{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

A Wolf in Samurai's Clothing

by Lara Bartram

He had never seen anything like it. It was some sort of man-beast with huge claws and slavering fangs. It was standing on its hind feet and eyeing him hungrily. It was covered in dark gray and silvery fur and was wearing a pair of black pants.

It advanced on him until he could feel the hot breath and smell the odor of death; he retreated. His bokken suddenly felt inadequate against the beast and the way it was coming toward him. It was growling, a deep and evil sound, and its claws were twitching with the smell of warm blood.

"Me thinks a hasty retreat may be in order," he said quietly. He took two steps back, then turned and ran.

He could hear the heavy breathing and the thudding footsteps close behind him. His heart was beating wildly and he knew he was being toyed with. What had he been thinking, coming out in the dark of the night to visit Akane Tendo?

He was quickly running out of breath, his fright had drained all his stamina. He stumbled, his foot getting caught in a crack on the sidewalk, and there were a set of claws in his back.

He was driven to the ground by the force of the blow and a tremendous weight settled on his back. The knife-like claws were digging into him, gouging him to the bone. The stinking breath was on his neck, then the jaws closed on his right shoulder. He couldn't pretend any longer that he was in control and screamed aloud.

He was going to be ripped apart. That was the one thought going through his head as the teeth sank repeatedly into him. The weight lifted from his back and the jaws closed on the back of his neck. He thought it was the end.

Instead of his spine being crushed, he was flipped over, like a rag doll being tossed by a child. He squeezed his eyes shut to the sickening pain and the putrid breath in his face. The gravel was grinding into his back and all the weight was transferred onto his chest.

He opened his eyes, fighting back the pain, wanting to look his death in the eyes. It wasn't a pretty sight; two blazing red orbs filled with fury were looking into his. There was bloodlust, but something else as well. He saw the nostrils flare and the head moved down.

So it would be his neck. He would not die like a coward, though, covering his head like a child. He struggled, hoping for one final reprieve against his imminent demise, his body aching all over. The beast took a considerable bite out of his side to convince him to stay still. The extra lost blood did a very good job of it as he fell unconscious.

The heart. The heart of the boy was strong. It nosed open the kimono, exposing the thudding heart beneath the rib cage. Its bloodlust would not allow it to let the boy survive, even though it knew he did not deserve death. It pinned the boy's arms and raised its head, ready to remove the thick muscle of the heart.

"Hey! What the hell's all this noise out here?" a voice called and a light came on.

It lifted one clawed hand and covered its eyes from the blinding glare. And older man stepped out of his doorway, his face sleepy and annoyed. It snarled at the man and leapt towards him.

There was a brief scream, and then it tore into the man's throat with its claws. After satisfying its bloodlust, it bounded off into the night. As it faded in and out of lucidity, it knew that this would be its last night of killing. It refused to be a bloodthirsty animal, even if it meant it had to kill itself.


"Last night, one man was killed and another seriously injured in what police are calling a wild animal attack.

"All other details are being with-held until further invesitigation can take place."

"And in an unrelated accident, an unidentified man was found under a bridge dead. Cause of death was ruled as one bullet wound to the head; an apparent suicide."


Tatewaki Kuno opened his eyes. Fluorescent lights hummed overhead and the EKG machine beeped softly at his side. He was immediately aware of the IV and the pain throughout his body. He tried to sit up, but the pain and the thick bandages prevented him.

He knew, by all accords, he should be dead, eaten by that beast. He groaned and tried to lift his arm but found it was too weak to raise. He had been effectively immobilized.

How had he arrived in the hospital? He tried to recall the events. He had been attacked. He had been horribly mauled, then he had passed out. So what had happened? He was in pain, but he had no trouble wiggling his fingers and toes, so how badly was he injured? Where was the damn doctor?

The door opened and a nurse walked in. She looked at him and smiled. "You're awake. That's good to see." She proceeded to check his IV, his blood pressure and his pulse, marking things on his chart.

"How..." he croaked. His voice was completely up to speaking. "How long... have I..."

"They brought you in six days ago. You were in some pretty bad shape." She smiled again.

Six days! He had been unconscious for six days. What had happened to him? What was that creature?

"I'll get the doctor and he can answer your questions." She opened the shades before she left the room.


"You'll be fine, but you'll be recovering for quite some time. Fortunately you'll be able to leave the the hospital soon."

He nodded mutely, his back itching intensely.

"So you think it was some sort of animal that attacked you?"

He nodded again.

"That would be consistent with your injuries. A large dog or something similar. That also means you may have been exposed to some diseases. The blood tests we've done have come back negative, but some diseases take weeks to appear. And if it was a wild animal, rabies is realistic possibility."

He cringed. Rabies. It sounded for dirty. He would be laughed out of school if anyone found out he had rabies. He didn't even consider the fact that he might die from it.

The doctor continued to talk, but he didn't pay any attention.


He had been home for three days and wasn't having a very good time of it. Kodachi's attitude toward him had not changed at all, so he was forced to fend for himself. Getting to school had been an exercise in torture; every part of the body involved in walking was bandaged and caused him terrible pain.

What he needed, though he hated to admit it, was someone to take care of him. He sat down at his desk, not bothering with his normal confrontation, and waited for the day to start. He watched his classmates filter in, giving him strange looks. He ignored them. The closer to the beginning of the school day it got, the worse he started to feel. He had taken the pills the doctor had given him, and they helped with the pain. But it wasn't just pain from his wounds; his head hurt and his vision was blurry. 'Rabies.'

"Kuno-chan, are you OK?" Nabiki sat down in her desk next to his. His attack was the news all over school and she just had to find out the truth.

He looked over at her. "Most assuredly not, Nabiki Tendo." And that was all he would say for the rest of the day to anyone.


The great Tatewaki Kuno laid down. He had called the doctor and asked about the headache and blurry vision. The doctor told him to take aspirin, keep taking his pills and get plenty of rest. Tatewaki Kuno hated it.

He hated being stuck in the house, in too much pain to go anywhere, yet forced to do everything for himself. He had asked the doctor about that as well, and the doctor had suggested asking a friend for help. Tatewaki Kuno had no friends.

He fell into a troubled sleep.


Three days passed and almost nothing had changed. Instead of just having a headache, he had a fever as well.

He went to school, his pain not having lessened, and waited to suffer through the day. His head was hot, and nothing helped it, nothing made it go away.

Nabiki came in and sat down. "Kuno-chan, you look... awful." But that wasn't quite what she was thinking. She had intended to say it when she had first seen him, but there was something that had overridden her brain. 'Awful' had quickly changed into 'good enough to eat', though she managed to stop herself from saying that.

"I believe being forced to do for myself is worsening my condition." His voice was mostly neutral with a hint of pain in it.

"That's too bad," she said before she could stop herself.

"The doctor suggested a companion to assist me, but I am devoid of such friendly classmates."

"I'll do it, Kuno-chan." She couldn't believe she had just said that. What was wrong with her? But it wasn't her, it was him. She wanted to stay close to him, help him, get her hands all over him, take him to her bedroom and... She shook her head. Where were all these weird thoughts coming from?

"You would do such a thing for me, Nabiki Tendo?" He was surprised. She was the last person he would have thought to help him.

"Sure, Kuno-chan." She held back the thought about helping him in the bath and tried to get back to being more herself. "For a small fee."

Well, even the help from her, for a small fee, would be welcome. "I thank you."

"No problem, Kuno-chan. Now if you'd only take your shirt off."

His eyes got very wide and hers did too.

Did she just say that out loud? Oh boy, that was a rather sizable blunder. Luckily, no one else had heard her. "Uh..." she said.

"I see class is about to begin," he said, his attention turned to the front of the classroom.


She peeled off one of the bandages on his arm and grimaced. The cut was very ugly and heavily scabbed. "Does it hurt?"


"It's all scabbed over. You can probably leave the bandage off." She tossed the used one in the trash. Since he had removed his shirt for her to check his wounds, she had to stop herself from running her hands all over his back.

"Do you still have the fever?" she asked, wondering if that was why his skin felt so hot. And smooth. And soft. And kissable. She stopped herself with her mouth less than an inch away from his skin.

"Nabiki Tendo, whatever had come over you?" His voice was quiet and questioning.

She looked up at him, knowing she had been caught. "I... uh... I don't know." She separated herself from him, completely confused by her sudden and powerful lust.

He started to put his shirt back on, seeing her confusion.

"No, Kuno-chan. I said I'd do it, I'll do it... no matter what I want to do with your body." She covered her face with her hand. "Damn!"

He looked at her sternly but removed his shirt. "Would you please continue?"

Nabiki removed her hand from her face and nodded. She changed each bandage, grimacing at the mass of stitches. "This looks horrible, Kuno-chan. You must have been in pretty bad shape." She replaced the last bandage, begrudging the fact that she couldn't touch him any more.

He started to put his shirt back on but Nabiki stopped him. "Why don't you put on a robe? It'll be more comfortable. On your back and everything," she added hastily. She hated feeling so... good around Kuno; it just wasn't right. He shouldn't have been able to make her stomach flip-flop or her knees weak, but he did.

He nodded and started to stand up slowly. Not only did his back hurt, but it was stiff as well. Nabiki got quickly to her feet and helped him.

Things were getting dangerous. She would have to watch herself if her flashes of desire didn't die off.


Her eyes were fixed on him and never left. Every chance she had in the day she watched him. She watched the way he moved, the way he talked, his every facial expression. No matter what he did, it turned her on.

"Hey, Yuka," Sayuri said, walking up. "What have you got for lunch?"

"The sexpot over there I wish," she mumbled.

"What? What are you..." She followed Yuka's gaze. "Kuno? What's with you?"

"Oh, nothing," Yuka replied dreamily.

Sayuri looked at her friend, then back at Kuno. "He is kind of... cute," she said thoughtfully as she watched Nabiki help him down the stairs.

"She is sooo lucky. I can't believe he picked her." There was jealousy in her voice. "I guess he'd never choose someone like me." Yuka sighed heavily.


"I am required to return to the doctor on the morrow. Perhaps these cursed stitches will be removed then." Everything itched like crazy.

Nabiki watched him walk slowly, stiffly while she carried his books. "You know how much better Ranma and Akane feel about school?" she asked suddenly.

"Your sister did not appreciate my challenges?"

"Nope, she hated them."

"Naturally, Saotome would appreciate my inability to battle; he is spared my wrath." He was confident as always, but not as enthusiastic.

"Definitely a gag," she said so quietly he didn't hear.


They had finally made it back to his house and his back was killing him. What he really wanted was a hot bath. The doctor had told him to avoid getting water on his wounds for at least a week while the stitches did their work. It had been five days and he was desperate.

"Nabiki Tendo, I shall remove myself to the bath." He did his best to ignore the look that crossed her face.

"Let me help you," she said eagerly.

"Nay. I am able to bathe myself. Please do me the favor of removing my bandages." He turned his back to her, knowing she wouldn't refuse if he started to take off his shirt.

"This isn't fair, Kuno-chan. You shouldn't be taking advantage of this." Him having the power over her was all wrong.

"Take advantage of what?"

She growled as he slipped his shirt off. "Don't play innocent with me, Kuno-chan. You know I want your body." Oh jeez. She did it again. She heard him chuckle and that turned her embarrassment into annoyance.

"Do not be embarrassed. It is an understandable reaction."

That furthered her annoyance so she turned away. He could remove those bandages his damn self. She could resist her desire; could he do without her help? She waited a few minutes, but when she turned back around, he was gone.


He managed to remove the bandages, but not without a lot of wincing. He was pleased that the stitches would be removed soon; they were an incredible nuisance. He got undressed the rest of the way then went into the bath.

He slipped into the steaming water, the temperature a bit painful at first. Once he got used to it though, he was in heaven. It felt so nice on his knotted muscles; he wanted to close his eyes and just drift off...

The sound of the door opening caused him to turn around. He got sight of Nabiki, wearing a robe, closing the door. She walked across the tiled floor, smiling at him. He started to ask what she was doing, but found he didn't care.

"Kuno-chan, it's about time I got you where I wanted." She started to remove the robe, revealing smooth, bare skin.

He woke up with a start in the bath. He looked around only to find himself alone. He released his breath and sank into the water to his neck. That had been... not an unpleasant dream, but very unexpected.

He was most definitely missing the sweet affections of Akane and the pig-tailed girl.

There was a knock on the inner door. "Kuno-chan? Are you almost done in there? I have to get home," Nabiki said through the door.

How long had he been asleep? "I shall be out momentarily." He got out of the water, his back feeling much better. He toweled himself off, making a mental note to drain the bath, and put on his robe. He opened the door and stepped into the changing room, where Nabiki was waiting.

"I'll just replace those bandages, then I've got to go," she said.

"I understand. Will you be available to assist me to the doctor tomorrow?"

"I think so. What time are you supposed to go?"

"It is scheduled for the afternoon hour of three."

"Yeah, I can make that. Now will you turn around so I can put these on?" She had a roll of medical tape and some sterilized bandages.

He turned and showed her his covered back. She couldn't very well put his bandages on while he was wearing the robe, so she set down the tape and put the bandages in her pocket. His neck was plainly visible, marked with ugly stitches.

She put one hand up and ran her fingers along the edge of the robe's collar, carefully avoiding the stitches. She hooked her fingers under one edge of the fabric and pulled it off his shoulder and part way down his arm.

"Nabiki Tendo, what are you..."

"Don't talk, Kuno-chan. Just relax." The urges were getting close to uncontrollable. She hoped that doing this one thing would curb them, make them go away.

She used her other hand to pull the robe off his other shoulder and ran her fingertips down his back. She pulled his robe all the way down to his waist and stopped. Her fists clenched on the material; she almost couldn't stop herself from pulling it down the rest of the way.

With great difficulty, she removed her hands from the robe and looked at his back. It was still ugly, but she could see where it was beginning to heal. She traced one gash and heard him hiss. "Does it hurt?"


"Hold still. I don't want to hurt you." She moved her hands over the undamaged flesh, its warmth driving her heart rate up. One hand moved around his side and rested on his hip. The other slipped into the robe, past the belt, and rested just above the swell of his rear-end.

His whole body jerked as the hand on his hip moved forward, toward his most sensitive of body parts. "Nabiki, what are you doing?"

Her hands withdrew quickly and she was opening the bandages. She didn't say anything; she wouldn't be able to explain. All she could understand was that she wanted... no, needed him desperately. Physically. She needed his body. She needed him to...

She replaced the bandages as quickly as possible. "I have to go," Nabiki said curtly, and left.

Kuno stood in the changing room, his robe hanging half off him, and could feel a strange burning sensation in his stomach. He was suddenly very hungry.


"We'll have to take it cut by cut. The stitches are ready to come out here," the doctor said, prodding a healing gash. "But not this one. It looks like it could use another few days."

Kuno nodded, waiting for the discomfort of stitches being removed to commence.

"The bites on your shoulders were deep, but clean. The stitches there can be taken out. And these here. The ones over your ribs will have to stay a while longer, and I'm going to leave the ones in your neck for safety. How does that sound?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not particularly. Hold still now."


On the way back to his house, they stopped at a cafe, Nabiki saying she was hungry. They sat at a window table, and no matter how badly she wanted him, she would still allow him to pick up the tab.

The waitress came over and took Nabiki's order. Then she smiled down at Kuno and took his order. She winked at him as she walked back to the kitchen. Nabiki noticed and frowned; she wasn't sure she liked that.

They ate in silence, the waitress coming over every five minutes to check if everything was OK. Actually, she came back to ask Kuno if everything was OK. She kept smiling and winking at him from the other side of the cafe whenever he looked in her direction.

When they were done, he waved at the waitress. "What can I do for you now?" she asked, her eyes locked on Kuno's.

"We are ready to depart. We will need the bill."

"No, no. This meal is on the house. You don't need to worry about it, cutie." She patted his cheek. "You can go whenever you're ready." She slipped a napkin into his hand, picked up their dishes and walked away.

Nabiki eyed the waitress, feeling extraordinarily jealous, then got up. "Come on, Kuno-chan. Let's go."

Kuno stood up and the two of them left the cafe. The waitresses attitude confused him; no one had ever treated him like that. He found that he rather liked it. He looked at the napkin in his hand; there was a phone number on it. Nabiki saw it and snatched it from his hand.


"So, Kuno-chan, I know I've been a bit negligent, but are you still interested in pictures of the pig-tailed girl?" She needed the money; helping him out was cutting into her business.

"Indubitably. I must see them."

Nabiki pulled out a stack of photos and handed them to Kuno. "I'll give you a special deal even, but you have to buy them all."

He nodded, looking at the first picture. He felt the burning sensation return to his stomach as he looked at a topless female Ranma. He looked at her eyes, wishing they would look back. At her mouth, wishing their lips could meet. He looked at her athletic body and suddenly wish she was on her knees with her hands tied behind her back.

The burning sensation was stronger than before, and he looked at the next picture. Ranma was emerging from the pond, her shirt clinging to her breasts. He wanted to see her on all fours with her head back, eyes closed and mouth open. Next one; his head was swimming. He wanted her naked on her back, legs splayed open, waiting for him to mount her. His breathing was heavy and ragged.

"Kuno-chan, are you OK?"

"I desire a bath," he said quietly, holding the pictures tightly.

"But you just got back from the doctor."

"I said I desire a bath!" he yelled.

Nabiki took a step back. "OK, Kuno-chan. If you want a bath, you can have a bath. You know you're pretty cute when you yell like that..."

He humphed at her and walked off to the bathroom. He stripped in the changing room and carefully put the pictures up. He ripped his bandages off, tossing them aside with pictures of the pig-tailed girl still in his mind.

He went into the bath and got in the steaming water. He sank in to his neck and closed his eyes. The pig-tailed girl entice him in his thoughts, beckoned him with her nude body, called to him with her sultry eyes. A smile played across his lips.

The door opened and he looked behind him. There was Nabiki again, wearing the same robe as before. She smiled at him and walked toward the bath.

"Don't turn me down this time, Kuno-chan." She stopped at the edge of the water and let the robe fall away. She slipped into the water next to him and put her arms around his neck. "Please give me what I want, what I need, Kuno-chan. You."

He returned her embrace and pulled her body against his. "I just want to fu..."

He opened his eyes slowly, his dream words still ringing in his head. Why hadn't the pig-tailed girl been there? She was the one he most often dreamed of. Something was definitely going on and it seemed to center on him.

He got out of the water and, seeing he hadn't brought a robe or towel, went straight into the changing room... where Nabiki was waiting. He stood frozen for a moment as her eyes wandered over his body.

He snatched a towel from a shelf and wrapped it around his waist, feeling self-conscious, but also... good. The way she was looking at him made his stomach catch fire.

She mumbled an apology, not really meaning it, and met his gaze. He felt the skin prickle up and down his back, and suddenly got the urge to take her in his arms.

Instead, he said, "I apologize for my earlier behavior."

"It's no big deal. I should have noticed you were... preoccupied." She regained her composure. "I was just going to change your bandages when you were done."

"For that I thank you." He turned his back and waited for her to apply the bandages, the burning feeling slowly fading.


All eyes were in his direction. Well, all female eyes were. He did his best to ignore them, but everywhere he looked there was a girl staring at him. Even the teachers were doing it; he had especially disliked the way Miss Hinako had... asserted herself.

"Nabiki Tendo, what is it that has come over the female student body?" He watched a girl two years his junior walk past, staring at him longingly.

"I don't know, Kuno-chan. Must be whatever hit me," she said, beginning her lunch. It was obvious, since the feelings were nigh impossible to deny, that she was under the affect of some sort of drug. Something Kuno had no knowledge of; he just wasn't smart enough to come up with something like that.

'Of course, you don't have to be smart to get naked,' she thought. Immediately she frowned. Whenever she had any negative thoughts about Kuno, a counterthought about his physical attributes would pop into her head.

She thought it was about time to confront him. "Kuno-chan, I've got a problem."

"Of what nature is this problem?" He avoided making eye contact with anyone but Nabiki.

"It's you. I can't stop thinking of you." It was embarrassing, but there was no denying it. "I'm not attracted to you. I just..."

"Desire me?"

Nabiki rolled her eyes. "I suppose so. It's not like I can help myself or anything." The worst part was that it was affecting her rational thinking. It wasn't just a matter of wanting him any more; she was getting jealous, and that bothered her.

"And you believe this is what is affecting the others?"

"Yes, but that's not what I'm worried about. It's getting worse." So far, the jealousy had been the only indication, but probably not the last. "The doctor said there wasn't anything wrong with you?"

"He said all was well, though my follow up visits will be frequent." He was a little surprised, a little worried. How could things be getting worse? "This news worries me."

"How do you think I feel?" At the moment, she was feeling quite good, actually, if a bit paranoid. She liked having him close, but knew there were others waiting to take him away.


"She watches him like a hawk. Did you see the way he looked at that girl?"

"Shut up, Sayuri."

"Well fine. Not that he'd ever want you."

"Yeah, and I can see how he's coming over here to ask you out."

"Shut up, Yuka."

"Hi, Yuka," Akane said, walking towards the two. "Sayuri."

"Go away, Akane. You can't have him," Yuka said coldly.

"What are you..."

"Everyone knows he already likes you; why don't you give someone else a chance?" Sayuri asked, her eyes hateful.

"I don't know what you're..."

"Just go, Akane. Give us a chance for once," Yuka said annoyed that Akane just had to have the attention of all the guys.

Akane walked away, bewildered.


They walked back to his house, he slowly becoming more independent.

"I have something to confess." He couldn't say it at school, it was just too embarrassing.

"What is it, Kuno-chan?"

"My thoughts and dreams have been less than pure."

"You always think that way about my sister and the pig-tailed girl."

He shook his head. "It is not only them. There are others that have never entered my thoughts before. The waitress from lunch yesterday, Miss Hinako, Mariko, some of my sister's teammates..."

Nabiki's eyes narrowed. It was exactly what she didn't want to hear. She tried to stop acting so foolish, knowing she didn't really want Kuno, but it was impossible not to feel hurt that she wasn't part of his fantasies.

His eyes dropped. "And you. Though I can assure you, they were mostly harmless dreams."

"Mostly harmless. Dream*s*?" She wished he hadn't said that; she was suddenly burning up. The next words tumbled from her mouth before she could help herself. "What were they? What happened in them?"

Kuno looked at her in surprise. "I... I can not say! It is... it is too..."

"Just tell me." She took his hand and led him to the other room, where both of them could relax.

"Please do not make me. They were shameful."

Nabiki reclined on the couch. "Even better. Tell me, Kuno-chan. Tell them all to me." She hated whatever made her feel like this; she was so horny and there was no relief for her. She closed her eyes and pulled the straps of her uniform down, lowering the entire front bib, then pulled her shirt up a little and put her hands on her bare stomach.

He looked at her, wanting to refuse, but the burning feeling returned. He licked his lips and sat down. He proceeded to tell her everything, putting her name in place of the others.

"...you in a tight little cheerleader's outfit, on your knees in front of me... You, in a dress two sizes too small, in the classroom, on the desk with your feet up..."

"Don't stop... Tell me more..." She was writhing on the couch, her shirt pushed up further, her dress pushed down lower. Her hands were moving over her body obscenely, trying to find some sort of release.

Kuno watched her, the burning stronger than ever and the skin all over his back prickling. He was completely turned on, and there was Nabiki, and she wanted it. She stood up slowly, still talking, and began to take his shirt off. "You, in my house, on the couch, with your uniform half off, and you're touching yourself..."

He tossed his shirt aside and undid his pants. "And I'm standing over you, watching, and you beg me..."

"Please, Kuno-chan, I need it, I need you..."

"And I undress." He got his pants off and kneeled over her on the couch. "Then I undress you." He pulled her dress down the rest of the way and managed to get it off her. He grabbed her shirt and yanked with both hands, sending the buttons flying. "And then I have my way with you and you love it." He dipped his head down and began kissing her neck greedily.

Nabiki ran her hands over Kuno's back, sighing. He was the last guy she wanted to have any sort of lasting relationship with, but she needed him so badly. She gave up rational thought when he ripped her bra away and lowered his head to one breast.

"Oh, Kuno-chan, do it now... I need it so bad..."

He stopped suckling her, bringing a groan of disappointment. "And when you're naked..." He removed her panties. "And when I'm naked..." He removed his shorts. "Then I take your virginity and listen to you scream with pleasure."

He watched Nabiki shudder with pleasurable anticipation as he situated himself. He growled from the back of his throat as he slowly inserted himself. She wasn't moving, drunk with the ecstasy of finally having him all to herself.

The shriek she let out when he tore through her hymen soon changed to moans of pleasure as he began pistoning in and out of her. Her legs locked around his body, using his movement to counter-thrust.

He laid flat on her body, moving only his hips while he breathed heavily in her ear. Neither noticed when Kodachi came in and stared at them, then left with a bewildered look on her face.

Nabiki put her arms around him and held his body to hers. She would see it through to the end, no matter what. And she was dangerously close. She heard his panting change to something between grunts and growls, and knew he was almost at his end. "Harder," she said between breaths.

He complied immediately, his thrusts making rude smacking, squelching sounds. He pushed his torso away from hers to get better thrust, and started banging away, with her making little mewls of pleasure beneath him. He could feel it; feel the energy in his skull, running down his back, all the way to his toes. There was power in what they were doing and it felt very, very good.

He noticed Nabiki's cries become more frantic, louder, and he pushed himself to move faster. He felt his chest tighten and pain flared in the wounds on his back, almost like his skin was stretching. Then she started yelling with each thrust, clenching her legs and driving him forward. Her hands grabbed at the sofa and he could practically smell her orgasm.

The pungent, musky aroma drove him wild as her body quivered below him. He felt so alive as the power of his own orgasm surged through him. But it was over so quickly; the feeling was so fleeting. He almost collapsed on top of her as his energy was exhausted.

Kuno managed to sit up with Nabiki's legs across his lap. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "That was most invigorating."

"I never thought it could be that good," Nabiki said quietly, slowly recovering. She knew she was going to hate herself for doing it, but the fires had been extinguished and that was all that mattered at the moment.

Kuno, on the other hand, hadn't fully realized what they had done. He was simply relaxing in the afterglow of their mutual release. Invigorating... exhilarating was more like it. The rush had been... phenomenal. "I now see the attraction in that deed." He opened his eyes slowly and looked down at the person he had just shared his first sexual experience with.

There was an almost audible *POP* as his eyes opened their widest. A look of extreme disbelief crossed his face, though he couldn't stop staring at her breasts. "Oh no," he whispered.

"What is it, Kuno-chan?" She had just about hit her valley and a nap was sounding very nice.

"Nabiki Tendo, what have we done?" He was near panic. She wasn't the pig-tailed girl or Akane Tendo; they were the only two girls he had been saving himself for. 'At the same time,' sprang into his head, uninvited.

"Argh! This has raised impure thoughts!" he lamented. He wanted to take it all back and forget the concept of sex.

"Settle down, Kuno-chan. I wanted it, and by the way you ripped my clothes off, I think you wanted it too." She was calm and rational; going off the deep end wouldn't help either of them.

"No, it is untrue."

"If it's so untrue, then why are you sitting there naked?"

"I... I..."

"Look, I don't love you. I don't want a relationship with you. You can chase after my sister and the pig-tailed girl all you want, but the fact is that you have a very powerful effect on me that I can't control, and what's done is done." She sat up next to him, feeling a bit strange with both of them naked.

"This can be just our little secret, right?"

He nodded, his brain going into shutdown mode.

"I'm going to clean myself up," she said, then stood, gathered her clothes and headed to the bathroom.


What had he done? It had felt so good, and Nabiki had enjoyed it too... but it was wrong. That's not how it was supposed to be. There was supposed to be an everlasting love, not an insatiable lust. He groaned and put his head in his hands. What was wrong with him?


Nabiki got in the bath after washing herself. That little fling had been a big mistake and there was nothing she could do about it. If she was lucky, no one would find out about it and those urges would stay gone.

Sure it had felt good, but it wasn't really worth it if she could help herself. There were too many unknowns, too many questions, too many bad things that could happen. What would happen if she got pregnant?

No way. She was not going to get pregnant, and having sex with Kuno again was completely out of the question. If she could stop herself. She sighed. If she could only find a guy that it was worth doing with... Though he'd really have to be good to top Kuno. She blushed. He had been like... a wild animal; it had been very exciting.

She shuddered, her body recalling the pleasure. If she had known what kind of raw, sexual ability he had, she would have weaned him off Akane a loong time ago.


She hid the shirt (absent of buttons) and made a note to get money from Kuno for a new one. She was finally feeling her old self again and opened her ledger. It was frighteningly empty, her spare time having been consumed by Kuno. That was going to change in the morning.

She made a mental note of several students she would nee to remind about their payments in the morning, and she was sure she could stir up a few bets. She closed the ledger and put it away. She turned out the light and got into bed feeling happy and relaxed. She'd have to thank Kuno for that in the morning.


He laid down feeling tired and confused. There were so many images of different girls parading through his mind that he was having a hard time concentrating. He had been so stupid to have sex with Nabiki; what was it with him that he couldn't control himself?

What if she got pregnant? That would be... unthinkable. She had already said she didn't love him, and he didn't love her. So what was to become of them? Nothing. He would simply thank her for assisting him during a time of need and they would go back to their normal lives. Simple as that.

For some reason, he didn't think it would be that simple.


The next day, things seemed relatively back to normal. For everyone except Kuno and Nabiki, that is.

Nabiki almost skipped to school, feeling better than she had in a week. 'Guess good sex will do that to you... even with an idiot,' she thought to herself, smiling.


Kuno sat down at his desk, the infernal stitches still limiting his movement too much to challenge Saotome. The doctor had warned him about strenuous activity pulling them out, in which case they would have to be replaced. He wanted them out as soon as possible, so he obeyed the doctor.

He stifled a yawn. He had not slept as well as he would have liked to, a certain face haunting his dreams. It had even managed to crowd out those of Akane Tendo and the pig-tailed girl. It was infuriating.


Nabiki met with her less financially endowed classmates, warned them about the penalties for forgetfulness, then made her way to class.

She opened the door and walked in, feeling confident and alive... until she saw Kuno. He was looking down at his desk and hadn't noticed her come in. Immediately she felt the fire spring to life inside her and the yearning to be with him. She wanted to scream.

It couldn't be happening! She shouldn't be feeling this way! She couldn't do it with him again. 'But you can,' a little voice said. 'And you want to, you'll enjoy it. Just accept it.'

Shoe wouldn't accept it, couldn't accept it. She walked, weak-kneed to her desk and sat down. She wasn't sure if it was better being close to him, or worse. Her want was stronger with him in arms reach, but strangely subdued because of the same reason. She just couldn't comprehend it.

Kuno looked up. He hadn't noticed Nabiki; she was staring straight ahead and looking a bit pale. "Nabiki Tendo, what ails..."

"Don't talk to me," she said abruptly, refusing to look at him.

"Is it about yesterday? You know..."

"I said don't talk to me." She turned her head and looked at him.

Their eyes met and she almost launched herself at him.

"I... Na..."

Nabiki stood up, grabbed Kuno's hand and pulled him from the room. She almost ran down the hall to the nearest janitor's closet and went inside. She yanked him in behind her, closed and rigged the door securely shut.

Their breathing was loud in the confined space as they looked at each other. "This is much worse, Kuno-chan."

He nodded, his hands clammy.

"I thought it'd stop, go away after yesterday, but it's worse. I need you more than before, and I don't know why." She wasn't just annoyed anymore. "It's scaring me."

"I know. I don't understand it either. You..." He squeezed her hand, her eyes holding his. "You are the only one I think of now. Your face haunts every minute of my existence."

"Kuno-chan, I... I don't love you." That was the most confusing, the most frightening thing. She shouldn't be feeling this way about someone she didn't care for.

"Nor I you. I've been dreading this morning."

They stared at each other, the naked bulb illuminating both their faces. Sweat rolled down his face as both their chests heaved. He lifted one hand to her face and cupped her chin.

"Though my heart lies with your sister and the pig-tailed girl, I need you like no other."

She leaned up and kissed him with a passion she didn't know she had.


There was a clatter from the closet and the teacher halted in front of it. He jiggled the knob but the door wouldn't open. He continued down the hall, knowing the janitor would take care of it.

A few minutes later, the door opened and, both looking slightly disheveled, Kuno and Nabiki stepped out.

"Nobody," she whispered to Kuno, who nodded.


"I am to attend the doctor's tomorrow."

"That's nice." Nabiki was fighting the feelings, trying to make them go away. It had nothing to do with the deed itself; that had been quite enjoyable. It was simply the fact that she had no choice in the matter, and that she couldn't stand.

"Will you go with me?"

"No. I don't want to do this any more than I have to. Don't you know I might..." She looked around and lowered her voice. "You know what might go wrong."

"Of course. I was merely wondering..."

"I said no. Wasn't yesterday enough for you?"

"Was it enough for you?"

She flushed and frowned at him. "When I need it, you'll know. Now stop talking to me." Truth be told, it hadn't been enough, but she refused to just give in. She would suffer if she had to, but she refused to act like some degenerate sex addict. 'But you are,' the voice taunted. 'Just enjoy it while you can.'

That really pissed her off. At some later point in time, she was going to have serious words with Kuno about the way things were going to be.


The next day, Nabiki was sitting in class, feeling all hot and bothered. She had managed to avoid any physical encounters with Kuno and was paying the price. She was extra frustrated because he had gone to the doctor and wasn't in class.

Nabiki sat impatiently at her desk, listening to the teacher drone on and on. If Kuno had been there, they could have gone to lunch and... She shook her head.

No, that was what she wanted to stop. She would just have to go over to his house after school and... tell him how upset she was. Yeah, that was it.


He felt like a new man. The stitches had finally been removed, though the doctor had asked if he'd been doing any strenuous activities. Apparently, the stitches had been a little worse for wear. He had blushed and told the doctor that he tried to keep his activity down to a minimum.

No matter, once at home, it would be time to resume his training so that he could defeat Saotome. It would be a glorious day at school when he could finally return with his full abilities. Then he could date with the pig-tailed girl... and Akane... Tendo...

His unnatural urges for Nabiki Tendo were playing havoc with his normally delicate sensibilities. How could he date with his two loves when he had done.. such things. Nabiki Tendo had been right though; no longer could he help himself.

All his pictures and posters of his *true* loves only made him think of the things he could do with Nabiki. He sighed, unsure of how he felt any more.


Arriving at his home, he changed into his hakama, but left his kimono off. His back had been covered too long to simply practice in such heavy clothing. He picked up his bokken, but the weight felt strange in his hand after his encounter with the beast.

He strode out into the yard, the afternoon sun shining down on him, and began practicing his forms.


Nabiki slipped in the side gate, feeling like she was the central piece to some sort of scandal, and walked through the yard. She hadn't seen Kodachi at all when she'd been over, thank goodness, and she wanted it to stay that way.

She moved aside some brush and saw Kuno practicing. Her instincts made her freeze, and she watched him. He wasn't wearing any sort of shirt, which she found very enticing, and there was sweat glistening on his skin. All the stitches had been removed, leaving smooth, new skin, pink in color, behind. Some of the marks were still red, which made him look... rugged.

All thoughts of telling him how annoyed she was vanished in that instant. She stepped out of the bushes. "Kuno-chan."

He didn't stop, didn't even acknowledge her.

She walked toward him. "Kuno-chan."

Still nothing. He was doing his best to shut out her presence.

"Kuno-chan," she said again, five feet away from him.

He suddenly stopped, but did not look at her.

"Didn't you hear me the first time?"

He nodded. "I knew you were here before you called out."

"Then why..."

"You know as well as I that what were are doing is wrong. It can not be permitted to continue." He still wouldn't face her.

"You're right. I do know. But I also know that I can't help myself. I can fight it all I want, but it doesn't help. I told you; only you help. I don't like it, but..."

He finally turned. Nabiki could see that while he had been trying to ignore her, his body had most definitely stood up and taken notice. She gave him a little smile.

"Your words don't mean anything, Kuno-chan, and you know it." Then she threw herself at him and they both landed at the ground.


"I've started taking birth control pills," she said after they finished and were both laying in the grass. "I don't think this is just going to go away like we both want it to."


"As long as we understand that it's only physical..." Rationalizing it was the only way she could deal with it. "And if we could stop, we would... I mean, it's not so bad is it?"

Gods no, it was fantastic. "I agree," he said simply. He truly did want to stop because it just wasn't right, but it felt so good. It made him feel so... powerful.

"Kuno-chan, could you do me a favor?"

"Of course." It was the least he could do for her when she made him feel so good.

"Could... could you hold me?" He must have thought she was such a fool. Always acting like she was so self-sufficient, then begging him to hold her, just like a little girl.

He put his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. She rested her head against him and closed her eyes. She imagined she was with a rich and powerful man, and they were relaxing at his home in the Bahamas. She rubbed her cheek against the hair on his chest...?

She opened her eyes and looked at his chest. They were sparse, but there were some long, silky hairs sprouting from his skin. They were black and quite thick; she stroked them. "Where'd these come from?" He couldn't buy a hair on his face or chest, yet here were some hairs that looked more appropriate on a yeti.

He looked at the hairs. "I do not know. They were not there yesterday."

"How could they grow that long overnight?"

He shrugged, looking at them. It was most curious. He looked around the yard. He wasn't sure how long they had been... occupied, but he was fairly certain they shouldn't remain in the open. "Come, we must... recompose ourselves."

"I... I don't know if I'm done yet."

"Nabiki Tendo, you are insatiable."

"Does that mean you won't..."

"I did not say that."


He was on top of her, pumping away. His arms were fully extended and he had as much separation from her as possible. Every thrust brought a cry from her, which seemed very loud in the confines of his room.

Her hands were on his waist, holding him as best she could. She felt his pace increase and there was a very strange sensation under her hands. What felt like a wave of gooseflesh surged across his skin and then... hair?

The his whole body stiffened and she could feel him, almost literally, explode. His entire body shuddered for several second, then he looked down at her. She was kind of tired so she wasn't sure if she could believe her eyes; she didn't want to. His eyes had shifted from their normal blue-grey to red and back again.

He rolled off and laid down, their arms touching. He was taking deep breaths and had his eyes closed. He appeared to be asleep.



"What does it feel like?" Maybe there was something to explain all the strange things happening to him. She had noticed right away how his speech patterns would slip, and often he would speak like a regular person to her.

"What does what feel like?"

"You know. When you.. orgasm."

"It... it is like the defeat of a strong opponent. I feel accomplished, I feel whole, I feel... powerful. There is such exhilaration. I feel like I could destroy 20 Saotomes. I can feel it throughout my body..."

Ok, so she got more than she bargained for with that answer, but it didn't tell her much of anything. It didn't explain the hairs on his chest, or what felt like the hair on his side, or what she thought she had seen his eyes do.

Updated 7-24-97