A Change in Him: Chapter 15

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Chapter 15

The Next Day, Sunday, Dawn

This is really getting old! Ranma thought angrily as well as tiredly. The sun was just rising on a cloudy, chilly day and he had spent another fruitless night searching for Happosai. The Old Lech probably spent the whole night warm and toasty in bed somewhere while I froze my ass off looking for him! I got less than twenty four hours to find the freak two more times!! The teenager stopped and sat down on a convenient rooftop in order to consider his options.

The sixteen year old was now able to utilize the Chrysalis Technique steadily for long periods of time and, in fact, had spent the last six or seven hours in its strange world, leaping from rooftop to rooftop throughout Nerima in search of Happosai. But he had had no luck. Now, it was time to think strategically, which admittedly wasn’t one of Ranma’s strong points. Brow furrowed the young martial artist thought about all of the places he had already searched as well as all the possible places his target might be. He’s not at home, not at the school, not at any of his usual liquor or lingerie shops. Ranma mused. I took a couple of runs down the local red light district, but he wasn’t there, so where...? A sudden gust of wind caused Ranma to shudder, Damn! It’s really starting to cool off, but I guess it is the beginning of November. Still, it feels like this is gonna be a colder winter than usual.

Ranma stopped; his mind peaked by that last point. Cold...Cold...Now what would that make the old pervert think of? Warm blankets? Hot tea? Coffee? Nah! Ranma shook his head in angry denial. The freak would be thinkin’s of...of... hot springs and baths! Of course!! The sixteen year old leapt to his feet, fists clenched in a sudden burst of energy and determination. The old skirt flipper’ll be checkin’ out all the baths or hot springs where he thinks he can peep on some girls! That’s where I’ll find him!! His decision made, Ranma was off, anxious to track down his master and win the book he had seen a few days before.

Two and a Half Hours Later

This is one of the last places he might be, Ranma thought desperately as he approached the campus of a small, local college prep school. He’s gotta be here! The martial artist had spent the last couple of hours searching all the various school and community baths, health club changing rooms, and any other similar place he could think of. Now he was getting near the end of the locations he could think of where the old perv could do some peeping. As soon as he bounced off the roof of the school administration building, soaring through the air to land behind the dormitories, he knew he had hit the jackpot. There’s the freak!

Hanging onto a windowsill situated two thirds of the way up the wall and using it as a prop for his peeping was the most perverted master in all of Japan. And given the amount of steam billowing out from the cracked open window, Ranma knew he had been correct in his guess about Happosai’s plans. Shaking his head in disgust with the diminutive martial arts master’s character and behavior, Ranma sprang up easily to land next to Happosai. As his master turned in surprise, Ranma gave him a cocky grin and asked, “So, having a good morning, ‘Master’?”

“Oh! Ranma!” Happosai regarded the teenager with surprise. “Well, I guess you found me for the second time. Good job! And yes, I am having a good morning, thank you for asking. These brisk fall mornings really help to get the blood moving, don’t you think? I feel so energetic!!”

“I don’t think it’s the weather or the season giving you the energy, ‘Master’.”

“Oh? What do you think it is, Ranma?”

“IT’S YOUR PERVERETED PEEPING, YOU OLD FREAK!!!” Ranma’s yell was accompanied by a thunderous kick that sent Happosai screaming off through the campus, bouncing and rebounding off various buildings, cars, trees, etc. along the way. “Smelly goat,” the teenager muttered as he watched the ancient martial artist disappear into the distance; caroming around like a pinball caught between bumpers.

“What was that?!” The cry of female alarm from the room on the other side of the window made Ranma freeze in shock. If I get caught out here...I’m a dead man!!

“Do you think it’s a peeping tom!?”

“Maybe. It could be that old man who’s always coming around!”

“Eeeeeiiiiiiiiiaaaaaahhhhhh!!!” The combined squeals of feminine disgust made clear their feelings about Happosai.

“I’ll check it out.”

“Be careful, Sayako!”

The voices behind Ranma were getting closer and closer, but he couldn’t manage to get his fear-frozen legs and body to move. Then he heard a slight grunting sound and he could just imagine a girl pulling herself up to look out the window. He closed his eyes and winced, waiting for the inevitable explosion. Here it comes...

“Sayako! Do you see anything?”

“Nah, must’ve been someone on the ground. Anyway, there’s no one around that I can see.”

“Oh, what a relief!”

You can say that again! Ranma thought as he collapsed onto the windowsill, barely keeping himself from falling onto the ground as the unexpected release from the disastrous end he had thought was coming caused all of the energy to drain from his limbs. But why didn’t they...? Ranma looked around then barely stifled a chuckle. Oh yeah! I’m still using the Chrysalis Technique, so of course they couldn’t see me! Question answered, the teenager regained his feet and turned, preparing to leap up to the top of the dormitory. When he turned around, however, his eyes happened to glance into the steam-filled room on the other side of the window and...

“Grrrllllkk!!” Ranma’s eyes bugged out of his head and he choked on his own tongue as the billowing steam wafted away enough to reveal the people in the bath below him. The female people. The naked female people. The gloriously, wonderfully, totally and completely naked female people. A dopey look came over Ranma as he stared long and hard at the various young women who were currently bathing below him. There were women with long hair, women with short hair, women with curly, straight, and wavy hair. Women whose busts were on par with Kasumi’s and Shampoo’s, others who had smaller, mere handfuls. Their bare, smooth, supple limbs slick with water, they giggled and romped, relaxed and chatted in the bath; a paradise of teenaged houris all on display for the enthralled martial artist.

That little punk! Happosai snarled as he rubbed a glowing welt on his cheek and tried to work out a kink in his neck caused by him slamming at a particularly bad angle into a steel-reinforced retaining wall. When he accepts his rightful place as my pupil, groveling at my feet, he’s going to pay for his disrespect to me! Then he grinned a lust-filled smile, But for now, back to the important things...Women!! He’ll never expect me to come back to the same place so...

The perverted martial arts master was soon nearing his earlier peeping point when he suddenly came to a screeching halt. Ranma!? What the hell is that dolt still doing here?! He looked closer and a smile came over his lips. So...! He’s even closer to becoming my devoted disciple than I thought! But for now I’d better get out of here before he notices me. Wouldn’t want to make it too easy for the loser after all. Besides, swimming practice will be starting at that all-girls high school down the road. With that Happosai was off, unnoticed by Ranma who continued to stare bemusedly into the girls’ bath a string of drool hanging from the corner of his mouth and sporting a very large and clear boner.

That Night

Damn it!! Less than four hours till midnight and no sign of that old goat anywhere! Ranma dashed through the Nerima night, his head on a swivel as he looked everywhere for Happosai. He had completely skipped breakfast, lunch and dinner, only taking a few seconds to grab a couple of snacks throughout the day in his need to find his supposed master, but had had no luck so far. So he was starving, tired from getting almost no sleep over the previous two nights, and it felt like it was going to be another cold night. All in all, Ranma was not happy. Where is that old freak!??!

“Eeeeek!!” Ranma’s head snapped around at the sound of a woman’s shriek and he immediately sped over in the direction he had heard it come from. Leaping from a five story building he landed gracefully on the ground and raced around the corner to see two housewives talking together, one of whom kept looking wildly around her while a few passersby watched them curiously.

“What is it, Kyoko? Why did you scream?”

The other housewife continued to peer about as she responded, “I swear I just felt someone pat my...my rear!”

The other woman blinked in surprise, then joined her friend in looking around the area. “But I don’t see anyone who could’ve done it.”

“I know! But I’m telling you, somebody just groped me!”

The old lech! While the two women continued their conversation, Ranma ran by them looking for any further sign of Happosai. As he ran down the street a sign caught his eye; ALL YOU CAN EAT & DRINK SPECIAL!!! DON’T MISS IT!!! Eyes narrowed, Ranma slipped in the pub sporting the advertisement and began making his way through the crowded central area. In this type of situation the invisibility granted by the Chrysalis Technique was something of a disadvantage as he had to keep dodging around waiters, waitresses, and customers who couldn’t see him, but he kept it up as he didn’t want to miss his ‘master’ if he was here.

“Bwahahahahahahaha!!” Ranma sped up his pace as he heard a distinctive laughter coming from one of the back rooms. “More sake! Another bottle of sake!!” That’s gotta be him!

Arriving at the seating area in the rear, which was set with a raised tatami floor unlike the more western-style wooden floor of the central area, Ranma slipped off his Chinese-style outdoor slippers and waited for a waiter to appear. When he did, his serving tray full of sake flasks, Ranma slid in behind the server when he parted the curtain separating the smaller dining area from the noisy, crowded main room. And there he was, larger than life: Happosai, sitting on a large pile of pillows so he could get to the level of the table. Ranma glared angrily as he sat down across from the pervert who was already red-faced as he guzzled yet another serving of sake while almost simultaneously shoveling in hot, delicious-looking food into his mouth.

And here I ain’t had hardly nothin’ to eat all day while this lech...! Ranma thought as the waiter left. At that moment the teenager’s stomach suddenly let off a deep, rumbling growl at the sight and smell of the platters of food Happosai was busily stuffing his face with. The embarrassing sound caused Happosai to pause in his gorging of himself and his eyes rolled over to regard the seemingly empty space across from him. It wasn’t empty for long, however, as Ranma abruptly dropped the Chrysalis Technique and popped into view.

“So, kinda a let down for an ending, huh ‘master’?” Ranma asked, his face red with a combination of chagrin at his stomach revealing his presence and anger at how hungry he was.

Happosai finished his current flask of sake and wiped off the excess trickling down his chin with his sleeve before responding. “Ah, Ranma! So you found me for a third time. Good for you!”

Ranma scowled, “You weren’t even using the Chrysalis Technique this time!”

“Don’t worry! Don’t worry! Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!” The evil master downed yet another bottle. “You take things too seriously, Ranma! You need to relax.”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now are you gonna give me that book or not?”

“Book? Book.” Happosai scratched at his bald head with his pipe as he apparently thought over what Ranma was talking about. “Book. I’m not sure what you mean, Ranma.”

“Now come on, you dirty old man!” Ranma surged to his feet, his fists clenched in anger. “You said if I found you three times over the weekend, you’d give me that dumb book. Now hand it over!!”

“Oh, yes, that’s right, isn’t it?”

“You’re damn right, that’s right!”

“Well here you go then, Ranma. Enjoy it and good luck to you, my boy!” Happosai reached inside his gi to produce the battered-looking text he had shown Ranma a few days earlier. Even as he began to extend it toward the teenager, Ranma snatched it out of his hand and quickly opened it, eager to get a look at its contents. Happosai chuckled at his pupil’s fanatic interest in the book and downed another flask of sake. “Ah, Ranma! How much you remind me of myself when I was a little younger! Let me tell you a little story of when I was about your age. This was before I was kicked out of Japa...I mean, before I decided to take a training journey to China. I was in the far north of Japan on the run from the poli...Um, exploring new regions and refining my skills as a martial artist when...”

Ranma let Happosai’s voice wash over him, ignoring it as he focused his attention totally on the pages before him. From what he could make out from a cursory examination, it looked like this book had started as a Japanese translation of the large Chinese tome he had been studying so much of late. But there were definitely a number of differences; that much he could tell already. I gotta compare this to that Chinese book, Ranma thought getting to his feet, his head still in the book.

“...and that’s why they worship a stone figure that looks remarkably like me in the Shrine of the Terrible Mountain God in that town. Ah, those were the days, Ranma! Ranma? Ranma?!” Happosai looked around wildly for his absent pupil and sighed. “Well, students aren’t what they used to be. Aaaaaaah!” He gulped down yet more sake. “Now that’s the good stuff!!”