A Change in Him: Chapter 10
Author: Null Factor
This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things. If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER! If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER! All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story. Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
Chapter 10
The Same Day, 3:50 pm
Hmm...Ranma-sama should be coming this way anytime now, Kodachi thought as she looked along the stretch of street below her. Due to the efforts of her spies along with her own near-constant observations of Ranma she knew his general patterns of behavior to a T. There were always times when he didnt follow his usual schedule, of course, but Kodachi felt better knowing as much as possible about her beloveds whereabouts.
Ah! There he is! But wait...Who is that little tramp hanging all over Lord Ranma?! How dare she even touch him?!! Kodachis keen grey eyes stared daggers at the girl she could see walking down the street arm in arm with Ranma. Suddenly she got a clear look at the schoolgirls face when she threw her head back in laughter at something Ranma said. Why its that ridiculous Spatula Girl! What in the name of Buddha is going on around here?! She usually looks more like a boy than a girl, but now shes suddenly flouncing around like some kind of cosplay girl. Shes even changed her hairstyle, the trollop!!
The Black Rose was about to leap down and let Ukyou know to her face exactly how she felt when she was pre-empted. You get hands off my husband, Ukyou!! Jumping down to land directly in front of Ranma and Ukyou was Shampoo, a fierce scowl on her face at the sight that had similarly angered Kodachi.
Hmph!! Kodachi snorted at this new appearance. Even that Chinese harridan is sporting a new look! Shes wearing even less than usual, the slut! And Kodachis observation was true, if a bit biased. The Chinese Amazon was wearing a dark blue, sleeveless Chinese dress that was even shorter than her usual one, shorter even than Ukyous skimpy school skirt. It was also incredibly tight, slits on the sides being necessary to allow for any movement and even thought they werent all that long the dress was so brief that they allowed people to see the sides of her underwear. In addition the high-collared, constricting dress had a large diamond cut-out over her bosom, exposing her impressive cleavage to all and sundry.
While Kodachi had been checking out the new looks of her opposition, Ukyou had immediately gone on the offensive. Ran-chan isnt your husband and never will be, Shampoo!
Say you! Shampoo stamped forward, fists clenched in rage.
Yeah, says me!! Ukyou thrust Ranma behind her, shielding him from the approaching Amazon.
You no touch Airen, Ukyou! And with that shout the fight was on. Fists, feet, body, butts, and tits were soon flying everywhere as the two sexily clad teenagers battled it out. Ranma was, as usual, caught in the middle and had to move quickly to avoid catching any of the blows his two fiancées were exchanging. One positive point of his situation, however, was that he was afforded an excellent viewpoint of the erotic martial arts display.
Kodachi, meanwhile, simply stood and watched the action, a pensive look on her face. Such inaction was out of character for the normally passionate Black Rose, but she was deeply considering the surprising circumstances before her. The Spatula Girl and the Amazon Witch are both suddenly dressing like harlots. For the Chinese wench thats not so big of a change, but for Ukyou...? What could have caused this? Kodachi bit into her plump bottom lip as her grey eyes stayed focused on the fight. I have to admit, though. Ranma-sama does seem...affected by their vulgar displays. Kodachi noticed the way Ranmas eyes wandered all over the bodies of the two girls fighting over and around him, despite the danger to his own health if he became distracted. She could also see the most obvious sign of his interest: the large bulge the crotch of his pants was sporting.
No! It cant be! Kodachis legs suddenly became weak, causing her to drop to her knees on the rooftop she had been observing the fight from. Can this mean that Ranma-sama loves those two...those two...NO!! I refuse to believe it!! She abruptly regained her strength and surged to her feet, a fierce light shining in her steely eyes. Those two hussies are simply tempting Lord Ranma away from his rightful resting place in the flower bed of the Black Rose! Ranma-sama is an inestimable man, but even the greatest can sometimes be sidetracked from the path of pure and righteous love by the squalid pleasures of the flesh. How dare those lowly minxes use such base tactics in an attempt to pull Ranma-sama away from my chaste and virtuous embrace?! They know they have no chance against my obvious superiority so they stoop to such cheap and ignoble schemes!! But the Heavens will punish them for their impertinence; interfering in the affairs of their betters! Those who try to break up the destined love between Lord Ranma and myself will feel the sharp thorns of the Black Rose!!
Dont worry, Ranma-sama! Kodachi shouted her gymnastics ribbon appearing in her hand with a graceful flick of her wrist. Your ever-lovely Black Rose will save you from the disgusting grasps of those desperate jades and from your own weaknesses!! The schoolgirl prepared to leap into the fray and then blinked her eyes in surprise. Evidently while she had been caught up in her rousing thoughts the fight had been resolved in some manner because now there was nothing on the street except some rubble from a few broken walls and bicycles that had gotten mixed up in the brawl. Looking around wildly, Kodachi was unable to find any evidence of the presence of her intended or of her two competitors.
So, for today you are able to escape the responsibility for your unforgivable actions, Kodachi declaimed loudly to the empty streets around her. But you will not always be so lucky! The ways of the Heavens are not always swift, but they are inescapable!! Then in a softer tone she continued, Ranma-sama! Do not worry about your stumble upon the path of our love. It only makes our inevitable union the sweeter! Your Black Rose will exert herself to the utmost to help you resist the foul temptations of those two strumpets and they will hear us laugh in loving triumph when we overcome their pitiful, slatternly traps and join as one! Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! With that Kodachi suited actions to words and disappeared in a swirling tornado of black rose petals, her chilling laughter seeming to linger behind her.
Wednesday, Furnikan High School, Lunchtime
Ranma wrote down a few sentences in the open notebook in his lap and then returned his attention to the large, leather-bound text he had been studying so much of late. He preferred to study the book directly as he was doing now, but its size made it impossible to take out in a classroom so when he was in a public place he usually used the photocopies he had made of various pages. The young martial arts expert had noticed, however, that the photocopies were never perfect; sometimes not reproducing the handwritten notes which different readers had added, at other times changing different characters or diagrams. He figured it had something to do with some mystical Chinese spell on the tome, but the copied sheets, even with their errors, were better than nothing so he still used them when he was unable to peruse the original text directly.
This was one of the times, however, when he was in a private enough space to feel comfortable about pulling out the valuable book. Currently he was sitting in one of the storage sheds used by the Furinkan groundskeepers. Almost no one ever used them and Ranma had been able to pass a peaceful, profitable time during his lunch period on Tuesday. Thus, the young martial artist couldnt see any reason why today wouldnt be the same. It was a logical argument, but mistaken for all that.
Ni hao, Airen! Shampoos cheerful voice jolted Ranmas attention away from his book. Clad in the same scandalously short dark blue Chinese-style dress she had been wearing on Monday, the Chinese Amazon had jumped up to the sole, small window in the shed. With a swift, graceful move she popped though the window, giving her fiancé a quick panty shot at the same time. Touching down on the ground she smiled happily at Ranma. Dutiful wife bring too, too delicious lunch, Ranma!
The heir to the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, meanwhile, had just discovered one drawback in his current hideout: lack of escape routes. By coming in through the window, Shampoo had managed to place herself in a position where she blocked off both it and the door. Of course, I could always break through one of the walls...Ranma considered as he desperately scrambled backward.
Aiyah, Ranma! What you reading? Shampoo set down the delivery basket she was carrying, crouched down and reached out to...
Uh, nothing! Nothing at all! Ranma desperately dove forward and snatched the Chinese tome out from under Shampoos hands. Anxious to change the topic he blurted out, Did you say something about lunch?
Ooo, Ranma! You eat Shampoos home-cooked lunch?! Eeeii, Shampoo so happy!!
Yeah, yeah. Im starving so lets eat already! Eating her food is a small price to pay to make sure she doesnt see this book, Ranma thought as he hurriedly stuffed it in his bag. I suffered through too much to just... Anyway, she is a good cook and I didnt have enough time to get much from the school store this afternoon.
A few moments later the two teenagers were closely involved in their lunch, Ranma fighting off Shampoos enthusiastic attempts to hand feed him. A sudden thought struck him while he ate the Amazons delicious food. Hey, Shampoo. Give me your arm for a second.
Shampoo arm, Ranma?
Yeah, just let me see it, will ya? As Shampoo doubtfully presented her arm Ranma thought back to the pages he had been looking at earlier. One of the most difficult things about trying to learn from the book was the difficulty on testing out the various techniques. A lot of the various pressure points needed manipulation by two hands or were in awkward locations so they were nearly impossible to do to yourself. What he really needed was someone to use them on and since he was already eating her lunch, he figured he might as well try them out on Shampoo.
Pursing his lips thoughtfully he pressed a few places on her slender yet well-muscled arm. He observed the effect, and then tried a few more. Every once in a while the black-haired teenager would pause to stuff his face and check out how the ki channels were affected before diving back into his hands-on practice. Shampoo, meanwhile, watched wide-eyed as Ranma, who normally ran at the merest hint of her presence, intimately caressed, rubbed and prodded her smooth skin. And the feeling was so...!!
So thats what that note meant! Ranma peered intently at Shampoos aura as he pulsed it using a concentrated flow of his own ki. So if I just do this, then it should...Yeah! Thats it! Of course! Now...Ranma suddenly noticed how his test subject was reacting to his actions.
Aiyah, Ranma!! Ranma hands make Shampoo feel...Make Shampoo feel...Make Shampoo...Ooooooo!! Shampoo cooed and snuggled even closer to her fiancé.
Whoops! Ranma abruptly realized just how close the buxom Amazon was too him and how incredibly aroused she was. I think I need to work on my Chinese more! I didnt think it would...He desperately searched for a way out of the situation. Uh, look, Shampoo. I-MMmmppphhh!! Ranma stopped talking as Shampoo suddenly locked lips with him.
Ranma tried to push his stacked Chinese fiancée off of him, but he was unable to between his unwillingness to hurt her and the weakness his own desires for physical contact gave him. It wasnt long until he had ceased his struggles and was kissing her back just as fiercely as she was him. Their lips pushed together roughly and their tongues plunged urgently into one anothers mouths while their hands roamed freely over their companions body. Shampoo could still feel the effects of Ranmas manipulation of her arm reverberating throughout her body and it only increased her desire to return that pleasurable feeling to Ranma.
Anxious to do that the Amazon tried to force her fiancé onto his back, but Ranma, ever competitive and unwilling to take a subordinate position, smoothly twisted them so that it was Shampoo on the bottom. The blue-haired teen only moaned happily as she felt her lover take charge, however, her upbringing conditioning her to see this as further proof of his high qualities and her correctness in selecting him as her future husband. Those points were all working in her subconscious, much as the flows of her ki energies Ranma was modifying for a second time as he groped her wonderful body. The one thing that dominated her mind at this point was pleasure. The pleasure she was receiving from Ranma and the pleasure she needed to give him.
The writhing of the two teenagers bodies as they kissed and fondled each other soon had Shampoos brief Chinese dress rucked up over her smooth hips so that Ranmas grinding hips were directly rubbing his crotch over her sopping underwear. The stain of her juices on those silk panties was difficult to make out due to their dark purple color, but the tracks of them on her smooth, velvety thighs were easy to make out.
Ranma!! Airen!! Ranma!! Shampoo neeeeedd yyyoooouuuu!!! Shampoo moaned as a series of orgasms began trembling through her body. She clutched at the back of his red silk shirt, nearly tearing the fabric in her grip as she came and came again. She was just starting to come down from the feelings that were causing her body to shake uncontrollably when she felt the panting breath of her fiancé directly on her shaking bosom. Ranmas training-calloused hands tore open the diamond-shaped gap over her chest with one, quick jerk, allowing her large tits to spill into view. In a flash his mouth was on those spherical wonders and his tongue, lips, and teeth soon had her experiencing another rolling series of climaxes as her body and ki flows once again conditioned her to respond to Ranmas touch.
Even though the effects of these orgasms were nearly mind-blowing in their intensity, Shampoo was still somehow aware of Ranmas own need. His hips jammed repeatedly into her crotch only a few millimeters separating them from what they both desired and needed. Ranma...Shampoo reached down with quivering hands to loosen the knot holding up his silk pants and even through her moans of orgasm, she groaned in even deeper desire at the feel of his large, burning erection in her grasp. Her eager hands immediately began stoking her beloveds dick, the Chinese Amazon reveling in the feel of her fiancés most intimate part.
The feeling of her soft hands on him had Ranma on the brink of explosion in no time. He picked his head up off her saliva covered tits, eyes tightly clenched as he moaned; Gonna, gonna, c, c, cum!!! But Shampoo didnt pause in her strokes; in fact she only increased her pace, tugging harder as she gazed with fascination down the length of her body past her large, heaving breasts and at his member in her hands. Wanting to see it even closer she used her Amazon strength and her hold of this most sensitive of points on his body to force her fiancé to shuffle up her body until his dick was hovering right in front of her. Here, here it...!! AAAAauuuuuhhgghhhhhh!!!! Ranma groaned with pleasure as his dick finally released its heavy load...directly into the face of Shampoo.
Oooohhhh!! Rrrraaaaaannnn-MMMMPPPHHHH!!!!! Shampoo sighed as the first spurt of Ranmas semen blasted directly into her face, splashing over her forehead and sprinkling her blue hair with specks of cum. But her cries of enjoyment were muffled when the lust-crazed martial artist wrapped his strong hands in that hair and jammed his cock directly between her plump lips and continued firing his jism directly down her throat and into her mouth.
Objectively, Shampoo realized that this was a pretty degradingg position. One she was pretty sure no true Amazon should accept and something that her Great Grandmother wouldnt be too happy about if she ever learned about it. But any sense of shame or embarrassment was swept away by yet another tearing orgasm that the feel of Ranmas semen on her face and in her mouth as well as the tight grip of his fingers on her skull forced from her body for some reason. For several minutes the two teenagers stayed locked together; Ranma moaning as stream after stream of his cum blasted out of his engorged penis, accentuated with involuntary movements of his hips; Shampoo thrashing beneath him as a seemingly unending chain of climaxes turned her mind to putty while her mouth overflowed with her fiancés thick jism.
YOU DAMN KIDS!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I GOTTA TELL YOU THAT...!!!! Huh?!? Jun Kawate paused in the midst of his triumphant entrance, the water hose still firing its stream of cold water into the storage shed. I was sure I heard a couple of those idiot kids fucking around in here! He thought as he glanced around the interior of the shed. Students from the school were always trying to sneak into the various isolated buildings scattered around the grounds of the campus for romantic meetings and one of the middle-aged Juns favorite activities was catching those little punks in the act with a nice blast of cold water before he dragged them off to the principals office for discipline. The only thing to meet his gaze this time, however, was what looked like a Chinese dress and slippers, an open delivery box, some empty plates and one extremely pissed off looking cat with strange light purple fur.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEIIEIIEIEIEIIEIIEEEEEE!!!!! The groundskeepers shriek of agony echoed throughout Furinkan high school as he was introduced to Shampoos very, very sharp claws.