A Change in Him: Chapter 9

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Chapter 9

Monday Morning, 8 am, Furinkan High School

It was fifteen minutes before the official start of homeroom and miracle of miracles, Ranma was already in his. On top of this shocking development, the normally tardy teen wasn’t screwing around, talking with his friends. Instead he was frowning in concentration at a sheet of paper on the desk in front of him.

Anyone looking over his shoulder would probably suspect that it came from some kind of medical book for on it were several obscure diagrams of parts of the human body. In fact, it was actually a copy of one of the pages from the large Chinese book Ranma had been looking at just before his first sexual encounter with Kasumi. The book itself was too large for him to be able to continue going through it in class, any teacher would be able to spot it a mile away. So Ranma had taken to copying a few pages from it and using those sheets in instead. Thus, while all the rest of his classmates were learning math, science, English or whatever, he was teaching himself secret, advanced ki techniques. Ironically, he was also teaching himself Chinese at the same time, but that wasn’t the main goal of his studies.

Ranma was frowning over one particular Chinese character that seemed to be important for explaining a certain energy flow in the hand when he heard a growing disturbance coming down the hallway towards the classroom. Looking up in annoyance he was just in time to see the door fly open and a brown-haired girl enter surrounded by a large group of shouting, jostling guys.

A further look at the girl made it perfectly clear why all those schoolboys were eager to get her attention; she was a complete hottie. Her brown hair was split into a pair of pigtails with white ribbons on either side of her head and she had a very, very nice body that was put on public display by the clothes she was wearing. Normally the school uniform mandated by Furinkan High School for its female students was fairly sedate: a long light green dress over a white blouse with a matching green jacket. Of course, most students took some liberties with this: shortening the dress somewhat, using slightly different designs, etc. A few students ignored the rules completely, for example Ukyou wearing a boy’s uniform, Ranma in his Chinese-style garb and Kuno often wearing his Kendo uniform. The teenager who had just entered the room easily fell into this second category.

Instead of a dress she was wearing a pleated skirt, although it was the required color. Well...perhaps miniskirt would have been a better term than skirt as it barely extended a third of the way down her creamy thighs. The pleats allowed the skirt to flare out slightly and any wind would definitely threaten the girl with public disclosure of her choice in underwear. She had also chosen not to wear the white bobby socks most female students wore. Rather the beautiful girl was clad in solid white stockings that ended a few inches below her brief skirt. Finally, in lieu of the long-sleeved white blouse most girls were wearing in autumn, she had chosen a white, short-sleeved sailor-style shirt with a green neckerchief of the same hue as her skirt. Because her perky breasts kept her shirt from staying tucked in at the bottom, the girl’s trim waist and flat stomach were often teasingly revealed as she walked through the class, ignoring the repeated pleading cries for her name, phone number, address, measurements, a date and other personal information. Also disregarded were the dagger-filled looks of jealousy shot her way by the other girls in the classroom at all the attention this newcomer was getting.

Whoa, what a complete babe! Ranma thought appraisingly. Hey, wait a sec. She’s coming towards me. As the good-looking young woman came closer, a glint from within her book bag caught his eye. Looking closer at what was causing it, Ranma suddenly smiled. “Hey, g’mornin’ Ukyou! What’s up with the new look?”

“UKYOU!?!?” Everyone in the classroom stared in shock at the briefly clad schoolgirl. Could this really be the same Ukyou who normally wore guy’s clothes?!

“Ran-chan! How did you know it was me?” Ukyou’s blue eyes looked over her shoulders as if to reassure herself that something was there or, in this case, not there. “I don’t have my spatula with me this time,” referring to the last time she had worn a dress and Ranma had recognized her due to her gigantic spatula strapped to her back.

Ranma smiled and pointed toward the bag she was carrying in her right hand, “Yeah, but that’s not the only spatula you’ve got, Ucchan.”

Looking at where her fiancé was pointing the okonomiyaki chef saw that her collection of normal-sized spatulas that she often used as shuriken in combat were just visible. “Oh,” disappointment was fairly clear in Ukyou’s voice as she spoke. “I wanted to surprise you.” Her voice suddenly brightened as she continued, “Well anyway, what do you think?” She spun around in order to show off her new look, causing her skirt to twirl up and briefly revealing a pair of snow-white cotton panties. Her sailor shirt also flipped upward showing her firm, smooth stomach. All of the schoolboys in the classroom had been watching with angry expressions when the new babe was revealed to be one of Ranma’s many lovely fiancées. Now with Ukyou’s sexy twirl they all lost their jealousy and instead wore stunned expressions, drool escaping from the corner of their mouths.

It worked! Ukyou thought gleefully seeing a similar stupefied look on Ranma’s face. That research I did over the weekend really paid off! Her visage clouded briefly as she remembered how she had conducted her investigation. She had gone to the far side of Tokyo where no one knew her and found a bookshop that specialized in erotic materials. It had been incredibly embarrassing for her to go in there, being the only girl in the shop and feeling like everyone’s eyes were all over her. She had quickly picked out a selection of manga, magazines and so on which she figured would help her identify what kinds of things men were interested in. Paying for it had been even more unbearable for the okonomiyaki cook due to the clerk’s lecherous expression as he rang up her pornographic purchases. A smug, pleased expression came across her face, however, when she remembered how she had smacked the pervert into next week with her enormous spatula when he had asked her to...Well, never mind that, Ukyou thought, dismissing the incident from her mind.

Looking through the various books and so forth had shown her that the image of a schoolgirl, especially one that was somewhat...well, teasingly dressed, seemed to be an especially popular one. Thus, she had come up with her current outfit. And it’s working to perfection! She thought happily even as she asked, “Well, Ranma? What’s wrong? Why don’t you answer me?”

“Oh, uh, well...” Ranma’s tongue stumbled and stammered as he tried to get his brain working again. “You look good,” he finally managed to choke out. “It’s just that...You know; it’s such a big change for you. It’s kinda surprising, is all. Why did you decide to wear this getup?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just felt like a fashion change.” Ukyou set down her book bag, turning slightly and bending over straight-legged to do so, making sure to give her fiancé a peek at her panty-covered ass. Coming back up, she smiled as Ranma’s face showed the effectiveness of her tactics. Just a little bit more. Ukyou hopped up onto Ranma’s desk, startling the young martial artist.

“W, what are you doing Ukyou?”

“I just needed to adjust my stockings,” she replied coquettishly. Ukyou ostentatiously brought up her slender legs and began tugging on their tops slightly. That action of course displayed their full, lovely lengths to Ranma’s stunned gaze as well as causing her short skirt to fall back even further revealing the bare skin of her legs up to her hips and hinting at even more. “They’re so much trouble. You don’t mind, do you Ran-chan?” Ranma merely shook his head back and forth dumbly, his blue eyes fixed on the charms of his fiancée who was practically sitting in his lap.

“Just what do you two think you’re doing?!” Akane came stomping over, shoving her way through the crowd of her classmates who were watching the scene. “Everybody’s watching if you hadn’t noticed!”

In the past, Ranma would have begun making panicked excuses at the first word she had spoken. Now, however, Akane’s outburst was completely ignored as Ranma’s attention remained completely focused on Ukyou’s sexy display before him. Ukyou too noticed Ranma’s differing reaction and her blue eyes looked up into Akane’s brown ones as a self-satisfied smile crossed her lips. Akane began to get very red in the face at that taunting smirk in addition to Ukyou’s continued flaunting of her body. Before her rage could explode, however, they were interrupted.

“Good morning, class!! Let’s all get ready for another day of school and do our best, Okay!?” Ms. Hinako Ninomiya came bouncing into the room, luckily currently in her child form and thus oblivious to the sexually-charged drama taking place in her homeroom. “Everybody,” Ms. Hinako jumped onto the stool she used to see over her desk when she was in her child form while she tried to bring her class to order. “Take your seats, all right?”

Reluctantly the students broke away and slowly moved toward their seats. Ukyou managed to flash her panties at Ranma again when she regained her bag and flipped her hair at Akane while she walked past with a smile on her lips. Akane’s face went beyond crimson at this and she turned to confront Ranma. She quickly fell into a pale confused expression, however, when she saw that her fiancé’s attention was totally focused on Ukyou and that he wasn’t even aware of her presence. What in the world is going on here?! Akane thought as she made her way back to her own seat. It’s like I’m in the Twilight Zone or something!

The Same Day, Lunchtime

Ranma frowned, his blue eyes squinting as he tried to make out the strokes on a Chinese character near the edge of the paper in his left hand while he simultaneously stuffed an entire pork bun into his mouth with his right. Next time I’m definitely going to have to use a darker setting on the photocopier, he thought. Of course, whoever wrote this didn’t exactly have the best handwriting. Given Ranma’s own poor writing skills that was really saying something.

Ranma was currently sitting at the highest point in Furinkan High School: on top of the structure that supported the school flagpole as well as giving access to the school roof. It had never been a particularly popular place for the students to hang out during lunchtime as most of them preferred to either stay on the much larger expanse of the school roof itself or to leave the school and go out to the campus around the school. When Gosunkugi had managed to get himself fried by a lighting strike there it had only reinforced the place’s unpopularity. Thus, Ranma had recently been going there as one of the few places he could eat his lunch in relative peace and privacy while also checking out the various pages from the Chinese book that he had copied and brought with him to school.

“Ranma honey!! Here you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Ranma’s head popped up at the sound of Ukyou’s voice and saw her just finishing her jump onto the top of the structure. The landing of the jump of course forced her skirt to flip up, once again showing her panties off to him, but the teenager didn’t seem to care as she quickly made her way to Ranma’s side, a bento box clasped securely in her arms. “I brought you your lunch!”

“L, lunch?” Ranma choked out, forcing the last part of the pork bun he had engulfed down a throat that had suddenly become dry at Ukyou’s abrupt appearance with her sexy schoolgirl look going full blast. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, Ran-chan,” Ukyou stopped directly in front of the seated Ranma, standing close enough so that his wandering eyes could once again peek underneath her short skirt. “You silly! Don’t you remember our deal? I told you that if you helped me train, you could have free food from my shop all week. You practiced with me last Saturday, now it’s my turn to fulfill my part of the bargain.”

“Yeah, but I already ate.”

“Really? But aren’t you still hungry?” Ukyou opened the box she was holding and the delicious aroma of freshly cooked okonomiyaki wafted out. “Not even a little bit?” Bending over she teasingly brought the still warm food closer to her fiancé. The growling sound of Ranma’s seemingly ever-empty stomach was all the answer Ukyou needed. “Ran-chan!” She squealed leaping into Ranma’s lap

“W, what are you doing, Ukyou?” The startled Ranma uncomfortably tried to push his giggling fiancée off him.

“Well, you seemed hungry so I thought I’d feed you, Ranma honey. Say ‘Ah’!” Pushing forward a pair of chopsticks carrying some of the okonomiyaki she swiftly silenced any of his protests by stuffing his mouth full of the tasty food. “Good, huh?” Without waiting for a reply she quickly jammed more okonomiyaki in his face.

And so it went for the next several minutes as Ukyou hand fed the embarrassed Ranma. They were about halfway through the meal when Ranma realized that the presence of the revealingly clad okonomiyaki chef in his lap along with her constant teasing peeks at her panties and other coquettish actions throughout the day had resulted in him sporting a major hard-on. Ranma tried to subtly shift it to a less obvious position, but that only worsened the problem as that caused Ukyou’s rear to rub against the smooth silk of his dark blue pants. In addition, Ranma wasn’t the only one aware of his aroused condition.

Ukyou suddenly stopped feeding Ranma and began squirming her firm rear around on top of Ranma’s lap, forcing a groan of arousal from him. “I’m sorry Ranma,” she said coyly. “But it’s just that there’s something big and hard jabbing into me and I’m having trouble finding a comfortable position. I wonder what it could be. Do you know, Ran-chan?” Ranma’s face turned a brilliant shade of crimson at this comment, but said nothing. Ukyou increased the pace of her rubbing gyrations even as she said, “Don’t know? Well, I guess I’ll have to find out for myself.”

When he felt Ukyou’s hand moving into his pants, Ranma was able to snap out of his bemused arousal and tried to put a stop to what was happening. “Now hold on, Ucchan,” he said, a bit feebly it must be admitted.

“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do, Ran-chan,” Ukyou breathed, quickly leaning forward and kissing him before he could pull her hand away. The pressure of her lips on his swiftly seemed to drain away any resistance on his part and the two teenagers were soon fiercely kissing one another. In addition, Ukyou’s hand took advantage of Ranma’s lack of resistance to dart into his pants and began stroking his full erectness. Ranma merely moaned his arousal into her mouth at that while his own hands got busy on her body. His left one drifted under brief skirt and began fondling her barely-covered ass, while the right one moved up under Ukyou’s shirt to caress her bosom through her bra.

“Ah, Ranma!” Ukyou sighed, breaking their necking so their blue eyes could lock on one another’s. A sudden squeeze of her butt made her groan and tighten her grip on his rampant cock. “Your hands! They feel soooo ggoooooooodd!!”

“You too, Ucchan!” Ranma admitted, swept up in the moment. “I can’t believe how hot you look!”

“Ran-chan!” At this rare compliment Ukyou smiled happily before leaning down and resuming their lust-filled kissing. Their hands were very busy stroking and arousing each other while the sounds of their wet smooches filled the air.

During a brief moment of lucidity a thought crossed Ranma’s mind; Maybe I should try out that ki flow I was looking at earlier. I think I know how to do it. Doing his best to gather together his scattered thoughts Ranma focused on the actions of his left hand. He had gotten a lot of practice with the various pressure points around the chest area but this was the first time for him to try the ones affecting the bum. Doing his best to imagine the situation as a kind of martial combat, an area where he refused to lose, Ranma let his fingers do the talking on Ukyou’s sensitive rear end.

The effects of his efforts were pretty clear almost immediately: Ukyou groaned deeply and her hands tightened almost painfully on his dick. Ranma ignored the discomfort, however, when he felt a growing dampness through his pants. It was evident that Ukyou had become so aroused that her already moist cunt was now overflowing with her juices. The hard nubs of her nipples that Ranma’s right hand was rubbing through her bra were fairly clear testimony of her overwhelming desire as well. He decided to reconfirm it, however, by briefly moving his left hand downward to caress the outside of her sopping slit.

“Mmmnnnhhhh!!” The muffled cry in his mouth as well as the shuddering of Ukyou’s body all made her orgasm obvious to Ranma. His hands didn’t stop or even slow down, though, and neither did his fiancée’s. In fact, when yet another climax tore through her body she began varying the pace and style of her touch to try and excite Ranma as much as he had done for her. When Ukyou had come a third time under the influence of Ranma’s hands, mouth, and tongue on her body, she got what she was looking for.

“Ucchan!” Ranma suddenly gasped, breaking their lip-lock. “I’m gonna cum soon!”

“Good, Ran-chan!” Ukyou panted. “You’ve made me feel so good! Now it’s your turn! Cum for me!!”

“But our clothes,” Ranma protested as he tried to hold back the flood of semen he felt churning up from his testicles. “If I do it now they’re gonna get all messy!”

Even in her aroused, blitzed-out state Ukyou realized that Ranma had a good point. Feeling another orgasm building in her own body and desperate to have her fiancé explode under the influence of her own hands she tried desperately to come up with a solution. Then she realized that it was right in front of them both.

“Here, Ranma honey!” Ukyou yanked down Ranma’s pants enough so that his cock popped into view, poking up between her stocking-clad legs and just a few inches from her drenched cunt. She moved the box that still held the half-finished Okonomiyaki she had cooked forward on her lap. “Cum in this!”

“Uuuuunnnghhhh!!” Ranma’s hands clenched tightly on her rear and breasts as his dick began firing off its load. Ukyou felt another orgasm shuddering through her own body as a result of this, but she was still careful to keep his penis pointed into the box so as little of the semen would stain them as possible.

It’s so big! Ukyou thrilled as she saw her fiancé’s prick for the first time and felt it pulse mightily in her hands as spurt after spurt of his jism coursed out of it and into the box on her lap. She eventually had to close her blue eyes as her own climax built into the most shattering one she had ever felt in her life. Her own cum made a huge wet spot on Ranma’s pants, luckily at least somewhat concealed by their dark blue color. This last drenching of her panties from her own cum made them almost completely transparent to anyone who might happen to see them. Their mutual orgasms eventually subsided and Ukyou slumped forward into Ranma’s chest, her eyes closed and on the verge of exhausted sleep while he held her close and drank in huge lung-fulls of air.

The gonging of the school chime eventually roused the two teenagers and they looked at one another in slight embarrassment before they quietly regained their feet. “Uh, I think I’ll go to the restroom and try to clean up a bit,” Ranma finally said, turning his eyes away from the erotically clad okonomiyaki martial artist. “Are you gonna be OK, Ucchan?”

“I’m fine, Ranma honey,” Ukyou replied, also focusing her gaze elsewhere. “I’ll see you later.”

“OK, c-ya.” With that Ranma was gone, leaping directly to the school grounds with his highly trained skills.

That was so incredible, Ukyou thought, her legs still trembling in reaction to the intense encounter. She could also feel rivulets of her cum streaking down those quivering limbs. I guess I’d better go to the restroom, too, she considered with a chuckle. It wouldn’t do for me to go to class in such a state. Oh, well. I think I can say my plan to attract Ran-chan’s attention was a complete success. Mmmm!! That’s tastes really good!! What is it?! Abruptly she realized that while she had been wrapped up in her thoughts she had begun biting on her knuckles again. Those bites had turned into licks when the taste on her hands had unconsciously struck her taste buds and brain. Now consciously aware of what was happening she looked at her hands to see what she had been enjoying.

It...It...It’s Ranma honey’s cum! She realized in shock. Since she had been the one that had been jacking him off remnants of his sperm had spilled down the length of his cock and covered her hands. That jism is what she had unknowingly been slurping up.

I always thought it’d be disgusting, but...Ukyou looked at her hands carefully. It really doesn’t taste so bad. In fact, it’s kinda...good. She tentatively extended her pink tongue and lapped up at some. Mmm! Her mouth became busier and soon her hands were completely cleaned of any trace of Ranma’s cum. Disappointed at how quickly the treat had disappeared Ukyou’s gaze suddenly settled on the box which had been sitting in her lap while she and Ranma enjoyed one another’s bodies. Noticing the cum-drenched state of the okonomiyaki in the container she bent down and picked it up. Looking around carefully she reassured herself that she was completely alone. Then...she suddenly began devouring the sperm-coated food, eating like Ranma and his father did after a month-long training trip with only Akane along to prepare the meals. In no time at all the box was swept clean.

I can’t believe I did that, Ukyou thought even as she scoured the container for any more evidence of her new favorite seasoning. She could feel even more of her juice flowing from her puffed vaginal lips as her body became highly aroused once again. But I’ll definitely do it again if I ever get the chance!