The characters in this story belong to their respective creators and rights holders. Ranma 1/2 is the creation of Rumiko Takahashi. Sailor Moon is the creation of Naoko Takeuchi. All original content is the creation of Samuel Phoenix. All My Outers... Hotaru blinked and opened her eyes again at the sound of Setsuna-mamas voice. Once again she was looking into the face of that strange boy. With a gulp of apprehension, Hotaru said, This isnt a dream, is it? Nope, replied the strange young man. This is real? Hotaru asked, her voice suddenly filled with uncertainty. Yep, replied Ranma, once again. Hotaru sighed in slight relief. At least this meant that her subconscious *wasn't* contemplating having an orgy with Michiru-mama, Haruka-papa, Setsuna-mama, and some guy she'd never even seen before. Now if only the same thing could be said about that dream she'd had last week involving Chiba-Usa, a container of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, and some tongue depressors... Still, everything else aside, she was in bed, with a boy, with whom she had just had sex, was surrounded by her loved ones who had also taken part, and had absolutely no idea what was going on. Hotaru quickly decided to put some space between her and her lover, and jumped back with all her rather inconsiderable might. What she didnt take into consideration was the way her two parental figures were wrapped around the young man pinned her legs to his side. This minor fact combined with quite a bit of dumb luck and twisted irony made the landing a not that unpleasant surprise as she fell back onto him, ending up in a precarious lip to lip position. Hotaru didnt know who first initiated it, but her belly was filled with a growing fire as they began to kiss. She really wasnt sure what was going on. She didnt know this strange boy, but she couldnt stop. She slowly began to lose control, clouded by passion and desire, and the kiss slowly become more passionate and desperate. It was as if her body was on autopilot, as if some hidden part of her nature had taken control. Suddenly, Hotaru involuntarily released a moan of pleasure, as something long, hard, and pleasurable was placed somewhere sensitive. The shock of what she was doing, snapped Hotaru out of her passion filled daze. Hotaru quickly bolted upward, and looked eye to eye with Ranma. He was as blown away by what they were doing as she was. The two looked into each others eyes for an endless moment. As one they decided what to do. Hotaru placed her hands on his shoulders, and their movements took on a regular pattern. -------------- Setsuna looked blankly at the spectacle in front of her. What was going on disturbed her greatly. She didnt know what about this freaked her out the most. Was it the fact that her adopted daughter was having sex in front of her with a strange man. Was it the simple fact that she wasnt angry about this in the slightest? In fact, she was ENVIOUS. She wanted to be the one with Ranma! Setsuna blinked, how did she know his name? She blinked again. The more she thought about him, the more random, muddled information popped up in her head. There were no memories attached to this knowledge, just random bits of information combined with intense emotion. Setsuna stumbled back into a chair, and grabbed her head. For the first time in her recent memory, she felt as if she had no control of the situation. What the hell was going here?! Where were these strange recollections coming from? How did she get here? And why... why in the hell did she LOVE this man!? Setsuna released a cry of frustration and extreme anxiety, which was totally drowned out by Hotaru as she reached orgasm. -------------- Ranma gave a contented sigh as the small girl allowed herself to fall back on top of him. She smiled widely and snuggled into his chest. He was almost scaring himself. He just had sex with a girl! They started with a kiss, and ended up with THIS! Why had he just given in so quickly? By all rights he should be running in fear of retribution, but he had no worries. No guilt. There was just something so... right about it. It was as if doing this, that, and another thing with Hotaru-chan here was the most natural thing in the world. Wait. Hotaru-chan? How did he know her name? He looked to the side. Crap, Michiru-chan was starting to stir. How would he explain this... Wait, her knew her name too? He looked to the other side. Haruka was still totally dead to the world. She always slept like a rock... and how did he know her sleeping habits? Then he looked at the beautiful woman across the room. Why was Setsuna looking so disturbed? She was one of the strongest people he knew... but thats just it. He didnt know her. Hed never met her. He just... KNEW these things.... Ranma, muttered Hotaru as looked up at him. Your name... its Ranma, right? He nodded. And youre Hotaru, right? Hai... She blushed, and smiled demurely. Ironic, considering what theyd been doing just moments prior. Ranma was surprised by the wave of emotion brought on by the young girls smiled. It was like the feeling he got when Akane smiled, only ten times more intense. Do you have any idea whats going on here? he asked. Hotaru shook her head. No. Its... its too just weird. As if to punctuate Hotarus assertion, Michiru began to groan and turn, awaking from her slumber. Oh, my eyes, she groaned as she attempted to look at her surroundings. Don't worry. You just have to give yourself a moment to adjust, commented Ranma. What the hell?! exclaimed Michiru. She tried to get off the bed, but because of her disorientation and lack of vision, she rolled off, and hit the ground. Hotaru quickly pulled her leg out from under Haruka and rolled to the side of the bed, while Ranma tried futilely to free his arm from the sleeping womans death grip... Michiru-mama, are you okay? asked Hotaru, looking over the edge at her fallen mother figure. Hotaru, whats going on here? asked Michiru in a shaken voice. Whats going on? Were in bed with a man! Did we... Afraid so, Michiru-mama, replied Hotaru. Oh, Haruka, Im sorry... whispered Michiru. Dont be, interjected Ranma. Shes on the other side of me... Michiru jumped to her feet, and after rubbing her eyes for good measure, she looked at the bed. Hotaru, get off of the bed... hissed the Senshi of Neptune. I dont want to. Hes not going to do anything that naughty, replied Hotaru with a smile. Michiru growled. We dont know who he is! Just because youre in bed with Ranma doesnt mean you... Michiru paused in mid sentence. How do I know your name? Ranma sighed. How to explain this? He closed his eyes and tried to recall everything he could about Michiru. Needless to say, it worked, and Ranma winced under the bombardment of personal information. After assimilating as much of it as he could, he looked up to her and said, The same way I know this. Your name is Kaiou Michiru, your birthday is March 6, your favorite color is blue, you love sashimi but hate kikurage, and youre a GREAT violinist. he paused for a split second then added, Oh yeah, and you have this spot on your back... If ya rub it right, it just makes you just melt. Michiru gawked blankly at the man, her entire body turning a brilliant crimson. How... how do you know all that!? I think were all under the effects of some kinda magic. Maybe a potion or something, stated Ranma. Behind them, Setsuna stood up, and walked up to the bed. She took a quick glance at the others and said, Well, thats the best explanation Ive heard for this. You too? exclaimed Michiru. Setsuna nodded, and in a slightly defeatist tone she said, Yes. Were all part of Ranma-kuns little harem. Ranma shook his head. Hell no! I already got enough girl problems! Hotaru blinked. The arranged marriages and unwanted fiancées? How do you know about that? asked Ranma. Hotarus only reply was a questioning stare. Michiru scowled. I am not part of any harem! Setsuna shook her head. Michiru, I have one question... What Setsuna smiled like a predator. Do you want to fuck him? ------------- At that question, Michirus face twisted into a mask of outrage. The nerve of that woman! She knew damn well that Haruka was the only one for her! While she could appreciate an attractive male, she didnt want him like that! She didnt want to be held to his well muscled chest by his strong masculine arms! She didnt want to feel his strong, dexterous hands caressing every inch of her body! She didnt want to be a like beautiful princess, protected by her wonderful prince... Ranma. Michirus eyes opened wide and her jaw went agape she was balled over by a wash of pleasant emotion and desire connected to those fantasies. That... that was exactly WHAT she wanted. She wanted to be in his arms, she longed for his body. She wanted to be with him forever... She sat onto the side of the bed as the alien information and emotions began to flow over her. Whats your answer? asked Setsuna. Michiru sighed. Yes... A man. She desired a man. She loved a man. She didnt know how she didnt know why, but she held Saotome Ranma just as dear as her beloved Haruka. Oh well, at least he turns into a woman. That could be fun... wait a second, HE DOES WHAT?! Michiru turned to them. He... turns into a girl? Ranma blinked. Yeah. I have a curse... I turn into a girl with water. Jusenkyo. The Spring of Drowned Girl. stated Setsuna. From the look on her face, Michiru could tell she didnt learn that from any phantom knowledge. She already knew about it. Ranma, interjected Hotaru, Do you love us? Ranma blinked. What? The girl pouted slightly. Michiru winced. If the potion, spell, or whatever this is was affecting Hotaru half as bad as it was her, it must be very confusing. Do you love us, Ranma? she asked, I know... I know this is magical, but if feels real. Ranma sighed. After some time lost in thought, he said, I... I think so. Hotaru smiled and put her arms around him. Dont leave... Ive gotta, he replied, I dont want you to get drawn into my life. Ive got four girls engaged to me and I dont want to force you into a situation like that. Actually, Ranma, interjected Setsuna, I think we may have a much better claim than those girls. What? Theyre all engaged to me... I just met you. Setsuna nodded. That is true but ours is still superior. They are your fiancées. Im pretty sure that the four of us are your wives. In chorus, the other three conscious people in the room screamed, WHAT?! Haruka grumbled a bit and with a sigh kept on sleeping Look at your left hands. Setsuna raised hers and pointed to the golden band gracing her ring finger. The others checked, and sure enough, they all had wedding bands. Reactions varied. Ranma resumed chanting last rites. Hotaru blushed brightly and looked at Ranma in that special way only a schoolgirl in love can. Michiru gawked at the ring, considering the implications. She then grabbed the still-comatose Harukas hand. Part of her almost hoped that Haruka was in the mess as well. If they couldnt marry each other, at least they could be still connected by being married to a third person. On the flip side, while Michiru preferred girls, she wasn't totally hostile to the idea of having a relationship with a man. Haruka on the other hand, was a 100% dyed-in-the-wool lesbian who was openly disdainful about a relationship with a man. This could prove to be a problem. With a wince, she found the fifth ring of the set. Harukas going to flip, she stated. Setsuna rubbed her chin in thought, Hmmm.... Yes, given the effects we've experienced to date, a change in Haruka's sexual orientation - towards being bisexual - does seem like a strong possibility. Michiru blinked, then scowled slightly. I *meant* that she's going to be angry. Upset. Foaming at the mouth mad. Setsuna blinked Oh. Well, that *is* another likely possibility, isn't it? Hotaru nodded. I think Papas going to go crazy... Setsuna shrugged. Maybe, maybe not. Ranma sighed, and gave yet another tug at his arm. As before, Haruka held tight. Could someone get her off me? Michiru scoffed. Haruka sleeps like the dead. Just kick her off. Its what I do. Are you sure? Michiru rolled her eyes. Of course she was sure. Shed been sleeping next to her for almost two years. Yes... Ranma shrugged, and did so. With a small cry of triumph, he jumped to his feet. ---------- Ranma looked at the conglomeration of beautiful women around him. His loves, his wives... he still couldnt quite recall how this happened but was it REALLY that bad a thing? On the same note, was it really a good thing? Ranma sighed, and looked out the window. What now? Ranma asked. The question was directed to no one in particular. We should wake up Blondie, stated Setsuna with a sarcastic edge to her voice. Ranma winced. He knew Haruka. Well, not really, but he knew how she would react. With a groan, he began to rub his temple. This was just too fucked up. My head hurts, grumbled Ranma. Finding all of this to much to grasp? asked Michiru. Ranma nodded. With a wistful sigh, aqua haired woman replied, You and me both, love. Hotaru looked at the others and asked, So are we going to wake up Haruka-Papa? Michiru nodded. Ill do it. This takes a special touch... Michiru, interrupted Ranma, let me talk to her. Are you sure? she asked. The martial artist nodded. Yeah, Im her husband... I guess. I should talk to her. And Im her lover, and I think I should do it, replied Michiru. Ranma sighed. Okay. Lets both do it. Sounds good... she replied. What about us? asked Hotaru. Setsuna sighed, Hotaru-chan, lets go... I think we should let them handle it. Michiru nodded. Okay then, stated Hotaru, Setsuna-mama and I will make breakfast, okay? Setsuna shrugged and turned to leave. The motion made her breasts bounce, a fact that was not lost on Ranma, and his reaction was not lost to Michiru. I cant believe Im jealous... muttered Michiru. Ranma shook his head. Why are you jealous? You... Michiru blushed brightly and continued in a whisper, You were looking at Setsuna and not me... Ranma sighed and sat next to her. Placing his arm on her shoulder he said, Relax, there is nothing to be jealous about. Michiru turned to him and looked him in the eyes, her face mere inches from his own. Really? He unconsciously move his face closer to hers until they were almost touching. Really. Their lips suddenly met and they were locked into a passionate embrace, their hands wandering all over each others bodies, feeling every individual curve of the others body. Their hands slowly grew more bold and their breathing quickened. Suddenly both of their eyes flashed open in realization of exactly what they were doing, and how far they were going. In a flash were on the opposite sides of the bed blushing wildly. Ranma blushed brightly. Im... er... sorry, Michiru... chan Michiru nodded profusely. Without thinking she blurted out, Maybe later... She then blushed even more brightly as she realized exactly what she had said. I mean, er... well... lets jut talk about this later! Ranma nodded. Yeah, good idea! He sighed and continued. So what about Haruka? Well, we should wake her up! she blurted out, still frazzled by what she hand been doing with Ranma. Ranma sighed. Ill do it. Ill wake her up. Michiru blinked. Are you sure? Yes. Michiru slowly back away to give Ranma some space. Ranma gulped, and put his mouth near Harukas ear. Haruka, time to get up. Nothing. He tried giving her a shake. Still nothing. Hey, Haruka! Wake the HELL UP!!! Yet again, nothing... Ranma growled. Ok, Im getting a bucket... Michiru blocked his path. Not on MY bed youre not. She smiled, and said, Watch and learn... After a few moments she nodded to herself. Sorry about this love, she stated, as she placed a hand over Haruka's open mouth, and pinched the blondes nose. In less then a second, Harukas eyes burst open and she began to flail wildly. With a self satisfied smirk, Michiru stepped back and gave her female beloved some space. Michiru, I... Haruka winced and covered her eyes. Damn thats bright! I know, replied Michiru. I feel really messed up. What the hell were we doing last night? asked the blonde. Michiru couldnt help but blush and glance at Ranma. Well love, thats what I need to talk to you about... Oh? Michiru chucked. Something strange is going on and I want you to keep an open mind. Haruka sighed, and turned her head toward Michirus voice. Just tell me whats going on... Michiru thought for a moment . I dont know exactly how to say this, but... She sighed, and continued, Something strange happened. Haruka blinked, trying to clear her eyes. What happened. We got married... Michiru began. Thats great! exclaimed Haruka jumped up and hugged the closest figure in her blurred vision. It was Ranma. Hey, youre not Michiru! a man, finished Michiru with a sigh. WHAT! exclaimed the blonde as she jumped away from Ranma. Haruka shook her head clearing her eyes, and took a first look at her new husband. Er... Hi! said Ranma with a dull chuckle. Haruka blinked, and then blinked again. Hey, arent you Saotome Ranma? Ranma blinked. Er, yeah... Haruka did the unexpected. She smiled and shook her head. Damn, out of all the men in the world... Hey, what does that mean? asked Ranma. Haruka laughed loudly and gave Ranma a tight hug, then pushed him away grabbing him by the shoulders with a big stupid smiled on her face. Ranma, you are FUCKING BADASS! HUH?! exclaimed Ranma. Where did that come from? asked Michiru. Hes like a modern day Bruce Lee! Haruka exclaimed in response. Michiru blinked, and Ranma smirked in response. Im you biggest fan! continued Haruka, I get the Nerima Review, I have your calendar, I even have a copy of your memoirs! I know about the magazine, Ive seen that hentai calendar, but I never heard of my so called memoirs! grumbled Ranma. So, whats Nabiki up to now? Haruka blinked, and grabbed a book of the side of the bed. Here, she said. Ranma looked at the cover. Saotome Ranma: The Memoirs of a Modern Legend. He fingered through the book and he began to scowl. So, this is where my journal went. Im going to kill her, said Ranma matter-of-factly. --------------- While Ranma read the book, Haruka and Michiru talked. Im... surprised, said Michiru, I expected you to be more angry. Haruka shrugged. Hey, if Im going to be stuck married to a guy at least its a man I can respect, besides hes cute. She paused. I didnt just say that, did I? Michiru nodded. Haruka was slightly confused. She had never really been that attracted to men, but Ranma was... well... HOT. She wouldnt mind having some fun with him. That really freaked her out, but at least he had that strange curse of his. It was a total bonus. After a moment, she blinked in confusion. She did not remember that being in the book... oh well. She probably just didnt remember reading it. Kind of strange considering how BIG it was. Haruka shrugged. Oh well, you should see his girl form, WHAT A FOX! I want to try out this one first, mumbled Michiru, Ive always wondered what it would be like to make love to a man. Haruka looked at her lovers unenergetic eyes. Did Michiru, her lover, just say she wanted to do the deed with a man? Are you kidding me? Michiru shook her head. Haruka scowled, looked at Michiru, then looked at her new husband who was flipping through the mass distributed copy of his diary with a large scowl on his face. He really was cute, had one hell of a body, and you SHOULD always try new things... She looked back to Michiru. Are you absolutely sure? Yes. Once again, she looked at Ranma then looked back to Michiru. With a shrug, she said, Oh, what the hell! Might be fun! She paused then whispered, Lets take him by surprise... Michiru smiled, and as one, they snuck up behind Ranma and pulled him onto the bed in a fit of giggling. ---------- Downstairs, Hotaru and Setsuna were soon treated to the sound of the bed pounding against the floor and the loud, passionate cries of the two outers. Setsuna rolled her eyes as she adjusted her robe. Well Hotaru, this is big mess weve gotten ourselves into this time. She sighed and took a sip of her coffee. I really didnt see this coming. Hotaru nodded as she ate a bowl of instant miso soup. Yeah, its really is strange... but at least hes nice, and CUTE! Setsuna sighed again and sunk back into her chair as one of the two womens cries echoed loudly through the floor. You just dont understand Hotaru. Im used to having at least a clue about whats going on! I will usually let the little stuff pass, but I like to keep an eye on the big things for safetys sake. How the hell could I miss this? Hotaru blinked. Does not knowing everything thats going on really make you feel this bad? Setsuna shook her head. No, she sighed, Its just part of it... Hotaru blinked. Then whats wrong? Setsuna leaned back, and with forlorn sigh, she said, I just wonder... when is it going to be MY turn with Ranma! The house shook with the force of Hotarus face fault.