A Change in Him: Chapter 4

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Chapter 4

Nine Days Later, Thursday Afternoon

Nabiki Tendo looked around herself a bit dubiously. She was sure this was where Ranma had told her to meet him, so where was he?

“Hey, Nabiki!” Startled, the teenaged girl looked up to see where the voice had come from. Perched on the windowsill of a bricked-up second-story window of one of the buildings facing the alley was Ranma, grinning and waving cheerfully. Before Nabiki could answer his previous greeting he dropped down lightly to the ground next to her. “Everything going OK?”

“No problems on my end, Saotome. How about you?”

“Great! I checked all the ways of access to the roof,” he continued, gesturing to the building he had just hopped off. “All the stairwells are locked and I put some stuff behind the doors to make sure that they’re completely blocked off and that they’ll stay that way.”

“How about the elevators?”

“Well, this building’s had all the power cut off so they shouldn’t be any problem. I yanked a bunch of wires out of the control box just in case, though.”

“Well, maybe you’re not as dumb as I thought you were, Saotome,” Nabiki commented with a slight smile. “So how do we get to the rooftop? Eeeep!!”

That very uncharacteristic outburst was caused by Ranma suddenly sweeping her up and into his arms then, with barely a pause, he was off. Springing from the dirty pavement of the alley he bounced between the two buildings edging upward until he reached the top of one. Then, with a final prodigious leap he made it to the rooftop of the chosen building, where he gently set the older girl in his arms onto her feet. The whole process took at most twenty seconds.

Nabiki’s eyes were wide as she absentmindedly straightened her school uniform after the wild journey upward. When she had regained her composure she turned to fix her dark brown eyes on Ranma, “Don’t do that again, without warning me. Got it, mister?” Her tone was firm. Very firm.

“Uh, yeah, no problem, Nabiki,” Ranma responded nervously. “Sorry about that. I was just, kinda...you know...excited.”

“Well, keep it under control, Saotome.” Nabiki began looking around the roof. The building they were on was the tallest in the neighborhood so there was nothing to overlook it for quite some distance in every direction. The rooftop itself had evidently been set up as a garden, but with the closing of the building the plants had been left to their own devices. Many of them were still flourishing, but a few sections of the garden were full of dead and decaying used-to-be greenery. Off to the right side was a raised structure with two doors. One of them had to lead to the stairwell that gave access to the building itself. The other led to...

“The right door is for the stairs, but it’s locked and I bolted it from this side too,” Ranma said, pointing to the area in question. “The one on the left was a kinda shed where they kept all the supplies for taking care of the plants. I took all that stuff out and cleaned it up, though. It should do for...you know...for us.”

“Well, let’s find out,” Nabiki replied, calmly striding over toward the left door, quickly followed by Ranma. Arriving, she found it sealed shut with a brand new padlock. Ranma produced the key with a grin and swiftly unlocked the door, swinging it open for the middle Tendo sister.

The inside was roomier than she had expected and very clean. Ranma must have even swept, she thought with some surprise. In addition, he had brought in furnishings. Against the far wall was a raised platform on which Ranma had put a double layer of futons, covered with bed sheets and blankets. On the right side of the door was a somewhat battered table and chair that they could place their belongings on and which already held a two liter bottle of water, two glasses, and a small mirror. On the back of the chair were some towels, obviously to help in any clean up. On the floor between table and the bed were a kerosene heater and a large jug of the heating oil. “Planning ahead, are we?” Nabiki asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I got a good deal for it,” Ranma replied blushing. “So, what do you think?”

Nabiki placed her book-bag on the table and walked over to sit down on the bed, kicking off her shoes as she did so. “It’ll do. So, you ready for your first installment?” Ranma was out of his shoes and by her side in a flash. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’”

Just as Ranma was leaning forward to take her in his arms and kiss her, Nabiki stopped him, placing her right index finger on his nose. “Now just hold up there ‘Wild Horse.’”

“Wh, wh, what is it?” Ranma asked; his frustration and annoyance clear in his voice.

“I just want to make sure you remember all the details of our little bargain,” Nabiki replied. “For example: condoms. Do you have them?”

“Right here,” Ranma produced a pack with a slight flourish.

“Well make sure you use them. Also, don’t forget...”

Before she could finish, Ranma jumped in, “I know. Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy it.”

“Pretty confident aren’t we, Sao...Mmhhhmmphh!!” Nabiki’s sarcastic comment was stifled as Ranma abruptly leaned into her and began kissing her. Quite thoroughly. The kiss was a light one at first, but soon both teenagers were getting more enthusiastic and for the next several minutes rarely broke their contact with one another, merely sliding their mouths and lips to new locations.

Well, I’ll be, Nabiki thought with some surprise as the minutes passed. Ranma is really an excellent kisser! She could feel herself getting more aroused with each tick of the clock as Ranma’s lips and tongue did an incredible job of softening her up for what was to come. When his mouth suddenly shifted to the corner of her jaw and then to right around her earlobe she was just barely able to suppress a groan of desire. No sense revealing how well he’s doing right away, she thought with an inner cat-like smile. It’ll just give him a big head. But...Oooooh! The way his mouth is nibbling at my skin in just the right places! And...AAaaaahhh! That devilish tongue of his! Not to mention...UUuuuuuummmmm!! His hands feel sooooo good on my breasts!!

It took another few minutes for Nabiki to realize the incongruity of that last thought. Just how in the Hell is he feeling up my tits (and doing such a great job of it!) when I’m still wearing my...Gasping for breath, and from her own growing excitement, Nabiki broke back slightly from Ranma’s grasp to find...Somehow she was out of her school jacket, her blouse was completely unbuttoned and strangest of all Ranma had somehow managed to take off her bra! And all without her feeling a thing!!

She was certainly feeling something now, though. Ranma’s fight and training-callused hands were extremely gentle and sensitive as they massaged her round, perky breasts. Sometimes he squeezed them rhythmically, at other times he lightly tweaked her hardening nipples, but no matter what he did all of his actions led to a growing fire in the normally cool and composed girl in his arms.

“R, Ranma,” Nabiki struggled to hide her inner excitement as she spoke. “How in the w, world d, d, did you...?”

“I picked up a few tricks in China,” Ranma answered evasively before lowering his head to kiss and suckle at her left breast.

“Aauuhhhnn!” This time Nabiki was unable to hold back her groan as Ranma’s mouth began wringing further feelings from her body. It was just the first of many such cries to come, though. Maybe every guy should go to China if this is what they can learn there! Nabiki thought as her mind began to fog over in a sea of lust. She felt her bare back hitting the surface of the blankets on the bed, her blouse somehow being removed without her notice once more, as Ranma slowly lowered her downward, his head staying attached to her bosom throughout the motion. For several more moments the two teenagers remained in that position, Ranma crouched over the bare-topped Nabiki, his hands and mouth working alternately on her nicely-sized breasts. While Ranma did an excellent job stoking her sexual fires Nabiki encouraged him onward, her fingers entwined in his thick black hair, trying to push him even closer to her tits.

When Nabiki felt Ranma’s delicate fingers lightly brushing against the quickly dampening surface of her cotton panties, however, she was able to shake off her arousal enough to crane her head upward and look down her body. Her view was somewhat blocked, of course, by Ranma’s head which was continuing its superb ministrations to her chest. She was able to see that Ranma had once more done his magic and that her skirt had somehow been unhitched and was now lying crumpled off to the side, hanging half off the bed. She was now only clad in her white school socks and her simple white, cotton panties.

“UUUuuuuuaaaannnngghhhh!!” Nabiki’s head dropped back to the soft surface of the bed as the fingers on Ranma’s left hand began doing a complex and torrid tattoo on her slit that soon had her squirming in ecstasy. “UUUUUUMMMM!! YYEEEAAAAHHH!!!” A sudden orgasm shook through Nabiki leaving her shaking and gasping for breath. At the same time she could feel that her sexual desire was not diminished one whit by that short relief. While she recovered from her first climax of the day, Nabiki felt Ranma delicately removing her underwear, revealing her neatly-trimmed brown bush to his gaze.

Opening her dark brown eyes she saw that he had moved between her spread, slightly cocked-back legs and after placing her panties to one side he quickly slid off his own shirt and tossed it accurately onto the table near the entrance door. “Ranma!” Nabiki’s startled cry broke the atmosphere of steamy arousal that had been built up over the previous twenty or so minutes. “What happened to you?! Where did you get that scar?!!”

Ranma briefly looked down and gently ran his fingers over the cruel looking mark that Nabiki had just seen for the first time. “Oh, that’s just another thing that I picked up in China. It’s no big deal, so don’t worry about it. Instead, just lay back and enjoy.” Done speaking he moved his body back slightly and moved his head into the junction between her legs.

“Enjoy wha...OH MY GOD!!” Nabiki quickly realized what it was she was to enjoy when she felt Ranma’s mouth start to work on her already wet cunt. Nabiki had never had sex with another girl, not being particularly interested in women in that way. And none of the businessmen who had paid to sleep with her had ever bothered to eat her out. She had, however, seen some pornographic movies, photos, and so on as part of various business ventures. So when Ranma had moved between her legs she had basically known what to expect, but the reality turned out to be quite beyond her expectations.

The martial artist’s tongue was moving at such a quick pace that it kind of felt like a wet, flexible vibrator was at work on the sensitive clit and slit of her vagina. In addition, every once in a while there would be a voracious suck which seemed to drag a series of orgasms from her body. Nabiki knew she was completely out of control as her cum squirted out of her body like a faucet, her hands gripping tightly at Ranma’s head and her body spasming wildly as she screamed and babbled her sexual joy to whoever might be listening.

She would never know how long the constant stream of climaxes wracked her body, but she eventually found her usually cool and analytical mind returning to normal, even as her body continued to twitch and tremble uncontrollably. “What in the name of Heaven was that?” She finally managed to gasp out.

“It’s called the ‘Kiss of the Humingbird,’” Ranma answered as he wiped away some of her juices that were smeared all over his face and even on to his upper chest. “Did you like it?” Even Nabiki had to chuckle at that pointless question, but the laughter died away when Ranma slipped off his pants and began unrolling a condom down the length of his erection. His very large erection. Very very large.

“Uh, Ranma?”

“Yes, Nabiki?”

“You...You’re going to be careful with that thing, aren’t you?” Nabiki looked at what Ranma was sporting between his legs with a great deal of trepidation.

“Don’t worry, Nabiki,” Ranma replied even as he lowered himself over his fiancée’s sister. “I won’t hurt you.”

As Ranma began kissing her once again Nabiki could feel his warm, muscular body pressing into her, crushing her breasts tight up against their bodies. She groaned into his mouth as her hands roamed over his incredibly fit body and she felt the burning length of his cock poking into her belly and then, as he shifted position, against her smooth thighs. “Auunnhh!” With a quick shift of his hips, Ranma began pressing his dick into her. The broad head first pushing her slick, puffy vaginal lips aside and then slowly, ever so slowly, he began edging deeper into her.

“Nnnmmm!! MMmmnnngghh!! Uuuuhhhnnnn!!” Ranma and Nabiki’s grunts merged with one another as he pressed ever more of his length into her body, the pleasure welling up from within both of them. “Yyyyeeessssss!!! Thhaaaatt’sssss iiiiitt!!” Nabiki sighed as she felt her muscular lover possess her more deeply than anyone else ever had before.

“Kaaaaammmmiiiii!!” Ranma returned. “You’re ssssooooo tiiight, Nabikiiiiiii!!” He began punching his hips forward in small, punishing strokes causing Nabiki to scratch his back with her fingernails and spread her legs wide, encouraging him to fuck her even harder. Which is exactly what he intended to do.

“Uuuunmnhh! MMmmnngghh!! AAaauuuggghhh!! Oooooohhhhh!!” Again the two teenagers’ cries blended together as they gloried in the feelings sweeping through them both. On one of his down strokes Ranma paused to grind his hips into Nabiki’s steamy cunt, her juices almost literally boiling over, their groins soaked with them and the blankets beneath them drenched as well.

“Take it! Take it! Take it!” Ranma repeated time after time, flexing his hips and maneuvering his cock to wring the utmost pleasure he could from Nabiki’s willing body. Leaning down he kissed her deeply even as he corkscrewed his dick in and out of her, making her cum again and again. Nabiki’s usually intelligent eyes stared blankly at the ceiling of the shack as she clawed at the back of her lover, her throat hoarse from its moans of pleasure. “Gonna cum, Nabiki! Gonna cuuuuummmm!!” Ranma suddenly roared even as he punched another inch into her overfull pussy, causing her wrap her to wrap her still sock-clad legs around his waist in a near rib-breaking leg-lock.

“Aaauuuuuhhhh!! Ggoooooddddsssss!!! Yyyyeeeeessssss!!!!” Ranma sighed, releasing his load into the plastic container around his dick even as Nabiki clasped herself as tightly around her younger lover as she could, biting deeply into his neck in her own final, ultimate release as she did so. The two teens stayed locked together in a close, muscular-straining embrace for nearly a minute before they relaxed with broad groans of exhausted pleasure. They slumped back onto the bedding, Ranma on his right side and Nabiki on her left, still holding one another close and his cock still deep inside her.

“Th, thank you, Nabiki,” Ranma finally struggled out. “I really needed that, and it felt so good!”

“Well, don’t get any ideas, Saotome,” Nabiki said coolly even as she held tightly onto her younger sister’s fiancé and occasional tremors from the incredible number of orgasms caused by their love-making ran through her body. “Remember, this is all business.”

“Yeah, OK,” Ranma agreed, his blue eyes looking into her brown ones as he smiled. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it.”

“Mmmm,” Nabiki grunted noncommittally. Her eyes then slid to her wristwatch, which she could clearly see as her arms were closely wrapped around Ranma’s neck. “Damn! We’ve been here for over an hour and a half! We’ve got to get moving!!” Still it was pretty clear that there was a large degree of reluctance in her as she slowly pulled her body from Ranma’s warm embrace and let his cock slip out of her pussy with a wet, slightly embarrassing “pop.” Stumbling over to the table she first poured herself a glass of water which she greedily drank down, then she quickly began cleaning herself up, trying to make herself look at least somewhat presentable.

Nabiki’s toilet was somewhat disturbed, however, when she noticed Ranma’s burning gaze on her nude body, glistening with sweat, her own juices, and water from her attempts to clean up. “One orgasm; that was the deal, Saotome. So you might as well stop tormenting yourself,” she observed coldly, toweling herself off briskly. Her eyes, however, couldn’t help straying back to Ranma’s dick, mightily erect again as he watched her carefully.

“Yeah, yeah. OK,” Ranma agreed. He abruptly got up, stripping off the overfull condom on his dick with a brief grimace before tying it off and beginning to get cleaned up himself. Within a few minutes both teenagers were as settled as they could be and Ranma was locking up the door behind them as the left the shed. “I’ll clean up later,” he assured Nabiki as they walked back towards the edge of the rooftop, the mercenary girl looking a bit shaky as they did so.

“You should also pick up an alarm clock too,” Nabiki observed, her voice steady no matter the state of her body. “We don’t want to lose track of time in the future.”

“Good idea,” Ranma agreed. Reaching the roof’s edge he turned to her and asked, “Ready?” With her nod he gathered her up in his arms again and in a few short hops they were back down on the alley floor, where Ranma put Nabiki back on her feet. Noticing her slight stumble and generally shaky demeanor he asked with some concern, “Uh, are you sure you’re gonna be OK, Nabiki? Do you want me to walk you back?”

“No, I don’t, Saotome,” she replied shortly. “You weren’t that good, so don’t flatter yourself. If we came back together it would raise all kinds of questions we don’t want asked. Come back in an hour or so like we planned before, all right?” Without waiting for a reply Nabiki turned and began making her way toward the entrance to the alley.

“OK, Nabiki!” Ranma called out to her retreating back. “No problem! And thanks again!” Then he turned and made his way down the opposite side of the alley.

Damn! Nabiki thought as she stumbled onto the street sidewalk, leaning up against a nearby building in order to try and regain her composure. Walking away from Ranma in a somewhat steady and self-assured manner had taken nearly all of her willpower. Of all the problems I thought might come from this bargain, this was the one which I never expected: That I might enjoy it so much! Maybe too much, she considered with some concern. This is going to take some thought.