A Change in Him: Chapter 17
Author: Null Factor
This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things. If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER! If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER! All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story. Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
Chapter 17
The Next Morning
Man, this is getting really complicated! Ranma thought to himself as he vaulted over the wall surrounding the Tendo house as the morning sunlight broke through the clouds overhead. He had spent the night in Ukyou’s arms and when he woke up it was with her desperately sucking at his cock, demanding yet another round from him. It was of course a request his body was more than willing to grant, but intellectually he had to admit he was a bit worried about how needy she had seemed. It’s like she’s gettin’ addicted or something, he thought as he stepped onto the veranda and opened the door to the living room.
“Geh!” Ranma stopped dead, one foot raised over the edge of the threshold as he felt the frigid, deathly chill emanating from the room. He hadn’t really expected anyone to be awake this early in the morning, maybe Kasumi if anyone, but he certainly hadn’t thought he’d have to face the cold, menacing stares of the entire Tendo family with his deadbeat father thrown into the bargain. “Uh, G’mornin’.”
“Don’t ‘Good morning’ us, boy,” Genma Saotome growled angrily. “Just where have you been all weekend?! You haven’t slept in your bed at all; you’ve barely been here even for meals!”
“You’d better not have been with that Shampoo girl,” Soun added, his voice giving indications of incipient Demon-head mode. “I won’t stand for it, Ranma!!”
“H, Hey! No way!!” Ranma denied desperately. “I ain’t been anywhere near that crazy Amazon!” Please, for the love of Heaven don’t ask about Ukyou! Don’t ask about Ukyou! Don’t ask about Ukyou!
“Well then, where have you been!” Genma glared in his usual egotistical, self-centered way, truly only worried about the danger Ranma’s behavior might have on his planned future comfort and security. “Have you been...?”
“He’s been with me.” Everyone’s attention turned to focus on the tiny, withered martial arts master who had just entered the tension-filled Tendo living room. Genma and Soun quickly cringed in the face of their evil master, but Happosai merely dismissed them with a disdainful glance. “I’ve been teaching Ranma some advanced techniques,” he continued. “Techniques you two losers were never good enough to even touch.”
“Yes, Master! Sorry, Master! We’re not worthy, Master!!” Soun and Genma collapsed face-first onto the ground, anxious to dispel any anger from their dangerous sensei.
“W, well, now you know where I’ve been,” Ranma laughed weakly, but couldn’t keep from glancing uncertainly at Happosai, wondering why the old man was bailing him out. It was a look that Nabiki immediately picked up on, her eyes narrowing in speculation.
“Since that’s settled, why don’t you all have some tea while I finish breakfast,” Kasumi said, her sweet tone a startling contrast to the hard gaze she had fixed on Ranma along with everyone else when he had first entered the living room.
“OK,” Ranma quickly agreed, puffing out a breath in relief at his narrow escape from further questioning. “I’m just gonna take a bath.”
“Don’t forget you still have school,” his father yelled from behind him as he left the room. “Training doesn’t give you the right to skip classes, after all.”
“Quite right, Saotome,” Soun agreed self-righteously.
“And I’m not waiting for you,” Akane added peevishly.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Ranma quickly made his escape from the uncomfortable situation. Just more and more complicated, he lamented.
That Afternoon
Ranma twiddled the pencil in his fingers idly as he ignored the boring lecture by his teacher. Glancing out of the corner of his eyes he could see the seat where Ukyou sat, or normally sat that is. Today she hadn’t showed up and to be honest Ranma was feeling a little worried about it. Of course, she probably was just tired after the previous night’s...activities, but she could... I’d better check on her after school, he decided.
Less Than Two Hours Later
Ucchan’s closed temporarily. We’ll be open tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Ranma read the sign hanging on front of the okonomiyaki restaurant out loud and frowned. Maybe she’s sick or somethin’? The martial artist decided against ringing the doorbell, not wanting to force Ukyou to come down from her room if she was feeling unwell. Instead he moved around the side of the building and walked down the narrow alley that separated it from the next building. Looking around and not noticing anyone, Ranma then easily leapt up to the second storey window, gripping the frame tightly to keep himself suspended above the ground. Once there he rapped on the shuttered windows and called out softly, “Ukyou? You OK? It’s me, Ranma.” Almost immediately he heard the sound of someone moving around in the room on the other side of the closed window.
“Oh, Ran-chan!” Ukyou flung open the window, almost knocking her fiancé off the frame in her eagerness to see him. “Come in! Come in!”
Ranma did just that, gracefully swinging himself in so he landed softly on her tatami flooring, managing simultaneously to remove his slipper-shoes so he wouldn’t commit the severe rudeness by Japanese standards of wearing his shoes in someone’s house. He flung the footwear so that they landed neatly on the landing of the stairway outside of Ukyou’s bedroom before fully facing her. She had clearly been resting in bed given the rumpled state of her futon, hair, and clothing. In fact, what she was wearing would have been enough to indicate she had been sleeping or just lazing around the house as all it consisted of was an oversized man’s shirt with rolled-up sleeves; she wasn’t even wearing her usual white ribbon in her hair to keep it back, out of her eyes. “S, so, Ucchan,” Ranma said shakily, trying to keep himself from lecherously staring at his fiancée’s bare limbs and sexily casual state of undress. “I just wanted to make sure you’re OK. You know, since you didn’t come to school or nothin’.”
“Ran-chan!!” Ukyou squealed, obviously thrilled to hear of Ranma’s concern for her, she leaped forward to hug him tightly. “It’s so nice to know you’re thinking of me!”
“Uh, yeah, yeah,” Ranma squirmed a little uncomfortably until the half-naked teenager released him. Not that it wasn’t nice to have her hug him, but... “So is everything OK?”
“Oh, yes, Ran-chan,” Ukyou’s blue eyes looked directly into Ranma’s own, once again making him slightly uncomfortable as she spoke. “It’s just that I was so tired and...sore after...Well, you know. I just felt like I needed to get some extra rest today. How about you, Ran-chan? Are you feeling...all right?”
Ranma flinched slightly as Ukyou’s hand gave a feathery light touch to his groin, causing his cock, already stirring due to her attractively mussed state to begin swell even further. “Uh, yeah. Fine. No problems.” And actually, that was strangely true. He had been exhausted after working on the Chrysalis Technique and chasing down Happosai with very little food or rest all weekend. But his intense sessions of sex with Ukyou with only a small amount of sleep between them, instead of making him even more tired, had actually left him somehow energized and livelier. That really is strange, Ranma mused, fully realizing this incongruity for the first time. Maybe I’d better check out the books about this. They might have something...
“Ran-chan? Are you OK?”
Ranma blinked himself back to reality as Ukyou’s concerned voice broke into his thoughts. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just had a sudden thought is all,” the black-haired teen smiled as he spoke, unwittingly causing Ukyou’s insides to melt with desire.
“I’m glad you’re feeling all right, Ran-chan. I just can’t believe it after all the...hard work you were doing last night and this morning.” The martial arts cook’s voice seemed to drop an octave as she once again sidled up closer to her love. Her bare hip slipped free from the large shirt she was wearing to brush up against the bulge in Ranma’s pants and she smile wickedly at his stifled groan in response to her actions. Idly rubbing her fingers in circles on the front of his dark green shirt she increased the amount of body contact between them while she spoke, “You really are a man among men, just like your mother always says.”
“Uh, Ucchan...If you keep doing that...”
“If I keep doing this, what, Ran-chan?” Ukyou smiled as she let her left hand wander down to deliberately grope his growing dick, forcing another moan from her fiancé. “Will you get hard for me? Will you want to put this big hunk of flesh into me again like you did so many times last night and this morning? Will you need to fuck me?!”
“Ucchan!” Ranma’s voice was strangled with both desire and surprise at Ukyou’s boldness as her hand continued its jerking of his penis through his pants even as she continued her teasing talk.
“But what are we gonna do, Ran-chan? I’m still sooo sore from what you did to me before, you big beast! How can I let you stick this monster in me again?! It’ll kill me!”
“Ucchan!!!” The martial artist was becoming increasingly desperate as the okonomiyaki chef continued to torment him with both her hands and her words. He was now fully erect and pre-cum was beginning to seep out of the tip of his cock to stain his boxers.
“But Ran-chan! I don’t know what we can do, with you so hard and all.” The cook paused in mock thought for a few seconds. “Oh! I know!” After saying that she dropped to her knees and quickly began working his pants free and down his hips. Ignoring Ranma’s startled cry, Ukyou quickly swallowed the head of his dick as soon as it popped into view.
“Oooh, UUcchhaaaaan!!” Any startlement or disagreement with his fiancée’s actions quickly faded from Ranma’s voice and he was quickly groaning his approval as she eagerly sucked him off. His hands had soon found their place in the loose strands of her thick, brown hair massaging her scalp and her ki flows at the same time. Ukyou mostly kept her eyes closed as she focused on her task of giving the martial artist the best possible blow job she could, but occasionally they opened to watch Ranma’s reaction to her technique. When she did so, those blue orbs showed her own dreamy contentment with what she was doing as well as the large slab of flesh in her mouth. Ranma’s body slumped up against the inside of the window frame as he enjoyed to the fullest the feeling of Ukyou’s busy mouth, lips and tongue.
Geez, Ranma! Can’t you keep it in your pants?! Nabiki thought acidly even as she carefully focused the digital video camera in her hands to make sure it caught every second of the action. This isn’t the best angle in the world, but I don’t think there’ll be any doubt about what’s going on here.
Nabiki, of course had informers all throughout the school, so when she had heard that Ukyou wasn’t in school today and that Ranma had left as soon as classes finished she had put it together with his absence over most of the weekend and the strange, startled look he had given Happosai in the morning when the little pervert had saved his ‘heir.’ Looking at all that evidence had convinced the schoolgirl to make a little trip to Ucchan’s Okonomiyaki after school and she had arrived just in time to catch Ranma swinging into the second floor window. After that it was easy enough to get onto the roof of the neighboring building and get out her camera, which she had taken to keeping close to her at all times for just such situations. Unfortunately the building she was on was four stories tall so she had a rather tight angle into Ukyou’s bedroom, but since the other two teenagers were doing their...business right in front of the window, it was good enough.
Damn! Look at her work that thing, Nabiki thought in startlement as she zoomed in on the action some. She looks like this is the most important thing in her life! A strange series of thoughts suddenly popped through her mind, startling her a bit, I wonder if Kasumi blows him, too? I wonder if they swallow his cum? I wonder what it tastes like? HUH?! Where the fuck did that come from?! Nabiki shook her head free of such nonsense and refocused her attention back on her work. So far she hadn’t been able to catch Kasumi and Ranma in the act, but this was nearly as good. She regarded her own tape with Ranma as kind of a final option, like a nuclear bomb. A tape of Ranma with one of his other fiancées, however, was more in the nature of conventional warfare: more flexible and controllable.
“Oooooh, Ucchaaaaann!” A low moan from Ranma drifted up to Nabiki’s ears making her smile. The teenager watched through her viewfinder as Ukyou stopped her sucking action for a few moments to use her tongue over every millimeter of Ranma’s cock before moving down to lick and suck on the martial artist’s balls. As she sucked the cook rubbed the hard flesh of her lover’s penis over cheeks and face, evidently reveling in it and her control of it.
Is it really that good?! Nabiki abruptly became uncomfortably aware that she too was becoming aroused from watching the sexual display below her. From the way Ukyou’s free hand was moving below her Nabiki was pretty sure the other girl was playing with herself while she gave Ranma an extremely extensive blowjob. Let’s see...Nabiki zoomed in closer, hoping to catch some clear, visible evidence about what Ukyou was doing. Nope, too much contrast from the sunlight outside, the mercenary schoolgirl thought in regret as she gave up on catching the younger teen rubbing her cunt as she sucked cock. Well, I think everyone will know what she’s doing anyway.
Nabiki zoomed out in order to catch the whole scene again, refocusing in time to get Ukyou stopping her ball-worshiping action and returning her oral attentions to her fiancé’s penis, particularly its head. Jerking the thick stalk of his cock, well-lubricated with her own saliva, she simultaneously used the tip of her tongue to dip into the opening at the front of Ranma’s cock. Repeating this several times she then inhaled the whole head in her mouth once again, resuming a strong suction action that hollowed out her cheeks. Nabiki hear Ranma groaning in reaction to these various techniques, then noticed his hands tightening their grip in Ukyou’s loose, brown hair. Here comes the money shot! The older teenager carefully focused her camera, getting ready for what was coming. Literally.
“UUUAAaahhh!!” Ranma’s short, grunting bellow made his release clear to anyone who might be in earshot, luckily for him that was only one of his fiancées and another fiancée’s sister. Unknown to him, of course, that sister was now taking some crystal clear digital video of him blowing a load into and onto the face of Ukyou. And ‘blowing a load’ was a fairly accurate description of what was happening. Despite the recent upswing in his sexual activities, the teenaged martial arts expert seemed to always have a copious reservoir of semen ready and this was no exception.
The okonomiyaki chef managed to swallow the first few gouts of his climax, but as her own orgasm swept through her body, she was unable to keep up with the continuing spurts. Dribbles of sperm first spilled out, past her lips to drip off her chin and onto her shirt. Then she was forced to pull the pulsing dick from her full mouth simultaneously trying to swallow the load already deposited there while she gasped for air and moaned at her own ripping climax. Ukyou felt like she was going to pass out, but she wasn’t sure if this was due to lack of oxygen or the feeling of her orgasm combined with the sensation of ropes of Ranma’s cum splashing onto her face.
Kami! Nabiki watched in awe as her sister’s fiancé and her own lover coated another girl’s face with spurt after spurt of semen. “Uuuhhnn!” She moaned in surprise as she experienced a small, unexpected orgasm of her own, the camera work abruptly getting shaky as she trembled in response to the climax, one of her hands dropping down to clutch at her groin and suddenly soaking panties through her school skirt. She was able to get past those feelings fairly quickly, however, and she picked up some nice, clear shots of Ukyou’s response to her facial. Sh...Sh...She...Sh e...She’s loving it!! Nabiki thought in some shock as she saw the happy, contented smile appear on the younger teenager’s face and watched as she licked up all of the cum that she could. I can’t believe this!! For some reason the look of glorious pleasure on Ukyou’s face as she wiped up the sperm soaking her face was deeply disturbing to Nabiki. She just couldn’t get it out of her head.
Nabiki watched, somewhat dazed by both the physical and mental sensations whirling through her, as Ukyou and Ranma exchanged words with one another, but they were talking low enough and were far enough away that she couldn’t make out what they were saying. The smile on the schoolgirl’s face made it clear that it wasn’t anything unpleasant, though. Ranma soon helped the cook up to her feet, however, and the pair moved away from the window. Nabiki frowned, trying to think of a way of seeing what was happening when the martial artist suddenly reappeared. She was ready to pull back and hide, when Ranma closed the window, hiding the interior from view. In no time at all, Nabiki could make out muffled cries coming from within the other building, cries she knew were similar to the ones she herself had uttered under the force of Ranma’s oral ministrations.
That little slut’s getting some right now! Nabiki thought, a surge of anger overwhelming her. That bastard Ranma’s eating her out and soon he’s going to be fucking her! What’s wrong with him!? Why does he need that stupid cunt when he’s got...! Again Nabiki pulled her thoughts away from a place she didn’t want them to go. Stay focused, Nabiki, she chastised herself. I got the blackmail material I wanted. Who cares if he’s doing some other girl, or the whole student body for that matter?! Not me! “AAAUUUUHHHHHNN!!” The mercenary girl cursed as another of Ukyou’s cries of pleasure suddenly echoed out. Not me...Right?