All My Diggers


I do not own Gold Digger and its associated characters. They belong to that marvelous fellow Fred Perry. I do not own Ranma ½ and its associated characters. They belong to the wonderful lady Rumiko Takahashi. This production is strictly for entertainment, and I am not making any money off of the writings. I am just a poor student, so please… Don't sue me… Please?


Special Disclaimer:

"All My Diggers" is paying homage to the Ranma ½ & Sailor Moon Fanfiction, "All My Outers". I was talking with Psyckosama about his fics and works and he asked me to do this, made it into an author challenge really. So I write this fic not for great story value, but for pure enjoyment.

PsyckoSama has authorized all content borrowed for this chapter from "All My Outers" by PsyckoSama. Yep, he's given me permission to use his fic as the basis, the skeleton for this first chapter.

You can find Psykosama's works at


All My Diggers Chapter 1: The Fool's Gold

The room was dark. And I mean DARK! It was the kind of darkness that was viciously choking out any form of light it could. No light could break through this impregnable fortress of shadows…

That is, until the automatic systems went on, and opened the windows. The owner of the room thought it would be easiest to set up a timed motor in the drapes than to set up an alarm clock. The unrelenting sunlight shone down brightly upon the bed, almost as if it were screaming, 'Rise and shine'.

One person on the bed, whom was still trying to sleep, let out a low groan as he fought to keep his eyes closed to the light. To him, the rays of the morning sunlight were like blazing crimson daggers of solar-born hellfire burning into his eye sockets. He absolutely hated bright mornings like this.

The man rolled over, his face revealed to us. It was a face that seemed young, couldn't be more than eighteen-years. There was a mess of raven-black hair done into a pigtail. This man was non-other than Ranma Saotome.

Ranma (Grumbles): Bright. It's just too damn bright…

With his eyes shut Ranma let his mind wander.

Ranma (Thinks): What the hell was going on? I don't remember going to sleep…

Slowly, through a clouded mind, he considered his current state. His eyes were supersensitive, and the light was just playing upon that fact. It took Ranma a couple of moments to adjust his eyes to the level of light.

He also had problems thinking. While most people would think that was normal, Ranma himself knew it was not so. Though he absolutely despised admitting it to anyone, even himself, the only thing quicker than his mind was his mouth. Which Ranma knew had a tendency to have his foot in it.

When his eyes opened, and he could see it automatically dawned on Ranma that something was wrong. VERY wrong. This was NOT the Dojo. If anything, he was in a very large room, that seemed finely furnished, and he was in a king-size bed with yellow sheets. Oh well, at least the bed was comfortable.

Thinking back to at least last night, to try and find even a miniscule clue as to what could possibly have happened, Ranma almost felt his blood froze from surprise. He truly had no idea as to where he was, what he was doing here, or even as to how he ended up wherever he was. But on one thing Ranma was sure of, he felt strange. Tired almost. It felt as though he had woken up from some kind of coma, if the pressure in the front of his head was any indication. Oh well, at least there was a somewhat pleasant sensation around his abdomen. Maybe he had eaten a good meal…

Ranma (Thinks): And then what the hell was this pressure on my chest!?

Giving a silent prayer that he wasn't developing some sort of heart condition, Ranma slowly shifted his body, and felt some weak form of resistance when he moved his arms. Suddenly, the pressure on his arms and chest shifted. Ranma's mind immediately went into overdrive. It was then that he realized what was probably going on.

Slowly, he turned his eyes to the side, to take in more of the surroundings. He had to fight away the bad feeling that was starting to grow in the pit of his stomach for a moment, so he could study. And when his vision cleared and he was able to get a good look around him… He didn't like what he saw.

He was in bed with three people. Three naked people. Three very female naked people. The one his on his chest was a well-bodied, cute, blonde-haired woman in her early to mid twenties twenty-three, twenty-four at best. The girl on his left was beautiful. She had was tall, had long legs, an impressive rack, her blonde hair had dark brown spots, and she had a cute stripe over her left eye. On his right was a sight that made his blood run cold. The woman was incredibly cat-like in her appearance! Especially with the golden fur, cat-ears, and… Was she purring?

Only one string of thought went through Ranma's mind.

Ranma (Thinks): Oh shit, oh shit, oh shee-it! CATS!!!!

Ranma didn't know what was worse. That he was sandwiched between three women, or the fact that two of the women had cat-like appearances.

Then Ranma's face paled as another fact went through his mind. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it now… Akane was going to kill him! And Ranma was sure the tomboy would do it slowly and very, VERY painfully… And if Akane didn't get her mallet on him, then Shampoo and Ukyo would finish the job for her.

Ranma knew his next course of action. He had to get out of here, (wherever here was). He had to run. He didn't know exactly how he was going to, but he was going to get away. Ranma Saotome had faced Musk Princes, 300-year-old Martial Artists, and Phoenix Gods; there was not way in hell he was going to let himself die because of this! An orgy wouldn't do him in!

Ranma (Thinks): Wait-a-minute!!! An orgy!?

It was then Ranma's memory started to work again, and Ranma was treated, (or rather beaten) with flashes of memory. Soft, rapid kisses. The mixing of saliva as tongues danced about. Grasping hands, feeling and caressing curves. The heightening of excitement as a pleasurable release is attained in the closest bond a man and woman can share with one another.

Yep, that was it. Ranma had to get out of this place, and quickly! He had to escape before it was too late! But how would he do that? The girls covered him. Maybe he could squirm out of their grip! Yeah, that might work, squirm out of their grip and run! If he did that, then he might have a chance of escaping, and explaining to Akane how this was NOT his fault.

Then it happened. There was a loud yawn from the girl on his chest as she opened her eyes and re-entered the land of the living. She groaned slightly as she moved her arms forward, at either side of Ranma's head. After a moment she looked up from the chest her head was laying on, and looked strait into Ranma's eyes.

Ranma (Thinks): So much for my chance to get out of here…

Gina felt as thought she had been crushed underneath a stampede of elephants. Her body was sore… Especially her eyes. Why was everything blurry? Oh well, she'd just blink her eyes to try to clear them. Once she regained focus she saw she was staring into the eyes of a man. A handsome Asian from what she could tell. Had to love the pigtail.

Gina (Thinks): Well, this is a first. I don't remember the last time I had any dreams of Asians… But by the looks of this cutey, I should try more often.

Coming to the conclusion she must have been dreaming, Gina smiled cutely, and blinked twice for good measure. She inwardly smirked at seeing the hunk blush.

Gina: Oh… Hello cutey…

Ranma: Ahh… Hi?

Still smiling, Gina snuggled against Ranma's chest, causing Ranma to hold in his breath. Gina then blushed slightly and looked downwards as she realized something.

Gina: Something's poking me in the hip…

His eyes widened to maximum, Ranma's face paled and he blanched. So that's what that pleasant feeling in his lower region was…

Giggling, Gina had to admit, she liked this dream. Usually the guys in her dreams were just mindless stud-muffins, (not that she minded of course). This hunk-among-hunks was acting quite 'cute' by her standards. His actions were almost like a kid's.

Gina: You're a naughty boy, aren't you?

Ranma's mind froze, and he slowly nodded affirming her accusation.

Ranma (Nods his head): Uh-huh…

Again, Gina started to giggle.

Gina: You know cutey, I feeling really lightheaded… So I'm willing to bet that this is just a strange dream. I'm going back to sleep now, okay?

To accentuate her point, Gina yawned.

Ranma gulped and nodded his head slowly. Oh how he wished this was just a dream… Maybe if the girl went to sleep he could find a way out… Now if only he could find a way out from under this cute girl.

Ranma: Er… Okay.

With that Gina smiled, and pulled some of the blanket up above her shoulders. She snuggled into Ranma's chest much to his uneasiness, and growing discomfort. He then began to blush as he realized he could feel the texture of the girl's breasts against his abdomen.

Gina: Good night…

However, the movement from the girl on his chest awakened the woman to his right. She rolled off from Ranma's side, and started grumbling to herself. She muttered something about 'getting more sleep' and 'those Rakshasa know how to have fun'.

Brianna sat up and moved her legs over the side of the bed. She spread her arms and stretched. Damn did she feel sore! She couldn't remember the last time her body ached like this. Actually, it's never ached like this. Perhaps this is what Genn was always complaining about when they had some of their '8-hour workouts'.

Speaking of 'workouts', she really should get that kink out of her back. Brianna then stood up from the bed and started doing some more stretches. She had to loosen up her body. It just wouldn't do for her not to be limber.

Brianna (Thinks): Oh well… Another day… I just wish my back wasn't so sore.

Ranma rolled his eyes to the back of his head and chuckled morbidly to himself as he once again considered the situation. He was in bed with three women. One of them was awake, (though trying to go back to sleep) and cuddling against his chest, another one was waking up and would soon realize her situation, and the third cheetah-like girl was still sleeping, curled up in his left arm. Considering his past luck with women he could only come to one seemingly correct realization.

Ranma (Thinks): So this is it… I'm going to die…


Brianna curse silently as she felt a sudden pain in her lower spinal column as she stretched forward. Today was not getting off to a good start. Oh what did she do to experience such pain?

Brianna (Grumbles): God damned stupid back-pains!

Once Brianna was done expressing her displeasure, she laid back onto the bed. Squinting her eyes because of the light coming into the room through the window, Brianna began to consider her situation.

She was nude, and once she had gotten over the slight back pain she realized that there was a VERY familiar feeling in her lower area. She realized that must have just gotten laid, and she had no idea how she had gotten into this situation, (not that she really minded). She tried to remember, but was currently running a blank. Brianna slapped herself on her cheeks with her hands lightly and shook her head in an attempt to clear the cobwebs from her mind. The last time she had been this lightheaded was that time Genn offered to participate in a 'smooch-a-thon' with her…

Brianna squinted her eyes, and took a quick look at the interior of the room. Mess of clothes, wood furniture, computer stuff… Yup… Brianna was in Gina's room… Could she have had sex in her sister's room? Oh well, wouldn't have been the first time…

Brianna tried to move to the left, but an aching pain in the lower half of her slowed her movement. Whoever she had been with must have been very energetic. Too bad she couldn't seem to have any clear memory of any of it.

Brianna sat back down onto the bed to orient herself. Dang, what the heck was that uncomfortable feeling on her finger? She looked down at her hand, and was struck by a wave of sobriety.

Brianna realized she was wearing a band made of solid gold with a small circular diamond; a ring. A wedding ring! Well this was new… She could honestly say that in all her years, she never expected to be married. True, it had been only two years that she'd actually been alive, but with Gina and Britanny's memories and experiences, it felt close to have being alive for fifty years!

Brianna started another bout of cursing. She was just too young to be married! Most people her age hadn't even started kindergarten!

When Brianna was finished proclaiming her displeasure at the situation, she lie back onto the bed and thought to herself. What now? She would have to have this marriage annulled. There was just no other option for her. She didn't know the person, and she could not afford to have a long-term relationship so soon in her life.

Oh well, hopefully the guy was in the bed. Time to take a look at 'husband number one'.

Brianna (Thinks): Great… Now I'm starting to sound like a bitter, old divorcé.

Brianna shook her head then slowly wobbled to her feet, and took a look on the bed. Wait-a-minute, Gina and Britanny were in the bed as well!? Brianna blinked twice, trying to process this new bit of information.

Brianna (Screams): WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?


Gina blinked and opened her eyes again at the sound of Brianna's screaming. Once again she was looking into the face of that strange boy. With an apprehensive gulp, Gina realized she wasn't sleeping.

Gina (Looks at Ranma): This isn't a dream, is it?

Ranma (Looks at Gina): Nope.

Gina shook. She tried to clear her voice, (which was suddenly filled with uncertainty) and tried to ask her question.

Gina: This is real?

Ranma: Yep…

Gina nodded and realized her situation. She was in bed with a boy whom she must have had sex with, and she had no idea what was going on around her.

Gina decided that she needed to put some space between her and the boy so she could think. She jumped back with all her might.

What Gina didn't take into consideration however, was the way Britanny was wrapped around the young man, pinning Gina's leg to his side. This minor fact combined with quite a bit of dumb luck and irony made the landing a not that an unpleasant surprise as Gina fell back onto him, ending up with the two kissing as Gina landed with her lips on Ranma's own.

Gina (Wide-eyed, thinks): OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMY… Hey… He has really beautiful dark sapphire eyes.

Ranma (Wide-eyed, thinks): Akane'sgonnakillmeAkane'sgonnakillmeAkane'sgonna… Hey… She has some really beautiful blue eyes.

Gina didn't know who first initiated it, but her abdomen was filled with an intense growing fire as they began to kiss. She really wasn't sure what was going on. She didn't know this strange boy, but she couldn't bring herself to stop. She slowly began to lose control, clouded by passion and desire as the kiss slowly become more passionate and desperate. It was if her body was on autopilot, as if some hidden part of her nature had taken control.

Suddenly, Gina took on a look of pleased surprise, as something long, hard, and pleasurable was placed inside a very sensitive area.

Gina (Smirks): My, my… Aren't you forward…

Gina quickly tried to move her body upward, and looked eye to eye with Ranma. He was as blown away by what they were doing. The two looked into each other's eyes for an endless moment. As one they, decided what to do.

Gina placed her hands on Ranma's shoulders, and their movement took on a regular pattern as the two of them made love.


Brianna looked blankly at the spectacle in front of her. Only the twitch in her left eye gave away the fact that what was going on disturbed her greatly.

Brianna didn't know what about this freaked her out the most. Was it the fact that her eldest sister was having sex in front of her with a strange man? Was it the simple fact that she wasn't angry with any of this in the slightest? Or was it the fact that she was ENVIOUS! Brianna wanted to be the one with Ranma!

Brianna blinked her eyes a few times in shock. How did she know his name? She blinked again. The more she thought about him, the more random, muddled information popped up in her head. There were no memories attached to this knowledge, just random bits of information combined with intense emotion.

Brianna stumbled back into the chair by Gina's desk, and grabbed her head. She felt helpless and confused.

What the hell was going here? Where were these strange recollections coming from? How did she get in her sister's room? And why… Why in the nine hells did she LOVE this man!?

Brianna released a cry of frustration and extreme anxiety, which was totally drowned out by Gina as she reached climax.


Ranma gave a contented sigh as Gina allowed herself to fall back on top of him. She smiled widely and snuggled into his chest.

Ranma was almost scaring himself. He just had sex with a girl! They started with a kiss, and ended up with THIS!

Ranma (Thinks): Why had I just given in so quickly? By all rights, I should be running in fear of female retribution, but I have no worries. There's no guilt! There's just something so… So right about this… It was as if doing this, that, and that other thing with Gina-chan here was the most natural thing in the world.

Ranma then blinked as he realized something.

Ranma (Thinks): Wait? Gina-chan? How did I know her name?

Ranma looked to the side. Britanny was still totally dead to the world. She always slept like a rock… Ranma chuckled. He wasn't one who should be complaining, as he had a tendency to sleep in too… Wait, how did he know her name? And furthermore, how did he know sleeping habits!?

Then he looked at the beautiful woman across the room. Why was Brianna looking so disturbed? She was one of the strangest people he knew… But that's just it. He DIDN'T know her. He never met her. He just… Just KNEW these things…

Muttering, Gina looked up at Ranma.

Gina: Ranma… Your name… It's Ranma, right?

Ranma (Nods head): And your name is Gina, right?

Gina (Blushes): Y, yes.

Gina couldn't help but blush and smile demurely as Ranma looked at her intently. Ironic, considering exactly what they'd been doing just moment's prior.

Ranma was surprised by the wave of emotion brought on by the young woman's smile. It was like the feeling he got whenever Akane smiled at him, only ten times more intense.

Ranma then sighed sadly. It had been so long since Akane smiled at him. The last time he could think of in recent memory that Akane smiled at him was at their failed wedding… Moments before everything went straight to hell as the fiancées and rivals stopped by to ruin things.

Ranma: Gina, do you have any idea what's going on here?

Gina (Shakes her head): No. It's… It's just too weird.

As if to punctuate Gina's assertion, Brianna coughed to gain their attention.

Brianna: Quite a situation, eh?

Ranma: I'd say so.

Brianna: Hey Gina, are you okay?

Gina: I think so. Why?

Brianna just pointed. Gina's eyes widened even more as she saw that Brianna was pointing at Britanny. Gina started to blush furiously as she realized she just had sex while Britanny was in the same bed.

Gina: Brianna, what's going on here? Do you know what happened? I'm in bed with a man and my sister! Did we…

Brianna (Nods her head): Afraid so, Gina. From what I can understand we've all been screwing Ranma's brains out.

Ranma began blushing horribly with that.

Brianna (Rubs side of her head): Gina I'm sure you set the combination lock on your door. Could you get off of the bed and open it? I need to use the bathroom…

Gina: Um… Could you give me a moment? I really don't want to get off.

Brianna (Sighs): Great… We're falling for Ranma. Worse, (Looks at Ranma) how do we know your name? I don't even remember meeting you.

Ranma sighed. How to explain this? Ranma closed his eyes and tried to recall everything he could about Brianna. Needless to say, it worked, and Ranma winced under the bombardment of personal information.

After assimilating as much of it as he could, he looked up to her and spoke softly

Ranma: The same way I know this. Your name is Brianna, a combination of the names 'Britanny' and 'Gina', your birthday is March 24, your favorite color is violet, you love tuna, hate escargot, and you're GREAT with designing, operating, and working maintenance of all sorts of firearms and explosives.

Re paused for a split second then added, as to prove himself further.

Ranma: Oh yeah, and you have this 'Tarzan' and 'Jane' Role-playing fetish.

Brianna stared blankly at the man, her entire body turning a brilliant crimson. Ranma had to avert his gave as Brianna was sitting up sharply and making her chest bounce.

Brianna (Full-body blush): How… How the hell do you know all that!?

Gina: Well, there is what's left of a dress and a cheetah-print loincloth on the floor over there…

Brianna looks at the shredded remains of a Victorian dress and a loincloth on the floor and blushes.

Brianna: Still… There's no way you'd guess that from those shreds there. How do you know all that other stuff too!?

Ranma: I think we're all under the effects of some potion or something.

Brianna (Blinks): A potion?

Gina: Well, that's the best explanation I've heard for this…

Brianna (Sighs): Still, I can't believe that we're all part of Ranma's little family.

Ranma (Shakes head): Oh, hell no! I already got enough girl problems as is!

Gina (Blinks): The arranged marriages and unwanted fiancées?

Ranma (Surprised): How do you know about that?

Brianna watched on with curiosity.

Gina: I, I'm not sure. But right now, I would like to state that I am part of no one's harem!

Brianna (Shakes head): I have one question…

Gina: What?

Brianna (Smirks): What do you want?

Gina's eyes widened to the size of dinner-plates and her jaw went agape she was balled over by a wash of pleasant emotion and desire connected to those fantasies. To be with Ranma. That… That was exactly WHAT she wanted. She wanted to be in his arms, she longed for his body. We wanted to be with him forever…

Gina managed to roll off from Ranma and sat onto the side of the bed as the foreign information and emotions, (Ranma's) began to flow over her.

Brianna: What's your answer sis?

Gina (Surprised): Y, yes…

Love. She loved this man. She loved Ranma. She didn't know how, she didn't know why, but she held thought of Ranma quite dearly.

Oh well, at least he could give her a new study. Should be interesting to see how the Jusenkyo curse turns Ranma into a woman with a splash of cold water. That could be fun to… Wait a second, HE DOES WHAT BECAUSE OF COLD WATER!?

Gina (Shocked): You… You can turn into a girl?

Ranma (Blinks): Yeah. I have a curse… I turn into a girl with cold water.

Brianna: Jusenkyo and Nyannichuuan. The Curse of the Spring of Drowned Girl, right?

Gina and Ranma stared at Brianna. From the look on the Lycanthropoid face, they could tell she must have learned that from this 'phantom knowledge' that was going through their heads. Gain decided to change the topic.

Gina: Ranma, do you love us?

Ranma (Blinks): What?

Seeing her sister Gina pout slightly, Brianna winced. If the potion, spell, or whatever this is, was affecting Gina was half as bad as it was her then it must be very confusing.

Gina: Do you love us, Ranma? I know… I know this is magical, but if feels real.

Ranma sighed. After some time lost in thought, he answered the archaeologist.

Ranma: I… I think so.

Gina smiled and wrapped her arms around Ranma as she recognized what the look on Ranma's face meant.

Gina: Don't leave…

Ranma sighed heavily. After a long moment he replied to Gina's earnest request.

Ranma: I've gotta. I don't want you to get drawn into my life. I've got four girls engaged to me, and I don't want to force you into a situation like that.

Brianna (Smirks): Actually, Ranma, I think we have a much better claim then those girls…

Ranma (Blinks): What? They're all engaged to me… I just met you.

Brianna (Nods head): That is true but our claim is still superior. They are your fiancées, but we're married.

Ranma & Gina: WHAT!?

Brianna: Guys… Look at your left hands.

At the confuse looks Brianna received from the two, she raised hers and pointed to the golden band gracing her ring finger.

The two checked, and true to form they all had wedding bands. Ranma resumed chanting last rights while Gina gawked at the ring, considering the implications. She then grabbed the still comatose Britanny's hand. She seriously hoped that Britanny wasn't mixed up in the mess as well. She was supposed to be married to Stryyp when they finally found where he went.

With a wince, Gina found the fourth ring of the set.

Gina: Britanny's going to flip…

Brianna (Shrugs shoulders): Maybe, maybe not.

Ranma sighed, and gave yet another tug at his arm. As before, Britanny held tight.

Ranma: Could someone get her off me?

Gina scoffed and Brianna rolled her eyes.

Gina: Britanny sleeps like the dead. Just kick her off. It's what I do when she sleeps in on our expeditions.

Ranma: Are you sure?

Gina rolled her eyes. Of course she was sure. She'd been going on adventures with Britanny for years.

Gina: Yes.

Though a bit hesitant Ranma shrugged off his fear for the moment, and did so. With a small cry of triumph he jumped to his feet from the bed.


Ranma looked at the collection of beautiful women around him. His loves, his wives… He still couldn't quite recall how this happened but was it REALLY that bad a thing? On the same note, was it really a good thing?

Ranma sighed, and looked out the window. Ranma then asked a question that was directed to no one in particular.

Ranma: What should we do now?

Brianna: We should wake up Cheetah.

Ranma winced. He knew Britanny. Well, not really, but he knew how she was going to react. With a groan, he began to rub his temple. This was just going to suck.

Ranma: My head hurts…

Gina: Finding all of this too much to grasp?

Ranma nodded his head in acknowledgement to what Gina said.

Gina (Nods her head): You and me both, love.

Brianna: So how are we going to wake her up this time, Gina?

Gina (Smirks): I'll do it. This takes a special touch…

Of course, Gina didn't mention that she enjoyed tormenting her younger sister. It stemmed from when they were kids, and Gina has always liked to play small harmless pranks on Britanny since then.

Ranma: Gina, let me talk to her.

Gina: Are you sure?

Ranma: Yeah, I'm her husband… I guess. I should talk to her.

Gina: And I'm her sister, and I think I should do it.

Ranma (Sighs): Okay. Let's both do it.

Gina: Sounds good…

Brianna: And what should I do? I'm her sister too you know!

Gina: Brianna… The combination to my room is 2947. Could you please go downstairs to the kitchen and start making breakfast? We'll all be able to think clearer if we get something in our stomachs.

Brianna shrugged her shoulders and turned to leave. The motion made her breasts bounce, a fact that was not lost on Ranma, and his reaction was not lost to Gina, who, for the first time felt something different when looking at her sister who had grabbed a bathrobe and made her way out of the room.

Gina: I can't believe I'm jealous…

Ranma (Blinks): Why are you jealous?

With that Gina started blushing deeply. Her answer came out in a tone barely above a whisper.

Gina (Almost whispers): You… You were looking at Brianna and not me…

Ranma sighed and sat next to her. Placing his arm on her shoulder he spoke softly.

Ranma: Relax, Gina, there's nothing to be jealous about.

Gina turned to Ranma and looked him in the eyes, her face mere inches from his own.

Gina: Really?

Ranma unconsciously moved his face closer to hers until they were almost touching.

Ranma: Really.

Their lips suddenly met and they were locked into a passionate embrace once more, their hands wandering all over each other's bodies, feeling every individual curve of the other's body. Their hand slowly grew bolder and their breathing quickened.

Suddenly Ranma's eyes flashed open in realization of exactly what they were doing, and how far they were going. In a flash Ranma on the other side of the bed blushing wildly as Gina fell over onto the center of the bed.

Ranma (Blushes): I can't believe we were starting to do THAT again!

Gina nodded profusely. Without thinking she blurted out what was on her mind.

Gina (Smirks): Maybe later then, sexy…

Gina giggled, as Ranma blushed even more.

Gina: Listen Ranma, you need to relax.

Ranma (Nods head): Yeah, you're right. So what about Britanny?

Gina: Well, we should wake her up.

Ranma (Sighs): I'll do it. I'll wake her up.

Gina (Blinks): Are you sure?

Ranma: Yes.

Gina then slowly backed away to give Ranma some space.

Ranma gulped, and put his mouth near Britanny's ear.

Ranma: Britanny, it's time to get up.


Ranma then tried tapping Britanny's shoulder lightly


Ranma then tried giving the werecheetah a shake.

Still nothing.

Ranma: Hey, Britanny! WAKE THE HELL UP!!!

Yet again, nothing...

Ranma growled.

Ranma: Ok, I'm getting a bucket…

Gina blocked his path as he tried to move towards the door.

Gina: Oh no, not on MY bed you're not. Just watch and learn…

Gina then moved over to the sleeping werecheetah and placed a hand over her open mouth, and pinched her nose.

In less then a second, Britanny's eyes burst open and she began to flail her arms wildly. With a self-satisfied smirk, Gina stepped back and gave her Lycanthrope sister space needed.

Britanny: GINA! I'm gonna…

However, Britanny winced and covered her eyes.

Britanny: Oh damn that's bright!

Gina: I know.

Britanny: Ugh… I feel really messed up… Especially my head. Just what the hell were we doing last night?

Gina (Sighs): Well sis, that's what I need to talk to you about…

Britanny (Squints): Oh?

Gina (Chuckles): Something strange is going on and I want you to keep an open mind.

Britanny sighed, and turned her head toward Gina's voice.

Britanny: Just tell me what's going on…

Gina thought for a moment, considering her words carefully. Finally, Gina decided to try to let her sister down easy y telling her this was not controllable, and then tell her straight out.

Gina: I don't know exactly how to say this, but something strange happened.

Britanny blinked, and frowned as she was trying to clear her eyes.

Britanny: Gina… Strange stuff happens all the time to us. Just tell me what happened.

Gina: We got married…

Britanny: What? You got married? That's great!

Britanny then jumped up and hugged the closest figure in her blurred vision. It was Ranma.

Britanny (Hugs Ranma): … Hey! You're not Gina!

Gina (Sighs): No Brit. WE got married. You, Brianna, and I got married to the guy here. And it's NOT Stripe.

Britanny (Jumps away from Ranma): W, WHAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?

Britanny shook her head clearing her eyes, and took a first look at her new husband.

Ranma: Er… Hi!

In a state of slight shock, Britanny blinked, and then blinked again.


Ranma: Er, yeah...

Britanny was silent for a long moment. She then muttered very quietly.

Britanny: Gina… Get out of here…

Gina: But Britanny…

Britanny: OUT!

Gina let out a yelp of surprise and fell back. Deciding not to encourage her sister's wrath, Gina grabbed a pair of panties and t-shirt from off the floor and ran out from the room.

Ranma: Are you mad?


Ranma: Look. I'm sorry. I don't know how this happened.

Britanny looked at the wedding ring on her left finger.

Ranma: I can't remember the full details but I think it was a potion, a spell, or something. But the point it, we're married now.

Britanny just dropped her face into her hands. And started crying.

Ranma frowned slightly. This he didn't expect. He moved over to the distraught werecheetah and placed his arm around her shoulder.

Ranma: Listen. Don't cry Britanny. Please. It's not so bad.

Britanny looked up at Ranma from her hands. There were twin streaks of tears trailing down her face.


Ranma: Er…

Britanny: This has been the worst week! First my fiancé runs off to fight some force of evil that was attacking his home world, and NOW instead of going out there to help him, I GET MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE BEHIND HIS BACK!

Ranma sighed sadly as he watched Britanny begin crying. He felt incredibly guilty. Unlike the other Diggers sisters, Britanny wasn't taking the news of this well. But that was understandable. From what Ranma knew, Brianna just had a few people to hang onto and Gina only had a semi-steady boyfriend, while Britanny had a man whom she loved dearly. Ranma understood from these 'phantom memories' that Britanny truly loved Stripe and was doing everything within her power to be reunited with him… Heck she almost screwed with the past just to keep him here.

Ranma (Hugs Britanny): Britanny… I'm sorry. I wasn't meaning for this to happen. This just happened to us, and your sisters.

Britanny (Nods her head): I know… It's just… Grr… This shouldn't have happened! Even worse, I don't even remember HOW it happened!

Ranma: I know what you mean. I've tried remembering too. I think there was either a spell, a potion, something that made us do this.

Britanny concentrated on what Ranma said. She closed her eyes and tried to will her memories to show her some clue as to what happened.

Unfortunately, thinking was never one of Britanny's strongest skills, and she was soon holding onto the sides of her head.

Britanny: Oh man, I got a headache…

Ranma: Sorry to hear that.

Ranma then gulped as he saw that Britanny was starting to become irritated again. Ranma realized when Britanny felt pain she lost her cool. Wait, he knew that? Sigh… More of the 'phantom memories' of Brit's in his head.

Ranma: You're going to kill me, aren't you?

Britanny: No! I wouldn't kill you! It's just that maiming you over will help me feel some relief over having lost my fiancé.

Ranma (Sweats slightly): I'm sure you would. But believe me, you aren't the only one losing a fiancé. I am missing out on being with my own fiancée.

That bit of news Ranma had said caught Britanny off-guard and quickly snuffed out her growing anger.

Britanny: Excuse me?

Ranma: Yeah. Akane Tendo. It was an arranged marriage set up between my father and hers. They wanted to unite the two schools of Anything Goes Martial Arts. I mean sure, it was a rocky relationship for both of us, what with the rivals, fiancées, and all the craziness… But it was my every intention to marry her…

Britanny: And so instead of being able to be with your fiancée… (Gulps). You're married to me…

Ranma: And your sisters.

Britanny (Grimaces): Great… I want to know how the hell we pulled that off. Multiple-marriages aren't exactly legal in the U.S., you know.

It was then Britanny noticed something was wrong with Ranma as a flash of realization went across his face and he groaned.

Britanny: Is something wrong Ranma?

Ranma: … This isn't Japan, is it?

Britanny: No. This is the United States of America. You're in my family's home in Atlanta, Georgia.

Ranma (Groans): Great… They must all be having a field day with my disappearance… I wonder who's searching for me, and who's partying over my, what must have been sudden disappearance…

Britanny sighed. Ranma was in the same boat as her. He had cared for Akane a lot. And he even cared for Ukyo, Shampoo, and Kodachi on some levels. But now he was married to her and her sisters.

Britanny (Thinks): Wait… Ukyo, Shampoo, and Kodachi? How'd I know those names?

Britanny then leaned forward and groaned.

Ranma: You okay?

Britanny: My head hurts.

Ranma: Tell me about it…

Britanny: … You know Ranma… We're in the same boat. We both had fiancées, and we both should have been married to another person entirely, except we're now married to each other.

Ranma: Yep…

Britanny: Somehow, I know this has got to be your fault.

Ranma (Blinks): My fault!?

Britanny (Glares): Yeah! Who is the one who brings chaos to those around him? Who is it that can't make up his mind? Grr… RANMA, PREPARE TO DIE!!!

Ranma let out a sigh of relief. At last, some familiar territory!

As Britanny grabbed Ranma in a bear hug, she anted to break him I half. Yet, as she had close contact with him, his scent filled her nose. Her eyes widened as she realized just how heavenly his scent were. She found it quite arousing.

Ranma had closed his eyes when he saw the werecheetah lunge at him. He had expected to be torn apart, and deal with Neko-Ken training x10! However, when he felt no pain, he got curious and opened one eye slowly. Seeing Britanny just hugging him, he opened the other eye.

Ranma (Nervous): Is something wrong?

Britanny: Er… Yes… Well, you see Ranma… I mean… (Blushes). Well, to be honest I can't remember my wedding night… And if it's not to much… (Blush deepens). I would like a repeat performance…

Ranma (Raises an eyebrow): What!? Are you kidding me?

Ranma sighed as he watched Britanny shake her head. He then frowned sadly upon seeing Britanny look ashamed for asking him that.

Ranma: Britanny… If you want, I will.

Britanny smiled, almost in an embarrassed fashion. She moved her head over to Ranma and kissed him softly. The two shared the soft kiss as both stared to let their hands roam over each other.


Downstairs in the kitchen Gina and Brianna were soon treated to the sound of the bed pounding against the floor and the loud, passionate cries of a werecheetah and a wild horse.

Brianna: Gina… I thought the walls and floors were insulated to keep sound from passing through…

Gina: They are…

Brianna: … Damn they're loud!

Gina: Tell me about it.

Brianna sighed as she adjusted her robe.

Brianna: Well sis, this is big mess we've gotten ourselves into this time.

As Gina nodded her head in agreement, Brianna sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

Brianna: This whole situation is so strange. I would never have seen this coming.

Gina nodded and she ate a bowl of corn flakes.

Gina: Yeah, it really is strange… But at least he's nice, and hunky!

Brianna sighed again and sunk back into her chair as one of Britanny's cries echoed loudly through the floor.

Gina: Is being in the situation we're in really making you feel that bad?

Brianna: No. I just wonder… When is it going to be MY turn damn it!?

Gina (Rolls her eyes): I just hope you're up for it.

The entire kitchen shook from the force of Brianna's face-fault.


End Chapter 1

Next Time: Ranma and the girls try to figure out how they got into the situation they're in. Meanwhile, how're others taking to Ranma's disappearance?

Author's Notes: And here we have it! A fanfic born from another. I would like to thank Psykosama for his support and idea. For if he had not challenged me, then this fic would not be in existence.

-This is RedPriest17, signing off.

Send your questions and comments to

Note: Flames will be read and then given to Brianna to use for target practice.