Ranma Hentai RPG, the Hentai Reality - 11 > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RanmaHentaiRPG1/ Compilation by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 10] Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun lay on his mat, his hands laced behind his head. It was well past the time for the eldest Tendo to have fallen asleep, yet here he was awake and alert. This had been a strange night for the Tendo family. As funny as it was, Soun still couldn't descide if the Saotome's arrival had been a good thing or not. Genma, Soun knew had already slept with Nabiki, and if he knew his old friend at all, Kasumi was getting a nocturnal visit. This did not upset the man, in fact Genma's sexual adventures brought joy to him. He was happy to know his daughters could excite such an unrepentant pervert. But Ranma... Ranma was a problem. At the thought of Akane's soon to be 'husband', Soun's cock gave a mighty jerk. He wished he could understand what had happened there. Soun had taken the virginaty of countless maidens, but Ranma was different. Even before he had made Ranma into a woman, he had known that she was something special. Now even after having learned of Ranma's true gender Soun couldn't stop thinking of how much more there was to teach 'her'. His balls ached with lust at the idea of making Ranma-chan cum again. Not since the death of his dear wife had Soun thought so much over one girl. Even now he thought of Ranma her red hair bobbing up and down as she learned to give a blow job. "Aragh...." Much like Akane, when faced with confusion, Soun hid behind anger. "Stupid Ranma..." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma tossed and turned on his futon. It had been a busy day for him. He'd lost both his virginities. And while his encounter with Akane had been wonderful, he couldn't get the meeting with Soun out of his mind. He'd never imagined that his female form could feel so good. Soun had taught him so much, in such a short time. He was a truly gifted sensei. but, the way he'd looked at Ranma when he'd found out the truth. He'd seemed to be happy that Ranma could unite the family, but there had been something there... Maybe he wouldn't want to teach Ranma anymore. The thought was a strange one for Ranma. Never had he had a sensei that hadn't been eager to pass on everything Ranma could learn. The thought that Soun might think badly of him, would not want to pass on any more knowledge or techniques, was making it hard to get to sleep. Something very out of the ordinary for Ranma, who had from necessity needed to learn to sleep in any circumstances. "Ahhhhh, I can't take it," Ranma hissed. Slowly, he got to his feet, being careful not to waken his pop. He slipped out the door, and stood in the hall, trying to picture the layout of the house in him mind. His first stop was the kitchen, where a glass of cold water turned him into a girl. He felt a certain sense of relief as soon as he did. Thinking about a guy had been going against his wiring, but now it felt a lot more natural. A certain dampness appeared between Ranma's legs as she crept through the dark house toward Soun's bedroom. Reaching the door, she slid it open an inch as she knelt on the floor. "Sensei, May we talk?" she asked in a low voice, half hoping, half dreading he would be awake and hear her. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "Sensei," Soun echoed, not understanding what he was hearing at first. It took the man a moment to realize that the voice he had hear wasn't from his mind. Moving he lifted hiself up onto his elbows, peering out into the darkened room. Standing a his door way was Ranma, in the dim light looking more like a ghost then a girl. Her creamy skin pail in the weak shafts of moonlight. From between his thighs, the man's shaft grew with desire. It stood firm despite his anger towards the girl. What ever Soun may have believed about Ranma and her trickery, his body had already forgiven her. Sitting up his blanket slid from his chest falling to his lap leaving only his lower body covered. As always Soun slept nude, clothing only delayed him whenever a daughter slipped into his bed. His chest was firm, muscles coiled ready to move. He hadn't been expect to see Ranma again for the night and her arrival had suprised him somewhat. Unsure of her intent he was ready to defend himself if he needed to. "Are you lost?" He asked, his voice harsher then he had intended it to be. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma winced at the harsh tone in Soun's voice. It was as she'd feared. He was disgusted with her. She had rejected his training earlier, and now he wanted nothing to do with her. Remaining just outside the door she knelt and placed her forehead on the door sill. "Forgive me, Sensei," she said. "I did not mean to deceive you. I was shamed by my curse, and did not want to reveal it." She paused, and then continued. "You taught me that this body is nothing to be ashamed of, but you also showed me I had much to learn. I let me fears guide me, instead of you. I'm sorry I rejected your teaching. If you will forgive me, I promise I will not do so again." Ranma remained bowed forward, her ass in the air, waiting for Soun's reply. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun looked at the humbled girl before him. A part of him wanted nothing more then to send her away. Ranma had embarassed him, like no one else ever had. Yet he couldn't be mad at her for the whole gender thing. Soun hadn't once stopped to see if there was something she needed to tell him. Besides her lie was just as bad as his. Soun had been just as deceitful in his plans to fuck Ranma. He hadn't informed her that was his goal. All he had done was trick her into thinking that sex was the only answer at the time. But that small angry part of him refused to let her off the hook so easy. "What do you want me to do?" He asked. "Are you planing to let my daughter think I raped you again?" The one thing he latched onto in his own anger, was Akane's anger at him. "I teach girls to avoid that Ranma." Looking away from her faced the window. "Girls, Ranma, not pretend people. I have nothing to teach you, go back to your father, I'm sure he'd be more then willing to teach you." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma winced. She hadn't accused Soun to Akane, but she hadn't done anything to defend him either. The remark about pretend people cut deep as well. Ranma was suffering from a lot of insecurities regarding her nature. She'd originally thought of her girl curse as some sort of costume pulled on over her true body, but Soun had taught her that she was a unique creation, unlike, but similar to her guy side. On the other hand, submissive behavior was not something that came naturally to Ranma. His father had not demanded it, indeed, had encouraged rebellion and disrespect. So, she bridled a bit at Soun, though she retained her submissive posture. "It's true my father is a greater master than you. Much more skilled and practiced. Maybe you are right. Maybe you can 'not' teach me what I need to know. I'm sorry for bothering you." Despite her words. Ranma made no move to leave. Instead she mentally said 'Chew on that, sensei.' Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun didn't respond at first. The suprising amout of anger he had felt at Ranma's remark hurt him. Despite his mood swings Soun had always prided himself on keeping his head clear while taunted. But it was his momentary shock that allowed him to think up something on his own. The rustling of his blanket sounded as he moved. Instead of answering the proud girl, Soun simply ley back down and pulled his blanket to his chin. His message was clear, Ranma meant nothing to him. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma did not move. Her mind raced, however. What now? Ranma had lousy people skills. She really only knew one way of dealing with others. "I understand if you don't think you're up to it," she said. "You've gotten soft living in a house, with girls to look after you. An old man like you must be worn out after the day you've had. I'm sorry I bothered you." Ranma reached up and took hold of the door, preparing to close it. Mentally she crossed her fingers. She had no idea how to convince Soun to forgive her earlier rejection. She knew what she was doing was blatant, but she was at a loss as to what else to do. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun sat up once more in his bed. "you can pretend all you want Ranma, but we both know you're afraid." Throwing his blanket to the side he sat on his bed, naked legs spread wide. From his lap his cock sttod pround and tall, once again ready for the redhead. "I've known your father since before you were even born. He's taught you to run, but act like you're in control." Pointing towards the door, Soun told her. "Leave Ranma, we both know your too afraid to stay. you can pretend that you're a girl, even be a girl for a moment or two, but you'll always be too scared to at least once, be a true girl." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma bridled. A conditioned reflex. "I'm not afraid of anything!" she declared. But, even as she spoke, she was adverting her eyes from Soun's erection, not quite able to bring herself to stare directly at it, even though a part of her very much wanted to. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "Then come here," like he had eariler in that day Soun patted his lap, moting Ranma to join him. "Remove your clothing, or get out." he said letting Ranma know what was at stake. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger It was what Ranma had wanted, for Soun to begin teaching her again, or at least forgive her for refusing that teaching. But, there was something in her that always pulled against a rope. She hated being ordered or dragged into things. Still... Ranma fought against her instinct to tell Soun to fuck himself. She slowly got to her feet and stepped into his room, closing the door behind her. Her hand's went to her T-shirt that hung loosely over her top and down past her boxers. She lifted it, pulling the fabric up over her head. Her breasts bounced as they pulled free of the fabric. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun found himself at a loss for words. Ranma really was an amzing creature. Watching her breasts bounce free sent thrill even though the virgin kill himself. She moved with a grace that was almost borderline supernatural. Soun didn't know what went into turning Ranma into Ranma-chan. But something made the girl act in ways that only a true woman would. Even if Ranma did not understand that aspect of the curse herself, Soun saw it in the way she moved. Leaning over, Soun clicked on the small lamp next to his mat, lighting the room for both to see. Now with light allowing them both to see one another Soun held out his hand offering it to the redhead. "Here, it will be eaiser for you to face your fears in the light." he said as way of an explanation. "I'm not saying you're afraid," he jumped in cutting off any protest Ranma may have given him. "It's just that you'll probably want to see what I'm doing at any given moment." The harsh toun had left his voice, now he spoke with the easy way of a teacher. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Some of the heaviness in Ranma's heart lifted at Soun's tone. He'd forgiven her earlier rejection and was prepared to give her another chance. But, Ranma, being Ranma, could not prevent herself from fudging things a bit. She tossed her T-shirt into a corner, but left her boxers on as she walked over to Soun. Her step was a bit uncertain, and her eyes flashed down to where Soun erection stood up tall and proud, and then darted upward to his face. She was filled with memories of what they had experienced earlier in the day, and what also what had gone on between her and Akane. Sex had turned out to be a pretty great thing, but she was still uncertain about it. She reached out to take Soun's hand, but her eyes focused on the muscles on his arm. Experience with her pop told her that if she didn't watch out she'd be tossed over his head or something. But, watching his muscles should give her enough warning to counter his toss. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun recognized the look that Ranma was sending his way. She was prepareing herself to fight him if need be. For a moment, sadness pass through the man, what kind of life had Ranma lead where everything was a trap to her... "Here," he spoke taking Ranma by the hand. Soun pulled her, not roughly just enough to show Ranma where he wanted her in front of him. "Kneel," the Elder man bade her as she settled beween his spread legs. Moving his hands he slid them up each of Ranma's arms, rubbing them softly. Underneath his finger tips he felt goos bumbs rise upon her flesh. "Ranma, relax..." His voice was soothing, that of a father speaking to a scared child. "It's okay." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma stared up at Soun, which meant she didn't have to look at his cock, bobbing right in front of her face. His touch soothed her slightly, though she still kept herself prepared for the assault she was sure was coming. His words did little to ease her caution. Her father was a master of the honeyed word, and they rarely meant anything. Far more telling in Ranma's mind was that Soun had proven an excellent teacher in the Dojo. She was here to learn what she'd refused before, even if the thought filled her with a special type of anticipatory dread. She was like a kid at Christmas, who was not sure if the package in front of her contained a toy, or underwear. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun gently pulled Ranma to him, letting her walk upon her knees to reach him. With her shoulders in his hands the man gently guided Ranma closer to him. Now, she was inbewteen the valley of his spread legs only a few inches from making direct contact with his skin. Moving his hand Soun cupped Ranma's chin, and smiled at her. "You know, you're very pretty." He didn't know how the conflicted Ranma would react to that statement, only he hopped she would take it for what is was. The truth. His free hand moved sliding down Ranma's side, until it crossed over his finger open and spread wide danced across her firm belly. "You know Ranma, before I can teach you anything. There's still one last gift to unwrap." His eyes darted down to her boxers. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Being called pretty was not maybe a compliment Ranma should enjoy, but she did. She'd have decked anyone who called her that when she was a boy, but as a girl it was a good thing, and a bit like a puppy, Ranma reacted enthusiastically to compliments. Ranma was not too chagrined by Soun's remark about her boxers either. She'd been expecting it. After all, for what she wanted him to teach her, they'd sort of be in the way. But, taking them off was a big step toward an uncertain future. Still, like the martial artist she was, she tried to take what control she could from the situation. Standing against the pressure of Soun's hands, she joggled her breasts a few inches in front of his face and said in a coy voice, picked up begging for food in restaurants when she was a little kid, and resumed with her new body, "Don't you want to unwrap your own gift?" Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun moved his hands down Ranma's body touching her hips. Looking up he smiled at the girl once before leaning in and capturing her left breast in between his lips. His tongue instently went to her nipple, lightly beating at the nub as he gently suckeled at her. He wondered just how Ranma would react to this turn of events. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Even after the events of the day the level of sensation Ranma experienced when Soun's mouth, and bristly moustache touched her breast came as a surprise. The tingling went all the way down her belly to between her legs, and she felt the start of that empty aching sensation that she was starting to become familiar with. Feeling greatly daring, she let her left leg lean forward slightly, trapping Soun's penis between her lower thigh and his belly. She rocked slightly, grinding herself against him as her hands settled on top of her head. The sensation where his mouth was sucking on her was so strong she couldn't decide on wether to push him away, or drag him closer. So she settled for just standing there, gently rocking herself against him. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Twisting his neck Soun pulled at Ranma's breast with his teeth. It wasn't a hard bite, but it did send a sharp sensation through the redhead. Milking at her tit, his gentle sucking became stronger with every passing second. With his tongue he crossed the area of her trapped nipple, learing it's contors and shape by heart. Her thigh against his shaft was a welcomed suprise. The Tendo father had been half expecting to trick the girl into touching cock all over again. His shaft dug deeply into her muscular thigh pressing into Ranma's skin as Soun rocked on the mat. It was long time of this before he moved his hands setteling them both at Ranma's hips. Using his upper body strength he lifted his lover causing her to lose her footing. Controling Ranma's body now, Soun placed her on his lap. As he guided her down he pulled her so tightly to him that only her boxers prevented his manhood from entering her. His aim had been good, and his cock head had slighty parted the lips of Ranma's sex. But when he lowered her further, his fleash rod was diverted by her last remaining garment. Thos caused almost the entire length of his rod to rub against Ranma's clitorilhood. As Ranma's weight setteld their waist's touched, the man and girl trapping his shaft between them. Once Ranma was down Soun again moved his hands. One went to the small of Ranma's back tightly pulling their naked torso's together. His other hand grapped the base of Ranma's pig-tail. Roughly he pulled her head back, allowing him to begin kissing Ranma. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma shuddered at Soun's roughness. His gentle caresses made her uneasy, uncertain, but rough affection was something she was used to. Ranma could feel Soun's penis jutting into her flesh as he moved his ass, rubbing himself against her even as he suckled on her breast. His flesh felt hot to the touch, and might explain why she was feeling more than a bit flushed. A brief thrill jolted through Ranma as Soun picked her up bodily and set him on her lap. The feel of his cock grinding against her pussy, shoving her boxers into her slit, caused her to bite her lip to keep from crying out. Being kissed was the most disquieting thing about doing it with a guy, Ranma realized. A mouth was a mouth, no matter what the gender, but maybe that was the way to deal with it. Soun's mouth was no different from Akane's... Well, except for the his moustache, which tickled something fierce. Ranma was unable to prevent a sudden explosive giggle/ laugh right into Soun's passionate kiss. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun broke the kiss, completeing what Ranma's giggles had started. "Nabiki laughs when I kiss her too." He said with a smile. moving his hands he cupped the under side of Ranma's breasts, kneeding her tits with his strong fingers. "Well now, Ranma," Soun looked her in the eyes, "are you ready to learn to give as well as receive?" Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma arched her back and thrust her sensitive breasts forward into Soun's hands. It felt so good to have him touch her that way. It seemed to send a tendril of pleasure right down into the pit of her belly, and that special place between her legs that was so much more sensitive than her cock when she was a guy. She panted, and took a few seconds to progress Soun's question. Ranma's training had left her a bit selfish. If she didn't look out for herself, her pop certainly wouldn't. But, when Soun put it that way, it only seemed fair. "I guess," she answered. "How?" Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun leaned in silencing Ranma's question with a kiss. Opening his mouth he deepened it, but only enough for Ranma to decided hom much further she was will go go with it. His hands suddenly and tightly gripped Ranma's breasts mashing the twin mounds together as his thumbs pulled at the girl's nipples. He massaged her chest roughly recognizing her response to some of the stronger moves. He did this for only a few moments before, gently pushing her away from him. "Ranma," he said as he pulled away from her. Once more he setteled with the redhead between his thighs. "kneel right there." He pointed to her. Once the pig-tailed girl moved into position her head would be just above Soun's erect cock. "The quickest way to a man's heart is your mouth." His voice became that of a teachers, once more he had become Ranma's sensai. "When you ready, you must kiss me upon the top of little Soun's head." From between his thighs, His shaft twitched madly, in an effort to draw Ranma's gaze. "From there we will move on." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma gave in to Soun's kiss this time fully. Closing her eyes she let his tongue invade her mouth, telling herself that it was alright because she had a girl's mouth. Strangely, while there were none of the intense feeling she got from having her breasts kissed, not to mention her cunt, it was... sort of nice. Ranma groaned into Soun's mouth when he started mauling her breasts. She bit playfully at his tongue even as her belly clenched in reaction to having her nipples pulled. The slight edge of pain to his actions seemed to make the pleasure all the more intense. Ranma gave a little whimper as Soun pulled out of his kiss, and let his hands ease off of her breasts, she wanted to lean forward and catch his mouth with her's again, but resisted. She listened to Soun's instructions, and her eyes widened when it reached the point about kissing his thing. She flushed, and just barely stopped herself from refusing outright. She'd enjoyed licking Akane's cunt. Boy, had she loved that. Was this so much different. It wasn't even as bad really. She'd licked Akane when she was a girl. At least Soun was a guy, which was the proper way things were suppose to go, girl/guy. Despite the lecture Akane had given her, Ranma was still a bit stilted in her views of what was natural. And, Soun had a point. She remembered how good it had felt when Akane had sucked her dick. Ranma frowned. But, Akane hadn't actually done it of her own choice, and Ranma was honest enough to admit that some of the thrill had come from making her do it. In a rather hesitant voice, Ranma asked. "Soun, Sensei. Is it better for the guy if the girl does it on her own, or because he makes her?" Ranma's belly clenched a bit at the thought of Soun doing to her what she'd done to Akane. She had mixed feelings on the matter. The idea was a bit thrilling, but it would mean she'd lost the battle. Ranma's mind was still trying to fit sex into her world view, and at the moment it was placed in the category of martial arts. In Ranma's mind it was a second stage sort of thing. The girl got a second chance to beat a guy, by outlasting him after he won the first time. Ranma felt a little pride that he'd managed to beat Akane the second time as well as the first, at least in her mind. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "If the girl does it on her own." Soun said looking at Ranma with concern. "If anyone's forced to do something they don't want to do that's wrong. As a Martial Artist you should know full and well that the strong should not pick on the weak." Soun moved so that he was sitting cross legged his blowjob forgotten for the moment. Folding his arms across his broad chest he went into lecture mode. "Ranma, you haven't been forced into anything have you?" It was a strange and frankly inappropriate question, but Soun didn't care. The thought of one of his girls (Somehow, Ranma had become one of them in his mind) angered him greatly. "The only time that anything remotely like forced sex is acceptable, is if your partner is willing. Take Akane for example. I love my little girl. With my heart and body. But Akane likes to be forced, with her its a test of wills. She would not allow herself to be raped, but likes to 'feel' that she has been. It's a part of what makes sex so special Ranma. There's so much out there to explore and find on your own." "But you should never be forced to do it." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma felt a flush of guilt at Soun's words. They made her encounter with Akane seem a lot less fun than it had been a few seconds before. "Noooooo," she said hesitantly. "No one ever forced... me." Ranma was wondering if she should confess about Akane, when Soun's next words calmed her. > "The only time that anything remotely like forced sex is acceptable, > is if your partner is willing. Take Akane for example. I love my > little girl. With my heart and body. But Akane likes to be forced, > with her its a test of wills. Ranma gave a sigh of relief. She hadn't read Akane wrong then. > She would not allow herself to be > raped, but likes to 'feel' that she has been. It's a part of what > makes sex so special Ranma. There's so much out there to explore > and find on your own." > > "But you should never be forced to do it." Ranma nodded her head. She remembered how she'd slipped into sex with Akane as if it were a game, like the ones she used to play with Ukyou, only Akane had been a girl and not a boy. Adding the sex to the mix had made the game much more exciting, and to be honest, fun. Ranma had experienced very little fun in her life, and made up games with peers were almost unheard of. In fact Ukyou was the only one she'd ever grown to know well enough to let her guard slip enough that they could play with the freedom that was normal to children. She could see why Akane liked sex the way she did. She had a lot in common with Ranma, it simply went against her nature to cater freely to another person. "I...I think I'm a little bit like Akane," Ranma confessed. "I..." She blushed and looked down. "I like the struggle, the straining, the challenge. It makes it..." Ranma struggled to find the words. "More exciting I guess." Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun still sat like a teacher. Had he not been nude, his pose would have been that for any student at any dojo. "Humm... I can't say I like the roughness myself. Ranma, you do know that someday you may find a lover who will not treat you in the way that excites you." This was now the teacher explaining to desciple the ways of the world. "I can do as you ask, it's the sign of a good lover to be able to adapt to what your partner wishes. But Ranma, would you be ready to do something to please another to get what you wanted?" Soun thought of his drawers. There her devices in there that were frightning to look at, and to be used at times. IF need be he was ready to pleasure Ranma any way he needed to. But first he wanted to see if she would try things his way. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger What Soun said made sense. Sure, Ranma felt sex would be more fun for her if it were a like a fight or a game, but she could see where she needed to consider her partner. She couldn't expect them to play her games, unless she was prepared to play theirs. "I guess, you're right," she admitted. "I can't ask someone to always do things my way, not if I'm not willing to play their games with them." Soun had no idea how big a concession this was on Ranma's part. Considering the desire of others did not come naturally to her. The concept of being an unselfish lover was foreign to her. Akane's quirk had happened to coincide with hers earlier, or else the consequences might have been very serious. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun reached out a large calloused hand and stroked Ranma's cheek. Gently he cupped her delicate face, his thumb running lightly across her red lips. She man looked at her and smiled, his experiances with Akane gave him more of an understanding what Ranma just went through then the redhead would ever realize. "That's a brave girl, Ranma." He said, his voice soothing in tone for the young beauty. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger The remark, I'm not a girl, froze on Ranma lips. She guessed she couldn't say that anymore. Not after the stuff she'd done. She guessed when she was in this body, she was a girl. That meant it was ok to feel good about being called a brave girl. Unused to praise, she blushed, and lowered her eyes. The taste of Soun's salty skin filtered past her lips as he rubbed her lip. Her small pink tongue flicked out, and lightly caressed Soun's finger. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota As Ranma licked his thumb, Soun applied a carful hand to her breast once more. He cupped the redhead's breast the hard nub of her nipple pressing against the fleshy section of his palm. He rolled the mound gently from side to side before letting it go, to once more hand losely. "Is there anything else on you mind," he asked her? Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma leaned into Soun's hand as he touched her. Like a cat, though she'd never admit it, Ranma loved being petted and stroked. And having her breasts caressed was especially nice. She blinked when Soun pulled his hand back and asked his question. It took a second for her to consider his question. What was on her mind. Well, getting fucked for one thing, but she'd learned from many a painful thumps on the head that the most obvious answer was not what a martial arts teacher was looking for. She thought deeper, and blushed. "I guess, I'm a bit nervous about doing some of the stuff we didn't do before," she answered. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun cupped her cheek still, but let his other hand move to rest upon Ranma's own. "Fellatio, The art of sucking upon a dick. Has a long and proud history, there's nothing to fear from it, Ranma. It was India, where what would become commanly know as a blowjob first really started, or at least that's how it has been recorded history. In those days there were three classes of working girls. The normal street girl, who used her body for profit. The high-class girls who were used only by the noblity. Those were the ones trained in the art of the Kama Sutra, or the various arts of love making." "The last class of women were specialized in the fact they used only their mouths as vaginal openings." Soun smiled at the girl, once more rubbing her lips with his thumb. Like any teacher, Soun loved the history of his subject. And as Ranma was finding out, given a moment he was delighted to spread that knowladge. "You know the lipstick that girls wear today?" His thumb traced the contours of Ranma's full lips. "That was how a fellatio expert showed the world her trade. It was to make her mouth look like that of a pussy, Ranma." Grinning widely he smiled at her. "How many women do you think would wear the lipstick they do if they knew that it meant they sucked cock?" Once more this was Soun the teacher. In his own way he was trying to get Ranma to understand and accept her new role in life. OOC: Man, it's crazy just what you can find out on the internet. ^_^; But at least as far as I was able to find out, Soun's history lesson is pretty much on the money. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma listened closely to Soun, her attention wonderfully focused by the threat of his cock bobbing just in front of her face, though he likely would not have been pleased to have her think of it that way. Ranma's eyes flickered downward occasionally during Soun's lecture, her glance taking in his erection. She unconsciously licked her lips as she considered that she was likely going to be sucking on it. Every hard inch of it imprinted itself on Ranma's mind as she wondered what it would taste like. Would it taste like Akane's pussy? Nah, that was silly. It was a guy thing, it wouldn't taste like a girl's thing. But, what would it taste like? Ranma was still very uneasy about giving a... blowjob, but it was somewhat reassuring to know that it was not an uncommon thing. If girls could do it, than so could she, at least when she was a girl. Ranma had to smile as she considered some of the stuck up girls she'd known who painted their lips. She wondered if they knew this history. "I guess they'd get pretty mad if I were to mention that to them," Ranma joked. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Ranma's unexpected statement made the older man laugh. He hadn't been ready to hear the young redhead, latch on to that fact. "No Ranma, I don't supose you should mention it." It was easy to talk to Ranma the way he was. Her kneeling between his thighs, and him naked exposed to her. This was comfortable for Soun, and quickly he was becoming to realize it was for Ranma was well. Though she not have understood that fact herself yet. "Now Ranma," his voice took on a much firmer tone. Knowing that this was going to be hard for the redhead, he decided he would take control. She seemed to want to do everything she could. The redhead just seemed a little afraid to start it herself. "You're going to open your mouth and taste the skin of my manhood. Slowly your going to work your lips all over my cock." As he spoke his hand went from the soothing gentle caress, and into a strong displnary grasp. "You're going to have to do it very 'slowly', to make sure you learn what a man taste and feels like. It's your job to learn how to play with a man's balls. Just what a cute girl like you will need to do to get a guy to cum all over her." Taking the hand he had captured eariler he placed Ranma's palm against the base of his shaft. "Just play, do it how every you want to learn your way around a dick. But then, I'll force you to do it correctly when it's time..." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma blinked. She read a challenge in Soun's words. He'd force her would he? Well, she'd see about that. Still, he had asked her, as a teacher, to explore his cock. It didn't seem such a strange request to Ranma. You needed to really understand the human body to most effectively fight it, and against it. Ranma knew lots of disabling moves that focused on the male groin, but this was something different. Ranma leaned forward to get her face closer to Soun's shaft, her warm breath gusting over it. The hand Soun had placed on his cock closed around it, or tried. Ranma found it disturbing that her small fingers were not quite big enough to really grip him. The tips of her fingers would not quite reach her palm when they circled his member. He was big, way bigger than her. Of course Ranma didn't stop to think that her female hand was far smaller than her male one, and that it was not an accurate way to measure their relative sizes. All she knew was that Soun's cock took up a whole lot more room in her hand than her own did. It was a good thing she'd already taken it before, or she'd have declared it flat out impossible. Ranma examined Soun's cock as she pumped her hand up and down. She was already familiar with how the loose skin on the outside slid over the hard inner core of muscles, but it was much different to be able to examine it this close up. A small droplet of thick pearly liquid formed on the tip of Soun's cock. Only her experience with Akane let her do what she did next. She leaned forward slightly, and lightly touched the tip of her tongue to the drop. A strong flavor unlike anything she'd ever tasted before filled her mouth. It was very salty, but not that awful tasting. She'd tasted worst, raw frog came to mind. Ranma licked the head of Soun's cock more firmly, running her small pink tongue over the whole surface as if he were an ice cream cone. She continued to lick, slowly and carefully, lathering the whole tip of Soun's cock with spit. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun's breath came in short controled bursts. He had been half expecting the nearly naked girl to go running from his room screaming into the night. It was a with bated breath that the man had waited for Ranma to start on her proper training. Before the sun rose, Soun had planed to make the petit redhead any expert on all carnal maters. Her nimble fingers took a hold of him with such a suddeness that he felt himself lose control. Normally he could hold of an orgasm for hours. (A control that Ranma would experiance from him this very night.) But her suprising gusto in the act sent an un planned thrill through him. Clenching his teeth he tried not to move, sitting perfectly still as Ranma began her exploration. The small amount of pre-cum that leaked from his cock was shameful. The man knew she should have been able to hold that for much longer. But Ranma was posed with such sexual energy even he was nearly a clusemy first time boy. She exouded such an aura of sex that it took much more control then he had at first expected t use. Calming himself his breaths became very shallow, his chest stopped moving. Focusing souly on his physical sensation of pleasure he locked out all other stimuli to his brain. In this state of near zen medation almost nothing could disterb him, but would feel a magnafied sense of touch. Under Ranma's untrained tongue he felt every ridge of her tastebuds scrape across his smooth capped shaft. The pleasure he felt at Ranma's mouth was intense, more so at his hightened state of awareness. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma sensed Soun's near loss of control. She'd have been a poor martial artist indeed if she hadn't. It filled her with glee to have made him lose it that way. She was almost disappointed when he managed to center his chi,and regain his focus. But, it just went to show that he really did know what he was talking about. Soun's reaction, more than any word he might have said, encouraged Ranma to continue with her activity. She continued to sloppily lick the head of Soun's cock, becoming used to the taste. She started to pay attention to the texture of the skin she was licking, the smoothness, the small opening in the center with the channel along the back of the head. She flinched away from that small hole at first. It was where piss came out after all, but she soon was digging the tip of her tongue into it with eagerness, waiting to see if she could make Soun lose it again. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota As Ranma's tongue played with his urethal opening Soun once more felt his control slip. Against his will the man felt another trickel of pre- cum escape. His shaft felt wonderful in betwen the redhead's lips. Once more Soun had to struggle to maintain control. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Another surge of the strong tasting fluid burst into Ranma's mouth at the same time she felt Soun straining to keep control. Ranma actually was not really sure what Soun was trying to control. All she knew was that he was trying very hard to do so, and that what she was doing was making it hard for him, which pleased her. Ranma opened her mouth as wide as she could, and managed to pop the head of Soun's shaft inside. Her jaws felt stretched slightly, but it did fit. She lathered the tip of his cock with her tongue while she enjoyed the feel of him being inside her mouth. As Ranma licked Soun's cockhead, she started to think over his lecture on what she was doing, trying to remember what she should be doing. What had he called this? Felacia, or something. That didn't make much sense to her, what was the other thing, oh, yea. A blowjob. Ranma puffed up her cheek, and tried to blow up Soun's cock like a long stretchy balloon putting all her lung power into pushing air into the tip of his cock. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun's eyes opened in suprise as Ranma's 'blowjob.' For a moment he looked at her, her cheeks blown out and his thick shaft wrapped between her lips. Despite the highly erotic scene going on, it was funny as hell. "Bwhaa!!! Hahahaha...." He laughed, not meaning to hurt the redhead's feeling. "Ranma, you precious thing!" Reaching down he pulled the girl from his cock, a large amout of her spit running down his shaft. "A blowjob is a some what more socially acceptable name for cock-sucking." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma blushed in embarrassment, and covered it up with indignation. "Well, they should say so! What was I suppose to think? If they call it a blow job, than it must mean you blow. That only makes sense." Ranma was also a bit uncertain at the term Soun used. Cock-sucker was a common, much used insult, one that Ranma had often had directed at her, or him, by some small town bully Ranma had put in his place. She expressed this to Soun. "Ain't cock sucking a bad thing?" Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "Would making me be happy be a bad thing?" Once more Soun moved his body so he was sitting. "Cocksucker is a grave insult, most men would never do such a thing. It's meant to attack your insecuraties." Reaching our Soun pulled Ranma onto his lap, his long arm drapping over her shoulder. Pulling her closer he kissed the girl lightly. "A man who's afraid, or unsure of himself, takes the name cocksucker, and assumes he's being called gay. And girls believe it's another way of being called a slut. But sex Ranma, is good." Moving his right hand Soun brushed a few hairs from Ranma's face, holding the red locks back. "It was also once considered a sign of weakness for a man to go down upon a woman. To this day there are men who refuse to do, just that for they believe what people say." Hugging her with the arm drapped over her shoulder, he leaned in kissing upon the lips. "But men love women who are willing to suck a cock or two. And I myself find great enjoyment at licking at the clam." Dropping his free hand, allowing her hair to fall back, Soun moved it between their bodies. To accent his point he cupped Ranma's mound through her boxers. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma wriggled as Soun cupped her sex through her boxers. She was aroused by the situation she was in, and Soun's touch only made her more aware of how sensitive those parts were. Sex was proving to be complicated. So much of it seemed disgusting on the face of it, but what Ranma had already done this day had been enjoyable and fun. Like sitting on Soun's lap while he fussed over her. Never in a million years could Ranma imagine doing this as a guy, but it was sort of nice to do it as a girl. She felt warm and cozy and safe and loved. Soun's style of teaching was so different from her pops who was all noise and posturing. Not that Ranma denied the effectiveness of Genma's teaching. She was the best after all, and it was due to his training. Ranma could feel Soun's cock as it pressed against her leg, and she considered what he'd said, and also what she'd done already. Stuffing her cock into Akane's mouth had certainly felt good. She could certainly understand why Soun would want her to do that to him. And she couldn't deny that he'd pleasured her without getting any back at the same time. Give and take. She'd give him some pleasure, and he'd give her some. Ranma's hand slipped out of her lap and she almost tentatively resumed touching and feeling Soun's manhood, flexing her fingers in time with Soun's actions between her legs. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun's probing became a bit more forceful, his finger tip tracing the valley between Ranma's pussy lips. Gently he pressed the fabric of her yellow and blue boxers to her. For right now he was only trying to show Ranma what was coming. The fucking she had received eariler had been fast and hard. This time he planned to torture her with a slow maddening pace. Leaning over her, Soun kissed the top of the redhead's head. His breath was hot against her scalp as each one exploded from his mouth. His hips began the old dance his body mathing the rythem of Ranma's hand. Together the two lover moved, this small actions synching as one movement. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Slow and steady was not something Ranma was used to. Fast and violent pretty much described her lifestyle, as Akane had found out. Her squirming on Soun's lap increased as his fingers caressed her pussy. Her face was becoming flushed, and the color was moving down her throat to her shoulders while her breasts engorged and swelled, her nipples crinkling and hardening. The hand that had been fondling Soun's cock began to grip with more force as she jerked her hand up and down. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Moving his experianced hands up, Soun felt Ranma's clitoris through her boxers. It took little encouragement from him to extract the nub out from beneath it hidding hood. his fingers lightly pinched Ranma's clit, tenderly he stroked at her sensory organ, once more teasing her. The man knew most women liked the gently tough on this sensative bundle of nerves. Having been trained by some of the most respected sexual masters in the world, he realied upon the teachings of his female sensais to direct his caressing. "Good, Ranma..... That's a good girl." he whispered against her head. Part of his words were meant to reenforce the idea of Ranma's current sexual nature. As a girl, she should freely explore herself. His constant referances to her gender was only to impart this fact to her. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma's mouth was parted, her breath coming quickly as Soun stroked her. Her hand on his cock was loose, not moving as her mind focused completely on what was happening to her. Soun's finger's were causing a deep itch between her legs, and an aching void in her belly. Her stomach clenched in desire. She was still too new to her female body to be fully comfortable with it or aware of its signals and what they meant. But this was as basic as it came. She wanted Soun to stick his cock in her and fuck her like he had before. Ranma was not good at asking for things. Asking didn't get you anything. That's what he'd learned from Genma. You took stuff, and you either got to keep it, or someone took it back. But she couldn't very well take Soun's cock, and her own wouldn't do her female body any good. Ranma pushed against the floor with her heels, lifting her body upward, sliding her back along Soun's bare chest. She was intending on sitting down on Soun's cock, ignoring the little fact that she was still wearing boxers. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun felt Ranma's attempts to mount him. The girl knew what she wanted, but not how to get it. He admired her determination, but wondered at how far she was willing to go. His harness pressed comfortable, between the girl's thighs. For now, Soun was willing to start from there. "Ranma," he said, his hands moving to her rear. His strong fingers began to kneed at her rear, massaging her cheeks through her boxers. "We're going to start working on your control." Leaning in he kissed her lips lightly before leaning back. "Now, I'm going to do things to you, and you're going to let me." his hands gripped her tightly, pinching her ass as he spoke. "You'll gain control over your lover if you don't give into him. Control, can give you that power." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma nodded silently. Gaining control of yourself was the secret to martial arts. If you could not master your own body, you could never hope to master someone else's. But, surrendering control... that was a hard thing for Ranma to do, normally. But she was a girl right now, and it was ok for a girl to surrender to a guy, that was the way it was suppose to work. A few days ago, when Ranma had felt that she was still a guy when in this body, that would not have been the case, but Soun's lesson earlier in the day, and then the session with Akane had taught Ranma that there were some big differences between girls and boys. And not just the obvious ones. Soun's words interested Ranma on another plane as well, they expanded on something she'd noticed since getting her curse. Guys went nuts around her. She could lead them around by the nose, get them to give her free food and their place in line for the bus. That had given her a feeling of power, a different one than the feeling she got from pounding some guy into the ground. She's started thinking of it as Girl-fu, and now Soun sounded like he was going to teach her some special girl-fu techniques. Ranma guessed having three daughters had given Soun some insight into this art. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun moved his hands from Ranma's ass, letting her weight rest upon his hips. He placed one gentle hand against her hair, brushing her bangs with his fingers. "There now...." he cooed as he massaged her scalp. Moving his hand up and Down Ranma's back Soun gently appleaded his body weight, pushing Ranma forward, until her back came to rest upon his mattress. Moving he hips, the elder man pinned the girl, his face hovering inches above her. "Now, Ranma don't move unless I move you..." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma swallowed nervously. Having Soun loom over her that way once again drove home the difference in their sizes. Even after having her curse for as long as she had, she still had to stop every now and then and remind herself that she was not facing a giant, but a normal sized person. It was she who had shrunk. She nodded her head to Soun's instructions. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Pressing his body foreward, Soun pinned Ranma underneath him. His hands went to the redhead scalp gently massaging her at her hair line. His trained fingers working their magic to help his young lover to relax. His palms covered Ranma's eyes blocking her view of the world. Only her sence of touch and hearing gave her a clue as to what soun was doing. Pusinghimself down the bed, Soun nesteled between Ranma breasts. The twin mounds framing his face, he kissed the pail skin he found. His mustash scraped cross the valley, as his tongure gently began to write his name upon her flesh. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Staying still had never been so hard for Ranma. She was used to being much more reactive in her encounters with other people, but this sex stuff was complicated. She thought it best to let herself be a bit of a blank slate, for Soun to impress his lessons on, for a little while anyway. Then he started to lick her between the tits, and tickle her with his moustache. "Hehehehe," Ranma giggled, mortifying herself with how girly it sounded to her ears. There was a large amount of nervousness in her laugh, which might have accounted for the rather high pitch. Without thinking about what she was doing, she pushed against Soun's head with her hands, trying to move his tickling hair away from her sensitive skin. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun lifted his head from Ranma's skin and removed his hands from her eyes. "Already you've moved Ranma," he said as he crawled back to face her. Holding himself up with his arms the man looked down at her, smiling despite Ranma having already failed the exercise. "Right now, I have the chance to shape you into the best lover in the world." Lower himself he kissed Ranma's soft lips, wetly and quickly. "I want you to become the greatest lover of men the ever existed. You will have the ability to make any man, no matter with will and virtue subcome to you." "And with the knowledge of how a man can be pleased, you have the uncanny ability to use that skill on women. Once you now the limits of the male body, you can use yours to give your female lovers somthing that no one else in the world can." "Empathy of what feels good." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Being the best, that was a goal Ranma could get into. She wasn't interested in making guys socumb, whatever that meant. Well, maybe, if it meant shower her with free food. But, being the best in the world, that she liked. Ranma also had to admit that being able to make girls enjoy it had an appeal as well. Soun's kiss had been weird, but, strangely, rather nice. She had to admit his technique was a lot better than her pop's. Pop's would have lectured her for hours if she'd failed a simple exercise like this, not to mention kicking her ass. It was partly this that kept her from shoving her hips up toward Soun. She was really starting to get achy down their, and she knew from their previous encounter that Soun had what it took to ease that feeling, and make her feel good. But, she'd obey his instructions as best she could, and let him lead. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun traced a finger over Ranma's jaw. Leaning away from her smiled down. "Ranma tell me, what are you feeling?" His fingernail moved and traced the conturs of the girl's ruby lips. Propping his head up with his free hand the man lay next to her. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma had feelings. She was full of feelings at the moment. Talking about feelings, that was another matter entirely. Ranma had no idea how to go about doing that, and even if she had it was something that she would have had a great deal of difficulty doing. As a result, her answer to Soun was a simple. "I don't know," with a shrug of her shoulder, and a slight reddening of her face. Re: Flashback: That night "Well, do you feel good?" Soun lowered his lips so they brushed against the redhead's ear, "here?" He asked, his finger tips trailing over Ranma's right nipple. His nail dragged across the taunt skin of her breast. Moving his hand the man managed to trap the dark colored bud in between his fingers. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger "yh, yea," Ranma stammered as sensation flowed from the contact between her and Soun. Her back arched slightly as she instinctively pushed her breast toward Soun. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun once more leaned in and kissed the redhead. His hand became rougher upon her breast rolling the mound his strong grasp. Her large tit fit snuggly into his hand allowing him pull and press the mound ballooning it at the sides. Then he pulled his mouth away from hers, and in a slow pace began to kiss her jaw. Moving his shoulders Soun covered the girl with his body, as he moved his kisses down her body. Taking his time at the girl's breasts he licked at kissed them both tasting her skin. Then after a few more moments of lapping the man moved on, setteling at Ranma's core. Lowering his mouth Soun gently licked her once. His tongue crossing across the lips of her sex. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma moaned and reached down to clasp Soun's head tightly with her hands. She pressed his face between her legs even as she spread and lifted them to give him better access to her tender flesh. This Ranma could do, action not words. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun pulled away from Ranma, his head slipping from her hands. "Someone has no control..." He let his voice convay his dismay at her reactions. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma blushed, and then blushed deeper as she realized that she'd blushed. Her female body was much harder to control emotionally than her male one. "Sorry," she mumbled, lowering her hands to her side. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "Ranma, I'm afraid that you're just not ready to learn anything more at this time." Lifting himself from between her legs, Soun moved into a sitting position. "Unless you'd be willing to experiance more drastic training, it'll be years before you are ever ready for this." Soun sighed like he was ready to give up. Part of him felt bad, about misleading Ranma as he was but the girl was hot... The older man looked at his young lover, in his mind's eye seeing her tied and ready. Bondage was not really Soun's tastes but Ranma seemed a ready candidate for that route of sex. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma was offended. Not at the accusation that she was not ready, but that she would not be willing to accept drastic training. She was a guy, she could take it. "Hey, I can take it," she told Soun. "I want to learn!" Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "Hummmm......... I don't think so." Soun reached out and slowly began to rub his fingers across the redhead's upper thigh. "you have to learn that you can receive pleasure without effort on your part. But to do that I'd have to tie your hands or something..." Soun left his thoughs unfinished, the word in the air for Ranma to come up with on her own. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger As if to prove Soun's statement, Ranma let out a small hiss of pleasure as Soun's fingers touched a sensitive spot, and she twisted her lower body into his hand. She blushed as she realized what she'd done. "Damn, this is harder than I thought," she muttered to herself. She focused back to sparring with her father with her hand tied behind her back. It had certainly forced her to learn to use her feet more effectively. Looking at Soun with a guilty expression, afraid he'd think her confession show her in a bad light, she said, "Pop, sometimes tied my hands, or feet, when he wanted me to focus on one means of defense or offense." Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "Heh did?" he asked, his finger traveling to Ranma's muff. As he spoke the man's index finger found Ranma's slit, lightly exploring her oily lips. "Did being tied help you learn?" his finger parted Ranma's sex only to play at the surface of her exposed core. "I've never tried tieing someone up before." Soun smoothly lied though his teeth. "I don't know if that's efective." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma was a bit embarrassed to admit it, but if she wasn't honest with her sensei, he would not be able to teach her effectively. "Yea, it helped. When my hands were free. I kept falling back on using them when I should have been focusing on my feet and legs. And when Pop wanted me to get used to using my left hand and foot more often, he tied my right hand, or right leg so I'd have to use the other." While she talked. Ranma had to struggle with all her might to keep from reaching out and grabbing Soun's hand and pushing it against her needy sex. The muscles in her arms and legs twitched as she fought her bodies urges. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun slid his finger deeper into Ranma. It easly parted her sex his finger going deeper until it setteled at his hand. With Soun completely hiding his finger inside of Ranma, he slowly circled the digit allowing it to press and pull inside of her. With a strong jerk of his wrist Soun began to finger fuck the girl. His hand began to move at a quick pace in and out, in and out... "Well Ranma, if you'd be willing ready to try being tied up, I might have something we can use to train you." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma couldn't help herself. Her legs bent slightly and she clamped her thighs around Soun's hand, pinning his finger deep inside her. At the same time she gasped and moved her hands toward Soun's wrist. She stopped just short of grabbing hold of his arms. Sweat beaded her flushed forehead, and she couldn't bring herself to meet Soun's eyes. "Maybe, that would help," she mumbled. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "You're right.... But first Ranma, you need to let go of my hand." To show his point Soun pulled his hand pulling against Ranma's trapping thighs. "And after that, would you mind donning something for me first?" Soun reached down with his free hand, and took a hold of his shaft. "As you know men are weaked willed... Could you finish what you started earlier?" Soun rubbed his hand across the top of his mushroom capped shaft. "If you'd be willing to finish that blowjob you started, I could focus more on your training then..." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma swallowed nervously. She'd known this was coming. After her experience with Akane she knew how good it felt to have your cock sucked. It was logical that Soun would like it, and that he'd want her to do it, but it was hard. It was one thing to have it stuck in her cunt, she couldn't really see it, and it was just something that felt good, but to take it in her mouth... There would be no hiding what she was doing. "I guess, I could," she mumbled, reaching out with a tentative hand toward Soun's member. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun Moved his hips, allowing Ranma to full grasp his shaft. A part of him wanted to tie the girl up now. With her hands secured behind her back, ankles locked together Soun felt Ranma would allow herself to really get into sucking cock. But there was also the fact she might freak out on him, and bite... "Ranma..." He said as her fingertips brushed across the skin of his member. The girl's body was soft, her hands gentle. Soun suddely wondered if more then the female body was granted to Ranma from her curse. Realizing now wasn't the time to ask that question, he thought to ask the girl later about who the drowned girl was. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma hesitantly brought her face toward Soun's cock. She was hyper- aware of it, seeing every little wrinkle and pore, every throbbing vein and smooth skin. And the single small drop of pearly substance oozing out of the small opening in the end. the one that piss came out of. Almost she drew back and refused at that thought, but remembered what Akane had said, and what she'd done. When you thought about it, she'd licked pussy, and that had been fun, and piss came from there too, well, sort of. Ranma made up her mind, and like a person jumping into a cold lake, dove in all at once. She opened her mouth and swallowed as much of Soun as she could in one frantic try. Of course she almost choked herself, and started gagging as the head of his cock pressed against the rear of her throat. She pulled back off of him, leaving his dick coated in saliva as she coughed and tried to catch her breath. Her face again red with embarrassment. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun's face flushed as well, though from a completely different feeling. The rush that ran through him from Ranma's actions was intense. His fingers tightened, squezzing his mattress in a death grip. He looked down at the choughing Ranma, and smiled, on his face was a look of love. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma rolled her eyes up to peek at Soun, expecting to see derision and scorn. Instead she saw an expression of affection and, she thought, pleasure. A warm glow filtered through her embarrassment. She hadn't screwed up, well, not much. Encouraged, she turned her attention back to Soun's cock, still slick with her spit. This time when she approached it, she was a bit more careful. She opened wide and carefully took the bulbous head into her mouth. She had to stretch her mouth to make if fit, but she didn't gag this time, and she found she was able to run her tongue over the smooth head, tasting Soun's strong masculine flavor, though she didn't realize just what it was. The taste was not unpleasant. Different, but not bad. Her only experience was with cunt licking, so she was not sure how to proceed. Taking him in her mouth was logical, but what did she do from here? Tentatively, she moved her head up and down slightly, letting him slid back and forth in her mouth. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun moved his hands to the back of Ranma's head. His palms rested gently against the top of the girl's skull. THe man didn't hold his lover's head in place, or force her to do anything. All he did was rub his fingers though her hair. "Good..." he cooed, letting the redhead know what he was feeling. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma's muscles tensed, and then almost at once relaxed as Soun's hands touched her head. She was still having trouble separating sex from martial arts. But, she was learning and realized instantly that Soun's touch was not the prelude to an attack, but instead an expression of his pleasure with what she was doing, just as she had earlier caught hold of his head when he had been licking her down there. Ranma went back to her activity, finding a strange comfort in the touch of Soun's hands as she moved her head up and down, sucking on his cock and licking its surface with her tongue as she did so. Soon she focused mostly on putting as much negative pressure as she could in her mouth while sliding as much as she could in and out. The thick head pushed against the back of her throat, and she fought down her gag reflex while trying not to be intimidated by how much of Soun's cock was still outside her mouth. Her hand was still gripped around his shaft below the point where she could take it in, and she had to constantly remind herself that her girl hands were much smaller than her boy hands and Soun's cock was not really twice as big as the one she sported when she was a boy. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun was currently really, really enjoying Ranma's loving attent. His fingers curled through the redlocks, rolling and playing with the strands as Ranma's pert mouth suckeled upon him. The smooth contours of the girl's lips, played wonderfully with the somewhat rough touch of her tongue. Soun's balls tightened, his skin growing taunt with the caress of Ranma's delicate fingers. Leaning over her Soun moved a hand, his fingertips brushing against the small of Ranma's back. Spreading his fingers wide, the man rubbed her skin. His touch began to creep ever back, slowly working across her hot skin, until at last he completely bent over the sucking redhead. As Ranma seemed to grow more comfprtable with sucking-cock, Soun's finger ran across the cleft of Ranma's ass. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Shudders ran up and down the finely defined muscles of Ranma's back as Soun's fingers traced over them, reaching toward her bottom. Ranma knew what that meant, and she felt a wet warmth spreading between her legs in anticipation. Partly from her own excitement, and partly to spur Soun on, she began to bop her head up and down faster and faster. She was giving a very sloppy blowjob in fact, not anywhere near Akane's level of skill. But in her own mind she thought she was doing a fantastic job, and she could just imagine the praise that Soun would heap on her, and more importantly,the way his fingers would reward her when they reached what they were reaching for. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota From deep within the back of Soun's through a low gurgle began to echo. Ranma's amature blowjow had an enjoyment all to it's own. Though Ranma's skill in pleasuring her lover was not compaired to his daughter, the redhead was going with more gusto then Soun had ever though possable. Ranma's mouth felt like a new land, his shafts exploration the unknow reagon of the girl's skull. His fingers moved with a mission. Soun's thick index finger once more found Ranma's anus. The very thing that had frightened the girl that morning. With creeping force Soun's finger began to enter the circle of Ranma's rear. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma froze. Soun's action had taken her by surprise. She's fooled herself into thinking he was reaching for her cunt. Her breath gusted heavily out of her nose, her mouth being full. The warm air flowed over Soun's shaft and down around his balls. Ranma slowly relaxed. She focused on what Akane had told her, and what she'd decided before coming into this room. She was not going to back off. She was here to learn. Ranma slowly began to move her head up and down on Soun's cock, but despite her resolve, her body was trembling with anxiety. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun moaned with a deep apprecation over Ranma's efforts over his shaft. The man found himself growing fonder about the woman moment by moment. His lips parted and echo's with a soft sigh letting his lover know how good she was doing. His finger went deeper into Ranma rear. And with a sudden twist he drove all the way to his knuckle. The man rolled his index finger back and forth tracing the warm insides of Ranma ass. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Soun's moan of pleasure encouraged Ranma, and helped her accept the finger that was twisting in her ass. She was doing it right. Happily, she started to suck on Soun's cock with more pleasure. Then, slowly, she started to feel a distinctive sense of pleasure from Soun's finger. Not the same as when he played with her pussy, but it did feel nice, strange yes, but nice. Her ass cheeks which had been clenched tight in reaction now loosened slightly, and clenched again, only this time in counterpoint to Soun's movements as her body tried to increase the sensation. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun once more grunted, but this time it was a small praising sound for Ranma. He could feel the little sexpot, reactiong strongly to his probing finger. Ranma's rapidly growing acceptance of her female nature was one of the sweetest things Soun had ever witnessed. Moving his hips, soun started to time his actions. The redhead's mouth would be cramed with cock, and then as he withdrew his shaft Ranma's bottom would be finger filled. In his own way, Soun was preping the girl for her fist double penetration. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Soun's action, whether he was aware of it or not set the rhythm for Ranma. She could feel the muscles in the long, warm, arm draped over her back just before Soun drove his finger into her. Her own ambivalent feelings about that caused her to move away slightly from that. And the only way to go was toward Soun, and the cock in her mouth. She found herself taking him deeper and deeper into her mouth. Life on the road with her father had taught Ranma not to be slow in eating. This in turn had taught her, partly, to control her gag reflex. So, when the head of Soun's cock shoved into her throat, she opened wide, and let him slid in, only a slight spasm in her neck muscles indicating she was not a perfectly practiced cock sucker. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun threw his head back and hooted with laughter. "Ranma... You're a natural!" The finger in her ass went deep, going as far into her rear as Soun could manage. "Ahhh... you've take to giving head better then any girl I have ever had the pleasure of teaching!" Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Nothing Soun could have said would have made Ranma happier. She was the best!? She renewed her sucking with eager force, trying to pull Soun as deep into her mouth and throat as she could, and to apply as much suction as possible while doing it. So intent was she on the smooth shaft in her mouth that the feeling of Soun's finger in her bottom blurred into back of her mind and simply became a rather strange, but pleasant sensation. Her ass cheeks began to clench and unclench, milking Soun's digit, and making great promises for later. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "That's a good girl..." Soun placed a hand on top of Ranma's head helping her to find a good pace for her cock-sucking. "Easy, girl easy." He ran his fingers though her hair, massaging her scalp. "I've read that a few positions can cause a girl's neck to hurt. Your going to feel a kink in your neck unless you shift your body weight." Soun pulled his finger from Ranma's rear. "Now girl," Soun's voice was deep and husky. "Are you ready to continue. It's considered a very wonderful thing for a girl to be able to drink her man's seed." In the redhead's mouth Soun's cock began to twitch as his veins began to thicken and swell with blood. Despite the rubbing of Ranma's tongue and lips, Soun knew that he could hold off from cumming for hours. As of now he was ready for sex. Ranma's full attention could last for hours without a drop of Soun thick cream if he so chose not to cum. But for now, he had other things to attend to. "Get ready dear." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger > Your going to feel a kink in your neck unless you shift your > body weight." If her mouth hadn't been full, Ranma would have scoffed at that idea. Any inclination her body had to kink had been warped out of her by Genma years ago. She could put a circus contortionist to shame if she had a mind to. Arching her neck to get the best shot at swallowing Soun's cock was nothing. She actually felt a bit smug as she considered this, and wondered what she could do later to show him just how flexible she was. > Soun pulled his finger from Ranma's rear. Ranma's hips gave a lurch as Soun pulled his finger out, and a second too late her ass cheeks clenched hard, as if to prevent the withdrawal. All done on automatic, it took a few nano-seconds more for Ranma's mind to catch up, and when it did she felt a mixture of relief, and regret. She'd just been starting to get used to the feel. > "Get ready dear." Ranma's eyes widened at Soun's words. He was going to cum, shoot his stuff into her mouth? Almost she jerked back and off his throbbing manhood. At the last instant she stopped herself. She let a heavy breath exit her nose, almost a sigh. She had to do this. It was part of what she needed to learn. Slowly she started to bob her head again, licking Soun's cock and applying suction. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun felt Ranma's momentary internal struggle through his shaft. The redhead's momentary hesitation as she bobbed his knob was all the man needed to tell him of her feelings. But as the girl returned to her actions with a sudden surprising vigor, the man found himself pleased. Ranma would defiantly become one of the greatest lovers he had ever had. With just a little more training the redhead would control any carnal situation she found herself in, weither her lovers realized it or not. "Ohh... you sweet little girl." He moaned, the testiest tightening for release. As Ranma's mouth descended the length of his shaft Soun waited until she reached the bottom. At that moment, he released his seed, filling her throat and... Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma's eyes widened, and if it hadn't already been so full, her mouth would have opened wider as well, as she tried to distance herself from the sudden flood of semen filling her mouth and throat. But, she could not avoid the warm salty gush, and a second later her taste buds were assaulted by her first mouth full of jism, and she liked it! The taste was unique, and strong, but to this body it was delicious. Ranma's mouth tightened around Soun's shaft so as to not lose a drop and her throat swallowed convulsively, massaging the tip of Soun's dick, as she drank down his load. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun placed both hands on the back of Ranma's head. As she gobbled up his semen, his fingers ran though her fiery red hair. He felt Ranma's attempts to drain him dry and helped as much as he could. Thrusting his hips, Soun allowed Ranma to squeeze as much of his seed from his cock as she could letting her milk him to her content. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma savored the taste of Soun's spunk. The more time it spent on her taste buds, the more familiar she became with the taste, and the more she liked it. As Soun's cock began to deflate, she sucked at the slightly flaccid prick, gathering up every drop of jism from every nook and cranny of Soun's dick. She even went so far as to swirl her tongue into his piss hole to gather what was still dribbling out of it. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun lay back onto his mattress his body relaxing and untensing after his powerful release. Ranma's single-mindedness in her search for cum was something wonderful. The way she explored his cock for semen was nearly magical. In his life the man had never meat a girl who had taken to giving head like Ranma. Reaching down Soun pulled the suckling redhead from his manhood. His hands moved to caress her skin as he pulled her up for a kiss. His trained fingers massaged her flesh teasing the girl with promises of what was to come. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma's eyes were a bit glazed as she was pulled up the length of Soun's body, her swollen, sensitive tits rubbing against the hair on his thighs and belly. She responded to his attempted kiss with a blind passion, mashing her own mouth to his and leaning in with all her strength as she lay atop his hard muscled body. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun's hand once more went to the redhead's rear once more massaging her. "Well now are you ready for the next part." Rolling over Soun moved the redhead onto her back his weight pinning her underneath him as he moved atop of her. Taking control of the girl, Soun moved a way after making sure he played with Ranma's body. His finger bore into the nooks and crevices of the redhead's body. Sitting above her those long dexterous digits found areas of Ranma flesh she had never know. Soun caressed the area behind Ranma's knees touching and stroking all of the girl's erogenous zones. He moved with a reason, more then once taking time to tease the girl's dripping wetness. His hands worked the nimble girl's body never giving her a moment to breath, never allowing her to relax as he stroked her higher and higher. Soun slipped into a teasing mood. Then all at once Soun stood up moving away from the girl. At his foot rest near his mattress. Leaving Ranma for only a moment the man worked quickly finding the toys he was searching for. Returning to her quickly he sat down, caressing Ranma's arms. Then in one quick movement Soun moved, shackling Ranma's wrists. With a skill learned from years of practice Soun quickly slipped a pair of thick leather cuffs on Ranma. The inside resting against her flesh was fur covered, the manacles' only submission to comfort. In almost no time the redhead arms we secured in front of her. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma's mind stayed in it's dazed state as Soun's hands wondered all over her body, caressing and touching her in all the right places. She's lost conscious control of herself and acted not unlike a cat in the throes of a catnip high. Writhing her supple body against Soun, trying to keep as much of her skin in contact with him as possible. When he lifted himself from her, she arched her back and mewled in protest, lifting her arms out toward his retreating form. A small purr of pleasure escaped her as he returned, running his talented fingers over her arms. She felt the heavy leather cuffs in his hands being placed around her wrists, and for the first time in several minutes her mind registered something other than her raw pleasure. Ranma blinked, fighting to regain consious control of herself as she fixed her lust blurred eyes on her wrists. "wha?" she mumbled. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Taking the cuffs, Soun locked a leather cord to the steel ring that bound the item together. Now with a leash attached to Ranma's trapped hands Soun pulled, using a pulley that had been built seamlessly into the wall above his head. Pulling tightly the redhead's arms were forced up over her head causing her to arch her back. Securing the cord Soun left no slack for Ranma's comfort. "Now my dear, we move on to more fun." Taking his time, Soun left Ranma alone returning to his footlocker. Throwing open the top he looked at Ranma, letting her see him in all of his naked glory. Then crouching he began to remove items. It looked liked his moves were only half hazard, but the man knew what he was doing everything he did was calculated to make the redhead sweat. Removing several penis shaped items Soun tossed them all carelessly at Ranma's feet. Then many more leather items followed, some looking like the cuffs around the girl's wrists. Other could only be explained by use. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma was slow to react to Soun's actions. So by the time she was fully aware that something strange, stranger than what had gone before that is, she was well secured with her hands pulled tightly against the wall above her head and her weight dragging down on them. She craned her neck to look back at Soun. She was not yet protesting. She'd been tied up before for training purposes, so it was not outside her experience. Her eyes widened, however, when Soun began pulling... things, out of the footlocker. She flinched as he tossed several man shaped things at her legs and she could not help but look down at them where they were resting, or think about what their shape implied. Was he going to stick those things in her? she thought with a touch of uncertainty. She pulled at the bonds that secured her, and quickly judged them to be well beyond her strength to break. As the pile of things removed from the box grew, and some of them looking strange, and in the situation, a bit scary, she could not keep from asking, "What are you going to do?" Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "I'm going to teach a sneaky little boy not to fool his betters." Soun sat down on the foot of his bed. Reaching out he captured Ranma's ankle and using his greater body strength Soun held her foot in place long enough to place leather band. Using his size he easily tied Ranma's feet to the corners of his mattress, again using well hidden pulleys. "You made me look like a fool," he said as Ranma's legs were spread wide into a large V shape. "You didn't tell me that you were really a boy..." Soun placed a finger against Ranma's calf and began to run it up towards the girl's core. "If you want to pretend to be a girl, I'll show you how girls get treated." With that Soun picked up a long thin leather rod. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger "Hey now," Ranma protested weekly. She still felt guilty over not revealing her curse to Soun. She was also still annoyed at the way she'd almost screwed up her chance at training earlier by rejecting Soun's training earlier. So her one thin protest was therefore the only one she voiced as she shivered at his touch, and watched wide eyed as he picked up the leather switch. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun stood over Ranma pressing the stirrup against Ranma's nipple. Pressing firmly he pushed left ad right rolling the hard nub of the redhead's tit. The man didn't say a word, he just teased the girl's breasts. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma's tits were swollen and sensitive, and the cold stirrup against her hot flesh caused her to gasp and arch her belly in an attempt to draw back from it. Her pert ass clenched with the movement and a shiver went through her whole body. "Ahhhh, that's cold," she gasped. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun just stood over the girl running the leather across her breasts. It was enjoyable doing this to the girl. Ranma's acceptance to what was happening to her was something nice. This girl really was special to the point the man wondered if more then Ranma's body was affected by her curse. "Well little girl, shall we play?" Reaching down he picked up one of the dildos. The thick green gel cock as long as his forearm. Taking it he lightly tapped Ranma's lips with it's tip. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma's eyes widened and her pupils dilated wide as she stared down her nose at the thing Soun was tapping against her lips. "That's too big!" she protested before she could stop herself. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota When Ranma's opened her mouth to speak Soun attacked. The fake cock forced it's way into her mouth the thick bulbous head sliding down the girl's tongue to rest at the back of her throat. Then the man while holding the end of the shat in Ranma's mouth used his free hand to secure a leather throng. It took a little bit of care but Soun managed to secure the gel-dildo in Ranma's mouth like a gag. Testing it once Soun pulled to see if the faux-cock would slide from the redhead's lips. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger "mmmmfffffffff," Ranma protested, shaking her head to try and dislodge the object in her mouth while at the same time pushing against it with her tongue. Neither had any effect on the thick rubbery object. But, as her tongue shoved against it, the shape registered as familiar, just like Soun's, if much bigger, and not as tasty. She bit down on it, but while her teeth sank in, they rebounded as soon as she relaxed, doing no damage. As she shook her head Ranma's upper body shimmied back and forth, causing her big breasts to dance in a distracting manner, and not just to an outside observer. Her tits were swollen with arousal, and very sensitive and their bouncing sent a thread of desire right down to her belly where her pussy, already wet, became even more so. This was because Ranma was remembering that every time Soun did something new to her, it ended up feeling really good in the end. That thought was the one that made her stop fighting the gag and settle down. She twisted her head to look back at Soun, her eyes wide with the question, what now? Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "Ranma, don't waste the opportunity, you have a cock in your mouth. Drink from it, and practice when you can." Picking another dildo up, Soun put it into one of Ranma's captured hands. "This is a training exercise Ranma." Putting another gel-dong into Ranma's free hand. "You've just been grabbed by a bunch of sex starved boys. We both know you can take care of yourself, but without knowing what you're missing you might pass up an enjoyable session. Now use your fingers to massage the shafts in your hands." "Now you little slut, work those cocks or pay the price." Folding his feet underneath himself he man settled sitting between the redhead's legs. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma suddenly understood, what Soun was talking about. Well, some of it. She didn't see how letting a bunch of boys molest her could be enjoyable, but after her experience with Akane she was willing to concede that sex was a good weapon for a girl. Just because she didn't need it, didn't mean she shouldn't learn it. On the other hand, Genma had never been big on using fake weapons to train her. This exercise would be a lot better if it were real boys. For one thing, the dildos in her hand were hard to stroke, with no boy attached they simply moved with her hands when she tried tentatively to pump her hands up and down. She settled for simply squeezing and relaxing her hands. At the same time her cheeks hollowed as she applied pressure to the cock-gag in her mouth. She was so involved in trying to coordinate three things at once, that she was only distantly aware of Soun's activity behind her. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Picking up a small silver colored vibrator, Soun began to smother it in lube. As Ranma foolishly allowed herself to be distracted by the dildos in her hands, Soun moved to his hands and knees. With the straps pulling Ranma's legs up, her rear was off the mattress giving his easy access too... "You let yourself be distracted Ranma." He said just before shoving the small toy completely into the redhead ass. Only it cord remained visible, and a means to remove it later. Waiting no time Soun turned it on full power. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma had just enough time to vocalize 'huh' to herself, before she felt herself being invaded. Her eyes widened as far as they could go, and she jolted forward against her bonds, her breasts slapping into the wall and sqooshing flat for a second. Sweat broke out on her forehead, and she gave a low moan into her gag as the thing in her rear started buzzing and itching to beat the band. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun grunted in appreciation at Ranma's reaction. "So the little cock- sucker doesn't like it up her ass does she?" Soun's hand come down with a powerful smack against Ranma's exposed rear. His hand hit her so hard a print of the cord to the vibrator was left against her skin. "Now, do you like it like this!?" Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger "Umf," Ranma grunted into her cock gag. Her ass stinging from Soun's slap, her hips twisting in an instinctive effort to dislodge the thing that was buzzing in her butt. Sweat continued to bead on her head, and her entire body started to glisten slightly from the sheen of moisture appearing on it. Her hand clenched hard around the fake cocks in her hands, not on purpose, but in reflex. She tossed her hair, her pig-tail lashing back and forth. The thin thread holding it tightly tied came loose and flew across the room allowing her tightly compressed hair to start unraveling, sending a flood of crimson across her pale shoulders. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Watching Ranma's hair come undone, Soun lost control of his lusts. Taking his re-hardened shaft into his hand he guided himself into Ranma's wet opening. The head of his cock easy passed between the walls of Ranma's core. With is earlier teasing Ranma's body was wet and accepting, of his love. With one forceful thrust of his hips, the man drove himself deeply in. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma pressed tightly against the wall, partly on her own, and partly from the force of Soun thrusting into her body. At least this new sensation was a familiar one, even if she'd only experienced it for the first time a few hours previously. Her eyes closed and she pressed a cheek against the wall as she felt herself being spread and filled by Soun's cock. Her body was more than ready for her, and the feeling was thrilling, and a bit to her own surprise, made even more so by the buzzing thing in her butt. It seemed he'd known what he was doing when he'd jammed it up there. Not that Ranma gave much thought to analyzing her new anal sexuality. She was too busy experiencing the moment. She moaned around her cock gag, alternatively bitting down on it and sucking it, not really a good thing for her to be learning, but it did give her a mean to express the overwhelming sensations that were running through her body. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun Began with a few powerful thrusts, driving the impaled redhead against the wall. His cock buried it's self fully into Ranma's core, his hardness expanding and filling the folding of her flesh. Soun loved this first moment of taking a woman, her body unsuspecting of what he was doing. For the first few cycles of his hips Soun felt Ranma bounced like a rag doll. The unsuspecting girl had been taken, her wet pussy clenching him involuntarily. But quickly Ranma began to adapt, he could feel her body responding to his. On her own Ranma's weight adjusted to the fucking and quickly she moved with the man in an effort to prolong each thrust. "So the boy likes it like a cat in heat doesn't `he'. You are such an easy slut Ranma." Letting his anger over Ranma's earlier deception creep into his voice Soun began to talk dirty. "When were through here, I bet you'll let me rent you to any guy who wants some?" Soun leaned over Ranma his hands going to Ranma's breasts. Capturing the swaying mounds he held on for two reasons. The heavy mounds of Ranma's breasts, gave him traction to stay with the girl. His fingers tightened upon the breasts, as if they were hand grips. The second reason was it allowed him more control over the girl's body. Soon he had Ranma slowed down to a slow but powerful series of rocks. His balls slapped against flesh endlessly as the muffled sounds of their fucking filled the home. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma writhed under Soun's assault, but whether she was trying to escape, or join in the fun, even she didn't know. He felt so big inside her. So good. She wanted to keep doing what she was doing all night. But on the other hand, her nature made her fight against her bonds, struggle against the effect he was having on her. Her breasts ached from his grip, but at the same time, they seemed to send a line of fire straight to her groin. Her poor cunt ached as well. From his hard solid fucking. But the ache was as much one of need as one of pain. Her belly felt full of heat. She wanted, wanted so bad. Just what, she was not really sure, only that Soun was giving her part of what she wanted. Even as she pulled against her bonds, her hips slapped back against Soun as she instinctively tried to match his rhythm. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Soun pulled Against Ranma's breasts with every thrust. The mounds upon the girl's chest were practically mauled by his strong fingers. Every time Soun thrusted in, he pulled the redhead's breasts back, shoving and dragging the girl in two separate directions. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma made sharp little grunting noises as Soun fucked her. She felt like she was ready to explode from latent pleasure. Each thrust of his shaft seemed to fill her belly with molten metal, bubbling and boiling away. Straining her body against her bonds only seemed to make the feeling more intense. Magnifying the mental aspect of the sex. Her breasts ached from Soun's mauling, but it was a good ache. One that filtered right down into her bones, and flowed down to join the pool of fire in her loins. She would swear she could feel Soun's fingerprints, so hard was he holding her tits. And to think she'd hated them when she'd first gotten them. Hell, she'd hated them when she's first got to the Tendo's. But Soun and Akane had both showed her how much fun they could be to have. Under her pleasure, a part of Ranma's mind was noting what good handholds tits made, and marking it down as something to try the next time she was a he, with a she. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota All at once Soun added a new motion to his thrusting. No longer just going in and out of Ranma hot wetness, Soun pulled his hips upwards at the end of each cycle. Now every time he dove into Ranma sheath with his blade of manly might Soun brought the redhead up starching her inside. The girl was tight, as tight as she had been her first time Soun thought. This was a pleasure he doubted he would ever grow tired of. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma moaned softly as Soun's cock stretched her cunt in new directions. It hurt a little, but also felt really good. Not surprisingly given Ranma's outlook on any sort of physical activity. "No Pain, No Gain" might have been Genma's unofficial training mantra. So, her feelings about Soun causing her a little pain was that it was perfectly natural, and a sign that they were really accomplishing something. Not that she was able to rationalize it in those precise words. Given her current state of mind it was more along the lines: Hurt! Good! More! Her small body shook with the force of Soun's thrusts, and with her own amateur attempts to match his movements. Her ass clenched and squeezed and vibrated as she tried frantically to bring herself off once again. She was so close, so close. so cllllllllllloooooooooyeaaaaaaaaaaa! Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Pulling out of Ranma with a sudden tug, Soun quickly moved away. Pulling on the coard attached to the vibrator in Ranma's rear, he forcefully pulled it free. All at once Soun left the tied and gagged Ranma alone. "There now," he said his voice rough. "The boy really does like it like a girl, doesn't he." Once more Mr. Tendo was thinking of ways to punish Ranma for tricking him. "Well I think I'd better leave you alone for now... Let you think about what it means to be a woman." He had no intentions of doing that, but for the moment he wanted ranma to beg like cat in heat. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger For someone who'd never dreamed of actually being fucked by a guy till only twelve hours before, Ranma felt completely empty and wanting when Soun withdrew from her. She had experienced a small orgasms, but like peanuts, you can never have just one. She'd been heading toward another when the piston pumping her motor stopped. For a few seconds her ass hunched backward as she arched her back and tried to regain what it had lost. Only slowly did Soun's words register. "Nummmm," she cried into her gag. Shaking her head and fighting her bondage to peer over her shoulder at the departing Soun. It had just been getting good. She could still feel phantom tingles in her cunt from Soun's recent presence there, but it was no substitute for the real thing. With only her eyes to speak with, she put on her best puppy dog expression. The one that she'd discovered was a passport to free food. Maybe it would work for fucking as well. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota Walking naked through the home, Soun gave his erection no thought. Calmly he entered the kitchen and quickly got himself a glass of water. Drinking it he rolled his neck unlosing his tensed muscles. Streaching he gave himself a few moments before finishing off his water. Just before he left he stopped and grabbed a quick bite, knowing the energy would soon be needed. Guessing he had left Ranma to stew in her needs for long enough Soun returned to the room, making sure to not look at the redhead. Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma pulled at her bondage, but the expert ties defeated her, and the heavy catches, designed to hold Akane, resisted her effort to pull them free of the wall. She felt embarrassed and scared to death that someone would walk in and discover her like this. She was also feeling sexual frustration at being left hanging, as it were. She was unable to stop thinking about her situation in a sexual context, knowing how vulnerable she was to anyone that might happen upon her, though it was unlikely it would be anyone other than Soun. Her body became more aroused, and frustrated, and she almost moaned with need when Soun returned, only barely keeping her need for him quite. Re: Flashback: That night Austin_S_Dakota "Well that was fun." Soun said addressing her absently. "I hope you enjoyed yourself," he added knowing full well Ranma was no where near done. Walking over to the edge of what the redhead's bounds would allow her to move the elder man sat down, and then laid back. Lacing his fingers behind his head he looked up and smiled. "Thanks for getting me off, you're a fine fuck-toy. Ahh woman are so great, made only to service a man" "I mean, all women are nothing more then whores Ranma." Realizing something about the redhead, Soun decided to try one of his Master's old games. "But you, I mean come on. You're a slut like no other I've even encountered. Sure the only thing a woman is good for is the slit between their thighs, well all know that. But I can't believe how much you love being used. I mean come on you're still dripping at the thought of being fucked, all you care about is cock." "Don't lie girl, I can see it in your eyes. Everyone can. When you go out, I know every woman looks at you and knows your a slut. Despite the fact they all are, they can tell you take great pride in your lose ways. In you they see themselves, but with out control the dirst base creature they pretend not to be. And men, by the gods it is wondeful to see such a tramp. It's rare that you can just see a slut for what she is, but Ranma we all know that you'll do anything to get some shaft. To look at you is to know you'll take it anyway you can get it. I bet by this time next week you'll be on your knees sucking off some guy you don't even know." Re: Flashback: That night T.H. Tiger Ranma started to quiver with anger as Soun talked. How dare he! She was not just good for one thing! Sure, she'd loved being fucked, but she wasn't going to let it be her whole life. Fucking girls as a guy was great too, and she sure wasn't going to give that up. The anger continued to bubble in Ranma as she began to fight against her chains, her whole body thrashing and squirming. If she hadn't been so angry, Soun's words might have cut right to the bone. Or, maybe it was because he was saying things that reflected unformed prejudiced in the back of Ranma's mind that she was so angry. In any case, Soun's words were having an effect. She'd never crawl to a guy, never kneel for one. If they wanted her body, they'd have to take it. She'd never give it away. Growls came out from behind the gag in her mouth as she continued to fight, glaring at Soun with ice-cold eyes. [END]