> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RanmaHentaiRPG1/

Compilation by St Fan


Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Locker Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

As P-chan was shaking his head from the landing, the door to the girls' 
room opened.  A face peeked outside, and spotted the distraught piglet.

"Hooo... here you are, poor piggy."

The girl stepped out and picked him from the floor, before retreating 
back in the locker room.

"I wonder what that crazy girl wanted with it?"

"Dunno, but Akane wouldn't have been happy if this cutie got lost."

P-chan was once again nursed like a baby by the girls he recognized as 
Akane's friends.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Locker Room


P-chan lay back and enjoyed himself once again.  He didn't like getting 
thrown out, but where he had ended up was worth it.  Only if he could be 
like this as a man, he truly would be in heaven.  Erotic images entered 
his mind.  A happy squeal left the little pig's lips.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Locker Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

While Akane's friends wondered what to do about the piglet during gym 
class, another girl with short hair and a freckled face came nearer.  
She had been drinking orange juice and had still the bottle in hand.

"I want to hold him too... Please... pretty please, Yuka-chan, gimme!"

"Alright, alright, calm down, Hiroko... hey, watch out with that!"

But the other girl, in her rush and excitement to pick P-chan, was 
forgetting she had a hand already full.  The bottle toppled, splashing 
(cold) orange juice all over P-chan... and the chest of the girl holding 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Locker Room


P-chan squealed loudly as the orange juice hit him.  Seeing an 
opportunity to have some fun the piggy moved up and started to suckle 
the juice off of the girl's bra.  Even if he wasn't a man, he was going 
to enjoy himself.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Locker Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"Now that's smart..." the girl holding P-chan said, looking down at her 
drenched bra.  It was becoming transparent from the liquid.  She blushed 
when the little piglet started to lick her nipple through the fabric.  
He was indubitably seeking the juices.

"I'm sorry, Yuka-chan." the other girl, Hiroko, apologized.

"You twit, I have no other bra." Yuka grumbled.  "And Akane's piggy is 
gonna be all sticky now."

"You'll just have to take a shower..." another girl, with dark brown 
hair in a ponytail, suggested.

"Yes, we'll tell the teacher you're going to be late." the fourth girl 
of Akane's clique said.

"I guess so..." Yuka shrugged.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Locker Room


P-chan just kept on licking at the ample teat.  He was enjoying himself 
too much to do much else.

Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Yuka looked down at the piglet and giggled.  She was thinking he must 
really like the orange juice, with the way he was sucking her bra.

She stepped in the showers room, and put a stop to P-chan's feast by 
putting him on top of a ledge, next to her towel, inside a stall.

"Please don't try to run away, cutie.  You'll be back with mommy Akane 
in no time." she told the pet.

Standing at the entrance of the shower stall, Yuka finished to undress.  
She pulled off her socks, then unhooked the wet bra.  Her knockers 
freely bobbed into view.  They were about the same size as Akane's, nice 
and perky.

She then slipped her panties down her legs, leaving herself entirely 
naked under the gaze of one happy pig.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


The piggy squealed in approval, looking at the cute babe in front of 
him.  There wasn't much else he could do.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Yuka turned around to pile her clothes, giving P-chan a nice view of her 
backside.  Somehow, she felt the gaze of the piglet on her.  She leaned 
toward the pet, her long, pale-brown hair dangling around her face.

"Why, are looking at me, you naughty pig?  That's too funny.  Even if 
you are a boy, shouldn't you be interested in she-pigs?"

She giggled, giving an interesting bounce to her chest.  Then, she 
casually picked the showerhead... and directed it toward the cursed 
martial artist.

"First, let's clean you of this sticky juice." she commented while 
opening the hot water.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


P-chan was happily grunting in reply; he loved the anonymity his pig 
form gave him.  Then he realized hot water was shooting at him.  In fact 
it was on him and now he was human again.  Ryôga then froze up.  This 
was embarrassing, and he was rock-hard downstairs to boot.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

When Ryôga changed from piglet to human, he happened to occupy a lot 
more place than before.  Also, Yuka had put the pet on a ledge, which 
was too small to hold a full-grown boy.  In this condition, freezing up 
wasn't the best choice for the Lost Boy at the moment, as this 
neutralized his usually honed martial artist balance.

Consequentially, Ryôga began toppling forward; the only thing before him 
he could grab or use to cushion his fall was the body of a nude 

It should also be noted that Yuka, too occupied by grinning, had 
momentarily closed her eyes when she splashed P-chan.  On the one hand, 
this meant she could have missed the transformation.  On the other... 
she was quite taken by surprise when his hard, strong, naked frame 
impacted with hers.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga, not sure how to react, pushed himself up.  Looking down he 
realized that he was grabbing onto something.  On closer inspection it 
was the young girl's breasts.  Looking down himself, the Lost Boy saw 
that fortunately his hard-on hadn't entered into the young girl.  Other 
than that, he basically saw himself as screwed at this moment.  Not 
saying anything, he quickly moved off of her and tried to make a break 
for it.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Ryôga's attempt to scuttle away, however, was hindered by the fact he 
found the girl's legs wrapped against his waist, and her hands holding 
the arm that was currently groping her.  This surprised him, because she 
looked a bit stunned by the fall.  It was like she had acted on reflex.

Not that Yuka was strong enough to stop Ryôga for any amount of time.  
However, the way her thighs were grinding against his erection was 
helping.  His shaft may not have entered her, but it was very close to 
her core and the contact was quite distracting.

"Ohmygod... you're that new friend of Akane, right?  Ri... Riyoga?  She 
told us about you.  Are you the kind of guy to ambush naked girls in 
their shower?  Are you going to abuse my young, innocent body?  Are you 
going to take me like an animal on the floor?"

Weird... were the eyes of a schoolgirl supposed to be hopeful when 
saying things like that?

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


"Ummm..- if you want."  'Thank god' Ryôga thought to himself.  There 
didn't seem to be much other way out of this situation other than to 
fuck the young girl -- which he had no problem with.  Even if it might 
somehow get to Akane, he thought that would stop her from giving him any 
more.  At least he'd be free of Ranma for a bit; he knew that he was one 
of the only men that could keep his female side happy.  So now he was 
going to have some fun.

Ryôga started things off ruff, getting right to the sex.  In many ways 
it was rather liberating to get right to being nekkid on top of a woman.  
The only thing that lack was the thrill that came with stripping down.  
At least he had seen her do it, so there was quite a bit of tension 
built up in the Lost Boy.

He twisted his hands around, moving the tit flesh in a circular motion.  
Pulling himself towards her, he filled his mouth with one of her 
nipples, finally sucking on them like he had so desired.  Ryôga pulled 
his hips slightly up, carefully positioned his torpedo and trust down 
into the waiting sex of the girl.  Perhaps he was going too fast for 
her, but to Ryôga it was just right.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Yuka moaned excitedly when Ryôga started manhandling her.  Among Akane's 
friends, she was probably one of the more wanton, and the more inclined 
towards boys.  Akane's hinting about Ryôga's prowess made her quite 
curious about trying him out.  She didn't expect to have the opportunity 
so soon, however.

Her arms around his neck, she sighed pleasantly as his mouth lavished 
attention on her breasts.  Then, she gasped loudly when she felt him 
positioning the tip of his manly weapon at the entrance of her sex.  Now 
that was a young man who didn't lose time!  Which was perfect, however, 
in Yuka's book.  She tended to get excited quite fast.

"Hoooo... Akane-chan didn't tell us you were so... big!" she throatily 
breathed out.  Her body shivered from the feeling of slow penetration of 
her treasure.  Her vulva parted around the meaty invader, welcoming it 
in warm, wet folds of womanly flesh.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga entered and almost bit down on the girl's breast.  The girl's body 
was sucking on his manhood for dear life.  This was nothing like Ranma, 
was who always the one who had to be satisfied.

Finally, he had pushed himself all of the way in.  His eyes shut 
tightly, he pulled off the tit for a second.  "I bet you want more." he 
said with a proud smile.  Keeping himself inside, he played with her 
body some more feeling all around her.  He also enjoyed her hand very 
much too, since they called for him to do just what he was lusting to 
do.  He pushed his head back into place, except this time he kissed 
around the breast, squeezing it very lightly since if he wasn't careful 
he could hurt or kill her.

Though he wasn't totally restrained; as he squeezed even deeper into 
her, he felt a strong surge in his body.  His cock reacted with quick 
spasms, trying to make some room in its tight prison.  With that 
reaction, he dropped down with feverous licks as his hormones began to 
take over.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

> "I bet you want more." he said with a proud smile.

"Oh yeeeeesss..." Yuka moaned, clutching his head harder.  Her whole 
body was tense and shivering from the intense feeling of filling.  She 
tried to arch her back and throw her head backward, but Ryôga's weight 
was pinning her on the wet floor.  Her legs closed tighter around his 
waist, not helping the Lost Boy to exit her tight sheath, but she 
reveled in the sensation of being entirely stuffed.  She wasn't as used 
to big dicks as her friend Akane, so it was really a terrific 

The discarded showerhead was keeping raining hot water on Ryôga's back 
as he claimed the pretty schoolgirl.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga pulled his meat back and forwards into the girl.  It was good, and 
from Ryôga's mind came a kind of revelation: every single women's sex 
with different and yet the same.

When he had done Akane, then Ranma, he had though that this might be the 
case.  This girl's honey pot proved it to him.  He moved faster and 
faster into her, his mouth doing its best to keep up with the movements 
of his body.  To his head, her titties were bouncing every which way.  
His top half did its best to keep up but it wasn't good enough.  His 
lips missed a few times and once he had a bit too much of a mouth around 
her flesh, which pulled itself away with a rather red mark as his teeth 
nicked the flesh between the breasts.

"You're so goooood....  I wish... I'd done this sooner."

His cock was still screaming for him to do more as it rubbed up against 
the girl's insides.  Wanting even more control, rather forcefully he 
pulled his arms around her and twisted there bodies over so she was on 
top of him.  Wasting no time, his hand gripped onto her buttocks and 
with a great amount of strength he pushed the girl's body up his length, 
then brought it crashing down with all of the force his muscles could 
manage as they retracted.

A loud yell escaped his mouth as he did this.  Besides the sudden 
reaction to lying in the water that had been hitting his back, her sex 
was wonderful.  It suckled on his cock like there was nothing else in 
this world, but knew when to let go.  Every trust he did sent more and 
more liquid fire down his nerve system, until he felt himself totally 
enveloped into fire.  A fire which his body could only douse.  It was 
burning in this girl and it was calling for him.  Down again and again 
he brought her, his moaning increasing steadily.

"Ran... Akan... sis.... ahh... Kami-sama...."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

> "You're so goooood....  I wish... I'd done this sooner."

"Yeeeeesss... me too... hoooooo..." Yuka throatily answered, her face 
screwed in bliss.

She yelped just as loudly as Ryôga when he rolled over on his back and 
brought her with him.  Her hot tunnel of womanly flesh clenched around 
his hard mast during the switch.  Then she went delirious when he used 
her like a cock-sheath, making her bounce atop his pole like she was 
weighting nothing.  He was so strong and big, the young girl was shaking 
in bliss from the intense manliness her impromptu lover was radiating.  
This was good, this was perfect...

Just a sec... there was something wrong.

"Wait... please... stop!" she suddenly begged.  Grabbing his upper body 
in a sudden hug, she crashed her lips on his while her legs braced, 
urging Ryôga to slow down the pace.

When the surprised boy did so, Yuka broke the messy kiss.  Looking in 
his eyes, she smiled.  "I'm... Masami Yuka... you can call me Yuka."

There.  Now it was okay.  She couldn't get banged out of her brain by a 
boy who didn't even know her name, right?

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga certainly didn't want to hurt the girl, though when she kissed him 
it took him completely by surprise.  In many ways Ryôga liked the kiss, 
in other ways he didn't, he just wanted some sex with this girl, not 
love, which is something that a kiss meant.

Looking up at her he stayed quiet for a second, his brain trying to 
process what had been happening over the last few minutes.

> Looking in his eyes, she smiled.  "I'm... Masami Yuka...  
> you can call me Yuka."

Growing out of his daze, he answered her.  "Alright, Yuka, I'm 
Ryôgaahhhhhh!"  He felt the girl's body tighten around his.  When he had 
been moving, the fire around him hadn't seemed so strong with his body.  
Still, the blaze was making long-term contact.  With a strong need to 
put at least some of it out, his fire hose gave off a shot into the 
burning folds.

Looking at her, he let off another one, the blast reaching even father 
back than the first, and then the big one came.  Having just a second 
before he came, Ryôga arched the lower half of his body up and forwards, 
pelting himself into Yuka as much as possible.  His head crashed into 
the floor tile and made a small crater in it.  He pulled almost all of 
the ways out again, and as the blast came he pushed with all of his 
might into her.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Yuka, too, screamed from her own orgasm as Ryôga ejaculated into her 
vessel, his strong body arching and lifting her easily.  She didn't 
notice what his hard head had done to the tiles; she was too busy 

She hadn't expected the playful squeeze of her pussy muscles around his 
hard cock would have such a strong effect on the hunky boy.  It was a 
little trick she'd learned under Akane's father one day from a visit to 
the Tendô Dôjô.  The mature man explained that a well-trained girl could 
make herself tight like a virgin at will.  There had been some disbelief 
from Akane's friends, but Tendô-san eagerly taught them the technique.

Yuka shook in joy, spasms of pleasure wracking her body as the Hibiki 
stud emptied his balls in her womb.  Excess sperm and love juices 
spurted out of her stuffed cunt in messy globs of thick cream, dripping 
on Ryôga's pubis.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga's body felt great, despite having made a rather large hole in the 
floor.  His body was filled with a great energy.

His lust subsiding for a bit, he moved his head so that he could get a 
good look at the cute girl he had just had sex with.  He gave a slight 
smile to her; his meat was still nice and large inside of her.

"That was good..." he smiled at her and started moving his hips back 
down.  After his body was flat on the ground, he bent forwards to face 
her.  "I'm still horny, though, I hope you don't mind."  Pulling his 
legs back, he lifted her whole body up with his arms.  When his legs 
crossed, he tilted his body forwards with quite a bit of will working.  
This way he stayed in Yuka for the entire time.

A bit of strain appeared on Ryôga's face as he slowly worked his body, 
with a very sexy girl clinging to it, into a standing position.  His 
arms wrapped around her, he held her tightly.  He walked over to the 
showerhead and turned the water off.

"There, I think that ought to make things nicer."  He smiled at her 
again, his meat throbbing inside of her womb.  Ryôga pulled her body 
back up again and pushed back down again.  All of this he did while he 
held her gently, making sure to completely support her entire body.  
This strained his body a little bit, but the sex was overriding any 
discomfort he was feeling.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Yuka's eyes had been glazed over as she was taking back her breath from 
the intense screwing.  Because of this, she didn't realize immediately 
that Ryôga was surprisingly staying hard in her twat.

But then the boy moved, first getting himself in a sitting position with 
Yuka in his lap.  Next, he rose to his feet... with his stiff pole still 
in the girl's pussy!  Yuka gasped, amazed, and threw her arms and legs 
around him, both in fright of losing her balance, but also in blissful 
reaction to the way this was twisting the big cock in her tight snatch.

She couldn't believe it... the amount of strength needed to do that was 
rarely encountered... and the stamina he showed by keeping his erection 
was even more unbelievable.  Idly, Yuka wondered how Akane-chan managed 
to always find the best studs.  In this posture, he had to support all 
her weight, but it didn't seem to faze him.  She had expected him to 
press her back against the wall of the shower stall, but it looked like 
he didn't even need it.

"I... sure don't mind..." she whispered between pants.  Her legs wrapped 
around his waist, she tried her best to help him screwing her.  She 
pushed in rhythm with his thrusts, her naughty schoolgirl bod rubbing 
against him as she bounced.  Her cute face was twisted in bliss, excited 
moans escaping her mouth.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


"Good... ahhh...."  His grip slipped for a second as she lowered down on 
his throbbing member yet again.  "Better make sure I don't end up 
hurting you."  Doing his best to keep their trusts going, the Lost Boy 
looked around the room for a bench.

"Danm...." he said to himself as he stepped back.  Yuka lowered down 
suddenly, then stopped.  Ryôga was now sitting, having accidentally 
found his bench.  "Hope I didn't..."  His member throbbed again and let 
out another small load.  "... hurt you."  Using his legs as a brace for 
Yuka's body, Hibiki stopped his thrusting for a bit.

"Thanks a lot for this.  I really needed it."  Looking back down over 
her body, his hands felt around the curvature of her back down to the 
buttocks.  His hands gave a firm squeeze to her butt cheeks before 
grabbing onto them.  Ryôga's thrusting continued.  "Is there anything 
you want done, Yuka?" his face said to hers right before it moved back 
to her bosom.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Yuka yelped shrilly as Ryôga suddenly fell, sitting on the bench where 
she'd left her clothing previously.  The shock of his pole sticking deep 
in her tunnel hadn't hurt her, but it was startling and she had her 
breath stolen for a short while.

Getting back her bearings as Ryôga slowed down the pole dance, she felt 
warmed up by his caring words.  Moaning as his hands caressed her bottom 
and his mouth kissed her breasts, she answered:

"Oh yeees... I want you to... fuck me!  Squeeze my ass.  Eat my boobs.  
Make me feel goooood...."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was up to it.  He was starting to get used to dealing with the 
female body.  He still wasn't entirely sure if he was doing the best job 
possible, but he sure was closer.  He gave her butt cheeks a playful 
slap, then continued to devour her orbs.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Yuka happily yelped from Ryôga's strong hand swatting her rump.  She 
sexily cooed and sighed as she kept bouncing on Ryôga's lap.  Her arms 
wrapped around his head, she enjoyed the feeling of his mouth around her 

Ryôga asking her what she wanted had been a nice touch; it was rare to 
find such a considerate boy.  Now further thinking about it, she made a 
more specific demand:

"Ooooh... Ryôga-kun... please... when you came... do it... in my 
mouth... feed me with your sperm...."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


"All right..."  Ryôga lifted Yuka off of his throbbing pole.  Slowly, he 
lifted her down to the ground.  When he was sure that she was down, 
gently he lied back.  His penis stood up in honor of her sexy body.

"I hope you don't mind this in your mouth then...."  His hormones took 
over a bit and he grabbed onto himself a bit.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

The sweaty, disheveled, naked girl shamelessly knelt in front of Ryôga, 
licking her lips.  The pounding of his big meat in her pussy had been 
very nice, but also a harrowing experience, because he was quite big.  
She already felt sore, so she didn't mind for a pause.  She already got 
a helping of his manly cream in her womb; now she wanted to taste it.

Placing a slender hand on the shaft, near to the balls, she brought her 
mouth the side of it, and gave the throbbing flesh a delicate kiss.  
Slurping the mixed juices that coated it, Yuka gorged herself.

The bulbous head, still dripping from cum of the previous orgasm, or 
maybe pre-cum from the next, was the main target.  She opened her pink, 
soft lips and surrounded the turgid glans in a wet, warm embrace.  
Eagerly sucking his knot, she flicked her tongue all the over the 
mushroom cap.  Slowly, her hot mouth was lowered, swallowing more of the 
Hibiki mast.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga let out a smug smile as she licked all over his dong.  His body 
shook with ecstasy.  Then she went down on him all of the way.  His dick 
was as stiff as can be, which was just a small sign of how horny he was.

Ryôga loved the feeling of her mouth devouring his; it wasn't the same 
as her womb was but that didn't mean it was enjoyable.

"Heeeeeaaaaa...."  Ryôga made a rather funny looking face as his little 
vampire was sucked at, the nerves flaring up like fireworks.  His body 
fidgeted a little, but he managed to keep his control so as not to do 
something that might hurt Yuka or him.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Yuka had a hard time fitting more than half the big boner in her mouth, 
although she sure was trying.  She long ago learned to suppress the gag 
reflex with her boyfriend, but even if Hiroshi was well hung, it was 
nothing compared to the Hibiki monster.

Nonetheless, she was doing her best, sucking it greedily, her tongue 
fluttering all over the meaty shaft, her throat clamping and massaging 
the turgid head, her fingers toying with the swollen balls.  The whole 
organ was now quite clean from the previous secretions, but the way Yuka 
was going at it she certainly wanted Ryôga to produce a new load of man 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was in ecstasy; Yuka was doing too good of a job for him.  His 
nerves were telling him to feel warm all over.  His balls responded with 
a new barrage of ammo for his cannon.

As his load entered into his shaft, Ryôga made a funny face.  A tingling 
sensation started from the back of his head and slowly made its way down 
his body.  He moved his head forwards, looking at Yuka, trying his best 
to keep control.  "I can't hold on... nmmmm!"  The tingling moved to 
right behind his balls.  His tube made a familiar shaking in Yuka's 

Going very stiff, his little general fired multiple time at its second 
target, dousing it with all of the ammo it had.  Three loads fired one 
after the other into Yuka.  Ryôga bent forwards after the release and 
let out a large sigh.  "There you go, Yuka.  You're great."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

A thick stream of semen rushed into Yuka's throat, the strength of the 
ejaculation surprising her despite Ryôga's warning.

A bit chocking, she reflexively withdrew most of the length of the shaft 
of her mouth to allow her to gulp down the flood of male cream.  The 
second shot of high-pressure sperm reached the pee-hole at this moment, 
exploding against her palate, filling her cheeks and gushing past her 

Involuntarily gasping, Yuka let out the spurting cock completely of her 
mouth, just in time to receive the last spray of whitish cream square in 
the visage.  Ryôga's hose gave the cute schoolgirl a nice facial, 
adorning her cheeks, nose and closed eyes with gooey droplets of spunk.

That's when the two impromptu lovers heard some female voices coming 
from behind the shower stalls.

"Yuka-chan, what's taking you so long?  You're gonna be late."

"Yeah, how long does it take to clean a piglet?"

"And what were those scream?  Did you slip and hurt yourself?"

At this very instant, three girls wearing the Fûrinkan gym uniform (a 
pale yellow sweatshirt with red bloomers) came past the corner.  Ryôga 
recognized them as Akane's friends, who cuddled P-chan in the locker 
room earlier.

The three teenagers froze on the spot at the sight of their naked 
friend, kneeling on the floor in front of a nude boy, a hand still on 
his squirting penis and her face coated with glistening jism.  Yuka 
blushed hard.  There was no way she could deny what she was doing in 
this incriminating position.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga didn't notice the girls at first, given the great feeling he was 
having.  Looking down at Yuka, he said to her "Are you OK?"  Looking at 
her face, he started to realize that something was up despite that she 
had looked so happy just a second ago.

He looked around and then he saw the three girls.  His jaw then 
proceeded to drop through the floor.  "Ummmm.... hello ladies...."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

The three schoolgirls shook of from their paralysis with Ryôga's words.

"Yuka-chan, how could you!" one exclaimed, a girl with dark-brown hair 
tied in a ponytail held by a red ribbon.

"Err..." Yuka stammered, blushing under the jism coating her face.  
"Would you believe me if I told you Ryôga-kun ambushed me in the 

"Yeah... and that's why you're on your knees sucking his cock?  Tell 
this bullshit to someone else..." another one, with wavy shoulder-length 
brown hair, huffed.

"Ryôga-kun, hu?  That's the friend Akane told us about..." commented the 
first one.

"Ohmygod..." the last one muttered.  She had very short, pale brown hair 
and a freckled face, which was currently very red as her gaze was 
fixated on Ryôga's groin.  "Have you seen the size of his... his... 

"Yup.  Akane always knew how to find the best studs..." the wavy-haired 
one answered.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Yuka-chan?" the pony-tailed girl 
berated her friend.  "Jumping a cute, hunky guy in the very shower room 
of the girls?  And... keeping him to yourself!"

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga looked at the three girls.  "Well I didn't know that you girls 
were available..." Ryôga halfway lied.  He knew that they were single, 
he just didn't expect for them to act they way they did.  Apparently, in 
Nerima women had much loser morals then everywhere he'd been.

"So, what do you want to do then?" he asked them.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

It wasn't so much the women in Nerima... that it was Akane's rather 
specific choice of friends.  Or maybe the Tendô girl had "perverted" 
them, as the Gang of Four sometimes jokingly admitted.

When Ryôga attracted the attention of the girls by speaking, they 
leveled hard glares at him.

"Oh... so that what you think of us, you lecher..."

"Yeah... don't think we'll go easy on you, mister peeping tom.  You've 
lots to answer to."

"Yes, how do you explain your presence here, naked, in the women's 

"Can you give us a good reason for not to denounce you to a teacher 

While making those threats, two of the girls (the short-haired and the 
wavy-haired ones) closed in on Ryôga on either side of him, towering 
above the sitting boy.  They had their hands on theirs hips and were 
trying to look dead serious, but couldn't hide a smirk at the corner of 
their lips.  With them in such close proximity, Ryôga could easily touch 
their bare legs or see the slightest crease in their bloomers.

The girl with a ponytail also directed a mock-angry glare at Ryôga, 
while kneeling next to her friend Yuka.  "Yes... and who could tell you 
didn't traumatized poor Yuka-chan for life... by ambushing her 
traitorously, and forcing her to do obscene acts of carnality..."

She took Yuka's chin in her hand, and directed the jism-coated face of 
the girl toward her.  "Like spraying your disgusting spunk all over her 
pretty visage... poor Yuka-chan."  This said, the other girl proceeded 
to clean her friend's face, by tenderly licking the by-product of 
Ryôga's loins.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga slowly moved back from the girls.  "Um, now ladies, I didn't mean 
any harm...."  He looked at their eyes and gulped.  Not that he wasn't 
turned on; it was just wrong what they were doing.  Were all of the 
girls he met this nuts?  Or maybe he was really the insane one, he 
didn't know.  But there was definitely something about them that 
frightened him.

Ryôga was literally backing up into a corner.  "If you excuse me."  He 
turned around to face a barren wall.  "I was sure that this was the way 
out." he said to himself as he contemplated what he was going to do.  He 
turned to face them and covered his privet area as best he could.  Ryôga 
was no exhibitionist; he had some humility about him.  He just was in 
the same position he had always been in all of his life.  On the verge 
of being fucked.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"Oh no... you're not going anywhere!" the wavy-haired girl snarled, 
grabbing Ryôga's right arm.  In doing so, she mashed her bosom against 
his upper arm.  Ryôga could feel the suppleness of her cleavage through 
the sweater.

"Yes.  You won't escape your responsibilities." the other echoed, 
shorthaired girl, grabbing Ryôga's left arm in pretty much the same way.

On the floor in front of them, Yuka moaned as her friend eagerly licked 
her face clean.  The naked girl was slowly leaning on her back as the 
still-clothed one kissed her fiercely, and pressed her on the floor.

"Look," commented the girls holding Ryôga, "poor Yuka-chan is so shaken 
up, she need Sayuri-chan to make her feel better.  It's all your fault."

Actually, it looked more like Sayuri was the one molesting her 
girlfriend right now.  The incoming lesbian show was of course affecting 
Ryôga, which his captors noticed.

"What are you hiding from us?  Show us your hands!"

They tried to pull Ryôga's arms away from his crotch.  Of course, the 
Lost Boy was much stronger than them, but did he truly want to resist?

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga sighed.  He was trapped; in a very nice situation, but trapped 
nonetheless.  "Damn you, Ranma." he said under his breath.  Letting the 
girls pull away his arms, he exposed his phallus to them, who greeted 
them with a sudden pop up and wave.

Ryôga was embarrassed about this.  He very bad experiences with being 
nude, in part because they were almost always after people had tried to 
eat him.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

The faces of both girls were suddenly flushed, a cute pink color 
reaching their cheeks.  Now that they could see it from close, it was 
looking rather menacing.

"Ohmygod... Asami-chan, have you ever seen one that big..." the 
shorthaired one asked.

"Don't let it impress you, Hiroko-chan.  This is the weapon of the 
crime!" Asami spat out.  She refused to abandon the game just out of 
fear of Ryôga's manly bludgeon.

"You're sure about it..." Hiroko whispered hesitantly.  Though she 
didn't let go of Ryôga's arm.

"Well, it's easy to ascertain!" Asami declared.  "Sayuri-chan, can you 
check out if Yuka-chan bear mark of deflowering?"

Sayuri, pretty much involved in cleaning her girlfriend's face, didn't 
react immediately.  "Hu... what?  Oh!  Yeah... sure."

Granting the request, the pony-tailed girl moved around the nude body of 
her friend, and brought her face between Yuka's legs.  The longhaired 
girl moaned when Sayuri began to lick her soft spot, squeezing out some 
of Ryôga's sperm out of her love tunnel.

"Oh yeah... *slurp*... no doubt about it... *slurp*... he cummed in 
her... *slurp*... a big load, even!"

Asami sent a blithering glare to Ryôga.  This was a mixed message, 
though, because at the same time the fingers of her free hand were 
roaming over his erect shaft.  "Aren't you ashamed of yourself... you 
forced this big *thing* into Yuka-chan... stretching out her poor 
pussy... emptying your ammunition in her womb...."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga let out a surprised groan when she grabbed his shaft.  Perhaps 
because he didn't except her to act so hasty; and because his mind was 
still recovering from the multiple shocks he was receiving, some of 
which felt good.

"What are you talking about?  She asked me to.  Is it my fault that she 
did?"  His member held up firmly against her strokes.  Ryôga was in no 
mood for games at the moment; he got enough of them from Ranma, who 
would always avoid fighting him.  A small drop of semen dripped out of 
the folds of his flesh and unto her hand.  His body was still hard at 
work producing its most demanded product.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"Ho... so that's your excuse...?" Asami said dryly, while not stopping 
pumping her fist up and down on Ryôga's leaking shaft.  "You terrified 
poor Yuka-chan so much that she didn't dare say no... and that make it 

As if trying to support her friend's words (but in fact, probably just 
reacting to what Sayuri was doing between her thighs), Yuka moaned 
loudly, interrupting any response from Ryôga.  "OH YES... OH YES... OH 

Asami, never letting go of her handle over the "weapon of the crime", 
lowered herself to her knees.  She was soon rejoined here by Hiroko, who 
looked at Ryôga's big mast like a bird transfixed by a snake.

"We must... make sure this dangerous weapon is empty... so that you 
can't hurt other girl with it." Asami stated, almost sounding serious.  
How she intended to do that, though, become soon clear, as her tongue 
began to lick the supple skin covering the venous shaft.  After a short 
hesitation, Hiroko's tongue joined in the fray, helping cleaning Ryôga's 
pride of his pre-cum and of Yuka's fluids.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga couldn't understand these women; luckily he didn't need to.  
Letting out a slight groan he held himself back from stopping them.  One 
part of him knew better than to mess with what they were doing.

He just stood there and enjoyed their work; his weapon was indeed 
dangerous, though he doubted that they could empty it.  A calm smile 
came over his face.  "I've got to come to Nerima more often." he smugly 
said to himself.  He'd always wondered what two girls would be like.  
Now he knew.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Asami and Hiroko assaulted Ryôga's prick with their tongues, giving it 
long, wet licks.  The warm and supple muscles roamed over the tasty 
meat, rolling the penile skin up and down over the blood-engorged, 
erectile tissues.  They cleaned it up with gusto, slurping any remnant 
sperm from the previous ejaculation, and eating any pre-cum announcing 
the future one.

Yuka and Sayuri weren't idle either.  The longhaired girl was no longer 
taking the frantic rug-munching of her pony-tailed friend lying down.  
Reaching between Sayuri's legs, Yuka grabbed the crotch of the red 
bloomers and pushed it aside to the best of her ability.  Her tongue 
snaked in the small gap offered to tease the covered sex in retaliation 
to Sayuri's unhindered cunnilingus.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga decided to take a small chance.  Not wanting to ruin a good thing, 
he slowly backed his prick up and forwards.  For now he was pretty sure 
that they just had to be in control.  That didn't mean that Ryôga 
couldn't use Asami and Hiroko's own zeal against them.

His nerves shot up with every lick they did; he was not really sure if 
they had done this a lot or not.  It really didn't matter, though.  
Moving his concentration to the other two ladies, he looked at the sight 
with glee.  Seeing two women go at it was another male fantasy that he 
had.  And given Ranma's curse, he wondered for a second what it would be 
like to feel the things Yuka felt.  He was starting to believe that 
women really were just as horny as men; they just showed it differently.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Ryôga's conclusion looked not that far off, especially when those four 
were concerned.

Asami and Hiroko kept licking his throbbing cock hungrily, sliding their 
warm, wet tongue over the thin skin covering the blood-engorged tissues.  
Moving a bit away from the shaft itself, they both specialized in 
specific zones.

Asami licked the prepuce, and then the glans, before her wet lips 
surrounded the bulbous head, encasing it between tongue and palate.  Her 
drool bathed it, and her mouth sucked on the sensitive tip like a teat.

Hiroko, on the contrary, went lower, wedging her head between Ryôga's 
parted legs, and abashedly kissing his dangling balls.  She licked the 
hairy skin wrapping his testicles, aspiring the folds of flesh with her 
mouth and tickling them with her tongue.

Both kneeling girls where obviously getting excited by this.  By simply 
looking down, Ryôga could see the sway of their butts, still encased in 
their gym shorts.  Each had one hand over the Lost Boy's privates, but 
with their free ones they both were obviously rubbing their own sexes 
through the fabric.

Yuka and Sayuri weren't over with their show yet.  Yuka seemed quite 
decided in getting her friend in the same state of undress as her.  
Already, she had managed to slip Sayuri's shorts and panties down enough 
to give Ryôga a good view of a round, perky ass.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga enjoyed the show that was being given to his eyes.  The grin on 
his face got bigger.  He looked down on Asami, his prick throbbing in 
anticipation.  "I'm sorry but it looks like I won't be empty soon."  
With that his lower half fired out a gust of white j-volt unto the 
waiting girls.

His cock stood up proudly for the hard work of the two girls, and a 
small orgasm later it fired again.  The dick pulsating from the workout 
it was being put through.

Standing totally naked except for his bandana, Ryôga decide that he 
should return the favor to the kind girls.  Bending down he pulled off 
one of his bandanas and offered it to them to clean up the mess he had 
just made.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Asami and Hiroko had both enthusiastically opened their mouthed when 
Ryôga's fleshy hose started showering them.  They caught several tasty 
droplets on their waiting lips and tongue, but it was far from enough.  
They had clearly underestimated Ryôga's prodigality in ejaculating.  
Their faces had been covered in gooey drops of the whitish stuff, as 
well as the top of their sport shirts.

They sexily licked their cheeks and rubbed the stuff off their eyelids 
with their fingers.  Then they accepted Ryôga's offered bandannas, and 
used them to whip their faces of the bukkake.  But even if they were 
moved by the nice gesture, they weren't giving up their game.

"Look what you've done... you slimed our clothes!  No way we could show 
up in gym class now!  Are you happy?" Asami scolded in mock-anger.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it... besides taking them off to 
prevent them from getting dirtier." Hiroko fatalistically concluded.

Nodding, they both stripped of their shirts, their tops now clad only in 
their sport bras.  And, although they were mostly sparred by the cum-
shots, they also began to push down their shorts, revealing white 
panties to Ryôga's concupiscent gaze.

Wriggling on the floor, Yuka was working hard to have Sayuri up to date, 
by removing her shirt too and baring her friend's perky breasts.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was just as horny despite all of the sex he'd just had; he was 
still hungry for even more.  With the girls stripping down in front of 
him, it brought his hormones up to full again.  There was something 
about the stripping of one's cloths off that was just as sexual as the 
act itself.

His prick was standing tall and proud; he then decided to act.  If these 
girls were determined to paint him as some sort of evil male rapist, he 
was going to paint them all over.

Ryôga rushed as Asami with skilled grace, lodging his mouth around her 
smooth neck, his tongue reeling up and down the confines of her neck.  
His hands reached around the area of her bra and quickly pulled 
themselves under them.  His muscular hands were getting to her nipples 
and massaging them as they started to harden.

His legs wrapped around hers, his penis intruding on the soft fabric of 
her panties, lightly grinding into them.  Ryôga knew what he was doing; 
soon he'd do the same to Hiroko and Sayuri.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

"OOOOooooohh..." Asami moaned lengthily from Ryôga's molesting.  She was 
trying to sound unwilling, but the tremolos in her voice were betraying 
her excitation.  "YOU ANIMAL!" she yelped, before groaning huskily as 
Ryôga's hand mauled her breasts.  Her bottom was grinding on its own 
over the hardened shaft of the boy.  Her own legs weren't supporting her 
much; it would be easy for Ryôga to lower her to the floor now.

"No!  Leave Asami-chan alone!" Hiroko weakly protested.  She began to 
rain hits with her closed fists over Ryôga's back... but the Lost Boy 
barely felt any of the weak blows.  Then, Hiroko plastered herself on 
Ryôga's back, in a vain (and probably fake) attempt of prying the boy 
from her friend.  Her weak arms were applying a negligible pull on his 
shoulders, but what she really was doing was rubbing her half-clothed 
body over Ryôga's toned back.  "Please... let go of Asami-chan..." she 
cutely cried.

Yuka and Sayuri had just paused in their sapphic embrace to watch the 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was about the show the girls why you don't play games with some 
people.  Ryôga Smiled as he lowered Asami down ever so slowly, then 
pushed her down fast, stopping her suddenly right before her pretty 
little head would have hit the ground.

Taking his time, he moved himself over Asami's entire body, looking over 
the design of the entire thing.  The female body was so pretty and 
round, he couldn't help but be entranced by it for a second.  Not 
removing any article of what was left of her clothing, Ryôga moved his 
mouth across the neck of his prey.

Letting out a small lick of the lips, Ryôga kissed the nape of her neck, 
his hands feeling around the shoulder and body.  Everywhere but the 
private area.  He moved down and around the confines of her chest with 
his lips, just barely kissing her breasts.

Lower, his member danced around Asami's underwear, grinding up and down 
various sections of it but never fully staying anywhere.  It was a nice 
and simple grind for Ryôga; he knew what it would do to Asami.

His head buried itself into the space below her breasts.  Just as his 
hips push forwards and made a little indent in the white panties.  Asami 
was getting just a small taste of what Ryôga could do.

The moans around him kept him quite hard and he rather enjoyed the 
feeling of being sandwiched between two girls.  He didn't bother 
replying to them, since they couldn't be reasoned with.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Asami had had a short fright when Ryôga almost let her fall on her back, 
to catch her at the last moment.  Her heart thumping frantically in her 
chest, she didn't say anything at first, busy getting back her wits.

Then, when she would have regained the power of speech, Ryôga began his 
sensual assault.  The touch of his lips on her neck and breasts was 
exciting, but it was essentially his thick, hard log rubbing against her 
underwear-covered crotch that was completely overwhelming her.  Ryôga 
could feel moisture on his shaft even through the fabric.  In fact, it 
seemed like her panties were completely drenched by the juices of her 

Asami sighed and moaned and whimpered inarticulately under Ryôga's 
caresses.  Her hands went to his head, but it was to stroke his hair and 
keep him in place, and clearly never to push him away.

Hiroko was still plastered against Ryôga's back, but she wasn't hitting 
him anymore.  Nor was she trying to pry him from her friend.  In fact, 
she was watching raptly as the lustful boy ravaged her classmate.  All 
the while grinding her bra-clad bosom against his back, and roaming her 
hands over his shoulders.  She even kissed and licked the sweat on his 
taut skin, feeling the muscles of his strong back rippling.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga kept his grin in-between the sexual assaults he was doing on the 
not-so innocent teenager.  Becoming more aware of the lady riding his 
back, he moved his rump higher and evened out the slump on his back.

With the careful precision of a juggler, he used his legs, which were 
firmly planted by the knees into the ground, to give the girl on top a 
fun horsy ride.  Moving down again, his lips kissed the shoulder of 
Asami; her smooth skin felt good to kiss.

His member poised itself down in a more direct way; getting caught in 
the folds of her underwear and pushing itself down.  A small bulge 
forced itself against her sex and started rubbing it, the sticky liquid 
they were drenched in wrapped around his little piggy.  Ryôga let out a 
small sigh of relief.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Ryôga may have overestimated a bit his strength when he ground his rump 
against Hiroko's midsection.  The girl wasn't expecting it, and she 
thought that her weight should have been enough to pin down the boy, not 
let him horse around like that.  Hence, she lost her balance and slipped 
on the floor, next to the rocking couple.

Asami reacted wildly to the rubbing of Ryôga's humongous cock against 
the drenched entrance of her sweet pussy.  She moaned loudly and threw 
her head backward, her wavy hair sprawled in a corona around her head.  
She squirmed her luscious body underneath Ryôga, but couldn't move much 
with the weight of the strong boy on her.

"Oh no... please... no..." she huskily sighed, her cute face pouting in 
an expression of bliss.  "Please... you're going to tear my panties if 
you keep this up..." she pleaded.

Hiroko sat on her haunches next to Ryôga and his conquest, and curiously 
watched at their junction.  Indeed, it looked like the flimsy fabric of 
the undergarment, completely saturated with female juices, wouldn't 
resist long to Ryôga's mighty ram.  She'd better lend a helping hand; 
that's what friends were for.

"Hold on, Asami-chan... I'll help you."

Slipping an arm between Ryôga's legs, she took hold of his thick, erect 
shaft to keep it from moving further.  Then, with the other hand, she 
grabbed the hem of Asami's panties to pull them down, out of the way.

"There... your panties are safe, now."

Indeed, there was no more obstruction to Ryôga's cock for penetrating in 
the womanly folds of the girl... which Hiroko insured by putting back 
the bulbous head right in its place.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga debated in his head for a second what to do.  On the one hand, 
he'd be teaching the girls not to play games with him; on the other, he 
had a woman's body just waiting for his.

Making his decision, he lowered his body down, slowly letting his prick 
into her halfway.  Her folds wrapped around his slowly descending 
phallus.  Her inner warmth heated up the skin of his body, which due to 
the room temperature had started to feel a little chilly.  Feeling the 
warmth that flowed from her lower folds caught him slightly by surprise.  
He wasn't used to a girl feeling this warm, which only showed how much 
she wanted him.

Looking down into Asami's eyes, he let out a content sigh as he lowered 
the rest of his body to hers.  He wrapped his arms around her body and 
embraced her gently, his head lying against her.  He used this moment to 
rest up, as he still needed to do his job for Asami, then Hiroko and 
maybe even the last girl if she wanted.  He looked at the two lesbians 
and began his work; just maybe this was turning them on as much as they 
were for him.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Asami cried out when Ryôga's fat boner slipped inside her love hole; a 
cry which turned into a long moan of rapture as his cock penetrated 
deeper in her womanly core.  As Ryôga already mused, her twat was 
feverishly hot, not to mention drenched.  It was definite proof that her 
earlier harsh words were fake, and only intended at role-play.  If there 
was one thing about Ryôga fucking Yuka that upset her, it was envy over 
her friend's luck to be first, and nothing else.

The wavy-haired girl whimpered and squirmed against Ryôga's body while 
she was split in two by his baby-maker.  She, too, threw her arms around 
his neck, and tried to do the same with her legs around his waist, but 
the panties bunched around her thighs were impairing her.  Turning her 
head sideway, she wantonly licked and kissed Ryôga's face between cute, 
cooing sounds.  Her bra-clad chest rubbed against his hard pectorals, 
and her bottom wiggled a little, trying to respond to Ryôga's beginning 
thrusts as much as she could despite her pinned position.

Looking at the pair of Yuka and Sayuri, Ryôga could see that they 
resumed playing with each other's bodies, though this time not with 
their undivided attention.  While their hands were roaming over the 
other girl's shapely curves, they were both looking at the hunky boy 
screwing their friend Asami on the very floor of the shower room.

Although he certainly was focused on Asami, Ryôga could idly notice in 
the back of his mind that Hiroko, after helping their joining, was no 
longer pressing herself against him.  Before he could ponder that, 
though, the shorthaired girl took back her place, molding herself 
against Ryôga's upturned bottom and back.  This time, however, he 
noticed that there was no longer any underwear in the way of their 
intimate contact.  Hiroko had completely disrobed, and was now frotting 
her nude, warm skin against Ryôga's rock-hard body.  She grinded her 
uncovered mound against Ryôga's buttock, in rhythm with his rocking to 
pleasure Asami, and rained soft kiss along his spine.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga continued his thrusts, Asami's love tunnel suckling his shaft in a 
very pleasing way.  He lowered his front unto the girl, letting his pecs 
press up against her breasts.  With the girl on top of him, Ryôga now 
was sandwiched between two girls.  Something which few men or women 
could ever hope for.

He made sure to keep his body in a steady rhythm; after all he needed to 
please Asami and from the look on her face he was doing just that.  A 
small sign of struggle came across Ryôga's face.  He was beginning to 
feel another one of his smaller orgasms coming on, except this time he 
was trying to control it.  Between four breasts, two wanting female 
sexes and two very cute behinds, he wanted to stay there for as long as 

He wasn't doing too good of a jab at it, though, as his thrusting 
steadily increased, along with louder grunts.  The work that Asami and 
Hiroko were giving him was slowly wearing down on his self-control, 
something which he used to make his sex last longer.  It was something 
he had discovered while screwing Ranma, who was quite insatiable, much 
like Ryôga.  In every way, shape, and form they were indeed rivals.  The 
minor thought of Ranma on his head only increased Ryôga's determination 
and he thrust harder.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Asami yowled in bliss, her hands gripping Ryôga's head and pulling his 
hairs rather hard.  She was no longer trying to pretend anything.  Her 
words -- the few intelligible she managed -- were now solely aimed at 
expressing her pleasure.


Her body was showing its approval just as clearly as Asami's voice... 
shaking in wild tremors and spasms of rapture, she thrashed underneath 
Ryôga.  Her stuffed womanhood clamped around Ryôga's meaty weapon, 
squeezing it in a delightful embrace, as a spray of love juices escaped 
her swollen vulva and splashed Ryôga's balls.

Atop of Ryôga, a naked Hiroko was giving the Lost Boy's back a sensual, 
full-body massage, her womanly curves molding against his hard muscles.  
Kissing and nibbling between his shoulder blades, she huskily whispered 
in his ear: "Mmmmh... you must really be doing good... to make 
Asami-chan yell like that.... Will you do me too?  Will you screw me 
just as hard with your big boner?"

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga lets out his final groan as the demands of Asami's waiting sex 
exceeded his resistance.  The clamping did him in, and Ryôga's body 
reacted as Asami wanted.  The squeeze sent a shockwave through Ryôga's 
bod that flew up through his stomach and hit him square in the head.
Letting out a large amount of force, his muscles contracted and out flew 
a steady stream of baby-maker in her demanding sex.

Ryôga continued his grinding while this happened, getting pure euphoria 
from the moment of release which he had worked so hard for.

After a few seconds, Ryôga turned his head as far as he could to Hiroko.
"If you want.  After all, I don't want to be selfish.  Isn't that right, 

Ryôga took a breather for a second.  He lay his body against Asami and 
kissed her forehead.  "Thank you."

Ryôga then reached back and lifted himself and Hiroko up.  Making sure 
to gently put her down, he then turned to her and said "All right, how 
do you want to do it?"

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Asami didn't respond to Ryôga's gentle words or kiss, too busy panting 
and gasping from her world-shattering orgasm.  But her blissful, radiant 
face was clearly showing how satisfied she truly was.

When Ryôga lifted himself of her, Asamai's well-fucked cunny oozed from 
their mixed juices as soon as it was emptied from the manly cork.  She 
sensually wiggled on the cold, hard tiles, missing the heavy weight of a 
manly frame plastered over her curvy body.

Hiroko blushed deep red when Ryôga turned to her; kneeling on the floor, 
she demurely hid her naughty bit with her hands.  Her innocent-and-shy-
girl routine was seriously spoiled by her nakedness and flushed skin, 

"Why, but you are the big, strong, forceful man... you should be the one 
to know how you want ravage my hapless body...." she breathily 

She didn't try to pretend much longer, though.  Her dainty hand going to 
Ryôga's meaty cock, she gently stroked it.  "Can you really get it hard 
so fast after screwing Asami-chan?  Do you need some added stimulation?"

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga nodded to Hiroko. "I wouldn't mind some help there."  Ryôga's 
member pulsated in her grasp, the organ still sensitive to a woman's 
touch despite having been pressed down on from all ends by Asami.

Ryôga took a cue from some cheesy novels he had read in an attempt to 
get Akane.  Closing the space between them, he gave her a soft kiss on 
the lips.  Then her proceeded to go down the side of her face till he 
got to her neck.

Taking a cue from Dracula and every other seductive vampire, Ryôga 
playfully chewed the side of her neck, his hands reaching to support her 
just in case she lost her balance.  His cock still growing in her tender 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

The girl cooed and giggled when Ryôga busily worked on giving her a 
hickey.  Since they were both kneeling on the floor, there was little 
risk for Hiroko to loose her balance.  But she nonetheless pressed 
herself against the manly frame of the Lost Boy.  Her unrestrained 
breasts mashed against his hard chest.  Under his hands, Ryôga could 
feel her smooth skin, flushed and warm, the pulse of her heartbeat fast 
from excitement.

Hiroko's fingers toyed with the hardening penis, using the remaining 
juices from the earlier coitus with her friend Asami to provide 
lubrication.  Her dainty hand moved up and down along the shaft, 
stroking the pulsing meat as it grew under her touch.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga's libido grew a little bigger as he prepared himself yet again for 
some more sex.  His penis grew against the feeling touch of Hiroko's 
fingers.  Ryôga finished sucking on her neck, leaving one of his first 
hickeys against her skin.

He moved his mouth back up to her lips and gave her a small kiss on the 
mouth.  He smiled at her, then slowly moved his right hand down the 
smooth creases of her skin until he got to her sexual organ.  Keeping 
his eyes on hers, he smiled as he slowly rubbing his fingers against her 
lower opening.  The warmth and smell that were coming from it were 
enjoyable to him.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Hiroko sexily moaned as Ryôga was fingering her.  With their closeness, 
the flush reddening her freckled cheeks was quite visible from the 
Lost Boy, as well as the cute pout of her round mouth.

Closing eyes and sticking tongue out, she wantonly licked Ryôga's face 
between sighs of bliss.  Her hand, still on his shaft, moved up and down 
in rhythm with the boy's own strokes over her engorged pussy.  She could 
easily tell the manly rod was back to hardness, as it didn't yield even 
when she squeezed it hard.

Ryôga could easily come to the same conclusion of readiness for her 
folds, which were puffy and drenched from arousal.  Hiroko confirmed 
this when she throatily whispered "Oh please... don't tease me... I 
can't stand it any more... take me...."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga gave her a smile.  "All right."  He moved his hands to Hiroko's 
hands, grasping them softly as he pulled them to the sides.  He moved 
his body into position, his erection hovering right above her waiting 

He tightened his grip on her hands and moved his hands down the length 
of her arms, feeling the soft skin that covered them.  "Your skin is 
soft and smooth." he complimented her.  He then slowly started to move 
his cock forwards.  The head of his penis was swallowed by Hiroko's sex.  
Ryôga lets out a happy little groan as he felt the warmness of the 
inside of her body, which like a hungry animal gorged as much of him 
into it as possible.

Ryôga kept up his rubbing on other areas of Hiroko's body.  He wanted to 
make this as gentle as possible for her.  That, and he needed to save up 
as much energy as possible due to the uncertainty of what he may be 
required to do next.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Hiroko, though Ryôga held her arms, was doing her best to help him 
impale her on his steely rod.  She was trying to not look *too* eager 
for it, but she certainly strutted her hips forward and aligned her wet 
twat with his length of manly meat.

"Hooooo... so big..." she sexily moaned when he began penetrating her.  
And she wasn't doing this just to stroke his ego, clearly.  Her love 
hole was snug around his throbbing manhood, squeezing it from all sides 
in warm wetness.  She sure was lubricated, but it wasn't making it any 
less of a tight fit.  Once the bulbous head of Ryôga's pride was 
swallowed by the hungry slit, the girth of his cock was obscenely 
spreading her tiny pussy, giving a round shape to the blood-engorged 

Hiroko cried and gasped, loudly but sexily, as she was sliding down on 
his shaft.  She threw her arms around Ryôga's neck, moaning throatily.  
Her smooth skin was shivering in pleasure under his fingers.  "Mmmhh... 
your hands feel so good... your dick feel soooo hard...."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was happy about how Hiroko was acting; after all in sex what man 
wouldn't want to please the other person.  Her demanding fit helped a 
lot; Ryôga kept his grinding to a slow pace because of this.  That and 
the demands of her body were bringing even him to a moan.  "Ahhhhh...." 
Ryôga let out a slight burst as he finished up his second stroke, the 
blood rushing through his mighty sword all the way up to his head.

Ryôga managed to keep his head in check when it came to his hands, 
though it would have been quite easy for him to squeeze her arms too 
hard and hurt her.  Instead, he used the sensation to increase the 
amount he was rubbing against her skin, petting it at a fast pace, his 
hands exploring the area of her back.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Hiroko was making cute, blissful sighs and cooing sounds as Ryôga 
erotically caressed her naked body and lowered her on his hard meat.  
Besides this and needy moans or soft yelps, that was all she managed to 
say, though, as the very flushed girl was overwhelmed by the sensations.  
She squirmed in Ryôga's embrace, throwing her arms and legs around his 
body.  She whimpered in bliss as the Lost Boy made love to her.  Her 
warm and wet pussy was creaming around his erect cock, helping it slid 
in deeper between the blood-engorged folds of her womanhood.

Yuka and Sayuri had mainly stopped their own lesbian sex to raptly watch 
their friend getting a good meat injection in the arms of the stud.  
They both were sprawled, nude, on the floor of the shower room, their 
faces close to the junction of the lovers' body to get a better look.  
They were even commenting what they saw at times.

"Ummm... look, Hiroko-chan seems to be enjoying herself." Yuka leered.

"But he's so big... it looks like he's going to split her in two... how 
did you get all that inside, Yuka-chan?  Did it hurt?" Sayuri earnestly 

"Oh no... it felt gooooood.  You'll see when you'll try him out.  
Hooo... look, she's dripping, there's juices all over his balls...."

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was doing his best to hold himself back, which was getting harder 
and harder by the second.  His body ridged up as he began to increase 
his speed.  Ryôga's body reacted more animalistically as even he started 
to squirm in Hiroko's arms.

Ryôga Looked at the two lesbians for a second, a small trickle of blood 
lowering from his nose.  He let out a groan as Hiroko squirmed in his 
arms, then an orgasm hit his brain like lightning.  Out of his 
penetrating rod shot out a load of baby batter, which flew into the 
deepest parts of her sex at the speed of life.

Ryôga let out a large sigh and collapsed onto his lover for a second.  
He had spent himself yet again.  Gradually his mind recovered, the 
sensation of Hiroko's body surrounding his helped.  Ryôga picked himself 
back up and continued his job.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Hiroko had let out a shrill scream of bliss as Ryôga speared her hard, 
and when she felt his spunk shot into her womb she clung to him like a 
barnacle, shivering from head to toes.  Her stretched, blood-engorged 
love hole milked his pride for all it was worth, its reddish folds 
painted white by the shower of manly cream.

When he collapsed over her, though, she tried to keep squirming, to keep 
his organ erect and thrusting into her pussy, flexing her legs and arms 
to maintain the friction of the coitus, while begging: "Oh no... not so 
soon... don't stop... I was almost there... keep it up..."

Ryôga, when he tried to move after recovering from the orgasm, found out 
that Hiroko's cunt was like a bear trap around his shaft, unwilling to 
let it go before it'd given a good orgasm to the lustful girl.  She was 
nowhere close to the Lost Boy's strength, but she sure had a good grip.

That wasn't Ryôga's sole consideration, however.  In the corner of the 
eye, he saw Asami standing up... glaring at him balefully.  She came 
closer, and with the panting Hiroko clinging to him, he couldn't escape.

"You bastard..." hissed Asami.  "You fucked me!  You screwed me like a 
slut on the very floor!  Now, you're doing the same with my friend... 
rubbing her nipples raw...."

In a swift, angry move, she pulled of her snug sport bra (that Ryôga 
never bothered to took off while bonking her) and bared a pair of pert, 
round mounds.


With this unquestionable command, Asami grabbed Ryôga's head and 
plastered his face in her cleavage, almost smothering him.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was taken by surprise.  He never expected her to be so forceful 
after all of the games they had played.  Letting out the shock, he soon 
discovered that things were pretty nice for him now.  Asami's breasts 
felt nice and soft against his cheek.

Deciding to grant her wish, Ryôga did his best to position his mouth 
around one of her firm orbs.  It wasn't easy with Hiroko's death grip, 
but he did the best he could.  Slowly he started his suckling, his 
tongue lapping around her nipples at a slow rate.  Ryôga kept his head 
as stable as possible while he continued his slow thrusts into the love 
tunnel.  The inner folds worked his boner like it was about to die.

Ryôga started to lose control of himself again.  The number of women 
that were demanding from him was just too much not to.  Ryôga grasped 
the other breast and started rubbing it softly, his thumb pressing up 
against Asami's nipple.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Asami's legs quivered from the assault on her tender mounds.  Her 
nipples, hard and erect, poked Ryôga's inquisitive tongue and pinching 
fingers.  She sighed and moaned, her heaving chest only resulting in 
pushing more mammary flesh in the boy's face.

Hiroko could been annoyed that some of her stud's attention was diverted 
by her friend.  Yet, she showed no sign of it, as she was kept quite 
busy and satisfied by Ryôga's big boner alone.  She tentatively squirmed 
on his lap, though the slightest move of her lover's hips seemed quite 
enough to overwhelm her senses.

"Whoah, do you hear her scream?" Yuka kept commenting while she watched 
raptly the show with a flustered Sayuri.  "He seems quite good at multi-
tasking.  Maybe you won't have to wait he'd be finished with those two 
for your turn, Sayuri-chan."

"Yuka-chan... is this really necessary?  I mean, he'll probably be too 
tired to do me anyway..."

"Now way!  How could you can imagine, after doing the three of us, that 
you would be left untouched, Sayuri-chan?  That's unbearable!"

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga liked and hated what he heard all at the same time.  On the one 
hand he'd have to turn down some great action.  On the other he'd have 
to satisfy four girls at once.  Either way, it was a hard decision.

Ryôga kept up his attack of Asami's breasts.  His assault of licks and 
kisses going toe to toe with his hands, as they rubbed against the soft 
tit flesh.  He was finally getting used to this now.  The rhythm of 
pumping a girl while sucking another one was tricky to get down.  But 
once you did, it was some of the best sex you could have.  His mind came 
to a sudden realization, which made his whole body become overcome with 
a very warm sensation.  The primal man in Ryôga woke up to do what his 
family had been doing since it started.  Fuck like crazy.

Ryôga quickened up his pace, male groans coming from his mouth as he 
pelted into Hiroko once again.  Almost violently, his hand reached down 
to Asami's sex, his index fingers rubbing against the edge of her pussy 
lips.  Using his other hand to balance her out, he kept up his licks, 
missing his mark every so often.  He was starting to cover her chest in 
a shinny coating of loving after having every section tasted by him.

His cock felt good, it felt a warm burning sensation in itself right 
before it contracted and fired out another blast into the waiting woman.  
Ryôga wasn't even bothered to try to stop climaxing anymore; he was just 
letting the orgasms come.  Despite this, he was staying hard as he 
thrust a few more times and let off another load.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Asami shivered from the enthusiastic assault of Ryôga's mouth and hands 
over her body.  Her legs trembled from the pleasure his fingers were 
bringing to her petals, while his eager mouth devoured every scrumptious 
bit of her tasty melons.  If she still reproached him to have ignored 
her breasts earlier, he was in the right path to be promptly forgiven.  
Her arms instinctively clutched Ryôga's head to keep her balance.

"Aaaah... Aaaah... AAAah... AAAAH!!!"

Hiroko, still bouncing happily around Ryôga's thick shaft, yelped in a 
mix of surprise and delight when she felt the big cock inside her loins 
spurt again and splash her insides with warm seed for the second time.  
The naked, sweaty young girl squirmed in happiness in Ryôga's lap, 
rubbing herself as best as she could against the manly frame to express 
her thanks.

"What?  Don't tell me he cummed AGAIN?" came Yuka's disbelieving voice.

"Yes..." throatily whispered Hiroko, nuzzling against the big boy.  "He 
shoot his load in my little pussy... I felt it... it was so good... but 
he's... not even getting soft... that's incredible!"

"Hey!" Yuka protested.  "Don't you dare suck him off dry!  You had 
enough fun with him, now it's Sayuri's turn!  Ryôga-kun, do you hear me?  
You gotta stop waste yourself with this little greedy cock-milker!  You 
have yet one lady to ravage!"

"Yuka-chan, you sure...?" Sayuri hesitantly piped in.

"Oh, don't be shy!  Ride him up, cowgirl!" Yuka retorted, pushing her 
friend Sayuri toward the incoming orgy.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga kept up his thrusting while he used the other parts of his body 
the pleasure the other women in any way he could.  His hands grasped at 
things randomly, his mouth sucked on various female flesh.

As Sayuri approached him, signals went off in his mind.  He had a new 
woman to fuck right now.  Slowly, he worked his way off of Hiroko and 
Asami.  His body gleamed in sweat and other liquids as he moved close to 
Sayuri.  Looking at her, he paused for a few seconds as his mind and 
body caught up for a second.  His erect penis was hovering in front of 
her at a 45 degrees angle.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Hiroko and Asami pouted a bit when Ryôga stopped pleasuring them to 
stand up and face Sayuri.  Still, they didn't protest.  Hiroko, slumping 
on her side, panted softly as her nude, sweaty body was glistening under 
the light of the shower room.  Out of her well-fucked pussy, some of 
Ryôga's juices were slowly oozing.

Sayuri, just as naked as her friends thanks to Yuka, was blushing 
fiercely as she stood in front of Ryôga.  Her gaze hesitated between his 
saluting manhood and his face, traveling from one to the other 

Her cheeks were on fire, and the rest of her bare, tempting body wasn't 
much less red, enticing the boy in tasting her warmth.  She lowered her 
eyes, finally finding the will to speak to the handsome stud.

"Hi-hi-hi... my name is S-Sayuri.  I-I like romantic movies, shôjo 
manga, and, and..."

"... and lesbian sex." Yuka impishly completed from behind her.  "Now, 
you aren't going to tell him your life.  Now that introductions are 
done, get on with it."

So, Yuka gave another push to her friend, which naturally made her fall 
in Ryôga's arms.  She gasped and instinctively hugged him, her arms 
around his shoulder.  The heat from the sudden contact of their nude 
bodies was amazing.

"P-please be gentle...." Sayuri added in a whisper.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga reflexively held onto Sayuri, holding her close.  He could feel 
her heat against his body.  He stood there and took it in as she 
continued.  "Gentle..." he repeated back to her, in less than perfect 
Japanese.  He swayed his body side to side against her slowly for about 
a minute, his member pressing up against her pelvic area.

He began to feel around her skin, his movements gradually increasing in 
speed.  He was being about as gentle as he could imagine with her.  
Slowly he wrapped his arms around her and held her close for a spill.  
He slowly lay onto his back with her on top of him and his member.  He 
let go of her, his face up against hers.  Then he licked her cheek 
lovingly.  His mind had gone to a primordial place where affection was 
expressed differently.  In this he knew he couldn't rush this girl; she 
needed to do things for herself before he could claim her.  She was 
already his.

The only girl that wasn't was the fire-haired one.  They were still 
fighting for dominance with each other.  He needed all the power he 
could muster to be able to beat her.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Sayuri moaned cutely as Ryôga brought her to a horizontal position atop 
of him.  She responded to his lick by kisses on her own.  She moved her 
nude body against his manly frame.  Her flattened boobs rolled over his 
hard pectorals.  Her wet pussy grinded into his hardened manhood, the 
puffy lips coating the rod with her juices.

"Hoooo... this is so naughty..." she breathily whispered.  Between 
sighs, her tiny voice added for Ryôga: "Don't...don't think I'm such a 
naughty girl... it's always Yuka-chan... who push me into these 

"Oh, can it." Her friend retorted, standing next to them and watching 
the show.  "You're enjoying this as much as any of us."

Hiroko and Asami, also standing close, solemnly nodded.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga paid little attention to the other girls.  He was in a kind of 
daze, and nothing they said came through into it.  Ryôga just lay back 
and helped Sayuri's body move around his, her body heat warming up the 
bits of his that had briefly cooled down due to all of his sweat.

He enjoyed the sensation very much, a small groan giving that away while 
he licked her across the cheek.  His hand felt along the curvature of 
her back the other one grasped her firm buttocks.  He gave it a playful 
little squeeze as he explored the lower areas of her body.

Still hard, his dick responded well to her sweet honey pot; small pulses 
went through it as it jumped even closer into it.  The flesh didn't 
penetrate but it might have well been as it was ravaged by her hungry 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

The pony-tailed girl softly gasped and whimpered as Ryôga was grinding 
his hard cock against her tender pussy.  Her cute face was flaring red 
and her mouth twisted in guilty pleasure, right before Ryôga's eyes.  
She cupped the handsome boy's cheeks, and brought their lips together 
for a heated kiss.  She was also trying to ignore the catcalls and 
encouragements of her girlfriends.  It added to her embarrassment, but 
the arousal brought by Ryôga's manly frame was much stronger.

She instinctively lifted her round, bare ass against Ryôga's caressing 
hand, like a cat wanting to be petted.  The wiggling moves of her bottom 
increased the rubbing of her puffy twat against Ryôga's shaft.  Even 
without looking, the Lost Boy could tell by touch alone that her 
womanhood was wet, very hot, and gaping in expectation of the incoming 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga looked at the women he was about to lay.  Her body was rounded all 
over and looked really cute right over his hard on.  There was something 
about a women looking slightly embarrassed that some men liked.  Then 
again, Ryôga liked everything about women, inside and out.

Ryôga gave her behind a calming stroke, petting it firmly.  He was not 
going to let anything hurt her if he could help it.  But he knew that no 
matter what, he was going to cause some pain to this girl, at first 

"You don't have to." he said as he felt around her inner thigh.  "It'll 
hurt at first but will feel good after a few seconds."  The end of his 
penis touched the soft flesh, the tip of it entering into the hungry 
cunt.  The feeling of this was enjoyable in its own right.  Part of 
Ryôga was inside her, but he wanted it to be her choice to lose her 
"innocence" to him.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block

Sayuri moaned and whimpered softly from Ryôga's petting.  Her cute mouth 
was open and her eyes closed, her small tongue taking a heart shape to 
complete the blissful face she was making.

Although she had not much "innocence" to lose, like Ryôga would put it, 
Sayuri sure showed lots of girly bashfulness whenever she met a new 
lover -- which, in the current situation, worked well to excite the 
Hibiki boy.

Yet, if she didn't have to, she sure wanted it.  Once Ryôga had done the 
initial work of wedging the tip of his hard penis into her delicate 
vagina, she lowered her shapely bottom steadily, bringing herself down 
on his meaty pole.  Ryôga's thick shaft disappeared slowly between the 
folds, swallowed by the puffy, juicy lips of her sex.

Sayuri cried out in pleasure, letting soft, breathy sighs escape her 
throat.  Rocking atop him, her nipple grinded on his hard chest while 
her plump breasts stayed mashed against him.  Taking Ryôga's face in her 
small hands, her teary eyes directed a smoldering gaze into his.

"Mmmmh... oh yeeessss... you're so biiiiig... oh, it's filling meeee... 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga gave Sayuri a reassuring smile as she lowered herself down on him.  
The feeling of a woman was always incredible.  He slowly let out a grunt 
as her womb swallowed more and more of his cock.  He could feel her 
muscles struggling slightly to accommodate the size.

His hands continued their petting it was the least he could do for her, 
given everything she was doing for him.  The hands gliding back up to 
her sides, he lifted his head up to her and gave her a kiss, his lips 
locking around hers.  His head tilted to the side in order to make 
things easy for her to enter him.  His arms wrapped around her slightly, 
still making sure to give her plenty of room to rock him.  He had to 
express his gratitude somehow.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer Block

Sayuri moaned into Ryôga's mouth as was tenderly kissing her.  Her sweet 
lips were sucking his, and her tongue was wiggling between them, sharing 
saliva.  She was fully plastered atop Ryôga, her young, nude, curvy body 
contrasting with the boy's harder, more angular frame, and her pale skin 
against his more tanned one.  Yet they were fitting together like they 
wanted to become one.

Sayuri's snug sheath finished its slow descent around the rigid pole of 
male flesh.  Sayuri's shapely bottom shivered under the wandering hands 
of the young man.  Her hot tunnel seemed to wrap around the meaty shaft 
like a glove.  Some lubricant juices escaped despite the tightness of 
their junction to drip on Ryôga's balls.

"Wow... she really seems to be enjoying this...." a rather amazed voice 
said.  Ryôga, despite his distraction, identified it as Hiroko's.

"That's a surprise..." an equally curious voice added, belonging to 
Asami.  "... especially when you look at it from there.  It's hard to 
believe we all took this bludgeon... it looks too big to fit...."

"That's Sayuri for you!" Yuka proudly commented.  "She may act and sound 
all prudish and only interest in girls, but in fact if you just push her 
a little, she can give a really wild ride."

Ryôga could not just hear them speak.  From the corner of the eyes, he 
could see the girls kneeling next to his head.  He had a hard time 
telling which naked thighs, hips, tummies, breasts... was whom in his 
vision field, but they were close enough that he could feel their 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga's cock started to shake inside of her sex.  His ability to hold 
back was coming to another end.  He always tried to hold off until the 
very end with these things, but he could not hold it in.

Up his urethra, his sperm entered into.  Ryôga held onto Sayuri tightly, 
kissing her all over.  His arms grasped around and pulled her as close 
as he could.  "I ahhh aghh...." His muscles tightened up and out his 
seed flew out into Sayuri's waiting womb.

He continued to pump his manhood in and out of her tight vagina.  
Sayuri's friends were sure getting a nice show.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer Block

Sayuri gasped and shivered from the feeling of Ryôga's spurting in her 
tight channel.  She arched her back, her round breasts bouncing into 
view and filling Ryôga's vision field.  She tried to hump back into 
Ryôga's thick cock before it would go soft.

"Hoooo... no, no, not so soon...." she whimpered.  Apparently, her own 
climax was yet to come and hadn't coincided with Ryôga's.

"What?  He cummed already?" Yuka wondered.  "Poor Sayuri-chan... he 
didn't last as long with you as with us...."

Her knees on either side of Ryôga's head, the longhaired girl kneeled 
above his face.  Her puffy sex was hovering not far from his mouth.  
Leaning forward, Yuka reached for Sayuri and kissed, helping her change 
position by pushing her up, so that she'd ride Ryôga cowgirl-style 
instead of lying atop of him.

"Cut him some slack..." Hiroko's gentle voice said.  "He pleasured the 
four of us... that's not bad already."  Ryôga could tell she was 
probably on his left.  He felt dainty hands grasping his left arm, and 
guiding his hand over a soft, warm, curvy body.

"Though, I wonder if we should punish him for not satisfying 
Sayuri-chan...." Asami's more acerb voice added.  Ryôga guessed she was 
on his right, where she pulled on his hand and brought it between what 
felt like her thighs.

Ryôga was surrounded by young, nude women on every side, and they seemed 
not to be about to let him go any soon.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was getting a slight sense of claustrophobia in the cramped space 
that was between him and all of the women he had just laid.  His dick, 
true to its nature, stayed just as hard as it had been the entire time.  
It was a sexual technique he had needed to master in order to try to be 
able beat Ranma.

Ryôga enjoyed the feeling of Sayuri on his penis, her body wrapped 
around it like a glove and held on for dear life.  His hands felt good 
too.  It would have been impossible for him to be able to do this many 
women at once given the way he did things most of the time.  He usually 
had to be the dominant one even in the case of Ranma.  He wasn't too 
sure how much of that role he got to play.

He moved his arms around what he could feel of the two girls on his 
side; their bodies felt just as soft as when he had first touched him.  
With Yuka's sex in front of his face, he slowly moved his neck so that 
his lips would be up against hers.  He didn't mind giving a girl 
pleasure this way; it was a nice change of pace from the grindings he 
often gave chicks.  He pushed his tongue against the middle and wiggled 
it slightly.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer Block

Sayuri let out a long, throaty whimper as Yuka pushed her up, since the 
change of position was grinding Ryôga's cock deep in her snug womanly 
tunnel.  She moaned while her friend kissed her and mauled her breasts.

"Ohh... he's still hard... inside me..." she weakly whispered, her 
breath shaky from bliss.

"Really?  Mmmm..." Yuka started, her own voice a bit trembling in 
reaction to Ryôga's tongue prying her folds.  "Then maybe... hu... we 
won't have to punish him... ahhh... too much... ooohhh...."

Ryôga was finding the longhaired girl's twat to be quite delicious.  
Maybe there was a slight flavor of his own cum spicing it, but it was 
quite weak.  Surprising, considering he'd squirted first into Yuka's 
twat, and that was not so long ago.  In all likeness, Sayuri-chan did a 
real great job of licking her friend's pussy clean of their new lover's 
essence during their cunnilingus.  Under her shy exterior, that girl was 
certainly skilled.

Hiroko and Asami, each holding one of Ryôga's arms, guided his hands 
over their respective body.  They lured the digits in caressing their 
firm tits, their soft skin, and more often than not the spot between 
their legs.  They were also kissing and licking Ryôga's forearm and 
fingers whenever they felt like it.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga continued to sit back, doing his best with each part of himself to 
find the spots on all of the girls' bodies that would drive them nuts.  
By now he had enough experience with women to have an idea of how to do 
it.  The entire gender needed constant attention in order to get 
anywhere.  Unlike some martial arts, where you could quickly do many 
things, sex require a kind of finesse that was more akin to dancing.

It was with this info that Ryôga put his various limbs into a steady 
rhythm.  The girls were all doing the same to him, it was quite an 
incredible sensation to be satisfying four women at once; somehow he was 
managing it, though.  Yuka's sex squirmed as he licked it and had a 
sweet taste.  Sayuri's sex did a damn good job at engorging his hard 
prick.  The feeling of Hiroko and Asami's skin against his hands was 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer Block

For an outside viewer, it looked like the Lost Boy was entirely covered 
in female flesh.  Shapely legs entangled; curvy arses wiggled; bouncy 
breasts heaved; expanses of smooth flesh glistened under the light; 
pouty lips parted to let out soft cries of bliss.  The four pretty, 
nude, sweaty young women moaned in delight and squirmed in arousal all 
over Ryôga.

Sayuri rocked atop his middle while panting non-stop; her juices mixed 
with Ryôga's sperm oozed from the junction of their sexes, frothing from 
the constant piston move of her gushing twat around his straight pole.

Yuka grinded her succulent clam against Ryôga's face, as if trying to 
smother him.  In truth, she was just rendered delirious by his invasive 
tongue fluttering in her pussy.  She was also kissing Sayuri's face with 
abandon and squashing her boobs with hers.

Asami and Hiroko both guided Ryôga's hands to the leaking slits between 
their respective thighs, pushing his fingers in the folds he claimed 
earlier.  Their own hands roamed over their shaking bodies; the boy 
couldn't see them as they squeezed and stroked their chest, but he could 
feel their excitement through his sense of touch.  He could also hear 
the erotic coos and gasps and sighs they sang, sweet music to his ears.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga kept up with what he could.  Being focused on four women was not 
an easy task, especially these four.  Gradually he lifted his hips ever 
so slightly in order to help increase the already high amount of 
friction she was receiving.

Yuka got what she must have wanted given how she moved when he licked.  
His tongue went over the sensitive areas of her soft flesh, lapping up 
the steady flow of honey that came out of it.  As for the two fingered 
goddesses, they sure knew what they wanted.  He didn't have to do much 
in order to please them.  Besides the softness of there skin, they sure 
liked to put his hands into rather sticky areas; not that he had a 
problem with that.

So Ryôga stood on the edge of bliss; he knew that this wasn't going to 
last too long, but he would enjoy it while he could.  Sayuri's cunt was 
demanding to suck him dry; luckily Ryôga was out of fuel for the moment 
since he had already given over four shipments.  Sayuri would get to 
drive herself nuts by the time he was ready again, the roaring fire 
inside of her body demanded as much.  And Ryôga was just too happy to 
put it out.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer Block

The four moaning girls sure were enjoying being penetrated by Ryôga's 
fingers (and tongue... and cock...), but it seemed that wasn't yet 
enough for them.  Asami and Hiroko inched closer to their friends and 
leaned forward, joining Yuka and Sayuri in their hot, carnal embrace.  
Faces met faces, mouth kissing and licking every cheeks, noses, ears, 
lips and eyelids they could find.  Chests met chest, breasts mashing 
pneumatically and nipples fencing.  Hands met other parts of the sweaty 
shapes, stroking arched backs and roaming downward to the rounds hills 
of perky bottoms.  There, fingers shamelessly lingered over the delicate 
cleft, slipping in the crevices separating the buttocks.

Ryôga couldn't see any of that, but he could sure tell from the moves of 
the squirming bodies above.  He felt like the base for a fleshy pyramid 
with four pretty, nude young women as the sides atop him.  Their weights 
were inconsequent to the muscles of steel of the Lost Boy, of course.  
What he noticed, though, were that their pussies got snugger and tenser 
around his pumping fingers (and wiggling tongue... and throbbing 
cock...).  No doubt because each of Akane's friends was receiving a 
dainty, feminine digit in their respective assholes.

It was hard to say who was doing it to whom.... Sayuri probably was no 
initiator, because she was too distracted by Ryôga's shaft filling her 
sweet hole.  But she certainly wasn't spared; the boy's prick could 
almost feel the invading finger moving beyond the thin layer of flesh 
separating them.  Hiroko, Yuka and Asami, on the other hand, were 
certainly busy molesting another anus... and shaking, gasping, cooing, 
whimpering from their respective efforts.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga was in an odd position, in that he had never had to be the one to 
sit back and enjoy sex.  Almost all of the time he had to work for 
whatever he got, especially with Ranma.  But now things were quite the 
opposite.  The girls did the work for him, all he really had to do now 
was keep a little concentration and he could lose himself to that great 

Ryôga wasn't sure anymore which he enjoyed more.  Between the constant 
riding that was sucking every ounce of spunk his prick would let out, 
the soft delicacy of female juices he was lapping up, or the feeling of 
various female body parts.  There was barely enough of Ryôga to go 

So Ryôga decided to steadily increase what movements he could muster.  
He slowly began to increase his small thrusts, using the only part of 
his body not occupied: his legs.  His tongue grinded ever so faster into 
the folds of womanhood.

He also took some action with his hands, deciding that he should put at 
least a small part of himself back in.  He felt around both girls like a 
blind man until he found the edge of their sex.  Doing what he could, he 
slowly pushed his index finger inside of them.  In order to make up for 
the lack of size his finger gave, slowly he started to turn them inside 
of their sexes.  The hot, sticky sensation he was feeling from the 
girl's lower regions began to heat up again.

In conjunction with the other women and the feeling of a woman's finger 
against his rod while inside of another.  Ryôga let out a moan as he 
worked the girls towards orgasm, hoping that they might catch on and 
with enough work, cum like crazy at the same time.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer Block

Ryôga's attempts, although limited by his lack of movement, were 
certainly welcomed by the girls riding him, every one of them.

Hiroko and Asami let out soft cries of pleasure as they squirmed against 
their friends' bodies.  Ryôga's fingers met soft, warm core of flesh 
that clamped around them and gushed womanly juices against his hands.  
Yuka's fingers, thinner and gentler than the Lost Boy's thick digits, 
clawed at their plump buttocks while one was pumping in their assholes.

Yuka was doing this on autopilot while enjoying Ryôga's tongue inside 
her succulent pussy.  She was quivering on top of the martial artist's 
head, grinding her twat against his face.  All the while she was moaning 
and trying to capture Sayuri's lips with her own.

Sayuri was pretty much letting her best friend kiss her, and her two 
other friends pinch and molest her nude, sweaty body in whatever ways 
they wanted.  She was nearly senseless from riding Ryôga's big mast, 
even more so when used his powerful legs to increase the rocking of his 
hips.  Her perky bottom was bouncing rhythmically on the boy's lap from 
the thrusts.  This guided his manly rod in and out of her snug sheath -- 
though a lots of "in" and only a little "out".  Most of the time, her 
warm, hugging, slick, womanly vessel was stuffed to the brink.

All in all, Ryôga's efforts alone, although thoroughly enjoyable for the 
horny schoolgirls gang-teaming him, wouldn't have been enough to bring 
the four of them to climax.  But added to this were their mutual 
groping, caressing, fingering and rubbing of each other.  The four 
friends knew quite well what made the others tick (or more exactly, 
cum).  They used this knowledge to reach out and find their respective 
weak spots.  Here a poking clitoris was pinched, there an erect nipple 
was nibbled, and over there a pulsing anus was finger-fucked.

Quite soon, they were all getting quite high and close to the edge, 
riding simultaneously the wave of orgasm until it crashed.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga keep the high speed pace up, feeling the girls' bodies get harder 
and more spastic against his.  It was a strange sensation to feel every 
kind of sex all at once.  Even though Ryôga couldn't see the expressions 
of joy and lust over their faces, he could hear and feel them.  Even 
Ryôga himself was having a hard time from moaning like crazy, the only 
thing keeping that at bay being the job he needed to do with Yuka.

Ryôga actually felt the back of Sayuri's sex; he had never been able to 
do this with any woman before.  It was a strange sensation as her sex 
accepted the full length of his prick, covering it all of the way while 
her reproductive area was begging for more.  Even though Ryôga didn't 
think about it at first, he could likely have a child with each of these 
women after this.  They had already accepted his seed into each and 
every one of them.

Then again, he could also have them say to their boyfriend that if they 
got pregnant, then it was the poor bastards' child.  How their 
boyfriends could not be paying attention to their own girlfriends enough 
to let him do this was a mystery to him.  Then again, Ryôga couldn't 
have known that Ranma was having just as much fun with them in the next 

Keeping up his job as a man, Ryôga slowed down and started to thrust 
into each and every woman as hard as he could.  Bringing in as much 
force as he could manage without hurting them, he pushed in and held for 
half a second before pushing back out and in again.  He'd make all of 
them hold on for as long as possible, their flesh encasing every section 
of his body, their moans infusing every bit of his lust, and their 
desire fusing with his to create a strange kind of unison.

Ryôga felt the dam within himself begin to buckle again.  He held onto 
it this time, until he felt the bodies of his guests buckle also to the 
breaking point.  Then Ryôga forced everything at once in all fronts, his 
senses becoming overcome as his muscles all spasmed at once.  From his 
penis shot a long stream of sticky white milk; shooting out against the 
end of her sex with nowhere else to go, it spewed back down, covering 
every inch of her soft pussy.  His tongue shot as far as it ever had as 
he yelled out, reaching a new spray of juices that sprayed into his 
mouth.  And finally his fingers were swallowed by such extreme force 
that his entire hands were nearly swallowed inside.

Ryôga's brain erupted in a sense of climax as he saw white for a second.  
As he did so, for a brief moment Ryôga touched heaven with the four 

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer Block

Ryôga wasn't alone in reaching the Seventh Heaven with his thundering 
orgasm.  The frantic, last-ditch efforts he was making to bring along 
the four sexy young women for the ride were largely rewarded.  It was 
mainly a chain reaction, one overwhelmed girl coming like crazy, and her 
friends following suite in empathic pleasure and lust.

Sayuri was certainly the first to go.  The manly eruption of life-giving 
seed in her already-stuffed pussy was the last straw.  Feeling the flood 
of hot sperm in her vessel, past her cervix and right in her womb, 
really drove her wild.  She let out a strangled cry of uncontrollable 
bliss, tightly clinging to her friends for support, while her glistening 
body shook with abandon.  Her throbbing womanhood clamped around Ryôga's 
thick shaft while it emptied into her, as if trying to milk the manly 
organ it for its last droplets of cum.  Despite the tightness of the 
love tunnel, a mix of clear fluids and thick man-cream escaped from 
between her puffy lower lips, dripping all over Ryôga's pubis and 

Yuka was not far behind her best friend in climaxing from Ryôga's 
attentions.  The longhaired girl howled loudly when Ryôga's tongue 
speared deeply into her tender folds, hitting the soft spot of female 
ecstasy.  She threw her head backward, arching her back in a lovely 
curve from her slender neck to her perky bottom, that was grinding into 
Ryôga's face.  The Lost Boy couldn't see her body trembling nor her 
breasts waving from her contortion, but he could guess all this from the 
tremor that was transmitted to his head, and the gush of strong-tasting 
juices that she spurted in his mouth.

Last but definitely not least, Asami and Hiroko screamed too when they 
surrendered to their senses.  Ryôga's blunt fingers thrusting into their 
gushing twats had battered the last of their resistance.  They kept 
rubbing their hot, nude, sweaty shape against their friends' bodies 
despite the distraction of the orgasm, at long as they could squeeze a 
bit of pleasure from it.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room


Ryôga's senses went dead for a few seconds as he came crashing back down 
to the world.  Slowly but surely he regained the entire picture of what 
it was he had just done.  He had banged four wonderful women all at 
once, a feat he was unsure that even he could do.  Slowly he continued a 
few thrust and panted, the high point of the sex over with.

Slowly but surely he moved his body through the jumble of women to a 
point where he could actually see things again.  Walking up to them he 
gave each of them an affectionate kiss, his body still in some shock 
from being thrown across the heavens.  His kiss for Yuka was the first, 
her juices still across his lips.  The second and third were for Asami 
and Hiroko; those were the deepest of the four he gave; he did feel kind 
of sorry that he couldn't have done more for them; but the glow they 
gave off as he looked at them at least gave him some comfort.  The final 
one went to Sayuri which was a light one; she had taken the most of him 
in her and he was grateful for that.

Then Ryôga sat down and looked over the four of them.  And let out a 
small smile.

Re: Flashback at Fûrinkan - Girls' Showers Room

St Fan, Kami of Writer Block

Each of Akane's friends responded to Ryôga's kisses when he gave them, 
sucking on his lips and prying their tongues inside his mouth.  Yet, 
beyond this, once the Lost Boy ceased to support their frames, they 
slumped one by one, panting and moaning.  They were obviously exhausted 
from the intense romp, overwhelmed by the stamina of the Hibiki stud.  
Lying on the cold, hard floor, their nude, sweaty bodies glistened under 
the harsh neon lightning.  The only movement shaking those lovely shapes 
were from their breathing as they gasped for air.  From each of their 
well-screwed sex, mixed female juices and male sperm slowly oozed out, 
dripping on the tiles.  On their faces were unmistakable expression of 
bliss and contentment.