A Change in Him: Chapter 7

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Chapter 7

The Next Day, Furinkan High School, Lunch Time

“Ran-chan?” Ranma reluctantly looked up from his meal at the sound of Ukyou’s hesitant voice. With most of his fiancées he would have been prepared for precipitate flight, but Ukyou was different. She was more like a pal. Well, most of the time, anyway.

“What’s up, Ukyou?” Ranma asked as soon as he managed to swallow his current mouth-full of food.

Ukyou looked uncomfortable as she squirmed in front of him, shifting from foot to foot, clad in the typical black boy’s uniform of their school. “Well,” she finally said. “I was just wondering...if you could do me...Well, do me a favor.”

“What kind of favor?” He asked suspiciously.

“It’s just that recently I haven’t had much chance to practice,” the okonomiyaki expert finally burst out. “I’m afraid I’m getting soft. Can you maybe help me train a little?”

“Uuhhh, I don’t know,” Ranma temporized. Normally he wouldn’t mind, but given the way his libido had been surging lately...Well, maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea.

“Please, Ran-chan?” Ukyou pleaded. “If you do, I’ll let you eat free at my place for a week.”

That offer was the straw that broke the camel’s back, “Well, OK. When do you want to practice?”

“Is Saturday OK for you?”

“Yeah, all right,” Ranma agreed. “We can do that.”

“Great! Thanks a bunch, Ranma honey!” Ukyou moved off, but her delighted smile fell as she walked away. Should I have really agreed to this? She wondered. I mean, how can I trust that old perv that this is really going to help out Ran-chan? But then again, she thought, her smile recovering, maybe this is a chance for Ranma honey and me to spend some time together! With that cheery thought on her mind, Ukyou began humming an upbeat tune while she skipped down the school hallway.

Friday Morning

“Uuuuhhhhnnn!” Ranma finished his last set of martial arts kata with a grunt, transitioning smoothly into a quick jog. He rounded the corner, coming up on the last stretch of his morning workout course, just outside of the Tendo house. As he ran down the road Ranma was brought up short by the sudden appearance through the morning mist of another figure running toward him from the opposite direction. Within a few moments the person was clearly revealed to be Shampoo.

The two teenagers’ momentum carried them close together before they could slow to a halt, both panting from the effects of their previous exertions. Just like Ranma it seemed that the young Chinese Amazon was engaged in her own morning exercise as well. A slight hint of steam wafted off her body in the early morning chill and there was quite a lot of skin exposed to that cool weather as Shampoo was simply, and briefly, clad in a yellow tank top and an extremely skimpy pair of red running shorts. Ranma’s eyes couldn’t help but lock on to the young woman’s breasts, which from their freely bouncing condition and the prominent state of her nipples didn’t seem to be constrained by a bra in any way.

“Airen!” Shampoo cooed. “You working out, too?”

“Y, yeah, that’s right,” Ranma stammered as he tried to yank his eyes away from her over-exposed body. “Kinda cold this morning, huh?”

“Mmm!” Shampoo brightly agreed; her dark purple eyes shining as she regarded her fiancé. “But Shampoo no care. She must keep herself in good shape for future husband, yes!? Shampoo no want to shame Ranma. Shampoo must be strong! Oh!!”

Evidently the sudden stop of her run in the cool morning caused the Amazon’s calf muscles to seize up, making her stumble forward. Luckily Ranma was there to catch her before she could fall to the ground, possibly hurting herself. The force of her impact, however, forced her up against him, her plump breasts pushing into his muscular chest. Ranma’s breath caught at the pressure of the beautiful Chinese teen’s body against his.

“So sorry, Airen,” Shampoo cried, but continuing to keep her close hold on Ranma’s body. “Shampoo is too too careless!”

“Y, yeah. No problem,” Ranma replied even as he kept a firm grip on her. The feel and appearance of the Amazon was too much for him to resist. Almost against his will he could feel himself leaning forward, his breath misting out as his blue eyes locked on her purple ones.

“Ooooohhhhh, Rrrraaaannnmmmmaaaa!! MMMmmmmmmmm!!!” Shampoo’s sigh quickly transformed into a moan of satisfaction as his lips pressed against hers for the first time (not counting Kiss of Death situations). “Aaaahhh!! Oooohhhh!! Rrannamaaaa!!” her cries quickly became whimpering sighs as her fiancé’s busy hands moved all over her. Ranma practically lifted up the busty Amazon with his actions, pushing her up against the white-washed wall surrounding the Tendo house.

Shampoo’s arms curved around Ranma’s body, holding him tightly while the two teens thoroughly kissed one another. “Rrraaannnnmmmmaaaa!” Shampoo sighed as she felt her beloved caressing her breasts, her enjoyment increasing when one of his hands dipped within her thin tank top to directly manipulate one of her large, rounded tits. One of her slender legs wrapped around the teen martial artist, urging him into even closer contact with her as their sexual excitement increased.

As his right hand caressed her left breast directly, his other hand slipped down her incredibly fit body until it was directly over her barely covered groin. “Uuuhhhnnn!” Shampoo moaned in surprise, but it quickly turned into an aroused whine as his practiced fingers went to work, pressing, squeezing, and expertly plying her pussy until he could feel her wet arousal through the thin fabric of her shorts and panties.

Just when Shampoo was approaching the peak of her arousal Ranma abandoned her dripping cunt, much to her disappointment. She groaned her sorrow into his mouth, but her frustration turned into an increased level of stimulation when he gently moved her right arm from his back down his body and forced her hand up against his erect cock. The Amazon jerked in surprise at the first contact, but she was soon rubbing his length just as he was pressing up against her wet pussy.

The sexual action picked up its pace at that and increased even further when she felt his left hand move up to slip into her shorts so as to directly touch her creaming cunt. “AAuuuuhhhnnnn!! Ranma, Airen!!!” Shampoo removed her mouth from Ranma’s to sigh with desire as his fingers deftly pushed into her sopping slit. The young martial artist continued his work without a pause, licking and kissing at the blue haired Chinese girl’s neck as he played with her wet vagina.

Just as Ranma was edging aside the soaked crotch of Shampoo’s short shorts and panties while she did her best to free his thick prick from the confines of his pants a sudden shock ran down the length of his spine. In English one would say it felt like someone was walking over your grave. The teen had experienced that feeling before and knew exactly what it meant: Akane.

With a quick springing flip he was gone, soaring over the height of the wall and dropping into the yard of the Tendo house on the other side. Shampoo gasped in disoriented bewilderment at the sudden absence of her fiancé and just barely managed to push her breast back under the cover of her tank tip, making herself at least somewhat presentable before Akane appeared, out for her morning jog. The youngest of the Tendo daughters gave her a strange look as she ran past, but said nothing. Meanwhile, Shampoo’s thoughts for once were not on the potential competition of Akane for Ranma’s affections.

Oh, Airen! Ranma truly love Shampoo!! Shampoo just need encourage Ranma! Shampoo need be more sexy. Then a frown crossed her flushed face. But what sexy for Japanese man? Shampoo need to do research.

While Shampoo was having these practical thoughts her great, great, etc grandmother was engaged in more abstract speculations. Concealed in one of the camouflage skills similar to Happosai’s Chrysalis Technique on the top of a house across from the Tendo’s, Cologne had seen the entire interaction between her great granddaughter and Ranma. There’s no doubt, she thought somberly. He must have come into contact with them somehow when he was in China. But how? And how much has he been...changed? Then her frown deepened as the ancient Amazon considered, And what should I do next? I’ll have to look into this further, maybe even contact the other Elders...

Saturday Morning

“OK, ready?” Ranma asked, unconsciously popping up onto the balls of his feet as he prepared for combat.

“Ready,” Ukyou replied, her gigantic spatula hanging ready for use in her hands.

“Let’s do it, then.” Ranma said, the two teenagers surged at one another and the training session was on. Ukyou was an extremely capable martial artist, but she still wasn’t in Ranma’s league. He was able, however, to provide her with some excellent practice, as long as he stayed serious about it. And with the thought of a week’s free delicious okonomiyaki on the line, Ranma was very serious indeed.

For the next twenty minutes the two martial artists challenged one another in the vacant lot behind Ucchan’s Okonomiyaki, blows flashing with blinding speed between them. As the sun rose higher in the sky their activity intensified until one of Ranma’s hands flashed out, slashing down just as Ukyou dodged backward. Her deft move meant that she avoided any physical harm from the strike; unfortunately her clothes weren’t so lucky. Ranma’s skilled hand easily ripped through her traditional blue top and seemingly penetrated even deeper since along with the opening of her outermost covering, the white cloth she used to keep her breasts bound down also was shredded. The sudden splitting of their containment caused Ukyou’s restrained breasts to burst free and into open view. Feeling the cool autumn air on her bare flesh, Ukyou dropped her spatula in shock and crouched down to try and conceal her attributes from view while her cheeks flared crimson.

While Ukyou ineffectually tried to hide her breasts, Ranma stood staring at her with the dazed expression of someone who had just taken a mallet blow right between the eyes. The teenage martial artist was simply unable to take his eyes off his friend as she knelt before him. Her futile attempts to cover up actually made her appear even sexier to him.

Ukyou flushed even more under the force of Ranma’s frank staring. “Ranma!” she yelled. “Do you mind?!”

“Oh! Uh, yeah,” Ranma stammered, slowly turning around, barely able to stop himself from turning his head to sneak a few more peaks at the nearly topless girl. “S, sorry about that, Ucchan.”

“Don’t worry about it, Ranma honey.” Ranma could hear the sounds of Ukyou getting back on her feet as she spoke. “It was just an accident, right? But I think you might have caught me a little with that one.”

“I did?! Are you OK?” Ranma spun around without thinking, worried he may have harmed Ukyou. His concern was swiftly washed away under a flood of yearning, however, when he was reacquainted with the okonomiyaki chef’s barely clothed state. While regaining her feet, Ukyou had pulled her top closed, but only enough to just barely conceal the nipples on her perky breasts, even the edges of her pinkish areolae could be seen!

Luckily Ukyou seemed unaware of Ranma’s lustful regard of her sweet body as she looked closely down her front, lightly pressing at the area between her breasts. Frowning in concern she asked the thunder-struck Ranma, “What do you think, Ranma honey? Does this feel a bit tender to you?”

That question was enough to break the teenager’s hypnotized staring at his fiancée’s chest. “W, what?! What was that?”

“I said I wanted you to see if I was OK,” Ukyou replied calmly as she took his hand and guided it in between her cleavage. “I know you know more about ki and that kinda stuff than I do, so just check this out. Am I OK? How does this feel?”

Ranma felt like his eyes must be bugging out of his skull as he lightly began running his fingers along Ukyou’s silky skin. At first Ukyou guided him, but soon he was handling it all on his own. The feeling of her fiancé’s hand on her soon had a rosy glow on Ukyou’s cheeks again, but it wasn’t entirely caused by embarrassment this time.

“Feel?” Ranma mumbled. “It feels soft. Smooth. Wonderful.” Without even thinking about it his other hand moved up to join the first one. This time there wasn’t even a pretense of checking his companion for injuries. Instead, both hands quickly flipped away her top and moved to cup the well-formed breasts standing proudly before him. They weren’t as large as Shampoo’s over-sized pair, but they were definitely bigger than average and Ranma’s hands were soon caressing every millimeter of them. Ukyou moaned with pleasure as Ranma automatically began manipulating her ki flows as he had learned from the large tome he had been studying. “Wonderful,” he repeated in a daze.

“Y, yes! Wonderful!” Ukyou echoed. She closed her eyes briefly, caught up in the erotic feelings Ranma’s hands on her breasts were causing to well up within her. Soon her blue eyes opened, however, and even as she panted with arousal she asked, “Ran-chan! W, what do you think you’re doing?!”

“Sorry, Ucchan,” Ranma squeezed her hard nipples, forcing another groan from his fiancée as he spoke. “Can’t help it. Gotta...” Ranma was now short for breath himself as his feelings overwhelmed him. He used his grip on her tits to pull Ukyou into his body and leaned down to kiss her.

“Mmmmnnnnnmmm!!” Ukyou wrapped her hands around Ranma’s neck as they kissed for the first time. The kiss was rather gentle at first, but it wasn’t long until the two teens’ lips were crushing together with more force.

“Uuuhhnngghh!!” Ranma grunted in surprise when Ukyou abruptly kicked his feet out from under him, but was in no position to complain as he landed on his back with her smashed on top of him. The impact with the hard dirt of the vacant lot hurt to a degree, but he was more intent on the exquisite feelings of her body on his. In addition, their lip lock didn’t subside for a single second throughout the maneuver. In fact their emotions seemed to only be increased by the impact and their hands were all over one another as they lustfully thrust their tongues into each other’s mouths.

Ukyou had her left hand entwined in Ranma’s thick black hair while her right hand was snaking down the length of his muscular body, trying to find room between them so she could reach the big cock which was pressing into her. Ranma, meanwhile, was still doing his best to manipulate her breasts with his right hand while his left hand thoroughly groped her firm, round ass cheeks. As they felt one another up the two teenagers furiously ground their groins together, dry humping each other in an attempt to relieve some of the sexual tension they could feel surging through them.

“Aaauuuhhhhh!!” Ranma broke the kiss to gasp out loud when Ukyou’s delicate hand finally managed to edge its way into his pants and began furiously fisting his rock-hard erection. His heartfelt sigh was soon joined by that of Ukyou’s as she felt one of his hands reach the crevice of her tight butt and begin to caress her cunt through the thin fabric of her black leggings.

“Uuhhnn! MMMnnhh!! Aaahhhnn!!” The two teenagers grunted together as they vigorously tugged at one another’s pants in an attempt to provide ready access for what they both desired so strongly. “Yes! Yes! Yyeeesssss!!” Ukyou hissed as she felt her tight leggings begin to edge over her rear and the delightful feeling of Ranma’s hands directly touching the flawless skin of her ass.

‘BING-BONG!! BING-BONG!!’ Both Ukyou and Ranma froze in shock at the sound of the doorbell to Ukyou’s restaurant, their blue eyes, Ranma’s slightly deeper in color, staring deeply into the other’s.

“Hello?! Coal Black Cat Delivery! I have an order of 100 sets of soba noodles here! Hello?! Is anyone here!?” A man’s voice echoed out from the front of Ucchan’s Okonomiyaki causing both Ranma and Ukyou to realize their current state of undress.

Ukyou sat back and quickly began to readjust her clothes, pulling up her pants and closing her top as well as she could over her full breasts. Ranma too stumbled to his feet, tightening the ties on his pants, which Ukyou had managed to loosen. There was no way to hide the monster bulge in his groin, however, and Ukyou felt herself beginning to heat up all over again when her eyes fixed on that massive protrusion. It was soon gone from her sight, however, as Ranma fled from the scene.

Damn it! Ukyou cursed as she made her way through her restaurant and to its front door. We were so fucking close! The deliveryman’s cheerful smile faltered under the steely glare Ukyou fixed on him as she opened the door. If it hadn’t been for this idiotic pinhead right now Ranma and I’d be...! Her pen tore the invoice as she signed for the delivery before she tossed the clipboard back in the face of the deliveryman. Yanking the box of soba noodles from his hands she turned on her heel and slammed the door shut with her foot before tossing the container on the counter and sitting down in one of the seats surrounding it.

Resting her chin in one hand she began biting the knuckles of the other unconsciously while she thought. That’s the closest and most open Ranma’s ever been with me. So how did it happen? She bit even harder into her knuckles, thinking hard. I’ve worn dresses and tried to be feminine before, but that never seemed to work. It certainly never produced a reaction like today’s! Further ruminations were accompanied by more gnawing. It must’ve been the skin, she finally decided. I’ve never really been that forward with my...With my breasts before. That must’ve been what he reacted to. I’ve certainly seen him staring at that Chinese slut’s tits before! So if he wants sexy, I’ll give him sexy. That decision made she frowned as a complicating point came up in her mind.

But I’ve never really tried to be sexy before, she admitted. After she had been abandoned by Ranma’s father she had given up on her feminine side, focusing on her martial arts and okonomiyaki training. So, she was actually fairly clueless as to what would really appeal to a man. I’ll have to look into this, she finally decided. I can do some research tonight after I close up shop. That resolved she got up and began getting her shop ready for the day’s business.

While Ukyou was scaring the hell out of the poor, innocent deliveryman before settling down and doing some serious thinking, there was another person also engaged in some contemplation about Ranma. Unlike the serious strain to Ukyou’s thoughts, however, this person was much more carefree and cheerful. That individual was Happosai.

Sitting on top of Ukyou’s okonomiyaki shop he was leaning back, enjoying a mid-morning smoke of his pipe. A contented smile formed at the corner of his mouth even as his lips contracted to blow out a series of smoke shapes that quickly took the form of a matching set of sexy lady’s lingerie. While the depraved smoke images floated away on the light breeze the most perverted person in all of Japan was thinking deep, happy thoughts.

Well, maybe Ranma is worthy to be my heir after all! Some puffs of smoke took the form of a pair of fishnet stockings as Happosai’s reflections continued. He clearly came into contact with them during his trip to China. But how in the world did he ever convince them to train him? He shook his head in dismissal, his smile getting wider. Ah, what does it matter? The mere fact that he was able to do so is enough! Now with a few small nudges he’ll be more than capable of following in my great footsteps! A chuckle welled up in Happosai’s chest at that, even as a smoky pair of scantily clad harem girls began to take shape from the exhaled residue of his pipe’s tobacco.

Simultaneously Ranma felt a deathly chill overtake him as he made his way over the rooftops of Nerima, forcing a rash of goose-bumps all over his skin. Something bad just happened, he thought. Something very, very bad.