{These characters are not property of me. I would never attempt to claim them as my own. This story may not be used without my permission, and may not be used to make money in any way, shape or form. Characters and certain situations were created by Rumiko Takahashi, so don't try any funny stuff!}

A Day in the Yard

dedicated to Ed

by Lara Bartram

Sitting in the grass under some trees, Nabiki watched Kuno frolic. Yes, frolic. His mind had been affected in strange ways; even stranger than she first had thought. There was, of course, the whole mate thing, which she wasn't too pleased about, but there were other things too.

Him frolicing was one of them. He looked like he was having a good time, but that in itself was somewhat frightening. Why? Because he was running around on all fours in his wolf form, just running. He'd dart from here to there, and back again, before pouncing on some unsuspecting bug.

So why did that bother her? He might not be human anymore. And she had to admit, he wasn't exactly the most sentient being before, so he couldn't afford to lose what humanity he had. Yet... If she had been in his position, she might just be doing the same thing.

When was the last time she had a chance to just relax, 'frolic'? It was nigh impossible when there was a reputation of her caliber to maintain. Not since she and her sisters were little girls had she been able to play, and put aside responsibility. And after that, Mother...

That cemented it. Nabiki stood up and brushed herself off, then started across the yard. She had more important things to do than watch Kuno make a fool of himself. As she walked, Kuno raced in front of her, almost hitting her, making her take a step back.

Getting an annoyed look on her face, Nabiki looked over to see him plant his feet and make large furrows in the grass. Then he bounded back toward her. Getting very annoyed, Nabiki slapped Kuno's head as he ran past her.

Kuno's ears flattened and he almost fell face-first to the ground when he was struck. Instead, he stumbled to a stop, and turned to face Nabiki, a hurt look on his face. He let out a small whimper.

"Don't do that!" she yelled at him. "Since when did you become a dog?" She couldn't keep the anger from her voice. Looking at his surprised face, Nabiki frowned and started to walk away. "I don't need a pet, I don't need you."

Kuno watched her go, miffed by her outburst. Maybe she was just tense and needed to relax. He knew a way to do that. Following silently, he got right behind Nabiki and eased his head up under her uniform, sticking his nose right between her legs.

That got him an annoyed shriek and another swat on the head, though it had been worth it. Continuing with his game, he slipped his head under her dress in the front, and received another smack.

"Stop that!" Nabiki yelled, hitting him repeatedly. When that didn't seem to work, she tried to push his head down and away from where he was thrusting his nose. "Damn it! I said stop!"

To Kuno, it sounded like there was just the barest quiver of true unhappiness in her voice, and that was what made him stop. Did he really make her that unhappy? Was he that bad? Or was it even him?

"I hate it when you act like that! Like you're some kind of damn dog! So you're just going to waste your life away, acting like a dog, running around the yard, chasing bugs and sleeping in the sun?" Nabiki's hand clenched into a fist. "Just don't bother me!"

Kuno looked at her, stunned. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. And there was that tremor of unhappiness again. But what she said, running around, chasing bugs, sleeping in the sun... Her voice had been strange at that point. Was she... Nah, couldn't be.

But she was being overly emotional, more than he'd ever seen. He sniffed again, and got the same tangy smell from before. Kuno stuck his nose back up Nabiki's dress.

"God damn it! Would you please just stop!" Nabiki's hand curled into a fist and pounded on him. "Leave me alone!"

So that was it. Kuno was rather pleased with himself that he had discovered the source of Nabiki's erratic behavior, and removed his head from her dress. Looking up at her with the most pleased expression on his face he could manage, he was brought up short by what he saw.

There were tears trickling down Nabiki's face, and she looked like he truly had hurt her. "Just leave me alone," she said, her voice hitching.

Stunned and embarrassed for causing her such distress, Kuno stood up and swept her into his arms. He knew that if he wasn't such a clueless fool, Nabiki wouldn't be crying, asking him to leave her alone. He rubbed his boney, fur-covered cheek against her own and hugged her tight.

Then, with a small amount of satisfaction on his part, Nabiki's arms went around him and held him close. What was it that made him unresistible like this? Whatever it was, he wished he had it before, when he was only human.

But when he was only human... He inhaled deeply again, the tangy scent wafting off of Nabiki making his body act without his control. His hands moved up and down her back, staying strictly on her back for the moment. Nabiki's body hitched a few more times against him as her crying died down, and her hands clutched even more tightly at his fur.

Kuno's large hands began to roam more, moving lower, stroking Nabiki's rear briefly then returning to her back. In the meantime, she had her face buried in his chest, nuzzling him, feeling the caress of his fur on her. She used one hand to pet his back, curling her fingers and clawing lightly through the thick, protective fur.

Kuno shuddered at the pleasing sensation and lay one hand flat on her butt, and squeezed lightly. With his other hand, he reached down and slowly began to lift Nabiki's dress, exposing her leg, brushing her flesh with his soft fingertips.

Nabiki's hand moved lower and worked its way past the waistband of Kuno's pants and gently traced the spot where his tail connected to his body. That brought a pleasing whimper of excitement from him, and a stirring in his crotch, which was pressed against her stomach.

Kuno's hand had finally lifted the dress up far enough so that he could put his hand directly on the fabric of her cotton panties with lace up the sides. Carefully working one claw under the material, he pulled at the panties, trying to get them down as subtley as possible.

Nabiki's hand snaked around from back to front so that it was between the two of them. She grasped his quickly hardening shaft and squeezed it lightly. She was rewarded with another whimper and his whole body trembling. Even as she held it, she could feel it grow, amazed that she could even fit it inside of her.

Without losing track of what he was doing, Kuno whimpered and quivered with pleasure at Nabiki's touch. He had almost ripped the delicate material of her panties when her hand had encircled his excited member. And now she was squeezing it, and pulling on it, stroking him. Shuddering and groaning, he managed to work her panties down without so much as a tear.

Nabiki moved her other hand down and into his pants, and began to fondle his fur-covered testicles while stroking his almost completely erect penis. And she knew it was improper, but there was just something about him, especially when he was a wolf, that she couldn't bring herself to refuse.

She held to two pendulous items in her hand, testing their weight, feeling their size, and rolled them around a little. Her hand wasn't huge or anything, but the two globes barely fit, and even as she was holding them, they were expanding. That was when she began to push his pants down.

Kuno lowered her panties enough so that he get a bare cheek in each hand, his long fingers extending between her legs to tickle her teasingly at her sex. He was pleased to feel that she was already anticipating his... attention. He kneeded the soft flesh of her buttocks and wriggled his fingertips. He snorted softly, his version of a laugh, as Nabiki gasped and her entire body trembled in his arms.

When the sensation passed, when Kuno removed his hands, Nabiki slipped the pants down, his tail slipping out of the well-camouflaged hole especially for it. She left her face in his fur, though. She didn't want to see it, she wanted to experience it. Breathing heavily, her chest heaving, there was one thing she wanted, needed. "Ku... Kuno-chan," she said unsteadily.

He immediately knew what she wanted. He had to comply or he might be overwhelmed by her fragrance. Briefly, he considered just doing it as they were, but it was still more fun when they were both bare, with her exposed breasts pressing into his chest and her skin all sweaty in his hands.

He pushed Nabiki back, then quickly proceeded to remove the rest of her clothing, the dull blue uniform tossed aside in the grass, the shirt flung away into the air. Kuno was a tad more careful with her bra, however, remembering how much that last piece of lingerie had cost. He laid it down in the grass to the side, then turned his full attention back to the completely naked Nabiki.

She made a little desperate moaning sound, one that was quite unlike her, but thrilled him to no end. The fact that she wanted him so much, needed him, as he was... Kuno stopped himself from simply pushing her to the grass, and forced himself to relax and take things slowly. Slowly... He was so worked up, he felt like he could hurdle the house if he had to.

It wasn't the first time they had done the deed in the open yard, but it seemed more... scandalous now that Kodachi knew. And him as a wolf. What would Kodachi think then! But, did he care? He lowered Nabiki to the grass, laying on her back, her knees bent, legs slightly spread. No, he didn't care.

Instead of draping his body over hers right away, there was something he wanted to do. Something he had wanted to do from the first moment he had tasted her skin as a wolf those many nights ago. Slowly, he lowered his body down, supporting himself on his arms on either side of her, and his knees between her legs, and brushed his fur against her bare body.

Nabiki shivered against the sensation, a wave of goosebumps following the touch of the thick, velvety fur. That was the only touch he would allow her, not letting any of his weight rest on her while he commenced his torture. Torture definitely, since she was even more desperate than even the night she had returned from the family's three-day 'vacation'. She moaned as the fur tickled each breast, and she clenched his body between her knees.

Kuno moved one hand farther down, so he could move his entire body down. As he passed, he let the end of his nose touch the heaving underside of one breast and watched her entire body jerk against the cold, wet touch. Then he was moving lower, her scent growing stronger. It was what finally made him realize why dogs always insisted on inserting their noses into people's crotches, especially women's.

Nabiki moved her hands up to grab the fur on the back of Kuno's head as he moved lower, his hands underneath her thighs, on her hips. She was in need of release, and if Kuno didn't get around to it soon, she was going to have to borrow that bokken again.

Breathing lightly through his nose, Kuno finally got a full view of Nabiki's awaiting sex and breathed in deeply. If anyone could have seen, they would have witnessed the red of Kuno's eyes deepen until they were almost blood red. His nostrils flared and he snorted softly.

Nabiki squirmed under the assault of Kuno's breath, the rapid airflow stirring her to higher passion. She opened her eyes and looked up into the cloudless blue sky as the feelings of extreme pleasure raced through her. Kuno's warm hands on her hips and his teasing breath left her anticipating his next move.

Kuno opened his jaws and let his tongue hang out just a touch. He extended it a little, a solitary drop of saliva dropped off the tip and landed in the grass. His hands squeezed her hips, barely controlling his own desires and instincts, and very slowly touched his tongue to the dampness that coated Nabiki's entrance.

Instantly, Nabiki gasped from the almost insignificant touch, and reached down to grasp the fur that she had lost hold of. As she groped for purchase, Kuno licked his chops, thinking how it was exactly as he had imagined it would taste, and repeated the procedure, taking a little more time.

Unable to find a hold on any of Kuno's fur, Nabiki put her hands over his and rode out his oral assault, gritting her teeth and shaking her head. She didn't want to call out, yell his name, beg for him to fill her, but it was getting to be an unavoidable circumstance. Whenever she tried to thrust her hips toward Kuno's teasing tongue, his hands kept her down, keeping her at his mercy

Knowing how badly she wanted to feel his caress, Kuno let his tongue droop and licked her, from the bottom of her slit to her clitoris, drawing a few exclamations from Nabiki. Kuno's body shivered at her reaction, his instincts threatening to take over for him. He inched his face closer, his breath coming in quick blasts to work over the sensitive nerves of her exposed clitoris.

He curled his tongue slightly and applied gentle, yet steady pressure with it to the entrance of her moistened tunnel. That made Nabiki's every breath come out as an impassioned 'ah!' and her knees, that had been squeezing him, suddenly spread apart.

Kuno moved his head forward, increasing the pressure he was applying, and touched his nose to Nabiki's engorged button, sending shockwaves along the bundle of nerves. Amidst the onslaught, the ever increasing pressure of Kuno's tongue was lost until he finally managed to slip it inside of Nabiki's quivering body.

Even with his increased stamina, the crush of Nabiki's grip on his hand was quite painful, and her thrashing threatened to pull herself away from him. Kuno planned on making that a long way for her to go. Wiggling, worming his tongue deeper into her confines, Kuno sampled her tastes as he went, exploring her walls with a near-maddening thoroughness.

Finally, as far as his tongue would extend, Kuno remembered something some of his less well-heeled classmates had discussed one day in PE. It was time to test the theory, but in a way they would never be able to do themselves. He curled his tongue upwards as best he could, pushing against the muscular walls, searching for that spot.

The thrashing had stopped and Nabiki was doing with simple thrusts at Kuno's face, causing her extra pleasure when his teeth pressed against her, and his nose bumped her overly sensitive clitoris. If things continued in this manner, Nabiki was going to scream. But in a good way.


High up in a window, mostly shielded by trees, Kodachi watched, mortified, but excited. How they could do such things... It was just completely outrageous. But she wasn't anybody's mother and wouldn't discourage them from doing it.

She couldn't quite see her brother's head, but whatever he was doing was making Nabiki thrash and squirm about. Kodachi had a pretty good idea what exactly was going on, but... She squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look of the couple when she distinctly heard Nabiki scream.

Not that she could have missed it, even in the basement...


That must have been it. Kuno curled his tongue just *so* and received the same reaction, accompanied by lots of writhing about, and generally pleasing things. In fact, when he touched that spot, he was able to taste a gush of Nabiki's essence the entire length of his tongue.

So he touched it again, and again, and continued to do so until Nabiki was utterly exhausted from the sensations. Kuno thought she had passed out since she stopped reacting to him. Her hands that had been crushing his had gone limp, and she was breathing deeply and evenly. Seems like his little adventure had been a rousing success; that pleased him greatly.

Slowly, withdrawing his tongue, Kuno wasn't done. He wasn't done by a long shot. Yet, there was no real pleasure in taking an unconscious girl. He would just have to wait until she woke back up. That didn't mean he couldn't try and help her.


Whatever her brother had done, Nabiki's reactions left Kodachi shaking with desire. She wanted someone to make her feel like that, and at the moment, it didn't matter if it was Ranma, though he would be the one in her fantasies.

But it seemed that the brazen couple wasn't quite finished. Even as she watched, Kodachi could see her brother trying to stir Nabiki to wakefulness. He wanted one last go at her before calling it a day she guessed. She never would have figured her brother to be such a horny bastard.


Nabiki's eyes fluttered open and she was greeted by Kuno's faintly glowing eyes. And then his tongue was thrust rudely into her mouth with his mouth pressed against hers. Nabiki sputtered and shook her head, trying to get the invader out of her mouth. A dog French kiss was the last thing she wanted. It felt all wrong, too foreign in her mouth.

Kuno pulled his head away, removing his tongue. There were two powerful sets of emotions and instincts working in him, fighting for control, and the wrong one had won at that point. Nabiki didn't want to be licked by a dog, and she didn't want to be kissed by one either. But she was awake, however grouchy, and they could continue.

So Kuno laid down on top of Nabiki, supporting most of his own weight on his elbows and his toes. He'd probably crush her otherwise. Pleasingly enough, that position seemed to stir Nabiki's fires again, and he knew he had been right when he called her insatiable. He moved his hips around, trying to put the key in the lock, but that was the problem with having a really big cock. It just wouldn't slip in; it took work.

Nabiki could feel him trying to work his way in her, and failing miserably. He just didn't have the positioning down. He needed guidance, and she was happy to oblige. Reaching between them, her whole body screaming out for penetration, she grasped his immense erection and placed the head at the entrance to her canal.

Taking a deep breath, swallowing hard, and bracing herself, Nabiki nodded, her hand holding Kuno in place for his initial thrust. She expected him to jab forward with his hips, forcing himself into her all at once, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. It was how he had done it the other times...

Seeing the cringing look on Nabiki's face as she nodded, Kuno knew she was expecting the worse. There had to be some way to make it better, not as painful. So he pushed slowly, but steadily, into her. The grimace on Nabiki's face told him it was still uncomfortable, but she hadn't cried out and her eyes weren't moist with tears at all.

He kept pushing, still amazed that she could take so much into her, until their hips met and his testicles bumped against her butt. Nabiki's hands went to his sides and held on to the fur there as Kuno set himself. It would be utterly humiliating to slip in the middle... Though in the back of his mind, he knew there would be no middle. Neither of them could actually last long enough; five minutes at most.

Nabiki was taking deep breaths, keeping herself calm and relaxed, staving off the thoughts to either get Kuno the hell off her or to fuck his brains out. She couldn't give up her sense of control now, just when she thought she had regained it from those crazy times of involuntary lust.

Even though Kuno's eyes were red, she stared deeply into them, and began to feel somewhat light-headed. She could almost see the passion in them, the restrained power. Nabiki felt like just going limp and letting him devour her, mind, body and soul. If she had been conscious enought to notice, she would have felt that all the pain and discomfort had dissipated.

Kuno saw the dreamy, euphoric look in Nabiki's eyes and gently began to rock his hips, slipping in and out of her little by little. Once he was actually moving in and out, drawing himself out almost completely, then forcing himself back in, and Nabiki still had the spacey look on her face, Kuno started to move faster.

And faster still, getting more violent, slamming into Nabiki, panting heavily. She still had the strange look on her face, but she was also crying out, her hold on him tighter, and she wrapped her legs around his thin waist. Very soon, the look on Nabiki's face was replaced with pure ecstasy, her eyes closed, her cheeks reddened, sweat on her forehead and chest.

Kuno started grunting, moving as fast as he could make himself in his current position. His body wasn't exactly designed for it, especially when his partner was so small compared to him. He could feel his orgasm waiting to go, but his control was incredible, and he held it off, waiting for the perfect moment.


Kodachi could see them doing it now. Her brother dwarfed Nabiki like that. It was hard to tell there was even a person underneath him. But it didn't matter because Kodachi could see his body moving, rocking, thrusting, the muscles straining... Or was that just her imagination.

Did the temperature in her room suddenly go up? She seemed to be having lots of trouble with the heating today. Kodachi fanned herself as she watched the mixed couple in the yard below her grind together.


So maybe his control wasn't as good as he thought it was. Every time it seemed Nabiki was going to climax, she somehow pulled back and resumed the rhythm. And there, she was doing it again! And he had thought himself to be the monster... He wouldn't be able to hold on much longer, but then, maybe that was her plan.

Kuno began growling, a minor threat, more of a bruise to his masculinity than anything, but he wouldn't be the first to go. Instead of going faster, he slowed down, switching from speed to power. He wasn't sure if he was hurting her, slamming into her like he was, but she didn't seem to mind either. In fact, it seemed like Nabiki liked it more that way.

He did too, in a way. It was more primal, more animalistic, more savage. Now, if only Nabiki had a thick, glossy coat, a lean, sleek body that was always ready, always waiting for him no matter time or place...

Kuno looked at Nabiki, with her eyes open barely a crack. For the briefest moment, he saw his own eyes mirrored there, the heat, the desire, the raw instinct, and then it happened. Whether it was anything he had done somehow, or just pure coincidence, he never knew.

Nabiki's eyes rolled back and her entire body went into spasms, her mouth open just a little, pleasured even beyond the ability to express her joy with sound. Her arms and legs were another matter completely.

Her legs, still around him, suddenly clamped down until it felt like a vice around his waist, crushing him. Kuno felt her hands pull steadily, threatening to take his fur with them, a little bit of skin too. His growling increased in volume as the pain started to get to him, but also as he let his control go and he experienced the onrushing orgasm.


Kodachi got goosebumps as she heard her brother howl, seeing his body shudder, his tail pointed straight back. It was rather obvious what had just happened, and Kodachi found herself... envious. To be sure, she didn't want her brother, but to be... possessed? Exposed? To have her soul bared to someone and have someone trust her with theirs, like Nabiki and her brother did... Why was it not possible for her?

With a frown, and a head swirling with questions, Kodachi left the window and went back to experiment.


Nabiki laid in the grass, her body relaxed, limp, as Kuno withdrew, fertilizing the grass with their combined efforts. For a few minutes, Nabiki simply laid still, finding no energy in her body to move herself with, and Kuno stretched out next to her.

"One of these days, you're really going to piss me off," Nabiki said when she finally recovered speech ability.

Kuno gave a tired little whimper and rested his head on her shoulder, his member happily returning to to its flacid state. It had gotten the workout it wanted, so was contented with relaxing for a while. As he rolled to his back and Nabiki began stroking his stomach, Kuno groaned, wishing he knew what time it was, and how much time he had until he had to go.

Updated 11-18-97