RANMAX HENTAI RPG - 5: thread 3

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ranmaxhentairpg/

Compilation and proofreading by St Fan


Asu Me


Ryôga's eyes were sharp.  He knew that the road took him back to the 
Tendô Dôjô; he was sure of it.  At least, he thought he was sure of it.  
Why did this always happen to him?  He sweatdropped and made a stupid 
face.  Ryôga nearly fell to the ground when he came over the hill again 
to find that, once more, he was at the ocean.

"Curse you, Saotome Ranma." he cried as he turned around again and 
started running, hoping to find his way back to the Tendôs and the one 
who had his heart.

Kunô sat cross-legged on his tatami mat, staring at the wall that held 
the photos of his beloved girls.  His mind was still racing on who to 

"Oh, why do you curse me so?  Show me the way to know who it is that 
will love me the way that I am meant to love, and I plead with you, oh 
ancestors, show me how to defeat that cretin Ranma."

Re: Back At Home

Starlight Sakura

Akane looked around.  She was already a block away, and she forgot where 
she was going to go.  "Damn that Ranma.  He made me forget where I was 
going." she said, as she kicked a rock on the road.  Looking up at a cat 
walking down the street, she nodded, and started walking again.  
"Shampoo's.  Right." she said, and walked along.

S7 Ep1 - Chinese Chi, Secret Technique #14


Ryôga was out of breath as he came over the hill, his eyes lighting up 
as he saw the familiar sight of Nerima before him.

"Home, I'm finally home." he cried out to no one in particular.  He fell 
to the ground and kissed the dirt (cue spitting and hacking of dirt in 
mouth) before standing up and dusting himself off.

"Now, Saotome Ranma, prepare to meet your doom!" he screamed.  He picked 
up his pack and umbrella and ran directly away from the town, before 
realizing his mistake and heading back into town.

The Kunô household was quiet for a change; not a sound could be heard.  
Kunô Tatewaki sat still as could be, simply staring at the twin photos 
of his true loves in the forms of Ranma-chan and Tendô Akane.  He sighed 
and puffed a stupid cloud thingy.

"Oh Fate, why do you choose I, Kunô Tatewaki, to play your games?"

Re: S7 Ep1 - Chinese Chi, Secret Technique #14

Starlight Sakura

Akane was stamping her feet all the way down the street, heading towards 
Shampoo's place, wondering if she had some Amazon secret to deal with 
him.  Noticing that a certain bandana-wearing boy was down the street, 
Akane shook her head, and looked down.  "He's lost again...." she said 
softly to herself.

Re: S7 Ep1 - Chinese Chi, Secret Technique #14


Ryôga looked at the buildings as he passed, trying to remember his way 
to the Tendô Dôjô, when he saw Akane looking at him.  'Oh no, I must 
look like a complete idiot.' he thought to himself as he looked at 
Akane.  He sweatdropped.

"Hahaha, um, hey, Akane.  What are you doing in a place like this?"

Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane shook her head a bit, then looked at Ryôga.  "To tell you the 
truth, I was going over to Shampoo's place.  I wanted to have a 
little... girl talk with her." she said as she balled her fists up.  
"How long have you been lost, Ryôga?" she asked.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


"Haha, uh, you mean this time?  Um, I think about since I went through 
Nagashima... or was it Oyubuki?  Uh, I don't remember, haha.  He 
sweatdropped again, his face red.  "Shampoo?  I'll come too."

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane shook her head, and tried not to laugh.  As she started walking 
towards the Nekohanten, Akane once again grumbled to herself.  "Ooooh, 
that Ranma, when I get my hands on him...."

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga was of two minds; he wanted to spend time with Akane, but he knew 
if he saw Ranma, he would be forced to issue a challenge, and he didn't 
want to reveal his new technique just yet.

He sighed, keeping his thoughts to himself, and continued to walk.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane felt a bit torn.  She wanted to get back at Ranma for what he did, 
but yet she felt so empty inside; she needed something.  She looked at 
Ryôga, then blushed a little from the thoughts that were running through 
her head at the time.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga looked at Akane, suddenly worried.

"Akane, are you feeling alright?  You look a little flushed; maybe I 
should take you to see Dr. Tôfû, yes?  He will know what's wrong, 
hahaha...."  (Cue stupid face.)

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane smiled a little.  "It's alright.  I'm not sick or anything, I just 
have a lot on my mind." she said.  She started to see the Nekohanten off 
in the distance.  "Well, I guess we should get going." she said, and 
sighed a little.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga stopped dead and looked at Akane worriedly.

"Akane," (he resisted the urge to use "-chan" here,) "what is wrong?  I 
know you well enough to know you don't get like this about Ranma.  Talk 
to me."

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Happy followed her scent as any true perverted old master would.  
Watching from the rooftops for a moment, he awaited his chance to 
strike.  Seeing her begin to move again he leapt down, latching onto her 
well-formed backside tightly.  "I won't allow it... you can't have 
kids!"  His eyes were growing wobbly as he tried to plead his case to 
her as best he could: "If you get pregnant, then you'll have to wear 
bigger panties, and those would just RUIN my collection."  Burying his 
face, his muffled weeping could be heard against the back of her skirt.  
"Y-you and Ranma wouldn't be that mean to me, would you!?" he asked, his 
voice still muted against her backside.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane was about to reach the Nekohanten, when she felt something latch 
onto her.  "Hey!  Get off, you perv!" she yelled out, trying to get a 
certain dirty old man off her body.

Nabiki turned the corner.  "Ryôga?  Where did you come from?" she asked, 
then looked towards Happy and sighed.  "Nice stall there, old man." she 
said and shook her head.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


"Not till you promise me you're not havin' a kid!!!" he shouted in 
protest.  The little old man formed a clenching grip that made him 
almost impossible to remove.  "Think about your figure... if you went 
and did that, I'd have to remove you from any future collections I might 
make." he added, hoping to dissuade her from ever considering it.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane started to shake, and whacked Happôsai over the head with a mallet 
she pulled out of her back.  "I'M NOT PREGNANT!!!!  What lamebrain gave 
you that stupid idea?!?!?!!?" she yelled out, then turned around.  
"NA...BI...KI!!!!" she yelled out.

Nabiki quickly turned on her heels and walked off down the street.  "Oh, 
look at the time.  I think I'll go see what's up with Kunô or 
something." She said, and walked off as fast as she could.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Happôsai gave a gleeful expression as his eyes went wobbly with joy.  
"Y-you're not?  So then I can still expect to keep getting those lovely 
lil' numbers you always wear."  Leaping up, he hugged her chest as he 
wept with joy.  "I'm so happy...."

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


His head boiling head and steam coming from his ears, Ryôga could not 
believe that the dirty little rat could be so familiar with Akane-chan.  
Resisting the urge to kick the old fart three ways from next week, he 
turned to walk away, muttering something about dirty old perverts.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane started to bring up her fist, and reached into her bag.  Pulling 
out a mallet that she used for Kunô, Akane whacked Happôsai away with 
it, and grumbled.  "GET OFF OF ME, YOU PERV!!!  Honestly!  You're worse 
than Ranma!!!!" she yelled out, and grabbed Ryôga by the collar.  "Come 
on!" she barked, and dragged him into the Nekohanten.  "Shampoo!!!" she 
called out.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Still in the same stance as he was in earlier and having yet to recover, 
Ryôga simply allowed Akane to drag him along by the collar until the 
pair reached the café.

'Oh boy, is Ranma going to get it this time.' he thought to himself, not 
realizing that that was exactly what he had been getting from Shampoo 

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane stood in the doorway of the Nekohanten, wondering why no one was 
around.  "Hello?  Shampoo?  Cologne?  Mousse?" she called out, 
forgetting about Ryôga.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse ran down the stairs.  "Coming...!" he shouted before hitting the 
wall in his half-blindness.  He stood once more as he situated himself; 
it was obvious he had hurriedly dressed.  He walked over to the two 
blurring objects he could tell were those who had called out.  He looked 
between them, still not recognizing them yet; his vision was more 
obscured than usual, his glasses fogged up and wet as they were.  "May I 
help you two?" he asked calmly.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


"Mousse, where is Ranma?" Ryôga asked before Akane had the chance to say 
anything.  But Ryôga soon realized it was useless asking Mousse 
anything.  Even if he had SEEN Ranma, he wouldn't have been told where 
he was.

"Oh, sorry, Akane.  I guess you wanted to do the talking." Ryôga said 

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane looked at Ryôga, then looked towards Mousse.  Taking Mousse's 
glasses, Akane cleaned them, then put them back on his face.  "See us 
now?" she asked.  "Have you seen Shampoo?  I want to ask her a favor." 
she said, and balled her fists together.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse blinked for a moment.  "Last I remember, Shampoo just left with a 
delivery...."  A slight redness and goofy grin flashing across his face, 
still convinced the cat-girl he had been with was his love, Shampoo.  
Shaking off the expression, he continued.  "Just what did you want her 
to help you with?  Perhaps I can be of some service, Akane." he replied, 
now recognizing the two near him.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane sat down in a chair, and sighed.  "Well, unless you know of a way 
to get back at Ranma, then no." she said.  She then looked at the 
specials.  "Could I get some tea?" she asked.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga had slumped back against one of the walls of the café as his eyes 
scanned the place.  He could almost smell Ranma in the air.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse poured them both some tea.  "Well... you know my views on 
Saotome, Akane.  I would be glad to help you, if it would give me the 
chance to defeat Ranma."  He sat across from her; luckily they had shown 
during one of the Nekohanten's lulls in business.  Mousse relaxed 
slightly.  "Knowing Shampoo's feelings for me... there is no way I'll 
stop now."  He gave a confident smile, his determination showing through 
in his expression.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane moved the cups so they were under the tea.  Looking at Mousse, 
then towards Ryôga, Akane wondered if sleeping with either of them would 
piss Ranma off.  She then blushed, quickly pushing the thought out of 
her head.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga was nodding, agreeing with Mousse as he looked from Mousse to 
Akane.  It was then that he noticed the blush.

"A-A-Akane?  Are you, um, okay?" he asked, again worried about her 

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane looked at Ryôga, and nodded.  "Yeah.  I'm alright.  Just thinking 
about something, that's all." she said, and continued to think.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse smiled warmly in the direction of the blurb he was quite certain 
was Akane; remaining calm, his martial arts skills aided him in choosing 
wisely which blurb he was directed at.  Though his eyesight was poor and 
the glasses seemed always smudged, Mousse had learned ways to 
compensate.  When not blinded by his affection for Shampoo.  "If it 
involves vengeance against Ranma, I'd be more than happy to aid you, 
Tendô Akane.  Perhaps with you on our side, Ryôga and I would finally be 
able to restore our honor."

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane held the teacup with both hands.  She sighed, and looked down, a 
few tears falling, as she looked towards the table.  "That Ranma... I 
don't think I'll ever forgive him...." she said softly, then sighed 

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga slid closer to Akane, tentatively putting an arm around her 
shoulder in a brave move on his part, but he was only thinking about 
Akane and her sighs.

"We are both here to help you, you know." he said, his voice calm.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane looked at both Mousse, then Ryôga.  Getting up, and placing 
herself on Ryôga's lap, Akane wiped her face, and sighed.  "I know...." 
she said, and slowly started to unbutton her blouse.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga's eyes bulged as Akane began to unbutton her blouse while sitting 
in his lap.

'It's a dream come true.' he thought to himself with a stupid grin.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane blushed, and looked at Mousse.  "I don't mind if you think I'm 
Shampoo for awhile." she said, and blushed heavily.  Looking towards 
Ryôga, Akane continued to slowly strip.  "This is what you wanted, isn't 
it?" she asked.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse stood there somewhat agape... what had happened to change Akane 
so...?  He felt compelled to answer somehow.  "Th-this would crush 
Ranma, y-you know this... Tendô A-Akane?" he asked shakily, feeling a 
light rise beginning at the front of his robe.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane looked away, one hand holding her blouse, the other balling up 
into a fist.  "That name again....  For all I know, he could be out 
having fun with Kodachi, Ukyô, or... or even Shampoo..." she said, then 
wiped her face.  "I don't care anymore.  If Ranma has feelings for me, 
then he'll come to stop me before I do anything rash." she said.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse gave a warm comforting smile as he caressed Akane's tear-wetted 
cheek, wiping away the tear.  "Then your mind is clear, Tendô Akane... I 
am at your service." he answered, gently rolling the tear he had caught 
across her lips.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga was ecstatic.  It was a dream come true, Tendô Akane stripping in 
front of him and Mousse.

"I'm in heaven." he declared in the silence of his mind, before looking 
at Akane and saying "To be here to comfort you is all I wish for in my 
life."  He was trying not to jump in joy.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane looked at Ryôga and Mousse.  "Um, okay.  What do boys like girls 
to do?" she asked, letting her blouse go so that it hung open a bit.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse looked hesitantly to Akane, then to Ryôga... oftentimes his 
partner in dealing with that fink Ranma.  He knew of Ryôga's affections 
for Akane and felt it only right that Ryôga set their limits.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga was still dazed at Akane's newfound directness.  Added to that, he 
had never had any "contact" with the opposite sex, and the fact that the 
one here was the girl of his dreams... he could only stutter.

"Ah, um well uh, there is well um, that thing, you know."

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane smiled a bit.  "You two are sweet." she said, letting her blouse 
fall to the floor.  Slipping off of Ryôga's lap, Akane looked at how 
hard both he and Mousse were, and started to rub both of their cocks 
through their clothes.  "You don't expect me to be the only one naked, 
right?" she asked, then started to take off her skirt.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse gave a subtle yet confident smile, his eyes showing the same grin 
through the filtered lenses of his glasses.  He reached up, unbuttoning 
the facets of his white, kata overcoat.  The heavy multi-pocketed fabric 
fell to the wayside as if gravity itself simply willed it off his sleek 
muscular form, revealing his sleeveless, slate gray, form-fitting shirt 
and matching pants.  "How forward of you, Miss Tendô... to wish for this 
in such a nearly public place yet."  Flirtation was slowly growing in 
his voice with arousal, knowing their locale... the dining area of the 
Nekohanten.  The danger of being caught, by the elder or even possible 
customers, aroused him all the more.  The gamble seemed as much a 
challenge as any bout he had ever entered.  His stiffened spear seemed 
to swell in response to Akane's slow teasing attention through the light 
fabric.  Reaching out a confident hand, he slowly began to strum it 
across her well-formed stomach.  He was also kneading at the taught 
elastic of her waistband.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga moved faster than ever, almost falling over himself in the rush to 
rid himself of his trademark yellow shirt and his rope-belted pants.  He 
watched Mousse already moving closer to Akane-chan.

"I'm in heaven, it's a dream come true.  I get to be with Akane-chan" he 
said, not realizing he had said it aloud.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse quickly finished disrobing as he looked down to Akane.  "Do you 
need some help?" he asked, smiling.  His stiffened cock was waving about 
even with Akane's line of sight in her slightly bent-over position as 
she was removing her skirt.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane blushed as she stayed in her bra and panties.  She wasn't sure if 
she really wanted to go through with everything, and hoped that she 
would change her mind before she lost all her clothing.  In her mind, 
she was wondering what happened to Ranma, hoping he would come to her 
rescue, then remembering why she was doing this, and growled.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga looked at Akane's clenching fists and took a step back.
"Akane, are you, um well, are you okay?"

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse paused, giving a small frown as he noticed Akane's hesitation.  
"Tendô Akane... if you don't truly wish this to happen, or if you have 
any doubts... speak them now.  Any further and I doubt turning back will 
be as easy."  Still holding his cloths in his hand, he awaited her 
response, pulling his underwear back to his waist.  If they were caught, 
it would be far easier to explain them standing in their underwear than 
in the buff.  After all, the Nekohanten was a home for the three from 
China as well.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane looked around, and blushed.  "Not in the open, stupid..." she said 
to herself, then looked toward Mousse and Ryôga.  "Sorry.  Just kicking 
myself for almost embarrassing you two.  Maybe we should go upstairs?" 
she asked.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga looked around, noticing the people walking by the café, and felt 
his face turn beet red.

"I think that might be a good idea, heehee." he said with a sweatdrop.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


"..." Mousse sweatdropped for a moment before giving a sigh.  "Alright 
then... follow me, and don't forget your clothing."  With that he 
scooped up his robe and underclothing, taking leaping dashes towards his 

Opening the door, he began frantically moving everything out of sight, 
weaponry and... leisure alike.  He managed to pull it off just barely as 
the other two entered the room.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane looked around, picked up her clothes and quickly ran upstairs 
before someone could see her.  She wondered what she was doing this for, 
and blushed a little, realizing she was only in her undies.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga followed Akane upstairs, entranced by the way her firm, rounded 
butt swayed as she walked.  Resisting the urge to reach out and grab a 
piece, he simply followed, his clothing and pack in his arms.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


"Is this more to your likings, Tendô Akane?" Mousse asked, acting as a 
gracious host, motioning around the room.  "If you are past your 
uncertainties and still wishing to continue... where do you want us?  Or 
do you wish it to be free range?"  Smiling lightly, he wondered how she 
would react... fully willing to either do her bidding, or simply grow 
lost in the pleasure of her.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane sat down on the bed, and looked at both Mousse and Ryôga.  Being 
with Ranma was bad enough, but having both these boys here?  That was 
something that she wasn't even considering.  "Um, just give me a little 
time to get over my nervousness.  I'm still new at this." she said, and 
blushed heavily.  She held her blouse in her hands, and started to 
think.  She could clearly picture Ranma kneeling down in front of that 
girl, and narrowed her eyes, figuring that he didn't love her, and that 
this would be her revenge on him.  Thinking about something, Akane 
looked up.  "Um, where did Shampoo go again?" she asked.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse shrugged his shoulders.  "She's out on a delivery; she should be 
back soon... why do you ask?"  He knew deep down that Shampoo catching 
them like this, or in an even more compromised position, would give him 
the chance to learn if she truly had any feelings for him.  Sitting 
down, he awaited Akane's response.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane blushed, and shook her head.  "No reason." she said, and blushed 
again.  Slowly, she started to stroke Mousse's cock with one hand, and 
Ryôga's with the other, nervously, because she wasn't sure of what she 
was doing.  Wondering if Shampoo was with Ranma, Akane sighed, and 
looked at the two boys she was with.  "This might work out." she thought 
to herself.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse smiled, pleased by the attention that she was now paying his 
stiffened rod, her hesitant hand gliding over the girth of his shaft.  
Growing to be contented he reached out, gently gliding his hand beneath 
her bra, toying with her breast teasingly.  'This could be enjoyable...' 
he thought to himself as he fondled her well-perked breast.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga sat stupidly as Akane stroked him and Mousse.  He was in heaven 
and there was no disputing that.  The girl of his dreams was sitting 
next to him in nothing but her underwear, and he was practically naked 
himself.  He smiled stupidly smile and sweatdropped.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane shivered as she felt Mousse's hand on her breast.  She slowly 
stroked both his and Ryôga's cocks, wondering what she should do next, 
since she never had much experience in what else to do.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse sat down next to her, leaning at an angle as his hand moved the 
soft fabric of her bra aside to reveal her well-perked breasts, the 
fabric of the bra resting above them.  "You seem to have a good 'grip' 
on pleasing us, Akane.  I suppose we should begin as well, yes?"  His 
voice was almost a calm purr as it buzzed against her ear.  Lowering his 
face, he slowly began to suckle and nibble her right breast, leaving the 
left for Ryôga.  His hand gently gliding under her panties, he decided 
to continue exploring her elsewhere.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga laughed suddenly, wondering just how Mousse could actually find 
what he was looking for on Akane's body.  Breaking out of the trance he 
seemed to be in, he smiled.  Leaning over, he groped and slid his hand 
over Akane's left side.

"Hope you enjoy this as much as you're pleasing me."

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane lay back and cried out in pleasure, gripping onto both boys' 
cocks, but not hard enough to hurt them.  As she started to stroke them, 
Akane felt her panties begin to soak through, and tossed her head from 
side to side, never feeling this hot before.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Massaging over the wet mound of her crotch, Mousse gave a contented 
smile as his hand glided under the slick, juice-darkened fabric of her 
panties.  Arching his hand, his fingers glided through her wet folds... 
probing her teasingly.  His lips were giving service to her hardened 
nipple as he grip tightened on his hardened rod.  Knowing well, from his 
encounters with the two imposters before, how to please a girl, he had 
also developed quite a "taste" for them.  His lips were already wet at 
the prospect brought on by the wetness his hot fingertips now found.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga looked at Akane, his lips tingling, wanting to press against hers.  
But he wasn't sure; his feelings were all thrown out of balance.  He 
wasn't sure if Akane was just doing this to get back at Ranma or if it 
was something she wanted.  She seemed so uncomfortable to him to begin 
with, but that wasn't there now.  Now it looked like she was coming 
close to her first orgasm.  Taking a chance, Ryôga put his hand behind 
her head and kissed her deeply, his hand still firmly attached to her 

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane closed her eyes, moaning against both Mousse's and Ryôga's hands, 
blushing because she was so close to an orgasm.  As she kissed Ryôga 
back, Akane wondered where Ranma was, but didn't show any sign of it, as 
she stroked both of their cocks.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga slid his tongue into Akane's mouth, stifling a moan as his balls 
began to tingle in pre-orgasmic bliss.  His hand gently massaging her 
breast as a pair of fingers softly pulled and tugged at her hardened 
nipple, tweaking it in his hand.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse smiled as he raised his fingers from inside her now thoroughly 
wet panties, the syrupy nectar of her flower clinging to his fingers.  
He slowly slid them off her hips and to her knees.  Releasing his 
mouth's grip on her nipple, he lowered them to kiss her lower lips.  He 
parted her legs slowly as he extended his tongue, lapping at her sweet 
juices happily.  He was feeling her grip on his cock as he continued 
drinking from her.  Raising his head only to lick his own fingers clean, 
his hand then returned to toy with her well-perked breasts, as his 
tongue glided through her tender wet folds.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane moaned out and slowly started to release her grip on both Ryôga 
and Mousse's cocks.  She couldn't help herself and moaned softly again, 
her face flushing from both embarrassment and pleasure as she closed her 
eyes and let the boys have their ways with her.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


As Mousse moved between Akane's legs, Ryôga lay against her back.  His 
hand on her breast, his fingers gently tugged and softly twisted her 
nipple, seeing the areola flush red and harden in his fingers.  His lips 
were stifling her moans as he kissed her deeply.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse was tasting the sweet wetness between her legs as his rough, wet 
tongue probed and lapped against the soft, lightly furred surface of her 
pussy.  His eyes were rolling back lazily as his mouth went wide, his 
tongue diving into her.  Feeling her grip begin to loosen on his cock, 
he smiling contentedly.  He raised his head, a long beaded string of her 
juices trailing from his chin.  "So, Ryôga, what part of her do you 
want?  I know how much you like her, so it's only fair you get to choose 
first..." he stated.  Wiping his chin, he continued, "... if that's 
alright with her, of course."  Awaiting the kissing pair's response, his 
fingers once more trailed through her slick, wet folds, leaving his 
mouth free to answer their replies.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane blushed, pulling herself together long enough to look at the two 
boys.  "I know it's going to sound strange, but I want to remain a 
virgin for awhile." she said, and blushed again.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga looked at Akane and thought for a moment.  The idea was so simple 
that it was genius.  Akane wanted to stay a virgin, but it was still 
possible for her to have sex without her hymen being broken.

"Akane, this might sound a little gross, but it's just a suggestion.  If 
you want to remain a virgin, there is another hole that you can use 
without popping your cherry." he said, not sure how she would react.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse gave a look of puzzlement, somewhat hidden behind his glasses.  
"... And then there's the mouth as well."  He wondered exactly what she 
meant by 'virgin', still staring deeply into the slick, wet folds of her 
sex.  He was nibbling once more upon the small bulb at her front.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane nodded, and sighed.  "It's not that I don't mind, it's just that 
I'm scared." she said, and sighed again.  "I guess I have to.  I mean, I 
don't want to go this far, and leave you guys hanging." she said, and 
sighed again.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga looked at Akane and pressed his finger to her lips.  "You have 
nothing to fear, Akane-chan, we will be nothing if not gentle with you, 
knowing this is your first time.  And as for leaving us hanging, this is 
for you, not for us." he said.  Then, thinking that he had waited this 
long to get so close, to have her turn back now would be hell.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Mousse listened, continuing to prime and clean her young slit with his 
lips and tongue, satiating his appetite as he waited for them to decide.  
Were she to allow one of them in her now wet, blushing pussy, it would 
only be fitting Ryôga be the one, knowing full well how his oft-time 
sparring partner felt and fawned over the Youngest of the Tendôs.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's

Starlight Sakura

Akane blushed.  "I know it sounds silly, but I kind of want to keep 
myself intact until... well, I'll explain someday." she said, and looked 
sternly at Mousse and Ryôga.  "And if you two try something, I'll knock 
you into next Tuesday!" she yelled out.

Re: Heading towards Shampoo's


Ryôga looked at Akane, hurt deeply by her words.  He of all people would 
never do anything to her that she didn't want.  Sighing, he opened his 

"How little you know us, Akane-chan, or me at least.  But I am sure that 
Mousse is the same; I know for sure that I would never do anything to 
you that you wouldn't want."

Cafe' play...-Akane, Mousse, and Ryôga


Mousse sat up, raising his face away from her tender pink folds as he 
wiped his lips, looking to her.  "Make your decision, Tendô Akane....  
Continue, or do not... but to tempt us and then say you will go no 
further is cruel.  You have doubts, I can understand... but you must 
decide one way or the other.  I am certain Ryôga and I will both respect 
your decision."  Sliding his still hardened rod from her grip, he 
awaited her decision.