A Change in Him: Chapter 3

Null Factor

This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things.  If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER!  If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER!  All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story.  Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.


Chapter 3

Two Weeks Later

Man, this just isn’t working out, Ranma thought bitterly to himself. I gotta do something about it! He was tempted to go over his options again, but quickly dismissed that idea. He had thought about his choices a million times, now it was time to take action. Nodding his head in resolution he quickly flushed the toilet, washed his hands and left the bathroom. Time to get to work.

3 Hours Later

Nabiki Tendo was completely focused on her laptop computer when suddenly Ranma popped up onto her windowsill and from there into her room, sliding the window shut behind him. Before she could even move from her position at her desk the other teenager swiftly moved to her bedroom door, locked it, and moved back into the middle of the room where he stood silently getting the full force of Nabiki’s stare. When Ranma didn’t break down under her icy cool glare, Nabiki calmly snapped her computer shut, turned to face him once again and then asked him in a wintry tone of voice, “Just what do you think you’re doing, Saotome?”

Instead of answering her question directly, Ranma seemed to go off onto a wildly divergent track, “Akane is catching a movie with some friends and won’t be back for a couple of hours. Kasumi just left to do some shopping so she won’t be back for a while too.” At this point Nabiki tried to cut in, but Ranma pushed on, ignoring her annoyed expression; “Our pops are downstairs passed out after drinking too much sake while they were playing shougi. I told the old letch about a new Frederick’s of Hollywood that opened up across town so I don’t think we’ll be seeing him for quite a while. In addition, I made sure Shampoo has a bunch of delivery orders on the opposite side of town and Ukyou’s shop won’t close for another couple of hours or so. Finally, I just gave Kuno a major thumping and left Sasuke to try and take care of him.”

“And just why would I care about any of those things, Saotome?”

“I just wanted to let you know that we can talk without being interrupted, that’s all.”

“And exactly what do we have to talk about?”

That simple, logical question seemed to cause the usually confident martial artist to falter. Face flushed and eyes downcast he stammered; “Well...Uh... Remember when I first came here and you asked me to help collect money for you in return for a cut of the profits?”

At that comment Nabiki’s face brightened. She turned back to her computer and began speaking as she opened up a spreadsheet program on it. “Ah, yes! Actually, I do have a number of deadbeats that need attention. There are other options, of course, but many of them can be so...messy. If you could bring in what they owe me I’d definitely be willing to give you that 15% that I promised you before.”

“I thought you said 40% before,” Ranma observed wryly.

“40%? Is that so? I don’t seem to remember exactly,” Nabiki tried to assume an innocent expression, but it definitely didn’t fit on her.

“Well, whatever,” Ranma said with a laugh, despite his obvious nervousness. “Actually, I don’t want any money.”

“Well, what do you want then? You’re certainly not offering to do it for nothing, are you?”

“No, I won’t do it for nothing. What I want is...is for you...to...to,” Ranma stammered and faltered, unable to continue, his face bright red.

“Well?! Spit it out, Saotome!” Nabiki snapped. “I don’t have all day, you know! What do you want?”

Ranma seemed to choke on his own words for a second before he finally blurted out, “I want you to have sex with me!”

Nabiki stared at Ranma for over a minute in stunned amazement before she was finally able to respond. “Excuse me? What was that?”

“I said, ‘I want you to have sex with me.’”

Again Nabiki simply stared at her sister’s fiancé for a time. She couldn’t believe what he was asking. Rare were the moments when this mercenary teenager was completely at a loss, but this was definitely one of those times. Eventually she said, “Ignoring for the moment the 5 billion reasons that it would be a terrible idea, why in the world are you asking me? You’ve got a ton of fiancées running around, why not ask one of the? Granted, Akane would break your skull open if you asked her,” Nabiki acknowledged with a slight smile. “But what about the others? I’m sure Shampoo would be...amenable if you approached her in the right way.”

Ranma began pacing the room as he responded, wildly waving his arms in agitation; “No! No way! I can’t do that!! I mean, I’m sure you’re right,” he continued, sounding a bit calmer. “Shampoo would definitely be willing and I think that Ukyou would probably agree too. Hell, if I asked and could stomach it, Kodachi would most likely do it too. But if I...well, you know, with any of them, then that’d be the end of my life! They’d all be sending out wedding invitations ten seconds after we finished! And I can’t try and hook up with any of the other girls at school. I mean, I think normally some of them would be willing to go out with me, but a bunch of them are friends of Akane and they’re all scared to death of what Shampoo and the rest of them would do to them if they agreed. I thought about prostitutes, but I don’t got much money and there’s too big a chance of getting caught. I figured what I needed was someone who had as much to lose as me and just as much reason to keep it quiet. That’s why I came to you.”

“Why not just exercise some of that vaunted self control martial artists are supposed to have?” Nabiki asked with some disgust. “Or take some cold showers, or try Rosy Palm and her 5 Little Sisters?!”

“You don’t understand, Nabiki!” Ranma approached the older teen closely, his voice quiet yet incredibly intense. “I tried all that! I need sex!!”

Nabiki looked into Ranma’s blue eyes and realized where she had seen that look before: in the eyes of drug addicts jonesing for a fix. Not that she dealt drugs, of course. It was too risky. But she had acted as a...facilitator on occasion, so she was familiar with the kinds of symptoms that Ranma was exhibiting. That depth of desire could be very dangerous...But it could also be very profitable.

As a successful businesswoman, a very, very successful businesswoman in fact, Nabiki was quite good at calculating the risks and rewards of business deals. And the proposition she was hearing from Ranma was overflowing with risks and negatives. Avoiding detection would be incredibly difficult and if they were discovered...Well, it certainly wouldn’t be good for her relationship with her family. And although she seemed cool, uncaring, and generally selfish, she did still love her family in her own way.

A businessperson, however, also knew when to buck the odds and take what seemed like a crazy risk. And something deep in her gut was telling Nabiki that this might be one of those times. Of course there was the immediate benefit of getting back money that was owed her, but the biggest positives would be long term. If she did have sex with Ranma, he would be hers for the rest of his life. Especially if she was able to get some carefully...slanted evidence. A wintry smile crossed her lips at this point, making Ranma shiver in apprehension as he wondered what the older teen was thinking.

Nabiki’s brown eyes, which had been somewhat unfocused as she pondered the situation, suddenly snapped into focus and fixed on Ranma. The expert martial artist nervously backed up a few steps, but said nothing as Nabiki too remained quiet. I never thought about it before, Nabiki thought. But he is quite good-looking and is certainly in excellent shape. The teenaged girl continued to think over the proposed deal.

Nabiki certainly wasn’t a stranger to sex, having sold her “virginity” 4 or 5 times in the past few years to perverted businessmen. She had, of course, always been very careful in those situations to make sure that she was fully in control of everything. The men hadn’t known who she was, but she knew them and their background. Partly that was to minimize the chances that they would run into her by accident, partly it was for a bit of insurance. She had been careful to take care of her virginity herself with a dildo before her first “meeting,” but it had been easy to fool all of her clients, all of whom were so exited about the thought of fucking a “pure, innocent schoolgirl” that they hadn’t lasted long anyway. Now that she was a bit older she no longer participated in such deals directly. Instead she worked as a middleman, well, middlewoman really, for other teenaged girls desperate for cash. For a percentage of the action, of course. So the thought of sex for money wasn’t in and of itself a deal breaker.

The silence in Nabiki’s room seemed to drag on forever for the nervous Ranma before Nabiki suddenly began speaking in a short, no-nonsense tone of voice. “All right, Saotome. Here’s how it’s going to work: Today is Friday, starting next week you’ll start collecting for me. If I see a definite upturn in returns by the end of the week, then I’ll have sex with you. You will be responsible for finding a safe and secure place for it, but I have to approve it before we do anything. Any costs for anything to do with this little venture will be covered 100% by you. You will definitely wear a condom when we’re having sex and you will most definitely make sure that I have an orgasm before you do. After you have one orgasm we’re finished and I will not blow you, got it?”

“Yeah! Sure! No problem, Nabiki!” Ranma was almost babbling he was so happy.

Just like a junkie, Nabiki thought before she continued speaking. “The most important thing of course is secrecy. If I ever think there is so much as a whiff of suspicion floating around, then I’ll cancel any...meeting no questions asked.” While Ranma bobbed his head in complete agreement the older teen went on, “Next we have to decide how often we will...consummate our agreement. I think once a month will be sufficient.”

“WHAT!! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!” Ranma quickly quieted his voice when Nabiki glared at him for his outburst, but his voice was still intense as he repeated, “Are you crazy?! I’m not gonna be your leg breaker for a once-a-month payoff!”

“Well, how often were you thinking?”

“Uh...Well...Well, I was thinking...You know, like...Like every day or something,” Ranma stammered out.

Nabiki shook her head decisively, “Not a chance, Saotome. If we start getting busy that often we’d definitely get caught. Since you think you deserve a bigger return for collecting for me I guess we could do it...Let’s say twice a month.”

“No way! No way!” Ranma responded adamantly. “It’s gotta be more than that! You don’t understand, Nabiki! I have to get it more often! How about every other day?”

Even as Nabiki again shook her head in the negative, she couldn’t help thinking, What in the world happened to Ranma in China?! In the past he was totally oblivious to girls, or when they were completely blatant in their advances like Shampoo, he was shy, nervous, and uncomfortable. Now, this! Seeing the naked desire in the younger boy’s face she was once again struck with his resemblance to a drug addict in withdrawal. “I don’t know, Saotome. Twice a month seems fair to me.”

Ranma again began frantically pacing around Nabiki’s room at her response. Finally he stopped and faced her again. “Once a week, I’ll do it for once a week, but it’s gotta be at least that often. I need it at least that often.”

Nabiki knew a final offer when she heard one, but she still left Ranma to stew for a few minutes as she pretended to think it over. Finally, she replied, “OK. Once a week, but I’d better see a big improvement in my income in return.”

“You got it, Nabiki! No problem! Thanks so much! I think I know exactly the right place for...Well, I guess I’ll go check it out! Thanks again, Nabiki! You won’t regret it!” And with a short pump of her hand Ranma had opened her window and was gone, leaping from rooftop to rooftop off into the distance.

Most people would have spent a few minutes thinking over the deal, wondering if they had done the right thing after Ranma’s exit. Nabiki, however, was not most people and she wasn’t one to waste time on regrets or pointless worries about a deal already agreed to. So she simply returned to her computer and her calculations of future revenues, reworking her figures to reflect her new collections officer.

The Following Tuesday, Furinkan High School, Lunchtime

“Hey, Kensuke! Wait up!”

Kensuke Oya looked up in surprise when he heard his name being shouted down the crowded school hallway. Looking back over his shoulder he saw a boy dressed in a red Chinese shirt and dark blue pants instead of the usual black school uniform making his way toward him. That in itself would have been enough to identify who it was, but that was more than confirmed by the way the person was moving: jumping from wall to wall, easily soaring over the heads of the more normal students cramming the corridor. With a slight “huff” the boy landed next to the surprised Kensuke, who stammered out, “R, R, Ranma! What’s up?” Kensuke was a bit surprised that Ranma wanted to talk with him. It was true they were in the same grade and knew each other, but they were in different classes so didn’t really spend much time with each other. They certainly weren’t close friends or anything.

“Oh, nothing much,” Ranma replied casually. “I was just wondering if that was the last of the yakisoba bread.”

Kensuke looked down at the two wrapped bundles in his hands and cradled them rather protectively from the ever-voracious Ranma. “Uh, yeah, I think so. There were only a couple left when I got these, so they’re probably all cleaned out by now.”

“Damn! That’s what I figured.”

“So, why weren’t you down there, anyway Ranma? You’re usually one of the first guys there.”

“Oh, you know,” Ranma answered as the two teenagers weaved their way among the other students crowding the school hallway. “I was talking with Nabiki. You know Nabiki, right? Akane’s older sister?” After Kensuke nodded his head Ranma went on, seemingly oblivious to the other boy’s suddenly nervous expression. “Well anyway, she was telling me something about Yuji and I kinda lost track of time.”

“You mean Yuji Kimura from the baseball team?” Kensuke asked diffidently.

“Yeah, that’s the guy,” Ranma confirmed. “It seems he borrowed \5,000 from Nabiki a couple of weeks ago and he still hasn’t paid her back.”

“Oh, yeah? Kensuke asked, the blood beginning to drain out of his face.

“Yeah! I mean, Kami!” Ranma’s fist suddenly lashed out and pounded into one of the concrete blocks in the wall, pulverizing it into gravel while he continued to stalk down the corridor apparently unaware of his destruction of the school building. “She’s almost like family to me and the thought that some loser is holding out on her...Well, it really pisses me off!” Ranma suddenly stopped and looked at Kensuke. “Are you OK, man?”

“Y, y, yeah, I’m fine.” Kensuke gave a ghastly smile of reassurance, but couldn’t stop his eyes from returning to the crumbling wall caused by a seeming offhanded gesture of Ranma’s.

“OK. So as I was saying...Hey, wait a sec!” Ranma peered down the hallway. “I think that’s Yuji! I’ll catch you later, all right?” Without waiting for a response Ranma was off, slipping from open spot to open spot and quickly making his way through the crowds of students.

Kensuke meanwhile simply stood still for a moment before slumping against the concrete wall beside him, ignoring the students who were looking at him curiously. \5,000?! I owe Nabiki almost \30,000! The teenager thought desperately. I didn’t realize she had started going to Ranma for help! If she tells him about me...I’d better go see her right away! When he pushed himself upright, however, he noticed that his hand and arm was covered with grit from the block that Ranma had crushed only a few moments before. At that his knees began trembling and his stomach began roiling, I think I’d better go to the bathroom first, though.

Well, I think he got the point, Ranma thought to himself somewhat smugly, crossing the name ‘Kensuke Oya’ off a list he had gotten from Nabiki. Now, let’s see. Who’s next?