RANMA 1/2 THE NEXT GENERATION HENTAI RPG - 13: thread 1 > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RtNGHrpg2/ Compilation by St Fan [CHARACTER'S PROFILE] Player: St Fan Character: Kurenai Isabelle Mother: Shiratori Azusa Father: Kurenai Tsubasa Age: 16 Gender: female Curse: none Sexual Preference: bisexual Virgin: no and no Description: Isabelle Kurenai looks like her father did at the same age... that is, she's a cute girl with long brown hair. Unlike her father, though, she's no cross-dresser and 100% female. Her choice of clothes tends to be on the "buriko" style, that is the extra-kawaii, extra-feminine dress with lots of lace and ribbons, favoring colors in the white and pink tones. This is not her sole garments, however. Isabelle doesn't have her father's knack for weird disguises, though she has a gimmick of her own. When confronted to a peculiar situation, she'll often whip out from nowhere some fancy dress, adequate for the business at hand. For example, if trailing someone in the street, she may put on some Victorian detective coat and hat. Or if strolling in the wilderness, she may go for the colonial explorer look. It is yet to be seen if there's any practical limit to her wardrobe. Her favorite "situation outfit" is the painter garb, with a protective blouse and a French beret on her head. Fighting Style: Isabelle use "Martial Art Painting", a self-developed style derivative of Martial Art Calligraphy. She can throw her brushes and pencils like shuriken, and her painter palette like a throwing disk. She sometimes uses a large paintbrush like a polearm, to block enemy weapons or coat a target with a thick layer of quickly-hardening paint. Her favorite move is a paralyzing shiatsu point; she often use it to keep a reluctant "model" perfectly immobile. History: Isabelle is the daughter of Azusa and Tsubasa (you can just guess who gave her her first name.) Her parents are a happily married couple, though some would say she has two mothers rather than a mother and a father. As such, the girl was reared in a very feminine environment, and was probably a bit missing of a "male role model". She had somehow found one in the person of Sôtatsu Jikeiin, the master of Martial Art Calligraphy, whom she has the utmost respect for. She trained hard under his guidance to develop her own personal style of martial arts. She may not be among the top ten fighters in Nerima, but she can held her own in a fight. Besides that, her life so far had been rather ordinary for this neighborhood. She has a passion for the pictorial arts and is a pretty skilled drawer and painter. Isabelle is a student at Fûrinkan, where she's very involved in the artistic club. She knows most of the Tendôs/Saotomes/Hibikis whom attend Fûrinkan, though she doesn't necessarily mingle much with them. Personality: Isabelle is a bit of a spoiled brat, and can throw serious tantrums when denied what she wants. Though when it's not the case, she's a nice and polite young lady, careful to keep up the appearance of the kawaii, innocent girl. She had inherited some of her mother's obsession with cute things, though unlike Azusa she won't steal them nor give them French names. When she finds something (or someone) she deems cute, however, she immediately whips out an easel and canvas from Hammerspace... and began to draw a still-life (or portrait). If the subject is alive and unwilling to stay put, though, she can get forceful and will not hesitate to use her martial arts to immobilize it/him/her. Isabelle is bisexual. Her taste in men go toward the "bishônen", though it doesn't matter much to her if her lovers are male or female, as long as they are cute. When trying to seduce someone, her favorite approach is to ask for the potential paramour to do some nude modeling. She's serious about her painting, though, and wouldn't put the move on her model until the work is finished. [GAME START] The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block On this sunny morning, a young, kawaii girl was happily strolling along the street on a pair of rollers. She wore a cute, frilly dress with cute ribbons in her hair and had a cute girly bag by her side. Isabelle Kurenai was obviously on a "Kawaii Quest"... looking around for something cute enough to be worth immortalizing by her artful painting. For some people and animals, it meant it was time to go into hiding, and fast. Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori munched on a piece of toast as she started walking towards Fûrinkan High. As usual, she was calm, almost in a daze as she carried her bag behind her, much as her mother did whenever she was ready to hit her father with it. Coughing a bit when a piece of her toast scratched her throat, Satori reminded herself that she did leave without grabbing something to drink, before looking around. She had a strange feeling of impending doom, although she wasn't sure how accurate it was, before returning to the quest at hand. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Her face turned to the side and up, as she was intently examining some pretty birds perched in the sakura trees, Isabelle wasn't looking where she was going on her rollers. Distracted by her cough, Satori didn't see her coming, and the impact was unavoidable. *SLAM* "Ouchie!" Several paintbrushes, pencils and color tubes were scattered on the sidewalk, as well as the content of Satori's bag. Sitting on her cute derrière, Isabelle was grumbling (albeit cutely), hoping she hadn't damaged her pretty dress. "Can't you watch were you're going? You kawaiikunai!" the Kurenai girl exclaimed. Considering she was the one entirely at fault, it took some gall.... Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori laughed nervously. "Heh... Gomen..." she said, and started to pick up her books. "Wait. You ran into me." she said, but still stopped to help pick up the girl's items also. "You should really watch out where you're going around here. You don't want to wander into the streets or something." she said, and looked around. She didn't want to be blamed for missing pens or anything like that. Standing up, Satori offered her hand to help the girl up. "Look. Let's start over. I'm Satori, and I'm sorry that I ran into you... even though it wasn't my fault..." she said, mumbling the last line. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle accepted the offered hand, only because it was the polite thing to do, and it wouldn't be lady-like to not look polite. She was still casting a mean glare to that girl who dared to suggest she was at fault. "I know who you are, you silly. We're in the same school." she stated. Then, she mumbled "Why did I have to bump into a kawaiikunai Saotome like you, and not into one of your kawaii sisters, like a that beautiful catgirl or those adorable twins... meh." Picking up her things, she looked at Satori's bag, and frowned. "Hu... what are you doing with your school things? ... It's the weekend; we don't have school." Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked a couple of times, before looking at her bag. "Oh. This?" she asked, and opened it up. "I decided to go do some training down on the beach, and packed some lunch." she said, about her backpack full of sandwiches and other items, almost too much just for one person, although it was Satori.... "You seem like you're in a hurry. Where you off to anyway?" she asked, and looked at her rather strangely. "By the way, you said you know me, but who are you?" she asked rather bluntly. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "I was in no hurry... that's not cute!" the girl testily answered. She seemed to mightily take offense of Satori's question about her identity, though. "What? How could you not know of me? Under what rock are you living? I am the rising star of the painting world, the shining nova of the Fûrinkan Art Club! I am Kurenai Isabelle, the next Hokusai! And I was prospecting for a subject worthy of my talent...." Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori looked at Isabelle blankly for a little bit. "Right. What's a Hokusai?" she asked, before shrugging. "Anyway, I'm going to the beach. You wanna come?" she asked. "Besides, the school's closed on the weekends." she said. As usual, words were going in one ear and out the other, much like her father. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle looked near apoplexy for a very short while, which let Satori finish her sentence. Then, the Kurenai girl regained her wits(?) and reacted in typical Neriman-martial-artist style. *CLONG!* Satori's head suddenly found itself much more closely acquainted with her shoulders as something impacted hard with the top of her skull. From Satori's viewpoint, it looked like a long, metal-tipped pole connected to Isabelle's hands, that she'd probably pulled out from nowhere. An outside observer could recognize the weapon as one... ubber-sized paintbrush. °_°; "IGNORAMUS!" she yelled in outrage. "How could you not know of Hokusai, Japan's most renowned painter? Are you spending your time in class sleeping?" Pulling back her kick-ass paintbrush, she rested it on her shoulder with a huff. Calming down, she then pondered Satori's offer, while the Saotome was rubbing her head. "Hum... the sea... you know, that's not a half-bad idea. It's been a long time since I've done any seascape. Alright, I'm ready to forgive you for your faults if you invite me by the sea!" Then she hopefully added "Will any of your siblings join you there? You know... the cute ones?" Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori sighed, as she rubbed her head. "Wouldn't know. It seems like they all but ignore me these days." she said, and sighed once more. "With luck, maybe they'll find us or something." she said half- heartedly. "Shall we go?" she asked Isabelle. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Too bad. Still, if you're inviting me, I don't see why not. Let's see... I need an adequate outfit for the beach." Putting down her bag, Isabelle pulled out some large kerchief from nowhere... and twirled around herself, in a move reminiscent of some martial artist of Ranma's generation, Manekko Kenchan a.k.a. Copycat Ken. The twirl finished, instead of wearing a cute, frilly dress and roller skates, Isabelle was wearing a cute, short sundress, a straw hat and sandals. The fabric wasn't totally opaque, and from some different- colored spots, Satori could tell she was wearing a bikini underneath. "I'm ready; let's go then...." Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori found herself blushing for no reason whatsoever. "That's cute." She said, and motioned for Isabelle to follow. "I hope you don't mind peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If not, we need to stop for something to eat." she said. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "That's cute." Isabelle was pleased by the admission, though she was tempted to retort: "Of course, that's cute." Like she would wear anything not cute. > I hope you don't mind peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If not, we > need to stop for something to eat." Isabelle pouted a little at that. "Ho... those are not cute foods. For the beach, one is rather expected to eat delicate frozen sundae or tropical fruits. Well, we'll see what we can find at the seaside." The impromptu duo headed to the train station; the beach was only a short train ride away. Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori smiled a little. 'At least someone wants to hang out with me. Although she is looking for one of the others.' she thought to herself, before sticking her hands into her pockets. "So. What kind of things do you like? I mean, besides cute things." she asked, trying to strike some sort of conversation. > Isabelle pouted a little at that. "Ho... those are not cute foods. > For the beach, one is rather expected to eat delicate frozen sundae or > tropical fruits. Well, we'll see what we can find at the seaside." "Right. Of course." Satori said, then sighed. "Why didn't I think of that?" she asked herself. "Here. Let me get the tickets." Satori said, as they reached the train station. Even though it was bugging her that Isabelle was looking for her siblings, Satori wondered if perhaps, just perhaps, she wouldn't mind being her friend also. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block After they paid the tickets, Isabelle deigned answers Satori's question and engage the conversation. "Of course I don't like just cute things... I'm not my mother... "I like painting, drawing, sculpting... most of the plastic arts as well as other artistic expressions like dance, theatre, flower arrangement, origami, tea ceremony, body painting.... "I also like visiting art museums or art previews... and I favor the Impressionists, the Pointillists, the Fauves, the Cubists, the Surrealists, Hokusai, Dali, Giger...." The Following Day with Inoma pboost1 Inoma felt bad that the date with Shiro was cancelled. And she still felt down about what she did yesterday. Aunt Akane wasn't around, so she could talk about it, and Shitagi left for training. She decided to try to feel better by going to the beach. Watching the waves coming in always seem to help her relax and to think about tough situations she found herself in. So she got dressed for the beach, grabbed some sunscreen, and headed down to the sea. After getting there, she laid out the towel, than sat on it. Watching the waves come in, along with hearing the sounds of the ocean, was already starting to help her think. Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori's interest piqued when Isabelle mentioned body painting. "I don't think I've ever seen body-painting done before. You use latex paint for it, right?" she asked, although she wasn't sure that the answer wasn't going to get a giant paintbrush to the head. "Hey Izzy, if you don't mind me asking, what's so special about my siblings?" Satori asked, before sighing. "Nevermind. Forget I asked. You were going to say something about body painting?" she asked. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Don't call me 'Izzy'!" the cute girl testily retorted. "My name is 'Isabelle' -- and for you, actually, it should be 'miss Kurenai'." Then, she began thinking about Satori's questions. "Oh well, about body painting, the pigments depends on the final result you want. Some times, you just use what amount to lots of make-up... otherwise, you must choose paints that aren't aggressive for the skin, but can withstand smearing and sweat long enough for photos of the finished work to be taken. It's not like doing it on a blank canvas... you have to take the skin color and curves of the model into account." It was obvious the artist could go on indefinitely on her favorite subject. Yet, she also answered Satori's inquiry about her siblings. "Well, your sisters are so cute and exotics... they could be excellent models to portray. That Mascara catgirl is so beautiful, with her fur playing with the light... too bad she just have no patience at all for staying immobile a long time. And there's little Kimiko... she's just so limber and all... though if I tried to put some of her positions and stretching on a painting, it would be considered surrealism. ^_^ "And then... there's Shitagi-senpai... with her marvelous hair... though she's a bit... domineering...." With those last words, Isabelle was very noticeably blushing and faltering a little. Re: The Following Day Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded, then looked out the window, pulling her knees up to her chest. "Oh. I see." she said, and sighed. "Everyone seems to like them better." she said, and continued to look out. She almost forgot that she wasn't alone. Re: The Following Day St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block After a while, Isabelle came down from her Shitagi-induced daydream, and noticed that her traveling companion was pouting and looking away. Shrugging, the Kurenai girl simply pulled out a sketchbook from her bag and started drawing. The trip went on without anything notable, and soon they were arriving at the beach. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori looked around. They had reached the beach, and it seemed rather calm, and almost peaceful. Looking back at Isabelle, Satori smiled a little, before looking around again. "Well, should we find some place to park ourselves?" she asked. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was holding her hat, as her sundress was lightly fluttering in the wind. She was inquisitively peering around the beach, searching for the right spot. "Hmmm... this is nice, though I'm not sure what would be the best panorama for a painting. Oh, well, we can just walk around until I find an interesting view...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) "Akurei no Kishi" "Sounds good to me." Satori said, as she hopped up on one of the little pillars they had along the boardwalk, and skipped over each of them. She thought she recognized someone down on the beach, but she soon shrugged, figuring that no one she knew would probably be there, save Izzy and herself that was. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle followed Satori, walking much more daintily and ladylike than the hyper Saotome kid. "That weather sure is nice..." she commented. Indeed, although it was still soon, the day promised to be sunny and warm. There was a bit of wind, but not too strong. Isabelle was nonetheless holding her hat whenever some occasional gust of wind blew, although there was little risk for it to fly away. It worked on giving her a delicate and vulnerable look. She wasn't paying so much attention to her dress, though; the wind was flapping gently the short garment and revealing long, smooth legs. "Are you seeing anything cute?" she asked Satori. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori turned to look at Isabelle, and found herself blushing a bit. "Um, yeah." she said, and quickly looked around again. "That parasol over there is kind of cute." she said, and pointed to an old, fading umbrella that sat at the ice cream parlor. "On second thought, that's not that cute." she said, trying not to admit that she was looking at Isabelle's legs. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 As Inoma was trying to relax, her mind kept thinking about what happened. She couldn't seem to shake it. Since she couldn't seem to relax completely, she got up and was starting to head to get something to drink. As she was walking, she saw two girls, and thought that is what she needed, someone to talk to. But as Inoma kept looking, she soon realized that she saw Satori. So she called out: "Satori! Satori! It's me, Inoma." And instead of getting something to drink, she headed towards Satori and Satori's friend. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle giggled at Satori's antics. "Maybe... but an ice-cream would not be a bad idea, don't you think?" The Kurenai girl then noticed the waving Inoma. "That woman is making signs to you... do you know her?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori turned to look at the waving Inoma. "I think I do, but I can't tell from this distance." she said, and looked at Isabelle, and blushed once more. "Not doing too well today am I?" she joked. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma reached the pair. She was with someone who she recognized, but to make sure she didn't interrupt anything, she asked "Satori. I'm glad that you are here. I came here trying to relax, clear my head. But if I am interrupting anything with you two, I can leave." Inoma was hoping that she wouldn't have to go. But if that is what Satori wanted, then that is what would need to be done. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle smiled as the young woman clad in a swimsuit that just greeted them. She looked her over, pondering if she would make a good model. "Good Morning. I'm Kurenai Isabelle. Nice to meet you. And no, you weren't interrupting anything... we were just strolling on the beach." Isabelle then waited for Satori to do the introductions. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked a couple of times. "Oh, right. Izzy, this is Inoma. Inoma, this is Isabelle." she said, before looking around, wondering who else might be at the beach. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was almost instantly in Satori's face, obscuring her whole vision field with a spooky, livid face. "I think I already told you... don't... call... me... 'Izzy'!" Isabelle then just as quickly regained her bright smile and cute demeanor as she turned back toward Inoma. "So... are you enjoying the beach, so far? Did you try the sea? Is the water warm?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori sweatdropped a little. "Sorry." she said, and put her hands behind her head. "But Izzy's such a cute name." she mumbled, then hopped off the log she was standing on. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 > "So... are you enjoying the beach, so far? Did you try the sea? Is > the water warm?" Inoma felt a little bit of fear. She tried very hard to not get any cold water on her. Though she could live with it, being a skunk didn't go well with people. And how to explain it without going into the details? The curse she had always seemed to be brought up, maybe not indirectly, but it was still there. With the question, that pushed the thought Inoma was currently thinking out of her mind again, and caused her to focus on Isabelle. Though Aunt Akane and the rest knew about it, no need to tell it to everybody you meet. Isabelle was cute, and Inoma could tell that she filled out the bathing suit well. But Inoma needed to answer a question, so she did. "I'm trying to. I have something on my mind. No, I didn't try the water. I... don't swim well. I mainly come here to think and try to relax. I see you have paintbrushes and such, so I am guessing you are a painter, or would it be artist?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle glanced at the paintbrushes that were sticking out of her bag, and tidied them a bit so that they wouldn't fall off. "Oh, yes... I went to the beach thinking that maybe I could find a good landscape or subject to render on canvas. I like painting... though I can enjoy a simple walk on the beach, too." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "Well, maybe we both can help each other out. You need something or someone to paint, and I need to try to clear my head. Why wouldn't I pose for you? And you can even have Satori and me together in a couple." Looking at Satori, she added "If that is all right with you, Satori?" Inoma gave a genuine smile to Satori, stating that she wanted to do this. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori sighed. She was getting bored rather quickly just standing around not doing anything. She looked to Isabelle, then towards Inoma, then gently reached out, and gave Inoma a little love tap behind her head. "Will you stop that." she said, and looked around. She was a bit embarrassed, so her "condition" as she called it didn't manifest itself just yet. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Feeling the tap, Inoma wondered why she received that. It's not like she did anything wrong.... "Hey, what was that for? What did I do?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked a couple of times. She wasn't sure about being painted, but still, it wasn't like there wasn't anything else better to do. "Sure, I guess." she said, and shrugged. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle ignored the arguing between the cousins... it was obvious they were related; they acted like it. She was pondering about Inoma's offer. Usually, she was choosing her models herself; it was rather rare someone spontaneously proposed. Though Inoma certainly looked good in her swimsuit... and Satori could offer a nice contrast. "Well, I don't know... I usually paint something only when I get a good inspiration... but maybe we'll find a pleasant spot with a nice view, and then I'll feel like trying some sketch. Let's walk while the beach is not crowded, it's quite agreeable." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "Sure, the walking may help." Inoma wasn't sure what to say. She wasn't THAT close to Satori, and the stranger was someone entirely new. Inoma wanted to talk, to get her mind off what happened, but decided to wait to see how the conversation would go. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori just nodded. "Well, the ice-cream parlor's over there, so anyone want to go?" she asked. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle seemed to warm up a bit at the mention of ice cream. "Yum! Yes, me... I wouldn't mind a nice sundae with tropical fruits." As they headed toward the parlor, the Kurenai girl started the conversation. "That remind me... when I was younger, I once tried to paint a still-life with a beautiful ice-cream composition... but I was getting frustrated because it was melting faster than I could draw...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma started walking with the other two, and listened to Isabelle. "So you paint whenever you can? Or when you are inspired? And how far did you get with that try?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori followed behind. She found herself rather fascinated with the cute behind Isabelle had for some reason, and found herself blushing a bit. "You should have drawn a little, stuck the ice cream back into the freezer, then brought it back out a little later. It would take awhile, but at least it would stay frozen, right?" she asked, as she walked with her hands behind her head. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle turned to Satori and made a pouting, while still managing to stay kawaii, though. "Well, yes, it's easy to say that now, but I was impatient at the time... I didn't thought of it." Then to Inoma: "I try to paint whenever I have the time, but it's not always easy, with school and such. And inspiration doesn't come always easily." She pondered a bit, and added "The other thing I like... is to spend time with sensei to train in my martial art style...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "Sounds bad. I would like to see some of the work, if you have any. I study martial arts a little, I'm not that great though. I can understand lack of inspiration can make things difficult. I wish I would have thought to pick something like painting, or some sort of artistic outlet. Instead, I choose to major in geology." Inoma ordered three of the same drinks, paid for them, then gave one to Satori, and Isabelle. "Any suggestion as to what else we can do? Any way for either Satori or myself inspiring you to paint?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked a couple of times at the mention of martial arts. "Ooops. That reminds me. I came here to do some training..." she mumbled, before sipping her soda. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Hu... well, I can show you my atelier one of these days...." Isabelle answered to Inoma's request. She imperceptibly blushed as she imagined Inoma posing naked for her... something she asked of her models more often than not for the thrill of it than for purely artistic reasons. Inoma's proposal of finding a way to give her inspiration for some subject with Satori immediately inspired an image of the cousins, naked and intertwined in a sapphic embrace.... Isabelle shook her head to dispel the naughty thoughts. "Err... no need for this... inspiration shouldn't be forced, you know... it must come naturally." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "You shook your head. What were you thinking?" Inoma was looking sternly at Isabelle. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori watched her cousin and the cute girl that was with her. She thought about going out onto the beach and practicing, but somehow, she just didn't have the energy to go do so. "So. Did we decide on what we were going to do?" she asked. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle stopped shaking her head, but she blushed twice as red. Oh boy, was it so obvious she was having naughty thoughts? It happened sometimes when she started daydreaming... though she would have preferred Inoma didn't notice it. "N-nothing... I was just letting my thoughts wander... happen a lot with artists... HaHaHaHa..." she hastily explained, with a nervous giggle at the end. Then, she jumped on Satori's inquiry to change the subject. "Well... why not go swimming once we finished our snacks?" she proposed. Yes, a good dip in *cold* water was what she needed. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 The mention of swimming brought Inoma to a stop. How was she to go swimming when she had a curse on her? She had to think of something quick. Then she came up with an idea. "Why don't you two go ahead? I can't swim that well, and I don't want to risk getting a cramp. I just ate before I spotted you two. Besides, someone should stay behind and watch the stuff." The fact was, Inoma was a great swimmer but she couldn't do anything while the water was cold. And she hated being unable to swim. While she was watching the items, she would have to get something else to eat. Inoma was somewhat hungry, but couldn't let that show now. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi "You might have a problem getting us into the water there Izz... Isabelle..." Satori said, catching herself before she said it. "But Izzy's such a cute name..." she mumbled, before getting back on track. "You see, Inoma here can't go into cold water. She's got a skin condition that will make her red like she was in the sun all day. And me, well, I don't swim that much." she said, and blushed a little. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle listened, puzzled, to Inoma's excuses against going into the water... and then to Satori's. The latter was not a very good liar, though, and Isabelle could tell from Inoma's embarrassment that she was hiding something too. "What... what kind of stupid pretext is that?" she retorted to Satori. "Can't you find anything better?" Then, she took Inoma's hands, and cutely smiled to her. "Come on, Inoma-chan, that stuff about not going into the water after eating is an old wives' tale. Ho... I think I can guess... you don't know how to swim, right? But that's nothing to be ashamed of. We'll stay in the shallow waters. And I can teach you, if you want." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori shrugged. "Well, you two have fun, I'll wait for you here." she said, and sat down in the sand. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "It's not that I don't know how to swim. What Satori said is true, I have a condition that causes me to break out if I am in too cold of water. So I can't really go into the water for that." Inoma looked saddened as pretty much telling what was wrong with her. She hoped that Isabelle wouldn't freak out about it. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle made a cute pout. "Oh, pooo... that's to bad..." she told Inoma, this time seeming to admit the story. "But it's not half has fun to swim alone..." she complained. Turning to Satori, she asked "And you... why don't you want to come? You're the one that convinced me to go to the beach today...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Feeling that an argument was going to happen, Inoma made a suggestion: "Hey, instead of getting upset or anything, what were you thinking of earlier? Maybe we could do that." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed a bright red. "Beach, yes. Swimming, no." she said, and sighed. "I was thinking just laying out in the sand or something and getting a tan... or something." she said, and looked away in embarrassment. "Besides.... I can't swim. I already said that...." she mumbled. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma gave a quizzical look, then answered Isabelle: "Laying on the beach it is. Shall we go to the spot I have, or shall we go to a new spot? Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori just sat there, her face a rather bright red. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Sun-bathing it is, then. All right." Isabelle conceded. "Well... I'd rather find a spot with a good view, and where we wouldn't be bothered by passersbies... maybe among those rocks, there... or on top of the cliff, though that might be windy." Isabelle hadn't answered Inoma's first question, about what she had been thinking earlier. She'd rather not tell in detail some of the weird ideas that could pop in her mind. Though they certainly wouldn't leave her that easily. "Say..." she mused, "have you ever tried... integral sunbathing?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma looked at Satori, then at Isabelle, then Satori, then Isabelle. Then came up with the question: "OK, what's Integral Sunbathing? I never heard of it." Looking to Satori: "Did you hear of that, Satori?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori shook her head. "Nope. Sounds kind of painful though." she said as she looked around. "Wasn't there a small cove somewhere around here, Inoma? The one we used to play at when we were kids." she said, and looked towards her cousin. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "There is, but I think it's too small for us. It was really something for the size of kids. Why what were you thinking?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle blushed, unable to believe that she actually suggested nude sunbathing. Maybe it was a good thing that neither of them understood what she meant. "Hehehe... never mind... forget I said that... that was a bad idea actually...." Thus started a shrill, embarrassed laugh. "A... a cove... that sound good... let's try it...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori rubbed the back of her head. "Well, we could always go nude over there." she said, and blushed again. She felt her little "curse" stir, and blushed again. "Forget I said that." she said, and pointed down the beach. "Should be over there." she said. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Hearing Satori mention nude cause Inoma to blush a little bit herself. Though Inoma was feeling a little better about what happened yesterday, she somehow felt comfortable when it was mentioned. She will have to talk to her aunt Akane the first chance she gets, but for now Inoma will just have to make do. "Well, Satori, we did sometimes take baths together when we were young, so it wouldn't be too different if we were nude now. Would it?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori just shrugged at Inoma's question, before looking over at Isabelle. "You're kind of quiet. What are you thinking?" she asked. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was doing great efforts to hide her nuclear-strength blush. Though this time, it was them who suggested it, not her. This helped making her bolder. "Well... why not..." she nervously giggled. "As a painter, I'm used to artistic nudity... it never bothered me to watch nude models... so I don't mind." That was as big a lie the bisexual girl could ever do, but she didn't want to miss the opportunity of checking what Satori and Inoma would look without their clothes. Maybe they'd even be worth painting.... Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori looked towards the rather bubbly painter girl, and sighed. "You know, something tells me we should have put on some sun block before we came off the train." she said, and picked up her bags. "So. Shall we?" she asked. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "Sure, but where are we going, we didn't actually decide on anything." Inoma looked at both of the girls she was with. She didn't really want to get nude, but it was sorta agreed upon, and Inoma has always been known to keep her word. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle couldn't believe those two girls actually agreed to try out a bit of nudism. She was lucky, or what? Too bad they weren't in here atelier, THERE they would be sure not to be disturbed. "Well, I didn't think of bringing sun-block either," she answered Satori, "maybe you have some?" she then asked Inoma. "As for the spot... well, a cove would be nice if we're certain nobody could see us... we don't want to attract peeping toms. I'd rather choose some place with a good light, in case I want to do a n... a portray." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 > "Well, I didn't think of bringing sun-block either," she answered > Satori, "maybe you have some?" she then asked Inoma. "I have some, back at my spot. Let's get that first." As she started to lead the way toward where her blanket was, she added "As Far as the cove goes, I'm not sure. It's been a long time since I was here. But I think we can find something." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded. "Last time I remember though, the place was pretty deserted. No one really wanted to go there because you had to climb over the rocks. But then again, that was never a problem for us. Right Inoma?" Satori said, and looked at Isabelle. "Hey, if we have to, I'm sure one of us would carry you, Izzy." she said, and smiled. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block *CLONG* Satori's smile didn't last long, though, because Isabelle's giant paintbrush found for the second time the way to the top of the Saotome skull. "De One: don't call me 'Izzy'! "And De Two: I'm a martial artist too, I can climb those rocks just as easily as you can! Don't suggest I'm a frail little girl again, you kawaiikunee." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma was thinking: 'Note to self, just call her Isabelle.' "OK, Isabelle. Then let's finish getting the lotion, and then head to the cove. If what Satori says is true, then those rocks over there should be the cove." Inoma pointed to some rocks in the distance. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori rubbed her head, and blinked a couple of times. "Really? Wow. Didn't know that." she said, and started following Inoma. "You're too cute to be a martial artist in my opinion." she said, and put her hands behind her head much like Ranma would. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Satori calling her cute didn't got any rise from Isabelle -- she considering people acknowledging her cuteness to be a natural part of the world; it was merely a fact, like saying the sea was wet. "Kawaii-ness and martial arts are not exclusive." she lectured. Taking a proud and solemn pose (if a bit silly), she declaimed "I'm a practitioner of... Martial Art Painting! A style I created myself, as an offshoot of the ancient discipline of Martial Art Calligraphy, taught by my master, Jikeiin Sôtatsu-sensei." This announce was, of course, accompanied by some waving around of her large paintbrush-weapon in a demonstrative kata (or maybe it was moves out of a sentai show), with the obligatory background shifting, this time to famous classic Japanese paintings. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Watching how Isabelle was moving and talking sent a slight giggle through Inoma. Isabelle looked funny in the pose she gave. Inoma also felt a little embarrassed by what Isabelle was doing. But she didn't want to offend Isabelle, so Inoma didn't bring any attention to it. When she reached the spot she had found, she gathered everything and was ready to head out. "OK, I have all that I brought. Satori, would you be willing to lead the way?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori was watching a few people on the beach, when she heard Inoma's voice. "Huh? Someone say something?" she asked, then noticed Isabelle's little "show". "Just curious, but do you watch any Sentai shows?" she asked Isabelle, before looking at Inoma. "Well, lead the way." she told her. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was a little miffed at their reactions to her demonstration. Instead of being awed by her grace and mastery, Inoma had almost laughed and Satori plainly ignored her. Never mind. She wouldn't let it affect her. Not everybody was an esthete, she knew it quite well. Pouting cutely, she retorted "I don't know what you mean." to Satori's question about Sentai. She began walking toward the rocks the cousins have pointed to earlier. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori looked at her cousin, before looking at Isabelle. "Right. Um, shall we get going?" She asked. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "Lead the way. I have to carry the rest of my things." she said as she finished gathering her things together. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle followed the two others. They began climbing the rocks to reach the hidden cove. Peering at it from above, they could see it was indeed a secluded place. Surrounded by rocks but still receiving sunlight, and with a spot of sand that stayed dry even with the highest tides. "Wow, you were right, that's a nice spot." Isabelle commented, eyes sparkling. "We'll be protected from the wind and from sight...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded, and started her way downward. "You know, anyone else hungry but me?" she asked Isabelle and Inoma. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Handing Satori a sandwich, Inoma then spoke: "I have some food, but not a lot cause I wasn't expecting to meet someone here." To Isabelle: "So, how are you going to paint us? Are you going to look at us, or, do you want us posing?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle, who had been looking enraptured by her surrounding, finally answered Inoma's question. "How, I've not decided yet. That place sure looks nice, the rocks have beautiful colors and pattern. The scenery is gorgeous, though it wouldn't be enough to make an interesting painting... a pair of model would sure add life to it." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked a couple of times when Inoma mentioned painting. "Painting?" she asked, then looked towards Isabelle. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" she said, and took off her pack. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle sat next to the other two, smiling. "I did say I'll paint something if the inspiration struck me. I'll just think about the proper set-up while we eat. "Hu... you have no need to give her your sandwich," she added for Inoma. "I've seen her pack, it was full of food... you weren't planning to eat all that by yourself, ne?" she asked Satori. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori looked at Isabelle, then blushed. "Oh right. I forgot all about that." she said, handing the sandwich back to Inoma. "Guess I got distracted." she said, and blushed again. "Anyone want a PB&J?" She asked, reaching into her bag. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "I'll take one. I haven't had a BP&j sandwich in a long time." When given the sandwich, she opened it to see what kind of jelly it has. While looking it over, the side with the peanut butter fell out of her hand and onto her swimsuit. "Great, what am I going to do?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle had no idea what was a PB&J sandwich but she didn't want to admit it. "I'd rather have something not too heavy on the stomach. Do you have any sandwich with salmon slices?" she asked, as if it would be natural for Satori to have brought the most expensive kind of sandwich. Isabelle then noticed the mess Inoma did. "Oh yes, there's not much you can do... while eating outdoor, it's almost unavoidable to drop food on your clothes. Too bad, it was a nice swimsuit." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori looked at Isabelle strangely. "Now why would I have salmon in here? I don't like fish." she said, and sighed a bit. Sitting down, she reached into her backpack for a napkin, which she handed to Inoma, along with a bottle of water, to which she handed Isabelle one too. "Hey Izzy... Isabelle... I'm kind of curious. Why did you come with me to the beach? I thought you hated me?" she asked, grumbling about trying to make "small talk". Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma took the napkin and water, tried to get it out, with little success. "Guys, I'm going have to take off my suit. So I can scrub to get it out. Do either of you mind?" She looked at both of the people there. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Hey Izzy... Isabelle... I'm kind of curious. Why did you come with > me to the beach? I thought you hated me?" she asked, grumbling about > trying to make "small talk". Isabelle accepted the water bottle, then blinked at Satori's question. "What gave you the stupid idea I didn't like you? Sure, you're not as cute as your sisters, but that doesn't make you any detestable. I'm not *that* superficial. And you're the one who invited me to the beach, I remind you. "Or is it because I bashed your head twice? *That* was only because you were saying stupid things. Intelligent people shouldn't let others blabber silliness without reacting... that's for the own good of the bashed... learn them to stop uttering rubbish." > Inoma took the napkin and water, tried to get it out, with little > success. "Guys, I'm going have to take off my suit. So I can scrub > to get it out. Do either of you mind?" She looked at both of the > people there. Since Isabelle was busy talking to Satori, she didn't pay much attention to what Inoma was saying, so she absentmindedly answered: "Sure, we don't mind. Make yourself at ease." Then, she realized what she just said, and blushed. "Err... I mean... I'm used to nude models, so it's really not bothering me... though maybe you'll find it embarrassing if you're the only one nude...." '*What* I am saying?' she told herself, cheeks on fire. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi > Inoma took the napkin and water, tried to get it out, with little > success. "Guys, I'm going have to take off my suit. So I can scrub > to get it out. Do either of you mind?" She looked at both of the > people there. Satori blushed, and looked at Isabelle. "I mean, why did you accept?" she asked, then shook her head. "No. Never mind. It was a stupid question to ask." she said, before realizing her cousin's statement. "Um, is that such a good idea? I mean, you know..." she said, blushing heavily, at the thought of her rather attractive cousin going nude. She hoped that she could "contain" herself, and then grumbled about the family curse. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Listening to what they were saying, along with them blushing made Inoma think twice about doing it. But she wanted to get the peanut butter and jelly out as much as possible, so she didn't really have much of a choice. "I would be a little embarrassed about it yes, but that is why I am asking, Isabelle. And Satori, when we were younger, we did take baths, and go in the swimming pool together. So it's not like we should be THAT shy around each other. But I would like to get this stain out as much as possible. Unless you can come up with a better idea, Satori, or Isabelle." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "I accepted because I had noting better to do..." Isabelle answered absentmindedly to Satori. Still a bit blushing, the Kurenai girl nonetheless tried to get Inoma to relax. "Really, it's up to you. I don't mind personally. I told you, I'm used to nude models in art class. "Of course, sometime a model would feel embarrassed about being nude, so to put him or her better at ease I would take of my own clothes... er..." Why was she babbling that now? Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "I appreciate it. Since we are at a secluded spot here at the beach, let's all take our clothes off. I don't really mind, and perhaps you will get some inspiration, Isabelle. Now I have to try to get as much of this out as possible." With that said, she starts taking off her bathing suit, to be able to better remove the peanut butter stain. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi By that time, Satori was a bright red. She tried not to stare at her now naked cousin, and even the thought of Isabelle getting naked was a little too much for her, and she grabbed her backpack, pulling it into her lap, trying not to be so obvious that her curse was starting to kick in. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle didn't notice Satori's trouble. She was mainly focused on Inoma. The bi-girl was blushing, but also grinning, finding he view quite enjoyable. Inoma's body was a bit on the skinny side, with average breasts and hips, but her skin had a nice tanned tone and her curves were attractive. Not Isabelle's first choice in a model, but an interesting variation of the norm. With the adequate background, she might find inspiration. "You are right. What's the point in finding a secluded spot if not to make ourselves at ease? We're sheltered from the wind, and that sun should warm us up nicely." Standing up, Isabelle slipped out of her sundress. Then, she shrugged off the bra of her bikini, revealing pert, round mounds very much in proportion with the rest of her body. "I've often dreamed about strolling nude on the beach... it felt so liberating." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma was concentrating on the stain, and trying to maintain a conversation while doing so. What caught her attention was what Isabelle was saying: > "You are right. What's the point in finding a secluded spot if not to > make ourselves at ease? We're sheltered from the wind, and that sun > should warm us up nicely." > > Standing up, Isabelle slipped out of her sundress. Then, she shrugged > of the bra of her bikini, revealing pert, round mounds very much in > proportion with the rest of her body. > > "I've often dreamed about strolling nude on the beach... it felt so > liberating." Inoma glanced over at Satori, who seemed rolled up in a ball. Inoma didn't think about it. Inoma was just trying to get the stain out. But she brought this on herself, so she had to deal with it. "I guess I can see how that might make someone feel. I, myself, wouldn't think about doing something like that, though." Scrubbing a little more, Inoma finally got the majority of the stain out. After laying out the suit to dry a little, Inoma decided to stretch out herself. "That sun does feel good though. I'm going to work on my tan. I've been inside a lot lately. Let me know if you get inspired, Isabelle." Looking at Satori, she added, "Satori, what's wrong? Why are you shaking? Is something the matter?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori grumbled to herself. "This isn't fucking happening..." she repeated to herself, before looking at Inoma. "You would have to NOT remember my part in the family curse right!?!?!" she grumbled. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle had no idea what Satori was talking about... it was probably a family thing... so she just ignored her. And slipped out of her bikini bottom, baring a cute, curvy derrière, with just the right amount of baby fat. "I'm sure I'll get some inspiration..." she told Inoma, drinking in the sight of the other naked woman... purely from an esthetic viewpoint, of course. "If you don't mind posing, that is. Though for now... I'll follow your lead, and enjoy the sun." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "I don't mind posing at all. I never posed for any paintings though. Wouldn't know what to do." Finally looking at Isabelle, Inoma admitted that she was cute. No, she couldn't think like that. She had a boyfriend, and she didn't plan on the incident happening yesterday with the others. She was mainly here to relax, and to work on now to work on her tan. Then she thought about the curse that Satori mentioned, and thought hard on it. "Satori, the only thing I've seen you display as a curse is you seem to get upset easily. You don't have the... condition... that a lot of us in the family do. As far as I am aware of, anyway." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori wondered what side of the family Inoma came from, and hoped she didn't have any of Uncle Ryôga's blood in her. "No offense, Inoma, but you're not exactly the brightest bulb are you? Have you forgotten that I turn part boy whenever I get turned on sexually?" she asked, forgetting that Isabelle was there. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "NO offense taken. I didn't know about that; if you are getting uncomfortable, we can put on our suits if you want." Inoma was concerned, she truly didn't know that Satori had a curse like that. Had Inoma drawn that far away to not know things like this about the family? Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Not much to do... just staying still." Isabelle commented for Inoma. She was spread on her front over the towel, offering the view of the perfect curves of her nude back and bottom to Satori. "Though, arguably, it's not as easy as it sound." Isabelle turned slightly on her side, supporting her head with a hand while planting her elbow on the ground. This incidentally displayed her bosom as she talked to Satori. "Part boy when you are aroused? Now that would be funny to see. Though... why would you get turned on sexually now? It's only us GIRLS there..." she mischievously asked. Isabelle was trying to sound shy and innocent, but her giggling her brightly gleaming eyes were giving her up. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori's face was a bright red. She was trying not to stare at Isabelle, then closed her eyes, throwing herself back, trying to keep the slight rise in her workout pants hidden from everyone there, including Inoma. "Crap. Didn't know I was talking that loud..." she told herself, and sighed. "This isn't my day." she said, covering her face with her hands absentmindedly. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 > "Not much to do... just staying still." Isabelle commented for > Inoma. "Though, arguably, it's not as easy as it sound." "Interesting. How hard could it be to just lie still?" Inoma was noticing the curves of Isabelle, and felt an urge between her legs. Was Inoma getting turned on from seeing a naked girl? Inoma never thought that she might be a lesbian, or possibly bi for that matter. But with the events that happened yesterday, she would have to explore this thinking later. "Satori, if you are getting uncomfortable, or aroused, like I said, we can put on our suits." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Inoma's last suggestion didn't fit well with Isabelle. "But we just got comfortable... it would be a waste to get clothes back while we haven't even started to get a tan...." She again lay on her side to talk to Satori. "And you, what are you waiting for? It's not fair for us if you stay clothed. On a nudist beach, you'd be called a voyeur." Not waiting to see if Satori was giving in to her argument, Isabelle resumed her discussion with Inoma. "As for your question... well, the tricky thing is to stay immobile for a long time, without getting twitchy from boredom. And it depends on the chosen position, too. Some can be hard to sustain for long. You have to do frequent pause, but then it's hard to find back the same exact posture. The best is when the model is at ease and relaxed...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori never bothered to protest, as she sat up, and pulled her legs up to her chest. "I'll pass." she told Isabelle, before looking at Inoma. "I'll deal. Just go wash your suit." she said, her cheeks a rather bright red. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 > "The best is when the model is at ease and relaxed...." "Well, then from what it sounds, it would probably be best if the model was asleep. That would be the most relaxed state, I think." > "I'll pass." Satori told Isabelle, before looking at > Inoma. "I'll deal. Just go wash your suit." To Satori, Inoma said: "The suit is done as much as I can get it. When the sun dries it up, then I will put it on, or try again." Inoma was silent there for a bit. "So what are we going to do now?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Well, then from what it sounds, it would probably be best if the > model was asleep. That would be the most relaxed state, I think." Isabelle smiled, but tsk-tsked. "Not as much as you think. Sleepers don't make that good models, because lots of people move when they're asleep. And a painter wouldn't want only sleeping people as subject; many postures wouldn't be possible. > "So what are we going to do now?" "If we're staying in the sun any time... the thing to do is to get some sunlight protection. UV rays are bad for the skin. Good thing we have solar oil. You'll do my back and I'll do yours, okay?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori sighed. She didn't want to undress in front of Isabelle, who she was rather aroused by, or give her cousin a heart attack, although she had a rather killer body. "Oi vey." Satori told herself, as she sighed, trying to cover up herself, grumbling about the constraining fabric that held back her... ahem... "cursed girlhood". Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "Ah, I see." Inoma responded To Isabelle's answer about the postures. There was more to artistry than Inoma knew about. Then Isabelle suggested about covering each other with protection, which didn't seem anything wrong with. "Sure, that sounds like a good idea. We wouldn't want to develop skin cancer or anything, would we?" Inoma turned around to have her back facing Isabelle, then she noticed Satori struggling there, and grumbling a little. Inoma asked what was wrong: "Satori, what's wrong? You look upset and seem to be having trouble. Do you need help?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle ignored Satori and Inoma's discussion. If that kawaiikunee girl didn't want to undress, that was her problem. The nude artist had already one beautiful body to drool ove-- to anoint in protective oil. Squirting some drops of greasy suntan lotion on her hands, Isabelle began to spread it over Inoma's soft skin, starting with the legs. Soon, her hands were traveling up to the older girl's pert buttocks. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma was a little concerned about Satori, when she felt something a little cold hit her skin. She jumped a little, but realized it was the suntan lotion being applied. Isabelle decided to start with the legs, which seemed a little strange to Inoma, but Inoma didn't fight it. The gentle rubbing and touching was doing something to Inoma. Was Inoma being turned on? She felt herself tingle a little, and hoped it was just the soft touch that was doing it, and not another girl. Then she felt the rubbing leading towards her buttocks, and that triggered her desires a little. But she couldn't do anything staring straight at Satori, or with Satori facing her direction. What would Satori tell Aunt Akane? So, she resisted the urge of taking her hands to between her legs. "You sure know how to apply that stuff well, Isabelle. Did you have lot's a practice before?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori turned a reddish color. "Could you excuse me?" she asked, and rushed behind some rocks. Making sure that no one could see her, Satori pushed down her pants, and sighed, wondering what to do about her rather obvious erection. "As if seeing Inoma naked wasn't bad enough..." she mumbled to herself. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle softly giggled. Her hands were still on Inoma's fanny, spreading the oily suntan all over the round globes. "Why, yes, didn't I tell you? Oh wait, that was with Satori-chan. I've done a bit of body-painting before... it teaches you how to spread stuff evenly everywhere onto a body... including every little nook and cranny...." From the corner of the eyes, she saw Satori rush behind some rock. She shrugged. A pressing need would explain that girl's grumpy behavior. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori felt like crying. She didn't know what to do with herself, and yet, she didn't want to just leave Inoma and Isabelle. "What should I do?" she asked herself before stripping down behind the rocks so the others couldn't see. Standing above a small pool of water, Satori sighed as she looked at her reflection, running her fingers over her "boyhood" before grumbling something about being a girl. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 The feeling Inoma was experiencing, along with the smoothness, was taking its toll on her. She was getting turned on, and wanted to relieve the pressure that was building. But how could she do that, and why was Inoma being turned on? Inoma always considered herself just into guys, but with yesterday and today, she was starting to doubt herself. But she decided to stay focused on the conversation, though she started shivering a little. Hopefully, Isabelle would think that it was from getting cold, and not being turned on. "What if the person you are body-painting is ticklish? What do you do then?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle blinked. "Funny you're asking that. Your cousin Shitagi happened to be very ticklish... though she did endure long minutes of body-painting very stoically." Of course, what Isabelle didn't say was that the lesbian Saotome had gotten herself "paid" in full for her modeling services. Moving from Inoma's buttocks to her less conspicuous back, Azusa's daughter continued. "Well, you just have to be careful to not stimulate the sensitive spots too much. Even the most ticklish people can endure a soft touch. And you can make the contact... worthwhile to distract the model from her ticklishness. I mean... it's all in the head, mostly." Demonstrating, Isabelle used a feathery touch to brush Inoma's delicate skin, her fingers dancing over her spine, sending a shiver of delight through the older girl's body. "The one thing you have to be careful when body-painting is to avoid smearing the colors together. The special paints are very fragile and easily broke down. You wouldn't believe how easily the stuff can get on another body when they're rubbing togeth... ahem." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori could hear Inoma and Isabelle... barely. As she sat down in the sand behind the rock, naked mind you, Satori tried not to think about the two, beautiful naked girls, and where all that suntan lotion might be applied... over long, shapely legs, over sun-kissed breasts... all before Satori realized that she was thinking about it, making her erection rather painful at the moment. Blushing, and without thinking much, Satori ran her hands across her own legs, down between her thighs, and back up over herself again. She was telling herself to stop, but yet, the idea of doing such a lewd act in a open place just seemed to turn her on just a little more.... Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 The feathery touch did indeed send shivers throughout Inoma. But Isabelle was right, the touch didn't really tickle at all. The rubbing she was getting was continuing to arouse Inoma. She had to do something soon, or she would just turn around and forget about her concerns. "So, Isabelle, when do you want me to start doing you?" Inoma meant no harm in this, and surely Isabelle would know that she means rubbing the oil over Isabelle's body. "As far as Shitagi, she's good at what she does, but I think she's a little TOO tough and rough with everybody." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle blinked, temporarily lost in a lurid fantasy at hearing the "doing you" part, before realizing Inoma's words were entirely innocent. "Ah... hu... doing me? Oh... you mean with the suntan oil... of course... hehe... what else could you mean... hu... well... I guess... as soon as I've finished with you." Thus, Isabelle worked on spreading the lotion all over Inoma's back, shoulders and arms, this time a bit more business-like. "Well... I guess you're right with Shitagi-chan..." she idly said, glad that in her position Inoma couldn't see the blush on her face. "She's a bit... overbearing... but she's also so skilled at what she do...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "Yes, she is a good martial artist, and when she gets back from her trip to the mountains, I'll ask her for some martial artist training. I'm glad you are good at applying the oil, I'm a little ticklish, but I don't feel it all that much. Though I can get the front, I want to make sure I am fully covered. Would you... that is... do you mind covering my front side as well?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, let alone thinking. She tried to remind herself that it was Inoma, her own cousin talking, but still, didn't stop "diddling" herself as she sat behind the rocks. Just the idea of Isabelle pouring suntan lotion over her cousin's naked body kept rather "vivid" mental images roaming throughout Satori's mind. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Having all but forgotten about Satori now, Isabelle cutely giggled, her gaze glued on Inoma's body. She had to calm down... drooling would be quite undignified right now. "Yes! Of course! I mean, that's no problem at all!" she chirped, a bit too gleefully. "You're right, while I'm at it, why not doing the front. Though I'd expect you'd do the same for me." Pouring another generous helping of suntan lotion on her hands, Isabelle's fingers inched toward Inoma's front... reaching for her succulent breasts. It would be a shame those two beauties got a sunburn. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "I wouldn't dream of letting a favor go unpaid like that. Of course I would help you also." Inoma allowed herself to be touched by hands that weren't her own. The feeling was different, along with the sensation. Why did Inoma offer that? Inoma was already feeling bad about yesterday. But she couldn't take it back now. So she let herself be touched, and the smoothness of the lotion, along with the gentleness of the hands applying, started sending shivers down Inoma's spine. But she resisted shivering, for fear of scaring Isabelle. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block It would take a lot to scare Isabelle right now. She was transfixed by Inoma's breasts... especially the pointy nipples, and how they moved with each ripple of the mammary flesh. Isabelle's hands were less and less pretending to be spreading lotion, and more and more directly groping, reaching the sensitive underside of the boobs, leaving no part untouched by her skilled fingers. "You have such a beautiful bosom..." she said in a tone that tried to be conversational, but was in fact a little throaty. "I'd like very much to paint them... they'd look good." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma became a little embarrassed, and in turn became red a little by the comment that was made. But she also was a little happy and proud as well. She tried to take care of herself, eating right, working out to keep toned. Though Inoma was embarrassed, she was glad that Isabelle noticed. "Thanks for the comment. I can tell you are enjoying them. I guess if you want to paint them, we can do that, but later. You aren't protected yet. Let's get that taken care of first. But I do have to say that your touch is very remarkable. I'm not feeling tickled at all." With the continuing of applying the sunscreen, and the touching that Isabelle was doing, Inoma was really being turned on. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and stopped what she was doing. Just listening to what those two were talking about started to get her even more curious. Standing up some, Satori looked over the rock to Isabelle and Inoma, watching as her cousin got suntan lotion poured over her body. Her naked body, mind you... which kind of made Satori a bit jealous.... Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle giggled cutely before answering Inoma. "How, you're way too nice. But don't praise my touch so much... I see now I've overdone it a bit. I put too much suntan oil on you... you're going to be greasy for hours if we don't take some of it off... mmmhhh... how to do that... I guess the best would be with some rubbing... since I've yet to get lotion over me...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma wasn't noticing the extra oil, focusing on the touches of Isabelle. But as soon as Isabelle mentioned rubbing together, Inoma's worries came back. Did she really want to do that again? Inoma was relaxing slowly, forgetting about what happened until she could talk with Aunt Akane about it. But thinking over the things she has said, Inoma did make it seem like she had wanted this to happen, so she was almost honor-bound to keep this going. Inoma just didn't want to turn into liking girls. This was just... exploring, that's all. "Well, I guess you better start rubbing. And let's not forget Satori, she will need some suntan lotion as well. Would you like to participate, Satori?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed a bright red, as if she could get any redder. Ducking down behind the rock again, Satori reached for her top, using it to cover up her "hard-on", before either of the two decided to come investigate, although somewhere, deep down, she wished it would happen. "Um, no. I think I'll just stay hidden back here." she shouted back. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Inwardly, Isabelle wondered if Satori was just the voyeur type... liking to watch, but not participate. She didn't mind, though. On the contrary, she was thrilled by the thought of making this a great show, as much a work of art than any painting. "Well, it seems it's just the two of us...." she whispered to Inoma. Leaning forward, on top of the other girl, Isabelle's perky breasts were coming in contact with Inoma's bosom. "I'm so sorry to have spread so much oil on you. Let's *rub* you clean." ^_^ Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Admittedly, Inoma was intrigued about how far this would go. Though she didn't want to participate in another episode with another girl, she did think of herself as heterosexual. But this was getting interesting. It went up a notch when the bodies came into contact with one another. "It's OK, you wanted to make sure I was covered. Though with me on the ground, I won't be able to move much. So I guess you will have to do all the work. Absentmindedly, Inoma's hands started to move towards Isabelle's rump. With Isabelle moving, *rubbing* her clean, Inoma wanted to be careful not to give Isabelle any wrong ideas. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori wanted to cry. She didn't like the fact that there were two beautiful girls naked, and willing to include her in their little antics, but here she was, turned on, and "freakish". Trying hard to keep tears from falling, Satori quickly got dressed, and with her hands in front of her crotch area, headed towards the rock face. "I'll go. I don't think I should stay here." she mumbled as she passed the two. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block It would be hard for Inoma to give Isabelle any "wrong" ideas... since she was having them all by herself, thank you very much. "I don't mind doing all the work..." she said with a cute smirk. One of her legs moved up, and she straddled Inoma's lower body, the top girl "accidentally" grinding her crotch against Inoma's hips. Azusa's daughter was hardly any more pretending that all this rubbing was perfectly innocent... especially with the grin on her face. Her pointy nipples fenced with Inoma's as their breasts mashed together like... like... two pair of boobs mashing together. As her hands were starting caressing Inoma's smooth skin, Satori passed by, mumbling that she was leaving. Now, Isabelle was a bit of a spoiled brat, and in normal circumstances the concept that someone would not want her company would seriously upset her. Enough to, usually, inspire a demonstration of her redoubtable Painting-Fu on the offender. But here, she was quite busy... she'd rather keep her close contact with Inoma-chan than run after Satori. "Your loss..." she just said to the departing girl. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 As Isabelle was rubbing and touching Inoma, Satori passed by. Now Inoma didn't want any to not feel wanted, so she tried to stop Satori from leaving. Though with the good touches Isabelle was giving, Inoma wouldn't know if Satori would hear. "Wait, Satori, don't go. Maybe we can use your problem to our advantage. Why not stay?" Then to Isabelle: "That feels wonderful; to be honest, I'm slightly being turned on." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori just about turned white. She wasn't sure if her scatterbrained cousin just remembered about her side of the family curse, or if she was just the master of timing. "Um, what do you mean, Inoma?" she asked rather meekly. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was overjoyed that Inoma didn't freak out to her rather forward advances, and in fact seemed quite responsive to them. As such, she was too excited to pay much attention to the exchange with Satori. "Only a little turned on?" she asked with a smirk. "Then, I guess I'll have to work harder." Letting go of all pretenses, Isabelle leaned forward, plastering her whole body over Inoma's nude shape, and hungrily kissed her, full on the lips. This seriously hindered any response the young woman could give to Satori. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 As Inoma was getting ready to respond, Isabelle was speaking to her. > "Only a little turned on?" she asked with a smirk. "Then, I guess > I'll have to work harder." As Isabelle talked, she leaned over and planted her lips on Inoma's. This caught Inoma by surprise, and she didn't know what to do. She wanted to tell Satori what she was thinking, but couldn't because of Isabelle. After a few moments, she managed to get Isabelle off her lips so she could talk. "Satori, you have a problem, but we can probably help you with it, come here and sit down. I will not take no for an answer." To Isabelle: "That was unexpected.... Is this what you were talking about when you were with Shitagi?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori turned around slowly. She made her way back towards Inoma and Isabelle, wondering if dear cousin Inoma wasn't as "scatterbrained" as she thought. "Maybe I'm the scatterbrained one." she mumbled to herself, as she stopped about a foot away from the entangled pair. "Yeah? What's up?" Satori said softly, looking away and into the sand, rather then the oiled up, nubile, young, luscious bodies in front of her. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Oooh... you guessed." Isabelle cooed with a guileless smile. "Yes... I can't resist... whenever I find a cute model... to try seducing her. What can I say, I'm an esthete; whenever I see beauty...." She kissed Inoma again, then looked up at Satori with hope. "Though with your cousin Shitagi... well, I must say she was the one to do most of the advances. I don't know if *I* could have resisted being seduced... if I had wanted to." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 With Isabelle explaining things, that didn't seem to catch Inoma off guard. With the way Isabelle was acting, Inoma suspected something was going on, and why Isabelle was acting the way she was. Then the kiss came again, which Inoma was sort of expecting. Now, was Inoma being turned on by this? It was hard to say. But enough on that right now. "Satori, I'm sorry I forgot about your curse. The thing that counts though is that I remembered. But since you have something extra, let's put it to use. Unless you don't want to." Why was Inoma offering these suggestions? Well, Satori's part was male in origin, so it's not like it would be with another girl, completely anyway. Inoma asked Isabelle: "You don't mind if Satori has something extra and join us, do you? You did just say that you do try to take on cute models, and Satori is cute, aren't you, Satori?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "What are you talking about?" Isabelle asked. She momentarily stopped rubbing all over Inoma to look at the two cousins, one before the other, before shrugging. "Well... I guess Satori-chan is not too un-cute... so she can join if she want... and if she can get her act together. I don't mind. But what's that 'extra' you keep talking about?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 Inoma didn't want Isabelle to stop, but when Isabelle seemed to not know what Satori and Inoma were talking about, she looked a little quizzically at Isabelle. Then, looking directly at Satori, she asked her a question: "Well, Satori, you heard Isabelle, you can join us. But do you want to tell Isabelle or do you want me to?" Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed a bright red. "Promise you won't laugh huh?" she told Isabelle, and soon started to undress. Nervously, she moved her pants down to her ankles, showing off a rather "sporting" hard on, about six inches at the most, sticking straight out towards the sexy pair. Re: The Following Day (The Beach) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Why should I laugh?" Isabelle asked while Satori was in the process, at last, to undress. "We're both already naked, and it's about time you'd get equal. There's absolutely nothing being embarrassed at--" Her voice died down with a croak as Satori finally exposed her "boner". Her mouth stayed open and her eyes bulged out. Her gaze stayed fixated on the incongruous male-looking organ jutting from the crotch of the otherwise female-looking Satori. "...." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) pboost1 "Isabelle, that is what we were talking about." Though Inoma had already seen one, seeing another did more to turn her on than the rubbing Isabelle gave her. And looking at the expression on Isabelle's face almost caused Inoma to laugh. But with the training Inoma had regarding her master's, she was able to control herself. "Isabelle, it's not polite to stare, unless you are planning on doing something with it." Re: The Following Day (The Beach) Akurei no Kishi Satori felt embarrassed, but yet, somehow felt relieved. It wasn't like school where she would be embarrassed among her peers, but more like a doctor's exam, or some sort of physical. As she turned her head towards Inoma, Satori wondered if perhaps it was a bad idea for Isabelle to know, and wondered if Inoma agreed. Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle finally managed to get her jaw working anew, and closed her mouth before some gnat would wander inside it. Then, lifting herself up from Inoma and turning around, she put her hands on her extremely rosy cheeks, and began some sickeningly cute routine. "Oooohh... that was so evil of you two! You dragged me in this secluded place among the rock, tricked me into removing my clothes, and you--" (she pointed her finger at Inoma) "worked very hard on seducing me... all of this to induce me into naughty, kinky, dirty sex with a real hermaphrodite!" She wrapped her arms around her beautiful nude frame, her hair flowing in the non-existence wind; bright stars and pretty colored bubbles were floating around her, just like you would expect in some silly shôjo manga. "Yes... I see it now... you were planning to abuse of my innocent body and have me performing numerous reproved acts just out of some hentai manga drawn by some ecchi-minded -- though talented -- artist!" She fell on her knees before Satori... her pretty eyes shedding crocodile tears... her dainty hands going to the half-girl's erect thingy and gently stroking it. "I am trapped now... I have no choice but to comply...." she added before licking her lips. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma didn't know what to say. Isabelle just seemed to completely forget about her, until Isabelle pointed a finger at Inoma. Then Isabelle seemed completely caught up in the extra part Satori had. "I wasn't trying to seduce you. I'm not like that. I prefer men. If anybody was trying to seduce anybody, it was you trying to on me." Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. It wasn't that she was embarrassed anymore, well, sort of, but it was more like because she felt like she had a slight crush on the cute artist, and for her, just having Isabelle's hand around her now hardening phallus was almost like a dream come true. "Well, maybe you should punish us then, huh?" Satori said, joking mostly. But yet, something deep down inside her also wanted Isabelle to "play" with her like she was with Inoma. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Well, maybe you should punish us then, huh?" Satori said "I'll think about that..." Isabelle answered with a smirk. Her dainty fingers were still toying with Satori's incongruous add-on, getting a feel of its texture and hardness. "Who... it looks really like a... man thing. Is it just like an enlarged clitoris, or is it... functional?" she asked. Then, remembering Inoma, she turned toward her. "Have you two... ever played with it together?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "No, I haven't played with that before. Why would I play with that before?" Inoma wasn't lying. She didn't play with Satori, but Inoma wasn't going to let them know that she did do something yesterday. Inoma was holding that bit of information from them. Not they could tell she was hiding anything. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori didn't have the willpower to answer. Just feeling Isabelle's fingers over her "manhood" made her weak in the knees, really weak in the knees, as she dropped to them in front of Isabelle. She bit her lip gently, trying to muffle a soft moan, and closed her eyes, her body shivering a little. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Well, you knew it existed," Isabelle answered Inoma, "and since Little Miss Timid here seemed to want to keep it hidden... I was wondering." She smirked. "Maybe you want to try it now?" Turning back to Satori, Isabelle smiled at the girl-with-add-on, her delicate painter's fingers gently stroking the fleshy shaft as she was modeling clay. "You didn't answer my question;" she reminded the hermaphrodite, "is it fully working? Ho, well, I guess I'll to check by myself." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "I wasn't planning on trying anything with it. Yes, I did know about it, but that doesn't mean I would want to do anything with it." Inoma was up on her elbows now. There was a part of her that did want to "explore", but she didn't want to admit it to her cousin. Now playing the innocent, Inoma asked a question: "What do you mean by find out yourself? You are not going... to DO anything with it, are you?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori whimpered, and fell to her knees. It was hard enough to keep her mind on keeping her carnal instincts in check, and just having Isabelle touching her almost made her want to just "blow her load" so to say. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was about to answer to Inoma's inquiry, when Satori's sudden move surprised her, and she lost her grip on the supererogatory organ. "Well, I was going to show you... if Satori-chan here would just stop squirming like mad." She smiled at the hermaphrodite. For the record, it was the first time Isabelle added used the suffix "-chan" to Satori's name, instead of just calling her "Kawaiikunai". "Mmmh... I guess by your reaction that this little bit of meat is indeed quite sensible, right? Maybe I was stimulating it too much?" The pretty nude girl inched closer to Satori, both kneeling in front of each other. "Tell me, Satori-chan... is the tip of you 'penis'... just as sensitive as those?" Leaning forward, Isabelle gently took one of Satori's perky nipples between two fingers, before bringing her mouth to it. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Watching the two girls caused something to happen to Inoma, she was getting turned on. Her hand went between her legs and she started rubbing herself. Why was this happening to her? She thought she preferred boys. This is something she would have to talk to Aunt Akane about. Hopefully the girls wouldn't ask her to join.... Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori moaned. At that point, everything on her was just as sensitive as Isabelle thought it was. Just feeling the kawaii girl's soft lips on the tip of her cock was so much a dream come true that she almost "exploded" right there and then. Blushing, she looked over at Inoma, and smiled, reaching over to take her cousin's hand. "We can't forget about you right?" she asked, and smiled. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle twisted the perky nipple with her fingers, while at the same time kissing and sucking the bulbous head that topped Satori's pseudo- male organ. The hermaphrodite seemed to be of the follower kind, one that let her take the lead and dictate the pace. Not that the Kurenai girl minded much; when painting a model, she often had to give very strict instructions. Sometimes, the same was true for sex. Isabelle grinned and glanced at Inoma. She was pretty certain the girl would get over her shyness and succumb to their invitation. To increase the temptation, Isabelle kept licking and sliding her mouth along the length of Satori's shaft, but in such an angle that Inoma could see everything. And the gaze she directed on the older girl sure dared her to join. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 With Satori grabbing Inoma's hand, and Isabelle looking at Inoma while licking and sucking, it almost seemed like they wanted her to join them. Inoma almost wanted too, but she didn't want to be a lesbian. That much her heart told her. And after yesterday... what was Inoma going to do? Inoma thought quick, and came up with a lame excuse: "I, I, I don't know. Satori, we have been cousins. It just wouldn't be right, would it?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori's mind was a bit pre-occupied at the moment, but still held onto Inoma's hand. She just didn't want her cousin, and probably the only person that understood her besides her parents out of whatever potential "fun" there might be coming. She felt her cock twitch, giving indication that she might orgasm soon, but actually had a pretty good will, and held back some. "It's OK, Inoma. It's only between us. Besides, it's not like you're becoming a lesbian or anything." she said, and smiled. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle gave another lengthy lick to Satori's cock, leaving it with a thread of saliva momentarily linking it to the tip of her tongue. She then faced Inoma, her hand still gently jacking off Satori-chan. "Mmmmh... I thought you were cousins just by name, right? Do you two have any real blood relation?" She stroked and kissed the faux-man's shaft again. "And what about becoming lesbian? When there's such a meat involved, it's hard to call it sapphism or anything like that. And anyway... you didn't to mind that much my full-body massage earlier, Inoma-chan. Mmmmhhh?" The pretty girl shrugged. "Whatever. We don't want to force anybody. You can do as you like." Isabelle puckered her soft lips anew, and wrapped them around the tip of Satori's shame as if her mouth was a sucker.... Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "There is no blood relation between us. It's a long story. And what happened earlier started out as a massage, which led to other things. This is different." Taking Satori's hand, Inoma talked to both girls. "But you are right, that is a nice piece there. Satori, would you mind if... well... you know... Isabelle, would you mind if I joined you?" She said this as she inched closer. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori closed her eyes. Her breathing was ragged now, and she squeezed Inoma's hand. She wanted to orgasm very badly, but didn't want to scare the Kawaii girl by shooting a load into her throat. She hoped that she could hang on long enough for Inoma to "show her the ropes" so to say. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle once again let Satori's twitching hard-on pop out of her mouth. "Mmmh... other things... that's a way to see it." she said to the nearing Inoma, smirking. "But of course I don't mind you joining. What do you want to try out first? Giving a fellatio, like I did? Or maybe licking Satori's other sex? Or just fingering her?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "I...I...I don't know. I never really did anything like this before. It's all new to me. I... I guess since you are down there, I will focus on something else. Inoma gingerly brought a hand to one of the breasts of Satori, and the other hand to Isabelle's. Inoma then started to softly rub.... Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Inoma's hand was so gentle, as was Isabelle's mouth, and Satori just couldn't handle it. Letting out a loud moan, Isabelle started to orgasm, although her "boyhood" stayed hard even though. "I'm sorry." she said softly. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle softly moaned in response to Inoma's hand to her breast. She was glad the undecided girl didn't cut her out of the action. Isabelle moved her face away from Satori's crotch to kiss Inoma on the lips, but her hand didn't let go of Satori's shaft. So, she didn't miss it when she felt a spurt rush through the throbbing organ. It looked more like pre-cum than a true ejaculation, but from Satori's moan and her following apology, the hermaphrodite seemed to think it was more than that. "Whoa... you CAN squirt, finally...." she marveled. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma was a little started when Isabelle planted a kiss on her lips. The connection lasted a few seconds, and Inoma started to accept it when Isabelle pulled away and spoke to Satori. Now Inoma was a little upset, not knowing if it was because Isabelle kissed her, or if it was because of the sudden stopping. Pushing the anger aside for a moment, Inoma then spoke to either girl. As she spoke, Inoma started playing with the breasts of the two other girls. Nothing forceful, just a little finger rolling over the nipples. "Well, is someone going to 'help' me?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori nervously blushed. She didn't know what to really do, considering the only real girl she was ever with was in her dreams. "You're going to have to tell me what to do, Inoma..." she said softly, and whimpered. Her nipples felt so sensitive all of the sudden. She never noticed it before, but yet... "Maybe both of you can... can help me figure out my body?" she asked nervously. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "OOoohh... we're sure going to help... 'figuring' out your body, indeed." Isabelle cooed in a seductive voice. "You too seem to be a bit uneasy about what to do first. I'm willing to help and show you two the ropes, but I can't be doing everything. I don't want to rush either of you, and you'll have to make some choices." Impishly smirking, the Kurenai girl pursued her teasing: "What... or *who* do you want to do first, Satori-chan? If you want, you can have your first time with Inoma-chan, while I give you instructions. Or I can keep sucking you. Or, if you still prefer to watch, me and Inoma can go down on each other for your enjoyment." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "Satori, I'm not sure what to do either. And it seems that Isabelle has had more experience then both of us. Why not take her up on her offer. I... it could be fun. I... I think I would be interested in helping you also, Satori." Inoma said this while trying to sound strong in her thinking. But as the new situations were presenting themselves to her, she was becoming unsure of what to do. Hopefully, Satori will choose to let Isabelle guide the actions. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded. "Hai. Will you show us what to do, Isabelle-chan?" she asked in her "sweet" voice. She still blushed though, not because that she was naked, but more along the lines of perhaps some feelings for the kawaii artist. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle shrugged fatalistically. "Oh poo... I should have guessed you two wouldn't make up your mind. No problem, I'm used to direct reluctant models, after all. And you're right, it's better I take things in my hands if you're so inexperienced." The painter girl stood up and made a square with her fingers, looking at her new friends through them. "Let's see, what would be the right combination...." She wasn't exactly intending to paint (for now), but it was always easier for her to think in terms of artistic poses. "I believe it would be best if Satori-chan lay on her back for a start...." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "And where would you want me?" Inoma looked up at Isabelle, and something inside her wanted to clasp Isabelle in Inoma's arms, and start licking those breasts of hers. But Inoma controlled herself. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded, and did as the Kawaii girl said, laying on her back in the sand. It wasn't that hot, since they were near the water, but yet, Satori couldn't help but feel nervous. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "You... you watch... and learn." Isabelle said with a smirk to Inoma. "Though... if you're feeling left out... you can help me pleasure that pretty shemale." Isabelle realized immediately it was the first time she'd called Satori anything close to cute. Not wanting her to dwell on this, she leaned forward and distracted the hermaphrodite by kissing and licking her shaft. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma watched as Isabelle seemed to devour the part of Satori that Isabelle was focusing on. Inoma was all new to this so the question she asked next didn't seem to sound that dumb to her. "And what, exactly, do you want me to do with Satori?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori was just thinking about Isabelle calling her pretty, when she felt the kawaii girl's mouth around her shaft. She moaned out suddenly, thrusting her hips upward gently, before trying to calm herself down. Her shaft was still a bit sensitive, but yet, it felt so incredible just to have Isabelle doing what she was doing to her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Satori's tasty prick popped out of Isabelle's mouth, several glistening strands of saliva shortly connecting her lips to the glans until wiped them with her tongue. "Why, you could be improvising..." she answered Inoma with a smirk. "Or simply, you could take care of her breasts... or kiss her." Content with those suggestions, the pretty brunette lowered her face again on Satori's crotch. Her mouth began sucking anew the delicious sausage, tongue twirling against the glans. She added to the sensation by having a finger gentle stroke the female part of Satori's sex. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma watched as Isabelle went to work, stopped to give suggestions, then started again. Improvising? Inoma thought about it for a minute, then came up with an idea. She got up, then stepped over Satori, so she could be close to both Isabelle and Satori. Then Inoma sheepishly brought a hand to Isabelle's bottom, or more precisely inner thigh, and started lightly rubbing it. The other hand, Inoma brought it to Satori's breast and started sheepishly fondling them. "Something like this, Isabelle?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori whimpered and moaned. She never expected to be treated like so, and sat up a little to watch Isabelle and her cousin. "Shouldn't I be doing something?" she asked softly. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmmh... yeah... that's the spirit...." Isabelle answered Inoma in a throaty voice. She pushed her bottom against the rubbing hand, bodily expressing her approval. She went back on sucking the meaty sausage jutting from Satori's doubly- equipped crotch. Her mouth slid up and down the straight shaft, warm lips coating it with saliva, and wiggling tongue stimulating the tip. She stopped anew to turn toward Satori's face, and smiled. "Well, you can use your hands like Inoma-chan is doing, Satori-chan. Or maybe she can try sitting on your face, if you feel up to it. That would be cute, I'm sure." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma continued rubbing the two girls when she felt Isabelle pushing against her hand. It almost seemed like Isabelle wanted Inoma to stick something inside her, so Inoma started to do just that. Feeling a little awkward, Inoma stopped reaching around Isabelle to reach the inner thigh, and instead reached behind to get to Isabelle's bottom. Feeling for a hole, Inoma finally found one and decided to try and stick a finger in it. Little did Inoma know the hole she was trying to stick the finger into was the anal hole. As far as Satori went, Inoma just commented on it: "Satori, whatever you want to do is fine. Rub, lick, or me sit, whatever you want." Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. Was she really more into girls than boys? She wasn't sure herself, but gathered up a little bit of courage, as she sat up a little bit more, and nervously kissed her cousin on the lips, one of her hands reaching down rubbing across Isabelle's back, hoping that just perhaps she would get Inoma to do the same thing as Isabelle was doing to her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Hey!" Isabelle stiffened a little at the contact of Inoma's finger. Rising up (and leaving Satori's glistening shaft alone for a while), she turned around and slapped Inoma's hand away from her bottom. "That's not a nice thing to do... especially without asking!" she pouted. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma looked at Isabelle a little stunned. The slap startled Inoma and scared her more than anything. Inoma stopped playing with Satori altogether as well from the shock of the slap. Did Inoma do something wrong? She thought that Isabelle wanted something, but now Inoma wasn't sure. Then Isabelle spoke, and Inoma took that in as that Inoma needed to ask things more. So that was what she did: "I'm sorry, Isabelle. I was getting the impression that you wanted to have something sticking inside you, so that is what I was trying to do. I guess the question is, do you want to have something going inside you, cause that is what I was trying to do. I reached around to get to your bottom and tried to find a hole, and when I found one, I tried to stick my finger in it. Then to Satori, Inoma asked: "Satori, is there something you would like me to do? I can't read minds." Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed a very bright red. "I'm... not really sure... it's kind of my first time." she said, and blushed. "But... has either of you had it in... you know... in you?" she asked nervously. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "It's not that I mind," Isabelle answered Inoma, "it's just that you were aiming at the wrong hole." Then, to Satori, she said "Really? First time altogether? You never fooled around with some cousin or...." She glanced between Inoma and Satori. "Never mind. Well, about your question... ho, it's embarrassing...." she concluded with a demure(?) blush. If they'd have been at her atelier, she could have shown them some of her racier paintings... of entwined lovers... a few of them obviously painted from the viewpoint of one of the lovers. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 > "It's not that I mind," Isabelle answered Inoma, "it's just that you > were aiming at the wrong hole." "Oh, sorry about that. I couldn't see what was going on." Then Satori asked her question: > "But... has either of you had it in... you know... in you?" Isabelle got a little nervous, and so did Inoma. If Inoma lied about it, and they found out, then they may hold it against her. And Inoma didn't want to talk to anybody else about what happened until she got with Aunt Akane. So Inoma kept quiet about it and didn't say anything. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed again. She was embarrassed that she asked such a naughty question. "Oh. Right." she said softly, then smiled at Isabelle. "What should we do next?" she asked, her cheeks still a bit rosy. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle, a blush still on her cheeks, noticed Inoma's equal embarrassment. "Next... I'd say we cut out the girl talk for after the play." she said to Satori. Her dainty hand moved again to Satori's erect shaft, testing out its firmness. "Since you two are lacking experience, it is better I got a ride first... that'll help Satori-chan learn. I invite you to watch carefully, Inoma-chan. That way, you'll decide if you want to go next." If her words were any cryptic to the two other, her acts were none of the kind. What Isabelle was talking about became quite evident when she straddled the prone Satori's thighs, kneeling on either side of her hips. Isabelle's pretty, glistening pussy hovered above Satori's organ. With one hand, she aligned the meaty sword with the fleshy sheath, and slowly lowered herself, until the bulbous glans touched the puffy vulva. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "You mean you are going to ride Satori??!!" Inoma was too stunned to pull away when she saw Isabelle start to straddle Satori. If this was any indication of what it was like when Inoma was with Shiro, then she didn't want to see. But Inoma had to play like she didn't know what it felt like. So Inoma played out the scenario. "How can one like both guys and ladies? And does it hurt going in?" Inoma's questions were genuine, and yet she felt they were completely stupid. She felt that any minute the other two would somehow know that she had sexual relations, and that it was done recently. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori's first instinct was to moan. She couldn't help herself, but did so. She felt Isabelle sliding down her cock slowly, and her cock twitched, the intense feeling of having something so velvety around her penis almost overloading her senses, forcing herself to calm down a bit just so she couldn't "shoot" into Isabelle. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmmmhhhh...." Isabelle moaned too, softly and cutely, her delicate face pink in the cheeks and expressing gentle pleasure. She stopped after only a few centimeters, letting only the bulbous head of Satori's mast surrounded by her velvety folds. If she was doing this to help the hermaphrodite get used to the sensation, or just to tease her, was hard to tell. Yet, she used the respite to answer Inoma. "Oooohh... of course I'm going to ride her... unless Satori-chan object... mmmhh... but it doesn't look like she will." Isabelle sighed throatily, her little pink tongue poking shortly out of her pouting mouth. She brought her hands to her breasts to cup the mounds. "How can one NOT like both guys and ladies?" she retorted to Inoma. "There're beautiful people in both gender. Cutting yourself from half the population is such a waste...." The next sound coming out of Isabelle's curled lips was inarticulate, as she lowered herself a bit more on Satori's enjoyable organ. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma thought about it for a second. What Isabelle was saying made sense. There were people who were cute and good-looking in both halves of the race, but it doesn't mean that one should have relations with both parties. What Inoma was doing was... exploring. Inoma already liked guys. She was with one already. But she had to keep that away from them. "I agree, that there are good-looking people in both parts of the human race, but that doesn't mean we should just go out and sleep with any and everybody we want to. It just feels wrong to try to be with both. Yea, I would like to find a guy someday, but that doesn't mean I should be with ladies until he comes around. Exploring is one thing, but to be with both just seems wrong. But that is my opinion. Now, I feel I have ruined the moment for you two, so I don't hinder you two any more, I guess I will leave." Tears started filling her eyes, for she did feel that she ruined the moment. But she didn't leave just yet, and part of her wanted them to stop her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Of course, Inoma wouldn't get far with Satori practically killing off the life to her hand, which she grabbed onto. She started to moan loudly, her hips involuntarily pushing upward, her body shivering as she savored the feeling of this kawaii artist that was actually having sex with her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Inoma's long-winded speech, however, was mostly missed by Isabelle. Not that she was pointedly ignoring Inoma, or trying to be rude -- which would be quite uncharacteristic of her -- but she... simply wasn't listening. That is, she was a bit distracted by what she was doing with Satori. Namely, letting herself slowly slid down on the erect shaft. The hermaphrodite was no smaller than the few male lovers the painter has experienced before. Isabelle's usually tidy hair were getting messed up, and her usual neat appearance, part of her cute appeal, was becoming a bit strained. This, in favor of the sweaty, flushed, wanton look. Which was no less sexy, of course. Not noticing, or maybe not caring, that Satori had grasped Inoma hand, she moaned lengthily. Panting, she pinched her lips and groped her own bosom. Satori's mast was filling her warm, snug, wet cunny, squeezing it in a lurid embrace of flesh. Her hips slowly started to rock as she straddled the girl-with-add-on. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 With Satori grabbing Inoma's hand, and Isabelle seeming not listening, it gave Inoma mixed signals. One, that Satori didn't want Inoma to leave, and two, Isabelle didn't seem to want Inoma here. Though they both moaned, Satori's hand grab made Inoma think that Satori wanted to be "one" with Inoma. Though this may not be their intentions, this was what Inoma took it as. So Inoma did the one thing she thought of to show that she took in Satori's message, and to show that Isabelle wasn't going to get rid of her that easily. The tears blinked away. Inoma didn't have anything on her face, except her face being a little flushed. Inoma stopped trying to get away, relaxing Satori's arm. Inoma then placed one leg over the head of Satori, where Satori's head was in-between the legs of Inoma. Inoma than intentionally squatted on Satori's face with the middle space in- between Inoma's legs. Inoma then moved a little, making sure that Satori's face was all covered. She then placed both hands on Isabelle's face, and deliberately planted her lips straight on Isabelle's. Keeping them together for what seemed like a long time, Inoma only released when she felt she had Isabelle's attention. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. It was the first time that a girl ever had sex with her, not to mention ever put their "stuff" in front of her. Reaching up nervously, Satori reached for Inoma's hips, holding them lightly, pushing her hips upward into Isabelle, while her tongue lightly ran across Inoma's sweet smelling slit, licking her ever so gently with her tongue, making sure to give lots of attention to Inoma's clit. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Inoma was about to say something when breaking the kiss, but Isabelle cut her off by smooching her aggressively. The older girl was wrong to think that the painter was any intentionally dismissing her. It's just that when enjoying a nice meat injection in her pussy, Isabelle tended to focus entirely on it. By getting her attention, though, Inoma had insured that she wouldn't be ignored any more. The Kurenai girl grasped her new partner firmly, bringing their chests together. Breast flesh mashed, hands roamed over smooth skin, fingers pinched, and lips captured their counterparts in a hungry, messy, lurid, sapphic kiss. Isabelle squirmed on Satori's lap at the same time, providing the devirginized hermaphrodite with a very nice cock-massage. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma was now pretty much trapped. Satori had grabbed Inoma's hips, so she couldn't get away, and Isabelle had pulled Inoma in for a hug, arms surrounding her. Inoma was pretty much in shock. She didn't think this would turn out this way. Then Satori started licking between Inoma's legs, and Isabelle started fondling all over the place. Inoma was getting scared, for she wasn't trying to mislead the two girls. Inoma tried to pull away and after a couple of minutes decided to go with the flow. Inoma finally relaxed enough to feel the sensation that was happening between her legs. Satori was licking, and the feeling felt SO good. She wiggled a little bit, though Satori was doing a good job there, by having her hands on Inoma's hip, Satori was inadvertently tickling her. The tickling caused Inoma to sit completely on Satori's face, and Inoma felt something small enter her. While all that was going on, Inoma also noticed that Isabelle was trying to meld their two bodies together. So Inoma then brought her right hand up, and started stroking the side of Isabelle. Her left hand, Inoma then took it in-between Isabelle's legs, and started playing with where Isabelle was massaging Satori. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori finally felt relaxed. As she continued to lick away at her cousin's very sweet tasting slit, she felt Isabelle "massaging" her boyhood, only to feel Inoma's hand on it also, which caused her to moan over her cousin's clit, her body shivering, as she threatened to orgasm straight into the kawaii artist. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle let out some shrill cries of pleasure, a bit close to Inoma's ears for comfort. She wasn't sounding so cute now, more like completely wanton. Inoma's fingers teasing her outer lips, adding to Satori's straight shaft filling her inner core, were bringing her over the edge. Grabbing Inoma's squirming body harder, Isabelle brought her closer and their full, pliant, squishy breasts mashed together. The erect, diamond-tipped nipples were fencing together, moving in rhythm with Isabelle's rocking. "Ooooohh... I like it... I like it... you like it too! I know you like it too!" she babbled between lusty pants, before smooching Inoma again. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 What Inoma was doing to Isabelle seemed to make Isabelle go wild. And with the wildness, Isabelle pulled Inoma in to her and started passionately kissing. After one of the kisses, Isabelle spoke. > "Ooooohh... I like it... I like it... you like it too! I know you > like it too!" she babbled between lusty pants, before smooching Inoma > again. Inoma was trying her best. Though with the kissing that she was getting from Isabelle, and the attention Satori was giving to Inoma's bottom, Inoma was feeling a little flustered. So she answered without really thinking: "I don't know if I like it, you are not sharing." Inoma didn't mean for it to sound the way it did, but Inoma wasn't thinking clearly right now. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi > "I don't know if I like it, you are not sharing." Satori blushed, and thought about it. She wasn't sure if she was talking to her, but although still coming down from her orgasm, she decided that perhaps she was talking to her, and reached up, her fingers gently rubbing against Inoma's labia, feeling herself still inside of Isabelle, which really turned her on at that point, and gently pushed her fingers into her cousin's cunt. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle, panting and moaning softly while she rode Satori, still heard Inoma's complaint. Smiling, she held tightly the other girl to keep rubbing their bodies together, breasts mashing, and face very close from each other. "Oh, don't worry," she whispered, "I'll let you try it out... yes... I'll let you have fun with your cousin... as much as you want... while I'll watch...." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Satori stuck a finger inside Inoma, which she did enjoy. But to continue the façade of being a virgin, Inoma tried to pull back a little. Not really being able to get away that much, cause of the way the other two girls had her tied up with their body parts, Inoma voiced her opinion on it. "Wait, Satori, don't." Then Isabelle spoke, and Inoma's heart sank after what was said: > "Oh, don't worry," she whispered, "I'll let you try it out... yes... > I'll let you have fun with your cousin... as much as you want... while > I'll watch...." "But... you were riding her/it. I don't think I can withstand the sensation it may cause." With her hand still between Isabelle's legs, she started absentmindedly to stroke the shaft that was there, even though she voiced her concern. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori was in heaven, which she figured both girls knew by now. As she felt Isabelle's sweet little pussy over her cock, the added sensation of her cousin's hand touching her down there sent her over the edge again. Thrusting her hips upward, even lifting little Isabelle up some. She felt herself draining into the kawaii artist once more, burying her face in her cousin's slit to drown out the loud moans. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Satori was pushing her face deep between Inoma's legs, and Isabelle was holding tightly onto Inoma. From what Inoma could gather, the holding was to grope Inoma, and also to plow Isabelle onto Satori's manhood. Though the groping was feeling good, along with the kissing and licking, Inoma was starting to feel frustrated that Isabelle wasn't sharing, so she pulled away from Isabelle, and tried to push her off the meaty part. "Isabelle, seriously, you are not sharing. Give it up, let other people have a go." Inoma was too caught up in the motion to think straight. She really didn't want part of Satori, but the motion of everything was making her think she wanted it. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori stopped suddenly, and tried to listen to what was going on. It sounded like Inoma wanted to "play" with her too, which suddenly made her nervous. They were cousins... What would happen if Mom and Dad found out? What would happen if Inoma got pregnant? What would happen... Satori stopped short, before getting herself worked up. Here she was, with two beautiful girls, and all she was thinking about is the consequences. She wondered what was wrong with her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle let out a long sigh of disappointment when Satori stopped bucking her hips, and Inoma worked on prying her off the hermaphrodite's tool. Whimpering between her lips, she leveled an annoyed glare at Inoma. "Mmmmh... ruining my fun, are you? You really can't stand to wait a bit longer. I didn't come, neither Satori-chan...." Pouting, she leaned closer from Inoma, breathing into her ear. "If you really want it so much... you better give a GOOD show out of it... one that would be worth painting for posterity...." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Isabelle gave Inoma a look that made clear she wasn't happy at what Inoma did. And who would be happy with what happened? Isabelle then spoke, and started leaning in towards Inoma. She though that Isabelle was going to hit her for pushing the Kurenai girl off, so Inoma expected a hit to come, cause what she did was wrong. But instead of a hit, Inoma heard something in her ear. She heard Isabelle whisper: > "If you really want it so much... you better give a GOOD show out of > it... one that would be worth painting for posterity...." Inoma looked out of her eyes and became scared. She didn't really want to ride Satori, but now she might not have much of a choice. Hopefully Inoma could talk her way out of this. "I'm sorry. I didn't... I mean I don't... it's not that..." Inoma shook her head in a no fashion, hopefully portraying that she didn't want to do anything. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi "W...wait!" Satori said, and blushed a bit. "I mean, if you didn't... you know... isn't it right that you get to... you know... I mean, I'd feel really bad if I couldn't... you know..." Satori said, and blushed. She looked up at Inoma, and wondered if she was right in thinking so. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle inwardly giggled. Those two were so cute in their hesitancy and babbling. It was clear in her head that she could probably get them to do almost anything she wanted, so unsure and easily manipulated they were. Yet, Isabelle didn't want to go to far or look too pushy. "Oh... either say what you have to say, of shut up." she stated, though it was unclear if she was addressing Inoma, Satori, or both. Still sitting on Satori's body, though not moving any more, her warm pussy was gently massaging the cock it surrounded by subtle moves of her Kegel muscles. "What do you want? To finish this off?" she asked Satori. At the same time, she took Inoma's breasts in her palms, and unabashedly groped them. "Or for me to give up my place, so that Satori-chan can screw you nice and good?" she interrogated Inoma, pinching her nipple in the process. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma listened to Satori and thought how much alike that Satori and Inoma sounded right about now. Then Isabelle spoke, saying: > "Oh... either say what you have to say, of shut up." Though if it was intended for Inoma or Satori, Inoma wasn't sure. Then Isabelle groped, squeezed, and pinched Inoma real good. Part of it was painful, and batting the hands away, Inoma pulled back a little bit away from Isabelle and getting off Satori. With a painful look on her face, Inoma spoke, though if it was her pride that was hurt or the squeezing Isabelle gave, Inoma wasn't sure. "Isabelle, that hurt." (gently massaging the pain) "I'm sorry for pushing you, but that didn't give you permission to do what you did to me. I'm all new to this, remember. I wanted to know how good it felt. Boys were never really interested in me, though I was very interested in them. I never had a boyfriend, so this was the next best real thing." Inoma's eyes were watering up. "I don't consider myself into girls, or a lesbian. But this all so sudden. But I will let you continue making love, I will just stand off to the side here, and when you are ready, we can go home. My bathing suit should be dry by now." The tears was slightly coming down her cheek, but it wasn't from the pain, was her remember her past, and the past was hurting, a little hard. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori, not knowing anything of her cousin's past, looked up at Isabelle a little worried as Inoma moved to the side. She was confused, unsure of herself at that point. All parts of her wanted to just push Isabelle down to the ground, and just have sex with her until they were exhausted, but yet, there was just something so naughty about doing Inoma that it turned on Satori. "Isabelle-chan... could we finish first? Then Inoma can have her turn if she wants right?" she asked with a blush. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle looked a bit shocked at seeing Inoma's tears. Distracted by Satori's demand, she looked down and glared at her. Isabelle pushed up on knees, letting Satori's needy prick exit her twat. She gave the hermaphrodite a slap on the side of the hip to express her annoyance. "Have you no shame, you horndog? Can't you see your cousin is distraught?" Standing up (on rather shaky legs), Isabelle then walked toward and Inoma, gently catching her arm to not let the older girl flee. "Inoma-chan... I'm sorry if I hurt you. It's my fault, I got easily carried away. I shouldn't have forget to not be so forward with someone inexperienced. Please, don't balk on us. I'd rather you having fun and me watching, than the reverse." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma was a little scared. She was glad that Isabelle came and comforted her. Isabelle was being kind, and that caused her scare to go down a little. Inoma was as much at fault as well, pushing Isabelle so she can get at Satori. Now Inoma was being offered her cousin, and she didn't know what to do. Inoma decided to ask a little bit to see how she might be able to get out of this. "Thank you Isabelle, for being concerned. -sniff- But it's not all your fault. I got caught up in everything that I wanted to get at Satori, so I pushed you. I want to be in your spot. But I also don't want to be a lesbian. I feel, no, I know that I am into boys, and what we were doing here has been interesting. "But I now have a dilemma. I want to know what it's like, but I also want my first time to be special, and with a boy I like. "Not to say anything bad about Satori, but I don't know what to do. what would you say, Isabelle? Satori? Since Isabelle grabbed Inoma's arm, Inoma then moved absentmindedly in towards Isabelle, and placed the arm that was grabbed on Isabelle's leg. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori rubbed her hip and sighed. "Strange, but I have to wonder too." she simply said. Had she gone overboard with everything that was going on? Or was it just simply that she was greedy, and wanted Isabelle to herself. As she continued to hold her cheek, Satori sighed, and looked away in shame. "Whatever is decided, I'll go along with it." she said. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle used the fact that Inoma wasn't trying to escape, and was indeed getting closer, to gather the older girl in an embrace. It could have been just a reassuring hug, if not for the fact that they were both naked and horny. But yet, it felt good, and not just in the sexual sense. "Shhh... don't be upset, it's normal you'd be confused. It's my fault for trying to push things too fast. I guess I can't control myself whenever I see cuties... I'm just like my mother in this respect. "Though, I think I already told you, Inoma-chan... just having one little girl-girl experience sure doesn't make you a lesbian. If you stay interested in boys, at worst it means you're just curious... at best it means you're bisexual!" For her tone of voice, it was clear Isabelle considered the "bisexual" option the best thing that could happen to someone. "As for what to do next..." she trailed off, stopping to rub against Inoma to take her hand and lead her to the lying Satori. "... if I may say, you two would be having lots of fun together, while I'd be watching, as 'punishment' for my eagerness. But I won't force you in anything...." Of course, this would be hardly punishing for the slightly voyeuristic painter. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 > "Though, I think I already told you, Inoma-chan... just having one > little girl-girl experience sure doesn't make you a lesbian. If you > stay interested in boys, at worst it means you're just curious... at > best it means you're bisexual!" Inoma thought about this, and this did make sense. And the hug did feel good, and it also felt right. Then Isabelle continued: > "As for what to do next..." she trailed off, stopping to rub against > Inoma to take her hand and lead her to the lying Satori. "... if I my > say, you two would be having lots of fun together, while I'd be > watching, as 'punishment' for my eagerness. But I won't force you in > anything...." Isabelle led Inoma back to the awaiting cousin and Inoma listened to what Isabelle said. She was just confirming what Inoma already thought. This was just an experiment, exploration on Inoma's part. Now Inoma was curious, how would it be to be with a girl that had a guy's part on her? "Well, if you are sure nothing bad will happen, then I guess I can have fun with Satori. But her part was inside you, shouldn't she wash off first? Inoma then spoke to Satori: "If you get me pregnant, you better be able to support me and the baby." Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori, who still reeled from Isabelle's slap to the hip, sighed, and stood up. "I'm going for a swim." she said a little coldly, and walked towards the water. "I kind of want to wash up a little." she explained, and sighed. "What am I becoming?" she asked herself softly. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle sighed. She could tell from Satori's standoffish answer that the hermaphrodite was a bit miffed by the stop of their fun, and her attempts at pawing Inoma to her. She could tell the mood was ruined, and Inoma gave her the good excuse to put an end to this anyway. "What? You mean you aren't even getting your contraception shots? What epoch are you leaving in? This is no longer the twentieth century!" Her shoulder slumping, Isabelle's gaze followed Satori to the sea. "Anyway, I can see your cousin isn't very enthusiastic. Better not do anything you'd both regret. And I'd rather paint an erotic portrait in my atelier anyway. So, maybe another time, when you'll be both ready. I don't give up hope." Taking Inoma's hand, she nudged her toward the sea. "Enough with the sex for today. Let's have fun in the waves, okay?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma was hurt that Satori didn't want to do anything with her. Isabelle was trying to be nice now, but Inoma wanted to have Satori be there as well. So when Inoma was led to the water, she ran towards Satori, not hearing the question Isabelle asked. Inoma ran and got in front of Satori, placed both hands on her shoulders, and planted a big, wet, long kiss on her lips. One hand then found its way down towards Satori's part, and started stroking it. "What, Satori, you no longer want to do anything with me? Now that you had your fun, I'm not pretty enough for you? Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and closed her eyes. "No..." she whispered. "It's just that... I got scared... I mean, when you mentioned about getting pregnant..." she said, and blushed. "I'm not exactly the kind of person to carry protection, you know." she said, and blushed again, leaning against Inoma, feeling herself "harden" in her cousin's hand. "Is it wrong for me to be attracted to my own cousin?" she asked softly. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle watched, hands on her hips, as Inoma did another flip-flop and hugged her cousin. She didn't know if she should be glad or upset. Shrugging, she joined them, her feet splashing the low water of the waves. She wondered if they'd like to swim with her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "Remember, though we grew up as cousins, technically we aren't. And yes, there are some cultures that allow the family members to make love. I remember reading about them when I was going to college. So your attraction is as normal as it can be, I guess.... My, you are getting big again. Does it hurt when it get big? If I was to do this, would it help?" Inoma started stroking Satori, softly at first, wanting Satori to answer. As Isabelle came close, Inoma looked at Isabelle's direction to answer her question from earlier/ "To answer your question, yes, I have been given everything my mother can think of to try and protect me from becoming pregnant. However, medical science though has come a long way, still hasn't perfected the shots and pills. There are cases of people getting pregnant while on the pill, and getting the shots. So though I have been protected, there is a small chance that something might go wrong. Now if you are letting Satori and I have fun, maybe you can get inspiration from us, that is if Satori is willing, since I basically pushed her away." To Satori: "What do you say, Satori, shall we?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori gasped as Inoma stroked her cock. She blushed, and nodded slowly, unsure of what to really say after her cousin's remarks. "But... aren't you scared of getting pregnant?" she asked softly. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle walked closer to the hugging couple, and leaning toward them, though not touching their naked bodies with her own. "If she's proposing to you," she said to Satori, "then that mean she's not scared, silly. And I really don't see what's the problem if you're not really related." Then to Inoma, she answered her question too: "Well, I can't say for sure, but the boyfriends I had told me it felt rather good to stroke like you're doing. Though it may be a little different for Satori-chan." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "As I told Isabelle, I'm pretty much covered. The cases that did happen were a small percentage. I don't think anything will happen, and if it does, I, we, will have to deal with it. "Now, are you ready? I want to compar... er compete against Isabelle. Though I'm new at this, Isabelle will probably beat me." Inoma hoped that they didn't catch her slipup. To try to cover it up, she quickly rubbed her hand all over Satori's shaft. She also reached out and grabbed Isabelle's arm, pulling her in towards Inoma. Inoma than started fondling the breast of Isabelle, hoping to distract her in the process. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori shivered. Cursed with her father's "girl-side" height, Satori leaned her head against her cousin's shoulder also reaching out to touch Isabelle gently, running her hand slowly over the kawaii girl's breast. Her boy part twitched, threatening to explode right in Inoma's gentle hand. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle smiled at Inoma's slip of the tongue; she didn't mind much, since she never got in this whole competitive thing that martial artists fancied so much. She cooed from the two other girls (well, one and a half) gently touching her breasts. Embracing them both with her arms, she said: "I won't rush you again, I swear... but you can ask me if you want help. I'll gladly give you any hint." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 The head placing on the shoulder caused something deep inside Inoma to stir. A desire started to fill her. Then she saw Isabelle smile, and didn't know it if Isabelle caught the slip, or if she was happy that Inoma was warming up to the idea. Satori started rubbing the other breast of Isabelle, and the part that was in Inoma's hand twitched. Then Isabelle spoke, and it seemed to Inoma that Isabelle missed the slip, which made Inoma feel better, more relaxed that it appeared that she still seemed a virgin. Taking into account what Isabelle said, Inoma decided to go with it. "OK, now that I am like this, should I do something else, like this?" And she stopped fondling the breast of Isabelle guiding her hand down between Isabelle's leg, and at the same time reaching under Satori, and started playing with both girls. She also tilted her head down, and started licking the ear of Satori. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori sighed softly. She shivered under her cousin's touch, her hand that was touching Isabelle's breast moving slower and slower, as Satori's mind slowly slipped into one of her more "romantic" fantasies. She closed her eyes, her lips parting slightly, her head tilting to the side a little. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmmh..." Isabelle softly moaned, biting her lips to stifle the sound. Satori's hand on her breast and Inoma's hand between her legs were only light stimulation, but it still felt nice. She decided to not be receiving without giving back, and her hands wandered over the other two's fannies. She pawed the buttocks and caressed the clefts gently. "Oooh... at this rhythm, we'll be frolicking in the waves in no time...." she murmured. She wondered how it would feel to make love in the water; she never tried this out. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Isabelle didn't answer the question that Inoma asked, but she responded to the foreplay by starting to fondle the back of Inoma and Satori. Inoma shuddered at this, for it was something she wasn't used to. As Inoma continue licking the Satori's ear, she noticed that the hermaphrodite tilted her head a little bit, and opened her lips some. This seemed to invite Inoma in, and she started tentatively moving down, closing the gap between them. As Inoma's lips touched Satori's, she misheard what Isabelle said. Though Isabelle said frolicking, Inoma heard her something else. Inoma heard a four-letter word, a word that she would not say. As she stopped she decided to ask Isabelle her question again. "Isabelle, once I have done that, should I then do this?" She lifted Satori's head, kissing the chin, then the neck, then moved slowly down towards Satori's breasts. She took her hand off Isabelle, and swung her bottom towards Isabelle, giving Azusa's daughter a better target for fondling. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori started to purr like a cat. She was loving every moment of her cousin's romantic advances, and wondered what she should do next. Keeping her eyes closed, Satori felt herself go weak in the knees, and blushed somewhat. "I... I don't know what to do.." she whispered to Isabelle. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle watched her two "students" in carnality change position, and nodded to their questions. "You can do whatever you want... whatever fancy you. Satori-chan seems to enjoy what you're doing to her... that's the important thing." Isabelle, following the obvious invitation Inoma's body-language was giving her, kneeled behind the older girl. Using the advantageous location, she began to fondle and caress Inoma's bottom, her thighs, her loins.... "As for you..." she added for Satori, looking up past Inoma's body, "if you don't know what to do... then you can just enjoy what is DONE to you." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma was focusing on the breasts of Satori, when Isabelle started playing with her bottom. The sensation deep in her body was continuing to grow, and Inoma took her hand and touched Isabelle's. Inoma then guided the hand until it was between her legs, and was trying to tell Isabelle that she wanted to be played with there. After a few minutes, Inoma continued down the body of Satori, until her mouth was level with Satori's loins. Feeling awkward at the contortion of her body, she sung her leg around, so Satori was level where Isabelle's hand was. Spreading Satori's legs apart a little, She finally saw the two sexes of Satori. Inoma took one hand and started playing with the female sex, while tentatively licked the male part of Satori. Inoma hoped that Satori would do something soon, the desire started to swell in her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, but decided to be a little brave. Moving a little closer to Inoma, Satori rubbed the tip of her cock against her cousin's cheeks, holding it for her, almost offering her man part to her, shivering under her cousin's touch. "Please Inoma?" she asked softly. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block To Inoma's disappointment, Isabelle didn't follow for long the hint she gave with her hand. When Inoma changed position, Isabelle moved too. It wasn't that she didn't want to pleasure the Tendô girl, but she deemed it was a bad idea to distract Inoma if she attempted oral sex. She'd need her concentration. So, Isabelle decided to focus more on Satori. The Tendô hermaphrodite was clearly a meeker, follow-the-lead personality. She needed to be coached constantly... not that it was a bad thing in itself. An aggressive hermaphrodite would certainly bring much more problem on herself than a shy one. Stepping behind the flushed Satori, Isabelle molded their hot bodies together, mashing her breasts against the futanari's back. Her hands snaked to Satori's front and cupped the firm, round, feminine breasts. "Mmmmh... the best of both worlds...." Isabelle whispered. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "OK, Satori, you please me and I will please you." Inoma said as she looked at the offering that was before her. She never thought that she would get this far, but here she was. Inoma tentatively licked the outer part of the shaft, hoping Satori would return the favor. Then Isabelle joined in, reaching in between Inoma and Satori to grab the latter's breasts. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and started purring like a cat. She shivered under Isabelle's touch and Inoma's fingers, almost melting like butter between the two girls. "I...I want to.." she told Inoma, as she blushed and pressed herself against Isabelle. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "You want what?" Isabelle huskily breathed into Satori's ear. And then, she went on licking and nibbling on said ear. Her full breasts were pressing further against the hermaphrodite's back, the nipple poking her skin. Isabelle's hands where toying with Satori's own melons, gently cupping and squeezing them. The Kurenai girl didn't want to go to fast, testing the ground first before truly mauling those mounds. "Whatever it is... I have the feeling we'll be granting your wish." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "Yes... do what... you want. I am... waiting for you... for Isabelle... something inside. Please... hurry... and stick... something in." Inoma said, between lickings of Satori's toy that was in front of her face. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori continued to blush. She lovingly stroked Inoma's cheek, feeling a bit nervous as she rubbed her boy part against her lips. She closed her eyes, shivering at Isabelle pressing into her back, wishing that she knew what to do next, without being so worried about it. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmmhhh... that sound like an offer you can't refuse...." Isabelle whispered in Satori's ear. She was still molesting the pretty hermaphrodite's breasts, doing her best to arouse her. "Are you going to grant Inoma-chan's wish?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Sensing that Satori might need a little persuasion, Inoma opened her mouth, and placed the tip of the penis inside, closing her mouth around Satori's member. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded, before moaning loudly. She suddenly thrust forward, sending more of herself into Inoma's mouth, reaching down to hold onto her head gently. It felt so good to have Inoma's mouth around her penis, that Satori was afraid of "exploding" in her cousin's mouth, as she felt her vaginal fluids running down her legs. Satori blushed, her breathing becoming shallow, as she shut her eyes tightly, humping Inoma's face lightly, almost wishing that there was a boy around to feel how it felt to have something inside her, although she knew that probably wouldn't happen for awhile. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Feeling Satori shiver from pleasure against her body, Isabelle got curious of what Inoma was doing. Desirous to have a better look, she let got of Satori's bosom to kneel behind the hermaphrodite. Peering between the slightly arched leg, she smirked at the sigh of Inoma swallowing the sausage. Not wanting to be forgotten, she began to use her new position to flatter Satori's backside. Her hands went to the firm bum and began stroking and kneading the buttocks. Very soon, her thumbs were opening the cleft to allow her tongue to wander in the crack of this cute ass. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma felt Satori shiver, and looked up at her. She watched Isabelle's hands slide down the body, and out of the corner of her eye, saw what Isabelle was doing. After a few minutes of bobbing on Satori, Inoma stopped, pulled away from Satori, then spoke to her: "OK, Satori, now what are you going to do for me?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori gasped as she felt Isabelle touching her in places she never thought she would be touched. She had her eyes closed, and blushed brightly, before opening her eyes to look at her cousin. "What would you like me to do?" she asked Inoma. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle kept mauling Satori's buttock, while listening to their byplay. She was tempted to swat Satori's rump for being so clueless, but reigned over herself. She promised to not rush them again. Still, she'd like them both to cut it out with the shy act. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 > "What would you like me to do?" she asked Inoma. Inoma thought about this for a second. She went this far, she might as well go all the way. And as the desire was starting to fill her up again, Inoma decided to take charge a little. "Well, I guess I want to know how it feels. So I want you in here," Inoma said, pointing to between her legs, "and so Isabelle isn't left out, I want Isabelle here." -- she pointed to her mouth. "Now let's get going." Inoma was scared, but it was also a thrill. Inoma trembled a little, and she laid down on the ground, spreading her legs, waiting for Satori. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori shivered as she felt Isabelle playing with her rear. She turned to smile at the kawaii girl, before looking at her cousin lying in the sand. Nodding, Satori gently slipped away from Isabelle, and knelt down in the sand over her cousin, being a little brave for a moment, and closing her eyes, moving closer to press her lips against Inoma's, even if just for a second. Pulling back a bit, Satori moved down, kissing each of Inoma's breasts, before bringing her hand up, touching her cousin's most private spot gently, running her fingers over it, before moving herself a bit closer. "Ready?" she asked, as she held herself at Inoma's entrance. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle almost clapped her hands in excitement when the two cousins finally started getting serious, and went into position for some real screwing. She didn't, though, not wanting to distract them. She was tempted for a second to bring out her equipment and start painting this precious moment -- but then, she realized Inoma asked something specific from her too. So, smirking, she walked around the sound-to-be lovers, and placed her feet on either side of Inoma's head. She didn't lower herself to straddle Inoma's face immediately, though. She waited for Satori to make her move, since Isabelle didn't want Inoma to miss watching her cousin going down on her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Satori asked if Inoma was ready. Inoma was as ready as she would be. She still felt a little concerned about this whole thing, but she couldn't back out of it now. Inoma, trying to sound brave, said "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." At that moment Isabelle came over, ready to lower down on Inoma. Why was she waiting? Did she want Inoma to watch what Satori was going to do? Inoma was curious about it, so she looked, watching Satori get into position. The moments seemed to take a long time, and the anxiousness of what was going to happen starting to take over Inoma. Her trembling was starting to be noticeable. "Ready, Satori, please hurry, and be careful. I'm also waiting on you, Isabelle." Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded, and kissed her cousin once more, before pushing herself against Inoma's entrance. She pushed gently, savoring the feeling of her boy part going into her cousin's sex, whimpering lightly as she pushed as much as she could. "Are you OK?" Satori asked Inoma softly, before looking up at Isabelle, curious about what she was waiting for. "Planning on painting us or something?" she asked. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle giggled softly. "Maybe later. I'll do what she asked me, but for now, I just wanted not to miss the look on Inoma-chan's face." Kneeling around Inoma's head, she gently put her hands on the other girl's cheeks, and asked: "Does it feel good? Do you like Satori-chan's cute cock inside you?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Since Inoma wasn't completely used to having things inside her, her face took a slight look of discomfort. Then Satori asked if Inoma was OK. Since Inoma didn't answer yet, Satori decided to ask Isabelle if she was going to paint them. Isabelle answered Satori's question, and approached Inoma asking her own question. Inoma did like having something inside her, so she answered both Satori and Isabelle: "Yes, and Yes. So... this is... is what... it's like... be gentle... Satori... but continue..." Inoma said, with a discomfort but happy look to her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded. She moved slowly, gently moving herself in and out of her cousin, not wanting to hurt her, but yet, moving just fast enough to give her the pleasure that she wanted. "I honestly hope I'm doing things right." she said softly, and blushed. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "It seems like it." Isabelle answered to Satori's worries. "Just look at her face. To me, she's enjoying herself. Just try to hold as long as you can, and it'll be alright." Now that she had dispensed her "experienced-girl" wisdom, Isabelle finally granted Inoma's earlier request by covering the prone girl's face with her succulent loins. "You wanted this? There, you have it. Now, lick me, girlfriend!" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 As Satori was setting the motion while in her, which Inoma did enjoy, she heard Isabelle tell Satori that Inoma liked what was going on. "You... are... doing... fine, Satori. This... feels... so... good." Then Isabelle sat down on Inoma's face. So, while Satori was pleasuring her, Inoma started pleasuring Isabelle. Inoma brought her hands up, to hold on to Isabelle and started gingerly licking her loins. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori's cheeks turned pink. It wasn't because she was embarrassed, but because she felt something deep down for the Kawaii artist. She felt all warm, and tingly inside, as she continued to slowly fuck her cousin, blushing again, as she moved a bit closer to Isabelle, wanting to kiss her. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle completed the move started by Satori, leaned forward to meet her lips. She kissed the shy hermaphrodite hungrily, sticking her tongue in her mouth. At the same time, her hands went to Satori's breasts and unabashedly groped them. Her bottom wiggled in reaction to Inoma's cunnilingus, her puffy twat dropping some honey in the licking girl's mouth. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 As Inoma was licking Isabelle, Inoma felt Isabelle get all wet. Then Isabelle released some of her inner honey and that caused Inoma to choke, never tasting the stuff before. As Inoma choked, she stopped and tried to get out from under Isabelle. She also tried to stop Satori from banging her by trying to signal Satori to stop. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori felt Inoma pushing her off, and quickly moved away from her cousin. "I.. I'm sorry.. Did I do something wrong?" she asked nervously, before looking at Isabelle, confused. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle, too, had stopped squirming and pulled herself off from Inoma. Now, the pretty nude girl was sitting Indian-style, her elbow supported by a knee while her chin resting on her hand. With the other hand, she drummed impatiently her fingers against a flat rock. She didn't say anything, but her glare and expression where quickly conveying the message: "What's the matter, AGAIN?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 After finishing coughing and choking, Inoma looked at the two other girls that she was with. A sorry look came over her face as she tried to explain what happened. "I... well... I enjoyed what was going on, especially what you were doing, Satori, that felt wonderful. But Isabelle, when I was licking you, I felt and tasted something in my mouth, and I wasn't use to the taste, and that made me start coughing and choking. I know I am messing things up here. I... well, I am sorry." Tears started filling the corners of her eyes again, but this time not from hurt, but from not being able to stand up to the big girls. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and rubbed the back of her head. She looked around curiously, then looked up. "This might sound strange, but why not take a break then? I mean, we can always get a bite to eat and stuff. And I'm sure Isabelle would love to get started on a painting right?" She asked, figuring that anything at that moment would be better than seeing her cousin cry. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle blushed a little, feeling embarrassed by her impatient reaction. She moved to Inoma and hugged her warmly, rubbing their naked bodies together -- though it was more soothing then sexual. "I'm sorry... it was my... hu... love juices you tasted. I should have warned you. I keep forgetting you aren't used to this." While she kept embracing Inoma, she turned to Satori with a frown. "What? You want to stop just to eat. Sheesh, you're truly a Saotome... thinking only with you stomach." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma enjoyed the touch that Isabelle was giving her. She enjoyed it enough to fight back the tears that were at the corners of her eyes. "Thank you, Isabelle. Thank you for understanding. And thank you, Satori, for thinking about me. I appreciate it." She brought a hand up and started playing with Isabelle's nipple. "I just feel bad. That's all. We start, then I stop it. It must be like five times now." She continued to fondle the nipple. "But like you said, I'm not used to this. Maybe, I am not cut out for this. But I am willing to continue. But first. TWISTER!!" Inoma twisted the nipple hard, but not hard enough to hurt. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori sweatdropped. "Just trying to lighten the moment." she said, before hearing her cousin say something about Twister. "I hate that game." she said, and sighed, before noticing what she was doing to Isabelle's nipple. "Um.. Maybe you shouldn't do that, Inoma.." she said. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "OW!" Isabelle yelped. Although Inoma hadn't really hurt her, it was hard to ignore the sudden twist on her nipple. Though inwardly, Isabelle was pleased that she managed to bring Inoma out of her funk, outwardly she acted outraged. "You skunk!" she yelled (not knowing she was hitting closer to the mark than she'd expect). "How dare you molest my perfectly-shaped breast? You'll regret this!" Laughing, Isabelle used their closeness to push Inoma on her back, and immediately attacked her bosom. Both hands lashed on Inoma's melons, squeezing the mammary flesh and pulling them up to expose the tip. Isabelle's mouth completed the molestation by kissing and sucking and nibbling on the nipples. Her ire toward Satori forgotten, Isabelle playfully called out the hermaphrodite. "Come on, Satori-chan! Let's rape this uppity girl until she beg for mercy!" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Isabelle appeared upset with what Inoma did to her. Inoma guessed that she did it harder than she intended. Then Isabelle called her a skunk, which hurt a little. But Isabelle didn't know about the cursed form, so Inoma couldn't get too upset about it. Then Isabelle started to grab Inoma's breasts, and force her down. Isabelle also told Satori that she wanted both of them to start raping Inoma, and that got Inoma scared. Inoma started to try and get out from Isabelle, so as to not let that happen. And with a scared look on her face she squealed at Isabelle. "WAIT!! PLEASE !! I WAS ONLY KIDDING!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU ISABELLE!! PLEASE DON'T RAPE ME!! LET ME GET UP!! PLEASE!! I'LL BE A GOOD GIRL FROM NOW ON. PLEASE, LET IT BE CONSENSUAL. DON'T RAPE ME. I DON'T WANT TO BE RAPED! PLEASE MY MOM TRIED TO WARN ME THAT SOME PEOPLE MAY TRY TO FORCE THEMSELVES ON YOU. PLEASE. I'LL BE GOOD. PROMISE." Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori was busy watching what was going on, before hearing Inoma. "Stop it!" she yelled out, and pushed Isabelle off of Inoma, pulling her cousin into a hug. "Shhh. It's OK. Nothing's going to happen." she said, before looking at Isabelle. "I'm sorry I pushed you, but Inoma's mother was raped early in life, which lead to her giving birth to Inoma." she said, and sighed, almost cradling her cousin. "Inoma tends to panic when she thinks that she'll be raped herself." Satori tried to explain. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle, having landed on her bottom, glared at Inoma and Satori. "Oh, pooh... couldn't you tell I was joking? That it was just a game? That I was being IRONICAL!? Have you ever heard of PRETENDING?!" Satori's rushed explanation cleared it up why Inoma had reacted so badly, but it didn't really calmed Isabelle's ire. Maybe she was feeling a little bit guilty, but most off all she was horny and frustrated. It was becoming evident to her that those two were really too inhibited and self-conscious for the kind of innocent, guilt-free sex Isabelle liked. "You've definitely ruined the mood." she commented sourly while standing up and brushing the sand sticking to her body. "I give up. I'm going back to town." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma ran over to where Isabelle was, standing in front of her. "Wait... don't go. I am sorry for messing things up. I really want to do this. I should have told you. It's just not a thing I like to talk about that's all. Please let's try one more time." Why was Inoma asking for this? Inoma wasn't sure. She guessed that she wanted to try to keep people happy. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori sighed. "Fine. If Inoma's alright with it." she said, and stood up. "Gee. Wonder if anyone noticed I'm not home yet?" she asked herself mostly, as she walked over, and picked up her cell phone to see if there were any messages. "Right. Like anyone ever notices me." she mumbled, as she put her phone away. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle tapped her foot on the sandy ground, looking at Inoma with her hands on her hips. "Well... I'm not too sure. I have no problem with the 'no pretend rape' thing, but what tell me you two aren't going to freak out for yet another silly thing in two minutes? I'm just getting tired of these let-downs." Yes, Isabelle was starting to get the feeling that she plain was too aggressive sexually for those two first-timers. This was somewhat souring the mood for her if she had to watch her steps all the time rather than just enjoy herself. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I'm just so new at this. I don't plan on tricking you. Well, you now know part of what happened to me. My mother sheltered me because she was raped. This is all new for me." She took a step closer to Isabelle. "But I don't want anybody being mad at me. I know it must be troubling for you for us to be like this. But don't be mad. You and Satori seemed to have a good time together. Maybe I should leave and let you two continue. Or we can take it slow, and ease into it. "But it's up to you. I just don't want you leaving being mad at Satori and me. So what do you say?" She held out her hands in the sign that she wanted to give a hug. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori sweatdropped. "There is no way I'm getting in the middle of one of your bear hugs again..." she told Inoma with a smile. "Look. Maybe I'm the problem. I mean, you two were just fine before, so maybe I should be the one to leave. I mean, I can go over behind those rocks and just practice until you two are ready to leave." she said, and shrugged. No one called for her, not even her mother or father, so she figured that no one noticed she was gone yet. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle puffed a forelock of her brown hair from her eyes; her half- lidded eyes were betraying a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Oh, great. Now we are all starting to play the 'blame me' game, and each is suggesting leaving to let the other two enjoy themselves. We'll be going nowhere fast with this attitude. "Now, I agree that trying to make it a threesome could the problem. It's not something easy when you aren't used to it. But if someone has to stay on side, I tell you: it better be me. Because I enjoy watching -- and painting lovers -- just as much as participating. "Of course, I understand it could be the place that's making you nervous. After all, anybody could stumble on us and get a free show. Ad it's getting a little windy, too. So, maybe we should relocate somewhere else... like my atelier, if you don't mind becoming works of art. It's up to you." Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "I'm willing to relocate. I feel my clothes are dry enough anyway. And I am willing to try again. Just remember I am all new at this." Looking to Satori: "What do you say, Satori, would you like to continue what we were doing before?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked a couple of times. "What's an atelier?" she asked out of the blue. After all, she was a Saotome. Blinking a couple of more times, Satori sweatdropped again. "Um, yeah. Sure..." she said, and rubbed the back of her head nervously. "Maybe I should call home and tell them that I'll be back late though..." she said, looking at her cell phone. "Oh screw it. No one notices that I'm around anyway. Let's go. I'm game." she said, the rather fake smile hiding the hurt behind her eyes. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle put back on her cute swimsuit, and looked at her friends as they also dressed. She wondered about Satori's expression. She had a hard time understanding how she could think her parents wouldn't notice her; being a lone child, this was a pretty alien concept to the Kurenai girl. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 Inoma didn't like the idea of leaving. She also sensed something was wrong. But she couldn't tell where it was coming from. Inoma got dressed and saw that the other two were both dressing as well. Once dressed, she wondered where she should go. "Satori, you OK, you seem distracted? (to Isabelle) Isabelle, which way shall we go?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked a couple of times, then looked at Inoma. "Huh? No, I'm just thinking, that's all." she said, as she threw on her backpack. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was a little puzzled by Inoma's question, until she realized maybe she went to the beach by another way than them... after all, they meet her here. Maybe she owned a car? She was old enough.... "I was thinking going back to the train station... it's this way, past the pier. Did you come here by bus or anything? Or do you have your own car?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "It's OK, Satori, just be careful not to daydream. You wouldn't want to get lost. To Isabelle: "No, what I meant was once we got home from the train, where would we go. Sorry, sometimes my mind likes to think ahead, even before we made the first steps." Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori grumbled a bit, as she reached into her pack, and pulled out another peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "What am I? Ryôga?" she mumbled, as she followed the others. "Inoma, how did you get here?" she asked. She fished into her backpack's smaller pocket, and pulled out the return tickets, handing one of them to Isabelle. "Here ya go Izz... Isabelle..." she said, and blushed. "I still think Izzy is cute..." she mumbled to herself, as she looked around. "Say, anyone got dinner plans?" she asked, as she thought about staying away from home for awhile. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Well, I *was* inviting you two to my painter atelier, as you probably noticed if you were paying attention. Though of course, if you think you know of *better* places to visit...." Isabelle answered, a bit standoffishly. By now, however, the two other girls should begin to know her and realize it was no surprise with her personality. Azusa's daughter was a bit of a spoiled brat, and easily offended. Isabelle accepted the ticket from Satori, though while glaring at her. It was hard to tell if it was because she heard what the hermaphrodite mumbled. "Don't you think it's a bit early to make dinner plans? Why is it that Saotomes can only think with their stomach?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "I came here by train. And as I explained to Isabelle, my mind sometimes thinks ahead without even starting things. "Now Isabelle, your place is fine. I think I would feel better in an enclosed place. I know that artist need familiar surroundings to feel most comfortable. But if Satori can think of another place, then I'm game." Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi "Actually..." Satori said, as she put her hands behind her head. "I was thinking of making dinner..." she said, and blushed a little. "I don't feel like going home anytime soon..." she said, and sighed a little. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle calmed down, her demeanor sweetening noticeably with Satori's proposal. "Now, that's different. I could have ordered food, but if you're volunteering to do the cooking... that would be nice." To apologize for her outburst, she swiftly kissed Satori on the cheek. "Why don't you feel like going home?" she asked, while they were waiting for the train. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 "I was going to ask the same thing, Satori. Aren't you concerned what might be happening back home? What if something happened to them and they can't call or anything?" Inoma asked, apparently with a little concern showing on her face. Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed when Isabelle kissed her. It sent a warm feeling down her body, one that she couldn't exactly explain, and smiled at the kawaii girl, before looking towards her cousin. "You're kidding me, right? There're so many people at the Dôjô now that neither Mom or Dad even noticed that I was leaving. I doubt they even know that I'm gone. Besides, I've got my phone." she said, and blushed again, touching her cheek lightly. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Well, if you think that's settled..." Isabelle answered with a shrug. They waited for the train heading back to Nerima, which was soon showing up. Re: Fun Party at the Beach pboost1 As the train stopped at the Nerima train station, Inoma waited for the other two to depart the train. She wasn't sure what was going on in her mind, but she couldn't wait to get into closed quarters, and start seeing Satori's parts again. Though she was a little experienced from yesterday and earlier today, she still wanted to experience more. "OK, Isabelle, we're home now, so which way to your studio? And Satori, I've tasted some of your cooking before, it was good. Would you be cooking again?" Re: Fun Party at the Beach Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed a bit. "Thanks. Shampoo always said I was a pretty good student." she said, and put her hands behind her head. "Let's stop by the store first so I can get some things for dinner huh?" she asked. Re: Fun Party at the Beach St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Oh, no need to go shopping, I'm pretty sure you'll find plenty to cook with in the kitchen of my home. You'll see." Isabelle toyed with the frill of her cute dress, a little embarrassed. "Hu, well, it isn't exactly a studio, by the way. My atelier is part of my mother's house... or should I say, 'manor'...." To the house of Isabelle pboost1 "Really? I didn't know. So which way, and it's really a manor? I bet you have had a lot of parties there, huh?" Re: To the house of Isabelle Akurei no Kishi Satori stayed silent. The only thing she could think of was how big the mansion really was, and started to imagine it a bit. "Wow. That's gotta be big." she said to no one in particular. Re: To the house of Isabelle St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Well, 'manor' is maybe a little exaggeration. It's a nice mansion, though. It's far from being as large as the Kunô manor, for example. Guided by Isabelle, they soon were coming in side of the Shiratori residence. "I just hope my mom isn't around there...." Isabelle whispered to herself. Re: To the house of Isabelle pboost1 Inoma looked at the place in awe. This was a lot bigger than what she was use to seeing. "Wow! This is really nice. And this is VERY big. If one doesn't know where to go, one can get lost I bet. (to Isabelle:) So, where to now? The kitchen, or your study?" Re: To the house of Isabelle St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Well, it's not dinnertime yet. I don't know for you, but our little picnic was good enough in my book. Let me show you my atelier." Isabelle then gave them a short tour of Shiratori mansion. One noticeable feature was a wall sporting a massive, round reinforced door, like you would expect only in a bank vault. "Don't mind this. It's my mother's... 'cute things' vault. Don't ask me what it's like inside, she doesn't let anybody see it, not even me." Re: To the house of Isabelle Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked a couple of times. "This place must take you awhile to get around." she said, and looked around. "Just how big is this place anyway? Even the Nekohanten isn't this big." she said. Re: To the house of Isabelle pboost1 Inoma looked at the door in awe. "So, your mother is a collector of sorts, huh? What would she consider cute? Wait you said don't ask, so scratch that question. Shall we continue on then? Your study is waiting!" Re: To the house of Isabelle St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was glad Inoma didn't press the point. Her mother's kleptomania wasn't a subject she'd eagerly breach. "This way...." she said to her guest. They were soon entering an extension of the house, forming a large room with glass panels for ceiling. The smell of paint impregnated the air, and numerous paintings were all over the place. There were also a few potted plants and some comfortable-looking sofa. "Welcome to my atelier. It was a converted greenhouse, as you can see. This way, I get all the light I need." Re: To the house of Isabelle Akurei no Kishi Satori was roaming around, looking at all the plants. "Wow. These are really some beautiful flowers." she said, then suddenly pulled back when one of them tried to bite her finger. "Heh... very... pretty..." she said, and walked backwards slowly. "Isabelle, doesn't it feel lonely to stay here by yourself? I mean here in this greenhouse?" she asked, as she curiously walked around to check out a few more of the plants that were there. Part of her wondered why she was being so nice, and flirty with the artist, but quickly pushed it out of her mind. Re: To the house of Isabelle pboost1 Inoma Looked around, at the various paintings that were all over the place. She could tell that Isabelle was indeed a talented artist. She was also intrigued by the various plants that were in there as well. "This is amazing. Some of the plant life here must be very rare. Throughout my studies, I haven't seen some of the rare species that are here. Of course my studies was of geology. But we did study some of the plant life that can grow in the different kinds of rock and soil." After a few more moments of admiring the paintings and plant life, Inoma then turned to Isabelle. "So what are we going to do now?" Re: To the house of Isabelle St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Isabelle, doesn't it feel lonely to stay here by yourself? > I mean here, in this Greenhouse?" "What make you think I stay always by myself?" the artist answered Satori. "First, I don't live here all the time, I have my room. Second, it's best to have calm and be all by myself when seeking inspiration. And third..." She smiled dreamily. "... I'm not always _alone_. I like to invite cute... models here. Well, anybody who's cute enough and willing to pose for me. Your big sister, Shitagi, was one of them." > "So what are we going to do now?" "Well, it depends... if I got inspired..." Isabelle answered, walking to a set of paintings. Looking at them, Satori and Inoma could see they were mostly picturing of nude models, both males and females. Some were even rather "suggestive". "Do you have a preference for one of them...?" Re: To the house of Isabelle Akurei no Kishi > "Well, anybody who's cute enough and willing to pose for me. > Your big sister, Shitagi, was one of them." Satori sighed very softly. It felt like she was living in her sister's shadow all of the sudden, and thought to herself that she should leave her issues back at the Dojo. As she walked around, looking at the paintings, she couldn't help but stop in front of one that looked like a man and woman making love to each other, and stared at it for a little bit, until... > "Do you have a preference for one of them...?" Satori heard, and blushed a little as she turned around. Never really being a sexual being before, she still felt a bit confused as to which gender she would really want to be with, male or female, and looked back at the picture. "What do you mean?" she asked Isabelle. Re: To the house of Isabelle pboost1 Inoma looked at the one that Satori stopped and looked at. Then Isabelle mentioned if there was any that caught the eye of the two people with her. Inoma's looked at Satori, then at the painting, and wanted to make it up to Isabelle for messing it up at the beach. She was curious at what was going on, and she did want to continue, so Inoma will have to swallow her pride, along with a couple of other things. "Satori, if you like, we can continue what we were doing at the beach. If you stopped at this one, then your interest was perked by it. This way, we can continue, and we give Isabelle another subject to paint. As I did say, I was enjoying what was going on. But it's up to you." L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "*That*'s what I meant." Isabelle explained while pointing her thumb at Inoma, approving her suggestion. "If one of my painting is giving you inspiration, fell free to try out what's pictured. Then, I'll see if you reach some interesting pose." She pondered for a short while. "Though... mmmh... I never did paint an hermaphrodite before. I'd just like for the subject to make it very clear... not gender-ambiguous or anything like this." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed heavily. She wasn't sure why she felt so shy all of the sudden, and nodded. "S...sure, if you want to." she told Inoma, and looked at Isabelle. "Can I ask you something first? Could I see it? I mean, the painting you did of Shitagi?" she asked Isabelle. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma was also thrilled and saddened that she will have to go through the motions again. She did want to make it up to Isabelle, and also to Satori, and she did want to continue, but her bringing up is getting in the way again. Why did she have to have those feelings come at the wrong time? But she started it this time, so she will have to continue. So, Inoma went over to Satori, and remember what Isabelle said, taking it slow. She slowly massaged the shoulders of Satori, trying to work out the knots in the shoulders. "So how did you come to meet Shitagi, Isabelle? And how did you get to paint her?" Inoma said from behind Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was browsing among some of her paintings, while answering Inoma's questions. "I met Shitagi-chan at Fûrinkan, of course. Just because we aren't in the same class doesn't mean I don't notice cuties. As for how I got to paint her... well, it wasn't too hard to convince her. If usually -- I mean, if some times, only some times -- I'm the one to seduce my models, here it was the reverse. She was quite enthusiastic in getting naked... and then in getting *me* naked...." She blushed, cutely and demurely despite her recent innuendo. Then, she showed a few paintings of Shitagi. Some were what you would expect of artistic nudes, more intent on rendering the beauty of the female body than eliciting naughty thoughts. Other were more demonstrative of martial arts abilities, like one where Shitagi's braid was whirling around her. Others, though... where much more explicit in nature. Showing the model masturbating, or locked in a sapphic embrace with some girl. This included some kind of "self portrait", where Shitagi looked busy undressing and molesting Isabelle while she painted. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori seemed a bit sad, even in Inoma's arms. She stared at Shitagi's pictures, wondering if she'd ever be like her big sister, and sighed softly to herself, as she looked at both Inoma and Isabelle. "I'm ready. I'm tired of living in Shitagi's shadow, wondering if I'm a real girl or not." she said. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma listening to what Satori was saying was driving home. Inoma's mother was always trying to keep her from harm, and not allowing her to really do anything. Maybe that was why Inoma became a geologist. The climbing might have been her way of trying to climb out of the shadow of her mom. While massaging the shoulders, and with Satori saying she wasn't sure if Satori was a real girl, Inoma reached around and started "massaging" the breasts of Satori. "What do you mean, you don't know if you are a real girl? You were born with these, (squeezing firmly the breasts) and that makes you a girl. Those that go through surgery to become a girl aren't really true girls." Inoma than started softly kissing the neck of Satori, hoping to bring the girl out of the state she was in. But Inoma will definitely have to go talk with Aunt Akane about what was going on. But for now, Inoma was going to swallow her pride and make it up to Isabelle, and Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle watched with a smile her two "models" starting to get cozy. "Yes, let's follow our inspiration... you and I. And don't worry about being in Shitagi-chan's shadow, each of my painting is unique... I'm working hard on it." The young artist was preparing an easel before them while talking. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori sighed softly to herself, blushing as she felt her cousin's hands on her breasts. Her nipples were sensitive at that point, being turned on just by the sensual touch of her cousin's, almost wishing that she could do that forever. > "What do you mean you don't know if you are a real girl? You were > born with these, (squeezing firmly the breasts) and that makes you a > girl. Those that go through surgery to become a girl aren't really > true girls." she heard, and blushed again. Her breathing became shallow, and she soon found herself almost tempted to just throw her cousin down, and fuck her brains out. (Which she assumed she got from her father.) > "Yes, let's follow our inspiration... you and I. And don't worry > about being in Shitagi-chan's shadow, each of my painting is unique... > I'm working hard on it." Satori heard Isabelle say, and she smiled. The young artist girl's words touched Satori in a way that no one else could, and she sighed happily, tilting her head to the side so her cousin could kiss her neck. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Steve Seeing Satori tilt her head, exposing the neck, inviting Inoma to kiss it, sent chills down her spine. Inoma kept telling herself this was to make up for earlier and nothing more. So she took the exposed neck, and softly kissed, then licked. Inoma dared to even take a small nibble. While Inoma was working Satori over, it was getting wet in-between her legs, in a way Inoma wished that Satori would just throw her down and do what she wanted with her. Summoning the courage, Inoma whispered in the ear. "Satori, let's continue. I want to feel you inside me again. I want you to have your way with me. I'll... I'll let you do whatever." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Yeah! That's the spirit..." Isabelle whispered, making a victorious gesture. She restrained herself from jumping up and down in joy, though, not wanting to startle her "models" now that they were in the mood. Her easel now ready, Isabelle realized she wasn't dressed right for the job. Her cute sundress would be ruined if she painted while wearing it. So, turning on herself, there was a flurry of clothes and a flash of nude skin. Thanks to her father's disguise technique, Isabelle had changed attire hyper-fast. Now wearing an ample, paint-speckled frock, a French beret and with brush and palette in hands, she was ready to rumble. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and shivered at the same time. It was strange for her to feel so attracted to her own cousin, and felt every part of her start to get excited. Her nipples hardened, as did her penis, and she could feel herself start to dampen between her legs. "Can... can we?" she asked Inoma softly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "Sure, let's." Inoma said as she licked the neck of Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Hop, hop, hop..." Isabelle interrupted from behind her easel. "If you intend to... 'model' for me," she giggled, "then, first things first: you should take of your clothes. So that I get a good feel of your... proportions." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori shivered when Inoma kissed and licked her neck, then blushed in embarrassment when Isabelle reminded them that they were clothed. "Oh, right." she said, pulling away from her cousin for a bit to undress. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma was actually starting to get into the whole thing when Isabelle mentioned that the clothes needed to come off. And that spoiled the mood a bit. Inoma was going to get to the clothes, going WAY over her boundary by trying to bite the clothes off Satori. But seeing Satori starting to undress sent the thoughts out of her mind, as she went and helped her. "Satori, not so fast, let me help you remove your clothes, and then you can help me remove mine." Inoma said as she pulled the blouse off, and keeping her hands dwelling on the breasts of Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle licked her lips, watching raptly as the cousins undressed. She started mixing up the colors on the palette, trying to find the shade closest to their flushed skins. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori's face was flushed, but more with excitement than with nervousness. She reached up and started to unbutton her cousin's blouse with slightly shaky hands. She could feel Inoma's hands over her breasts and shivered, her penis jumping, almost to the point where they wanted to come out of the training pants they were in. Satori uncovered Inoma's perfect breasts and leaned forward to plant a few kisses on the nape of her cousin's neck. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 The kisses came a little unexpectedly. Inoma wasn't ready for it, and she pulled back a little. But then she remembered what was going on and continued fondling the breasts she was holding. As the kissing progressed, she reached down and lightly touched the organ that shouldn't be on Satori. She let her fingers dance over it, and slowly closed her hand around it. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle licked her lips again. She was waiting for Inoma and Satori to reach a pause that she'd deem worth keeping, so she didn't interrupt them for now. She nonetheless started to paint, brushing with wide strokes a warm background for the scene. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and pulled back from the kiss a little. Her hands lightly stayed around her cousin's waist, as she just stood there, smiling lightly at the young girl. She didn't want to guess that she was in love, since at that moment that part of her heart was slightly reserved for Isabelle, but there was still something there for Inoma also. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Watching Satori pull back a little and blush caused Inoma to blush as well. She remembered where her hand was and decided to go full force on it. As was mentioned at the beach, this was an experiment; besides she crossed the line that her mom had her behind yesterday with Shiro. So she looked at the organ in hand, and decided to go for it. So playing the innocent party of the two there, she lightly played with the organ but at the same time taking it up a notch. "My, this is a BIG surprise. What am I going to do with it? I have to hide it somewhere, before it gets away. But where can I hide it? Do you have any suggestions?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed still. She was flustered, unsure of what to really say, as she shook her head gently. "Can you?" She asked softly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "But where could I possibly hide such a thing? I guess I will have to try several things to find out which is the best place to hide. Here is the first place." And with that, she went down and placed the organ between her breasts. "Is this a good place?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle blinked. Would a tit-job make a good subject for her painting? This would be original at least, she didn't think having done this already. She'd wished they'd both finished taking of their clothes, rather than just pulling them open. But she didn't dare interrupt them directly, not yet... she could tell the mood was fragile. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed again, and stood there nervously. "Um, that would be nice..." she said, and laughed nervously. "But, maybe we should finish getting undressed?" she asked, in true Saotome timing. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma thought about what was said and realized that they weren't completely undressed. Then she got an idea. "Why not continue doing what we are doing and remove the clothes as the time comes. But if you want them removed now, then let me help you." And she started slowly pulling Satori's clothes off, making sure to touch the sensitive parts on Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and shivered. She wasn't expecting Inoma to help her undress, and glanced in Isabelle's direction, wondering if that was OK with her. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma physically shivered, but not from being cold. Actually it felt very comfortable in the room they were in. But the shiver was from being in the position she was in. This was all new to her, and she was way outside her comfort zone. Then she saw that Satori glanced at Isabelle, and that made Inoma shiver all the more. "What, Satori? Why did you glance at Isabelle? I know I am not as pretty as her, but will this make me pretty enough for you? Inoma dropped to her knees, taking the organ in hand, and tentatively licked the tip of it. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle had caught the glance, and gestured for Satori to look away. "Don't pay attention to me, please. Just act natural." The painter girl quickly glanced at what Inoma was doing, and pondered again if a hermaphrodite receiving a fellatio would be a good subject. She quickly deemed the answer yes. Most other positions would make it unclear whether it was indeed a "girl" with a supplementary appendage, and not just two girls. "That's it, Inoma-chan! You two are perfect. Keep it on." she encouraged. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori shook her head, and blushed. "No... it's not that.. I was just seeing if she was ready..." she said, before whimpering when Inoma's lips touched her organ. She was almost like putty in her cousin's hands, shivering lightly, not because it was cold, but she was in a semi-uncomfortable position, since she still wasn't used to being naked around anyone. "Inoma-kun..." she whispered, reaching down to lightly run her fingers through her cousin's hair. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 As Inoma was licking Satori, she heard what Isabelle said, then she stopped and made a request of Isabelle. "Isabelle, one request. When painting, try to not make it noticeable that it's me doing this. I don't want it to get out that we're doing this if someone was to see your paintings. Then she continued licking the organ of Satori, and felt Satori comb her fingers through Inoma's hair. That made Inoma get a fuzzy feeling, especially after hearing Satori call her name. Not really knowing what that meant, she stopped and asked a question: "Satori, are you OK? You comfortable?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle nodded with a smile. "All right, no problem. I'll draw longer hair that will artistically cover your face. But you gotta show me everybody else...." Isabelle resumed painting, her brush flowing over the canvas at incredible speed. Obviously, the Kurenai girl was as much a martial artist than a pictorial artist. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori smiled, and shook her head. "No. I'm fine." she said softly, and blushed lightly. She nodded slowly, understanding what Isabelle had to say, and blushed again lightly, her fingers moving slowly over Inoma's hair. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "I am glad you are OK. I thought you didn't want to be with me." Inoma felt Satori run her fingers through Inoma's hair, and gave her a hug. Then; after the hug, Inoma went back and continued licking Satori. "Let me know when you want to change positions, Satori." Inoma said between lickings. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed as she felt Inoma's warm mouth around her penis. She couldn't help but shiver a little, trying her best not to explode into her cousin's mouth, as she reached behind her, trying to find something to grasp, so keep her upright. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma felt throbbing and was a little scared about unexpectedly getting an explosion. So she took it out of her mouth, and started licking the sides of it. "Satori, does this feel good? Let me know when you want to try something else." Feeling a little bored about the licking and sucking, Inoma kept her hands on it, rubbing slowly, while standing up, licking Satori's body as she did so. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle frowned... those newest models of hers weren't keeping the pause very long. Well, she'd still grant them the benefit of the doubt, and give them another chance... before thinking about pulling out the ropes. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and pressed her fingers together. "Well, I thought since Isabelle still needs to paint us, maybe it would be better if I did something to you." She said, and blushed heavily. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "OK, well... how about I close my eyes, and then react to whatever you decide to do. How does that sound? I... guess you can do whatever you want. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori glanced over at Isabelle, then quickly turned away. "Right. Don't look at the artist." she said, and nervously stepped forward, pulling her cousin into an embrace, kissing her rather deeply, more lovingly than any cousin usually would. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma wasn't sure what to expect. She simply closed her eyes and waited for Satori to do something. What seemed like a long time came suddenly as Satori embraced her and gave her a deep passionate kiss. The kiss caught Inoma off guard and she fought to pull back as this was still all new for her. Wanting to do something with her hands, and wanting to keep Satori near her as long as possible, she took one hand and started fondling the breasts of Satori. The other hand went around, and pulled Satori in deeper, pressing that stiff part of Satori up against their bodies. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and felt her penis rubbing up against Inoma's taunt midsection. As she kissed her cousin again, the young Saotome girl brought one hand up, running it gently over her cousin's breast, while the other gently started to massage her rear. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 The hand on her breast didn't startle Inoma all that much, but the hand on her behind startled her tremendously. She wasn't expecting it at all. The startling caused her to jump a little, pushing her into Satori arms all the more. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and felt her penis rubbing up against Inoma's taunt midsection. As she kissed her cousin again, the young, Saotome girl brought one hand up, running it gently over her cousin's breast, while the other gently started to massage her rear. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed again, her hands slowly moving across her cousin's body to rest on her buttocks. As she lightly pulled Inoma close to her, she wondered about the consequences of what was about to happen... eventually that is... and what her mother would say when she found out. But, as other emotions clouded her mind, Satori wondered if she was actually falling in love with her own cousin. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 As the groping continued, Inoma decided to take the lead. After a few minutes of continued kissing, she pushed away from Satori. Then she laid down, spreading her leads. "If... if you want to lick, or plunge right in, go ahead. Just please be gentle." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori smiled. She planned on taking her time, and draped herself over her cousin, kissing her sweet lips deeply, before moving slowly down her body. She kissed over the nape of her neck, nibbled on her ears a couple of times, then downward slowly, kissing and sucking on her cousin's breasts, rolling her tongue gently over Inoma's nipples. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "MMmm...." The sensations Inoma was experiencing were ones she thought she would never experience. These feel so good. As the licking and sensations continued, Inoma was at a loss as to what to do, so she just lay there enjoying the feelings she was getting from Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori slowly suckled on her cousin's breasts. She didn't know exactly what to do, so she was "winging it" in a way, not counting the beach. She told herself to ask Aunt Nabiki about women, but figured that she would probably try to scam her out of her savings somehow, which she knew her father would kill her for. As she slowly moved from right to left, Satori wondered who she could talk to about the feelings she was having. She wondered if asking Aunt Kasumi was a good idea, but figured that somehow, things would leak back to her mother, and anyone who knows Akane knows that she has a very large temper. As she moved slowly down Inoma's body, kissing her taunt stomach, and eventually making her way down to her cousin's sparse pubic hairs, which tickled her nose, Satori wondered if she could ask Aunt Ukyô, but figured that wasn't a good idea either, since her father seemed to always be over there for okonomyaki. There was always Aunt Kodachi... Satori seemed to pause at the thought, and visibly shivered, before blushing slightly, and resuming her trail of kisses, moving down Inoma's left thigh. As she continued her carnal acts, Satori wondered who she could talk to, and figured that Anut Shampoo would have some sort of idea, or at least a story or two about her tribe's mating rituals, which always seemed interesting in a way. Moving from one leg to the other, Satori slowly kissed her way upward, and paused before reaching Inoma's core. "Ready?" she whispered. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle blushed as she glanced again at her models. Things were getting hot. The artist had renounced to portray those two in one specific position. They were moving too much, and none seemed perfect to make Satori's "specificity" obvious. Indeed, the painter girl was doing several quick, small drafts on the canvas of Satori and Inoma in various positions. That way, the whole of their lovemaking would be expressed in successive steps. She could always fill in the detail later, like the delicate curves or the shine of the light over the soft colors of their entwined flesh.... Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 The kissing and licking was tickling Inoma a bit. She was not used to being touched in such a way. She would definitely have to talk to Aunt Akane about all this. Though would Aunt Akane get upset about it or not was another question. But Inoma needed to focus on what was going on at this time. Inoma kept her eyes closed, for fear of seeing what Satori was going to do scaring her. But Inoma felt Satori move slowly down her body, stopping for a bit on her breasts, and then again on her inner thighs. Satori stopped for what seemed a minute before asking if Inoma was ready, and she was ready. She came this far, so why should she stop now? "Yes, I am waiting for you. Just please be gentle." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori thought that maybe the words she used weren't the right one, as she thought about Inoma's response. She didn't let it linger though, as her lips touched Inoma's nether region, kissing gently her outer labia, before moving up to her clitoris, then back down, her tongue gently snaking its way into her cousin. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 The tongue was getting Inoma excited. She liked the way this was feeling. Then she started getting scared again, but didn't stop things right away. She had to try to get over the inhibition she had. Her hands started to absently touch her breasts. She just wasn't sure on what to do to help please Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori smiled. She continued to gently give attention to Inoma's labia and clit, before reaching up. She found her cousin's hands playing with her breasts, and decided to help some, running her fingers over Inoma's nipples. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Satori licking and then bringing her hand up to fondle the breasts of Inoma caused Inoma to shiver. Inoma was ready to get plunged. Satori should know from the juices flowing from Inoma. "Satori, please hurry. Get inside me." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori looked up from the lust filled fantasy she was having, and blushed a little. "Oh, OK." she said softly, and got up on her knees, positioning herself between her cousin's legs. "Ready?" she asked Inoma. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma was waiting for it, so when Satori asked if she was ready, all Inoma did was nod. After a little bit, she then spoke: "Just please be gentle." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded. "I promise I will." she said softly, as she gently started to push herself into Inoma. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma started feeling something going inside, and her first instincts were to stop it. But since she has been in this position already, she stopped herself and allowed the entrance to continue. She did feel a little discomfort as the penetration kept coming, but not as much as when she was with Shiro. Her face did show the unpleasantness of it, and she hoped that Satori would continue to go slow. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and continued to go slow. She felt a bit nervous about doing what she was doing, and almost felt like pulling away, if it wasn't for the fact that she didn't want to scare her cousin. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma felt Satori go slow, but also felt her tense up a little bit. Was Satori finished already? When Inoma was with Shiro, she felt when he was finished. But Inoma didn't feel anything. Trying to feel comfortable about all this, Inoma decided to try and turn around, to get on her hands and knees. "Did... did you want... to try a different position?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori nodded. "If you want. I was just scared that you weren't enjoying yourself." she said. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma nodded, and waited for Satori to stop. Inoma then turned around, positioning herself so Satori would have easy access to it. She then prepared herself for the incumming part of Satori that was just inside her. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and gently pushed forward, inserting the head of her cock into Inoma's warm girl part. She whimpered a bit, shivering as the feeling of having the soft skin enveloping her penis made her almost want to shoot her seed into Inoma's womb. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle's paintbrush was flying all over her canvas and incredible speed. She had already made several sketches of the lovers' most interesting positions, but was waiting impatiently for a nice, full intercourse picture. Her tongue sometime sticking out of her mouth, the flustered painter looked once again at her models. She needed all her control and love of the art to focus on the painting only, and not be distracted by her own arousal. She had sworn to herself to not try and join before her artwork was done. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 As Satori pushed inside Inoma, Inoma was filled with bliss. This is what she was feeling when she was with Shiro. As Satori started pushing, Inoma started moving herself, to get the most of the union between her and Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed and whimpered. She couldn't resist moving a little faster, as she felt Inoma rocking against her body, her body quivering as Inoma's warm sheath enveloped her sword. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma felt the sensations that Satori was giving her. The feelings were incredible. Inoma started moaning as Satori was pumping her. Man did this feel good... Inoma wanted to feel more. She wanted to be on top, but let Satori continue first. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Slowing down, Satori blushed a little. "Um, do you wanna... you know, be on top?" she asked. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma looked at Satori and just smiled. Satori was being concerned and that was a nice trait. Inoma liked it when people were nice to her. Inoma gave Satori a kiss, then answered her question. "You know what, let's see how things go. If during the course of things, if I end up on top, then I will end up on top. I... I'm giving myself... to you. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. She never imagined someone would say those words to her, and she leaned over, kissing Inoma's lips ever so lovingly, before whispering in her ear. "Should we give Izzy something to really draw?" She whispered so only Inoma could hear. "Come on. Tell me one thing you really want to do." she whispered. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "Yes, let's give her a show. Now I have been curious about being naughty. Take me, take me from behind. Unless you want to go between my breasts?" was all Inoma replied to Satori in her ear. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi "If that's what you want..." Satori said, and suddenly pulled away, turning Inoma over. She didn't really wait for Isabelle to say anything, as she started to screw her cousin from behind. Although it felt good to her, she partially wished that she was doing the same act with Isabelle, who stood silent, as she painted the pair. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Fortunately for Satori, Isabelle didn't hear being called "Izzy" again. She just kept on drawing the most interesting poses on the canvas, delighted that things were really getting hot between her models. Actually, she was getting hot too, pulling on the collar of her painter frock to fan herself. She flushed beat red when she saw Satori starting to take Inoma doggy- style. Frantically, she sketched the new position, wanting to capture the movement in her painting. She tried hard not to get distracted by imagining herself in Inoma's spot. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 The sudden flip caught Inoma completely off guard. She landed on her hands and knees, and Satori didn't even ask if she was OK. Then Satori started trying to push herself inside Inoma. Yes, Inoma did want to try to new things, but she wasn't ready to have someone roughing it with her. Inoma didn't think that she was ready for it to go this way yet. "Please be gentle, Satori. Don't be too rough." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. "Oops. You OK?" she asked, then slapped herself mentally for forgetting what she was doing. "Didn't mean to be so rough." she whispered, before glancing back at Isabelle. Leaning over, she rested her hands on each side of Inoma, kissing the nape of her cousin's neck from behind. "So. What next?" she whispered. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "Let's take it slow. You can continue doing what you were doing, just be careful. And as the time comes, we can speed things up it needed. Now, please go slowly in me." Inoma was thankful that Satori stopped the hard banging. Inoma was still new at this, and she wanted things to be gentle. If she was to get with others, and gets use to the idea of this, and generally gets use to act, then things can get harder, and roughed up a little. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. She had let fantasy mix with reality, and she was embarrassed. Slowly, she moved in and out of her cousin from behind, figuring that Inoma was a bit nervous about doing things, and Isabelle was too busy painting. She thought about the picture of her sister, and Satori all of the sudden told herself that she would make a better model than her, and closed her eyes gently, trying to focus on what she was doing at the moment. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Feeling Satori inside her caused Inoma to shiver. As Satori was slowly going in and out of Inoma, Inoma started to slightly push back when Satori pushed forward. Then Inoma felt something inside her and pushed back, sitting up slightly, causing her to have Satori enter her deeper. Then she leaned back, placing her arm around Satori's head, looking over her shoulder wanting to be even in a deeper state with Satori. Inoma's other hand found its way between Satori's legs and started fondling. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori shivered and lightly moaned as she felt her cousin's hand between her legs. As she slowly moved in and out of Inoma, something inside of Satori stirred, as she leaned in, and kissed her cousin's lips, tracing them with her tongue, as she reached around, and started to fondle Inoma's breasts. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Feeling Satori trace her lips caused Inoma to forget where she was just a bit. Then having Satori fondle her breasts brought her to the limit of her limited experience and she tensed up, then slumped down. Panting, Inoma talked between breaths. "I'm... sorry Satori. I'm... done. That was... interesting. I'm... spent. I can't... go on. Again... I'm really... sorry. I'm just... not used... to this... much activity." To Isabelle: "did you... get some... good shots? Inoma tried to fight the tired feeling she had, and she was doing a decent job too. But the tired feeling was slowly winning. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori's face was red, as she nodded, slowly separating herself from her older cousin. As she sat down, Satori kept her hands in her lap, her long, black hair sticking to her back, as she tried to hide the erection that she still had. She felt it was a good thing that Inoma wanted to stop, since she was a bit afraid of actually climaxing into the poor girl, and she wasn't sure if Inoma was on the pill or not. Wondering what her parents would say about her getting someone pregnant, Satori reminded herself that she wasn't exactly normal, not that most of her family was, and started to stare at some of the plants that surrounded them, before looking at the picture of her older sister. She sighed, knowing that there was probably nothing in the world she could do that would let her even come close to the things that she did. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle kept sketching frantically a little longer, before noticing her models had stopped to move. "Mmmh... that was nice." she told them with a smile. "Though for models, you were moving a lot. But I don't mind. I'll try to render it as a more... lively tableau." The pretty painter fanned herself, obviously feeling hot in her painter garb. "But... it looks like you haven't finished, Satori-chan. Are you feeling all right?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "Satori, did you enjoy yourself? I wish I could have lasted longer. But if you still want to go, we can continue. Inoma knew that though one was finished, the other might not be. That was why she offered and was concerned for Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. In reality, she wanted to go on, but not with Inoma. Although she loved her cousin, she still wanted to finish things with the cute painter girl, but yet, knew that she had to be on her best behavior. "I'm fine. Was there anything else you wanted to do, Isabelle?" she asked, and smiled a bit. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Me?" Isabelle impishly asked, giving an ultra-kawaii smile. "Something else I wanted? Oh well, maybe...." She couldn't say it out loud, though... because it wouldn't sound cute. But she decided to let her acts talk for her. She pulled on the collar of her painter smock and pulled it over her head, letting her beret fall alongside. She then discarded the cloth and stood there, in her bra and panties, putting on a tantalizing pause with her arms behind her back. "I'll let you guess what." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "My, Isabelle, you look nice." And with that, her eyelids started to close. She wished she would stay up. But all the excitement she has had was taking its toll on her. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori stood up, and looked shyly at Isabelle. "You um... you look cute..." she said nervously. She wasn't sure how to express herself, and the fuzzy feeling in her head wasn't allowing her to even fathom what Isabelle wanted at the moment. She didn't care that her erection was practically pointing towards Isabelle, and that she would probably shower the kawaii girl with boy cum, even at the first thought. Satori was embarrassed. She wasn't sure of what to really say, or do. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Of course I am." Isabelle answered matter-of-factly. She had never doubted being cute; it was in the natural order of things. The painter girl sexily tossed her wavy brown hair back with her arms, showing off her nearly-naked body. Looking down at Satori, she smirked. Leaning toward the sitting hermaphrodite, Isabelle gently took Satori's hands to pull them away from the raging erection they tried to hide. The proud mushroom pointed even more threateningly at the daughter of Azusa and Tsubasa. "It looks like you want me to do something for you as well...." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi "I... Um..." Satori said, and blushed, taking Isabelle's hand, and pressing it against her cheek. She truly believed she was falling in love with the kawaii artist. "I'm yours to do whatever you want." she told Isabelle. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste StFan Isabelle's cute face pouted just a little. "Oh, poo... that's not what is supposed to say..." She kneeled before Satori, and took her erect cock in her dainty hand. "... the one with this." she concluded, slightly squeezing it with her fingers. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss Satori on the lips. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and closed her eyes. She awaited Isabelle's kiss, and longed for her own release, as she tried to fight back thoughts of just fucking the kawaii artist silly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle's lips met with Satori's and they started smooching. At the same time, her fingers kept toying with the blood-engorged penis. The kawaii girl was getting a bit annoyed by Satori's hesitant reactions, but she also realized that part of the blame lay on her own expectations. She was experienced in seducing both boys and girls, but Satori was gifted with both parts, which made things a bit new. However, because of the presence of the hard shaft, Isabelle had been mostly using the kind of seduction that would work well on a hot-blooded male, but ended up confusing the hermaphrodite's female's side. Breaking up the kiss, the painter decided to help out a bit. "Mmmmhhh... a horny guy would have already ripped of my undies by now..." she idly whispered. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. "A horny... guy..." she said softly, before looking into Isabelle's eyes. "I'm just a little afraid that if I start acting like a boy, I might not stop myself in time." she said softly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle smiled. "Oh, but I wasn't complaining. Girls are so much better at keeping control of themselves, even when aroused. That's a good thing." Azusa's daughter then straightened up, standing close to Satori, giving her a perfect view of her body. "I was just mentioning... that if I had started doing this..." Isabelle pushed up the cups of her bra, revealing her perky breasts. "... or this..." she added while toying with her mounds, rolling and squeezing the pliant mammary flesh. "... or this..." she pursued, her voice getting throaty. Now discarding the bra completely, she pushed up her nipple, leaning her head down to try licking the tip. "... or even this..." she insisted, turning around and strutting her backside almost in Satori's face. Her fingers went to the hem of her lacy panties, and she slowly pushed them down, baring the smooth skin of her ass inch by inch, in a ball-busting strip-tease. "... a mere man would have gotten raving mad with lust already." she concluded impishly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori couldn't resist. Pulling Isabelle down to her level, Satori pressed her lips against the Kawaii artist's, licking her lips, before reaching around, grasping the cute girl's ass, and pulled her closer to her. She said nothing, as she felt her breasts rubbing up against Isabelle's. She gently ran her fingers down Isabelle's body, and soon found herself running her fingers over the artist's mound, making sure to give Isabelle's clit special attention. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle responded to the kiss by slipping her tongue inside Satori's mouth and cleansing her tonsils. Her body melted against the cute hermaphrodite, and she shivered in pleasure from the delicate touch of fingers against her love button. Isabelle's hands returned the favor, groping and toying with any tender flesh in reach. This included Satori's erection, small and dexterous digits wrapping around the shaft and gently squeezing it. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori's sex drive was in overdrive. Breaking the kiss slightly, Satori started to kiss her way down Isabelle's body, down her neck, until her lips found themselves kissing the area around her breasts. Slowly, Satori started to lay the painter back, resting her gently on the ground, as she moved her way down Isabelle's body. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmmmhhh... yeeeessss..." the Kurenai girl moaned as Satori lavished her skin with kiss and lick. She squirmed her nude body enticingly in appreciation. "How do you like it more, Satori-chan?" she asked in a panting voice. "Like a girl... hhooooo... tender and slow and gentle and caressing and...? aaaaaahhh... oooohhh... Or like a boy... aggressive and domineering and physical and...? OoOOOooh, don't stop!" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Isabelle's words went unheard, as she continued to fondle and kiss the Kawaii girl's body. Slowly, her lips lowered, moving past the petite girl's petite breasts, and slowly moved down towards her nether region. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle just cooed in appreciation. She didn't mind Satori not answering her question. She could keep her little secrets. All that mattered was how good felt her touch. Satisfied that the hermaphrodite was showing more initiative, Isabelle lay on her back, offered to her lover's concupiscence, and enticingly spread her legs. Her dainty feet caressed the nude skin of Satori's sides and bottom. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi So far, Satori felt totally in control. As she kissed her way down Isabelle's thighs, stopping around her mons, kissing her way lightly around there, before placing her lips on Isabelle's love button. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle let out a cute cry of happiness when Satori began to kiss her sensitive pleasure nub. She squirmed on the floor and her hands tussled the hair on her lover's head. "Please..." she begged between some moans and pants, "... let me... lick you too...." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori kissed and licked Isabelle's sensitive nub. As much as she wanted to give herself to the artist, she wanted to hear her beg and moan more first. Bringing her lips down, Satori gently sucked on Isabelle's labia, before probing the soft insides with her tongue. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle arched her back and squirmed under the maddening assault of Satori's mouth. She was delirious from the pleasure induced by this wiggling tongue in her fold. However, like any spoiled brat, she didn't like being denied what she wanted. "Ooooohh... you meanie! You meanie! Why don't you give it to me? Oooooohhh... you wanna make me say uncute things? Mmmmmmhh... you wanna make me say dirty things... OH-OH-OH-OH... I-I won't! I'm not... I'm not... a dirty... a shameful girl... aaaaaahhhh...." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori couldn't help but giggle to herself after hearing Isabelle's words. As she continued to probe Isabelle's nether region with her tongue, she wondered to herself if she should just give in, and let the kawaii artist have what she wanted, or just continue to have her fun. Deciding on the latter, Satori started kissing her way up Isabelle's body, sucking on the perfect little breasts of the kawaii girl, while her boyhood rested at Isabelle's entrance. "Because, you're just too cute not to savor..." Satori said in her most sultry voice, hair hanging down around her head, as she lightly kissed Isabelle's lips, ever so tempted to just give Isabelle the fucking she deserved. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The girl cooed in the most cute yet erotic way Satori ever heard. Her heavy breathing left no doubt about what she wanted, though. "Oooohh... noooo..." she purred, arching her back to push her breasts in Satori's mouth, and grinding her sex against the hermaprodite's tool. "I'm going to be ravaged by a naughty, cute girl with boy parts... what I have ever done to be so unfortunate...." Her "woe-is-me" routine wasn't very convincing, but at least she wasn't giggling while saying that. "That the price to pay for being too attractive..." she added, while her legs encircled Satori's waist. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori gave Isabelle an almost "wanton" look as she kissed the artist's lips. She didn't wait for any signal this time, as she held onto her penis, pushing it in slowly into Isabelle, wanting her to feel every inch going into her. "You could make a girl think about falling in love with you..." she said, ever so erotically. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Ah-ah-ah... only a girl?" Isabelle breathlessly retorted. She was proud of her bisexual nature -- though it was the first time she could indulge it with a true hermaphrodite. Her voice wasn't as assured as usual, though. Probably because of what Satori was slipping into her tempting pussy. The neither lips parted around the invading shaft, and her internal walls hugged it in warm wetness. The throbbing flesh clamped around the quasi-male organ, welcoming it with a bath of womanly juices for better lubrication. Isabelle arched her back, thrusting her breasts, topped by erect nipples, in Satori's face. She upturned her head, her chestnut hair falling in corona around her cute face, twisted in bliss. From her moans, she didn't seem so much preoccupied by being cute right now... she sounded much like a pretty girl getting screwed out of her brain. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori slowly started to thrust herself into Isabelle, smiling as she rolled her tongue over the artist's hard nipples. Giving each perfect breast a little suck, Satori soon kissed her way up Isabelle's body, moving a little faster this time, before kissing her host's lips lightly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle responded hungrily to Satori's kiss, tongues dueling in their mouths. She wrapped her legs around the hermaphrodite's bottom, pushing in rhythm, urging her to spear her twat. Isabelle's hot vagina was snug and wet around Satori's shaft, hugging it between her fleshy walls, massaging it with her womanly folds, squeezing it with her inner muscles. The love tunnel was throbbing and pulsing all around the manly spear it was sheathing, welcoming its erotic thrusts. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori continued to thrust gently into Isabelle. It felt different somehow, not like her time with Inoma, but more like there was more "feeling" behind the sex. As she continued to thrust into Isabelle, Satori wondered if the skipping of her heart actually meant something. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Yes!! Mmmmhh... yes!" Isabelle moaned and cooed under Satori's thrusts. "You bad boy... mmmmhhh... girl... mmmmmmhhh... both... ooooohhh... you like it... you like making me a naughty girl.... aaaahhh..." Till now, Isabelle had been mostly reacting as she was used to with a boy above her. But her slip of the tongue reminded her that her lover was very special in this regard. Opening back her eyes, she stared at the body atop of her. Her hands wandered to Satori's breasts between them, and she started mauling them in rhythm with the hermaphrodite's thrusts. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori, once a bit naive as it came to sex, was soon pounding the kawaii girl below her with strong thrusts. As she started to whimper and moan, Satori could feel that she was close... So close, she wasn't sure if she would be able to last much longer.... Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle's cries got shriller and sharper as Satori really began pounding her sexy body. She couldn't focus enough on her lover's breasts to keep pleasuring, instead lying on her back and enduring with throaty moans. "AH-Aaaah-Aaaaah... gentle... not... too fast... ooooh... you're screwing me so good... slow... please... slow...." she begged breathlessly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi "Whatever you want." Satori said softly into Isabelle's ear, as she slowed down her pace. She slowly fucked the artist, and wondered if she was about to hit her orgasm at the same time she was going to. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle panted and sighed, making cute, erotic sounds all the way. She felt her breast bounce and mash against Satori, while at the same time her sweet pussy was filled with hard meat. She realized this was quite a different experience from making love to a boy, to a girl, or even to both. It was simply unique, and her esthete's mind was elated by the fact. She was experiencing a bisexual's wet dream, and this sure meant she was enjoying herself. Then, her thoughts became much more primal and unfocused. Her moans and cries increased in pitch, along with her level of arousal. Her arms holding Satori behind her neck, she began to rock and shake underneath her lover. Her flushed body was getting hotter and hotter, and her delicate face was lovingly twisted in bliss. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi "Enjoying yourself, love?" Satori whispered into Isabelle's ear, as she slowly rocked back and forth over the smaller girl. "Will you cum for me, sweet thing?" she asked the kawaii artist. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle's answer was unarticulated, but nonetheless loud and clear. Loud, especially, as she arched her back and let out an orgasmic cry. Her whole body trembled underneath Satori, shaking from the climax. Her slick, snug pussy clamped around the hermaphrodite's penis, milking it for all it was worth. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori returned the favor, by arching her back, making one final thrust into the kawaii girl, squirting shot after shot of her "man juice" into Isabelle, as she felt her cock being wrapped in Isabelle's velvety goodness. Blushing a bit, Satori leaned over, kissing the artist's lips gently, before lifting herself up. "What would you like to do now?" she asked. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Panting soundly, the naked, flushed, satiated Isabelle lay on her back, her pretty chest heaving from the deep intake of air she was taking to fill her lungs. Pushing her sweaty from her face with a hand, she looked up at Satori with awe. "Hoooo... I'm not thinking about anything else than resting and snuggling right now. You really have quite the stamina... though it's no surprise coming from a Saotome...." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma fell asleep pretty much after finishing. And she was content with lying there. But not use to the strange surrounding, she rolled over and started a soft snore. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori smiled at Isabelle, then looked over at Inoma, before nodding. "Perhaps you're right. Everyone does need a rest." she said, and sat down next to Isabelle. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle glanced at the sleeping Inoma, and smiled. Then, the nude girl snuggled with her two latest models and lovers. "That was a fun artistic séance..." she commented with a cute smirk. "Did you like it?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori smiled. "I did." she said. She felt different somehow though, almost like she had changed, although, she couldn't decide if it was for the better, or for worse. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The three nude girls (one with an add-on) luxuriated in the afterglow of their blissful romp. Isabelle pulled Satori closer to her, so that she was sandwiched by the cousins on either side, naked flesh rubbing together. She turned toward Satori and whispered in her ear. "Satori-chan... I noticed you weren't looking at me the same way that Inoma-chan. Why is that?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Satori blinked. "Ano?" she asked, and thought about it. "I'm not sure." she said, sounding a little bit like herself. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle smiled; that Satori was pretending to be clueless didn't faze her; she just thought the hermaphrodite was feeling shy. "I understand, you know..." she said just before taking Satori's cheeks in her hands and kissing her. "You're a bisexual's dream come true, do you realize that?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed, and closed her eyes with the kiss. She couldn't help but turn red at the thought of being someone's "dream come true" and smiled. "I've never been told that before." she told Isabelle. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Really?" Isabelle said with a smile. "Don't let it go to your head, though." she added before pulling her tongue out. "Honestly, I don't think it would be a good idea for you to want me as girlfriend." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma tossed a little while sleeping, and turned and her arm came over Isabelle and landed on one of the breasts that were exposed. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed. "Oh. Why not?" she asked. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle giggled as Inoma's hand bounced on her breast. She put it in her own hands and started licking the fingers, while staring at Satori. "Because I would make a very poor girlfriend..." she said with a disarmingly cute smile. "I'm flighty, I'm spoiled, I'm mean-tempered... I can't keep myself from following anything cute. Who would want a girlfriend like me?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori didn't know how to take Isabelle's words. She felt a bit confused, but understood a little what she meant. "Oh. I see." she said softly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Though Inoma fell asleep, she was in the state between actual sleep and wakefulness. So she heard partly of what was being said, and having her fingers licked that pulled her back to the land of fully being awake. She did hear the last part of what was being said which was, > "Who would want a girlfriend like me?" and decided to answer. "Isabelle, Satori, sorry for falling asleep, I guess I needed it. Now from what you said Isabelle, if I was a boy, I would definitely want you as a girlfriend. We could have, if you wanted, an open relationship. Or if I was into girls, I would want you as well. But though this was to test the waters, I like boys, though I have to admit it was fun and interesting. She softly kissed the shoulders of Isabelle. "Now I suggest we wash off, and start heading back. I don't need my aunt worrying about me, with her pregnant and all." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle was listening to Inoma, while at the same time glaring toward Satori. "Baka." she said flatly, before giving a bop to the top of the hermaphrodite's head. "You were supposed to deny what I just said, trying to convince me that I wasn't so bad, and that you'd still want me as a girlfriend. At least, that's what you should have done if you had tact." She rolled around and took Inoma in her embrace. "I would much rather becoming Inoma-chan's girlfriend, now. That's too bad you prefer guys. Ain't variety the spice of life?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed heavily, while poking her fingers together. "Oh." she said, a little confused, since Isabelle was probably the first girl she ever had a crush on. She looked around for a clock or something, and sighed just a little. "My mom's gonna kill me for coming home so late... If anyone notices...." she mumbled. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle caught on that both her guests intended to get sparse and go back home. This annoyed the spoiled brat in her, who didn't want to let go of her new playmates. But she knew she couldn't simply keep them under locks, just like her mother sometimes did to her "friends". "All right, all right. The light isn't good enough for anymore painting today, anyway." That was indeed the case; the sky had gotten cloudy and dark during the last few minutes, letting less light enter through the glass ceiling on the atelier. "The bathroom is that way. We can clean up together." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "You mean... together? I... I never done anything like that before. Wouldn't it be crowded? Inoma's face did show she was a little frightened about showering with those she just spent time with. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste st_fan_kami_... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle giggled and kissed Inoma's cheek. "Primo: the bathroom is rather big. Secundo: it would be crowded only if we'd get... too close from each other. Which isn't a fatality, since we had plenty of fun together already, don't you think? And don't tell me you'd feel embarrassed by bathing with us, after everything we'd done...." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori kinda stayed silent, as she watched her cousin and Isabelle. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "Remember, Isabelle, I'm still all new at this. I feel I've done a lot already. This is all strange for me. Yes I agree we did things together, and maybe it was a little fun, but I have to go slowly. SO though we have seen each other, I still feel a little strange about the bathing together part. Please don't push. What do you say Satori?" Inoma said to Isabelle then to Satori. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block If Isabelle hadn't been sexually satiated, she would probably have thrown a spoiled tantrum already by now. But she just sighed, and kept her tamper in check. Her mother had taught her that cute girl stayed polite. "Alright, alright, nobody's pushing you, Inoma-chan. Since you're the guests, you can go to the bathroom first." Isabelle lazily lay on her back, staring at the sky. "Damn that cloud... it was such a beautiful day, and now the light is ruined." she said while glaring at a big black cloud through the glass ceiling. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "That will be fine, but I don't know where the bathroom is. This is such a big house and all." Inoma said. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi "Actually, I don't mind taking a shower together..." Satori said softly. "It's something that I really can't do in school." she mumbled again. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste st_fan_kami_... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "You two should make up your mind..." Isabelle mumbled, before puffing a stray lock of air from her face. Then, the nude girl strode toward a door of the atelier. "Actually, there're several bathrooms in this house. Mine is right here." she said. It was quite handy to have a bathroom right next to her working space, since her or her models could easily get covered in paint during her "artistic creations". Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "Thank you, Isabelle. I appreciate the use of the washroom. If Satori wouldn't mind showering together, then maybe you two can do that. Satori, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed our time here, it's just I would feel better showering alone. You understand don't you? Satori? Isabelle?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori just continued to blush, as she nodded slowly. "Yeah. I understand." she said rather softly. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Right, right, everybody understand..." Isabelle mumbled, still sounding a bit miffed. "So now, get in there and don't take too long!" she added, unceremoniously pushing Inoma inside the bathroom. The nude Kurenai girl let out a sigh, and then looked around at her atelier and at Satori. "Now, what can we do while waiting...." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 Inoma was pushed into the shower, and the door closed behind her. Inoma felt that she did something to upset the two girls she just had spent time with. Still, she washed up, letting the water wash over her. Why is she doing this? Yes she enjoyed the time with Shiro, but that still didn't mean she needed to go all out and start messing around with everybody she came across with, did it? While pondering things, she continued to clean herself up and washed up. After finishing she dried, put on her clothes, and stepped out of the door. "OK, who's next?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori looked up at Isabelle, while Inoma was in the shower. "Can I see it again? I mean the painting of Nee-chan?" she asked, asking about her sister's painting. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmh... which one?" Isabelle asked, her sour expression disappearing instantly. The artist was always pleased when someone showed appreciation for her work. When Inoma went out of the bathroom, she could see Satori and Isabelle browsing through some of the paintings. "I do like this one a lot..." the Kurenai girl said, holding a picture of a nude Shitagi twirling her braid around her body. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "I know you get into all of your work, but weren't you afraid of getting hurt by that ponytail of hers when you were painting it? Though, I do like how you do make the painting look very realistic." Inoma said after a little bit of looking at the painting that was being held up. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori sighed softly. She always lived in her sibling's shadows, and looked down. She had a bit of problem looking at Shitagi's picture, and bowed in front of Isabelle and Inoma. "Please excuse me." she said, and proceeded to leave the room. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle, about to explain to Inoma that Shitagi had way too much control over her braid to hurt anyone, blinked when she saw Satori heading to the door. "Hey! Where are you going?" she said just before running toward the nude hermaphrodite and catching her arm. "You know, my mom may be not that uptight, but she may still object you walking around with so little clothes. And you haven't even bathed yet." she concluded, pulling her last conquest toward the bathroom. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori seemed to let herself get pulled along. She wasn't really paying attention, and almost seemed like she was in a daze. "They hardly know I'm around. I mean Shitagi and the rest of the family. It's like I'm some distant stranger sometimes." she said, and let a few tears fall from her face. Satori was feeling a bit left in the dust when it came to her siblings. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "Satori, I think you are being too hard on yourself. You care for others a great deal more than Shitagi. Just because Shitagi can get a bit... extreme, doesn't mean that you are not as good as she is. In fact, in my opinion, you are more than Shitagi because either she doesn't seem to care that she hurts others, or doesn't know that she hurts them, both physically and emotionally. "I watched her 'spar' a few times when I was around before this time, and she is ruthless. Of course this is my opinion." Inoma said as she heard her cousin speak. Inoma hoped that she could pick up her cousins spirit. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle puffed a stray lock of hair from her face, looking at Satori quizzically and listening to Inoma's speech. She couldn't quite guess how Satori felt, being an only child, but she got the gist of it. "You're jealous of your sister? Come on, there's no reason for it. You are you, and she's she. Inoma's right, you have your qualities, and your sister is far from perfect. Just because I've made lot of paintings of her doesn't mean she counts more than you...." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori couldn't help but cry at the touching words from Isabelle. "I suppose you two are right." she said, embarrassed to look up. "I just feel like no one notices me, like Shitagi always gets all the attention, along with all the rest of the children. I always feel like I'm the black sheep of the family." she said, and squeezed Isabelle's hand a little tighter. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 "Don't say that. People notice you. All of the family have their own unique traits. If I remember the stories that Aunt Akane said, the Kunôs couldn't get things straight even if all the pieces of the puzzle were laid out before them. "But enough about that. You still need to clean up, so we can head back to the Dôjô. I'm sure they are wondering where you and I are at." Inoma said to her cousin. Hoping against hope that someone at the Dôjô was at least thinking about them. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Yeah, Inoma's right. You and me are going to catch a cold if we keep prancing in the nude like that. And having a runny nose is never cute!" Now that the heavy-handed emotional interlude was over, Isabelle dragged Satori in the bathroom so they could take a quick shower. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blushed a bit, then almost fell over as Isabelle pulled her into the shower. The warm water felt good, and Satori closed her eyes for a bit. "I wish there was something I could do to kick my sister down off her high horse a couple of notches." she mumbled. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle, busy lathering herself next to the shower, rolled her eyes. "Do you got a death wish? You shouldn't let this bother you so much." She really hoped Satori didn't have suicidal tendencies. That would be really uncute coming from a boyfriend/girlfriend of hers. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi "Did you forget who my father is?" Satori asked, then blushed a bit. "Hey, do you think I'm cute?" she asked out of the blue. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle have heard of Satori's father exploits, but she didn't know Ranma that well, so she couldn't know exactly what Satori was talking about. Then, the hermaphrodite asked her about cuteness, which was a domain she mastered much better. She leaned toward Satori and poked her nipple with a soapy finger. "What do you think? I don't take uncute people as models for my painting. Nor I would choose an uncute one as my boyfriend or girlfriend." Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste pboost1 As the other girls showered, and washed up, Inoma started thumbing through the paintings that Isabelle had. From what Inoma could tell, Isabelle definitely enjoyed painting. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori smiled a bit, then suddenly blushed heavily. "Boy... Girl... Me????" she asked, and blushed again. "I... I didn't think that... Oh wow..." she said and poked her fingers together. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Isabelle just gave Satori a wide smile. "Now that it's settled -- and that your feelings of inadequacy are somehow smoothed -- maybe we can finish showering?" The impish girl resumed lathering herself. "You want to go home afterward, or would you like spend more time with me and your cousin?" Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked. "Huh? No. I promised I'd cook, so I'll stay." she said, and continued to blush. She giggled softly to herself, and suddenly felt rather warm all over. Re: L'Atelier de l'Artiste St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Isabelle scratched her head. She didn't remember a promise about cooking, but she could be scatterbrained. Anyway, she humored Satori. She wasn't herself very good at cooking, leaving this to her mother or to the cooks. "Okay then, let's hurry up before Inoma-chan get impatient." she said while drying herself. [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 24, PART 3]