RANMA 1/2 THE NEXT GENERATION HENTAI RPG - 10: thread 1 > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RtNGHrpg2/ Compilation and proofreading by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 8, THREAD 1] Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Oh yeah... good thing you reminded me..." droned Shitagi in a glacial tone, still peering down at Mascara. A cruel smirk was adorning her full, red lips. "You DID miss a lot of school... and Kôchô Tendô explicitly sent me to retrieve the two of you. Now, Kimiko may be excused for medical reasons... but I'm sure the Principal will be glad to see you... to punish the delinquent you are. And I'll gladly watch." This was the perfect plan, or at least Shitagi thought. She could hardly go overboard herself in chastising Mascara, and it wouldn't be easy anyway if she got in her head to defend herself. The Neko-Ken fighter could be a dangerous opponent if cornered. Hinako, on the other hand, could easily overpower her, and she could be quite inventive in "disciplining" rowdy students. For this, Shitagi had a lot of respect toward the older/younger woman. Beside, she was the only one who could beat her easily, even in monster form... Ranma and his mother-in-law were the two people that really prevented Shitagi to become too wild and uncontrollable. This has kept the property damage around Nerima at a tolerable level.... Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney Mascara trembled visibly. It was drummed into her head for over a year now: she was NOT EVER to fight with teachers or the Principal! Her schooling was at serious risk with all the times she had gone missing. That added with her less then human appearance made it quite likely it would be decided that felines had no place in school. If she acted up and fought, she would be thrown out for sure! "D-Do you think I'm in real t-trouble, myu, I mean with the Principal?" she stammered softly. She looked sadly at the closed door that Kimiko vanished behind. "Couldn't we, uh, wait until tomorrow?" the feline asked hopefully. Maybe by then a huge asteroid would smash the planet, and she wouldn't have to worry! "Please?" She tried very hard to look cute and cuddly to her big sister. It was a trick that worked sometimes with Sensei Hinako, but ONLY in her young form. "I promise I'll go to school tomorrow!" Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... T.H. Tiger Hinako let out a thunderous sneeze, and looked around to see if anyone was staring. Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi boggled for a short moment under Mascara's cuteness assault. When Mascara was doing that, she wasn't only trying very hard to look like a vulnerable kitten... she was somehow projecting her catgirl aura, inspiring motherly instinct of protection in her "victim". Shitagi even had to draw forth her ki-defenses to resist it... but she was too trained to succumb to it. "Stop that... this ain't going to work on me. And school isn't an 'optional' thing, you know. *Of course* you're to go to school tomorrow... *after* you'd spend some time in detention this afternoon. Principal Tendô asked me to bring you back, it is my duty as the elder, if I don't do it I'm going to be in trouble too... you don't want to put your big sister in trouble, DO YOU...?" she concluded with a menacing glare. Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney "Eep!" Mascara nearly fell on her bottom when Shitagi so easily countered her special "cute" attack. "Myu! I know school isn't optional!" she hastily explained. "I like school, honest! I don't want to miss more time. Today, um, just sorta happened." The feline started shaking her head almost wildly. "There is no way I want to get you in trouble, big sister! No way in the world!" Having a mild flashback to kittenhood, Mascara held out her paw to hold Shitagi's hand, just like she used to do. "I'll go back, right now. I swear I won't cause any more trouble too." She gulped, and stood tall. "You'll see. I can control myself!" Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... T.H. Tiger Hinako stormed past her secretary and into her office. She was barely closing the door before her hand slipped down past the waistband of her panties and eased the tight fabric out of her abused cunt. When was she going to learn to not buy panties when in her young form. Even if the difference was not as great any longer, she was risking major wedgy every time she changed form. The darn things had been rubbing her raw for the last hour. Her fingers slipped in between her folds and rubbed gently. God she was horny. Time for a little R+R, she thought as she started to stroke herself. "Ma'me, we have a situation in the home EC room," her secretary's voice came over the intercom, causing her to jerk her fingers free of her needy pussy. "Can't it wait?" she snapped. "Sorry, no." Hinako took a few deep breaths and eased her panties back up her leg. Taking only a moment to straighten herself out, she left her office to deal with yet another crisis. Under her outward appearance of calm, she was feeling very poorly done by. God she needed some serious sex to unwind. Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "We'll see, indeed... but I have my doubts." Shitagi skeptically answered. Still, she didn't refuse Mascara's hand, and began to drag her toward the exit. Before going out, she called: "Auntie Kasumi, I leave Daiji with you... we're going back to the school for Mascara to get her rightful punishment for playing hooky." Kasumi told them to take care while they walked out of the clinic. Shitagi's grip wasn't too harsh, but it was unyielding, as she clearly expected the catgirl to act on her instinct and try to flee in the opposite direction. Deep inside, Shitagi was still in turmoil for what happened earlier. She had swore long ago that she would rip of the genitals of any boy getting fresh with her, but Mascara wasn't a boy, and a sibling, so she couldn't do that. Okay, she had a bit tentacle-raped her and Kimiko before, but it was their fault! They shouldn't have made her so mad. Turnabout had nothing to do with it. Sighing, Shitagi couldn't help but think how cute and tempting would be her furry sister if not for the thing dangling between her legs. If the catgirl had been 100% woman, the Saotome daughter wasn't sure she could have resisted seducing her earlier. Shaking those thoughts, Shitagi convinced herself she'd have to seduce a dozen cute girls to confirm her homosexuality... she was a proud lesbian, damnit! Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney Once outside, Mascara gave serious thought to running away. She tugged at Shitagi's grip with all her might, but big sister was too strong for that. Finally, she gave up and accepted her fate. It was rather nice walking with Shitagi, anyway. It reminded her of when she was about eleven, and had a bit of a hero worship thing for her big sister. "Myu, um, it's a nice day, anyway. Isn't it, big sister?" A thought entered her head, and she clamped her mouth shut. When left up to her, the feline preferred going without nasty confining clothes. Usually Shitagi forced her to dress whenever she saw too much, uh, fur. Now her big sister was dragging her down the street on a nice sunny day, and she was wearing nothing but her own beautiful fur. The feline stood tall (for her!) and walked proudly (but slightly behind) her big sister. "Myu, I hope I'm not in TOO much trouble." She felt her ears twitch. "I mean at school, of course!" Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I know I'm in trouble with you, big sister. I didn't forget that. I won't forget my promise, too!" Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block OOC: Sorry to correct you again, but Mascara was clothed when she exited the bathhouse (above Kimiko)... it was pointed out that her clothes are now a bit hanging loose since Kimiko left her. IC: Shitagi ignored Mascara's lame attempt at idle talk, until she mentioned "trouble". "Oh, don't worry... you're not that much in trouble at school..." she ironically said. Letting go of Mascara's hand, her right arm snaked around the catgirl's neck, holding her in a "gentle" stranglehold, while they still walked toward the school. "In no trouble at all, in fact... at least comparing to WHAT *I*'m going to do to you. You can be sure I'll resume your training from day one... you showed pathetic fighting skills and danger sense back then... I'm going to *shape* you into a real fighting machine, worthy of the Saotome name... or *you*'ll die trying...." Despite the menace in Shitagi's voice, she was also hinting at her fondest wish... to find some opponent at her measure. Among her generation, only Mascara in full Neko-Ken could be a real threat to Shitagi... and the elder Saotome daughter LOVED a good challenge. Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney Mascara didn't struggle as her big sister "lovingly" encircled her neck. She knew she wasn't in any danger. With Shitagi, if you could breathe when she held you like this, it just meant she was making a point. The feline knew her fighting skills when she wasn't her 'wild' self weren't very good compared to the rest of the family. If Shitagi really were serious... She stood up taller, under the weight of her sister's arm. "Yes, myu. I'll die trying. I'll be a good student, you'll see!" The feline was promising her big sister, but one thing filled her mind. Kimiko would be so proud of her if she did become a worthy defender of the Saotome name! Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi grinned... Mascara was actually accepting the concept of training, which just proved that the catgirl hadn't thought this through fully. Nothing surprising there. We'll see how enthusiastic she'll be when she'd learn that Shitagi planned to do this training far from Nerima, like in the mountains... and away from Kimiko. Shitagi had no doubt that she could talk Mommy Ranma into it. And yes, she actually enjoyed being a sadist. While the older girl was pondering this, the duo came in view of the school. Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney Although the sight of the school filled the feline with sudden fear, she actually felt better about everything now. Shitagi wasn't so bad when you got right down to it. "You don't have to worry, myu. I'll train very hard. I promise!" Mascara's ears twitched a bit in embarrassment. "I'll have to, anyway. Kimiko will be watching. I don't want her to think I'm a slacker or anything!" Mascara sure hoped she wouldn't be too worn out from Shitagi's undoubted extreme training plans. The catgirl had her own plans for the nights. Plans that included Kimiko's amazingly sexy changeable body! "Could we begin after my, myu, punishment from school?" she asked eagerly. "I'll race right back to the Dojo. You know I'm fast. I won't waste any time at all!" The arm around her neck only partially muffled the sound of her contented purr. She couldn't wait to start! It was a shame, really. If Shitagi were wrong about the feline's danger sense, Mascara would be crying already at the thought of a forced separation from Kimiko. As it was, the catgirl didn't suspect a thing! Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi rolled her eyes, then frowned. So much enthusiasm was indubitably suspect. The older sister swore to keep an eye on the catgirl, in case she tried to pull a fast one. "As long as you don't tried to run home NOW. You still have to face Principal Tendô, remember, and--" But Shitagi stopped in mid-sentence. Mascara didn't know why at first... but she soon FELT why. All her acute feline senses were screaming at her... that something WRONG was approaching. As Shitagi insisted earlier, Mascara's danger premonition wasn't as good as other martial artists. Certainly because of the feline's low attention span: the 'harakei' required a constant awareness of your environment, which Mascara found boring very fast -- she was too easily distracted, even by a bird or butterfly flying by. But her other senses, however, were far above the human norms. That's how she first perceived the smell. It was hard to describe in human term... a mix of everything that was offensive to a sensitive nose, and that you could find in a lab... added to the stink of a badly- washed body... and with several other stenches beyond the scope of the human perception... like the unwanted musk of male arousal... the whole thing mixed as a cocktail that was especially vile to Mascara's perception... even though she was, unfortunately, far too used to it. This gave her a full-body shudder, as her animal instinct was rebelling against the nauseous presence. Her fur was standing on end, and every signal for her brain was urging her to flee... she would probably have done it if not for Shitagi's grip. Note that Mascara could tell, by the way her sister tensed, that she too had noticed the arrival of.... "Ho, that's absolutely perfect... the member of clan Saotome aptly named from female underwear had brought back my favorite experience subject... we are waiting impatiently for her to be brought in the laboratory for intensive study of her mixed anthropomorphic and ailuromorphic DNA, with an impressive number of vivisection experiments that my great genius mind had lovingly prepared for weeks, all for the sake of science and the advancement of knowledge, of course. To think I have just received that brand-new set of scalpels that I was so eager to put to the test, isn't this absolutely wonderful, my lovely Guinea pussycat?" Yes, Tantô Kunô just stepped out of the shadows and stood behind them at the school entrance.... Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney Mascara's fur stood on end when she smelled a familiar stench. "Shitagi, we have to go... RIGHT NOW!" The feline wasn't afraid of Tantô Kunô. It was more like his being near brought out an undying urge to cough up a big wet hairball! He always talked about vivisection and various sick test he could run, but the feline knew that wasn't the only thing on his mind. The creepy guy got aroused whenever he was near her! He'd had to have seen her nude before. Practically everyone in the school had. The fact that her penis was probably bigger then his didn't seem to phase him at all! "Please Shitagi, lets go now!" She glared at the newcomer. "I have an appointment with Principal Tendô. We don't have time to waste on your crazy experiments!" Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi had no fur to stand on end, but Tantô was no less causing her skin to crawl. So, she let go of her grip around Mascara, absentmindedly giving her a soothing stroke atop her mane of hair. Then, she walked to the mad Kunô scientist. "Say, Tantô-kun... have you ever heard of Pavlovian reaction?" "Of course, what a silly inquiry. It has been proved by the great Russian physiologist and doctor Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov that some biological reflexes could be conditioned to external stimuli like--" Shitagi interrupted the impromptu lesson. "Well, whenever I see your face, my fist has this uncontrollable reflex..." *POW* -CRUNCH- Tantô flew in straight line toward the outer wall of the school, and his body properly imbedded in the hard stone. Strangely, his maddening grin never left his face, although it was clear he was unconscious (otherwise he would still be talking). "Weird, hu?" mocked the elder Saotome daughter. Then she glanced at her fist and made a face. "Crud, I touched him... now I gotta wash my hands." Going back to Mascara, she gestured to the feline to follow her, and they resumed their walk to the Principal's office. Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney Mascara's unease was greatly soothed by Shitagi's gentle stroking. She watched with great amusement as her big sister sent the addled scientist wannabe flying through the air. "Myu, that was something else!" she said happily. "Shitagi, you have great control. You gave him your message, and didn't even bust him open!" Walking along with her big sister was suddenly something very nice. Without thinking, the feline's tail gently wrapped around Shitagi's waist. Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi didn't seem to mind Mascara's over-affectionate tail. She just shrugged. "I gave him my message alright, by I doubt he got it... he's way to thick in the skull for that." As for busting him open, like her sister suggested... as awfully tempted she was sometimes, Shitagi swore long ago that the only one she'd bring death upon would be Happôsai. Killing any ordinary creep would just cheapen her ultimate revenge. "That moron... I still can't believe he had the nerve to tag you and Kimiko-chan...." Oops! Shitagi clamped a hand over her mouth. She had wanted to keep this a secret from her sisters, just in case it could get useful later... though on the other hand, the receptor was busted, and she doubted she could convince Tantô to build another one just for her... so maybe it wasn't too bad. Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney "Myu, Tag me, like, like they tag ANIMALS?" The feline froze. This was horrible! It was bad enough she was tagged by that, that creep, but Kimiko? "Big sister? Could we wait a minute before going to school?" Mascara raised a paw. Her razor sharp claws glinted in the sun. "I want to show him a real animal! Lets find some cold water! He can study me while I cut him to ribbons!" For all her brave words, the feline was very hurt. She knew what she looked like. While her body was perfection itself with her glorious coat of fur, and her dual sexual traits, Mascara's biggest fear was that people wouldn't understand that she was really a people. She looked up at Shitagi, her golden eyes just seconds from filling with tears. "Big sister, you, myu, you don't think I'm just some animal, do you?" Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Hehe... did I forget to tell you about that?" mumbled Shitagi, trying to sound innocent. Which wasn't convincing at all; she might be a great martial artist, but she sure was a bad actress. However, Mascara wasn't listening to her, only rambling about what she will do to the mad Kunô scientist for his last stunt. Shitagi heartily approved the whole idea, but right now they should be at the Principal's office and should not tarry any more. So she'll had to break her sister's bubble and convince her that beating on the inbreed goof could wait for later. But before she could open her mouth, Mascara fixed her with those teary eyes... and asked her if she thought of the catgirl as an animal. This actually unbalanced the elder Saotome daughter. She often had harsh words for Mascara, but now she could tell it was a very important topic for her sister. And as loath Shitagi was to show her softer side, here she truly had no other choices. "Of course not, Mascara-chan. You may be a pervert, a ditz, and a major pain in the butt, but you're certainly not an animal. A most of all, you're my little sister. I may be sometimes harsh on my sisters, but it is only for their own good. If I ever have to punish you, it will be like a person. Heck, I turn into a real monster, and many people call me one, but do you think I care? Don't let other people's opinions got on you, Mascara-chan." Re: Kimiko, Mascara, Daiji, Shitagi... hu ho... Cuteycindyhoney Pervert, ditz, and major pain in the butt. Normally Mascara would have been angered at such a description of herself. Now these words, as well as being called Mascara-Chan made the 147 centimeters girl feel ten meters tall! "Thank you" she whispered while carefully hugging her sister so a certain part of her body didn't press against her. Her ears stood proudly adding that much more stature to the feline. She took a deep breath. "You're right, myu. There's no way that dork is worth the time of day!" She grabbed her sister's hand and actually pulled Shitagi along. "Come on! I have to go take my punishment like a Saotome!" Mascara, Shitagi & Kôcho Tendô St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Yeah, yeah..." Shitagi blushed a little from the hug, but let it slide. For once that Mascara was obedient. She followed as they stepped inside the school, heading toward the principal's office. "Still, that prove what I've told you earlier, you really need to work on your danger-sense. Tantô would never have gotten you if you were more aware. What does this freak said he'd done, already...?" She mused for a short while, trying to remember what the Kunô scientist had ranted earlier on the sport field. This wasn't easy, like most people she tended to drone out his ramblings. "Oh yeah, that he stuck an electronic tagger in your butt by using some sort of blowgun... a week ago. Do you remember it? You must have thought it was a bug stinging you at the time...." Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôcho Tendô Cuteycindyhoney Instinctively, Mascara rubbed her butt. Her lovely fur hid her blushing, but those who knew her best know twitching ears mean the same thing. The feline's ears became very active. "Um, myu, last week I was hunting, I mean bird watching, when a bee stung my behind." Her ears twitched again. "I was going to visit Doc Tôfû, but I was too embarrassed about it." The feline wisely didn't mention that the initial stinging pain had levitated her right up the nearest tree! "Myu, you're right, big sister. It was just plain stupid of me not to sense it was an attack!" Her paw shot back to her bottom. "Yuck! That thing must still be in my butt! Do you think I should get the school nurse to pull it out?" Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Later..." answered Shitagi. "If it hasn't bothered you since now, you can wait a bit longer. And I doubt the nurse office has what it'd take to remove it. A quick X-ray picture may be needed to spot exactly where that needle is. You would be better off asking Tôfû-sensei." While they were discussing, the siblings finally arrived in front of the Principal's office. Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô Cuteycindyhoney Ears still twitching, Mascara took a calming breath. "No, it isn't bothering me pain wise, myu, I just don't like having things stuck in me without my permission." Golden eyes opened wide at that comment. She had certainly "stuck something" inside Shitagi without permission! The feline was starting to really feel guilty about that now. "Myu, big sister?" she said quietly. "Thanks for not hating me." Mascara stood tall in front of the Principal's office. She would not appear weak now! She was a Saotome, darn it! Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô T.H. Tiger Hinako kicked off her slippers and curled her toes in the thick pile rug that covered her office floor. A luxury to be sure, but one she felt she deserved for keeping Fûrinkan High school in line. She was not a braggart, but she was not a modest person either, and she saw no shame in thinking that she could do her present job far better than anyone else. The proof of her feelings could be discovered from the very, very low number -- none -- who was interested in having her job. Doing something no one else wanted anything to do with was one form of job security. It also gave her one hell of a lot of leeway in the way she conducted her business. Becoming principal of Fûrinkan had allowed her to realize why Principal Kunô had gotten away with what he had. Hinako didn't abuse her status, much, but she enjoyed the knowledge that she could if she wanted to. But, right at the moment, what she wanted to do was to scratch an itch. Namely the one between her legs. One of the side effects of her younger form hitting puberty was that she was strongly susceptible to lust fueled battle aura. And as it was teenagers she was dealing with, most delinquents she drained were well supplied with lust. Hinako had found that if she didn't take care to scratch her itches on a regular bases, she could grow quite testy, which only compounded the problem as she drained other students. Unlike normal battle aura energy, which she could expel as a Ki blast, the only way to ease the lust variety was the old fashioned way, and she was in dire need of some of that relief right now. She settled back in her luxurious desk chair and slipped a hand between her legs. She felt no fear at indulging in such behavior in her office. No one in their right minds was going to barge into her office after hours, not if they valued their hides. Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô Cuteycindyhoney Mascara nervously licked at her paws for a quick groom while she stood before that most dreaded of doors. She took a couple swipes at her ears before deciding she couldn't delay things any more. "Myu, guess I better not put this off, right big sister?" The feline grasped the door handle and took a deep breath. She threw open the door and boldly stepped inside. "Mascara Saotome reporting for punishment from skipping class!" she announced loudly. Oh shoot! Was the Principal taking a nap? Her eyes were half closed, and her chair was tilted back. The massive desk nearly hid the beautiful woman from view. Oh wonderful! Now her punishment surely was going to double! "Myu, sorry for disturbing you Ma'am." She glanced back at Shitagi, and smiled weakly. "Shitagi caught me fair and square. I, myu, I thought it best if I came right over and reported to you." Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi had a little zoned out after Mascara's comment about not hating her. It was true that what the feline had done was sometimes the stuff out of Shitagi's nightmare. And she sure intended to make her pay for that, by driving her into the ground with some taskmaster training. But the elder Saotome couldn't really bring herself to hate the catgirl. Probably because her sister always sounded so innocent about it, even when she was acting like a perverted tomcat. Shitagi had already rationalized that loosing her virginity to Mascara wasn't as bad as if it had happened with a boy. A hermaphrodite wasn't really a male. So it didn't count. Shitagi still had a hand raised in the air, ready to knock on the door, when Mascara unexpectedly threw it open. She sweatdropped at the sight of Principal Tendô jumping in surprise from the sudden intrusion. Oh boy... she hoped her step-grandmother wasn't going to be mad. She was here to drag Mascara to discipline, not get into the crossfire.... Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô T.H. Tiger Hinako barely had time to yank her hand free from its compromising position when she heard the door start to open. Her heart jumped into her throat, and the sensation of panic stirred her fight or flee reflex, and being who she was, fight won out. "What do you think you are doing!?" she demanded in a cold voice as she glared at Mascara and Shitagi. Her anger was further fueled by the feeling of intense frustration. She'd been on the verge of orgasm, and even now she could feel a heavy sensation in her belly that raised her ire to new heights. It also made her very aware of the way Shitagi's shorts clung to her body, and the way her nipples nearly poked holes in her tank top. Shitagi's arrogant mannerisms, combined with her luscious body, always brought out the not so latent dominatrix part of Hinako, and it was always with regret that she let herself be restricted to merely draining the girl's chi when she got out of line. Mascara's attire, while loose, was not lose enough to fully conceal the large package she packed between her small legs, and Hinako could make out the trace of a bulge that extended down the inside leg of Mascara's shorts, stopping just short of the bottom. Hinako, while in teen form, had often lusted after that object, and her mature form was not immune to the possibilities either. The difference being that it would be unethical for a principal to let one other students fuck her bowlegged, while it would only be naughty, and not criminal for her teenage self to do it. Aware that she'd let herself be distracted by lustful thoughts, she heightened the glare she was giving the girls, and demanded. "Well! I'm waiting for an answer!" Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô Cuteycindyhoney Mascara felt her heart nearly stop. She had never seen the Principal quite this angry before! The lovely woman's face was flushed, and her eyes flashed fire. It was almost like she was... the feline put a hasty stop to THOSE thoughts. Her penis gave a twitch. "I, myu, um, I was just reporting in." she said in a shaky voice. "I, um, I was playin' hooky and, ah, Shitagi caught me. I, um, I thought you'd want to see me before school tomorrow." The catgirl suddenly noticed a bit of a cool breeze. She froze, hoping against hope that what she suspected wasn't happening. She dared not look down and draw attention to what she feared. While not quite erect, her penis was expressing a healthy interest in the principal's lovely body. It had grown just enough that the head was peeking out a tiny bit from under the leg of her shorts! "M-Maybe, myu, I should come back later... Is that okay?" Jo Han to the Principal pboost1 Jo Han felt it was a long time to wait for the principal so he went to the secretary to see what was going on. "May I go and see the principal? Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi, too, was feeling like shrinking to three feet tall under the gaze of the irate principal. Hinako-san was one of the few adults that could overpower her, either by her chi-draining abilities or by her domineering personality. Yet, she didn't let Mascara-chan walk out of the office, bodily interposing herself. "Eer... yes... Hinako-sensei..." she started to blurt out. Although, technically, the woman was their step-grandmother (by alliance), Hinako didn't like much being called "obâsan"... she sure wasn't looking like an old woman anyway. "*glorp* You did... command me to not let Kimiko and Mascara play hooky... and bring them back, do you remember? I'm sorry it took so long. They put quite a fight... and Kimiko-chan can be excused, she's at the doctor now. She... hu... stretched herself a bit too much by trying a new technique...." Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô T.H. Tiger Hinako pointed a finger at Mascara. "Stay!" she said firmly. "No! Better, go over there!" she said, changing her mind. She pointed her finger at her desk. The broad wooden desk was a gleaming bit of woodwork, the top bare of any clutter. Hinako liked order, at least when she was in her mature form. At home she had two bedrooms, one for her mature self, and one for her teen self. Her mature self would not step inside the pigsty that was her teen room. Turning away from Mascara, Hinako glowered at Shitagi. "True, I did send you to find them. It seems to have taken you a very long time to do so. Not what I would have expected of someone of your talents." Hinako ran her eyes up and down Shitagi's scantily clad body, and then looked over at Mascara, her eyes lingering for a moment on the growing bulge in Mascara's shorts. "I see you had a bit of trouble. I do hope you controlled yourself while in your cursed form. Or maybe that is too much to hope for. Tell me. I can guess how you lost your clothes. What happened to Mascara's?" she asked, arching an eyebrow at Shitagi. Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "True, I did send you to find them. It seems to have taken you a > very long time to do so. Not what I would have expected of someone > of your talents." "But-but... that's not my fault... they played hard to get... hu... I mean... they were slippery... ack!" > "I see you had a bit of trouble. I do hope you controlled yourself > while in your cursed form. Or maybe that is too much to hope for. > Tell me. I can guess how you lost your clothes. What happened to > Mascara's?" Shitagi sweatdropped. Hinako's question was, understandably, more than a bit embarrassing, on several levels. How was she supposed to explain that she'd find Mascara and Kimiko already naked? And that the clothes got destroyed in the "fight" that blew up the roof of the bathhouse? "That's... complicated..." she stammered. She tried to think of some excuse, but her mind was drawing a blank. So, she simply chose to stay evasive. "Maybe... I went a bit overboard during the fight and shredded Mascara's uniform... I'm not sure... that's all their fault, they really angered me...." Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô Cuteycindyhoney Mascara let out a little mewl of fear. The principal's eyes moved over her body. SHE SAW! The beautiful woman took a moment to stare right at her, uh, shorts. To her dismay, that only made her penis begin to grow fully erect. The head was now sticking completely out of the leg of her shorts. The feline slipped behind the desk, and prayed that somehow, some way, her condition was not noticed! In near panic, the catgirl tried to help keep Shitagi out of this mess. "Ma'am, it really wasn't Shitagi's fault. We, myu, we did get into a fight! It was a fierce battle. You should have seen it! Shitagi beat us though, fair and square. She's goin' to train me so I can become a better fighter." In her desperation, the feline didn't know when to stop adding to her lie. "Oh, our clothes. That wasn't Shitagi's fault either. They only ripped because they were in the way when Shitagi needed to get her tentacles into our..." She clapped her paws over her mouth. "I, I mean, they ripped, so I got changed." she mumbled quietly from behind trembling paws. Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô T.H. Tiger Hinako froze. Like a machine, her head swiveled to look at the sputtering Mascara, and then turned back to look at Shitagi. What she saw there, in Shitagi's eyes, was confirmation of Mascara's stumble. Not that she'd needed such proof. Mascara did not possess a single drop of guile in her body. She was incapable of deception of the sort necessary to be faking what she had just said. Her voice a cold monotone, Hinako said. "When you two girls started this school, parents came to me, worried parents. 'What if they?' they asked. 'What if they kill, eat, rape, our children? They are monsters after all.' I said, 'They are children, not monsters.' Silly me." Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "WHA...?!" Shitagi cried, mouth gaping, before getting back a semblance of control. "D-Don't listen to that twit! She has no idea what she's talking about! I didn't rip her clothes with my tentacles, she and Kimiko had already take them off..." Ooops... Shitagi slapped a hand on her face. Foot-in-mouth had always been a well-spread genetic disease in the Saotome line. The girl wondered for a short while if she could hope making things any better by cutting her own tongue.... Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô Cuteycindyhoney Mascara felt her ears nearly vibrate with embarrassment. "Myu! Don't blame Kimiko!" she said nearly in tears. "Nothing would have happened if you didn't butt in while Kimiko and I were making love!" Trying to clear the air was only make things worse. VERY worse! The feline trembled behind the desk. She was now fully erect! If the Principal saw that, she'd be thrown out of school for sure! In pure desperation, the feline shut herself up by shoving the end of her tail into her mouth. Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô T.H. Tiger "Oh, so you only used your tentacles on them after they took their clothes off? That is ever so much better..." Hinako drawled in a strongly sarcastic tone of voice. "Don't chew your tail, dear, no one likes a bald pussy," she said a second later to Mascara, years of conditional response dictating her words. Only after they were out was she aware of how some people might take them. Hinako glared at Shitagi, daring her to say something ribald. At the same time she tried to ignore what was happening between Mascara's legs. 'My goodness, when did our little kitten get so "bit"!' she thought to herself. Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "I d-do-do... I d-d-didn't... I d-d-d..." Shitagi pathetically stammered. Then her head slumped forward. She let out a deep sight and simply added "Gosh... that's no use... just get over with it and drain me, sensei. Yes, suck off my hardly-gained battle aura and leave me a dried-up, crumbling zombie, since I deserved it...." Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô T.H. Tiger Hinako narrowed her eyes at Shitagi's submission. Draining her would not be nearly as much punishment if she submitted to it. Not only did it protect a great deal of her aura from Hinako's drag, but with her resentment, all it really amounted to was making her tired for a few hours. Not nearly sufficient punishment for what she'd done. It wasn't just what she'd done to Mascara and Kimiko, Hinako was actually worried about Shitagi herself. Behavior like that could draw the attention of a demon hunter, or the Sailor Senshi, and as powerful as Shitagi thought herself to be, she was vulnerable to people trained to deal lethally with creatures such as her cursed form. She glanced at Mascara, considering if she should send the girl to counseling to deal with the trauma, and caught sight, or rather, didn't catch sight, or Mascara's erection. From her posture and stance it was pretty clear what she was hiding however. That gave Hinako a sudden inspiration. Both Shitagi and Mascara were of age, and maybe the best therapy for Mascara would be a little revenge? "I don't think so, Shitagi," she said in answer to the girl's request to get it over with. "That's too easy a punishment for what you've done. I think you deserve something that will truly deter you from doing something like this again." Her gaze hardened and she walked a fifty- yen coin over the back of her fingers. "Strip!" she ordered Shitagi. Re: Jo Han to the Principal pboost1 Jo Han, seeing as how he wasn't getting anything from the secretary, decided to go straight to the door and figure out what was going on for himself. "Excuse me, Principal, may I come in?" he asked through the door. Re: Mascara, Shitagi & Kôchô Tendô Cuteycindyhoney Drain me? Suck off? Mascara gave a little whimper when she heard those words. Oh how she would just love to be drained and sucked off! The feline slouched even lower as her cock gave a rather strong throb. When the principal ordered Shitagi to strip, Mascara's ears stood straight up! Her cock tried too also, but the straining gym shorts held her erection at bay. Her golden eyes opened wide as they zeroed in on her big sister. Let's face it. Kimiko was absolutely beautiful, but that didn't mean Mascara didn't like seeing beauty elsewhere. If Shitagi's punishment was to strip, Mascara was going to watch every second of it! She stood a little taller. "S-Shitagi, you have to!" she said softly. "You know Pop ordered us to obey the school rules!" Reflexively, the catgirl licked her chops. She was starting to drool a tiny bit as she waited for her own private show. Re: Jo Han to the Principal St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "W-W-What? Strip? B-But-But Principal you can't...." Shitagi stammered. Okay, it certainly wasn't the first time Hinako asked her to strip -- obviously to inflict some sexual punishment. Since the disciplinarian was both family and among the rare people who could overpower Shitagi, Ranma gave Hinako the authorization to "discipline" the eldest daughter a long time ago. This often resulted in some naughty bondage and S.-M. session. Which Shitagi hardly protested against, usually. However, this time it wasn't just the beautiful teacher and her. Mascara was also here, and Shitagi knew from experience that being naked around the horny hermaphrodite wasn't a wise thing. She might had forgiven her the little earlier "incident", but certainly never intended to make it an habit. So, for once, she was reluctant to obey the Principal, despite knowing how formidable the woman could be. That's when, of course, Jo Han stepped behind Shitagi and called out. This, understandably, freaked out the already nerve-wracked girl. Can you say bad timing? Jumping in fright and swirling around, Shitagi reacted in a way that would make any pervert-bashing zealot proud (even if the object of her ire was entirely innocent). "HENTAI!! YOU WERE HOPING TO SEE ME NAKED, WERE YOU?!" she yelled. Before Jo Han could protest this, she joined her open palms and released a big, crackling, bright yellow, point-blank ki-blast at the unfortunate boy... immediately sending him to crash in the opposite wall of the corridor. Re: Jo Han to the Principal pboost1 Jo Han didn't recognize Shitagi from the back as they only faced off once earlier in the day, so he wasn't expecting the reaction that happened to happen. > "HENTAI!! YOU WERE HOPING TO SEE ME NAKED, WERE YOU?!" she yelled. "What? I..." > Before Jo Han could protest this, she joined her open palms and > released a big, crackling, bright yellow, point-blank ki-blast at the > unfortunate boy... Seeing her set up an attack caused him to raise his defense, but he was only able to deflect a very small portion, and that portion was deflected went straight for the Principal. The rest of the blast hit him dead on... Re: Jo Han to the Principal Cuteycindyhoney Mascara didn't think, there just wasn't time! The feline sprang over the desk as Shitagi fired off her attack. Bounding on all fours, the catgirl raced across the room. The fiery blast of energy lashed out just as the red and purple streak of fur reached the principal. Mascara launched at the lovely woman, and knocked her to the floor just as the stray energy was reflected back at the older woman. The feline let out a little yip of pain as the very tip of her tail was scorched. "Myu! Are you alright, ma'am?' she asked breathlessly as she lay over the woman. Mascara's eyes opened wide. "I do have a danger sense!" she cried out happily. Her eyes opened even wider. "Um, I, I'm sorry ma'am!" It felt very nice to press her erect cock against the principal's body, but Mascara scrambled off of the woman. "Sorry, myu!" she stammered. "Please go on, myu. Make Shitagi naked!" Re: Jo Han to the Principal St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi had been very surprised by Jo Han's defensive move -- people able to refract part of her energy attack where new to her (although Hinako-sensei could generally absorb them like a sponge absorb water). Still, her reflexes had kicked in, and she'd thrown herself backward to avoid the blast, which flew in the Principal office. She didn't see Mascara saving Hinako, she was too busy landing hard on her butt. Rubbing said butt, she glared at the wall-imbedded Jo Han. "WHA... How dare you deflect my attack!!" Re: Jo Han to the Principal T.H. Tiger Tossing Ki attacks at Hinako was less effective that trying to assault an elephant with peanuts. And much more dangerous. The elephant, after all, might think you are being friendly. So, Hinako had been in no danger from Shitagi's deflected attack, and she wouldn't have been in any danger from Mascara's rescue either. Except, she realized that Mascara was acting with good intentions and blasting her away would have been poor return for the gesture. Which did not mean she was happy to be bowled over by a furry bowling ball. The feel of Mascara's oversized dick pressing right against her groin would have made her feel a lot happier, if they'd been alone. As it was, all it really did was reinforce her sour temperament. And to hear Shitagi's outraged comments gave her a target for her wrath. "How dare you fire off an attack!" she yelled at Shitagi. "You have five seconds to get yourself bare-assed, or I'm going to drain you and do it myself." Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi jumped to her feet, did a double-take between Hinako-sensei and the imbedded Jo Han, only now realizing just what she'd just done. "WHA...? B-But Hinako-sensei, it's not my fault, it's that stupid guy, he took me by surprise and I was just...." Shitagi's voice died off when she saw the glare that the Principal was directing at her. She knew pretty well that when the older woman was in this kind of mood, there was now discussing with here. Hanging her head down, she whimpered "A-Ai, sensei..." Turning toward Jo Han, she said quickly "Hu... sorry about that." before... closing the door, and isolating the boy in the corridor. She was going to obey the Principal, but she sure as hell didn't want of a male audience. Mascara-chan was bad enough already. Trotting to the desk while Mascara and Hinako were getting back to their feet, Shitagi turned her back to them... and began pushing down her short and panties. Her face was very red, but she courageously exposed her lower body, before stepping out of the garments. She then leaned on the desk, her still covered top pressing the wood as she offered her round and full ass to view. She was fully expecting a switching, or at least a painful ass-spanking from the irate Headmaster; it wouldn't be the first time. Shuddering in anticipation, she closed her eyes and waited for the worst. Re: Jo Han to the Principal pboost1 > Rubbing said butt, she glared at the wall-imbedded Jo Han. "WHA... > How dare you deflect my attack!!" Jo Han was barely conscious after the point blank attack, but he was aware enough to know that she was talking to him. "You... should... know... better... than... re...leas...ing... an attack... like... that... indoors. ... Sorry... principal... didn't... mean... to...." he said with a lot of pain as each word was spoken. Before he finished talking, they could tell he went unconscious, or passed out from the blast. His father would not like the idea of seeing him this way. But with Jo Han passing out, he starting peeling from the wall and fell face-first onto the ground. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney This was so, well, hot! Mascara never saw Shitagi act so quickly to obey someone before! Between accidentally rubbing her cock against the principal, and now getting a real good look at her big sister's sexy butt, Mascara was getting extremely turned on! A paw slipped slowly, slyly down. Good, the principal was watching Shitagi. A soft purr escaped as the feline dared a quick little stroke of her hard cock. If only she could step right up, and do what she was imagining herself doing with Shitagi. No, that could never be! Shitagi would kill her dead, and the principal would then throw her so far out of school that she'd bounce like Kimiko! "Myu? Ma'am? Could, could I go to the bathroom?" she asked hopefully. Her only option was to take a bathroom break, and take matters in hand, so to speak. She'd be just fine after a quick stroke-off session! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako pulled her gaze away from Shitagi's full firm ass and looked at Mascara with a sardonic expression. The little catgirl had just about zero guile. Or rather, she had lots of guile, but she was incredibly bad at it. Even if her tone of voice hadn't been enough to make Hinako suspicious, the huge bulge in her shorts, and the tip of her prick sticking out the leg of her shorts, would have removed any doubt. It also eased any pangs she might have had in regards to the way she intended to punish Shitagi. The girl needed to learn a really serious lesson. What she had apparently done to Kimiko and Mascara could not be excused. This was far too serious for a simple switching, even one that left her unable to sit down for a week. She needed to be on the receiving end of some abuse. More specifically, some abuse that was not in some ways pleasurable to her. Hinako had not missed the fact that Shitagi was usually good for several orgasms during their discipline sessions. Hinako had a feeling that Mascara would make a most effective punishment tool. "You may not," she said to Mascara. "Justice must be seen to be done. I want you here to witness Shitagi's punishment. Indeed. Maybe you should help me administer it? Do you think you could give your sister a good switching?" Enjoying the look in Mascara's eyes at that question, and the way Shitagi's ass suddenly clenched tight, Hinako did not give her a chance to answer, but instead addressed Shitagi. "As much as I approve your willingness to assume the -position-, I think you are a bit premature. There is one other person who you've wronged, or rather, two. Kimiko can't be here to witness your punishment. We will have to have another session when she is. That leaves poor Jo Han, who you left bruised and battered in the hallway. "I would have you take him to the nurse, and then return here, but the nurse is gone for the day, so I think it best if you brought him in and made him comfortable on my couch." Hinako pointed at the convertible sofa-bed directly behind Shitagi. A piece of furniture that she'd used on more than one occasion for something other than sitting or sleeping. As Shitagi well knew. "Well, what are you waiting for!" she snapped out when Shitagi showed no sign of moving. "And don't waste any time putting your shorts back on, you're only going to have to take them off again. And now that I think about it, you might as well take off that top as well. We might as well be symmetrical." Truth, was, Hinako knew she was pushing it, but she also knew that Shitagi had stepped so far over the line that she pretty much had carte blanche as far as punishing her went. She intended to take full advantage of that. Not just because she was currently sexually frustrated and a serious pervert, but because she honestly cared about Shitagi, and did not like the direction her life was taking with this last little indiscretion. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi's eyes bulged when Hinako ordered her to go fetch Jo Han... and even worse when she forbid her to put back her shorts. She jumped above the desk and swirled around, facing Hinako while waving a hand in denial between them. "WHAT! No way I'm going to let ANY perverted guy look at me while in the nude! I can't do that! Please, Hinako-sensei!" Her plea would have sounded less hypocritical if one didn't remember that Shitagi's "battle gear" of choice consisted solely of lingerie, and that she had more than once let the male half of the students drool at her during her fights. In the corridor, a shadow fell on the downed Jo Han as a student stopped to examine him, and then the hall. "Hmmm... my fellow Chinese student from this hall of learning..." started an aggravating voice, "It seems you went very recently into an encounter of the violent kind, with, I'd guess from the circumstantial evidence of collateral damage, one Saotome Shitagi, or rather her favorite manifestation of concentrated life-energy bolt that are so often unscientifically qualified of 'Ki-Blast'. Well, be entirely convinced that I sympathize wholly with your pain, I had myself to extirpate my physical envelope from the indentation caused in the outer wall of the school (that I'd call item 'A') by a high-velocity collision between said item 'A' and my own body (which I'd call item 'B'), said impact caused by our now common Nemesis, that seriously imbalanced and stubbornly homosexual female (that I'd call item 'C')...." And Tantô Kunô went on, and on, and on, not bothering to check if Jo Han was conscious enough to even hear him. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han just lay on the ground, oblivious to what was going on around him. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara stared openly at her bottomless sister, and had some very happy thoughts. If only Shitagi would do as she was told and take her top off too! Mascara didn't dare let the principal know she was just dying to 'do it' with Shitagi, but she could do something to improve the view. "Big sister, myu, Sensei said to finish undressing!" She took a deep breath before risking Shitagi's wrath. "I'll tell pop you refused a direct order from the principal! Myu! You'll be in BIG trouble" The feline wasn't thinking. Her paw was lightly stroking the lump in her shorts as she spoke. "We both promised to obey the school rules. Take your punishment, like a Saotome. Then I'll take mine, myu!" Mascara felt her ears twitch. Hopefully her punishment wouldn't be to undress. She cock would pop like a big ol' shoot of bamboo if she took her shorts off! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako scowled, at both Shitagi and Mascara equally. To Shitagi she said, "This is punishment, young lady. If you 'liked' it, it would be called 'reward'." She ran her eyes up and down Shitagi's body, nude from the waist down form. "Or maybe you're afraid Jo Han will think you look like a frog and laugh at you?" she added sarcastically. "Now take that top of this instant and do what I told you!" she bellowed, adding a bit of battle aura to her voice so that Shitagi's hair was blown backward from the force. Hinako was not finished yet, she turned from Shitagi and lowered her gaze so she was glowering down at Mascara. "As for you, young lady, if I feel your father needs to know, 'I' will tell him! I do not need help from a disobedient, slacker kitten!" A speculative look crossed her face. "But, you did bring up a good point. You are here for a little discipline as well. I think you should follow your sister's earlier good example." Hinako leaned down till her eyes were inches away from Mascara's and she hissed. "Take off your clothes and assume the position, young lady!" she ordered. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Now take that top of this instant and do what I told you!" she > bellowed, adding a bit of battle aura to her voice so that > Shitagi's hair was blown backward from the force. Considering that Shitagi's hair was mostly contained in a rope-like pigtail, rolled upon itself in a tubular shape and weighing several pounds, that was an impressive feat from Hinako's voice. Shitagi winced, her eyes closed against the wind, and she whimpered. Then, though, she lowered her face and weakly mumbled "A-Ai Sensei..." She crossed arms and lifted her top, baring a pair of bounciful, perfectly shaped breasts that many a boy in school had fantasized about. When the top went past her head, it got entangled with the base of her braid, and she struggled a little with it. There was an audible snap, but finally she pulled her hair from the neck hole... "Here... I'm naked, Sensei." she said in a subdued voice... ... just as her incredible mane of hair, which had mysteriously come undone from the pigtail and was now flowing free, fell over her body and closed like a cape, hiding almost every inch of skin. * * * In the corridor, Tantô had stopped ranting once he realized that he had no audience. Kneeling next to Jo Han, he scratched his head before nodding to himself. Pulling something from his Labcoat of Many Pockets, he waved a vial before Jo Han's face, from which emanated a very strong smell, not unlike ammoniac. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 As Kunô waved the bottle under Jo Han's nose, Jo Han didn't really move. The smell just caused him to turn his head away, slowly. The action was more of a reaction, as Jo Han was still knocked out. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was quite impressed with the principal's aura boosted yell. She giggled softly until she suddenly found herself the focus of attention again. "No ma'am, um, yes ma'am!" she stammered as piercing eyes locked on to hers. "Myu?" she whimpered as her own punishment was assigned. "Y-Y-Yes m-ma'am." she whispered as a fearful shiver ran from the tops of her ears to the tip of her tail. After what she just said to Shitagi about accepting her punishment like a Saotome, she didn't dare refuse! The top was no problem. She just shrugged that right off. When she wasn't sportin' wood, she preferred going nude anyway. Clothes were just plain silly for a fur person with such lovely fur as herself! Now was different though. Her mind had decided that perhaps the principal hadn't noticed her "problem". After all, Sensei was such a nice person normally. She wouldn't be staring down at people's crotches! Her paws fumbled at the waistband of her shorts. With a low moan, she pulled them down and stepped out of them. "S-Sorry 'bout that." she breathed almost silently as her erection sprang free, and actually bopped against her tummy. She scurried to the desk and leaned over it. The feline moaned and scooted back a little. Hopefully Sensei didn't notice the short burst of pleasure when she pressed her cock against the desk! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako hissed in displeasure when Shitagi's hair came loose and enveloped her like a modern-day lady Godiva. She knew that the wicked girl had done it on purpose to avoid exposing herself. She was obeying the letter of Hinako's order, while disobeying the spirit. Normally Hinako would not allow her to get away with this. She still kept a pair of the former Principal's clippers in her desk as a souvenir. And for a moment she contemplated removing all of Shitagi's body hair, and not just that on top of her head. Her anger faded quickly as she noticed something. Shitagi had made a mistake. She might think her hair provided a good cover, but in the truth, as Hinako watched, she realized that nothing could be further from the truth. Every little motion Shitagi made caused her hair to shift, allowing tantalizing little views of her body to peek through. A belly button, a perky pink nipple, a knee, an inner thigh. Shitagi's covering was in fact the ultimate in natural peep shows. She'd cause a riot in a nudist colony walking around like that. Any male student, and not a few female ones, who spotted her in the hall would be having wet dreams for the rest of the semester. As a result of this observation, Hinako did not rant or rave or drain or lecture, she simply said. "Well, what are you waiting for, go succor your victim." Having disposed of Shitagi for the moment, Hinako turned to Mascara, and was pleased to say that she'd obeyed her orders. But, it seemed she, like her sister, could not help trying to preserve a little modesty. Her tail was curled up between her legs, neatly bisecting her ass, and obscuring the sight of her plumb little pussy, which was usually cast in the shade by Mascara's generous male endowments. Hinako did not know that Mascara was not actually trying to use her tail to conceal herself, at least not on a conscious level. She was simply reacting in an instinctive manner to protect her sensitive nether parts from what her aware mind knew was coming. So she was not in the least gentle when she took a firm hold of Mascara's plushy furred tail and yanked it out from between her legs and upward hard enough to make Mascara stand up on tiptoes. Hinako's eyes widened as she got her first good look, in a few years, at Mascara's male endowment. The bulge and peek-a-boo show earlier had not prepared her for the naked glory that was Mascara heavily laden balls. "What a pair..." she said in a breathy voice, imagining the creamy goodness that such a package could deliver. Her attention fully on Mascara's swinging testicles, she didn't even notice she was still hoisting the tiny girl upward by the tail. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Anyone else -- ANYONE! -- would have been cut to ribbons for so roughly handling the feline's pride and joy! The poor catgirl scrambled trying to keep her feet on the floor. Her claws extended by themselves. Mascara wasn't thinking of attacking. Oh no, she was trying to get some of her weight back on her feet! "SORRRY!" she wailed as tears filled her eyes. Panic filled her heart. "Don't cut it off! MYU! Don't cut off my beautiful tail! I'll be good! I give my word!" Pain was doing what nothing else would. Her "little tail" was rapidly losing interest in pretty girls! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi was relieved that Hinako didn't explode from her little disobedience. Still, she was wary of what the sadistic Principal could come up with. If only she could run out juice and shrink down to "Chibi" (okay... not that chibi) form. Then, following their accord, Shitagi would be the one in charge! But it was doubtful Hinako would falter like that in front of Mascara. Shitagi would probably end up drained before this happened. She was tempted to feign having not understood what Hinako meant by "succor your victim", but she doubted the woman would forget about Jo Han that easily. So, she slumped her shoulders, and walked to the door. Doing so, her long hair was trailing on the floor and the "cape" it formed around her body gaped a bit on the front. Shitagi was realizing the same thing as Hinako earlier... her "cloak of hair" was barely adequate to hide her full body all the time. The slightest move, the tiniest movement offered glimpse of her skin. She was a walking fan- service, it was hard to keep any measure of cover all the time. Steeling herself, she nonetheless opened the door, thinking it was unlikely anybody could see her -- and she could anyway gouge Jo Han's eyes out of their orbits if he even dared glancing at her. On the other side of the door, Tantô Kunô was pursing his lips in annoyance. He would have expected his little preparation to be more efficient, but the boy seemed really out of it. Well, maybe he needed a little boost. Thankfully, he had just the right kind of vitamin cocktail on him.... Shitagi opened the door, to witness a disturbing sight. Tantô was kneeling next the Jo Han with a syringe in hand, and about to inject Jo Han with whatever it could contain. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" she yelled in shock. "Just administrating first aid..." started the mad scientist-wannabe, but uncharacteristically didn't elaborate... because he was too busy staring at the girl's attire, eyes wide behind his glasses. Shitagi growled, and didn't let him enjoy the view for long. Kicking Tantô in the face, she imbedded him in the same man-shaped imprint that Jo Han left earlier. Then she grabbed the Chinese boy by his clothes and dragged him inside the Principal's office. She hoped Hinako wouldn't berate her further for having hit Tantô... which was likely, since bashing the crazy Kunô boy was essentially a common sport in Fûrinkan. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Shitagi's outburst caused Hinako to turn her head, and inadvertently hoist Mascara's ass a little bit higher. Seeing that the person Shitagi was assaulting was Tantô, she stopped the invective she'd been about to direct at Shitagi before it escaped her lips. As Shitagi had guessed, any assault on Tantô was classified as justified unless otherwise proven. In his case Hinako practiced Napoleonic law. He was guilty till proven innocent. So far she'd never had cause to regret that policy. Hinako watched Shitagi just long enough to make sure she was indeed following instructions, and was not using the boy's hair, or other delicate body parts as a handle. Satisfied, she turned back to her current project. Letting her warm gaze wonder over Mascara's small, but shapely posterior. It was wonderfully formed, and the soft layer of fur that lent it a lovely color only improved its appearance. It was currently flexing attractively as Mascara yowled and pleaded and tried to keep her toes on the floor. "Be still!" Hinako ordered, relaxing her arm just enough to let Mascara get her feet back on the ground. "I'm a firm environmentalist. I would never cut down such a wonderful natural resource. Not when I have a much better use for it." Hinako slid her free hand over Mascara's bum, and down between her legs, cupping her heavy balls in her palm and letting her fingers gently fondle them. "So full of lovely juice," she murmured in a distracted tone. Hinako gave her head a sudden shake, realizing she'd started to daydream. She hastily removed her fingers, letting Mascara's balls fall free to swing back and forth. "But that is neither here nor there at the moment. You have been a very bad kitty, and you need to be punished." As she'd talked, Hinako has let Mascara's tail slip through her fingers till she was holding it near the tip. Leaning forward she tugged it upward till she could grab a hank of Mascara's hair and secure the two together. Standing back she admired her handiwork. With her tail pulled up and away from her ass and secured to her head, the catgirl had no way to protect her vulnerable rump. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Wonderful natural resource? Those words, and the fact that her feet were on the ground again, went far to ease the feline's fears. She held still as ordered, and was shocked and delighted at a gentle hand stroking her bottom, and caressing her testicles. "Myu? Don't stop Sensei" she whispered before something very strange happened. "W-Wait!" The tug on her tall returned at a much less painful level though. "Oh No!" The feline looked at the ceiling. She didn't want to. It wasn't very interesting. The tension of her tail tied to her hair was keeping her from moving her head! If she tried to look down, it hurt her tail too much. "Punishment?" she gasped. "Isn't, isn't this it, myu?" The feline felt like a bow ready for an arrow to be knocked. Her most private of areas was now open to anyone's gaze. "W- What are you gonna do, Sensei? Um, myu, Y-You could just send me home with a note saying I have to go to bed without supper! That's a good punishment. I, I mean a bad one!" She quivered and closed her legs in a useless attempt at protecting herself. "Myu! I, sorry! I said I'd be good! Please let me go... pretty please?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi dragged Jo Han inside and unceremoniously put him on the couch. She was glad he looked still out of it. Would the Principal let him watch while she dispensed her punishment? That would be very cruel. But she'd endure. Peering between her strands of hair, she watched Hinako-sensei roughly manhandle Mascara. She felt a short stab of jealousy at that, although she could admit she enjoyed the sight. With what Mascara had dared do to her, in retaliation for just a little bit of tentacle sex, it was entirely deserved. Of course, the little minx was reacting like a panicked kitten. It was so shameful, couldn't she endure like a martial artist? Shitagi was very tempted to offer her help to the Headmaster. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 As Shitagi dragged Jo Han into the office, he was still out of it. Everyone could tell by the knocked out look on his face. When Shitagi threw him on the couch, the force caused his arm to rise slightly and came close to touching the hair around Shitagi's breast. With him landing on the couch, he slumped there, with him still being out cold. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger The principal walked around the desk till she could stare straight down into Mascara's upturned face. She took hold of Mascara's chin with two fingers, and tutted, "Let you go? Don't be silly. I can see that I've been far too lax with you. A girl your age should be more responsible. Wandering off like that, unsupervised, someone terrible could happen to you." Hinako lifted her gaze and sent a fulminating look toward Shitagi. "Oh, excuse me, someone terrible did happen to you." She pointed an imperious finger toward the space on the desk next to Mascara, and said, "What are you doing over there? You've made your latest victim comfortable, now get over here next to one of your other victims so I can make you uncomfortable!" Hinako was starting to get that wonderful warm feeling between her legs that a punishment session with Shitagi always resulted in. Not that she was not perfectly serious in her punishments. She considered taking down Shitagi's arrogance one of her most important jobs. No one as powerful as Shitagi was should escape learning humility. The fact that the punishment was great fun was a pleasant side effect for her. Mascara's presence added to the situation. She was old enough to participate, and truth was, Hinako had been looking for an excuse to paddle her furry bottom for some time now. Mascara might not possess Shitagi's arrogance, but she was far too prone to live for the moment, and give no consideration to the future. Hinako meant to instill one possible future so firmly in her mind that she could never forget to think of it. Hinako was no hypocrite, however. If Shitagi was arrogant, she shared that fault in spades. It was one big reason why she and Shitagi had their little private arrangement. The one that said her teen form was fair game for Shitagi's attentions. Not out of any fear of the exposure of her secret on Hinako's part, but rather because she realized she needed to be hauled up short herself. Knowing that turnabout was inevitable moderated her own behavior a great deal, and helped her from going too far over the edge. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi jumped backward to avoid Jo Han's hand rubbing her boob. She glared at the boy, but she wasn't deluded enough to accuse him of being perverted when plain unconscious. Shitagi then heard what Hinako was saying to Mascara, and when the Principal ordered her to get closer, she didn't delay in obeying. In a flash, she was next to the catgirl and the sensei, her incredible mane billowing behind her. "Yes Hinako-sensei! You are so right! That's something I say all the time to Mascara-chan. She's completely irresponsible and out of control. I try to educate her, I try to make her behave in a proper way, as it is the duty of the older sister, but she still insist of being unruly!" Yes, Shitagi could suck up... at least when was it was for saying bad things about others, she sure could. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 The smells from Kunô started working on Jo Han, but not until he was lying down on the couch. As he started coming too, he heard Shitagi talking. The sound wasn't right next to him, so he figured she was somewhere in the room. "Oohh... what... hit... me?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney This was getting worse and worse! It was great fun watching Shitagi get undressed, and the way her hair moved around her was so thrilling, but what was going on? Mascara thought for a moment only Shitagi was in trouble. Now, here she was with her hair tied to her tail by the most beautiful principal in all of Japan. The feline whimpered and closed her eyes. She couldn't afford to think like that! If her penis got any harder she'd explode! Something terrible was happening! Mascara realized it wasn't just her maleness being aroused. Why was her body acting like she liked this? She went into a mild panic when Shitagi joined her at the desk. "Myu! Please, don't let Big Sister hit me!" she whined. Surely that was why she was tied like this! "I don't mean to be unruly! Things just always seem to happen!" Embarrassment and fear actually let the catgirl stand up to her big sister. (Well, she was still leaning over the desk, but she managed to gather her courage!) "Big sister, this is all your fault, myu! How do you know Kimiko and I wouldn't have come back to school if you didn't 'mess' with us?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako had moved around the desk while Mascara had been wailing, and Shitagi had been getting in position. So she was in a good position to bring her hand down in a hard swat against Mascara's furry bottom. "SMACK" By sheer coincidence, the sound, and the noise Mascara made, drowned out Jo Han's mumbling as he regained consciousness. "Young lady, the facts are not whether you would have come back on your own," Hinako said firmly. "SMACK" she delivered another swat to the opposite cheek. "The fact is that you should never have left in the first place." Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi, indeed, did miss totally Jo Han's awakening. She was too focused on Mascara and Hinako. "You're so dumb, Mascara! Did it have not yet penetrated in your thick, empty skull that you brought everything on yourself? Of course I won't hit you! It's Hinako-sensei's job to punish you here! I won't do anything to you unless she tells me! I'm not a disobedient delinquent like you! Look at me while I take my disciplining like a real woman!" This proud declaration done, Shitagi took the position, her shapely bottom peaking out from her cape of hair. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 "SMACK" The sound helped in waking Jo Han up. As he got his bearings, he heard the sound again. "SMACK" Then he heard conversation. > "The fact is that you should never have left in the first place." The smacking and the yelling snapped Jo Han to where the others were. He was awake enough to know what was going on, and as he turned in the direction of the smacking, he saw Shitagi. "Miss Principal, why is the student naked? I can see her private parts." he asked, loud enough so they could know he was awake. And seeing her parts caused his own manhood to come alive a little. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara yowled, but to her credit, held her position. She had made a BIG mistake in trying to place the blame on Shitagi. Maybe if she came clean, the spanking would stop. "Myu, I'm sorry!" she cried again. "It, it wasn't Shitagi's fault! I, Myu, I did skip class!" The catgirl was in real trouble. When Sensei tied her tail to her hair, her penis had lost interest for a moment. Why was it now hard again? Please, please, please, don't let anyone notice! "I won't skip school any more! Myu! I promise!" Oh great! The feline's ears quivered. "Go away!" she shouted at the boy behind her. "Myu! This--ow!--this is private!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "SMACK" Hinako's hand landed firmly on Mascara's bottom. "Private? I don't think so, Bad Cat." Hinako left her hand resting on Mascara's bottom, fondling her a bit, but mainly making sure she stayed put. A five-yen coin rested between her fingers, and pressed against Mascara's warm fur, just in case something more than a firm hand was called for. She repeated the motion on Shitagi's bottom, with her other hand, only with Shitagi it was a fifty-yen coin, and Hinako pressed it down hard enough that the girl could not mistake the implied threat. "And I'm most pleased with you, Shitagi. Taking your punishment like a good girl. You are a good girl, are you not?" she added, her voice both amused, and threatening. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi would have jumped out of Jo Han's sight, if not for the cold touch of the fifty-yen coin pressed on top of her ass, where the butt cheeks joined. She was perfectly aware of what it meant in the hands of the Principal. "Y-Yes, sensei... I'm a good girl... I never meant to misbehave... everything I've done to Mascara, it was only to discipline her..." Shitagi shivered; the contact of the metal was also very erotic. Her body was tingling in anticipation, mostly from her memories of past sessions with Hinako. Still, she glared balefully at Jo Han, wishing he'd had stayed unconscious. "Close your eyes, you pervert..." she whispered between gritted teeth. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara whimpered a little as the hand that struck her began to fondle. She felt something hard and shivered; it just had to be a coin! "I'll be a good cat from now on, myu." she promised. Mascara was actually growing jealous of the kinder words her big sister was receiving. "You'll see!" she added. "I'll be a very good cat!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han sat up as the spanking continued. He heard the two students and the principal talking. > "Go away! Myu! This--ow!--this is private!" > > "SMACK" ... "Private? I don't think so, Bad Cat." > > "And I'm most pleased with you, Shitagi. Taking your punishment like > a good girl. You are a good girl, are you not?" > > Still, she glared balefully at Jo Han, wishing he'd had stayed > unconscious. "Close your eyes, you pervert..." she whispered > between gritted teeth. Jo Han was a little curious at how the littler girl had a male organ. But he was impressed at how both of the girls' figures seemed just right. Then he finally remembered where he saw Shitagi before. "Excuse me? Did you just call me a pervert? I am not the one who was stripping in the small battle earlier today. I came here to talk with the principal and next I know you attack me. From what that one kid who sounded like a scientist, you are a lesbian. That's fine, all well in good, but to attack without cause...." His voice was getting a little louder as he got angrier. "If the attack is deserved, I would understand. But to just attack boys for no apparent reason... or to order guys around, like they are beneath you, like that one student in math class. I'm trying to be nice to everybody, but to be honest, you need a serious attitude adjustment. You think you are better than everybody, trying to beat everybody up. I just barely met you and this is my impression of you based on what I have seen. "And I might be completely wrong here, and if I am, I apologize. It would be wrong of me to say things that are not true. If what I am saying not true, then again I ask for your forgiveness." To the Principal: "Sorry for blurting out and getting upset, and for that I ask for your forgiveness." He bowed the best he could, though still in a lot of pain from the blast he received, as the pain is shown on his face from the bow. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "Hush!" Hinako said firmly. She had turned her head to look at Jo Han as she did so, but did not remove her hand from either warm female bottom. "Lay back and try to relax. You took a serious blow and you do not want to risk causing yourself further harm." Hinako did not bother to say that continuing in his current manner put him as severe physical risk, not from any current injuries, but from the ones that Shitagi was likely to inflict on him at some later date. She might be able to rein the wild girl in currently, but she would not always be there. Turning her attention back to her current projects, she lightly stroked Mascara's bottom. "That's a good kitty. I want you to stay as you are and consider how you might improve your behavior." "As for you..." she said, turning her attention to Shitagi. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi was a brash girl, but she was smart enough to know what Hinako wanted of her. And obligating the Principal to spell it out wouldn't be in her best interest. So, she swallowed her pride and said it. Not that she wasn't genuinely repentant, but like many Saotomes, apologizing wasn't in her nature. "Listen, you... chatterbox," she said to Jo Han, "I'm sorry I blasted you at the door earlier... you startled me, and you came at a very bad time... it was underserved, and I ap-ap-apo-apolo-whatchamacallit. "BUT THAT DON'T GIVE THE RIGHT TO OGLE ME! I'M NOT IN BATTLE GEAR HERE, SO CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Gritting her teeth, Shitagi was thinking how she'd enjoy the rematch. The pervert boy was a decent fighter, which mean that next time she could go all out... and demolish him utterly. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara couldn't help a light purr as the principal's hand so gently caressed her. "Yes Ma'am!" she answered in a hopeful voice. "I'll stay put. I promise!" The feline figured she had to anyway. If she stood up, her stupid erect cock would make it look like she was trying to get into Sensei's, uh, somebody's pants. She couldn't let that happen! She closed her eyes and rested her head on her paws. "I'll think real hard so I can be a better student and person too!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 > "Hush!" Hinako said firmly. She had turned her head to look at > Jo Han as she did so, but did not remove her hand from either warm > female bottom. "Lay back and try to relax. You took a serious blow > and you do not want to risk causing yourself further harm." Jo Han understood what the principal was saying. It took a lot to get him aching, and that blast did just that. So he started to lie back down, easing himself to avoid as much pain as possible, while the principal was talking with the two students. Then Shitagi spoke to him. > "Listen, you... chatterbox," she said to Jo Han, "I'm sorry I blasted > you at the door earlier... you startled me, and you came at a very > bad time... it was underserved, and I ap-ap-apo-apolo-hatchamacallit. > > "BUT THAT DON'T GIVE THE RIGHT TO OGLE ME! I'M NOT IN BATTLE GEAR > HERE, SO CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Throughout his travels, and from the his lessons his father gave him, Jo Han knew not to push his luck when it was apparent that some people were having trouble admitting their apologizes. So he took it at what it was worth. "Apology accepted. And just to let you know, I can't see anything. I only read your lips in that mirror. All I see is the Principal at your backs. But I did wrong you, I spoke about things that shouldn't be said. Now, I apologize to you. I will now just lay back and relax." Hoping that him showing her respect would cause some of the tension to ease between them. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "There, you see," Hinako said to Shitagi. "Your modesty is safe from poor Jo Han." Hinako's hand slid down Shitagi's rear, cupping it until her thumb could slip between the teenager's legs and just lightly brush against the little bit of skin between Shitagi's rectum and vagina. "Me on the other hand..." Hinako said, a faint hint of lechery in her voice. With the hand that was still on Mascara's butt, she gently patted the feline female, and said, "You're a very good kitty. I want you to stay just as you are while I deal with your sister and think on your faults." Removing her hand from Mascara's rear, she moved it over to join her other hand on Shitagi's butt. That thumb too probed between Shitagi's firm cheeks, but only for a moment. Just as she felt Shitagi's muscles tense, preparing to react in some way or other, she moved both hands upward, her thumb following first the crevice of Shitagi's ass, and then her spin as Hinako slid her hands up Shitagi's back, and like the joiner on a zipper, she moved Shitagi's ample hair off her back and onto the desk, leaving her creamy skin bare from the neck down. Hinako finished with her mini-skirted groin pressing firmly against Shitagi's firm rear. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi shivered from Hinako's contact on her firm rear; then she gasped when the older woman pressed herself against her. She loved how the Principal could be so kinky and forward with her. With most of the cute girls she seduced, Shitagi ended in the dominant position from her experience and strong personality. Hinako-sensei was one of very few women that weren't impressed by her, and as such didn't hesitate to act dominant... when not outright dominatrix. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Kind words, and a loving pat on the bottom made Mascara's heart swell. "Yes, Sensei." she said quietly. "I'll stay being a good kitty!" Part of her wondered how Sensei would deal with Shitagi. Would big sister get her bottom beat? The feline tried not to think of that. It was kinda sexy. Her naughty cock gave a throb. Closing her eyes even tighter, Mascara tried to think of ways to improve herself. She did try, but confusing images of a naked Shitagi, and one sexy principal kept trying to distract her! She'd never lose her woody at this rate! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako was fully focused on Shitagi as she ground herself against the girl's firm bottom. She could feel Shitagi's muscles moving through her skirt and as always the sheer latent power inherent in the girl gave her a thrill. It must be, she thought, the same sensation a lion tamer got over commanding powerful and lethal beasts. Mind you, she was a good deal more lethal than any mere lion tamer, or crocodile hunter for that matter. But, still, the thrill was there. Reluctantly she drew herself backward, her heart beating a touch faster and anticipation causing a warm wet feeling between her legs. Her hands drew backward over Shitagi's rear before dropping free, and she moved away and toward the secret panel in her office that concealed her selection of corporal punishment devices, ranging from a leather crop to a half-sized bull whip. "Which shall it be this time?" she mused out load, and mainly for Shitagi's benefit. The girl had many first-hand experiences with what was in that concealed nook, and Hinako took pleasure in dragging out the process of opening it. She knew that in the end, nothing she could do would equal what was likely running through Shitagi's mind at this very minute, but she could certainly try. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han was lying back when he heard someone say: "Which shall it be this time?" From the sound of the voice, it sounded like the principal, but he wasn't too sure. He wanted to look, but he said he wouldn't, and he didn't want to be known for someone who didn't keep his promises. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara tried and tried to keep her mind on self-improvement. It was so hard though. She wanted to peek! She didn't... yet, but the temptation was growing stronger and stronger. Then, she sniffed. Her feline nose was very sensitive. She smelled... GIRLs! Somebody in the room besides her was aroused! It wasn't just Shitagi, either. She knew her sister's scent. Someone else's body was becoming ready for love! Shitagi's and scent and the new one mingled in a lovely was as the feline inhaled. This was new. This was exciting. This was... "Sensei?" she whimpered softly. The beautiful principal was in a sexy mood! What was she going to do with Shitagi? Why didn't she want to do it with her? Mascara moaned softly as something dreadful happened. She felt it! She didn't even have to open her eyes to check. She closed her eyes tighter and hoped Sensei didn't notice the big drop of glistening fluid that was about to drip from her over excited penis and drop to the floor! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi shivered and panted, the sexual teasing of the Principal turning her legs into jelly. Shitagi was so much in the taking-charge mindset usually; knowing she couldn't do so with Hinako was nerve-wracking. "A...A...Anything you want, sensei..." was her delayed response to Hinako's question. She knew that the domineering woman wouldn't accept anything else. But then, from the corner of the eyes, she noticed Mascara's erection... how the hermaphroditic penis looked big on her small catgirl frame... and how it was dripping with pre-cum. 'Anything but that...' she added inwardly, hoping Hinako wouldn't think about it. Shitagi was very anxious about ever having that thing again in her body. Mainly because she was scared to death of actually liking it. Her shame was so great that it never occurred to her to bring the fact that Mascara already got back at her for the little tentacle-session. The idea that it could convince Hinako to lessen her punishment didn't even graze her mind. Only some serious torture would have convinced Shitagi to admit that something so close to a male penis had visited her vessel. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako smiled, evilly, at Shitagi's submissive reply. Why for once, she could almost believe the little delinquent was actually fearful of her coming punishment. She darted a glance out of the sides of her eye at the pair bent over her desk. Contrary to popular belief she did not have eyes in the back of her head, but her peripheral vision was second to none. She started and almost gave herself away as she followed Shitagi's gaze and spotted Mascara's erection. Oh my! The little kitten has turned into a tomcat, she thought to herself. She clenched her legs slightly as a tremor of pure lust flooded her belly. She was going to have to try that magic wand out personally first chance she got. But not as the principal. It was time her younger self got much closer to Mascara. But, for now, she had a punishment to hand out. Reaching into the concealed cupboard she removed a flogger. A short heavy handle with a dozen soft leather straps secured to the end. The handle possessed a dual function, which was very clear in its design. A function Shitagi had never experienced before, though she had felt the leather straps often enough. Hinako had always resisted pushing anything up either of Shitagi's openings, knowing as she did how phobic the girl was about that. But the news Shitagi had indulged in tentacle rape had removed that lack of inclination on her part. The girl deserved to feel what it was like. Maybe then she wouldn't be so quick to stick things where they weren't wanted. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han heard things going on, and heard what sounded like a drawer open and then close. He couldn't tell what else was going on, but nobody screamed out in either pain or anguish, as he has heard both throughout his travels. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara whimpered softly as she tried as hard as she could to will her erection away. It didn't work. It NEVER worked! Something was going on, and she wanted to be part of it! The feline didn't realize, but her resisting was actually a sign of self-improvement. Her body trembled, but she kept her eyes tightly shut. Her claws marred the principal's desk a bit, but at least she managed to keep herself from grabbing her cock and stroking it until she exploded! "Uh-oh!" she gasped. It started! Mascara felt a familiar straining. Her testicles were starting to grow! Still, she didn't move. She had to do as she was told! The feline was doing her very best to obey Sensei, even though she was afraid she would burst in the process! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi closed her eyes and bit her lips when she heard Hinako opening the drawer. She knew fairly well what was inside. She also was quite aware just how much the Principal was adept at the use of this flogger. Shitagi shivered in anticipation, goosebumps running over her bare buttocks. The shiver wasn't of fear, however. The eldest Saotome daughter was quite thick-skinned. For a martial artist of her caliber, a little flogging was nothing. But in Hinako's expert hands, the sex-toy could be a real torture instrument. The dominatrix disciplinarian knew how to alternate pain and pleasure to excite her victims to no end... and deny them release until they became a whimpering mess and start begging loudly. Shitagi dearly hoped she wouldn't sink so low in front of witnesses.... Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako held the flogger in one hand while pulling the soft leather lashes through her other hand as she contemplated the two upturned asses presented to her. She was more than familiar with Shitagi's plush, yet muscular fundament. It had been presented to her in this position many, many times. Which did not make it any less tempting a target. Indeed, she considered it the main course of the evening. Mascara's petite bottom on the other hand was a newcomer to this situation. While she had disciplined the catgirl on several occasions, this was the first time she had warranted 'special' discipline. The muscular globes were softened by the fuzz of fur that coated them and the cleft between them was well defined and led the eyes naturally to the hidden depths between them, and to the out of place male equipment that hung between the small catgirl's legs. Small was not a word that could be used to describe Mascara's masculinity, however. In the last few minutes both her balls and cock had swollen noticeably. It was an impressive sight, but also a distraction. Hinako let the lashes of her flogger pull free of her fingers and she swung her hand lightly causing the soft leather straps to fall, more than strike, across Shitagi's bottom. She let them rest there as she leaned forward and rubbed a hand over Mascara's furry bottom. "I think we will start with you, little one," she crooned. "What shall it be? Twenty, thirty, fifty...?" Hinako let the sentence trail off, leaving Mascara time to imagine having to suffer thorough half a hundred strokes of her lash. Deciding that she's inflicted enough mental torture Hinako said, "No, I think as this is your first time, ten will be enough. She twitched her wrist and caused the flogger's lashes to slip from Shitagi's ass and to dance lightly over Mascara's rear, and between her legs, the soft leather just barely brushing across Mascara's testicles and cock. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 As Jo Han lay there with his eyes closed, he heard the principal talking: > "I think we will start with you, little one," she crooned. > "What shall it be? Twenty, thirty, fifty...?" > "No, I think as this is your first time, ten will be enough." Then he heard leather meet skin. Though it wasn't loud, just the sound caused his mind to "feel" the pain from it. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara shivered when the principal suddenly spoke to her while softly stroking her bottom. Twenty, thirty, fifty? For a second, the feline hopefully thought Sensei meant how many strokes on her cock. Then it sunk in. She was gonna get a spanking! When she was a kitten, Mama-Akane used to give her a spanking when she was bad. She would never forget her brief habit of marking territory around the Tendô Dôjô. That was a habit Mama-Akane broke REAL fast! Mascara wouldn't dare go anywhere but in a toilet ever again in the Tendô household! Her wild half wouldn't even break this rule! Fifty smacks on the hiney? Mascara whimpered. Then she felt something other than a hand slip softly over her throbbing cock and testicles. Her whimper changed to a moan. "Th-That's a w-whip!" she gasped. Ten lashes with a whip? The feline nearly fell as her hind legs almost turned to rubber. "Less then ten?" she begged softly. "Please? I'll be a good kitty!" Oh no! She was gonna get a whipping! What if she liked it? She knew that this was the way her fantasy sometimes went, but it was supposed to be Kimiko just playing at spanking and whipping! What would she do if Sensei even SUSPECTED she kinda wanted to be spanked or whipped? Her stupid testicles surged and throbbed. Thank goodness Sensei didn't notice that yet! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger 'Damn, the girl is hung!' Hinako thought to herself, even as she drew back her hand to make her first stroke. There was an art to effective corporal punishment. Any thug could beat a child half to death, and accomplish nothing in regards to producing a valuable member of society, quite the opposite actually. To be effective the recipient had to at some level know they were in the wrong, that they deserved the punishment. The trick was to not hurt them so badly that their guilt did not turn into resentment. Public humiliation could be effective at times as well. Bullies were rarely all powerful. Let their victims see them crying and begging, and their power could be broken. In the case of Mascara, she knew she'd been a bad kitty, and deserved punishment. But, unless Hinako made it severe enough, it would leave no lasting impression on her. On the other hand, she did not want to cause true mental trauma. All these thoughts raced through her mind in the second it took her to raise her flogger, and bring it down with a solid crack of leather hitting posterior. "That's one," she said grimly. "Count them off, Mascara." Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi, hearing the first whip crack, opened her eyes in surprise and glanced at Mascara and Hinako. She was expecting to be the first to be chastised. Instead of feeling relief about it, she found out that she was experiencing... jealousy. She hadn't realized it, but she felt rather exclusive about Hinako's attentions. She feared her disciplining sessions -- the Principal knew how to tame even the most hard-wired delinquent -- but she also longed for her expert, erotic touch. Although Shitagi knew intellectually Hinako-sensei had been punishing other students, it was the first time she was doing this with two Saotome girls present. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara yowled when the first blow connected with her poor bottom. Her fur did nothing to soften the flair of sudden pain. The feline's body lurched and shook in its aftermath. "ONE!" she cried loudly when the principal told her to count them out. "I'm s-sorry! Meow! I won't miss classes again!" She tried to ignore how her rigidly erect penis bounced and swayed from that first blow. Why, it had actually slapped against her tummy! This was humiliating! How could something hurt, but make you feel good at the same time? Perhaps Mascara should have talked about this with Shitagi. The feline had no way of knowing just what an expert the lovely principal was at teaching with "tough love". The catgirl just knew one thing. Sensei must care an awful lot about her to take the time and teach her a lesson like this! "I promise! I'll do good in school from now on! I'll stay away from cold water!" Mascara gripped the desk tighter and prepared herself for the next blow. She didn't realize she was doing it, but the feline was giving away a vital piece of information to her principal. Her tail moved swiftly to be ready for the next crack of the flogger. It moved fast all right. Mascara's tail wrapped itself loosely around her own neck, so as to leave her whole bottom ready for Sensei's love! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako blinked in surprise as Mascara exposed her already vulnerable little tushy even more than it had been before. A mental smile danced in her mind, though she let nothing show on her face. Oh, this girl was a treasure. With that equipment, and that attitude, she could see they would have lots of fun in the future. She also didn't miss Shitagi's body language. She'd been curious how the girl would react to her little sister getting flogged. She'd figured it was a toss up over outrage and enjoyment. She had not expected poorly concealed jealousy. Oh she was going to enjoy this. But, for now, she had discipline to administer. She brought her whip hand down again with carefully calculated force to smack across Mascara's furry rump with a crack. She waited for the girl to call out, two. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han couldn't help but feel the discomfort from the smacking of the whip as it hit the skin. He heard the count of one, and was waiting for the count of two to proceed. With him sore, he felt the couch, though comfortable, begin to irritate him. This was causing some discomfort of its own. Ensuring his eyes were closed, he shifted, causing the couch to squeak a little. It was in-between cracks of the whips, so they should have heard something move. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney "Two!" Mascara called out when the second blow landed. Once again her cock danced as her body lurched. This was embarrassing! Tears filled her eyes as her stupid cock got even harder. Another blow landed. "Three, Meow!" she gasped. "I swear I'll do all my homework!" she promised as she tried and tried to come up with more ways towards self- improvement. "Four!" She sniffled and whimpered. Oddly, the catgirl thought of Mama-Akane, and her foolish cock throbbed! No! Nobody was supposed to know about her dreams and fantasies except Kimiko! "Five!" she wailed. "I'll train extra hard with Shitagi!" The next blow had tears running down Mascara's furry face. "Six! I'll only hunt where nobody will see me!" Mascara often would kill and eat a nice snack and take secret delight in her friend's obvious horror. She had better stop that! "Seven! I won't hide from Dr. Tôfû if he has medicine for me to take!" Like most cats, Mascara was a hard one to medicate. She used to spit out pills, and spill herbal remedies all over when she got sick. The new Mascara would do what her doctor told her to do! "Eight! I, I'll help my Momma out at the Café more!" Her mother, Shampoo, and great-great-grandmother always made her work so hard! Besides that, the steam from cooking made her fur all droopy! The desperate feline was going insane now. Her cock throbbed in a way that told her something hugely embarrassing was going to happen real soon! "Nine! I, I won't masturbate between classes any more!" she wailed as her arousal grew stronger. Peeking at girls, mostly Kimiko, and stroking off in the potty was one of the catgirl's favorite past times. "Ten!" The feline sobbed harder now for a very special reason. Ten wasn't enough! Her cock throbbed and jerked a little, but Sensei stopped just short of her actually releasing! Her voice quivered as she spoke in a breathless whisper. "Am I, meow, forgiven?" she asked ever so politely. "Please? May I be forgiven?" If Sensei forgave her, maybe she could get out of here and give herself the two or three strokes that would set her over the edge! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi watched Mascara getting whipped, more and more on edge with each strike, her body shaking in reflex at the same time as her sibling. It wasn't just from the jealousy of not being, for once, at Hinako's tender mercies, though it was part of it. Shitagi wasn't totally insensible to the plight of her little sister. Although she sometimes was the one to punish her, currently she was feeling her pain. She knew that Mascara was a simple creature. She was often naughty and out of control by human standards, but it was more due to her innocent, part-animal nature than any real bad inclinations. So, even if Shitagi was the one to drag her here, and the first to admit the catgirl needed disciplining, watching it from so close the punishment looked rather harsh. There was something else, however, impressing Shitagi. To tell the truth, she was scared shitless... she hadn't missed the effect the whipping had on Mascara's male part... that thing was ready to explode! Whimpering, Shitagi hoped that she could escape the final blowout this time... once today was enough already! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger > "Nine! I, I won't masturbate between classes any more!" Hinako was proud of herself. She didn't facefault, but managed to swing her last stroke in perfect rhythm with the previous seven blows, giving no indication that she'd reacted to Mascara's comment. She did however, switch her gaze to the mirror directly opposite her desk, and the view it gave through the opening in the middle. Clear in the mirror was Mascara's huge cock, pulsing and gleaming with need, a dribble of pre-cum flowing from the hole in the end. A smirk crossed her face as she took in the image of Shitagi's reflected face, and the way her eyes were focused on that hunk of masculinity. And the fear in Shitagi's eyes only made her anticipation all that much better. Oh, this was going to be good, Hinako thought. After the Tenth stroke, Hinako laid the slightly warm flogger on Shitagi's back, the lashes trailing down over her upturned rear as a promise of things to come. She then leaned forward over Mascara, and gave her a peck on the her cheek, easy enough to do as her upper body was still arched high in the air from the tension of her tail pulling on her head. "Of course you're forgiven, Kitten. You've been a brave kitty and taken your punishment. You've paid your penalty, and you have a clean slate. I do so hope you won't do anything to make me have to do this again." Hinako's first statement was sincere, her last anything but. Mascara was going to find that the little quirks in her personality that Hinako had ignored because they "were" Mascara, were going to have her visiting the Principal on a regular basis from now on. Watching Shitagi's face carefully in the mirror, Hinako decided to give Mascara a little taste of her "nice" side. Still bent over Mascara, she slipped a hand down around her upper thigh and wrapped her long slender fingers around Mascara's hard cock. She was impressed, and not a little intimidated by the fact that her fingers barely reached around its circumference. "Let Grandmother make it feel all better," she cooed in Mascara's furry ear as she started to pump her hand up and down. Technically she wasn't Mascara's Grandmother, but like Sôun, she would never have wounded a child's heart by rejecting a brother or sister because unlike their siblings she was not directly related to them. "Oh, you've gotten to be such a big 'girl'," she murmured as she lightly took Mascara's ear in her mouth and nipped it gently. That was all it took, as she had known it would. Her sense of life energy made hiding strong sexual desire impossible for her victims, and she had known the instant she wrapped her fingers into a circle around Mascara that the catgirl was on the verge and only needed a touch. Mascara's member throbbed in her hand and a great gleaming wet jet of spunk shot from the end of her member, all the way out from under the desk and across the room to splatter against the mirror, directly over the image of Shitagi's face. The shot was accidental, but Hinako was not going to admit that. "What an interesting omen. Don't you think, Shitagi-chan?" she asked, turning her face to the side to look at Shitagi's real, and as of yet, un-splattered face. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi's eyes had been morbidly fixated on the mirror, watching Hinako give a handjob to Mascara's impressive shaft. She winced when the powerful squirt of spunk landed on her reflection. She then paled at Hinako's word, remembering how she had been "accidentally" covered in the stuff, thanks to Kimiko, earlier. The usually proud girl shivered from head to toes in remembrance. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara loved Kimiko, nothing could change that, but something could be added though. Sensei's kind words were soon followed by a warm and gentle hand on her madly throbbing cock. The feline meowed in pure passion. "Yes Sensei!" she breathed as that wonderful hand began to stroke. "I'll be so very good for you! I'll never ever make you upset with me again!" Yes, the feline loved Kimiko, but now, she would follow her beautiful "Grandmother" to the very gates of Hell itself. All it would take was one word from the woman, and Mascara would do nearly anything! That wonderfully delicate hand stroked harder. There was no way Mascara could hold back. The thought never even entered her lust-crazed mind. When the kind and loving woman mention how "big" girl she had become, she nearly burst with pride! "Big for you!" she moaned. "Meow! Mascara is so happy you like me!" An unexpected nip on her ear made the feline scream. It wasn't from the pain, although it did hurt a little. It was such a GOOD hurt though! With a final throb, her cock exploded! She whimpered and cried as huge ropes of thick gooey catgirl semen blasted free to splatter the mirror. "Thank you!" she gasped as her body trembled. Her great need was eased for the moment, but her cock refused to rest! It stayed proudly erect and firm, ready for anything! "Thank you so much, grandmother!" she whispered softly. It was true enough. The beautiful sensei would shortly find she had made a friend for life! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger A vein ticked in Hinako's forehead at the forbidden word, Grandmother, but she controlled herself, barely. The sweet girl meant no harm. Taking a deep breath, she gently rubbed Mascara's furry rump for a few seconds and then reached up and untied the catgirl's tail where it was tangled in her hair. She then urged Mascara to loose her grip on her own neck and eased her down onto the desk. "You just rest there for a little while," she said in a gentle tone. Her voce turned threatening as she added, "while I see to your older sister." She dropped a hand onto Shitagi's firm ass, and dug her fingers in, her long nails biting into the solid flesh, leaving little white crescents behind. She took a quick look in the mirror to see what Jo Han was doing, and was a bit disappointed that he wasn't taking the chance to peak. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han heard the lashes, and the conversations between the three by the desk. Then there was a long silence, so he turned over, and picked through his eyes. He saw that the principal was now with Shitagi. But he kept them closed enough to appear that they were still closed. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara felt wonderful! Sensei Hinako didn't even get upset when she slipped and used the "grandmother" word! The purr came from deep in her throat as that loving hand once more caressed her hiney. Her fingers were so sure and strong as she freed the feline's tail. "Okay, meow." she said softly as the principal helped her up on the desk. The feline curled up nice and comfy. "I'll rest up good here!" She rested her chin on her paws and watched her big sister intently. Mascara was sure this was going to be interesting! Glancing quickly at the mirror, she thought she saw a tiny gleam in Jo Han's eyes. Were they really closed? Just in case, she gave him a friendly wink before turning her attention back to Shitagi. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi let out a sharp yelp when Hinako's finger dug in her ass. The pain was nothing comparable to whatever the Saotome girl subjected herself during training, but still the contact was affecting her greatly. Shivering from head to toes, it looked like Shitagi was ready to melt like putty... something you would rather expect Kimiko to do. "Oh yes... Hinako-ch-- ... Sensei... I've been a bad girl..." she said in a throaty voice, a hint of eagerness barely hidden. "Punish me..." Sure, she was ashamed to be seen in this submissive position, especially by her sister and a new boy. But Hinako was exciting her too much. She was certain she could browbeat Mascara in never telling a soul. As for Jo Han... well, a good, clean lobotomy would secure he'd never remember anything. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Rest? Who could rest now? Mascara's eyes were locked on her big sister. Oh boy! She wanted to be punished! The feline shifted a little to accommodate her suddenly interested cock. She purred happily to herself while watching Sensei roughly fondle Shitagi's bottom. Shitagi would kill her later for it, but wouldn't it be fun if Sensei asked her to help? The catgirl kept that thought to herself. She didn't want her beloved Sensei to think she was being a bad kitty! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako savored the feel of Shitagi's bottom, and the anticipation of what she was going to do to those muscular globes of firm smooth flesh. She could tell from experience that Shitagi's suppressed submissive side was starting to surface. Like her mother, she tended to warp from top to bottom with ease, if supplied with a strong enough top to make her do it. And if she didn't have her mother's gender changing curse, her own cursed form was capable of fairly masculine expression, which, of course, was the reason she was currently draped over Hinako's desk. Part of Hinako's ire at that might have had something to do with the fact that Shitagi had never tentacle-raped her, though she had certainly done everything but that. How many lonely days in her office had she dreamed of Shitagi plundering her teenage form fore and aft at the same time, helpless in the grip of Shitagi's bestial alter-ego. "So, did you enjoy shoving those nasty tentacles of yours up inside poor innocent girls?" she purred as she kneaded Shitagi's ass. "Is that why Kimiko is at the doctor, did you stretch the poor girl all out of shape?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han saw that mascara gave a wink to him, in his direction. Did she see that his eyes weren't completely closed? Well, the training he has gone under caused him to not shift, otherwise that would give away that he wasn't completely keeping his word. He then saw what the principal was doing to Shitagi. It looked like the girl was melting in the hands of the principal. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi gasped in reaction to Hinako's massage. Then she stuttered in panic, trying to respond to the Principal despite the distracting touch. "I... They... weren't innocent... they-they... infuriated me... on purpose... so that I... snap and... and-and... do that to them... but they... enjoyed it! "Ki-Ki-Kimiko... she... I did but... that wasn't... ack... my fault... she pushed herself... on purpose... to be naughty with Mascara!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara's ears quivered in embarrassment. Was she and Kimiko gonna be in trouble now? The feline thought it best to speak up. "Sensei?" she said softly. "Big Sister didn't 'REALLY' hurt us. We, meow, just thought she was going to. It was very scary thinking she was gonna make Kimiko pop or something, but Kimiko is okay now. Doctor Tôfû just wanted to be sure, meow." Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "Thank you, Mascara. That is good to know. I'm glad that Kimiko is fine," Hinako said in an approving voice. "You are a good sister." "You, however," she continued, directing her comments toward Shitagi, "are something else altogether." She lifted a hand and brought it down hard on Shitagi's rear, causing a loud smack sound. "So they were asking for it, were they? And that makes what you did OK? "Well, I'm glad you were so thoughtful to let me know the rules," she said sarcastically, "because you have clearly been asking for the worst punishment I can think up." She paused to let that sink in, but resumed speaking before Shitagi could say anything, "And you know I have a very, very, good imagination." Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "AaaAH..." Shitagi's response to Hinako's hand landing on her butt was a mix of a pained yelp and a moan. Tears welled up in her eyes, which was quite an odd sight for Mascara. She had never seen her big sister so meek, even when Ranma scolded her. Hinako clearly has a very strong ascendant on the usually bitchy girl. "Y-Yesss... I know... Sensei... you have... great... imagination..." she blurted in a trembling voice, so uncharacteristic of her. "I-I'll take... my punishment... like I should... for the sake... of my sisters." Shitagi's mind wasn't clear enough to dread that the "punishment" may be something she wouldn't enjoy. All she wanted was for it to come QUICK... because she was terribly excited. Every slap on her shapely buttocks send shiver through her body, and her recently de-virginized pussy was leaking in expectation. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara sat up tall. Sensei's kind words made her heart just swell! "Thank you. Sensei." she said quietly, not wishing to interrupt the lesson that was unfolding. The feline noticed a glitter on Shitagi's cheek, and was startled indeed. Big sister was crying? For reasons she couldn't name, this turned on the feline even more then before. This was so very interesting! Mascara couldn't wait to tell Kimiko that Shitagi actually did have normal human feelings. She was going to take her punishment for the sake of her sisters? Mascara meowed softly. That must mean she really did love them! Oh my! It seemed Shitagi loved something else too! Mascara sniffed, and her cock throbbed. Big sister was getting all hot and wet! She could smell it! Without though, the catgirl's tongue flicked out and flashed over her nose. She bet someone would taste really yummy between the legs right now! Too bad she couldn't get a quick taste. Sensei wouldn't like that! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako noticed Jo Han's surreptitious efforts of peeking, and felt a little relief. It looked like he had a full set of hormones. Even with the evidence of their encounter in the basement beach, she had started to wonder about him. The way he had managed to keep from ogling Shitagi in her very exposed position had started her wondering. This was good. It would be so much more fun punishing Shitagi with an appreciative audience. There was nothing subtle about Mascara's interest however, from her quivering nose to her rampant erection her body announce loud and clear that it was very interested in the proceedings. Hinako ran her hand down Shitagi's ass to her thigh and slipped her fingers up between the other girl's legs, letting the tips of her fingers brush against the sensitive nerve endings that location boasted. "My, my, Shitagi-chan. It does not feel as if you are taking your punishment very seriously at all," she said in a mocking tone as her fingers parted Shitagi's folds, and gathered up a healthy layer of lubrication. "We'll have to see what we can do to remedy that," Hinako continued as she drew her fingers out from between Shitagi's legs and whipped them on her ass. She then picked up her flogger and took a step away, positioning herself in just the right spot to the get the maximum effect from leather straps. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Oh wow! Mascara could hardly believe her eyes! Sensei actually put her fingers INSIDE Shitagi, a little bit! The catgirl's tongue flashed out again as she watched damp fingers make a pretty shiny streak on big sister's hiney. "Meeeooow!" she purred low in her throat. Would she ever like to lick that hiney clean! Mascara inched a little closer. This was so good! Hinako Sensei was going to whip Shitagi's butt again! The only drawback in this exciting show was Mascara wanted to play with her cock as she watched. Sensei wanted her to be a good girl though, she did her best to ignore her hard (not so) little friend. She wondered in the boy pretending not to watch was as hard as she was. Nope, that was silly. Nobody had a cock as big and hard as hers! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi shivered from head to toes at the delicious feeling of Hinako's fingers on her pussy. This was followed by sharp regret as the Principal withdrew her finger, just touching her buttock before leaving her altogether horny and unsatisfied. She wanted, she longed for contact, any contact, even the one of the whip, to relieve herself from that aching need. "I'm... I'm taking my punishment seriously, Sensei!" she protested between sobs. "You have to whip me... for what I did... to instruct Mascara-chan how to what's a real disciplining! To show everybody how a true Saotome handle her punition!" Yeah, that was Shitagi for you... even when about to get her butt flogged, she tried to corrupt it into a show of her own superiority. ^_^ Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara couldn't tear her golden eyes away from the pretty shiny streak on Shitagi's hiney. She watched and waited, hoping Sensei would whip big sister's butt again! Her purring grew a little louder. Shitagi wanted her to watch and learn! That was good. Deep down Mascara had a thought. Was she watching and learning so she would know how to whip Shitagi's hiney herself? She and Kimiko could have hours of fun doing that! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "So, you want to show your sister how a real Saotome takes her punishment, do you?" Hinako said as she lowered her whip hand and ran the fronds of her flogger through her fingers. She glanced at Mascara, taking in her intent expression, and ever-ready shaft. "I'm sure she'll be very happy to learn all you can teach her." Hinako lifted her hand once again, and with no further pre-ample brought the flogger down in a smooth powerful stroke, not trying to put overly much force into the blow, but using the full extension of her arm and the flogger to generate the maximum velocity. The multiple lashes impacted Shitagi's butt with a loud splat, actually causing the firm flesh to dimple slightly. "You know the drill, girl, start counting," she ordered Shitagi. She lifted her hand and brought the flogger down again. Hinako was not overly concerned with the fact that the tough Shitagi had not let out a cry of pain at her first two strokes. The girl was a rock, but, like a rock, she could be worn down, eventually. Hinako could keep this up all afternoon, and sooner or later, like the victim of the bastinado or water torture, Shitagi would break. OOC: Bastinado is a form of punishment that involves striking the soles of the feet repeatedly, and it's not the strength of the strokes, but the repetition that does makes it one of the most feared tortures. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Oooh... one..." "Mmmmh... two..." "Aaah... three..." That Shitagi would be moaning from each hard impact of the flogger on her shapely butt was no surprise. What was more disturbing, however, was that these moans were certainly not of pain. She was sighing, panting and cooing in a shamelessly erotic way. Her throaty voice sounded like it was coming directly from some S.-M. porno. "AAAAHH... four! "Mmmmh... yes, five! "OOOOH... SIX! HARDER!" It wasn't so much that Shitagi was getting off from pain. But she had so high a pain threshold, for her the boundary between a hard blow and a gentle caress was muted. And she was so excited by Hinako, so longing for her touch... even the sadistic switching was welcomed, as it alleviated the tremendous need. Her trembling buttocks were quickly turning red, and heat was invading her lower body... but it was more from sexual arousal than anything else. Shitagi wasn't invulnerable, she would soon have a very sore butt from the mistreatment... but it would take some time. Right now, she was too much enjoying herself. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 As Jo Han was slightly peeking, making sure he looked like he was trying to rest, the Principal spoke again. > "So, you want to show your sister how a real Saotome takes her > punishment, do you, I'm sure she'll be very happy to learn all you > can teach her." The loud smack brought Jo Han out of his pretend sleep. Being taught to have concern for others, hearing the smack definitely didn't sound good. So he sat up, opening his eyes completely to see if everything was OK. "Principal, is everything OK? That didn't sound good!" Clear concern could be heard in his voice. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney "One... Two... Three!" Mascara whispered as she couldn't help counting along. Wow! Shitagi was very strong! The feline was sure she would be crying by now if Sensei was tanning her bottom like that! She could smell Shitagi's arousal growing stronger. This, of course, made her own grow! Her cock felt like it was carved from solid iron! When Jo Han spoke up, she waved at him frantically. "Shhhhh, meow!" she hissed. "If you interrupt Sensei, I'll make you leave!" Her own condition made her smile slyly at the handsome young man. "Just be quiet. If things get too much for you, just play with yourself or something!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "Mascara is right young man," Hinako scolded him. She continued her flogging of Shitagi without losing a stroke as she turned her head to give him a hard look. "I know what I am doing, and trust me, the other options available to punish Shitagi would be much less gentle than this." "As for you, Mascara," she continued in a stern voice. "I am fully capable of my own explanations and warnings in my own office. You may only stay if you are a good and obedient kitten." Dispensing with the spectators Hinako continued with her flogging of Shitagi. She was not dismayed by the less than painful exclamations Shitagi was emitting. She was fully aware of how tough the other girl was, and had started this punishment with the knowledge that it would take some time to fully make Shitagi aware of the error of her ways. Still, with the other two students in the room it could be argued that Shitagi's rather lewd vocal encouragements were inappropriate. "Stay with a simple count, Shitagi," she said sternly. "We can do without the commentary." Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "A-Ai, Sensei. I will do..." Shitagi panted. The very short pause had let her become more aware of the feelings radiating from her butt. And despite the excitement, she could now acknowledge the stinging, burning sensation of the various whip marks criss-crossing her buttocks. This was putting a slight dampener on her pleasure, and her eyes welled with tears. Still, she wanted Hinako to go on... to never stop. The rush of adrenalin was simply too good. *Slash!* "Twelve." *Slash!* "Th-Thirteen." *Slash!* "Fourteen." *Slash!* "Mmmh... fifteen." *Slash!* "Fifteen and half." *Slash!* "... Fifteen three quarter." Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 "I'm sorry for interrupting Principal. I was just concerned. I will try to relax again." Though he was speaking towards the principal, he did notice the smaller student smile at him. Did she like him or something? He would have to see how this went. Another girl would make his father proud. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara grinned and nodded her head as Sensei scolded Jo Han. Her grin soon froze. When the scolding was turned towards her, her ears and tail stood straight up in embarrassment. "Sorry Sensei!" she gasped. "I'll be very good!" She shifted a little to get more comfortable while she watched. The catgirl didn't notice this aimed her throbbing hard penis right at Jo Han. It never entered her mind that some boys may not like pretty, sexy, loveable catgirls with bigger thingies than they had. If that was the case, it was Jo Han's loss. She just happily watched as Big Sister was flogged, while dreaming of running her tongue over that pretty but reddened hiney. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 What was this? The smaller girl had a male organ. And it was erect. And big. With him being a guy, seeing another male organ didn't quite do anything for him. But he still could see that she was pretty, though he was a little freaked (or was it scared?) by her having that piece. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Jo Han was really checking her out now, and why not? She knew she looked good! She also knew lots of guys had a catgirl fetish. Maybe Jo Han did too. Her tail flicked proudly back and forth. Mascara wriggled and sat up taller. She didn't want to stop watching Shitagi's punishment, but she wanted to look her best for the handsome boy! A wild thought crossed her mind. Maybe Jo Han could give her a blowjob while she licked Big Sister's hiney! Nope! Sensei said to be good! Better stop thinking about such naughty things and concentrate on watching Shitagi's butt get whipped! Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 With the catgirl slightly showing her profile, Jo Han could tell that she had a nice shape to her. He was admiring her shape, and could tell that she was very pretty, despite the odd appearance of her feline form, and the male organ. He noticed that she was looking at him, and it appeared she might want him. Jo Han wouldn't mind claiming her, that would be two in one day. He just hopes that she wouldn't expect him to do anything with that male organ of hers. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako smiled slightly at the sight of Mascara flirting with Jo Han. But she did not let it interrupt her arm movement. Her flogger continued to rise and fall deepening the red hue that was starting to show on Shitagi's ass. Her smile turned wicked as she contemplated her target in much the way chef might judge the readiness of a roast by the color. She knew from experience that Shitagi's nerves would be increasing in sensitivity the longer she carried on her punishment and at this moment her blows must be stinging far more than when she had started. "I can't hear you," she admonished Shitagi. "Do you want me to lose count and have to start over?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was quite pleased that Jo Han thought she was so sexy (she was a bit vain!), but did not let that interrupt what was proving to be the most exciting show she'd seen since she inflated Kimiko's body with the proof of her love! The feline watched intently, softly clapping her paws together so as not to distract with unwanted noise. Oh wow! She hoped against hope that Shitagi would make Sensei lose count! It was so wonderful watching Big Sister squirm! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi's fingers dug into the wood of the desk. Literally. She had a hard time keeping control of herself. She wanted to whirl around, crush her lips against Hinako's, and ravish the beautiful woman on the spot. But she couldn't. It would only make things worse. It was an unspoken agreement between them. If she could do almost as she pleased with "Hinako Ninomiya", on the other hand "Principal Tendô" took flak from no one. She would probably get drained for her attempt. "N-n-no, sensei..." she muttered in a trembling voice. "Twenty... we were at twenty tiny, barely felt, feathery touches from the flogger...." Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako rolled her eyes at Shitagi's comment. The girl just could not help trying to push her buttons. But she was far too experienced to let herself be lured into hardening her strokes. If she did so, her arm would likely wear out before Shitagi's bottom. So she just continued with the same smooth delivery that had already started to make Shitagi's ass glow. "Did you say twenty? Or was that two? I can barely hear you." she said, bringing her arm down and delivering a meaty swack to Shitagi's backside. Her eyes gleamed as the firm flesh rebounded and Shitagi's clenched her ass out of reflex. From her position she could just make out the small purse of Shitagi's sex between her legs, the outer lips engorged with arousal and slightly parted, the inner pink gleaming with wetness. Her mind flashed to all the times she'd dreamed of using her biggest strap-on to get a bit of revenge for the way Shitagi had stretched out her teen-age form to the point of pain, glorious pain mind you. And as she thought of that, she realized that there was no need for her to hold herself back this time. It would be remiss of her not to show the girl just how serious her offense had been. By tentacle raping her sisters, she'd forfeited the right to have her desire to be un-penetrated respected. Oh, this was going to be the best session ever. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi had let out a strangled gasp when Hinako had substituted the whip with her hand to slap her sore bottom. It was burning now from the abuse, but it was a glorious feeling. Like after a violent bout against a worthy opponent, except much more pleasurable. Unaware of the wicked thoughts that were crossing the Principal's mind, Shitagi moaned huskily from the abuse. She now longer cared that they had spectators, both of them with hard on. "I said... twenty... and now it's... twenty-four... unless you count the slap... then it's twenty-five... oooooh I'm gonna die...." Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was starting to pant as she watched the fantastic show Sensei was providing for her. Yes, that's what she was thinking. Her wonderful beloved principal, grandmother (shh, don't say that out loud!) was punishing Big Sister Shitagi for the feline's benefit! A low rumbling purr escaped the furred one's throat. "Sensei?" she asked quietly in her most humble voice. "Is, is there any way I can help you, myu?" The feline's golden eyes filled with stars. Maybe Sensei would want her to be an assistant! Mascara wouldn't dare do anything without permission, but wouldn't it be lovely if she acted like a nurse? She could hand Sensei things that were needed! Maybe even hold the whip for her while Sensei used her hand to spank Shitagi! Oh! It was such an exciting thought! Mascara was being very good, but that didn't stop several large droplets of silvery pre-cum from dripping to the desktop. Not wanting to mar the surface, the catgirl hastily licked up her own fluids. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako sweatdropped a touch as she watched Mascara clean up after herself, and she found herself salivating a bit as her imagination wondered how she, or in this case, he, tasted? Her strokes with the flogger didn't pause however. The count was now up to thirty, and she was starting to feel the pleasant burn of repetitive stress. It would eventually become painful, but she was good for at least another forty lashes. Still, Shitagi was a tough customer, and she put extra effort into making sure she was lashing the same area over and over, building sensitivity into the affected nerves. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block *slash* "Th-Thirty-five..." Tears were now freely flowing from Shitagi's eyes. *slash* "Thirty-six..." The repeated strikes Hinako was expertly raining on her backside were taking their tolls. *slash* "Thirty-seven..." Shitagi, despite her training to ignore pain, was now seriously feeling them. *slash* "Thir- *sob* Thirty-height..." This wasn't reducing her excitement, sure, as the fluid dripping along her legs showed. *slash* "Thirty-nine..." But nonetheless, she was certain to have a hard time sitting for the next few days. *slash* "Thirty... aaayyyy... forty!" Her whole body was shuddering from the mixed pleasure and pain. *slash* "Forty-one..." It was obvious a lesser girl would have folded and begged for the Principal to stop at this point *slash* "Forty-two..." But Shitagi was probably more distressed by the lack of sexual relief than by physical distress. *slash* "Forty-three..." And Hinako certainly knew it. As she knew the hardest part of the ordeal was for the usually domineering girl to not be in control. *slash* "Forty-four..." Still, her sobbing voice, getting more and more uncertain with each number, indicated she wasn't far from the breaking point. *slash* "Forty-five..." Or maybe even past it... with the Saotomes, you never knew... their pride could sustain them a long time. *slash* "Forty-six..." Shitagi tried to remember how many slash Hinako had condemned her too. *slash* "Forty-seven..." But her mind was drawing a blank. She didn't even recall if she was supposed to say something to make it stop. *slash* "Forty-height..." What the punishment about, already? She wasn't certain any more.... Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Seeing mascara move, bending down, gave Jo Han a nice view of her bottom. And it was a nice view. It looked pure. The thoughts caused him to become excited a little, and that made him somewhat aroused. Would the principal have him "punish" her? He doubted it, since Mascara received some lashings already. On the other hand, hearing the slashes smack the older girl caused him to mentally feel the pain himself. The girl had it coming, he didn't doubt that, it was the amount that was making him feel bad. The count in the forties already, that should be enough. He wondered when the lashing will stop and if she will do anything to Jo Han? Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Big Sister sounded like she was about to cry. Part of Mascara felt bad about that, but the rest...The catgirl moaned at how hard her penis was! Her tail whipped and slashed around. It swatted the feline's bottom in sympathy with each slap of Sensei's whip. Jo Han was watching, but she couldn't stop her tail's motions! Her tail caused no pain though. What was Shitagi feeling now? The catgirl whimpered as her cock throbbed. Mascara's nose twitched. Someone else in the room was getting excited now! She glanced back at Jo Han. He was getting all hot and bothered looking at her hiney! The feline moaned again, unable to do anything about her own arousal. Sensei would be mad at her if she suddenly was bad after being oh so good! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Shitagi's starting to lose coherence was the signal that Hinako had been waiting for to move to the next step of the punishment. Casually, as if it was of no importance, she asked: "Mascara, honey, what did Shitagi's tentacle taste like?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block After some fifty floggings, the whipping coming to a momentarily stop was a bit of a shock for Shitagi. Despite herself, she slumped a bit on the desk, panting. Her ass was on fire, and she was so HORNY! Then, Hinako's words, directed at Mascara, reached her brain. The Saotome girl stiffened. Yes, that was it; she now remembered why she was getting punished. She had forced herself on Mascara and Kimiko... she had raped them with their big tentacles. Was it contrition over the incident the Principal wanted? But it wasn't fair... they provoked her into it! And they ENJOYED it! Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney The sudden question startled Mascara. "Kinda good." she blurted out. Her ears started to twitch in embarrassment. "Um, Myu, it sort of reminded me of eel, but I didn't bite. Honest! I didn't want to hurt Big Sister Shitagi!" She tapped her stubby fingers together, tip to tip. "I, uh, I mean nothing squirted out, her tentacle just sort of tasted nice to me. It was too big though. I was afraid it would reach all the way down into my tummy and touch the one that went in the, uh, other way." She clapped her mouth shut, but saying that made her throbbing cock give a happy little jump. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "That was very good of you, not biting I mean." Hinako said in approval. "I'm sure Shitagi-chan will be just as nice, and not bite you when you let her taste you." As she said this, Hinako laid a hand on Shitagi's burning red ass, knowing the girl would easily feel the outline of the fifty-yen coin that was now pressed against her sensitive flesh. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Um, Myu, it sort of reminded me of eel, but I didn't bite. Honest! > I didn't want to hurt Big Sister Shitagi!" Shitagi, now breathing more evenly, shrugged. "You could have bitten all you want, my tentacles are though... it's not easy to hurt them, and they even grow back when cut." > "I'm sure Shitagi-chan will be just as nice, and not bite you when > you let her taste you." As she said this, Hinako laid a hand on > Shitagi's burning red ass, knowing the girl would easily feel the > outline of the fifty yen coin that was now pressed against her > sensitive flesh. Shitagi shivered from the contact of the metal coin. Not in fear, though, much more like in sexual frustration. She couldn't wait for Hinako to finally scratch her itch. "Hu... taste what? She has no tenta..." she began to say, showing she could be her mommy's girl when it came to missing the obvious. Then her eyes grew huge. "No way! No way I'd let that thing in my body ever AGAIN!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara smiled shyly at her sensei's kind words of praise. "Big Sister, I couldn't nit parts of you off. I don't even think, um, 'wild' me would do something so wicked to you!" The feline's mind came screeching to a stop. "T-Taste me?" she stammered. She jumped off the desk and began to actually hop up and down in pure joy! "Really, myu?" she asked excitedly as her hard cock bounced happily against her tummy. "Oh, that would be heavenly!" In her excitement, she missed the comment about letting "that thing in my body ever AGAIN!" Mascara didn't think she and Kimiko did anything wrong. Big Sister Shitagi opened that door when she took her younger sisters with all those tentacles. It was her own fault that it ended up making her feline sister so un-believably horny! Hopefully Sensei would see it that way, not that Mascara gave that any thought. "Look, Shitagi!" she said excitedly. "Seeing you get spanked and whipped made me oh so hard!" Her ears twitched. "So you don't have to worry. I'll squirt off really quick for you. I promise!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "Now, now, Mascara. You shouldn't be so greedy. Give your sister lots of time to savor your flavor. Take your time, and if you can't hold back, don't be so quick to pull out. Let her enjoy feeling you in her mouth all covered in your juices. Who knows, maybe you'll get nice and hard again and you two will be able to do it all over again. "Wouldn't that be nice, Shitagi?" she asked, drawing just a trickle of life energy up through the coin she had pressed to Shitagi's ass. The soreness in her arm faded as the influx of energy energized her. With her other hand she reversed her hold on the flogger and slipped the thick ridged handle up between Shitagi's legs and pressed the side between her swollen cunt lips. She moved her hand back and forth so it rubbed along the outside. "Oh my, you're so wet and juicy. You'd better be careful or you'll give poor Jo Han the wrong impression. He might actually think you enjoyed being whipped like a naughty bitch." Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi wanted to protest. She wanted to argue that Mascara already raped her back, and that even though she had an unexpected orgasm from it, that was still scaring the shit outta her. She wanted to say she didn't deserve to go through that again, all she did was a little tentacle violation on her sisters, it wasn't that bad, was it. She wanted to beg her Hinako-chan for a different punishment, anything else but that.... But Hinako cut her short by pressing the handle of her whip to Shitagi's oversensitive sex. This sent a jolt of intense feeling through her body. The lengthy flogging had aroused her so much, but without even letting her any chance at relief, that the girl was in a nearly delirious state. Instead of protesting, instead of yelling, instead of fighting back, Shitagi just leaned forward sharply, her mouth wide open in a cute O as she gasped loudly. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han just sat there. Though he was feeling a little better, but the pain still hurt him. Then he saw Mascara jump up and down. > "Really, myu? Oh, that would be heavenly!" Then he heard the principal talking, though the pain did block out some of what was said. Then he saw the Principal do something to Shitagi and saw her lean forward with her mouth open wide. He didn't want to say anything, but he couldn't sit quite any longer. "Excuse me, Principal. Is there something I can do?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara jumped off the desk and scurried around in front of Shitagi. Big sister was waiting for her with mouth open! "Oh thank you!" she said excitedly as she grasped her hard cock. "Don't worry Sensei! I'll hold back a long time. I promise!" Her ears twitched in embarrassed pride. "Staying hard is no problem. Look how sexy and pretty big sister is! I'll stay hard for her all night long!" With that, she shoved her cock head right into the cute "O" of her big sister's mouth! "Oh Shitagi! This is so hot! I'll hold back, then give you a HUGE load! I swear it! Just you wait and see! I'll give you so stuff it'll come out of your nose and ears!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi's eyes bulged as largely as her mouth... who currently couldn't close back anymore. The Saotome girl was on the verge of panicking. Mascara had stuck that thing in her body once... where she could feel it, true, but not TASTE it! And it was tasty indeed, the strong, musky flavor assaulting her taste buds like nothing had before. Shitagi wanted to get away, to jump backward to escape the male appendage filling her mouth, but behind her Hinako was blocking any escape. Not thinking, the lesbian tried to protest, but all she obtained was muffled sounds, which consequentially transmitted nice vibration to Mascara's cock. That wasn't fair! At least when she stuffed Kimiko and Mascara's mouth with her tentacles, those tasted like fresh fish... not wet cat! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako's cunt twitched with erotic arousal as she watched Mascara pump that big dick in and out of her sister's wide stretched mouth. God! What a hot scene. And what a perfect time for her to pump up the level. She reversed the flogger in her hand, holding it tightly where the soft leather lashes projected from the thick handle. A handle that had a familiar bulging hilt. In fact it closely resembled Mascara's massive member, if not as large or veiny. "Open wide, delinquent," she purred pressing the fat tip between Shitagi's legs, and nestling it in between her swollen labia. Hinako twisted the handle, screwing it first in one direction and then the other. She didn't shove it home right away. She wanted Shitagi to be fully aware of what was coming before she did that. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara felt like singing! She let out a rather unearthly wail anyone who ever heard cats breeding would recognize. She caught herself and grinned bashfully. Most regular humans didn't seem to like her beautiful singing voice! "Sorry sensei!" she said breathlessly. "This just feels so good!" She purred deeply as she pushed still more of herself into Shitagi's wonderful mouth. "I couldn't help myself! Listen to how much she likes me!" The noises big sister made were rather frantic, but Mascara somehow decided her strong beautiful sister was making "yummy" sounds as more and more of her throbbing cock passed between her lips. She placed her paws on the back of Shitagi's head. She wasn't forcing... yet, but she prevented her big sister from pulling back! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako continued to twist the flogger handle back and forth, while at the same time she drained a tiny trickle of energy from Shitagi through the coin she still had pressed against the girl's ass. It wasn't to subdue her, though she could quickly do that if she wanted. It was to taste her. Emotions cloud and flavor ki, and over the years she'd learned to savor the various flavors. Shitagi might be making lots of unwilling noises, but her Ki reflected her high level of arousal, and its effect on Hinako was to make her already twitching cunt even hotter and wetter. A sudden sound behind her suddenly reminded her that she had forgotten a participant. Glancing over her shoulder she saw that Jo Han seemed much recovered. "Why don't you pull up a chair," she said, nodding toward one of the straight back chairs that sat off to the side of her desk. "After all, they say that justice must be seen to be done. Why don't you get a real close look?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Shitagi's panicked gurgle wasn't doing much to help her escape the energetic skull-fucking of her hermaphroditic sister. Nor was Hinako, and the way she was pressing the handle of her whip to the delinquent's dripping cunt. Shitagi had some hang-up against anything going inside her body -- whether it was a (urk!) cock or even a sex-toy. But right now, she was so excited by the previous S.-M. that her body was betraying her. She wanted relief so desperately, that her hips were pushing against Hinako's evading hand, to bring her frustration to an end. She was telling herself those moves where only to escape Mascara's ram, which threatened to invade her throat. Mascara's hands on her head seemed to condemn her to swallow the thick head of the pulsing cock past her tonsils. But if she was unable to retreat, Shitagi hadn't given up the fight yet. Her hands left the desk (where her fingers had left deep burrow in the wood), and firmly grasped Mascara's furry buttocks. She then tried to push away the cat- dickgirl's bottom from her face. Who would prevail? Shitagi's ki-enhanced strength (although she had a hard time focusing it between the arousal and Hinako's draining) or Mascara's animalistic power and instinct? Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara giggled in delight. "Big Sister, stop squeezing my butt so much! I kinda like it, myu, but you're keeping me from the best stuff!" The feline was telling the truth. She liked those strong hands roughly kneading her cute little hiney. She just wanted more! She felt that glorious tight opening with the head of her cock, and she wanted to enter! "Just relax, myu, big sister. Let me get in al the way, then you can squeeze and pinch and fondle my hiney all you want!" She started trying to push against Shitagi's efforts, the head of her cock would touch that wondrous gateway, but Shitagi would push her back again. This teasing was starting to bring out just a little bit of anger. "Come on, myu!" she shouted as her paws worked deeper into her sister's hair, and started to tug at it. "Sensei, Shitagi isn't playing nice!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han obeyed the principal and came and sat next to her in the chair she pointed to. Seeing Shitagi get it from both ends was arousing Jo Han. A slight bulge was forming in his pants. He started giving it small strokes, through the pants. "Is this where you want me, Principal?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "Yes, dear, that is perfect. I want you to have a very good view as we discipline Shitagi for attacking you." > "Sensei, Shitagi isn't playing nice!" Hinako smiled at the pout in Mascara's voice. The little catgirl was such a fun bundle of energy, and had such stamina too. She reminded Hinako a bit of her younger self a few years back, not that her younger self didn't tend to still be a bit hyper if she was honest with her self. "Don't worry, Mascara-chan. Shitagi-chan will soon be playing very nice with you. Why don't you try again?" Up to that point Hinako had been turning the flogger right and left, twisting the bulging head just at the mouth of Shitagi's swampy cunt. Now as she instructed Mascara to go deep, she started screwing the shaft inward. Not realizing Mascara had already taken it, she felt a hot flash of lust as she plundered what she thought was Shitagi's virgin cunt. Up to today she had allowed Shitagi to remain un-penetrated no matter how extreme her punishment might have been otherwise, respecting the girl's phobia. But Shitagi had lost the right to that respect when she had plundered her own sister's treasures with her tentacles. Now Hinako watched in pleasure as Shitagi's lower lips were stretched wide and the inch after inch of the thick hard handle pushed deep up inside her untouched cunt. Jo Han was close enough now that Hinako could see the front of his pants without taking her eyes off the fascinating spectacle of Shitagi being raped with her whip handle. The bulge she saw there reminded her that Jo Han was moderately skilled in sex, even if he didn't remember the event. "Oh you poor boy," she said in sympathy. "That swelling looks painful. Don't worry, I'll see what we can do to take care of it for you as soon as I can. I'm sure we can find someone willing to help you." She gave an extra hard twist to the flogger handle as she said this. Hinako knew Shitagi would get the point, and relished the coming reaction. She got ready to draw out more lovely sex/life energy if she got a little too enthusiastic about the idea. It wasn't that Hinako really intended to let Jo Han have a go at Shitagi. That would be wrong. Mascara was family, and had been abused sexually by Shitagi, and by the rules Hinako and Shitagi had hammered out long ago, that made the demon girl fair game for Mascara. But Shitagi had not raped Jo Han, and had given no indication that doing a boy would be anything less than traumatic to her. Still, Hinako would monitor her reaction to the suggestion through her ki and see how she responded. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Seeing the insertion of an object closely resembling size and shape of the male organ, along with Shitagi getting a mouth full, was causing him to get very excited. He wanted to pull it out, but that would be wrong, might be taken as a different meaning. So he sat there, getting excited and aroused, making a very noticeable tent form, which he continued to rub. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Oh yes! Mascara purred in pure lustful delight as her cock tried to enter the glory of big sister's throat. She hadn't missed seeing Sensei push with her cute little whip. "Oh wow. myu! Sensei, did you make it go..." her voice dropped to a whisper, "... inside?" The feline redoubled her efforts. She had to get Shitagi's throat! She looked over at Jo Han, and tried not to giggle. He was making a tent in his pants! Mascara knew all about that! He was trying to rub his boner without anyone noticing, but there was no way he could hide it from ol' secret stroker herself! She looked the cute boy right in the eye, and winked. Then, growing bolder, she let her slender pink tongue shoot out and flick her cute little nose. She wondered if boy stuff tasted as nice as her own did. Maybe if he asked nicely, she'd ask Sensei if she could just give him a tiny bit of help. She wouldn't stop trying to fuck Shitagi's throat, oh no! She was very flexible though. She was sure they could work out something fun to do! Meanwhile... "Big Sister, let me in!" she hissed playfully as she wriggled her furry butt in excitement. That's when she came up with a very good idea. "Let me in your throat, myu, or I can do this!" With that, she reached down and pinched Shitagi's nose shut. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block True to her Saotome blood, Shitagi was stubborn. Despite the clear inevitability of the thing, she had tried her best to resist Mascara's taking of her throat. She was in a bad position, and lacking leverage or control, but she nonetheless kept Mascara's bottom at bay, by digging her strong fingers DEEP in the smooth flesh. But her resistance was coming to an end. Hinako pushing the conveniently-shaped handle of her flogger in her sloshing twat was too much. In other circumstances, the lesbian would have protested and claimed she didn't like it. But the principal had worked her so hot, that any stimulation of her sex was welcome. Even if it meant penetration, it was bringing bliss to her frayed mind. Mascara's pinching of her nose was the last straw. Air had already been in short supply for her brain during the skull-fucking. Now, Shitagi was acting more on instinct, overriding even on her pigheaded pride. Her grips on Mascara's buttocks released, and she relaxed her throat to let in the swelling, purple, hermaphrodite cock. At the same time, renouncing to any outward show of defiance, she pushed back against Hinako's hand, impaling herself on the sex toy. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "Now that's a good little slut," Hinako purred as Shitagi hunched back, impaling a good half of the flogger's handle up her cunt. "See, she's not such a bad girl," she said to Jo Han. "Stick something hot and/or hard into her and she gets downright friendly." Turning her attention to Mascara, she licked her lips as she saw almost all of Mascara's might shaft had been shoved into Shitagi's mouth, stretching her lips into a huge oval. Her own cunt twitched with desire. If she'd been in her teenage form she'd have tackled Jo Han by this point, and investigated that bulge in his pants. But, as a disciplinarian, duty came first. With a jerk of her wrist, she sank the entire handle deep into Shitagi, her fingers coming to rest against the girl's damp flesh. Not pausing, she pulled it out till the bulbous head stretched her outer lips, and then plunged it back in again. Raising the hand that had been resting on Shitagi's ass, she let it drop, delivering a loud smacking spank to Shitagi's red ass. She set up a rhythm; each time she plunged the handle into Shitagi, her other hand dropped to deliver a stinging swat. It was good to be the boss. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 While rubbing the tent in his pants, he noticed Mascara licking her face and giving him a wink. The girl seemed to be interested in him, and that was a good thing. Since Chisame at lunch, Jo Han has been wanting more. Chisame was good, but with her being a virgin, the session was short. The problem now was, Mascara seemed to be enjoying what she was getting, and she would have to get sideways to do something with Jo Han and still get the pleasure from Shitagi. And from his experience, Jo Han knew that trying to physically please two people while lying down sideways was very difficult. Which meant that he would have to somehow get himself closer to her mouth, which meant the easiest thing would be for him to straddle Shitagi so Mascara could do what Jo Han bet she was thinking. Then he got an idea: "Principal, would it be possible to record this, to have something for all of us to remember this by?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney As sensei's cute toy entered Shitagi, Mascara was finally able to claim her prize! The feline let out a small roar of victory as her hard cock suddenly was tightly gripped by the warm tunnel of her big sister's throat. "Sensei! OH, sensei! Look!" she cried as Shitagi's nose touched the fur of her tummy. "Big Sister DOES like it! She likes things in her pussy, and she, myu, likes a pussy's thing in her throat!" The feline couldn't help giggling at what she thought was a very funny joke. She let go of her sister's nose. "Myu! I knew you'd like it once you tried, big sister! Don't you worry, myu! Just like I promised, I'll hold back a real long time!" She looked at Jo Han in sudden surprise. "Yes! Make a video!" she cheered. The catgirl just knew Kimiko would want to see this! Part of her was a little upset though. Didn't that cute boy want a pretty catgirl to suck his penis for him? She wouldn't let her sharp teeth hurt him. Hadn't she practiced enough times on her own erections? She tried again to let him know what she was thinking. Staring right at him, she raised her tail. Hoping Sensei wouldn't be upset at her boldness, Mascara let the tip slip into her open mouth. "MMmmm!" she purred as she let a little more enter. "That's what Shitagi feels like, I bet!" she said carefully as she let her now damp tail tip loose. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi bucked, despite being skewered like a roasted pig between Mascara's pole and Hinako's sex-toy. But it wasn't in a last-ditch effort to escape. No, from the spray of female juices that landed on the Principal's hand, her favorite delinquent just had an orgasm. Her cunt clamped around the invading handle, momentarily stopping its progression. Reflexively, her mouth did the same around Mascara's shaft. Shitagi was feeling faint; she could hardly breathe, and the air she frantically inhaled through her nose was tainted by the strong, musky smell of the herm-catgirl. > Big Sister DOES like it! She likes things in her pussy, and she, > myu, likes a pussy's thing in her throat! "Grrrrmmmmmpffffff...." Tears welled up in Shitagi's eyes. This was worst than her worst nightmare. Not only was she punished by Hinako... not only was she raped by her half-sister... not only was she to be filmed in this humiliating position by Jo Han... ... but she also had to listen to Mascara's lame humor without being able to retort anything! How many times did she have to tell this girl that NOBODY but her found those puns funny? Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Record it? No way in hell, was the principal's first thought. Far too many people had screwed up their lives by leaving incriminating evidence around. And pictures of her pumping a whip handle up one of her student's cunt while another one raped her mouth was certainly incriminating. On the other hand... Shitagi would certainly find her violation being recorded demeaning, which was a plus. Hinako had already planned to erase this little episode from Jo Han's mind, it would be just as simple to destroy or erase any pictures. "Certainly, what a good idea," she said to Jo Han. "There is a digital camcorder in the upper drawer of my filing cabinet. Why don't you play moviemaker? I'm sure Shitagi will be happy to star in her very own porno. And I'm sure her sister will as well." Hinako grinned as she watched Mascara's flirting with Jo Han; the little catgirl was truly irrepressible. As Shitagi could surely attest. Hinako was impressed that the big girl could swallow that much meat without ever having practiced. "I think your sister must be a born cocksucker, Mascara," she said. "We'll have to giver her lots of chance to show her talent. Maybe I could get her to reward the boy's soccer team the next time they win a game." Even if she'd been serious, the threat would have been an idle one. The soccer team hadn't won a game in the last two seasons, but like being filmed, it would prey on Shitagi's mind. Hinako resumed the thrusting of her whip, thrilling at Shitagi's orgasm, and determined to wring the girl dry before the night was over. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han went to the drawer and after digging around he found a few interesting things. He came across a few interesting things. A blowup doll. Vaseline, handcuffs, candles, several vibrators, a device that looked like it had two vibrators on it, about six inches apart, apparently to be inserted into holes of approximately equal length. Then he came across the videocam, and pulled it out. He went over it, making sure there was tape in it, and there were extra in the drawer, he turned it on and aimed it as Shitagi. "Don't worry principal, I won't get you in the shot. I just want to make Shitagi look like she enjoys what she is doing. I will make it look like she is taking two guys at once. Then the veil of her being a lesbian will fall." He started filming, and just got the part of Mascara that was inside Shitagi's mouth, making sure not the get any other noticeable features about Mascara. Then he went to the other end, where Shitagi was being penetrated, and made it look like another guy was there. And after a few minutes of taping, he setup a side shot of her getting it from both ends. Again making sure not to get any noticeable features about the other two participants. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mascara move. He looked up and saw that she raised her tail. Hoping Sensei wouldn't be upset at her boldness, Mascara let the tip slip into her open mouth. "MMmmm!" she purred as she let a little more enter. Jo Han finally knew what she wanted to do. How could he get with her and still record? Well, he set the cam on the desk, focusing on Shitagi. Then, making sure the mic was off, he talked to both Mascara and the Principal: "Mascara, I would love to be with you, but for that to happen I would have to straddle Shitagi, and I don't think she would like it at all. Unless Principal lets you stop with her and then we can get together." Turning towards the principal, he asked her "What do you say, Principal?" He hoped she would say yes. He was real anxious, and by the tent and bulge in his pants, he was ready and wanted to get some. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara very nearly stopped fucking Shitagi's wonderful throat. A camera! She quickly swiped at her face and ears with both paws. "Wow, myu! I'm gonna be a star!" She watched as Jo Han placed the camera on the desk. "No, no, no! That's all wrong!" she shouted. "Nobody will see my beautiful face if you angle it like that!" The feline didn't have any real sense of the future, like most of her four-legged housecat counterparts. She didn't think about any trouble that could possibly come from such a recording. She only wanted to be sure people could see her! "I'm a lovely sex-kitten!" she announced once again thinking her wordplay clever. "Everyone will want to see me! Fix the camera!" She once again gripped Shitagi's hair. "Big sister! People will love us! You're so strong and healthy and built right, and myu, I'm so cute and sexy! Myu! We make a great team! Beauty and the Beast!" Perhaps it was a good thing that Shitagi might not realize her feline sister thought of herself in the role of Beauty! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Hinako was right in assessing that the idea of being filmed would cause even further distress to Shitagi. The current violation of her mouth and pussy should have been enough to make her ignore anything happening beyond her senses of taste, smell, and touch... if not for Jo Han's intrusive question and Mascara's happy banter. The Saotome girl couldn't help but realize what was going on with those two eagerly discussing their amateur porno. Eyes wide, Shitagi contemplated the horrid prospect of other people learning of her degradation. The rumor that she could get off from some double-penetration would be bad enough -- she was a PROUD lesbian, damn it. But even worse, her infamous reputation of a strong, hard-boiled girl would be ruined. Few students and/or siblings would fear her as much if they discovered Mascara and Hinako had taken her down a notch. And THAT was even tolerable to her than the rape itself! She growled around Mascara's thick, blood-engorged shaft that filled her drooling mouth. She bucked against the solid plastic handle that plowed in her dripping snatch. But, despite the high state of sexual excitement she was in... she tried to reach her center and get in touch with her inner energy, cutting off the maddening distractions that were her burning sex and stuffed mouth. Getting a lock on the camera with the corner of the eyes wasn't easy, Mascara's hips were in the way. But Jo Han had come so close that Shitagi could see the offending recording device with her peripheral vision. Letting go of Mascara's ass with her left hand, she aimed a shaky arm in this direction... ... and suddenly, a small ki-ball shot from her palm, nearly at point- blank with the camera! Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Despite having registered the build up, and allowing it, Hinako was startled by the loud bang as Shitagi blew her obsolete video camera to kingdom come. She was glad now that Jo Han had missed her digital camcorder. She would have really regretted seeing that blown to little bitty bits. Of course, she'd never have allowed Shitagi to get off a shot in that case. But there was no need to let anyone know that she didn't mind the camera's demise. "You slut!" she snarled, jamming the handle into Shitagi to the hilt and twisting it violently. "How dare you destroy my property!?" Hinako turned to Jo Han and patted Shitagi's back. "I want you to perch your ass right here. After you get rid of those pants," she ordered him. She drew a bit of Ki energy off of Shitagi to remind her to behave. "Mascara, you're being lazy," she told the catgirl. "I want to see some real motion from you. Fuck your sister's face as fast and as hard as you can." "As for me," she purred, once Jo Han has taken his seat, I'll see if I can find something more entertaining to keep Miss Saotome occupied. She if obviously bored with our current activity if she must entertain herself with fireworks." Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 > Letting go of Mascara's ass with her left hand, she aimed a > shaky arm in this direction...... and suddenly, a small ki-ball shot > from her palm, nearly at point-blank with the camera! Jo Han was glad that he removed the tape from the camcorder when he placed it down. He wanted to hold something over on Shitagi. > Hinako turned to Jo Han and patted Shitagi's back. "I want you to > perch your ass right here. After you get rid of those pants." Jo Han was a little surprised that the principal would want him sitting on Shitagi, but didn't want to argue. He removed his pants, the pants no longer limiting him his erection standing out, and thinking that the principal wanted him to be with Mascara, straddled Shitagi and faced Mascara. "You do want me facing Mascara, is that correct, Principal?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara knew something was happening. It felt rather wonderful to be "plugged in" when Shitagi fired on the camera. Still, it wasn't fair! "Big Sister!" she shouted as she paused in her hip-thrusting. "That was mean, myu! I would have been an Idol! People all over the world would have watched us on the Internet. Myu!" The feline, with claws carefully retracted, dared to show her displeasure. The smallest digit of her right paw/hand was roughly the thickness of a full human's thumb. This digit soon found its way up Shitagi's nose! "Myu! You are so mean!" The catgirl snapped to attention when Sensei called her lazy. "Yes, sensei!" she said meekly as she pulled her pinky from Shitagi's nose. There was a small pop as it withdrew from that rather warm tightness. "I can fuck super fast! You'll see!" She once again grabbed big sister's head, and rammed her cock deep. "I'm still good for lotsa time too, myu!" she bragged as her hips went into high gear. She powered her cock deep into wonderful tightness. It felt nice feeling Shitagi's nose bump her tummy, over and over again! Ears twitching and tail lashing, the feline only just managed to catch Jo Han's words. "Sensei, myu. Make him face me? Pretty please?" she panted as her body continued to slam forward. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi mutely shrieked around Mascara's cock when Hinako "punished" her with a sharp jab of her sex-toy. It was questionable whether this was really punishment, though, since the Saotome got another orgasm out of it. The girl was, actually, feeling quite smug (besides the fact that she was feeling quite stuffed). Despite the current violation and the terrible distraction, she had managed to emit a ki-bolt and hit the target. Sure, it was close-range, and a fairly low-powered blast (at full concentration she would surely have blown up a wall of the office). But this proved she wasn't quite as helpless as her tormentors thought. She still had enough discipline to use some of her tricks. Why she didn't try it sooner was anybody's guess. The initial willingness to take her punishment, probably. It wasn't out of any kind of enjoyment she could be getting out of it, of course, that plain was inconceivable. Now, although she wasn't particularly aiming at displeasing the Principal, Shitagi's combativeness was coming back to the fore. She didn't even pay attention to Jo Han straddling her. Any physical contact with a boy would have panicked her usually, but here she was focused on her airhead of a sister. If Mascara believed she was going to take a forceful fellatio lying down, then the catgirl was even dumber than Shitagi thought. Shitagi gripped again Mascara's buttocks, but this time it wasn't to push her away. Quite the contrary, she was keeping the hermaphrodite's bottom were it was. <> a voice quite similar to Shitagi's echoed in the catgirl's mind. Shitagi didn't like much this ki-voice projection technique, as it was something she learned directly for the old pervert Happôsai. But it worked to bring Kimiko together earlier... and now, it was the best way to say something while her mouth was so full. An added advantage was that, because Shitagi choose to, neither Jo Han nor Hinako could hear her. The message was for Mascara alone. <> Shitagi's fingers dug harder in the flesh of Mascara's butt. If the catgirl looked down... well, she couldn't see any smirk on Shitagi's lips, since her mouth was sealed in a O. But the look in the elder girl's eyes was very talking... the scary, domineering, sure-of-herself sister was back. <> Of course, it was unlikely Hinako-sensei would miss the build-up and allow Shitagi to go through the attack before draining her. But Mascara DIDN'T know that... nor Hinako was aware Shitagi was making this threat.... Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako was maybe one of the premier Ki users of her generations. Oh, lots of people could make bigger bangs, but for pure manipulation of the stuff there were few who could match her. It was, literally, her bread and butter. The technique Shitagi was using to talk to Mascara was one she'd learned from Happôsai, who was the one who had originally trained Hinako. Therefore the principal could intercept the message Shitagi was beaming to Mascara, if not as clearly as the catgirl was receiving it. What she lost in translation was more than compensated for by Mascara's reaction. She knew that Shitagi had threatened Mascara's "manhood" if not just how she meant to do it. "Are you threatening your little sister, Shitagi?" Hinako asked. With a flick of her finger, she detached the flogger's lashes from its handle, drawing out the inner core that gathered up the leather straps, and leaving behind the hollow handle buried deep inside Shitagi's cunt. "Well, I have a question for you," she said. "Did you know that right now your twat is a perfect circle? Now I wonder what would happen if I used that to drain you?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 "So principal, am I to be with mascara? He was stroking his erection lightly now. He was getting anxious. He wanted to fill a hole, and wanted that now. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara froze! Her cock didn't lose its erection, but boy, oh boy was the feline sacred! Big Sister was in her mind! Big Sister was, uh, was threatening to make her all girl! she cried deep in her mind. The catgirl's golden eyes grew big as saucers. She forgot Jo Han for the moment. She didn't even hear Sensei talking to Shitagi. she thought as she tried to speak "Ugh! Ummm! MEOW!" was all she managed to force out as her mouth opened wide in terror. She didn't even know this was giving Jo Han a very clear and hard to ignore invitation! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Well, I have a question for you," Hinako said. "Did you know that > right now your twat is a perfect circle? Now I wonder what would > happen if I used that to drain you?" <> Shitagi answered quite truthfully, with the mental equivalent of a giggle. She was past caring for consequences now. The Saotome girl was regaining the initiative... which meant that she was enjoying herself! > > Shitagi was enjoying the taste of Mascara's fear (figuratively, of course; literally she was only tasting Mascara's dick). Not paying any heed to Hinako's threat, she started building a low ki-charge in her mouth. Small electric-like sparks began coruscating over the swollen hermaphrodite organ between Shitagi's lips. It was quite new and pleasurable sensation to Mascara, but the implied danger was spoiling the fun. Shitagi wasn't really willing to maim her little sister out of spite... but she sure was ready to scare her out of her furry skin. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Busy with the situation with Shitagi, Hinako was a bit annoyed with Jo Han's question. The answer should have been obvious. She was less than polite with her response. "Take hold of her furry little head and stick your cock in her mouth. Can you do that, or do you need a picture?" she said in a distracted air. She hadn't been joking when she'd told Shitagi that the handle in her twat provided a perfect circle. Too bad the girl hadn't taken the hint. Too bad indeed, because doing a full-blown drain on Shitagi would certainly stop her misbehaving, but it would also end Hinako's fun, as she was not into the nearly dead. She was so annoyed that she acted without considering the consequences and instead of draining Shitagi, used her Ki Return to send a big ball of Ki force through the handle and out the tip deep into Shitagi's belly, giving her the ultimate in Cum shots. Shitagi's stomach bulged, actually lifting Jo Han slightly into the air, and bringing his cock much closer to Mascara's mouth. Unfortunately, it also severely depleted her reserves of energy, and she felt the tell tale tingle that meant she was moments away from resuming her teenage guise. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han was waiting for the principal's answer, when he noticed that Mascara face widened a little in terror. Was this her first time with a guy? Was this her first time taking a guy? He really wasn't sure, she seemed knowledgeable, but also showed signs that she was new at this as well. Then he heard the principal talk. > "Take hold of her furry little head and stick your cock in her > mouth. Can you do that, or do you need a picture?" Shaking his head, he started to reach for mascara's head, then when all of a sudden he felt himself being lifted a little, which caused him to touch mascara's mouth. The contact felt good, but he wanted more, so he started pushing a little to get inside mascara's mouth. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was too scared to move. It was quite startling when Jo Han took control and forced his penis into her mouth. This wasn't the time! She moaned around the sudden mouthful. The feline nearly exploded in panic. She ended up sucking the penis in her mouth quite nicely. It was a good thing Jo Han never would know how near he came to razor teeth clamping down on him! Energy flowed over the catgirl's still throbbing erection. her mind cried out. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 "Oh Mascara, that feels so good. Please don't stop." The pleasure was heard in his voice. He wanted to get so worked up he would blow one in her mouth. He gingerly reached for her head, and started to guide her to bob up and down on it. "Please Mascara, don't stop, you are doing wonderful." He felt her tongue around him, felt her teeth rubbing him. He really didn't want to stop, but he wasn't one to force himself upon anyone. If she truly didn't want to do it, then he wouldn't force her. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi bucked quite violently from Hinako force-feeding her cunt with life energy. Her belly bulging was just an outward sign of the internal filling of her womb with life-energy. As Shitagi half-expected, half- feared, the rather rough ki-infusion brought her to a crashing orgasm, like few she had ever experienced. This certainly distracted her of her intended sibling neutering. Her pleasure receptor where overflowed, and she almost completely lost her concentration. But she had to do something with the excess ki in her body. Without really thinking, but acting on instinct, she used her readiness with the "Dragon Breath" ki technique to somewhat relieve the tension... Except it wasn't in its common form. Shitagi wasn't as accomplished a ki-manipulator as Hinako, but nonetheless she was one of the best of her generation, and was gifted with the Saotome talent for improvisation. So, instead of a ray of focused ki shooting from her mouth... ... the yellow stream of hot energy erupted from her cunt, vaporizing the whip-handle and striking a stunned Hinako dead-on. * * * In the corridor leading to the principal's office, gym teacher Matsuiyoko Yotarô was coming, hoping to have a discussion with his boss. He wanted to talk to her about the missing female gym teacher, and if a replacement could be hired. Stepping in front of the door, he momentarily turned to look at the Tantô-shaped indent in the wall opposite to it. Not in the sense it was shaped like a dagger, but shaped like a body had been propelled in the wall -- probably Tantô Kunô, as this tended to happen his rather often (generally thanks to Shitagi Saotome's short temper). Yotarô shrugged. One quickly got used to this kind of things after a while in this school. He was about the knock on the door, when the ringing of a cell phone stopped him. Pulling the annoying device from his pocket, he answered. "Moshi moshi... Maman? Maman, I told you to not call me when I'm at work...." Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako impacted the wall hard, the effort to cushion the blow depleting her energy past the critical stage. With a cry of dismay, she felt herself reducing in size. Her breast's shrinking from their adult bounty to the smaller more perky ones of those of a teenager. The only slightly good thing about the situation was that Shitagi was too busy with Mascara to realize what was going on. Jo Han had his back to her, and Mascara had her face nearly pressed against Jo Han's body. If she was really careful she could maybe sneak out and drain someone before anyone realized the principal was missing. She couldn't drain anyone in the room due to the unwritten rule between her and Shitagi in regards to their sex games. She couldn't use her ki draining power to avoid becoming Shitagi's toy. If she was already in full adult mode, then it was fine to use her draining power to control Shitagi and maintain that form, but having been so foolish as to revert, she could not now use it to regain her position of dominance. At least not by draining Shitagi. It was possible she could have drained Mascara or Jo Han, but a strong sense of ethics made her feel that as they were involved in the current "games" they came under the rules. However, if she could drain someone uninvolved... Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Hearing someone hit the wall behind him, Jo Han was startled. He was about to turn around, when mascara continued. His sexual tension was being relieved and at that moment, the body hitting the wall would have to wait. He took his hands off her head, and started moving his hips in motion with the bobbing mascara's head was giving. He knew he was on Shitagi, but the sensation he was receiving hid that bit of information. He went to place his hands on the side of him, and managed to grope the breasts of Mascara. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara found herself sucking for all she was worth! She hardly knew what she was doing! her mind pleaded. The feline whimpered around her mouthful of cock. Her stupid testicles! She felt the rumble! They, they were growing again! Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 "Oh Mascara, please don't stop. That is wonderful. I bet you have had a lot of practice." He moved his hips now as she bobbed her head up and down. He brought a hand and helped her head by pushing it. "If this is discipline, then I don't want to be good." He saw her tail moving around, so he managed to grasp it and started rubbing and massaging her tail. "Mascara, would you like me to give you some experience? While Shitagi is pleasing you one way, I can DO you another. If you want." Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi grumbled. She had lost her concentration with the earlier ki- blast, and now couldn't threaten Mascara any longer with instant neutering. The catgirl was on the verge of drowning her! What could she do? Although the principal was longer keeping her in check, Jo Han's weight on her back was pinning her on the desk... and those two were seriously getting excited... moving like mad... Which finally was their downfall... or maybe just their fall... as the desk suddenly gave out under their combined weight and all the thrashing around. With a sound of wood cracking, the furniture suddenly toppled over, sending all three fellatio-involved youth to the floor. * * * On the other side of the door, Yotarô was a having a phone conversation with his mother, when a loud crashing sound alerted him. This gave him a convenient pretext to hang up. "I'll call you back later, Maman, something's going on in the Principal's office. Bye bye...." Turning to the door, he was about to open it without knocking. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako opened the door, fully planning on rushing out into the hallway, and ran nose into chest with Mr. Yotarô. Her nose, his chest. Unfortunate, the other way around might have given her some leverage, or at least distracted him from the sprawled figures lying in the remains of her desk, and boy, were they going to pay for that. She'd really loved that desk. "Ah, hi, I'll just be going, Sir, and leaving those delinquents to you," she said, as she started to sidle away, hoping the bug-eyed teacher would stay unfocused long enough for her to make her escape. Of course, she could drain him, and remove his short-term memory, but she hated doing that to teachers, it seemed unprofessional. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Hinako's bumping into his chest was enough to distract Yotarô from the office, even though she wasn't blocking his view. When his attention was drawn back to it, however, the door to the Principal's office was already closing back from the swing. So he missed the sight of the teenager piling inside, although he certainly heard the noise. "Oh, it's you miss Ninomiya..." he said to the teenage-looking woman. He wasn't that surprised to find her here, the "Principal" did told him "Hinako" was kept in detention. "Is Principal Tendô here? And what was that noise?" The way he was staying in the way, he clearly didn't intend to let Hinako flee before she'd answer his questions. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "Principal Tendô? Here?" Hinako said in a rather high pitched questioning voice. While the symptoms were different from years ago, she still suffered from a very different personality as a youngster, as opposed to her sophisticated older self. As a teen, she tended to get flustered more easily, especially in close proximity to a virile male. Of which Yotarô was a prime example. "Uh, she's busy... disciplining," Hinako finally answered, giving Yotarô a weak smile, and wondering if she dared lean forward a bit and get a feel of that muscular chest. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was stunned for a second. The crash and fall to the floor was quite unexpected! "Feels nice." she said in a dazed and somewhat thick voice. She squirmed a little. "Myu, feels real nice!" Her mind chose that moment to clear. "Ahgh! I'm sorry!" she gasped. "Don't move! I, I gotta cum! Don't move!" Her tail thrashed as she tried hard to ignore the growing pressure in her slowly growing testicles. "I won't cum if we hold still!" The feline forgot about sucking Jo Han's nice penis, which wasn't fair on her part. She had left it all hard and throbbing. Now, lying on top of her sister with her cock firmly buried in a warm grasping throat, the catgirl was in a very exposed position. "If, if I stay still, I, myu, won't cum!" Did that sound like a plea for help? Was the way her tail was whipping around looking like a it was trying to point at the pretty little vagina hidden beneath her male organs of pleasure? The feline moaned and leaned forward. Oh no! Getting such a close look at Shitagi's sexy hiney wasn't helping her ignore her condition any! Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Jo Han was stunned from the fall. But that brought to his memory that he had a date to go on in a couple of hours. He looked at the clock, and saw that it was around five. He would have enough time to go shower, in the boys' locker room, then head out on his date. Looking around, he saw that Shitagi still had her mouth completely over Mascara's manhood. He couldn't wait to hold this over her. Though he didn't like to take advantage of people. Shitagi pushed him the wrong way earlier today. And then the blast that knocked him out. No, she had it coming to have something held over her. Maybe that will knock some of the ego out of her. Though he wished that the desk didn't crack. He was waiting for Mascara's response to his question. It would have been interesting, as she pulled her hips back, he would've thrust forward. As he pulled back, she thrust forward. Maybe Mascara will still take him up on his offer. Though he was glad he has a girlfriend in Chisame, it just doesn't feel right with being with one girl. Maybe that is why he went with what the Principal said. Speaking of the Principal, where was she? She was keeping everything interesting. Maybe she was outside, cause he thought he heard somebody talking. Looking for his pants, he found them and started putting them on. It wouldn't be right for him to come out of the principal's office, half naked, trying to make it to the locker room to shower. Making sure that the 8 mm videocassette of Shitagi was still intact, and it was, he put it back in his pants pocket. He would have to make copies of it for back up, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Put it in the mail and have his father make the copies. After getting dressed, though he was still hard, which caused a tent in his pants again, he looked at Mascara and Shitagi and spoke: "Mascara, when you get done with filling Shitagi, and if you are interested in continuing what we had going, I will be more than willing to accommodate. You should be able to find me easy enough. If not tonight, then tomorrow at school you can find me. So we can set the date up. Of Course that all depends if you are still interested and willing to go through with it. But please finish with Shitagi, as she appears to be scared of moving in fear of getting drowned. I hope we can get together sometime in the future. And with that he bowed to both to show he had respect, first to Mascara, for being kind to him, and giving him pleasure, then to Shitagi, for being a fellow fighter warrior. Then he went to the door. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi had been a little disoriented by the fall. That's why she had let the Mascara-de (pun!) continue for a short while. Now that Jo Han wasn't pinning her, or Hinako wasn't there to keep her in check, however, the catgirl was in a bad spot. She perfectly heard about what Mascara was about to do if she moved. But fortunately, there were several ways to skin a cat. To prevent a hose from watering, all you have to do was to squeeze it... ... hard. That's was Shitagi's hand did to the base of Mascara's cock. Circling it carefully, before squeezing it in a vise-like grip. Shitagi has no delusion that it would stop the eruption for long... but at least, it should give her the time to empty her mouth. "Glorp... ugh... *cough*... oh shit, I gotta wash my mouth... or that wet cat taste will never leave." Still holding Mascara by her pride, she glared in her sister's direction. "I know you have loaded gun, Mascara... just be sure that if it ever fire in my direction... you're dead." Jo Han was lucky she was too busy with the tom-catgirl... he could very well escape in one piece. * * * Outside, Yotarô glanced at the door, that back at miss Ninomiya. "Disciplining? She's... disciplining? Do I even want to know what's going on in there?" he asked, more rhetorically than anything else. "Now I guess not... *sigh* ... I bet she wouldn't like being interrupted..." he added fatalistically. Then, he noticed the attire of the schoolgirl in front of him. It wasn't the usual school fuku, but instead... more like the kind of sexy outfit you'd expect to see on the Principal... it was too big for Hinako-chan, and rather in dismay to boot. "What are you wearing? Isn't it one of Principal Tendô's ensemble?" Outside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger "Huh," Hinako glanced down, her eyes still a little foggy with teen- lust, and noticed her outfit. Her face flushed with embarrassment at her baggy ensemble. Outside of school she usually wore a nice stretchy outfit that complimented her figure, but would not tear if she had to shift form. But the formal business dress she wore as the principal hung like a sack on her less endowed teen-form. How humiliating. "Uh, I sort of had an accident and my school uniform was destroyed," she said. Not really a bad excuse at Fûrinkan. "The principal gave me one of her spare outfits." She adopted a put upon expression. "I have to take it to be dry-cleaned and pressed before returning it. Do you know how much that costs?" Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney The feline whimpered. It sounded all the world like a pet caught being bad! "Shitagi!" she gasped. "Please, myu, l-let go! I, I'll burst! Meow! I, I didn't do it in your mouth! Th-That has to count for something!" She shuddered as her body tried to climax, but couldn't. "I'll beg!" she gasped. "Please? Oh please, please, please? Um, let me 'do it'? M-My testicles as full! I, I gotta squirt!" She clasped her paws together as if in prayer. "Please? J-Just loosen your grip, and, and m-move your hand up and down? Just a little? I'll do anything you ask!" She added just a tiny bit too much information. "I, I won't get it in your face, myu! I'll just make your b-breasts wet! I swear!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > I, I didn't do it in your mouth! Th-That has to count for something!" "You didn't do it in my mouth because I DIDN'T LET YOU, YOU TWIT!" Shitagi snarled. Still, she wasn't stupid... even though her intimate knowledge with that disgusting organ was limited, she could guess that the longer she kept a dam on it, the stronger the explosion would be. And giving Mascara's tendency to ejaculate a flood, that wasn't a good prospect. "I'm going to let you squirt, all right..." she grumbled, giving back some hope to the desperate catgirl, "... BUT NOWHERE IN MY DIRECTION!" Twisting her sister around using the one grip she had on her (that is, on her poor mistreated hermaphrodite organ), Shitagi made Mascara face away from her. The catgirl sitting in her sister's lap with a steely hold that left her no chance of turning around, Shitagi used Mascara like a living flame-thrower. Finally easing the squeeze on her cock, the lesbian she carefully aimed the incoming jet away from herself and her precious mane of hair. Only after the fact would Shitagi realize that she had directed it at the remnants of Hinako's desk and beautiful mirror. Re: Outside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "All right... I see... no prob... nothing out of the ordinary..." mumbled the teacher, massaging his forehead. That's when the mixed noises of mewling and crying reached their ears through the door of the Principal's office. "I don't ear a thing... I don't see a thing... I don't know a thing..." Should I mention that Yotarô had for principle to ignore most of the school weirdness, in hope that it'd just go away? Not that this was any unusual here... a lot of the teachers did that anyway. "I'll... talk to the Principal later, finally... I think I'll just go to bed now..." Re: Inside the Principal's Office**OOC** pboost1 Jo Han was about to leave when he heard some strange things coming from behind him. He turned around and saw that Shitagi had twisted Mascara and Mascara was releasing all over the desk, or what use to be the desk. And a lot was coming out. "Are you all right, Mascara?" was all he could say. Re: Outside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako slumped against the door to her office, letting a sigh of relief escape her lips. Too soon as it happened as the much-abused door suddenly fell open, dropping her on her ass inside the doorframe. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney With a whimper and moan, Mascara had no choice but to let her big sister roughly twist her around. Still, it wasn't so bad! Sure the grip on her throbbing cock was tight. Sure Shitagi was seriously pissed at her. There was the mirror though! Shitagi had been kind enough to point her at the mirror! Oh kitty litter! How come she never noticed how sexy Shitagi was when she was angry? Suddenly, the grip loosened on her cock. "MMMEOWWW!" she cried as her body raced towards blessed release. "J- Jerk me!" she ordered, forgetting herself. "Myu! CUMMING!" Her orgasm was one worth the record books! The catgirl had been holding back so, so very long! This wasn't any wimpy little squirt-spurt! A thick hot stream of semen blasted free! It hit the mirror with a loud SPLUT! The catgirl wriggled and writhed in her sister's unbreakable grasp. She leaned back and added to her joy as firm breasts pressed tightly against her furry back. Another blast of life giving fluid burst free! Papers, wood, mirror, and floor were blasted again and again! Thoughts of Jo Han managed to get into her wildly spinning mind. She wanted him too! She wanted him to fuck her! Hell, she wanted to fuck HIM! The catgirl wailed. "JO HAN, MYU!" More thick gooey semen slopped all over! "You too!" she cried senselessly. "W-Want MORE!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi had gritted her teeth during Mascara's "suppressive fire". She would probably have been less tense if it were a flamethrower or acid sprinkler she was handling. (Actually, many of those knowing her could have bet that with a true flamethrower, Shitagi would have been laughing maniacally instead.) When the eruption receded, though, she let out a deep breath. She didn't mind that much that her sister was grinding her back against her breasts -- with the exception of Mascara's cock, the rest of her shape was female. Touching her sister's beautiful, furred body wasn't so bad; in fact it was rather exciting. There were only too thing that truly bothered Shitagi about Mascara. What was between her legs, and... what was between her ears. > "JO HAN, MYU! You too! "W-Want MORE!" A nervous twitch plagued Shitagi's eye. Letting go of the spurting penis, she instead put a hand on top of the catgirl's head, her fingers closing around her skull in an iron grip. "What? What was that? I couldn't have heard correctly..." she growled dangerously. Shitagi's aura flared up in anger, making her hair flow around her naked body like with a non-existent wind. Considering the incredible mane that was Shitagi's hair when not braided, this certainly required a lot of energy. "You certainly meant: 'Oh good Lord, it's at last finished, I'm drained, I wouldn't even think of sex for WEEKS now.' Isn't that RIGHT, MASCARA!?" The sound of a door opening and a fanny impacting the floor momentarily drew the attention of the monster-girl. Turning around, her fiery gaze landed on a badly-dressed teenager. "Oh, look... wouldn't that be *Ninomiya* Hinako... what a coincidence!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako looked up at Shitagi's smiling face, and sweated profusely. "Ahee," she coughed, clearing her suddenly constricted throat. "Sorry about this. Door just sort of opened on me. I'll be going now." There really wasn't much chance of Hinako getting away unscathed, but she lowered the odds even further when she said, "I'm sure you and Mascara want to have some private time." As she spoke, she dropped her eyes down to where Mascara's semi-hard member was drooling sperm. Re: Inside the Principal's Office pboost1 Listening to all that was going on was starting to overwhelm Jo Han. Mascara wanted more? At least he knew that he was still good. But it could also be from what Shitagi did to mascara. And Shitagi's response didn't seem that she wanted him near Mascara at all. So he would have to get with mascara later. Now was not the time; if he didn't get clean soon, he would be late for his date. Then he heard the door open and somebody fall in. From earlier today he thought it might be that strange science kid. But he wouldn't hang around after school, would he? Then he thought the principal returned and she tripped. So he turned around to offer help, but it wasn't the principal, it was a kid with the principal clothes. Now, with the schooling he had, he was taught to pay attention to what was going on, and it was after hours, and here was somebody with the clothes that the principal wore. And the clothes looked bigger on the student. That could mean a couple of things. But he will have to talk to her about that later. "Mascara, I would love to be with you, But Shitagi, I don't think, will allow that to happen at this time. You are very cute and a bit curvy. Please don't be mad at me because I cannot be with you now. I do want to be with you; it's just that other people will not allow it, right now. Let's talk about it later. Maybe during lunch tomorrow or something.... Unless you can come up with something better? Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was in a strange state of sensual overload. It was a very good thing that she was sitting in Shitagi's lap. If she were facing the other way, there was no telling what she might have done! The feline wailed. "It's not right! Myu! Want more! NEED MORE!" Although her cock had finally eased off to a nice oozing dribble of semen, there was still enough hardness left to keep the frenzied catgirl actively thinking about sex! Big sister's grip kept her from turning her head, but she heard Jo Han just fine! "Anytime!" she shouted. "Jo Han can fuck Mascara any time!" Was there a wicked hint to her voice? "Mascara could even fuck Jo Han!" Huh? Hinako was here? Golden eyes uncrossed, and managed to focus. "Myu! Pretty girl!" she said huskily. While it was true she wasn't splashed with cold water, the feline still wasn't thinking with her full human mind. Nope! She was thinking with something quite a bit lower on her body! "Shitagi! Myu! Look, It's Hinako! Maybe she wants to fuck!" The feline whimpered as her cock started to return to full hardness. "Look what you did!" she said accusingly to Hinako. "I'm hard again! Now you have to help Mascara!" Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block If you had asked her, Shitagi would have affirmed she was the most patient and levelheaded person in the whole word. You wouldn't have to believe her, of course. As of now, Mascara's hare-brained -- well, cat-brained -- insistence for sex, even as it should be evident that her big sister was a killing mood, really was the last straw. Shitagi wouldn't have imagined Mascara could be so sex-crazy... not to the point of not even showing any fear to what was obviously a death threat directed at her. Something snapped in Shitagi's already not-too-stable psych. Mascara's thrashing and mewling was the most urgent source of annoyance here, so she dealt with it immediately. By punching Mascara straight into a wall. THAT should make her shut up. The catgirl's front impacted the wall, her face and the rest of her body imbedded into it. Her hard, straight cock was probably nailed deeper than the rest in the plaster. Shitagi then turned toward Jo Han. She couldn't believe the moron hadn't used the reprieve to flee while he could, and instead stayed here and tried talking things out. Like most guys, he probably was only thinking with his penis, too eager to fuck Mascara to think about self- preservation. She stomped toward the boy, her active aura still blowing her mane around her. This entirely revealed her nude body, but she didn't seem to care any longer. "YOU!" she growled, poking his chest with a finger. "IF YOU THINK I DIDN'T NOTICE YOU TRIED TO RAPE ME, YOU'RE SORELY WRONG! BUT YOU'RE LUCKY, I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOU NOW! I'LL KILL YOU LATER, YOU PERVERT!" The guy opened his mouth for a long-winded protest, just as Shitagi expected. This was his downfall, however. Added with the distraction procured by Shitagi's body, that's all the Saotome girl needed to kick him and propel him with incredible strength toward the window, which he crashed through and flew in the air in promise pause. He then landed a few floors down near a pair of girls that were precisely searching for him. "As for you...." Shitagi turned then toward the trembling Hinako, towering menacingly above her. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger Hinako sweatdropped from her position on the floor, and just barely stopped herself from saying "That time of the month?" Fortunately she had a bit more control over her verbal output than a typical teenager, if not much. She was fully capable of aggravating Shitagi, but at this moment the girl seemed just a touch stressed, and while Hinako had no objection normally to the abuse Shitagi heaped on her succulent teenage body, she didn't think she'd enjoy the type of abuse she looked ready to dish out at the moment. "Heh," she laughed weakly. "You seem a bit out of sorts. Maybe you should go home and take a nice hot soak. Get all cleaned up." Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney If Mascara had been thinking clearly, she would have discovered that having hot nasty sex wasn't the only way to ease her flaming libido. Slamming into a wall did the trick fairly well too! The stunned feline stayed pinned to the wall by the obvious means, until her cock finally went flaccid. Then, with a thump she fell to the floor. "Pop?" she said in an unsteady voice. "I don't wanna go ta school today. I wanna go catch mice in the dojo." Her golden eyes opened, and the catgirl knew fear! The room crackled with the energy of Shitagi's anger! She looked up from where she lay on the floor, and whimpered when she spotted her sister. Even though she was seeing her upside down, Mascara saw the anger in every movement of her body. "Um, I, I think I better go home now." she whispered as she climbed unsteadily to her feet. "I bet mama-Akane needs some help in the kitchen right about now." With that, Mascara slowly inched her way towards the door. Hopefully Shitagi would be too interested in killing Jo Han to notice she was trying to make her escape! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Mascara's escape through the door, however was impaired by the tiny problem that it was just where Shitagi was standing, glaring down at Hinako. Oh, well, there was still the broken window by which Jo Han had made an exit. They were only at the top floor of the building, after all. Hinako's carefully-worded advice, if not completely calming down Shitagi, at lest didn't add fuel to the fire. Seeing the rather uneasy state of the teenager that was usually a confident woman did make the Saotome girl feel better. Some people were still showing the proper terror around a pissed-of Shitagi. "Oh you... I should..." she growled toward Hinako. In normal circumstances, she would have a perfect opportunity of "punishing" the girl by invoking the pretext she was eavesdropping the principal's office. But she had other cats to flog... ahem... another cat to skin... to tame right now. She couldn't wait in disciplining Mascara, her crimes were too grave to delay. Leaning toward Hinako, she whispered, hopefully too low for even the catgirl to hear her. "You knew what I thought about penetration... and still, you forced me with Mascara and that dildo... that's unforgivable...." Deep down, though, Shitagi realized the Principal had dispensed equal justice. Sure, she had gone farther than usual by shafting Shitagi, and having Mascara stuffing her mouth. But on the other hand, the lesbian did break the line first by tentacle-raping her sisters. So, in a warped way, it was somewhat fair. The elder Saotome daughter wasn't happy about it, but she wasn't fooling herself either. Still, that didn't mean she could forgive Hinako entirely. "You're lucky, I have to take care of an oversexed furry right now, and correct her behavior before she really get wild. But from now on, you should beware of dark alleys... there may be a... tentacle monster after you." Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger A delightful shiver of erotic horror ran down Hinako's spine, and straight to her sex, which lubricated in reaction to Shitagi's words, even as her face paled slightly as the more rational part of her mind had its own reaction. "Yes, Shitagi," she whispered as she scooted backward toward the open door. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney If anyone was watching Mascara, they probably would have been laughing. Back against the wall, arms outstretched, the frightened feline was slowly inching towards the door and freedom. Many times Mascara had chased after, and yes, ate stray mice. This was the first time in her life she wished she was as small and fast as one of the tasty tidbits! As she neared the door, she lost her nerve. If Shitagi looked up from the tongue-lashing she was giving Hinako, she was dead meat! After a pause to make sure Shitagi couldn't hear her pounding heart, the catgirl reversed direction and very slowly and carefully headed towards the broken window. 'Oversized furry? Correct her behavior?' A meek little purr sounded deep in her throat. Kimiko would surely miss her after Shitagi killed her! The window was closer. "Danm, myu!" she whispered. She forgot they were on the top floor! The trees were even too far away! This was a tough choice! Jump out the window and risk broken legs (all four) when she landed on her feet, or stay and face her sister's punishment. A third choice made itself known, but it was hardly a good one! Her sensitive ears heard a squeak. This triggered a rumble in her tummy. Her last meal had been hours away! Instinct took over. Like all housecats, Mascara's rather shaky sense of the future made her change direction. Dropping to all fours, the feline eased slinkily over to a small hole in the corner baseboard. Dinner was going to be à la carte today! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi smirked fiercely at the sight of the reaction she got from Hinako. She could almost smell the fear, but also the intense arousal it inspired to the youthful-looking woman. Before Hinako-chan could break a run, Shitagi blew her a kiss, and said with a feral grin: "That's a promise...." The eldest Saotome daughter then turned around... to see Mascara standing on all four on the balcony by the broken window, apparently ready to jump away... although something seemed to have attracted her flighty attention. Shitagi twisted her mouth in slight annoyance. Her hand went behind her head by reflex, only to remember her hairs were flowing free. If she had had her pigtail, she could have easily caught Mascara in it, but here she'll have to re-braid them first. So, suppressing her offensive aura to the best of her capacity, she silently tiptoed toward the catgirl, hoping to catch her by the wavy tail that offered a tempting target. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara crouched low, her tail thrashing soundlessly. Did she see a movement? Her tongue darted out and licked her chops. She would not play with her food today! She could almost taste that warm rush of blood right now! "Just a little more." she hissed quietly as she stared unblinkingly at the mouse hole. There! There he was! Her tail stopped its movements and bristled as her body tensed. She never noticed that it came within an inch of brushing her big sister's hand! "You're mine!" she whispered in victory as launched her body at her nice warm snack. Re: Inside the Principal's Office T.H. Tiger A part of Hinako told her she really should try to protect Mascara from Shitagi, but that was the mature part of her that was well suppressed when she was a teenager. By far the largest part of her mind was glad to see Shitagi distracted, even as her toes nearly curled at the promise Shitagi had made her. She eased herself out through the door, and to freedom. Giving a big sigh, she headed down the hall, her mind already focused on the hot bath at home, and a nice evening of buffing the bunny to take care of the itch between her legs. Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi glared at Mascara's back, hands on her hips. Her assessment of Mascara's danger sense proved again to be true... when focused on something, the catgirl was completely open. Bloody revenge aside, she really needed a good training session. Which Big Sister will gladly provide. The very second Mascara jumped on her prey, Shitagi's fingers closed around Mascara's tails with a steel grip. She not only stopped short the catgirl's forward advance, she pulled her back into the room with the average gentleness of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Shitagi held Mascara upside-down with her extended arm, as far as she could from her own body (she was wary of the catgirl's claws). Looking straight in the feline's panicked eyes, Shitagi scowled. "Pathetic... did you plain *forget* about me, Mascara-chan? Did you think you could go back to your silly cat-play with me behind you? Boy, I think we should restart your training from the very beginning...." Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Just as she was going to reach her prey, Mascara's entire body jerked to a stop. Teeth clicking loudly on air, the painfully surprised catgirl watched as the mouse looked up, gave her the rodent equivalent of an extended middle finger, and scurried away. The feline wailed and twisted as she hung upside-down from her beautiful tail. "Big Sister!" she cried in humiliation and shock. She really HAD forgotten Shitagi was there! "It, it's a feline thing!" she whined as she tried to at least get a paw on the floor. "Myu! I can't help it!" The second she tried to explain, Mascara knew she made a mistake. The blinding glare of Shitagi's eyes told her that no excuse would be accepted! Worse yet, she had just admitted a rather drastic weakness! Mascara was proud of her beautiful body, but deep down had a strong fear. What if people saw her as nothing more then an overgrown house cat? A big furry domestic PET! "Please let me go, myu!" she whined as her golden eyes filled with hot shameful tears Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi didn't comply with Mascara's pained plea. Not letting go of the tail, she just brought the feline's face closer to her own. "A feline thing... oh my poor Mascara-chan... how hard it must be on you..." Shitagi said in a saccharine tone. Which never augured anything good. Her siblings could attest it, Shitagi talking nice was plain scarier than when she was angry. "But don't worry... Big Sister will help go past this limitation... I'll whip you in shape and make REAL martial artist out of you... with an infallible danger sense... through harrowing, strenuous, inhuman, insane, nearly-lethal, Saotome-style TRRRRRAAAAAIIIINNNNIIIINNNG!!!" The way Shitagi drawled out the last word implied lots and lots and lots of pain in Mascara's near future. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney For just a split second, Shitagi's sweet tone eased the feline's fear. That didn't last long! She heard the disgust between the sweet words, and her heart turned into a ball of ice! "MEOW!" she wailed fearfully before remembering to use human speak. "Just kidding!" she moaned. "Myu, not a feline thing! If, if you l-let me go, I'll prove I can be normal!" The scared catgirl only planned to prove one thing! How fast a feline could run if her nine lives were in danger! In her wild form, she'd lived quite a few months out in the wilderness. She was sure even without cold water she could do it again! Six months, maybe a year, and she could sneak back and be with Kimiko again. Surely that would give Big Sister time to forget this "little" disagreement. The feline foolishly twisted her body, signaling her thoughts on escape as she tried to get at least her front legs to make contact with a wall or something! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi could easily tell what were Mascara's intentions from her body language. Which didn't fit with her plans. She'd have to let go of the catgirl at least for a few minutes if she wanted to put back some clothes and re-bread her pigtail. So, she spoke anew in her silly, over-saccharine tone. "Mascara-chan, I know what you're thinking about.... Now just ask yourself this tiny- winy question: can a catgirl outrun a ki-blast? A big, crackling, honking ki-blast? Like the one I blew up Tokyo Tower with?" Actually, "blew up" was a bit of an exaggeration... the Tokyo Tower had been seriously damaged during one early pursuit of Happôsai by Shitagi, but not completely blew up. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Tokyo Tower, tall and proud. Tokyo Tower, bent and burnt. The images raced through Mascara's head. Tower, tall, staff, rigid, ki-blast, burnt, limp, flaccid, fixed. The feline shuddered as her imaginations of horror showed her exactly what such a powerful blast of pure focused energy could do to such a lovely furry body such as her own. Her struggling stopped. Painful as it was on her bottom, Mascara hung perfectly still. She wasn't the best student, but she seemed to remember talk of the energies unleashed in such a blast of power would be traveling at the speed of light itself! "N-No." she gasped almost silently. "C-Catgirls can't outrun ki-blasts, myu." She hung her head. Well, she hung her whole self, but she was hanging her head too. Her tail would tuck up between her back legs, if she wasn't being supported by it. "I, I w-wouldn't run away." she whispered, sobbing a bit because she now knew it to be the truth. "You, you wouldn't be able to, myu, train m-me if, if I r-ran away." Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Good girl..." slurred Shitagi. "Or... good cat." she added while patting Mascara's upside-down head with her free hand. The Saotome girl finally let go of the catgirl's tail, sending her sister to land on her feet next to their clothes. "Now, don't forget this promise if you value your furry skin. Get clothed; we lost enough time as it is. I don't want us to miss the last train to the family training ground." Keeping an eye on Mascara, Shitagi picked her panties and shorts and, chasing her heavy mane of hair from her body, covered her bottom. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney The feline's ears twitched in humiliation as Shitagi's hand gently patted her head. Good girl, no, good cat? Did that mean she didn't deserve to be called a girl? Mascara quickly tore her eyes away from the beautiful girl that was her naked big sister. Humiliation or not, she couldn't trust her stupid body not to respond to a girl getting dressed right in front of her! "Myu, I'll remember." she said softly as she began to get her own clothes back on. Shorts panties and sport bra. Never in her life had she actually enjoyed wearing clothes. Now though, she wanted more! Her whole school uniform would be good. Even one of pop's old Chinese uniforms would do! House cats don't wear clothes after all! It could be worse though! At least she was wearing some kind of clothes, and not going naked, with a leash! Re: Inside the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block It wasn't a leash Shitagi was working on, but it was close enough. Parting her long hair in two braids at the base of skull, before smoothing them along their length, going as far as stepping on the two "ponytails" once they reached the ground and she had to work on the remaining three or four meters. Reaching the end, Shitagi tied both extremities with rubber bands. Then, she started braiding the two ropes in a pigtail. It was just a rushed job, and she was grumbling all the way. "Damn, they'll have to be combed and shampooed thoroughly later...." There was no doubt, of course, about who would doing this harassing job (that could take a few hours). It was common fare for Shitagi to have any sister she could catch slave on her prized hair. Re: Inside the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Fully dressed again, Mascara thought it was now safe to watch Shitagi work on her hair. That may have been a BIG mistake! It was almost hypnotic to watch Big Sister's sure fingers nimbly braid the fantastic lengths of hair. The rope of hair called to her! Mascara tried to look away, but it was no good. Instincts older then time were taking over. First, it was only a slight tremble. The feline tried with all her fractured willpower to resist. The tremble grew. "Meow!" she purred softly as the unthinkable happened. Like any housecat faced with a length of colorful yarn, Mascara's paw-like hand shot out. She batted at Shitagi's hair! Left, right, then left again. Her paws gently struck at the length of glorious hair. Thank goodness she didn't pounce on it, or put it in her mouth. It was bad enough she was slapping at it while Shitagi was trying to finish her pigtail! Coming to her senses, the humiliated catgirl froze. "S-Sorry, myu!" she exclaimed. "It's, it's just... Your hair's lovely!" she sputtered, hoping flattery will save her furry butt! Leaving the Principal's Office St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi stared at Mascara toying with the not-yet bound extremities of her pigtail, not moving a muscle. Her face was unreadable; it was hard to tell if her lack of reaction was an expression of contempt or simply out of surprise. A frown finally appeared on her face, as she glared at the transfixed catgirl. "Yes... I know my hair is beautiful... just like the Venus fly-trap must look beautiful to the unwary insects it devours." Shitagi finished the rush-job on her braid, and tied it up behind her back in loose coils, so it wouldn't drag on the ground. She then turned again to Mascara. "I think I know from where your poor danger-sense come from... you have absolutely NO awareness of danger, even when it's right before your nose. Well, don't worry, Big Sister is going to correct that soon." Now that they were clothed, she roared: "MOVE ON! We gotta hop to the house to pick up some gear, and then we're going to the boot c... family training ground. I'll whip you back in shape, even if it must cost YOU your life!" Re: Leaving the Principal's Office Cuteycindyhoney Mascara kept very still. It had finally sunk in that she had committed a serious crime in daring to touch Shitagi's hair without permission. (She'd been used as a slave hairdresser several times in the past) When Shitagi roared to MOVE it, the feline suddenly found herself springing several feet straight up from the sheer shock of it! "Yes big sister!" she wailed as she landed on her feet. Instinct made her fall in step with her sister, but a respectable couple of paces behind her. "Th-Thank you, myu." she whimpered. "I, I'll try real hard! You'll see!" She took a shuddering breath. "Myu, I, I'll make you proud that I'm related to you. Honest!" [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 12]