A Change in Him: Chapter 5

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Chapter 5

Two Days Later, Saturday Afternoon

Ranma walked easily down the top of a chain-link fence near the riverside, popping the last of a set of takoyaki in his mouth as he did so. Even as he brushed his hands together briskly to knock off the bits of his snack that had clung to them he noticed a figure suddenly step out of a side street and begin striding towards him. Seeing the dark blue kendo uniform and bokuto being carried by the brown-haired teenager, Ranma began shaking his head in disgust before any words were even spoken.

Arriving to within twenty feet of his hated foe Tatewaki Kuno pointed his wooden sword dramatically at the fence-walking Ranma. “Stand and face me you scurrilous dog!” Kuno commanded with an arrogant flip of his head. “Too long have you tormented me, standing in the way of my rightful companionship with the pure Akane Tendo and the energetic Pig-Tailed Girl! Today is the day where I, Heaven’s Messenger, the Blue Thunder, am destined to crush you underfoot like the lowly worm you most surely are!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Ranma replied dismissively, jumping down off the fence to stand in front of the older teen. “I’ve heard it all before and I still always kick your butt so why don’t you...”

“Silence, you worthless peasant!!” Kuno interrupted, anger clear both in his voice and in the way he wielded his weapon. “Do not tempt my wrath any further! Already I am angered beyond all belief by your churlish hoarding of the Pig-Tailed Girl! Since your blessed and too-short absence, the Pig-Tailed One’s joyous form has been almost entirely absent from my noble sight. How she must long for me in the depths of her innocent heart!! Produce her forthwith or prepare to be sent to Hades by my mighty prowess!”

For a moment Ranma was tempted to comply with Kuno’s wish. The thought of turning into his girl side right in front of him and watching it blow his puny, twisted mind was hard to pass up. But he figured Kuno would probably just accuse him of witchcraft or something and ignore the evidence of his own eyes so instead he decided to mock him as it was almost as much fun. “Look, idiot-boy, I already told you once before that you wouldn’t see her again if I had anything to say about it. And luckily, recently, I have more to say about it than usual so why don’t you just give it up before I take that stick and ram it up your...”

“I KNEW IT!!” Kuno bellowed. “You’ve stolen away the Pig-Tailed Girl! How callous and brazen of you to admit it to my face!”

“Now hold on! I never said nuthin’ about kidnapping nobody!”

“Ah! My Pig-Tailed Beauty,” Kuno rambled on, ignoring Ranma’s protestations. “Unable to break your unending, loving fidelity to me that fiend Ranma Saotome stole you off in the night! What a cowardly dog! And how deserving of Heaven-sent Punishment! I STRIKE!”

Wheeling to the attack with no warning, Kuno thrust strongly at his younger opponent. Ranma was not taken off guard, however, and quickly jumped over both the attack and the attacker. As he leapt over Kuno, Ranma executed a quick flip, driving his feet forcefully into his older schoolmate’s back. The power of the blow, combined with his own impetus, caused Kuno to crash face first into the chain-link fence. While Ranma readied himself for renewed combat, Kuno slowly and painfully managed to pry himself off the fence to turn and face his opponent once more.

Even as he prepared for a second attack, though, he was somewhat nonplussed at Ranma’s reaction: hilarious laughter at the diamond hatch pattern imprinted on Kuno’s face from his impact with the fence. “Laugh at the Blue Thunder, will you, you low-born riffraff?! I STRIKE ONCE MORE!!”

This time Kuno attempted a vertical blow to Ranma’s head with his bokuto, but yet again met with failure. This time Ranma didn’t even bother dodging the attack, instead simply delivering a lightning-fast double front kick to Kuno’s chest before the slash could land. Blasted backwards the older teen once more smashed into the chain-link fence, where he remained stuck for several moments as his eyes rolled up in his head. Then he slowly slipped off the fence to crumple to the ground at Ranma’s feet, unconscious.

“When are you ever gonna learn, Kuno?” Ranma asked his comatose foe rhetorically before beginning to turn and go on his way, a merry whistle just shaping itself on his lips. His progress home, however, was interrupted once more.

“Ranma! Airen!!” Bounding down the street towards him was Shampoo, the busty Amazon’s breasts bouncing beautifully as she ran. She was clad as usual in a matching pink, silk Chinese top and pants with purple flowers printed on them, while her blue hair flowed behind her. Ranma immediately turned to flee, but was quickly brought up short.

“Ran-chan! Ranma honey!!” Dashing toward him from the opposite side of the street was Ukyou, wearing her normal blue top covered with yellow-printed kanji and skin-tight black leggings, her gigantic spatula bouncing on her back. Her long brown hair was held back from her face by a simple white ribbon. Ranma froze with her appearance, caught between two fires, but before he could decide what to do a third factor intervened.

“Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Ranma-sama!!” With a twirl of swirling black rose petals and a chilling laugh Kodachi Kuno appeared on one of the rooftops facing the road. She was wearing the school uniform of St. Hebereke Girl’s School: a tan pleated dress with a white blouse that had matching tan trimming and a red neckerchief around the neck. Her thick black hair was held back in a single ponytail with a thin string of the same color as her neckerchief.

Ranma backed up warily, inadvertently stepping on Kuno’s insensible body, until his back was to the fence edging the river. He was soon hemmed in by his three lovely, wannabe fiancées.

“Ranma?” Shampoo began, tugging on his right arm and squishing him up against her wonderful bosom. “You come with Shampoo, yes? There new dish I want you try. Is too, too delicious! You come!”

“Sorry, Shampoo,” Ukyou immediately cut in, yanking on Ranma’s left arm and pulling him into her own less curvaceous yet still well-proportioned body. “Ran-chan can’t do that ‘cause he’s coming with me. I’ve got a new kind of okonomiyaki that I know Ranma honey is just gonna love. It’s definitely a lot better than that Chinese garbage you want to feed him!”

“Ho, ho, ho, ho!!” Before Shampoo, anger clear in her face, could reply they were both interrupted by Kodachi’s haunting laugh. Producing her gymnastics ribbon from some unknown space she quickly wrapped it around Ranma’s neck and reeled him into her own healthy chest, unwittingly throttling him at the same time. As her beloved gasped for breath she spoke to her rivals; “You silly girls! The noble Ranma-sama would never be interested in the lowly meals prepared by your unworthy hands. Only the best will do for his refined palate. And only I, the Black Rose, noble descendant of the illustrious House of Kuno, have the skill and the breeding to produce cuisine fit for him!”

“Shampoo no think so!” “Dream on, crazy-girl!!” Shampoo and Ukyou spit out in response to this attack on them and their culinary aptitudes. And with that the fight was on, each girl yelling at the others and tugging on Ranma, who bounced between them like a pinball stuck between three sets of bumpers.

As the teenage girls squabbled, Ranma was trying to deal with two very different problems. The first and most pressing of course was that he was choking to death. Even as he attempted to get some air in his lungs, however, another problem was arising. Literally rising as a matter of fact since Ranma was becoming almost unbearable sexually excited. I can’t believe I never noticed before what a bunch of babes I’ve got around me! Ranma thought as he bounced against those lovely forms. Shampoo is so beautiful and she’s got an incredible body too! I’m just glad she’s not wearing that short China dress of hers or I might be creaming in my pants right here!

Wham! As he slammed up against Ukyo he felt his level of lust rising even higher. Damn! Ukyou might not have as curvy a body as Shampoo, but she’s definitely well-built, too. It’s just that she keeps her tits wrapped down so tight. Man! She’s so cute, though, and those leggings of hers really show off her legs and that fantastic ass of hers! Umph! Smashed up against Kodachi’s front Ranma’s thoughts whirred on. Kami! Kodachi may be completely insane, but she’s pretty damn good-looking, too! It was a good thing I was in my girl form when I fought her in that martial arts rhythmic gymnastics match or I’d have been sporting a major boner watching her bounce around in that skimpy uniform of hers. Shit, I must have been fucking blind never to have realized these things before!

As the noise of the struggling girls increased Ranma suddenly realized his erotic thoughts had betrayed him and he was now almost fully erect, causing his pants to bulge out very noticeably. He had to do something now or one of the girls was sure to notice, which would not only be incredibly embarrassing, but might also lead them to thoughts of marriage announcements based on his obvious “affection” for them. And finally, he had better take steps now before he lost control, started ripping off the girls’ clothes and began fucking them right on the street, which would definitely not be a good idea, no matter how much his body was encouraging him to do just that.

Realizing his problems, Ranma took advantage of a lull in the trio’s shouts at one another to croak out, “Akane!” The three girls immediately whirled around looking for the person they considered their main obstacle to obtaining Ranma’s love, but found nobody about besides a few local residents who were scurrying to get away from the odd group before some kind of violent and property damaging fight broke out. Nerima residents had gotten good at identifying the signs of such potentially hazardous situations.

“Ranma, what you talking about?” Shampoo asked.

“Are you OK, Ran-chan? Are you seeing things?” Concern was clear in Ukyou’s voice.

“That disagreeable, uncultured girl would never dare face the lovely Black Rose!” Kodachi declared.

The questions and comments of all three women were brought up short, however, when they turned toward their fiancé. Ranma had disappeared! The three beautiful teenagers began turning around wildly, calling for their absent man, but he was nowhere to be found. Finally, they had to give up.

“Where Ranma go?” Shampoo wondered. “Well, I going now. Zai jian.” With that she was off, jumping to the top of the chain-link fence and then springing across the river before hopping from housetop to housetop deeper into town.

“Ah, well,” Ukyou sighed. “Ranma honey is always such a slippery one. See you later.” She left in a more traditional manner, walking briskly down the street until she disappeared from view.

“Oh, Ranma-sama,” Kodachi cried dramatically, her hands clasped before her bosom as she looked piteously up into the clear sky. “Whenever will you water the Black Rose with the nourishment of your love?! How I long for that day! I know it is inevitable, but still it is hard to wait. But wait I shall! In noble silence I yearn for you, my love! Come to me! Fear not my thorns as those are only for those base girls who would interpose themselves between our destined and sublime love! I await thee!” Having exhausted her store of hyperbole for the moment she sprang back to the rooftop where she had first appeared and was gone in a cloud of black rose petals, ignoring the frightened stares of the neighborhood’s residents.

Left behind on the deserted street was the mangled body of Tatewaki Kuno, which had been trampled on by all four of the teenagers in their scrum. A quiver ran through the body, then a slow movement of one hand. Was he about to rise? A chirping bird flew by overhead, pooping on Kuno’s dirt-smeared body in passing. Unable to cope with this final indignity, Kuno slumped back to the ground in defeat.

A Few Hours Later

An observer looking into the Saotomes’ room at the Tendo household would have seen a most unusual, almost unique site: Ranma was studying! The shock at this odd display of educational interest would have been increased by the state Ranma was in while he perused the large book unfolded in front of him: he was in his girl form and he...well she actually, was topless.

A closer examination of the scene, however, would have revealed some discrepancies with this seemingly scholastic behavior. The first and most obvious one was how Ranma was fondling, almost groping her busty chest. Pressing, prodding, and squeezing, Ranma had a furrowed brow as she seemingly played with herself. Also unusual was the book she was looking at. A second look would reveal that this was no ordinary school textbook; instead it was a large and evidently quite ancient leather-bound tome. On it were a number of diagrams of the human body with different colored arrows and lines at various points. Also on the thin, aged pages was line after line of small, crabbed Chinese characters, supplemented by different notes in the margins and in other open spaces, clearly written in various hands.

So, if I press here then that redirects the flow like...so. OK, that makes sense, Ranma considered as she turned the page and looked at a new diagram, this one an extremely large one covering both pages of the enormous volume giving a clear depiction of a woman’s chest. And if I now do...that, then...Oooh!! She moaned mentally, barely able to keep it from letting it escape her lips. Wow! I gotta remember that one! Next, if I rub the nipple like so...Uuuumm!! That’s pretty nice, too!

Ranma continued her studies, carefully observing the various results, obviously forced to do things in a physical, practical way due to her inability to read the Chinese characters that most of the book, and the vast majority of notes, were written in. There were a few shorter notations she could make out with the help of the Chinese-Japanese dictionary by her side, but she was too impatient to go through the whole massive tome that way.

‘Knock! Knock! Knock!’ Ranma was just squeezing her good-sized tits together in order to test yet another one of the ki flow markings in the book when she was interrupted by a knocking on her door, which was followed by the sound of Kasumi’s sweet, caring voice, “Ranma are you in there? May I come in?”

Panicked, Ranma transformed back into her male side as quickly as she could even as she flipped the book shut and shoved it out of sight under some nearby clothes. “Uh, yeah! Hold on a sec, Kasumi!” Ranma shouted as soon as he safely could without his voce betraying him. After a quick check to make sure she wouldn’t be able to see the tome he moved over to the door, then unlocked and opened it for the eldest Tendo daughter. “Sorry about that, Kasumi. I was just doing...doing some...some, you know, some studying. Come on in.” Stepping aside he let Kasumi enter, taking note of her unusually serious face as he did so.

Closing the door behind her Kasumi entered, gestured for Ranma to be seated, and then gracefully knelt down herself after he did so. Struck by her calm, yet solemn manner, Ranma said nothing, waiting for her to make the first move. He didn’t have long to wait.

“Ranma, I’ve been meaning to talk to you for some time now since your return, but I think it can’t wait any longer.”

“What’s the matter, Kasumi? Did I do something wrong?” Ranma asked in some concern. The last thing in the world the martial artist wanted to do was hurt the feelings of Kasumi the sweetest, nicest person he had ever met.

“Oh, no, Ranma!” Kasumi smiled, relieving Ranma’s tension with that small yet winning gesture. Her demeanor turned somber yet again. “Normally, I think this would be a mater for your mother to resolve, but given the circumstances...Well, I hope you won’t think it too forward of me to act as I think your own dear mother might in order to help you.”

Ranma blinked, this was certainly going in a strange direction. “Uh, yeah, sure, Kasumi. You’ve been more like a mother to me than anyone else has in my life. So, don’t worry, I’ll take what you have to say in the right way.”

“That’s so sweet of you to say!” Kasumi chirped, unleashing her delightful smile on him once again. “That’s just what I hoped you’d say. I know this may be somewhat embarrassing for us to talk about, but I do think it is ever so important.”

Just what in the world does she want to talk to me about? Ranma wondered while Kasumi visibly composed herself for what was to come. Soon she was ready.

“Ranma dear, what I want to talk about to you today is your masturbation.” Ranma about choked on his own tongue at that, his eyes bugging out of his head. “Again, I know this is a bit embarrassing,” Kasumi said, her own cheeks blushing. “But just try to imagine I’m your mother, not your fiancée’s older sister.”

A bit embarrassing?! Ranma thought, eyes downcast in shame. That’s gotta be the understatement of the world!

Kasumi didn’t wait long, however, before she pressed on, “I know it’s a natural tendency for young men your age. Something that is to be expected and accepted to a degree. But I really think that since your return from China it has gone beyond this normal phase. To be honest, I’m rather worried about you. You’ve always been so shy around girls, and now this excessive masturbation. I’m not sure you realize how dangerous this can be for you and your development.”

“Dangerous? Whaddya mean?”

Kasumi carefully rearranged the folds of her dress before she answered. “Ranma, I want you to listen carefully to what I’m going to tell you. It’s a story I know from personal experience and I think it’s one that can teach you something important, just as it taught me. You will listen to me, won’t you Ranma dear?”

“Uh...Yeah, of course, Kasumi,” Ranma assured the gentle young woman. He wondered just what kind of story Kasumi was going to tell him. He didn’t have long to wait.

“When I was younger, about your age Ranma dear, there was a...person, a man who was very kind and caring, but who was very bashful and innocent.” Kasumi’s cheeks became even more flushed as her soft voice hesitantly described her personal experience. “During a...Well, it so worked out that this...man was...Well, I mean, there was a situation in which I became...exposed to this man. It was nothing sexual,” she hastened to assure the listening Ranma. “But during this...situation the man was able to see my...my...my bare breasts.” At this point she grabbed Ranma’s hands in her own soft ones and looked earnestly into his face, her black eyes locking with his blue ones.

“Ranma, it’s important for you to realize that this poor man had always been shy and uncertain around girls, much like yourself. And when he saw my...my bosom, well...Well, I’m afraid it was just too much for him! The shock of such an experience must have caused some kind of permanent damage in this unfortunate man’s mind because ever since that day he has acted ever so strange around me. Oh, Ranma!” Kasumi clasped Ranma’s hands even closer with one hand, simultaneously dropping her other one to his knee in her concern for the young martial artist. “I can’t bear the thought of that happening to you!”

If she’s not talking about Doc Tofu, I’ll eat my shorts! Ranma sniggered internally. Poor, Kasumi! She’s such a sweetheart! She doesn’t realize what a...unique guy the Doc is. There’s no more chance of that happening to me than there is of me taking up ballroom dancing. Ranma was about to gently explain this to the compassionate older teen when he was cut off by her.

“Your constant masturbation recently must be a sign of your own body fighting against your shyness,” Kasumi explained. “So I think the best thing is for you to be exposed to women at a younger age. That should prevent you from going the same way as poor...uh, well as that poor man I was talking about earlier.”

“Huh?!” Was Ranma’s oh so intelligent rejoinder to that comment. But even in the brief time it took Ranma to say that, Kasumi was acting: she began unbuttoning her simple yellow blouse! “Uh, Kasumi! What are you doing?!” Ranma’s voice almost broke in his desperation.

“Now, Ranma. This is for your own good,” Kasumi said calmly as she finished unbuttoning his top and shook it off her shoulders so that it flopped downward, leaving her top bare to Ranma’s shocked gaze. And her shoulders weren’t the only thing shaking as Kasumi exposed a very nice pair of breasts, even larger than Shampoo’s, clad surprisingly in a black, lacy bra. Ranma’s eyes focused against his will on the unexpectedly sexy bra and the large, gorgeous pair of breasts it contained. “If you don’t take care of your shyness and your masturbation problem, who knows what kind of mental damage might result?”

“B, b, but Kasumi!” Ranma tried to protest even as he locked in on full-leer mode, staring at the lovely vision kneeling right in front of him.

“Don’t ‘But Kasumi’ me!” Kasumi scolded, surprisingly strongly. “You just don’t realize how much danger you’re in. But I do, and I’m going to help you.” Suddenly Ranma realized that Kasumi’s hand that had been resting on his knee had at some point gravitated to his crotch and was now resting directly on his fully erect cock! His earlier self manipulations while in his girl form had already increased his sexual excitement to a high degree, which had carried over to his male form. Kasumi’s embarrassing discussion topic had somewhat decreased his level of arousal, but her almost complete exposure of her womanly charms had quickly led to a complete recovery of his lust. In fact, the overtly sexual nature of her underwear, particularly considering it was the seemingly ever-proper Kasumi wearing it, only boosted his libido to an even higher point.

Even though her cheeks were scarlet with embarrassment, Kasumi didn’t allow those feelings to deter her. “Pay close attention, Ranma dear. When I realized what your problem was I borrowed Nabiki’s computer to do some research on this ‘Internet’ thing everyone’s always talking about. And according to a number of websites I found quite a few mothers use these techniques to...introduce their sons to manhood.” Even as she spoke, she continued stroking and massaging the younger teen’s cock through his pants. “You should be watching my, my breasts as I do this. Are you paying attention, Ranma?”

Ranma struggled to make some kind of reply, some kind of protest, but as all his attention and blood seemed to be focused on his dick, so he wasn’t able to form the words. Kasumi, meanwhile, didn’t wait for any response by the younger teen, suddenly moving her other hand in to loosen his pants and free his erection from the confinement of his boxer shorts. There was a sudden pause in the action at the full exposure of his large prick. “Oh my!” She sighed, her eyes wide as she looked at her sister’s fiancé’s equipment, unconsciously licking her lips. “I think the next step I’m supposed to take is this...” Then Kasumi leaned forward to engulf as much of Ranma’s cock in her wet mouth as would fit.

“Uuuuuunnnnhhhhhh!!” Ranma moaned out loud at the pleasurable feeling of the eldest Tendo daughter’s lips and tongue working on his penis. Without even thinking his hands moved up to run through her thick brown hair, gently caressing her scalp as she slowly fellated him. Kasumi steadily bobbed her head up and down, swallowing as much of Ranma’s dick as she could without choking while she sucked voraciously at it and her saliva made slick tracks down its length, moistening her hands where they jacked off the section of his thick stalk untouched by her mouth.

“MMMmmmmnnnnnnhhhhhh!!!” Ranma continued to groan, enjoying Kasumi’s hard work for several minutes before it dawned on his hormone-flooded brain that perhaps he should be returning some of the delight he was experiencing from the older teenager. Struck by that, he suddenly remembered the ki techniques he had been practicing earlier; maybe this was a good thing to test them out. With a surge of willpower he managed to move his hands, which had nearly been paralyzed by his physical concentration on what was happening with his cock. Reaching out he cupped Kasumi’s large, hanging, bra-constrained breasts, causing a shiver to run through her body. She didn’t pause in her ministrations to his prick, however, even as he began gently manipulating her tits, and the energy flows through her body.

With each tweak, nudge, rub, and squeeze Ranma’s hands were heightening Kasumi’s sexual excitement even as she raised his with her mouth. It wasn’t long until Ranma’s hips were involuntarily punching upward and Kasumi was sucking desperately as quivers ran through her body. Ranma was somewhat surprised by the excessive response of Kasumi, but wasn’t truly able to focus on it much as his own attention narrowed onto a single point: his dick. His half-educated hands continued their actions on autopilot, causing unwitting changes to Kasumi as Ranma focused on his own upcoming orgasm.

“K, K, Kasumi!!” Ranma cried. “I’m coming!! Here it comes!!!”

“Uuummmpppphhhh!!” Kasumi merely mumbled as a series of shudders running through her own body displayed her own arousal while she continued to suck hard on his cock.

“Yyyyyeeeaaahhh! Kaaaammmmiiii!!!” Ranma groaned as he fired a heavy load into his fiancée’s oldest sister’s mouth.

“Mmmmnnnnhhhhh!!” Kasumi desperately swallowed at the streamers of semen being spattered into her mouth, her eyes rolling back in her head as the emotions she was feeling as well as what she could sense radiating off Ranma overwhelmed her. The sheer volume of cum being poured into her was beyond her capacity to cope with, however, and it was soon spilling out from the corners of her mouth to drip off her chin and onto her voluminous cleavage, exposed by her thin, seductive bra. Backing off the still spurting cock in her grasp, Kasumi took the last few jets of jism directly on her face.

“Oooohhhh, ggoooooddddssss!!” Ranma moaned as he slumped backward, releasing his arousing grip on Kasumi’s breasts as he sprawled on his back. Meanwhile, Kasumi gave her own, almost inaudible groan as her left hand massaged Ranma’s sperm into her tit flesh and her right one scraped his thick cum onto her extended tongue. Ranma watched in surprise through tired eyes as the demure Kasumi seemed to revel in her saturation with his sperm.

“Well, I hope this type of treatment will help you to cope with women in the future,” Kasumi said as she shakily rose to her feet and quickly buttoned her blouse back up, concealing her tremendous assets. “I have to go get dinner ready now, Ranma dear. I’ll see you then.” Was Ranma just imagining things or was there more than normal emphasis when she said ‘Ranma dear’?

“Uh, thank you, Kasumi. That was incredible.” Ranma felt like he should say something more profound as Kasumi left his room, but it seemed sufficient as she smiled sweetly at him while she closed the door. Damn it! I can’t believe that just happened! What in the world were the websites she was looking at?! Ranma thought while he luxuriated in the wonderful, somewhat lethargic feeling that washed over him after Kasumi’s fantastic blowjob.

I should be ashamed of myself, though, for taking advantage of such an innocent girl like that, he considered with a frown intruding on his contentment. Then again, he thought with a sniff of the air. The smell of feminine arousal was thick in the air of his room, almost as heavy as he had experienced in his encounters with Nabiki. It seems like she enjoyed it too and with that kind of underwear, maybe she’s not as naïve as we all thought. With that guilt-assuaging reflection foremost in his brain, Ranma nodded off for a pre-dinner nap.