RANMA 1/2 THE NEXT GENERATION HENTAI RPG - 10: thread 2 > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RtNGHrpg2/ Compilation and proofreading by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 8, THREAD 1] Highlights of depression - Byooki Desu "Ano..." Frowning at her knees, so many things left unsaid that she had wanted to utter so many missed opportunities. What had started as such a promising day had turned into her worst birthday ever! Her mom had gotten upset with her because she had fought with that... monster Mascara and then she had gotten lost and lost her backpack.... She didn't know where it was all she knew was that her new cellphone was in it... and ontop of everything else the last thing she wanted to loose was something her mother had given her. Where was her daddy!? Daiji didn't cry but her aura, which at times was a sickening brownish color, slowly got green highlights of heavy depression. Daiji did a very good job at ignoring angst, replacing it with her overconfidence and spite but her subconscious shield wasn't impeccable. "C-can I use your phone, Aunt Kasumi?" Kasumi wasn't related to her by blood, but the she had always considered the woman family. Re: Highlights of depression - St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Of course, sweetheart." Kasumi answered. She had already finished tending Daiji, and brought her a cordless phone. "You want to call your mother? Don't worry about missing school today, I'll explain everything." Re: Highlights of depression - Byooki Desu "Mmmm..." Daiji had nodded her head in response to Kasumi's question; of course she wanted to call her mother. Even if her mother had been upset with her earlier and even if the small redhead was for some reason get scolded, she still wanted to talk to her mom, to hear her voice. It wasn't fun constantly getting lost, it wasn't fun at all, and now with Yoiko off somewhere the kami only knew, she didn't even have her sister to confide in. Dialing her mom's number, she waited patiently for anyone to answer. Highlights of depression - and family Austin_S_Dakota Not knowing much beyond his current situation, Saotome Hiro stood with his back to a small building. Looking up and down the street, he lost himself for a moment to his absentmindedness as began to wonder where a good place to eat was. Folding his arms the young man leaned back, miss judging the distance to the wall. With a loud crash he landed.... Re: Highlights of depression - St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The phone rang several times in the Tendô Dôjô before someone noticed it up. Akane, dripping wet and with a towel wrapped around herself, walked to it while mumbling. She had spent a little too long in the bath, trying to gather her thoughts about her impromptu fuck with Samari-kun. She had no idea how she would explain this one to her husband... her and Ranma swore to always be honest with the other, but there she was certain he would be rolling on the floor in laughter. Wondering where Ranma could be, she picked up the phone and answered. "Moshi moshi? Oh, it's you Daiji-chan? What's happening, you should be in school...." Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block A bunch of Nerima citizens had noticed the young man that just knocked himself out by leaning on a wall that was four feet behind him. They gathered around Hiro, cautiously at first, but his face was new and not recognized as a local martial artist. So, an elderly person suggested bringing him to Dr. Tôfû, in order to check out if he had injured himself. Some younger men nodded, and carried the downed Hiro to the near-by clinic. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota When Hiro awoke, it was in a strange room. Something in the back of his mind tickled; it was a memory of the place he was in. It was something so far back it was with him before the accident.... Sighing, he strained getting up quickly to his feet. Rolling his neck he went through a quick check of his muscles and joint, checking to see that the dull ache in his head was his only problem. With a little effort the young man was soon ready to go. Not that he could have paid for a treatment anyways, Hiro turn around looking for a window to escape from. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block A man entered the room, his back turned to Hiro as he was still talking to someone on the other side. "... You can get dressed and go back home, Kimiko-chan, I've done enough tests for today. But I'll have to talk to your parents later." His attention returning to the other room, he frowned when he saw Hiro heading for the window. "What are you doing, young man? You shouldn't move, you got a bad bump on the head, I must check if you have no concussion." Not leaving the youth any option to protest, he sat him back on the examination bed. "I am Dr. Ono, but you can call me Tôfû-sensei. And you are?" Re: Highlights of depression - Byooki Desu "Mom, it's Daiji. I want to go home!" Daiji had blurted out as soon as she had heard the unmistakable sound that told her that somebody had picked up the phone at home. But instead of her mother's honeycombed voice, it was her mom's wife that addressed Daiji. "No I shouldn't!!" she growled as she heard the woman talk about school, talking to her as if she could boss her around or something. "This is all your fault!!" she told Akane angrily. "I really don't wanna talk to you, 'kay?? Could you just tell mom I'm at Doctor Tôfû's clinic?? I think Mascara might have hurt Kimiko badly...." Re: Highlights of depression - St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "WHAT? Kimiko-chan is hurt?" Akane blurted out in surprise. Kimiko was impervious to many things; it took a lot to actually hurt her... (not that her sisters weren't trying, it was good training after all). "How could that have happened?" While she was talking with Daiji, Akane wondered where Ranma could be... until she heard some loud, erotic sounds coming from upstairs (fortunately too far away for Daiji to pick over the phone). A vein started to pulse on Akane's head. This was answering her question. Then she vaguely remembered having literally tossed Samari's mother in Ranma's arms earlier, so she calmed down. She gave her husband the go to foul around with another woman, so she had no right to complain (though it was lucky she didn't recognize Chisame's voice). "Daiji-chan, your... mom is busy right now. Could you tell me what happened?" On the other end of the line, before Daiji could confuse the situation even further with her "childish innocence", Kasumi gently pried the phone from the redhead's hands and responded. "Akane-chan, it's Kasumi. Don't worry too much about Kimiko, my husband is giving her a physical right now, but she wasn't hurt that badly. I think she was trying some new martial art technique with Mascara-chan, and she overextended a bit. Now, if you could come to the clinic and pick up Daiji-chan. We already called school to excuse her...." Re: Highlights of depression - Byooki Desu The huffing redhead was about to tell Akane a thing or two about not letting her talk to her mommy when the phone was snatched away from her. As hard as she had held onto the phone it shouldn't have been possible, but here Kasumi picked it out of her hand without any effort the second she had unclenched her hand. Plopping down on the stool she had been sitting on earlier, she let out a sigh. She didn't know what to think about this new ability of Kimiko's; it was... weird. Having seen the rubbery girl detach herself from Mascara had provided Daiji with the last piece of the puzzle, having already ascertained that she indeed didn't have any burn marks when she had been examined by Kasumi. Her fear had been understandable however, memories from an incident a few years back where she had been burned having risen to the surface. She could still remember the feeling of numbness and the horrendous pain that had followed once the shock had worn off. Another thing she owed Big Sister Shitagi for. Had the older girl not seen them and thrown that ki-blast to separate them from the electric cables, she didn't think she would be here today. "Stupid crap..." she mumbled, crap being an analogy for every stupid thing that happened in her life. Yoiko wasn't in the same room as Hiro and Kimiko so she neither heard nor saw them but that wouldn't have mattered since she most likely wouldn't have recognized him anyway. Kimiko, however, was his twin and all twins it seemed... shared a special bond with each other. Re: Highlights of depression - St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block At the other end of the line, Akane nodded, although her older sister couldn't see it. "All right, Oneechan, just the time to get clothed and I'm going to fetch Daiji-chan and Kimiko-chan. Keep an eye on Daiji so that she doesn't get lost before I arrive, please. Hanging up, Akane pondered if she should tell Ranma about it. But if the sounds coming from upstairs were any indication, he was quite busy right now. He'd better be finished before she was back with the kids, though. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger "HIRO!!!!!" Kimiko bounced from the examination room and pounced on her long lost brother, glomping him. Amazon's have nothing on glomping when compared to a rubber girl. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Turning around, Hiro in a suppressed manner tensed himself for a fight. For a brief moment the name of the man that had confronted him popped into his head, but that was bumped aside seeing the doctor's apparent martial skill. Immediately the young man found himself bracing for the inevitable clash between them. One thing nearly ten years on the road had taught the boy was that people always wanted to be compensated for their services, even if it had never been asked for. "I can assure you that I'm fine Dr..." Reaching up to the back of his head, Hiro took a few moments to assess himself. "I see that there is no visible laceration at the impact sight, I currently do not feel a sense of nausea or the need to rest. Also of the four major symptoms of a concussion I am currently experiencing only a headache, which can be simply be attributed to the blow and not a secondary.... Do you happen to know of any places to eat around here that might serve a filling meal for less then seven hundred yen?" With his demeanor completely changing, Hiro found himself moving onto another topic. Before he could get his answer from the doctor, a sudden bundle of excited sibling pounced upon him sending him back with a surprising force. Overburdened with his sister's powerful hug, Hiro once more fell back, this time managing to save his skull from impact. "Kimiko?" he almost shouted in shock. "What are you doing here?" His arms tightened with the strength that only a Hibiki could have hugging his twin to him with joy. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block In some twenty-five years as a doctor, Tôfû-sensei had seen plenty of reluctant patients -- especially among martial artists -- so he didn't let Hiro's protest impress him. "Young man, I have no doubt you learned good first-aid on the field, but one tends always to assess his own wounds as less severe than they really are. I am the doctor here, and I wouldn't..." That's when the boy suddenly changed subject, which made Tôfû raise an eyebrow. But before he could add anything, an elastic blur rocketed from the other room and latched herself on the young man (doing a good imitation of an anaconda in the process). > "HIRO!!!!!" "Hiro? Kimiko, I don't think this is possible..." > "Kimiko? What are you doing here?" o_O; "You... you are Hiro Saotome-Hibiki?" the doctor asked in disbelief. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger Kimiko thrilled as she felt her brother's powerful grasp cinch around her, and she buried her face in his neck, breathing in his scent. Something she'd picked up from Mascara. She might not have had her sister's keen nose, but her brother's scent was strong, and familiar. "Oh, Big Brother," she whispered, her voice tight with emotion. "I've missed you so much." Re: Highlights of depression - Byooki Desu Scrunching up her cute little face in a stressed expression, Daiji shifted around on the stool. She didn't like to remain still for long period of times; it wasn't in her nature, she liked being on the move. Dropping off of the stool she landed on the floor, deciding that she had to stretch her legs for a few moments. Strolling up to one of the walls where a nice painting of a boat was depicted, Daiji traced her fingers across it, marveling over its texture. She wasn't all that good at painting herself, but she could sure appreciate the work of other people. "Wow... this is really nice..." she mumbled as she walked across the room towards another picture that depicted what looked like a few houses. Leaning over to touch it, Daiji was taken by surprise by the lack of resistance as she fell right through the "painting" and ended up outside of the clinic. Re: Highlights of depression - St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kasumi hung the phone, smiling as usual. She couldn't help but think that Akane's recommendation of keeping an eye on Daiji-chan was a bit too much. Her younger sister was getting a bit paranoid about the Hibiki girls' abilities to get lost. It wasn't like the little girl could disappear while inside the clinic.... Kasumi blinked and gasped when she saw Daiji trying to "lean" against the entrance door... and fall outside. Okay, maybe Akane-chan was right. Walking swiftly, Kasumi grabbed Daiji's hand before she could wander out of range and not be found before another week. "Daiji-chan, were are you going? You have no need to try walking home by yourself, Akane-chan is going to pick you up with Kimiko-chan. Just wait with your sister, will you? I'm sure she won't be long." Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Taking a hold of his sister's shoulders, Hiro pushed her back breaking the hug. For a moment he just looked at her with open mouth disbelief. "Kimiko, when did you get so big!?" All thoughts of trying to escape from the clinic without paying, like his grandfather had taught him, vanished from his mind. Giving her the up and down he was amazed at the change she had gone through over the years. "I remember you being just a little thing.... "Have you been keeping up with your training?" he asked, breaching the one thing that mattered to him. The world of martial Arts. Re: Highlights of depression - Byooki Desu Her face turning a bit red Daiji chewed at one of her pigtails embarrassment. It was a bad habit of hers, one of those little things that helped telling her and Yoiko apart, something a mother took notice of but that other people eve as close as siblings or "aunts" never gave more than a second thought. "I'm a big girl, y'know." she mumbled, her cheeks burning hotly. Age had never done the Hibiki sense of direction any good, no the only thing age added was another sleeve of embarrassment. She had turned fourteen today, she wasn't some little kid that needed help from getting lost! Why, the way she saw it she was a whole freaking year older than she had been only yesterday and she was tons more mature then she had been then -- hell she was practically a grownup just like her grandpa! "S'not like I need anyone to hold my hand anymore." she explained to her "Aunt" Kasumi. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger At the mention of training, Kimiko's mind called up all the things she'd done during the day, and a blush colored her face. "Oh, training, yes! I've been training very hard." As she said hard, Kimiko's blush deepened even further. Hastily she kept talking trying to keep her imagination at bay. "I've gotten so much more flexible since the last time you saw me. I can't wait to show you." Kimiko's traitorous mind called up a sudden image of her wrapped around her big brother, showing her just how close they could get to each other. Her flush spread over her whole upper body, and she dropped her eyes, afraid if she looked at her brother directly he'd be able to tell what she was thinking about. Thank goodness she didn't have Mascara's handicap. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kasumi nodded with that warm, motherly smile that she mastered so well. A smile that no child could ever find condescending, but instead telling of complete understanding. "Of course Daiji-chan, you're a big girl. And you don't need to be hold by hand... but it is nice to do so, don't you think? Me, I like having a strong, courageous girl like you holding my hand. I feel more secure." With these ego-boosting words, Kasumi was leading the Hibiki girl to the next room, so smoothly that Daiji was barely realizing how the woman nudged her in the direction she wanted. There, they found Kimiko in great discussion with a boy... who looked vaguely familiar. Kasumi wondered where she could have seen him. Would Daiji recognize her long-lost brother? Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Turning a bright shade of red, Hiro placed one of his hands at the back of his neck. He wasn't the smoothest when it came to the opposite sex, and misread his twin's discomfort for something else. In his limited experience he found himself wish he could take his last question back. It really didn't matter if Kimiko was still practicing or not. Like a complete jerk he had missed the chance to make a good impression on his sister for the first time in years. "Uhhh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you.... What are you doing in a hospital?" he asked, once again losing focus on the topic and changing it completely. "Are you... Hello." he once more switched subjects seeing the two new arrivals. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger "Oh, I'm just here for a check-up..." Kimiko started to say, but trailed off as she saw her brother's attention had wavered from her to. A spurt of jealousy colored her emotions green as her brother greeted Kasumi and Daji. It wasn't fair, he'd just gotten here. She wanted him all to herself. If it had just been her sister, she would have tried to drag Hiro's attention back, or literally drag him from the room, but as one of the people was Kasumi, she was unable to do either of those things. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kasumi, entering the room with Daiji in tow, answered to Hiro's salute. "Good afternoon, young man. Do I know you? You look familiar." Then to her niece: "Kimiko-chan, your mother... I mean, Akane..." she corrected herself (Kasumi still had some trouble calling her sister Kimiko's father), "... is on her way. She'll pick you and Daiji-chan shortly." Re: Family Reunion... maybe Byooki Desu Daiji, just like her parents, was a sucker for praise and so it wasn't until she bumped into what she thought a hard wall that she looked up and noticed that she was back in the clinic again. Craning her neck, the small redhead took a couple of steps back as she glared at what obviously wasn't a wall but a very big boy. Big people annoyed Daiji greatly, there were so many of them and they always made her feel as if she was short or something. As if it wasn't enough that big sister Kimiko always seemed to get so excited whenever a big boy or man was around now she had to wait here and watch the whole exchange? Missing the jealous look her sister was shooting her way, Daiji tugged at the loose-fitting and much-too-big shirt Shitagi had supplied her with at the bathhouse. "Mmmm, he does!" Daiji piped in reply to her Aunt Kasumi's comment about the boy looking familiar. Ever since she had been little, big people had always thought they could take things away from her, but she had always made them regret it. She and Yoiko might not have liked having to share their mother with their sisters, but that didn't mean they liked it when other people tried to take their sisters away from them. This boy would be far from the first boy that she had to get rid of. "Why, did you leave your gorilla-cage at the zoo, mister?" Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Reaching out Hiro, placed one of his large ham-sized fists on top of Daiji's head, and gave her hair a tremendous tussle. Turning his head he looked at Kimiko. "Cute kid," was all he said. Having already lost the moment of being insulted, Hiro pulled his hand back and asked a few questions. "Sir, I really don't have the means or even the potential to pay for the services you rendered." This statement was directed towards Dr. Tôfû. "Boy Kimiko, it really has been a long time, how is mother doing?" was asked at his twin. "Hello, Ms.?" he said towards Kasumi. "Excuse me, where can I eat for under 1,000 yen?" to everyone In one quick round of questions, Hiro was able to show everyone one his short attention span. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Tôfû pushed his glasses up his nose, still looking a bit stunned. But it was soon replaced by a warm smile. "You don't have to pay for anything, Hiro. You are family. And you can call me 'uncle'." His wife looking at him quizzically, he added: "Kasumi-chan... you're never going to believe me, but I think this young man is Hiro Saotome... Kimiko-chan's twin. "Oh my!" Kasumi Ono's usually unflappable countenance broke down a little this day. She quickly hugged the confused boy (not letting go of Daiji's hand, giving her a chance to embrace her brother too). "It was so long... we were so worried about you! Where were you all this time, Hiro-kun? Your parents searched for you for months!" Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger Kimiko was not about to be left out so she jumped back into the fray and gave Hiro as big a hug as she could manage with Daiji and Aunt Kasumi in the way. "I missed you so much, big brother," she said with great feeling. While Hiro was no older than she was, he was certainly much bigger. Calling him big brother had been a teasing thing that turned into affection long ago. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Byooki Desu A vein popping in her forehead as she heard the "cute kid" remark, Daiji was about to speak up when she heard the other people start babbling. Hiro? The cogwheels shifting in her mind Daiji straightened her hair as she studied the big boy. Nope, no way! This wasn't Hiro! Unable to shake her other hand free, the slight redhead glared at the hugging people. "Like hell he is! This guy is way bigger than Hiro... and Hiro isn't this tanned!" Tugging at the big boy's clothes, she pointed out the obvious. "-'sides, his clothes are dirty! Mommy always washed Hiro's clothes!" Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Hiro felt the little girl pulling at his shirt. With mild humor in his eyes, he reached down and gently broke the grip she had on him. It wasn't that he was rude, in fact when he was able to stay focused he was exceedingly polite. But ever since he was six and had received a deep crack to the base of his skull, Hiro had not been able to stay focused on many things for very long. Felling his stomach growl, hunger became the imperative. Not saying a word to the others, the boy simply turned his back on them and rifled through his bag, pulling out two items. One was a clock, and the other was a travel-worn day planer. Opening the book, the others were able to see a very exacting list of the days plans. 6:30-9:00 train; 9:30-10:00 breakfast... Everything was planned out for his entire day. "Hum," he said looking at the planer and the clock. Only the things in his book were ever even attempted to be kept too. "I should be eating right now..." he said to no one. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Tôfû adjusted his glasses, more than a bit puzzled. He remembered having treated the concussion Hiro got when younger. No doubt it was the same boy. The brain damage had been mostly healed, but it had left a very easily distracted young man, apparently. Kasumi blinked, a bit surprised by Hiro's sudden loss of interest for them. But her hostess instincts quickly took over, and she immediately proposed: "Ho, if you are hungry, I can cook something. Would you like that, Hiro-kun?" Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger A hurt feeling churned in Kimiko's stomach as her brother turned his back on her. She knew about his problem, but understanding the why did little to ease her hurt feelings. For her brother's sake she tried, however. "I could fix you something to eat, Hiro," she said tentatively. "If aunty Kasumi will let me use her kitchen?" she continued, a questioning look in her eyes as she looked at her aunt. She had reason to question her aunt's feelings on this. Kimiko was not a good cook, not an awful one, but she'd learned from a very bad teacher, namely her Dad. With near immunity to serious physical harm, Kimiko was just about the only one in her home that never thought twice about being in the kitchen at the same time as her dad, Akane. She was also one of the very few people who could eat her dad's cooking, and expect to survive. That had left her with some serious misunderstandings as to how to prepare food, however. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Byooki Desu Popping up beside her tiny girl that was her older sister, Daiji nodded her hear vigorously. "That sounds like a super idea, 'miko!" she said, her face taking on what she thought a shrewd look. Yes, after he had eaten it she wouldn't have to be bothered by this big guy stealing her sister away from her -- after all toxic waste was a pretty good deterrent. "You should make 'em a great big batch of it!" Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota "No, I wouldn't want to put anyone out on my behalf." Standing up Hiro placed his day planner into his back pocket and looked at his twin. "How's..." he started to ask, but stopped. This one wasn't due to his short attention span, but his shame at being away so long. Looking into the darkened corrodes of his mind, Hiro remembered that while growing up, only he had been able to eat what his sister and Ms. Akane had been able to make. Like his father, he was too worried about hurting someone's feeling to not eat it. "I've a few coins, perhaps we could celebrate my home coming..." he said lamely, offering to pay for a meal. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger "Oh, I'd love that," Kimiko gushed. "We can go to this special little place I know." Kimiko flushed with pleasure at having her big brother all to herself. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kasumi was about to protest; this was her home, she was the one supposed to make food for any guest. Even though she understood Kimiko's desire to be better acquainted to her twin after this long separation. She was distracted by a ringing at the door. She decided that it was best that her husband keep an eye on the kids, so she excused herself and walked to the clinic's entrance. "Oh, glad to see you, Akane-chan. You'll never guess what just happened." "What? Oneechan, please don't tell me that Daiji-chan managed to get lost while I was en route. And how his Kimiko?" "Kimiko is alright, don't worry. And Tôfû-chan is with the children, he won't let Daiji-chan 'escape'. But it's something else I was talking about... you are going to have a surprise." Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Hiro watched as Kasumi walked away from the small group. Not that he had any dislike for the woman (far from it in fact), but he had never really been comfortable in a crowd. Reaching down, he picked up his sack, flinging it over his shoulder. "Well Kimiko, where would you like to go?" He smiled at his sister, not knowing where to begin or even what to say. It had been so long, he wondered if she was even the same person he remembered. "Or perhaps you could pick," he said to Daiji, not picking up on the oozing malice she was directing towards him. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Byooki Desu "How about back to the zoo...." Daiji mumbled under her breath, then directed a brilliant smile towards Hiro. "Oh, you wanna be with me too?" she asked him as she grabbed onto one of his arms and hugged it. As short as Kimiko, the two sisters looked more like they belonged in kindergarten when standing beside the tall boy. Okay, fine, so her original plan hadn't worked, but maybe this one would. Maybe she could get Kimiko jealous and angry enough to clonk the big guy. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger Kimiko scowled at her little sister. The brat, why couldn't she go get lost? It should be easy for her. "Why don't you go take a long walk on a short pier?" she asked her little sister. Looking around Hiro's barrel chest, she gave Daiji a red eye bedaaaa, pulling her lower eyelid down and sticking out her tongue to blow a raspberry. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Well, I see I shouldn't have worried about you, Kimiko-chan. You seem to be in pretty good shape." said a familiar voice who made Kimiko froze. "Healthy enough to hug some boy, in fact. And that really wasn't a nice thing to say to your little sister." Standing at the entrance, Akane Saotome was lightly tapping her foot, arms crossed. Behind her, Kasumi tried to tell her, "Akane-chan, that boy, in fact he is--" "Let me guess, Kimiko's new boyfriend? Never seen him around. Do you at least know his name, young lady?" she asked, not recognizing Hiro. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Byooki Desu Pulling at her own mouth, Daiji stuck her tongue out in Kimiko's direction, making an ugly grimace. That stupid idiot! Why'd she go and take her anger out on the wrong person for? That's not how it was supposed to work! She was supposed the become all angry at this guy. Locked in heated battle of who could make the ugliest grimaces behind Hiro's back, Daiji froze as Akane's voice suddenly filled the room. Ranma was a loving father and fantastic mother, but Ranma was a big softy; not a pushover, but a parent that simply couldn't say "no" to his or her children. With stubborn and wild children like Shitagi and all her siblings constantly battling each other for supremacy, if it hadn't been for a certain woman named Akane, the house would probably not have been in one piece today. Having been the source for so much of the destruction of the old house in the past, it was a bit ironic that Sôun's youngest daughter would play such a large role now in keeping it in good condition. Ironic as might be, but Akane had come to play the role of the mediator and the arbitrator both. Yes, Shitagi might overpower her siblings on a regular basis, but a lecture by her was not one that left a lasting impression. On the other hand, a lecture from the self-proclaimed matriarch of the dojo left the siblings no other choice but to obey. Listening to Akane lecture her big sister Kimiko, Daiji nodded in vigorously, agreeing with her that Kimiko was a big meany. Well, maybe not "big" but she could be so mean! And here Daiji was trying to look out for her and get rid of this stupid boy. Hoping on top of the boy Daiji sat on his shoulders as she started pulling at his face and contorting it into the most stupid of grimaces. "Uhuh! Uhuh! He is my boyfriend too! He said he was goin' to take me and Kimiko to the zoo and play with us!" The term "play" was something Daiji had picked up once when she had been lost and a few boys that had looked older than big sister Shitagi did now had asked her... if she wanted to come play with them. Having been only ten at the time, Daiji being a very fun-loving child might have gone with them if her grandfather had not showed up. The boys had dispersed quickly enough, but her grandpa had hugged her as if he had been scared she was going to get lost again if he didn't. "Never play with boys," he had told her, "boys could be animals". Daiji had giggled at that, after all her grandpa was a big panda himself. But despite never having quite understood what it had all been about, she had listened to her dear grandfather and she knew that boys just spelled trouble. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota To say the room got colder would have been an understatement. Hiro's body in one moment lost all color and warmth. The voice was one that he was very familiar with, more so in recent days. The sight of Mrs. Akane sent a terrified jolt through his body. Looking at the older version of his cursed self, he lost all sense of feeling. In his eyes fear quickly turned to hate and hate turned to anger. Reaching up to the top of his head, Hiro took a hold of the front of Daiji's top and pulled her off of his head. "I should be going," he said in a low nearly dangerous tone. Though Akane had spent a good portion of his youth raising him, as of now Hiro could only see the cause of his curse. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger Kimiko felt her heart lurch. Her big brother couldn't leave! Turning an angry look toward Akane she said, "Daddy, how can you be so mean? You know this is Hiro!" Re: Family Reunion... maybe Byooki Desu Blinking as she was suddenly pulled away from on top of the big guy, Daiji was left hanging more than a foot above ground as he never let go of her T-shirt. Twisting irritably, she glared up at him then directed her glare in Kimiko's direction, while she kicked at the big boy's shins. "Liar, liar, rubber-body on fire!" she whined, as she started to really get annoyed. Why did Kimiko have to insist on pretending this guy was Hiro? Kimiko always liked big boys for sure... but why did she have to pretend he was their brother just as an excuse to see him? Didn't she think Daiji missed her big brother the lumphead too? Kimiko could be so selfish sometimes! Just like that stupid bitch Mascara! Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The pregnant woman puffed rather exasperatedly. "Kimiko-chan, I already told you to not call me daddy! Okay, I see you're at least on a first name basis, but do you know his family name?" Seeing what was happening to Daiji (and ignoring the fact that the feisty teen was raining kicks on the boy's legs that would have incapacitated a lesser man), she added for Hiro: "And you, big bully, stop pestering Daiji-chan! She's still a little girl, you're gonna hurt her!" Behind her sister, Kasumi was desperately trying to smooth the situation. "Akane-chan, he said it's Saotome..." Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger "That's right, Daddy," Kimiko said. "He's Hiro! My brother! Can't you tell?" Kimiko was a fairly compliant girl, but she had one stubborn habit, she always called Ranma, Mom, and Akane, Daddy, no matter what gender they were. It was her way of dealing with her rather strange genesis. It had taken her a long time to actually understand the how and why of her conception, but once she had, at around five or six, she'd latched on to the basic facts like a leech. Ranma was her Mom, and Daddy Akane had put her in Mom's belly to grow up to be a baby. She now had a more sophisticated knowledge of the biology, but that did not change who was who in her mind, and she was not going to pretend that Akane was her mom just because she was now a girl. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Hiro was unable to take his gaze from Akane. More importantly, her protruding stomach. He knew that his mother had been a man, one with a gender curse like his. The knowledge that he could become pregnant had been a constant burr in the boy's often-unfocused mind. The idea of having sex as a girl, let alone getting a child from it had caused him many night terrors. This sight of his girl form, older but unmistakably being pregnant was too much. It had been easy to ignore at first, his shock at seeing Akane overpowering his senses. The conversation that followed gave him more then enough time to see that the woman wasn't fat. It was proof that he could become... "Pregnant!?" the wanderer screamed in fear. In that moment the flight portion of his survival mechanism kicked in. Turning, he bowled everything in his path out of his way. Chairs, tables, Dr. Tôfû, even a desk was batted aside. Everything went flying until he ran face first into a support column, ending his panicked flight and any other thoughts he had as well. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Although she had gotten better, Akane hadn't totally lost her habit of jumping to conclusions, and generally choose the worst one. So, it took her little while to consider what Kasumi and Kimiko were telling, and even so she was still skeptical. It has been a long time since she'd last seen Hiro, and the boy had grew a big deal since then. "Hiro? You don't say... no way, after all this time??" That's when the big boy unexpectedly panicked. This startled Akane and her sister, who couldn't understand why he was having such an extreme reaction. Akane wasn't that frightening, was she? It was a pandemonium as Daiji and Kimiko, who where too close from Hiro when he frantically turned around, where bowled over. Dr. Tôfû was too stunned to stop Hiro either, he was shoved out of the big boy's way before he could hit any soothing pressure point. Good thing the support column was sturdy, as it finally stopped the panicked Hibiki lad. The various object that where sent flying began to be reclaimed by gravity, crashing on the floor. Including a pitcher of water, that inevitably aimed for the nearest Jusenkyô-cursed individual. Which happened to be the knocked out Hiro-kun. A splash later, he was Hiro-chan, and a dead-ringer for Akane in her teens, stuck in way-too-big clothing. The eyes of the adult Akane rolled in their orbits, and she slumped backward, fortunately to be caught by a worried Kasumi. "Oh my!" Re: Family Reunion... maybe Byooki Desu When Hiro had started panicking and suddenly taken off Daiji had been too surprised to stop him, she had however possessed enough self- perseverance to grab onto the first steady object that came in their way. So this was when Hiro was finally halted by a pillar, Daiji was cradled in Tôfû's arms where she held onto his head for dear life. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger True to her nature, Kimiko bounced back off the floor, and a few walls, after being swept aside by Hiro. She had moved to stop him, when he'd stopped himself, and spilled the water. Kimiko blinked in shock, shifting her gaze from Hiro-chan, to her Dad, who was currently being supported by her Aunt Kasumi. "No way!" she said. Dropping down on her knees beside Hiro-chan, she reached out and fondled a breast. "They're real," she said in amazement, staring over at Dr. Tôfû. Sure, she was used to gender curses, but not ones that produced a young duplicate of her Dad out of her brother. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota "Would you stop that," Hiro said in what was unmistakably Akane's voice. The tone though was one that only a few had ever heard before. It was the flat emotionless voice Akane had spoken with when she had been possessed by the vengeful spirit doll. At first, one would have mistaken it for having been devoid of life, but it wasn't. Under the cool soulless tone was an unchecked rage; it was an anger waiting to spill forth. "Please don't ever touch me like that again." If the offender hadn't been his sister (someone he loved more then his own life), the younger "Akane" would have responded with violence to rival the cruelty of Yôma's Hell. Rising to her unsteady feet, Hiro placed a small delicate hand to her forehead, touching the massive bruise already forming. "Sorry for..." Starting to apologize, the young "girl" realized no one would ever understand the cause of her fright. Sighing, she looked at her feet, hating the dainty toes she saw. "Can I get some hot water?" Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Tôfû Ono sat on the floor, holding a scared Hibiki girl in his arms. Despite the commotion, he was looking very calm, as if this kind of things were common in this clinic. Well, in fact, they were. Daiji's deceptively-strong arms locked around his head limited a bit his movements, so he asked in a patient, gentle voice: "Would you not squeeze so hard, Daiji-chan, please?" When Hiro's demanded for hot water, the doctor turned to look at the transformed boy. Tôfû nodded, or tried to despite Daiji's grip. "Kasumi-chan..." he started to say; but looking around he saw his wife was already tending to her fainted sister. Shrugging, he rose to his feet, still carrying Daiji. It looked like he'd have to fetch the hot water himself. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Byooki Desu Still clinging onto Tôfû's head, her action was more an ingrained martial reflex than it was anything else. Daiji's mommy might not have subjected any of her children to the often dangerous and downright stupid training methods her father had put her through, but she did teach her kids the art, and as with anything Saotome in origin it left unforeseen consequences. On such unfortunate example was Ranma's reflex training that she had employed on many of her kids. Instead of using hot coals and other things that could have hurt her children, she opted for a safer approach. Deciding to make a game of it to better teach them, Ranma modified a simple game of tag into a training exercise that was meant to heighten her kids' reaction skills. It worked, only problem was that, whenever their reflexes kicked in the kids immediately sought what they subconsciously saw as the safest place. Thus such was it that Daiji didn't let go of the nice doctor even when he started walking around with her and fetching water for Hiro. Daiji had seen the transformation and she could only stare at the new Akane. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger Kimiko snatched back her hand from her brother's? Sister's? Dad's, breast. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean..." she blurted out before trailing off. She backed off to give Hiro lots of room, feeling more than a bit flustered by the sudden transformation. She likely wouldn't have blinked if Hiro had turned into a pig or something. But her own dad!!! How weird was that? She would have offered to go and get some hot water, but she was afraid she might miss something, or that Hiro might wander off while she was gone, and it would be years before she saw him again. She wasn't going to let him out of her sight till she found out everything about what had happened to him. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Standing with her back rigid, Hiro gave everyone in the room a challenging glare. Though the "girl"'s parents were Ranma and Ryôga respectively, the look was unmistakably Akane's. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Still carrying Daiji around, Tôfû-sensei went to a sink and opened the hot water tap to fill a glass. Kasumi gently patted Akane's cheek, hoping to revive her fainted sister. She wasn't very successful. The kind woman was also a bit worried about the angry glares Hiro was giving everyone. Had they failed at making him... her... feel welcome among them? Trying to casually restart the conversation, Kasumi innocently said: "Oh my, Hiro-chan... that's startling... you look exactly like Akane-chan did at your age." Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger Kimiko's chin was quivering, and there was a suspicious brightness to her eyes. She'd been waiting forever for her big brother to come home, and now he didn't even seem to know her. What was worse, he hated her. The way he had talked to her when she had accidentally touched her, him. She faded back into the room, feeling miserable, and wishing she could melt into the ground. Actually, maybe she could do that, but things were bad enough without showing her brother that. A tear trickled down her cheek as she felt the door to the street at her back. Her stomach hurt. She fumbled for the doorknob. Maybe she'd better go. Her brother didn't want to be with her. Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota Reaching out, Hiro placed a small hand on top of Kimiko's holding to the doorknob. "Wait," she whispered. "I'm sorry, I know you must hate me... I'm such a freak." Hiro knew that he was a bitter disappointment to his sister. He hadn't wanted anyone to see his curse, lest of all the person he loved the most. Unshed tears did water the "Akane"'s eyes. "I hate this body," she said angrily, wiping at her face. Re: Family Reunion... maybe St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Now, now," the soothing voice of Tôfû-sensei said from behind the teenagers. He walked back in, with Daiji still clinging to him like a barnacle. "I understand it must be hard for you, Hiro-kun. But nobody in Nerima will ever hate you just because you have a Jusenkyô curse. In fact, several people here are in the same case, some in your family. I'm sure they'll help you to cope." A warm smile on his face, he handed Hiro a glass of hot water. Not far away, Akane was coming back to her senses, and started to rise with Kasumi's help. Re: Family Reunion... maybe T.H. Tiger "Yes, yes, of course we'll help," Kimiko cried, her heart jumping up in her throat at her brother's words. "It's not even really a very bad thing, not compared to some of the people who live here. Wait till you meet Shitagi. Now there's a real monster!" Re: Family Reunion... maybe Austin_S_Dakota "Uhh, thank you." was all Hiro could say as he poured the water over her head. In a matter of moments Hiro once more stood in his male body. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu If any of her siblings had cast a glance in her direction, they would have noticed the funny expression Daiji-chan was wearing. Incredulity written all over her face, her lower lip was twitching slightly. Suddenly letting go of Tôfû's head, Daiji pushed away from him and landed on the floor, avoiding eye contact with Hiro at all costs. "Lookie, lookie..." Daiji exclaimed. Pulling up her sleeve, she was looking at her wrist -- where anyone looking could see that she was wasn't wearing a watch. "I better head home, or mom's gonna think I'm lost or somethin'!" Spinning on her heels she headed towards the nearest exit, then after a few muttered curses stepped out of the medical-supply closet and headed towards the other door. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane, now steady on her feet, absentmindedly grabbed Daiji by her collar before she could go anywhere near the door. That was almost a reflex for any parent having watched over the Hibiki twins for any length of time: if you could, never let them get away unattended. Ranma's wife walked to the newly reunited Saotome twins while carrying Daiji -- whose legs were flailing above the floor. Despite her pregnant state, Akane's strength proved superior even to a Hibiki kid. With her free hand, she bopped the back of Kimiko's head (seemingly hard, but with Kimiko it wasn't sure she even felt it). "Don't talk that way about your sister." she sternly warned. She knew quite well of the rivalry between Kimiko and Shitagi, but it was no reason for any child of her to badmouth a sibling. "Kami-sama... so you really are Hiro? I bet you got a loooong story to tell... especially about this curse." she said to the cursed boy. Akane then shoved the reluctant Daiji toward her newfound big brother. "Come on, Daiji-chan, why don't you give a big hug to your oniisan and tell him how much you're happy to see him?" Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Austin_S_Dakota Turning, Hiro faced the Tendô woman, for the first time realizing he nearly looked her in the yes. "I'm sorry for my outburst," he apologized to everyone with his head bowed. Without realizing he had yet to let go of his sister's hand, gaining strength from her very presence. "My actions were uncalled for, it was very rude." Losing focus on the fact Akane had been speaking to him, Hiro's mind wandered to the damaged clinic. "Is there some way, I can make restitution, sir? Perhaps, I could make amends by working off my debt.... Have you decided on where you want to eat?" The last part was directed towards Kimiko. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu Daiji would have kicked Akane had the woman not been pregnant. Daiji didn't want to be here any longer, she didn't want to any part of this. Daiji might have been the visibly more crude and confident of the young Hibiki twins, but she also was the one of them that ran away whenever things didn't go her way. Forced to crane her neck, Daiji looked up at Hiro as he tussled her hair. "You ... you really are Hiro?" she asked her eyes all big and hopeful. "Is it really you?" Re: Family Reunion... maybe not T.H. Tiger "I'll eat anywhere with you, big brother," Kimiko exclaimed, holding Hiro's hand at least as firmly as he was holding her. She wasn't going to let him out of her sight ever again if she could help it. She grimaced at Daiji's comment and opened her mouth to make a sarcastic comment. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "You don't have to pay for anything, Hiro-kun. We are all very happy to see you back." Tôfu-sensei pleasantly said. Akane confirmed this. "You don't have to be sorry for anything. I guess your curse is making you nervous, right? It gave me a shock too. But don't worry, nobody will hold it against you, your mother was in the same case anyway." To Kimiko, she added: "But Kimiko-chan, even if you are happy to be reunited with your brother, you can't keep him for yourself." She concluded for Hiro: "We have to tell Ranma-chan of the good new. *You* are going to eat with your family tonight, young man." Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Austin_S_Dakota Lowering himself onto his hunches, Hiro let go of Kimiko's hand and placed both palms on Daiji's shoulders. "Don't worry it's me," as he spoke, Hiro flashed a smile his Hibiki inherited fangs catching the light for a second. "It's your big brother, I promise you." Never breaking eyes contact, Hiro wanted to assure the young girl he was telling the truth. > "We have to tell Ranma-chan of the good new. *You* are going to > eat with your family tonight, young man."... Hearing Akane, Hiro lost focus on what was going on. Centering in on "eat" he raised to his feet, and turned to look at his sister. "Have we eaten yet? I'm hungry, where do you want to eat at?" It wasn't spoken to be rude, Hiro had just lost focus on what was important. Namely Akane. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu Tears appearing in her eyes, Daiji looked as if she was about to burst into tears; that or glomp onto her big brother in a big hug. "... Oniisan." The little girl sobbed, toweling at her eyes before suddenly leaping at him in what looked like an embrace. Flipping in midair the hug changed into a dropkick and her foot connected with Hiro's face. "... Oniisan! I'll kill you!" Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane's eye twitched, and some hairs were sticking out of her head. "Daiji-chan, no killing your estranged brother just the very day he's coming back home!" she said in a stern voice... though no sterner that you could imagine from a mother scolding a child being mildly rude. The Saotomes tended to have different standard of acceptable behavior than many other families. Kasumi simply said "Oh my!" Tôfû-sensei blinked, adjusting his glasses, and added "Yes, Daiji-chan, please, your brother seems already to be suffering of some concussion, I'd like you not aggravate it...." Re: Family Reunion... maybe not T.H. Tiger "Daiji, you jerk!" Kimiko cried out in surprise. Unlike the adults, who seemed content to stand around and make disapproving sounds she sprang into action almost before Daiji's foot returned to the ground. After all, she expected her little sister to be a complete fool, and she hadn't been disappointed. She swung her arm in a wide arc toward Daiji, and should have missed by a mile as she was a good four feet away, but the centrifugal force of her fist at the end of her arm, combined with her desire to stretch caused her arm to extend to the point where the part that represented her forearm struck the Daiji's back, and bent. Kimiko's stretched out, arm wrapped around Daiji, and she grabbed her own elbow as her hand looped around. With a yank, she pulled Daiji toward her like a lassoed calf. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Austin_S_Dakota Daiji's kick didn't hurt. Hiro was more tank than man with the intense body conditioning he had gone through. Long ago, like his father the young boy had given up his sense of pain for an inhuman ability to take punishment. While Ryôga had learned other techniques for fighting, Hiro had specialized in the way of the unstoppable being. Even Akane-san and mallet-sama couldn't hurt the boy. Hiro was plain too tough for that to happen. His primary concern was for his little sister's foot, had her attack been of even the tiniest bit stronger she could have crippled herself for life. Before he could react, though, Kimiko's response happened first. For all of his incredible power, Hiro was one of the more lumbering of the Nerima fighter, actually slower then your average black belt. Not knowing of his sister's cursed nature, Hiro watched as her arm seemed to break in three, four, seven over a dozen places. THUD.... The sight of what he though was his twin taking massive damage was too much for Hiro. Eyes rolling into the back of his head, the boy fainted. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu Daiji had been about to continue her assault on her brother, when what felt like a rope wrapped around her torso and pulled her away. If you saw a technique enough times you eventually developed a counter for it; that was one thing all of Ranma's children had inherited from her. That and many other of her more dubious traits. Kimiko's sudden innovative attack, powerful as it was, couldn't have been more unfortunate -- It resembled Shitagi's braid attack. Far too accustomed to Big Sister Shitagi's braid trick, the twins had developed several devastating counterattacks to it; something that poor Kimiko would now be the wiser of. With and angry yell Daiji didn't resist the pull but added to it instead, as she shifted her body and flew straight at Kimiko with both her feet in a crushing "foot to head" maneuver. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane pinched the bridge of her nose as her children were starting to brawl. Tôfû-sensei kneeled next Hiro. He was starting to get worried for him; between his fainting and lack of attention, the boy had every symptom of a concussion. Kasumi... smiled warmly. "Kids, please, don't get too rowdy inside the clinic... you can always go play outside." Re: Family Reunion... maybe not T.H. Tiger Up till her heavy-duty training, translation, wild sex with Mascara and Shitagi, Kimiko's body had most closely resembled a hard rubber doll. She could stretch to a limited degree and most attacks bounced off her, while forcing her back from the force. Now, however, her body was much more malleable. Indeed, only her self- image let her maintain a human shape. So when Daiji's heels hit her forehead, her head bent backward at an impossible angle allowing Daiji to slid over top of her. The continuation of the motion caused her to fall backward her body following Daiji's till she literally wrapped around the other girl and in an ungainly ball they rolled till they hit the wall. Kimiko's head stuck out from the misshapen ball, her eyes twirling as it swayed back and forth. "She started it," she slurred in protest over her aunty's admonition against fighting. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane's jaws crashed soundly on the floor at the sight of what Kimiko and Daiji had become... a ball of rubbery members around a rolled-up little girl. Tôfû-sensei, his attention attracted by the crashing sound, turned to the girl. Then, something that hadn't happened since many years -- since he married Kasumi, in fact -- made a sudden return: his glasses instantly fogged up. Picking them from his nose and intently whipping them clean, he mumbled: "I think I need a new prescription...." Even Kasumi blinked, her usual blissful countenance slightly cracked and she looked disconcertedly at her nieces. "Ho my... Daiji-chan, Kimiko-chan, are you hurt?" Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Austin_S_Dakota "Oh my dear...." Thud. Slowly Hiro raised his head from the floor his senses somewhat returning when he saw the ball. His sister was stretched like a shawl around Daiji's shoulder giving the appearance of have been skinned. His mind unable to comprehend the sight shut down, once more slamming his head against the wooden floor. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu Daiji and Yoiko had similar fight abilities, but something Daiji had always prided herself with was that in a straight wrestling competition she would beat her twin nineteen times out of twenty. Yes, grappling was were Daiji truly excelled -- even in a bout between herself and Shitagi, the small redhead was certain she herself would come out as the victor. But if Shitagi was on one end of the scale on which all of Ranma's children measured themselves; Kimiko was on the other. A fight between Kimiko and Daiji should only have been able to end one way, and it sure wasn't like this! Desperately grappling with what she thought a leg, Daiji wrapped her arms around her rubbery sister's head and arms in a headlock. What the redhead hadn't expected, however, was her sister's other leg wrapping itself around her neck! "This sucks!" she growled as Kimiko continued making a bundle out of them. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not T.H. Tiger Kimiko flushed red with embarrassment over her loss of control. She struggled to free herself from Daiji, but was finding it hard to keep track of what went where. And Daiji wasn't helping by yanking on various parts of her body. The only thing keeping her even slightly cohesive was her clothing. "Stop struggling, you little brat!" she hissed at her younger sibling. Putting action to her words, she wrapped all four limbs around Daiji's body. Unfortunately, while she had the advantage in flexibility and position, Daiji was more than strong enough to stretch her limbs. So, even though she was wrapped thoroughly around the other girl, she could not keep her still. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane, who had stayed stunned and reactionless for a while at the sight of Daiji and Kimiko tying themselves in knots, finally got a grip on herself and walked to the kids. "Kimiko-chan... Daiji-chan... could you please stop that? That's rather unsettling..." commented the pregnant woman. She was, indeed, looking a bit green. "Kimiko, does this hurt? My baby, talk to me... please..." she added, nearly crying from worry. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu Daiji's cursing thankfully muffled by her sister's body, the redhead growled as her submission moves seemed to have no real effect. Forcing her fingers into Kimiko's mouth Daiji pulled at her sister's mouth ... and pulled. What happened to Kimiko's face was something you'd only expect to see on a member of the Chardin family. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not T.H. Tiger "Iff wooff, iff If coold," Kimiko mumbled, answering her father's demand, meaning 'I would if I could', but her diction was sadly lacking due to the fingers currently pulling her face into something out of BeetleJuice. At any moment she feared she'd be staring at her Dad from out of her own mouth. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane didn't like yelling against either of the twins, because she could tell the little girls were still resenting her for "stealing" their "mommy". But there were limits to her patience. "Daiji-chan... if you don't stop doing this to Kimiko-chan, I may be unhappy with you." she sternly said. Unable to watch and stay idle as her little baby was put into weird shapes, Akane tried to pry the girls apart... though it was hard to get a good grasp on either of them. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu Telling someone you might get stern and being stern was two different things. Daiji had no respect for Akane but she did fear her temper, whether it was directed at her mommy or at anyone else. Watching an angry Akane wasn't fun, and certainly not something one should subject a child to. No, watching your mother getting kicked through the roof or get hit with a frying pan was not something any child should have to witness. "You're uuuuuuugly! U.G.L.Y!" the small redhead chanted, spelling it out as she moved Kimiko's mouth in all kind of impossible angles. Whether she was talking about Kimiko or Akane however was left unsaid. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not T.H. Tiger Kimiko was not happy about Daiji putting words in her mouth, literally. She let herself go limp, and with her newfound talents, that meant a whole lot more than when a regular person did it. She literally flowed away from Daiji's hands and off her body. A few seconds later, Daiji was sitting smack dab in the middle of a puddle of Kimiko. A puddle that suddenly sprouted tentacles all around the edges that speared upward and halfway over Daiji, before coming to a stop. For a second Kimiko struggled with the urge to fully envelope her little brat of a sister, and give her a Shitagi-style lesson. Proving that her big sister had been a bad influence on the flexible teen. At the last moment however, reason overrode anger, and she let the tentacles hovering over Daiji flow back into her body. A corner of the puddle farthest from Daiji humped up, and the rest of Kimiko flowed over to it, leaving Daiji sitting on the floor as Kimiko assumed her more or less human appearance. She was nude of course. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane was about to admonish Daiji-chan for good for her dumb attempt to insult her while framing Kimiko-chan. However, when she saw her little girl turn into something out of a hentai manga, her eyes bulged out to the size of saucer, and she fainted, toppling backward for the second time. "Oh my..." Kasumi simply said. Tôfû-sensei, frantically cleaning his glasses, got closer from the recomposing Kimiko. "Fascinating... it seems you have reached a very impressive level of control over your body, Kimiko-chan...." His choice of words involuntarily triggered a memory of Kunô Tantô in Kimiko's mind... thankfully, the good doctor was no mad scientist. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Austin_S_Dakota "Kimiko...?" was all that Hiro could say. With Mrs. Akane draped across his lap, the young man had awoken to such a sight. Before him on the floor sat his twin sister, naked. "Gaugh!" was all the wanderer got out before his nose sprayed a mist of blood. The sudden light headed feeling left him drained, and once more Hiro collapsed to the floor. THUD! Re: Family Reunion... maybe not T.H. Tiger > "Fascinating... it seems you have reached a very > impressive level of control over your body, Kimiko-chan...." After an initial spinal shiver at Dr. Tôfû's words, Kimiko realized what he'd said. She looked down at her nude body, for the moment not concerned with its nudity, but awed over the fact that everything seemed to be just where it should be. She hadn't even thought about what she was doing, and everything had moved just where she wanted, and then back where it belonged. "Wow," she said. Of course, it was at that point she realized she was starker in front of her big brother, no doubt brought on by the sight of him suddenly gushing blood. "Kiaaahhhhh," she cried out, covering as much of herself as her hands and arms could manage. Forgetting completely that she could simply shift her body to no longer look nude. Heck, she could likely alter her outer appearance to look like she was wearing clothes. All that flew right over top of her mind. All she could think about was the kind of thoughts Hiro must be having to react in that way. "Big brother, you pervert!" she cried out. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu Daiji could only stare as Kimiko melted away. To her credit, however, she didn't faint or start screaming. Some would say the reason Daiji didn't faint was because she was made out of sterner stuff than her weak-minded brother and that stupid Akane -- others would say it was because she was the one that was weak-minded and stupid. "Gakk!" she exclaimed as Hiro sprayed her with a gout of blood and brought her out of her silent pointing at Kimiko. Giving her head a shake she quickly stuffed a strawpipe into each of Hiro's nostrils. Toweling away some of Hiro's blood from her face, Daiji gave a relieved sigh. "Kimiko-chan... you aren't going to eat Hiro, right?" she asked in a small and worried voice. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Big brother, you pervert!" she cried out. Kimiko's yell did have an unexpected effect... it woke up Akane quite instantly. Acting by reflex, she immediately jumped to her feet and waved Mallet-sama around, while shouting "WHAT? PERVERT? WHERE?" Although the mother had changed a lot since her younger days, she was still an adept pervert-basher. Not so much with people her age, considering all the madcap sexual adventures she had with Ranma and his friends. But whenever she suspected anybody of having perverted thoughts with one of her children, she could get nasty. However, she calmed down when she saw it was only Hiro having a nosebleed. If the boy was anything like his father at his age, then it was a false alarm. "Kimiko-chan!" she exclaimed, dropping the hammer and hugging her daughter tightly. "Oh man, you scared me so much. Don't do this again. Hu... young lady, you realize you're naked?" > "Kimiko-chan... you aren't going to eat Hiro, right?" "Of course not, Daiji-chan." Kasumi reassuringly said, helping Daiji clean the blood drops on her. "Your sister wouldn't do anything bad to your brother." Tôfû-sensei tsked while looking at what Daiji had done to Hiro. Maybe she thought she was helping by using strawpipes, but she would really need some first-aid lessons. Pulling away the straws, he replaced them with cotton balls to stop Hiro's nose from hemorrhaging. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Austin_S_Dakota Without opening his eyes, Hiro captured the doctor's wrist. "I'm OK," he said, letting Tôfû know that his services were not needed. "Is it OK to look?" Hiro's voice was a lot less sure than it had been before. Not wanting to take any more of his sister's dignity than he already had, the wanderer waited for the OK. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not T.H. Tiger "Wait, wait," Kimiko cried out. She bent over and gathered up her discarded clothing, flashing her "charms" toward her brother as she did so. A fact she realized as she looked between her spread legs and saw him laying there with his eyes clenched shut. Face burning, she hastily stood up and dashed toward one of the treatment rooms. "OK, you can look now," she said as she slid the drapes closed. Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu "Yeah, you can look now..." Daiji parroted and waited for Hiro to open his eyes. "Right into my foot!" she screamed, planting her foot in her brother's face when he opened his eyes. Damn that Hiro! Just leaving like that without saying anything! Re: Family Reunion... maybe not St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane had enough of Daiji's attitude. She knew the girl was difficult, but today this was going too far. Grabbing the little Hibiki girl by her pigtails, she pulled her away from Hiro. "Daiji! You're THAT close from getting a bare-assed spanking! What is up with you? Aren't you happy that your big brother Hiro is back?" Re: Family Reunion... maybe not Byooki Desu "Let -- Let go of me!" Daiji screamed, almost screeched in anger. Her hands gripping her pigtails reflexively, Daiji would have attacked Akane if the woman hadn't been pregnant. "I hate him and I hate you! You bitch!" [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 13, THREAD 4]