RANMA 1/2 THE NEXT GENERATION HENTAI RPG - 5: thread 2 > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RtNGHrpg2/ Compilation and proofreading by St Fan [NOTES] Changes to the Tendô Dôjô - part 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Here's an add-on to the Tendô Dôjô changes. New features in the dojo itself: a small changing room in a corner, where gi of various sizes are hanging. It also holds a mirror and is currently Chisame's guest bedroom since the rest of the house is crowded (her bed being a futon rolled in a corner). [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 4, THREAD 1] Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Cuteycindyhoney Mascara's arm nearly pulled out of its socket when pop stopped her headlong race to the dojo. She waited impatiently as Daiji-chan joined the group. "Myu! Let's go!" Once more the rush was on! Timing is everything in martial arts, and the feline counted herself as blessed. She heard Mama-Akane call for a time out, and was just in time to see why! Kimiko stood in glory, naked for all to see! For reasons unknown, her face and hands were black with soot, but the lovely girl was obviously unhurt, and looked just fine to Mascara's eager gaze! Mama-Akane was right, but darn it! It would sure be something to see Kimiko fight nude! She felt a certain twitch, and concentrated hard. For the moment, she had herself under control. Best not run around sportin' a woody in front of Mama-Akane! She was still worried, but wouldn't dishonor Kimiko by making a fuss about it any more. Instead... "Yo, Kimiko! Whoop that kid's butt!" Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Byooki Desu Daiji had, just like Mascara, arrived just in time to hear Akane berate Kimiko. But unlike the catgirl, Daiji didn't find Kimiko being nude stimulating. Her oldest sister Shitagi had a fighting technique where she stripped down until she was almost nude, a technique which Daiji had tried out once but never again after having had even her mild-mannered father scold her over it. She had been ten at the time, and if her memory was correct Shitagi had laughed her ass off afterwards. "Yeah!! You get some clothes on Kimiko! Nobody wanna see your scrawny body anyway!" Daiji shouted at Kimiko, feeling a bit unsure of herself since Yoiko wasn't there to back her up. Picking on Kimiko and such was so much easier if you had someone in your corner. A quick glance revealed only one other person Daiji had no idea of who she was. A slim girl that seemed to have some growing left to do, her brown hair giving her a cute look. Something about the girl sparked a memory in Daiji's mind. It was the girl that had handed her the teddy bear! Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Suvinceus Chisame went into the crowd, and saw her cousin Kimiko fighting against Kaminarimon Samari. She was in awe, when she saw what was going on. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Cuteycindyhoney Mascara glared at her younger sister. "Children should be seen, and not heard!" she hissed at Daiji. Imagine someone saying Kimiko was scrawny! The proper words were lithe, or maybe waif-like. Kimiko could easily become an American supermodel! Well, maybe if she were a bit taller! The feline turned her back on Daiji, "accidentally" whapping her in the face with her tail. "Oh, so sorry, myu." Re: Living Room, Birthday Party Akurei no Kishi Satori rushed over towards the Dojo, and looked around. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Suvinceus "You're doing good, Kimiko!" Chisame yelled, smiling happily. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was so proud of Kimiko she felt like she would burst! She had to be careful though. It was kinda sexy the way Kimiko used her fantastic elastic flesh to return the small metal balls to her challenger. The feline's ears twitched at the "Cat's Cradle" reference. Fighting with string? Mascara mewled deep in her throat. It took an immense effort of will not to leap at the string! It was a cat thing, and Mascara was a bit embarrassed by this silly compulsion to play with yarn and string! Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Byooki Desu Seen but not heard? Daiji coughed as that furry tail whipped right into her face making her sneeze. A part of her really disliked being this close to Mascara, but Daiji was good at suppressing things as she concentrated on her slowly building irritation. Grabbing the tail with both hands she pulled at it hard, her strength allowing her to pull her sister of her feet if the catgirl did not use her claws to stay put. "Pets get their asses kicked when they are bad!" Daiji grumbled. Her reasoning was a bit strange since you never did kick the ass of any pet that did anything bad. Still, Daiji wasn't as good with words as her sister. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Cuteycindyhoney Mascara let out a yowl. The sudden pain in her tail making her eyes nearly go cross. The feline whirled around and glared at her half- sister. "Pull the tail again, myu, and, you'll regret it, child!" She raised a paw/hand, and let her claws fully extend. Kimiko had helped and the catgirl's natural weapons were painted a gleaming blood red. Very gently, she touched the tip of one razor sharp claw to the younger girl's nose. Only one person was allowed to call Mascara a pet, and Daiji-chan wasn't her! "Meow, care to tell me again who's a, uh, bottom is going to get kicked?" The catgirl was so angry, she almost swore! Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Suvinceus Chisame gasped, as Kimiko was about to hit Samari. "What is wrong, Mascara-san?" she asked. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Cuteycindyhoney Mascara saw what happened. She distracted Kimiko! She felt sudden shame. She let her younger sister get to her again! "Daiji-chan yanked my tail." she sobbed quietly. Her anger was forgotten for the moment. All she felt was humiliation for ruining Kimiko's beautiful attack. "I didn't mean to yell, honest, myu!" Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Suvinceus "Don't cry, Mascara," she said, comforting the Saotome catgirl. "Daiji, don't yank her tail. Understand?" she asked Daiji, with a stern expression. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Byooki Desu Daiji didn't care one speck about what her cousin said; in her book that girl could just rot for all she cared seeing as they weren't even related... not by blood anyway. Mascara's threat had had a bigger impact on Daiji then she would have cared for. Her childhood with a catgirl as an older sister not having been an easy one. She could kick Mascara's ass, she was sure of it... as long as she didn't freeze up. Now, Chisame's nosy nature provided an excellent window of opportunity. The catgirl's attention was on the Tendô cousin and her back and tail turned towards the lost girl. Now, pulling the tail might have pissed Mascara the most, yet Daiji saw no reason not to smash two flies with one stroke. Standing just behind her sister, and being no life- threatening danger, Daiji pushed her hands outwards to shove her sister into Chisame. "You rotten liar! You started it!!" she yelled, this happening pretty much at the same time that Samari threatened to put Kimiko on fire. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Cuteycindyhoney When Daiji pushed her sister, two things happened all at once. Mascara had been fighting a losing battle against her growing erection. She fell against Chisame. Now Mascara didn't mass enough to knock her down, but her growing problem while not really visible yet, was pressed hard against her leg. The second thing was much worse! "You did to start it!" she shouted. "You said my beautiful Kimiko was scrawny!" The feline's eyes opened wide in shock. She had honestly meant to say "sister Kimiko". "Beautiful" just slipped out! Maybe nobody noticed. "I can't let you, myu, make fun of our sister like that!" Then she rather hastily pulled back from Chisme. The only thing good that happened was her sudden fear made her penis rapidly loose interest! Thank heavens she didn't have a tent in her skirt! Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Akurei no Kishi Satori, who had taken a seat in front of her mother, blinked, and watched rather closely. "Kind of reminds me of Aunt Shampoo in a way." she said, then looked up. "Hey Mom, got anything to eat?" she asked Akane. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma and Akane had been too focused on the fight between Kimiko and Samari to pay attention to the bickering between the sisters near by. But as it started to degenerate, Ranma had to step in. Walking between Mascara and Daiji, Ranma-chan crossed her arms. "Now, now, what's going on here? Who's yanked whose tail?" she asked, glaring at Daiji. It was a rhetorical question, of course; she evidently knew the answer. If Mascara believed she was out of the water because of her father's intervention, though, she was wrong. One diminutive, black-and-white shape suddenly appeared in front of the catgirl, startling her (which was a rare occurrence since it was hard to trick her cat-senses). "Daiji-chan is innocent! It's that's mean cat-demon that started it all! How can you be so mean to Daiji-chan, you meanie!" Piyo Gosunkugi then brandished an ofuda (prayer paper), and in a move worthy of Sailor Mars, tried to slap it on Mascara's forehead. "Begone, ya ugly!" Not that the mystical rice paper would have much effect on the catgirl. It wasn't that Piyo never heard about Mascara's origin, but like many stubborn people she didn't believe it and had her own theories of demonic possession.... Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Suvinceus "Are you okay?" Chisame asked Mascara. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked, and looked up. "I guess not." she said, as she sat on the floor, watching the fight. "Kind of wish I brought some of that cake." she told herself. Mascara's really bad day Cuteycindyhoney Today had started out so beautiful! She loved Kimiko, and Kimiko loved her. That was wonderful! Everything else though was getting worse and worse as the day wore on! Mascara burst into tears. "I didn't do anything bad! Pop, Chisame-Chan, honest I didn't! I brushed my tail against Daiji-Chan's face, that's all!" The feline tried to keep her sobs quiet so Kimiko wouldn't be distracted, but it was no use. She threw the rice-paper away that Piyo tried to stick to her face. "Daiji made fun of Kimiko first, though! That's why I did it!" The catgirl really broke down then. She knew lots of guys drooled over her, but she also knew that she didn't quite fit in with the human world. "I am not ugly, Piyo!" she cried as she covered her face with her paws. "I'm not bad or evil or wrong! I just look different, myu!" She saw her father flinch at her feline vocalization, and her sobbing grew stronger. "I, I didn't mean to do that!" she wailed. Mascara wanted to be there for Kimiko, but this was all too much for her. The feline ran and locked herself in the changing room off of the dojo. She looked into a mirror, and whimpered. The face that looked back was clearly not a human face. Maybe only weirdoes liked her. Maybe Kimiko was only trying to make her feel good by pretending to be in love with her. The shaken feline lashed out. A powerful paw smashed the mirror to pieces. She sat down on a bench and cried as she licked her bleeding paw. Samari goes Poof - In the dojo Byooki Desu Ryôga had never been able to be mean or refuse a crying girl, not even Ranma-chan, and much like their father Yoiko and Daiji could easily start feeling remorse if someone looked genuinely hurt or if they were just a cute little animal or something. Daiji, however, unlike her twin Yoiko, had a serious problem with their older sister Mascara. "Fine. I forgive you Mascara... just keep that dirty tail away from m--" Daiji blinked as she noticed that Mascara had run away, leaving her talking to Piyo and her own mother. Damnit she hadn't been mean, Kimiko was scrawny! Now going around and calling Kimiko Stretch and rubber- girl like most of the other sisters did... that was mean! But hey you know fighting is one thing, but bickering is another and when you do the house could pretty much fall down around you without you noticing it. The fight, which Kimiko seemed to have the upper hand in, was only a blur at the edge of perception, while as Chisame, who being an only child no doubt felt as if she was being left out when visiting her cousins, did even register. Nope, Mascara's crying echoing in her head, Daiji gave a start as there was the sound of an explosion. Re: Samari goes Poof - In the dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan watched Mascara bursting into tears and fleeing from the room with great concern. She'd always tried her best to make the catgirl feel at home and welcomed here, but often she had the insupportable feeling of falling short. She tapped her foot and glared down at Daiji AND Piyo. The latter seemed to crumble in fear. "I'm... I'm sorry Mrs... Mister Saotome... I never wanted to hurt your daughter..." she said, shaking. "You two go after her and apologize at once!" ordered Ranma. *BLAM!* Before she could add anything, though, and loud booming noise startled her and she turned back to the match, worried for Kimiko. Re: Mascara's really bad day Suvinceus "Of course you didn't do it, so stop crying, and dry those tears." Chisame said, as she tried to comfort the catgirl. Re: Samari goes Poof - In the dojo Byooki Desu But she had apologized! This was turning out to be one of her most rotten birthdays ever! Daiji would have cried, only even taking her age and slight build into account she just wasn't that kinda girl. When things became bad she got depressed, then she became angry and with that anger that Hibiki sense of logic. Stupid Mascara, this was all her fault! Her and that stupid Kimiko! Had Kimiko only stayed in her clothes none of this would have happened but noooo... of course she just had to go and be the center of attention as always. "Fine... I'll say I'm sorry that she is stupid." Daiji told her mother. She turned around to go to where she had heard a crash of what sounded like glass breaking. Yeah, that would be just like Mascara, be angry cause she didn't get all the attention and then break stuff. Close by, Chisame was talking in a soft voice to Mascara, the closed door keeping Nabiki's daughter from comforting the catgirl physically. Now Daiji always obeyed her mother, but trying to do what she was told and actually doing it could be pretty hard manage when you were completely heading in the wrong direction. Stupid Mascara! And Daiji had really wanted to see the end of the fight, whether Kimiko got creamed or not Daiji hated missing conclusions. Re: Daiji Got Lost - In the dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Where are you going, Daiji-chan?" asked Piyo, currently following the little redhead like a puppy. "Your sister is the other way... or are you disobeying your father... mother?" (Damn, that family was confusing.) "She looked very mad...." Re: Shitagi on the Warpath St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Shitagi Saotome suddenly kicked open the door of the dojo and rushed in, heading for Ranma very fast, stopping a few inch of her mother after leaving scorching brake marks on the dojo floor. "MOM! What's the deal! Why ever got you to let that bratty, scrawny, wimpy, butt-ugly Kimiko to take up a dojo challenge? She'll get her butt kicked in no time!" Ranma, getting a tad annoyed by her various children's antics lately, responded curtly. "Shitagi-chan, would you please not badmouth your sister like that?" "But I'm the dojo champion! It should be me doing the fight!" "It's not me, it's Akane who chose the dojo defender. She said t'was an old grudge with the Tendô clan, so only kids of her line were concerned." "But mommyyyyy..." whined the girl, throwing a fit that really wasn't becoming of the eldest, "I haven't brutally beaten any Dôjô Yaburi in soooo long!" Ranma's left brow twitched. "Shitagi, how many times have I to tell you that you're not supposed to send your opponents to the hospital with broken bones after a martial art match! You gotta learn restraint!" "But I have restraint!" protested Tarô's illegitimate daughter. "I never, ever have broken a bone without wanting it!" A vein pulsed on Ranma's forehead. "That's precisely the point! You're NOT supposed to break anything to start with!" Glancing back at the fight, Ranma noticed it has started getting ugly, with Samari putting her arm in a hastily improvised sling. "And worse, it looks like you're giving a bad example to your sisters!" Shitagi pouted, and for the first time glanced at the fight. At first she wanted to shout after the combatants, menacing them to sue for stealing her usual fighting attire (i.e. not wearing much clothes). Especially Kimiko, for an unsexy girl like her it really looked ridiculous. But then, her eyes locked on Samari, the younger girl now wearing only panties and bra and a few tatters of her original clothes. Shitagi's eyes turned into hearts, and drool began to escape her mouth. Re: Mascara's really bad day Cuteycindyhoney "Why is Daji so mean to me, myu!" Mascara called out from the locked little room. "I can't help being different!" The feline looked down at all the broken glass and cried even harder for her embarrassment. What kind of a fool attacks a mirror? Re: Mascara's really bad day Suvinceus "Nevermind..." Chisame said to the others, and managed to sit next to the door. "I already apologized to Daiji. I'm still gonna tell her that this would be her best birthday ever! Now don't cry." Chisame spoke aloud, so that Mascara would hear through the door. Re: Mascara's really bad day Cuteycindyhoney Mascara had nearly forgotten about the birthday. Now her shame doubled. Was she single handedly ruining for everyone? She was till crying as she reached over and unlocked the door. "You don't think I'm scary, or, or funny looking, do you, myu, Chisame-chan?" the feline whispered through the gap made as she opened the door a tiny bit. Re: Mascara's really bad day Suvinceus "You are not scary, nor funny looking, Mascara, even if you have tears streaking your face. You're pretty, even if you cry or get mad, or even get scared." Chisame said, warmly smiling. Re: Mascara's really bad day Cuteycindyhoney Mascara sniffed back her tears. She made a loose fist and used the back of her paw to wipe away some of her tears. "Thank you, Chisame-Chan." she said softly. "Can, can I watch the rest of the match with you? I, myu, won't act like a dumb baby any more. I promise." Re: Mascara's really bad day Suvinceus "Sure." Chisame said, reaching her hand out. Re: Mascara's really bad day Cuteycindyhoney Mascara sheepishly took Chisame's hand, and left the changing room. "Thank you, Chisame-Chan. I feel better, myu, now." She gripped the offered hand tightly as she saw what was going on in the battle. Re: Mascara's really bad day Suvinceus "You're welcome. By the way, Mascara, would you like to come on over to my room after the battle?" Chisame asked, as they reached the battle's crowd. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Cuteycindyhoney Mascara held tight to Chisame-Chan's hand as she watched the battle. Her eyes saw the determination in Kimiko's expression. She knew her sister though. She knew that her current 'floppy' condition was awfully close to the dreadful nightmares her dear sister had. Mascara's heart felt the fear Kimiko was keeping so well hidden. "I believe in you, Kimiko!" she called out in a clear calm voice. "Meow, I know you'll win!" The hobbyhorse's flaming head made the feline's heart skip a beat. Deep down, Mascara had the same fear of fire that a normal housecat would have. She pushed that fear aside. She wouldn't dare let Kimiko be distracted by that bit of foolishness! "Go Kimiko! Teach her a lesson she won't forget!" Re: Shiro and Inoma... going to the store pboost1 Inoma headed to the dojo, hopefully Shiro following. As she neared the dojo, she saw the inside light up. As she looked through the door, she saw a head of a horse on fire. "What the...? Anybody, what is going on!?" Re: Shiro and Inoma... going to the store Capskye Shiro whistled, somewhat impressed by the vision he'd been making out of what was going on, though he didn't know any of the specific details. Saying nothing however, he stood behind Inoma, watching the events unfolding, examining the identities of the two combatants. Re: Daiji Got Lost - In the dojo Byooki Desu During her visit, Chisame used the small changing room in the dojo as sleeping quarters, this was the same room that Chisame had talked Mascara to get out off, this was the same room that Chisame had asked Mascara if she wanted see after the battle.... Daiji, however was not around to appreciate the fine joke Nabiki's daughter had just pulled on herself, and considering the comments she might have let slip maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. Stopping in her tracks, she rounded on Piyo and gave the other girl a somewhat irritated look. "What does it look like I'm doin'...? I'm going to apologize to Mascara." That was if... she could find her. Listening to the Goth-looking girl, she took in her surroundings and realized she had absolutely no idea where she was. There was a wall... and there another one... and there was a tree and.... "She ain't mad!" Daiji told Piyo. "She's as sane as me!" She continued pulling at one of her pigtails. Someone was for a world of hurt, yet try as she might she couldn't put a finger in precisely who it would be. Stupid Mascara and her... stupidness! Or that twit Kimiko or that stupid Shitagi or Akane or-- Rubbing her head she turned her head around and looked up as she felt as if someone had thrown an apple of something on her. "What the--" The sight of her twin sitting on top of the roof, however, brought a twisted smile upon her face. ----- Yoiko looked down from the roof at where her sister was standing with Piyo close by. Everything would be okay now that she had found Daiji again... everything would be okay. Letting go of the other brick she had been about to throw at her sister, she stood up and leaped making a flip in the air before landing with her feet on the ground below. "Where are yah goin', neesan?" Daiji shrugged her shoulders. "To the dojo changing room... hafta apologize to Mascara or somethin'." Yoiko blinked. Having spent the last five or so minutes atop of the roof of the dojo, she had seen everyone enter and even spotted Shitagi spurt into the place. "Uh... then your goin' the wrong way Daiji... the dojo is that way!" sShe told her twin truthfully and pointed in another direction. "Wow!! Thanks Yoiko!!" Daiji exclaimed in all honesty, thankful that she had her twin there to find the right way. Re: Mascara's really bad day Cindy Mascara only had eyes for her darling Kimiko, but Chisame was being so very nice to her. "Okay, myu. As soon as Kimiko is finished, and I'm sure she's fine, I'll come back here and visit with you." The feline smiled in innocence at Chisame. "Your so kind to me. Thank you, myu!" Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Akurei no Kishi Satori blinked, and looked at Mascara, before looking back at the hobbyhorse. She started to wonder about something, then started blushing, wondering something else instead of wondering what she was wondering before. Re: Shiro and Inoma... going to the store pboost1 Inoma was looking at the fight as it was going on. Then she thought she recognized one of the combatants. Turning around to see if Shiro followed, she was glad he did. "Shiro, the one bandaged, next to the fiery head, isn't that the one that wanted to challenge earlier?" Re: Shiro and Inoma... going to the store Capskye Shiro looked at the combatants, trying NOT to laugh or anything. While the fight itself was quite serious, with all the various toys, and Kimiko's own personal... condition, to a person watching the fight it looked downright comical. Shiro looked to Inoma and shrugged. "Maybe. I guess I've kinda forgotten." Re: Daiji Got Lost - In the dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Piyo looked her two friends now heading for... the opposite direction that where they wanted to go. Sweatdropping, she tentatively called: "Err... girls... the dojo aren't this way... I'm pretty sure." She was glad Yoiko was now again accounted for, but it seemed the twins were very intent on getting lost elsewhere.... Re: Shiro and Inoma... going to the store pboost1 "Shiro, I know that this is martial arts, but I hope they don't get hurt too much." She looked at the clock. "Shiro, you said you had school, right? It's getting late. You'd better go to school, and I will meet you at your mom's shop at eleven. Sound fair." Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Suvinceus Chisame was shocked, as she looked at the flames. She managed to look at her ring. And thus, not only it could turn her into Dark Elf Nao, but also other elves. She was supposed to be Yuki the Ice Elf in order to extinguish the flames. Her eyes turned pale blue, and her clothes began to change, turning her usual outfit into a long, flowing light blue dress, bare feet, long, almost endless light blue hair, pale blue eyes, and ice blue fingernails. She managed to chant, her hands in prayer. "The Ice Elf never failed for those who usually wailed, and now those who must see, how beautiful and strong the Ice Elf can be!" She said this, raising her hands up, aiming her fingers to the flames, and managed to call out, "FREEZE THE FLAMES BURNING THIS DOJO!" she commanded, and ice shot out from her fingers, making the ice freeze the flames spreading. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko/Inoma trying to help pboost1 Seeing the fire spreading and the combatants covered by the smoke, Inoma turned around and looked for something to help put out the fire. She looked until she saw the garden hose that was used for watering the lawn. She rushed there, unraveling the hose; holding the end away from her, she turned it on. Making sure water was coming out the end, she rushed towards the dojo. Inoma screamed "EVERYBODY, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" She twisted the nuzzle to have a strong blast of water coming out of the end, and she started moving the hose back and forth to try to stop the fire, not knowing if she was hitting people or not. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko/Inoma trying to help Capskye Things just suddenly went crazy with flames everywhere and people flying around trying to help. Shiro did the one thing he was good at... getting the hell out of everyone's way. He leaped this way and that, trying to dodge everything, though he found himself getting hit with the water hose full force. Making lots of drowning noises, he fell to the floor and lay there, wet and twitching. Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Cuteycindyhoney Mascara was in quite a state. The dojo was ablaze, and she could hardly even think for the fear. That's when Chisame-chan let go of her hand, and started chanting. Before she knew what was going on, ice was shooting from Chisame's fingertips. The startled feline was finally shocked into movement. She jumped back, and got caught full in the face with a stream of freezing water. The feline fell to the floor. She struggled up on all fours, and shook herself. Cold, damp, scared. Mascara added her yowls of confusion to the general disorder. She looked around for a way of escape, and saw The One! The One was hurt! Mascara forgot her own troubles. The cat was like a streak of lightning as she raced to protect The One from the strange boy that wore a females bottom covering. Mascara's damp fur bristled as she hissed a warning of attack! Re: Kaminarimon Samari vs. Tendô Kimiko Suvinceus "It's okay, Mascara!" Yuki, who was really Chisame when not in this form, said to Mascara. She looked over at a girl with a hose, and a boy twitching after almost drowned from the water. That man was Shiro! Yuki gasped, and managed to complete her attack, sending the ice to get rid of several flames, and only a few were left. Yuki smiled, and decided to go to where Shiro was. "Shiro! Daijôbu?" Yuki asked in her calm, pure voice, hoping that Shiro could be alright, and even if he saw her, she would still be Chisame by the time she turned back to sexy, grown-up Chisame-san. Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 > Shiro found himself getting hit with the water hose full force. > Making lots of drowning noises, he fell to the floor and lay there, > wet and twitching. Inoma was shocked to see that she hit Shiro, and she waved the hose more franticly to put out as much water as possible. > "Shiro! Daijôbu?" Yuki asked in her calm, pure voice, hoping that > Shiro could be alright, and even if he saw her, she would still be > Chisame by the time she turned back to sexy, grown-up Chisame-san. Seeing that the flames were under control, and that the dojo was soaked, Inoma dropped the hose to help Shiro out. "It's ok, I have him! No need to help any more!" She started to pull him towards her. Re: Possible fight for Shiro Suvinceus "I hope so." Yuki said, then she touched Shiro's face. "You're going to be okay, Shiro-kun..." she said, in a calm gentle voice. She then turned to the girl. "Use that hose carefully! By the way, what is your name, for I am Yuki the Ice Elf, who really is Chisame Nokumura." Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 Inoma was pulling Shiro by the legs, when Yuki was touching Shiro in the face. "In case you didn't notice, there was a fire. I didn't mean to hit him; all I was trying to do was help stop the fire." She breathed a little, over the breathing and the pulling she misheard the name of the person touching Shiro. "Well, cheesy, my name is Inoma, and I can take care of Shiro." Re: Possible fight for Shiro Capskye Shiro was more than a little dazed, not to mention soaking wet. He felt himself getting tugged around. He wasn't really aware what was going on, and who was talking to him. "Unnnh? Wha?" Re: Possible fight for Shiro Suvinceus "Are you okay, Shiro?" Yuki said, in a soft, gentle voice. "I may be Yuki, but really, I'm Chisame. You see, I have this curse, that when I get very angry, I become Nao, the Dark Elf. But, if there is an emergency, I could become other elves of the Elementals. Since there was a fire spreading, I had to become Yuki the Ice Elf. If there was another fire, I could also become Umi, the Water Elf." Yuki continued. Burning down the house - the dojo Byooki Desu Daiji blinked. Having someone remark that she was going in the wrong direction was common and it was something she was rather used to. The trick was not to let it get to you. Turning around, the pigtailed girl gave Piyo an irritated glare and was about to tell her that if she was so sure about herself she could walk ahead of them... however Daiji's rebuttal never left her lips. With a sudden "boom", the doors of the dojo opened up as flames burst out, licking the façade of the building. "Ack!! Look what the Kami just did to us!!" she moaned. Things like the house and dojo getting trashed, if not as common as they could have been, was something that too much of the household budget went to fix. "The Kami did not do that to us, it was it unko-neesan, she's psychopathic!" Yoiko grumbled, earning an accepting nod from her sister Daiji. She had seen Shitagi enter just a minute or so ago and that her oldest sister went ballistic because someone else had answered a dojo challenge was something that was easy to believe. Smoke pouring out among the flames, it was hard to make out anyone in particular, angry shouts and yells drowned out by the hissing sound as the flames slowly died. Things were most likely under control yet she still felt guilty. Course, she hadn't known about those knives in the teddy bear but that didn't change anything because of her Satori could have gotten... shorter. "Crap... hope mom is okay." Daiji said, already stepping towards the dojo, this time actually heading in the right direction. However, before she had taken three full steps she turned to Piyo, a rather unhappy look on her face. "Uh... like umm you with that fire... you better stay with us when we go there." Yoiko nodded, just like her sister figuring that without Piyo leading the way there was too much chance they would end up lost. "Yeah uh... for protection yah know!" she piped, up smiling brightly. *<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>**<>* Meanwhile, in the house, some of the little children, who already had stuffed their little belly's full and had cake in their hands as well as on their faces, were looking out at the dojo from the porch. "Petty fayewoks" =^^= Re: Burning down the house - the dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Someone touchier than Piyo could have been vexed that the twins suggested SHE needed to follow THEM in order to not get lost... (or a tactless someone could have burst out in laughter). Luckily, Piyo was neither; she was too shy and too nice to talk back to her friends. So, after letting her mouth hang open for a short while, she finally shrugged. "If you say so...." Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 While Inoma was still pulling Shiro, she wasn't getting much help. So, she stopped pulling him, lowered his legs, and went to the strange person touching the face of Shiro. Inoma, in a slightly angered tone, told her "I said I have him. You don't need to help him any more." She gently put her hands on the other's arms to show that Inoma didn't need help. Re: Possible fight for Shiro Capskye Shiro's eyes still felt like whirlpools, and he was certain that he could smell smoke and hear arguing over him. Groaning softly in confusion, he spoke up: "Unnnngh... now, now... I'm not worth it, whatever it may be...." Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 Inoma, while standing with Yuki, added "Shiro, you better go get changed, school starts in a little bit." Re: Possible fight for Shiro Capskye Shiro did his best to sit up, shaking his head several times to clear out all the cobwebs. "Urrrg. What hit me?" He glanced around to spot Yuki and Inoma, blinking. "Eh? Did I miss something?" Re: Possible fight for Shiro Suvinceus "Well, he just wanted to be my friend, that's all..." Yuki said, sighing a bit. Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 "Yuki, having him as a friend is fine, but you didn't want him as a boyfriend, did you?" Inoma said, as she slowly inched her way in-between Yuki and Shiro. Re: Possible fight for Shiro Suvinceus Yuki turned herself back into Chisame, pale hair turning back into burgundy hair in a chignon, clothes turning back into stilettos, a wine- colored shirt, and pants. "I don't know if I would have him has a boyfriend. You see, I got 'lessons' from Shitagi on how to make love to a woman... or man..." Chisame said, flustering a bit. Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 "So, you are not sure? You just want him as a friend." Inoma said as she bandaged the nose of Shiro. Keeping her eyes on Yuki, Inoma slowly bent down to help Shiro up. "Do you remember the fire? Well, I went to grab a hose to help put it out, and I accidentally hit you with the water. I am sorry, for I didn't mean to. It was an accident." She started to help him up. "You are soaked, I am sorry. Do you have a change of clothes here?" Re: Possible fight for Shiro Capskye Shiro worked a bit more to clear out his head, looking down at himself, noting his soaked state. "Ah man...I don't..." That was as much as he got out when Shitagi blasted away part of the dojo. His attention was drawn to it, and noted the flying debris from the floor just in time to get clocked in the head by a piece, sending a bit of blood from his nose and knocking him back out, if only for the moment. Apparently, this wasn't going to be one of his days... Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 Hearing the blast, Inoma covered herself to protect her from the debris that she knew would be flying around. Luckily, she only got hit by small pieces. When the debris settled, she uncovered herself and looked around. She saw Shiro on the ground and blood coming from his nose. "Shiro!!" She quickly went to the pouch she carried with her, for in her line of work she would get scrapes and bruises, and pulled out some cotton and bandages. She wet the cotton with some water that was on the ground, and started wiping the nose of Shiro. Re: Possible fight for Shiro Capskye Shiro already looked okay, though his face was a bit red, and he was still in his soaked clothes. He groaned a bit in his knocked-out state, looking just a bit uncomfortable on the floor of the dojo at the moment. Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 "Aunt Akane, is there any extra room for Shiro to change? He's sorta wet and he has to go to school." Re: Possible fight for Shiro Capskye Shiro finally started to come around, holding his head and wincing in pain. "Owowowow... what hit me this time? What's going on? Why am I all wet?" Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 "Shiro, you were hit by debris from an explosion in the dojo, and you are wet because a fire broke out, and I grabbed a hose to try to put it out, and I hit you with it. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to." She bowed to show that she was asking for forgiveness, then came up. "Shiro, do you have a change of clothes with you? 'Cause you are going to be late for school if you don't get going." Re: Possible fight for Shiro Capskye Shiro shot up, realizing what time it was. "Crap, no I don't have a change of clothes. Nothing to be done about it now, though." He looked around a moment, then smiled to Inoma. "It's okay, I'll be fine. A towel might be nice though." Re: Possible fight for Shiro pboost1 Hearing the request, Inoma went on got two towels. When she came back, she handed one to Shiro. She started to help dry him off. When she finished, she stood in front of him and offered to help him up. "I hope you are not mad at me for getting you wet." As she bent over to help him up, she whispered where only he would be able to hear "Also, are we still on for eleven o'clock?" Re: Possible fight for Shiro Capskye Shiro was dried rather quickly, nodding and smiling to Inoma. "Yep. Thanks again for helping me out. I'm not mad at you." He looked around quickly, noting that pretty much everyone was gone. He looked back to Inoma as he walked towards the entrance to the dojo. "Okay, I'll see you soon. I gotta run if I don't want to be late! Bye!" With that, he was out the door and running off towards the school. [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 6]