Ambush 1/2
By: KoalakIller

Chapter 5: Sun, Surf and Sex
Revision: Draft 2 (March, 29th)

(Bewarned, things start to really get out of control from here, folks, so hang on!)


The hot rays of the mid-morning sun shone down upon the golden sand, with both young and old soaking up the UV rays...

“You know Ranma, if you keep on frowning like that I would have to start thinking you miss my little sister.”

Ranma only gave the middle-Tendou sister a sharp look before laying out her towel on the sandy ground, “Whatever.”

Kasumi, in a deep blue one-piece swimsuit, smiled at Ranma-chan in a understanding way, “Don’t worry Ranma, you’ll have fun today and you never know, one of your girlfriends might drop by like they always do.”

“Eh.” Ranma-chan winced at that thought, while Nabiki raised an eyebrow on hearing her older sister using the term ‘girlfriends’.

“Now Son,” Mister Tendou added his voice into the conversation, “No need to despair that my little girl isn’t here to spent time with you.  But don’t worry I will make sure she does next time!” He slaps the red-haired girl on the back, “Isn’t that right, Saotome?”

“Indeed, my friend, next time they can go on a date or something.” Nodded the foolish Saotome elder.

Ranma-chan just shook her head in frustration, wishing she could claim not to know the two men.

“Cheer up, Ranma-kun, why don’t you jump in and have a swim,” the smirk on Nabiki’s face could have even scared Kodachi at that moment, “The boys around here will just love seeing you in your prime.”

“Hey!” Ranma turned her head towards the older girl, then felt her face start to heat up as she saw the Moneylender stretch out on her own towel, wearing a very skimpy two-piece that would draw any hot-blood male.

“Yes?” Nabiki inquired, noticing the flushing face of the other girl, making her curious to know what Ranma-chan was thinking to have her face that red.

“Um, never mind, I’m going for a walk.” Standing up, wearing one of her red shirts and a pair of black shorts, shuffled off while the others looked on with a mix of different expressions on their faces.

“Interesting.” Murmured Nabiki, closing her eyes while putting on her sunglasses.

“Well, I think I’ll go have a dip in the water.” Announced Kasumi, standing up.

Smiling at his beloved daughter, Soun nodded, “Have fun, Kasumi, and make sure to be careful since you never know what could happen in the water.”

“I will Father.” And with one more smile, walked off towards the waves while missing the many stares the young men nearby was giving her.

Watching her sister enter into the waves with one eye open, Nabiki wondered when her big sister would ever find a man that would please her without turning into a raving madman.

Oh well, she thought, there are other things that need attention and that being one upset and confused sex-changer.  Know doubt things were starting to get complex between the cursed boy and a few of his fiancées.  Someone’s ego can be a delicate thing and seeing the main flame of your life with another girl who’s passions could melt you heart wouldn’t be good one little bit.

So it seemed that Nabiki had feared would happen and that she would have to get more involved then she wanted to right now.

Sighing at that thought, the young woman continued to lay in the sun as a storm of thoughts, ideas, plans and wishes ran through her head...

* * * *

Not too far from where the Tendou/Saotome clans were...

“I really don’t think this hair-brain scheme of yours will work, Shampoo.” A male voice could be heard grumbling.

“No be silly,” A familiar purple-haired girl replied back, a smile playing across her lips, “this work just fine if you no give yourself away, need to act part.”

In a public changing room that was stationed near a popular beach.  Inside the men’s section two voices could be easily heard from one of the dozen or so small changing rooms.  Though, it seemed that the pair was currently having a disagreement.

“And why are we in here? There isn’t enough room for two people.” The boy complained, then added, “or are you being a pervert again?” A smile tugged on his lips as he looked down at the seated girl.

“Shampoo in here to see up-close what cute boy look like, you no being shy again?” Answered the girl, giving the handsome boy a good look over as he fiddled with his swimming trunks.

“And this one not only pervert in here too.” The exotic beauty added, purring the words out.


“Anyways, I think I’m ready to go.” He grunted out, finally getting the shorts to feel right without falling over onto the girl before him.

“Akane make too, too much complaining, should thank Shampoo for thinking up idea for day at beach.”

“I still think we could’ve used the instant water another time.” The boy, well part-time for now, said, “and why didn’t you let me change into these things first before dumping the water on me?” Akane stared at the Amazon.

“What the fun in that.” Was the returned response, and Akane had to shiver at the look in the girl’s face as she smiled at him while licking her lips.

It was a lovely sunny day, and with it being a weekend the Tendou family had decided to make a trip to the local beach.  Of course this meant that Akane once again would have to go while staying out of the water.  And for Ranma, he or rather she would have to use non-gender clothes just in case.

But once Akane had told Shampoo of the family’s plans, the Amazon seemed to gain an idea on how she could come along while not having to worry about showing her desires for the youngest Tendou, though of course Shampoo wouldn’t have minded expressing her affections for Ranma too.

Of course Akane had rejected the idea at first, not even wanting to think about using the magic water to change into a male.  But it seemed that the Amazon girl had other ideas and shoot out reasons why they should try this, one reason being to try and sniff out Ranma and see how he reacted to Shampoo flirting with another boy.

So after much asking, pleading and offers of doing some rather interesting things later on that evening, Akane had finally gave in and agreed to use the water.

Part of the plan had been to get Akane to convince the other family members that she didn’t want to go, reasoning that she couldn’t swim right so what would be the point.

But it had taken more effort for Akane to get out of the day’s activities, including using the excuse on having plans to meet friends later on.  And it wasn’t til she promised to try and come by later on did she finally got her Father and her oldest sister to agree.

Ranma, of course, gave her an odd look while Nabiki just shrugged while saying Akane was a big girl who could do what she wanted.  Nabiki herself had been looking forward to the visit to the beach, showing off her new outfit that would make any hot blooded male, and probably some females as well, stare for an extended amount of time at her.

So now here they were, in a small male public changing room, Shampoo now starting to stand up in front of a male Akane as he tried to get use to only using shorts in a public place.

Before Akane-kun could reply to that sly comment, the shapely body of Shampoo’s moved forward and pressed hard against Akane’s flat and muscled chest.  The feel of soft lips pressing against his own made him shiver in pleasure as he wrapped his arms around the girl to pull her closer.

This scene continued on for a few moments as the two exchanged a passionate kiss.  It was though with great reluctance that Akane-kun pulled back as he knew they needed to get going before this scene turned into something a bit more hot and steamy.

Shampoo sighed heavily.

“I think we better get going,” Akane-kun finally said, the stiffness in his shorts was a big distraction currently though having a beauty like this ready to do a man’s greatest wish was even a bigger one.  So pushing open the door to check for any other boys that might have came in,

“Though I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted to get familiar with my other side right now...” He had to smile at that comment.

Shampoo gave a thoughtful hum, making Akane sweat a bit before she said, “Not today, try another time to do nice things to Akane boy.” The Amazon leer promised much and it make the Tendou heir's blood rush quicker to current parts of her new body.

“Right then, off we go.”

Luckily, the pair got out without anyone seeing them, though a little old lady nearby did give them an odd smile.

* * * *

The water lapping at her toes, Ranma-chan watched the people in the surf with a distracted gaze.  The red-haired girl had been for the past 20 minutes wondering around, thinking about her current problems and wishing on how she could fix them.

Of course, Ranma-chan had to also ‘discourage’ a few curious boys who wanted to know her name, number and a few other questionable things that made the buxom girl pissed off and vented her anger out on the poor fools.

So leaving a trail of half-buried boys in the sand, Ranma-chan now stood looking at the blue horizon and thought on how her life sucked.

Thankfully though, Kasumi seemed to have a sixth sense in feeling someone who was down in the dumps.  As the older girl approached Ranma, she gave the Martial Artist her trademark smile as she stopped beside Ranma-chan.

“So how are you, Ranma?” Asked the Tendou housekeeper, “Don’t you think it’s a wonderful day to be at the beach.”

Gazing up at the other girl, Ranma-chan had to smile herself feeling the warm glow that seemed to resinate naturally from Kasumi.

“Its fine I guess,” She shrugged, dragging her toes around in the wet sand, “though I wish I could’ve take a swim as a guy though.” I hate wearing girl swimmers the red-head thought silently. 

“You will one day, Ranma,” Kasumi started to turn her attention towards where her family was, “but why don’t you have a swim, its nice and cool out there...” The older girl trailed off suddenly.

“Mmmmm?” Ranma turned around to see what had caught the other girl’s attention and nearly falling over in surprise when she saw who was currently talking to the others.

“Oh my,” Kasumi put her fingers up to her mouth, feeling her face starting to heat up, “who is that with Shampoo-san?”

“Huh?” was the red-head’s reply, wondering if she was seeing things right as she watched the purple-haired girl standing besides a medium-build, averaged in height boy who was currently linking arms with her suppose fiancée.

“I wonder who that young man is...” Kasumi wondered, as she started to walk back, with Ranma-chan not far behind.

The red-head didn’t respond in words but there was the slight narrow of the eyes.

Some moments ago...

“Nihao!” A cheery voice came from out of the blue.

“Mmmmm.” Nabiki opened one eye, turning her head slightly to see two figures now standing before her, one that was all-too familiar to the moneylender.

“Shampoo-san?” Soun turned in surprise, as did Genma who so far had kept dry, “Who..?”

“Um, hello?” The young man said nervously, eyeing the three like they were landmines ready to go off if not moved around them properly.

“Well, well.” Nabiki drawled out, now propping her head up with her elbow as support while gazing up at the new arrivals with a razor sharp interest, “I see you have been sniffing around for new prey, Shampoo, I thought your current one was good enough for you?”

“Now Nabiki, be friendly.” Soun interrupted, his attention fully on the pair, “Who is your new friend?”

“He name is...” a slight pause came over her, which Nabiki rolled her eyes as she started to think up obvious reasons the Amazon had brought a handsome boy with her to the beach, “...Akira.” Shampoo nodded, more to herself then really anyone else.

“Ahh... its nice to meet you, young man.” Soun nodded his head, while Genma looked on with an unusual thoughtful look.

“Thank you, um, sir.” He returned, glancing briefly at his ‘lady friend’ before feeling a stare burning a hole through him, ‘...yes, err, miss?” He licked his lips, looking down at Nabiki.

“The name’s Nabiki,” The middle Tendou daughter eyes had narrowed as she seemed to be trying to put together a puzzle that had a few pieces that looked to have been munched on by a few toddles, “and to be honest, I’m surprised you still have both arms right now seeing how FRIENDLY you are being with this beautiful, all-round cute and overly brutal lady.” Nabiki’s smile showed teeth as the boy drew back slightly from the woman on the towel.

“Shampoo saw him first, sneaky-girl.” Smiled back Shampoo, briefly tightening her grip on the boy’s arm, “and since Ranma no speaking to Shampoo, can have fun today with very lucky boy.”

“Whatever.” Chuckled the older girl, as the two men looked on in wonder as the scene played out before them.

“I’m back.” Interrupted a heavenly voice that made everyone direct their attention.  The sight of Kasumi seem to briefly calm the nervous boy but as Ranma-chan stepped into view, he seem to stare at the red-head with a very odd expression on his handsome features.

“Its nice to see you again, Shampoo-san.” Continued Kasumi, as she greeted the Amazon with her normal good-nature smile, “and is this nice looking boy with you?”

Though Soun had missed the tone of the question, Nabiki had to raise an eyebrow at the way Kasumi was now looking at the young man that Shampoo had seemly picked up from out of no-where.

“I’m...Akira.” He seemed to pause slightly before saying his name, but seemed to act normal when he spoke to the Head Lady of Clan Tendou.

Ranma-chan meanwhile, looked on with a expression that be described between confusion, hurt and a touch of sadness as she viewed the way Shampoo was nearly clinging onto the boy’s arm.

“And the, um, girl there is my daughter.” Genma added, briefly fumbling over his words as he introduced his ungrateful cursed son.

“Hello.” Ranma mumbled out, as Akira nodded in return as he tried not to look at the short but stunning red-haired girl.

A brief period of silence roamed over the small group soon after, as Shampoo removed a towel from her backpack.

“Come,” Shampoo finally broke the building tension, “let us sit down over there, you can put lots of special Amazon sun protection cream on Shampoo body.” The girl seem to purr the words out as she moved some meters away from the group.

“Um, right.” He nodded, glad to have his mind distracted with something else.

Looking on, Nabiki had to smirk at this scene playing out before her.  No doubt Shampoo had pulled some poor boy off the street to use in one of her latest schemes to get Ranma jealous.  Though, with the current situation that had been building, it was hard to predict Saotome’s reactions.

“So,” She said, directing her question towards the buxom red-head, “you thoughts on Shampoo’s new ‘friend’?”

Sitting down on her towel, she cross her arms with a frown on her lovely features, “Hmph, I really don’t care what that silly Amazon does.”

“Indeed you shouldn’t, girl.” Genma butted in, like he normally does, “you should think only of your fiancée and not that girl there.  She has her own suitor so in the end things will work out, right Tendou?” As always, the foolish Saotome elder looked for backup from his old friend.

“Yes,” Soun nodded, “and its good to see the girl making new male friends, though I pity the young man once that Amazon boy finds out about this.”

“Oh my.” Kasumi gasped, reacting a bit too much Nabiki thought.

“Now, now big sister, don’t worry about him,” Nabiki had to grin, “Shampoo will protect him long enough for you to pick up the pieces.” Soun blinked at Nabiki while Genma looked on in confusion at the comment.

“What are you implying, Nabiki dear?” Kasumi face had went pink as her father held his attention towards Nabiki.

“Oh nothing, just thinking out loud.” Nabiki waved a hand at her Father before laying back down, “imagine the words never was spoken.”

“Hmmmm.” Soun looked over to the young man sitting behind Shampoo, as he applied cream to the Amazon’s back.  Kasumi, meanwhile, sighed and pulled out a book that she had brought with her to read and secondly to hide the flush feeling to her cheeks.

Oh dear, she thought, I wonder where Shampoo found him...

* * * *

Buildings and houses zoomed by Akane-kun’s eyes as he and Shampoo were on the way back to Nerima.  The pair had spent a few hours at the beach, though both were unable to enter the surf because of different annoying reasons.

Feeling a small hand rub against his thigh, Akane turned he’s attention back to his partner while raising his eyebrow, “I would have thought after that much sun you would want to cool down a bit?”

“No be silly,” Shampoo, who was now dressed in simple pair of shorts and shirt over her skimpy two-piece lavender coloured bikini, purred out, “Shampoo no mind get all hot and bothered again in different way to see how Akane perform.”

“No doubt.” Akane shook his head in wondert, then his eyes widen as the hand became a lot more friendlier as he felt it land on his groin, rubbing the stiffness that was building there, “ahhh...*

Shampoo softly laughed, as she removed the hand completely, returning it to her lap.

“Teasing little Amazon.” Mumbled the boy, shifting in his seat.

Silence fell over the odd pair, as thoughts of the day went through their minds.  It had been an interesting few hours, the two had sat near the others while they acted very friendly towards each other.

“You know,” Akane finally spoke, “I think after seeing Ranma’s face by the time we left, I think he still considers you HIS Chinese fiancée.” The boy had to smile at some of the facial expressions the red-haired girl made with some of the antics he and Shampoo did together.

“Shampoo no think Akane be that free with hands at public beach.” Mused the Amazon, glancing up at the handsome ‘boy’.

“Well...” He shrugged, “I guess your bad habits are paying off finally.  Though I kind of surprised myself seeing as my own FATHER was only a few meters or so away.”

“And your curious sisters.” Added the Amazon.

“Eh, well...”

“Shampoo notice the looks Nabiki was giving her ‘little brother’.” And the odd behaviour of Kasumi was disturbing, she added silently.

“Whatever.  But anyways, I think our little test worked out pretty good.” Akane said, as Shampoo nodded in agreement.

“By next week this little trip will be forgotten by Ranma, and then we’ll have to work on mending tensions.” Akane sighed, knowing it would be hard to get Shampoo back into Ranma’s good books after the pair had been caught in the act.

“Shampoo have no idea how to do that.” The Amazon girl frowned, looking out the window as if she was trying to solve the problem by viewing the passing buildings.

“Well he is pretty stubborn.”

“Just like someone Shampoo now REAL well, yes?” Shampoo looked back at Akane, a smirk forming on her lips.

“Oh? Who’s...Hey!” Akane-kun glared down at the cheeky Amazon, then sighed.

“Be serious for once Shampoo, or you really don’t care if you lose not only respect but your HONOR in your village?”

The Amazon lost the expression on her face as the girl looked off into space, no doubt many thoughts going through her head.

“I’ll admit we screwed up.” Akane sighed, “We should have just told Ranma after we mended fences and laid out the real problem that you have that only he can help fix.”

“Shampoo think Ranma never agree.” The dull tone of the usually cheerful Amazon surprised the Tendou heir, but it soon turned to anger very quickly.

“Don’t you DARE even think of giving up!” That snapped the Amazon back to full attention, shocked at the tone of voice Akane had used, “He WILL make right of the situation that he’s arrogance help make.”

Shampoo looked up in wonder at the determination that was so familiar on Ranma’s face when pushed.  It made her feel better seeing Akane act this way on her behalf, seeing as no-one else around here ever stood up for her culture and traditions.

“Thank you.” The purple-haired girl spoke softly, making Akane smile as he put his arm around her.

“Things will work out,” He said, keeping a firm grip on the Amazon, “they have to for everyone’s sake.”

After that, the pair remained quite until they finally reached their stop.  Walking away from the Bus Stop, Akane continued to reflect on not only on the day’s interesting events but on how this all got started.

“Sometimes,” The handsome boy mused, “I wonder how us two got into this situation.”

“Who know, maybe opposite attract?” Shampoo smiled up at the person besides her.

“Heh, maybe.” As the pair past an alley, Akane suddenly steered the pair into the darkness, surprising Shampoo as she found herself pressed up against the wall with Akane’s male body rubbing on hers as their lips meet.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, as well as her legs circling his body, she began to rub against the short-haired boy’s hardening member as she surrendered to her passions.  The two of them remained that way for a time, releasing some of the built-up tension from the beach earlier.

Finally, their lips as well as their tongues parted as the pair looked at each other with clear intent on taking it further.  Of course, things don’t always go to plan as Shampoo sadly remembered a promise she gave her great-grandmother.

“Shampoo wish to continue but...” She sighed heavily, “Elder requested Shampoo back before three o’clock

“As soon as I...” Akane sighed, shaking his head as Shampoo released him and stepped back with her backpack in hand after she had dropped it some moments ago.

“Akane no worry,” Shampoo gave a look of promise, her reddish-brown eyes seem to gleam with lust as she looked at the handsome man before her, “we continue this another time and Shampoo show Akane real fun time.”

That said, the Amazon spun on her heal and walked back out of the alley, hair floating around in the breeze as she disappeared around the corner.

“Damn she’s good.” Akane shook his head, wondering how she had fallen under the Amazon’s spell.

Moving out of the alley, the short-haired boy moved in a different direction as the afternoon sun continued to shine brightly.

* * * * 

After dinner that day...

Pausing outside the guestroom of the two Saotomes, Nabiki again thought on what she had finally planned on doing.  After seeing today’s events, the middle-Tendou sister had seen that things between her sister and Ranma hadn’t improved one bit and with what Shampoo had pulled today, Nabiki knew she couldn’t ignore current things anymore and that her involvement would have to change dramatically.

Sliding open the door, the young woman gazed at the dark-haired boy kneeling on his futon with his back facing the door.

“Yeah?” Nabiki frowned slightly at the lack of emotion in the tone.  Leaning against the door frame, the girl looked at the boy with a neutal expression.

“It seems your on a roll of late, Saotome.” She commented, looking to see if she spark a reaction of the cursed boy.

“Its you.”

“Indeed, its little old me Nabiki.” She sighed, knowing playing any of her little games wouldn’t work the way she wanted them to.

“So I guess you’ll still thinking of today, Hmm?” She inquired .

“Maybe.” He returned with a grunt.

“Well, “ she drawled out, “jealousy is a nasty thing, and it seems its bitten you pretty hard earlier today.”

“Yeah right Nabiki, as if I care what that Amazon manic does.” He grumbled out, his back still facing Nabiki.

“Oh and so you didn’t care when that guy got friendly with his hands and groped ‘certain’ places on Shampoo’s body?”

Only silence was her reply.

“Ranma, Ranma, Ranma,” Nabiki shook her head.  Closing the door she stepped towards the boy until she was standing a few feet away, “You do know why Shampoo did what she did?”

“Well, yeah,” He shrugged, “to get me upset or jealous or something.”

“And did she?”

Silence again.

Nabiki studied the boy from behind for some moments as she weighed her options on how to proceed.  Once deciding to do next, Nabiki moved to the side and surprised Ranma as she kneeled besides him.

“What are you doing here anyways?” He finally asked the question that Nabiki had expected.

“Because I‘m partly responsible for this while thing,” she admitted, seeing that there was no point in beating around the bush, “I encourage Shampoo, gave her tips and places that Akane liked to be and where she would be alone...”

“I gathered that last part,” He put in, finally making eye contact with the cunning woman besides him, “but why you DO it though? Did I do something wrong or was it Shampoo who paid you something you couldn’t resist.”

Silence filled the air as Ranma stared at the girl, waiting for an answer while she looked thoughtful as she thought over what she wanted to say.

“Truthfully,” Nabiki looked towards the window, a heavy sigh escaping from her lips, “I was getting sick and tired of you pussy footing around my sister, you not taking your responsibilities for you pass actions with the other girls and in general,” she paused, looking back at Ranma with a hard stare, “you running away from all the girls when things get too hot to handle.”

Nabiki had watched the flinching Ranma did as she threw that last comment at him, and she could tell that she had hit a raw nerve as Ranma looked away.

“I can’t help it.” He finally spoke, his voice low, “I’m not used to them wanting me so much.”

“And why do you care what happens to me anyways.” He mumbled out, “I would think you would try now and get rid of me and Pop.”

Nabiki looked at Ranma, shaking her head in disappointment.

“I thought you knew me better then that, Saotome,” She finally said after a moment of thought, “If I really wanted you gone, you wouldn’t have survived a month.” She sighed again as she placed a hand on Ranma’s shoulder making him look back at her in confusion.

“I might be a loner in some ways,” she started to say, “and I’ve collected a lot of stupid names like Ice Bitch, Money whore and even colourful ones as Spread for Cash.” She had to chuckle at that last name, as Ranma looked at her with his eyebrows raised.

“I’m not liked and that’s fine by me,” she continued, “but when it comes to my few friends that I DO have, I make sure I keep them close.” She had to smirk at the surprise look on the boy’s face.

“You might not think it but I do consider you a friend, a strange one maybe,” she chuckled, “But a friend none the less.”

“But...” she withdraw her hand, rubbing her nose, “I misjudged a few things, like your reaction, that Akane and Shampoo would sort of gang up on you and I thought you would take this as a challenge and get back what is yours.”

Ranma looked down at that, thinking on Nabiki’s words, “Thanks for trying to help, but I just can’t...” His formed his hands into fists, frustration clearly showing, “I just don’t know what woman WANT from me!”

Nabiki remained silent.

“And after I started to get a better understanding on what just Akane, she goes and lets Shampoo sleep with her!” He shook his head.

“Everyone has limits, Ranma,” Nabiki finally spoke up, a thoughtful look on her pretty features, “and my baby sister had reached hers and that’s why I did what I did since you wouldn’t bite the bullet and sleep with her yourself.”

Ranma’s face seem to flash red as random images ran through his mind, but shook them off not long after they appeared.  Nabiki, meanwhile, seemed to have grown a knowing look in her eyes as she regarded the boy.

“I’ve considered this for some time now, but I guess with the current mess that has popped up...” She moved a bit closer to the boy, “My bet is you don’t think you can please Akane in that way, right? And what men do with women...”

Ranma’s head seem to snap to look at her in shook, as Nabiki continued on, “but personally, I think that’s a load of bull.” Her hand moved over to Ranma’s bare knee, softly rubbing her fingers over the flesh.

Of course, the boy reacted to this as moving away from the warm touch, making Nabiki nodded, “Are you scared of a woman’s touch, Ranma?”

“Hey! I am NOT!”

“Then why did you move away from me, wasn’t doing anything special.” Nabiki smiled at the boy.


“Ranma,” She reached over and took his hand into hers, making him flinch, “we girls don’t bite... well maybe a select few in general. But in the end all we girls want is a bit of affection once in a while.” She sighed.

“I’m a grown woman and still haven’t had a steady boyfriend yet,” she looked at him, a look that made him swallow hard, “I might be a businesswoman but I still need another’s touch.” She moved Ranma’s hand up to her covered breast, making the boy jump in surprise but she held the hand there firmly.

“Um.” He looked away shyly, a nervous look coming over his features, “What are you..?”

“What’s the matter? Its only a woman’s breast that you’re touching.” She mused, “You have two of your very own to play with.” That last part made Ranma wince.

“Oh come on, the other girls aren’t around to make things hard for you.” She used her most gentlest smile she could muster, “So since your hand is there, come on...”

After some moments of nothing, Nabiki finally felt the hand gently squeeze her breast, making her nod, “Very nice, and you notice that the walls are still up and there isn’t a line of crazy martial artists after your blood.”

“Um, well...” Ranma had to admit, it felt nice though his curiosity had kicked in and wondered what Nabiki’s breasts felt without a shirt covering them.

“Then lets try something a bit more daring, Hmmm?” Nabiki removed the hand away and moved to be rubbing shoulders with Ranma which made the boy’s face redder if possible.

“Now,” Nabiki’s hands moved down to grab Ranma’s shorts, “don’t freak out.”

“Hey!” Ranma jumped slightly in shock which make it easier for the girl to pull the boy’s shorts down enough to see his bulging erection.

“I see your already at attention, Ranma-kun.” Chuckled the Moneylender, as she slightly rubbed her fingers over the confined member, making a moan escape Ranma’s lips.

“And I see you didn’t mind that either.” The girl seem to get a better bold as she took then harden penis and squeezed it.

“Oh GOD!” Ranma whispered out, leaning back with his hands now supporting him as this woman played with his most private of parts.

“Must be very nice, I would gather.” Nabiki licked her lips as she watched Ranma’s face, his closed eyes shut tight as he let loose small moans as her hand massage his dick.

“Now lets see what happens when I do this...” It seemed Ranma didn’t care at that point, as Nabiki pulled down his underwear to grasp onto the rock hard rod.  It being Nabiki’s first time in being in contact with a man’s penis, she was amazed at its texture and the heat that came from it.

She started to move her hand up and down, feeling a bit of pre-cum already leaking out.  These movements continued for around a minute or so as she examine Ranma’s groin.  She had by now moved her other hand to cup the two small balls of flesh underneath, gently massaging them to see what they felt like.

“Enjoying yourself, I see.”

“Keep going...” He murmured out, seeing to have forgotten for now his problems as he sat there enjoying the feelings he was experiencing.

“Well then, I guess I should go all the way then...” The girl hesitated for a moment once saying that, but shook her head and moved it down to kiss the head of the dick.

Ranma’s eyes popped open in surprise as he felt wet lips surround the top of his dick, a tongue dragging across the skin...

“Whoa...” Ranma could feel some sort of pressure building up as Nabiki slowly swallowed more and more of his harden dick.  He watched as it all disappeared into Nabiki’s mouth in wonder, the feeling of her lips teasing his skin...

Moving back up, Nabiki thought how weird it was to be doing this to Ranma of all people, but considering that the boy needed a distraction, she didn’t mind really that much at all.

Soon Nabiki started to build up a rhythm, bringing the Saotome heir to his first orgasm.  To Ranma, it felt like something was about to blow and he wished it would as soon as possible.

The first squirt surprised Nabiki, making her cough a little but she soon adjusted as more jets of sperm shoot into her mouth.  The taste was very odd to Nabiki, as she tasted what she could while the rest dripped out of her mouth.

Soon Nabiki moved her head back up once Ranma had finished empting his load, wiping her mouth as she regarded the boy with a inquiring look, “So how was that, Ranma? Enjoyed it?”

Opening his eyes to look at Nabiki, she was surprised seeing the intense gaze, “Whoa... that was unbelievable, I didn’t know you could do that.”

“Well...” She drawled out, licking her lips, “I surprise myself though by the look you’ll giving me it seems you want a little more.”

“Um, well...”

“Since it seems we have come to a understanding of sorts,” she said, standing up,”if you want to explore more of that with me, come to my room once everyone is asleep.”

Ranma looked surprised at the woman, “but why?”

She shrugged, “I guess I enjoyed myself a bit too much and I’m curious to see what else could happen between us.” She paused for a moment, “and seeing that look in your eyes that reminds me when you want to learn something new about martial arts...”

“But what about the others...”

“What about them?” She gave him a look, “its not as if I’m in love with you, just that we both have lusts that are needed to be satisfied.”

“So if you want to be my first, come to my room later.” And with that, the woman walked out of the room  closing the door behind her.

Ranma looked at where she had left, then down at his groin in thought.

“Hmmmm...I wonder...”

Later that night, if anyone was awake they would have wondered what the weird sounds were that was coming from Nabiki’s room....

End of Chapter 5

Author Notes:
          And its finally done... (wipes forehead).  Sorry to everyone out there who wanted to see more of this.  Main reason was lack of interest in the Ranma ½ series. I had became a fan of another anime series called Battle Athletes Victory.  But now, since I got that out of my system I’m back at work with this fanfic.
I just hope I didn’t piss off any more people with this one :).  Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and look out for the next as it shouldn’t be that far away I hope.

Next up:

End of Chapter 4

Author Notes:
          Sides have been chosen it seems, as Nabiki and Ranma plot while Akane wonders what is her sister up to THIS time.  And the others? Will lets just say Shampoo gets nailed the good way and leave it as that...