RANMA HENTAI RPG, THE HENTAI REALITY – 15: start > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RanmaHentaiRPG1/ Compilation by St Fan [GAME START] Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz Ukyô walked down the street heading towards the Tendô Dôjô. If she had been paying attention, she would have heard the mutterings and wonderings of the people around her as they stared at her strange companion. He looked like the king in a deck of cards who didn't seem to realize how odd he looked, even in Nerima. Ukyô's attention was focused on the deck of cards she was glancing through. They were, in fact, X-rated cards, each of them having a sex act performed on them. So far her favorites were: the eight of diamonds, which showed a girl on her back with five other guys around her cumming on her (just like her school days at junior high); the four of clubs which showed four girls inter-locked in a daisy chain; and the ace of spades which showed a girl getting double fucked in her mouth and pussy. "Are you sure Ranma Saotome is close?" asked the stranger. "Oh yes." snapped Ukyô impatiently, as she had to break her gaze from the cards. "In fact, we should find them in here." Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The Gambling King muttered something unintelligible in his beard, and kept following Ukyô. His gaze was invariably drawn by her backside, clad in the skintight black slacks of her okonomiyaki seller outfit. She sure had grown up a lot since last time he met her, when she was six. He was cursing against himself, unhappy that his initial surprise attack against the Kuonji girl was so easily foiled. He hadn't expected her to wave around that huge spatula. He was tempted to try another sneaky strike while she was distracted by his artistic cards, but there were plain two many witnesses on the street right now. Too bad, he would really have liked to subdue her and push down those alluring slacks to bare her scrumptious bottom.... Never mind. If she could bring him to Saotome Ranma, it was worth the wait. Then, he could get his revenge on those two backstabbing brats that have wronged him ten years ago. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz Ukyô opened the gates that led the way to the dojo with her foot, as she was still enraptured with the cards. "Gives new meaning to the words 'Three of a Kind'..." as she looked at the three of hearts. She could feel her pussy dampening at the thought of playing with these cards. Fortunately, she knew her Ranma-honey could take care of things with the Gambling King and then maybe she could show her gratitude back at the restaurant. Maybe she could start off with a game of strip poker to "warm things up"? She had to be careful though, or else Akane might try to butt in. "Don't worry. Ran-chan is right inside of here." she said cheerfully. Swaying her hips slightly as she walked up to the door and shaking slightly at the thought of all those pictures, she knocked on the door. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger Ranma paused in the middle of a kata when he heard the knock on the door. The sheer strangeness of someone actually announcing himself or herself that way was breaking into his rhyme. He couldn't remember anyone actually doing it before. Oh, some people entered and waited to be noticed, like Kasumi. But, more often than not they barged right in, either attacking or yelling. He wiped a forearm across his brow, dashing a heavy sweat away before it could run into his eyes. He was bare-chested and his pecs gleamed in the lights like a well-greased bodybuilder. Walking toward the door, he picked up a bucket of cold water he kept for cooling down. Ranma slid open the door, and smiled in pleasure. "Hey, U-chan? How's it hanging?" he asked. "What's up?" Seeing as it was only Ukyô, Ranma had no hesitation about lifting the bucket in his hand and sluicing the sweat off of his torso. Instantly his iron hard pectorals were replaced by a pair of bouncing d-cup breasts as he shrank nearly a foot in height, and lost a good sixty pounds of weight. Brushing her damp bangs out of her eyes she looked up at Ukyô, waiting to learn the reason for the visit. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block stompstompstompstomp stomp stomp stomp stomp STOMP STOMP STOMP... *CLONK!* "Baka!" After her impromptu, stomping arrival, followed by a surprise-clonking on the top of Ranma's head with her fist, Akane Tendô started to voice the reason of her displeasure. "For the umpteenth times, Ranma, can't you have A LITTLE feminine modesty? You can't flaunt your goods right in the house entrance, where anybody can see you!" Hiding unseen on the side of the door, the Gambling King was preparing a large (weighted) die, intent on using it for a surprise attack on Ranma Saotome. It was his trademark, his greeting card. He had heard a male voice that could only be the young Saotome, and allowed him to precisely determine his quarry's position. But first, he waited for Ukyô to announce the reason of her visit... he wanted the youth to be trembling in fear, when he'd do his dramatic entrance. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune Nabiki looked up as Ranma was clobbered for the umpteenth time, as her attention was diverted from the book she been reading. Would those two ever get along... probably not. Her attention however was now diverted from her reading. She did wonder momentarily why Ukyô knocked, but thought really nothing of it. Little did she know the "cheating" Gambling King had returned for revenge. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz Ukyô sighed, as she had to remember how crazy and violent this place tended to be. She scowled as she watched her fiancée change her gender in front of the King, and then get promptly get clobbered by the "uncute fiancée". 'Sometimes I wonder why Ranma puts up with her.' she thought to herself. 'She must be pretty good in the sack, otherwise Ran-chan wouldn't put up with this. Even so, there is no way she'd be better than me.' Leaning down over the cute redhead till her chest rubbed against her swollen nipples (making sure Akane could see what she was doing), Ukyô took her arms and slid them under Ranma's arms to lift her up. "Ran-chan! I'm so glad you're here!" said Ukyô (slight squeeze on ass) "Look the Gambling King has returned. Apparently he says he has some business..." (lowering voice to add a husky quality) "... with us." Ukyô looked around and realized that not only Akane was here, but Nabiki as well. That was actually good, she was hoping that she had some new shots of Ranma "doing things..." Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger "Who?" a rather flustered Ranma asked. She could have blamed her faulty memory on being distracted by Ukyô's blatant fondling, but in truth, she just sucked at long-term memory. It had taken the taste of her cooking to make Ranma remember Ukyô. Proof positive that she was Genma's son, er, daughter. She never forgot a good meal. Mind you, sex was coming to be an important part of her life, and maybe in the years to come she'd be able to add "Never forgot a good fuck" to her list. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "ODD!" Suddenly, a huge (and very heavy) die landed straight upon Ranma, flattening the redheaded girl on the ground under the incongruous gaming implement, the "one" side facing up. "Ah Ah Ah Ah... you lost, Saotome Ranma!" A strange, short and stubby figure slowly walked into the house entrance, under Akane's wide eyes. He was weirdly dressed, with a vest adorned like cards back, a decorated hat... and a face with a beard, hair and moustache groomed to like a king from a card game. "Look at the die. It shows an even number, just like I forecast." That's when the bizarrely attired gamer noticed one little detail... the person he crushed under the die wasn't looking all that male. He blinked. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz *CLONG* Ukyô brought her spatula down hard onto the Gambling King's noggin, knocking him flat into the ground. Then she used the spatula to scoop up the die and drop it on top of him. "Sorry about that Ran-chan." Ukyô said as she helped Ranma up from the ground. Seeing Ranma had not remembered the Gambling King, Ukyô went into detail how the King had swindled the two of them. "He says he's come here for revenge although *nudge nudge* he doesn't seem that impressive. Still he did have a nice deck of cards." Ukyô chuckled as she showed Akane, Ranma and Nabiki what he had given her. "Maybe we could get a game of strip poker going?" Ukyô inquired not-too- innocently. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger Ranma's eyes lit up. Visions of denuding Ukyô and Akane, one piece of clothing at a time danced in her head, and when they were out of clothes, they'd have to wager other things. It wasn't that she hadn't seen both girls nude lots of time, not to mention done the other things with them. It was the idea of showing off her superior skills while they were helpless, and a little in awe of her awesome talent. "Hehhehhehehehehehehheeh" Ranma-chan giggled, her mind lost in her little fantasy world. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune Nabiki smiled at Ukyô's suggestion. After studying the cards, she had pictures of Ranma as well but she could wheel and deal later. This was more interesting. She wondered if she could be perhaps included in this little game, or should she watch with a video camera? 'Ooohh' she thought, both sounded so good. She did not know which to choose. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane blushed at the sight of the pornographic deck of cards. What kind of gambler used those? Although she wasn't entirely against Ukyô's proposal of a strip poker (she would deny it, of course; one had to be the voice of reason in this sea of hormones), she was still intrigued by the new figure, currently twitching under the die. "What is your history with this guy, exactly?" she inquired. "I will tell you...!" the Gambling King suddenly exclaimed, standing from under his die. "... as soon as the true Saotome Ranma would have shown himself. Come on, I won't be tricked... is he going to hide behind you women indefinitely?" Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz "Don't you worry, my Ran-chan can deal with you soon enough." Ukyô snapped at the King. Ukyô wasn't too sure if Ranma would be keen on the King knowing his secret, so she decided to keep quiet about it. If Ranma wanted to let the King know, that would be her... er, his decision. "Well, to answer your question Akane-chan..." and with that Ukyô went into the explanation of when they had gambled, how they had lost everything they had, and when he came to collect how they had dumped him into the river, and also how they found out later that he had been cheating. "I'm not sure why he's back. I can't pay him the cart that I lost because of Ranma's father." Ukyô then turned to the other girls. "So, Nab-chan, do you want to get a game going?" Ukyô said as she stared at the middle Tendô's breasts. Ukyô had to admit, after spending some time with Ranma, she had been blown into full bi-sexuality. And the rampant sex at school hadn't toned it down in the slightest.... Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune "Hhmmm?" Nabiki replied as her gaze drifted off the cards she been studying a bit. "S-sure um why not?" she added then looked to the other two females. "Akane, Ranko, do you wanna join? We could make it a foursome or five if we let the King play, but I say we make one rule before he joins and that is no cheating." It appeared that even distracted, Nabiki caught every word that was said. And she was half- waiting to hear what the King had to say in his defense, but the man for the moment was as silent as a stone. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger "Ppfffff, only losers need to cheat." Ranma boasted. Inside, she chortled with glee, her eyes roaming over the figures of the various girls, and very quickly moving past that of the Gambling King. Sure, she could see Akane or Ukyô naked anytime she wanted, but it would be a lot more fun taking their clothes with her superior card playing skills. And she nearly drooled at the thought of showing Nabiki who was the real champ around here. She drifted off in a daydream where a desperate Nabiki wagered her body in an attempt to cover her bet. "Hehhehhehehehehehehe..." Ranma giggled, her mind far far away from the Tendô yard. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The Gambling King was not a happy con man. Those youngsters were pointedly ignoring him, too distracted by his deck and the prospect of playing a strip poker. While usually he would have jumped to opportunity to show his mastery with the cards, her he had some serious business to do first. It was obvious he wouldn't get any information about Ranma Saotome here... his queries have all been ignored. He half-suspected the Kuonji girl to have mislead him intentionally. Well, she was going to pay for that. "Well, it seems that Saotome Ranma has no desire to show up, finally... well, never mind, if he's too afraid to face me, I'll have to settle both debts with you, Kuonji Ukyô! "You say you've lost the yatai that you promised me so long ago? Too bad... this mean you'll have to repay me differently, then." The portly, but surprisingly swift gambler pulled out something from his pockets... and sent it forward. To the surprise of the assembly of girls, it was a collar linked to a leash... which locked unerringly around Ukyô's neck. "Ukyô!" Akane yelped in worry, startled by this turn of event. "Since you can't give me what was agreed upon..." the Gambling King pursued, "... I'll get even with the leisure of your body! You are now my slave, Kuonji!" Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz Ukyô had to think for a moment. On one hand she wasn't really scared of the King too much. She was pretty sure, worst-case scenario, she could just dump him into the river. Plus the fact he had cheated to win her yatai was in the back of her mind. By the same token, this seemed like a good opportunity to get closer to Ran-chan. "B-but you can't!" Ukyô stammered with crocodile tears. "Besides I have already been promised to Ran-chan!" Catching Nabiki's comments about calling Ranma "Ranko", she decided to play along. "Ran-ch, Ranma isn't here right now. But I know Ranko will protect me and fight for my honor. And as a guest of the dojo, I know I can depend on the Tendôs as well." Ukyô moved in-between Nabiki and Ran-chan, giving their butts a squeeze. Still, Ukyô wanted to push a little more. After all Ran-chan was so brave, he would never let anything bad happen to her because he was so gallant. Plus it would get her in closer to Ran-chan. After all, she is the fiancée... and Akane should just be the fuck-toy.... "S-still... I know the importance of honor, and can at least pay you do a small payment." She quivered her lips as she gave Ranma a sad stare. "But I know my Ran-chan will save me!" Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger Ranma's first reaction was to deck the stupid jerk when he snapped the collar on Ukyô. How dare he do something like that to Ukyô? He was the only one who could do stuff like that to her. She held back, however, expecting Ukyô to drop him herself. She was taken by surprise, then, where Ukyô got all teary. But she puffed up when the other girl went on about how she was sure Ran-chan would protect her. The remark about honor hit home as well. Ranma still had only a vague memory of the Gambling King, but knew how important honor was to Ukyô. If she thought she had to go along with the freak in the stupid outfit, Ranma would play along. "Yea, Ranma will save you for sure." Ranma affirmed, playing along with her usual Ranko role. "Big brother will be sure to help." Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Why you pervert!" Akane exploded at the Gambling King. "How dare you collar a younger girl and call her your slave with the full intention of raping and demeaning and abusing of her poor, nubile body to sate your disgusting, evil, old man lusts!" she ranted heatedly. The weird part was the hint of envy that crept in her voice as she glared at Ukyô. By the King just ignored her, choosing rather to answer the topless redhead. "Oh, I am sure Saotome Ranma will come to Kuonji's rescue... I'm waiting for it, in fact. When he'll decide to stop hiding cowardly, we'll finally have an explanation... and he'll be able to give me what was promised, on a _signed_ act!" Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune Nabiki looked to the Gambling King with a raised brow, wondering how a captured Ukyô would end the debt. As Akane went off, Nabiki had to smile at her sister. Akane sure knew what to say to him. Nabiki also wondered what Ranma promised the Gambling King. Nabiki's gaze went to Ranko a moment, knowing she could answer that question, but knew better than to "drop the act". Nabiki remained silent a moment, then finally she asked him "What did he promise?" Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz Ukyô couldn't help but grin inwardly at Akane's comments. She could tell by when the four of them had fucked in that motel that Akane loved being taken like a cheap whore. While Ukyô certainly could appreciate this, she did enjoy tweaking her "rival". Also, the combination of Akane's inciting words and the sight of those cards had worked Ukyô up something fierce. Figuring this would be a good chance to make Akane twitch a bit as well as get more of Ranma's "sympathy", Ukyô decided to turn it up a notch. "Nooooo!" she cried to everyone's surprise and pretended to be "jerked" by the King's chain. She pushed the King down and landed on top of him, then rolled around to put him on her back, obstructing her from the others. She grabbed the Kings hands and put them under her arms. She flashed the King a quick wink and then tore her top open allowing one of her breasts to pop out. "Y-you mustn't... oh, please stop!" she whimpered while flashing the King another wink. She wasn't too worried about giving the King these signs as she could always deny it, and she was positive Ran-chan would believe her over the King. "Only Ran-chan is supposed to touch me like that!" Ukyô gasped as she undid her pants and had them slide around her knees while putting his hands on her tits. "Please don't rape me in front of them... even though if you wish it, it is your right and honor demands that I fulfill that vow. And as my friends have honor as well, they would be forced to watch my shame as you take me in front of them!" Ukyô sniffled again for impact as she continued. "Please show mercy..." Ukyô said as she leaned her tight ass against his crotch and rubbed it up and down against his hardening manhood. Then with that, she turned around, giving the appearance that he had torn her top and yanked her pants down in order to ravish her. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Bakuchi-Ô King was about to answer Nabiki's question, when Ukyô jumped him and brought him on the floor, starting her weird antics and striptease. Akane facepalmed, not believing what she was actually seeing -- and hearing. Did Ukyô really thought anybody could get fooled by that? She was an even worst actress than Ranma. And obviously, she had no shame at all. Meanwhile, King was very flustered, and for a short while unable to react from surprise and indecision. Okay, it wasn't that he hadn't actually thought about doing the very things that Ukyô claimed he was doing... maybe not in front of everybody, still, but he had been thinking about it. He just hadn't expected his new slave to be so forward... he didn't know if she was completely crazy, or tried to pull a fast one him... maybe having the locals call the police for attempted rape? Or push those girls into defending her? But it shouldn't be said he wasn't raising to the occasion... the Gambling King primarily swindled people of their goods or money, but with young, pretty women he never hesitated to ask for payment in "nature". Still, she'd have to learn her role... the slave wasn't the one to take the initiative. "Silence, woman!" he bellowed. "It is not your place to tell your master what he can do or can't do!" One of his hands left the soft bosom where Ukyô had put them, to reach for her butt. But it wasn't a caress... his palm landed hard on her panties-clad buttocks, making U-chan suddenly regret the added protection of her pants. Spanking the offered ass a few more times, he insured she was distracted enough for him to sit up. Pulling on the leash connected to her collar, he forced her down across his lap. "I will rape you, when I want, where I want, in front of anybody I want... you have no say about it, you're my property!" He continued raining slaps on Ukyô's buttocks. At the same time, she could feel his crotch grind her mid-section... and he sure was hard. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune The unshakable Nabiki took out a video camera and began filming the event. She would use the film for cash somehow... Nabiki seemed to never be unprepared when it came to making another yen. No mater how embarrassing it be; at least it was not her. Even if this was not the idea on how she was going to do it. Maybe sell it to the guys that always want a piece of a porn video.... Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger Akane wasn't the only one to nearly face-fault at Ukyô's behavior. Clueless at she could be at times, it was very hard to fool Ranma when it came to physical behavior. It was very clear to her who was doing the "forcing" between Ukyô and the King, at least up to the point where the stout man dragged Ukyô over his lap and started to spank her. What was not nearly as clear was why Ukyô was doing it. Did she really believe that her debt to the Gambling King was so great that she had to give herself to him? Was she doing it this way so she could pretend it wasn't with her consent? None of that really mattered once her ass started being reddened. Ukyô was Ranma's rape toy. No one got to ravage or spank her but Ranma. "Let go of her, jerk!" Ranma shouted. Her flying kick slammed into the Gambling King's chest, and performed a magic trick. The King shot out from under Ukyô, leaving her hanging in mid-air for a moment, her spanked ass sticking upward, just before she whomped down on her belly and tits. Ranma took a firm hold on Ukyô's leash, just behind the collar and pulled her to her feet. "You OK, U-chan?" she asked, making a show of brushing off the other girl, but really just taking the chance to fondle her. Ranma leaned in and hissed at Ukyô "You go giving yourself away like that again and I'll make sure you can't sit for a month! You're my slut. You don't get a say in who gets to rape you." She gave one of Ukyô's nipples a hard pinch to emphasis her words. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz Ukyô cooed in delight as her Ran-chan had saved her once again and had shown great concern in keeping her safe. His harsh words and pinches were just his way of showing it. She knew in no way Ranma could be mad at her. "Oh Ran...Ranko-chan honey I loved how bravely you protected me from the King." she gushed happily. Then, whispering in her ear: "Of course I know that I belong to you. I was just trying to lure the King into a false sense of security until you found the right time to strike. It's not like I couldn't thrash him if I wanted to. Besides with that contract he is entitled to that cart which your old man stole. Plus we need to find out what you owe him. If it's pretty bad, you might need someone on the inside...." Ukyô shuddered at the word... imagining Ranma inside of her. That was for the most part pretty true, although Ukyô had secretly hoped the King had fucked her in front of them. just the thought of it was so nasty and naughty.... Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan's kick had send Bakuchi-Ô King flying through the entrance door, and landing rather harshly. He stayed there, stunned, while little joker cards began flying in circle around his head. Akane was casting a somber glare at Ranma and Ukyô. Those two really were shameless. Were they going to make out right there on the porch to celebrate Ukyô's rescue? And when would they invite her? "I've heard everything..." said a stern voice from behind Akane, startling her a bit. Tendô Sôun stepped out of the shadow of the corridor, looking for all account like the serious, wise patriarch. That is, if you discounted the tent in his pants. "And I must say... you can't do anything against signed deeds. Ukyô-chan, if this man has you in debt, and demand you to perform as his sex slave, you're bound by honor to comply. I don't see how you can wiggle out of it, unless you make a deal with that Gambling King. And you, Ranma-kun, you know you shouldn't interfere; it's your martial artist honor which is at stake here.... Now, Sôun's support of the King couldn't be in any way or form inspired by the desire to see a nubile young girl being raped and degraded by an older man... not at all. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger Ranma blinked, uncertain of what to do. First Ukyô, and then Sôun, confirming that honor demanded Ukyô's slavery. She simply could not accept that. Well, she'd just have to fix everything, and she knew just how to do it. "You!" she shouted, pointing at the gambling king. "I challenge you to a game of cards. I'll win Ukyô back from you." Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz Ukyô squealed with joy as she heard those words from Ranma. She did love her!! She was going to save her by winning her back, although a part of her was a bit filled with regret that the King hadn't taken her. Ukyô could REALLY use a good fuck right now. She jumped into Ranma's arms and grinded her exposed breasts against Ranma's. She grinned as Nabiki filmed the little session, while also seeing Akane getting redder and redder in jealousy. Everything was working great. 'Oh, U-chan, you are such a genius!' she thought to herself. But still, she had to keep the appearance up. "What do you care?" she snapped at Sôun. "Just because it's no skin off your nose... besides, we don't even know what Ranma owes the King." Then turning to look at Ranma with soft, doey eyes: "Not that there isn't any debt I wouldn't help pay for my Ran-chan, because that's why I'm the 'cute' fiancée." With that she gave Ranma another squeeze and smiled into the camera. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune *click* *click* *click* A moment later Nabiki peered from behind her camera; although occupied she didn't miss a beat. The camera was put away. She had perfect pictures to sell... later. Then, hearing Ranma challenge and what U-chan said, she spoke. "Excellent idea, Ranma, I think we should all pitch in." she offered and looked to her father. "Right daddy?" Nabiki paused, but did not back down her assault on her father. "Isn't it a martial artists duty to protect his family?" she said, knowing Sôun's weakness for honor. Plus the man probably wanted a piece of ass himself with the erection he was wielding. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma: > "You!" she shouted, pointing at the gambling king. "I challenge you > to a game of cards. I'll win Ukyô back from you." The Gambling King stepped back into house, a footprint clearly visible on his chest. He wasn't looking very happy. "And why would I respond to a challenge from you, little girl? What have you to offer in exchange for that fine slave? And I wouldn't wager her right now, when I didn't even had the time to try her out and tame her. Whatever. My business is with Ranma Saotome, anyway. For the last time, where is he hiding?" Ukyô: > besides, we don't even know what Ranma owes the King." Then turning > to look at Ranma with soft, doey eyes: "Not that there isn't any debt > I wouldn't help pay for my Ran-chan, because that's why I'm the 'cute' > fiancée." "You are in no position to pay anybody else's debt right now, slave. You're up to your neck in providing your own already." King retorted to Ukyô. Nabiki: > "Excellent idea, Ranma, I think we should all pitch in." she offered > and looked to her father. "Right daddy?" Nabiki paused, but did not > back down her assault on her father. "Isn't it a martial artists duty > to protect his family?" Sôun huffed. "But Ukyô is not family... Ranma's true fiancée is Akane." he strongly asserted. Obviously, the Tendô patriarch was seeing this as an opportunity to free Ranma from a claim that was opposing the joining of the Tendô and Saotome family. "Wait a second..." King frowned, staring at Nabiki, "why are you calling this girl Ranma? I thought you told me she was Saotome's sister?" Before Ranma-chan could protest or say something to correct Nabiki's gaffe, though... she suddenly felt a trickle of warm water over her head and back. Standing behind her, now him, with a kettle, Akane was glaring at her transgendered fiancé. "Stop hiding behind your curse, baka, and face up your own responsibilities!" she scolded him. "Wha...wha...wha..." King stuttered, his mouth wide open. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune > Sôun huffed. "But Ukyô is not family... Ranma's true fiancée is > Akane." he strongly asserted. Nabiki did not back down. "But Ranma is," Nabiki asserted, "and if the King took him then Akane would lose her fiancé." > "Wait a second..." King frowned, staring at Nabiki, "why are you > calling this girl Ranma? I thought you told me she was Saotome's > sister?" Nabiki looked at him and smiled knowingly. True, she goofed, it was a bad habit of hers to call him or her Ranma, it was a slip of the tongue. But it was too late to correct it, especially after seeing Akane douse Ranma with the kettle. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger "I wasn't hiding. I've been here all the time!" Ranma yelled at Akane. And truth, she hadn't been trying to conceal her identity, beyond the instinctive reaction of not revealing her curse to a stranger. The last thing she needed was another bi-sexual slaver to discover her secret. The last time had been one time too many. Maybe it was the sex, but Ranma had become so acclimatized to her curse that she no longer really registered her current gender. The changes in her sexuality her two genders brought had become so common that she didn't even have a problem in having her view of a male change from potential sex partner, to potential rival. Not that she'd ever considered the Gambling King in that regard. As a girl he was too old and strange for her to think of him that way, despite his posturing with Ukyô. And now that she was a he, the King didn't warrant even mild jealousy. He was a joke, worse than Pop. Ranma leaned forward so his face was inches from the wide-eyed visage of the King. "I'm Ranma Saotome. And I ain't sorry about it. You got a problem with me?" Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) OOC: ray_rcz Ukyô scowled at Sôun and the King. She was pretty sure she knew what Sôun was after, but had the feeling she maybe had pushed a little too hard. After all, now Ranma had revealed his secret to the King... (although in all fairness Ranma wasn't that good at keeping a secret). She thought that maybe for the good of all (herself and Ran-chan), it might just be better to act the role of the "slave" for right now. After all, they could always roll him back into the river. "Forgive me, 'Master'," Ukyô said sarcastically, "but now that you have found Ran-chan, why don't you share with us what your business is with him." Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Bakuchi-Ô King went over his surprise rather quickly. He had already seen weird things in his life... most often by looking at a mirror. "Mmmmh... that's a neat trick you have here, Saotome." he commented of Ranma's girl curse. "Whatever, now, since you've decided to face me at last, you can give me what you betted in the card game you lost so long ago. And if you can't... you'll join your little friend here...." he concluded, pulling Ukyô back toward him by her leash. He made her kneel at his feet, giving a playful slap to her rump. "Just wait a second, I'll find this deed..." he added while fumbling in his large pouch. "What did you promise him, Ranma?" Akane asked of her fiancé... but seeing his dumbfounded look, she could easily guess she wouldn't get an answer, as he probably forgot. "Well, since you were just a kid at the time, it's probably nothing of great value anyway...." Sôun offhandedly mused. "Here! I have it!" triumphantly interrupted King. "According to this deed," he said while brandishing an old paper with a child's doodling and a handprint on, "the TENDÔ DÔJÔ IS MINE!" Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger Memory exploded in Ranma's mind. He had a sudden flashback to his chibi self declaring that his Pop had told him that he was going to get some place called the Tendô Dôjô, so he would bet that. That was followed by the memory of losing the game, and him and Ukyô beating the crap out of the King and rolling him into the river. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) ray_rcz Ukyô had to stifle a laugh as she saw Akane and Sôun's face as the King revealed the deed. "Well, it is a legal document..." she said in a mocking tone, imitating Sôun's earlier comment. Still, Ukyô wondered if she could work this to her advantage. After all, no dojo=no agreement. 'I'll just be patient and see how this works out.' she thought to herself. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane and Sôun, indeed, were aghast. Sweating, Akane watched her fiancé with round eyes. "You... you dared... gambling the dojo... while a kid?!" she mumbled in astonishment. Sôun's reaction was a lot more emotional. "RAAAAAAAAAANNMMAAAAAAA!!!" he growled, looking on the verge of a full-blown demon-head. As Ranma was trying to diffuse the terrifying manifestation of patriarchal fury by making doe-like eyes, he was saved(?) by Akane, who turned him around firmly. "Get in line, Dad, I have something to clear up first with him before you'd eat him out!" Clutching Ranma by the neck to be certain he wouldn't escape, Akane glared. "Tell me, Ranma, can you explain... how come you did know you would inherit the dojo at six... while you've pretended not knowing a thing about any engagement before the day we met?" she asked, gritting her teeth. "YOU TRICKED US! YOU KNEW FROM THE START, YOU CAME HERE WITH THE FULL INTENT OF TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME AND MY SISTERS, YOU DIRTY PERVERT!" Not especially interested in the fireworks, Bakuchi-Ô King pulled on Ukyô's leash and asked around: "Now, if you don't mind... I'd like to visit MY new property... assess its potential use and all these kinds of things... anybody can lead me there?" Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune Nabiki turned away from their father. She sorta expected Ranma to have done something like this, but not so drastic. Still, this was a bit of a downgrade to her and her family. She expected Ranma to be kicked out by their father, but instead she had to play suck-up to the royal pain in hopes he would allow them to stay. "I'll show you around" she said in a dry tone. She thought that if there could be some way out of this mess, she would have to ask later. Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) T.H. Tiger > "Tell me, Ranma, can you explain... how come you did know you would > inherit the dojo at six... while you've pretended not knowing a thing > about any engagement before the day we met?" OOC: You know. I've always wondered about that. *_* IC: Ranma held out his hands, his fingers twisted into a warding gesture. "It's not like that..." he choked out around Akane's iron grip. Guilt kept him from struggling free of her grip. "I didn't know nothing bought no marriage. Pop just said I'd get some place called the Tendô Dôjô when I was older. Said it was my inheritance." Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane, not calming, kept shaking her fiancé like a plum tree full of ripe fruits. "Ranma, do you really think I will swallow that bull!? Nobody could be that stupid! You knew, you just jumped on the opportunity to have three young women at your beck and call to satiate your evil sexual needs! To think I put up with your lecherous ways...." While Akane was making her utterly logical(?) conclusions, Sôun was in a quandary. One the one hand, Ranma gambling the family dojo at age six would mean he basically accepted the engagement very early, and undermined any protest he could make about it now. So, now would be the perfect time to drag him and Akane to the altar and get them married quick and unite the Saotome and Tendô families.... However, doing so would also basically be acknowledging the Gambling King's claim, and there would be no longer any dojo to inherit for the newlyweds.... On the other hands, the Tendô patriarch could simply kick the thoughtless lad out, and get back the dojo since Ranma would have absolutely no right over it since he wasn't yet married to Akane. But this would also meant definitely breaking the engagement and renouncing the pledge of uniting the families. And Ranma's other suitors would surely jump on the opportunity. Unable to commit himself to either path, Sôun chose instead to just bawl into tears. Bakuchi-Ô King followed Nabiki toward the dojo, while dragging Ukyô alongside by her leash. The conniving man was appraising the middle Tendô daughter, thinking she would make a good catch too. Though he already has his hands full with one slave. Looking around at the training hall he now owned, he made a disparaging snort. "Well, not too bad. It will need some work, but I may make this place into a decent casino...." Re: Place Your Bets (Gambling King storyline) Karin Kitsune Before leading the King away, she gave Ranma a very menacing look. But the sharp mind told her there should be a way out of this; plus, as mentioned, if she cooperated the odds of possibly getting the do-- wait the only thing betted was the dojo! They still had the house for now, perhaps.... The plot was setting in Nabiki's mind. > Unable to commit himself to either path, Sôun chose instead to just > bawl into tears. 'Typical daddy.' Nabiki thought as she watched her father do his thing over her shoulder, a moment before continuing to the dojo. > Bakuchi-Ô King followed Nabiki toward the dojo, while dragging Ukyô > alongside by her leash. Seeing Ukyô being dragged, Nabiki wondered if the thing was hurting her. On one hand she hoped it did, and she imagined Ranma there for a while to get her temper down. > The conniving man was appraising the middle Tendô daughter, thinking > she would make a good catch too. Though he already has his hands full > with one slave. This of course went unnoticed, since Nabiki's mind was preoccupied with other things than what the Bakuchi-Ô King was doing. > Looking around at the training hall he now owned, he made a > disparaging snort. "Well, not too bad. It will need some work, but I > may make this place into a decent casino...." Nabiki looked at him. 'Casino? Now I get it, he plans to swindle the Tokyo populous out of their hard-earned money. Profitable, just not practical in a world where nearly everyone is a martial artist.' Of course, it was the profit that Nabiki was thinking about for a moment, but this thought would fade when she realized he only targeted the weak. [TO BE CONTINUED IN TWO SEPARATE, PARALLEL THREADS]