A Change in Him: Chapter 20
Author: Null Factor
This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things. If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER! If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER! All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story. Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
Chapter 20
At the Same Time Ranma Saotome was Spraying Kodachi Kunos Face with Cum
Knock, knock, knock.
Nabiki looked up from her spreadsheet program at the knocking on her bedroom door. Come in, she invited as she closed her laptop so whoever was at her door wouldnt be able to see what she was working on. She swiveled her desk chair around to face the opening door, wincing slightly as that movement pulled at certain sore muscles in her shapely body. That Ranma! She thought somewhat smugly, although one couldnt see any such emotion on her face. What an animal that boy can be! Not that Im complaining. Too much. Oh, hi, Kasumi. Whats up?
Hello, Nabiki, Nabikis eyebrow went up as her sister locked the door shut behind her. I just wanted to have a private word with you.
All right, Nabiki agreed eyeing the older girl cautiously as she sat down on Nabikis bed. I wonder what shes up to. She didnt have long to wait.
Nabiki, Kasumi asked, her black eye focusing on her sisters dark brown ones. How long have you and Ranma been having sex together?
Right for the jugular, huh sis? Nabiki paused not one second before she replied, I could be asking you the same question, Kasumi.
Nabikis direct response forced a slight blush to form on her cheeks, but Kasumi didnt back down. Nodding her head in silent recognition of the validity of her younger sisters point she went on, Im curious as to your intentions for Ranma.
My intentions? Im not quite sure what you mean by that, sister dear.
Well, how would you feel about him marrying someone? Akane, for example? She is his fiancée, after all.
As soon as the words left Kasumis mouth, Nabiki felt a burning surge of anger and resentment sweep through her body. That little bitch doesnt deserve him! Not after...! The schoolgirl quickly stifled those extraneous, unbusinesslike feelings. She could have sworn that nothing showed on her face or through her reactions, but Kasumi once again nodded as if she had seen right through her.
I see. I thought that might be the case. Reaching into a pocket on the apron she was wearing to protect her dress from stains as she prepared dinner, Kasumi produced a piece of notebook paper and handed it over to her sister.
Nabiki looked down at it, quickly noting that it was the Internet address for some kind of government website. She looked back up at her older sister and asked coolly, And...What exactly am I supposed to do with this?
Interestingly, at that seemingly simple question Kasumi began blushing much deeper than when Nabiki had noted her own sexual relationship with their youngest sisters fiancé. Well, you see...The thing is...I was...Well...
Come on, Kasumi. Just spit it out.
Kasumi took a deep breath and clutched her hands together in her lap before finally replying, Its just that I happened to run across this site, purely by accident, of course! I mean, its not that I was looking for it, or anything...Its just...
Nabiki sighed as Kasumi began dithering once again before snapping her fingers to stop her. All right. Fine. You didnt mean to find it, but you did. I assume you want me to look at it and...Then what?
Well, thats just the thing, Nabiki, Kasumi said earnestly. I think it can be helpful, but Im not so sure. I just thought you might be able to figure something out. Youre ever so much cleverer when it comes to these kinds of things than me.
OK, OK. Ill check it out and let you know what I think, all right?
Yes, that would be fine Im sure, Kasumi got to her feet, moved over to the door, unlocked it and left. Thank you, Nabiki. And dont forget dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes or so.
OK, Nabiki said as the door swung shut, turning to open up her computer once again. Looking at the website printed on the paper she was holding she opened up her Internet browser. I wonder what there is about this site thats got Kasumi so flustered? And what does it have to do with our...relationship with Ranma? And what does she think I can do? As soon as she was connected she typed in the address and began exploring its contents. What she found was so interesting that she was still deeply immersed in it when Kasumi called her down to dinner. Kasumis right, she thought as she made her way to the living room. There are definitely some possibilities there. And Im just the person to make sure we take advantage of those possibilities to the fullest extent possible.
The Next Day, Friday, 3:30 PM
Im home! Ranma yelled as he entered the Tendo house after another day of school. Kicking off his shoes he was just stepping onto the wood floor of the inside of the house when he saw Kasumi walking out of the kitchen with a tray filled with supplies for making tea as well as some snacks. Hey, Kasumi. Whats up?
Welcome back, Ranma. Did you have a good day at school?
Oh, you know. The usual. How about you? Whyre you serving tea so early?
Oh, a guest just stopped by; an attractive red-haired woman.
Ranma had been nodding his head in acknowledgement not really paying much attention as he made his way toward the stairs, planning to put away his school things, but those last words of Kasumis made him stop, his muscles suddenly very tense. A red-haired woman, you say? Did she say who she was?
The eldest Tendo daughter paused, surprised at the nervousness evident in the younger teens voice. Well, no, not that I heard anyway. Father has been talking with her while Ive been making tea, though, so Im sure he knows. Whatever is the matter, Ranma dear?
The teenaged martial arts expert paused indecisively for a few moments then, frowning, turned away from the stairs and back in the direction of Kasumi. Maybe nothin, Kasumi. But I gotta make sure. With that vague statement Ranma edged past her and swiftly made his way down the hallway toward the Tendo living room. He soon could make out voices from the room, two were clearly male and he quickly identified them as the Tendo daughters father and his own useless pop. The other voice was low and husky, but eminently feminine and from the way Ranma felt his hackles rise he was pretty sure he knew the source of that one as well.
The conversation stopped as soon as Ranma appeared in the entrance way and the teenager soon saw his guesses were correct. The heads of the Tendo and Saotome families had clearly just broken off their conversation with the third, newer person in the house. As Kasumi had briefly described her, she had red hair as fiery as Ranmas own when he was in his female form, but hers was much longer. Cut in a fashionable style it fell away from her beautiful face in thick, silky waves down to her slender waist, a thinness that was highlighted by the womans rather massive bosom. She was clad in a black business skirt suit with dark grey pinstripes that accentuated her tremendous, womanly form. With such a gorgeous vision before them it was no wonder Soun and Genma had been practically panting on every word she had said and every breath she had taken.
Well, Ranma-kun. Its been a while, hasnt it? The woman asked in her low, sexy voice her plump, bright red lips quirking into a smile. And after you left so abruptly, too. That was most...inconsiderate of you, Ranma-kun
Ranma frowned at this, but before he could respond, Kasumi entered and knelt down to serve tea to everyone, starting with their guest. As soon as everyone had taken their first sip, however, Ranma growled out rudely, Whaddya want, Silk? I passed all your little tests. Jumped through all your hoops. I even beat that friggin...well, you know.
Genma, Soun and Kasumi were quite surprised by Ranmas abruptness as well as what he was saying; their feelings clearly showing on their faces. One of the stunning womans, Silks, thin eyebrows, meanwhile, arched sharply at Ranmas tone of voice, but she seemed more amused than upset. Yes, indeed you did. You really are quite an impressive specimen, Ranma-kun. I never expected you to do it so quickly.
Yeah, well, Ranma smiled smugly, always pleased to get praise, even if indirect, for his accomplishments. I am the best, you know. Anyway, whyd you follow me all the way to Japan?
You know why Im here, Ranma-kun. Silks voice was as smooth as her name, but underneath that polished exterior there was now a very clear hint of steel.
Ranma, however, wasnt put off by that subtle threat and quickly responded, his voice even angrier than before, No, I dont know! I did what I said Id do and Ill fulfill the rest of the deal just like I promised.
Ranma, just what is going on here?! Ranmas father bellowed. What kind of deal are you talking about?!!
Yes, Ranma, Soun seconded quickly. I think you owe all of us an explanation. Just as the head of the Tendo household said this Akane and Nabiki stepped into the scene, immediately stopping at the tense atmosphere they had suddenly encountered. Seeing his youngest daughter, Soun jumped to his feet and moved behind her, his hands on her shoulders as he pushed Akane forward saying; This had better not involve any more fiancées! Because, Im sorry Mrs. Silk, but Ranma is already promised to my daughter, Akane! They will wed and unite the two schools of Anything Goes Martial Arts and that is that!
Dad! Get off me! Akane shook off her fathers clutching grasp, simultaneously protesting his comments. I want nothing to do with that stupid pervert, Ranma!!
But Akane...! Soun whined.
While the normal, tired argument ran along its usual, well-worn tracks between Akane and her father, Ranma simply scowled and Silk looked among the various people with a slight degree of confusion. Finally she interrupted the two Tendos; Fiancées? Marriage? Im not sure what youre talking about. Besides, are you sure shes the...? Here Silks bright green eyes slid from Akane to glance at Nabiki and Kasumi who were sitting beside her at the table, sipping their tea.
Yes! Yes, I am very sure its Akane who is Ranmas fiancée, Mrs. Silk! Soun strongly asserted.
Its Ms. not Mrs., Silk corrected absently, a knowing smile on her lips as her intelligent eyes moved from the other Tendo daughters to Ranma. Her discerning looks had caused slight flushes to appear on the faces of the three teenagers, but luckily no one else in the room noticed as their attention was completely focused on the red-haired woman as she continued speaking. Well, at any rate our agreement with Ranma has nothing to do with marriage...exactly. She returned her sharp gaze to Ranma, We trust that youll fulfill your end of the bargain when it is...appropriate. What Im here for is what you took with you when you left. We want it back. Now.
Ranmas face flushed even redder at this, but in anger now, not embarrassment. That was given to me when I beat that damn...well, you know. And I paid for it, Here the teenager clutched at his shirt in front of his chest, causing his father and the Tendos to remember the severe scar they had all seen there at various times after he had returned from China. I paid for it in blood. Im keepin it.
Silk nodded solemnly at this comment, causing one lock of her bright red hair to fall in front of her right eye. Since you defeated the...guardian, you do indeed have a right to it, Ranma-kun. But my people need it too, and were willing to fight for it. I challenge you to a duel for the...item, in question. If we win, you will turn it over to us.
And if I win, youll leave me alone.
Agreed, Silk smoothly got to her feet, exposing the full 6 foot frame of her sexy body. Im sorry for troubling your family, She said with a bow towards Soun. Then she added to Ranma, Well be here at ten tonight, Ranma-kun.
Ill be waiting, Ranma replied firmly. Silk nodded her acknowledgement and was gone, her high heels clacking on the wooden hallway as she made her way to the Tendo houses front door.
Oh, my! Kasumis breathless comment finally broke the silence that had descended on the living room with the exit of Silk. As if that were a signal for everyone, Genma, Soun and Akane all began yelling questions at the silent Ranma. While their demands for answers rose in volume Kasumi poured more tea for everyone, Nabiki thoughtfully pondered the angles of this new situation and Ranma said nothing. Eventually, though, he had had enough.
Everyone fell quiet when he slapped his hand onto the table, causing the various cups and silverware on it to rattle noisily in reaction. Look, Ranma said in a firm voice. I didnt say nuthin about Silk and what exactly happened in China cause I made a promise. And unlike some people, Here his fierce blue eyes swung over to his father, causing a series of sweat drops to appear on the older mans forehead. I keep my promises. And thats also why I cant say nuthin now, all right? Ill beat em tonight and thatll be the end of it. Ranma got to his feet, obviously getting ready to leave.
His progress was halted, however, when Genma desperately latched onto his legs. While his son looked down at him in surprise, the older man pleaded, But son! If shes the one who helped you to control your curse, maybe she can help me, too!! Dont make her angry!!
Ranma shook off his father in annoyance, Look, Pop. I kinda doubt she can help you with the panda. Like I said before, controlling the transformation comes from knowin both sides of your forms. And Silk doesnt know anything more about pandas then I do.
You ungrateful pup! Genma snarled; jumping to his feet as he abruptly abandoned his whining tone for a more demanding one. He grabbed the front of Ranmas red shirt and roughly pulled his son toward him. After all Ive done for you!! Havent I always shared my martial arts knowledge with you, Ranma?!
You mean like the Neko-ken? The fantastic idea of goin to China to train at Jusenkyo even though you couldnt speak any Chinese? You mean those things you shared with me?
Gah! Now...boy! Calm down, boy! Genma abruptly released his son and began backing away, his anger having changed to fear.
No, pop. Dont go away. I just want to show you how...grateful I am for all youve taught and shared with me. Get back here, you useless old man!!
Genma tore out of the room, immediately followed by his enraged son. As the sounds of their combat and the screams of pain that accompanied them filtered in from outside, the Tendos shook their heads in exasperation at the antics of their freeloading guests. Then, as she set her tea cup back onto the table, Kasumi asked, By the way, father. What kind of refreshments do you think I should make for tonights guests?
Uh, its a martial arts challenge, Kasumi, Soun replied, a bit nonplussed, to his eldest daughter. Im not sure refreshments would really be appropriate.
Well, if you say so. But I still think all that jumping around is going to make them thirsty and hungry. Maybe Ill just prepare some small finger foods. You know, just in case. Kasumi resumed drinking her tea, seemingly unaware of the strange looks the rest of her family was giving her.