½ Saga
A Change in Him
A Day in the Life of Ryōga
A Romp in the Park
A Wolf in Samurais Clothing
Addicted to Love
Adventures of the Amazons
After the Chaos
Ai Shiteru, Ranma-kun
Akane and Ami Together!
Akane the Dominatrix!
All My Diggers
All My Outers...
Ambush ½
Choose Your Own Adventure!
Cold Weather & Hot Water!
Complete Control
Crash & Burn
Cures and Solutions
Dark Mauve
Divine Intervention
Dojo Raider!
Dreams of Darkness
Everything Goes Martial Arts
Exploring Nerima
Father Figure
Fathers Day II
Gratuitous Sex
Hentai Adept
Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke
How the Other Half Feels
In 2 Minds...
Incriminating Evidences
Killing Me Softly
Kodak Moments
La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki)
La Chica de mi vida
La Verdad oculta
Lemon Series
Lemonade / Lemon Sherbet
Lemonade Punch
Master PC ½
Neko Love
Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag!
Never Buy the Unknown
No Control
Not Ranma ½
Nullifier 122
One Scoop or Two?
Paint It Black
Passion Spice Pandemonia
Pink Lemonade
Playing with Ranma
Playing with Water
Porn World!
Psionic Ranma
Questionable Income
Ranma .05
Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love
Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored
Ranma ½ ×2 ×4
Ranma Hentai
Ranma in the Pokégirl World
Ranma Lets Fuck!
Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu
Ranma Nibun no Ichi
Ranma: Sextacular
Ranma Sutra
Ranmas a Demigod
Ranmas Quest for His Manhood
Rock n Roll ½
Sibling Rivalry
Split Personalities
Spring of Drowned Vampire
Tables Turned
Tender Tendō Tushies
The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top)
The Devil in Miss Tendō
The Dreamstone
The Perfect Race
The Power of Dreams
The Shikima Interface
The Ties That Binds
Trading Places
Twister of Fate
Two Types of Liars
Ultimate Betrayal
Un grave castigo
Un petit lemon de Pelops
Un pésimo remedio
Video Girl
Well-Hung by Moonlight
Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs
Why Always Me?
Wild Horse & Pokégirls
Wild Senshi
Yet Another Ranma Lemon
Youre Never Too Old
½ Saga
Status: ongoing
- A Change in Him
- A Change in Him 1 (no lemon) [html - 20 KB]
- A Change in Him 2 (no lemon) [html - 14 KB]
- A Change in Him 3 (citrus) [html - 18 KB]
- A Change in Him 4 [html - 21 KB]
- A Change in Him 5 [html - 30 KB]
- A Change in Him 6 [html - 16 KB]
- A Change in Him 7 [html - 22 KB]
- A Change in Him 8 [html - 16 KB]
- A Change in Him 9 [html - 24 KB]
- A Change in Him 10 [html - 19 KB]
- A Change in Him 11 [html - 17 KB]
- A Change in Him 12 [html - 24 KB]
- A Change in Him 13 (lemon scent) [html - 21 KB]
- A Change in Him 14 [html - 23 KB]
- A Change in Him 15 (lemon scent) [html - 15 KB]
- A Change in Him 16 [html - 21 KB]
- A Change in Him 17 [html - 20 KB]
- A Change in Him 18 [html - 20 KB]
- A Change in Him 19 [html - 19 KB]
- A Change in Him 20 (lime) [html - 17 KB]
- A Change in Him 21 (no lemon) [html - 15 KB]
- A Change in Him 22 (no lemon) [html - 24 KB]
- A Change in Him 23 (lime) [html - 18 KB]
- A Change in Him 24 [html - 28 KB]
Status: ongoing
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 1: Let the Fun Begin! [html - 5 KB]
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 2 [html - 18 KB]
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 3: Threesome Fun! [html - 14 KB]
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 4: Always the Quiet Ones [html - 16 KB]
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 5: Black Rose/White Lilly [html - 21 KB]
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 6: Lost in the Woods [html - 10 KB]
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 7: In the Hands of the Enemy 1 [html - 12 KB]
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 8: In the Hands of the Enemy 2 [html - 16 KB]
- A Day in the Life of Ryōga 9: In the Hands of the Enemy 3 [html - 18 KB]
Status: ongoing
- A Romp in the Park
- A Romp in the Park 0: Spring Is in the Air... (no lemon) [html - 5 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 1: A Fight! (lemon scent) [html - 13 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 2: Osuwari! (lemon bits) [html - 17 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 3: The Jewel Shard! (lemon rinds) [html - 16 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 4: Tears and Giggles [html - 19 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 5: Rainshowers! [html - 18 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 6: Confessions [html - 17 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 7: A Kiss [html - 20 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 8: Another Kiss (or More) [html - 26 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 9: Teaser [html - 20 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 10: Foursome? [html - 23 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 11: The Fifth Wheel [html - 26 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 12: Demon Moon [html - 29 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 13: The Point of No Return [html - 15 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 14: Not-So-Guilty Pleasures [html - 27 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 15: Anything Goes! [html - 36 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 16: Sating the Hunger (non-Ranma) [html - 24 KB]
- A Romp in the Park 17: Weird, But Good [html - 13 KB]
- A Romp in the Park II 1: Foreplay [html - 41 KB]
- A Romp in the Park II 2: Self-Discipline [html - 36 KB]
- A Romp in the Park II 3: Boys Night Out II [html - 21 KB]
- A Romp in the Park II 4: Girl Pile [html - 47 KB]
Status: ongoing
A Wolf in Samurais Clothing
Status: complete
- Addicted to Love
- Addicted to Love 1 (lime) [text - 29 KB]
- Addicted to Love 2 (lime) [text - 25 KB]
- Addicted to Love 3: Ranma no Video (lime) [text - 14 KB]
- Addicted to Love 4 [text - 41 KB]
- Addicted to Love 4.5: The Seduction of Kasumi [text - 10 KB]
- Addicted to Love 5 (lime) [text - 31 KB]
- Addicted to Love 5.5 [text - 25 KB]
- Addicted to Love 6 (lime) [text - 32 KB]
- Addicted to Love 7 [text - 23 KB]
- Addicted to Love 8 (lime) [text - 26 KB]
Status: ?
- Adventures of the Amazons
- Adventures of the Amazons 0: Introduction (no lemon) [html - 5 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 1: The Beginning 1 [html - 12 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 2: The Beginning 2 [html - 14 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 3: The Beginning 3 [html - 12 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 4: The Beginning 4 [html - 6 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 5: The Beginning 5 [html - 9 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 6: The Magic Prison [html - 14 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 7: Detective Work 1 [html - 38 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 8: Detective Work 2 [html - 52 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 9: Bound Love [html - 7 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 10 [html - 16 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 11 [html - 12 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 12 [html - 17 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 13 [html - 25 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 14 [html - 16 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 15 [html - 21 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 16 (no lemon) [html - 6 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 17 [html - 49 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 18 [html - 19 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 19 [html - 29 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 20 [html - 23 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 21 [html - 46 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 22 [html - 53 KB]
- Adventures of the Amazons 23 [html - 43 KB]
Status: complete
- After the Chaos
- After the Chaos 1: The Swallowing of Pride (lemon scent) [html - 13 KB]
- After the Chaos 2: The Solution to All Problems and Their Love [html - 20 KB]
- After the Chaos 3: The Honeymoon [html - 24 KB]
- After the Chaos 4: Looking to the Future (lime) [html - 12 KB]
- After the Chaos 5: Resolution of a Curse (no lemon) [html - 7 KB]
- After the Chaos 6: The Epilogue (no lemon) [html - 10 KB]
Status: complete
- Ai Shiteru, Ranma-kun {Portuguese}
- Ai Shiteru, Ranma-kun 1 [html - 9 KB]
- Ai Shiteru, Ranma-kun 2 [html - 9 KB]
- Ai Shiteru, Ranma-kun 3 [html - 6 KB]
Status: complete
- Akane and Ami Together!
- Akane and Ami Together! 1: House Guest [html - 12 KB]
- Akane and Ami Together! 2: Cleaning Up [html - 7 KB]
- Akane and Ami Together! 3: Bedtime [html - 9 KB]
Status: complete
- Akane the Dominatrix!
- Akane the Dominatrix! 1: Whats so Wrong with Eyedrops? (lemon scent) [html - 11 KB]
- Akane the Dominatrix! 2: Perverted Thoughts [html - 13 KB]
- Akane the Dominatrix! 3: Shampoo Gets into Trouble [html - 17 KB]
- Akane the Dominatrix! 4: Ranmas Plan.... [html - 18 KB]
- Akane the Dominatrix! 5: All Tied Up! [html - 16 KB]
- Akane the Dominatrix! 6: Cant Wash Away the Sins (lime) [html - 16 KB]
- Akane the Dominatrix! 7: Tongue-Tied Ranma [html - 25 KB]
- Akane the Dominatrix! 8: Wanting Control [html - 26 KB]
- Akane the Dominatrix! 9: Tell Him (lime) [html - 24 KB]
Status: ongoing
- All My Diggers
- All My Diggers 1: The Fools Gold [html - 39 KB]
- All My Diggers 2: I Know Why the Caged Pig Squeals [html - 36 KB]
- All My Diggers 3: Shop Non-Descript Chinese Pharmaceuticals Store, for all Your Amazon Needs! [html - 38 KB]
Status: ongoing
- All My Outers...
- All My Outers... 0: Here Come the Brides (lime) [html - 8 KB]
- All My Outers... 1: Meeting the Wives [html - 26 KB]
- All My Outers... 2: Fun with Gaijin (lime) [html - 22 KB]
- All My Outers... 3: Flight of the Part-timers (no lemon) [html - 19 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ambush ½
- Ambush ½ 1: Switching Sides [html - 24 KB]
- Ambush ½ 2: Scarlet and Lavender [html - 28 KB]
- Ambush ½ 3: Fun and Games [html - 27 KB]
- Ambush ½ 4: The Naked Truth (lime) [html - 27 KB]
- Ambush ½ 5: Sun, Surf and Sex [html - 39 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Bliss
- Bliss 1 (no lemon) [html - 13 KB]
- Bliss 2 (lemon scent) [html - 13 KB]
- Bliss 3 [html - 18 KB]
- Bliss 4 (lime) [html - 15 KB]
- Bliss 5 (no lemon) [html - 10 KB]
- Bliss 6 [html - 13 KB]
Status: complete
- Camping
- Camping 1: First Night [text - 19 KB]
- Camping 2: Second Night [text - 13 KB]
- Camping 3: Third Night [text - 7 KB]
- Camping 4: Fourth Night [text - 9 KB]
Status: complete
- Choose Your Own Adventure!
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 1 (lime) [text - 17 KB]
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 2 [text - 18 KB]
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 3 (lime) [text - 16 KB]
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 4 (no lemon) [text - 17 KB]
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 5 [text - 29 KB]
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 6 [text - 21 KB]
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 7 [text - 23 KB]
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 8 [text - 8 KB]
Status: ?
- Cold Weather & Hot Water!
- Cold Weather & Hot Water! 1 [html - 33 KB]
- Cold Weather & Hot Water! 2: Cold Night, Hot Dinner [html - 37 KB]
- Cold Weather & Hot Water! 3: It Gets Worse! [html - 52 KB]
- Cold Weather & Hot Water! 4: The Most Horrible Christmas Ever! (lime) [html - 68 KB]
Status: complete
- Complete Control
- Complete Control 1 [text - 67 KB]
- Complete Control 2 [text - 82 KB]
- Complete Control 3 [text - 97 KB]
- Complete Control 4 [text - 79 KB]
- Complete Control 5 [text - 109 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Crash & Burn
- If Walls Could Talk [text - 15 KB]
- Changes (lime) [text - 64 KB]
- Crash & Burn 1 [text - 12 KB]
- Crash & Burn 2 [text - 16 KB]
- Crash & Burn 3 [text - 16 KB]
- Crash & Burn 4 (no lemon) [text - 16 KB]
- Crash & Burn 5 [text - 21 KB]
Status: complete
- Cures and Solutions
- Cures and Solutions 1 (lemon rinds) [text - 14 KB]
- Cures and Solutions 2 (citrus) [text - 19 KB]
- Cures and Solutions 3 [text - 18 KB]
- Cures and Solutions 4 (no lemon) [text - 20 KB]
- Cures and Solutions 5 [text - 19 KB]
Status: ?
- Dark Mauve
- Dark Mauve 1: Challenges [text - 24 KB]
- Dark Mauve 2: Exposition [text - 24 KB]
- Dark Mauve 3: Jejeunem [text - 15 KB]
- Dark Mauve 4: Metamorpha (lime) [text - 9 KB]
- Dark Mauve 5: Escalation (no lemon) [text - 10 KB]
- Dark Mauve 6: Antipode [text - 11 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Después {Spanish}
- Después 1: Sueños y problemas (lemon bits) [text - 39 KB]
- Después 2: Sinceridad y sentimientos [text - 23 KB]
- Después 3: Pláticas en el avión... la llegada [text - 24 KB]
- Después 4: Cambios y... algo más... (lime) [text - 16 KB]
- Después 5: Sorpresas (lemon scent) [text - 16 KB]
- Después 6: Reunión familiar... y otras cosillas... [text - 16 KB]
- Después 7 [text - 21 KB]
- Después 8: Realidades (no lemon) [text - 21 KB]
Status: complete
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Intervention 1: Happōsais New Leaf Can He Really Turn It Over? [text - 42 KB]
- Divine Intervention 2: In the Meantime... [text - 39 KB]
- Divine Intervention 3: ... In the Meantime, Part II [text - 38 KB]
Status: ?
- Dojo Raider!
- Dojo Raider! 1 [html - 53 KB]
- Dojo Raider! 2: Haven [html - 33 KB]
- Dojo Raider! 3: Comfortable [html - 38 KB]
- Dojo Raider! 4: The Tide (no lemon) [html - 37 KB]
- Dojo Raider! 5: Three Men and a Little Lady [html - 24 KB]
Status: ?
- Dreams of Darkness
- Dreams of Darkness 0: The Nightmare [text - 8 KB]
- Dreams of Darkness 1: The Fears of a Man (lime) [text - 28 KB]
- Dreams of Darkness 2: When Dreams Come True [text - 21 KB]
- Dreams of Darkness 3: Answers and Questions (lime) [text - 17 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Duty
- Duty 1 (no lemon) [text - 9 KB]
- Duty 2 [text - 34 KB]
- Duty 3 [text - 55 KB]
Status: ?
- Everything Goes Martial Arts
- Everything Goes Martial Arts: Time Enough for Lust 1 (lemon scent) [text - 55 KB]
- Everything Goes Martial Arts: Time Enough for Lust 2 [text - 54 KB]
- Everything Goes Martial Arts: Time Enough for Lust 3 [text - 61 KB]
- Everything Goes Martial Arts: Time Enough for Lust 4 [text - 58 KB]
Status: ?
- Exploring Nerima
- Exploring Nerima 1: A First Time for Everything [html - 32 KB]
- Exploring Nerima 2: How the Other Type Does It [html - 28 KB]
- Exploring Nerima 3: School IS a Place for Screwing Around [html - 18 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Father Figure
- Father Figure {1st draft} [text - 13 KB]
- Father Figure 1 (lime) [html - 10 KB]
- Father Figure 2: Blood & Fire [html - 23 KB]
- Father Figure 3: Total Eclipse of the Heart [html - 31 KB]
- Father Figure 4: Stone & Pearl [html - 17 KB]
- Father Figure 5: Parts Unknown [html - 16 KB]
- Dark Indiscretions (lime) [html - 3 KB]
- Dark Indiscretions 2: Lullaby [html - 12 KB]
- Dark Indiscretions 3: Salvation [html - 14 KB]
Status: complete
- Fathers Day II
- Fathers Day II 1: The Present [html - 30 KB]
- Fathers Day II 2: The Training Trip [html - 41 KB]
- Fathers Day II 3: The Affair [html - 40 KB]
- Fathers Day II 4: Ranma-chans Week [html - 91 KB]
- Fathers Day II 5: The Weekend, Part 1 [html - 45 KB]
- Fathers Day II 6: The Weekend, Part 2 [html - 49 KB]
- Fathers Day II 7: The Weekend, Part 3 [html - 88 KB]
- Fathers Day II Side-Story 1: A Strange Encounter [html - 65 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Fragmentation
- Fragmentation 1 [text - 67 KB]
- Fragmentation 2 [text - 62 KB]
- Fragmentation 3 [text - 73 KB]
Status: complete
- Gratuitous Sex
- Gratuitous Sex 1: Revenge! [text - 16 KB]
- Gratuitous Sex 2: Blackmail [text - 10 KB]
- Gratuitous Sex 3: The Dating Game [text - 13 KB]
- Gratuitous Sex 4: The Lure of the Black Rose [text - 14 KB]
- Gratuitous Sex 5: She Knows?! [text - 8 KB]
- Gratuitous Sex 6: Settling Differences [text - 14 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Gratuity
- Gratuity 1 [text - 26 KB]
- Gratuity 2 [text - 18 KB]
- Gratuity 3 [text - 28 KB]
- Gratuity 4 [text - 17 KB]
- Gratuity 5 [text - 28 KB]
- Gratuity 6 [text - 11 KB]
Status: ?
- Hentai Adept
- Hentai Adept 1: You Have Good Fangs for a Horse [text - 20 KB]
- Hentai Adept 2: Hard Hangover (lime) [text - 11 KB]
- Hentai Adept 3: To Every Cat There Is a Season [text - 19 KB]
- Hentai Adept 4: Lemon Spread [text - 52 KB]
Status: ?
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 1 [text - 23 KB]
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 2 [text - 21 KB]
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 3 [text - 24 KB]
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 4 [text - 41 KB]
- Chemical Predators [text - 34 KB]
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 5 [text - 23 KB]
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 6: Epilogue [text - 37 KB]
Status: complete
- How the Other Half Feels
- How the Other Half Feels 1 [html - 69 KB]
- How the Other Half Feels 2: Boys and Girls [html - 59 KB]
- How the Other Half Feels 3: Through the Looking Glass [html - 59 KB]
Status: complete
- In 2 Minds...
- In 2 Minds... 1: Schizophrenia (no lemon) [html - 15 KB]
- In 2 Minds... 2: Explanations (no lemon) [html - 10 KB]
- In 2 Minds... 3: A Little More Forward... [html - 17 KB]
- In 2 Minds... 4: Duel on Ice 1 [html - 26 KB]
- In 2 Minds... 5: Duel on Ice 2 (no lemon) [html - 21 KB]
- In 2 Minds... 6: Unexpected Love [html - 15 KB]
- In 2 Minds... 7: Confessions & Broken Hearts (no lemon) [html - 14 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Incriminating Evidences
- Incriminating Evidences 1: Does It Use Double As or D Cells? [text - 17 KB]
- Incriminating Evidences 2: Some Viewers May Be Aroused [text - 12 KB]
- Incriminating Evidences 3: Whip Me! Beat Me! Make Me Yours! [text - 15 KB]
- Incriminating Evidences 4: My Little Arumpy-pumpy [text - 8 KB]
- Incriminating Evidences 5: Dip Baby Dip! [text - 15 KB]
- Incriminating Evidences 6: Super Orgy Porno Party [text - 33 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Killing Me Softly
- Killing Me Softly 1: Crash and Burn (no lemon) [html - 10 KB]
- Killing Me Softly 2: Break, Break Down (lemon scent) [html - 12 KB]
- Killing Me Softly 3: Melting the Ice [html - 18 KB]
- Killing Me Softly 4: A Visitor (lime) [html - 14 KB]
- Killing Me Softly 5: Hear Me Roar [html - 17 KB]
- Killing Me Softly 6: What If (lemon rinds) [html - 13 KB]
- Killing Me Softly 7: How About Change? [html - 14 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Kodak Moments
- Kodak Moments 1 (lemon rinds) [html - 30 KB]
- Kodak Moments 2 (lemon rinds) [html - 26 KB]
- Kodak Moments 3 (lemon rinds) [html - 29 KB]
- Kodak Moments 4 [html - 40 KB]
- Kodak Moments 5 (lemon rinds) [html - 33 KB]
- Kodak Moments 6 [html - 37 KB]
- Kodak Moments 7 (lemon rinds) [html - 45 KB]
Status: on hold
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki)
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 1 [text - 75 KB]
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 2 [text - 80 KB]
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 3 [text - 76 KB]
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 4 (lime) [text - 50 KB]
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 5 [text - 105 KB]
Status: on hold
- La Chica de mi vida {Spanish}
- La Chica de mi vida 1 [html - 54 KB]
- La Chica de mi vida 2 [html - 53 KB]
- La Chica de mi vida 3 [html - 48 KB]
Status: complete
- La Verdad oculta {Spanish}
- La Verdad oculta 1 [html - 14 KB]
- La Verdad oculta 2 [html - 15 KB]
- La Verdad oculta 3 [html - 21 KB]
Status: ?
- Lemon Series
- Lemon Series 1: 100% Female [text - 10 KB]
- Lemon Series 2: Chinese Dreams I [text - 8 KB]
- Lemon Series 3: Chinese Dreams II [text - 6 KB]
- Lemon Series 4: Thank You for Always... [text - 13 KB]
- Lemon Series 5: New Thoughts [text - 12 KB]
Status: complete
Lemonade / Lemon Sherbet
Status: complete
- Lemonade Punch
- Lemonade Punch 1: Ranma Fever [text - 65 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 2: Hinakos Lesson [text - 92 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 3: A Tad Too Much [text - 70 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 4: Passion Fever Nightmare [text - 119 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 5.1: My Bright-Eyed Girl 1 [text - 147 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 5.2: My Bright-Eyed Girl 2 [text - 148 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 6: Games and Gals (roll call) [text - 13 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 6.1: Fighters Passion 1 [text - 150 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 6.2: Fighters Passion 2 [text - 134 KB]
- Lemonade Punch 6.3: Fighters Passion 3 [text - 168 KB]
Status: complete
- Master PC ½
- Master PC ½ 1: The CD (lime) [text - 18 KB]
- Master PC ½ 2: The Beginning of Change [text - 17 KB]
- Master PC ½ 3: Power [text - 17 KB]
- Master PC ½ 4: Passionate Red [text - 16 KB]
- Master PC ½ 5: Whos the Teacher? Part One [text - 17 KB]
- Master PC ½ 6: Seduction of a Student [text - 16 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Matchmaker
- Matchmaker 1 [html - 13 KB]
- Matchmaker 2: Nabikis Love [html - 11 KB]
- Matchmaker 3: Akanes Lost Heart [html - 21 KB]
- Matchmaker 4: Shampoo and the Amazon Hatred [html - 13 KB]
Status: ?
- Neko Love
- Neko Love 1: Unwelcomed Attention [html - 13 KB]
- Neko Love 2: 4 a.m. Wake-up Call! [html - 14 KB]
- Neko Love 3: High School Rumors (lime) [html - 18 KB]
- Neko Love 4: Cat House (lime) [html - 15 KB]
- Neko Love 5: Director Nabiki [html - 15 KB]
- Neko Love 6: The Calm Before the Storm (lime) [html - 14 KB]
- Neko Love 7: Things Are Heating Up! (lemon bits) [html - 14 KB]
- Neko Love 8: Cat Fight! (lemon bits) [html - 16 KB]
- Neko Love 9: Honor or Lust? [html - 15 KB]
- Neko Love 10: Demon Nightstalker of Nerima [html - 17 KB]
- Neko Love 11: Two Cats and One Idiot [html - 19 KB]
- Neko Love 12: Its all a Matter of Taste (lime) [html - 18 KB]
- Neko Love 13: Nekohanten Showdown (citrus) [html - 19 KB]
- Neko Love 14: Uninvited Guests (lime) [html - 20 KB]
- Neko Love 15: Gimme Some Loving! [html - 13 KB]
- Neko Love 16: The Cat Came Back (lime) [html - 15 KB]
- Neko Love 17: Feline Fury! (no lemon) [html - 17 KB]
- Neko Love 18: Sisterly Reunion (citrus) [html - 22 KB]
- Neko Love 19: Big Sister Is Watching You! (no lemon) [html - 17 KB]
- Neko Love 20: Complications (no lemon) [html - 18 KB]
- Neko Love 21: Planning and Preparation (no lemon) [html - 18 KB]
- Neko Love 22: A Storm Is Brewing (no lemon) [html - 22 KB]
- Neko Love 23: Secret of the Temple (no lemon) [html - 21 KB]
- Neko Love 24: Desperatly Seeking Shampoo (lime) [html - 21 KB]
- Neko Love 25: Dog Demon Unleashed! (lime) [html - 20 KB]
- Neko Love 26: Rescue the Fallen (no lemon) [html - 23 KB]
Status: ongoing
Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag!
Status: abandoned
- Never Buy the Unknown
- Never Buy the Unknown 1: Akane Gets It [text - 20 KB]
- Never Buy the Unknown 2: Akane and Ranma Get It [text - 36 KB]
- Never Buy the Unknown 3: Kasumi and Shampoo Get It [text - 16 KB]
- Never Buy the Unknown 4: Ranma-chan Gets It [text - 7 KB]
- Never Buy the Unknown 5: Nabiki and Ukyō Get It [text - 12 KB]
- Never Buy the Unknown 6: Ukyō Gets to Have Fun Now [text - 8 KB]
- Never Buy the Unknown 7 [text - 9 KB]
Status: complete
- newRanma
- newRanma 1: Hurting (lemon scent) [text - 20 KB]
- newRanma 2: Cutting (citrus) [text - 26 KB]
- newRanma 3: Healing (no lemon) [text - 17 KB]
- newRanma 4: Learning (lemon bits) [text - 23 KB]
- newRanma 5: Seeing (lemon rinds) [text - 36 KB]
- newRanma 6: Fighting (no lemon) [text - 47 KB]
- newRanma 7: Retreating (no lemon) [text - 48 KB]
- newRanma 8: Dreaming [text - 28 KB]
- newRanma 9: Burning [text - 34 KB]
- newRanma 10: Dancing (lemon scent) [text - 42 KB]
- newRanma 11: Dying (no lemon) [text - 43 KB]
- newRanma 12: Falling [text - 64 KB]
- newRanma 13: Playing (lemon bits) [text - 32 KB]
- newRanma 14: Believing (lime) [text - 27 KB]
- newRanma 15: Kissing [text - 42 KB]
- newRanma 16: Understanding (no lemon) [text - 26 KB]
- newRanma 17: Deceiving [text - 55 KB]
- newRanma 18: Screaming [text - 55 KB]
- newRanma 19: Leaving (lemon rinds) [text - 43 KB]
- newRanma 20: Living [text - 96 KB]
Status: complete
- No Control
- No Control 1: The Beginning of the End of Ranma Saotome [html - 169 KB]
- No Control 2: The Bringer of Pain [html - 36 KB]
- No Control 3: Someone Fucked Up! (lime) [html - 41 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Not Ranma ½
- Not Ranma ½ 1: The Lost Sisters [text - 47 KB]
- Not Ranma ½ 2: Lemon Tea [text - 73 KB]
- Not Ranma ½ 3: Three Nights [text - 91 KB]
Status: on hold
- Nullification
- Nullification 1 (lemon scent) [text - 15 KB]
- Nullification 2 [text - 33 KB]
- Nullification 3 [text - 16 KB]
- Nullification 4: Epilogue [text - 17 KB]
Status: complete
- Nullifier 122
- {1st version}
- Half and Half: Ranma Times Two! 1 (lemon rinds) [text - 75 KB]
- Half and Half: Ranma Times Two! 2 (no lemon) [text - 36 KB]
- Half and Half: Ranma Times Two! 3 [text - 108 KB]
- Half and Half: Ranma Times Two! 4 (lemon scent) [text - 79 KB]
- Half and Half: Ranma Times Two! 5 [text - 98 KB]
- {2nd version}
- Nullifier 122 1: Divisions (lemon rinds) [text - 91 KB]
- Nullifier 122 2: Revelations and Realizations (lemon bits) [text - 60 KB]
- Nullifier 122 3: A Balm in Nerima [text - 129 KB]
- Nullifier 122 4: Look Before You Leap (lemon scent) [text - 104 KB]
- Nullifier 122 5: One Thing Leads to Another (lemon bits) [text - 101 KB]
Status: ?
- One Scoop or Two?
- One Scoop or Two? 1: The Ice Cream Parlor (no lemon) [html - 9 KB]
- One Scoop or Two? 2: At the Mall (lemon rinds) [html - 10 KB]
- One Scoop or Two? 3: Ranma Gets no Éclair (lemon rinds) [html - 12 KB]
- One Scoop or Two? 4: When the Lights Go Down [html - 5 KB]
- One Scoop or Two? 5: Akanes Dream [html - 4 KB]
- One Scoop or Two? 6: Just Another Day (no lemon) [html - 6 KB]
- One Scoop or Two? 7: Prayer at the Shrine Answered [html - 14 KB]
- One Scoop or Two? 8: The Morning After or Take Two [html - 8 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Orgy
- Orgy 1 [text - 41 KB]
- Orgy 2 [text - 63 KB]
- Orgy 3 [text - 189 KB]
Status: on hold
- Paint It Black
- Paint It Black 1 [text - 96 KB]
- Paint It Black 2 [text - 40 KB]
- Paint It Black 3 [text - 67 KB]
- Paint It Black 4 (no lemon) [text - 59 KB]
Status: complete
- Passion Spice Pandemonia
- Passion Spice Pandemonia 1 [text - 21 KB]
- Passion Spice Pandemonia 2: One Small Favor [text - 14 KB]
- Passion Spice Pandemonia 3: Freeze Frame [text - 21 KB]
- Passion Spice Pandemonia 4: The Angel and the Saint (lime) [text - 5 KB]
- Passion Spice Pandemonia 5: Services Rendered [text - 28 KB]
- Passion Spice Pandemonia 6: Solid When Wet [text - 13 KB]
- Passion Spice Pandemonia 7: The Flame and the Seraph [text - 16 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Payback
- Payback 1: Payback Begins (non-Ranma) [html - 74 KB]
- Payback 2: Enter the Blonde... Repeatedly (non-Ranma) [html - 83 KB]
- Payback 3: Kasumi Cums onto the Scene [html - 159 KB]
- Payback 4: The Young Maidens Three, Part One [html - 75 KB]
- Payback 5: The Young Maidens Three, Part Two [html - 91 KB]
- Payback 6: The Intermission / Three Scenes and a Show [html - 154 KB]
- Payback 7: Visit to the Neighbors, Part One [html - 37 KB]
- Payback 8: Visit to the Neighbors, Part Two: Washus Lab [html - 59 KB]
- Payback 9: Visit to the Neighbors, Part Three: Dinner and Conversations (lemon scent) [html - 119 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Pink Lemonade
- Pink Lemonade 1: Akane the Queen: Nine Inches of Passion Spice [text - 26 KB]
- Pink Lemonade 2: Nodoka the Queen: The Furo Follies [text - 23 KB]
- Pink Lemonade 3: Konatsu the Queen: The Nerima Boys Club [text - 86 KB]
Status: ?
- Playing with Ranma
- Playing with Ranma 1: Curse Advantage [html - 29 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 2: Lust Ki (lemon rinds) [html - 35 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 3: Surprising Pairing [html - 30 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 4: Sailor Lay! [html - 31 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 5: Creating a Stalker [html - 33 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 6: A Game with Masks [html - 36 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 7: Ninja! [html - 42 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 8: Satisfaction at Last / Yuka Shares [html - 52 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 9: The Price of Lust / Witness [html - 41 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 10: Creating Interest [html - 37 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 11: Innocence Lost [html - 50 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 12: Reaching Out [html - 41 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 13: Where the Heck Did That Come From? [html - 82 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 14: Mind Blowing [html - 39 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 15: Overwhelming Lust [html - 60 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 16: Akane Snaps! [html - 62 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 17: The Ranma Effect [html - 45 KB]
- Playing with Ranma 18: The Sensitive [html - 57 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Playing with Water
- Playing with Water 1: Playing with Fire [text - 17 KB]
- Playing with Water 2: Waters and Curses and Kasumi Oh My! [text - 19 KB]
- Playing with Water 2.1: Lemon Extract 1 [text - 6 KB]
- Playing with Water 2.2: Lemon Extract 2 [text - 11 KB]
- Playing with Water 3: Stuck in the Middle with You Two [text - 19 KB]
- Playing with Water 3.1: Lemon Extract 1 [text - 10 KB]
- Playing with Water 3.2: Lemon Extract 2 [text - 9 KB]
- Playing with Water 4: Here Comes Ranma! [text - 29 KB]
- Playing with Water 4.1: Lemon Extract 1 [text - 8 KB]
Status: ?
- Porn World!
- Porn World! 1: Here Cums Ranma! [text - 42 KB]
- Porn World! 2: The Second Helping [text - 47 KB]
- Porn World! 3: The Third Helping (lime) [text - 52 KB]
- Porn World! 4: The Fourth Helping [text - 58 KB]
- Porn World! 5: A Taste for Tentacles [text - 56 KB]
- Porn World! 6: Mommas dont let your girls grow up to be Ninja... [text - 47 KB]
- Porn World! 7: Re-Galled by the Manufacturer [text - 65 KB]
- Porn World! 8: A Flash of Honey [text - 58 KB]
- Porn World! 9: The XXX Factor (non-Ranma) [text - 87 KB]
- Porn World! 10: Hell Hath No Fury... (lime) [text - 55 KB]
- Porn World! 11: Under Seventeen Not Admitted (lime) [text - 62 KB]
- Porn World! 12: Bubblegum Crush (non-Ranma) [text - 70 KB]
- Porn World! 13: Ex-Men Revolution (non-Ranma) [text - 56 KB]
- Porn World! 14: Things to Do in Shinjuku When Youre Undead... (non-Ranma) [text - 48 KB]
- Porn World! 15: Weapons of Math Obstruction [text - 82 KB]
- Porn World! 16: The League of Extraordinary Gentlewomen (non-Ranma) [text - 87 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Psionic Ranma
- Psionic Ranma 0: Prologue [html - 15 KB]
- Psionic Ranma 1 [html - 41 KB]
- Psionic Ranma 2 [html - 73 KB]
- Psionic Ranma 3 [html - 111 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Punishment
- Punishment 1: Why do I wind up in situations like these? [html - 22 KB]
- Punishment 2: What could go wrong? (lime) [html - 13 KB]
- Punishment 3: A lot... Why me? [html - 6 KB]
- Punishment 4: Insert Sensei Here (lime) [html - 6 KB]
- Punishment 5: Hmmm what hit me? (lime) [html - 7 KB]
- Punishment 6: A New World, a New Partner and an Explanation... [html - 16 KB]
Status: on hold
- Questionable Income
- Questionable Income 1 [html - 63 KB]
- Questionable Income 2 [html - 91 KB]
- Questionable Income 3 (lime) [html - 85 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ranma .05
- Ranma .05 1.1: Cold Night and a Warm Heart [text - 26 KB]
- Ranma .05 1.2: Being a Good Wife [text - 20 KB]
- Ranma .05 1.3: The Things We Do for Love... [text - 26 KB]
- Ranma .05 2.1: Accidents Happen [text - 33 KB]
- Ranma .05 2.2: Are You a Man, or Arent You? [text - 46 KB]
- Ranma .05 2.3: All Expenses Paid [text - 55 KB]
- Ranma .05 2.4: The Best of Times [text - 62 KB]
- Ranma .05 2.5: My Love Shall Never Waver [text - 70 KB]
- Ranma .05 3.1: The Slice of Life [text - 116 KB]
- Ranma .05 3.2: Lost Love [text - 129 KB]
Status: complete
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 1 [html - 21 KB]
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 2 [html - 11 KB]
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 3 (lime) [html - 14 KB]
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 4 (lime) [html - 16 KB]
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 5 [html - 16 KB]
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 6 (lime) [html - 26 KB]
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 7 (lime) [html - 12 KB]
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 8: Whos That Lady? (no lemon) [html - 6 KB]
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 9: New Classmate with an Old Grudge (no lemon) [html - 9 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 1: What a Day! (no lemon) [text - 2 KB]
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 2: Of Fingers and Chocolates [text - 4 KB]
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 3: The Tape [text - 5 KB]
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 4: Practice [text - 4 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 {French}
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 1 (citrus) [text - 32 KB]
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 2 (lime) [text - 20 KB]
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 3 (lemon rinds) [text - 28 KB]
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 4 [text - 27 KB]
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 5 [text - 25 KB]
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 6 [text - 31 KB]
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 7 (lemon bits) [text - 38 KB]
- Ranma ½ ×2 ×4 8 (no lemon) [text - 29 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Ranma Hentai {Spanish}
- Ranma Hentai 1 [html - 14 KB]
- Ranma Hentai 2: La Ninfa de la perversión [html - 12 KB]
- Ranma Hentai 3: Reconciliación [html - 17 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World 1: A Horse Far from His Stable (lemon bits) [html - 17 KB]
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World 2: Milking Time [html - 17 KB]
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World 3: Ranma and Clouds First Time [html - 19 KB]
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World 4: Thoughts, Discoveries and Surprises [html - 27 KB]
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World 5: Shinjis Peril / Asukas Displeasure [html - 60 KB]
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World 6: Asukas Distress / A Helluva Fight (citrus) [html - 33 KB]
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World 7: Fire and Ice [html - 88 KB]
- Ranma in the Pokégirl World 8: To Tame a Dark Lady [html - 115 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ranma Lets Fuck!
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 1 [text - 10 KB]
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 2 [text - 28 KB]
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 3 [text - 28 KB]
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 4 [text - 28 KB]
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 5 [text - 38 KB]
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 6 [text - 19 KB]
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 7 [text - 33 KB]
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 8: Lunchtime [text - 40 KB]
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 9: Backdoor [text - 20 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 1: Prologue [html - 8 KB]
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 2: The Return [html - 11 KB]
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 3: The Three Sisters [html - 13 KB]
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 4: The Challenge of the Three Oysters [html - 11 KB]
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 5: Once upon a Time in Vagina (lemon rinds) [html - 10 KB]
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 6: Squatting Pussy, Invisible Cock [html - 9 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 1: The Wedding [text - 58 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 2: University [text - 54 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 3: Friends and Lovers [text - 28 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 4: Nabiki vs. Kodachi. Blackmail! (lime) {unfinished} [text - 38 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 5: Forget Me Not [text - 66 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 6: Too Much Wedded Bliss??? [text - 115 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 7: A Mothers Love [text - 81 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 8: Moments [text - 75 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 9: H Is for Hinako [text - 78 KB]
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 10: Skin Deep [text - 53 KB]
Status: on hold
- Ranma: Sextacular
- Ranma: Sextacular 1 (lime) [html - 46 KB]
- Ranma: Sextacular 2 [html - 111 KB]
- Ranma: Sextacular 3 [html - 126 KB]
- Ranma: Sextacular 4 [html - 136 KB]
- Ranma: Sextacular 5 [html - 103 KB]
- Ranma: Sextacular 6 [html - 86 KB]
- Ranma: Sextacular 7 [html - 87 KB]
- Ranma: Sextacular 8 [html - 69 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ranma Sutra
- Ranma Sutra 1: You Might Be a Kunō If... [html - 8 KB]
- Ranma Sutra 2: The Color of Her Panties [html - 11 KB]
- Ranma Sutra 3: Ranma and Ryōga!? [html - 20 KB]
- Ranma Sutra 4: Sticks and Stones [html - 23 KB]
- Ranma Sutra 5: Girls Night Out [html - 18 KB]
- Ranma Sutra 6: Amazon Ways [html - 19 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Ranmas a Demigod
- Ranmas a Demigod 0: Hello, my names Ranma and this is my dad, Kami-sama. (no lemon) [html - 6 KB]
- Ranmas a Demigod 1: Silver Riding a Wild Horse [html - 7 KB]
- Ranmas a Demigod 2: Taking a Black Cherry [html - 7 KB]
- Ranmas a Demigod 3: The Beginning of the Hunt for the Senshi (lime) [html - 5 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 1: Ranma Gets Robbed [html - 244 KB]
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 2: Things Get Stretched [html - 66 KB]
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 3: The Quest Begins [html - 131 KB]
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 4: The Quest Gets Sticky [html - 212 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Rejected
- Rejected 1: Sunday, Ultimate Rejection [text - 24 KB]
- Rejected 2: Monday, Engagements End (lime) [text - 15 KB]
- Rejected 3: Tuesday, Impossible Mission (no lemon) [text - 13 KB]
- Rejected 4: Wednesday, Blind Love (no lemon) [text - 14 KB]
- Rejected 5: Thursday, Lost Confession (no lemon) [text - 13 KB]
- Rejected 6: Friday, Love of Power (lime) [text - 21 KB]
- Rejected 7: Saturday, Different Eyes (lime) [text - 26 KB]
- Rejected 8: Second Sunday, Insane Desires (lime) [text - 22 KB]
- Rejected 9: Second Monday, Yang [text - 27 KB]
- Rejected 10: Second Monday, Yin [text - 19 KB]
Status: complete
Status: ?
- Rock n Roll ½
- Rock n Roll ½ 1: Hot for Teacher [html - 41 KB]
- Rock n Roll ½ 2: Cat Scratch Fever [text - 42 KB]
- Rock n Roll ½ 3: Infatuation [text - 39 KB]
- Rock n Roll ½ 4: Love Hurts [text - 42 KB]
- Rock n Roll ½ 5: Love Is a Battlefield [text - 31 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Sibling Rivalry
- Sibling Rivalry 1: An American Breakfast [html - 7 KB]
- Sibling Rivalry 2: One-Hundred Percent Male [html - 19 KB]
- Sibling Rivalry 3: Kawaiikunee, Iroke ga Nee [html - 28 KB]
- Sibling Rivalry 4: The New Engagement [text - 37 KB]
- Sibling Rivalry 5: Vengeance! [text - 18 KB]
- Sibling Rivalry 6: The Truth Comes Out [text - 6 KB]
- Sibling Rivalry 7: Time for Reckoning [text - 16 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Split Personalities
- Split Personalities 1 [text - 62 KB]
- Split Personalities 2 [text - 63 KB]
- Split Personalities 3 [text - 81 KB]
- Split Personalities 4 (lime) [text - 37 KB]
- Split Personalities 5 [text - 42 KB]
- Split Personalities 6 [text - 46 KB]
- Split Personalities 7 [text - 47 KB]
- Split Personalities 8 (lime) [text - 49 KB]
- Split Personalities 9 (no lemon) [text - 27 KB]
- Split Personalities 10 (lemon bits) [text - 42 KB]
- Split Personalities 11 (lemon scent) [text - 39 KB]
Status: abandoned
- Spring of Drowned Vampire
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 1: First Time Together [html - 12 KB]
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 2: Betrayal & Confusion [html - 13 KB]
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 3: All Alone (no lemon) [html - 6 KB]
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 4: More than Anything (lime) [html - 7 KB]
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 5: Almost Human [html - 9 KB]
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 6: The Vampires Duel (lime) [html - 16 KB]
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 7: The Eternal Kiss (no lemon) [html - 18 KB]
- Spring of Drowned Vampire 8: Epilogue (no lemon) [html - 6 KB]
Status: complete
- Swordplay
- Swordplay 1 [html - 18 KB]
- Swordplay 2: Ravishment and Degradation (non-Ranma) [html - 17 KB]
- Swordplay 3: Seductions & Aphrodisiacs [html - 21 KB]
- Swordplay 4 [html - 13 KB]
- Swordplay 5: Revelations [html - 12 KB]
Status: complete
- Tables Turned
- Tables Turned 0: Ranma [text - 40 KB]
- Tables Turned 1: Ranko [text - 12 KB]
- Tables Turned 2: Akane [text - 13 KB]
- Tables Turned 3: Nabiki and Kasumi [text - 9 KB]
- Tables Turned 4: Kodachi [text - 12 KB]
- Tables Turned 5: Ukyō and Shampoo [text - 10 KB]
- Tables Turned 6: Ko Lon [text - 12 KB]
- Tables Turned 7: Hinako and Akari [text - 12 KB]
- Tables Turned 8: Azusa and Nodoka [text - 22 KB]
- Tables Turned 9: Ranko Iterative [text - 15 KB]
- Tables Turned 10: Hinako, Kasumi, Akari and Shan Pū Iterative [text - 13 KB]
- Tables Turned 11: Akane, Nabiki, Asuza and Kodachi Iterative [text - 8 KB]
- Tables Turned 12: Ko Lon and Ukyō Iterative [text - 8 KB]
Status: complete
- Tender Tendō Tushies
- Tender Tendō Tushies 1: Object Lesson [text - 16 KB]
- Tender Tendō Tushies 2: Buttering Up Kasumi [text - 18 KB]
- Tender Tendō Tushies 3: Lets Make Deal [text - 21 KB]
- Tender Tendō Tushies 4: Perverting Tomboys [text - 30 KB]
Status: ongoing
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top)
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 1 [text - 18 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 2: Dirty Talking Nodoka [text - 15 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 3: Swap Meet [text - 19 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 4: Bacon for Breakfast [text - 18 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 5: We Know What You Did Last Night [text - 15 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 6: Number Six and More Sex [text - 14 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 7: Burning the Pervert [text - 13 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 8: Slow Boat to China [text - 11 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 9: Ranma II (lime) [text - 9 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 10: Stretching the Truth [text - 18 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 11: The Too Cutes [text - 19 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 12: Too Far (lime) [text - 9 KB]
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 13: Final Fucks [text - 23 KB]
- Bits & Tits [text - 8 KB]
Status: complete
- The Devil in Miss Tendō
- The Devil in Miss Tendō 1 (lime) [html - 35 KB]
- The Devil in Miss Tendō 2 (lime) [html - 28 KB]
- The Devil in Miss Tendō 3.1 (lemon rinds) [html - 30 KB]
- The Devil in Miss Tendō 3.2 [html - 25 KB]
- The Devil in Miss Tendō 4 [html - 85 KB]
Status: ongoing
- The Dreamstone
- The Dreamstone 1 [html - 17 KB]
- The Dreamstone 2 [html - 17 KB]
- The Dreamstone 3 (lime) [html - 17 KB]
- The Dreamstone 4 [html - 17 KB]
- The Dreamstone 5 [html - 10 KB]
- The Dreamstone 6 (lime) [html - 17 KB]
Status: ongoing
- The Perfect Race
- The Perfect Race 1: Maya and Aya are WHAT? [html - 8 KB]
- The Perfect Race 2: Ayas Turn [html - 6 KB]
- The Perfect Race 3: Testing and the Master Race (no lemon) [html - 4 KB]
- The Perfect Race 4: Sibling Reunion [html - 8 KB]
- The Perfect Race 5: Saotomes Vengeance (no lemon) [html - 6 KB]
- The Perfect Race 6: Nabikis Wish [html - 9 KB]
- The Perfect Race 7: Saotome Inc. (lemon scent) [html - 10 KB]
Status: ongoing
- The Power of Dreams
- The Power of Dreams 1 [text - 45 KB]
- The Power of Dreams 2 [text - 110 KB]
- The Power of Dreams 3 [text - 165 KB]
- The Power of Dreams 4 [text - 213 KB]
Status: ongoing
- The Shikima Interface
- The Shikima Interface 1: Ranmas Bad Day [html - 154 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 2.1: Girls Just Want to Have Fun 1 [html - 96 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 2.2: Girls Just Want to Have Fun 2 [html - 77 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 3: Mother and Daughter [html - 116 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 4.1: School Daze 1 [html - 135 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 4.2: School Daze 2 [html - 135 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 5.1: Consequences 1 [html - 105 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 5.2: Consequences 2 [html - 84 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 6.1: Marital Arts 1 [html - 79 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 6.2: Marital Arts 2 [html - 107 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 7: The Search, Part One [html - 118 KB]
- The Shikima Interface 8: Family, Got to Love Them [html - 59 KB]
Status: on hold
- The Ties That Binds
- The Ties That Binds 1 [html - 19 KB]
- The Ties That Binds 2 [html - 19 KB]
- The Ties That Binds 3 (lime) [html - 18 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Tip
- Tip 0 (citrus) [text - 9 KB]
- Gratuity Prologue (no lemon) [text - 6 KB]
- Tip 1: Day One: Mistakes [text - 60 KB]
- Tip 2: Day Two: Harem Talk [text - 33 KB]
- Tip 3: Day Three: Options [text - 27 KB]
- Tip 4: Day Four: Permanence [text - 30 KB]
- Tip 5: Day Five (lemon bits) [text - 35 KB]
- Tip 6: Day Six: Hangover [text - 40 KB]
- Tip 7: Day Seven (lime) [text - 4 KB]
- Tip 8: Day Eight: Aftermath [text - 3 KB]
- Tip 9: Epilogue [text - 51 KB]
Status: complete
- Trading Places
- Trading Places 1 [html - 43 KB]
- Trading Places 2 [html - 21 KB]
- Trading Places 3 [html - 14 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Trust
- Trust 1 [text - 17 KB]
- Trust 2 [text - 18 KB]
- Trust 3 (lemon scent) [text - 16 KB]
- Trust 4 [text - 21 KB]
- Trust 5 (lemon scent) [text - 11 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Twister of Fate
- Twister of Fate 1: Sun Up [html - 6 KB]
- Twister of Fate 2: Rainfall [html - 5 KB]
- Twister of Fate 3: Thunder [html - 6 KB]
- Twister of Fate 4: Rainbows (lime) [html - 8 KB]
- Twister of Fate 5: Midday [html - 9 KB]
- Twister of Fate 6: Honesty to the Breeze (no lemon) [html - 10 KB]
- Twister of Fate 7: The Opening Act (no lemon) [html - 11 KB]
- Twister of Fate 8: Images (no lemon) [html - 7 KB]
- Twister of Fate 9: Repeat to the Beginning (no lemon) [html - 4 KB]
Status: ?
- Two Types of Liars
- Two Types of Liars 1 [text - 31 KB]
- Two Types of Liars 2 [text - 21 KB]
- Two Types of Liars Side-Story [text - 4 KB]
- Two Types of Liars 3 {1st draft} [text - 38 KB]
- Two Types of Liars 3 (lemon rinds) [text - 36 KB]
- Two Types of Liars 4 [text - 23 KB]
Status: ?
- Ultimate Betrayal
- Ultimate Betrayal 1: The Ultimate Betrayal [html - 79 KB]
- Ultimate Betrayal 2: The Wrongness Continues [html - 76 KB]
- Ultimate Betrayal 3: Its more fun to share with everybody! [html - 91 KB]
Status: on hold
- Un grave castigo {Spanish}
- Un grave castigo 1 [html - 9 KB]
- Un grave castigo 2 [html - 11 KB]
- Un grave castigo 3 [html - 11 KB]
- Un grave castigo 4 [html - 26 KB]
- Un grave castigo 5 [html - 14 KB]
- Un grave castigo 6 [html - 15 KB]
- Un grave castigo 7 [html - 31 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Un petit lemon de Pelops {French}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 1: Désir familial [html - 16 KB]
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 2: La Concupiscence de Ranma I [html - 19 KB]
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 3: La Concupiscence de Ranma II [html - 17 KB]
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 4: À lhopital [html - 14 KB]
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 5: Rendez-vous [html - 14 KB]
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 6: Une matinée ordinaire [html - 17 KB]
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 7: Le Plaisir solitaire [html - 15 KB]
Status: complete
- Un pésimo remedio {Spanish}
- Un pésimo remedio 1 [html - 44 KB]
- Un pésimo remedio 2 [html - 44 KB]
- Un pésimo remedio 3 [html - 49 KB]
- Un pésimo remedio 4 [html - 35 KB]
- Un pésimo remedio 5 [html - 67 KB]
Status: complete
- Video Girl
- Video Girl 0: Frustrations (lemon scent) [html - 6 KB]
- Video Girl 1: Decisions [html - 14 KB]
- Video Girl 2: In the Bath and Kitchen [html - 20 KB]
- Video Girl 3: Trouble [html - 16 KB]
- Video Girl 4: The American and the Chinese, Part 1 [html - 19 KB]
- Video Girl 5: The American and the Chinese, Part 2 [html - 28 KB]
- Video Girl 6: The American and the Chinese, Part 3 [html - 13 KB]
- Video Girl 7: The Assassin and Two Policewomen [html - 17 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Well-Hung by Moonlight
- Well-Hung by Moonlight 1: Jupiters Great Wet Spot 1 [html - 18 KB]
- Well-Hung by Moonlight 2: Jupiters Great Wet Spot 2 [html - 36 KB]
- Well-Hung by Moonlight 3: The Plot Thickens [html - 46 KB]
- Well-Hung by Moonlight 4: Further Developments [html - 75 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 1: Descent into the Dark [text - 63 KB]
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 2: Twilights Edge [text - 55 KB]
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 3: Moons Rising [text - 36 KB]
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 4: Moons Eclipse & Darkest Night (no lemon) [text - 27 KB]
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 5: Mornings Approach [text - 38 KB]
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 6 [text - 35 KB]
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 7 [text - 46 KB]
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 8 [text - 49 KB]
Status: ?
- Why Always Me?
- Why Always Me? 0: Prologue [text - 36 KB]
- Why Always Me? 1 [text - 78 KB]
- Why Always Me? 2 (non-Ranma) [text - 95 KB]
- Why Always Me? 3 [text - 98 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 0: Prologue (no lemon) [html - 9 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 1: Wheres Ranma? (no lemon) [html - 22 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 2: On Choosing Your Pack Alpha (no lemon) [html - 30 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 3: Basic Taming (lime) [html - 31 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 4: The Duties of a Tamer (lime) [html - 21 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 5: Selecting the Beginning Six (lime) [html - 26 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 6: Basic Maintenance [html - 42 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 7: Balancing Combat & Support Roles [html - 48 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 8: Evolution [html - 45 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 9: Pokébattle 101 [html - 60 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 10: Trading (lime) [html - 84 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 11: Megami [html - 35 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 12: Pokébattles 102 (lime) [html - 45 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 13: Blood Gifts, Blood Curses (lime) [html - 43 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 14: Sadie Pokens Day [html - 70 KB]
- Wild Horse & Pokégirls 15: Career Options (lime) [html - 58 KB]
Status: complete
- Wild Senshi
- Wild Senshi 0: The Ten Million Dollar Testis [html - 24 KB]
- Wild Senshi 1: Screwing with Time [html - 12 KB]
- Wild Senshi 2: Sex, Thugs and Rock n Roll [html - 38 KB]
- Wild Senshi 3: School Daze (no lemon) [html - 6 KB]
Status: ongoing
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 1: A new boy from China? Lets have sex! [text - 26 KB]
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 2: A New Girl at School. Is it time for Sex Ed. already? [text - 34 KB]
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 3: Ranma did WHAT? Let the punishment begin! [text - 34 KB]
Status: on hold
- Youre Never Too Old
- Youre Never Too Old 1: Ignorant Irony (no lemon) [html - 10 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 2: Only Pain and Emptiness (no lemon) [html - 9 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 3: Youre Never Too Old... (lime) [html - 3 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 4: Mercy [html - 13 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 5: Happy Birthday [html - 21 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 6: A Mothers Love [html - 35 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 7: The Last Battle (lime) [html - 32 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 8: Love and Understanding [html - 14 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 9: Education [html - 12 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 10: Epilogue: The End of a Darkfic (lime) [html - 3 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old 11: Vicious Circle (no lemon) [html - 3 KB]
- Youre Never Too Old Outtakes [text - 13 KB]
Status: complete