RANMA HENTAI RPG AND FICTION - 1: thread 2 > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ranmahentairpgandfiction/ Compilation by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM MAIN THREAD'S START] Re: Pigs and Lost Boys Louis F. Perico Ryoga sighs, "I'll tell you...actually I'll show you, but PLEASE dont tell Akane..." Ryoga then tries to get to the bath again, nearly getting smacked for grabbing the door to Ukyou's bedroom. He then opens the door to the bathroom, with the furo still hot. And, of course, Ukyou's laundry basket, which was tipped over. "I slipped on the floor coming out of the furo..." He then saw her look, seeing that she was NOT convinced. "I had to use the furo...to change...[tears were now streaking on his face]...from this!" He turned on the cold water on himself. Moments later, the human VANISHED, and rustling in the clothes came out P-chan again, still with tears in his eyes... T.T Re: Pigs and Lost Boys angel_katsuragi When Ryouga jumped in the furo, I epected him to come back up and tell me that this was how the panties got wet, but instead... a little black piglet hops out of the tub, with huge tears in its eyes. My eyes widen as I notice the orange and black bandanna on the pigs neck... the same bandanna P-chan wore... or more specificly, the bandanna RYOUGA wore. "Wh-what the hell?!" I stumble backwards over the laundry basket, sending myself flying along with about a dozen random under garments. I land heavely on my rear, and the underwear fluttler gracefully to the ground, one pair landing softly on my head. I point at the pig with a twitching finger, not noticing the shooting pain that landing so hard on my butt has given me. "R...Ryouga...?" I stammer. The pig pulls its bandanna over its face so I won't see the shame there. Shaking my head to clear it, I stand up slowly and walk over to the small black animal sitting on the edge of the furo. I pull the bandanna away and look into P-chan's large teary eyes. "It is you... isn't it...?" I say with a bit of wonder in my voice. -=So thats why P-chan always made me feel so comforted when he was around...=- I smile gently and pet his cute little head. "Of course I won't tell..." I wisper gently. I see the little piglets eyes light up as I say this, and I giggle little. I grab him a tissue and hold it up to his snout. "Here..." As the piggy blows his nose, I relize something else... I hadn't grabbed a tissue... I'd grabbed another pair of panites! Re: Pigs and Lost Boys Louis F. Perico P-chan blew his nose, felt a lil better...until he saw that it was another pair of PPPP PANTIES! O.O He fainted backwards, bounced a few times, the *SPLOOSH* right into the furo again, making him a man once more... Re: Pigs and Lost Boys angel_katsuragi "Oh no!!" I maon, as I notice that I'd grabbed another pair of panties. "P-ch- I mean Ryouga!" I stutter as he falls backwards into the furo. "Oh no! He fainted!!" Gasping, I run over to the furo, expecting the have to pull a drowning pig from my tub. Instead, I find myself faced with the task of pulling a drowning MAN from my tub. A very NAKED drowning man. "Ah!" I jump back, surprised. I stand there and think for a moment. "He's going to drown if I don't do something..." I wisper to myself. I glance back into the furo, thinking maybe it was a trick of the light, and Ryouga wasn't really naked. But, alas, he was bare as the day he was born... except for that bandanna (although I wouldn't be surprised to hear he was BORN with that thing..). "I have to do something!" I groan to myself. I turn my face, not looking at his body, and reach down. I grab him behind the shoulders and pull him gently out of the tub, being careful not to hit his head on the hard side. I place him lightly on the floor, and cover him with a blanket from the laundry basket. As I pull the blanket to his feet, I see a bulge near his midsection. I blush deeply, and turn my head quickly. Hurring back to the furo, I run lukewarm water over a cloth and fod it gently over Ryouga's forehead. My eyes keep wanting to return to that spot in the blanket, the one where the bulge is. "Ugh! Get a hold of yourself Ukyou!" Re: Pigs and Lost Boys Louis F. Perico Ryoga slowly came around, he felt his raging erection from his groin. "Mmmm...Ukyou...." he groaned a bit, then opened his eyes, his cheeks hot and blushing. "Um...thanks, Ukyou...I'm sorry about the mess..." Re: Pigs and Lost Boys angel_katsuragi I gasp slightly as Ryouga sits up, the bulge in the blanket becoming a tent. I quickly turn around and sit facing the opposite wall, my entire body glowing a bright red. "Um... n-no problem Ryouga..." I stammer. "It was m-my plea--" I stop my self from completing that sentence and clamp my hand over my mouth. "Well, uh.... what I mean is..." I fidget allitle, my insides growing warmer by the second. "I'm glad your okay..." -=Oh god... whats going on....?=- I tried to think of Ran-chan to rip my mind from Ryouga, but all I could think about was what I saw... the bulge that could only be one thing... "Um.... Ryouga..." I squeeze my thighs together, feeling a slight tingle there. "I um... have to use the bathroom..." I mumble. I then relize that we're IN a bathroom. "Um... do you mind... standing outside for a second...?" I ask nervously. "I'll see if I can find you some dry clothes after I'm done, okay..?" Re: Pigs and Lost Boys Louis F. Perico Ryouga was crimson himself, and was now noticing the chef's nice ass... *HEY! WHAT ABOUT AKANE??* his mind screamed. *Never mind her, she sees you only as a friend* came another voice within his head. Trying his best to get up, he wrapped the soggy blanket around him, saying, "Oh...Yeah! Yeah, lemme just step on ouWOWOWOW!" Alas, the floor was wet and scattered with clothes, Ryoga slipped on a wet bra, inadvertently crashing into Ukyou, sending her up, then back down atop of the lost boy. "OOF!...Ohmigod, Ukyou! I'm so sorry! Are you allright?" Ryouga asked in concern, not realizing he had lost the blanket in the process... Re: Pigs and Lost Boys angel_katsuragi Hearing Ryouga's yell of surprise, I turn around just in time to see him slipping and sliding towards me! "a-AH!!" Ryouga slind into my feet, sending me flying into the air. "Whoa!!" I land a second later, on something softer than the hardwood floor I should have landed on... I relize a second later that I'd landed on top of Ryouga. "owww..." I rub my shin where his foot caught me. "Damn, that hurt..." I look at Ryouga, relizing that his nose seems to be bleeding again. "Um.. are you alright Ryouga...?" I see a second later why he's bleeding.... his towel was on the other side of the room! "AHHH!" I scream, jumping off of him quickly. "R-R-Ryouga!! You're... NAKED!!" Re: Pigs and Lost Boys Louis F. Perico O.O "Gah!" he cried out, looking for SOMETHING to hind behind, but since there wasnt one, he simply curled up, becoming a ball of blushing flesh. "Ukyou, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a perv...I'm sorry..." He covered his face, still VERY embarassed. Re: Pigs and Lost Boys angel_katsuragi I covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to laugh. "It... its okay Ryouga..." I said with a small giggle. "I know it wasn't your fault, I shoulda expected that anyway." I'd seen Shampoo transform a few times, so I knew that with a smaller creature turned back into a human, all their clothes would be gone. After all, a shirt woun't fit a pig, will it? I stand up shakely, limping alittle on the ankle Ryouga slid into. "How about I make you something to eat?" I smile as I toss him a pair of shorts out of a nearby hamper. "There's a shirt in there too, help yourself! And don't worry," I say with a wink. "This is a panty-free hamper!" I hurry to the kitchen, and noticing everyone else is gone, begin to make a couple of okinamiyakis. "Hmm..." I reach into my front pocket and find the packet of spice Shampoo dropped. "Well, it SMELLS nice... maybe it'll taste good too!" I sprinkle it into the sauce mix, and stir it in. Ryouga walks in with his face still alittle red by the time I'm taking the pizzas out of the oven. "Sit on down!" I toss the okinamiyakis on the table. "No one else is here, so I only made two." Kawaii Chef, Great Food Louis F. Perico He managed to walk his way downstairs and sits, glad that the table covers his crotch. He digs into his okonomiyaki, and SMILES. "This is GREAT, Ukyou! And it has a zesty kick to it too...did you add a new flavor or something?" he asks. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food anonymous09556 Ranma walked in scowling. The Nekohanten had turned out Instant- Nannichuan-free. He looked up glumly and waved. "Hey, Ucchan. Hey, Porky." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food angel_katsuragi I smile at Ryouga's reaction to my cooking. "Well... I found a little something in back.." I say with a giggle. It wasn't TECHNICLY a lie, but I didn't want him to know that I'd kinda stolen it from Shampoo... well, finders-keepers. "I'm glad you like it! Is it really that good?" I say as I watch the boy devour the okinamiyaki. I take a bite myself, chewing slowly. My eyes pop open and I drop my fork suddenly. "This is WONDERFUL!!" I exclaim. I try another slice and find it to be equally tasty. I notice that it warms me to my core... kind of like sake, but without leaving you drunk in the process. But... I did feel something... a tingly feeling. I feel my face grow crimson and my breath quickens alittle. I glance at Ryouga, and finally feel where the tingling is coming from. I rub my thighs together, trying to ebb the flustered feeling I had. Suddenly, the door opens and Ran-kun strolls sullenly in. "Uh... h-hi Ran-chan..." I stammer, the feeling getting worse when I see him. -=What in the Nine Hells...?! Whats going on?!=- I feel beads of sweat forming on my brow, as I glance from Ryouga to Ranma. -=Th-the spice!!=- I gasp with horror. -=That wasn't spice!! That was an intoxicant!=- Although I've figured out why I'm feeling this way, its doing nothing to prevent the surge of passion welling up inside me. Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico The spice was having an effect on Ryouga as well. *Gods...i loved Akane, but i want Ukyou...i WANT her so MUCH! Ukyou's been so good to me...* Ryouga stopped thinking and started doing! He grabbed Ukyou, KISSED her fiercely, then picked her up like a groom carrying his bride over the threshhold, then dashed upstairs with the kawaii spatula girl to her room, locking it, then locking their mouths in another hot kiss! Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 Male Ranma blinked. Then blinked again just to make sure. "Well, one down," he muttered softly. He blinked back tears. Ever since they'd been split, his emotional state felt somewhat skewed. He turned to leave, then paused. Wait a second... *Pig boy was wandering around with Ucchan's panties earlier...* If Ucchan was a willing partner, then he shouldn't interfere. If not... His expression darkened as he pursued the Lost Boy to who-knew-where. They could, after all, end up in NYC for all we know... Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi Ryouga surprised me when he litterily flew over the bar. "Ryo-- mmmff!" His sudden kiss cut me short, causing me to speak the rest of his name into his mouth. -=n-NO!! Whats going on!!=- My mind screamed. I tried to push him off of me, but my body wouldn't respond! I glaced over with panic-stricken eyes at Ranma, who was just stareing open mouthed. "Ran....chan..." I wispered when Ryouga picked me up and carried me back up the stairs. Surprisingly, we didn't get lost, and soon we were in my room. Ryouga placed me on the futon and quickly locked the door. My mind was in a panic! What was I doing?! What WAS that stuff I put in the sauce?! Before I can formulate an answer, Ryouga turns to me again with lust filled eyes. - =Oh no.... my...my body...=- I could feel the spice taking effect on me as well. I hadn't eaten as much as Ryouga, but it seemed to be enough to stimulate my body! My eyes clouded over with a mixture of panic, confusion, and utter passion! Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "Ucchan?" Ranma knocked lightly on her room door. "You okay in there?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga slowly got atop of Ukyou, kissing his way up and caressing the young chef's body. Once he was fully atop of the spatula girl, he said, "I want you, Ukyou....I want you so BAD it it HURTS!" The Lost Boy then kisses Ukyou again, his tongue probing into her mouth, allowing more of the spice to enter her body. He grinded his hips into hers, letting the kawaii chef know that Ryouga was INDEED healthy... Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi A blush covers my face as Ryouga climbs on top of me and kisses me roughly. I try vainly to break away from his grasp, but even if my body weren't weaked by spice, there was no way I'd be able to escape his strong hands. I hear Ranma knock on the door and ask if everythings okay, and my heart leaps. "Ran-ch--!" I'm cut off when Ryouga kisses me again, his tongue entering my lips and rubbing roughly against my own. I can feel my resolve weakining as the spice takes its final and utimate efects. "R-Ryouga...." I wisper when he ends the kiss. "I.... I don't k- know whats going on...." tears well up in my eyes. "D-do you know what your doing...?" I don't want to admit it to myself, but I was beginning to want him as well. -=You were saving yourself for Ran-chan...=- a little voice in my head echos. -=I.. I know.... but...=- Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "Ran-ch--!" something cut her off. That was enough for Ranma. BAM! The door went flying across the room as he entered, his aura blazing dangerously. The _last_ time he looked this pissed would be right around the time he thought Saffron had killed Akane. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga replied, "Of course I do...I love you, Ukyou, and I..." and thats when the door bashed in. Ryouga turned and was NOT a happy camper. "DAMMIT, RANMA! You already have Akane, so you CANT HAVE UKYOU!" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "_I_ have no feelings for Akane. I've noticed it ever since the split. She's just a friend to me, Ryouga. Your rival is my other half." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga replied, "Oh really? Then tell me why you decided to bash in on us, hm?" [pig-boy's so clueless sometimes...-_-] Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 He blinked for a moment, "What do my lack of feelings for Akane have to do with Ucchan?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I blinked tears out of my eyes and smiled weakly up at Ryouga. "You.... you love me...?" I wisper. Suddenly, the door of my room seemed to cave in on itself and fly into the opposite wall. "Waa!" I scream, as the crumpled remains of the door zoom past my head. Ranma burst in, his aura seeming to cause the walls of the doorframe to scorch. I listen to the short conversation between Ranma and Ryouga, and blink suddenly when Ranma says he has no feelings for Akane. I look into his eyes, eyes full of anger at the moment, and the spice seems to leave my body momentarily. "You're a monster..." I wisper, fear audible in my voice. I relize that the male half seems to be the desire for violence in Ranma's heart. "You loved Akane!" I shout, surprised by my own words. I look down at my hands. "You... you did love her... we could all see it..." I wisper. "The split couldn't have had that much of an effect!" I hug Ryouga tightly, not relizing what I'm doing, but seeking some kind of comfort nonetheless. "Why... why did you change so much...?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "I am the logic, the honor, the pride, and the friend. My other half is the emotion, the self-sacrifice, the humility, and the love. Yin and yang, Ucchan. We're the same, yet completely different, but doesn't mean I would ever hurt you." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Holding onto Ukyou's hands that were wrapped around him, Ryouga replied, "So its more than just your curse being split...well, I cant explain what was going on here, since by YOUR own admission that your other half is the love...but you DO know honor, and you havent gained any by barging in here, so would you please leave...unless you have anything to add, Ukyou-chan?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "I'm here to protect my friend. What am I _supposed_ to think when you grab her, manhandle her up here, and she gets interrupted before answering me after politely knocking and asking if she's alright?" His gaze clouded as his brilliant aura filled the room. "And I ask again, how does my lack of feelings toward Akane have _anything_ to do with protecting Ucchan?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga paused for a moment, then said, "Well...ok, you have a point there...but i wasnt HURTING her, i SWEAR it!" Then looking back at Ukyou, he asked, "I didnt hurt you, did I Ukyou- chan?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi Still holding on to Ryouga tightly, I looked into his eyes.... eyes so full of love at the moment... I saw anger there too, but I knew that was directed at Ranma... "No Ryouga... you didn't hurt me.." My face turns a shade darker than crimson as I say this. "You.. you just surprised me, thats all..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 He looked between them and nodded slowly. "I... see. I should... go now," he choked out quietly. He blinked wet eyes as he pivoted and began to walk out. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I let go of Ryouga quickly when Ranma began to turn. "R-Ran-chan...." Tears began to form in my eyes as I watched him walk away, and with him, my chance of being with him. "I still love you..." I wisper softly. I stand up and hurry over to him and hug him from behind. "I love you!" I cry out weakly, my shoulders shaking from sobs. "But... I..." I turn back to Ryouga, who is looking at me with a worried expression. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "I understand, Ucchan," Ranma said quietly. Inside, he was confused. If he was right, then the other Ranma had all their love. So why did he feel like his heart was constricting? Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I hugged Ranma for all I'm worth, sobbing into his back. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner...!" I stood there, hugging someone who didn't understand the feelings in my mind and heart and had no power to comfort me. I release him reluctanty and smile weakly at him, tears still rolling down my cheeks. "I... I'm sorry... but... I think I'm going away for a while..." I bite my lower lip, trying not to burst compleatly into tears. "I need to think... about you... and..." I turn my gaze upon Ryouga, who is still sitting on my futon. "And Ryouga..." My heart ached when I saw the pained expression on both their faces. "Don't worry... I'm not leaving right now... but..." I clinch my fist. "I need to get away for a while..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico [ooc: oh MAN has this turned into a soap opera o.o] Ryouga reluctantly nodded, then said, "Um...I can help you pack...or if you need me to go, I can...but i'd need to find my clothes." He blushed a bit. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi **OOC** It has!! >D I smile at Ryouga when he offers to go with me. "No.. I have to go on my own... I won't be gone very long anyway." I look down and blush alittle. "Besides.... you'll destract me..." I look back up and smile gently. "But I will take you up on the offer to help me pack. I won't need much." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "Ucchan..." Ranma trailed off. He was still struggling to understand what he was feeling. He was the logic; of that he was certain. Wait... He stopped short. He was the logic, so did he... feel this way about Ukyou because she was the _logical_ choice? Because tricking old man Tendo into signing adoption papers would fulfill two of the engagements? The thought nearly made him sick. "I... I should go," he said again as he continued haltingly toward the door. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I felt bad watching him stumble out the door, looking as confused as I'd ever seen him. "Is.. is there anything I can do...?" I ask hopefully. "I just don't want to leave thinking I'd left you confused..." I look down at my hands again. "If theres anything I can do to help... just let me know, okay?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 He turned and looked at her. "I... wish I could tell you..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I saw the confusion in his eyes, and that made me want to help even more. "Ran-chan... you know you can tell me... we've known each other since we were kids..." I touch his shoulder lightly. "You've always been truthful with me.." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 Ranma sighed and shook his head, "I can't tell you because... because I don't know." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I look down. "Oh... well.. thats understandable..." I murmer. I smile weakly up at him. "Well... this is probably something you need to figure out on your own..." I sigh softly. "I have some stuff to figure out too.." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "Looks like we'll all be taking trips, huh, Ucchan?" he smiled faintly. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I smile faintly at Ranma, tears still staining my cheeks. "Looks that way... where are you headed...?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "I dunno. Anywhere, nowhere," he closed his eyes and pulled her close. He whispered quietly in her ear, "I thought the other me had our love. I guess... I might be wrong." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga was unable to say anything...not that he wanted to; it would make an already complicatedd situation worse! So he just stayed quiet and waited; he DID need Ukyou's help in finding HIS stuff, after all... Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi Surprised by this sudden gesture, I fall quickly on Ranma's chest as he hugs me lightly. I close my eyes and rest my head on his chest. -=So warm...=- I think to myself. When Ranma wispered in my ear, my eyes begin to fill with tears again. "R-Ran-chan...?" I look up at his strong face, which now seemed to be tormented by some hidden thought. "W-what do you mean....?" I wisper shakely. -=What do you think he means...?=- a voice in my head says matter-of-factly. -=I.. I don't know...=- Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "What do I mean?" he sighed. "I mean I... I mean this." He tilted her head up and kissed her gently. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi When Ranma's hand gently tilted my chin up, my heart gave a little flutter. When his lips touched mine in a gentleness not even I expected, my mind seemed to explode! I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck, but my body wound't respond! I was so shocked at Ranma's action that my mind didn't seem to understand what was going on. But, even if my mind didn't understand, my body did! My body feels like its on fire! When Ranma breaks the kiss, I just gaze at him with the most loving expression I can muster. "Ran-chan..." I don't say anyhing else, I just rest my head against his chest again, and gently wrap my arms around him. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Now it was RYOUGA'S turn to get pissed...and depressed too. "This world...its a cold and lonely place." And his chi begins to grow tremendously, the Shi Shi Hodoken [sp?] threatening to detonate... Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I shiver slightly as a chill runs up my spine. I turn around and see Ryouga, sitting on the futon, his head down, and his aura glowing dangerously. "Ry-Ryouga...?" He looks up slowly, hate visible in his eyes. I tremble slightly, suddenly afraid. "Ryouga... don't..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 Ranma looked up and stepped around Ukyou. "Watch it, pig-boy. If you hurt her..." His eyes promised a slow, painful death. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico The glow stopped, "I would NEVER hurt her, I LOVE her!!!" He yelled as he got on top of his feet. He calmed dwon for a moment, then said, "But, is it possible...is it even OK for her to love two guys?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I step away from Ranma slowly as Ryouga seems to calm down. "Thats why I have to leave for a while... I have to think about this.." I smile alittle. "After all, this is an important decision..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga nodded somelnly. "Ok...come on, Ranma, Ukyou, I need to find my stuff first." [if he's left by himself he will NEVER get out o.o] Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 "I know, Ucchan," Ranma replied quietly. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi "Well... I want to talk to both of you before I leave.... so I'll show Ryouga out Ranma... I have to give him his clothes anyway." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga blushed and smiled. "Thanks Ukyou-chan." he makes sure to hold her hand as they search through the restaurant to find his stuff. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 Ranma's breath caught when he saw them searching the building, hand in hand. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi -=I have to see which of them really loves me....=- I think to myself. Winceing, I think of how hurt Ranma will be when he finds out that Ryouga was first. Gathering my courage, I led him into the bathroom, where the water was still warm in the furo. "In here Ryouga... your clothes are here." He walks in slowly, seeing the indergarments still scattered everywhere. I hand him his clothes, still wet from falling in the water. Ryouga takes the clothes and starts towards the door slowly. I grab his wrist and hold him, gazing into his eyes. "Ryouga...." I wisper quietly. He looks rather confused, so gulping down my fear, I say quietly. "Don't go home tonight...." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga nods, then says openly, "Before I leave, I'll need to dry my clothes. I'll go so that you can talk to Ranma in private." He then winked at the kawaii spatula girl, then went downstairs with his wet clothes. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I look away, my grip on his wrist weakining as Ryouga begins to walk away. "I don't want to talk to him right now..." I wisper quietly. "I... I want to know..." He turns and looks at me questioningly, and I gaze into his dark eyes. -=He's so..... innocent...=- I think to myself. Abandoning all doubts, I throw myself at him, my tears flowing freely now. "I want you to stay here! With me..!" I sob into his chest. "Don't leave this room tonight.... please..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 Ranma sat morosely on the end of Ukyou's bed, trying hard to sort out his feelings. His nice little theory had just been neatly blown apart, and he was having difficulty constructing a new one. This bothered him. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga hugs her back, "Ok. I'm here for you...I wont leave you, Ukyou- chan." And just to reassure her, he lifts her chin gently, and kisses her softly on the lips. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi When Ryouga's lips touch mine, my heart gives a little flutter and my legs weaken. Wrapping my arms around him, holding him as well as holding myself up, I return the kiss. Soon, I feel something warm touch my lips. I part them slightly, and I'm surprised to feel that its Ryouga's tongue. Returning the gesture to te best of my ability, I probe his mouth with my tongue slowly. I break the kiss reluctantly and step slowly away from him. I reach up to my shoulders and undo the clasps on my mini-spatula holster, letting it fall heavely to the ground. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico O.O Ryouga's skin tingles as Ukyou's tongue explores his mouth, his hands caressing her back and neck. When she undoes the strap, his eyes bulge, his face blushes, his manhood stirs, not totally sure what to do next... Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi Continuing slowly, I begin undoing the top buttons of my uniform. I giggle alittle at the look on Ryouga's face as I'm doing this. "What, never seen a girl without a top on...?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico *GULP* "Er...no girl..." he gulped again. "No woman has EVER undressed for me before..." He quickly grabbed his nose, not wanting to bleed off again. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I blush slightly, relizing that I'm Ryouga's first. -=Well, he's my first too so....=- I drop the top of my uniform to the floor atop the holster, chest bare except for the wrap I always wear. "Well... then of course you've never undressed a girl, have you...?" I move to him and kiss his cheek lightly. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga swallowed again, then said, "Um...no...but there's a first time for everything...eheh" Ryouga went to her pants, pulled them down, allowed her to step out, then slowly felt her curvy legs, up to her thigh. "So soft...and smooth" he said breathlessly. Then he smelled something, not fully realizing that he was facing her panties. "Something smells...like peach?" unaware that the spatula girl's panties were soaking with her excitement... Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I blush crimson. "D-did you say.. peaches Ryouga...?" I look down quickly and see that my panties are slightly damp. "Um... Ryouga...?" I reach down and take his head in my hands gently. "Ryouga.... y-you have to finish undressing me..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico "F-f-finish?? Um....oh...ookkkay..." he stammers. His hands shake a bit as he begins to unwrap Ukyou's bandage. Once he finishes, and sees her ample cleavage and the erect nipples, he quickly grabs his nose to catch the blood that rushes there. "Ohmigod ohimgod ohmigod" he says in a muffled voice, the bandage quickly becoming red. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi "Ryouga!!" I hold a towel up to his face, trying to stem the flow of blood. "I'm sorry Ryouga... here, let me put a shirt on..." I reach into the hamper sullenly and pull out a brown shirt. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico "I...I'm sorry, Ukyou-chan...I guess I'm not much of a man, am I?" asked Ryouga dejectedly. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I can't help but smile at the look on Ryouga's face. "Don't ever say that Ryouga..." I hug him tightly, still holding the shirt, my bare breasts pressing up against his chest. "There's nothing wrong with a man who has fears or doubts about something..." I wisper. "As long as that man is willing to face his fear..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 Ranma stood and left the bedroom. Nature called, so he opened the bathroom door... and stared. Ucchan was topless and hugging Ryouga. He looked at her, and his eyes appeared... dead, betrayed. "You could have told me, Ucchan," he said quietly before he closed the door and turned away. He stumbled down the hall and finally came to sit at the top of the stairs. He would have fled further, but he doubted he could negotiate the stairs. Tears blurred his vision as the image replayed itself in his mind again and again. [TO FOLLOW RANMA, GO TO THREAD 3] Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico Ryouga smiled warmly, and got even more aroused as Ukyou's breasts were pressing against him, his hardness was straining against the fabric. He was about to say something, when Ranma stumbled it. Ryouga muttered, "You could have knocked first Ranma." Then he saw Ranma leave. Ryouga gave a look into Ukyou's beautiful eyes, then asked, "Ok, now what?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I look up suddenly and see Ranma... standing in the open doorway. He stares for a second, then his face takes on the most hurt expression I've ever seen. > "You could have told me, Ucchan." Those few words stung me to my very core. He turns quickly and shuts the door, and I can hear his uneasy footsteps echo down the hallway. I look down, and squeze Ryouga tighter, my eyes filling with tears again. - =This is going to kill both of us...=- I think sadly. -=But I have to keep going while I still have the nerve..!=- I look at Ryouga with tears streaming down my face, and see the love in those eyes. I smile alittle, and rest my head against his strong chest. "Well... for starters..." I say slowly. "You could kiss me again..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico *Part of me wants to beat Ranma to a pulp for making Ukyou cry...but she begged me not to leave her, and I promised that I would stay.* *When she told me to kiss her again, I lifted her chin, cleared her tears with my hands, and all I could get out of my mouth was: "Ok, Ukyou-chan ^_^." *I kissed her firmly again, our tongues met, a taste of blood, my blood, on each other's lips, but we ignored that. I held Ukyou close to me, her wonderful breasts pressed upon my chest [and imagine me, I'm not freaking out o.o!]. It gets uncomfortable only because my stiffening staff was poking into Ukyou's stomach, so I got her up, took of my shirt, then i swallowed as i saw her tits again in plain view. The amzing thing was...i wasnt spewing blood! I then mustered the courange to ask, "Ukyou-chan...may...may I...may I please touch your breasts? Er with my hands I mean...eheh..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I couldn't help but smile at the stupid grin on Ryouga's face. I hug him once again, and lean up to kiss his cheek. "Thank you..." I step back slowly and took his hand in mine. "So... you want to feel me..?" I purr. Moving his hand slowly up to my breasts, I see Ryouga's face grow pale as death and I'm afraid I'll be tasteing even more blood. But when his hand is firmly on my breast, the look passes and an expression of wonder crosses his face. I smile alittle, his hand sending wonderful little shocks though my body with each of his movements. "Now... what do you think you should do?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I'm amazed with the softness and fullness of Ukyou's breasts. I managed to stammer a reply, "Well, I...um...I guess I should...caress them?" I move my hands around Ukyou's cleavage, then I noticed she gasped a little when my hands ran over her nipples. "You liked that? Lemme try this..." I whispered into her ear as my thumbs encircled her nubs, twirling around and around. I lay kisses on her neck and shoulders in the process, smelling her wonderful hair. I ask between kisses, "Ukyou...would...would it be ok if...if you touched me?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I'm surprised by Ryouga's question. "Well... aren't we direct?" I ask with a small smile. The feeling of Ryouga's hands on my breasts was driving me slowly towards the border line and I was feeling more and more aroused every second. Without answering his question, I slowly slink my hand under the cuffs of his pants, rubbing and tickling his skin with my fingernails. I soon felt the object of my search: my hand met his swollen shaft. I gasped slightly, surprised by its size. - =Wow..! He didn't look this big in the furo!!=- I see Ryouga's eyes cloud over as I slowly wrap my trembling hands around his hardness, the flesh twitching slightly beneath my fingertips. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I try with all of my might not to burst; i dont want to be selfish in this game of touch. "Mmm...oh yesss..." i hiss out softly as she touches my member. I help her out a little by yanking down my pants, rendering me totally nude. I kneel back down to kiss her neck and fondle her wonderful cleavage, and i breathed heavily into her ear as she touched every inch of my organ, and whimpered as she caressed my sac. I then whisper into her ear, "What would you like me to do to you, Ukyou-chan?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I smile and kiss him, softly and lovingly. "Nothing.... not yet... I want to do something for you first..." I purr into his ear. Slowly moving my way down his body, I rain small kisses all over his warm skin. I stop just before I reach his crotch. I smile nervously up at him. I've never actually done anything like this before... this was as new to me as it was to Ryouga. But, I make up for my inexperence with a desire to please. I kiss the head of his engorged penis, slowly licking off the button of precum that gathers there. I feel his manhood stretch out to meet my every touch. Throwing away any regrets that may be fliting about my head, I take the first few inches of his harness into my mouth. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I gasp, "Ohmigod...your mouth!" My eyes are wide open, and I brace myself upon the wall as Ukyou suckled on my shaft. "oh Ukyou-chan...so good...yess...oh your mouth is so warm...so WET....oh..oh Oh?" I gasp yet again; this woman is filled with suprises! Why? I see her slowly taking my hard dick into her succulent lips, more and more...until her nose touches my pubic hairs. "Mmmmph!" I say behind clenched teeth and a bitten lip. I want the pleasure to last, but I dont know how much more i can stand! Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I smile around his thick manhood as I hear his ramblings. -=He's going crazy!=- I think. I laugh to myself and begin to move my head a bit. - =Well... lets see how long he lasts...=- I pull my head up untill just the head of his cock is in my mouth. I suck on it gently like a piece of candy, running my tongue over the bottom of it. I quickly thrust forward, again taking him all the way into my lips. I can feel the tip of his hardness tapping against the back of my throat, and this just makes me want to do more! Speeding up my pace, I begin to bob my head franticly, making the most obscene slurping sounds I'd ever heard. I take him out of my mouth and hold his cock on my hands. I lick up the bottom of the shaft slowly, letting him savor the feeling of my tongue. "Well... tell me how is is...?" I wisper as I rub his shaft against my cheek. Without waiting for a reply, I dive back onto him, savagely moving my head along his throbbing shaft. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I barely manage to say, "It's awesome" before Ukyou took me into her mouth again. I KNOW I can last much longer with Ukyou sucking away at my hard dick; she was now just using her mouth and tonuge on me, her hands digging into my tight ass. As I began to pant, I then worked my hips, amking myself as if I was fucking her sweet mouth. But I reached the point of no return; my balls felt tight, my cock swelled and throbbed. "Ukyou! Youre making me cum!" I cried, not sure if she would take my seed in her mouth. The only reply was that she gripped my butt harder, then SHOVED my cock into her throat. That did it. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" i roared out as my dick spewed its nectar. It twitched and twitched and twitched, and i felt Ukyou's throat at work. She was swallowing my seed! I gasped yet again at the sight and sensation of what this wonderful woman was doing to me. I then managed to collapse on the tile floor, panting, but she managed to stay on my dick, licking and sucking it, doing her best to revive it. "Oh Ukyou...that...that was incredible! I love you so much...how can I return the favor?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I'm taken totally by surprise by the amount of cum that shoots down my throat. It felt like someone was shooting a fire hose down my throat! I swallowed all of it I could, going to far as to aim his shaft down my throat. After what seemed like an eternity, the tide ebbed and the flow from his manhood stopped. Ryouga collasped on the floor roughly, leaning up against the tile wall. I take his cock from my mouth, stunned that it still retains its hardness. -=Martial Arts endurance....=- I shake my head. I grin at Ryouga's question. "So... you want to repay me...?" I purr. I lie down on my back next to him. "Well... what do you WANT to do....?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I reply back, "Well, I want to please you like you did with me...with mouth and tongue." I slid my hand across her smooth tummy, then to her panties. They were moist and sticky! I pull my hand back, feeling the slickness on my fingers...i then sniff them...then, i get bolder, and I lick them. O.O..."Wow...its good, Ukyou-chan." I say softly. "I DO know what I want to do!" I gently part her legs, with my hands on her panties, waiting for her approval. "I want to taste you, Ukyou-chan...just like you did with me...I want you to feel just as good as I did...will you let me?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I blush coveres my entire body as Ryouga's hand grazes my sex. "Umph.." I bite my lip to keep from letting out an animalistic moan as he pulls his hand away, a thin thread of honey still connecting his finger to my soaked panties. "R-Ryouga..." I wisper quietly. "Do.... do what you want...." I say with a brave smile. "I'm yours tonight..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I kiss Ukyou once on the lips. "Thank you, Ukyou-chan." And then I begin to lay a path of kisses down her body. A smooch on her chin... Kisses and soft bites to her neck and shoulders. Soft suckling kisses to each of her nipples, then around her breasts. I trace my tongue down her tummy, and licked her belly button. I smile as I get her to giggle. Then, I lift her silky legs, and peel off her soaked panties. I toss them aside as the go *plop* on the tiled floor. I gently spread her legs, seeing the wet slit there. I lie flat on my stomach, my face very close to her honeyed cunt. I tease her a bit by slowly blowing on her crotch, making her squirm. I then begin my oral ministrations by licking the muff, then the outer lips. As I spread her with my fingers, I see her juices glisten on the pinkness inside. I slowly scrape my tongue around, taking in her fluids. I then notice her clit, which i tease again with my breath...then i kiss it, then lick it, then suckled on it. Ukyou grips my hair as she pants heavily, and i have to stop, lest she rip and make me bald. A moment later, I resume my muff diving. I spread her lips again, and i slide my tongue into her snatch and... [insert noise of severe record scratch here] My eyes go wide. o.o REAL wide! O.O I then get up on my shoulders and look at Ukyou seriously. "Ukyou- chan... why didnt you tell me?" I ask. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi Tears form in my eyes. "Tell you what...? That I'm still a virgin?" I actually start crying. "Did you expect anything else...?" I slide up against the hard cold wall and pull my legs up to my chest. "Did you expect that I might have already had sex? That you weren't my first?" Tears streak down my face. "No one has ever seen my like this..." I wisper quietly. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I was a bit angry at first, but my heart softened. "Oh Ukyou-chan...." I come to her side, and hold her, wiping the tears away. "I didnt mean to make you cry... I...I guess that... Ohhh, dang it, i'll just spit it out... I love you, and I'll do anything to please you... but i CANT take your virginity... I dont have a condom, and I don't want to get you pregnant." I kisser her cheeks again, and then I say to her as I look straight into her gorgeous eyes, "I want to save... doing 'it'... for our wedding night. Is that wrong? Yes, I do want to settle down, and yes I want a family.. .but when the time is right...for both of us! Is it being too old fashioned for me to care about something thats special to both you AND me?" I hold her tight, and I say, "Please, Ukyou-chan... I'll do anything to keep you happy... but PLEASE don't make me take your barrier... please..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi As he hugs me, my trembling body slowly calms itself. "Ryouga..." I wisper shakely. I then bury my face in his bare chest, my body wracked with sobs. "I love you too! Oh, god I love you so much!!" As Ryouga poured his feeling out before me, my heart felt something that it never had before... I felt as if I'd found something I'd lost long ago... something dear and irreplaceable. I clutch at his warm body tightly, as if I'm afraid he'll just up and vanish. "Of course I won't make you..." I wisper gently, placing one hand lightly on his cheek. "I'd be happy if it were just you holding me like this..." Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico "Oh Ukyou-chan." I say as I lean in to kiss her again. We hold each other in a loving embrace, our tongues meeting... My eyes widen a moment. My seed! But then I close my eyes again, relaizing that she is tasting herself as well, so I increase the gusto on my kissing of this beautiful woman. My hands wander across her back, as she did with me. I layed back, she leaned forward, our nipples grazing upon each other. I manage to grab her soft buttocks, kneading them softly. It was then that i had Ukyou roll onto her back, and began to kiss my way back down again...but this time, I moved atop of her, with my hardening shaft sliding its way up her body, and now pointing at her face. "Do you want to try it like this, Ukyou-chan...i think this is what they called 69...want to?" Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I giggle softly, his member brushing gently against my cheek. "Of course I would... if it makes you happy..." I take the head of his throbbing cock into my mouth slowly, amazed that its still hard after it shot so much down my throat. I feel warm air blowing softly against the folds on my sex, causing me to wimper lightly around his hardness. As I slowly take more of him into my mouth, I feel my petals being slowly spread and a warm, damp object gently probing my depths. "Oh... oh god... what... what are you doing to me...?" I wisper quietly. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I moan softly as Ukyou sucks on my stiff member. I lift my head to answer to her with my own whisper. "I'm going to please you like I promised." I go back down on her slit, careful to not force my tongue too deep into her slit, but i spend more time suckling on her clit. Then, I suprise myself and her; I lick slowly down her slit, down to the bottom, then to the nub of flesh between her cunt and anus, then I spread her just a little more, and then, gaining boldness, i taste her rear flower, running my wet tongue around and around her anal opening. I feel my shaft getting more and more wet, and I feel her hands wander around my body in the process. I'm amazed that I am not shooting my load, especially with my manhood in her world-class cocksucking mouth... but I'm sure she will think of some way to retaliate to the new pleasure that I am giving her... Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi Suddenly, I feel the warm object leave my sex slowly. I begin to object, but I soon feel something else... something touching my rear lightly. I look down slowly and see Ryouga gently licking my rear. "R-Ryouga.... what're you--..." I break off midsentence and arch my back sharply. "Ryouga..!" I've never felt this sensation before! This was compleatly new feeling! And I loved it! "M-more!!" I wimper quietly, as his tongue invades my rear entrance. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico With my hands, I both pulled up and spread her asscheeks as I eagerly snaked my tongue into Ukyou's tight rectum, doing my best to give her the best rim-job that I can. "You like that, ne, Ukyou-chan?" I say briefly before resuming my toungue attack on her asshole. I feel Ukyou trying to reciprocate, but all she can do is lick my shaft and balls, in order to keep her mouth open for her sensuous moans. I gasp yet again as she licks away at the tip of my cock, probably to taste more of the pre-cum there. But fortunately, I came earlier, so I dont have to worry about bursting yet; thus, I keep up the pressure, noticing that my woman was reaching the point of no-return. *I wonder what her orgasm will be like?* I think to myself. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I feel a huge knot inside myself slowly releasing as Ryouga's tongue teases my rear. "R-Ryogua..." I wimper through clinched teeth. "I'm... I'm cumming...." I feel something surge out of me like a tidal wave, something I've only felt a few times, but always alone and never with this much force! I scream with pure carnal delight as I feel my body pour itself out for Ryouga. I want to pleasure him like he is me, but I can't focus my mind enough to take his wonderful shaft into my lips! Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico "Whoa!" My face gets splashed with Ukyou's nectar as her body shakes. I quickly latch onto her slit with my mouth, drinkin in as much of her fluids as she did with me. What seemed like an eternity, She finally heaves a gigantic sigh, and I know her orgasm had at last come to an end. I grab one of the towels, wipe my face clean, then I gently dry Ukyou's brow. I then roll up the towel so she can rest her head on it. "I'm glad you liked that, Ukyou-chan...and you tasted great, too." I say to her as I caress her skin. I notice that my hands have taken a greater interest in her tits, as I first fondle them, then begin to suckle on them. My hardon pokes at her thigh, eager for more attention. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi "R...Ryouga.." I wimper quietly, with a contented smile on my lips. "That... that was wonderful.." Tears began to flow slowly from my eyes, as my love began to carress my breasts softly. A musical little gasp escapes my lips, as I feel his warm tongue gently lap over my nipple. I hug his head tightly, feeling his silken hair tickle my cheek. I soon feel somthing else, something poking at my side. Looking down, I see his manhood rubbing my skin lightly. Reaching down with one hand, I take it between my fingers, slowly stroking his shaft. "Does little P-chan want Ukyou to help him with something?" I giggle quietly. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I moan pleasantly as Ukyou takes a grip of my slick hardon. I reply to my beloved's query, "Oh yes, please." I really dont have any idea of what she has in mind... she might just be jacking me off... which would be bad, since I'm so eager to feel that sensation of cumming again. But she has other ideas, as she tugs at my cock, then nestling it between her boobs. "Oh Wow! This really feels good, Ukyou-chan!" i say softly, feeling my stalk being wrapped by her ample cleavage. I begin to thrust in and out of the valley, my cockhead poking on her chin as i slowly plowed through her tits. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi I don't know what came over me, but my body just began to react all on its own and before I knew it, I had his throbbing manhood locked firmly between my heaving breasts. Ryouga's face suddenly took on a look of surprise mixed with utter delight as I stuck my tongue out and slowly ran it over the tip of his cock, its heat seeming to burn my tongue. I gasp as he begins to thrust, slowly at first, then faster, and the feeling of skin on skin was just madining! I can feel his shaft begin to jerk slightly between my breasts as he pumps between them, and I know that he won't last much longer. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico It was Incredible! Ukyou was jacking me off with her tits, and the sensation was out of this world! And to top it off, SHE was getting turned on as well! But when her tongue was licking the tip of my dick, it was driving me NUTS! "Oh, Ukyou, I LOVE IT! I love your tits!" i rapsed as I picked up the packe, fucking her excellent boobs with greater vigor. However, as much as I wanted to make this last, I just couldnt. Holding her tits tight, I felt my dick throb over and over, with gobs and gobs of my warm cum splashing over Ukyou's face, chin, neck, lips, and her tits. I was so caught up, I was not sure if she was yelling from her own orgasm or from me squeezing too hard. Once it stopped, then I heard a door slide open, and other footsteps, then the same footsteps leave. "What [pant pant pant]...what the hell? [pant pant]...was that?" he asked. Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! angel_katsuragi Leaning up slowly, I lick the remains of the sticky liquid from my lips and cheeks. Sitting up on my haunches, I smile contentedly, almost purring as I clean myself up. "Well... you seem to have enjoyed that, hmm?" The look on his face an in his eyes tell me that he enjoyed it like nothing else in his life. I lean forward and kiss his cheeks softly, lightly licking him with the tip of my tongue. "I enjoyed it too love..." -=THUMP THUMP THUMP=- I look up quickly, like a cat startled from its kill. "W-what was that?" Suddenly, the image of Happosai peeking into a nearby window enters my head, sending a shiver quickly up my spine. "Ouuu... if it is him, I'll shove him into an oven till his head explodes..." Standing up, I quickly wipe my upper body clean of Ryouga's semen and slip a shirt on. I open the door slowly and peek into the hallway. I don't see anyone, but something shiny catches my eyes. Walking aver to the table where the shiny thing is, I relize its a small ring with a thin slip of paper run through it. "Hm?" I pull the paper out of the ring and unroll it slowly. Scanning it quickly, I feel my fingers tremble slightly.* "W... what is this?" *Okay, I really have no idea what is in the letter, so if this reaction isn't acceptable, just ignore it. -^^- Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! Louis F. Perico I manage to find a dry towel, and wrap it around my waist, then stepped out. I walk my way into Ukyou-chan's room, and I only get a glance at the note, not really reading it. "That looks like Ranma's writing..." then i noticed the ring on the table. "What the..." Then ANOTHER realization came to me... I walked to the bathroom, and i came back to Ukyou's room. No problem. I went downstairs, then back; no problem. I even went to the kitchen's back DOOR, then all the way back to Ukyou's room! I then hug Ukyou tightly and cry out, "YATTA!!! I'M NOT GETTING LOST!!!" He then kisses Ukyou fiercely, not caring of the note or the ring or anyone else...except his dearest Ukyou-chan! Re: Kawaii Chef, Great Food, Hot Passion! anonymous09556 The letter reads: "Dearest Ucchan, You know I've never been good with these emotional things, so I'll be blunt. You loved me once, but I was a fool, and I didn't see what I had. Even as early as this morning, I was unsure how I felt about you. Ever since the split today, I'd been confused about how I felt... or even if I could feel. Now, I know. I love you, Ucchan, and I hope you're happy with Ryouga. I bought this ring for you. The symbol on it is supposed to be some European symbol for friendship. I hope, in the end, that we can at least still be friends. --Signed, Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Anything-Goes Martial Arts" Immediately after the signature is the symbol for "male." [END]