1/2 HENTAI RPG - 11: start > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ranmahentairpg/ Compilation by St Fan (well... a little more than that, actually) [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 8 THREAD 2] The new duo emerges! bigkimo2 It was a rather turbulent time in the heavens. Two divine beings were being given their first tasks. Eros. God years: 200. Human: 17. Brown hair, blue eyes, medium build. Wears a headband with a heart on the front, armed with a bow and blunted arrows. Sana. God years: 150. Human: 16. Blue hair, eternally changing eyes, 29C breasts, slim figure. Is constantly adorned in a cape no matter what the outfit, armed with a shinai. Both were potential cupids, and both were to go on their first assignment. Eagerly, they had gone to Metatron to hear their region... "Nerima Ward, Tokyo." Sana had been the first to speak. "Ano...Metatron-sama, isn't that where..." "...Ranma...is?" finished Eros. "Yes. You'll be going there to sort out this whole issue of multiple partners...it seems everyone is copulating with everyone down there, and Destiny will be very unhappy if one person ends up with someone they're not supposed to." "So we're playing matchmaker to Nerima?" Eros asked dazedly. "Basically, yes," the angel nodded. "Now get going." ".......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" the two screamed before being booted out of the office. Grumbling, they strode down the halls towards the nearest portal. "Boss damn it," muttered Eros. "Nerima, of all places..." "Hey, cheer up, oniisan!" said Sana, bouncy and happy within moments of the horrid news. "We get to go help out, ne?" "Even the norns turned down this job, Sana. We're cannon fodder." Sana smirked, drawing her fingers down her "oniisan"'s back to give his right buttock a squeeze. He froze, blinking over at her. "Oi, Sana-chan, not here..." "Think of it this way," she purred, pressing her older bro up against the wall, mashing her breasts into his chest, and watching the nosebleed form. "We could have a chance to play around without the bosses breathing down our necks, ne?" "R-right..." stuttered Eros, blood threatening to burst out of his nose at any moment. He blinked, then cried out faintly as he felt one of the younger goddess's hands go down his pants, giving him a squeeze. "Ah! Not here, Sana-chaNNNN!" She vigorously pumped her hand back and forth along her elder's shaft, smiling angelically at him and watching his eyes roll back in his head. As soon as Eros had a massive hard-on bulging in his silken bottoms, she grinned and with a final caress released her "oniisan"'s tool. "Now, then, feel a little better?" she cooed, kissing his cheek. "...you didn't finish," he grumped, blushing fiercely and gulping as Urd walked by. The whitehaired Norn eyed him for a moment, dispassionately gazing at his crotch, then looked to the smiling Sana. "Pull him into a closet next time," she muttered before walking off again. Sana grabbed Eros' hand and dragged him in the direction of the portals. "Come on, baka! Hide your hard-on and let's get down to Nerima!" And lo, it did begin. Character info! Wai wai! bigkimo2 Hello, folks. As a member of this club who has lurked for a long-ass time, I feel it's my duty to contribute to the insanity that is Ranma and the fun that is waiwai hentai luvluv. Hence, Eros and Sana. Now, about these two. They're "brother and sister" in the loosest sense of the word; I'm not sure how incestuous it can be deemed, since just about every god and goddess is related in their world. So, I will occaisionally put "oneechan" and "oniisan" in quotes and occaisionally leave 'em without quotes. That solve the incest taboo for everyone? Good. Eros is 17 in human years, shyer about sex than his younger sister, and a potential cupid. More used to magic spell use than anything else, he isn't a very good physical fighter. However, according to Sana-chan and a few other members of heaven's younger ranks, he's pretty good at other physical activities... Sana-chan, 16 in human years, is perpetually happy and lustful, always willing to do the ecchi thing to get things done and though she may get down at times is an eternal optimist. Bisexual and proud, she relishes in sex and often urges her "oniisan" to lighten up about it. However, as a cupid, she does know when emotion overtakes lust. She's adept in physical combat and...er...other, more fun activities. Now, then, is that cleared up? Good. Hiya! ^_^ Re: The new duo emerges! St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block OOC: I must say, although being basically opposed to any original- creation characters... these two cupids really rock! If you don't mind, let me add my two cents with the help of my favorite goddess: Skuld finishes hiding the last minute traces of her hacking into the godly mission assignment program of the Yggdrasil system. Then, for the sheer fun of it she lazily computes the probability of success of Eros and Sana... "So, taking all factors in account (Murphy law, Takahashi laws, slapsticks comedy law, Lemon rules...)... Mmh?" >Overflow Warning: breaking of fourth wall >Launch Debug? Y/N She quickly types: >Disable fourth wall warning And concludes: "... those two have exactly... 0.00002 percent of chances of bringing any true amelioration rather than increasing the chaos..." Her grin expands from ear to ear. "That's the best joke I have done in years!" [insert maniacal laugh here] -St Fan -Devout worshipper of the Goddess of Debugging Re: Dojo's Crowd Austin_S_Dakota OCC: Thank you, it's not that I don't like Genma, but you are right keeping in character is somewhat more fun. And Genma really isn't one to have much good come his way. So on with the show. IC: "ARAGHAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Genma screamed as Akane knocked him into low orbit. Moving slowly he traveled down the street taking his time as he made his towards the home of his rival. Sighing Ryuu Kumon walk on... with nothing else going on he hopped maybe a match with Ranma might help kill a little of his time. Having nothing else going on in his life boredom was something he was getting tired of. OCC: If no one has a problem with this change I'll keep up with Ryuu for a while. ...And they land nowhere near the orgy! bigkimo2 Two blue beams of light shot down from the heavens, oddly silent except for a small whine, the beams hitting the ground, flattening, then melting upwards to form the two godlings. (Capcom and the Megaman staff, infuriated, moved to sue heaven for teleport style infringement.) They had appeared outside the Tendo Dojo, and Eros glanced over at Sana before walking towards the door. "What're ya doin'?" she said, blinking. "We need to spy and such, see what's going on!" "Bah. We're gods, remember? We have to do this the righteous way." he strolled to the door and knocked. Sana, meanwhile, simply floated up to begin peeking in the windows, not the least bit perturbed to see a man in a bandanna go sailing into the sky. "Yep, we're in Nerima, all right," she muttered. Then, she found herself peeking into the hole Genma had made, a few blue tresses hanging down. "Hmmm...what's this in here?" she thought, body fading into invisibility. "That's the fiancee...and Ranma's...mom? Kinky..." Meanwhile, Eros had knocked again. Oh, the excitement of it all... Re: Dojo's Crowd FlyingSquirl Akane wiped her hands together as Genma dissapeard through the new hole in the roof, and second floor. Turning back around she looked at Nodoka, who had her face covered. "He's gone now, so we can get back to cleaning up." With that she started to move back towards the second room of the bathroom to get in the bath. Re: Dojo's Crowd St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nodoka shakes out of her dazed state when Akane starts toward the bathroom. Even in a dream, it wouldn't be a very good for Akane to walk on her son right now... She's quite happy dreaming of him manly, but she certainly doesn't want dreaming of him dead. "Er... no, Akane-chan, finally I think it's a bad idea to take a bath just after fainting... cold water is too much of a chock, and hot water makes you overheat... maybe we should do something else..." Waving her arms and making a typical sheepish-Saotome face, Nodoka realizes she mustn't be very convincing. The Dojo's Crowd + 2 new Guests Shad Devil Before the wolf could reply to Taro's sarcastic comment, a knock came from the door, indicating a visitor. Taro, thinking that this must be the postman or something (everyone familiar with the family seemed to just barge in in various ways instead of knocking) went to open the door, the wolf forgotten for the second. (Noone accused Taro of having a long attention span ;P) As he opened the door he found himself in front of a strange boy, wearing something that could've come out of a Fantasy-flick. Added that he had a headband with an imprinted heart in front and the bow made him even more stranger. (Since you two were prolly fitted by the same person as Urd, Skuld and Belldandy, your clothing must be looking kinda weird and you never said that you changed your appearance, so...;) ) Being quite surprised at this strange individual, Taro just stood there with an incredulous stare at the boy.* OOC: I agree with St Fan, those two have a LOT of potent-ial ;P Just don't make them too powerful and they'll be perfect. Btw, who else loved the OMG SD-Series? 32 Episodes of about 7 minutes and only ONCE Keichi was in there...never liked him..some pple have just TOO MUCH Luck! Hmm...I really like that "handy petite size" of Urd :) ...Ano... bigkimo2 Eros could only stare back for a moment. He had no clue who this guy was, and as the cupids sent down to earth were supposed to be fully briefed on each person, this could be a Bad Thing. he glared momentarily up at the heavens. (Skuld, meanwhile, giggled.) "Um...hello!" Eros said cheerfully, n_n-ing. "I'm here with the local repair service...it seems there's been a...plumbing leak in this house. Mind if I come in...?" he noticed the way Taro looked at his clothes. "...oh, don't worry about these," he said, making warding signs. "It's promotion week; we've all...gotta wear costumes." Sana, meanwhile, dropped stealthily into the bathroom through the Genma- shaped hole. When I say stealthily, I mean she fell on her cute little rear and squeaked out a pained noise before realizing she was supposed to be reeeeal quiet. Silencing herself, she maintained her invisibility and hoped Akane and Nodoka wouldn't notice... She eyed the lump of Nodoka's ever-present katana and gulped. True, she was immortal, but those things HURT... She settled her gaze on the naked Akane and let her mind drift to other matters. While she WOULD eventually get Akane to hook up with Ranma, nothing was wrong with a bit of fun on her side, ne? "Yum," she thought to herself, taking in the girl's not-too-large but firm breasts, then eyeing the sweet-looking area between the Tendo's legs. "Definitely nothing wrong with it..." ...Eros, meanwhile, KNEW his sister was gonna get him into trouble... Crowded Dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block OOC: I just want to point out that Nodoka is naked also, and even she does not take the katana with her for bathing. IC: Nodoka heard the *tump* from Sana's fall, but discarded it as some debris falling from the Genma-shaped hole. 'It's a good thing it's just a dream, that poor house had already suffered enough property damage...' She also heard the squeak made by the clumsy Cupid, but she didn't differentiated it from the *others* noises coming from the not-so thick bathroom door. Unmistakable moans and pants, and Ranma's voice. She sweatdrops, looking at Akane with apprehension; wondering *what* she could do to distract the youngest Tendo daughter from walking on them... Re: Crowded Dojo FlyingSquirl Akane gave Nodoka a funny look after hearing her reasons for not taking a bath. She had never heard anything like that before up until now. "Now that is non-sense. A nice warm bath will help you relax, and recover from your recent faint spell. Besides, I wanna get a bath real quick, then go see what all the nois is going on outside." With that Akane again started to move around the waving Nodoka. "I'll go in first, and you can join me when you feel like your ready from your fainting." Re: ...Ano... Shad Devil Taro, having no indication that this guy was lying, stepped aside to let him in. As the boy walked inside, Taro realized that he wasn't carrying any tools with him, though. You couldn't repair a leak with a Bow, right? Changing his attitude at once, he leapt back in front of the strange-dressed guy.* "Wait a second, if you're here to fix a leak, then where are your Tools?" Re: Crowded Dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nodoka is about to panic, when a sudden idea pops in her mind. Since it's a dream, she doesn't have to worry about any kind of consequence, right? Suppressing a giggle, Nodoka intercepts Akane just when she's about to open the door... by pressing her bosom to Akane's naked back, and reaching the front to cup the younger girl's breasts in her hands. "Matte, Akane-chan. I know of something to do that is much more fun than a bath..." How sweet it is!/Erk. bigkimo2 Sana had begun to admire the older woman's body when she (Nodoka) had pressed herself to Akane. The goddess almost drooled as she watched the Saotome mother cup the Tendo girl's breasts, and then focused her eyes on Nodoka's beautiful rear. "Waiiii," she thought to herself. Giving a little mental snicker, she crept forward and gently traced her right hand down Nodoka's bare back, resting it above her rear and beginning to tickle and caress, the other hand slowly tracing up the woman's side. "She's sooooft," Sana thought to herself delightedly, running her left fingertips over the side of Nodoka's ample left tit, tickling at the blocked nipple as best she could. ....... "Uhhhh..." managed Eros, sweatdropping. "Tools? I...um...uh...well, they're right in...WHAT IN THE NINE HELLS IS _THAT?!_" he shouted, pointing behind Taro, then turning and running like hell around the corner. "Crapcrapcrap" ran as a constant stream through his mind as he bolted. However, it was interrupted as he heard the moans and thumps from upstairs...blinking, he darted up the staircase and rushed into...Akane's room, as was evidenced by the duck on the door. There he hid, listening to the moans from a nearby room, wondering who the hell Saotome was with. Re: How sweet it is!/Erk. Shad Devil Taro, being always fast to react, instinctively jumped around in the direction the strange guy was pointing, just to stare at nothing, a big sweat drop appearing on the back of his head followed by several veins popping up. How could that guy DARE to trick him like that! Turning around again, he noticed that this guy did not only trick him but also tricked him to distract him for him to skid. Several new veins popped up all over his head. Looking around, he didn't find a clue as to where he was gone, the noise of his angry blood rushing through his veins silencing the steps of the intruder's Escape. Furious, Taro started to stomp around, not caring where it was he went, as long as he would meet this guy again and, just to show that he was a good sportsman, he 'warned' the object of his hunt by a mighty roar..* "SOMEONE'll get a Beating..and it will be YOU, YOU HEART-BOW FREAK!" OOC: Don't worry, his Bark is worse than his Bite..definitely not as dangerous as peeping in on Akane and Nodoka ;P Re: Crowded Dojo Austin_S_Dakota Moving easily through the street, Ryuu came upon the Tendo Compound Rather quickly once he knew where to go. Having been to the Saotome home, and finding it in such a state of collapse (one that he could identify with) this was the only other option he had left. As he entered the yard a body (Genma) was violently ejected from the top of the house disappearing into the distance. Jumping easily up to the roof, Ryuu went to see for himself what had happened. (it was something to do) ...an' who the hell are you? bigkimo2 Eros crept about the top floor, casting ever-nervous glances towards the staircase as he sneaked out of Akane's room. He heard something land on the roof and blinked before walking into the room above the bathroom. Incidentally, those faint sounds his Divine senses had picked up were more audible, but he was less concerned with what was going on downstairs than who was climbing in. He floated off the ground, his head poking out of the Genma-hole, and blinked at Ryu. "Um, hello..." he said nervously. Who the heck was THIS guy? "...uhhh...I'm the...roof repairman?" He ^_^;-ed. Re: Crowded Dojo FlyingSquirl Akane was taken completly by shock from Nodoka's actions, she would have never expected this to happen in a million years. "Na.. Na.. Nani?!?!" Akane sit there shocked for a few seconds, completly confused of how she should act in this situation. "Nodoka, umm I don't know if we should do this. There is a hole in the ceiling and all, someone may see us, or walk in again. Besides, your almost my mother." Akane rambles on for a little while coming up with any lame excuse she can think of at the time. Eventualy she remembers the position that they're in. Taking a step away from her, she meakly covers up her breasts with her hands, still a little shy about more 'adult' things despite her encounter with Taro a little while ago. Also hoping that she didn't notice her still pink butt and ask any questions about it. Re: ...an' who the hell are you? Austin_S_Dakota Ryuu stood at the mouth of the hole looking at the person who had just addressed him with a little contempt. "Repair man... You got here quick." Placing one gloved fist inside of the other Kumon began to pop his knuckles. "Where's Ranma Saotome?" taking a step forward The taller boy just decided to find out for himself. Stepping up to move Eros out of the way Ryuu fell down the hole... OCC: Some plot point about Kumon. If I'm wrong please correct me. 1) While is tough, he thinks he's the ultimate badass. 2) For some reason he seams to fall down holes quite often Re: Crowded Dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nodoka is a little distracted by Sana's hands and doesn't react immediately to what Akane is saying. So, she doesn't try to stop the youngest Tendo from getting away from her. Moaning a little bit, she looks around, puzzled, and then shrugs. After all, phantom hands pleasuring you could be expected in a wet dream. Centering anew her attention toward Akane, she speaks: "My, Akane-chan, I'm very glad you're thinking of me as your mother. But you shouldn't worry. Since this his a dream, there won't be any kind of consequences to whatever we do or whoever see us." Giving Akane a genuinely affectionate smile, Nodoka walks to her and, before the younger girl can answer, put her hands on Akane's cheeks and gives her a kiss full on the lips. Re: Crowded Dojo Austin_S_Dakota As Nodoka leaned in to kiss the youngest Tendo Ryuu began his descent from the roof. As soon as the women's lips connected, Kumon landed. Missing them both by nothing more then a foot the boy landed hard, as usual. SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Re: Crowded Dojo Shad Devil The loud crash from Ryuu's fall brought Taro partly to his senses again, his head whipping in the direction of the Bathroom. Could this Trespasser have dared to walk into the Bathroom as he wasn't looking? Could he assault Akane at the moment? Normally Akane could take care of herself, he knew, but there were times where she was quite a sissy..what if this was the case here? Deciding that he couldn't take any chances, he stormed to the Bathroom, not bothering with opening the Door but running right through the relatively thin, wooden Door, ripping his shirt with it. His sight momentarily hindered by splintering wood chunks, he didn't quite registrated what the situation was, going into a fighting stance.* "Alright, anyone who dares to assault Akane is dead Meat!" Battle Aura flaring, his muscles bulging with adrenaline he stood impressively in the Entrance...until the view finally made it through to his brain, freezing him in shock.* "Where's the...the...DUH?" OOC I just had to make him as heroic as possible..just to throw him down again. This quite Fun! ;P Re: Crowded Dojo FlyingSquirl Akane returned the kiss for a moment to Nodoka, thinking, 'well if it is just a dream, I guess it's ok. Wait, this isn't a dream.' She was about to push away from Nodoka when she heard a loud crash, followed by another crash comming through the door. Lightly Akane pushed Nodoka away from her, takinga step back. "Nodoka, as much as I wish this were, this is no dream." She looked over at Taro, his face looking a little shocked, and not quite matching the heroic posture he froze in, and then down at the floor she saw Ryuu. Suddenly the room had become full of extra people, and she had little idea how. Quickly her confusion subsided about how the room got full, and she just realized that the room was full of people, AND she was in her birthday suit. She could only think of one thing to do after that "AAAAAHHHHHH YOU PERVERTS!!!!!!!!!!" ...BakaYAROU! bigkimo2 Sana SEETHED. Leave it to dumb mortal men to ruin her fun with two hot girls her first hour in Midgard. However, she stayed invisible, deciding to try and salvage the situation as best as possible. "Oh Nodoka-chan," a sultry voice whispered in the Saotome woman's ear, "this is a dream, you know...none of them can see you now..." Sana, still behind Nodoka, caressed her stomach for a moment, gently tickling the (mortally) older woman, and then slid her hands up Nodoka's body to cup her breasts as the woman had done to Akane. She nuzzled them together, trying to quell giggles, and rubbed her thumbs over Nodoka's nipples. "So why not have some fun regardless?" she purred, kissing Nodoka's neck. "Excuse me, sir, you can't just go barging into people's houses through holes in rooftops, it's impolite, and honestly, I'm looking for Ranma, too, so if you couldAAACK!" Eros had, panting, chased after Ryu, and now stood directly beside Tarou, eyes darting back and forth between Akane and Nodoka, a blush creeping into his cheeks, nose trickling a little blood. Hearing the moans from the room next door full force now didn't help. Then he realized who he was standing next to, and what naked girl he was looking at. "WAAAH!" he turned and ran. WAY TOO MUCH crowded dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nodoka frowns. Even though this was her dream, she doesn't like the path it was taking. First, all those men entering a bathroom occupied by women, then those phantom hands getting a little too fresh with her body and suggesting to disregard it all and have her fun... This was too much. And in a few words, simply not proper. Slapping away the hands that are toying with her breasts, she glares angrily at the men, ready to give them a serious scolding. Or more exactly, ready to scold whatever will be left of them once Akane will have finished. Alone in the living room dominiqueralian *Dominique sat back and did her best to hide her laugh. It was alway funny to watch humans make asses of themselves.* And the third observes with a smile... bigkimo2 Calmly watching the action inside Ucchan's through a scrying sphere, a not-so-divine fellow chuckled to himself, absently stroking the rear of a gorgeous catgirl lying beside him on his cush, if a bit...demonic, bed. "It's funny," he mused, "I'd always assumed that the Nerima folk would never fuck like rabbits...honestly, they were so bloody closed off about their feelings and whatnot...but now it's even better. This is going to throw a wrench into Destiny's plans for sure...Ranma fucking Ukyo and Shampoo, Akane making naughty love with Tarou, Sana feeling up NodoKAAAAAH?!" the not-so-divine-and-in-fact-obviously-the-opposite-of- divine fellow lurched forward, staring at the sphere. Indeed, he could make out the faint sheen of a divine presence groping the Saotome woman; Sana was definitely there. And so was Eros, from the look of it, which meant... "Ano-nyo..." the catgirl said, blinking cutely up at her master, "...Kairo-sama, what's wrong-nyo?" ...which meant all his plans were RUINED! If those two cupiddlings managed to set a single thing right, the score in Hel versus Asgard would go down a point. The boss did NOT LIKE TO LOSE POINTS. Kairo shivered, remembering the last punishment...ten hours of nonstop dubbed Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 while hanging upside down being raped by a blind troll. Kairo was a demon of lust, not of cruelty. Now, there were sadomasochist games, but torture was not his job...especially when he was on the recieving end. The boss would be very unhappy if Kairo allowed a lust outbreak under his supervision (the last incubus had quit, saying "this group will NEVER fuck") to be supressed by a semi-incestuous pair of godlings. This would not do, no, this would not do at ALL... Hm? He blinked and looked down, watching the catgirl toying with his balls as she slurped lewdly on his tool. As good as it felt, he was not in the mood. "hhhh...Neko-chan, if you could stop that, please, I am trying to think..." "But you look so sad-nyo!" she protested, clutching his turgid cock and looking up at him. "He'll make me watch Tomb Raider this time, while getting skullfucked," murmured Kairo. Yes, something had to be done. Those two gods...well, Eros, mainly, as Sana could be easily distracted by sex and shiny things...had to be dealt with, and swiftly. "That's it." he started to stand, a cloak appearing at his command. "I'm going up---" he blinked and noticed that Neko-chan was doing the opposite (re: going down.) "---ahhh...Neko-chan, I must go deal with two problems, why don't you have some fun with Yuri-chan and videotape it for me..." Yuri-chan, the second catgirl, popped up, blinking. "Oiiii, oral? No fair, oneechan! Share with your sister!" With both catgirls attacking his member, Kairo blinked, shivered, and fell back onto his cushy (and EVIL) bed. Well, perhaps he'd wait on going up for a bit. No more than five minutes. Ten at most. An hour, tops. And then, he'd do whatever necessary to keep those folk fucking and stop Eros and Sana from getting in the way, for it was his job as lust demon number 343726 and-- "OW! Yuri, no nibbling! Your fangs!" "Ooooh, sorry Kairo-sama!" said the blue-haired one. "gomen naisai...*slurrrp*" Kairo groaned and shut off the scrying sphere. Well, soon enough he'd be up. Third (and final) character profile... bigkimo2 Kairo the demon. Not exactly evil so much as lustful, Kairo is a bishonen demon who took the position as Incubus #343726 to avoid the more harrowing work of torturing the wicked and so forth. Generally very friendly (if not a bit frank and flirtatious), he is skilled at just about any sexual technique there is a name for, up to and including yaoi items (despite his objections during training). Less interested in draining souls than getting tail and making sure the Boss is happy, he's nonetheless got a healthy dose of evil in him (you should see what he does with candles) and shows it by battling with the heavens. He has his own beef with Eros and Sana, but that we'll get into later. ^_^ Not exactly powerful in a traditional demon sense, Kairo's projection of lust and seductive skill are far more useful than any of his fighting abilities. He fights with a remarkably phallic sword, and not very well, preferring to either sic a few minions on the enemy or let his catgirl slaves do the job. The slaves, half-characters. Yuri-chan and Neko-chan. Twin catgirls, one with blue hair, one with red, they are devoted wholly to their master Kairo and do whatever it takes to see him happy. As many times as necessary. Cute, ditzy, and summoned to do most of Kairo's dirty work (well, in the non-sexual sense), they are eternally enthusiastic. Both are eternally clad in sheerer versions of Naga's outfit (sans skulls, etc) and carry no weapons, but fight in a twisted version of the Neko-ken that's rather ecchi. Any thoughts, minna-san? Demons of hell - Byooki Desu Jagkir was not happy. Not that you could tell seeing as he never smiled. Those biyches in heaven was once again fooling around making a mockery of themselves, and once again they seemed to be succeding were all reasons said they should fail. Logic never had seemed to aply to those dildo's anyway.. Traveling through hell wasn't something to be recomended, especially not when the sexfiends were boored. On no more than twelve occasion already he had to fry some of their sorry asses. What did they need them for anyway? 'Well as it had turned out he was now going to pay a visit to one of the demons, that had nurtured the sexfiends.. one of the younger lot that thought sex was something that you should enjoy. Kairo. Stepping of teh halucinatic bridge he walked up to the dark three and passeed through it, instantly gaining access to the realm which in Kario held his abode. What greeted him was of course expected, yet it was not something that made him happy. "ARGHI KAI! IAJ!" He said.. or rather in demon language: "Get the fuck up man!" Jagkir wasn't one that saw patience as aw ay of living.. Jagkir's profile - Byooki Desu Jagkir: One of the first angels to get thrown into hell, and one of those angels who always saw everybody else as total idiots. Not that he was that wrong in that opinion anyway.. But in hell, he thinks that everybody there are idiots too, so he doesn't see it as much of an improvment anyway.. He is sarcastic, and ironic.. and he lacks a sense of humour. Being one of the most powerfull demons, he of course ended up as an administrator.. much to his dismay.. and are now keeping track of all new demons and spawns and souls.. not A very apreciated job, seeing as most other demons reffer to him as Old Grumpy.. Seeing as he is to powerfull to play, I won't use him outside of hell.. and I wil lonly use him to hazzel all other demons.. and make comments about stuff happening.. I won't be using him very often.. Re: WAY TOO MUCH crowded dojo Shad Devil Since all his other movements were dismissed at the moment, Taro's brain had the time to make him perfectly clear in what kind of situation he was, making him see every lurid Detail there was. Akane's body, having already been explored but not lost it's attractiveness, though the grimace on her face and the swelling of her muscles were a bit intimidating, Nodoka in all her glory (geeze, if all women looked like that, he should consider to date some of this age...)and a strange Boy, lying on the floor. Then the Trespasser fell down from the hole, looking around shortly before running out again, screaming in panic. It was all very confusing and strange..even more strange than a normal visit to the Tendo's was! A Movement from Nodoka led his eyes to her again just as she seemingly slapped something away but nothing could be seen. What was that now? It was the wrong time for Mosquitos, wasn't it? Finally his deep-freeze was shattered as Akane let loose her Anger with a Earth-shattering cry. This was NOT Good! Akane was a total variable, one time she couldn't even defeat Shampoo (an easy feat as he knows >;P) and on other, angered times, she could blast Ranma into the Orbit....and this was definitely a time of the latter. Knowing that escape was futile, he closed his eyes and readied himself to feel the pain. OOC: Yes, I mixed up the posts a bit but I think that is logical. Eros followed directly after Ryuu down the hole before Akane could even consider screaming... Btw, this gets a bit confusing with so many different titles. Could someone choose a fitting one and we stay with it? Multitasking... bigkimo2 Sana grumbled. Well, THAT sucked. No point in staying in there now, was there? With a thought, she appeared outside, leaning on her shinai, standing beside her panting and red-faced brother. "What a cockup!" cried Eros. "Any minute now, Akane is gonna walk in on Ranma! I took a look with a scrying spell...I don't know HOW they're doing it, butMMMPH!" Sana's hand closed firmly over his mouth. She grumbled, staying leaned on her shinai with her free hand, and then sighed. "Why must mortals always ruin their fun...honestly, that older lady had such nice tits..." She blinked as her oniisan gave her a death glare and eh-heh'd, uncovering his mouth to rub at the back of her head. "...I mean, they ruined my chances at setting Nodoka up with Genma! Such tragedy, but we won't give up! We've got to become full-fledged gods!" "You just want to get laid," Eros accused. "I'm trying to set the destined pairs up." "Me?" cried Sana, putting her hands to her (ample) chest. "I'm trying to match them up! Honest!" "Well..." he eyed her. "Promise you'll try harder?" She grinned and pressed herself against him, pushing her crotch against his own. "If I don't, I'll give you a night of hot sex as an apology," she cooed. "Gggchk," Eros offered eloquently, hard-on pressing against his oneechan's mound. "We...well...okay, but right now let's just keep an eye on the Dojo. We need to keep Akane from seeing Ranma and...uhhh, Sana-chan..aaah..we're in broad daylight..." "Hm?" she asked, blinking cutely as she stroked him through his silky pants. "Oh, sorry, forgot!" she chirped. "Hai hai, let's work on Ranma right now." Gulping, Eros tucked his cock up behind the waist of his pants, hoping the new hard on'd stay hidden, and floated with Sana up to the rooftop, fading into invisibility as they entered once again through the Genma hole. ------------- Kairo shuddered. Any moment now, he'd be there, and he could tell this as his hips began to thrust, toes curling. Yuri and Neko were licking up the sides of his member, then sharing his balls, devoted to their master, devoted to making him--- "ARGHI KAI! IAJ!" ---get the fuck up man? Oh, shit. Jagkir. "Lord Jagkir, I---" Oh, shit. Coming. The two catgirls mewled delightedly and kissed one another as Kairo's spunk painted their faces. Twitching for a moment, the demon sat up swiftly and summoned another cloak before his orgasm was even over. Yuri and Neko moaned in disappointment, but then went back to licking one another clean. "Lord Jagkir!" said Kairo, standing at attention, though his chest was heaving. "W-what can I do for you?" Demons of hell - part 2 Byooki Desu The younger lot preffered to use japanese, and sometimes english for some reason. Thinking they were special for using the language that mortals used. Why would anyone to use that filthy speech? "Morgha in me jun.. Kai mege lou te wai mno.. mou?" He said chuckling, meaning: {"Nerima.. You do know what has happened.. no?"} "Kou te yah!" {"There are ANGELS IN NERIMA!"} One of the things signed in the treaty with heaven was that No angels whatsoever was to even look in Nerima's direction.. yet now those filthy kids had found a way to get around it it seemed. Using a bug in the Ygrasil system, they could blame all interference with Nerima on the flawed quantum reality. As if Kami-sama hadn't let that happen on purpose.. Whatever any of the younger demons and angels thought.. Nothing was coincidence.. Faith and luck were just the tools used by the more powerfull.. "lika som gerud? Omoh ye na Morgha in me jun ga.. lota." {"What do I want? I wan't you to kill those angels in Nerima.. now!"} Killing an angel wasn't unheard of, yet it was seen as drastic. The Great Lord did want a war with heaven, but the great Lord wanted heaven to start it. But when heaven had entered Nerima had they not started the war? no? well then they wouldn't start the war either.. they would simply blame the deaths of those angels on Ygdrasill.. Re: WAY TOO MUCH crowded dojo Austin_S_Dakota Ryuu looked up from his crash landing the floor more broken then he. Standing up he came face to face with something he had never dreamed of. Standing before him was the one kind person who had ever treated him well. (Even if she had thought he was her son.) The children of Japan, those who had lost both parents were usually taken by the state, never having the interaction with most normal people that other children had. Ryuu had it even worse. Having had both parents die (His mother years before) Ryuu grew up always trying to avoid those who would turn him over to the authorities. His time on his own was just a growing sense of need to make the Saotome's pay for the life he had. Nodoka had been the first and only to ever treat him with respect. She was his angle the one thing of kindness his life had ever had... And now here before him she stood in all of her glory. Kumon had never though of her before as a girl... Let alone a woman. Now that thought was the only one he could keep. The elder Saotome woman was nothing short of... Beautiful... "Miss Saotome! I'm sorry" Feeling his checks blush with the sudden image forever burnt into his mind, Ryuu turned his back. So focused on Nodoka the young man never noticed Taro or Akane in the room with him. Or did he even think of the person he had seen on the roof. Re: WAY TOO MUCH crowded dojo FlyingSquirl Akane first looked at Ryuu, not redily recognizing him. "Hey, what kind of nerve do you have, just jumping into a bathroom? Whats wrong with you? Get out!" She finishes yelling at him, and turns back to Taro. "Baka Taro! If barging into a bathroom, that you know we are in isn't enough, you couldn't even open the door to come in with." She remains hot with anger/annoyance after her yelling, and now turns to Nodoka, trying to talk to her as nicely as her temper allows. "I think I need to take a cold splash now, just to calm down from there knucklheads." Moving to her clothes, she bends over to pick up something to put on, trying to get at least a little covered up now that the bathroom looked like swiss cheese, again and probably not the last time either. Re: Crowded dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nodoka tried to think *very* fast. She had recognized Ryuu Kumon, and would certainly have already greeted him by now, since she always liked the oh-so manly boy--but right now, she has a very much more urgent problem to face. Intercepting the youngest Tendo before she has time to put something on, Nodoka says: "Oh my, Akane-chan, you're right!" She picks Akane in her arms like an overgrown baby, surprising the younger girl by her strength. "Even if it's only natural for manly boy to peek on naked women, I can't let you take a bath with those two so near." Carrying the stunned girl toward the door, she pursues her tirade: "Who know, they could succumb to their animalistic instincts and attempt to soil your virtue. I can't let a defenseless girl in such a dire situation." Walking out of the bathroom, Nodoka steps on Taro's foot, but given her haste it is probably accidental. Her voice decrease has she and her precious burden move away. "Have no worry, my sweet Akane, Nodoka- okaasan will watch over you." Re: Crowded dojo Shad Devil Taro couldn't believe he wasn't dead (or on his way to Mars). Akane had just yelled at him. That was bad in itself but it was definately better than getting punched into Orbit. He just wanted to apologize as Akane bend down to retrieve some clothes, her breasts softly wiggling with the movement. The sight made his words come out as a silent croak which was subdued by Nodoka's tirade. Looking quite stunned at the action of picking Akane up like an infant, Taro couldn't act...but then Nodoka 'accidentally' (yeah, right..I'M getting Abused here! >;P) stepped on his foot, freeing him with a feeling he was used to. Now he also registered the what Nodoka was saying about boys being animals and Akane being defenseless...AKane? Defenseless? Now here's two words that don't fit together... Having regained some sense he he also noticed that both, Nodoka and Akane didn't take any of their clothes with them. Akane would be alright, she had spare clothes in her room..but Nodoka? Picking up several clothes from the piles of the floor (the falling and door-crashing managed to spill the cloth-basket) and pushing Ryuu to the side as if he was a furniture, he quickly followed the two, holding up the clothes.* "Hoi, Chotto Matte! What about some clothes? This isn't proper, you know? With all these strangers running around the House, too! I mean, I have seen Akane really close-up already and there's nothing I haven't seen yet but other's still are about...and you're not dressed, too, ya know and...err..." *Taro's brain finally followed up as to what he just said and he flinched as he realized that this slip o' the tongue was definately NOT good! He practically showed off a sign that said "I did it with Akane!" for Kami's Sake!* Re: Crowded dojo Austin_S_Dakota Ryuu not known for his sense of humor reacted to Taro's shove. Turning he faced the retreating Taro (he was heading away from Ryuu) Having closed his eyes once he had turned around from before (Not willing to ogle the closest thing he had to a family), Ryuu had never seen Nodoka pick up and leave with Akane. Now though all he saw was the person who had attacked him (Taro) Chasing after Nodoka (Who was naked) and shouting. "Geimon Tetsu Sen Shi!!!" All three points of the attack connecting with Taro's lower back. OCC: I know Taro is the badass of Ranma 1/2, but one strike of Ryuu's 'Dokuja Tanketsu Sho' was able to knock Ranma completely out of a fight. I have no doubt that in his cursed form Taro would own Kumon for lack of a better term, but as a man it'd be a pretty fair fight. Re: Crowded dojo Shad Devil OOC: Umm, help me refresh my memory, that attack is made up like what? My problem is, will that attack blast me forward with a force that'll make me fly or would that attack just cripple me for the moment, making me fall down. (I have all of the comics but half of it is on CD and I seem to have misplaced that darn thing...an easy thing if you have more than 100 CD's with nothing else than Manga and Anime stuff...-.-) Re: Crowded dojo Austin_S_Dakota OCC: No problem, here we go... The 'Geimon Tetsu Sen Shi' is a variant of the 'Dokuja Tanketsu Sho', which is an open palmed strike into the heart of an enemy with the middle and index fingers extended for a nerve strike. The 'Geimon Tetsu Sen Shi' is instead aimed at the belly (Basically one very powerful punch at this point without the ability to stop the heart). With Taro's back to Ryuu I figured this one would work better then a heart strike. All this attack would probably do is knock Taro over/the wind out of him. Sorry about being a little confusing here. After my f- Up with Ryuu's past before I went back a re-read everything I had on him I really don't want to give anybody bad info here. If I'm wrong on this please correct me. Re: Crowded dojo (doggy left behind) dominiqueralian *Dominique wandered into the bathroom just as Taro was hit. Crouching down she yelped.* What the HELL is going on? What do you two think you are doig?! *She growled at Ryuu.* Re: Crowded dojo FlyingSquirl Akane was completly shocked when she felt her feet suddenly leave the ground, and soon after found herself being carried around, out of the bathroom naked. After a few seconds her confusion cleared a little again (She seems to be very confused today anyway) she looked at Nodoka. "Hey, where are we going? I can walk by myself ya know, so why don't you let me down." Then she suddenly heard Taro yelling down the hallway. Hearing what he said, she began thinking 'shut up, shut up, shut up. She doesn't need to know about our interlude.' Re: Crowded dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block If Nodoka heard what Taro was blurting out, she doesn't show any sign of it. Instead, walking toward the stairs with Akane still in her arms, she just says in a soothing tone: "Shhh, don't be upset my little Akane. Mommy Nodoka will take care of you. Here." Lifting Akane's head a little, she brings the young girl's still open mouth to one of her nipple, smothering her surprised face in a goodly- sized breast. Re: Crowded dojo Shad Devil Taro had just closed his mouth after his last statement, seeing no reaction from the two naked girls, as something REALLY painful hammered against his back and THRICE, too! Since he normall was attacked from the front (which COWARD would attack his opponent from BEHIND? >;P) his pain-induced reaction was to recoil backwards, which made the ongoing fall much worse. The recoil-Position, looking like a curve away from a normal attack, resulted in not a normal 'clean' fall but into a bouncing, making the, by now, unconscious boy slide right to the retreating girls. The crash-sounds were quite loud and it looked as if that fall would surely break quite some bones but Taro was not a normal guy, he had battled with a lot of good fighters, having gotten accustomed to pain and his body was used to damage, making it hard to break anything in it. Skidding to a halt just inches from Nodoka's heels, Taro lay there without moving, but a slight heaving from his chest told that he was still alive....and who knew proud Taro could guess what propably would happen to the one attacking him like that....it wouldn't be a nice sight. Re: Crowded dojo dominiqueralian *Dominique growled again in warning to Ryuu before rushing off to check on Taro. Batting at him lightly with her paw she knew better than to talk to him while Nodoka was there. Looking up she quickly looked away from what the saotome matriarch was doing.* ~She has LOST it.~ *Whimpering and pawing at him she finally just sank her teeth into his clothes and dragged him out of the way and to a safe place.* Re: Crowded dojo FlyingSquirl Having suddenly found her face in Nodoka's breast, Akane started to try to pull away, struggling in the womans bosom. She was begining to think everyone had gone crazy in her house now when she heard a crash, and felt like she was falling. Akane rubbed her back, after it just collided with the floor, rather hard too. She was panting slightly since her breathing was impaired by Nodoka's breast for a little while. Looking around she saw Taro being dragged off. "What just happened?" Re: Crowded dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Taro's impact with her heels has unbalanced Nodoka, and she let Akane fall on the floor. Turning around, she casts a dirty look at Taro. "Children, if you want to play, please do it calmly." Then she leans toward Akane. "Oooh my poor Akane-chan, did you hurt yourself?" She tries to scoop her again in her arms, 'accidentaly' groping one of her breast in the process. "It's alright, don't cry, mommy Nodoka will take care of you and tuck you in bed." Re: Crowded dojo Shad Devil Taro's mind was quite busy while his body was out cold, again showing him the strings of events that brought him here...The fateful name- giving (GRRR! I'LL KILL HAPPOSAI FOR THAT!), his journey through the countries to find the responsible Man for his name, The capture of Akane after Ranma had interfered with his revenge of the old Leech and so on until the moment where the Water of drowned Twin was falling towards an unconscious Happosai. But then his abused head mingled facts, showing him a doupled Happi grinning at him, telling him that the name would stay forever and ever x2! He tried to fight them but with two of them with that dreaded Fire Fist (I think it's called that..his firework-attack) he was utterly defeated. Anger and Humiliation ran through his body, making it shake, he himself not dividing truth and dream at the moment. Fist's were clenched, blood pumped, making his heart race. At once he came to, feeling himself getting dragged over the floor. His eyes shot wide open, his body getting surrounded by a monstrous Battle-Aura as he jumped up, looking for the Twin-Happosai's to eliminate them.* "HAPPOSAI'S! YOU TWO ARE DEAD!!!!" *Not yet really seeing, his eyes clouded with anger, he just let his fist come forth, hitting the wooden wall of the corridor at a steep angle. A big portion of said wall splintered into so tiny pieces that it resembled sawdust but that wasn't all that splintered, the Rock-wall surrounding the Tendo Residence got a brand-new hole just by the force the air was pushed in it's Direction. Having released some of his anger, Taro finally managed to see, his eyes falling on the pple (and 1 wolf), which were looking at him incredulously (and perhaps a bit fearful) and he finally understood that it was all a Dream, not reality but Fantasy. He also realized that he, again, made an idiot out of himself. Rubbing the back on his head (hiding the big sweatdrop) he tried to talk himself outta this.* "Umm...err..sorry..I thought Happosai had been doubled and..well..." *His eyes catching the scattered clothes on the floor where he lost them, he thought he found a good change of subject." "Umm, you really should put on some clothes...the neighbours can look in now, you know...." Re: Crowded dojo Austin_S_Dakota Ryuu never one to care about anything other then winning, was not in the least bit concerned about striking Taro in the back. Stepping with purpose Kumon's gloved fists clinched tight, the leather of the gloves groaning in protest. "You have the gull to try and force yourself upon a defenseless woman..." (In his mind Ryuu had a flashback, seeing Nodoka about to be mauled by that bear.) "Close you're eyes and leave the woman alone." Unfortunately since he had turned away for a moment Ryuu didn't know Taro in his own way was only trying to do the same thing he was. Protect the two women. Re: Crowded dojo FlyingSquirl Akane was beggining to wonder how old Nodoka thought she was, since Akane is getting the baby treatment for some reason. Giving a little moan as her breast is 'accidntaly' touched by the motherly figure picking her up again. She was about to protest some to being treated like this, but realized how little it had gotten her last time. Instead she decided to just sit back for now and see where she would be taken. Re: Crowded dojo Austin_S_Dakota "Well you heard the lady," Ryuu said with an evil glint in his eye. "Kinshi Kinbakusho!!!" Taro found himself tied up, his arms bound to his sides form Ryuu's attack. (Kumon uses a nylon rope to tie up an opponent then usually throws them into something/pulls them in for the Dokuja Tanketsu Sho.) Easily Ryuu hefted Taro flinging him down the other end of the hall. A loud crash was heard when Taro flew through the wall leaving yet another hole in the Tendo home. OCC: I leave it up to you to decide where Taro lands outside. Re: Crowded dojo dominiqueralian *As soon as he was done he suddenly found his back against the floor and a large wolf baring her teeth at him.* I didn't see you doing anything to help those two girls! At least he was trying! You are the one who broke in you Chikuso! OOC: worst insult possible ^.~ Re: Crowded dojo Shad Devil OOC: Uh Oh...now here's a Big Mistake...using something made out of Nylon on Taro...you all know what else is made mostly of nylon, don't ya? You have three guesses and the first two don't count...+ you let me decide where I land...you are screaming for a Yeti-thing Beating, aren't ya? >;P IC: Being totally taken aback by Nodoka's response, Taro was an easy Target for Ryuu to attack. But the feel of Nylon on his arms awakened him again, anger again flooding his body. He was just able to get a good look on his attacker, though, before he crashed through another wall (that was getting boring..) and right into that convenient-placed pond in the Tendo's Garden.* 'SPLASH!' *For a second nothing moved in the pond but then the surface broke, revealing a steaming Taro in his cursed form. "RYAAARHGGG!" Seething with anger, he flew right back into the house (enlarging the hole he made on his way outside). Stopping just short of the lying Ryuu, who was threatened by the wolf, he looked down at him for a second, letting the Canine jump out of the way as he took swing to kick him in the side. A loud thud echoed from the impact, slamming the cowardly Fighter into a still intact part of the wall (one of the few), providing it with a fitting look to the rest...shattered..leaving Ryuu dazed and confused behind him. The further Revenge had to wait, Taro wanted to get back at this woman who practically said that he had raped Akane! No Insult (except maybe pa....ose-lover) could equal this and he didn't care that it was Ranma's Mother...maybe it was BECAUSE she was related to Ranma..but he would teach that Abazure a lesson! Stomping to the stairs, he just saw Nodoka reaching the last step to the first floor, letting loose a frightening ROAR before going after the naked Girls.* OOC: Umm, Chikuso is translating to a simple "Shit" or "Damn". I dunno what the worst insult is in Japanese but some really hard ones are: Chikan (Molester on Trains), Hentai (ya know what that means ;P), Ecchi (=pronounced 'H' from Hentai making the insult bigger->this is for Happosai ;P), abazure (bitch, witch,etc..). There are many other insults I could name but these are prolly the worst. And I know these because I have a Slang-Book of Japanese language, so it's not just smart-assing - .- Re: Crowded dojo bigkimo2 "Okay, first of all, we need to deal with Ranma screwing whoever he's screwing inside." Eros had erected a chalkboard out of nowhere and was making marks, a cutely drawn Ranma flashing the v-sign placed next to a star. "Hai, oniisan, but...Ranma's at Ucchan's, according to my scrying cube." "What?" Eros eyed his sister. "Sana-chan, that doesn't make any sense. Ranma's in--..." "What?" the girl asked, blinking as the boy stared at her in silence for a moment or two. "Scrying CUBE?" he rubbed his temples. "Ugh, forget it. You go to Ucchan's and find out what in Hel is going on over there. I'll stay here and see what I can see." "Okay, oniisan!" Sana said cheerfully. "Oi, one thing, though..." "Huh?" he glanced back at her, walking towards the Dojo. "You owe me some fun when I get baaaaack," she lilted, tilting her head sweetly. "And I'm gonna wear the leather this time. Ja!" She vanished with a gainax and a step into a puddle, flashing the V-sign. Eros would have gulped, but at that moment a peice of rock from the Dojo wall went flying by and clocked him in the side of his divine skull, knocking him quite unconscious. ---------------------------------- "KILL them?!" cried Kairo. "Sir, I--" "Tomb Raider, Kairo," rumbled the other demon. "ACK Yessir going going GONE! Slaves!" "Hai, master-nyo!" the two catgirls meweled, having cleaned each other off by this point. The trio vanished faster than one can moan "Kimochii..." [TO FOLLOW SANA, GO TO EPISODE 11: THREAD 3: PART 1] Re: Crowded dojo (ch. 11) St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Surprised, Nodoka turns around when hearing the tremendous roar, and watches with round eyes the monstruous, tentacled hybrid that is climbing the stairs. 'A tentacle monster? Oh no, that dream is really getting out of control.' Letting Akane stands next to her, she faces the Niu-Ho-Man-Mao-Ren without any trace of fear (after all it's her dream, so everything should obey to her, right?), one hand raising a finger and the other on her hips. "Listen, you. I don't know from wich part of my mind you are coming from, but you're going to scurry back in there at once. Because I'm really, really not into that kind of things..." Re: Crowded dojo (ch. 11) FlyingSquirl Akane stood there and watched as Taro now made his way toward them in his cursed form. Hearing Nodoka talking to him like she's still in a dream, she kinda wonders how long it will take for her to realize this is real life. Sighing slightly, unimpressed by Taro's new form, this kind of stuff really is nothing new for her by now. "Oh great, now people have started falling in the pool, it can only go downhill from here." She mutters to herself. Re: Crowded dojo dominiqueralian *Dominique trotted up along behind him wondering what was about to happen.* Re: Crowded dojo (ch. 11) Austin_S_Dakota From deep inside of Ruyy a laugh came out, he should have been afraid, here and now he faced his punishment for once thinking of harming the woman who he now fought for. Perhaps now was his own time for judgment. A man who had live without honor as long as himself had to have deep debts they owed? Didn't they? "Monster!!!" Ryuu screamed rising to his feet a challenge issued for all of the heaven to hear. The creature before him could only be called a monster... though at a closer look it could pass for an ogre instead. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Ryuu felt the same deadly calm come over himself that he hadn't felt since that last fight against Ranma. Walking with purpose he stalked towards the best and it's pet. (Ryuu had never seen Dominique before, so all he knew was that a talking wolf now threatened Saotome Nodoka) "Ms Saotome, Please take Akane and run." Picking up his pace Ryuu began feel his body prepare the 'Sai Dai Kyuu Kijin Raishu Dan' despite having sealed the technique. "I'm ready to face the Kami for my actions... Are you, beast?" Re: Crowded dojo (ch. 11) dominiqueralian *Dominique's battle aura flares and for some odd reason she returns to her human form. Standing there naked she glares at Ryuu.* Wanna fight? com'mon! Re: Crowded dojo (ch. 11) Shad Devil Taro actually did stop at Nodoka's words but only to look incredulously at her, not really understanding what she meant with her comment. At the cry from downstairs he glanced back to the strange boy, thinking that he, too, needed a couple more cups in his cupboard. Luckily that Wolf suddenly started transforming into a naked girl and held him at bay for the moment, relieving him of the duty to knock him into a bloody pulp himself. Turning back to Nodoka and Akane he climbed up the stairs until he was just a couple of inches from the upraised finger, looking down at the naked, middle-aged woman. Since he towered over her quite a bit, he had a very nice cleavage-view and a normally very quiet spot in his brain piped up, telling him some possible types of revenge he could use. Shaking his head slowly he looked directly at Akane, bringing one tentacle close to her. But instead of attacking etc.. he started twisting the tentacle until a Kanji could be made out. Letting the Kanji stay a second, he made another one, then another until a sentence could be made out: "Is she Ser-i-ous-?" OOC: Yep, Taro wasn't lazy. He found a way to communicate in his Yeti- Form! Neat, huh? ;P Re: Crowded dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nodoka frowned deeply, hands on her hips, as that figment of her imagination refused to disappear. Then, the monster had the audacity to threaten Akane with one of his tentacles, making obscene gestures! (From the angle she's seeing the signs she can't recognize the Kanji.) An irate look on her face, she directs an intense glare at the hybrid beast, then determinedly walks down two steps. Having spotted something hanging in a bush of long yeti hairs between its legs, she quite simply... grab it. The Niu-Ho-Man-Mao-Ren's eyes bulges out of their sockets as the Saotome matriarch get his more than bull-sized organ in a strong grip... and, without the slightest hesitation, and not letting enough time to the astonished Taro to react... she ties it in a tight knot. Slapping her hands together, she walks back to her starting spot, saying: "There. That'll teach you for not listening to me." Re: Crowded dojo FlyingSquirl Akane watched in shock as Nodoka did the unthinkable to his manhood. Although not having any real knowlege of the subject, she assumed that that had to hurt. "Yup, it sure looks like she is." Akane replys to the tentacle kanji. Re: Crowded dojo Shad Devil Taro couldn't believe it! This woman had the nerve to make a knot in his..in his...most prized appendage! It hurt, yes, quite a lot even but since he was used to pain he could stand it without rolling around on the floor, clutching his groin. Instead he just went down on his knee's, clutching his groin with his tentacles while his hands (hooves? I forgot...-.-) rubbed his eyes to hide the tears appearing in them. VERY carefully, he untied his malehood, sighing in relief as it came free again. Looking up again, he concentrated on Nodoka, now having fully decided what kind of punishment she'll get.* -At the same time the same small bit of Brain that had suggested this type was dancing around, giggling like madly. It's neighbour looked at it, shaking it's upper half. 'Ya know..you REALLY deserve being called Pervertedness....'---back to the story---- *Taro stood up again, his eyes squinted to slits as he growled dangerously. Forward came four of his tentacles, grabbing the cruel Knot-tying Witch on arms and feet, bringing her in a spread-eagled position about 2 feet from the floor. Two of his remaining tentacles formed again Kanji's, telling Akane that Nodoka just pushed him too far and that she'll get what she deserved now. Realizing then that this was propably not the best place for his revenge he walked, Nodoka still in that humiliating position, into the next Room, which was Nabiki's.* Re: Crowded dojo Austin_S_Dakota Ryuu more then a little distracted by the naked woman standing before him, barely saw what was being done to Nodoka. If it hadn't been for the Saotome Matriarch cry Ryuu never would have been able to look way that perfect pair of breast. Moving quickly Kumon struck, his knee aiming towards the woman's face. Guessing that the Obakemono was probably more powerful then he could imagine. Knowing that he didn't have the time to face her, Ryuu improvised. "Kijin Raishu Dan!" Dominique moved with a grace Ryuu would've killed to have. Easily she moved out of the way avoiding the air blade that cut a clean path through the Tendo home, cleaving everything in it's path in half. Moving instantly he took advantage of his one free moment to avoid her counter attack. Ryuu cleared the hallway soon taking the steps 3 / 4 steps at a time. Again he spent more time in defense, something he was never very good at considering he spent every moment in a fight attacking. Only luck was able to keep him clear of the winds and tentacles. "Kaichu Hoju Satsu!!!" He screamed his arms locking around Taro's neck, forearm underneath the monsters jaw. Without hesitation he applied the strength that could easily smash a support column. Re: Crowded dojo dominiqueralian *As Dominique saw the attack coming she glided out of the way and as he went passed her she whirld around and grined, letting her fangs show.* Final attack of the Cassidy Clan! (in japanese...don't have trans) Fist of the ice dragon! *A huge ki blast went out from her hands and froze everyting around in the dojo except for her. pushing Ryuu down the steps she decided to deal with him later. She moves Taro out of the way, picks up NOdoka and Akane with surprising strenght and carries then up to Akane's room, finding some clothes for them she puts the stuff on and then wraps herself back in the robe she was originally wearing (Plus a pair of unopened panties) and walked back outside. As soon as the door shut Nodoka and Akane thaw out. Walking down the hall she thaws out Taro as she walks by him and goes and ties up Ryuu. Unfreezing him she kneels over him and grins.* Now what sort of a gentalman would strike at a lady? Re: Crowded dojo (Eros is slightly late) bigkimo2 "DAL VAS FLAM!" *FWOOSH!* Presto. One thawed out, irritable young god. "JUST WHAT IN THE BOSS'S NAME IS GOING ON HERE?!" roared a newly- awakened Eros, flitting up the stairs, a bump still on the back of his head. He could SENSE the pleasure between Ranma-kun and -chan, and the prospect of totally failing his mission---as well as the agonizing pain in the back of his head---had made him a liiiiitle angry. Being frozen for a moment hadn't helped, either. He glared down at the prone Taro and nudged the beast with one boot. "Hmph...never knew there were real monsters in Nerima..." his gaze whipped towards Ryuu and Dominique, and his badass-wannabe aura faded away almost instantly, a hand shooting to the back of his head. "Heh, heh, heh..." he said nervously. "...I mean, eek, I, being but a repair man, am terrified of this lumbering monster. Help." Re: Crowded dojo (Eros is slightly late) Shad Devil This was definately NOT Taro's day. Just as he thought that he had finally some control over this situation, it became COLD instantly for a second and the next thing he knew was, that he fell down on his snout, a splinter painfully poking it's way into his sensible nose, bringing a single tear to appear in his eye. To show that it was prolly not even his WEEK, someone shouted much too loudly near him and kicked him in the side. Soft..but still...and then Taro recognized the voice..and the unbelievably stupid excuse. Enough was enough, no more Mr. Knife Guy..err Nice Guy (anyone watched Wild Wild West? I liked this lil' Joke! ;P) or in this case Nice Monster. A Tentacle shot out and rammed itself into the 'Repairman's' stomach, doubling him over in pain. Using the moment of distraction, Taro stood up, ignoring the splinter for now and grabbed the strange Intruder with a tentacle, forcing his arms over his head, dangling him in the air about 2 feet from the floor. Glaring around, he wondered where Akane and that Oba-san no Baka (Oba-san=older Lady or Mother)were, seeing only the Coward-Fighter and the, former, Wolf. Deciding that first things should be first, he looked down at the Intruder, growling menacingly before using another tentacle to wind itself around his windpipe and a third to make himself understandable through Kanji-drawing.* (I'll just do as if he's talking when he uses his tentacles to communicate to ease my posts from now on.) "Alright, Aho, WHO are you REALLY and WHAT are you doing here? And be quick with your answer before I loose my patience!" *To emphasize his point, the tentacle round the intruders throat tightened a bit before relaxing itself again.* Re: Crowded dojo (Eros is slightly late) FlyingSquirl Shivering, Akane shakes her head, regaining her composure. Suprised to find herself in her room, and dressed suddenly. Standing up, she looked over to see Nodoka sitting in her room as well. After a few moments, Akane made her way to the door of her room and stepped out of it. Looking around she sees Taro strangling the repair man, while everyong else watched. "Alright! Who just froze me!" She looked down at her ensamble again. "Then dressed me, in clothes that don't even match!" Re: Crowded dojo Austin_S_Dakota "I wouldn't know!" He yelled as if it was a battle cry. His arms broke free of the bindings, the coils that had bound him snapping easily. Striking forward at an incredible speed, his fists connected at the same time, both blows landing against her temples. Ryuu watched as the woman went ridged, her body soon going limp. "Stupid ghost... Nothing more then a Rokuroshikubi." Standing up, he walked past the woman who he believed to be a spirit. Walking swiftly past her unconscious body Ryuu only paid her enough attention to cast one more disparaging word towards her. "Only an idiot would attempt to tie a master of the Yama-Sen Ken," though he was loath to admit it, Ryuu was a master at one of the most powerful schools of theft in the world. All of his special attacks were in one form or another, were nothing but a good way to steal. And his school was all about power theft, which helped really did help to escape incarceration. Smashing through the wall he screamed out loud, "Saotome Nodoka!!!" Already he was on the hunt for the woman who had once treated him with kindness. He would not allow her to be hurt, that much he owed her. Crowded Dojo (Eros is in PAIN!) bigkimo2 The young godling writhed and choked in Taro's grip. He could have easily (well, relatively easily) escaped, had Akane and Nodoka not just strolled back in...he couldn't let those two know his purpose, not if he was to set the couples up with any degree of accuracy. "If...you'd...put...me...down..." he rasped, "...I'd...be...happy...to...tell...you..." The tentacle shifted positions from his throat to around his chest, and he was hefted farther off the ground. "That works," Eros said weakly. "I'm...a new...disciple. I heard that the Anything Goes school of martial arts (or for us canonites School of Indiscriminate Grappling) is one of the most versatile and powerful out there...I was hoping to learn it. Could you put me down now?" Back to the crowded dojo St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nodoka shakes her head, trying to make some sense of that stupid dream. First, that monster imprisons her in its tentacles, scaring her to death. She's pretty sure that NONE of her usual fantasies ever included something like that. Except if the dream is turning into a nightmare, which she simply wouldn't allow... any nightmare bold enough to show up in her mind will simply get a taste of her katana! Then, Kumon Ryuu intervene like a knight in shining armor... that she could understand, she had a secret longing for the manly boy since she learned he wasn't her son. Then, the dream get even more confusing... many weird things happens, and she ends up in Akane's room, wearing... one of the Tendo's girl oversized T-shirt? Though on the taller woman, it is rather indecent since it barely reach her thighs, showing a lot more legs that she's used too... Does that mean she's dreaming she's back in her teens? Shrugging, she admits it's quite logical, Akane would have less reluctance being seduced by a young Nodoka... and Ryuu would be more inclined to ravage her body in a manly way, rather than show his usual respect for an elder woman. Not that he isn't cute acting like this, but the Saotome matriarch's taste in men always tended toward the strong, assertive kind. Another reason Genma so much disappoints her. So, she simply lets her dark red hairs hang loose on her shoulders rather that ties them back, and walks outside the bedroom. There, the dream is still a mess, the monster strangling some unknown boy. Nodoka decides to put a stop on this. She'll never stand idle while her own dream turn into such chaos! "Now, WILL YOU PLEASE STOP THAT AND LISTEN TO ME!" The other occupants of the room, surprised by the amazingly commanding tone, turns toward her by mere reflex. "Good! *I* am trying here to have an ordinary, not too complicated or too unnerving wet dream. I certainly don't intend to fantasize anything with tentacle monsters, nor even with men who I wouldn't have been presented to, so I'll ask those to leave. I don't have any problem with former acquaintances that I always thought of manly, so you can stay, Ryuu-chan. But I'll ask you to wait a little bit, since I first want to indulge in some guilty, mother-to-child teaching of lesbian activities with Akane-chan, just as a fond reminder of some of my experiences from high school. In the meanwhile, I'd like to not be bothered, thank you." Re: Back to the crowded dojo Austin_S_Dakota "HHHuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh?!? Ryuu asked dumbly, looking to Akane for help in understanding just what the hell was going on. OCC: I knew it! No body liked Genma, he's not even here and was once again slammed!!! ^_^ Re: Back to the crowded dojo Shad Devil Taro had seen quite his share of confusion today..even more than normal actually. Because of this perhaps, his brain started thinking a lot quicker than before (hey, Training unused muscles will strengthen them, even if they are Brain-Muscles ;P). Taking in quite quickly that Nodoka thought this was a dream (she TOLD him that already, DUH -.-), he found some sense in her actions before and now. But he was not really in the mood for pleasing her (especially since he wouldn't be included in her 'wet dream') and let the intruder fall to the floor. Stomping to Mrs Saotome with a strange smirk, he brought forth one of his tentacles and pinched her on the Arm eliciting a small but clear pain. At the same time he formed Kanji with his other tentacles.* "You can't feel Pain in your Dreams, ya know...this is real, Oba-san." OOC: Btw, Did you know you can't read in your Dreams neither? The Dreams are from one side of the brain, the ability to read from the other. Just the lil' useless tidbit of the Week... [TO BE CONTINUED IN THREE SEPARATE THREADS]