> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RanmaHentaiRPG1/

Compilation by St Fan


Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

Guilt had kept Ranma submissive under Akane's barrage of insults.  But 
his temper was starting to fray.  He'd told her the truth, and she'd 
flat out called him a liar.  That made him angry.  And that caused his 
feelings of guilt to fade.  And with the fading of guilt, he was 
remembering certain things about Akane.

Mostly he was remembering that when she started screaming pervert, it 
was because she was horny.  Akane wasn't the sort to admit to being the 
slut she was, at least not to him.  She simply pushed him until he 
pushed back, and in and out, and in and out, and so on.

Ranma reached out and took hold of Akane's wrists, and flexed his 
forearms.  This torqued Akane's arms and forced her to her knees in 
order to keep the strain from becoming too painful.

"I think you've talked enough!" Ranma said firmly.  "And seeing as how 
you can't let a guy get a word in edgewise, I think you need to do 
something else with your mouth while I explain."  He was of course 
completely unaware that he was mimicking the Gambling King.  Ranma 
pressed Akane's arms together so he could hold both slender wrists in 
one hand, and used the other to fumble at the tie to his pants.

Normally, having a girl's father present would have been a severe 
impediment in regards to force-feeding his daughter your cock.  Only in 
this case, Ranma knew full well that Akane knew what her father tasted 
like, so he was not one to throw stones.  Not to mention the number of 
times Sôun had stuffed himself down Ranma-chan's throat

Ranma took hold of his firm erection, and directed the head toward 
Akane's mouth, which hadn't stopped yelling all through his actions.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"WHY YOU PERV', HOW DARE Y-- Grrrllluuuumpfffhhh...."

The bulbous head of Ranma's manhood did its job in shutting Akane up, 
filling her unwisely wide-open mouth on the first try.  Ranma was 
probably right in thinking that a meaty pacifier was the only thing that 
could allow him to place a word edgewise.  Akane struggled against his 
grip, but not as strongly as you would expect from the Tendô martial 
artist.  Her submissive reflexes and little fetish for forceful sex was 
probably kicking, even if she didn't want to.

"Mmmmmmmmmfffffffff..." she unintelligibly protested, incidentally 
wiggling her mouth and locking her lips against the tasty, warm, male 

Sôun was at first a bit shaken by Ranma's action, but he quickly 
regained his bearings.  He could admit it was something he often thought 
of doing when Akane was getting potty-mouthed.  Though his first choice 
would rather be a bare-assed spanking....

But never mind that, this wasn't the point right now.  Usually, Sôun 
wouldn't object whenever Ranma "forced" Akane in doing her "fiancée's 
duty", but here the Saotome boy had some things to explain.

Switching from crying to fuming in a heartbeat, Sôun stepped closer to 
the pigtailed boy, arms crossed, a cigarette in his mouth.  The smoke 
billowing around his head and flaring through his nostril was giving him 
a menacing air.

"Ranma-kun... I wouldn't mind you taking some liberties with your 
fiancée, if it wasn't for the circumstances...."

Akane's eyes rolled, and she protested this with a loud growl from the 
back of her throat.

"... but I should remind you that your welcome under my house may be in 
jeopardy right now.  I'm very impatient to hear your explanations, 

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

> "WHY YOU PERV', HOW DARE Y-- Grrrllluuuumpfffhhh...."

Ranma gave a small shudder of pleasure as Akane's warm mouth engulfed 
his cock.  And he wouldn't have been his father's son if some of the 
pleasure hadn't come from the blessed silence that resulted from Akane's 
meat gag.  Having firmly seated himself, he took his free hand and 
worked his fingers into Akane's hair.  Tightening his grip, enough to 
add a touch of pain to what Akane was feeling, he forced her to move her 
head back and forth, his cock slipping in and out of her strained lips.

Ranma wasn't naturally cruel.  Oh sure, he loved strong violent sex, but 
he got no extra pleasure from hurting his partner.  But Akane had 
trained him well; ironic given her accusations.  He knew the sort of sex 
she liked, and gentle and slow wasn't it.

> "Mmmmmmmmmfffffffff..." she unintelligibly protested, incidentally
> wiggling her mouth and locking her lips against the tasty, warm, male
> sausage.

"Oh yea, suck it, bitch." he said in a soft voice, pitched to only reach 
Akane's ears.  There was a limit to how much he was likely to get away 
with in front of Sôun.

> Switching from crying to fuming in a heartbeat, Sôun stepped closer to
> the pigtailed boy, arms crossed, a cigarette in his mouth.  The smoke
> billowing around his head and flaring through his nostril was giving
> him a menacing air.
> "Ranma-kun... I wouldn't mind you taking some liberties with your
> fiancée, if it wasn't for the circumstances...."
> Akane's eyes rolled, and she protested this with a loud growl from the
> back of her throat.

Ranma curled his fist, pulling hard on Akane's hair as he pulled her 
head forward and drove his cock into her throat.

> "... but I should remind you that your welcome under my house may be
> in jeopardy right now.  I'm very impatient to hear your explanations,
> indeed."

"Sure, no problem," Ranma said, "now that we can hear ourselves think.  
I'm real sorry about that guy saying I gambled away the dojo.  I was 
just a kid.  I didn't know better." Ranma's forehead furrowed as he cast 
his mind back over the years.  While he tried to remember just what had 
happened he idly pulled back and forth on Akane's head, face fucking her 

Chibi-Ranma shivered in the cold, his ragged clothing doing little to 
keep him warm.  "I'm cold, Pop.  I want to go home."

Younger Genma snorted and declaimed.  "Suck it up boy.  Are you a man or 
a girl?  This hardship will make you a stronger, better fighter in the 

Chibi-Ranma sneezed.  "So what, if I'm still standing out in the cold 
when I'm a master martial artist?  I want to sleep under a roof."

Genma gave a hearty laugh.  "Don't worry about that boy.  I already have 
a nice home all set up for you."

"Really?" Chibi-Ranma looked up at Genma with eyes that alternated 
between worship and distrust.  "Really?" he repeated, with a bit of 
skepticism in his tone this time.

"Really, really, boy." Genma announced.  "All you have to do is master 
our style and you'll become heir to the Tendô Dôjô."

"Tendô Dôjô?  What's that?  I don't remember training at no Tendô Dôjô."

"We haven't.  It belongs to an old friend of mine.  Poor bastard.  All 
he has are girls.  So he doesn't have a proper heir.  So all you have to 
do is get good, and we'll combine our schools."

"OK Pop, I'll get good.  Let's go train." Chibi-Ranma cried out, new 
life in his poor cold body.

Ranma gave his head a shake, and pulled hard on Akane's, as he came out 
of his reverie.

"And that's how I learned about the dojo.  But that was a long time 
before I met the Gambling King..." (shot of a calendar showing two weeks 
have gone by) "... and I'd decided Pop had lied to me again.  So I 
didn't see any problem in putting it up for a wager, seeing as how it 
was just one of Pop's lies.  I didn't figure there was anything to lose.

"Guess I was wrong..." he said with a shrug, which caused his cock to 
slip even deeper into Akane's throat.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

'Baka, Baka, Baka, Baka, Baka, Baka, Baka, Baka, Baka...'

That was what Akane was thinking right now.  She couldn't voice it, 
though, because of course her mouth was pretty full.  Still, she was 
"broadcasting" it very hard with both her eyes and body language, and 
Ranma could pretty much understand it.

Akane's thoughts, in fact, had fallen in rhythm with the to-and-fro 
movements of her face.  One "baka" by inward stroke, stuffing her mouth 
to the back of her throat, her warm and wet oral cavity surrounding the 
throbbing prick (attached to another, bigger prick) in its snug embrace.  
One "baka" by outward stroke, her lips and tongue sliding against the 
slick shaft, glistening from saliva as it was exposed anew to light and 

"I... see..." Sôun mumbled, while distractedly watching his younger 
daughter doing her sword-swallowing exercise.  He pried his eyes from 
the hypnotic scene, wondering for a short moment if he should doubt 
Ranma's version.  But it was unlikely the Saotome boy was lying... how 
could one accuse a six-years-old of duplicity?

Turning around, Sôun took a deep breath, and bellowed: "SAOTOME-KUN!!"

There was a splash, the sound of an empty bucket hitting the floor, and 
then... a panda toying with a large ball could be seen at the corner of 
the hallway.  He was now brandishing a "I'm just an innocent Panda" 
sign, though it was obvious someone had been eavesdropping while in 
human form.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

Ranma breathed a sigh of relief as Sôun turned his attention toward 
Genma.  Unfortunately, Sôun was the reasonable one.  He was under no 
illusions about Akane being willing to concede she had been mistaken.  
The way her upturned eyes were glaring at him was proof of that.  On the 
other hand, he was the one with his cock buried in her face.  Most 
definitely a plus.  Unfortunately, there was a time limit on how long he 
could keep Akane gagged this way.  Sooner or later, he would paint her 
tonsils, and then it would be back to listening to her pervert rant.

Ranma considered.  There was no way to avoid it; he might as well let 
her get it out of her system.  After all, she had other holes he could 
use while she was venting.  With that in mind he pulled back on Akane's 
hair, pulling her off his cock.  It sprang free of her mouth, springing 
up to bounce off her nose before she was far enough back to avoid it.

Ranma took a step back and waited for Akane to make the next move, his 
spit-slicked cock bobbing in the air.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane's drooling mouth opened with Ranma's pull on her hair, her lips 
letting go of his shaft somewhat reluctantly, if the sucker-like shape 
they took for a short while was any indication.  Strand of saliva linked 
them to the bobbing cock for a short while, until Akane mechanically 
licked her lips.

Then, she opened her eyes and directed a baleful glare at her fiancée.  
Still kneeling on the floor, she defiantly looked up at him.  Unlike 
what Ranma expected, she didn't resumed yelling at him.  Instead... she 
just talked in a cold voice.

"I hate you, you know." she flatly said.

"Ever since you've come here, you've been forcing yourself on me... on 
my sisters... on my friends at school.... Since the very first day, when 
you tricked me into thinking you were a girl, only to better jump me in 
the bathroom.... I've had to satisfy your base lusts because of the 
silly engagement our parents made....

"And now, I learn you've always known... you were already treating the 
dojo as your property when six... just like you're treating me and my 
sisters and your other fiancées as your property... as objects to be 
sold or 'borrowed' by your perverted friends... so that you can watch 
while they are shamefully gangbanged and humiliated...."

Angry tears welled up in Akane's eyes, as she still glared daggers at 
Ranma.  "What will you do next?  Giving me up to that old pervert of a 
Gambling King, to be turned into an obedient sex slave, just like you 
did with Ukyô?"

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

Ranma had been ready for verbal, and/or, physical fireworks from Akane.  
He knew how to handle that.  It was all part and parcel of her 
character.  She hammered away at him till he shut her up by raping the 
hell out of her and leaving her too tired to bitch or fight.  Which was 
just what she wanted.

This cold, accusing Akane was a different matter.  He could have argued 
against how unjust her accusation was.  The whole Gambling King thing 
had been years ago, when he was just a kid.  He had completely forgotten 
about it till just now.  He truly had no memory of it when Genma had 
brought him to the Dôjô.  But clearly, Akane wasn't going to buy that 
story.  She had made up her mind, and nothing was going to change it.  
Not words anyway.

"It ain't true," Ranma said in a weary voice.  "I don't think you're 
mine, or the dojo, or your sisters."  He turned his back on Akane.  
"I'll get the dojo back, and I'll give it to you." he said, striding 
toward the building in question."

"Hey, freak!" he yelled as he went looking for the Gambling King.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane, still kneeling in the hallway, stayed frozen in surprise for a 
very short moment, before blink-blinking at Ranma's retreating back.

"Why that... that pervert!  How dare he!"

She wasn't upset, of course, for the fact that Ranma forced her to 
inhale his cock.  She was furious because he didn't go further, leaving 
her hot and bothered on the spot!

To tell the truth, Akane didn't give much thought to what she said to 
Ranma... she just wanted to rile him up enough that he'd shown his true 
colors and rape her on the spot... while making it very clear it was his 
doing, and not any invitation on Akane's part.  But that baka didn't 
take the bait!

Instead, he decided to go to Ukyô's rescue... probably to take advantage 
of that tramp later... as if he hadn't already some hot tail under hand!  
Why, how could that idiot not realize that U-chan was probably enjoying 
herself?  She probably got a kick out of that slavery thing.  Who knew, 
maybe she even was in collusion with the Gambling King from the start!  
She's the one who brought him here, after all.

Consumed by jealousy, Akane jumped to her feet and ran after her fiancé.  
"Stop here, you baka!"  She caught up with him while they were on the 
covered passage leading to the dojo.  There, Akane tackled Ranma just 
before he pushed the door.  They both sprawled on the floor near the 
entrance.  They could both see inside the training hall, but its 
occupants seemed not to have noticed them.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

Without really thinking about what he was doing, Ranma pinned Akane to 
the floor underneath him, using his legs to keep her from kneeing him 
anywhere delicate, and as a last step slapped a hand over her mouth.

Having immobilized the tomboy, Ranma examined Ukyô.  The evidence was 
very clear; she'd just had her face fucked by the Gambling King.  "Guy 
doesn't waste any time..." Ranma muttered, a touch of admiration in his 
voice.  Unlike Akane, over whom he was sometimes very possessive, Ranma 
had no problem with the other girls getting screwed.  At least as long 
as it wasn't true rape.

Checking out the cat-who-ate-the-canary look on Ukyô's face, and the way 
she was savoring the taste of the King's cum, Ranma didn't think there 
was any danger of that being the case here.  Not that he'd ever thought 
there was.  He and U-chan had kicked the King's ass when they'd been 
six.  She didn't need his help to hand the King his head if Ukyô wished 
it.  She was more than capable of doing it herself.

That aside, there was still the matter of the deed to the dojo.  He had 
to get that back.  His honor demanded it, and the things that Akane had 
said made him want to do it.  He had been ready to wager himself, or 
rather, herself, as stakes.  No way would the King risk the dojo for 
what Ranma had in the bank.  Which was nothing.  Now, however, as Akane 
squirmed under him, Ranma had a better idea.  He'd offer a slave for a 
slave, and then once he'd won Ukyô, he'd wager them both against the 

Inching backward, Ranma dragged Akane along with him till they were out 
of sight.  Once the cost was clear, he stood up, and pulled Akane with 
him, keeping his hand firmly over her mouth, only shifting it slightly 
to avoid being bitten.  He started to drag Akane toward the house.  He 
had to get her looking slavish.  No way would the King take her at even-
on odds for Ukyô the way she looked right now, her typical tomboy look.  
Well, that was all right.  All the stuff he needed was in Akane's secret 

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane struggled against Ranma when he pinned her on the wooden floor, 
her whole body feeling hot from the wrestling.  She stopped immediately, 
though, when she too caught a glimpse of Ukyô's posture, kneeling in 
front of Bakuchi-Ô King, with his glistening cock before her face.

If Akane had a kink almost as strong as her rape fetish, it was 
certainly voyeurism.  She enjoyed a lot watching other people getting it 
on -- especially when it was one of Ranma's fiancée.  Besides spying, 
the thrill of the potential discovery could make her tremendously hot.  
Especially when the spied lovers would finally spot her, and bestow 
various sexual punishments on her for her wickedness....

That's why she was looking with rapt attention, hoping to get a good 
show of the King taking advantage of Ukyô, and maybe of her sister too.  
She wasn't any more paying attention to Ranma, nor pondered what he was 
thinking about.

That's why she quite surprised when he picked her up, and dragged her 
back to the house.  She groaned furiously into his gagging hand, and 
squirmed in his grasp, her legs frenziedly batting the air behind 
Ranma's back.

'Damn that baka!  I hope Nabiki will at least film everything that's 
happening to Ukyô....'

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

As Ranma pulled Akane toward the house, a change came over him.  Due to 
the arrival of the Gambling King, Ranma had been suppressing his libido, 
something Akane would have likely found hard to believe.  In fact he'd 
been behaving pretty clinically toward Akane and Ukyô, his mind in 
battle mode.  Now that he had a handle, or so he thought, on the 
situation, there was nothing stopping him from enjoying himself.

Ranma's cock surged to full erection as he took a firm hold of one of 
Akane's breasts and used it as a handle to drag her into the house.  
Despite all the pussy he got on a regular basis, there was something 
about Akane that got him really raging.  Maybe it was because he got to 
really cut loose with her, having found out that all her protests to the 
contrary, Akane liked it rough and forceful.

That is why his hand clamped down hard on Akane's breasts, compressing 
the soft flesh.  Hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to cause any 
damage.  By this point Ranma had reached the stairs, but his lust wasn't 
going to wait till he got to the top.  He shoved Akane's forward so that 
she was forced to catch herself on her hands, five steps up, that left 
her leaning forward, her muscular ass hovering at just the right height.  
Ranma reached under Akane's skirt and ripped her panties off with one 
sharp pull.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane's anger at Ranma dragging her away while she could have enjoyed 
the show of Ukyô's degradation at the hands of the Gambling King turned 
into a hot rush of excitement when he started manhandling her and 
harshly groping her breasts.

That baka pervert was about to prove her right once again... that he was 
only a creepy rapist, just thinking of quenching his base lusts with her 
innocent, struggling, unwilling body.

She was surprised when they didn't even reach the second floor, and 
Ranma dropped her in the stairs.  She stopped her fall with her hands 
and leaned on her knees, but before she could protest and lash out a set 
of scathing insults toward her brute of a fiancé, he tore of her 

Akane screeched at the feeling of her undergarment being ripped from her 
shapely ass, the fabric digging momentarily in her puffy outer lips.  
Her drenched sex began immediately dripping on the stairs and into 
Ranma's hands.

Neither teenager paid any attention to the panda passing by, standing 
over a rolling ball, while pursued by an angry, mustached man in full 
samurai armor brandishing a two-handed sword.

"You creep!" Akane throatily growled.  "I knew I was right!  You're 
going to rape me again!  And again!  And again...."

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

Ranma had been briefly distracted by the passing of his father and 
Mr. Tendô, but only briefly.  "Damn straight!" he growled at Akane.  He 
flipped her skirt up, barring her muscular ass.  She might have been a 
bit broader in the beam than Shampoo or Ukyô, but contrary to his 
insults, on her it looked good.  Full rounded buttocks with a deep 
inviting cleft between them.

Akane had her legs clenched together, concealing her two openings, but 
Ranma leaned in beside her, one knee resting on the stair beside her leg 
as he rammed his hand between her legs, using a knife edge attack to 
penetrate her defenses.  His thumb slipped up into her cunt as he 
reached forward with his free hand to take hold of the back of her neck.

Ranma rocked his hand back and forth, roughly grinding his thumb against 
her outer lips and running his finger overtop of her erect clit.  Her 
slot was juicy, but not in the least sloppy or loose.  It flexed and 
clamped around Ranma's invading finger, promising very good things to 

"What a slut!" Ranma declared, bending forward so his head was just 
above and beside Akane's.  "You're as wet as a bowl of ramen.  You call 
me a pervert, but the real pervert here is you, tomboy.  You can't wait 
for me to slam my prick into your nasty hole."  On the last remark, 
Ranma hauled upward on the hand that was between Akane's legs, lifting 
her legs free of the stairs for a few seconds, her whole weight, very 
nearly, resting on the edge of Ranma's hand.  The effect was similar to 
being bound to a wooden pony.  Only, wooden ponies in general did not 
come with a vibration option, which Ranma supplied by moving his hand a 
fraction of a millimeter back and forth several hundred times a second.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane whimpered and panted at the assault of Ranma's hand on her 
insanely aroused sex.  Tears rolled down her cheeks, though it was 
probably as much from shame than from frustration.  She droned out his 
nasty words, not wanting to demean herself by answering his taunts... it 
would just delay him in doing what she was helpless in preventing 

Then she gasped loudly when Ranma used only one hand to lift her up, 
most of her weight resting on her crotch.  This was maddening... it felt 
almost like Kodachi's wooden pony, which Akane had "ridden" more than 
once, entirely against her will of course.

Worst, Ranma was vibrating his hands in a way that would be impossible 
for anybody but a very skilled martial artist.  That creep was using his 
special techniques again... that wasn't fair... he was cheating... how 
was she supposed to deny having ever wanted this when he was making it 
feel so GOOD!


Screaming, Akane shuddered uncontrollably on the spot, her nails digging 
into the wood of the stairs.  Ranma's hand was suddenly splashed by a 
spray of love juices, as his fiancée quite simply climaxed around his 
invading finger.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

Ranma smirked as he slipped his hand out from between Akane's legs.  It 
came out a lot easier than it had gone in.  Not only were Akane's 
muscles limp after her powerful orgasm, but the abundant lubrication 
coating his hand would have let him pull free even if she'd been tensing 
her legs as tightly as possible.

"You're suck a fuck slut, Akane." Ranma jeered.  He reached around and 
cupped her face with his sticky hand, whipping her own juices across her 
lips.  He'd pulled her head up slightly with the hand gripping the back 
of her neck, and now he pulled her fully upright so she was kneeling on 
the stairs, her back pressed against his chest as he covered her mouth 
with his juicy fingers.  His now free hand pulled open the front of her 
shirt and slipped inside.  He shoved her bra upward so it slipped off 
her breasts, leaving her fun-bags free for him to molest, which he did 
with great satisfaction.

Ranma ground his hardness against Akane's bare rear, the bulge in his 
pants pressing into her cleft.  "This is what you want!  Isn't it?" he 
said in a voice hoarse with his own arousal.  He rolled his hips, 
jamming himself hard against her.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane moaned and whimpered uncontrollably as Ranma roughly manhandled 
her, leaving her twat cruelly unattended while he bared her perky 
breasts and started mauling them.

Ranma's question was of course purely rhetorical.  He knew perfectly 
what Akane wanted and liked.  Like he knew she'd stubbornly deny it.

"No... I'm not... I don't..." she cried out between aroused sighs.  "I 
don't want you... to force me ever again... to screw me like an animal 
in the middle of the stairs!"

Akane's voice next became more pleading, more frantic.  "Please... 
Ranma... don't... anybody... could see us.  Our fathers... or Kasumi... 
or grandfather Happôsai...."

Now, those denials were maybe a little more heartfelt.  For all her 
kinks, Akane had one strong hang-up against public sex.  Always 
protesting much more strongly whenever Ranma wanted to screw her 
somewhere people could walk up on them.  That's why the first time Ranma 
got in the Neko-Ken since he arrived in Nerima, where he had mounted 
Akane in the middle of the schoolyard in front of the whole student 
body, had been so humiliating for the Tendô girl.

Of course, on the other hand, none of the Tendô Dôjô inhabitants would 
be especially shocked to see Ranma and Akane going at it before them.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

Akane's plea to not do her on the stairs, where everyone could see, did 
have an effect on Ranma.  Multiple ones in fact.  Part of him got hot at 
the thought of doing Akane in front of the whole family, but another 
part was jealous of the thought of someone, namely Happôsai, getting off 
on watching her screwed.

As Happôsai was a voyeur more than a participant, in his case it would 
be like sharing Akane with him, and right now Ranma was in a very 
possessive mood.  He didn't want to share Akane with anyone.  While he 
didn't really rationalize the process, he knew he was going to have to 
get his rocks off a few times before he could wager Akane to the 
Gambling King.  Even though he knew there was no way he could lose, even 
the thought of the Gambling King imagining what he would do with Akane 
when he won got his hackles up in his current state.

Ranma bit his lower lip and stilled for a moment, letting his senses 
reach out.  He couldn't feel Happôsai in the area, and he doubted the 
little pervert could stay hidden given what was going on.  So, it was a 
pretty safe bet that the freak wasn't around.  Genma was busy running 
for his life, and Sôun was chasing him.  Nabiki was in the dojo, getting 
up to lord knows what.  As for the last member of the family... Ranma 
didn't really mind if Kasumi watched.

Of course, on the other side, Happôsai was likely to come home any time, 
and if he was busy with Akane, he might be too occupied to notice.

What to do, what to do?

"Fuck it!" Ranma said.  By this time the controlling vote was held by 
the brain between his legs, and the only thing it wanted was to be 
sheathed in Akane.  The sooner the better.

Ranma slipped his hand off of Akane's face.  It hadn't done much of a 
job as far as gagging her went.  Keeping her pulled back against him by 
the hand on her breast, he fumbled with his pants.  He'd had practice, 
so it didn't take long to free his erection from its confinement.  It 
slipped into Akane's ass crevice and Ranma rocked back and forth a few 
times, slipping it up and down that humid valley.

"Time to get fucked!" he said, his voice trembling with anticipation as 
he drew back his hips, while at the same time pulling on Akane's breast 
to make her lean forward, and shove her ass outward.

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane panted and whimpered as Ranma mauled her breasts, and then rubbed 
his bare cock against the crack of her ass and the slit of her sex.  She 
was so wet from her previous orgasm, she was sure he could stick his 
manly bludgeon into her with no effort at all.  Her poor, undefended 
womanhood would certainly offer no resistance whatsoever against it.  
She made sure of that by completely relaxing down there.

Akane had enough training on those lower muscles, brought by countless 
hours of martial-slash-marital art training, that if she wanted she 
could probably close her nether passage so tightly that no cock would 
ever have a chance to break through.  Although, for some weird reason, 
it never occurred to her to try it whenever she was "raped".

Akane gasped loudly when Ranma forced her down by pulling on her breast, 
back to the humiliating "doggie" position.  She had a hard time not 
responding when he said "Time to get fucked!" In fact, it took her all 
of her willpower to not scream: "YES, YES, DO ME, FUCK ME YOU BASTARD!"

Instead, she just whispered it.  ^_^

Re: Place your Bets - in the Hallway

T.H. Tiger

Ranma heard Akane, more with his body than with his ears.  He knew how 
much she wanted what he was going to give her, and the thought turned 
him on like crazy.  If he hadn't been so horny himself, he would have 
enjoyed making her wait, teasing and tormenting her, driving her crazy 
with unsatisfied lust.

But he was too horny for that.  And so, he fisted his own personal horn 
and held it in place as he positioned the fat head between Akane's 
drooling lower lips, letting the tip slip half-way into her till he 
could fell the entrance to her cunt clamping around the end.

Akane tried to hunch back at him, but he held her firmly in place with 
the hand on her tit, while moving his own hips back in time with her 
motion.  He waited for her to sag forward slightly, and at that moment 
he thrust with all the power he had, and that was a lot.

So forceful was his push that Akane's head was shoved up against the 
stair tread in front of her, and her knees were lifted momentarily off 
the ground.  As aroused as she was, Akane's tunnel still wasn't ready to 
accept Ranma's bludgeon, and for a moment her lower body was supported 
by his cock, until her tight walls relaxed and she slipped over his 
engorged member.  Ranma didn't give her time to adjust.  As soon as he 
felt her round ass press into his belly, he pulled all the way out of 
her, and then slammed himself home again, this time going balls deep 
with one push.  His balls swung forward and slapped her between the 

Ranma leaned all the way over Akane and reached around with his now free 
hand and took hold of her other breast.  Using both breasts as 
handholds, he hauled her back up into a semi-reclined position and held 
her in place as he slammed in and out of her, making her entire body jar 
with the force of his strokes.

Place Your Bets - in the Stairs

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane opened her mouth wide to let out a scream, but it died out to a 
mute exhalation when Ranma imbedded himself to the balls into her.

The ramming of his manhood almost had her face slam against the steps; 
her hands and forearm protected her, though, as she braced herself 
instinctively against the ruthless fucking.

Then the pigtailed boy pushed himself up and lifted Akane's lower body 
from the stairs with the strength of his cock alone.  Akane let out a 
strangled cry from the intensity of the sensation.  Rivulets of tears 
were streaming from her eyes, and pitiful sobs escaped from her lips.  
Those were, though, just as much tears of bliss and elation than tears 
of pains and humiliation.  With Akane, both were more or less the same 
thing anyway.

The youngest Tendô could feel Ranma's steely rod plunder her tender twat 
mercilessly.  Her hot innards were hugging his shaft like a glove.  The 
drenched folds of soft flesh were squeezing the male organ of hardened 
flesh as if trying to merge with it.  Her love hole was flooded with her 
vaginal secretions, bathing the invading cock and dripping out of her 
cunt onto Ranma's balls.

'Damn that pervert...' Akane repeated in her mind.  Damn that pervert 
who was raping her on the very stairs of her house.  Damn that pervert 
who never stopped raping her.  In the bathroom.  In the living room.  On 
the couch in front of the TV.  In the kitchen (strangely, often when she 
wanted to cook).  In the guest bedroom; in Nabiki's bedroom; in Kasumi's 
bedroom; in Sôun's bedroom... (and generally, along with each occupant).  
In her own bedroom.  In her bed, while she was asleep.  In her bed, 
while she wasn't asleep.  On her desk.  On the floor.  By the window.  
On the roof.  In the dojo.  In the garden....

(Heck, the sole place Ranma-kun never raped her was probably the koi 
pond, but he has a little trouble staying male there.)

Recalling all of their previous romps was only making Akane even hotter 
as Ranma violated her pussy.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Stairs

T.H. Tiger

In the last little while, Ranma had made up for lost time in his sexual 
training and had gained pretty good control of his body.  He could fuck 
for hours now.  Only, that wasn't really all that much fun.  Sort of 
like doing pushups for hours on end.  It built up your stamina and 
muscles, but was boring as hell.

Right now, Ranma wasn't in the mood for boring, and he really didn't 
feel like spending the next hour nailing Akane to the stairs.  He wanted 
to cum, he wanted to blast his seed up into Akane's belly.  Feel his 
juices squirting out of her overfull twat as he pumped her full.

He yanked her back hard against him, his fingers digging into her 
breasts.  At the same time he arched his back and slammed himself as 
deep into her as the current position allowed.  "Yessssssssssss!" he 
howled, letting go of his control.  His cock swelled a good ten percent 
as he reached his peek.  Jets of sperm shot out of the tip of his dick 
and flowed into Akane.  Ranma's powerful muscles contracted, shooting 
his jism out with enough power that it would have flown thirty of more 
feet if it hadn't been slamming into the back of Akane's womb.

"Take it, bitch!" Ranma growled, pulling back and then slamming forward 
again, shoving his hips forward and up and jarring Akane back up into 
the air as he continued to pump her full of his seed.  Their mingled 
juices flooded her cunt, and squirted out with every pump of Ranma's 
muscles.  Ranma's middle was soaked, and Akane was flooded.  Juices ran 
down her thighs and dripped onto the stair treads.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Stairs

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane howled when Ranma pulled her back again and impaled her fiercely 
on his gushing rod.  Ranma's manly tool had rammed neatly through her 
cervix to squirt its load directly in her quivering uterus.  Her vaginal 
passage contracted like a vise around the male flesh skewering her.  It 
didn't stop the sperm from gushing back, though, so intense was her 
fiancé's ejaculation.

Any ordinary girl would be in serious pain from the rough treatment, and 
would end up sore for days after this.  Akane sure was, but as a martial 
artist she would recuperate quickly.  She was also in serious bliss, her 
fetish for being humiliated and violated nicely provided by Ranma's 
fierceness.  It wasn't that the Tendô girl was completely incapable of 
enjoying slow and gentle loving... but it was, in her mind, a completely 
different kind of entertainment.  After any dispute or name-calling 
session with her baka betrothed, she simply was in no mood for 
romance... more like for a sweaty, intense fuck.

Akane's whole body was shaken by a powerful spasm as she climaxed again, 
squirming in Ranma's grasp.  Her arms and legs flayed violently, as if 
trying to escape the grasp of her rapist.  Both knew there was no hope 
of this, though.  Ranma was too skilled, and with his dominant position 
he could keep a tight control on his favorite bitch.  Still, probably 
confident in her helplessness, Akane had no qualm giving her best shot.  
Wrestling furiously, she was really getting wild in Ranma's arms.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Stairs

T.H. Tiger

Ranma easily avoided taking any serious blows from Akane's wildly 
swinging arms, or kicking legs, thought several landed against his heavy 
muscles with bruising force.

It wasn't unusual for Ranma to end up black and blue the day after one 
of his special sessions with Akane.  But for one who had grown up like 
he had, pain during sex was a stimulant, not a distraction.  A feeling 
that translated over to his girl side and was one reason why he loved 
fucking Ryôga as a girl.

So, rather than discouraging him, Akane's struggles only made him 
hotter.  But no matter how hot he was, simple biology meant it was going 
to be a few minutes before he could manage another serious round with 
Akane.  He kept her pulled back hard against his hips, his erection 
slowly softening in her clenching tunnel.  He rocked himself against 
her, drawing every last bit of pleasure he could from this fuck.  After 
a few minutes, he let out a satisfied sigh and let go of Akane.  Without 
his support she fell forward, pulling off his semi-erect cock and 
sprawling onto the stair treads, not unlike a broken doll.

Ranma stared down in pleasure at Akane form.  She was still quivering 
and hunching backward, blindly looking for the cock that had abruptly 
vanished from her cunt.  Her legs were spread and her sex distending and 
leaking their mingled juices onto the stairs, where they joined those 
already spilled from their coupling.

"Hey, that's not very nice.  You're leaving a mess." Ranma lectured 
Akane.  He bent over her body and hooked one hand between her legs, and 
took hold of the back of her neck with his other.  He lifted her off the 
stairs like an odd shaped package and half carried, half dragged her 
downward till her face was directly over the pool of juices she'd 

"We don't want to make Kasumi's life hard, do we, slut!?" Ranma growled.  
"Lick it up!" he ordered, forcing her face downward.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Stairs

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane Tendô, well-fucked, sweaty, dripping sperm, disheveled, her 
disarrayed clothes not hiding anything of her naughty bits, shivered in 
delight from Ranma's forcefulness.  It had initially taken some time for 
the wishy-washy teen to come over his reluctance over mistreating girls 
when it came to their sexual play.  But like any other endeavor he would 
put his mind to by treating as martial arts, he had long ago mastered 
the art of hentai role-playing.  And he seemed to be perfectly in the 
mood for being the sadistic rapist tonight.  Akane didn't regret 
treating him like shit when discovering his latest idiotic stunt, with 
the Gambling King.

Of course, none of that satisfaction was showing on her face.  She was 
looking both frightened and furious, not to mention panting, with just a 
hint of flush betraying her arousal.  Inwardly, she was also imagining 
all the demeaning things she would do to Ranma-chan to avenge herself, 
once she'd have turned the table on the aquatranssexual.  The redhead 
was fated to a really thorough S.-M. session to make up for this.  Maybe 
she'd even enroll Kodachi for help.

Right now, though, Akane knew she had no choice but to obey to her 
abusive fiancé.  A strangled croak was her sole protest to the slightly 
painful, but horribly exciting hold he used on her body to drag her 
down.  Her bare feet flayed momentarily on the steps, but she was soon 
effectively brought to her hands and knees, her face very close to the 
puddle of mixed cum.  Her tears and drool added to the puddle as she 
shortly resisted Ranma's push on her head.  But it was mostly for show.

With a last, barely audible whisper of "You'll pay for that...", she 
stuck her tongue out and started the humiliating job of licking the 
left-over of their earlier coitus directly from the wooden stairs.  Good 
thing Kasumi was such a neat freak, as the steps were perfectly dust-
free.  Only a slight waxy taste was added to the heady male/female 
flavor.  With precise strokes of her tongue, Akane cleaned up the mess 
that previously oozed of her cunt, like a lowly animal.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Stairs

T.H. Tiger

Ranma worked his hand between Akane's legs, roughly pawing her freshly 
fucked cunt.  At the same time he kept an upward pressure in order to 
force her balance forward.  He grinned as he heard the sound of her 
tongue lapping up the spilled juices from their fuck.

Not for the first time, Ranma sent up a silent thank you to Kasumi.  If 
the older girl hadn't taken him aside some months ago and given him a 
lecture on the facts of life, as they applied to her little sister, 
Ranma would never have managed to get so good at giving Akane the sort 
of sex she liked.

It had been easy enough for him to do it while he was hard and eager to 
fuck.  Rough, no holds, or hole, barred fucking was natural for him.  
But how to be a nasty son-of-a-bitch when he wasn't actually fucking, 
that had not been nearly as easy.  Kasumi had explained, and had even 
acted out a few scenarios with him to get him pointed in the right 
direction.  Now it came naturally for him when he fell into the role of 

Ranma drove a pair of fingers into Akane's pulpy twat, jerking his hand 
in and out and twisting it one way and then the other.  He rubbed his 
thumb in the juices this provided, getting it nice and wet.  He leaned 
over Akane as he did this and hissed at her: "What a sloppy cunt, you 
could drive a car up it.  Maybe you got some place a bit tighter?  Like 
here!"  With that Ranma jammed his thumb up Akane's ass and used it as a 
hold to lift her ass high into the air and force her face flat against 
the sticky stair she'd just finished cleaning with her tongue.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Stairs

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Akane screamed in shock as Ranma's finger speared 
her tight asshole.  Her face fell flat against the hard wood of the 
stairs as her balance was completely compromised.  She gripped at the 
step with her fingers to steady herself.

Ranma's move had been a little hasty, though.  Holding the weight of her 
body just with his thumb in her ass, even if it was for a few fractions 
of second, was rather painful for his fiancée.  More painful, in fact, 
than the admittedly masochistic girl could endure.  Or rather, this had 
reached the limit beyond which Akane didn't translate it any more as 
sexual excitement.  Only as pissing her off.


It was largely a martial artist reflex rather than a conscious thought 
that made Akane's right leg, until now hanging limp in the air, to 
suddenly lash out and strike Ranma-kun square in the belly.  The 
surprised boy, too focused on torturing his fiancée's butt, simply had 
no hope to duck.  He was sent sprawling down the stairs.  His fingers 
exited Akane's holes with a clear "pop", and she gasped at the sudden 

Akane winced as her knees landed on the stairs.  Though she was 
certainly in less pain than Ranma right now.  With a blink, she realized 
what she had just done.  Oh, well, she had been a bit too submissive 
till now for her tastes.  That'll teach the pervert to think she was too 
easy.  And probably goad him into taking her even harder.

shape sprawled below, before giving him the evil eye with raspberry on 
top.  Then she climbed up the stairs, stumbling a bit on her disarrayed 
clothes, before running to her bedroom.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma hadn't been taken totally by surprise by Akane.  Well, OK, he'd 
been so busy abusing her that he'd let his guard down, but he had been 
expecting her to lash out at some point.  Akane was a submissive in that 
she loved being dominated, but she wasn't a submissive personality.  She 
wanted to be raped, not crawl around on her knees for her master's 
pleasure.  You couldn't be raped if you were willing, and so she could 
be counted on to fight back.

That was alright.  Ranma understood her feelings exactly.  He was much 
the same way when he was a girl.  Male or female, sex was a full-body 
contact sport to Ranma, and the more contact, the better.

It took Ranma a few seconds to untangle himself at the foot of the 
stairs.  As soon as he got his limbs pointing in the right direction, he 
took off after Akane.  He went to the top of the stairs in two bounds, 
and was only a couple of feet away as Akane yanked open the door to her 
bedroom.  He dove forward and wrapped his arms around her waist just as 
she started into the room.  They both went sprawling forward.  Ranma was 
in enough control that he was able to lash out with a foot and slam the 
door to Akane's room shut as they tumbled across the room.

He was also in enough control that he ended up on top of Akane as she 
lay belly down on the floor, her head stuck under her western style bed.  
While Akane was getting a first hand look at an example of Kasumi's 
cleaning fetish -- the floor was clean enough to eat off of --, Ranma 
caught hold of her top and wrenched it backward.  It had been loosened 
already and with a few popped buttons it slid back, pulling her arms 
with it as it did so.  Ranma twisted the cloth to make a quick temporary 

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

GO!  LET ME GO!  DADDY!  HELP!" were Akane's angry screams and threats 
as she struggled against Ranma's improvised binding, her voice barely 
muffled by the bed.

'Yes!  Yes!  You big rapist!  Take me, screw me, demean me!  Show me 
who's the boss, you aquatranssexual freak!' were Akane's excited 
thoughts as her struggling proved ineffectual against Ranma's superior 

It was so exciting whenever she riled him up enough to act like he meant 
business.  None of the wussy boys at school ever held a chance of truly 
overpowering her, even Kunô... for them, she had to fake helplessness, 
which was ultimately a bit dissatisfying.  And the few of her usual 
partners who were truly strong enough to force her -- either Ryôga, 
Tôfû-sensei or her father... -- were too nice to ever actually hurt her.  
Even as creative their role-playing was, it still stayed an act... a 

But with Ranma... even Akane didn't entirely trust him to not harm her.  
The pervert enjoyed his sex rough, especially as a girl, and it 
reflected on the boy side.  Sure, Akane somehow knew he wouldn't go TOO 
far (unlike Kodachi, which had no such restraint).  But he certainly 
considered sex a no-hold barred fight... and you hardly came out off 
such a fight un-bruised.

Akane almost didn't regret that Ranma's assault was making her miss 
Ukyô's degradation.  Almost.  She'd still avenge herself on Ranma-chan, 
though.  That little redheaded piece of ass was hers.

Her pointless but frantic struggle, mixed with her imagination going 
wild on whatever retaliation she'd cook for Ranma's alter ego, were 
making the Tendô girl thoroughly excited.  She was squirming in shameful 
need and arousal as her fiancé tore off her few remaining clothes.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Thanks to Kasumi's foresight of sewing tear-away seams into all of 
Akane's clothes, Ranma was able to strip her of everything she had on.  
With the exception of the top that was binding her arms, that is.  He 
was going to need that for just a little while.  Ranma lay flat on 
Akane's back, grinding his semi-hard cock into the crevice of her ass as 
he ducked his head down beside hers.

"How's that feel, slave-slut?" Ranma whispered, giving Akane's ear a 
lick.  At the same time he scanned the area under Akane's bed, easily 
spotting the large suitcase that held Akane's special garments.  He 
reached under the bed and snagged a handle, dragging it out into the 

Using only one hand, Ranma released the catches and flipped up the lid 
revealing the contents.  Gleaming, well-maintained leather gear and 
bindings shone in the sunlight from the window.  "Now isn't that 
convenient..." Ranma said with a chuckle as he scooped out a well-made 
single-glove from on top.  "But not surprising, after all, you used it 
on my girl-side just a little while ago."

Ranma's cock gave a bit of a twitch as he remembered all the things that 
Akane had done to him, or rather her, the last time she'd gotten the 
upper-hand over his girl side.  The twitch was not so much in 
remembrance of those events, as it was from anticipation of a bit of 

Ranma gave the single-glove a snap to unfold it.  The strong leather was 
designed to slip over a girl's arms while they were pulled behind her 
back.  The stout lacing would let them be bound together firmly, drawing 
back her shoulders and thrusting forward her breasts.  It ended in a 
blunt cap with a sturdy steel ring fastened to it, so a girl could be 
tethered to a rope, which could be used a leash, or to partially hang 
her from the ceiling.

One problem however, was that it was very difficult to slip it onto an 
unwilling girl.  Akane, like his girl-side, did not go willingly into 
bondage.  It had taken Akane's cooking to get his girl-side trussed up.  
Ranma had no such potent knockout toxin.  So he'd have to use a few 

"Listen up, slave-slut.  You can let me slip this on you, or I can go 
and hunt up Kasumi instead to get my rocks off.  How about it?  You 
going to let your sweet sister get raped to save you?"

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane shivered, except this time it wasn't in excitement, but in fear.  
He wouldn't dare?  He wouldn't dare leaving her like that, all worked up 
and sweaty, and not bring her off when she so desperately needed it?

Oh yes, he would.  He was a pervert all the way.  A cruel pervert, to 
boost.  He just proved it a few minutes ago, by abandoning his best 
friend and trusting "cute fiancée" to the depraved wiles of the Gambling 
King.  Cowardly leaving Ukyô to be raped by an old, evil, dirty lecher, 
no doubt deep into some freaky domination fetishes and with a wicked 

The lucky girl.

It was quite clear in Akane's mind, Ranma enjoyed degrading his 
fiancées, making them endure the worst kind of mental anguish just for 
the shrill of it.

In Akane's case, it would be by not raping her.

"I won't let you touch my sister, you freak!  I'd rather *you* die!"

Yes, that was it.  Akane offering herself to save the "virtue" of her 
sisters was her favorite rationalizing.  It cleanly explained why she 
was letting her monster of a fiancé have his ways with her, again and 
again.  It was the perfect excuse, as it made her the innocent heroine 
willing to sacrifice her own well-being and honor to protect her beloved 

The fact that it was plain impossible to ever rape Kasumi -- since you 
can't rape the willing, and the elder Tendô daughter was simply too nice 
to ever object to any sexual proposal -- was obviously irrelevant.

"You'll pay for this..." Akane growled as she let her body go slack, 
ceasing to struggle.  "I'll make you regret your perverseness..." she 
added, while offering her hands in the perfect posture to slip the 
single-glove over them.  "... a thousand-fold."

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma's lip twitched a bit at Akane's threat, not because he took it 
lightly, but because he didn't.  Sooner or later Akane would extract 
vengeance, most likely on his girl side.  He rather looked forward to 
it.  Akane had a much better imagination than he did.  He simply liked 
going at it hard and heavy; she gave it some thought.

He pulled the subtle leather glove up over her hands and up her arms.  
He then pulled the corset-style lacing tight, drawing a grunt from Akane 
as her shoulders were pulled backward.  Ranma ran his hands down her 
sides, enjoying the feel of her tense muscles.  He was kneeling behind 
her, his legs crossed over hers, holding them firmly in place.  His 
calloused hands slipped up over her taunt ass cheeks.  He slowly kneaded 
her flesh, savoring the moment.

Ranma wasn't really into bondage.  He preferred to pin Akane with his 
own body.  Wrestling her into a helpless position so he could fuck her 
no matter how much she might resist.  Tying her up took most of the fun 
out of it.  But in this instance, he was out to create a suitable wager 
to entice the Gambling King to bet the dojo.  Ranma was going to turn 
Akane into a fuck toy suitable for an old geezer like the King.

But, even if he wasn't turned on particularly by bondage, he knew Akane 
was getting a real turn on from this, and that was enough to get his 
motor running.  Because, more than anything else, making Akane happy 
made him happy.

His cock had finally returned to life after his early fuck and was now 
jutting straight out from his groin as he worked his thumbs into the 
crack of Akane's ass and her cheeks apart, espousing her rosebud to his 
gaze.  One thumb slipped down and rubbed against her anal pucker.  
"Nice, I'm really looking forward to fucking this tight little hole." he 

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane gritted her teeth as Ranma bound her in the tight bondage gear, 
her back arching and her breasts pushed forward by the corset and the 
pull on her arms.

He then molested her ass and spread her buttocks to expose her 
vulnerable rear hole.  His rubbing and stroking of this sensitive ring 
of flesh made shiver and whimper in barely bottled-up need.

Yet, Akane wasn't about to give up the "though gal", "unruly tomboy" 
image so readily.  Even if her fiancé had the upper hand, and had 
neutralized most of her option for retaliating physically, her mouth was 
unrestrained.  Which meant she could lash out verbally as much as she 
wanted.  And she was good at it, knowing full well what of Ranma's 
button to push.

"AH!  You wimp!  That's all you can think off?  Putting your pathetic 
needle in my hiney?  You think of yourself as such a hot stuff?  You 
think you're a big, bad rapist?

"Don't make me laugh!  You're not even coming anywhere close to any REAL 
sex offenders, like the Kunôs!  Yes!  Even Tatewaki is a much bigger 
pervert that you'll ever be!  You don't even have his kinky imagination.  
And he's a joke compared to Kodachi!  She might be a girl, but she's so 
much wickeder than you that it's not even funny.  Even in your wildest 
dreams, you won't ever get at the level of her toes, that you so much 
enjoy licking.  And let's not talk about the Principal!  He's in an 
entirely new category of hentai by himself.  Next to him, you're 
completely out of your league, Ranma!"

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Akane's words hit home, because there was a certain truth to them.  The 
truth always hurts worse.  Ranma didn't really have that much 
imagination when it came to sexual play.  Hard and rough was his main 

On the surface, given Akane's disdain, he should have taken it as a 
compliment that he wasn't as big a pervert as the people she mentioned.  
Except Ranma knew that Akane loved being the victim of perversion, so 
she was in effect saying he was an inadequate lover who couldn't satisfy 
her.  A blow to his ego for sure.  And that was not something Ranma 

To make matters even worse, he had actually been trying for once to be 
imaginative.  Oh, it had been to fool the Gambling King into thinking 
Akane was a sex-slave, but still, he had been trying.  At that moment, 
he was very much like Akane when Ranma refused to even try the food 
she'd spent so long preparing.  A growl rumbled in his throat.  "You 
want perverted!?  I'll fucking give you perverted!" Ranma snarled.

Ranma rummaged through Akane's toy box till he found what he wanted.  A 
cock gag.  The short, four inches, but thick object looked like it had 
been harvested from some super-deformed cartoon character, being a 
bright cherry red.  Designed to fill a girl's mouth full, while still 
letting her breath through a hole running down the middle.  "First 
thing, let's give you something to do with your mouth instead of 
talking!" he snarled taking a fist full of her hair in one hand and 
wrenching her head back.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane knew comparing Ranma's skill to the Kunôs would get a "rise" out 
of him.  The boy's pride -- and she didn't mean the one between his legs 
-- had always been his main weakness.  He could always easily be egged 
on by challenging his martial art skill -- and more recently, his 
marital arts prowess.  Akane wasn't as good at this than, say, Nabiki 
for example, but she was for from clueless either.

In this case, though, her stinging words resulted in Ranma depriving her 
of her main weapon in this fight of will -- her mouth.  Akane protested 
loudly around the ball gag, mumbling and groaning furiously in outrage.  
That coward!  Just like him; when he couldn't handle the superiority of 
an opponent, he had to cheat!  No doubt, he was afraid that if he kept 
hearing her disparaging words, he'd get flaccid in no time.  That limp-
dicked wimp!

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma really hadn't started this current situation with Akane with the 
intent in indulging in kinky sex.  His plan had been to muss her up a 
bit, and then dress her in full sex-slave gear.  Presenting an 
irresistible wager to the Gambling King.  He'd fucked her on the stairs 
because fighting with her always made him horny, and he'd seen taking 
the edge off as helping him, and making Akane look more slutty.

Now, however, Akane's words had moved things to a different level.  Ukyô 
and the Gambling King were at the back of his mind.  His only goal at 
the moment was to show Akane he could be just as twisted and perverted 
as any of the others she'd mentioned.

He jammed the cock gag firmly in her mouth, the thickness stretching her 
mouth wide.  The tip was just short of the back of her throat so there 
was no risk of her gagging, and the hole in it would let her breath.  
Letting go of her hair, he let her fall forward, her weight coming to 
rest on her bare breasts which squashed against the floor.  He tied the 
gag firmly in place.  He gave Akane's bottom a half dozen quick slaps 
and then got to his feet.  Placing a foot on Akane's bottom to hold her 
in place, he extracted a rope from her toy box.  He expertly tossed one 
end through a ringbolt in the ceiling of her room.  Ranma knew from 
experience that it was lagged into a rafter and would easily support the 
weight of a heavier girl than Akane.

Now Ranma looked down at Akane and decided how to secure her.  There was 
a ring in the bottom of the single glove for just this purpose, or he 
could take a leaf from one of the perverts Akane admired.  He well-
remembered the time Kodachi had strung her up by braiding a rope into 
her pigtail.  It would be easy to gather Akane's hair into a ponytail 
and hang her from the ceiling by that.  It would be painful, but if he 
was careful to equalize the weight over the whole of her head there was 
no risk of serious harm.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane gurgled against the cock-gag that filled her mouth and bumped 
against her throat.  She had no way to keep her drool from her lips, and 
it was utterly humiliating.

She squeaked as her breasts hit the floor hard and flattened under her.  
He was hurting her and she couldn't retaliate; it was maddeningly 

She whimpered as he gave her bottom a few quick, painful slaps.  It 
wasn't even close to a true erotic spanking, more like punishing an 
unruly child.  She cursed him for that.

She warily glanced behind by craning her neck as he pinned her on the 
floor with a foot.  She was wondering what he was planning next.  She 
groaned when she saw him fasten the rope to the ringbolt above them.  
How original; he was going to suspend her to the ceiling so he could 
rape her to his leisure, and probably plunder her ass as well.  She 
rolled her eyes.  Really no imagination, just like she said.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma was really tempted to string Akane up by her hair.  It would be 
payback for all the times she'd dragged him around by his pigtail, male 
and female.  But... the truth was, he was leery of doing anything to her 
hair.  Which was a bit strange considering all the things he planned to 
do to her helpless body in the next little bit, but he well remembered 
the wounded look in her eyes when Ryôga had cut off her long ponytail.  
He never wanted to see that look again.  So in the end he tied the rope 
through the ring at the bottom of the single glove.  Hauling on the rope 
he dragged Akane to her feet.  The leverage from having her arms pulled 
back like that forced her into a leaning posture, her bare ass sticking 
toward Ranma.  He gave it a lecherous look as he tied off the rope.  He 
also didn't fail to notice that her forward leaning posture put her face 
at just the right height for a little action at that end as well.

Akane was pulled high enough that a lot of her weight was being 
supported by her arms.  When she tried to kick out at him her body 
twisted as she lacked the traction needed to deliver any real power.  
Anyone with less muscular strength would have been in danger of 
dislocating their arms.  But Ranma was a good judge of Akane's strength 
and figured she was good for an hour or more before muscle fatigue put 
her at any real risk.  Keeping a wary eye on Akane's legs, he bent over 
and extracted a metal spreader bar from Akane's toy box.  A straight bar 
with leather cuffs on each end.  With one length sleeved inside another, 
it was adjustable from two feet to four feet.  Ranma caught hold of one 
of Akane's ankles and secured it with a cuff.  Pushing a shoulder into 
her groin to give himself control of Akane's lower body, he then forced 
her other leg out until he could secure it to the bar at its farthest 

Stepping back, Ranma watched as Akane swayed in the air.  With her legs 
so far apart she couldn't reach the floor unless she twisted her body to 
the side.  Going to where he had tied off the rope she was suspended 
from he loosened it and lowered her till her feet once again made 
contact with the floor.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane grumbled, growled low in her throat, sending death glares to her 
fiancé whenever he got in her vision field.  She gave helpless tug to 
her bondage, and squirmed a bit until he fully immobilized her legs with 
the spreader bar.  The youngest Tendô girl was radiating anger with her 
whole being, but she couldn't do anything else.

Well... that wasn't entirely true.  She could, certainly, do more.  
Ranma was certainly a good judge of her strength and stamina, but he 
still tended to underestimate Akane.  If she'd really got worked up, and 
applied her whole strength to the bonds securing her... she probably 
would ripe them quickly.  Even the spreader bar, although metallic, 
wouldn't resist very long to the full power of her muscular legs.

Of course, Akane had no intent to do such a thing.  And not just because 
it would ruin perfectly good bondage gear that she paid with her own 
money.  For once that her ball-less wonder of a fiancée got serious and 
actually intended to get truly medieval (or maybe even prehistoric) on 
her ass, she wasn't about to miss it.

The posture was, among many other things, applying a hard pull on her 
arms that were supporting her own weight.  Her jaw was painfully 
stretched by the cock gag.  Her chest was compressed by the pull on her 
arms, which made breathing difficult.  As for her legs, uncomfortably 
spread by the bar, it was straining the muscle of her thighs.  She was a 
supple martial artist, but certainly not as limber as Kodachi, who could 
maintain a split for a much longer time.

In a few words, Akane was in a world of pain.  She was also terribly 
aroused, her cunt lubricating like mad.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma took a moment to admire the view.  Akane, bent over, her legs 
spread, her breasts hanging from her chest.  They might have been 
smaller than Ranma's girl side, but in this posture they showed to the 
best advantage.  And Ranma intended to increase their attraction.  But 
he would have to hurry.  Much as he'd like to spend the whole night 
torturing Akane, he didn't want to leave Ukyô alone with the King for 
too long.  For one thing, if he wore himself out fucking her, he'd be 
less inclined to accept Ranma's wager.

Once again Akane's toy box served up the required objects.  Ranma had to 
chuckle.  In a way, Akane had created her own peril.  If she hadn't 
delighted in trying out her toys on Ranma-chan, Ranma would not have 
known what half the things in her box were for.  For instance, the 
things currently in his hands.  Without experience, he would likely have 
thought them clothes pegs instead of nipple clamps.

They weren't Kodachi's style of clamps, with sharp metal teeth almost 
guaranteed to draw blood, but plastic, with flexible rubber lining the 
jaws.  Not that they didn't hurt like the dickens.  Ranma rested a hand 
on Akane's ass and bent over, clipping first one clip, and then the 
other.  But he wasn't finished.  Each clip had a small hook on the 
handle, and Ranma used these to hang small weights, causing Akane's 
nipples to elongate and her breasts to stretch slightly.

Ranma considered his next step, and after a moment of thought, started 
undoing Akane's gag.  Truth was, it wasn't nearly as much fun doing 
these things to her when all she could do was grunt and squeal.

Ranma dearly loved quarreling with Akane.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane grunted, eyelids tightly shut, when Ranma put the nipple-clamps on 
her blood-engorged tits.  And then, the sadist added the weight; gravity 
pulled her breasts taut downward, giving them perfectly conical shapes.  
It hurt, it really hurt.  Those mammary glands were conceived to endure 
the sucking of a baby, not such abuse.

Her eyes tearing up, Akane gurgled when her fiancé withdrew the cock-gag 
from her mouth.  She coughed a bit, inelegantly drooling, working her 
pained jaws back in place.

She then blinked, wondering why he freed her mouth.  She really thought 
he wouldn't want to endure her acerb comments.  But since he gave her 
the opportunity... she sure wouldn't waste it.

"YOU BASTARD!  How dare you do that to my nipples?  You, off all people, 
should know how much that hurt!"

Precisely because Akane herself introduced a certain pigtailed girl to 
the delicious joys of BDSM.  Ranma-chan's breasts had looked SO SEXY 
when similarly pulled taut by the clamps.  Though Akane had used bigger 
weights at the time.  Hey, Ranma had a bigger rack, after all, and she 
always boasted being a though martial artist.  It was the duty of a 
fiancée to show cocky redheads their limits.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

"Yea, I do.  Hurts like hell, doesn't it?" Ranma replied, putting a 
growl in his voice that wasn't really present in his heart.  Sure Akane 
had abused the hell out of his girl-side, but she'd also make her come 
like a river.  Ranma had put up with a lot of pain in his life, with 
little instant reward.  BDSM type sex couldn't begin to match some of 
what he'd endured while training, and almost always rewarded with mind-
blowing orgasms.  Just the sort of thing he wanted to give Akane.

"I know lots of other things that hurt." he said in a conversational 
tone, stroking a hand over Akane's firm ass.  Kami, he loved the feel of 
her.  So smooth and solid.  Maybe she was a little bit chunky compared 
to his girl-side, but it was good solid muscle, and Ranma loved strong 
girls.  He didn't think he'd ever be able to enjoy fucking someone like 
Akane's friend Yuka.  He'd be so afraid of hurting her that he wouldn't 
be able to think about his own pleasure.  Not like with Akane or his 
other girls.  They could take all he could dish out, and he loved 
dishing it out.

Ranma had let his fingers do the walking.  They had moved into the crack 
of Akane's ass and were lightly tickling her on the spot between her 
cunt and brownie.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane shivered from head to toes.  She arched her back and tensed her 
legs in a futile effort to pull her bottom out of range of his caressing 
fingers.  Of course, with her restraints it was hopeless, and anyway the 
attempt didn't look very heartfelt.  She stifled a moan between her 
gritted teeth.

"You... you wouldn't dare..." she whimpered breathily.  "You're too 
afraid... of my dad kicking you out... and you and your father missing 
out stuffing your belly with Kasumi's food...."

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

"Your dad kicking me out!?" Ranma said, almost not getting the words out 
for the loud laugh he let out.  "Your dad, and my dad, got their 
finger's crossed that I'm going to knock you up.  The last thing he'd do 
is do anything to stop me sticking my dick up your cunt.  Course, it's 
our little secret that you take precautions.  Or maybe you'd like him 
sneaking in to replace your pills?"

Ranma moved his hand from Akane's ass and reached under her to pat her 
taut belly.  "How about it?  You want to get all fat, stuffed full of my 

It was a sign of how far Ranma had come that he could joke about 
something like that.  No matter how lightly he seemed to take sex, he 
didn't take the possible consequences lightly at all.  If he could 
mention knocking Akane up, it meant that at in his mind, somewhere, he'd 
made the decision that someday he would.

"But, that ain't why we're here now." Ranma said, taking his hand away.  
"So you don't think I'd hurt you?  Maybe I can change your mind."  He 
returned to the goody box, which was starting to look a bit empty, and 
fumbled among the remaining toys until he found a leather crop, one that 
Akane had confiscated from Kodachi.  The slender lash was about two feet 
long, with a one-inch leather loop on the end.  The handle itself was 
one-inch thick-braided leather.  Ranma ran the business end over Akane's 
ass, and into her cleft, before giving a little flick that landed on one 
ass cheek, leaving a small welt behind.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"NO!  NEVER!" Akane protested as Ranma mentioned kids.  Mostly to hide 
the shiver of untold bliss that ran through her at her fiancé's 

"You're such a pervert... you would probably seduce your own daughters 
as soon as they are of age!" she ranted while Ranma rummaged through her 
toys box.

"And... you'd probably use your girl side to seduce your SONS too!" she 
added after a short pause.

Of course, Ranma knew Akane and her sisters were practicing rampant 
incest together or with their father -- he witnessed it often enough 
since he arrived at the Tendô Dôjô, and who knew how long they've been 
doing that before.  So, the Tendô girl condemning Ranma for any future 
"family perversion" was laughable.  Heck, she's more often than not the 
one initiating "father-swapping" with Ranma-chan.  It was rather widely 
accepted in their little dysfunctional family that, as long everybody 
was having fun, nothing was wrong with it.

Akane winced and let out a little yelp when the leather crop slashed her 
vulnerable bottom.  Afterward, though, she bit her lips to not give 
Ranma the satisfaction of hearing her.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

"Yeah, sounds like a pretty good idea." Ranma blithely agreed with 
Akane.  "That's, if the girls took after my girl side, and the guys 
after my guy side."  As he commented, he snapped the quirt in his hand, 
each time landing the inch square tab of leather on the end on a 
different spot on Akane.  All of them on the inner surface of her ass 
and thighs, and not one less than two inches away from either her sex or 

"But, that's a long time from now.  So I'll guess I'll have to settle 
for screwing you till they get ripe."  It was on the tip of Ranma's 
tongue to throw in that he'd get good use of them on long training 
trips.  Lord knew, Genma had certainly gotten his oil changed often 
enough after Ranma got his curse.  But the words sort of dried up in his 
throat.  The sex had been sort of fun, once he got used to being a girl, 
but that didn't wipe away the years leading up to it.  No kid of his 
would ever have to go through that, and he wasn't about to even joke 
about it.

Instead he paused in his switching and ran the shaft of his quirt along 
Akane's slit, which was slightly parted and leaking juice.  He sawed the 
rough shaft back and forth along her delicate flesh, exerting enough 
upward pressure to press the leather deep into her cleft.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane was in tears, sobbing and whimpering as Ranma wickedly adorned her 
plump bottom with a beautiful pattern of criss-cross welt.

The wetness of her face, however, was mirrored by the wetness of her 
sex.  The leather crop rubbing against it was generously doused by the 
testimonial of her arousal.  It spread the love juices over the tiny 
expanse of skin that separated her slit from her rosebud.  Akane was 
shivering in uncontrolled lust under those ministrations.  Ranma could 
swear he saw the puckered ring of flesh of her anus throbbing, as if in 

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma worked the stiff quirt along Akane's slit for a few more seconds, 
and then reversed it.  Holding it firmly in his hand, he placed the 
blunt end against her cunt, and applied mild pressure.  "Your twat looks 
so lonely, Akane.  How about I give it some company?" he taunted her.  
The expected happened; Akane tensed her muscles, which made it all the 
more humiliating for her when Ranma shoved the quirt home despite her 
best effort to resist.

Leaving the quirt waggling in the air from Akane's twitching hips, he 
delved back into her goody box.  He quickly sorted out a half dozen butt 
plugs of all different sizes.  He winced at the sight of a particularly 
large one.  He wasn't sure, but he thought Akane had once used that one 
on his girl side.  He started to stand up, the big plug in his hand, 
when he spotted a brand new butt plug, still in its case.  He raised an 
eyebrow as he read the description at the front of the box.

"Now, what were you planning on doing with this, I wonder...?" he 
remarked, dangling the garishly decorated box in front of Akane.  "An 
enema plug.  'Guaranteed to never leak, even if it's holding back a 
gallon of douche.'  And what's this, it even comes with a heavy duty bag 
with quick connect connectors for fast easy applications...."

Ranma made a big show of ripping open the box, and of ignoring Akane's 
remarks.  A quick shuffle in the toy box supplied him with some 
lubrication, which he was generous with, sticking the tip right into 
Akane's tight little butt and squeezing in at least half the tube.  
After that, all that was left was to press the narrow tip of the thick 
plug against Akane's tight little anal ring.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane let out a long and wordless exhalation of air, her lungs lengthily 
emptying, when Ranma inserted the handle of the quirt in her cunny.  It 
was hard to tell if it was a sigh of humiliation, pain, or bliss, 
though.  Probably all of them together.

Akane was catching her breath as Ranma rummaged in her toys.  Damn, it 
was bad enough Nabiki "borrowed" her things all the time, now it was 
Ranma's turn.

Her eyes went wide when Ranma commented about her new acquisition.  
"Wha... it ain't for you!" she protested.

It was the truth... she had bought it with the other fiancées in mind 
rather than Ranma-chan.  The girls always had their little feud ongoing, 
which was more often than not resolved by screwing each other silly....  
It was a bit of a competition as to whom would find the wickedest thing 
to do the three others.  Akane had heavily fantasized about testing out 
the enema plug on Shampoo.

Now, she was about to experience first-hand the novelty toy.  She 
gritted her teeth as Ranma generously filled her smallest hole with lub.  
Then she whimpered when her fiancée began to ease the tip of the butt 
plug in her vulnerable asshole.

Why that pervert!  Couldn't he have just used his cock?

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma was a bit unsure as he pressed the plug against Akane's anal 
opening.  It was pretty darn big, and her ass was so small.  Only the 
memory of some of the larger ass-plugs in Akane's toy box kept him from 
giving up.  Still, he listened carefully to Akane's invective.  Looking 
for the tone of voice that would indicate she was in genuine distress.  
He didn't hear it, though he heard lots of other things as he forced the 
slick plastic inward, till the small ring of muscle finally allowed the 
largest part of the plug by, and snapped shut on the thinner than normal 
waist.  The thick base kept her ass cheeks well spread, exposing her 
soaking cleft.  He ran a finger through her slit and licked it.  "Mmmmm, 
tasty.  Just about ready to pop, ain't you?"

With those words, Ranma left the room, carrying the attachments and 
accessories that had come with the enema plug.

Ranma took his time going to the laundry room and filling up the bag 
that had come with the enema-plug.  Knowing that Akane's anticipation of 
what he was going to do to her, besides the obvious, would likely exceed 
his own efforts.  Akane might call him a pervert, but she had ideas that 
had never crossed his mind, lots of them.  And was not shy about using 
them on his girl side, or on her rivals.

Before he filled the bag, he added a pouch of chemicals that had come 
with it.  They sterilized the water and added important trace elements 
that would keep the contents from doing harm to Akane's bowels.  As he 
waited for the bag to fill, he glanced through the little pamphlet of 
instructions.  He was reading the section on using wine instead of water 
when the bag finished filling.  He gave a grunt as he lifted it out of 
the laundry sink.  Dang, the thing must have at least two gallons in it.  
He referred to the book again.  Ahh, here it was.  Gravity feed only, 
not squeezing.  It would drain into Akane till the pressure equalized 
and then stop.  Also a warning against hanging it too far above her 
butt.  Recommended height: a foot over her body.  There was a table that 
showed pressure as related to height, but that was geek stuff so he 
ignored it.

"Hi, miss me?" Ranma said to Akane as he entered the bedroom, the bag 
sloshing in one hand.  He held it in front of her face and said "Just 
let me take care of this and then we can have some quality time."

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane was hanging.  Literally.  She was plain and simply simmering in a 
mix of need and anger as she waited for Ranma to come back from the 
laundry room.  It was hard to say if she was wary or impatient of his 
return... even herself probably couldn't tell.  Although the Tendô girl 
wasn't as allergic to teasing as Ukyô, her patience wasn't limitless.

A flush of emotions (again, positive or negative, it was hard to say) 
ran through her body and mind when Ranma returned -- and showed her the 
result of his preparation.  Her eyes crossed at the sight of the bag 
full of water.  She was tempted for a half-second to pretend not knowing 
what it was, but renounced this.  It would be too transparent.

"Don't you dare get that thing ANYWHERE near my ass, or I'LL KILL YOU, 
you freak!"

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

"You mean you'll try..." Ranma said with a smirk.  "As if a clumsy 
tomboy like you could manage it.  But go ahead and try, It'll just give 
me a good excuse to rape the hell out of you again." he added.  He knew 
disparaging her skills would enrage Akane, and that her libido was tied 
into her anger.  This would have been very dangerous even for him if 
Akane had been free, and he had been a girl.  More than once, Akane had 
proven that while in a white-hot rage she was more than capable of 
beating the crap out of him, and then raping the crap out of his girl 
side.  That was not going to happen this time, however.  All that anger 
would just make her all the more aware of how helpless she was, and play 
right into her rape fantasies.

There were lots of convenient hooks and loops in Akane's ceiling, like 
the one her arms were secured to.  Ranma used one to secure the large 
bag of water a foot above Akane's ass, and a couple of feet away.  Next 
he detached the hose from the bottom of the bag and clicked it onto the 
enema plug sticking out of Akane's ass.  This was not as easy as hanging 
the bag, as Akane was moving her ass as hard and as quick as she could 
manage to avoid it.  He gave her welted rear a few hard smacks, more for 
the enjoyment than out of any expectation she'd settle down and let him 
hook her up.  And she didn't.  But the hook up was a pretty simple 
matter for one of his skill.  He simply timed things right, and with a 
quick thrust clicked the two joints together.

A metal clip on the plastic hose stopped any water from flowing just 
yet, and Ranma left that secured for the moment.  Instead, he stepped up 
behind Akane and sheathed himself in her cunt with one hard long thrust.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane whimpered, sobbed, and panted as Ranma worked on the sexual 
torture device.  She knew that her efforts to squirm and wave her ass 
out of his grip were vain.  Yet, she couldn't help but attempt the 
helpless resistance; doing anything else would be surrendering, 
accepting the rape, admitting she got her jollies of from the 
humiliation.  And that, her mind would never allow it.

Her body, though, was another matter.  It was way too eloquent of her 
arousal and frustration.  Ranma hadn't even really started the enema, 
but Akane's flesh was hot and prickly, shivering at the slightest 
contact.  Her womanhood was puffy, dripping and thoroughly drenched... 
as Ranma got confirmation when he penetrated her anew, filling her 
passage with his male meat, encasing it in her quivering folds, that 
immediately hugged the hard rod and feverishly massaged the organ.

"WHAAAAA!!!" Akane squealed, crying out like a fountain.  "DADDY!!  

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma gave a "tcchhh" of annoyance at Akane's cries.  He'd been 
expecting insults and general screams, and had not worried about them.  
Kasumi was the one who had filled in the blanks about Akane's character, 
and while she might publicly chide him for doing things to her before 
marriage, she not so secretly approved of them "playing" together.

But, with Akane yelling for her specifically, Kasumi might feel 
obligated to come and check, which wasn't that bad a thing, actually.  
Ranma could have her strung up alongside her sister in a thrice.  Kasumi 
might not have been into brutal rape like Akane, but she had her own 

No, Kasumi wasn't the problem.  It was Sôun.  Depending on his current 
location and state of horniness, he might ignore Akane's cry, if favor 
of continuing his chase of Genma, or he might ride to the rescue, which 
really meant punishing Ranma by insisting he turn into a girl.  After 
which both Akane and Ranma-chan would likely get well serviced.  Ranma 
had nothing against something like that happening in the right time and 
place, but at the moment he was fully into being a guy, not to mention 
fully into Akane.

That was why he had pulled himself free of Akane's body almost before 
the "Daddy" was out of her mouth, and her cry of help was muffled as 
Ranma jammed his cock deep into her mouth and part way down her throat, 
shutting her up very effectively.

"You are such a wimp, tomboy.  Calling for help like a baby the second 
things get rough.  I thought you'd have more honor than that."  As he 
talked, Ranma forced his hips forward, slowly shoving the thick head of 
his cock further down Akane's throat, and allowing him to stretch his 
arm out far enough that he could to take hold of the small metal clip 
around the hose from the enema bag.

The clip had several graduated settings, allowing a certain amount of 
control over the flow through the hose.  Ranma adjusted it to the lowest 
setting.  It would take a good long time for the water to fully flow 
into Akane's bowels.  Which would end up allowing much more volume in 
the end, as it would be able to seep into her lower colon and intestines 
and fill them full.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"Mmmmmhmhhh... grmmmpfff... mmmmhhhfff..."

Those sounds were all that escaped from Akane's mouth.  Ranma's hard 
bludgeon was spreading her cheeks and spearing her throat relentlessly, 
leaving her no choice but to suck on the large pacifier.  It might sound 
like she was chocking, as an ordinary girl would probably, but Akane was 
still managing to keep breathing by her nose and to control her gag 

That was it!  Ranma was brutally, savagely taking her face!  At the same 
time, he was letting out a trickle of water from the devious torture 
device in her ass.  She was tied up, raped, humiliated, submitted to the 
worst kind of abuse a woman could endure... all of this in the hands of 
her own fiancée....

Akane sobbed in bliss around Ranma's cock.  Her eyes, full of tears of 
degradation, were also letting slip something else, an emotion she 
rarely allowed to show...

... pure, inebriated love.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

For the moment, Ranma put all plans and other thoughts aside and simply 
enjoyed the feeling of Akane sucking on his dick.  Her hot flesh was 
pulsing around his shaft, her tongue shoving against it in her usual 
struggle to push it out of her mouth.  A technique that resulted in her 
blowjobs being every bit as intense as Shampoo in heat.

As always with getting blown by Akane, there was the added pleasure of 
looking down at her face as he force-fed her his dick.  It turned such 
wonderful shades of red as she rolled her eyes back to glare at him.  He 
had his hands cupping her face, holding her steady as he pumped himself 
in and out of her mouth.  His thumbs were jammed into the joints of her 
jaw, preventing her from biting.  Not that Ranma had any real fear that 
Akane would bite his cock off.  But he knew she would not enjoy the 
experience nearly as much if she had to hold back voluntarily.  By 
forcing her jaw open, he helped her fantasy of being helpless and 

As always, the knowledge that Akane was happy, in her own sick way, was 
enough to make him happy, and his cock was as hard and big as it ever 
got, forcing Akane's lips into a tight oval.  Her spit coated his cock, 
and each inward stroke rubbed some off so soon it was dripping off her 

Ranma enjoyed the sensation for a few minutes before asking.  "So, how's 
it going, Tomboy?  You filling up nicely?"  Not that he gave her a 
chance to answer, that would have meant taking his cock out of her 
mouth, and he wasn't going to do that till he sprayed her tonsils with 
his jizm.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane didn't respond immediately, having to descend a notch or two from 
her deep state of fetishist bliss.  She blinked, and closed her eyes, as 
if to focus.  When she opened them again, the emotion in them had muted 
into a semblance of boiling rage and anger.

Her mouth and throat where forced to comply to the shape of Ranma's 
shaft, becoming a warm, slick sheath of female flesh around it, hugging 
it like a perfect glove.  Her saliva glands were slobbering upon it, 
lubricating the male meat perfectly for when it plunged past her 
tonsils.  Her throat quivered reflexively and squeezed the glans to the 
great pleasure of the boy.

"MMmmgrrrrrkkkmmmpppfffff @#%€*$µ£~!!!"

Whatever Akane could have been saying was lost to her fiancé.  He had 
many talents, but had yet to become entirely fluent in Fellatese.  
Though the vibrations sent by Akane's vibrating glottis and squirming 
tongue against his sensitive organ were certainly a nice touch.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma scrunched his eyes shut in delight, and to keep from blowing his 
load down Akane's throat.  He wanted her well-filled at the other end 
before he added his load to her belly.

For a few moments, he held himself buried so deep in Akane's throat that 
her nose was buried in his pubic hair.  He knew that if he moved, her 
convulsing throat and busy tongue would bring him off.  Akane was 
starting to look just a little blue when he finally pulled back enough 
to let her breath.

He kept his hands firmly on the side of her face, holding her tightly so 
she could make no move of her own.  He was the one in control here and 
he wanted her to be sure to know that.  He was, at the moment, her lord 
and master.  He wanted her to be a well broken-in little slut slave when 
he made his offer to the Gambling King.  Of course the joke would be on 
the King; Akane's periods of submission were even shorter than her 

Course, it wasn't as if the jerk had any chance of winning, so he wasn't 
going to have to face the consequences of Akane reasserting her usual 
violent tomboy personality.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"Wwhhizzzzz... huuuuuuu... whhhhiiizzzzz..."

Akane gulped long gout of air once Ranma freed her mouth from his 
manhood.  Being forced to deep-throat a guy as endowed as her fiancé was 
still a hard thing to endure, even for a girl with as big a rape fetish 
as Akane.  So, it took her some time to get back the full control of her 
stretched jaws and sore mouth.

Once she did, though...

"You fucking bastard!  Why did you pull it out?  Afraid I'd bit it off?  
Or are you getting limp?  Boys are all the same... good for nothing 
after one or two shots!  Damn, I'd be having more fun with the Hentai 
Horde... at least, they compensate clumsiness by number!"

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma let Akane rant, letting the familiar cadence of her insults wash 
over him.  Once they might have hurt him, goaded him, but now he 
understood they were her idea of foreplay.  Not that he wasn't above 
punishing her for them, that was the point after all.

"You're such an idiot, Akane," Ranma said in a conversational tone.  He 
took a good firm hold on the side of her face.  "I had to take it out.  
So I could put it back in again."

Ranma did just that, thrusting his hips forward before Akane could think 
to close her mouth.  The head of his cock shoved aside her lips, and he 
winced slightly as he forced her jaw open, her teeth scrapping over his 
prick.  He pressed the heel of his hands into her lower jaw, forcing it 
open.  The plump head of his member hit the back of Akane's throat, and 
continued on, shoving deep into her throat.  Ranma knew that if he could 
see it, he'd be able to see a noticeable bulge appearing in Akane's slim 
neck as she was forced to take him right in to the roots.

Ranma dragged his cock almost all the way out of Akane's oral cavity, 
till only the tip was inside her lips, and then thrust deep into her 
again.  Back and forth his cock moved, spearing Akane's vulnerable mouth 
and throat again and again.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"Grmmfff... glurk... grlllarglll...."

Akane gagged and groaned around Ranma's thick slab of meat, that forced 
her cute lips into the shape of a large, round hole.  Her throat clamped 
around the manly sausage, reflexively trying to swallow it down to free 
up her stuffed passage.  Her saliva glands involuntarily bathed the 
tasty flesh with drool, easing up its progress.  Her tongue frantically 
tried to push it away, but was lacking any leverage of strength to do 
so, as Akane's mouth entirely filled with her fiancé's pride.

Akane was desperately breathing by the nose, the musky scent of Ranma's 
arousal almost intoxicating her.  Few of her regular lovers... hu... 
rapists dared raping her face as hard as Ranma.  The Saotome boy was 
knowledgeable enough in the human (female) body to know just how far he 
could go, especially with Akane.  The Fûrinkan boys never really dared 
this, probably fearing her retaliation... Ryôga was plain too big to fit 
the head of his cock past her throat... and even her daddy, for all his 
love of role-playing, could never bring himself to truly hurt his little 

That left only that big pervert of an aquatranssexual she so much lov... 
despised to do a proper skull-fucking.  Could life be any more unfair?

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma would have loved to spend the rest of the afternoon tormenting and 
fucking Akane, but he had a jerk to put in his place.

So, instead of pulling out of Akane's mouth when he felt his balls 
starting to tingle, he kept right to skull-fucking her until he passed 
the point of no-return.  That was when he pulled out of her mouth and 
quickly took hold of his cock as he came.  A jet of sperm flew out the 
end and splattered across Akane's forehead.  The next one hit to one 
side of her nose and the two after that decorated her cheeks with creamy 

"Ahhhh, I needed that..." Ranma said contentedly as he worked his fist 
back and forth on his softening cock, wringing every last drop of sperm 
out of it.  As he did so he used the head to smear his sperm all over 
Akane's face, giving her a well-glazed look.  He kept the fingers of his 
free hand tangled in her hair so she could not twist away from her make-
up session.

With a contented sigh, he finally stepped away from Akane and moved 
around her to check the progress of the enema that was slowly draining 
into her bowels.  The bag was more than half-empty, and as he ran a hand 
over her tummy he could feel that it was slightly distended.  "Not bad, 
but we can do better than that." he said as he reached up and took hold 
of the semi-deflated bag.  Ignoring the warning he had read earlier 
read, he squeezed the bag, forcing the remaining contents into Akane's 

With a normal girl this might have been seriously dangerous, but Ranma 
knew Akane was more than tough enough to take it, and enjoy doing it.  
In her own sick way.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane stoically endured the facial bukkake her perverted fiancé gave 
her.  She tried to express on her face the total disgust any good girl 
would logically feel from this.  Though inwardly, she was disappointed 
Nabiki wasn't here to take the usual snapshots, or that there was no 
mirror where she could see how humiliated she looked.

She couldn't keep her straight face when Ranma cruelly speeded up the 
enema by squeezing the bag.  In fact, her startled yelp quickly turned 
into a screech of pain, as her innards where stuffed and stretched by 
the soapy water.  She could feel her tummy bulging from the internal 

"AAAAHHH!!!  NO!  RANMA!!  Please, stop that!  I'll do anything you 
want!  I'll be a good fiancée!  I'll learn to cook!  I'll try hard to 
lose weight!  But please, stop torturing me!"

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

"Oh, I don't want you to do anything that hard." Ranma said.  "I just 
want you to be a nice marker so I can lure that stupid fuck into a game 
of cards."

Ranma unhooked the hose from the enema plug, and true to its brochure, 
the one way check valve kept everything inside.  He extracted a pair of 
hobbles from Akane's goody bag.  "Nothing like a big toy box." he 
muttered under his breath as he replaced the spreader bar with the 
hobbles, adjusted to allow Akane just enough slack to walk down the 

Finally, he slackened the rope pulling her wrists upward, allowing her 
to stand up for the first time in about half an hour.  Her tummy bulged 
outward as if she were about five months pregnant.  The sight gave Ranma 
a wistful feeling.  Someday that would be a baby, and not just a belly 
full of water.  His curse had made him a bit more sentimental in that 
regard than the typical male.

The very last thing Ranma did was to place a collar on Akane and clicked 
a leash on to it.  "So, should we go and see if we can get a game of 
cards going?" he asked rhetorically.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane had her eyes tightly shut, which didn't stop the tears from 
flowing from it, though, and was biting her lower lips, which gave her a 
grimacing face.  Her legs wobbly, she was doing her best to stay upright 
while holding up the water distending her insides... inside.

When Ranma talked, she glanced at him and at the leash he was putting 
around her neck.  That was it; not content just with raping her and 
degrading her, no he was treating her like a dog... like his bitch.  
That evil, freaky, perverted, despicable... bastard.  No words would 
ever express how much she hated him.

"Whhaaaaaa...!" she whined.  "Please, Ranma... I'll do what you want... 
I'll bet that weirdo old foggy... I'll even fuck him if you ask... but 
please, let me use the bathroom first!"

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma was not a sadist.  In fact, in some ways he was a bit of a 
masochist, though not really in the normal sense.  He had simply been 
brought up to believe that if you were doing a physical activity, and it 
didn't hurt, at least a little, you weren't doing it hard enough, or it 
was a waste of time.  Due to the fragility, in Ranma's view, of the 
local girls, that meant he never really went all out when having sex as 
a guy.  Only as a girl did this attitude get full rein, when Ranma-chan 
got off on being fucked as brutally as possible.

In any case, Ranma's natural inclination would have been to let Akane 
relieve herself.  Except, this was far from his first session with her.  
He knew exactly what would happen if he did.  Tons of verbal abuse 
telling him that not only was he a pervert, he was a gutless pervert who 
didn't have the balls to carry through, and so on, and on, and on.  
Akane got downright pissy when she didn't get the abuse she was looking 
forward to.

So, knowing Akane got off on the treatment, and would be most unhappy if 
he eased off (once again he thanked Kasumi for her lecture), he had no 
problem saying: "Suffer, slut.  I like you just the way you are."  Then, 
holding her leash right next to the collar, so he could give her some 
support without seeming to, he forced her out the door of her bedroom 
and toward the stairs.  "Oh, and don't worry about making a mess for 
Kasumi to clean up.  That thing you got for my girl-side is guaranteed 
not to leak, or you get your money back."

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"Aaaaaahhh!!  No, please, Ranma!" Akane croaked as she was forced to 
move, however slow it was because of the hobbles, with her distended 
belly.  "Don't make me do that!"

For once, she was hoping that she bought faulty material, and that the 
plug would give up on the strain despite what Ranma said.  But this was 
unlikely; as frequent customers, she and family always got the best 
bargain from the sex-shop owners.

"It-it wasn't for your girl side," she protested, "it was for Shampoo!"

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

"Nope, you mean it wasn't for my girl side, till you got pissed enough 
at me to use it on her...." Ranma corrected her.  He didn't seem to be 
upset over it.  It was part of the trade off that came from pushing the 
limits.  Sometime you gave the shaft, sometimes you got the shaft.  It 
all made you better in the end.

For a brief moment Ranma imagined Shampoo in Akane's get up, her belly 
swollen from a large enema, but quickly erased that from his mind.  
Shampoo liked her sex hard for sure, but she wasn't like Akane who got 
off on demeaning rapes.  She had her own set of kinks and motivations, 
though she did have a bit of a slave complex.  Still... Ranma mused, 
maybe he wouldn't warn her about Akane's latest toy.  It might be fun to 
rescue her.

Even as he thought this, Ranma used his firm grip on Akane's leash to 
march her over to the top of the stairs.  "Careful now," he ordered, as 
he forced Akane forward.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"No, no, no, NO, NO!!!" Akane stubbornly repeated, pulling on her leash 
and clenching her painfully filled insides, not moving much.

"I ain't going nowhere until you let me use the bathroom, you freak!" 
she protested, her previous temporary bout of submissiveness apparently 

"Your Betting Duke can't be as perverted as you!  Nobody is!" she tried 
to argue.  "How can you be sure he'd have any interest in a slave ready 
to burst?!"

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

"It ain't that I think he's interested in this sort of thing.  I just 
want to show you off at your smuttiest.  Show him you're someone he can 
do anything to.  Course, that's just to lure him in.  Ain't like he's 
got a chance at beating me at cards.  Now, come on."  Ranma stepped down 
one step and forced Akane forward.  She could either step down as well, 
or fall down.  He was ready to catch her if she did, and whale the hell 
out of her ass for making him do it.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane made a strangled whisper, deep in her throat, and cast Ranma 
another of her patented glare.  Still, she ceased to resist and let him 
guide her down the stairs, waddling like a stuffed turkey.

Akane was shuddering and sweating, and not solely in discomfort.  Her 
embarrassment and shame were reaching their apex.  Ranma certainly knew 
that the one thing that his fiancée REALLY objected at, and not just for 
show, was outdoor sex or public display.  Despite all her other kinks, 
the idea that people could caught them doing the nasty was making her 
way too nervous.  Regular lovers watching, she didn't mind so much, but 
she hated doing a show for strangers.  And that was exactly what Ranma 
suggested she'd do, and for the sake of some old, teen-molesting pervert 
to boot!  Ooooh... she hated the Baka so much!

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

While making a show of being rough and uncaring, Ranma helped Akane 
safely navigate the stairs.  At the same time he strained his senses in 
order to pick up the presence of anyone unexpected.

Not a foolproof plan by any means considering the number of times he'd 
been surprised, but focused as he was he was pretty sure he could get 
Akane to the dojo without anyone unwanted seeing them, or more 
importantly Akane.

This had seemed like a good idea at the time, do Akane up as prime lure 
bait for that pervert King, so he wouldn't be able to resist Ranma's 
challenge to gamble.  But now that it was coming down to crunch time 
Ranma found the thought of displaying Akane, offering her to someone 
else, disgusting.  She was his, fuck it.  He ignored the fact that Akane 
had welcomed more dicks between her legs than Ranma had seen in a dozen 
different shower rooms.  In his present frame of mind, he was focused on 
the concept that Akane was his personal property.  Just like Ukyô and 
Shampoo to a lesser extent.

No doubt part of this was due to his recent foray into being a Master.  
Ranma tended to get fully into whatever he was pretending to be.  One 
reason he, or rather she, had ended up on her back under several guys at 
one time or another.

He suppressed the urge to take Akane back upstairs, rescue Ukyô by 
force, and then spend the rest of the day and night screwing them both 
bowlegged.  That wouldn't solve the problem of the deed.  He was honor 
bound to recover it.  So, biting the bullet, he half lead, half dragged 
Akane toward the exit.

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Akane had made it down the stairs, but she looked quite flustered by the 
efforts.  She was gritting her teeth and stubbornly refusing to protest 
anymore, but her legs were quite shaky, and the enema was really making 
her look bloated and uncomfortable.

Ranma's prudent scanning proved to be a rather good idea, however.  
Although he could tell with little doubt that the way to the dojo should 
be free, he felt a menacing presence steadily coming back.  A fatherly, 
vengeful, ultra-protective-of-his-innocent-daughters presence that 
inspired image of a demon head lashing out with one freaky tongue....

Re: Place Your Bets - in the Bedroom

T.H. Tiger

Ranma went pale, and suddenly started hurrying Akane toward the outside 
door.  He had to get her in the dojo before her dad got here.

From the feel of his aura, Pop had gotten away from him.  Not 
surprising, Genma was about as slippery as it was possible to get when 
it came to avoiding trouble.

He needed to win the Dojo back quick, before Akane's dad decided that to 
sell him, or rather her, off to the highest bidder to buy it back.