RANMA 1/2 THE NEXT GENERATION HENTAI RPG - 6: thread 1 > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RtNGHrpg2/ Compilation and proofreading by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 5, THREADS 1 & 2] Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Keeping one hand on Mascara's head, and the other across her mostly exposed breasts, Kimiko lead the way to the house, going in the back way so as to avoid the horde of rugrats, who were always ready to pounce on Mascara-neko. Fortunately, the fire and resulting activity seemed to have drawn any stragglers away from this part of the house. Kimiko dashed into the back, through the laundry room, and into the furo. Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara happily walked with her people. When the feline figured out where they were going, she pulled back just a little bit. She didn't like the place of water, but was getting awfully confused. Last time she was there was VERY pleasing. Mascara whimpered almost fearfully as she felt a certain stirring deep inside. Was the place of water really the place of mating? That couldn't be right... could it? Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Kimiko had paused on the fringe of the furo. She knew how Mascara-neko hated this place, the place where she came to die so often. Kimiko's heart ached for her sister's other half. Mascara-neko was so full of joy and life, but her family always tried to get rid of her the first chance they could. Kimiko almost turned away, almost headed back to her bedroom for a change of clothes before running away to spend the day with Mascara-neko. But, she didn't. It wouldn't work. They were in the middle of the city. This was no place to let the Neko run loose. Kimiko made a vow; she'd talk to Mascara, and maybe they could take a trip to the mountains where there was room for Neko-Mascara to be herself for a while, with no rush to change her back to her other self. Kimiko gave Mascara-neko a quick hard hug, and whispered, "I'm sorry, some day we'll play together, but we can't today." She led the way into the furo, and closed the door behind her, being careful to place the occupied sign on the outside. Then, before the Neko could react, she took a quick step to the furo, and scooped warm water toward her. Re: Getting ready for school. St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Outside the bathroom, a threat was approaching. Just like Shitagi had mused, Stretch had gone straight to the furo to get the Flea-Bag wet. Personally, she never saw what was the hurry; it wasn't not like there was any real intelligence change between Mascara-onna and Mascara-neko. The Neko was just a bit more of a ruthless fighter, that's all. Stomping in the anteroom of the furo, Shitagi's yellow aura was menacingly flaring around her, hint that she was in a bad mood. She glared at the occupied sign on the door, and it almost started to smoke. That wouldn't stop her from delivering rightful sisterly ass-kicking, that's for sure. Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Once more, Mascara went through the unsettling shift as her mind fully awoke. "I'm wet!" she whimpered, before getting herself under control. She smiled shyly at Kimiko. "You fought magnificently, Kimiko-love!" she nearly shouted. "Myu, I hope I didn't embarrass you, Kimiko." She said in a small voice. She stood erect which made it noticeable that something under her now damp uniform was also standing erect. "Do you think anyone noticed, myu?" Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Kimiko blushed, and even though her body was sore and aching and she wanted nothing more than a hot soak, she had to fight the urge to reach out and touch something. "Ahhhhh, no, I'm sure no one noticed," she stammered out. "With all the chaos going on, they had other things on their minds." Kimiko exerted willpower, and turning her back on Mascara began to slip out of the tattered remains of her clothing. Soon she was bare, except for the splotches of ash and other dirt that dotted her body. She gave a contented groan as she turned on the shower to very near as hot as it could go, and let it wash over her. Her muscles slackened and she dropped to her knees rather than trying to continue to support herself. Her arms also started to loose strength and she turned to Mascara. "Could you rinse me down please, love?" she asked, extending the shower nozzle to her sister. Re: Getting ready for school. St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The bathroom door opened. Opened normally; Shitagi didn't blow it up. Although she was tempted to make a better entrance, she knew better that adding unnecessary damage to the house. There was enough happening already. She snorted when both her sisters jumped at the apparition of their elder, surrounded by a yellow aura of rage. Honestly, what kind of martial artists were those two if they couldn't feel her approach? Pathetic.... Stomping directly toward Kimiko and pointedly ignoring Mascara, she said in a chilling voice: "Say, donkey-ears..." If you wonder why she was using that nickname for Kimiko, it became evident quickly as she grabbed the ear of her little sis to be sure she got her attention, and began to pull on it... to pull on it a good foot away from Kimiko's head, thanks to the rubber-girl elasticity. "... you and *I* have some things to discuss...." she continued in a low, dangerous tone, her eyes glaring like a pair of industrial lasers. Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara gladly took the shower hose. "Of course Kimiko! You just relax!" The feline only shuddered slightly as her legs and feet/paws became more and more wet. This was such a small price to pay if it made Kimiko feel better. The catgirl almost lost one of her nine lives when Shitagi stormed in. When her older sister pulled Kimiko's ear, Mascara acted without thinking. "Let go of her now, myu!" she shouted, while blasting Shitagi's face with warm water. Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger "ouchi, ouchi, ouchi," Kimiko cried out, going up on tiptoes to try to relieve the strain on her ears. To no avail. Shitagi simply pulled them higher. "Stop!" Kimiko cried out reaching up to grab Shitagi's wrists and pulling herself upward. This took the pressure off her ears, but left her hanging from Shitagi's arms, and at her big sister's mercy, of which Shitagi had none. She was contemplating the most pain free method of fighting back when Mascara blasted warm water into Shitagi's face. The Monster, as Kimiko referred to her, sputtered with a mouth full of water, and released her grip on Kimiko's ears, which snapped painfully back into shape. Letting go of Shitagi's wrists, Kimiko clapped her hands protectively over her ears and retreated to the farthest corner she could manage. Rubbing her sore ears, Kimiko glared at her big sister. "What's the matter, got bored with your new 'boyfriend'?" she asked in a taunting voice. Kimiko was well known for not having the best of sense when dealing with her sister. There was just something in her that would not let her try and stay under Shitagi's radar, she just had to aggravate the bigger, older, girl. Not that it took a lot to aggravate Shitagi. Re: Getting ready for school. St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi spitted and whipped the water from her face. Good thing Mascara had at least the sense to use warm water, or the bathroom would right now be a bit *crowded*. "You stay out of this, Flea-Bag!" warned the older girl, glaring at Mascara. She had no fear of the catgirl, but knew that among most of her sister, the Neko-Ken fighter was one of the few that could really give her problems. The Saotome powerhouse could win, sure, but it would be a long-winded and difficult, with a lot of property damage. And Shitagi had no time for that right now. "'What's the matter?'?" she growled back at Kimiko. "You dare ask me what's the matter? I'd bet you have no idea who displaced a few tiles on top of my room, right? Yah dimwit, do you want to bring the whole house on our head? Do you have an idea what would have happened if I got wet while sleeping?" Steeping closer to her naked little sister, she cornered her, dominating her not just with size but also that nice aura trick she learned from Happôsai, that made her look bigger and more intimidating. "But that's nothing... nothing compared to what you've done in the dojo! You TRICKED me into touching a filthy, disgusting BOY by hiding that cute opponent of yours! And worst of all, you HAD MOM YELLING AT ME!" Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger "Serves you right," Kimiko retorted, trying to squeeze deeper into the corner. Under her bluster she was telling herself to shut up, shut up, shut up, but typically, she simply could not control her mouth around Shitagi. "Maybe if you touched more boys, you wouldn't be such a disgusting pervert. How come you missed the challenge? I bet you were abusing some poor girl." A faint tinge of jealousy colored Kimiko's voice. Though she'd deny it under torture, she looked up to her big sister, admired her skill and her no prisoners attitude toward life. She loved it if just once her sister would look at her the way she looked at every cute girl that walked by. Kimiko retained enough presence of mind to look over at Mascara, and give her wink, letting her know that all was under control. A big fat lie of course, but the two of them could not afford to wreck the house in a brawl with Shitagi. Dad was going to hit the roof as it was when Kimiko confessed to him. They didn't need massive property damage added to Mascara's "crimes". Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara hastened to toss the shower hose aside. "Oh shoot! Did you way roof tiles, myu?" She started to fib like crazy. "I, I think I must have done that, Shitagi! She said quietly. "Meaw, I didn't mean to cause a problem!" Re: Getting ready for school. St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block A bulging vein popped on Shitagi's forehead. The comment about touching more boys obviously irritated her. On the other hand, Kimiko implying she was molesting some girl didn't embarrass her the slightest. For as long as the sisters had known her, Shitagi never showed any shame or self-consciousness about her preferences. She cut off Mascara's speech by raising an authoritative finger. Not letting Kimiko get out of her peripheral vision, she said to the feline. "Shhh... not buying it. Don't try to help your crime-buddy weasel out of this one, Kitty-Cat. You would never get so sneaky, that requires higher brain process than you have. "As for you..." she continued to lecture Kimiko, poking her sternum with the same finger, "considering the gravity of your transgressions toward me, that would deserve some exceptional, exemplary punishment. Just washing my hair won't get you out of it this time. "Maybe I should resume my experiment on 'how much a pull can sustain a rubber girl's members before snapping?' If we find a nice truck to tie your arms, and a solid fixed pole for your legs..." Of course, Shitagi's threats weren't to be taken always seriously; what she liked more than anything was to put fear in those who crossed her. But Kimiko had to concede her something: she got one wicked imagination. Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger A deep dark secret of Kimiko's was that she got a bit of a thrill out of being stretched. It seemed to fire nerve impulses that her brain translated in a pleasurable way. It was one reason she was so hung up on "big" men. She'd never confess such to her sister, however. For one thing, the idea that she got turned on by her sister's "torture" was disturbing, the other reason was that she'd never let her sister know something that might make her find a different method of torture. In any case, the threat of tying her to a truck and a pole did not have quite the effect Shitagi expected. Kimiko's expression was one of fear, not because of Shitagi's threat, but from her secret being exposed. Kimiko was embarrassed to find herself a bit turned on by the mental image. 'You're such a pervert,' she chastised herself. If only it was Mascara threatening to do nasty stretchy things to her. She glared at Shitagi to hide and deny her reaction. "I hope one day you meet a guy who can beat your ass, and does, you pervert." Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was very sensitive about her changing mental state. To have someone hint she was less then human normal was terrible. To have her own sister say it was unthinkable! The feline trembled in anger and embarrassment. "No, Kimiko, she doesn't need her ass beaten. She, she needs a guy to screw her ass! Maybe that will get rid of whatever bug is up there! Oh, I forgot! Somebody I know thinks nobody knows she's a lesbian!" The catgirl charged after Shitagi as the older girl tried cornering Kimiko. She would not let that bitch hurt Kimiko again! Claws extended. The feline knew better then to rip at her older sister. She was angry, not crazy! What she did was not quite as bad as what she could have done, but bad enough. Extending one stubby finger, Mascara used her razor sharp claw much like the ol' thumbtack on the seat gag. The feline with one lightning jab stabbed about a quarter inch of claw INTO Shitagi's firm shapely behind! "Go masturbate to your "Sailor Moon" Manga, you big bully! Maybe that will calm you down!" Re: Getting ready for school. St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Don't make me laugh, no guy will ever... A-OUCH!!" Shitagi had been keeping an eye on Mascara, and thought she could stop any attack with a quick ki-blast. That was the unnerving thing about Ranma's first daughter; she sure could handle herself barehanded, but if ticked off even a little she started throwing ki-blasts like snowballs. She could fire one without looking or even, sometimes, thinking. However, she had underestimated Mascara's speed. The feline reflexes of the catgirl made her truly one of the fastest fighters in the world. And even for a hardened martial artist, a sharp claw into the buttock still hurt. Shitagi jumped forward in surprise, involuntarily crushing Kimiko against the wall. For a few fractions of second, her sister's face was smothered by the taller girl's chest, Kimiko's nose poking between the uniform-clad breasts. However, pressing against Kimiko was like running into a trampoline. Shitagi was propelled backward when the rubber girl's body forcefully regained its normal shape. The elder girl landed ungracefully on her butt, uttering another yelp. "YOU...YOU...YOU STUNG ME! YAH CRAZY, MANGY, REJECT FROM A HENTAI- MANGA... I'M GONNA NEUTER YOU!" she yelled, glaring at Mascara. Getting back to her feet, she growled. "Ooooo... I'll give you some 'Sailor Moon dôjinshi', yah pair of dumbasses! I've never tried doing a tentacle-rape with my monster-form, but I think you two should get the honors of the first time!" Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Kimiko was intensely embarrassed that Shitagi's threat actually sent an anticipatory thrill through her lower regions. But, she was not about to let Shitagi molest Mascara-chan. Maybe if they'd been alone... she shook off the thought. How could she imagine betraying her darling with her monster sister? Even if she was so big, and had such big thick tentacles.... "No, no, no," Kimiko cried out, as much in denial of her perverted thoughts as in reaction to Shitagi's threat. She flung herself at her sister, hoping to tangle her up and keep her from the cold-water tap. Once again she found herself wishing she'd listened to her mom more and not relied so much on her body's abilities. While they made her a very dangerous and frustrating foe to fight, they were easy for someone of Shitagi's skill and strength to work around, and even turn against her. It was frustrating to have your own limbs used as bondage equipment. Kimiko's limbs were still extra flexible from the shock she'd received in the dojo. They were almost as supple as Shitagi's tentacles, but not nearly as long, or as strong. "Mascara! Get out of here!" she cried out. "I mean it! The evil bitch can't hurt me! Get out!" Even as she shouted, Kimiko knew it was useless. Mascara was not one to leave a friend in danger. Maybe that could help. Shitagi only had four tentacles. She'd find it hard to disable both of them, not when Mascara had such sharp claws on all four limbs. If Shitagi tried to immobilize all four of Mascara's limbs, she wouldn't be able to do the same to Kimiko, and if she didn't, Mascara would turn her tentacles into sushi. This could work. If they worked together, they could keep Shitagi from carrying out her threat. Of course, that wouldn't keep her from ambushing one of them when she was alone. Kimiko felt a fresh flash of guilt as the thought made her wet. She was a pervert. It was disgusting having these thoughts about her bully of a bigger sister. Ever since the night of the party she'd been obsessed with sex. Well, OK, she'd thought about it a lot before then, but never so much, and never about so many people close to her. Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara felt a sudden rush of embarrassment. Her cock gave a throb, and her female sex was growing damp. Tentacles? Rape? Would it really be rape if Mascara kinda liked the idea? She tried to force those thoughts away. No way would she two-time her beloved Kimiko with Shitagi-bitch! "Meow! Neuter me?" She looked at Kimiko and smiled at her beloved. They were in this mess together! "Here's a thought, myu, dear sister. What if cold water gets me too? The other me is FAST! I'm sorta hungry now too. What if I gobble up your stupid ol' tentacles? You'd still be left with two nice openings. What if the other me gets carried away?" It was undignified, but Mascara did it anyway. Hands on hips, she thrust her pelvis forward a couple times. "How's that, myu, you big stupid hentai!" Her ears began to quiver in humiliation. Did she actually just threaten to rape her big sister? Re: Getting ready for school. St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi just stood here, arms crossed, glaring at the two pains in the ass disguised as sisters before her. She stoically ignored Mascara's lewd attempt at a retort. You don't get mad about dumb animals following their instincts, after all. Finally, she broke the stare match and huffed. "Nope. So much for this idea. You two perverts would probably enjoy it too much, anyway." Glancing at her watch, she decided it was time to go to school before their parents got pissed. She headed for the door. "I'll find something, though. You can bet on it. Maybe I'll sell the both of you to Kunô Tantô for his 'experiments'..." she added, snickering, just before getting out. Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara glared as her big sister/pain in the ass/Shitagi left the bathroom. "Myu! She makes me so mad!" she finally shouted. "Just you wait! I'm markin' territory tonight! Meow! Your bed looks like a nice litter box to me!" she shouted at the departing figure. Just this once she'd break the household rules. She smiled bashfully at Kimiko. "Um, Mama-Akane's gonna kill me, but I mean it! Late tonight, could you sort of accidentally dump some cold water on me? If we're lucky, Miss stick up the butt will even be in bed at the time!" The feline gently touched a paw/hand to Kimiko's face. "You alright, love? You look sort of flushed." Mascara was very thankful her fur hid the way her face felt hot. Part of her didn't have Shitagi's bed in mind as a target. Would big sister's mouth be open while she slept? Would her feline form be fast enough to escape if Shitagi awoke with a sudden mouthful of warm golden liquid? The catgirl shook her head violently. "I, I was just kidding!" she whispered softly. "Mama-Akane wouldn't like it, anyway. I, I'm not gonna do anything like THAT, myu!" Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger "Shitagi! You wouldn't!" Kimiko cried out. For the first time in the encounter actually scared of her sister. "That's an awful thing to say!" Kimiko shuddered in dread. "Mom would never go for it," she told herself out loud as a sort of calming mantra. Mascara's comments on Shitagi's remarks brought a weak smile to her face, which broadened as she considered it. "You're right. We don't want to piss of dad more than we're already going to when we tell her about us. Come on. Let's get washed quick and ready for school." Kimiko gave Mascara a full blown cute girl expression, TM Ranma Saotome. "I don't suppose you'd be interested in carrying your poor wounded sister to school?" she asked flirtatiously. Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara proudly stood her full height (which wasn't saying much.) "Kimiko love, myu, I'd carry you to the ends of the world if you wanted me to!" She giggled. "I'd carry you right to your bed if I thought pop wouldn't notice anything!" She glanced down and sighed. "Hey stupid." she said jokingly to her own erection. "Go to sleep! Pop would murder me, myu, if he knew where I wanted to put you!" She gave her sister a knowing wink. Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Kimiko blushed, and tried to put an annoyed look on her face, though she felt secretly pleased by Mascara's 'rampant' interest in her. "Don't start that again!" she chided her sister. "We have to get to school. You can't afford to be tardy without reason. Remember, Mom had to practically get down on his knees to get Grandmom to let you keep going after all those times you were absent due to your curse." Kimiko quickly went into the laundry room and tossed a school uniform to Mascara, and pulled her own from the shelf. "Hurry, hurry," she urged her sister. Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney "Oh doo-doo!" Mascara hurried to change into the clean uniform Kimiko tossed her. The feline looked a little upset. "If my stupid 'thingy' doesn't go down, I'm gonna have to sneak into the bathroom and 'fiddle' with it until it does." She eyed her sister again. "Myu, could, could you meet me in the rest room? I'd be quick... Uh, not too quick though." She sighed. "Guess that's a stupid idea, huh?" Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Kimiko felt a naughty thrill at the idea of sneaking off to meet Mascara. But it would have to be at lunch, and there was no way they could count on not being interrupted. Maybe if they used a stall, and Kimiko kept her feet out of sight? "Ahhh, this is so frustrating," Kimiko cried out. "There is no place at school, we can't have any privacy at home. But after school...?" Kimiko's face grew thoughtful. "I don't suppose you have enough money for a love hotel?" she asked in a half hopeful, half joking voice. Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara's heart thumped. "Myu, I, I have some money." She gave an excited little shiver. "How, uh, how much do love hotels cost, anyway?" The feline prayed that the several thousand yen she had saved up would be enough! "I'm sorry I pretended I didn't have enough for the birthday present, but this makes it worth making you chip in for it! Doesn't it?" Mascara's ears twitched in embarrassment. She was sort of known in the family for being a miser with her money. Kimiko might be a little mad now for her fibbing, but boy oh boy would it be worth it later! Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Kimiko's stomach flipped over. She'd only been joking, sort of. The thought of being alone with Mascara, with no risk of interruption.... They'd been so rushed before, and always someone bothered them. But, did she dare? A deep red blush colored her face and throat. She looked shyly at Mascara, not being able to meet her gaze straight on just at that moment. She doodled on the floor with a toe. "I don't know how much they cost. I have a little saved. Do you think they'd let us in? Do they let girls in by themselves?" she asked in an uncertain voice. "You don't think one of us would have to dress up as a boy do you?" Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara let out a sigh. Her beloved wasn't angry for her hiding money! The feline's mind whirled. "I, um, I don't know how they work it." she admitted. Her ears gave an embarrassed twitch. She cleared her throat. Pitching her voice lower, and adding a bit of purr, Mascara tried an experiment. "One room for the afternoon, for me and my wife." she said in a voice that sounded only slightly male. She giggled. "I think I could do better with some practice." She looked down at her tell tale tented skirt. "After all, myu, I am part boy!" She thought for a moment. "Maybe the husband and wife thing won't work, myu, but I bet I can swipe a boy's uniform or something." It would have to be a younger boy, the feline realized. "Do you think I could pass for an older guy?" she asked meekly while trying to stand as tall as her petite body would let her. Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Stifling a giggle, Kimiko tried to keep her face serious. "Maybe we could get you an old white wig from the theater department, and you could be a dirty old man taking his sweet young thing to a nasty afternoon." she suggested, again half joking with a wistful, maybe, undertone. The two girls had moved out of the bathroom and were walking toward the front of the house as they had talked. Kimiko paused as she overheard some loud voices. "No way," She exclaimed. "Mom has another kid?" Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Meow! Mascara giggled. "That would work! Uhem... 'Little girl, I have something nice to show you up in my room. Would you like to see it?'" The feline froze with her sister. "Yikes! Pop has absolutely no self control!" Mascara was totally serious. She made no connection between her father's alleged loose activities, and the way her paw was slipping up under the skirt of Kimiko's uniform. "Um, could we..." She pulled her sister close. "I'm real hard!" she moaned. Pop and Mama-Akane are busy fighting again. They won't hear us! Kimiko, uh, could you please..." Her ears twitched. "Just a hand job?" She raised her free hand/paw, and waved weakly. "It takes me too long to do it myself. I, I promise I won't make any sounds, myu. Just a quick hand job, and I'll be okay until the 'dirty old man' takes you up to his room. Please, meow?" Re: Getting ready for school. T.H. Tiger Kimiko had never realized how much of a horndog her big sister was. Maybe because she'd always tried to not think of Mascara that way, or maybe because most of her sexual daydreams had been about "big" guys, like Shitagi's dad when he was in his monster form. Mascara's sex drive would have been annoying, except that Kimiko's was almost as bad. The bit of fumbling they'd managed so far had barely wetted her appetite. She was more than ready to take Mascara up on the offer, especially when the hand that was fumbling under her skirt reached a damp spot on her panties, and lifted, making her go up on tiptoes. But her nerves just wouldn't let her. Not with Mom and Dad so close, plus that violent girl/boy. "I can't," she hissed at Mascara. "We're going to be late if we don't leave right this second, and you know what Grandmom is like when we're tardy. Hinako will cover for us as long as she can, but that won't be long. We have to leave 'now'!" Kimiko suited action to words by rushing by the room her Mom and Dad were arguing in. "Bye Mom, Bye Dad!" she yelled as she dashed by. She raced out the front door, lengthening her legs as much as she could to gain speed. Once she was sure she and Mascara were out of earshot, she spoke to her sister over her shoulder. "Think of bad things. Think of Shitagi making you wash her hair!" Kimiko had a sudden inspiration. "Think of Tantô holding a collar." Re: Getting ready for school. Cuteycindyhoney Mascara had little choice but to run after her sister. "So long, Pop, Mama-Akane!" Once out the door, she did what felt best. The feline dropped to all fours, and charged after her sister. "Poop-craps! Kimiko, don't ever mention Tantô and collars together like that!" Washing Shitagi's hair was bad enough, but Tantô and a collar? "Yetch!" For a second the feline had the distinct sensation of passing up a rather large hairball! Her penis did pretty much loose interest though. The feline felt it was safe enough then to indulge in a secret pleasure. A pleasure that she wouldn't share with any other living being but her pretty Kimiko. Anyone even thinking of trying this would be used to sharpen claws on! "Shrink your legs and hold on, myu!" the feline cried as she slipped between those lovely limbs. The feline may be small, but she was strong! She could surely carry Kimiko, on her back, the rest of the way to school! Family Discussion St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Now wait a minute!" protested Ranma-chan. "Just because one kid showing up here doesn't know who's his father, doesn't mean he's mine! I'm not THAT bad!" Damn, it was Tantô all over again. Everybody had believed at the time that the Kunô boy was his (sure, Kodachi wasn't helping), until he'd proven this wasn't possible, since Ranma was in China with Shampoo at the time of conception, and you'd just have to do the math. "Ah yeah?" snorted Akane. "Then, how do you explain the CURSE? Not everybody is as stupid as your father, rushing to Jusenkyô just to get their kid cursed!" Now, Tamari should logically felt her ears burning. Ranma was about to retort, when she noticed Inoma and Shitagi, watching and listening raptly to the discussion. "What are you two looking at? Don't you have anything else to do? Shitagi, you should be on the way to school! Get out, get out, get out!" "Yip!" Shitagi sheepishly scooted away from her mom, and started to run out, picking her bookbag and shoes. "Sorry mom. I'm going, I'm going!" Re: Leaving for School - Daiji, Yoiko, Piyo Byooki Desu Meanwhile, traveling towards another location Daiji was totally lost. She might had passed the houses she passed hundreds of times or never been here before, but in the end it was all the same, she couldn't tell where she was. In the end, giving in to her worries she leaped off the bus using a streetlight to swing herself onto the pavement from where she continued here, to try finding her school by foot instead. Throwing some water out onto the streets and cleansing it from spirits, the old ladle lady squinted at the small drenched redhead that was sputtering and cursing under her breath. Curses where not to be taken lightly no matter in what form they appeared. Bending down, the old lady scooped up another ladle full of water and threw it over her wall as she mumbled her old mantra. A clean street is a healthy street. Daiji toweled her face with the back of her sleeve. She might not have been a water magnet like her mother or had a curse, yet she was Ranma's daughter and that seemed to qualify her for as fair game when the Ladle Lady was concerned. In the back of her mind, she could only remember a few occasions when this had happened and most of those times she and her sister had just let it slip by them. After all what was a little water, especially if Shitagi had her clothes ripped. Today, however, Daiji was alone, and today she was in no mood for being any deities' little running gag. Clenching, her fists grabbed hold of the wall and pushed herself up intent on giving the old lady a yelling that she had never had. Only, when she pushed herself up and opened her mouth wide to yell she was hit straight on with a pail of water drowning her words in a surprised yelp. Loosing the grip of the walls she flailed her arms around wildly for a bit before falling backwards onto the street where she remained, lying gurgling on the water. On the Way to School (Chisame, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block A sudden wind rushed out of the house, which happened to be caused by Shitagi's supersonic motion. Noticing Chisame talking to an older woman, the Saotome girl picked up her girlfriend by the waist, and lifted her up like a mere baggage. "Sorry Mrs.," she said to Tamari, "but we're gonna get late for school. Bye bye!" Carrying the stunned Nokumura girl, Shitagi jumped like a rocket above the compound wall, and started running in direction of the school. "We gotta hurry, Chisame-chan. You don't know the Principal, but believe me she doesn't take lightly anybody being late. Especially since you're a school guest and it's your first day, you gotta make good impression!" Soon she was in catching up with Kimiko and Mascara. "HEY! WAIT FOR US, YOU TWO NUMBSKULLS!" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus Chisame shrieked a bit, but noticed she was almost late for school. As Shitagi carried her to the school, she felt she was excited about studying. She knew she had brains, like her mother Nabiki, but she is not a perverted type of woman. She decided that she'd sticked with women, until if she had sex with a man, she would be a bisexual, but could she? Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara felt a little silly carrying Kimiko on her back like a horse, but she didn't really mind. What she did mind was big mouth Shitagi closing in from behind! The feline nearly stumbled, but recovered. With a low hiss of anger, she slowed her pace just a little bit. "What does Miss high and mighty want now, Myu?" she asked her beloved passenger. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko gave a surprised yell when Mascara darted between her legs. But once she got over her surprise, she relaxed and enjoyed the smooth play of Mascara's muscles under her ass. She even dared a small "Yehaa, gidiup!", but only a small one, she didn't want her steed to turn into a bucking bronco. Shitagi's yell sent the hair on the back of her neck standing up. "Oh shit," she swore. "I knew she let us off too easy. Faster, Mascara!" she yelled, and then added. "Can you do it with me on you? Do you want me to run behind? If I hold your tail I should be able to keep up." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney "Meow, sorry Kimiko." Mascara felt guilty about slowing down, but couldn't help it. Deep down, the older girl frightened her, just a little bit. "I can carry you all day, but we best see what the dragon- lady wants now." she added meekly. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Byooki Desu Getting to her feet, Daiji shook some of the water off of herself when her eyes suddenly went wide. Dashing down the street, heading straight for her Mascara was kicking up a cloud of dust behind her. Almost as an afterthought the redhead noted that another of her sisters was sitting on top of Mascara, the wild looks on their faces making Daiji twitch. She had apologized to Mascara hadn't she? Yes she was sure but... but she didn't remember the catgirl having accepted her apology. Backing away, Daiji made some warding gestures as little beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. There was no need to worry, even if Mascara was mad as long as Yoiko was there Daiji had no trouble dealing with -- but Yoiko wasn't there. "Eh eh... so sorry Ma-- aaaaah to hell with it!!" She screamed as she turned around, and stirred up a dust cloud of her own as she zoomed away from where she had been standing. Strangely enough, no matter what direction she chose to escape in, it just happened to be the direction Mascara was heading toward in the first place. The old ladle lady sighed as she noted yet another uttered curse outside her garden. Grabbing her ladle again she threw the rest of the contents of the water over the wall. -SPLASH- Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara saw Daiji up ahead. Great! Another sister who wanted to torment her! Funny though, with a cry the younger girl took off at a dead run. Mascara slowed down even more in confusion. "Kimiko, did Daiji-Chan just say she was sorry, myu?" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi saw her sisters accelerate instead of waiting for her. How impolite! She'll have to seriously 'scold' them, and remind them they're supposed to obey the elder! Still carrying the pensive Chisame under her arm, Shitagi speed up -- she could be quite fast, but here she was a bit overloaded. Suddenly, her danger sense flared. Badly! This confused her, just what could threaten her like that on the way to school...? Then, she recognized the place. That damn "Ladle Lady" house! She lost count of how many times she nailed her or any other family member. At least, her harakei training was paying and picking up the maniacal water thrower. No way she was going to get nailed today! (This reminded her, they were in such a hurry they forgot to take umbrellas, and it had rained earlier this morning!) > -SPLASH- With a yelp, Shitagi jumped from the sidewalk to almost the middle of the street, in order to avoid the splash of water. (She landed a bit awkwardly, since she tried to protect Chisame from the fall. They both were unharmed, but sitting on their butts on the road. "You okay?" Shitagi asked, but Chisame had no time to answer... *screeeech...* ... because one large, black limousine braked and came to a sudden halt very close to the girl. The door of the car opened, and Shitagi stood up, expecting to get a telling-off from the irate driver. "Aah... sorry sir, it was an accident, didn't mean to startle you..." she began. But she stopped talking abruptly, since the sight she got was quite unusual from modern Japan, and this neighborhood. The muzzle of a shotgun, point-blank. Another man exited the car. He was the size and shape of your average gorilla, and probably just as ugly as well, although he wore black glasses and a surgical mask that hid his face. The thug walked to Chisame and rudely grabbed her arm. "You're coming with us, rich girl!" he slurred. "Yep," added his accomplice with the gun, "you shouldn't have left your over-protected mansion, Miss Nokamura. Now, your daddy is going to pay one hefty ransom to get back his little girl, yark yark!" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Iya!!" Chisame screamed. "I was just going to school, sir!" she said, almost scared and freaked out at the same time. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko grimaced, but had to agree with Mascara that it was likely best to see what Shitagi wanted. She was unlikely to try anything this close to the school, and the legendary principal. Or so Kimiko hoped. Not wanting to give Shitagi any ammunition she didn't already have for teasing them, she quickly slipped off of Mascara's back, not without some regret. When Mascara had pushed under her, she'd hiked Kimiko's skirt up so that Kimiko had been perched on Mascara's furry back with nothing but her panties between her and her sister's flexible spine. The sensation of it moving back and forth had been... interesting. Kimiko looked back toward Shitagi, and winced when she saw her almost get run down by a big black car. Her feelings were mixed. She was pretty sure a crash would hurt the car more than Shitagi, but Chisame was nowhere near as tough. Kimiko didn't even want to think about what Aunty Nabiki would do if her daughter were harmed. Kimiko's eyes suddenly bugged out when she realized she was watching a kidnapping. And then a cold rage filled her as she saw one of the men was pointing a shotgun at Shitagi. No one threatened her sister. "Ahhhhhhh!" she screamed and started running toward the car and the kidnappers. Every step she took she threw her leg and foot forward, stretching them, so that by the time she had taken four steps her legs were nearly a foot and half longer than when she started and she was racing toward them at a speed that would have turned an Olympic sprinter green with envy. Kimiko's main goal was to focus attention on her. Seeing a screaming rubber girl rushing toward them should be quite distracting. And once that thug pointed his gun at her, and not at Shitagi... Well, Kimiko could almost feel sorry for him. Almost. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was startled when Kimiko leaped from her back. When she turned to look, her heart thumped. Shitagi was a royal pain in the, uh, tail, but Mascara did love her sister. Seeing a gun pointed at Shitagi filled her with fear and rage! It was rare, but understandable when the feline let loose with a roar! She tore after Kimiko. Her mind knew that her rubber love wouldn't be hurt by the shotgun, but her heart couldn't accept it. Mascara ran not for her life, but for the lives of her sisters! She was closing on Kimiko, but not fast enough! Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi's reaction to having a shotgun almost tickling her nose wasn't one you could have expected. She didn't show fear, she didn't show anger... she didn't even show caution. No. Instead, her eyes sparkled, her face beamed and her hands joined, the perfect image of the shôjo manga heroin in awe, although she was too old for that. Worst: flowers, ribbons and sparkling stars magically appeared behind her to complete the picture. "Whooooa!! That's a real one? A real shotgun, just like Shuwaa-chan's in 'Terminator 2'? I always dreamed of having one! Can I touch it? Please, please, please?" The thug was, understandably, quite startled by this unusual reaction. He sweatdropped, and although his features were hidden by the surgical mask and glasses, he was clearly abashed. Then, his attention was drawn by the charging Kimiko, and he pointed to gun toward her, growling "Stay where you are, little girl!" At the same time, the hulking kidnapper laughed at Chisame's pitiful protest. He seemed to quite enjoy the look of fear on the girl's face, and pulled her harder toward the car. "No, cutey, ya aren't going to school. You're going with us, and stay until yar father had paid us lots of bucks! And maybe for a lil' supplement, we'll even gave back his daddy-girl untouched... though I doubt we'll wait that long, har, har, har! This time, Shitagi's eyes narrowed, and she got serious. Using Kimiko's distraction, she jumped from one side of the limousine to the other, interposing herself. She wasn't especially worried for her sisters; even if they weren't often confronted with firearms, she doubted it could beat Kimiko's rubber-skin or Mascara's agility. "You gotta be shitting me, ugly. You take your hand off of my friend or I'll start breaking bones..." she threatened, cracking her knuckles. The big bully laughed harshly, pulling Chisame against him and idly groping her chest in passing. "You and what army, bimbo?" The driver's door and the remaining back door also opened, letting out two more thugs similarly suited and masked. Those weren't armed with gun, but respectively with a nunchaku and mean-looking truncheon. That made four of them. An even fight... not. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Unnnghh... Help me, Shitagi-chan!" Chisame yelped, whimpering as her chest was groped roughly. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Even though she was nearly blind with anger, the operative word was 'nearly'. Kimiko saw that she'd distracted the gunman, which was good. Shitagi had confronted the thug with Chisame, that was also good. Two other thugs had gotten out of the car. That was the best thing of all. More to go around. "How dare you point a gun at my sister!" Kimiko yelled, leaping the last few feet toward the gunman, and doing something no one in their right mind would do. She grabbed hold of the gun, and yanked the muzzle firmly into her belly. "There, big man. Shoot I dare you!" She then directed a yell at Mascara. "You'd better go after the other ones, dear. Or Shitagi won't leave any for you. You know how greedy she is." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney "Gotcha!" Mascara yelled back to Kimiko. The feline angled off slightly, and charged at the car's driver. She decided nunchaku boy needed taking care of first. Mascara reached the car, and scrambled over the hot metal of the hood. With another roar, she raked the claws of her right paw over the man's left hand. She saw a flash of crimson, and her heart raced. First blood was hers! Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kimiko's reaction was so unexpected that the gunman found himself at a loss of what to do. Firing didn't come to his mind, he just tried to wrestle the shotgun from Kimiko. "Let go of this, you crazy kid!" A red-a-purple blur raced next to him, bouncing on the car's hood with a thump. The driver, who was about to strike Shitagi from the flank, had just the time to turn around. Four bloody gashes suddenly appeared on the hand that held the nunchaku, and he howled in pain, letting go of his weapon. "What the fuck...?" grumbled the biggest thug, not believing they could be under attack from some fuku-clad schoolgirls. The distraction provided by her little sisters was all that Shitagi needed. Moving like lightning, she caught the arm of Chisame's molester in a painful nerve pinch. There was no doubt at the painful part, since he screamed like a bloody pig, letting go of the rich girl. At the same time, the fourth kidnapper tried to nail Kimiko in the temple with a vicious swing of his truncheon. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus Chisame fell to the ground, looking so scared that he tried to rape her. "Thank god, Shitagi..." she said to her heroine. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko's head wanged to the side as some thug blind-sided her with a club. The blow didn't hurt, much, but it did annoy her, and she tensed her neck muscles, creating a high rebound effect. The thug stumbled backward as the unexpected bounce back of his blow took him by surprise. His flailing arm, and the hand still holding the club headed straight for Mascara, and the stout truncheon hit her a good one on the side of the head. Kimiko winced at the solid thud the club made. "Mascara, are you alright?" she called out in fear. Mascara didn't seem to hear her, seemed in fact to be in her own little world. Kimiko didn't dare let go her grip on the shotgun. She was freaking out the thug holding it, and so far she was sure he didn't dare fire it. But, if she let go, there was no telling what he'd do. At least Mascara was in no danger at the moment, except from herself. "Mascara," Kimiko called. When that got no attention, she decided to resort to drastic measures. "EEEEKKKKK, Rapist! Mascara-chan, SAVE ME!" she screamed out at the top of her lungs. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara indulged herself by admiring her skills in disarming the driver. This almost caused her undoing. Thank goodness she inherited her father's skills, and more importantly, his hard headedness. "YEAW!" she cried grabbing at her head. She hissed at the startled thug who had clubbed her. After all, the blow should have killed a normal person. "How dare you, uh, um, hit, hit a perdy girl in da head, myu." she stammered, sounding for all the world like she was drunk. Dazed or not, she launched herself at her attacker. "Mascara fix you!" she yelled, as her claws did interesting things to his face. She dropped to the ground. "Ow! Kimiko, I don't feel so good." The cat lurched around, trying to stay ready for any further attack. "Oh! Everything is all swirly!" Mascara wasn't seriously hurt, but she was a bit unhinged from the blow. She giggled quietly. "Gimmie your keys!" she yelled at the disarmed driver. "You made us late for school, myu!" She lurched closer to him. "Drive'n looks easy! I'll drive us to school!" The feline winced. "Ow! I got a headache!" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi didn't let herself got distracted by her sisters' antics from her opponent. Although she had the inkling that those two klutz were goofing and that they'd need her to save the day, as usual, the biggest thug was her priority... "YOU ! I'M GONNA AND THEN I'LL YOU UNTIL YOU LIKE A !" ... if only to get that foul-mouthed bastard shut up. The gorilla- shaped perp tried to strike her with a knuckle-duster, but she easily sidestepped him and counterattacked with a... "SOPRANO KICK!" *CLOP* "YIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!" Do I need to describe Shitagi's move, the aptly named 'Soprano Kick'? Do I need to precise that the thug was lifted a good meter in the air solely from the strength of the blow, with the impact zone limited to a small area between his legs? Do I need to point out that Shitagi's tibias were hardened to iron-like resilience thanks to her martial art training? No, there's no need to linger on painful matters. Let's rather focus on the rest of the fight. The thug with the shotgun had been pushed out of the way by his accomplice with the club, when the latter tried to hit Kimiko, only to end on his back on the car's hood, involuntarily inflicting a glancing blow at Mascara. The armed criminal regained his bearings, only to hear Kimiko yelling bloody murder... err... rape. Not that it made any sense, they hadn't tried to rape anybody... yet. "SHUT UP, YOU STUPID CUNT!" he growled back, frantic to silence her before she'd attract any cop. Not seeing any better way to do it, he simply shoved the tip of his gun... inside Kimiko's mouth! This surely should be efficient to gag her... The last thug, wounded by Mascara, was almost pissing himself when the confused catgirl asked for his keys. Panicking, he took advantage of the feline suddenly turning around, responding to Kimiko's yell, to jump back inside the limousine and try to start it up. Meanwhile, Shitagi was happily pulling bones out of their sockets... Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Shitagi, may I fight one of the thugs, or are you just finished?" Chisame asked to Shitagi, as the pigtailed girl was fighting. She hoped Shitagi would answer. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney "Honest Mister! I drive real good!" the feline slurred at the driver. "Myu, I drive all the time!" That was a big fib, but she hoped her sisters wouldn't tattle on her. She heard a familiar voice, and suddenly lost all interest in the fleeing driver. Rape? RAPE! Headache or not, the feline responded in an instant. "How dare you?" she asked in a voice that shook with rage. Her confused mind saw what Kimiko's cry led her to expect. The evil man wasn't holding a shotgun. Nope! Mascara's mind thought he had sprouted a huge 'thing', and was shoving it in her beloved Kimiko's mouth! The feline threw herself at the attacker. Something inside her must have seen the truth. She roared as she flew at the dirty rotten thug. Her powerful jaws clamped tight around the wrist of his trigger arm, fangs sinking deep into the muscles. The pressure and resulting damage should prevent him from pulling the trigger. Mascara just hung on. She thought she was biting the huge penis, keeping it from "shooting off" into her sister's mouth! Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Well, take your pick... this one is finished, though," answered Shitagi, looking down at the shivering mass of bruised flesh that was once a big, burly thug. A screeching of tires indicated that one of the kidnappers was trying to get away in the car... nope, in fact he was rather trying to move backward far enough to then speed enough and run them over. Cracking her knuckles, Shitagi walked toward the big limo. "Go help my sisters, Chisa-chan, I'm taking care of this one..." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus Chisame nodded, and went up to see Kimiko and Mascara taking on a thug. She got into her fighting stance, and managed to punch at her opponent in a two-punch combo. That combo was called, "Demon's Wing". Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko glumphed as the shotgun forced it's way into her mouth, and due to her nature, a good way down her throat before she could react in time to get her hands up to stop it going it any further. She was a lot more worried about the present circumstances than she had been before. She was not sure what would happen if the gun went off inside her, but she had a hunch she wouldn't enjoy it. As a result she felt a great wave of relief when Mascara intervened and pulled the man's hand away from the trigger. She started to force the gun out of her throat and mouth, and silently vowed to let the thug find out what it felt like to have something like this shoved into you. Perhaps in the place where the sun don't shine. Needless to say, Shitagi had been a bad influence on Kimiko. A fact that showed up when she was mad. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus When Chisame punched the thug she was fighting with, she rushed to her cousin, she asked her, "You okay, Kimiko?" she said to her. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney "Imiho? Yooh ohay?" Mascara muttered around a mouthful of arm. The feline blinked a few times, and her throbbing head eased a little. She saw the gun for what it was now, and held on for dear life! Not her own, but Kimiko's dear sweet life! She tasted blood in her mouth, and groaned. She never knew human blood tasted so, well, flat. Give her a mouse or bird any day of the week over this! Mascara held on though, for lack of any better idea. She couldn't let the lowlife try and fire his weapon! Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Now that Chisame had knocked out the thug with the bludgeon, there were only two of the kidnappers left. The one with the gun was neutralized by Mascara and about to be put in a whole new world of pain by Kimiko, so he was hardly a concern. The last one, however, was the driver of the car. And he intended to use the big limo as a lethal weapon. Speeding toward them without a care for his downed accomplices, he was in a collision course with the martial artists group. His sole obstacle was Shitagi. The crook was about to run over the young girl, when she suddenly jumped upward... bounced on the top of a streetlight... and then rocketed toward the black limo, foot extended in a flying kick. The perp was snickering, believing himself entirely safe within his armor-plated car. His expression faltered a split-second before the impact as Shitagi's bright ki-aura flared, leaving a luminous trail behind her. "Saotome Ryusei Kyaku!!" There was a loud, crushing sound of metal getting torn. The wheels of the car suddenly left the ground as it FOLDED in the middle, hood and back at a 45° angle from the road. Needless to say, this brought it to an instant, complete stop. At the spared driver seat, the thug was clutching the steering wheel and clattering teeth in abject terror. Shitagi calmly walked out of the wreck, steeping over the still-in-one-piece windshield. She patted her skirt and dusted off her socks. Then, glancing at the frozen driver underneath... she punched THROUGH the bulletproof glass and caught him by the neck. The thug's face smashed hard against the spiderwebbed windshield, before Shitagi's strength finished to break it and pulled his whole body out. The eldest Saotome daughter walked back to the sidewalk with her limp prisoner, throwing him on top of the other unconscious wannabe kidnappers. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Bravo, Shitagi!" Chisame said, clapping her hands a bit. "You know, I am skilled in She Quan. It means snake fist in Chinese." Chisame also said. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko had been scared out of her mind. Not for herself, but for Shitagi, and also Chisame and Mascara. This man had waved a shotgun around. He had threatened her sister with it. That was what had scared her. And when she was scared, she got angry. And she'd never been so angry in her life. Kimiko would never admit it in a million years, but she looked up to her sister. She admired her, and on a certain level, she even envied her freedom of expression, her damn what people think behavior. So, being blind mad as she was, she reacted with a viciousness that would have been more suitable coming from Shitagi. Wrenching the shotgun from the man's limb grip, thanks to Mascara, she spun completely around letting the gun drag her arms out a few extra inches. As she spun back toward the man, she let the gun dip till the stock was just missing the cement, and then arcing up with great force, right between the mans legs. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Hu... yeah..." answered Shitagi to Chisame, a bit puzzled by where that was coming from in the middle of a fight. Then she scratched her head and shrugged it off. "Whatever. You were aware of any people wishing to kidnap you, Chisame-chan?" she then asked. Before Chisame could answer, there was a sickening sound of hard wood meeting tender flesh, followed by a girly, high-pitched cry that a man could only utter when unceremoniously changed into a eunuch. Shitagi looked up, watching the last thug fly above her, clutching his privates, and finally land on the heap of his fellow accomplices. Shitagi raised an eyebrow and glanced at her sisters. "Took you long enough..." she just commented. Then she looked her watch, and started to show more nervousness than during the fight. "Oh fuck! We're gonna be late! Quick, help me secure that bunch of morons for the cops to pick them, and then we'll have to run to school!" The bruised thugs were soon sitting around a streetlight, their backs leaning against the pole. The martial artists then picked the two bumpers from the car and folded the metal around the gang to secure them in place. "Zhat waz going to be eajy, you shaid..." mumbled one of the crook (with a few teeth missing). "Shut up." "Zhat waz hust a bunsh of shchoolgirls, you shaid..." "Shut up." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus Chisame nodded, "Okay, Shitagi," she said, as she managed to help Shitagi out. "I hope we aren't late," she thought to herself. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara saw Kimiko's windup opened her mouth. The feline dropped lightly to the ground. "Meow!" Mascara was the only one in the group of schoolgirls who could understand what the jerk was going through. She couldn't help crossing her legs and putting both paws protectively over that most sensitive of areas. "Yikes! I almost feel sorry for that scummy creep!" She shook her head, and raced over to Kimiko. "You were wonderful!" she shouted, as she threw her arms around the adaptable girl. She looked over at Shitagi and actually smiled. "You too, big sister!" The feline suddenly remembered she was mad at Shitagi. "Crap, myu!" she whispered. "Why'd I go and say that?" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko's nerves were still on a razor edge from the confrontation. She felt jazzed, unable to stop moving, unable to stop thinking about what had happened. How close she'd come to maybe losing a sister. A realization hit her. Being late for school no longer seemed all that important, heck, going to school didn't seem that important. She looked over at Mascara who was looking a bit disgruntled, and said, "let's cut school today." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus As she managed to put the group of thugs to where the police can find, Chisame sighed, looking very worried that if they cut school, they will be kicked out. "Itoko! Mascara! If we cut school, we'll be forever kicked out! Do you want THAT to happen?!" she said to Kimiko. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara opened her mouth to agree with Chisame, but the words wouldn't come. She smiled nervously. "I'm a special case, and you know it." She giggled. "Kimiko just has to say she chased after me when I was splashed with some water." The feline's eyes narrowed. "You won't tell on us, myu, will you?" She tried to force a stray image out of her mind. Did she have enough money for THREE people to stay at a love hotel? Would Kimiko be upset if someone joined them? She shook her head. "You should hide out somewhere anyway, in case some more jerks show up. Kimiko and I have something to do, myu. You, uh, you would be bored. Maybe you should go see a movie??" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko hadn't been thinking about Chisame, and felt a bit jealous of the thought of her accompanying her and Mascara, but... she was sort of cute, and it would piss of Shitagi, all good things. "Don't worry about being expelled, or getting in trouble. We just have to say that the kidnapping attempt made us too upset to go to school. But, you don't have to if you don't want to. It is you're first day after all, and maybe you don't want to risk it." Kimiko took Mascara's hand in hers, enjoying the feel of her soft fur in the palm of her hand. "But, you'll skip with me, won't you?" she asked in a mischievous tone. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Sure, I won't tell," Chisame said, running a hand through her burgundy chignon. "And we can check out a movie if you like!" she said, smiling to the catgirl. "I think this is going to be a budding friendship, isn't it?" she asked to Mascara. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara nodded at Chisame. "Yep, a really close friendship!" she drew Kimiko off to the side. She thrilled at her lover's hand gripping her paw, but she also sensed a bit of unease. The feline wanted to set things right. "Our dear sister will be so pissed." she said with a giggle. "What will she think when she finds out that YOU sampled Chisame-chan before she did? Shitagi can't even admit to being a lesbian. She's gonna go crazy!" Mascara purred softly. "Myu! I'm gonna go crazy watching you do it!" Her eyes narrowed to slits. "Hate to say it love, but your hiney might not be safe from me!" She pulled Kimiko's hand close, and let it brush against the growing lump under her skirt. "Meow! I'm real curious. I bet it'll feel great to make your little butt stretch!" She smiled sweetly. "It's all up to you. It's all FOR you! If you say no, it's okay. I'll just bop your butt anyway!" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus Chisame giggled, at what Mascara was doing to Kimiko. "Wonder what Shitagi is doing now?" she thought. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko felt a wave of heat at Mascara's joking reference to not caring if she wanted it or not. She had always enjoyed roughhousing with Mascara, especially when she was in Neko mode. Unlike others, Mascara-neko didn't treat her like she was made of china. More like she was a rubber mouse in fact. That had been fun when just playing, now, with the new element added to their relationship, it took on a whole new meaning. Kimiko shivered in anticipatory delight. She might be tougher, but Mascara was a lot stronger. If the cat-herm decided she was going to enjoy Kimiko's butt, there would be nothing she could do to stop Mascara. The thought made her insides feel all gooey, and she was glad she did not suffer from Mascara's condition, or she'd be advertising to the whole town how she felt about the idea. Doing it with Chisame, on the other hand, did not have quite the same attraction. Kimiko was not perfectly straight, she didn't think anyone growing up in her home could be, but she much preferred big fat cocks to little pussies, no matter how cute they were. Plus, she really wanted to spend some private time with Mascara, with no fifth wheel interfering. But, it would not be polite to simply tell Chisame to take a hike, so she pasted a bright smile on her face, and said. "A movie would be nice. It's nice and dark, no truant officer would be able to see us..." Kimiko trailed off as a thought occurred to her. Nice and dark? Not only could the truant officer not see them, no one else could. Especially if they saw a really interesting movie. Kimiko looked at Mascara. "How about it, sis? You want to go sit in a nice 'dark' movie theater?" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara smiled innocently. "Sure Kimiko! Let's see something full of action and excitement." She looked Kimiko right in the eyes. "Something, myu, noisy." She faked a disappointed look. "I bet the theater will be crowded. You're so light, myu, I guess you'll um, have to sit on my lap." She made Chisame wasn't able to see, and quickly flicked her tongue over razor sharp teeth. "I do want a treat though, myu." Her eyes flashed. "You ARE going to give me one, right? Oh wow! Right in a theater?" Letting go of Kimiko's hand, she winked, and made a quick motion with both paws. Hopefully Chisame wouldn't know what it meant, but she knew Kimiko would. It would look just like that, when she had her hands on her sister's slim waist, and SLAMMED her down on a certain hardness she was trying to ignore just now. "Hmmm, if we're really daring guys, we could sneak in the BACK DOOR, and not pay for our tickets. MEOW! "It'll be easy! If we get the door open a tiny bit, I'll just RAM right in. Even if it's a tiny opening, I bet I'll have no problem FORCING my way in. "What'ya say? Is it a plan?" Oh shoot! Now the feline was hard as a rock! She stepped behind her sister. "Go on, Chisame-Chan. Lead the way!" This was exciting! Would they do it? Could they really have sex right next to Chisame without her noticing? If she noticed, would she be able to talk Kimiko into letting her watch her beautiful rubber mate gobble up an innocent girl? Life was so good! Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger A fine sheen of sweat dampened Kimiko's brow, and her gooey middle felt like it might dissolve at any minute. Maybe Mascara's hint's and innuendo were a bit over the top, but darn it, the scene she was painting was enough to make Kimiko come right here in the middle of the street. Mascara was so big when she got excited, and Kimiko was so small back there. She bet it would feel soooo gooooood, when that big thing stretched her open. Kimiko placed a hand over her belly. She bet she'd be able to feel it going up inside her, moving stuff aside as it reached deep up inside her. Kimiko licked her lips, and directed a look at Chisame. "Do you want to see that Lord or the Ring's retrospective at the revival theater. They're playing all three movies back to back. We could spend the entire day there, in the dark. It's so long." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Sure, Kimiko. By the way, Kimiko, itoko means cousin, and may I call you that, or just call you Kimiko?" Chisame asked to her cousin. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney A shiver ran from the tip of Mascara's little pink nose, all the way to the end of her tail. (The end of something else, too!) All day? "MYU! That sounds great!" She grinned at Chisame. "Come on, cuz! I don't want to miss a second!" She leaned close to Kimiko, and whispered softly in her ear. "Meow, good thing it's all day. I'm so hard, I think I might get stuck in your pretty little butt!" Her ears twitched in a sort of happy embarrassment. "Myu, Let's go! I want to sit WAY in the back!" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Okay, let's go!" Chisame said, grinning mischievously, not knowing what Mascara and her itoko Kimiko were doing. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko walked along with Mascara, her legs feeling a bit weak in anticipation. Her stomach was churning over in anticipation. Her panties were turning into a soaking mess. She'd be glad to slip out of them under the cover of darkness. The though brought a new level of excitement to her brain. Normally it was Mascara who was the super hyper one, but Kimiko was feeling jazzed in anticipation. She was walking to tiptoes. Unable to restrain herself she took hold of both Chisame and Mascara's hands, and said. "Let's run." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "What is it, itoko?" Chisame asked to Kimiko. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara wrinkled her nose and sniffed the air. Something smelled good! SOMEONE smelled good. She giggled when Chisame asked "What is it?" Kimiko did look a little flushed and out of sorts. Mascara knew exactly why, though! "Myu, yes! Let's run!" Holding Kimiko's hand was such a pleasure! It was useful, too! Mascara couldn't balance well running on just two legs. Holding Kimiko's hand made it possible for her to run like a 'people'. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "What? Why are we running for?" Chisame asked Kimiko, running after her and Mascara. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger "To get there sooner, silly," Kimiko answered. "The morning show starts early, because it takes ten hours for each showing. Besides, we don't want a truant officer to catch us. If we get there quickly, there is less chance they will pick us up. They don't really start looking till a half hour after school starts." Kimiko was speaking from experience. She's spent many a morning chasing down Mascara-neko, who thought it was a delightful game to lead her owner on a long chase. Of course, the subject of ownership was one that the two girls had argued about often while younger. Of course, Kimiko was not about to let Chisame know the really, really true reason she was in such a hurry. Kimiko couldn't wait to get into the dark theater with Mascara. She's had just realized that she's lost her virginity in a dark room, and had no idea who had taken it. The idea of once again being in a dark room, and unable to see the person who was shoving their big dick up her had heightened her already high excitement. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Okay, let's hurry!" Chisame exclaimed, as she hurriedly managed to go with Kimiko's instructions. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Even in her fully human mind, the thrill of the run still excited Mascara. She could remember what fun it was to lead her person all over, while keeping just out of reach. Her other self knew the limits though. She never abused her person. When she sensed her beloved's fatigue, she always pretended to stumble, or get stuck in a tree, or something. It was best to let a 'people' feel secure with the illusion of ownership. "Myu, I want to get there before the lights go out." She looked at her beloved, and grinned. "I want you sitting safe and snug on my lap, when the lights go out." Mascara didn't exactly know why, but Kimiko seemed to like the darkness. It had only started recently, but now whenever Kimiko 'pleased' herself, she did it on dark moonless nights, while buried deep under her covers. When they paused to cross the street, she whispered to her lover. "You like it dark, don't you, myu? It'll be nice and dark, when I abuse your poor little hiney!" The feline purred happily. Dark was nothing to her! The slightest light from the screen was plenty. She wanted to watch her penis push deep inside! Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko blushed, and she wished they were already in the theater. But, there was something else worrying her that was a bit distracting. She hadn't mentioned it to Mascara, not wanting Chisame to overhear, but Shitagi would be reaching the school gates about now, and no matter how focused she might be, she was going to finally notice that the three of them had abandoned her. Kimiko knew her sister. She was going to be pissed. And she was not going to let a little thing like playing truant from school stop her from coming looking for her. That was the other reason Kimiko wanted to see a movie that would let them stay out of sight for a good long time. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara purred happily when she saw Kimiko blush so prettily. This was wonderful! Was Kimiko afraid someone would see them? That didn't matter to Mascara at all. The feline at times was quite feline. Mascara tended to live in the "here and now". The past was over, and the future... well, she didn't really have a very good sense of the future. She and Kimiko were going to mate in the darkness. Chisame was going to be their lookout (unless Mascara could convince Kimiko to play with her!) That was the future. Beyond that, who knows? "I'm so happy right now, myu!" she suddenly exclaimed. As they ran, she held Kimiko's hand tightly. Feeling delightfully naughty, the female gave perhaps a hint of what Chisame could expect. "Sorry!" she called cheerfully, as the tip of her tail 'accidentally' slipped up Chisame's uniform skirt, and brushed against smooth thighs. She didn't so much want to have sex with Chisame herself, that wasn't her aim. She wanted the girl to be turned on, and waiting for pretty Kimiko to want to kiss where her tail just brushed. That would be so pretty to watch! Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "M-Mascara!!" Chisame flushed furiously. She just said "We need to find out if Shitagi's coming with us..." just before Mascara could touch her strangely. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko frowned. She didn't like Mascara flirting with other girls. It had always annoyed her before, but now she knew why. Mascara was hers! She didn't want to share the catgirl with anyone else. Kimiko, in typical Saotome style, didn't stop to think that she'd been perfectly willing to indulge in a little hentai play with others, at least in her imagination. She glanced back, fearing that Chisame's mention of the devil might conjure her up. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara felt Kimiko's hand tighten on her paw, and saw the lovely girl stiffen a bit. She didn't know what was wrong at first, but slowly it dawned on her. "Baka!" she hissed, sounding very catlike. "Don't worry about Shitagi, cuz. She went to school." This was the end of that thought for the feline. Shitagi wasn't here now. That was all that mattered. She tugged Kimiko's hand, and went back to whispering. "I think she wants you." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "What?? Who wants me?? My itoko Kimiko, or you, Mascara?" Chisame asked, blushing in almost embarrassment. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara's ears nearly flapped with embarrassment. She didn't expect Chisame to overhear! "Um, We, uh, myu, want you to hurry up!" she said hastily. She just knew Kimiko would look beautiful playing with another girl, but maybe she should slow down! Something would work out! "Chisame, at the movies, you, you have to be lookout, okay? Um, if anyone spots us, myu, we'll have to go back to school." Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "Um... sure, sorry for embarrassing you, Mascara..." Chisame said to Mascara, following her lead and Kimiko's lead. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger "Hehehehhehehehe," Kimiko giggled. "Busted," she whispered in a voice low enough that only Mascara should hear it. Kimiko put thoughts of Shitagi out of her mind. She was sure that her older sister would jump all over her, maybe literally, when they met her next. She'd just have to make sure the day was worth the pain. Out of sight of Chisame, she let her hand holding Mascara's move over enough so she could stroke a finger across the base of Mascara's tail. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus "HOLY SHIT!!" Chisame cried out, eyes widened. "I think Shitagi's going to be pissed! We need to be back at school, now!" she yelled, stopping her fast paced running, more shocked than ever. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara would have stumbled if it wasn't for her sister holding her paw. "Meow" she purred softly. "Quit it, Stretch! You're making my legs get all rubbery like yours!" The dreamy tone of her voice told anyone listening that quitting was the last thing she wanted Kimiko to do! The feline's ears flattened against her skull when Chisame yelled. "Cuz, don't be a big baby all your life! How is the dragon lady gonna know anything? She's not here." That was exactly what Mascara thought of the situation. Shitagi wasn't there, so Shitagi never would be there. It was that simple! "Kimiko, looks like it's just you and me, myu. Chisame is too much a little kid to hang with us!" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Suvinceus Chisame felt horrified by Mascara's insults. "You... you double- crosser!" she yelled at the catgirl, as she managed to rush back to the school, crying. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger Kimiko looked up at her sister, and batted her eyelashes, not all that effective as she really didn't have the lashes to pull it off, and said, "Is that such a bad thing?" She gave Mascara's paw a squeeze. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney Mascara didn't understand Chisame's reaction at all, but Kimiko looked so sexy the way she was giving her the eye, that the feline didn't really mind. Now the catgirl could talk freely. "Oh poops! I wanted you to have fun with her! I'm sorry I scared her away Kimiko, myu. I thought you'd like to kiss her pussy. Oh well. I guess she really was too much of a baby." The feline wiggled her ears. This wasn't her usual show of embarrassment. This was done just to look silly and amuse her sister- love. "I have a very grown up idea about what I want to do." She stood up as tall as she could, and put her nose right against Kimiko's. "I'm gonna take my big ol' dick, and stuff it up your cute little hiney. I won't stop either, myu, until I squirt you full!" Her tongue shot out, and licked Kimiko's pretty little nose. "Whimper and cry all you want, myu. I'll just push it in harder!" he feline purred. "What do you say to that, dear sister of mine?" Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) T.H. Tiger What Kimiko thought was clear in her widening pupils and the way her nipples poked out through her uniform, even through a bra and the stiff fabric that made up the top. But, like her mom, she was not about to let someone take her for granted. Well, actually, she was just a born tease. "Hmmmppph," Kimiko huffed. "You take a lot for granted. What makes you think I'm going to let you do that? I want to watch the movie." She stalked away from Mascara, her head held high. But, she put an exaggerated wiggle into her steps, rocking her hips to swish her skirt from side to side. Mascara wasn't the only one who could play keep away. Re: On the Way to School (Chisame, Daiji, Kimiko, Mascara, Shitagi) Cuteycindyhoney The feline stared at the wonderful sight of those swaying hips. It took a moment for the words to sink into her aroused mind. "What? Wait!" Mascara dropped to all fours and trotted after her lover. "You don't mean that! I know it! You want me to fuck your hiney!" Mascara got back on her hind-legs, and gripped one of Kimiko's hands in both paws. "Please?" she asked sweetly. "You'll let me do it, won't you?" Desperation made the catgirl swallow her pride. She did something she never did before. "Meow, you'll let your little kitty-cat fuck your hiney hole, won't you?" Her ears twitched in embarrassment, but no price was too high. If Kimiko wanted to believe she was the pet, that was fine. Mascara knew the truth, and that would have to do. If her pet was more willing, then Mascara would let her think she was the owner! [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 7, THREADS 1 & 2]