A Change in Him: Chapter 1
Author: Null Factor
This story contains scenes of explicit sex, naughty words, and other horrible, offensive things. If you are underage in your house, village, town, city, community, state, province, country, or continent: READ NO FURTHER! If that type of thing offends your tender sensibilities, or you are stupid: READ NO FURTHER! All characters are the copyright of their respective creators and/or owners; no copyright infringement is intended by this story. Any resemblance to people, places, or situations alive, dead, or otherwise is purely coincidental.
Before I begin this pornographic Ranma 1/2 story, I thought it best that I make a few things clear. Im doing this now, rather than at the end of the story, for one main reason: The Ranma 1/2 characters and their various relationships seem to arouse a surprising amount of heated debate among people so I dont want there to be any surprises about whats coming. First and most importantly: This is not a Ranma and Akane get together story so dont be looking forward to that kind of ending.
I have read a few of the translated Ranma 1/2 manga and seen all of the seasons of the TV show, the movies, and the OAVs that have been released. Therefore, Im well aware that despite their constant squabbling Ranma and Akane love each other and that the only realistic story would have to be with the two of them admitting it in some way. Let me repeat, I know this is true, but Im not going to do it.
The main reason for this discrepancy is that I really dislike almost everything about the Akane character. Granted, shes not the only reason that the relationship between the two of them doesnt work out; Ranma too bears some responsibility. I do feel, however, that shes the main reason. In addition, as I mentioned above, I really dont like her personality, her looks, or almost anything else about her. Shes inferior in every respect to all the rest of his fiancées (including Kodachi). Think about it, in cooking, fighting, attractiveness, and personality shes pretty much bringing up the rear. Thus, dont expect much of her in this story.
Of the rest of the main female characters I definitely have to say Shampoo is my favorite. Shes the best-looking, probably the best fighter and generally the coolest, in my opinion. I like Ukyou, and Kodachi is at least amusing. As for the Tendo sisters, I like Nabiki a lot, she cracks me up, so dont be surprised if she plays a major part in this story.
Looking at the male side, the one character that actually surpasses my loathing of Akane is Ryouga. If there is a more despicable, hypocritical, whiny son of a bitch of a character that for some reason some people really like, I have yet to encounter them. Needless to say, youll be seeing very little of this bastard. Mousse is generally pathetic, Kuno is good for some laughs, the fathers are somewhat annoying and Happosai is pretty funny.
Thus, looking at what Ive just written above I hope its clear that what is to follow is going to primarily focus on Ranma and his adventures with a bevy of beautiful babes, among whom youll definitely not find that bitch Akane. Therell be plenty of m/f and f/f sex in various combinations, but absolutely no m/m. Sorry for those non-traditional male readers out there (or females for whom its a turn on), but its not something that attracts me so Im not going to write about it. Finally, on a minor side note Ive decided to ignore the part in the last season of the TV series where Genma reveals Ranmas shape changing ability to everybody. I hate that so in my story the fact that male and female Ranma are the same person is still a secret (well, for the most part).
I guess thats more than enough prose on those points. On with the porn!
Ranma 1/2 - A Change in Him
Chapter 1
Nerima, Tokyo, Japan
Ranma Saotome moved swiftly through the park on his way home, a fairly rare smile on his face. The sun was shining brightly and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue, all of which contributed to Ranmas cheerful frame of mind. The biggest factor in that happiness, however, was the fact that today had been nearly perfect. There had been no brawls (well, except for his morning training with his father and a few random poundings of Kuno), no fights with Akane (well...no serious ones anyway), and no embarrassing confrontations with his various fiancées (well, compared to usual anyway). Given that the last few months had been pure, unadulterated hell with the letch, the ghoul, the psycho principal, and a few bizarre surprise guests all constantly harassing and going gangbusters on him he would definitely consider this to be a great day.
Given these points, Ranma was in no way surprised when he felt the burning flash of a raging battle aura and heard the cry of DDIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE, RRRAAAAAANNNMMMAAAAAAA!!! shatter the calm afternoon air. Springing backward off the path and flipping onto a nearby tree limb, Ranma saw a form flash by to smash into the ground, a billow of dirt and rocks welling up around the impact zone. Hey, Ryouga, Ranma greeted cheerfully, even before the obscuring fog of dust had fallen away. Whats up, buddy? I havent seen you in a while. Whereve you been? America?
His directionally-challenged opponent slowly stood up from his failed attack and turned to face Ranma, a fierce glare affixed on his face. Ive been training hard to kill you, Ranma, so dont call me buddy!
Ranma shook his head pityingly. When are you ever just gonna give it up, Ryouga? He asked. Ive never done nothing to you.
Nothing!! A vein popped out and began throbbing on the side of Ryougas flushed face at that comment. NOTHING??!?!! Just count your lucky stars that Ive left you this long to live! But its all over now!! Prepare to die!!!
All right, lets do it!! Ranma responded enthusiastically, launching himself off his perch to meet the upward flying body of his opponent. After all, peace and quiet is all well and good, but a nice, enthusiastic, knock-down, donnybrook has a lot to recommend to it too, you know.
The two black-haired teenagers were soon closely involved in their melee, fists and feet flashing at one another with incredible speed as their contest took them through the park toward its center. The various spectators of the fight, used to as they were to numerous strange, destructive, and violent incidents in the Nerima area, were still shocked by the speed, skill, and fury of the combatants. What they were unable to appreciate, however, was the fact that only one of the fighters was the recipient of the vast majority of the devastating blows; and that individual was Ryouga. Once more, Ranma was reaping the unintentional benefits of his constant battles with Shampoos scary great, great, great, great...(etc.) grandmother and his fathers even more terrifying (as well as perverted) master, in addition to the numerous other freaks who seemed to be drawn to attacking him. The continual fights had once again boosted his already tremendous level of martial arts skills far above the standard achieved by Ryouga in his aimless wanderings across the globe.
Arriving at the large open area at the center of the neighborhood park, Ranma landed a rather nice combination of kicks to Ryougas head (his most solid and dense body part) which sent him soaring off towards the fountain in the middle of the plaza. Even as Ryouga was spiraling off, however, Ranma heard the one voice that he most feared.
RRRRAAAANNNNMMMAAAA!!!! Just what do you think youre doing????!!!!
Without even looking, Ranma knew it was Akane who was bellowing at him and he dashed forward toward the already descending Ryouga. Looks like its time to save bacon-butt, Ranma thought. Again. Arriving at the edge of the fountain, the teenaged martial arts expert looked up to judge the trajectory of his rival. Just as Ryouga, gibbering with fear at the thought of revealing his secret identity to Akane, streaked down toward the cold water of the fountains pool, Ranmas hand flashed out to catch him.
By the nose.
For a second.
It was at that point that the warmth of the spring day betrayed both of them. That heat, combined with the exertion of the battle, had built up a thick layer of sweat on Ryougas face that caused his nose, face, and body to quickly pop out of Ranmas saving grip.
Ranma automatically dodged backward to avoid the wave of water that erupted when Ryouga fell into the fountain, his eyes almost bugging out of his skull in shock and dismay. Any reaction he was going to have to this dire turn of events, however, was preempted by Akanes abrupt shove that sent him tumbling to the ground.
Get out of the way, you! In a much gentler tone of voice she continued, turning toward the pool of water, Ryouga? Are you O........k?
Akanes voice trailed off uncertainly as she peered into the sparkling water of the fountain, expecting to see the teens unconscious body floating in it, but instead seeing...A yellow shirt and a green pair of pants floating on the surface of the fountain...A black pair of shoes and a red umbrella lingering on the bottom...And just floundering awkwardly up to the surface of the water was.... P, P, P, P-chan?! Akane stammered in shock and disbelief.
P-chans/Ryougas eyes swelled up to an unbelievable extent as his deep, dark secret was finally revealed to his beloved Akane. With a despairing squeal of hopelessness, the little black pig managed to fling himself out of the revealing water and sped off crying into the forested depths of the park.
Akane simply stood there watching him leave with her mouth hanging open, unable to express or even come to grips with her feelings. P-chan! My pet! The one Ive snuggled with, slept with, kissed, undressed in front of is...is...is Ryouga! Akane had no idea how to react to this catastrophe.
Ah, take it easy on the jerk, Akane, Ranma recommended, clapping his fiancée on the shoulder as he spoke. Defending his biggest rival as was his nature, Ranma went on; I know its a surprise, but he really didnt mean anything by it. Honest.
Akane didnt know what to think. Her trusted pet, her beloved P-chan had proven to be Ryouga, someone whom she thought she could count on and believe in, but now...And now that she thought back to all the jokes, the innuendos, the sarcastic comments, it was crystal clear to her that Ranma had known all along! The teenager was confused and upset, her trust was shattered and the hand on her shoulder was only a further reminder of that fact. In such confusing circumstances, she reacted as her normal tendencies led her...
Ranma no baka!!! She bellowed as her hand flashed around to crash into her fiancés face, sending him staggering backward. How could you!? This is all your fault!!! Her hand once more swung at Ranmas surprised face, but this time he caught it before it landed.
MY fault!? Ranma was clearly stunned by this accusation and held the youngest Tendo girls wrist in his firm grasp as he looked at her. How is it... his voice trailed off as he saw the fierce, unforgiving set to her features. An expression of sheer tiredness and resignation then passed over him. Akane, Ranma then said, his tone unusually quiet and serious. Goodbye. With that he was gone, jumping from the ground to the trees and quickly disappearing from view.
Akane was at first surprised by this sudden departure, but quickly recovered. RANMA!!! she yelled in displeasure. Just WHERE do you think youre going!!!?!?????!!! Im not done with you yet!!!!!!!! With a fierce scowl on her face she sprinted off towards her home.
Approximately 20 Minutes Later, The Tendo Household
Akane was used to many expressions on Ranmas race; confusion, hunger and irritation definitely being the top three of those emotions. The strange, weary and drained expression that she had seen after the revelation of Ryougas double life had at first left her unable to respond, but in the course of her trip home she had managed to regain her normal frame of mind. Namely, that anything that went wrong was almost certainly Ranma the perverts fault for which he deserved a good pounding. The degree of that pounding depended on how upset she felt. Thus, by the time she opened the door to her home Ranma was in store for an assault of epic proportions.
Slinging off her shoes in the entrance way she stomped her way toward the stairs, pausing only briefly when her older sister Kasumi poked her head out of the kitchen to ask, Akane! Whatever is the matter? Did something happen at school today? Ranma came home just a little while ago and he didnt even ask for a snack! When Ranma didnt eat anything that was a very clear signal that something was indeed seriously wrong.
Nothings the matter, Akane gritted out as she stomped up the stairs toward the second floor. I just need to have a little chat with Ranma! Each of her footsteps was as the tolling of doom as she made her way down the hall towards the room that the Saotomes shared with one another. Just as she reached the door and was about to slam it open, however, the sounds of loud, arguing voices from inside stopped her.
Shut the fuck up, Pop! Akane easily identified the voice as Ranma, but she was surprised to hear how angry he sounded.
But, boy...son, next Akane clearly made out Ranmas fathers voice, its whiny tone the normal one he used when he wanted something. Son, its all for you! Genma Saotome desperately cried.
Bullshit, Pop! Ranma yelled. I dont want to hear that crap! When Ranma continued speaking he spoke more quietly, forcing Akane to listen much more carefully. Pop, it just aint working out. Im not saying its all her fault, I guess Im to blame, too, but...But this fiancée garbage just isnt getting any better. I mean, Kami! Blamin me for Ryouga being P-chan! What a bunch of crap!! She musta been the only one who didnt know about it! You knew it, Shampoo knew it, so did the ghoul, the letch, Ukyo, Mousse, and Mr. Tendo. Hell, Im pretty damn sure that even Nabiki and Kasumi knew! So who does she blame when it finally made its way through her thick head that Ryouga and P-chan were one and the same? ME!!! What was I supposed to do when she was too fucking dense to figure it out on her own?! Rat him out?!
But, boy! Think about me!
SMACK!! Shut! WHACK!! The! CRACK!! Fuck! WHAM!! Up! THWACK!! Pop! SMASH!! The force of the blows caused the whole building to shake and Akane just barely stopped herself from sneezing at the dust that fell from the ceiling. For a few moments the silence from within the Saotomes room was broken only by the sound of someone rummaging around and then Akane heard Ranmas voice once again. Sorry, Pop, but I shoulda never wasted my time here for as long as I did. Im goin to China to get this damned curse fixed. See ya.
Akanes eyes widened at this statement and she hurriedly opened the door to the room, but even so she was too late to accomplish anything. The Saotomes had never been particularly tidy, but now it looked like someone had thrown a few grenades into their room shortly after which a tornado had torn through it. Genma Saotomes body was lying halfway through a gaping hole in the wall where the window had previously been, the only sign he was still alive being an occasional slight twitch or tremor running through it. Past his body and across the garden outside Akane could just barely make out Ranma, a large knapsack strapped to his back, jumping over the wall surrounding the Tendo house. Hopping with incredible speed from rooftop to rooftop, her fiancé quickly disappeared from view.
That Same Evening
Dinner in the Tendo was a tense affair that evening. Genma, numerous bruises and lacerations discoloring his face, tried to act as if nothing was the matter as he ate, but the large sweat drops dripping from his forehead made it clear how worried he felt. Soun Tendo, meanwhile, showed his feelings by the furious way he began smoking his after dinner cigarettes. Akane was quiet, but her flushed face made her unease and embarrassment evident as well. Nabiki occasionally looked up from her meal to fix shrewd glances at the others, her calculating brain looking for the most profitable angle for herself. The sole person at the table who seemed unaffected by the days events was Kasumi who had calmly and sweetly served dinner as she always did.
Finally the strained silence was broken by Soun vigorously stabbing out his cigarette butt and then fixing his old training mate with a fierce glare. Well, Saotome, he said, Just how do you explain all this? Where has Ranma gone? Exactly?
Uuhrm, yes, well, Genma nervously cleared his throat before responding. Um, it seems that Ranma has...Well, that hes gone to China.
China! Souns face began to take on the incipient signs of transforming into its demon mode.
N, n, now calm down, Tendo! Genma desperately tried to reassure his friend, as well as protect his own fat behind. Im sure he didnt really mean it. Hes said it before and never really done it. Hell be back in no time, youll see.
Wanna bet? Nabikis cool, assessing voice swiftly sliced through the brewing fight between the two middle-aged men. The middle Tendo sister showed no signs of anxiety being the object of everybodys attention. Instead she calmly sipped her tea before continuing, Ive never seen Ranma as upset as he was today. Ill wager cold, hard cash that he wont be back for quite a while.
So, Nabiki...Just what kind of odds are we talking about here? Genma asked speculatively, rubbing his chin.
Just kidding, Tendo!
As the two friends began brawling on the living room floor Kasumi returned to the table with more hot water for the tea. Setting it down she asked, But how would poor Ranma ever be able to make it all the way to China?
He probably plans to swim there like we did before, Genma answered, his voice muffled as Soun was currently trying to jam it through the tatami flooring with his foot. After all, any experience can be training for the true martial artist.
How true, Soun agreed, grunting with exertion as he attempted to seriously maim his friend. Constant discipline is crucial to the path of a real martial artist.
Oh, dear. Thats what I was afraid of. Everyones attention was focused on Kasumi as she took a sip of tea before putting her cup back onto the table. It seems that there are an unusual series of typhoons making their way into the area. The seas between Japan and China are undoubtedly going to be quite treacherous. I hope poor Ranma at least wears a life jacket. After this comment Kasumi picked up her teacup for another drink of tea oblivious to everyones wide-eyed and open-mouthed stares.