of the sill, falling to the ground. Immediately he began to revert, somehow stifling his screams. He vaguely considered if will was all that was required to change, but that was quickly forgotten when his internal organs were squished back down to their normal size.


The bokken was enjoyable, but only to a point. It just couldn't replace a live human being... except in stiffness. If only... if only that stupid bastard had been there like he said he was going to.

At that point, the door crashed open, revealing Kuno, his kimono in disarray and a large glass of brownish goo in one hand. He looked at her with unrestrained passion and downed the glass. He tossed it aside and ripped off his kimono.

"It's about damn time, Kuno-chan." She set the bokken aside and glared at him.

"I arrived as fast as I could. Why don't you just settle down?"

"You're the one that had something so serious to talk about and then didn't even show up. Don't try and make it look like this is my fault."

"Well it is not my problem you can't wait 20 minutes without my cock..."

"OK. That's it. If I have to screw every cylindrical object I see, as long as it's not you I don't care." She put on her clothes and left without another word.

"Bitch!" he yelled after she was gone.


"It sounds like things did not go so well."

"Shut up. I am leaving."

"But where are you going?"

He paused at the door. "To get laid."


"Kuno-sama... What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. Should I leave?"

"No! Please stay. Come inside." She opened the door wise and stepped aside so he could enter.

"So how have you been?" he asked conversationally, looking at the decorations of her house.

"I've been... fine... I just..." There were tears in her eyes.

"Mariko, why are you crying?"

She turned away. "Because you... you..." She began crying for real.

He turned her around and put his arms around her. She smelled sickly sweet. He hugged her close and spoke comforting words to her. She worshipped him, or had at one point; she would gladly do anything to make him happy.

"Kuno-sama, why... why did you come back?" she asked with her arms around him, her face buried in her chest.

"Because I need what you can give me." He pushed her back and looked in her eyes. She was so desperate, so pathetic.

"You need me, Kuno-sama?"

"Yes, I need you." He looked around. "Why don't we go to your room for more privacy?"

She nodded, still staring in awe at him. She led him through the quiet house to her room. It was decorated in all white, with cheerleading equipment all over.

He looked at the white frills and lace that decorated the bed. He looked at the huge picture of himself that was on the wall over the bed and let loose a tiny grin. Mariko was truly pitiful, and just how twisted would it be to have sex with a girl while looking at a picture of himself?


How could she have messed it all up? Why had she said those things? Nabiki groaned and shook her head. She had constantly warned him about thinking they were a couple and not getting too attached... Now she thought she was getting too attached.

The worst thing was that she knew she could do better. She knew there were a hoard of guys that would jump at the chance to spend time with her. And here she was, getting caught up with Kuno. It was enough to make a girl want to cry.

She stopped at a bench in the park and sat down, staring morosely into the fountain. How did that saying go? Life sucks and then you die? That about summed things up perfectly.

A ten yen coin dropped to the ground in front of her. She bent over and picked it up. She looked at it, then looked around. There wasn't anyone there.

"We meet again," a voice said from behind her.

She turned around and looked into the eyes of... "Kinnosuke."


"Kuno-sama, you're just going to leave?"

He slipped on his shirt. "Yes."

"But what about..." She looked at him pleadingly.


She nodded, tears in her eyes again.

"There is no us. There never was, there never will be. I could never love you. I could never love any..." He closed his eyes, feeling unsure of himself for a moment. "I could never love anyone." He looked at her, the tears flowing freely from her eyes. "I'm sorry."

He left with her tear-streaked face in his mind.


She felt so cheap, so dirty. She hated herself just then. The worst thing was that it hadn't helped at all. No, actually that was the second worst thing. The worst thing was that he was lousy. He hadn't been half the man that Ku...

No, it wasn't necessary for her to think about him. She didn't need him. Nabiki didn't need to be taken for granted; she wasn't devoid of feelings like most people liked to believe.

She was so completely miserable right then that she didn't know what to do. She ended up back in the park, where she stayed until well after sunset, her misery and self-pity getting the better of her.


He started his walk back home and felt completely unsatisfied. His thing with Mariko, meant to relieve some of his... stress, hadn't worked at all. Sure, she had been loud, a real screamer, but frankly, Mariko just wasn't HER.

He walked slowly, disgusted with himself, and detoured through the park. Nothing was working this time; even the song on the breeze couldn't quiet the voice that was screaming at him.

Next time, why bother becoming human? He wasn't acting like a person, after all, he was acting like an animal. Maybe that was the answer. Just run away and forget everything. He could just live by himself in the wilderness and never care again about who he loved or who he hurt. He sighed and wished things were all back to normal.

Kuno walked aimlessly as the sun dropped below the horizon and the lights in the park flickered on. Consumed by his own self-loathing, he didn't hear the crying until he was less than 100 yards away from it. And then he smelled her. HER.

He walked a little faster to where the crying was coming from. Not knowing what to do, he stopped when he saw her sitting on the bench under a light. She had her face in her hands and was crying.

"Nabiki," he said quietly.

She lifted her head at the sound of his voice and looked at him. "Kuno-chan?"

"What are you doing here? Why are you crying?" He had a pretty good idea, but he needed someone to say it to him; he needed someone to tell him he was acting like an asshole and didn't deserve to be human.

"I saw him..."

He walked up to her but did not sit. "Saw who?" The scent of a strange man was all over her. All over her, but refused to get angry or possessive.


The name itself meant nothing to him; he didn't have the slightest clue as to who this Kinnosuke was. However, he knew Kinnosuke's scent now, and it was all over Nabiki. Their two scents mingled. "He... he put his hands on you."

"How did you..."

"I can smell him! And..." Mingling scents, just like when the two of them... "I can't believe you did it."

"Did what? And what do you mean 'smell'?"

"I can't believe you had sex with him! I'll kill him!" He turned and began running, trying to find any trace of Kinnosuke's scent.

"Wait! Don't..." Seeing he was already off, she followed as best she could. He was a lot faster than she remembered.


He was so mad he was ready to kill. He caught a faint whiff of who he had smelled on Nabiki and began following the scent. As it got stronger and stronger, his anger grew in intensity. He could only think how he would punish the man who dared interfere in his rela... who dared hurt his wo... girlf... Kuno shook his head. His mate.

As little as he liked to think of it like that, he finally accepted that, through some effect of his transformation, he had chosen her as a his mate. He had grown not to mind the thought so much, but he knew Nabiki would never accept it, and never accept him.

But it didn't matter to him as he ran through the park. Kuno hurdled a line of shrubs, his frustration and anger fueling him. He could hear Nabiki following, but she couldn't possibly keep up with him. When he thought of the tears on her face and how miserable she sounded, he went insane with fury.

He charged through some trees and felt his change start. He managed not to succumb to the pain; he would not allow himself to. He tripped once when his feet changed, but got quickly back up, then finally stumbled when his back bent. Half crawling until the change was completed, he had completely forgotten about Nabiki following behind, then stood up and took off.

He could tell the man was somewhere among the houses of Nerima and not much further, but if someone saw him... Too bad. He had some business to deal with. He took off down the street.


Nabiki stopped, breathing heavily, and bent down. She picked up... Kuno's shirt? It was nearly torn to pieces, like he had just been in a fight or something. She continued after him, thinking he might actually kill Kinnosuke.


He stopped at a small alley. He couldn't believe it. This was where the wicked Kinnosuke was? Down a dark alley? No matter, if the cretin was on the moon, he would be punished.

Kuno stalked down the alley and stopped in front of a large cardboard box. The villain was most definitely there... hiding in a box. He growled menacingly, not sure if he should jump right to the killing or torture the scoundrel first.

A tired voice came out of the box, "Please come back in the morning. No visitors are being received at this time."

Of all the... Kuno hadn't stopped growling and put one claw on the top of the box, jarring it.

Much to his surprise, a small dummy was poked out of the box, pointed somewhat in his direction. The dummy was made to look like an English butler, complete with miniature bow tie and glasses. The dummy's mouth opened and it began to 'speak', "Please return in the morning."

Disbelief having evaporated, Kuno grabbed the dummy and ripped it in half. The part he held in his hand, he crushed and ripped into little shreds. This was definitely the guy; he had Nabiki's scent all over him, though the box didn't. It was a small comfort to know that at least she hadn't had sex in a box.

The remains of the dummy were withdrawn and there was a choked cry. Moments later, a young man a bit older than himself stuck his head and shoulders out to see who had committed such an atrocious act. He looked up at Kuno and barely managed to say "Eep" before he was grabbed.


Kuno had managed to disappear once he had made it out of the park. Nabiki looked down the street in both directions, but he was gone. "Damn it, Kuno-chan. What the hell is wrong with you?" She headed down the street where it sounded like a dog was barking; he might have disturbed it when he went by.


"What do you want?" Kinnosuke asked in a strangled voice. Strangled because he was being strangled.

If Kuno could have spoken, the words 'revenge' and 'your death' would have been the first things out of his mouth. Instead, he only growled and lifted Kinnosuke high into the air by his neck.

Kinnosuke's face was slowly turning blue and he was desperately trying to beak the iron grip on his throat. Kuno was slowly tightening his hold, enjoying the watching the suffering the interloper was experiencing.


Nabiki heard some commotion down and alley, and knowing Kinnosuke's living situation, figured she had found him. She sprinted down the alley, seeing some movement in the darkness. When she got a glimpse of the two figures she stopped.

"Ku..." she started to yell, but then saw that it was most definitely NOT Kuno.

It turned its head in her direction anyway and glared, a weakly struggling Kinnosuke suspended in the air by one claw. There was a growling noise and the faint glow of red eyes.

Nabiki immediately began backing away, finding Kinnosuke not more important than her own life. She covered her mouth to keep herself from making more noise than she already had, and just hoped Kuno wasn't down the alley, dead already. Looking for the time it took her to take a single breath, Nabiki she ran.

Kuno watched her turn and run, then dropped Kinnosuke and followed her. She didn't recognize him, he hadn't exactly calmed her with his gentleness, and calling out wouldn't help in the least.

Nabiki listened to the footsteps follow her, gaining ground on her. She tried to run faster but she was not so athletically inclined like her father or Akane. She spared a glance behind her and gasped when she saw how close the monster was.

That made her run faster. She exited the alley at full speed and crashed into some garbage cans. She hit the ground, tumbling off the curb and into the street. Laying still, she groaned a little, having hit her head in the fall.

Nabiki tried to sit up, tried to force her body to run, but nothing would obey her commands. She was still trying to get her full functioning back when the thing was on her. Finally able to get her first good look at it, she completely froze up. It was the thing from her dream! Only this time, it didn't look so friendly.

It had one claw on her shoulder and another on her arm. Its body was crouched low over hers, immobilizing her. It got its face right in hers, but there were no mesmerizing blue-gray eyes; they were red, angry red.

She felt paralyzed, barely able to breathe.

Some bright lights and a honking horn shook Nabiki from her paralyzation and made her look to the right. A delivery truck was roaring down the street toward them and didn't appear as if it would be able to stop in time. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. If it wasn't one thing, it was another.

She found herself scooped up in a pair of powerful, furry arms and was carried through the air, away from danger. There was a jarring shock and then stillness. The only sounds were her breathing, the fading sound of the truck engine and the breathing of...

She opened her eyes and looked at the face of her rescuer. It was the face she dreamed about The rescue being evidence that she would not be killed, she managed to summon her courage. "It's you," she said, a little in awe.

Kuno flinched away from her. She couldn't know about him; it wasn't possible. He shook his head, trying to deny her, but he didn't want to let her go either.

"No, it's you. From my dream... At my window." Nabiki was a little amazed; she had seen some strange things, but never anything like what was holding her. "Who... what are you?"

He kept shaking his head and gripped her tighter. He whimpered, wishing he could tell her the truth, wishing it were not the truth. The only thing he could do at the moment was take her home, then he could work things out by himself.

He began running down the street, holding her tightly to him.

She grabbed his fur unconsciously when he began to move. "Where are you taking me?"

He grunted and gestured down the street with his head. Once he reached the Tendos' property, he jumped over the wall, almost yelping when Nabiki nearly yanked out a handful of fur. He couldn't very well take her to her room through the window, not with as much trouble as he had getting through it, and he definitely couldn't go inside.

Stopping in the darkness near the front door, he set Nabiki gently on her feet. She stood, staring at him, making him feel very uncomfortable; she could see the secrets behind his eyes. She would find out eventually. He pointed at the door and pushed her away.

"I want to know who or what you are."

He shook his head and pushed her to the door again.

Nabiki resisted. "No. Not until I know. I want to know why you were in my dreams." She crossed her arms.

He whined and pushed her again. He couldn't. He needed her to go back to her room and stop tempting him. In his wolf form, there were things he was far more... susceptible to, things he had a hard time resisting. Food, for one; he always had a nagging hunger. As much as he didn't like to admit it, violence or battle; the very idea of bloodshed was extremely appealing. And sex.

So far, his instincts were working overtime, screaming at him that he should take the female in front of him. He danced from foot to foot, shooing Nabiki away. It would probably end up traumatizing her if he kidnapped and... and raped her. It would have to be rape, since surely no one would want anything to do with a monster like him.

"Look, I don't know what you were doing with Kinnosuke, but he deserved it. And you did save my life; I owe you a little something for that. I always repay my debts."

Damn, she was stubborn. Just the way he liked them. He whimpered and pointed at the door.

"So all you want is for me to go inside?"

He nodded. A lecture was definitely out of the question. All he wanted was for her to go inside and forget she had ever seen him.

Nabiki stepped back, still eyeing him critically. "You won't be able to run forever. I'll figure out your secret." She opened the door behind her without removing her eyes from her unlikely rescuer and stepped inside.

Kuno watched her go inside then quickly bounded away, not wanting her to follow him. It had been a very close call on several counts and he didn't want to take anymore chances.

Nabiki watched him go. This was not just some animal; that would be like calling Uncle Saotome just a panda. No, there was most definitely human intelligence tucked in the animal body. Well, she couldn't call it strictly an animal body. Sure there were parts that weren't human, but it was mostly human... very impressive human...

She chastised herself for letter her dream get the better of her and closed the door. "I will find out who you are."

That night, the dream repeated itself, but there was no hesitation on her part...


Kuno scampered home and let himself inside. He went to the kitchen and ate every egg in the refrigerator and a pound of meat to calm himself. He curled up on the floor next to the refrigerator and tried to gather his thoughts. Instead, to the humming of the appliance, he soon fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


"Where's Kuno-sempai?"

"Akane, how am I supposed to know? I'm not his keeper." Though it was a pretty good question. "Why do you care anyway?"

"I don't know. It's just weird without him here."

Really. It was very strange that he wasn't there. Especially after he seemed so concerned in the park.


Kuno opened his eyes to the mid-day sun. He yawned and tried to sit up. His stiff back protested though; it did not appreciate being curled up in one position for 12 hours.

He stretched gingerly then realized something: he wasn't human, he was still a wolf. Ignoring the pain in his back, he got immediately to his feet. He was still in the kitchen, exactly where he had fallen asleep next to the refrigerator.

He howled at his predicament before he stopped and forced himself to think. Kuno sat down on the floor and considered his condition. So far, it seemed that returning to human was all a matter of wanting to, a desire to. Why he turned into a creature was a mystery though. He never wanted to change. Who would?

Instead of dwelling on what he didn't know, he concentrated on what he did. He avoided thinking about his human self and focused solely on his desire, his want to become human. It seemed to work, with him quickly shifting back, and he even managed to distance himself from the pain.

Getting up slowly, he had important business with Nabiki. It meant he would have to visit her at Furinkan since he couldn't wait any longer. He looked at the refrigerator. Well, maybe he could wait a little bit.


'Ah, shit. What am I going to do?' Nabiki thought as she watched several male students walk past. They were all either too skinny or too fat, too stupid or too plain. Not that any of them would have helped her anyway. What she really needed was a quick trip to the bushes or the PE storage shed or the kendo equipment shed with Kuno. 'Damn it, Kuno-chan. Why did this have to happen now?' There was a big test coming up that she needed her full attention for. She couldn't be distracted by thoughts of...

"Nabiki Tendo."

Startled, she looked around then turned behind her. There was Kuno, hiding in the bushes. What a twit. "Kuno-chan, what are you..."

"Sh. Please do not bring my presence to attention."

He looked very nervous. Why, she couldn't imagine. She got up and went over to him, ducking down with him. "What is it? Why weren't you in school this morning?" The previous nights events had been nearly forgotten, even with the mysterious figure. Her desire was far more powerful than her memory.

"I'm sorry that this could not wait."

"What wait?"

He wanted to tell her right there at school and get it over with. He didn't want to keep it a secret any longer, not from her. "I..." He was looking deep in her eyes. "I..." She was staring back, waiting for him to speak. "I need you, right here, right now."

She looked out of the bushes to see students still milling around. "Not here. Somewhere with more privacy."

"Come. The kendo room can be locked from the inside."


Nabiki was pulling several mats out and laying them next to each other. Kuno locked the door and covered the windows.

He turned and watched Nabiki, with her back to him, pushing two mats together. He walked up behind her and slid his hands up her sides and around to grab her breasts.

The contact surprised her a little and she jerked away. It reminded her distinctly of her dream; the way he was pressed against her, the way he was holding her. She could feel his heart beat a slow, steady rhythm against her back as he pulled her tightly to him.

"I told you I needed you," he said quietly in her ear. "I didn't mean what I said yesterday. Please don't hold it against me." His lips closed on her right earlobe.

"I... oh... Kuno-chan... It doesn't matter. No one could make me feel like this except you." At least no one outside of her dreams. She began removing her uniform as much as she could while he was holding her.

Kuno kissed behind her ear and down the side of her neck. His hands fell away as she started to remove her shirt, and he moved his mouth to the back of her neck. As her shoulders and back came into view, he stared at her skin. His hands moved of their own accord back up and under her bra, squeezing lightly.

Nabiki was mostly just enjoying the sensations. He had always seemed to know how best to get her warmed up, and this time was no exception. She groaned as he started to knead her flesh gently, and rolled her head back and to the side as everything else was forgotten.

He started kissing the back of her neck, his hands still working gently. Pure animal instinct was beginning to take over though, and he licked her neck teasingly. Without thinking, he moved his head down and lightly bit her shoulder, then he returned to the back of her neck.

His teeth closed delicately on a portion of flesh as he trapped her nipples between his fingers and squeezed. Nabiki gasped and pulled away from him. That had been far too close to her dream for comfort.

She turned and looked in his eyes. His blue-gray eyes... with the thatch of black hair and the predatory smile... He looked... almost wolfish. "I don't believe it!"

"Believe what? What's wrong? Don't you want me to..."

"My dream. That's exactly what... in my dream."

"A dream? What are you talking about?"

"N... nothing." She hurriedly put on her clothes. "Nothing, Kuno-chan. I... I can't do this right now."

"But what about..." He didn't get a chance to ask his questions because she had already left. "What did I do this time?"


Kuno trudged back home, feeling even more frustrated than before. It wasn't just the lack of sex though. It was his own inability to tell the truth; there always seemed to be something that stopped him.

At home, he went inside and headed to his room. He needed to somehow get himself back in his everyday routine. Sleeping until noon wasn't acceptable; he couldn't continue on his messed up schedule.

He opened the door to his room and stopped. "Kodachi, what are you doing in here? Are you not supposed to be in school?"

"I could ask the same thing, Brother."

He frowned. "I was indisposed this morning. Now explain why you are here and not at school."

"I was thinking about things and would like for you to do something for me."

"Such as?"

Kodachi seemed to hesitate for a moment, then stepped forward and tugged at the neck of her kimono. She pulled it until the top half slipped down on its own and was around her waist, her arms still in the sleeves. She had a nervous but determined look on her face.

"Kodachi! What do you think..."

"I know exactly what I'm doing, Brother." She advanced on him, her eyes locked on his very wide ones. She could see he was trying very hard not to look at anything except her face. "I want to ask you to do a favor for me."

He shook his head unable to form words.

"Why not? You don't even know what it is."

Kuno shook his head again. "I don't want to know. Please... redress yourself. It is inappro..."

"Please, Brother. Let me speak." She stood about two feet away from him, her bare skin shining with nervous perspiration. "I want you to... to make me powerful. Like you."

Updated 7-25-97