Hibiki Yoiko
- Ranma-chan
- A Change in Him 5
- Akane, My Love 1: Surprise Ranma!
- Akanes Weapon
- Anime Addventure 4473: Dark Mars/10 Rings: Ranma Mars
- Anime Addventure 4819: Zeuss Ball: Let the Chaos Continue
- Anime Addventure 9251: Not the Cat Fist: Scent of a Woman
- Anime Addventure 9662: Not the Cat Fist: Enhanced Performance...
- Anime Addventure 18060: Sexpet Nabiki: Playing for the Other Team
- Anime Addventure 20065: The Tendō Brothel: Breaking Her In...
- Anime Addventure 34063: Hotarus Husband: Oops, Not Hotarus Husband
- Anime Addventure 34314: Great Will: Changes
- Anime Addventure 39476: Red Rover Et Al: After Dinner
- Anime Addventure 54812: Shokushu Change: Dimensions and Special Training
- Anime Addventure 55118: Wild Drow Ranma: Feelings of the Body
- Anime Addventure 114497: Masters Way: Reds Quiet
- Anime Addventure 125592: Masters Way: Storm Waters
- Anime Addventure 135380: Change Cursed: Ranmas Little Error in Judgement
- Careless Destiny 1 (side-story of Careful Destiny )
- Découverte du désir 2 {French}
- Everything Goes Martial Arts: Time Enough for Lust 3
- Fathers Day II 3: The Affair
- Fathers Day II 7: The Weekend, Part 3
- Fathers Day II Side-Story 1: A Strange Encounter (side-story of Fathers Day II )
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 1
- Having a Ball...
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 4
- How the Other Half Feels 2: Boys and Girls
- How the Other Half Feels 3: Through the Looking Glass
- Inverse Property 1: Dalton Meant It When He Said This
- Kareshi, Ichūnōnna 1
- La Blue... Ranma?!? 1: What a Way to Start the Day...
- La Pildora 1 {Spanish}
- Lemon Series 3: Chinese Dreams II
- Lemonade Punch 1: Ranma Fever
- Lemonade Punch 4: Passion Fever Nightmare
- Lemonade Punch 5.1: My Bright-Eyed Girl 1
- Manzuri Break
- My Ranma Movie 1
- My Ranma Movie 2
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 15 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- Nabiki the Teenaged Witch 2: The Fifth of May
- newRanma 9: Burning
- Not Ranma ½ 3: Three Nights
- Nothing Changes in a Week
- Only Two Thousand Yen!
- Orgy 3
- Paint It Black 2
- Playing with Ranma 1: Curse Advantage
- Playing with Ranma 13: Where the Heck Did That Come From?
- Poke Her
- Ranma & Ranma {French}
- Ranma .05 1.3: The Things We Do for Love...
- Ranma ½ 1: Darling Ryōga
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 2: Of Fingers and Chocolates
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 5
- Ranma parodias {Spanish}
- Ranmas Anything Goes Hentai RPG 1 {unfinished}
- Ranmas Anything Goes Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1
- Ranmas Chest Is Gold!
- Hot Spring Tango, Aftermath (side-story of Realities Squared / Shampoo ½ )
- Fantasy Life (side-story of Return of the Instant Nanniichuan )
- Riding the Wooden Pony
- Right Moments 6: Split Ends
- Ryōga Hentai 2: Thread 1
- Ryōga Hentai 5 {unfinished}
- The Magical Martial Artist 1: Pride and Power
- The Reason Ranma Shouldnt Eat Akanes Cooking
- The Shikima Interface 4.2: School Daze 2
- Trading Places 1
- Trust 1
- Two Types of Liars 1
- Two Types of Liars 2
- Two Types of Liars 3 {1st draft}
- Ultimate Betrayal 1: The Ultimate Betrayal
- Ultimate Betrayal 2: The Wrongness Continues
- Una tarde cualquiera {Spanish}
- Unending BE 201301: Die, Hibiki!
- Unending BE 204586: PW-AJ/Ryu: Time to Get a Piece of That Tail!
- Unending BE 206011: PW R½: Obedient Little Tigress
- Unending BE 206357: PW-Ryōga: The Ancestor
- Unending BE 252976: ANDFR: Sins of the Past Come to Light
- Unending BE 322421: Ranmas Slaves: Bath Time
- Unending BE 325732: Best Buddies: Secrets of the Collar
- Unending BE 359926: Drow Takeover: Failed Escape
- Unending BE 362004: Rankos New Job: Nekohanten Ritual The Act
- Unending BE 423758: Store Property: Selling Work
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 3: Moons Rising
- + Akane
- A Different Viewpoint 19.5 (side-story of A Different Viewpoint )
- A Romp in the Park 6: Confessions
- Burlesque: A Ten Yen Tale (episode of A Tale of Ten Yen )
- Akane the Dominatrix! 4: Ranmas Plan....
- Akane the Dominatrix! 5: All Tied Up!
- Ambush ½ 1: Switching Sides
- An Akane to Pleasure
- Anime Addventure 197: Hot Time on the Old Roof Tonight...
- Anime Addventure 11723: Red Rover: Bitch in Heat
- Anime Addventure 11806: Red Rover: Twos Company, Threes a Ménage
- Anime Addventure 12373: Red Rover: Over the Lips and Past the Gums, Watch out Ranma, Here I Cum
- Anime Addventure 13469: Lemon Flu: Wild Red
- Anime Addventure 20061: The Tendō Brothel: Training Begins
- Anime Addventure 22296: The Galatea Syndrome The Nerima Situation: Disaster! Did Someone Get to Akane Before Ranma?!
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Anime Addventure 47336: Faking It: The Fiancées Use Ranma-chan
- Anime Addventure 123990: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: The Mistress vs. the Maid
- Anime Addventure 126738: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Chastisement
- Anime Addventure 126917: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Beating the Girls
- Anime Addventure 129918: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Icy-Hot Tortures
- Anime Addventure 136163: Fooled: Fully Tricking Out All Their Kinks
- Anime Addventure 138172: Fooled: Free Lesbian Peep-Show
- Anime Addventure 205375: Red Rover: Stiffed
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 8
- Autumn Storm
- Cabin Fever
- Camping 1: First Night
- Camping 2: Second Night
- Cant Resist a Challenge!
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 5
- Clarity and the Results
- Come Sail Away
- Comes the Cold Dragon 2
- Comes the Cold Dragon 4
- Comes the Cold Dragon 13.2
- Couch Trips: Book 1 6: Wearing the Face She Keeps by the Door
- Couch Trips: Book 1 9: Dress Up
- Couch Trips: Book 4 14: Dinner Dates
- Couch Trips: Book 6 10: Making Up for Lost Time
- Desires
- Divine Intervention 3: ... In the Meantime, Part II
- Ecchi Ranma Hentai RPG 1: Thread 1
- El Juego de cartas de Nabiki {Spanish}
- Experiment
- Exploring Nerima 2: How the Other Type Does It
- The Other Side of Life (prelude to Flesh and Blood )
- For Better or for (Even) Worse 2
- Fun at the Amusement Park 2
- Fun in the Bathroom
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 3 {unfinished}
- Heat 2: Turning the Table
- Hentai RPG Adventures Shampoo 2
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- Ill Be Your Fiancée! 1: WHOS a PERVERT?!
- Ill Be Your Fiancée! 2: Like Moths to an Alternative Flame
- Incriminating Evidences 3: Whip Me! Beat Me! Make Me Yours!
- Kinky Punishment 1: Slick and Lick
- Kodak Moments 4
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 3
- La Blue... Ranma?!? 1: What a Way to Start the Day...
- La Blue... Ranma?!? 2: The Visit to Dr. Tōfūs
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- Unofficial Lemon Sherbert Side Story: Shampoo (side-story of Lemon Sherbet )
- Lemonade Punch 1: Ranma Fever
- Lets Talk
- Lost Innocence 4: Revealed
- Midnight Is the Time for Playing
- Miss/Fortune 2: Story
- Mistletoe 2: Eggnog and Secrets
- Moments of Lust and Love
- Moonlight on Your Skin: Theme and Variations
- My Ranma Movie 2
- Neko Love 1: Unwelcomed Attention
- Neko Love 5: Director Nabiki
- Neko Love 10: Demon Nightstalker of Nerima
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 3: A Cat in the Mountains
- Neko-Ken Is out of the Bag! 11: Hentai Dream
- Never Buy the Unknown 2: Akane and Ranma Get It
- newRanma 20: Living
- No Control 1: The Beginning of the End of Ranma Saotome
- No Control 2: The Bringer of Pain
- One Scoop or Two? 8: The Morning After or Take Two
- Only Two Thousand Yen!
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Orgy 3
- Picnic for Three
- Pink Lemonade 2: Nodoka the Queen: The Furo Follies
- Pink Lemonade 3: Konatsu the Queen: The Nerima Boys Club
- Mistresss Punishment (sequel to Proper Punishment )
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 20
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 2: Of Fingers and Chocolates
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: Start
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 10: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 13 {unfinished}
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 6
- Ranma Lets Fuck! 4
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 4: The Challenge of the Three Oysters
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 1: The Wedding
- Ranma Nibun no Ichi 7: A Mothers Love
- Ranmas Apartment 3: Guises
- Rejected 10: Second Monday, Yin
- Fantasy Life (side-story of Return of the Instant Nanniichuan )
- Riding the Wooden Pony
- Rock n Roll ½ 4: Love Hurts
- Ryōga Hentai 5 {unfinished}
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- Whatever Happened to Claire 4 (spin-off from Sailor Moon Season 745 )
- Secret Photos
- Shock Value
- Show You Something Better
- Special Dreams
- Take Off Your Clothes 5: Love in Vain
- Tender Tushies 5A (side-story of Tender Tendō Tushies )
- The Accidental Goddess 5: Be It Ever so Humble...
- Indiscriminate Grappling (side-story of The Insanity Continues )
- The Lust Virus 5: Ranma 1/3 or The Case of the Masturbating Panda
- The Perverted Oni 1: The Demon Unleashed {1st draft}
- The Perverted Oni 1: The Demon Unleashed... err... Which One? {3rd draft}
- The Perverted Oni 1: The Demon Unleashed {2nd draft}
- The Power of Dreams 4
- The Shikima Interface 3: Mother and Daughter
- The Shikima Interface 4.2: School Daze 2
- The Shikima Interface 7: The Search, Part One
- The Spring of Drowned Thief 11: Violent Mood Swings
- The Spring of Drowned Thief 21: Couldnt Stop Dreaming About Her
- Threesome Fun
- Tip 1: Day One: Mistakes
- Tip 4: Day Four: Permanence
- Trading Places 1
- Training
- Trial by Fire 13: Open Your Heart
- Two Types of Liars 3 {1st draft}
- Ukyōs Hentai Okonomiyaki {unfinished}
- Una tarde cualquiera {Spanish}
- Unending BE 102446: NerimaPC: Kunō Cums on the Kitties
- Unending BE 102928: KasumiPC: Ryōga Porks the Catgirls
- Unending BE 103107: KasumiPC: Stray Thoughts About Dr. Tōfū
- Unending BE 103204: KasumiPC: An Untimely Awakening
- Unending BE 111399: KunōPC: Kunō Grabs the Laptop
- Unending BE 195778: RanmaPC: Milkmaid
- Unending BE 206098: PW-Ryōga: Tomboy Thrashing Time
- Unending BE 208108: PW-Ryōga: Advancing the plot
- Unending BE 209551: Demonic Aftermath: A Wish for Ranma
- Unending BE 242931: Hentai Plant: Pleasure and Seeds
- Unending BE 244679: Tendō Style Sexcraft: In the Dojo...
- Unending BE 359549: The Empress Ranma Begins Her Dynasty
- Unending BE 359874: Drow Makeover: Wake Up to a Change
- Unending BE 423143: Store Property: Pair
- Unending BE 423294: Store Property: Dedicated Lovers
- Unending BE 424367: Store Property: Up Through the Barriers Silkily
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- Ranmas Sexual Nightmare (episode of Warming Their Marriage Bed )
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 7
- What Price Love 1
- Where Were You?
- Working Up a Lather
- + Akane-futanari
- Anime Addventure 128033: Master PC for Idiots: Taking Care of Responsibilities...
- Anime Addventure 128039: Master PC for Idiots: Aftermath...
- Anime Addventure 129207: Master PC for Idiots: Chasing Fluffy
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 8
- + Akane-otoko
- Anime Addventure 4850: Zeuss Ball: Ranma, prepare to have your world rocked!!
- The Wedding Night (side-story of Ascending Changes )
- Body Lotion
- Clarity and the Results
- Couch Trips: Book 3 3: Function Follows Form
- Duty 3
- Home Coming
- Intimations
- Lemon by Night {unfinished} (side-story of Let the Curtain Fall )
- Lets Talk
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 13: Final Fucks
- The Shikima Interface 1: Ranmas Bad Day
- The Shikima Interface 4.1: School Daze 1
- The Shikima Interface 4.2: School Daze 2
- The Shikima Interface 6.1: Marital Arts 1
- The Shikima Interface 7: The Search, Part One
- Too Much to Resist
- Training
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 1: Descent into the Dark
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 2: Twilights Edge
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 3: Moons Rising
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 5: Mornings Approach
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 6
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 7
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 8
- + Akari
- Orgy 1
- + Atsui
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: Thread 2
- + Bakuchi-Ō King
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 5
- + Daisuke
- Anime Addventure 144664: Animal Crackers: Getting Tail
- Gratuity 3
- Moments of Fire and Desire
- Poke Her
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 12: Thread 2
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 1: Ranma Gets Robbed
- Unending BE 208816: Demonic Intervention: Mara and Urd on top of the world... not for long if HE has a thing to say about it...
- Unending BE 325911: Best Buddies: Sharing a Bath Was Never like This Before
- Unending BE 326116: Best Buddies: Stuffing
- Unending BE 326276: Best Buddies: Chatting in the Furo
- Unending BE 327738: Best Buddies: Getting Ranma Squeaking Clean
- Unending BE 353266: Best Buddies: Darkening Horizons
- Unending BE 356583: Best Buddies: Stirring the Mixture
- Unending BE 356628: Best Buddies: Weed Whacking
- + Fūrinkan no onna
- Anime Addventure 144421: Animal-Girl Crackers: Stick with the Current Scene...
- + Genma
- Anime Addventure 9662: Not the Cat Fist: Enhanced Performance...
- Anime Addventure 9765: Not the Cat Fist: Daddys Little Whore
- Anime Addventure 13522: Not the Cat Fist: A Journey and a Break
- Anime Addventure 49552: Not the Cat Fist: A Different Type of Genma-Bashing
- Anime Addventure 136365: Sex Slave Nabiki: The Real Deal, Fright in the Morning
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 1 {unfinished}
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 5: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 7 {unfinished}
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 9
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 10
- Cursed {unfinished} (first version of Cursed )
- Fathers Day II 2: The Training Trip
- Fathers Day II 3: The Affair
- Fathers Day II 4: Ranma-chans Week
- Fathers Day II 5: The Weekend, Part 1
- Fathers Day II 6: The Weekend, Part 2
- Fathers Day II 7: The Weekend, Part 3
- Fathers Day II Side-Story 1: A Strange Encounter (side-story of Fathers Day II )
- La Pildora 2 {Spanish}
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- One Night at the Tendō Dōjō
- Orgy 3
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 20
- Revolution #9 (side-story of Revolution )
- Ultimate Betrayal 1: The Ultimate Betrayal
- Ultimate Betrayal 3: Its more fun to share with everybody!
- Un grave castigo 5 {Spanish}
- Un grave castigo 7 {Spanish}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 5: Rendez-vous {French}
- Unending BE 101461: NerimaPC: A Sexual Victory for Genma
- + Panda-san
- Anime Addventure 31233: Mamōrus New World: A Paws Interrupts Further Bonding
- Anime Addventure 122008: Sexy Hottie Ranma-chan: Definitely Not the Same Old Routine
- Fathers Day
- Fathers Day II 1: The Present
- Fathers Day II 6: The Weekend, Part 2
- Fathers Day II 7: The Weekend, Part 3
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 20
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 1: Ranma Gets Robbed
- Unending BE 101478: NerimaPC: Genma and Ranma Return
- + Happōsai
- Anime Addventure 36573: Doubly Cursed: When Sanity Returns but Control Does Not
- Happis Delight (episode of Happis Legacy )
- Orgy 3
- + Hentai Horde
- Anime Addventure 34314: Great Will: Changes
- Anime Addventure 177373: Brave Nude World: Full-Body Hentai Horde
- Anime Addventure 177440: Brave Nude World: The Blue Tantō of Fūrinkan High
- The One to Carry on... Top 2
- Unending BE 252976: ANDFR: Sins of the Past Come to Light
- + Herb
- Anime Addventure 4820: Zeuss Ball: Careful What You Wish For
- Anime Addventure 107648: Zeuss ball: Road to Acceptance
- Anime Addventure 109061: Zeuss Ball: Acceptance
- + Herb-onna
- Anime Addventure 5437: Zeuss Ball: Ranma + Herb Round #3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 5
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: End
- + Hikaru
- Lets Talk
- Orgy 3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 12: Thread 2
- + Hinako-san
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- Lemonade Punch 2: Hinakos Lesson
- Orgy 1
- + Hinako-chan
- Tip 6: Day Six: Hangover
- + Hinako-otoko
- Tip 9: Epilogue
- + Hiroshi
- Anime Addventure 198: Catnip Gets the Catgirl
- Anime Addventure 69309: Hiroshis 2nd Wind: Shes More than Just a Hot Pussy
- Anime Addventure 96187: Hiroshis 2nd Wind: Share and Share Alike
- Anime Addventure 144664: Animal Crackers: Getting Tail
- Fetti-Ranma
- Gratuity 3
- Moments of Fire and Desire
- Orgy 3
- Poke Her
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 12: Thread 2
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 1: Ranma Gets Robbed
- Unending BE 208816: Demonic Intervention: Mara and Urd on top of the world... not for long if HE has a thing to say about it...
- Unending BE 325699: Best buddies: Shipping Ranma
- Unending BE 325911: Best Buddies: Sharing a Bath Was Never like This Before
- Unending BE 326116: Best Buddies: Stuffing
- Unending BE 326276: Best Buddies: Chatting in the Furo
- Unending BE 327738: Best Buddies: Getting Ranma Squeaking Clean
- Unending BE 353266: Best Buddies: Darkening Horizons
- Unending BE 356594: Best Buddies: The Preparations Continue
- Unending BE 356628: Best Buddies: Weed Whacking
- Unending BE 356645: Best Buddies: Ebbing Tides
- + Jeremy
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 12: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 6
- + Jusenkyō Gaido
- Anime Addventure 13522: Not the Cat Fist: A Journey and a Break
- + Kasumi
- Anime Addventure 1264: The Mists Caress
- Anime Addventure 17906: Sexpet Nabiki: Ranmas New Boytoy
- Anime Addventure 20065: The Tendō Brothel: Breaking Her In...
- Anime Addventure 78769: The Gamma Gals: The Lover and the Mistress
- Anime Addventure 79273: The Gamma Gals: Mistress Has Questions
- Anime Addventure 101805: Masters Way: Material Girl Dreams
- Anime Addventure 120342: Senshi of Love: Kasumi Blossoms
- Anime Addventure 126435: Medusa ½ Harem: In the Tendōs
- Anime Addventure 139867: Fooled: Kasumi Gets Shown the Ropes
- Anime Addventure 140956: Fooled: Kasumi on the Edge
- Anime Addventure 142049: Psychic Vampire: One, Two, Three...
- Fragmentation 2
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- No Control 1: The Beginning of the End of Ranma Saotome
- No Control 2: The Bringer of Pain
- Nothing Wrong with This Picture
- One Straw 4
- Passion Spice Pandemonia 7: The Flame and the Seraph
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 4: The Challenge of the Three Oysters
- Ranma parodias {Spanish}
- Ranmas Anything Goes Hentai RPG 1 {unfinished}
- Revelations and Revisions
- Sodomizing the Tendōs (episode of Sodomy in Anime )
- The Devil in Miss Tendō 4
- The One to Carry on... Top 2
- Tip 1: Day One: Mistakes
- Tip 3: Day Three: Options
- Tip 9: Epilogue
- Ultimate Betrayal 3: Its more fun to share with everybody!
- Unconnected Scenes
- Unending BE 359874: Drow Makeover: Wake Up to a Change
- Wild Horse Charging into the Mist
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 2: A New Girl at School. Is it time for Sex Ed. already?
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 3: Ranma did WHAT? Let the punishment begin!
- + Kasumi-futanari
- Unending BE 304009: Hermpires Ranma 1/Herm
- + Kasumi-otoko
- Anime Addventure 20065: The Tendō Brothel: Breaking Her In...
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 3: Swap Meet
- + Kiima
- Unending BE 368737: Slut ½: Slut on the Wing
- + Kodachi
- Akane and Yuka Visit the Pillow Factory
- Anime Addventure 9371: Red Rover in Bondage: The Last of the Fiancées
- Anime Addventure 11839: Red Rover Et Al: When the Cows Come Home...
- Anime Addventure 11849: Red Rover Et Al: Milking Time for Ranma-chan
- Anime Addventure 14353: Lemon Flu Phase II: Riding the Wild Mare
- Anime Addventure 14854: Lemon Flu Non-Marathon: Shower Time
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Anime Addventure 124498: Medusa ½ Harem: Rose Serpent
- Anime Addventure 125123: Medusa ½ Harem: The Second Bitten
- Anime Addventure 126738: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Chastisement
- Anime Addventure 126917: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Beating the Girls
- Anime Addventure 130095: Prisoner of the Iron Mask: Song and Dance
- Anime Addventure 185223: Hibiki Lust: A Wild Mare and a Black Rose
- Cursed {unfinished} (first version of Cursed )
- Dark Mauve 6: Antipode
- Trump Card (epilogue of Kodachis Gamble )
- La Chica de mi vida 2 {Spanish}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: Thread 2
- A Cold and Windy Night (side-story of The Bet )
- The Bitter Lemon
- Tip 4: Day Four: Permanence
- Trust 1
- Trust 2
- Trust 4
- Unending BE 359899: Drow Takeover: The Black Rose
- + Kodachi-futanari
- The Bitter Lemon
- + Konatsu
- Orgy 1
- Turning the Tables (side-story of The Bet )
- + Kunō Kōchō
- Body Lotion
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 1
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 3 {unfinished}
- Offerings
- + Kurasu 1-F
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 12: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 6
- Unending BE 208816: Demonic Intervention: Mara and Urd on top of the world... not for long if HE has a thing to say about it...
- + Lime
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 5
- + Mikado
- Gratuity 5
- In 2 Minds... 4: Duel on Ice 1
- + Mint
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 5
- + Mousse
- Anime Addventure 46860: Lust Dust: Strange Focuses
- Anime Addventure 57974: Zeuss Ball: DOGGIE STYLE!!!
- Body Lotion
- Fragmentation 3
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 4
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 3
- Ranmas City Heat
- Trading Places 3
- Un grave castigo 7 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 102973: KasumiPC: Mousse Gets Possessive
- Unending BE 103040: KasumiPC: The Adventures of Mini-Mousse
- Unending BE 103080: KasumiPC: The Doctor Is In
- Unending BE 323604: Edged Blade: Taking the Tease
- Unending BE 424314: Store Property: Blind Lust
- Unending BE 426176: Store Property: Seeing Some Things
- + Nabiki
- A Tale of Ten Yen
- Akanes Weapon
- Anime Addventure 9304: Red Rover in Bondage: Therapy for Yin and Yang
- Anime Addventure 9371: Red Rover in Bondage: The Last of the Fiancées
- Anime Addventure 14353: Lemon Flu Phase II: Riding the Wild Mare
- Anime Addventure 17906: Sexpet Nabiki: Ranmas New Boytoy
- Anime Addventure 54812: Shokushu Change: Dimensions and Special Training
- Anime Addventure 61514: Lamp of Lakash: Out of Control Tentacles
- Anime Addventure 104413: Faking It: Playtime Starts
- Anime Addventure 105436: Faking It: Get Your Fresh Virgins Here
- Anime Addventure 124119: Sex Slave Nabiki: Red-Bottomed Redhead
- Anime Addventure 124635: Sex Slave Ranko: Transfer of Power
- Anime Addventure 125170: Sex Slave Nabiki: Trying to Lick the Problem
- Anime Addventure 126435: Medusa ½ Harem: In the Tendōs
- Anime Addventure 131634: Pokégirls: Tendō Indiscriminate Taming School: Taming the Wild Filly, Err Wait a Sec...
- Anime Addventure 135884: Sex Slave Nabiki: Crystal Radio??
- Anime Addventure 139835: Ranma, the Naïve Succubus Nabikis Deal: What to Do with a Sleeping Ranma
- Anime Addventure 141568: Ranma, the Naïve Succubus Nabikis Deal: With Family, Nothings Sacred
- Anime Addventure 143656: Ranma, the Naïve Succubus Nabikis Deal: Morning Sun
- Anime Addventure 159080: My Very Own Personal Nabiki: So, Does This Constitute a Harem or Not?
- Anime Addventure 164445: My Very Own Personal Nabiki The Best Laid Plans: Nervous Marionettes
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 10
- Choose Your Own Adventure! 7
- Cold Hatred
- Complete Control 2
- Fragmentation 2
- Gratuitous Sex 2: Blackmail
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- In 2 Minds... 3: A Little More Forward...
- In 2 Minds... 6: Unexpected Love
- La Blue... Ranma?!? 1: What a Way to Start the Day...
- Lemon Series 1: 100% Female
- My Ranma Movie 1
- Nabiki, Lingerie Thief
- Nabikis Expansion or Why Mr. Panda Plays with a Tire 2: Light
- newRanma 15: Kissing
- Rejection (side-story of newRanma )
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 3
- Porn World! 4: The Fourth Helping
- A Tale of Two Pussies (Give or Take a Tomcat) (side-story of Ranma and Nabiki: A Tale of Two Wallets )
- Ranma Hentai 1 {Spanish}
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 4: The Challenge of the Three Oysters
- Really Twisted
- The Devil in Miss Tendō 4
- The Lust Virus 5: Ranma 1/3 or The Case of the Masturbating Panda
- The Reason Ranma Shouldnt Eat Akanes Cooking
- Three Sisters Tails 1: The Bitch, the Slut and the Lesbian
- Tip 6: Day Six: Hangover
- Tip 9: Epilogue
- Ultimate Betrayal 3: Its more fun to share with everybody!
- Un grave castigo 5 {Spanish}
- Un pésimo remedio 2 {Spanish}
- Un pésimo remedio 4 {Spanish}
- Un pésimo remedio 5 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 102150: NerimaPC: Kitty at School and at Home
- Unending BE 102278: NerimaPC: Reversal of Roles Ranma Kittyfied
- Unending BE 102928: KasumiPC: Ryōga Porks the Catgirls
- Unending BE 321984: Ranmas Slaves: Alone Experiment
- Unending BE 359501: Do the Yamamba: Nabiki Yamamba-tized
- Unending BE 359549: The Empress Ranma Begins Her Dynasty
- Unending BE 359874: Drow Makeover: Wake Up to a Change
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 2: A New Girl at School. Is it time for Sex Ed. already?
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 3: Ranma did WHAT? Let the punishment begin!
- + Nabiki-futanari
- Nabikis Night
- + Nabiki-otoko
- Anime Addventure 3286: Mihoshis Fault: Shes Just Cherry...
- Anime Addventure 18060: Sexpet Nabiki: Playing for the Other Team
- Anime Addventure 105436: Faking It: Get Your Fresh Virgins Here
- The Honeymoon Hentai Chapters 15 (side-story of Nabiki ½: A Very Scary Thought )
- The Reason Ranma Shouldnt Eat Akanes Cooking
- + Nodoka
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 4
- Orgy 3
- Pink Lemonade 2: Nodoka the Queen: The Furo Follies
- Tip 1: Day One: Mistakes
- Tip 9: Epilogue
- Werewolf Claws and Vampire Fangs 7
- + Nodoka-otoko
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 3: Swap Meet
- + Orochi-onna
- An Akane to Pleasure
- + Pansuto-Tarō
- Anime Addventure 12852: Lemon Flu: Attitude Adjustment
- Anime Addventure 12856: Doubly Cursed: Ranmas New MASTER!
- Anime Addventure 36557: Doubly Cursed: Changing Room Fun!
- Anime Addventure 36573: Doubly Cursed: When Sanity Returns but Control Does Not
- Anime Addventure 36602: Doubly Cursed: Show and Tell
- Anime Addventure 37055: Doubly Cursed: Ryōga to the Rescue!
- Anime Addventure 116666: Sexy Cop Saotome: Slutty Drow
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 2
- + Niu-Hō-Man-Mao-Ren
- Anime Addventure 36574: Doubly Cursed: A Tentacle Monster at the Discount Store
- Come Sail Away
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 2
- Sexual Awakening 1: Tarōs Offense
- + Pansuto-Tarō-onna
- Unending BE 190648: RanPC: Bishōjo Bride Tarō
- + Patoratsyu
- Ranmas Anything Goes Hentai RPG 2: Thread 1
- + Ranko
- Anime Addventure 686: Some Things You Just Cant Ignore
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 3
- Maison Bailesu (side-story of Lemonade )
- Lemonade Punch 6.1: Fighters Passion 1
- Not Ranma ½ 3: Three Nights
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 2
- Trial by Fire 13: Open Your Heart
- + Ranko-otoko
- Not Ranma ½ 3: Three Nights
- Reflections 40: Turnabout Is Fair Play
- + Ranma-kun
- Anime Addventure 4286: Dark Mars/10 Rings: Dark Mars Triumphant
- Dreams of Darkness 0: The Nightmare
- Dreams of Darkness 2: When Dreams Come True
- No Control
- Reflections 5: The Furo Fiasco
- + Ryōga
- A Strange Sort of Love
- Anime Addventure 690: You make me feel like a natural woman...
- Anime Addventure 1507: Hibikis Secret
- Anime Addventure 1738: Free at Last
- Anime Addventure 4850: Zeuss Ball: Ranma, prepare to have your world rocked!!
- Anime Addventure 9334: Red Rover in Bondage: Therapy of Yang into Yin
- Anime Addventure 9371: Red Rover in Bondage: The Last of the Fiancées
- Anime Addventure 11717: Red Rover: How dare you... mmph... hmmm this is pretty good.
- Anime Addventure 11723: Red Rover: Bitch in Heat
- Anime Addventure 11806: Red Rover: Twos Company, Threes a Ménage
- Anime Addventure 12373: Red Rover: Over the Lips and Past the Gums, Watch out Ranma, Here I Cum
- Anime Addventure 13356: Lemon Flu: Simply Irresistible
- Anime Addventure 13359: Lemon Flu: Passionate Duels
- Anime Addventure 13469: Lemon Flu: Wild Red
- Anime Addventure 17906: Sexpet Nabiki: Ranmas New Boytoy
- Anime Addventure 41394: Hibikis Secret: Demon Training
- Anime Addventure 44879: A Dragons Tale: Splish-Splash, Ranma and Ryōga Takin a Bath
- Anime Addventure 46928: Lust Dust: In a Glen
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Anime Addventure 57974: Zeuss Ball: DOGGIE STYLE!!!
- Anime Addventure 60893: Ranma a Bride?: All It Took Was a Kiss
- Anime Addventure 93269: Hibikis Secret: I missed you!
- Anime Addventure 104014: Faking It: What Are Little Sisters For?
- Anime Addventure 104099: Faking It: A, Very, Little Discipline
- Anime Addventure 104153: Faking It: Caught in the Act
- Anime Addventure 157465: Hentai Akane: When the Bow Breaks...
- Anime Addventure 185223: Hibiki Lust: A Wild Mare and a Black Rose
- Anime Addventure 191777: Faking It: The Fun One Can Have with Unseen Characters...
- Anime Addventure 205375: Red Rover: Stiffed
- Birds of a Feather 8: A Kettle Girl Makes an Admirer
- Body Lotion
- Christmas Eve the Year Before
- Couch Trips: Book 7 10: Converging Lines
- Cursed {unfinished} (first version of Cursed )
- Father Figure 4: Stone & Pearl
- Fragmentation 1
- Gratuitous Sex 1: Revenge!
- Gratuitous Sex 3: The Dating Game
- Gratuity 2
- Incriminating Evidences 2: Some Viewers May Be Aroused
- Incriminating Evidences 3: Whip Me! Beat Me! Make Me Yours!
- Incriminating Evidences 4: My Little Arumpy-pumpy
- Incriminating Evidences 6: Super Orgy Porno Party
- Instinct
- Akane Who? (side-story of Inverse Property )
- Kareshi, Ichūnōnna 1
- La Fantasía de Ranma {Spanish}
- La Pildora 1 {Spanish}
- La Pildora 2 {Spanish}
- Moonlights Gift
- newRanma 8: Dreaming
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 3
- Pop Goes the Ranma
- Ranma ½ 1: Darling Ryōga
- Ranma ½: Different Life, Different Love 2
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Lemon Flavored 4: Practice
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 1
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 2 {unfinished}
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: Start
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- Ranma in Love Prelude: A Rendez-Vous
- Ranma plus Ryōga 1: Crossing Enemies
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 1: Ranma Gets Robbed
- Revelations 1: Of Life and Love 4
- Revelations 1: Of Life and Love 5
- Revelations 1: Of Life and Love 6
- Revelations 1: Of Life and Love 8
- Revelations 1: Of Life and Love 10
- Revelations 1: Of Life and Love 11
- Revelations 2: The Song of the Arrow 7
- Revelations 2: The Song of the Arrow 8
- Ryōga Hentai 3
- Ryōga Hentai 5 {unfinished}
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- Ryōgas Revenge
- Shock Value
- Suki Da 1: Happy Birthday Ranma-kun!
- Sweet Dreams [Are Made of This]
- Tender Tushies 5A (side-story of Tender Tendō Tushies )
- The Making and the Breaking
- The Nightmare
- The One to Carry on... Top 1
- The Prize
- The Shikima Interface 1: Ranmas Bad Day
- The Shikima Interface 5.1: Consequences 1
- The Shikima Interface 8: Family, Got to Love Them
- The Two-Faced Angel 2: Only at Night
- Ukyōs Hentai Okonomiyaki {unfinished}
- Un grave castigo 7 {Spanish}
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 7: Le Plaisir solitaire {French}
- Unending BE 102928: KasumiPC: Ryōga Porks the Catgirls
- Unending BE 111925: PW R½: Ranma vs. Ryōga! Who Will Tame That Pussy!?
- Unending BE 200408: PW R½: Ranma vs. Ryōga Blow by Blow!
- Unending BE 200739: PW R½: Ranma vs. Ryōga! The Taming Begins!
- Unending BE 200860: PW R½: Ranma vs. Ryōga! Exploring New Depths!
- Unending BE 200862: Trapped in an Unlikely Scenario
- Unending BE 201298: PW R½: Ranma vs. Ryōga! Wake-up Call!
- Unending BE 201436: PW R½: Trapped Ranmas Plight
- Unending BE 201499: PW R½: Domination of a Tigress
- Unending BE 201500: PW R½: Leashed and Belted
- Unending BE 206011: PW R½: Obedient Little Tigress
- Unending BE 206160: PW R½: Petting a Tigress
- Unending BE 206228: PW R½: Tigress on a Leash
- Unending BE 206934: PW-Ryōga: Bottom Warming
- Unending BE 209108: Demonic Intervention: Ranma Victorious!
- Unending BE 215086: AkanePC: Kitty Sandwich
- Unending BE 239430: PW: Conscience Attack
- Unending BE 239449: Ungrateful Ranma
- Unending BE 253022: ANDFR: Taking of Ranko
- Unending BE 253115: ANDFR: Ranko Goes Down
- Unending BE 323604: Edged Blade: Taking the Tease
- Unending BE 355168: ANDFR: Lost Taking
- Unending BE 359874: Drow Makeover: Wake Up to a Change
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- Unstoppable 1: Forcing It
- Why Do We Fight? Real Reasons
- Working Up a Lather
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 2: A New Girl at School. Is it time for Sex Ed. already?
- Yet Another Ranma Lemon 3: Ranma did WHAT? Let the punishment begin!
- + P-chan
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 7: Le Plaisir solitaire {French}
- + Ryōga-onna
- Anime Addventure 105436: Faking It: Get Your Fresh Virgins Here
- Ryōga: Lost No More
- + Ryū
- Orgy 3
- + Saffron-onna
- Unending BE 237734: AkanePC no More NabikiPC?
- + Sasuke
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: Thread 2
- Un grave castigo 7 {Spanish}
- + Sayuri
- Anime Addventure 291: Whos Got the Harem Now...
- Tip 3: Day Three: Options
- Unending BE 427125: Once Bitten
- + Sayuri-otoko
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 10: Stretching the Truth
- + Shampoo
- Anime Addventure 11839: Red Rover Et Al: When the Cows Come Home...
- Anime Addventure 11849: Red Rover Et Al: Milking Time for Ranma-chan
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Anime Addventure 47336: Faking It: The Fiancées Use Ranma-chan
- Anime Addventure 109582: Not the Cat Fist: Rival, or Co-Wife?
- Anime Addventure 177249: The Ballad of Konatsu & Ukyō: Anybody Seen My Baby?
- Before Marriage
- Birthday Licks
- For Better or for (Even) Worse 2
- Fragmentation 3
- Getting Together 1: One Night at the Tendō Dōjō
- Hentai RPG Adventures Shampoo 2
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- Incriminating Evidences 5: Dip Baby Dip!
- Jusenkyōs Curse 2.2
- Midnight Is the Time for Playing
- Orgy 3
- Passion Is in the Air
- Picnic for Three
- Pleasure
- Porn World! 5: A Taste for Tentacles
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 17: Thread 1
- A Tale of Two Pussies (Give or Take a Tomcat) (side-story of Ranma and Nabiki: A Tale of Two Wallets )
- Pangea: The Land That Time Ignored 4: Lets do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel... (side-story of Ranma and Nabiki: A Tale of Two Wallets )
- Ranma: Sextacular 4
- Ranma the Amorous Oversexed Nympho 46: Mothers Love
- Hot Spring Tango, Aftermath (side-story of Realities Squared / Shampoo ½ )
- Riding the Wooden Pony
- The Accidental Goddess 5: Be It Ever so Humble...
- The Bitter Lemon
- The Head of a Live Cat
- The Nerima Shuffle 2: The Insanity Begins
- The Power of Dreams 4
- Tip 6: Day Six: Hangover
- Trading Places 1
- Trading Places 3
- Ukyō and Shampoo Get Down on Ranma
- Unending BE 102923: Kasumi PC: Kiss of Catgirl
- Whore ½
- + Shampoo-neko
- Unending BE 101849: NerimaPC: Shampoo Gets Some Loving
- + Shampoo-futanari
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 8
- The Bitter Lemon
- + Shampoo-otoko
- Hot Spring Tango, Aftermath (side-story of Realities Squared / Shampoo ½ )
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 7: Burning the Pervert
- + Shintaisōchiimu
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 9: Thread 2
- + Sōun
- Anime Addventure 4779: Zeuss Ball: Didnt I see this in a Looney Tunes cartoon?
- Cursed {unfinished} (first version of Cursed )
- Fathers Day II 3: The Affair
- Fathers Day II 4: Ranma-chans Week
- Fathers Day II 5: The Weekend, Part 1
- Fathers Day II 6: The Weekend, Part 2
- Fathers Day II 7: The Weekend, Part 3
- Fathers Day II Side-Story 1: A Strange Encounter (side-story of Fathers Day II )
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- Orgy 3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 10: Start
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 10: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 11 {unfinished}
- Schools United 1
- Ultimate Betrayal 3: Its more fun to share with everybody!
- Un petit lemon de Pelops 3: La Concupiscence de Ranma II {French}
- Un pésimo remedio 5 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 423851: Store Property: Emotional Desire
- Unending BE 424367: Store Property: Up Through the Barriers Silkily
- Unending BE 426162: Store Property: Payment Plan
- + Tatewaki
- Ah! My Pigtailed Goddess!
- Anime Addventure 4842: Zeuss Ball: My Pigtailed Goddess...
- Anime Addventure 11718: Red Rover: Kunō Gets Something Back
- Bliss 5
- Camping 2: Second Night
- Cold Hatred
- Complete Control 2
- Cross-Dreams
- Cursed {unfinished} (first version of Cursed )
- Fetti-Ranma
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 3 {unfinished}
- Gratuity 1
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- My Ranma Movie 1
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 2
- Playing with Ranma 3: Surprising Pairing
- Questionable Material for Minors
- Ranma: Sextacular 8
- Ranmas Anything Goes Hentai RPG 5 {unfinished}
- Special Dreams
- Swordplay 5: Revelations
- The Erotic Adventures of Sleeping Ranma 1
- The Erotic Adventures of Sleeping Ranma 2
- The Nightmare
- The Shikima Interface 4.1: School Daze 1
- Trading Places 1
- Un grave castigo 7 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 102446: NerimaPC: Kunō Cums on the Kitties
- Unending BE 323604: Edged Blade: Taking the Tease
- Whore ½
- + Tatewaki-onna
- Anime Addventure 149868: Pop-Tart: Chocolate Kunō-chan
- Sosei
- Trading Places 1
- + Tōfū
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- Ranma: Sextacular 2
- Ranmas Anything Goes Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1
- The One to Carry on... Top 2
- Unending BE 103107: KasumiPC: Stray Thoughts About Dr. Tōfū
- + Ukyō
- Akane and Yuka Visit the Pillow Factory
- Anime Addventure 11849: Red Rover Et Al: Milking Time for Ranma-chan
- Anime Addventure 14854: Lemon Flu Non-Marathon: Shower Time
- Anime Addventure 38038: Red Rover Et Al: Escape! Ukyōs Distraction
- Anime Addventure 47060: Lust Dust: Lost Together
- Anime Addventure 123104: Sex Slave Nabiki: A Little HLS Can Be Alarming
- Anime Addventure 150797: Masters Way: Sharing a First
- Couch Trips: Book 3 3: Function Follows Form
- Couch Trips: Book 4 14: Dinner Dates
- Ecchi Hentai Ranma RPG 1 {unfinished}
- Fragmentation 3
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 2
- Homemade Viagra or The Trouble with IInazuke 3
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 3
- Midnight Is the Time for Playing
- Nothing Changes in a Week
- Orgy 1
- Orgy 3
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 7: End
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 15: Start
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 15: Thread 5
- Ranmas Anything Goes Hentai RPG 3: Thread 1
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 3: The Quest Begins
- Being All That You Arent (side-story of Realities Squared / Shampoo ½ )
- Riding the Wooden Pony
- Rock n Roll ½ 4: Love Hurts
- The Accidental Goddess 5: Be It Ever so Humble...
- The Power of Dreams 4
- The Shikima Interface 4.2: School Daze 2
- The Shikima Interface 6.1: Marital Arts 1
- Threesome Fun
- Tip 2: Day Two: Harem Talk
- Tip 3: Day Three: Options
- Tip 4: Day Four: Permanence
- Top Ten Rejected Lines
- Ukyō and Shampoo Get Down on Ranma
- Ukyō Gets What She Deserves / Ukyō Has Her Way with Ranma
- With a Twist of Lemon
- + Ukyō-futanari
- Hot and Cold Running Ranma
- + Ukyō-otoko
- Anime Addventure 69101: Red Rover: Let Me Help You...
- Anime Addventure 69105: Red Rover: The Greeneyed Elfboy
- Couch Trips: Book 6 10: Making Up for Lost Time
- + Yuka
- Anime Addventure 291: Whos Got the Harem Now...
- Tip 3: Day Three: Options
- + Yuka-otoko
- The Curse Only Goes Up (It Likes to Be on Top) 10: Stretching the Truth
- + others...
- A Human Saiyajin 6
- Accidents Will Happen, Especially to Ranma 1
- Accidents Will Happen, Especially to Ranma 2
- All Anime Hentai RPG Ranma {unfinished}
- Angel Games
- Anime Addventure 686: Some Things You Just Cant Ignore
- Anime Addventure 1189: Usagi and Ranmas New Day: Waking Up
- Anime Addventure 1265: Succubus Blues: Poorly Worded Bindings
- Anime Addventure 1291: Catgirl Yōma Ranma: Cat Got the Cream
- Anime Addventure 2267: MND: The Honeymoon Is Just Begun
- Anime Addventure 3143: Darkfire: Breaking
- Anime Addventure 3286: Mihoshis Fault: Shes Just Cherry...
- Anime Addventure 19675: Ranmas Robogirls: Inevitability
- Anime Addventure 31099: 10 Rings (DarkPack): Completing the Bond
- Anime Addventure 31222: Mamōrus New World: Water of Change
- Anime Addventure 31254: 10 Rings (DarkPack): Yin and Yang
- Anime Addventure 36573: Doubly Cursed: When Sanity Returns but Control Does Not
- Anime Addventure 39293: Street Walker Ranma: Ranmas First Quickie
- Anime Addventure 41243: Gunsmith Horses: Damn! I never knew Rally had it in her.
- Anime Addventure 44950: Street Walker Ranma: Putting the Wild Mare Out to Pasture
- Anime Addventure 45247: Street Walker Ranma: Elsewhere...
- Anime Addventure 46393: Cheetah-Ranma & the Princesses: Keeping Your Cover
- Anime Addventure 49784: Ranma of Two Goddesses: Claiming the Maiden
- Anime Addventure 51134: Lust Dust: Tenchi Gets Some
- Anime Addventure 51674: La Blue Ranma: Ranma-chans Surprise
- Anime Addventure 53359: Hidden Secrets: Ranma-chan Drugged... (Take #2)
- Anime Addventure 64972: Gold Dust: What to Do...
- Anime Addventure 70537: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Its the Trap You Dont Expect That Gets You
- Anime Addventure 76072: Lessons in Life: Fun with Girl-Type Part 1
- Anime Addventure 76128: Lessons in Life: Here Cums the Wild Horse
- Anime Addventure 76282: Lessons in Life: A Happy Morning for All
- Anime Addventure 77251: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: The Rescue Is Here! But Wholl Rescue Hulk-chan?
- Anime Addventure 78315: Fight! Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan!: Memo to Self: Need More Catch Phrases
- Anime Addventure 80427: Match-Ups 101: Tirgas Horse
- Anime Addventure 86705: Furries 4 U: Morning Routine
- Anime Addventure 91104: Ranma and the Lone Wolf: The Lonely Wolf Is Lonely No More
- Anime Addventure 93298: Match-Ups 101: Two Redheads
- Anime Addventure 95144: New Job: My, What Nice Fingers You Have
- Anime Addventure 101795: PHS: Moving Out
- Anime Addventure 108584: Island Vacation: A Wetter Lesson
- Anime Addventure 108641: Island Vacation: The Wettest Lesson Yet!
- Anime Addventure 127942: Master PC for Idiots: Trust Must Be Earned...
- Anime Addventure 133054: New Job: Now Its Your Turn
- Anime Addventure 133057: New Job: Overwhelming Emotion
- Anime Addventure 144400: Animal-Girl Crackers: Fox-Play
- Anime Addventure 144664: Animal Crackers: Getting Tail
- Anime Addventure 172327: Pokégirls Rescue Team: Taming
- Anime Addventure 172411: Pokégirls Rescue Team: Cherry Tigress
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 1
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 2
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 7 {unfinished}
- Anime/Manga Hentai Family RPG 10
- California Dreaming 1 (MSTing)
- Can It Get Any Worse? 6
- Card Captor Young Hentai RPG Ranma {unfinished}
- Choices 1: The Party
- Contests
- Cream Lemon Studio 6: Thread 3
- Cursed {unfinished} (first version of Cursed )
- Divine Intervention 2: In the Meantime...
- Everything Goes Martial Arts: Time Enough for Lust 4
- Fathers Day II Side-Story 1: A Strange Encounter (side-story of Fathers Day II )
- Finding an Anchor 0: First to Choose
- Fragmentation 1
- Fūrinkan Hentai 3: Thread 1
- Hentai Place RPG Ranma {unfinished}
- Is This a Dream? Or a Nightmare?
- Kirika Clean House
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 2
- La Blue Ukyō (Shikima Okonomiyaki) 3
- La Pildora 2 {Spanish}
- La Pildora 3 {Spanish}
- Lemon Sherbet 8: Bailsite and Rachlite Go Quantity Surveying
- Lemonade Punch 5.1: My Bright-Eyed Girl 1
- Lemonade Punch 6.1: Fighters Passion 1
- Never Buy the Unknown 2: Akane and Ranma Get It
- Never Buy the Unknown 4: Ranma-chan Gets It
- Rejection (side-story of newRanma )
- Playing with Ranma 6: A Game with Masks
- Playing with Ranma 9: The Price of Lust / Witness
- Quick Change for a Quick Change
- Rankos Encapment
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 1
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 16: Thread 5
- Ranma, Master of Kyōjitsu 1: Prologue
- Ranmas City Heat
- Ranmas Ecstasy 1
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 3: The Quest Begins
- Ranmas Quest for His Manhood 4: The Quest Gets Sticky
- Realities Squared 13
- Realities Squared 14
- Hot Spring Tango (side-story of Realities Squared / Shampoo ½ )
- Being All That You Arent (side-story of Realities Squared / Shampoo ½ )
- Recruiting
- Ryōga Hentai 2: Thread 1
- Shock Value
- Sonic Wind: Interlude 1: Lets Have Sex (side-story of Sonic Wind )
- Sweetness of Vengeance 2: Convincing the Gods
- Swordplay 5: Revelations
- The Accidental Goddess 5: Be It Ever so Humble...
- Uncles Again? (side-story of The Bet )
- The Crystals of Reality 2: Ranma
- The Doctors Referral 1: The Treatments Begin
- The Family
- The Pain Continues
- The Revolution 10
- The Revolution 11
- The Two-Faced Angel 2: Only at Night
- The Worst Just Came into Town
- Technical Virginity (episode of Thy Outward Part )
- Those Tears Are Pearls (episode of Thy Outward Part )
- Gimme a Break (side-story of Thy Outward Part )
- Twilights End 0: Prologue 1
- Ultimate Betrayal 1: The Ultimate Betrayal
- Un grave castigo 1 {Spanish}
- Un grave castigo 4 {Spanish}
- Un grave castigo 7 {Spanish}
- Unending BE 111816: PW: A Tigress in the Sack Is Worth Two in the Bush
- Unending BE 111817: Revenge Is the Best Dish
- Unending BE 141505: PW: Tigress Taming
- Unending BE 155149: RanmaPC: Ranma Heads Off
- Unending BE 179143: PW: Ranma Makes Breakfast
- Unending BE 204590: PW-AJ/Ryu: A Taming to Remember
- Unending BE 204719: PW-AJ/Ryu: Post Taming Time
- Unending BE 206098: PW-Ryōga: Tomboy Thrashing Time
- Unending BE 208108: PW-Ryōga: Advancing the plot
- Unending BE 208464: Demonic Intervention: Looks Like the Cavalry Just Got Detoured...
- Unending BE 208677: Demonic Intervention: Thank You, Mr. Pavlov
- Unending BE 208816: Demonic Intervention: Mara and Urd on top of the world... not for long if HE has a thing to say about it...
- Unending BE 209108: Demonic Intervention: Ranma Victorious!
- Unending BE 241528: Hentai Plant: Ranma-chan to the Rescue... ERK!
- Unending BE 242057: Hentai Plant: Helpless Victims
- Unending BE 242931: Hentai Plant: Pleasure and Seeds
- Unending BE 297640: PW ½: Ranmas Reward
- Unending BE 349408: Rankos New Job: Oops!
- Unending BE 350327: Rankos New Job: Planning
- Unending BE 354583: Rankos Job: Shower time
- Unending BE 356803: Best Buddies: Neat and Tidy Mom
- Unending BE 358730: Rankos Job: A Bosss Seduction
- Unending BE 359136: Ranmas Makeover: A Drow Makeover
- Unending BE 363304: Rankos Job: For Her Cure
- Unending BE 368194: Rankos Job: Carried Away
- Unending BE 382088: Shadow Master = uh-oh!
- Unending BE 382088: Monkey, Tiger, & Wolf
- Unending BE 386720: Ashs New Alpha; Ranko!
- Unending BE 387930: CBS (Chinese Bordello Saotomes): Genma-chan and the Initiator
- Unending BE 387931: Genma-chan: Her Only Child Leaves Her
- Unending BE 388209: CBS: The Interruptor
- Unending BE 393578: Time for Breakfast and Shopping!
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- Unending BE 427056: Private Property aR: Meanwhile, in an Alternative Reality...
- Unending BE 427097: Private Property aR: Glop, Glop, Glop...
- Unending BE 427749: Private Property aR: A Photogs Delight
- Victims of Honor 4: Enter the Janitor (Enter the Ninja)
- While You Were Sleeping
- Ranko
- Anime Addventure 41676: Tentacle Ranma: Sisterhood of the Fucked
- Lemonade Punch 5.2: My Bright-Eyed Girl 2
- Ranma and Ryōga and Ranma and Shampoo
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 3
- Realities Squared 14
- Reflections 40: Turnabout Is Fair Play
- Rankos Dangerous Night (side-story of Split Personalities )
- The Big Break-Up 8
- Unending BE 265360: Tentacle Ranma: Setsuna Meets Bunnys Papa
- + Akane
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 2
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 4
- Behind the Scenes of Ranma ½ 1
- Lemonade Punch 5.2: My Bright-Eyed Girl 2
- Of Love and What Remains
- Ranko, Abandoned No More
- Rankos Curse a Love Story 4: Wash That Man Right out of My Hair
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 1: Thread 1
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 6
- Tables Turned 2: Akane
- Trial by Fire 13: Open Your Heart
- TWISTED The Board Game
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- + Akane-otoko
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 1: Thread 1
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 6
- + Genma
- Anime Addventure 41936: Tentacle Ranma: Close-Knit Family
- Anime Addventure 42998: Tentacle Ranma: A Whole Lotta Stuffin Going On (or Is That a Lotta Hole-Stuffin?)
- + Herb
- Split Personalities 7
- + Herb-onna
- Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality 6
- + Hikaru
- Careful Destiny 5: Mending Fences
- + Kasumi
- Split Personalities 3
- Totems 1: Shiimaya
- + Kenchan
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 17: Thread 2 {unfinished}
- + Kodachi
- Ranko, Abandoned No More
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 4: Thread 2 {unfinished}
- + Nabiki
- Anime Hentai High School The Terrible Trio 10
- Not Ranma ½ 1: The Lost Sisters
- Not Ranma ½ 2: Lemon Tea
- Not Ranma ½ 3: Three Nights
- + Niu-Hō-Man-Mao-Ren
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 2
- + Ranko-otoko
- Its All in the Reflexes 13
- + Ranma-kun
- Anime Addventure 47067: Exiled Jedi: Sticky Side of the Force
- Anime Addventure 90845: Lemon Flu: A Piece of Redheaded Pie
- Anime Addventure 96841: Exiled Jedi: Going Back to the Twins
- Anime Addventure 104546: Exiled Jedi: Welcome to the Team, Lina!
- Anime Addventure 111354: Realms of Fantasy: Ecstatica
- Anime Addventure 129645: Sky Tiger: Invasion of the
Pod People Cauldron Tigers!
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 3
- Careless Destiny 1 (side-story of Careful Destiny )
- Careless Destiny 2 {unfinished} (side-story of Careful Destiny )
- Careful Destiny 6: The Very Long Week of Ranma Saotome
- Hentai Ranma RPG 1
- Lemonade Punch 5.1: My Bright-Eyed Girl 1
- Lemonade Punch 5.2: My Bright-Eyed Girl 2
- Lemonade Punch 6.1: Fighters Passion 1
- No Control
- Not Ranma ½ 3: Three Nights
- Half and Half: Ranma Times Two! 3 (first version of Nullifier 122 )
- Half and Half: Ranma Times Two! 5 (first version of Nullifier 122 )
- Nullifier 122 3: A Balm in Nerima
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 7: Thread 1
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 2
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 2
- Ranmas Hour of Darkness 3
- Ranmas Hour of Darkness 5
- Reflections 40: Turnabout Is Fair Play
- Split Personalities 2
- Split Personalities 5
- Split Personalities 6
- Split Personalities Christmas Special (side-story of Split Personalities )
- Tables Turned 0: Ranma
- Tables Turned 1: Ranko
- Tables Turned 2: Akane
- Tables Turned 3: Nabiki and Kasumi
- Tables Turned 8: Azusa and Nodoka
- Tables Turned 9: Ranko Iterative
- Tables Turned 10: Hinako, Kasumi, Akari and Shan Pū Iterative
- Tales of Ranma and Ranko 4: Our Wedding Day 4
- Tales of Ranma and Ranko 4: Our Wedding Day 13
- Totems 2: History Lessons {unfinished}
- Unending BE 243882: Tentacle Ranma: Uniting the Two Halves
- Unending BE 244952: Tentacle Ranma: Well, he always did say he was the best.
- Unending BE 259443: Tentacle Ranma: Elsewhere in Juuban
- + Ranma-chan
- Anime Addventure 686: Some Things You Just Cant Ignore
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 3
- Maison Bailesu (side-story of Lemonade )
- Lemonade Punch 6.1: Fighters Passion 1
- Not Ranma ½ 3: Three Nights
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 2
- Trial by Fire 13: Open Your Heart
- + Ryōga
- Lemonade Punch 5.2: My Bright-Eyed Girl 2
- Ranma and Ryōga and Ranma and Shampoo
- Unending BE 181963: RanmaPC: Love, Lust, and P-chan
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed
- + Shampoo
- Ranko, Abandoned No More
- Totems 1: Shiimaya
- + Sōun
- Anime Addventure 41936: Tentacle Ranma: Close-Knit Family
- + Tatewaki
- Hentai Ranma RPG 2: Thread 1 {unfinished}
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 4: Thread 2 {unfinished}
- + Tōfū
- Ranma Hentai RPG and Fiction 3
- + Ukyō
- A Different Viewpoint: Curses and Demons 19
- Nullification 2
- Ranko, Abandoned No More
- Split Personalities 1
- Split Personalities 3
- Split Personalities 5
- Split Personalities 6
- Split Personalities Christmas Special (side-story of Split Personalities )
- + others...
- Anime Addventure 30526: Those Obnoxious Pokégirls: Kikukos Shocking Encounter
- Anime Addventure 30882: Those Obnoxious Pokégirls: Professor CHERRY?! What Type of World Is This?
- Anime Addventure 96227: Nookiequest: Fairy Moment
- Anime Addventure 96841: Exiled Jedi: Going Back to the Twins
- Anime Addventure 129645: Sky Tiger: Invasion of the
Pod People Cauldron Tigers!
- Anime Hentai High School The Terrible Trio 3
- Anime Hentai High School The Terrible Trio 4 {unfinished}
- Anime Hentai High School Ranma 1
- Anime Hentai High School The Terrible Trio 6
- Anime Hentai High School The Terrible Trio 7: Start
- Anime Hentai High School The Terrible Trio 7: Thread 1
- Anime Hentai High School Chardin 3
- Anime Hentai High School The Terrible Trio 10
- Anime Hentai High School The Terrible Trio 11 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 3: Thread 2 {unfinished}
- Ranma ½ Hentai RPG 11: Thread 2
- Ranmas Hour of Darkness 5
- Realities Squared 2
- A Night of Delights (side-story of Realities Squared )
- Realities Squared 16
- Realities Squared 17
- A Night of Delights 1 (side-story of Realities Squared )
- A Night of Delights 2 (side-story of Realities Squared )
- A Night of Delights 3 (side-story of Realities Squared )
- Side-Story One (side-story of Realities Cubed )
- Realities Warped 16: Dangerous Liaisons
- Unending BE 245130: Tentacle Ranma: The Origin of Crystal Slut Tokyo or How Crystal Tokyo Fell with a Whimper and a Gasp!
- Unending BE 252133: Tentacle Ranma: Rei Witnesses the Changing of the Future
- Unending BE 259443: Tentacle Ranma: Elsewhere in Juuban
- Unending BE 265360: Tentacle Ranma: Setsuna Meets Bunnys Papa
- Unending BE 317992: Tentacle Ranma: An Electric Moment
- Unending BE 426953: Akane Ambushed