RYÔGA HENTAI - 5 > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ryougahentai Compilation by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 3] Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota "Where am I now!!!" It was a scream known through all of Tokyo. In fact most of Japan and parts of China had been known to hear that particular plea. Though the citizens of this area knew the cry to be the harbinger of property damage. Ryôga Hibiki stood at the gates of Hell. It had been days since he had last seen sweet Akane-san. Akari had been nowhere to be found, and Ranma-chan would not leave his thoughts. She had become a burr stuck in the skin of his brain. As the days had passed his thoughts had gone back to the scent of her skin and the tangy taste of her sweat. He was in Hell. Akari, the girl that loved him, no longer held his interests. Akane was his Goddess of purity; she would never forgive him for his trespasses. Ranma was the girl he lusted for, his body in a constant state of arousal for the girl that hated him. Yes, Ryôga was in Hell. Head held down he missed... Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Good Morning to you too, Ryôga-kun." a cheerful voice said behind the Lost Boy. Looking up and turning around, Ryôga could realize his path just crossed the one of a blue/black-haired girl a pretty summer dress. The girl he knew... she was Akane Tendô, his "Goddess of Purity", who was giving him a warm smile. With a start, Ryôga realized he knew the dress too... it was the one he gave to Ranma-chan, just after taking her virginity.... o_O; Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota "Akane-san!" Looking the youngest Tendô over from head to toe, Ryôga felt a fluster of heat swell from within him. He didn't know why exactly, but being around Akane always made him nearly giddy, as if he couldn't get enough oxygen to his brain. Something Ranma no doubt would mock him for. "You're in that dress!" As if someone had attached a volume control to him, the Lost Boy's voice rose and fell as he spoke. "What are you doing in that dress?! You can't be in that dress!" That dress had been defiled by Ranma's wanton body. His thoughts reached back to the last time he had seen his rival, and how she had looked wearing the garment. Akane-san was much too pure to wear anything someone as filthy as Ranma had worn against her bare flesh. "I mean," he said, realizing his words could be taken incorrectly by Akane, who he would admit had a slight temper, "I mean... I mean... After Ranma was attacked it was all I could offer her, it was a gift for Akari, that cretin was supposed to give it back...." Stumbling over his tongue, Ryôga braced himself for Akane's anger. Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Oh... so that's how Ranma got this dress..." Akane answered, eyes half- lidded, sounded a bit disappointed, but also not very surprised. "I should have guessed this was something like that when Ranma-chan came home wearing only this. Like she'd... I mean, HE'd get the idea by himself of giving me a gift. I suspected something was fishy when she insisted of washing it up first. "Too bad, I liked this dress, even if the baka got it accidentally. That's not often he offered me something. You said it was for Akari-chan? Do you want me to give it back to you, Ryôga-kun?" Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota "Na... no, Akane-san." Ryôga stammered, seeing the look of disappointment on the girl's face. "Ranma... I mean she... she bought the dress from me for you." 'She bought the dress from me for you'? he repeated to himself, not even believing his own words. "When she saw it, she said she had to give it too to you, we made a bet about whether she could or not!" Ryôga didn't know why, but an overpowering urge to help Ranma was in him. "Besides, Ranma was right, the dress does look great on you." With his more recent exposure to the opposite sex, some of Ryôga's hang-ups around women had gone. "Not to say you look dirty or like Ranma when she dresses up; I mean for a normal healthy active non..." Well, most of his trouble with women was leaving him. "I guess I lost.... See, I hate to lose.... Don't be mad at Ranma-chan... I mean that Jerk Ranma, I mean.... Want some chocolate?" Reaching into his bag in one whirlwind of motions, the Lost Boy pulled his pack from off his shoulder and down in front of him, opening it and removing a box. "They've been in there all day and are kind of melty." Once again, Ryôga found his tongue too full of self-doubt to speak to Akane like a normal human being. Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane blinked as Ryôga was falling into pieces before her... as usual. She resisted the urge to giggle at his antics, though; she was too polite for this. So, she just backsweated and let out a sigh. She had thought that Ryôga would be past his silliness now that he has Akari.... "That's alright, Ryôga-kun. I have plenty other reasons to be mad at Ranma than just for him...her... fighting with you over a dress...." There was an imperceptible blush on Akane's cheeks as she spoke. Probably because she realized what she said did sound rather weird in retrospect. "Whatever... thanks for the chocolate. I was going for a walk in the park. Care to accompany me?" Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota "Uhh... sSure... so what did Ranma do now? I mean, if I can ask what she's done recently to upset you? If it's bad I can beat him up real good, Akane." Ryôga said. Seeing that his sweet Akane had refrained from taking his statement the wrong way, the Lost Boy smiled. He was on a "date" with Akane. Shouldering his bag, Ryôga held out his arm. Though the park was directly to his left, he was directing them towards a bus stop. "After you, Akane." Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane's blush got seriously more pronounced, but she looked away from Ryôga so he wouldn't notice. "No, you can't ask, Ryôga-kun... I mean, it's between Ranma and me. Don't you dare beat up Ranma without my permission. I can handle him pretty well myself... I don't need any help." Akane's voice was betraying some agitation. Still without looking, she absentmindedly grabbed Ryôga's arms... and pulled him in the right direction, toward the park, his feet dragging on the ground. Now, it usually took some serious strength for anybody to move so forcefully the hyper-strong boy in any direction against his will. Yet, Akane was doing it. She might bee a little wee more upset than she let it show, finally. "Let's find some nice bench where we can talk...." Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota "Well, OK, Akane. You just say the word and I'll bash him good for you." Ryôga's heart suddenly felt a bit lighter in the youngest Tendô's presence. Being around her made him feel calmer, something that he wasn't often able to be. When he was with her, despite his usual words otherwise, the Lost Boy found he really could let grudges slide. "This... this is nice..." he admitted as they walked though the park. More than a few people recognized the young couple and quickly vacated the area, leaving them soon to their lonesome selves. Chatting about idle nothings, Ryôga kept himself at a more subdued level, even for himself. His last meeting with Akari hadn't gone well at all. Something he didn't want to bring up to Akane, lest she think less of him. ***** "Get out!" Akari had screamed, smashing a plate against his face, leaving him no the worse for wear. Ryôga had to admit to himself he never would have guessed Akari's violent response to his admitted infidelity. For the moment, Ryôga had no one in the world that cared for him. ***** "I'm sorry, what did you say, Akane-san?" he said, realizing for a time he had fallen deep into thought. Though he had been with the blue- haired girl, his mind had been completely elsewhere. Following Akane's lead, Ryôga eventually found the two of them sitting under the thick branches of a wooded area. "It's nice," he said, unslinging his bag, allowing it falling open absently between them. "You know, I don't think we've ever done this before. Just talk, I mean the two of us." Fate, though -- like most things in Tokyo --, liked its games the crueler the better. On top of his stuff, now visible if anyone cared to look, was an item of great importance. Only two of them existed in the world, one at the very bottom in Ryôga's bag, the other at its upper most top. A small 3x5 photograph was there, an object that had become a routine part of Ryôga's masturbatory events. The photo was of one Ranma Saotome, her pretty face sweaty and flushed with heat. The shot, nearly professional in nature, showed what was her clearly naked rear sticking out from behind her as her breasts were flattened against a strong masculine pair of legs. Here eyes, though were tightly shut as if she was savoring the taste of the thick cock her pouty lips were wrapped around. Only Ryôga knew it existed, and only looking down prevented Akane from learning as well. "So, I take it things are better between you and Ranma?" he asked bluntly, unaware of the danger at his feet. Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane, while walking and conversing with Ryôga, could clearly feel that the Hibiki boy was distracted... that is, more than usual. Obviously, something was weighing on his mind. Akane didn't pry, though... at least, not immediately. She had her own worries; she just had yet to make sure they related to Ryôga in a way or another. > "You know, I don't think we've ever done this before. Just talk, > I mean the two of us." "Oh, but you're wrong, we've done it plenty of times, Ryôga-kun. It's just that it rarely lasted long. Usually, someone always crashed on us... most of the time, Ranma-chan in some dumb disguise. Akane, leaning against the back of the bench, was rather looking up at the azure sky, rather than down at Ryôga's possessions. So, she didn't notice the incriminating picture... for now. > "So, I take it things are better between you and Ranma?" "You... can say that..." Akane hesitantly said. "At least, things are... different. Between us, I mean. I... don't know if you can call them better. Depends. But it's certainly been... different." Feeling a flush rush to her face, Akane tried to divert the conversation. "So, um... tell me, Ryôga-kun... what happened during your last fight with Ranma? How come she managed to lose all her clothes?" Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota "The 'Shi Shi Hôkôdan'!" Ryôga answered quickly and truthfully. This most devastating attack was known to rend a few articles of clothing useless in battle. "Ranma got it in her head to mess with me while I was trying to have dinner." The statement, while true, was told with such a finality that Ryôga obviously didn't want to speak any more about it. "So, has she... I mean Ranma at least been treating you better?" Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane got a red line above her nose, for some unfathomable reason. "Well... I guess you can say so..." she hesitated. "At least... you can say Ranma has been acting... more like a fiancé." Trying to hide her trouble, Akane glanced at Ryôga. "And... between you two, Ryôga-kun? Have things gotten better? Are you still fighting and bickering every time you see each other... or were you coming to an understanding?" Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota "I thought we had..." he said, at last remembering how the last time he had seen Ranma ended. Ryôga wasn't dumb, and understood that what had happened between them was different for him than his lover. "But you know that Baka, Akane-san. Just when things are going right, Ranma always manages to mess it up." Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Yeah... I know him... that's for sure... I know him." 'Biblically.' Akane added inwardly, for herself, not out loud, in her thoughts, that is with no chance of Ryôga hearing that... since she would probably not survive the shame. "I guess Ranma do that a lot... he has the gift for infuriating those..." '... those he loves.' Akane concluded for herself, wincing, again hoping fiercely that Ryôga never found some reading-thoughts martial-art technique in his travels. "... those he frequents." she lamely concluded after her short hesitation. 'Damn...' she pondered, 'how I am ever going to ask Ryôga-kun what I meant to ask him... I'd never build the nerves to do it.' Sighing, Akane leaned forward, supporting her head with her hands, elbows on her thighs. Her thoughtful gaze was wandering, looking nowhere in particular... until it fell on Ryôga's pack. Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota "Well, I guess it really never mattered much..." he said, looking up to the thick tree branches hanging worlds above the two. "If I had to say it, I guess my fights with Ranma aren't really for any reason. Though it's nice to be thought of as a frequent in someone's life." For a moment, a sudden stab gripped Ryôga's heart as the thought of no longer having Akari. "So, Akane, how are the frequents in your life?" he asked, loving the use of the word. It implied such an air of formality without being crude. Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmmmmhhhh?" Akane distractedly mumbled in answer to Ryôga. It was quite evident she hadn't been listening to him during the last exchange. Very slowly, Akane extended an arm and picked up the picture that had accidentally wormed its way on top of Ryôga's belongings. She brought it close to her face and stared at it for a long moment, her expression unreadable. "Ryôga-kun..." she finally said in a voice that was uncharacteristically flat. "Has... something happened between you and Ranma... that you wouldn't want to talk me about?" Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota Barking a laugh, one that sounded happy, Ryôga said "Well, if I couldn't talk to you about it, then I can't talk about it now." It wasn't something he'd normally say, but for the moment it just felt right. Still looking at the overhead branches, the Lost Boy interlaced his fingers behind his head and gazed upwards. "Things have changed..." he said at last, not knowing how far to go, or that Akane already had a pretty good idea of where it had went. "I know I don't hate her, but she still gets under my skin." Re: Chance Meeting St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Under your skin... yeah, I bet. More like your foreskin, though...." Akane hadn't missed either Ryôga's use of "she" when talking about Ranma. Something that could happen with the aquatranssexual, but Ryôga was usually adamant of calling Ranma a "he". Though if this photo was genuine, and not some sort of edit like Kodachi enjoyed, that was no wonder. The Lost Boy certainly would have a harder time thinking of Ranma as a male if she did such thing to him. Akane seemed transfixed by the picture, looking at it lengthily, as if taking in every little detail and trying to burn them into her mind definitely. Her breath imperceptibly hastening, Akane discreetly licked her sensuous lips. "So... is that all you've done... or did you go further...?" she inquired, not bothering to look in Ryôga's direction. Re: Chance Meeting Austin_S_Dakota Laughing, Ryôga turned to look at Akane. The sound coming from him, while it sounded like mirth, had no joy in it. Looking the youngest Tendô in the eyes... he didn't know what it was but something about Akane's impromptu interrogation gave off warning signs. Looking at her face, he saw a mask like one he had never seen before. "You know," he said in an accepting voice. "I don't think Ranma would have told you, but you know, don't you." It wasn't a question and both of them knew it. Laughing again the humorless laugh he looked straight ahead. Without meaning to, he braced himself for the expected impact. "I forced her to do it." It came out so suddenly Ryôga surprised himself with that remark. "She really does love you, but I made her see I was the better one. I beat Ranma and took 'my prize'." It was important Akane didn't hate Ranma. Ryôga knew that for now it was better that he be vilified then Ranma see hurt in the Tendô girl's eyes. "I'm a bad man, Akane, and I forced that 'little girl' to know how bad I could be." Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Funny... you wouldn't believe Ranma was forced when looking at this picture...." Akane commented, the only emotion creeping into her voice sounded like a bit of annoyance. "Don't be silly, Ryôga-kun." she added with a sigh. "It's noble and all to try putting all the blame on you, but I doubt you could truly force Ranma into doing anything she doesn't want." Letting the picture drop on her lap, she finally turned toward Ryôga. "And yes, I knew beforehand. Not because Ranma told me, though. You were right about that, it's not the kind of things the Baka would confess willingly. But still... even if she didn't tell me... she *showed* me." (This is a start of a standard anime flashback. It corresponds to Akane telling the story, but remember that in Ranma 1/2, when a someone has such a flashback, not only the audience but also other characters can *watch* it as if somehow it was projected on a screen behind the narrator....) Akane, wearing PJs, was walking down the halls of the Tendô Dôjô at night, after seeking a drink in the kitchen. Passing by the guest room, she was intrigued by strange noises coming from there. She knew that Mr. Saotome and her father were away, dragged into a "training" trip by Grandfather Happôsai. So, Ranma should logically be alone, and thus couldn't have any late-brawl with his/her father. Intrigued, Akane stepped nearer and glanced inside the bedroom, looking by a small space of the slightly ajar sliding door. And she gasped at what she saw. Ranma-chan was wearing the usual muscle shirt and boxers she used for bed... except the garments were respectively bunched up and down, baring a bouncy pair of breasts and a pert, round bottom. The part-time girl was moaning and sighing as she caressed both shapely curves, as well as other sensitive spots. Especially between her legs, where dainty fingers were rhythmically moving to and fro. Akane, once past the astonishment, was at first getting furious from the perversity of what she was witnessing. But before she could barge into the room and give a righteous punishment to her hentai fiancé(e), she was stopped cold by Ranma's voice. "Mmmmhhh... ooohhhh... Ryôga... you... fucking... bastard... aaaahhh...." Ranma-chan switched a little her position, her rear end supported by her spread knees while her face was flat over the futon. This raised her fanny high in the air, obscenely displaying it to Akane's gaze, while both her hands were now busy stimulating her womanhood. "Oooohhh... Ryôga... you sick pervert... you enjoyed it... mmmmmhhh... pushing your big, fat cock in my little cunt... mmmmmhhhh... and in my mouth... oooohhhh... and licking my boobs... aaaaahhhh... and making me cum... aaaahhhoooohhhhaaahhh... I-I bet you...you... want to do it... again... do me... again... oh yes... OH YES!!" Ranma's moves were getting frantic, and her moans turning into erotic pants and coos of sexual bliss. Despite the poor light, Akane could see pretty clearly as one or two digits were disappearing inside the puffy vagina, and pumping there with sloshing sounds. Frequently, the redhead was also bringing back a hand to her mouth, to suck her fingers of her own juices. Then, the appendage returned to its busy job, stroking, toying, spreading the outer folds and reaching for the tender inside. Yet, the pigtailed girl seemed to be frustrating herself, as if she couldn't get off all alone... as if missing something bigger to stuff her pussy for good.... Akane, at the door, slowly slid down until she was on her knees, her gaze never leaving the pornographic showing of her female boyfriend. The Tendô girl breathed softly but rapidly, her hands absentmindedly rubbing between her thighs. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota > The Tendô girl breathed softly but rapidly, her hands absentmindedly > rubbing between her thighs. Suddenly, the Tendô girl screamed and jumped back, all the erotic excitement of the moment forgotten as her world came apart at the seems. From a void in the center of nowhere, Ryôga's arm broke though, a second latter to be followed by as his other hand. Now able to get a grip, he flexed his mighty arms, ripping the memory bubble in half. Again he tore at it, until only hazy white clouds of fluff remained. Even those, Ryôga shooed away with his hands franticly. In a matter of moments, the memory was no longer visible for anyone to see. "That pervert, how dare Ranma allow you to see such a perversion?!" Fists clenched at his sides, shoulders raised and head down as if he was going to charge like a bull, Ryôga ranted. "You're the pure one, Ranma's got to die for being a pervert around you!" Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block >>KA-BLONG!!<< Ryôga's ranting was brought to a sudden -- and painful! -- halt. Akane had been quite startled and spooked by the Lost Boy's violent outburst, instinctively raising a hand to her beating heart. But then, she reacted in the tomboyish way that Ranma so often mocked her for. With her usual flair for improvising blunt weapons, Akane had picked up the bench they were sitting on a second ago... ... and brought it down on Ryôga's skull, the impact seemingly shaking the earth a bit. "You calm down at once, Ryôga-kun!" Ryôga sure had a thick skull, but even for the best of martial artists, it was hard to withstand unscathed such a blow, powered by righteous female wrath. The large bump appearing on top of Ryôga's head attested it. Akane put down the bunch back at its place, dragged the stunned Hibiki to it, and forcefully had him sat back in his spot. "And you stop threatening Ranma's life at any turn! I'm tired of this. After what happened between you, I'd thought you got past that childishness...." Not entirely certain Ryôga was hearing her (instead of, for example, listening to the chirping of the little birdies orbiting his head), Akane muttered under her breath "And I'm hardly that pure any more...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Once again, a dream-like white filled the area above the two young adults. Where as before the essence of memory had come from Akane, this demon of imagination was emanating for Ryôga. With the power of the Lost Boy's preconceived notions powering it, it shoved both Ryôga and Akane out of its way. Akane lay in the back corner of the Tendô Dôjô. Most of her clothing lay in shreds across the wooden floor of the room. Her breasts were covered with an impossible strip of cloth hanging just right across her nipples. While her lower half, red and brushed from a spanking, was still miraculously covered in torn panties. The carefully placed clothing leaving Akane in a PG-13 state instead of the rated R version the scene would normally warrant. Standing over the girl an evil maniacal Ranma stood ready to pounce. "Now that I have done unspeakable things to your family home and shown myself to be a true pervert, I will now force myself upon you!" Throwing his head back he laughed an annoyingly hollow-sounding evil chuckle. "And after I'm through with looking at you naked, I will then force you sisters to be naked as well! HA ha ha ha ha... Eark!..." Evil Ranma's laugh came to a crashing hold as the real world Ryôga's hands went directly to his throat. Flexing his arms Ryôga began to choke the life out of Dream bubble Ranma. "You cad! You evil vile depraved jerk, this is exactly what you did to make Akane think she was no longer pure! Didn't you?! You Die, you die now, Ranma!" Looking past the enraged Ryôga, the quickly turning blue Ranma looked for either rape fantasy Akane or the real one for help. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane was quite startled by how much Ryôga's imagination could run wild... and also just how silly his fantasies were.... Worried, she frantically looked around... there wasn't much bystanders in the park, but with his antics Ryôga was finally beginning to attract attention. After a few second of indecision, a very flushed Akane finally got a grip on herself, and also on Ryôga's collar. She powerfully pulled him away from the dream-Ranma he was strangling, making the fantasy rip to nothingness just like her flashback. Then, the very embarrassed girl ran away, dragging the Lost Boy with her. She was trying to find some place where she could forcefully bring some sense into Ryôga's empty skull while not attracting curious witnesses. Not thinking far ahead, Akane spotted a public restroom in the middle of the park, and unceremoniously pulled Ryôga inside, so they'd be hidden from view. Akane didn't even take time to consider the fact that, out of habit, she entered the ladies' part of the restroom. The place was thankfully deserted. Unlike many public restrooms in other countries, this Japanese one was clean, tag-free and spotless. "Okay! Now, you're going to calm down and not overreact to everything I say, Ryôga-kun! Is that clear?" Not waiting even for a nod, she added: "And Ranma hasn't done anything silly like that...." Then, her voice lowered to barely audible. "Well, okay, we did it once in the dojo, but...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Uhhh... Akane... that last comment doesn't really make me want to calm down." Ryôga said the last part looking down, unable to meet the girl's eyes in his shame. "Akane..." he slowly said, at last unable to believe what he was hearing. "You're the good one, I swore when I first 'really' saw you that I'd protect you." It was the most condescending thing he could have possible said to the Tendô girl. It didn't come out the way he meant it to, but it was there open for her to take anyway she wanted to. "Akari's gone... I told her about what Ranma and I have done." Speaking now in a sudden out pouring of emotion, Ryôga couldn't stop himself. "She said she could take my feelings for yo... for a girl she knew I loved...." Gripping his fists tightly, a tear formed in his eyes. "She left me because of Ranma, and I'm not upset at all over it. All I can think about is having Ranma once again." Falling into the familiar and comfortable grip of despair, Ryôga's aura became a heavy purple shadow. "I've hurt the girl that loved me, and I've hurt the two I love...." A maniac laugh escaped from him. "I failed to protect you, and you hate Ranma because of me." Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane covered Ryôga's mouth with her small hand. "Oh... shut up, Ryôga-kun... please... shut up...." Those were probably the harshest words Akane ever uttered to Ryôga, which she'd always considered a close friend, despite all the things he'd said or done to Ranma. But yet, this wasn't so much a command she was giving him... more like a pleading request, with a tiny hint of desperation in her voice. "The more you talk, the more difficult you're making it to me to explain. So please, stop jumping to conclusions, and just listen to me. "I'm sorry to learn that Akari dumped you. Really, I am. But at least, you were frank enough to tell her.... If I hadn't caught Ranma red- ...handed, I doubt she'd ever have told me. Or you, either." she added with a slightly incriminating look. "And NO, I don't hate Ranma... not for what he...SHE has done... with you. I guess I saw it coming long ago... so, I'd say that somehow blunted the blow. "Nor you should hate Ranma for what HE has done... to me. We were fiancés for such a long time... it had to happen, sooner or later. And anyway... I hope you realize, it's *all your fault*!" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga stood motionless and still unable to look at Akane. Reaching up, he took her small hand into his and gently pulled it away from his lips. "Akane," he said the name with a reverent air about it, "you don't understand... I always cause bad things to happen, it's my nature." It rang of self-pity, but for the wanderer it was a simple truth. "Did...did he at least treat your right?" Almost as soon as he asked it, his face turned bright red. "I mean, can you promise me he didn't hurt you?" It hurt Ryôga in a bad way to ask that. Aching like he had never expected to hurt before, Ryôga moved Akane's hand and placed it to his chest. "If you can tell me Ranma didn't hurt you... I'll...I'll believe you. No, that's not true... I know she didn't hurt you." Looking up, Ryôga's eyes had turned into an irritated red and puffy state. "It wasn't Ranma's fault what she did with me... I tricked her into it, ever since... well, ever since I first saw 'her', I've had feeling for her." Changing the subject drastically, Ryôga looked deeply into Akane's eyes. "I didn't tell Akari to be honest with her, I did it knowing she would leave me... and leave me free to pursue Ranma." Letting go of Akane's hand he stood straighter. "I'm not a good guy Akane, I'm the villain here. I wanted you to know what Ranma and I have done... I love her, and I wanted you to hate her. I thought if you hated her, then Ranma could be...." Ryôga found himself unable to go on, saying he loved Ranma was kind of freeing, actually it sounded good in his own ears. But what he was saying to Akane was alien even to him. "I thought that maybe she could love me too... but I know now... it was you she was with. Ranma may have been fucking me, but it was you she was making love with." 'There, that should be enough,' Ryôga though. Akane should now be angry enough to batter him into space, allowing him to escape the hell the woman's bathroom had become. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Of course Ranma didn't hurt me!" Akane started to protest. But then, Ryôga started into a lengthy monologue, not letting her answer, and she simply listened. Akane's heart raced faster at Ryôga's admission that he was loving Ranma. Indeed, like the Lost Boy expected, a hint of her devastating temper began to flare in her eyes, and she clenched her fist. But she didn't lash out... she let Ryôga confess... it was obviously liberating for him. Once Ryôga was finished, she gave him a glare, but was staying eerily composed. "Yeah, I know that Baka love me..." she commented. "But I'm sure of one thing... Ranma would never had found the balls to... make love to me, as you say... if it wasn't for you... screwing his girl side." Keeping her incriminating look, she continued: "Do you realize what you have done? By doing so, you made Ranma doubt of his own virility... his precious 'manliness', as his mother would put it. He had only one way of reaffirming it... by being manly with the girl that was promised to him... his fiancée... me. So, in a way, it's all your fault if Ranma... got even more of a pervert than he was." She sighed. "Not that I can say I mind. It was... fun. Incredibly embarrassing and perverted and scary... but fun. It made me realize how much I loved the Baka." She leaned closer from Ryôga. "And now... you're telling me you love 'her' too. I suspected it, Ryôga-kun, you know... ever since the Koi Fishing Rod debacle, I guessed you had feelings for Ranma-chan. I wasn't too sure if it wasn't another of your sick, obsessive games of competition... but I knew, somehow, that it could end like this." "But I'll tell you, Ryôga-kun... even if you love her... I love HIM... more than life itself... and I won't let go of my Ranma... ever! So, what are you going to do, Hibiki? Are you going to try stealing my Ranma? Are we going to become rivals for her attention, like those three psychos that are already hounding her...him... arrrgghhh, why do thing have to be so complicated with that Baka!?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "No." It was a simple but powerful answer. The force of person behind the statement had never been aimed at Akane before. "I promise on my life, Akane, I will never take Ranma for you." Maybe it had been the freeing feeling of confessing his feelings out loud. Maybe it was the thrill of hearing that Akane liked her sexual experience and she was human after all. Something in Ryôga had changed from the moment she had dragged him into the bathroom. Reaching up, he placed a large hand against the side of Akane's cheek. His thumb gently brushing against her temple in a very telling way. "I love two girls... If they are happy together, then I'll die and burn in all the hells before I do anything more to hurt you two." His voice was like steel and in forced with a desire to see the girl before him happy. "I've spent so long trying to protect you, that I'd forgotten that it wasn't my place too... I'm sorry." Lowering his hand Ryôga once again looked down at Akane's feet, unable to look her in the eye. "I'm not going to be like Kunô, or any of those others. It was a game with Ranma trying to win you away from her... I'm not going to be the one to try and make it real." Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane blushed slightly at the contact of Ryôga's fingers on her cheek. Her own hand went up, at first to bat his away, but stopped with the contact of his muscular knuckles. "Two-two girls...? Ha-happy together? Win me?" Akane parroted, her blush spreading. "Oh, Ryôga-kun... I always knew you had something for me... but I thought you got over it already... since you started dating Akari..." she started, a bit hesitantly. "Funny... that I'd would spot more easily the obvious attraction you had for Ranma... than for me." Her rosy cheeks on fire, and her heart bumping in her chest, Akane didn't know what to say... ... when suddenly, a pair of girl's voices, chatting, surprised them by getting closer. Obviously, some women were coming inside the ladies' restroom. And if they saw Ryôga here.... "Eek...." Akane whispered. "Ryôga-kun, you gotta hide, quick!" she urged him, pushing the Lost Boy inside a stall with her. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Crammed into the confining bathroom stall with Akane wasn't very comfortable. In fact, Ryôga could only see things getting worse if someone saw that Akane was with him in such a naughty place. Thinking of only Akane's reputation, Ryôga turned, throwing the young Tendô girl over his shoulder. Using his free shoulder as a battering ram, Ryôga ran towards the wall, praying that inertia would save him from any pipes that might activate his curse. Breaking through the stone and wood structure, Ryôga ran away from the voices, hopping to save Akane the shame of being seen with him. Wasting no time to see if he was being followed, Ryôga was soon halfway across the park, before realizing he was supporting Akane with only his hand upon her rear to keep her in place. Eventually seeing that only Akane's temper could be a problem, Ryôga began to slow and eventually stopped his mad flight. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "EEEEEEEKK!!!" Akane had screamed when Ryôga burst through the wall of the public restroom. She couldn't do any less when he threw her on his shoulder, but she couldn't do any more than that either. She was strong, true, but compared to the Lost Boy she was just a weak little girl -- not that she liked the idea. She liked even less Ryôga's hand on her backside; only Ranma was supposed to touch her rear -- what was she thinking? When Ryôga finally slowed down, he realized that Akane was wildly flailing her legs and thumping her fists against his back. She probably was doing this for some time now, but the iron-skinned and distracted Ryôga probably didn't notice until now. "Put me down put me down put me down put me down!!" she protested. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Sorry." Ryôga apologized sheepishly. Easily, he placed her down in front of him, bending at his waist so that she was spared the indignity of being hulled like a sack of potatoes any more. "Sorry," he said again quickly, "I couldn't let anyone see you with me like that. I didn't want you to suffer like that." In his own way, the Lost Boy had merely been trying to protect the girl. Flinching, Ryôga waited for the inevitable pounding. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "What has taken you?!" Akane yelled in his face. "I know it was a bad idea to drag you there, but we could have just waited in the stall for the women to leave, and nothing else! What pushed you to break through this wall? You probably destroyed most of that public restroom!" Before Ryôga could place a word in apology, Akane huffed and threw her arms in exasperation. "Ooooooohhhh... I'm so sick of MEN! Especially jock martial artists who only think with their muscles -- or their second head -- and nothing else! Did it EVER occur to you that there exist some solutions to problems that don't necessarily involve lots of property damage?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Well, no..." Ryôga answered, not realizing it was a question not meant to be answered. "The whole reason we learn to do these things is to make sure we can protect the ones we love. Giving time for something to happen only allow trouble to brew. How often have you gotten mad at Ranma simply because you waited too long to deal with something? If something does happen, it's not in our nature to wait to see the outcome; we face it head on. It's our way Akane... and you do it to." The last part was added just to keep Akane thinking more then anything else. "And as for thinking with the 'second head'," Ryôga said, folding his arms with annoyance, "I've only done that once or twice, and Ranma.... Well, if Ranma hadn't been thinking with that head at Tôgenkyô, you'd be a man thinking with it right about now." Ryôga threw the words at Akane, suddenly getting into the argument. "Or how about the time Ranma could have cured herself, and all she had to do was kiss Kunô? But no, it was you she was thinking about." With every passing second, Ryôga felt himself slipping into in almost unknown jealous anger at the Tendô girl. "At times I don't even see what she sees in you, Akane-san, you're so mean and spiteful to her!" Then all at once Ryôga seemed to deflate. "But then you're also the kindest most loving person I've ever met... and I understand completely why she... we both care for you. "You want an answer to your question, Akane, we think with it because it sees things clearly while our minds are cluttered with garbage." Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane was a bit taken aback by how verbose Ryôga was answering to her. But she didn't let it sway her from her rightful indignation right now. "How... don't try to compare me to you dumb jocks, Ryôga-kun. I may get mad at time when Ranma's acting like a jerk, but I never slammed my head into walls just because they were in my way! "And don't give me the bullshit about facing everything head-on.... Since I know you, how LONG did it take you to admit you liked me? Or for Ranma? Mmmh? "And as for that date between Ranma-chan and Kunô... I don't know who told you about it, but they botched the story. Ranma sure wasn't thinking about me when she was about to kiss him... she was just thinking about how much Kunô disgusted her." Akane took a pensive look. "Funny... I bet she wasn't so disgusted when YOU did the kissing... and more. I guess she did protest too much about not liking guys... in fact, it just depended on which guy." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Yes, Akane, I'm sure you don't bash things with your head. You use your fists well enough for that." As soon as the words left Ryôga's mouth his face turned a light shade of pale green, and balked at the girl in front of him. Though he had said it, Ryôga found that the words were almost that of another person. The jealous beast inside of him, latching on to the brewing argument, readying itself for freedom. There was no doubt in any part of the Lost Boy that he did love Akane deeply. His feelings for her were true and noble in their own mixed-up way. Yet, his anger at her casual dismissal of is words broke something inside of the young man. "'You get mad when Ranma's a jerk? I've seen your family react around you Akane, they fear you more then anyone else!" As if he was expanding with rage alone, Ryôga's chest and shoulders seemed to swell with every breath. "As for Ranma enjoying the kissing, you weren't there, I was! Ranma may have been kissing my lips but it wasn't me she was thinking of... I've kissed a girl who likes me...." All at once, Ryôga seemed to deflate; actually losing the strength to stand, he was soon sitting at Akane's feet. "Heh, I won... I made Ranma fight a battle she didn't want to and wasn't unprepared for. I beat her, and in the end I'm the one that lost. I may have had a taste but she loves you, I was nothing more than tool she used along the way." Once more Ryôga swung heavily into one of his manic mood swings. "I love you, Akane; you might no think it but I really do... but a part of me hates you as well." Putting the palms of his hands against his face, Ryôga pressed firmly, not wanting to give into the depression filling him, but failing miserably as stopping it. "You have no idea what it's like to lose, to really lose and know that no matter what you do you'll never win the love of the person you have feelings for. It's always someone else fault, isn't it, Akane? Ranma makes you mad, I'm a pigheaded jerk... it's never Akane gets mad easy. I've seen Ranma time and again show her love for you, leaving the rest of us behind without looking back, only to get the angry side of your fists." "I know what it's like, Akane; it's easy to be angry with you and ignore the fact I alone am responsible for the hell my life is." Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane weathered Ryôga's hammering of words, getting redder and madder with each of his vicious rebuttal. Shaking with rage, she gritted her teeth and glared at the Lost Boy with a smoldering look she usually reserved for perverts like Kunô or the Hentai Horde. It was a frightening new experience for the Hibiki boy. "WHY YOU...! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT, YOU-YOU-YOU MOLESTER!!" Her fist, powered by righteous fury, raced toward Ryôga's face, promising to dent event the Lost Boy's iron skin badly... But it stopped a mere centimeter from his face. Facing him for a few seconds, Akane's lips were trembling and her eyes watering... "WHAAAAHHHAHAHAHAAAAAAa!!!" ... before she fell to her knees, bawling out in tears. "OOOUUUIIIN!! What was I about to do! *SOB* I nearly beaten you to a pulp! *snif* You're my friend, but already I'm getting mad at you.... *snif* All because of the jealousy.... *snif* I didn't want it to end like that! I never wanted us to tear up each other because of Ranma!" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "I'm the one who's sorry!" Kneeling down next to Akane, Ryôga placed his arms around her, pulling the weeping girl's head to his chest. "I'm the bad guy!" In his already depressed state, Akane's sudden change of emotions weighed heavily on the Lost Boy. "I said I wouldn't fight you over that Baka and look at me, I went on the attack the moment I could!" Letting Akane go after a moment, Ryôga looked up a forced smile on his face. "I guess I can't help but attack the ones I love... first Ranma, and now you, Akane. I think I should be going now, I don't want to make things harder between you and Ranma." Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "NO!" Akane protested, clinging to Ryôga in turn by hugging him. "Don't go, Ryôga-kun... you're my friend... I don't want us to fight over Ranma, but I don't want to lose you just because of some jealousy either." Sniffing a little more, she momentarily let go of Ryôga to wipe her tears from her eyes. "I can live with it, you know. I can live with you loving Ranma, wanting Ranma... because... I love him... or her, too. And I can imagine what it would be to lose my fiancé forever... I just don't want to inflict that on you, Ryôga-kun. Even if you've done some bad things... you just don't deserve it." Akane sighed, seemingly lost in thoughts. "You know what, Ryôga-kun? I'll tell you something. Even before we... or you... started to get intimate with Ranma... I always knew... always suspected... that *you* my top-most rival for Ranma's affection... even before the other 'fiancées'. "No, no, don't protest, Ryôga-kun. I'm not saying silly things. Shampoo or Kodachi... Ranma's plain afraid of them. Well, he's afraid of Shampoo's cat-form, or of being dragged in China as a trophy husband. And Kodachi, she's plain nut. Ranma never had any feelings for those two. As for Ukyô... she's mainly a 'best pal' to him... or maybe a sister. He sure loves her, but this isn't the kind of love she'd like. "You, on the other hand... Ranma always welcomed your visits... even if only for the great sparring. He always enjoyed your company... seeking you out... even goading you to react. Heck, just look at all those disguises Ranma-chan used just to get closer to you. Don't tell me that at times, she wasn't plain 'flirting' with you.... "You know what I think? Even if the Baka doesn't realize it... or may even be in full denial about it... I'm sure he... *she* is in love with you, deep down. How else can you explain that you managed to seduce her? You may pretend that you 'tricked' or 'forced' Ranma into it, but we both know that's impossible. She must have wanted it in some way or form, or it never would have happened, Ryôga-kun." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "It was you, Akane. You were the terms of the bet." Ryôga told the girl his hands on her shoulders. "What made Ranma agree to the fight was a chance to have me get out of your life. While I'll admit that Ranma may like me, she does love you." Sitting down onto his hunches, Ryôga looked at Akane his face both in awe and ashamed. "No matter how bad you feel, you still always try to make someone else feel better. That's why I... we love you. That's also why I need to leave. Even when I was with Akari, my feelings for you never changed. In fact it was only by cheating on her with Ranma, that it made me realize I was only using her. I'm tired of being alone. I haven't seen my father since I was eight, and my mother since I was thirteen. You, Akane, you and Ranma. You're the closest thing I have to a family, and it's not just Ranma I want to be...." Realizing he couldn't finish that statement despite everything that had been said the Lost Boy blushed and looked down. "If I stay I might try to claim you. I'm weak Akane, I know I'll give into temptation and try my hardest to do it." Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "It was you, Akane. You were the terms of the bet." Ryôga told the > girl his hands on her shoulders. "What made Ranma agree to the fight > was a chance to have me get out of your life." Akane frowned a little at Ryôga's admission. "I should get mad from you two again putting me as the wager of your bet... but I guess I'm getting used to it. Ranma's always doing that... like on the skating rink... or that time with Mousse." > "While I'll admit that Ranma may like me, she does love you." "I know that, Ryôga-kun. If only it wasn't so hard to have him only _admitting_ it." > "No matter how bad you feel, you still always try to make someone > else feel better. That's why I... we love you." Akane blushed at this, embarrassingly looking away. > "That's also why I need to leave. Even when I was with Akari my > feelings for you never changed, in fact it was only by cheating on > her with Ranma, that it made me realize I was only using her. I'm > tired of being alone. I haven't seen my father since I was eight, and > my mother since I was thirteen. You Akane, you and Ranma. You're the > closest thing I have to a family, and it's not just Ranma I want to > be...." Akane was still blushing, but this time she looked straight at Ryôga. She even moved her face closer to him, but the Lost Boy was looking down and didn't notice this. "That's... that's nice of you, Ryôga-kun. You won't be left alone, I swear...." > "If I stay I might try to claim you. I'm weak Akane, I know I'll give > into temptation and try my hardest to do it." "Hey! No way I'm letting you leave now, Ryôga-kun! You already have this habit of disappearing for long periods, I won't let you try and abandon us." She took his face in her delicate hand, and gently lifted it up so that he'd look at her. "How do you know... that I would mind so much if you try to claim me? Or Ranma, for that matter?" Not giving to the Hibiki lad the time to answer, she deposited a sweet peck on his check. Then, stepping back and standing before the stunned Ryôga, she smiled impishly at him. Her closed eyes and the tip of her tongue poking through her lips were making her look real cute. "Come on, we're babbling, we're babbling, but don't you think we should go find Ranma and involve him in the conversation? He's concerned too, after all." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Hrumph..." Ryôga grunted an annoyed sound at Akane's last statement. Due to the fact she had kissed him, Ryôga's face was a fiery shade of red, his blush looking seconds away from setting his clothing on fire. Absently, his fingers traced along the path Akane's lips had brushed against his skin, a large part of the Lost Boy unbelieving that it had just occurred. "I don't know, Akane, Ranma will just say something stupid and make you or me decide to kill her." Despite the meanness of his words, Ryôga's voice and the smile on his face showed he had no malice for the redhead. From his knees, Ryôga used the strength of his ankles to spring himself into a standing position. Now once again at his full height, Ryôga looked down at the smiling Akane, for a moment just admiring her beauty. "You know..." he said at last, reaching up and placing a large hand so that her delicate face was cupped ever so gently. His thumb softly brushed against the girl's chin rolling in a small circle. "You are by far too good for the likes of Ranma and me." It was as if he was autopilot. Akane's kiss and the very cute way she had stuck her tongue out at him had raised the boiling feelings in his heart. Her final words had impassioned him, her request that maybe he could claim her driving his body. "You're right, we should find Ranma." The last part spoken trailing off as his lips lowered to find hers. Ryôga's mouth meeting Akane's for only a moment before bulling back, leaving her with the chastest of kisses. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ryôga couldn't see it, as he was closing his eyes when nearing Akane's face to give her the chaste kiss, but the Tendô girl was blushing fiercely when Ryôga's lips brushed hers. Her fist instinctively closed, and she was torn between the desires to pound the Lost Boy into the ground for his boldness... ... or to chastise him for the shortness of the kiss. Yes, she had been kissing a lot with Ranma, lately, among other things. And she found out she loved that. So, faced with another boy having the audacity to put a peck on her mouth, she couldn't choose between getting mad at the pervert... or getting mad at the prude. Especially now that Ryôga had admitted his feelings for her. Feelings she had suspected for a long time, but never dared to respond to, because she wanted to stay faithful to Ranma. That's why she was so supporting of Ryôga when she (mistakenly) thought he was dating Ukyô, or when he seemed smitten with Akari. It was alleviating a big emotional burden from her shoulders. And here she was, back to square one... except it was her Baka fiancé who, finally, committed the first infidelity with Ryôga. Idly, Akane wondered what Ranma would think if she happened to reciprocate it. Akane had, understandably, a thing against stupid boys taking ages to admit their feelings. (Of course this was more than a bit hypocritical of her, but nobody here is pretending she was perfect.) Her mind in turmoil, she suddenly acted on instinct, letting the whim overtake. She grabbed Ryôga's face, brought back his mouth to hers, and transformed the brushing into a deep, long, wet smooching. She just didn't put her tongue, but that kiss could never again be called chaste. Stopping the sucking, Akane stepped away from the stunned Ryôga. She turned around to hide her blush, and glanced behind her above her shoulder, arms behind her back. "Why, Ryôga-kun? Ranma-chan wasn't enough for you. Aren't you ashamed? I'll tell my fiancé...." Giggling cutely, she headed in the direction of the Tendô Dôjô, a bit of a happy bounce in her walk. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Standing there, open-mouthed and utterly stunned, Ryôga was unable to do anything. The heat of the moment lit fire in the Lost Boy, causing a small but steady stream of blood to leak from his nose. "Akane..." he said, completely and utterly in awe of the Tendô girl. What had been a year-long dream to kiss the girl before him had suddenly changed to a fantasy he had never dared to dream about before. As Akane began to move away from him, the Lost Boy stood motionless, only showing life after a few moments to rub his lips. "That, that..." he stammered at the departing Akane's back. "You're better at that than Ranma was." he said at last realizing she was leaving him behind. Almost scrambling over himself, Ryôga moved in a hurry to catch up to the girl, stumbling over his feet at first. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Ooooohhh... thanks a lot, Ryôga-kun." Akane huffed in a mockingly outraged tone. "Comparing me to that baka *boy*. Of course I'm better at kissing! Ranma ain't a true girl, did you forget?" Still, Akane wasn't showing him her face, which was beet red. She didn't know what had taken her to kiss Ryôga like that. Especially just after they had respectively poured out their mixed-up feelings, and admitted how awkward they were. It was all because of her fiancé, probably. Yes, that pervert had unleashed Akane's libido by starting screwing her silly. So, as usual, it was Ranma's fault, certainly. Akane was nonetheless glancing there and then at Ryôga, to be sure he followed and didn't get lost. He and Ranma ought to have long-overdue, serious discussion; it was out of question he'd miss it because of his crappy sense of direction. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Following Akane, Ryôga more then once let his eyes settle over her body. A part of him wondered if Akane could tell he was looking at her like a piece of meat, but frankly he couldn't stop himself. After her surprising kiss, Ryôga's mind could only raise itself above carnal thoughts for a few moments. Making matters worse was Akane's acceptance of a sexual nature between Ranma, her and himself. The idea of the three becoming some sort of mixed-up lovers was practically ripping a hole in the front of Ryôga's slacks. It felt like hours to the Lost Boy time and again he had started to wander off only to be pulled back by Akane. It was like an endless dream his time with Akane. Their frank talk of before had changed into more pleasant and menial banter. Though the lust in the boy's heart never completely faded through their trek. It was almost a perfect day for Ryôga until they reached the Tendô Dôjô. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Saotome Ranma, after a nice workout in the dojo, walked out of the training room, wiping his brow with a towel. He was in male form and wearing his usual soft cotton pants, and a muscle shirt. This looked like a nice, beautiful day. He wondered were Akane was, though. Not that he longed for the tomboy's presence that much... they spent a lot of time together already, especially since... they spent more time together. Anyway, she could go for a walk in the park, alone, it was no trouble for him. It wasn't like he had to keep an eye on her all the time. She could defend herself, and getting too possessive would just get her mad. No, really, he had no reason to worry about his fiancée, and he absolutely wasn't missing her right now, not at all, thank you very much.... *SPLASH!* "ACK!! A-A-A-AKANE!! WADDYA DO THAT FOR??!!" a soprano voice screamed in outrage. The suddenly womanified Ranma sputtered and shook her red mane of hair. What she had lost in height seemed to be compensated by her bust, which looked like ready to burst out of her flimsy muscle shirt. Akane calmly put down the bucket she had just emptied on her fiancé, taking him/her by surprise. Her face unreadable, she said "Ranma... we have to talk." "I why did you haveta splash me for that??" the dripping wet, irate redhead grumbled. Akane pointed with her thumb above her shoulder, revealing a red-faced Ryôga behind her. "Because what we have to talk about concern your girl-side, baka." Ranma-chan glorped at the sight of the Hibiki boy, some pink also crawling to her cheeks. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Almost as if it had a mind of it's own, Ryôga's loins responded to the sight of his lover with a violent rapidity. Coming to rigid life the front of his pants tented, causing the Lost Boy a bit of pain as it struggled against its cloth tomb. Unwilling to reach down and adjust himself, afraid that he'd look like a pervert in front of the two, he just gritted his teeth and decided to bear the discomfort. His only concession to his obvious attraction to the wet Ranma-chan was to unshoulder his backpack and place it so that it covered "little Ryôga". "Ranma, we need to talk, some place less open." Having discussed with Akane along the way, it was agreed that maybe this conversation was best suited to take place in her room. The open areas of the Tendô home was just inviting outside interference as would heading into the dojo. Knowing Ranma, there was a chance that she might try to flee before facing the music, so to speak. "Akane knows what we did." Ryôga said softly, making sure Ranma knew how important the following conversation was. After that Ryôga held out his arm, allowing Akane to lead them to her room. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma opened her mouth while her face turned aghast. At the same time, though, she was very red, as if ready to burst in fire. "WHA... she... know... about us... what... do you mean... she know... what did she know...?" Ranma babbled incoherently. Since that night when Akane had surprised the redhead touching herself while moaning Ryôga's name, Ranma-chan had been dreading that her fiancée would put two and two together. She didn't dare asking her directly, of course. She had been mortified enough when discovered. And besides being paralyzed by shame at the time... Ranma had soon gotten quite distracted. Mostly because spying on the wanton pigtailed girl had aroused Akane so much that she literally jumped the redhead, and initiated their first experience in lesbian sex. It had been quite weird, with Akane being the sexual aggressor for once. To Ranma's extreme embarrassment, though, she could tell she was longing for it to happen again. Akane hadn't mentioned this little fact with Ryôga. Their discussion had been open enough already, but going exactly into the details of all her little romps with Ranma just wasn't in Akane's nature. Akane huffed, frowning as she saw Ranma-chan falling into pieces. "Yes, I know, you baka. You really thought you keep that from me?" Guiding Ryôga with one hand, as the direction-challenged boy hoped, and pulling Ranma alongside them with the other hand, they headed toward her room. "And Ryôga-kun knows about us, too." the Tendô girl added. "WHA?! He kn-- Akane, are you crazy?" Turning to the Hibiki boy, Ranma frowned. "Why aren't you yelling 'Ranma, prepare to die!' and attacking me already, P-chan?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Don't call me that!" Ryôga hissed and bonked the redhead on the top of her head with a fist. "Besides, I told Akane that I care... that I care... that I wouldn't come between the two of you." Ryôga found he couldn't admit to Ranma his feelings as easily as he could to Akane. There was something more final about telling Ranma his feelings than it had been telling Akane. Once the three had made their way to Akane's room, Ryôga found he couldn't look either girl in the eyes. In fact, he couldn't look at Ranma at all without focusing upon her wet clinging muscle shirt. Looking at Akane only made him remember the feeling of her lips upon his, and the taste of pleasure Akane had given him. "Akane's not mad about what happened..." he said with his back turned to the two girls. "She even saw the picture I took and didn't...." Hissing, Ryôga realized he had said too much. Turning, he looked at the stunned Ranma's face. "I mean, she still has it." Putting his head down, Ryôga put his index fingers together in front of him, tapping them together in a nervous habit he had. "You never gave it back, Akane...." Ryôga said lamely. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma, still rubbing the top of her head, opened her eyes and glared at Ryôga. "Picture? What picture?" she finally asked. Her "encounter" with Ryôga was a bit blurry in her memory -- she hadn't been entirely in her right mind at the time, feeling a weird detachment of her body and mind. So she didn't quite remember that Ryôga took plenty of pictures. Akane had the modesty to blush at Ryôga's last request. "Oh... yeah... I forgot." She fumbled in the pocket of her summer dress... the dress Ryôga offered at Ranma-chan... the dress the redhead had been wearing just after losing her virginity.... Akane pulled out the picture, glanced at it another time, and sighed. "You look kind of cute in it... sorta." she concluded while nonchalantly showing the photo to Ranma-chan. "WHAT!?" Ranma's jaw almost fell on the floor. She frantically switched the picture from Akane's fingers, and stared at it with bulging eyes. "Cute!? Are ya crazy, ya Tomboy? Ryôga, you perv', how DARE you take such a gross pic and show it to Akane?!" "Oh, can it, Ranma...." Akane said while sitting on her bed, huffing. "You're the one that's making that picture 'gross', as you said. And that's what we should talk about, anyway." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "What do you want from me?" Ryôga demanded from Ranma as he took the picture back. "Being with you like that was one of the best things that's ever happened to me, and I'm not going to let the memory die." he responded in anger, more to stop Ranma's anger than anything else. Ryôga stanched the picture back. Taking Akane's cue, Ryôga crossed over to sit at her desk, leaving Ranma standing alone in the room. "And no, you're not cute in it, you're beautiful. So leave it alone, Ranma, it's mine." he said, folding his arms, waiting for the redhead's inevitable outburst. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma, indeed, dumbly stood in the middle of the room, gaping. She wanted to get mad at Ryôga, and usually needed little pretext for it... but the Hibiki's words had just destabilized her. "Wha... best... memory... cute... beautiful...." she stuttered, her face threatening to get as red as her hair. "What the HELL are ya talking about, Pig-Boy?" "He's just telling the truth," Akane interjected, "something new for the both of you, I admit. So I understand you'd feel awkward with it. But that's what we are here together, Ranma. Now more hiding, no more beating around the bush. I want all of us to be honest with each other, for once." Ranma harrumphed, obviously wanting to dismiss Akane's plea as yet another tomboy's silliness. But her fiancée wasn't ready to relent any soon. "Ryôga-kun," Akane pursued, "would you please repeat what you told me about your feelings for that baka, here?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga's huffing at Akane's request was childlike in nature. Folding his arms, it was very clear that he did not want to. "I don't want to." he said, making sure his body language was read correctly. "Besides, why do I have to go first? I already admitted something today. It's Ranma's turn now." At the last second, Ryôga felt his competitive relationship with Ranma return in full force. Saying that he had feelings for Ranma first would be like admitting defeat. That was something Ryôga had no wish to do. "And stop calling me names, Ranma!" Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Alright, alright, Ryôga-kun." Akane mediated before the two martial artists could get into a shouting match. I guess it's fair. You've been honest with me, now it's Ranma's turn." "My turn for what? I have nothing to say... and nothing to hide, unlike some _pig_ I know." "Ranma! Ryôga just asked you to stop calling him names. And you surely have plenty to say... about what you did with Ryôga-kun, and that you tried to hide from your fiancée!" Ranma-chan blushed at this; it was obvious she couldn't look Akane straight in the eyes. "What is there to say?" the redhead huffed. "That baka challenged me... he pretended that I was afraid of my girl-side... and Ranma Saotome ain't afraid of anything. I showed him, and I won the duel. T'was all the idea of that pervert, though. I guess sneaking into unsuspecting girls' beds at night wasn't any longer enough for him." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "So are we going to play the blame game, Ranma?" Ryôga said as he got to his feet. With short but powerful strides, the Lost Boy walked face-to- face with the redhead. "Say what you want, but you were ready to go at a moment's notice, Ranma." Folding his arms, Ryôga dared Ranma to interrupt him. "It was never about being afraid of your girl-side, Ranma. Come on, we've all known it was about your fear of how much you'd like it as a girl. As for being a pig, it seems to me you road the 'hog' before ever even getting close to a girl." "Let's be honest here, other than Akane we all know you'd rather bed a man." Anger at Ranma and frustration at the girl's taunting of his secret, Ryôga found himself attacking full force. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma's reflex reaction to Ryôga's suddenly getting in her face was quite nervous, and the Lost Boy didn't miss it. She steeped backward, instinctively bringing her arms between them as if in protection... but obviously not from some expected violence... at least not only. Ranma would have taken a martial art stance if it was the case... instead, she seemed simply wary that the Hibiki boy would touch her... or take her in his arms. "Wha... I wasn't... I didn't... I'm not...." she lamely stuttered at first... until Ryôga's last accusation. > "Let's be honest here, other than Akane we all know you'd rather bed > a man." "WHAT!? YOU TAKE THAT BACK, YOU DORK!!" she fiercely protested, acting this time much more like herself -- including the fist she planted in the middle of Ryôga's face. Yup, that was much more like the Ranma he knew. "I ain't bedding no guy! I'm a man, you hear me!" "Ranma! Ryôga! Stop bickering like that!" Akane barked before things could turn into a full-out brawl. "Ryôga's right in saying you aren't fully honest, Ranma!" she scolded her fiancé(e). "But you, Ryôga-kun," she added for the Hibiki lad, "you shouldn't have insinuated that she'd be attracted by any man." "Gee, at least. Not too soon, Akane...." "I know at time that it could look like it... but I still think the hentai would more gladly jump into Shampoo or Ukyô's bed..." "HEY!" "... than in, say, for example, Kunô-sempai's...." "ERK! AKANE! What's taken to say thing like that? URGH! The mere thought is making me ill! Thanks a lot for the image, Akane!" While Ranma was making a disgusted face, Akane smirked and went in for the kill. "That's what I meant, Ranma. You would never have let any other guys do you like Ryôga did. And there's a good reason for that. Care to tell us, Ranma? Your REAL feelings about Ryôga-kun?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga was not picking up on Akane's carefully-worded trap. "Ranma's not like that." he said coming to the redhead's defense. "As much as I hate to admit it, Ranma wouldn't allow just anyone to touch her." Moving gently, seeing that Akane had put Ranma off guard, Ryôga placed his hand against her cheek, feeling the desirable warmth of her flesh. "Ranma, tell me what we did didn't matter to you. Look me in the eyes and let me know you felt nothing and I'll leave. You'll never see me again... I really do care about you too much to let you drag this out." If Ryôga learned one thing in his time with Akari, it was when to lay it on thick. Ranma's reactions and her flush to his presence were all signs the Lost Boy had learned to look for in his old lover. "I guess what I'm trying to say is... making love to you is the best thing that's ever happened in my miserable life. Between you and Akane- san's friendship, I've found more joy then I've ever thought was possible. So please tell me, Ranma, let me know I mean nothing to you. It's better to be in hell alone then to stay and make you suffer." Yeah; a speech like that would definitely have gotten him laid with Akari, Ryôga thought in the dark black part of his mind. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma's body language was pretty much eloquent when Ryôga touched her cheeks -- the glowing blush, the bucking of her legs, the trembling of her frame, the panicked and glistening eyes... were all quite telling of her internal turmoil. "Aaahh... aghaaa... blu... whaaa...." The sounds escaping her mouth, however, were pretty much gibberish. The redhead seemed to have lost the power of speech. At least for a while. Finding herself defenseless against Ryôga's heartfelt words, the stubborn martial artist had no choice but to gloss them over, and react as her usual obnoxious, brash self. "WHY YOU... you fight dirty, Ryôga!" she protested, slapping his hands away from her face. "What's all this silliness about caring? We never 'made love', we had a contest, a fight, you jerk! Don't you try confusing me and Akane with all those sappy bullshit--" *SLAP!* Ranma stopped her rant and brought a hand to her cheek, looking bewildered at Akane. The Tendô girl had stepped and slapped Ranma-chan before she could further aggravate things between her and Ryôga. "Stop lashing out at Ryôga-kun and being so stupid, Baka! He was asking you a serious question, and all you did was reacting in your usual childish way!" Akane scolded. "I did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did t-- see, just what I said! I'm tired of seeing you all the time lying to yourself, Ranma." The redhead plain snorted. "And just what I could be lying to myself about?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga knew Ranma well enough to know words would only complicate things for her. Only actions were able get through the redhead's stubborn defenses. While her mind could dance and sing around any truth she heard, her body trained to perfection was always be more honest... or so at least Ryôga hoped. With the redhead distracted by Akane, Ryôga moved so that he was slightly behind her. For a fleeting moment he looked over the short girl's head and made eye contact with Akane. Holding his hand up, Ryôga motioned for Akane to follow him. > "And just what I could be lying to myself about?" "This." he said, placing a strong hand on Ranma's shoulder. Using his size to his advantage, Ryôga spun Ranma around so that she now faced him. Lowering his face to hers, Ryôga bent close to kiss the redhead, one hand snaking around the girl's back, supporting her body against his. His other hand moved quickly, only at the last second catching Akane's forearm. With a slight tug he pulled the Tendô girl closer, causing Ranma's body to be sandwiched by their own. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Despite her surprise, Ranma-chan was high-strung and very ready to respond violently to Ryôga's backstabbing... huh... I mean kiss. But by pulling Akane against them, Ryôga pretty much neutralized the redhead's reaction. She dared not lash out in fear of hurting Akane. So, she was defenseless when the Lost Boy claimed her sweet lips and slipped his tongue in her mouth. "Mmmpffff...." she protested, eyes wide. "Lying about this, Ranma...." Akane whispered, pressing against Ranma's petite body. "Lying about how strongly you feel for Ryôga." Her right hands took a hold on Ranma's arm, preventing her to strike at the young man. "Lying about how much you started loving him, wanting him... since you got this body." Ranma's protesting groan became louder, but Akane distracted her by cupping directly the redhead's full breasts underneath her muscle short. The pigtailed girl clearly shivered from this, struggling less hard against Ryôga. "I'm not blind, Ranma. I've noticed all the hints you were giving when around Ryôga-kun." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota As he kissed the redhead, Ryôga's arms moved so that his left one slipped around Ranma's back. Digging like a determined gopher, it pried its way between the two girls' bodies until at last it came to a stop at Ranma's rear. As he did this, his other hand moved around Akane's back, it too resting on Akane's rump. Gently, his fingers rubbed against both of the girl's bottoms. "And I saw how you looked at Akane, Ranma." Ryôga said into her mouth as the kiss died between them. "Part of the reason I've always wanted to fight you was... well, because a part of me knew how good the two of you would actually be together. I was jealous of the both you, I wanted in." With that said, Ryôga once more began to kiss his pigtailed lover. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma tried to utter a growl that could have been of protest, but it died into a whimper as the two people Ranma cared the most for went groping her female body. She shook under their wandering hands, in what she thought to be an attempt to struggle, but they both could easily decipher as badly controlled excitement. Akane gasped cutely when she felt Ryôga's hand reach her rump. She blushed, though she guessed it was fair after the kiss she gave him in the park. She just hoped that Ranma wouldn't see it -- if there was one thing that could pull the redhead out of her funk, it was her raging jealousy. Akane decided to continue her appeal without taking Ryôga's words into account. In a way, both of them pleading for the other's case in regard to Ranma's feelings was giving more strength to their arguments, and more chance for them to break through the stubborn Saotome denial. "Yes, Ranma-chan... all these times you dressed as a cute girl to distract Ryôga... there as his fiancée... there as his sister... there as his maid... how MANY times have you done it, Ranma? I bet I wasn't there for some of them...." "Mmmmhhhmmmmhhh... mmmhhmhhmhmmmh...!" If Ranma was trying to say something, it was muffled by Ryôga's hungry kiss. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga's hunger once again awakened by the tough of Ranma's lips forced the kiss to become deeper. With every passing second, the Lost Boy tried to put everything he had into his lover's lips. His love and his fears, every ounce of himself was laid open for the reluctant redhead with his lips. Moving his tongue boldly against hers, Ryôga's very soul was laid bare in the moment. The hand on Ranma's rear instinctively pulled her tighter. With no concern for what anyone thought of him, Ryôga pressed the supple redhead against his solid member. With the excitement of kissing the redhead once again, and the feeling of Akane's perfect derriere in another hand, Ryôga's libido responded in full force. A part of Ryôga's mind riled against such a blatantly hentai act, but nothing could change his need to feel Ranma's body once again. Even if it was only through their clothing. The groping of both girls went on for a few seconds before Ryôga recognized that the mumbling he was hearing was Ranma. "Akane," he groaned, breaking their kisses grudgingly. "I think Ranma has something she wants to say to you." The words were a gamble, but Ryôga in his blood-pumping joy decided to take the chance. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma took a deep, frantic breath as soon as Ryôga freed her lips. She was looking still a bit bewildered and astonished by what was happening her. Head spinning, she faced Akane, looking at her fiancée in disbelief. "A...Akane! What the hell is taking you...? Why are you doing that?!" Akane used the captive position of Ranma to her advantage... the redhead couldn't flee, and for once she'd have to listen to them without avoiding the issue. "Because... as I said... I'm aware of what are your true feelings for Ryôga. Don't try to deny it, I know you, I can read you like an open book...." "AH!" Ranma disdainfully mocked. "Don't make me laugh, Akane! You don't know wack about people's feelings! Heck, Ryôga's been pinning over you for ages, and you weren't even notic--" "Baka!" Akane cut her off. "You really, seriously think I never realized that Ryôga was falling for me? You're very wrong, Ranma. I saw it right from the start. But I was... trying to stay faithful to you... and at the same time, I didn't want to break Ryôga-kun's heart. That's why I was so happy when I believed he was dating Ukyô... or when he finally found Akari. Because I thought she would help him get over me." Akane then frowned at the redhead. "But finally... YOU are the one who've been unfaithful. You've cheated on me with Ryôga-kun. Now, are you going to take responsibility, or not?" Ranma-chan paled. "But...but...but... you're the one pushing me in his arms, now! Aren't you jealous?" "I'm tired of being jealous, Ranma. I've been for way too long with all your other fiancées. Now, I don't want our friendship with Ryôga-kun to turn sour in the same way." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Akane, I don't want to get between you two." Ryôga said, placing his arms around Ranma's stomach. Looking over the girl's shoulder at the Tendô girl, the Lost Boy's face became very serious. "I don't want to lose you or Ranma as friends either, but what you want might make it harder between the two of you." As he spoke, Ryôga's opportunistic hands began to slid up Ranma's front until his large hands found the girl's breasts. Despite wanting to do what was best for Ranma and Akane, Ryôga's body continued to take advantage of the situation. Cupping the mounds of Ranma's chest, the wanderer's fingers began to lightly pinch at the redhead's nipples. Without realizing it himself, Ryôga's fingers began to roll the tips of Ranma's breasts between his index fingers and thumbs, gently massaging the nubs of her nipples. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma certainly wasn't staying indifferent to Ryôga's mauling of her nipples. The pigtailed girl cutely whimpered and gasped from the direct assault on her very sensitive nubs. She shook between Akane's arms, who was helping her fiancé(e) stand upright. The Tendô girl wasn't doing anything to prevent Ryôga from molesting the redhead, to Ranma's great confusion. She was even almost guiding Ryôga's hands. "Harder between us, Ryôga-kun? Like what?" Akane answered, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Like Ranma having maybe three other girls chasing him, two of them with a direct claim over my iinazuke? Like me having a whole bunch of perverts at school, trying to sway me from him? Like our parents using every dumb pretext to push us together, and making our relationship even more difficult?" Akane smiled fatalistically. "Believe me, Ryôga-kun, if I haven't already dumped the big baka despite all of this... what make you think you'll make a big difference? Okay, it took some time for me to get used to the idea that Ranma had taken a male lover..." "Hey! I didn't!" Ranma suddenly protested. "... but compared to some of his other silly antics, that's not so weird...." Akane concluded, ignoring Ranma's outburst. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Suddenly, something clicked into place in the back of the Lost Boy's mind. While he certainly wasn't the most observant of people, an insight into Akane's mind became clear. Well, at least he hoped. "Akane, I think there's something you want to admit to Ranma as well." As he was speaking, Ryôga curled his fingers against the material of Ranma's shirt. Then, using just a little bit of strength he tugged, completely ripping the garment open. As the redhead's breasts became free from their confining cloth prison, Ryôga placed his hands directly against the hot skin of Ranma's breasts. Now with direct contact, the Lost Boy wasted no time in nearly mauling the girl's exposed tits. Remembering his last encounter with Ranma, Ryôga remembered she seemed to like it when he took a more aggressive role. "It's not just about making sure we stay friends, is it, Akane? You want to watch Ranma have sex." It was another gamble, but for some reason Ryôga was sure he was on the right track with the Tendô girl. Besides, there was also the chance that Ranma might focus on that idea, on making Akane squirm for a bit and miss that she was once again making love with him until it was too late. With his kiss from Akane and his present groping of Ranma's breasts, Ryôga was well past the level of being turned on and was deeply in need for satisfaction. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma would have liked to retort something to Akane, but she stood frozen in shock for a short moment when Ryôga ripped of her shirt -- especially because he was mauling her breasts. That is, until she heard this: > "It's not just about making sure we stay friends, is it Akane? > You want to watch Ranma have sex." "What!?" Ranma barked, regaining enough of her motor skills to slap Ryôga's hands away from her chest. And also punch the Lost Boy away from her, propelling him into a wall. "Hands off, you lech!" She was now focusing back on Akane, glaring. Though as an afterthought, she instinctively covered her breasts with her arms. "What the hell is that perverted pig meaning, Akane? You can't be wanting such a thing?" she asked, glaring at her fiancée. Akane had the decency to blush a bit; it was hard to tell if it was from the accusation, though, or from the sight of what Ryôga and Ranma where doing. Probably both, in fact. Akane sat at her desk, trying to not hide her discomfort and not squirm, and leveled her gaze at Ranma. "Of course not. Ryôga-kun is exaggerating things. All I want is to see you... finally stopping being a baka and admitting what you truly feel... preferably without us having to resort on torture or somesuch." "Oh yeah?" Ranma replied skeptically. "I ain't buying that prude-and- innocent-girl charade of yours anymore, Akane. Not since you jumped me as a girl that one night and...." she trailed off, blushing as red as her hair, since she couldn't find adequate words to describe what they did that time. "With the show you were giving, can you blame me? And no, it isn't I want so much to watch you having sex with Ryôga-kun..." she denied again, her face a bit pink as she looked away. "I... I want to watch you *making love* with Ryôga-kun. That ain't the same thing." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota No matter what, Ryôga was still Ryôga. The encounter with Akari and Ranma both had done worlds of good in getting him to a level of confidence with women he had never imagined. With the more exposure to the female form he had, the more he was able to control his instincts. Yet some things were still too much for him. "As a girl...." he echoed Ranma's words. Then like a switch had been turned on, Ryôga's nose busted in a stream of blood as his legs gave out into a dead faint. Not knowing if either Ranma or Akane had noticed him, the Lost Boy landed with a thud at the foot of Akane's bed. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan was still facing Akane, arms crossed over her breasts, so she missed what was happening to Ryôga. After punching him into a wall, it was not that surprising. Akane, though, didn't miss it, and her eyes went wide at the sight of the Hibiki boy fainting with a nosebleed. At first she was puzzled by it... how could he still react like this after allegedly screwing Ranma-chan blind? But in a flash, she realized what the redhead had let slip... that they did it as both girl... which was NOT something she confessed to Ryôga. "Yeah, big difference, Akane!" Ranma still grumbled. "Why don't just YOU admit you're a big hentai tomb--ECK!" Ranma didn't finish her sentence as Akane pushed her out of the way to reach Ryôga. She kneeled by him, lifted his head on her lap, and wiped the blood from his nose. "Ryôga-kun, are you alright? Please, answer me." Akane demanded while lightly tapping his cheeks. She wondered if what was said was true... that watching two girls going at it was such a big fetish of males, and that they could get extremely excited by it. "Hey? What's going on with the tit molester?" Ranma asked in her usual crass way. She didn't sound any worried, though she too kneeled next to him. She was glaring at the couple with a bit of jealousy in her eyes. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Akane's gentle slapping, while totally undetectable to the iron-hided boy, did eventually begin to make him stir. It wasn't the sharpness of this tapping, but the emotion Akane had behind them that reached his fused brain. Bolting upright, it was like lighteing struck twice, as the Lost Boy's head once again rammed into the redhead's. The impact, more of surprising Ryôga than hurting him, still managed to get a painful groan out of him. "Owwww...." he said, his head dropping down to Akane's lap. Placing one of his large palms against his forehead, he vigorously tried to run the sting away just like he had done the first time he had made love to Ranma. Trying again, Ryôga sat up a bit more, gingerly avoiding any more head trauma. When he had arrived, Ryôga had tried to be the ladies' man. It had occurred to him that Ranma might have responded to a more powerful lover, and he had tried to fit that roll. In light of the idea of Ranma-chan and Akane having sex, and Akane as the aggressor like the redhead had suggested, though, showed the Lost Boy how out of his depth he was. (Another small stream of blood began to ooze from Ryôga's nose at the thought of the two girls engaging in carnal activities.) "I'm sorry." he apologized softly as his face blushed a deep scarlet red. "I guess I'm not up to this." At that moment, all Ryôga wanted to be was away from they two girls he loved. He had already made a fool of himself, he hopped to stop it before it went any further. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan groaned, holding her head and massaging the bump on her forehead. She was mumbling some unsavory things about "dumb, thick- headed, stupid, spineless, pig-boys...." Akane, after glancing at Ranma in worry, judged the redhead would probably recuperate quite fast, as usual. She turned her attention back to Ryôga-kun, pondering what could have elicited the nosebleed. "Are you alright, Ryôga-kun? Why are you saying that? You were so eager to confront Ranma...." "Yeah, you dumbschnock, what was the big idea." Ranma ranted, still looking peeved by her bump. (Though she seemed to have forgotten about her topless state already.) "How can you still have those stupid nosebleeds? You got no problem when banging me. What could have gotten you so excited?" "Oh, shut up, Ranma! Don't you see it? It's all your fault. If you hadn't mentioned that we... hu... that we... experimented as both girls...." "Wha...? You think it's that? What a dumbass. So, P-chan got all worked up because we... because YOU jumped me in my sleep like the pervert tomboy you are." "You weren't sleeping, Ranma, may I remind you? You were touching yourself, *while* calling out Ryôga's name." Akane then imitated Ranma's soprano voice. "'Oh, Ryôga-kun, you're so big... you want that hot, girly body, don't you... you want to put that huge thingy in my--" "NO WAY!" Ranma protested. "I wouldn't ever use such corny speech!" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Ranma," Ryôga said sharply, "what gives you the right to speak to Akane-san in such a manner?" Moving so that his bulk was between the redhead and the Tendô girl, Ryôga sat, facing Ranma's angry glare. "Whether or not you're angry at me does not make it all right to yell. If you want someone to be mad at, hit me, but you will not treat Akane in such a way in my presence again. For all of your posturing that 'Akane's so angry' and 'I'm just a big dump pig', you're the fool hurting the ones who love you." This was Ryôga being protective; this was the boy who would do anything for Akane Tendô. At that moment he wanted to do nothing more then slap the snot out of Ranma, but only Ryôga's respect for Akane held him in check. Even though the Lost Boy's libido kept flashing images for the two girls naked in a carnal embrace in his head, Ryôga's good guy nature was winning over. Given time, the idea of Ranma touching herself to thoughts of him would bring blood to his nose, but from now.... "Are you so scared of letting anyone in that you'd hurt the girl who adores you more then her own well-being?" Though he tried to hide it, a bit of disgust was creeping into Ryôga's voice. "You've found the one thing I 'WILL NEVER HAVE'. You've found a wonderful a girl like Akane's who's willing to accept 'everything' about you. As you so often like to point out I'll never find someone like Akane who'll be able to accept this 'pig'." As always when things got hard emotionally, Ryôga fell back into the sensual embrace of self-pity. It was easy to fight back when you though yourself to be a victim. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block At first, Ranma-chan tried to stay standoffish, weathering Ryôga's ranting like she usually did, mostly by not paying attention. But as the irate boy became more and more eloquent, Ranma's countenance began to falter. A look of real hurt appeared in her eyes; for some reason she couldn't quite grasp, Ryôga's disapproval was somehow tearing her inside. Eyes wavering, she tried to retort, but her voice broke down mid-way. "Oh... sh-sh-shut your trap, Ryôga! You don't... don't know anything... Akane ain't hurt by...." Ranma's gaze wandered over the Tendô girl, and saw the frown of disapproval in her face. "Oh, I know what you're going to say, Ranma." Akane interjected. "I'm not hurt by your idiotic comments? Maybe. Maybe not. I'm used to them, sure. And I know that you don't truly mean them. But once... just once... I'd like you to lay off the posing, and just speak what's on your heart, instead of insulting people just to protect yourself." Ranma starred at Akane with a look of betrayal. Then, she glanced at Ryôga, and to the immense surprise of the Lost Boy, there were tears in her eyes, and she chocked on a sob. "It's... it's not fair... I don't... DAMNIT, I'M NOT CRYING! I'M NOT A GIRL!!" Ranma-chan wiped her eyes frantically. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Unable to respond to Ranma's sudden tears, Ryôga looked over his shoulder to Akane for guidance. Seeing an equally stunned look on the Tendô girl's face, the Lost Boy knew he would have to go in alone. Moving forward to the crying redhead, Ryôga reached behind himself to capture Akane's wrist and gently pulled her along with him. Moving softly so that he positioned Ranma between himself and Akane, Ryôga sat and took both girls into his arms. Saying nothing and having no thoughts of taking advantage of the topless girl, Ryôga simply rocked her, hoping Akane would as well. If words were the easiest way to wound Ranma, then Ryôga hoped a show of affection could speak for him. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma's first reaction from Ryôga hugging was to try to squirm out of his grasp and escape. In her distraught state, though, she wasn't even thinking of using martial arts and wasn't very successful against Ryôga's grip. Then, when Akane joined in the group hug, the redhead calmed down rather suddenly. Still sobbing, she buried her face into Ryôga's chest, her tears wetting his shirt. Akane gently rocked Ranma, like a child, and stroked her red head. Softly, she murmured in her fiancé's ear, attempting to soothe her. "Shhhh... Ranma... that's all right. Let it go. Nobody will laugh at you for crying. Even men do cry, despite what they pretend. Don't hold it locked, Ranma-chan. Say what's on your heart." Although she was still huddled against him, Ryôga could feel that Ranma was tensing in his grasp. She sniffed and rubbed her nose, but the Lost Boy somehow felt some of her spunk coming back. "What do yah want me to say, Akane?" she said in a mildly annoyed voice. "That I fell for that big lug of Ryôga? That I really enjoyed scre... making l... having fun with him?" Ranma sighed deeply. "Yes, I did. Just show how much that cursed body is whacking me off. That's all the fault of those stupid female hormones. Just prove how much girls can be silly... of all the guys I could get a crush over, why did it have to be a revengeful, depressive, instable, lost-in-a-closet, pork-flavored, big idiot of a Hibiki?" Akane facepalmed. Ranma was probably the only girl... boy... person who could make a heartfelt love confession while being both sexist and insulting at the same time. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota As Ranma was speaking, Ryôga's back grew a bit more rigged with each insult. By the time she was done he definitely had a "Ranma die" look scowled across his face. Looking past the redhead's head to the accepting look on Akane, he decided to let his anger pass this time. "I guess I deserved that, I mean I am to one who took notes on his love life from Kunô. "Where do we go from here?" Ryôga asked attempting to ease himself from underneath Ranma. It was a valid question, one Ryôga was afraid to ask guessing how it might once aging upset Ranma. "If we stay like this any longer, I'm afraid I might not be able to stop myself from doing this." As he spoke Ryôga shifted his hand to the underside of Ranma's naked breast, lightly cupping it. "And as Ranma just admitted, she wouldn't mind me doing it." It was a small petty revenge for her insulting confession, but Ryôga did enjoy it. "So I guess I should leave before Ranma breaks down and begs...." Grinning a big tooth-filled smile at the pigtailed girl, the Lost Boy waited to see how she would counter. Ranma was definitely cuter full of her fiery spunk. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma involuntarily moaned under the assault of Ryôga's fingers; but when he spoke, she bristled angrily. "WHAT? Me, breaking down and begging? BAH! Not in your wildest dream, pig--MMPF!!" Akane cut out the incoming stream of insults by clamping her hand over Ranma's mouth and pinning her. The Tendô girl smiled sheepishly at Ryôga's intention. "Well... welcome to the club of Ranma's lovers, Ryôga-kun. Where you get insulted at every turn, but have to rein over your urges to bash the baka... even as tempting as it is. She isn't really meaning it. It's her way of saying how much she loves you...." "Mmmmmmpffff...." Ranma protested indignantly, trying to escape Akane's grasp. But with Ryôga distracting her with his wandering hands, she was a bit tied down. "I think it's better we not let her express herself any longer with words. Why not rather SHOW what you feel for Ryôga-kun, Scarlet?" Akane whispered in Ranma's ear. The redhead, although limited in her movement, glared and managed to shake her head negatively. Akane didn't relent, though. Eyes squinted, she suggested: "Why don't we make this a deal, Ranma-chan? *You* do what I'm demanding you... and then... you can ask whatever you want of me and Ryôga-kun...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota At Akane's words, Ryôga's shaft came to life. Groping the redhead's breast had been nothing more than a way to annoy his love. The Tendô girl's challenge though made it all too real. As the sizable beast in the Lost Boy's slacks grew, it shifted the supple redhead, moving the girl upwards as it stood proudly with its own deviant carnal intentions. Ryôga could barely breathe as both embarrassment and excitement flooded him. His face turned a shade of red that could only have been caused by all the blood in his body rushing to his cheeks. Lightheaded, ashamed and horny, the boy's mind simply shut off for a while, just letting him act without thinking. "What did Akane mean by 'Scarlet'?" was what the Lost Boy had planned to ask. It had seemed like such a safe and non-offensive comment to make. Ryôga had even though of following it with a "it's a cute name", or "that's kind of pretty". Instead, he looked at the redhead and said "You know Ranma, you never actually did finish that blowjob, you big baby." If it was even possible, Ryôga suddenly felt even more ashamed, yet he couldn't stop his teased and turned on body from being perverted. Shifting, Ryôga moved his hand from Ranma's breast, instead placing it on Akane's rear. His fingers gently settled on the curved cheeks of the Tendô girl's fanny, rubbing his index finger against the cleft of her bottom though her clothing. As this occurred he snaked his free arm around Ranma's middle, holding her in place against his pants' imprisoned hardness. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan whimpered, the sound escaping Akane's fingers, as Ryôga bodily rubbed her against the hard pole growing in his slacks. Its nature was quite unmistakable to the redhead. Akane gasped too from the contact of Ryôga's hand, and blushed fiercely. Looking hesitantly at Ryôga, her grip on Ranma-chan slackened, and the redhead could talk again. "AH! I bet you enjoyed that, you beast!" she told Ryôga in defiance, answering his comment about the blowjob. "Well, if you want me to finish it, why don't you BEG me?" Ranma then turned head and noticed Akane's flushed look. She was puzzled by it for a short second, until her eyes fell on where Ryôga's hand was wandering. "Hey! Hands off, you pig!" she barked, pushing to and fro with her whole body to separate the threesome. "That's MY fiancée!" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Feeling Ranma struggle against his hold, Ryôga sought to stop her with a kiss. Leaning in between the two girls, Ryôga's mouth closed against the redhead's, cutting off her protests for the moment. It was a risky plan, the Lost Boy knew. Overpowering Ranma's jealousy would require Akane continuing her own attack upon the redhead. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block But Akane didn't react like Ryôga was expecting. Instead of helping him secure the redhead between the two of them, she escaped the boy's grip, stood up and walked to her desk chair. Ranma didn't take advantage of it, though. She was so surprised that she just let Ryôga keep kissing her, although her eyes still followed the Tendô girl. Lips mashed against Ryôga's, she seemed distracted for a short while, before her competitive self resurfaced. She deepened the kiss, tonguing the inside of her lover's mouth, sucking the air out of his lungs. When the Lost Boy had to cease in order of breathing anew, the redhead turned toward her fiancée. Akane simply sat there demurely, legs crossed and hands on her lap. "So, do we got a deal? You and Ryôga-kun do what I ask first... then, it's your turn -- both of you -- to get your wish granted by the two others...." Ranma-chan blinked, bewildered. "Akane... why do you want it so much? Why are you pushing me in Ryôga's arms?" "I already told you." the black-haired girl answered while crossing her arms. "I'm sick of all this jealousy and foot-shuffling that plagued our relationship since the start. If I can watch... you and Ryôga-kun... not just having sex, but making LOVE... without bursting, then I'll know I'll be over it. I'll have accepted you fully, completely, for the pervert you are." "HEY!!" "Ranma, should I remind you that YOU were the one who started to be unfaithful? Now, make up your mind before Ryôga-kun totally snap...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Despite the obvious contrary to what he was about to say, Ryôga loosened his grip on the redhead, no longer pulling her tightly to his erection. "I'm not that bad, Akane.... Yes, after everything that's happened today I feel like I'm going to burst, but I'd never snap." Looking at the Tendô girl with an intense gaze, the Lost Boy continued. "I'd never force you or Ranma, into something you didn't want to do." Like always, Ryôga's mind took a hold of the wrong bit of information. "I'm not like that, Akane... that isn't how you see me, is it?" A small part of the Lost Boy's voice hinted at desperation on his last comment. "Just because I've tried to kill Ranma, and you know the jerk deserves it, I wouldn't hurt her like that!" Growing upset at his interruption of Akane's words, Ryôga was slipping closer to hysterics at the idea of Akane-san being afraid of him. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane looked at Ryôga with some puzzlement. Then she blinked and tried to her friend. "Err... no, Ryôga-kun, that's not what I mean, I...." But Ranma interrupted them, by distracting Ryôga with a bop on top of the head. "Yeeeeaah, right. You're not like that. Of course. Mr. Hibiki is sooo perfect. Always in control. That's why you almost raped me when I disguised as your fiancée, hu? Or almost crushed Akane in your embrace when you thought she was liking you at the Seven Swimming-Pools Palace? Mmmh? And let's not talk about how much you get excited when spanking your cute little sister... onii-chan?" she concluded in a shrill voice. The topless redhead then smirked rather lecherously. She moved a little away from the Lost Boy, but only to kneel before him. Her hand grasped the hard shaft tenting Ryôga's pants, dainty fingers squeezing the erect flesh beneath. "You know, maybe Akane got the right idea... I'd better tame that beast before the big pervert hiding behind that goofy face get out of control, and force himself on some hapless girl...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Neither Ranma nor Akane knew of the war that raged in Ryôga's head. On one side, his desire to be a good guy fought against the temptation of giving into the flesh until Akane understood he would never hurt her. The other side of his mind was a huge slathering beast. Its only desire was to give into the carnal instincts every man had. For an endless eternity the two parts of Ryôga's soul battled for control, neither giving nor taking an inch. That was until Ranma took a hold of Ryôga's shaft. It was like injecting PCP into the Lost Boy's instinctual nature. > "... and force himself on some hapless girl...." was all Ranma got to say before Ryôga lashed out catching both side of her face in his huge hands. Completely and utterly overpowering the redhead, Ryôga pulled her face to his kissing her fiercely. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma wasn't thinking of herself as overpowered... just giving in to her recently-discovered female lust. Her legs wrapped around Ryôga's waist, and she clung to him tightly while responding to the kiss, sucking his face of fiercely. It was quite evident they were both competing in aggressiveness, trying to have the other submit in this carnal martial art match. A fact that Akane wasn't missing, nor exactly enjoying. "Pooh... I should have known you two thickheads would be very good at killing any romanticism." she commented with a pout. "Come on, do I have to remind you this is not yet another fight? Honestly, lay down the rivalry for once. I want to see the LOVE between you...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Blushing at Akane's admonishment, Ryôga reluctantly broke the kiss. Still holding the head on his lap, Ryôga looked over the girl's shoulder to the watching Tendô girl. "Akane, have you ever thought that maybe this is how we show of love?" Gently, he squeezed the redhead as he spoke the word love. It was strange, but somehow a fiery passion with Ranma just felt right. To Ryôga, anything else just felt like an act. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Ah yeah?" Ranma, squirming in Ryôga's arms, answered first despite the comment being directed at Akane. "Then you must really love me for a long time... with all those surprise attacks you sprung on me." she said with a giggle. Akane, giving up, puffed a little cloud. "All right, all right. Just you try not to break my bed." Ranma absentmindedly nodded, before slipping out of Ryôga's grip like a slippery eel. The Lost Boy just had the time to blink... before being scooped in Ranma's arms, and lifted up effortlessly in a "bride" carry. It was an incongruous sight, as the small redhead perkily carried the bigger youth toward the bed, were she dropped him. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota At Ranma's cutting remark, Ryôga had been ready to respond with "She must have been flirting with everyone in the whole world...", but decided to ignore it. For now. Ryôga felt himself land on the bed with an untidy thump. Not really expecting Ranma to have done something like that, Ryôga wasn't surprised by it either. Moving to face the standing Ranma, the Lost Boy swung one of his legs high and over her head so that he was quickly sitting up on the edge of the bed with his face at the standing redhead's breasts. Just as rapidly as his lover had moved, Ryôga put his arms around Ranma's back and pulled her close to him. Tightly, the supple redhead's body pressed against his own. His hands quickly settled at Ranma's shoulder blades with a gentle hold. His fingers once again began to dance across the skin of his lover as he lowered his lips to her stomach. As much as Ryôga had wanted to start on Ranma's breasts, Akane really seemed to want foreplay. That was something the Lost Boy was determined to give her. Kissing and licking his way from the underside of Ranma's breasts to her bellybutton, Ryôga took it slowly, once more letting himself get lost across the expanse of Ranma's skin. "Akane..." Ryôga said against Ranma's flat stomach. His tongue traveled lightly across her skin, tracing the delectable outline of her abs. "... in my bag you'll find a camera, with a couple rolls of film." Taking photos was a major turn on for the Lost Boy; he loved everything about the female body, with the sight of it driving him wild. Capturing an image of a girl, her flesh forever rendered on film, made his blood run hot. With both Akari and Ranma it had been a sinfully delightful experience taking their photos. For the Lost Boy it had become a part of his lovemaking, and with a greater understanding of Akane's hentai persuasion Ryôga guessed she might enjoy the experience as well. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma yelped a bit in protest when Ryôga pressed her against him, but it quickly turned into moans. She shivered from the contact of his strong hands on her skin, and his warm lips all over her belly. She felt a bit disappointed that the big boy didn't focus on her breasts. If those part of her female anatomy had for long been a source of aggravation for the aquatranssexual, since she started using this body for sex she discovered just how sensitive they were. A big part of Ranma-chan's sexuality, initially shaped by a boy's mind frame, was centered on those pliant mounds of flesh. That's why, after a very short hesitation, she cupped and groped her boobs herself while Ryôga was playing with her. "What?" Akane replied in disbelief to Ryôga's request. "You... you want me to take pictures? I'm not Nabiki! I can't do that!" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota As Ryôga methodically covered the redhead's stomach with his tongue, his hands descended down her back. "Yes you can, Akane." he said between kisses. "What Nabiki does is strictly born of greed. What you're about to do is only for our pleasure." Still ignoring the mounds of Ranma's breasts, Ryôga loosened his grip, only enough to turn her around. With his hands on her hips, Ryôga guided his lover so her back was to his front. Kissing the middle of Ranma's back, Ryôga once more took effort to get lost in the expanse of the redhead's skin. This time, though, the Lost Boy's big hands traveled south, settling at the waistline of Ranma's pants. Fumbling across themselves, Ryôga's fingers loosened the ties to the pigtailed girl's pants. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma eeped a bit when Ryôga turned her around, but her hands didn't leave her breasts. The change of position was now making her face Akane. She blushed hard when she crossed her fiancée's eyes, reminding her that she was giving herself in spectacle. But she nonetheless cooed when the Lost Boy started working on her pants. The big pervert obviously wanted her naked. And somehow, Ranma realized that the thought of Akane watching was making her twice as hot. "Ow, come on, Akane-chan..." she said mockingly between aroused sighs. "You want to play the voyeur, but you can't be taking picture? What are you afraid of? It's not like Ryôga will sell them to Kunô... right, pork-bun?" Akane huffed, still undecided to do something that naughty. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Dancing on the line between bare skin and cotton clothing, Ryôga's fingers completed their mission and allowed the redhead's slacks to fall loosely to her feet. In the spur of the moment, the Lost Boy also hooked his thumbs into Ranma's boxers, pulling them over the curve of her hips to fall as well. Taking his time with Ranma was more taxing than he ever thought it could be. Akane's desire to witness them "making love" was something Ryôga wished to grant her, but he hadn't guessed how hard on his self-control it would be. Slipping his hands down to Ranma's calves, he gently pulled her legs free one at a time. Then, ever so slowly, he slid his fingers up her legs, his arms on the outside with his hands wrapped so that his fingertips traced up the inside of her legs. Gently and slowly, he raised his arms until at last they came to rest at the junction of Ranma's legs. The sides of his fingers brushed lightly at the lips of Ranma's core, but for now that was as far as Ryôga would go. Holding her in place, the wanderer lowered his lips to her rear, kissing the rounded hump of her fanny. Lightly he kissed one cheek then the other, taking his time to lick his way across both. As for Akane, the offer had been made. It was up to her if she wanted to take an active role in encounter that was about to happen. With the camera she would be more than just a spectator, but both Ryôga and Ranma had asked her. It was solely her choice to do what she wanted. Not that Ryôga had any more time to waste on trying to convince her, he had a Ranma to tame. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma's breathing increased in pace as Ryôga stripped her bare. She didn't protest nor resist when he guided her feet out of the clothes pooling on the floor. She looked down, past the valley of her breasts (which she was still cupping) at Ryôga's hands, as they went up, and up, along her feminine thighs. She softly panted, her face flushed, when Ryôga stopped at the edge of her core. She couldn't decide if she was grateful or disappointed from it. She glanced at Akane, her heart thumping, but the Tendô girl looked no less red and embarrassed. Then Ryôga began kissing her toned ass, and Ranma let out a little gasp. Her bosom was concentrating a lot of her female sexuality, but she had found out her rump could be quite a source of arousal too. When heat diffused from her backside in girl form, it was a sure hint she was horny. Idly, she wondered why she allowed Ryôga to do that, persuaded that her male mindset would simply rebel at the contact of a boy. Instead of the expected reaction, she was plain enjoying it. Maybe it's because it was Ryôga.... Akane was still hesitating to compel with Ryôga's request. Her last shreds of prudishness were holding her from doing something she considered so naughty. Not that she hadn't done plenty of naughty things in the last two weeks. And, after all, she was the one to have insisted on this to happen. Not that she thought of herself as wanting it for a perverse reason... she had just wished for Ranma and Ryôga to cut the chase and cease acting like kids around each other. But now that it started, she had to admit... watching two people, both whom she loved dearly, fooling around like this was strongly exciting. And it was beautiful, too. That decided Akane. What Ranma and Ryôga were doing together WAS beautiful. Something for which they probably wouldn't mind having some memorabilia. She walked to Ryôga's bag, and carefully picked up the camera and film. Besides, taking pictures would at least keep her hands, and mind, occupied. Akane wasn't too sure how long she'd control herself, if simply watching the foreplay was already making her so hot. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Growing bolder with is kisses, Ryôga soon placed one delicately between the cheeks of Ranma's rear. Moving his hands from the redhead's thighs, he placed one upon each cheek of her fanny and gently parted them with his thumbs. Seeing the tight balloon knot of the girl's anus, he smirked before blowing a lungful of cooling again against the sensitive place. Then, without a second thought, Ryôga slipped his hands up higher, leaving Ranma's backside alone, for now. Manhandling the supple redhead, Ryôga forced her to take a step towards Akane as he stood up behind her. His hands crossed from the girl's sides to quickly find their way to Ranma's breasts, capturing her hands to the heavy mounds. "Well Ranma, what should I do with you?" he said into the redhead's ear. As he spoke, though, his eyes flashed to Akane and gave her a quick smile. "I'm you're my pet, what would you like me to do?" Though it was whispered in Ranma's ear, the question was for both girls in the room. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane's hands were a little trembling, but she nonetheless steeled herself and took a first picture of Ranma as Ryôga was fondling her. Ranma's cheeks flushed a bit. It was one thing to prance around half- naked and have candid shots taken; voluntarily letting naughty pictures of herself with a hunky young man was another altogether. Yet, she heard Ryôga's question, and didn't shy away from it. Wiggling in Ryôga's grasp, she turned around until she faced him. Her small hands grasped firmly the top of his yellow shirt. In any combat situation it would be alarming, as Ranma's position was perfect to initiate a body throw with Ryôga's clothes as handhold. But the redhead seemed to have something much less violent in mind (at least, as long as Ryôga was tame and obedient...). "I think... it is unfair that I'd be the only one naked here... don't you agree, lover-boy?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Smiling, Ryôga placed his hands on Ranma's rear, spreading his fingers wide to cover as much of the rounded rump that he could. "Who says I was talking to you, Ranma? This is Akane's fantasy." As he spoke, he shifted his hands once more to grip the redhead's thighs to support her in a carry. Easily he lifted the girl until their faces meet with his lips mashing lustfully upon hers. Turning, he placed himself so that Akane had a full profile of the two as Ryôga kissed the woman he cradled against his lap. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma didn't refuse the kiss, and Akane didn't miss the opportunity to take a good shot of the two. When the redhead broke the kiss, though, she growled in a mock-upset tone. "Akane had asked the *we* make love. That's *we*, as in *us*, as in you and me. So, don't try to pretend I haven't my say in this." Wrapping her strong legs around Ryôga's waist, Ranma used the hold provided by her hips and his arms to pull up the Lost Boy's shirt above his head, blinding him momentarily. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Unable to let go of the redhead to remove his shirt, Ryôga dropped back onto Akane's bed. Wiggling his back to and fro, the Lost Boy managed to pull the back of his top over his head, and once more was able to look Ranma in the eyes. Realizing that to completely free himself from the cotton bondage his lover had placed him in, he let go of Ranma for a moment to pull his shirt completely off. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma didn't let go of Ryôga, for her part. The nude redhead straddling his six-packed belly, she smirked at him. She wasn't giving up her intent of stripping him, though. Now that the top was taken care of, she worked on the bottom... with her legs. Her amazingly skilled toes untied his belt in no time, and her feet pushed the black-green pants down Ryôga's legs. All the while, she kept looking straight in his eyes; her hands roamed on his chiseled chest. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "You know Ranma... If I didn't know better I'd say you were into this." Placing his hands behind her head, Ryôga pulled Ranma's mouth to his, once again kissing her hungrily. Rolling his hips, the Lost Boy had planned to stay dressed as long as he could but with Ranma's well- trained feet working at his clothing Ryôga lost his will to tease. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma responded to Ryôga's kiss by tonguing him back, mashing her breasts against his solid chest, rubbing her warm loins against his belly, and finishing to push down Ryôga's underwear with her skilled feet. Akane muffled a gasp at the sight of Ryôga's manly tool being freed from its cloth prison. Ranma-chan's teasing was certainly doing its work in making it hard as a log. Acting more on instinct than anything else, the Tendô girl took a picture of the loaded weapon. Ranma broke the kiss and let out a sigh. "Me? Liking this? Are you kidding?" She squirmed atop Ryôga, brushing her hot, nude, sexy body against his manly frame -- and enjoying it if her expression was any clue. "I'm... utterly horrified by your... mmmh... ugly body... and... huuuh... disgusting contact... and... hooohhh... clumsy hands. I'm doing this only to humor the Tomboy, that's all...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "You know what, Ranma? Shut up." It wasn't said unkindly; in fact there was a level of love in his teasing voice that even surprised Ryôga. Kissing the beauty above him, Ryôga moved one hand down her naked side to rest upon the backside of her hip. His free hand moved the length of Ranma arm, sliding his fingers across her skin until he could at last take her hand into his. Gently, he rocked his body from side to side, until he was able roll himself over. In a quick half turn the lovers were flipped, Ryôga letting his weight rest upon his knees and the arm beneath the redhead's back. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Eeep!" Ranma blurted out when the Hibiki boy surprisingly rolled on top of her. With the new position, Ryôga's larger, firm, muscular body was covering most of her smaller shape. The way he was supporting his own weight spared Ranma-chan of any risk of being crushed by her lover. Yet, she was felling quite trapped and overwhelmed under the manly frame of her lover. Any squirming she could do, however, only resulted in her heated, smooth, nude skin rubbing against Ryôga. This inspired a severe, full- body blush in the redhead. Especially since the spot between her legs was occasionally bumping into a lengthy, warm slab of meat dangling between the young man's legs. Ryôga could feel Ranma's heartbeat from the closeness and intimate contact. And it was quite a fast and frantic pulse. Of course, Ranma tried to hide how excited (or frightened) she could be wit her usual obnoxious façade. "What's the matter, big boy? Can't stand to not be on top?" Her tone, though, betrayed a lot of her trepidation. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota At Ranma's obvious attempt to sound tough, Ryôga almost made a smart- mouthed reply. But at the last second a smile crossed his face, just before he kissed the redhead, once again gently. "Actually, Ranma," the Lost Boy spoke into his lover's lips. "I don't care how I am, just as long as you're with me." It was a silly thing to say, but Ryôga knew it would probably affect the girl more than a snappy comeback. Gently he began to slide down Ranma's body, making the first move. Moving his hands to Ranma's breasts, Ryôga softly cupped the mounds from the outside in, while he arched his neck enough to leave a wet trail from his tongue across her left breast. Moving his whole body after a moment, Ryôga resettled himself so that his face rested between the girl's ample bosom, kissing and licking as he groped his way across the mounds. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Aaaaahhh... mmmmmhhh... ooooohhhh... oooohhh...." Ranma panted and sighed and cooed breathily from Ryôga's assault on her breasts. The Lost Boy seemed to like toying with those mounds, and Ranma-chan sure was enjoying it. She was still squirming underneath him, but it was no longer an attempt to escape him, even by reflex. Instead, she grinded her tender spots against his solid frame, her arms and legs circling him and stroking his manly back. "Ooooh... I always knew you liked those, you pervert...." she moaned throatily during a short moment of renewed intelligibility. "Almost every time I showed you those... you couldn't take your dirty eyes away... until you were pissing blood through your nose... mmmh...." Akane was quite flushed from the spectacle of the entwined lovers. Yet, she couldn't avert her eyes, and took pictures from time to time. She always suspected that Ranma-chan could be wanton, but hadn't imagined just how darn sexy she would look when fooling around with the Hibiki boy. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Unlike their first time, Ryôga had no reservations about what he was doing. During his previous encounter with the redhead, Ryôga had to keep himself somewhat in check. He had half-expected Ranma to come to her senses at any moment and hurt him, badly. This time, though, with Akane's ever-silent encouragement, Ranma seemed to freely be giving into her womanly nature. Clamping his teeth of the end of Ranma's right breasts, the Lost Boy gently rolled the mound using his teeth for a grip. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Ow..." Ranma let feebly escape between clenched teeth. She opened eyes to glare at the top of Ryôga's head, and bopped him there with her fist to express her annoyance. "Watch out with the fangs, you cannibal! Those're for milking, not for eating...." It wasn't as if Ranma was so delicate that she couldn't endure the pain of a little teat-biting. But she was, to tell the truth, getting a bit frustrated that Ryôga was so much focusing on her melons. Especially since to reach them he had moved his body a bit down, which meant that now his hard boner was no longer rubbing her needy slit. And that part of Ranma's anatomy was really wanting. The intense feeling of female arousal was still what felt the strangest for Ranma when she was a girl. It felt so weird to her, in fact, that she couldn't wait to scratch the itch whenever she got hot. Indeed, by now the thought of filling this maddeningly distracting spot with hard male meat was much less disturbing for Ranma than just staying wet and horny. Akane may have caught her once, but in truth, it wasn't the first time she had masturbated. Ever since Ryôga took her virginity, the redhead couldn't keep her hand to herself whenever she got excited. The only other solution to ease up the need was to turn back into Ranma-kun... but usually the male body was then just as randy, and this often ended up with Akane getting cornered somewhere and screwed like there was no tomorrow.... Both Ranma and Akane were pretty right on this point... from the beginning, it was all Ryôga's fault. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Growing bolder with his teasing or Ranma's breasts, Ryôga pressed the twin orbs together. With great gusto, he practically mauled the redhead's chest, lingering longer than he had planed, feeling Ranma's desire for him to move on. Underneath his body he could feel Ranma shaking with her growing lusts. It wasn't that Ryôga was any less ready than his lover, but for Akane's sake he was determined to take his time. Gently and boldly, he feed at the redhead's breast like a child, his lips covering and devouring the sensitive nubs of the girl's breasts. Gently and strongly, Ryôga kneaded her chest for minutes before beginning a slow, steady crawl down to the girl's core. Moving his body down to the foot of Akane's bed, Ryôga used his arms to pin Ranma's shapely hips down upon the mattress, allowing him to settle gently between the girl's thighs. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane was getting bolder with her picture-taking, especially trying to catch Ranma-chan's blissful and frustrated expressions. The redhead was so cute when she was losing her last restraints... it was just what Akane had been longing for. The Tendô girl was feeling her skin tingle under the dress Ryôga offered to Ranma. Ranma-chan was moaning and squirming as Ryôga mercilessly teased her. If she had the full control of her voice, she would be sprouting varied insults toward his masculinity or his intelligence in retaliation for torturing her like that. But all came out of her mouth were excited cries and impatient yelps. Inwardly, she swore to make the fanged boy pay for making her so helpless. When Ryôga reached her nexus, despite the unsteady rocking of her thighs around his head, he could see the pink outer folds of her flower, puffy and blood-engorged from the excitation of the foreplay. They were gaping as if in invitation, revealing the inner petals of the womanly sex created by the Nyanniichuan. The inner core of the pussy he deflowered once was wet, glistening, almost leaking from lubricant juices, looking eager to welcome his hard rod for the second time. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga hovered just above Ranma's core, looking at the folds of her sex. Having dinned at her being once before, the Lost Boy still found himself marveling at the sight beneath him. Lightly, he lowered his lips to the pink skin, his tongue leading the descent to her womanhood. Holding the redhead's thighs tightly, the Lost Boy gave her a long slow lick, parting the wet lips of her flower.... Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan moaned again, before stifling her voice by bringing a hand to her mouth and biting on a finger. Akane didn't miss this opportunity to take a picture, capturing the pigtailed girl's cute face. The redhead had stopped squirming to help Ryôga in licking her swollen vulva. She nonetheless shivered from the contact of his rough tongue. "Ooooohh... Ryôga... you tease... mmmmh... what are ya... mmmh... doin'?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Not bothering to answer the redhead's question, Ryôga continued to focus upon her core. His tongue traveled the slit of her being, opening her sex with the occasional flex of the intruding appendage. His mouth went to her being like the proverbial moth to the flame. Unable and unwilling to end what he was doing, Ryôga waited patiently for Ranma to reward him with her nectar. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma squirmed and squealed under Ryôga's cannibalistic assault of her loins. It looked like she was trying to escape him by her gyrations, but at the same time she was always staying in place. Whatever martial art she knew clearly didn't apply to this kind of wrestling. Or maybe she just didn't know any more what she wanted. Getting her female sex so thoroughly licked and pleasured was something rather new to her. It only happened twice before; once during her first time with Ryôga, and another time when Akane surprised her while masturbating and jumped her. Ranma couldn't believe how good it felt to have a tongue wiggling in her womanly gash, teasing the unbearable emptiness of her loins that prevailed when she was a girl. She was yet of two minds about it, but maybe... maybe Akane was right... maybe that curse wasn't so bad... sometimes... especially if it could make her feel so good. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Licking at Ranma's womanhood lasted for a few more minutes. By the time he was done, Ryôga's lips and chin had a wet glistening glow from Ranma's core. Taking his time, Ryôga had slowly begun to lessen his assault up upon her; instead he even stopped using his tongue altogether. Gently, the Lost Boy rocked back onto his knees and pulled away, leaving Ranma unfinished before him. Standing up naked and ready over the prone redhead, Ryôga looked at her, the flush excitement of his previous actions tinting her whole body red. For Ryôga it was the most amazing sight he had ever beheld. "Well now, Ranma, we seem to have a problem." Standing with his hands on his hips (an action that only called attention to his standing shaft), Ryôga stood a few steps from the bed. "Now, the last time we were together like this, you said that you'd suck me completely dry, Ranma. You chickened out, remember... I'd really like it if you'd do it this time." With his face a red as the pigtailed girl's hair, Ryôga braced himself, waiting for his lover to laugh at him. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan was left a bit frustrated and simmering with her own needs when Ryôga stopped. She glared a bit at him, although she wasn't too sure if she should be glad he stopped before she'd "wet" herself. Her body sure wanted it, but her mind still balked a little at the concept. Yet, those hesitation where wiped out when Ryôga challenged her. "Wha... what? I never chickened out! It was... just unfair that you were having all the fun out of it!" Ranma lifted her body from the bed, looking appraisingly at Ryôga's muscular frame. Her small hand went to his shaft, and began stroking it. "I sure can do it... but you left me hanging, there. Why would I suck you dry, when you didn't finish the job. Akane's been clumsier than you, but at least the tomboy didn't stop in the middle of it...." "Hey!" Akane protested. She was still taking pictures from time to time. The thought that Ranma could agree on giving Ryôga a blowjob was making her uncomfortably hot. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Exhaling one deep breath, Ryôga grinned as the redhead took a hold of his member. "Well, Ranma," he said a he swallowed a mouthful of air, "it wasn't so much as quitting as it was showing you how I felt." Looking over his shoulder, the Lost Boy flashed a single fanged grin towards Akane. "Besides, I think our audience really wants to see this." Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Ryôga-kun!" Akane protested, her face a bit red. "Oh yeah... I see what you mean." Ranma drawled. "The pervert tomboy sure is enjoying herself." "Ranma! What I want is not the point. This is for the two of you...." "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure." Ranma snorted. Cutting short with the exchange of barbs, Ranma's slender hand grasped Ryôga's jutting dick, and began stroking it. Her fingers were not too gentle, but they sure felt good over the blood-engorged shaft. "I guess I'll have to give 'Little P-chan' here a kiss, then...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Too wrapped up in the moment, Ryôga let Ranma's barb slip past. Closing his eyes, Ryôga found himself unconsciously moving his hips in time with the redhead's tugs. Reaching down, Ryôga placed one of his massive hands on top of Ranma's. Gently but firmly, he held her palm and fingers to his skin. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma didn't struggle against Ryôga pinning her hand against his throbbing dick. She could easily do so, knowing plenty of nerve pinches, but she didn't want the Lost Boy to accuse her of backing down. Instead, Ranma-chan leaned down toward the first -- and only -- cock she ever sucked, intent on re-doing the feat. Her tongue peeked out and licked the tip; her taste buds immediately recognized the musky treat, and her mouth salivated to the point of drooling. A bit surprised by her own eagerness, Ranma nonetheless used her wet lips to wrap around the bulbous glans. Not going past the prepuce, the redhead generously bathed the mushroom cap with her saliva as she sucked on it. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota At once Ryôga's body went both slack and rigid. It felt like every nerve was in his back was suddenly trying to move in separate direction as the pleasure from Ranma's oral attention immediately settled in. Grunting from deep within the back of his throat, the Lost Boy's face and chest turned a flush shade of red. Like he had told the redhead before, this was something Akari would never do for him. Much like Ranma, this act was still very much a new experience. Clenching his ass cheeks, Ryôga tried not to drive his hips forward deeper into Ranma's wonderful mouth. He would not be the first one to show a loss of control.... Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma was of a clearer mind, and much more in control, than the first time she sucked Ryôga's cock. Past then, she had been going with the flow, letting lust and stubbornness rule over her to not dwell into what she was doing. Now, she was past denial and perfectly conscious of the act. And she couldn't miss how strongly it was affecting Ryôga. She smirked, though her lips couldn't exactly convey the mood, rounded as they were by the boy's thick log. This time, she was the one leading the show. The mere thought elated her, as well as increased her horniness. Wanting to bring the Hibiki lad on his knees, metaphorically as well as physically, the redhead put more heart in the blowjob. Or at least, more tongue. Her lips slipped past the bulbous head and her whole mouth clamped around it, creating a mind-numbing suction sensation. Her raspberry roamed all over the very sensitive skin of the glans, wiggling into the pee hole to gather any trace of pre-cum. The taste was only arousing Ranma-chan further, her stomach joining with her hormones in urging her to devour this succulent sausage. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Ranma... that feels so... good." Ryôga said as the redhead dove further into her oral antics. Moving his hands across her scalp, Ryôga's digits ran through her thick locks, until at last they settled at the back of the girl's skull. Not holding her head tight enough to limit Ranma's actions, Ryôga did set how far back she could move away from him. Unwilling to be an inactive part of their encounter, Ryôga moved past his passiveness to slowly start thrusting his hips. While Ranma's tight mouth pulled at the skin of his shaft, Ryôga began to move his hips in and out, actively making love to the redhead's face. "..." Quickly, Ryôga reached the end of his limits, his body tingling as his orgasm approached. As he trusted himself deeply into Ranma's mouth, the resistance applied as Ranma's tongue pressed against his member was the apex of his pleasure. Offering no warning, Ryôga came while pressed against the back of the girl's throat. The first of many spurts erupted, and without thinking about it, Ryôga pulled out, leaving a long smear of cum along the length of the redhead's tongue as his second volley came. As the rounded head of his cock pulled past the seal of her mouth, Ryôga sent a third stream into her open mouth and upon her now vacant lips. With his cock free now free a fourth, then fifth and final jet of semen was let lose. The thick cream painting the left side, and upper part of her face. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma's eyes bulged when she felt Ryôga's manly weapon discharge in her mouth. She coughed from the sperm forcefully firing into her throat, but couldn't escape it with Ryôga holding her in place. She was spared from chocking when the Lost Boy decided to withdraw, but was granted instead the dubious honor of a facial shower of sperm. "EWWW! GROSS!" she bemoaned, although her tongue instinctively went to her lips to swallow the excess spunk dripping from them. She was holding her hands near her cheeks, torn between wanting the stuff clear from her face, but not daring touching it. "What gotten you to shoot your load so soon, Ryôga?" she ranted. "We had barely started. Jeez, I shoulda known you would be a quick-draw. I can last so much longer in my guy-form when Akane is giving me head...." Akane, meanwhile was frantically taking pictures. At least, it kept her hands busy (else one would probably dart inside her panties). "Sheesh... I should have bet on it." the Tendô girl mumbled (while still taking pictures, though). "I asked for a romantic coupling, but instead, what did I get? A pornographic bukkake. You can't help but spoil everything, Ranma." "Ah, shut up, tomboy." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota THUD! Wasting little time, Ryôga drove his fist into the top of Ranma's skull. "Don't tell Akane-san to 'shut up', Ranma!" To drive his point home, the Lost Boy spent a couple of moments grinding his knuckles into the redhead's skull. Before Ranma could react and ignoring anything she said, Ryôga pulled her close to him. Using his left arm, the boy pulled his lover tightly, placing his hand around her waist, pressing her to his still hard shaft. Against the pigtailed girl's firm stomach, Ryôga's rock-hard member still oozed a small trickle of seed upon her hot skin. His free hand went around to once again settling at Ranma's backside. His middle and ring finger slipped between the cheeks of the redhead's rear as his other finger spread wide to grip as much of the girl's rounded bottom as he could. "First off Ranma, unlike you just because I've cum doesn't mean I'm done. I have more stamina then you ever will, little girl. Secondly..." he started to say but trailed off as he looked Ranma in the eyes. Looking at his lover, the fiery indignation in her dark blue eyes and the small angry frown on her still cum-slick lips, Ryôga's breath stopped. Seeing her bathed in his love, and full of her blazing spirit everything he had been about to admonish the girl with vanished. Leaning in, the Lost Boy kissed Ranma, as deeply and as intently as anything he had ever done before. His nose and lips smearing his cum as his lips danced against hers. Though the pungent taste of his semen was strong upon the girl's kiss, it didn't matter to Ryôga. All he cared about was how beautiful she was, and how hot she made his blood boil. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Had he let her, Ranma's reaction to Ryôga's hit and admonishment would probably have been violent... or at least scathing. But the Lost Boy efficiently made any response stillborn by hugging her, clutching her, kissing her, and generally turning her into putty in his strong, firm embrace. Ranma-chan, at first squirming and resisting the carnal contact of the nude young man, finally melted against him. She responded to the kiss, she grind her curvy front against his hard frame, she wiggled her cute ass in his groping arms... she even threw her legs around his waist, and pushed her midsection against his shaft, stroking the blood-engorged flesh with the bare skin of her belly. "Now, that's better...." Akane whispered. Opening her collar to better breathe, she kept taking pictures. "Mmmh..." Ranma moaned, as the full-tongued kiss turned into licks and nibbles of their respective lips. "Stamina... yeah, right. So you say. I'll believe it when I'll see it...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota For a brief moment, Ryôga thought of taunting the redhead with a reminder that it was her that chickened out in their first encounter. Had Ranma not freaked and run, she would have learned all about the Lost Boy's stamina. Instead, he willingly gave into her kisses. Shifting his hands from her side and rear so that they could better support her weight, Ryôga hefted the girl so she could fully rest upon him. Turning slowly, Ryôga managed to gently back up until his knees touched the side of Akane's bed. Then, with great care as to not disrupt the current kiss he and his lover were engaged in, Ryôga gently laid Ranma down. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma moaned and squirmed in Ryôga's embrace, grinding her drop-dead gorgeous, naked body against Ryôga's frame. Her warm, soft skin was rubbing his, sharing their heat and exciting the sensitive shaft that hung from Ryôga's midsection. As soon as her back was touching the bed, Ranma was throwing her strong, toned legs around Ryôga's waist, and locking behind it. Preventing him from escaping her iron grasp, she pulled the Lost Boy atop of her, seemingly trying to devour his face with her hungry mouth. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Once again locked in Ranma's embrace, Ryôga attacked the girl's lips with gusto. Feeling her full thighs wrap around his body sent an unexpected shiver though his being. From the furthest tip of his toes to the longest end strand of hair upon his head, the Lost Boy shook with hunger for his love. His tongue beat against hers in a nearly unending cycle of twists and rolls. His kisses, like everything with Ranma, were powerful and ravenous. "Ranma," he spoke roughly against her lips, "I need you, I needed this..." At a loss for what exactly to say and feel, Ryôga's voice dulled out to a small nothing as he licked and cleaned Ranma's lips of his seed. Truth was, in that moment Ryôga realized that nothing about Ranma would ever disgust or repulse him in anyway. He loved his rival that much. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma moaned and gasped in response to Ryôga's words and kisses. Writhing in ecstasy, it never came to her mind to try and deny how much she was excited by all of this. She was past the point of wondering if she should be doing that -- well, she had been past that point already during their first encounter, but now she was pretty much banishing any thoughts about "manliness" to the deepest pits of her mind. That's why she reacted to Ryôga's touch with unbelievable passion, and truthfully replied "Yes... I need you... I need you too... ooooh... Ryôga, please...." Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Breaking the kiss with Ranma, Ryôga pulled away from her. Supporting himself on his knees, Ryôga used his hands (both placed against the upper part of the redhead's inner thighs) and forcefully spread her legs. Applying gentle pressure, he pressed her legs flat against the sheets, leaving her spread eagle before him with a clear view of her moist sex. Grinning like a fiend, Ryôga couldn't help himself from just looking at his lover's core. Having seen it before, Ryôga still felt the same thrill as if it was the first time. Letting his hands slip from the girl's thighs, one took hold of his member at the base, aiming it towards the puffy lips or Ranma's womanhood. From his earlier attention to her sex, Ryôga thought the redhead still looked pretty wet, hoping it would be enough to comfort their joining. Leaning back down so that his body covered hers, Ryôga placed his left arm under her head, using it to support most of his weight. Gently, once again he began to kiss her as he tried to enter her body. Fumbling at the junctions of their bodies, Ryôga's hard member pressed and teased her lips and belly, its length sometimes missing completely to run along her thigh. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma let out a little yelp when Ryôga parted her legs and spread her wide open. Yet, her athletic body could endure it; in fact, she probably could keep the position for hours. Still, the wanton posture that left her completely offered and hapless before Ryôga sent a shrill through her spine, both from excitement and embarrassment. Then he went down on the hot, sexy frame of the redhead, pinning her to the bed and kissing. Ranma moaned through their locked lips, her needy body tingling in anticipation. The wet labia of her gushing sex were parting by themselves, awaiting impatiently for the penetration. Eager for the fulfillment of her void, Ranma groaned in frustration when all that Ryôga's member did was teasing her. It barely even touched the most yearning part of her, rubbing instead all around her nexus. "Mmmmhhh..." Ranma whimpered, until her hand got a grip on Ryôga's head and pushed him just enough for her to talk. "Hooooo... please... Ryôga! Don't tease me... please. I want it. I want it! I want you to... FUCK ME! Yes, fuck me, Ryôga, I need it! Don't tell me you got lost again, you dunce!?" Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "You know, I could really get used to hearing you say that...." Kissing Ranma once more, Ryôga took the time to carefully aim his member. With the care of a surgeon, the head of the Lost Boy's shaft parted the redhead's body. Like a driving truck his manhood entered her body, unyielding to resistance until nearly the entire length of it was within his lover. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma, who till now had been pretty much like putty under Ryôga's firm body, suddenly tensed like steel beneath him. Her back arched and her fingers clawing at the bedcovers, she almost effortlessly lifted Ryôga up on top of her. 'HO FUCK!' she thought, biting her lips. 'I almost forgot how BIG he is... how FULL it feels...' Of course, she wasn't about to be complimenting Ryôga for his size... she might have become his woman, but some things about Ranma would never change. Not that it mattered in any way or form to the bliss that both lovers experienced. Ranma's twat was warm, slick, throbbing and deliciously tight around Ryôga's shaft. Every little muscle of this part of her body seemed to be wrapping around the manly projection of flesh, and squeeze it in a carnal massage. It was a if Ranma's womanly sheath was trying to swallow Ryôga's pride, to capture it and never let it escape the snug embrace of her vessel. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota "Ranma..." Ryôga whispered into his lover's ear. "You... I love this." With a deep sigh, the Lost Boy announced he was fully within the redhead. As her body took a shape to encompass his member, Ryôga moaned. His lover's core seemed to set itself in a tighter, more form- covering shape with every twitch of her body. Moving his hand that had guided entry into Ranma's core, Ryôga placed it against the redhead's cheek. Cupping the girl's delicate chin, Ryôga lifted her face upwards and kissed her deeply as she got used to being filled by him. Hungrily he parted her lips with his tongue, kissing her as deeply as she would allow. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma was laying back on the bed, entirely covered by Ryôga's firm, large body. From the joining of their loins to the fierce mingling of their mouths, there wasn't an inch of their fronts that wasn't in full, carnal contact. Ryôga could feel the heat of Ranma's feverish body against his skin; he could feel her gorgeous breasts being flattened by his hard chest; he could feel her smooth, supple legs wrapping around his own. More than anything else, Ryôga could feel her vagina engulfing his whole length, constricting around his phallus with every little move or breath of the redhead. Ranma moaned into the kiss, her teeth nibbling at his lips, her tongue fiercely wrestling with his to get the upper hand over her Hibiki lover as they messily shared their saliva and their lust. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Then it started... like most good things, it began slowly. Using his hips, Ryôga began a gentle pull from the redhead's body. Soft, like the caress of a tender breeze, his skin bushed against hers. The fiery friction of their bodies only managed to heighten the sensation of his gradual withdrawal. After what was only a third of the length of his shaft was extracted, he quickly snapped his hips forward only to begin the process over... With short, quick thrusts and slow, gentle extractions, Ryôga began to tease his lover with the promise of what was to come. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Aaaaahhh.... AAAAAHHHH... OH FUCK! OH YEAH! OH, RYÔGA!" From Ranma's cries and bucking when her lover started to slowly screw her, you wouldn't believe that Ryôga was just teasing. The redhead was overwhelmed by the sensations... something she had already experienced once, in a wooden cabin in the middle of a park two weeks ago, but that was hardly enough to have inured the redhead to it. She was pretty much still an inexperienced young girl, at least in this body. "AH... OH... RYÔGA... YOU... YOU... FUCKING BASTARD!" Not that Ranma-chan was oblivious to the fact that the Lost Boy was toying with her. Which was, in some way, pretty much as dangerous as toying with a wild cat. Although it was much more pleasurable -- thanks to Ranma's warm, wet, juicy twat that pulsed around his cock --, Ryôga still ran the risk of being mauled or clawed to the blood. Or maybe chocked... if the way Ranma was strongly gripping his head with both hands was to last any long. Because she was pressing his face against the valley of her cleavage, smothering him with her curvy, fleshy pillows. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota To say that Ranma was strong for a girl was like saying Mt. St-Helens was big for a hill. The redhead's upbringing had left her closer to warrior than woman. In the nubile girl's carnal embrace, even a barrel- chested man like her father would have been hard pressed to catch a breath. Fortunately for Ryôga, raw physical strength was something he had an amazing abundance of. Using his arms, he broke the girl's death grip on his head while licking his way between her breasts. Fumbling, the Lost Boy eventually managed to capture both or the girl's wrists. Overpowering her as he had done once before in the cabin, Ryôga held Ranma's arms down pinning her as he began to take longer, full-length strokes from her core. "Ranma..." he said around the girl's right nipple. "You're so... uagh..." he grunted as for the first time he slapped his hips home with force. Ranma's body shook underneath his from the force of the impact, the feeling causing him to once more withdraw and cycle back into her to feel that blissful sensation again. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "AAAaaaaammmmmmhhhhhhaaaaaAaAAAA!!!" Ranma lengthily moaned in ecstasy, her head thrown backward and her curvy chest pushed upward, as Ryôga began truly fucking her. It couldn't be seen because her face was twisted in bliss, but inwardly she was smirking. She had obtained what she desired... she had managed to push Ryôga beyond the teasing point, forced him to overpower her and then to REALLY SCREW her, like she wanted. The thought alone was comforting Ranma... that even as a girl, she could goad the Lost Boy into doing what she wanted... she could take control of him, of the pace of their lovemaking. It was a small consolation, but it was enough for the fragile male ego to not crumble altogether... to not rebel while allowing the much stronger, dominating female libido to take care of the rest. Ranma squirmed in Ryôga's grip, letting out several coos, moans, pants, sobs and other cries of passion that sounded very much female in pitch. Her pink, nude, sweaty body wiggled sensually beneath him, pinned on top by the boy's strong hands, and on the bottom by his rocking hips and impaling tool. Ranma's stuffed cunt was hot, moist, slick, snug and throbbing around Ryôga's stiff cock. The redhead tensed and shivered every time the boy buried his oak to the root in her, breathing raggedly from the sensation of fullness in her belly. Then, she whimpered in need every time he withdrew, wordlessly begging for her lover to put it back. The outer lips of her twat were clinging to the shaft like a sucker, as if trying to prevent its escape, and swallow it back in her yearning pussy. Re: Baring the Truth Austin_S_Dakota Moving his lips from Ranma's proud breasts, the Lost Boy moved up so that his mouth once again shuffled across hers. Just as Ranma's cooing cries of ecstasy was a sweet carnal song of desire, the sounds of their joining bodies provide the music for her wordless dirge. Every time Ryôga came home with a thrust, his balls made a loud, satisfying slap against Ranma's body. The shifting of their bodies and rustling of Akane's sheets provided an audio duet performance as the backdrop for their sexual kata. Just as Ranma's body had seduced his eyes, and her skin his sense of touch, the sounds of her did nothing but turn on Ryôga even more. There was nothing about the redhead he didn't love. Ranma would never understand just how much she excited him. Re: Baring the Truth St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ryôga wasn't the only one excited. Once she gave up all of her hang- ups, Ranma-chan was quite the wild pussycat in bed. Circling his head again with her arms, she brought back his face against hers. She wasn't contenting herself with Ryôga just brushing her lips. She wanted to devour his mouth, to suck his tongue in and swallow it whole, to clean up his tonsils with her own raspberry. In short, she gave him the hottest kiss he ever received... hungry, messy, insatiable, breath- stealing and soul-sharing, Ranma seemed unwilling to stop until she'd have vacuumed a lung. At the same time, her legs were wrapped around his hips, her dainty feet crossed against Ryôga's toned butt. Pushing rhythmically, she was guiding the regular rocking of his hips. Urging him to pound her wet snatch harder, faster, deeper... to screw her like there was no tomorrow... to make sweet, passionate love to her until they'd pass out. Akane's request pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga needed no encouragement from the redhead as to what needed to be done. Her slender ankles pressed against the firm muscled area that was Ryôga's hips. Her legs were pulling and prodding him into taking deeper, harder thrusts. Allowing Ranma to have her way, Ryôga continued with his long, slow withdrawals with fast and hard re-sheathings into her womanhood. Cycle after pounding cycle, Ryôga went though this old motion of bliss, making the redhead and himself a part of something bigger and powerful. Their dance was one as old as mankind in place where pleasure ruled and would be served no matter the cost. Adding a twisting of his hips to his exiting, Ryôga changed his technique. How ever Ranma might have responded, though, was lost as the Lost Boy tried to seal his soul to hers in another body wrenchingly deep kiss. Re: Akane's request pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma could not reply with words to Ryôga's new twist as the kiss silenced her, but it was wrong to assume she couldn't respond to it in no visible way. The slight change of pace and rolling of Ryôga's hips was hitting plenty of erogenous spots in and out of Ranma-chan's drenched sex, especially when Ryôga's pelvis was rubbing her clitoris. She suddenly expressed her feelings by tensing her slender, curvy body, bucking underneath Ryôga like a wild bronco. A loud but mumbled moan escaped from her captive mouth or directly from her chest. A splash of female honey against Ryôga's loins completed the picture, informing him that his redheaded lover just had an orgasm, and was certainly enjoying it.... Re: Akane's request pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Feeling Ranma cum sent a charged thrill though Ryôga. Her body shaking in orgasmic delight underneath his masculine mass made a sensation of bliss nearly as pure as the sensation of the redhead's tight womanhood. Not that it was something he was inclined to admit, but Ranma's opinion of him had always been very important to Ryôga. Even as far back as to their childhood, Ryôga had always used Ranma as a sense of his own self- worth. With the still-somewhat-sudden change to their relationship, Ryôga had found his lover's opinion of him in bed meant more to him than he would ever let her know. "Yes..." he barked into the redhead's mouth. "That's it, cum for me, Ranma... cum..." 'My love' had been the words the Lost Boy had nearly spoken into Ranma's mouth, but were lost as he found he couldn't say it just yet. "Unagh..." he grunted as he completely pulled his thick shaft from Ranma's core. The sensation of withdrawing from the tight prison sent chills up Ryôga's cock and into his brain. Ranma's twitching core pulled as the entire length of his exit, pressing and pulling upon his sensitive organ as it was afraid to let it go. With a sudden, wet gushing pop, Ryôga's staff pulled free from its entombment in Ranma. For a moment, the angry red head of the Lost Boy's member clenched and unclenched madly as he fought for control of his body. Then, while Ranma still seemed out of sorts from her orgasm, Ryôga roughly moved, getting onto his knees and shooting a large smirking grin towards Akane as he did so. Using his strength to his advantage, the Lost Boy rolled the slender girl onto her side, Ranma's naked body unabashedly turned for Akane to see. Moving, Ryôga lifted Ranma's right thigh so that as he moved further into place it rested over his shoulder while he straddled her left leg. Still holding Ranma's thigh upon his shoulder, Ryôga's free hand guided his shaft once more into his lover's core. With a loud smack of flesh against flesh, Ryôga's cock drove home in one thrusting drive, his ball sack slapping against the outer lip of Ranma's womanhood. This new position was chosen simply so Akane could witness the entire sight of Ranma taking a cock into her flower.... Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block When Ryôga glanced toward Akane, it was to find that the Tendô girl, sitting on her desk chair, still had the camera in one hand... ... but the other was disappearing inside her drenched panties. Those were in sight, as well as Akane's pretty legs, because Ranma's fiancée had bunched up her dress high enough to easily reach her core. She blushed fiercely when Ryôga's gaze crossed hers, but didn't stop. Seeing Ranma's new position, though, she easily guessed the Lost Boy's intention. With her shaky arm, she brought the camera back to her face and continued taking pictures. The other hand was still moving beneath her underwear, fingering her needy womanhood. Ranma, a bit dazed by the sudden interruption in the sex, let indeed Ryôga manhandle her without more reaction than cooing. When he lifted one of her leg and straddled the other, she cast him a surprised look. This soon let place to a face twisted in bliss when he speared her anew, using the modified position to reach deep in her slick pussy. She moaned and whimpered from the overload of sensations, squirming, lifting her back from the bed, throwing her head right and left. This sent a fascinating bounce to her bountiful chest, which waved and gainaxed enticingly under Ryôga's gaze. During one gyration of her head, she opened her eyes wide and they fell on Akane. Ranma froze for an interminable second, mesmerized by her fiancée's indulgence. Then, Ryôga thrust again in the redhead, and Ranma-chan screamed, her body shaking and bucking even harder than before. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota "Whahh..." Ryôga cried as he drove his cock all the way home on his first thrust in the lover's new position. The sound wasn't from the satisfying pleasure he felt as he was able to complete embed himself in Ranma's womanhood. The noise wasn't even from any part of a discernable thought on the Lost Boy's part. It was the answer to the age-old question of what happened when the unstoppable force (Ryôga's belief in Akane's purity) crashed against an irresistible force (the sight his eyes behold across the room). As Akane's ever-loving and eternally faithful pet, Ryôga had seen her on occasion less then full dressed. Even then, though, the Tendô girl had always had an angelic quality to her that had made her seem more of a work of art then a normal young woman. Over time, Ryôga's mind had built Akane up onto a pedestal of virtue and purity that even the kiss they had shared only a little bit before hadn't ruined Akane's virtuous image to him. For a moment, Ryôga's mind simply collapsed under the weight of itself, the image of Akane so wantonly pleasuring herself crashed the young man's mind. Working without an operating system, Ryôga's body managed a few jerking thrusts into Ranma's core. For a little stretch of time, Ryôga's cock pulled and poked around the redhead's womb without rhyme or reason, working with no tempo or pace. Then, all at once Ryôga came back to himself, his mind working with the updated program that yes, indeed, Akane was a girl, and a damn sexy one at that. "Look what you've turned Akane into!" Gripping Ranma's thigh just behind the knee, Ryôga pressed the limb tightly to his shoulder so there would be no way for the supple redhead to escape him. Rolling his hips forward, Ryôga's member entered Ranma's junction with enough force to shake Akane's bed. "I'm going to fuck you Ranma, fuck you until you break!" Now, Ryôga's body began to move in earnest. Every sense of emotion he had fueled his muscled hips as his rigid member slammed home into Ranma over and over. What Ryôga was doing now wasn't rage or even depression. The love he was making to Ranma was filled with his desperate love of the two people that meant more to him than anyone else in the world. His love for Saotome Ranma and Tendô Akane broke lose, sending him into a passion-filled frenzy. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane froze, eyes wide. She pulled her hand out of her panties to reflexively cover her mouth -- not realizing she was smearing her own juices on her face. She was almost reaching forward, horrified, to stop Ryôga from hurting Ranma-chan with his mad, frenetic pounding... "AAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAHAHAHAHHHH--OH YEESS, YEESS, YEESS, YEEEEEESSSS!!!" ... when Ranma's scream stopped her. It wasn't a scream of pain from Ryôga's treatment of her, or of protest from his threat to fuck her till she break. No, it was the shrill, unabashed yell of a young woman cumming her brains out. Or, more exactly, experiencing multiple orgasms, her whole squirming body wracked by pleasure, her pussy squirting love juices over Ryôga's loins with each of his deep strokes. "OH FUCK! OH YEAH! OH MAN, YOU'VE DONE IT, YOU'VE DONE IT, RYÔGA, RYÔGA, RYÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Ranma-chan went on with her loud, enthusiastic cries, bucking and thrashing like a wild cat in her lover's grip, arching her back with amazing strength to lift her bottom from the bed and respond thrust to thrust to his rocking. Her own hands grasped her wildly bouncing breasts and squeezed hard. Even if she'd come to accept her female side and the urges that came with it, Ranma would never be the kind of girl to favor the soft, gentle kind of loving. Her relationship with Ryôga had always involved lots of cathartic violence, life-affirming pain and lasting bruises. She couldn't imagine bed-wrestling to be so much different from other fights with him. The Lost Boy had just found the redhead really, really enjoyed rough sex, as her rapid-fire climaxes attested. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Either Ryôga was completely oblivious to Akane's distress or he chose to ignore her. Either way, the Tendô girl's reaction to his nearly frantic lovemaking was no reaction at all. "Yes!" he nearly shouted as Ranma's body began a long series of orgasms beneath his frame. Her supple body thrashed madly underneath him, yet did nothing to break his hold. With Ranma as his hapless prisoner, Ryôga truly tried his best to fuck her mind away to nothingness. No longer were his hips and body moving in what could have been called a cycle, instead he was making a mad love to the redhead. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane stopped her forward move and sat back on the chair, rubbing her legs together uncomfortably. She was sweatdropping and frequently blinking, having a hard time believing just how carnal and enthusiastic was the sex between the two former rivals. Still, almost as by reflex, Akane brought back the camera to her eyes, to take more snapshots of the incredible intercourse. But she quickly realized the pictures might be out of focus, because... ... Ranma's body was shaking so fast that her frame was getting blurry! Ryôga was pounding and spearing her like mad, thrusting at a speed that he never managed to reach before, even when Cologne tried to train him in the Kashû Tenshin Amaguriken! The vibrations caused by the frantic slapping of Ryôga's hips against Ranma's loins were transmitted to her middle, then to her torso, where her breasts were moving to and fro at an amazing speed. Then, the shockwave reached Ranma's head, comically blurring her features save for her widely bulging eyes. She was trying to say something, but all that came out was a stuttered "G-g-g-g-g-g-g!" Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Not that Ryôga understood what Ranma had been trying to convey, but he grunted a nearly guttural response. The pleasurable feeling he had from Ranma's superhuman gyrations sent what little of the Lost Boy's mind in a convulsing state of euphoria. Had Ranma not drained him of his seed with her mouth only a few moments before, Ryôga would have emptied his loins into the redhead then and there. But for the lovers that was not the case, allowing Ryôga to pound his hips over and over into Ranma's junction. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma was still rather dazed from the winning set of orgasms Ryôga had inflicted on her. But as the energetic coitus was not ending, she was recovering a bit of her mind, although she still felt mightily high. "Owwww... so that's how you want to play it, mh?" she whispered between her teeth. Taking advantage of a little lull in Ryôga's humping -- it lasted only a split-second, but it was enough for the martial artist to take advantage of it -- Ranma locked her crossed legs around Ryôga's hips... with a strength that would neutralize a hydraulic pump. The Lost Boy was stopped right on his tracks by the bone-crushing grip. Ranma's legs, especially in girl form, were her most powerful weapons. Had she wanted it, she probably could have tossed Ryôga across the room. That would mean she'd lost their delightful joining, however, which was not among her plans for now. Sweating, her naked, flushed body panting, Ranma nonetheless grinned provocatively at her lover. "Now, what does it take to make you cum, Pig Boy?" Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota For a moment, Ryôga almost started on the third part of his plan with the first and second having been completed successfully. Just as Ryôga had taken Ranma's virginity, he had managed to make his lover milk him of his seed with her mouth. There was one more place the Lost Boy planed to take. When he had told Ranma he had planned to claim her completely, it hadn't been an exaggeration. With each encounter, Ryôga had used a stray finger to gauge the redhead's reaction to something slipping into her rear, and each test had showed she had enjoyed it. Now, before Akane, he planed to pluck Ranma's bottom rosebud, and taking all three of her holes she could offer. A part of him felt he could get away with it at that moment. He could have tried to maneuver himself into anal sex, and something told him it might have worked. Instead, he looked into the flush-colored face of his one-time rival and felt.... "You, Ranma." he said, placing a hand against Ranma's chin. "The only thing I need to cum is you." With that, Ryôga used his entire body to once again start moving his hips. Despite Ranma's amazing strength, it was a battle of raw physical power, the one thing Ryôga would always have over everyone he faced. With Ranma's strong thighs providing an intense resistance, Ryôga could only move his lower body in a slow, methodical way. Now, he moved against the redhead in a pace closer to something Akane had probably wanted to see. Instead of the manic fucking from moments before Ryôga, found his body going though the motions, his eyes unable to leave hers. Unwilling to see anything else, and choosing to drown himself in the redhead's cool blue eyes for the first time in his life, Ryôga found himself truly making love for the first time. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma gasped, mouth open, cheeks ablaze and eyes closed. She tensed once again on the bed, arching her back and clawing at the bedcovers. *click* It wasn't so much the slow pace of Ryôga's lovemaking that was making her react so strongly... but rather, the fact that she still tried to restrain him. This impaired little Ryôga's movements -- as he guessed, not even a strong girl like Ranma could really impede his great strength. But it had the effect of straining Ranma's muscles -- not just those of her legs, but also of her lower body, including those surrounding her sex. *click* The end result was of Ranma's cunt clenching and narrowing around the big, thick, manly cock that impaled her. It still didn't prevent Ryôga from sliding it in and out, but it certainly made her vaginal hole quite tight around the fleshy column. A pink ring of female flesh was clinging to the shaft with the outward strokes, and the downward strokes were feeling, for Ryôga, as if trying to stick his meat into hard-packed clay. *click* *click* *click* Most embarrassing from Ranma-chan, was that Akane was resuming taking pictures, now that they were moving a lot less and the photographs promised to be less blurry. The Tendô girl had even left her chair to walk by them and was take closer shots... including close-ins of their joined genitals! Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga had not been lying before when he had told Ranma his body was capable of going for hours before cumming. By closing his mind to the simple task he was performing, Ryôga could do it for hours on end, before feeling fatigue or any other sensations. It was a skill he had developed to help him in his wandering. With Ranma exerting her muscle control though the seal of pink around his cock, it was unlike anything Ryôga had ever felt before. Every time his shaft entered into Ranma's body, her wetness gripped him with the strength of a bear defending her cubs. It was an unbelievable sensation, one that was going to make him spill his seed without allowing it to happen. Something that hadn't happened since his first time with Akari. "Ranma..." Speaking was suddenly hard for the Lost Boy, as his cheeks and jaw were tingling with numbness from pleasure. Even his lungs didn't feel like they were drawing in enough air as his need for release started overriding every nerve in his body. "Tell me what you want...." Still taking short but powerful strokes Ryôga closed his eyes, unable to look at his love as his loins screamed for release. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma didn't answer immediately to Ryôga's plea. She was biting her lower lips, almost hard enough to draw blood, in order to stifle her cries. This didn't stop her throat from vibrating and letting out muffled moans and sighs. Ranma kept tensing every muscle of her lower body, even a few she ignored the existence recently. Her womanly sheath, despite its slickness, was taut and tight, squeezing Ryôga's prick and clamping on it very hard to make its withdrawal almost impossible. It was like Ranma's cunny wanted to never release it, to keep the meat injection stuffing its depth forever. "I want to... I want to... I want to..." Ranma-chan finally stuttered in a breathy voice. "... to... to... to BEAT YOU!" she finally screamed, her martial artist defiance and stubbornness coming back to the fore. "I WANT YOU TO CUM! TO GIVE UP, TO ADMIT DEFEAT AND CUM IN MEEEEEEE!!!" Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga had planned to make Ranma beg just a bit more. His idea had been to make her scream like the little slut she obviously was in front of Akane. That idea didn't last past Ranma's order to cum within her. When his shaft went forward, Ranma's ever tightening womb finally managed to breach his control and with that his seed erupted freely into her velvety core. Ryôga tried to make a few more deep thrusts into the redhead, but instead found his body unresponsive. After only a third and fourth thrust, Ryôga's body simply gave out, his strength ebbing though his member and into Ranma's belly. Limply, he collapsed on top of the sweaty girl, unable to move more than just his deep, labored breathing would allow. His eyes were open but unseeing as his face rested on the curve of Ranma's chest and her slender shoulder. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma let out a last, sharp cry when Ryôga finally spent his life-seed in her womb. It was as much a scream of release than a yell of triumph from having finally downed him, drained him, vanquished him with her drop-dead sexy, gorgeous body. Okay, it wasn't the common use a martial artist made of his/her body, but the result was the same. Thinking it in terms of sparring match was, of course, easier for Ranma than to contemplate the very carnal act they just done. And how good it made her feel, how great was the rush of blood and arousal coursing throughout her body, how marvelous were the sensations of pleasure and bliss all over her being, how intoxicating was Ryôga's manly frame and taste and presence, and most of all how much she was in love with the big, dumb, pigheaded lug of a Hibiki. She was crushed under his weight, his animal heat only increasing the overheating of her own sweaty, flushed body. She could barely move or breathe, the exhaustion reaching to her, and the musky smell of their coupling was nearly overbearing. Nonetheless, Ranma basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking, hugging Ryôga possessively close to her petite frame, keeping his softening prick in her creamed pussy, almost raw from all the friction and stimulation. Akane pulled at her collar and fanned herself, feeling way too hot even in the light dress. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Groaning with what sounded like a bone-deep exhaustion, Ryôga pushed himself up and off of his lover. His shaft pulled free of her body with a wet slick, and hung limply from his body until he collapsed alongside of the redhead. With his arm draped across Ranma's chest, the Lost Boy bent the crook of his elbow enough to hold her in a loose hug. Moving his head, Ryôga pressed his forehead against Ranma's cheek. "That... that was amazing." he whispered softly for only Ranma to hear. Smiling he kissed her shoulder. "Think she enjoyed that as much as we did?" Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma didn't respond, only letting out a half-asleep mumble, and hugging back Ryôga like he was a large teddy bear. The redhead was covered in sweat and other bodily fluids, and was looking positively smutty right now. At the same time, though, she was radiating a feeling of love and contentment you rarely expected from Ranma. Akane was blushing furiously from Ryôga's idle comment. Yet, this was the moment she'd longed for. To see Ranma, at last, abandoning herself completely to her sentiments. Okay, the sex had really worked her up too, but it wasn't the main reason she requested Ryôga and Ranma to give her a show... no, really. She took a last picture of this intimate moment, before realizing she was out of film. Sighing, she looked at Ryôga and his cuddling lover. "That... that was beautiful, Ryôga-kun...." she hesitantly said. The pinkness on her cheeks seemed to be tattooed there for life. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Hearing the conversation going on around him without hearing it in his head, the Lost Boy simply snuggled closer to Ranma. Not really in the mind or mood to admit to it, but sex with Ranma had completely worn Ryôga out. He was drained both emotionally and physically like he had never been before. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane saw that both Ryôga and Ranma seemed exhausted by their passionate tumble. The Tendô girl had been seriously aroused by the show, but she knew relief was out of her grasp for the moment. So, she just left the room (with the camera) while telling the cuddling lovers: "You rest... I'll be back. And don't worry, I close the door." Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota "Akane, wait." Ryôga said, sitting up from behind the redhead. Since the start of this crazy day, the Lost Boy had been unconcerned with his state of dress, or the lack thereof. Yet, now with his lusts feed for the moment, modesty forced him to cover his lap with one of his large hands. "Come here." he said, waving Akane to him in a secretive manner, his eyes darting to Ranma then back up to the Tendô girl in a way that said what he had to say was for Akane's ears only. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane hesitated shortly. After what she'd seen of the Hibiki lad's sexual prowess -- and taking in account her own arousal -- she was a bit uncomfortable with the idea of coming too close to Ryôga right now. But she reminded herself that Ryôga-kun was a friend, and a decent man through and through. She had no reason to be wary of him. On the bed, Ranma-chan's breathing was getting softer and more regular, hinting she was maybe falling asleep. Re: Akane's Request, pt. 1 Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga sat up from the bed, still waving Akane towards him. Looking at Ranma, the Lost Boy looked up to meet Akane with a serious look on his face. It was as if he was battling some conflict in the gray matter Ranma would laughingly call his brain. When the Tendô girl got close, Ryôga placed a hand on her wrist and gently pulled her downwards towards the lovers. Ryôga's combat style may have been nowhere near as developed as Ranma's when it came to grapples, but it was good enough for this. Pulling Akane down, the girl ended up almost laying completely on top of Ranma. Yet she was still far enough away from Ryôga that they managed to sandwich the redhead between them. Doing nothing else, Ryôga still held Akane's wrist trapping her face to face with Ranma. "Stay, Akane-san," Ryôga said as he closed his eyes and snuggled once more against Ranma's back. "I know Ranma... would want you to as well." Akane's Request, end. Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane was very red in the face. Not so much because of the trepidation when Ryôga pulled her on the bed. But because of Ranma-chan's closeness. Since that night she found her masturbating while dreaming of Ryôga, the redhead was starting to have a strong effect on Akane. Furthermore now, when she was nude, sweaty and well-fucked. Akane couldn't trust herself in not trying to roam her hands all over the aquatranssexual's gorgeous body. She wasn't even sure that Ryôga's presence would dissuade her. "That's... that's not a good idea, Ryôga-kun." Akane tried to rise. "I must go." But she didn't go far, because the redhead clutched her, bringing her down on the bed. "You're going nowhere, Akane-chan..." a soprano voice said... proving that Ranma hadn't been sleeping. Looking at her fiancée's flushed face, Ranma said "You got a good kick out of watching us, hmmm, Akane? Did you enjoy it? Did we satisfy your request completely?" Ranma half-turned her head toward Ryôga. "I think we did, ne, Ryôga-kun? We've granted Akane her wish. We gave her what she wanted. Now, she owes us one. And it's my turn." Re: Akane's Request, end. Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota "Why is it your turn?" Ryôga said stubbornly from behind Ranma. "I did all the work, Ranma." Re: Akane's Request, end. Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Because you just can't say 'no' when it's a cute girl asking... ne, Ryôga-kun?" Ranma-chan was saying this in an exaggeratedly high-pitched voice, while fixing Ryôga with her big blue eyes, tiny fists under her chin, the "cute girl act" turned on full. Re: Akane's Request, end. Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Sighing, Ryôga sat up, placing his hands into his lap. From his sitting position Ryôga looked down at the pleading Ranma, and found himself trying not to laugh. "Ranma... I... oh, forget about it, you'll just take your damn turn next anyways no matter what I say." Looking down at his hands, Ryôga couldn't help but feel a little dejected. How could he explain to the two girls that for a moment, his fantasy seemed to be real. It wasn't sex that he was craving, despite what the others might think. For most of his life he had been a wanderer, and now in Akane's bed with Ranma in his arms and Akane herself there... Ryôga had felt like he was finally home. "Fine, make your stupid wish, Ranma..." he grumbled under his breath. Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma shot her right fist up with a triumphant "Yoo-hoo!". Let's not linger on what it was doing to her bare, free breasts, and jump to the follow-up. Ranma turned back to Akane, and grinned wickedly. The Tendô girl frowned. "I'm ready to bet you'll make this embarrassing to me, Ranma...." "Oh, what make you think so?" the redhead retorted impishly. "Maybe because you know you deserve it? Maybe because you had been a VERY naughty girl, in asking me and Ryôga to do the horizontal sparring while you were playing the voyeur? Maybe because you are such a perverted tomboy, and you know it?" Ranma turned back to Ryôga while still holding Akane... or maybe, preventing her to flee. "Don't think so, Ryôga-honey? For all her denial and hentai-bashing, Akane has been a very bad girl. And bad girls need to be punished." She leveled an intense stare at the Hibiki boy. "That's what I want, Ryôga. You're going to punish Akane for her perversions. You're going to give Little Miss Perfection a good, hard SPANKING!" Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Looking over at Ranma, Ryôga drilled a look of contempt into the redhead's eyes. "No!" he said sounding both disgusted and appalled at her suggestion of punishing Akane. "I'll never do anything to hurt Akane-san; what's wrong with you?" Unfortunately for Ranma, the Lost Boy had never once thought of using pain, like the kind given in a gentle spanking as a source of pleasure. "Just because you're mad that Akane asked you to do something, you didn't feel up to is no reason to take it out on her!" Ryôga was nearly shouting near the end of his speech, obviously misunderstanding what Ranma had asked... like he was prone to do often times enough. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "You honorless coward!" Ranma hissed. "I've done everything that Akane asked of me, and more... and now, you try to wiggle out of your part of the bargain? Why you stinky pig, I oughta--" "Calm down, Ranma." Akane quipped in a no-nonsense tone. She then turned to Ryôga, kneeling on the bed. "I understand that what's Ranma asking could be difficult to you... but she is right, she complied fully to my wish... so now, we owe her one." Akane blushed, looking down. "Think about it, Ryôga-kun... after that, you could ask anything out of Ranma -- and me -- and we'd be compelled to obey on our martial artist honor. Anything you'd want... right, Ranma-chan?" "Yeah, yeah, what she say." Ranma said while looking away, arms behind her back. Akane inched closer to Ryôga. "I...I don't mind if you give me a spanking, Ryôga-kun." she concluded while her blush started to glow bright red. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota "But, Akane... I don't want to hurt you." Ryôga said, doing his very best to sound dejected. "Besides, just because Ranma got off getting her bottom slapped doesn't mean you will!" One thing that Ryôga wasn't quite willing to say was that he was also afraid for himself. It wasn't something he had ever told anyone before, but it had been the spanking of Ranma that had brought Ryôga's awakening into the world of sex. Alone, in his room dwelling on how it had felt, a flush had filled him, making him enjoy the memory of Ranma's taunt buttocks beneath his palm. "Akane, I don't want to be the bad guy." he pleaded afraid that the act they were requesting would go too far. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block > "Besides, just because Ranma got off getting her bottom slapped, > doesn't mean you will!" "WHA...?? What the hell are you babbling about, you dork? I don't get off from that! I'll never let you--" "Shut up, Ranma..." Akane cut her off in an exasperated tone. > "Akane, I don't want to be the bad guy." "Don't worry about that, Ryôga-kun. I'll never think of you as the bad guy just because you're complying to Ranma's sick ideas. And don't worry about hurting me... I'm a martial artist too, I can take it!" "Yeah, what lame excuse is this, Pig-Boy? Akane's butt is so thick that you can probably hit as hard as you want, she won't feel a thing. And it's not about making you the bad guy... it's about teaching the Tomboy how much she was a bad girl!" Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota *CRACK!* As the final words came out of Ranma's mouth, Ryôga's fist connected solidly with the top of her head. "Don't mock Akane-san like that. She has a wonderful butt, and you know it, Ranma!" As soon as the words left Ryôga's mouth, it dawned on him exactly what he had just said. In a matter of seconds his entire face, from the tip of his nose to the outer most part of his ears, turned a flushed crimson. "I'm sorry, Akane, I didn't mean to say that!" Flinching, he braced for both Akane and Ranma to pound him for his actions and words. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane had been about to bash Ranma-chan in the head, too, for the butt remark, but Ryôga had beaten her on the punch (literally). She let her raised fist fall, and then blushed fiercely at Ryôga's words. "Err... th-thanks, Ryôga-kun. No need to be embarrassed about that. It's rather nice, actually, to have someone complimenting me for a change... it's quite unlike some pervert fiancé of mine." Ranma-chan, rubbing her head, groaned and sent a baleful glare at the two loves of her life. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga looked at the scowling Ranma and smiled. He couldn't help it; there was just something about her that made him heart flutter and mind wonder. It wasn't that he was easily distracted (though for poor Ryôga that was indeed the case); it was more of when he was near Ranma or Akane, he felt lightheaded, and could lose track of what he was supposed to be feeling. "Come here." he said, placing his arm on the redhead's shoulder and pulling her tightly to him. In one brave moment, especially after just hitting her, Ryôga pulled Ranma to him, kissing her on the lips, feeling the need to once again taste her lips. "I'll do it, I'll complete your request." he said into Ranma's mouth once the kiss had ended. "But you've got to be the one to undress her, Ranma." Smiling at Ranma, he looked at her with victory in his eyes, rather proud of the way he had handled the potentially dangerous scene. If Akane was willing to go through with this, then Ryôga would know for sure she was ready for his discipline. If not, it would be Ranma that received a kiss from Mallet-sama first. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan mumbled into the kiss, surprised by Ryôga's reaction -- and her own excitement out of this. It should be noted that Ranma wasn't so much trying to induce something hentai between Akane and Ryôga... rather, her request was mainly aimed at embarrassing them both. Akane, for always taking Ryôga's side... and Ryôga, for always treating the tomboy as the most precious thing in the world. So, yes, her demand had for main objective to see how far she could push them both... and not to see them starting to do the ecchi. When Ryôga's tried to goad Ranma into undressing Akane, however... the redhead reacted rather violently. By punching him in the face. "YOU GREEDY PERV!" she yelled. "Who's talking about undressing Akane-chan? You don't need that to give her a mere spanking!" Akane was surprised by Ranma's response... and a bit pissed off, too. How could that jerk still act possessive after what she'd just done with Ryôga-kun? "He's right, Ranma, you know." she said, blushing at her own words. "You can't do a real sp...spanking with clothes on. And I don't want to get my dress frumpy...." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga was at a loss for what to say or do. Just seconds ago he had been pleased with himself, only to find his idea thrown back into his face as a sinful notion of his baser lusts. He tried to open his mouth and say something to defend himself, but could only watch the brewing fight between Ranma and Akane. The arm around Ranma's shoulders slackened, as some of the fight left Ryôga. "I didn't mean it they way you're talking, Ranma..." he said at last, his blush proof enough that he was lying. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma didn't pay much attention to Ryôga's denial... he was mumbling it, anyway, and it made little sense to her ears. She was much more focused on her fiancée. "Whaddya mean, you don't mind if he spank you bare-assed? You're even more of a perverted tomboy than I thought!" "Hey, you're the one who brought up that spanking idea, Ranma! What's wrong with you, did you change your mind?" "I asked for Ryôga to give yah a lesson, not gave him a free pass to grope your butt!" "You're such a hypocrite, Ranma! You certainly didn't hesitate groping me everywhere this last two weeks!" "That's different! You're my fiancée!" "And Ryôga-kun is now your lover. If I can rein over my jealousy while watching you two screw like rabbits, can't you do the same?" "But... but..." "Or are you _backing down_, Ranma?" The redhead frowned, and pouted cutely under Akane's glare. "Ranma Saotome ain't backing down from no challenge...." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga opened his mouth to protest as the two girls began to argue. A part of him tried to stop the brouhaha before it could bloom into something more fierce, but instead he shut his mouth and just numbly watch the two. Slowly he tried to melt back, out of both Ranma's and Akane's sight.... Ryôga did not want to be dragged into this one. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ryôga's choice to not intrude in YATRAF (Yet Another Typical Ranma-Akane Fight) was wise. The two girls, actually, kept arguing as if he wasn't even there in the room. "Really? You think you stop being a jealous baka and control yourself, Ranma-chan?" Akane challenged. In answer, Ranma harrumphed. "Yeah, of course. It isn't like you'll let Ryôga-ch... Hibiki ever truly get fresh with you, anyway. You'll just scream pervert and bash his head as soon as his fingers are landing on your butt...." "I will not!" "You will too!" "Will not!" "Will too!" "I'll show you, Ranma... just you wait...." Akane stated as she moved and stood next to the bed. "Blah, blah... yeah, Tomboy, we'll see... hey, what are you doing?" Akane didn't answer verbally. She just kept unbuttoning her dress. Her face was very flushed with shame, but in her eyes there was also the strong determination of a martial artist. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga wasn't a coward, by any stretch of the imagination. In his life he had done things that would have made a crazy man sane just thinking about it. At that moment, though, seeing Akane undress, Ryôga wished he was anywhere else. The look the Tendô girl was giving Ranma made the Lost Boy's blood run cold. "Guys..." he said, trying to be the calming voice in the suddenly turbulent conversation. "You don't have to do this, it's not like it needs to be done. Ranma, say you're sorry to Akane-san!" Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Hu? Why should I say I'm sorry? What should I be sorry for?" Ranma quipped. "I'm not the one who got her jollies out of watching her fiancé and best friend doing the nasty...." "Don't bother, Ryôga-kun." Akane flatly said. Her dress, the white dress Ryôga bought for Akari, but offered Ranma-chan after their first time, and which ended up as peace offering from Ranma, her aforementioned dress, so, slipped from her shoulders and fell, pooling at Akane's feet. The Tendô girl was now clad only in a white bra and a lacy pair of panties. She looked down with embarrassment when their eyes leveled on her blushing, exposed body. Yet, Akane showed no sign of backing down. "Since Ranma made clear what she wanted... we have to grant her wish, Ryôga-kun." "Oh, come on, Tomboy, you and I know you're bluffing. You'll never get the gall... nor Ryôga will ever have the guts...." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota There was simply no way to hid Ryôga's response to Akane's stripping. From between Ryôga's leg, the shaft that Ranma had so recently drained of energy began to regrow with an alarming rapidness. The Lost Boy watched Akane with a rapt attention, unable to look away or even blink. So enthralled with Akane's show, a small drop of droll spilled from his lips. > "Oh, come on, Tomboy, you and I know you're bluffing. You'll never > get the gall... nor Ryôga will ever have the guts...." Hearing Ranma's taunt brought Ryôga back to the present, though, and with a suddenly angry focus. Standing up, the Lost Boy stood nearly shoulder-to-shoulder with Akane, and his annoyance if anything was making his cock grow that much firmer. "I'll show you who's afraid, Ranma." Without thinking, as he was adapt to do at times, Ryôga took Akane into his arms, holding her before him in a fireman's carry. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Eeek!" Akane let out a little startled yelp When Ryôga lifted her up. Sure, she had been literally inviting him to do so by stripping, but it was still very embarrassing for her when the Lost Boy acted on it. Especially since he was naked, she was nearly so, and their bodies were rubbing together. Ranma just blinked, probably too stunned by Ryôga's boldness to react immediately. Then, she regained her wits and protested. "Hey! What do you think you're doing, Pork-Bun?" Before the Hibiki lad could retort, Akane turned her head toward Ranma and glared. "Oh, shut up. That's what you asked, no?" Then, the Tendô girl craned her neck to face Ryôga, and, after a short hesitation, said to him while twiddling her fingers: "Ahem... I...I've been a very bad girl, Ryôga-kun...." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota "You, Akane-san..." Ryôga said, meeting the Tendô girl's eyes. "There's no way you could be bad; it had to have been that Jerk, Ranma." Forgetting that Akane may have been trying to role-play a part, the Lost Boy went back to his natural reaction to anything about Akane. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane was very tempted to call Ryôga a "BAKA" and start caving his head with her fist. But she held herself in check, especially when Ranma said: "Shesh, thanks a lot, Ryôga. You'll think otherwise if you ever try to give her ass the first slap, and she'll start crushing you under her mallet." Akane's face was already red, so her flush of anger was undistinguishable from her blush. Nonetheless, she said: "Don't listen to her, Ryôga-kun. She's just jealous. Ahem... maybe you should upturn me on your lap if you want to start... hu... start." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Effortlessly, Ryôga carried the Tendô girl to her bed. In his arms, her lithe body was no burden, and an exquisite thing to hold. His heart beat like it did as he had made love to Ranma. A mad percussion of drumming beats endlessly played a silent song against Akane's skin. From the way he was holding her, it was a level of intimacy he had never crossed over with Akane before, and the traitor beneath his chest was telling how scared he was. He knew Akane knew he loved her, and she seemed to be OK with it, but still it was Akane in his arms, and OK or not he long though about a moment like this. Even before his heart had grown room for Ranma as well, it had been Akane he desired. Placing Akane on her feet, Ryôga sat on the edge of the bed (in a way that once Akane was across his lap he would have easy access to her bottom), seriously looking at her as he waged an internal battle. Ryôga had been about to ask one last time if Akane was sure about the spanking, but figured against it, knowing she would only get upset and Ranma would make fun of him. Deciding that he would start it, and let Akane stop it if she wanted too, he looked her dead in the eyes. "A bad girl should at least admit to what's she's down wrong, Akane. If you make a confession it's going to go easier on you." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane shook her head. "A bad girl wouldn't confess unless you made her. And... I-I don't need you to go easy on me, Ryôga-kun." Gulping, Akane closed in to Ryôga. Thankfully, his raging hard-on was mostly hidden by his thighs in the position he was seated. Though there was no telling for how long, if by touching him again he went even more excited. Still, Akane stepped forward and lay down over Ryôga's lap, her panties- covered bottom offered to his sight. The skin of her warm belly was rubbing against his nude leg. Blushing, Akane balanced herself against the bed. She was facing Ranma, and gave the redhead a challenging glare. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga's body reacted as if a live current had pressed against his skin. Every muscle in his thighs clenched taunt flexing involuntarily as Akane lay across his lap. Her warm skin set his body on fire, and to what was probably to both of their discomfort his member stood at attention with most of its length pressing in Akane's belly. Breathing heavily through his open mouth, Ryôga took a moment to look at Akane's back, losing himself in the contours of her skin. There was no hiding the completely unashamed look of lust that filled his face and eyes from Ranma. If Ryôga had known that his face was an open book to the redhead, he still wouldn't have cared; after all, it was Akane in his lap. Looking further down, Ryôga's eyes followed the curve of Akane's ass, looking at its shapely form hidden under a thin pair of panties. Raising his hand, Ryôga took a deep breath of air as it hovered over Akane's buttocks. One, two, three times it descended in rapid succession, never once actually touching the girl. To Ranma it must have looked like he had been taking practice swings, Ryôga thought darkly. Truth was that each one had been meant to be a true spanking, but at the last second his willpower had fled, leaving him unable to complete the act. Closing his eyes, the Lost Boy tried to find himself, somehow unable to actually find his center. This was hard, harder then it had any right to be, he wanted to say. Instead he looked at Ranma, meeting her eyes with his. Saying nothing, Ryôga drew strength from his lover, feeling her confidence flood him as he took it from her beautiful stare. "Bad Girl!" Ryôga chastised, as if it was a battle mantra. Using his shoulder for power, the Lost Boy's huge hand came down swiftly against Akane's upturned fanny. A loud sharp smack of flesh against flesh sounded like a trumpet blast upon the impact. Ryôga's hand, oh-so very large, managed to connect to both of the Tendô girl's cheeks with his first blow. A swift blast of discipline landing on the whole of Akane's bottom. Quickly he pulled his hand away, having done as Akane had wished and not gone easy upon her. Even Ryôga's toughened hand felt the stab of pins and needles from the force of the slap. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block In the while Ryôga spent psyching himself up, Ranma-chan was looking increasingly bored (though it was probably an act), and Akane increasingly nervous (this certainly not faked). The Tendô girl closed her eyes and tensed, somehow feeling the air displaced by each of Ryôga's "practice swing" over her buttocks. Then, the Hibiki lad finally complied with his lover's wish. His meaty hand landed on Akane's cute bottom with a loud slapping sound. Despite her resolve to stay stoic, Akane couldn't help but let out a sharp "EEEK!" Her fist instantly clenched, and she had to fight hard against her pervert-bashing reflex. Ranma, watching intently at Akane's face, didn't miss the struggle. She smirked. To tell the truth, Ranma-kun had tried -- once, last week -- to spice up their sex games by spanking his fiancée, but only got a mallet to the head for his effort. Goading Ryôga to do it and Akane to accept had been a stroke of genius the redhead was currently congratulating herself for (which made her an hypocrite, because when she made her request she wasn't really thinking of the erotic kind of spanking). Of course, she had no doubt about what would be the final result of these. "Sheesh, just give it up, Akane. You're ready to pound poor Ryôga to the ground... just one or two more slap, and--" "Shut up, Ranma!" Akane hissed. Craning her neck, she stared upward at Ryôga's face. "I've... been a bad girl, Ryôga-kun. I'll take my punishment without rebelling... I swear." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota "Shut up, Ranma." With his spanking hand, Ryôga blindly reached behind himself for one of Akane's pillows. Finding it, he quickly hurled it into the redhead's face, the soft fluffy object striking Ranma with all the force it could have. Turning his attention back to Akane, he sat for a moment, contemplating what would happen next. Truth be told, Ryôga had figured Ranma wanted the spanking to happen so the Lost Boy would end up getting a ride on the Akane Express into low orbit. Closing his eyes, Ryôga's hand came down with another full forced blow, his thick palm crashing like a cymbal against Akane's bottom. His third strike though was barely more then a tab, the impact doing not much more then making the rounded flesh of the Tendô girl's fanny to dance. Lost as to how it would be best to proceed, Ryôga's spanking took drastic changes with each slap. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Although a pillow was a soft and light object, when hurled by someone with strength like Ryôga's, the impact wasn't negligible. Ranma was propelled backward into the wall -- not that she had far to go, she was sitting in the middle of the bed anyway. And although there was a thump, she didn't crack its surface. After a short while, gravity reclaimed the pillow and it fell from her face. She sported a rather cross and annoyed look, glaring balefully at both her lovers. However, she seemed to have gotten Ryôga's message since she didn't quip another word. Akane, though she was trying to clench her jaws, couldn't help but let escape some sharp gasp of air or sudden, cute yelps whenever Ryôga's strong palm landed on her buttocks. It was, indeed, shaking the delicate flesh hidden beneath her panties, not to forget her whole body. Which was getting warm, not just from experiencing the pain but also the contact with Ryôga's skin, and especially the warm pillar of flesh against her belly. Akane was tempted to bite her finger to stifle her soon-to-come moaning. She also had to struggle against her deeply-ingrained reflexes of pervert-pounding. This was starting to upset her... because it was distracting from the feeling... err... from taking her punishment like a good girl. Yes, that was it. After a little hesitancy, and a nuclear- powered blush, Akane finally took her decision and crossed her slender hands behind her back, offering them to Ryôga's sight. "Ryôga-kun... will you please... tie me up?" Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota At that Ryôga turned to Ranma. Back before he and the supple redhead had become lovers, the Lost Boy had shown Ranma pictures of Akari tied and naked. The redhead knew that Ryôga liked being a dominant partner and enjoyed the bondage aspect of it. Akane's request seemed like a well-planned joke at his expense. Waiting for Ranma's response, be it laughter or approval, the Lost Boy sat unmoving. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan glared back at Ryôga. She was upset at him; yet Akane's last request got her a bit distracted from fantasies of pig roasted in an open fire. Ranma licked her lips. The concept of having her hottie of a fiancée hog-tied by Ryôga was intriguing her, but also spurring a little stab of jealousy. Akane had never asked Ranma to tie her up! Why did the Lost Moron always get a favored treatment? "Jeez... Akane, you're such a hentai tomboy... after that, you'll have no right ever to call anybody else a pervert...." the redhead commented. Akane was red-faced and squirming on Ryôga's lap, but she didn't respond to Ranma and kept her arms behind her back. "What are you waiting for, Ryôga?" Ranma added. "Or did those pics you showed of Akari were really fake, and you can get lost even when tying a knot." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Suddenly, Ryôga dove towards Ranma, his hands outstretched and Akane's sailing away from his lap. Catching Ranma's arms, Ryôga pulled her onto him trough a tight roll. After several seconds of tense combat, Ranma wound up on her belly. Her arms and legs were tightly secured together at her wrists and ankles, Ryôga's iron fiber bandanna's holding her tightly in place. The redhead's mouth was tied securely shut with more of the same bandannas. Before her stood Ryôga in all of his nude glory, holding an equally nude Akane to him. "Who's lost now, Ranma?!" he boasted as the Tendô girl's slender fingers gently curled around the crowned head of his manhood. "Oh Ryôga-kun," Akane purred as her lips kissed his broad chest. "I knew you were a better man then Ranma, but I had no idea you were this great!" Shaking his head, Ryôga cleared his passing fantasy from his mind. Looking at the smug Ranma, the Lost Boy had a bubble of annoyance. Realizing he had to release it, once more his palm came down with a mighty smack against Akane's ass. "Bad girl," he said while looking at the redhead. "Naughty girl's get a spanking!" As the play had been going on, Ryôga had quickly learned how to slap with enough force to just make the flesh on flesh contact sound like a firecracker while doing little damage to Akane's bottom. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane squirmed and moaned from Ryôga's hand landing on her tush, bouncing upon there from the elasticity of the flesh. Small tears welled up in her eyes, but she stubbornly held her ground, to not give this victory to Ranma. The redhead had noticed Ryôga's eyes blanking away in a daydream for a short moment, but she had no idea of what his fantasy could exactly mean. So, she merely shrugged it off. "Please... Ryôga-kun... please..." Akane begged, still holding her fists tightly clenched behind her back. "Yeah, you like living dangerously, Ryôga-kun," Ranma quipped in. "If you don't tie her up like she asked, I don't give you more than three slap before ending with a mallet on top of your head." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Reaching up to his forehead, Ryôga removed a number of his bandannas. With an absent flick of his wrist he pilled them on the bed, just before Akane's eyes. Gently he picked one up, dragging the trailing edge of the cloth against Akane's face. The hard fabric ran across the Tendô girl's back as he brought it to her offered wrists. Gently, with a skill born from practice, Ryôga tied the young woman's wrists together. Though he was soft with his actions, the resulting knot was not. Akane's hands were tightly bound, the cloth lock pressed tightly, squeezing her wrists with just enough force that it slowed the circulation into her hands. If left on for too long, such a tie could cause damage, bur for this encounter it was just right. Looking over to Ranma, Ryôga absently reached down for two more bandannas from his pile. Tying them together, the Lost Boy was left with a longer piece that he quickly slipped into Akane's mouth before she could react. Placing the hard-knotted part into Akane's mouth, Ryôga gave her an object she could bite down on without offering protest for what he had planned. Gently, he secured her gag, making sure it would not tug on Akane's dark locks if she struggled too much. He had no wish to cause her pain by pulling at her hair. Once he was finished, Ryôga gently moved Akane from his lap, taking care as to not rub his shaft against her that much. With a few quick movements, Ryôga was able to place Akane face first on the mattress with her shapely ass in the air. Standing next to her, Ryôga did nothing to hide his manhood; one that Ranma could see was very hard and leaking a thin trail of his obvious excitement from its slanted mouth. Once again, Ryôga set himself to tying Akane, this time securing her ankles together before taking it one step further and tying her legs together at her knees as well. Then just to prove a point, Ryôga swung his left palm against the upturned ass of Akane. His fingers spread wide to make the sharp slapping sound. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane was shivering uncontrollably as Ryôga complied to her request, and tied her up with his bandannas. When he gagged her, she arched her neck and grit her teeth against the clothes, as if protesting the treatment. Ranma, however, could see Akane's eyes when she opened them again. All the redhead could see in those trembling orbs was intense excitement. Ranma felt another stab of jealousy... she didn't remember seeing Akane THIS excited during their sex games. Maybe it was just the novelty of the thing, the thrill of having someone else than her fiancé molesting her. Still, Ranma muttered her obvious conclusion between her teeth. "Pervert tomboy...." Ranma-chan did nothing to stop the Lost Boy, though. Sitting on a corner of the bed with her legs bent before her, she was holding the cushion Ryôga had thrown in her face before her nude body. At first glance it was to cover herself, but a more scrutinizing look would reveal she was in fact rubbing her front and between her legs with the cushion, while staring relentlessly at Akane. The Tendô girl whimpered in her gag when Ryôga tied up her legs. She squirmed on the bed in an apparent doomed attempt at moving or freeing herself. Ryôga didn't miss that she was trying to rub her thighs together despite the bondage... and that the crotch of her white panties was clearly dampened by her juices. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Standing next to Akane, Ryôga was able to get an eye full of what Ranma was doing behind the safety of the pillow. Grinning, his eyes lingered on her for a bit, as the palm that had recently spanked Akane gently rubbed the sting from her fanny. Looking at Ranma, Ryôga smiled before turning his attention back to Akane. "Why you bad, dirty little girl..." he said in a commanding voice, looking at Akane's upturned rear. Once more he spanked her, slapping her so as to make more noise than impact. "I can't believe this, you bad, bad, bad, bad girl!" With every "bad", the Lost Boy accented it with a sharp smack against her bottom. "Here we are, trying our best to make you a good little girl, and you have to go and do something bad." Once again at the word "bad", Ryôga's hand came down hard against Akane's ass. "Look at those panties Akane, you've gone and ruined them." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma-chan kept starring at Akane, her eyes looking more and more furious with each of Ryôga's words. Yet, it was easy to tell that her anger was mainly out of jealousy... or simply from her fiancée letting herself be handled by some dirty pig. "What're'yah waiting for, Akane?" the redhead mumbled, still using the pillow to stroke herself. "Just tear off those flimsy, stupid bandannas and pound him to the next week." But Akane seemed not disposed to be doing any of that. Even if she had the strength to rip the clothes (which wasn't a certain thing), she wasn't using it. All the tied-up tomboy could do was squirm on the bed, moan through her gag... and wiggle her cute, round tush just under Ryôga's gaze. Was she trying to avoid Ryôga's strong, yet gentle hand by doing that? Was she trying to entice him? Or maybe... even trying to bring some relief to the maddening itch between her legs by producing some friction... who knew? Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga couldn't help but stand there, stunned for a second. Akane's wanton reaction to being tied was so clearly evident the Lost Boy couldn't help but react. Seeing her squirm in the way she was left no doubt in Ryôga's mind that she was sexually excited. In fact, he knew at that moment Akane was his. It was a frightening feeling to realize his own personal Goddess would more than likely accept his shaft with little to no complaint. Ryôga suddenly felt lightheaded for a moment, and had to put an arm up to keep himself from stumbling. The only thing near enough to support him though was Akane's up turned bottom. His fingers game down hard against Akane's panty-clad bottom... Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Akane would have jumped from Ryôga's touch if she wasn't restrained. As it was, she simply tensed bodily and arched her back. Ryôga could feel her bottom wriggle under his fingers. She was groaning in her gag and looking wide-eyed... directly at Ranma-chan. The redhead was very flustered; looking at her fiancée and her lover's byplay seemed to really exci... disturb her. "Willya stop that stupid game, Tomboy? Tear of those dirty rags and then crush his head! Don't you see what he's going to do to you if you don't react? He's going to rape you! I know how much of a beast he can be, better than you do! Ho yeah, with you it was always 'Ryôga-kun' here, 'how good a friend you are' there.... But now, what're'yah gonna do when he'll rip off your panties and put his big, fat cock, in you, mmmh?" Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota "I don't know, Ranma," Ryôga said as his hand gently slid off of Akane's rear. The four fingers of his hand were spread wide as it brushed down the girl's backside, tracing over both flesh and panties. His fingers followed the natural curve of the tied girl's hips until it reached the dampened mound of her core. Pressing tightly for a moment, the Lost Boy's index poked against the white panties, just enough for the finger to find the opening of her slit. Leaving Akane alone, Ryôga turned to face Ranma, as he placed his index finger against his lips. It was really nothing more than a show to egg the redhead on. "For all your talk about me being an animal, you're the one trying to hump a pillow...." Ryôga placed both of his hands on his hips, a move that only called attention to his offered shaft. "I guess Akane wouldn't mind if you kept it... it could be your very own P-chan! A cute little Pillow, all for you. Akane, you don't mind if Ranma keeps her new boyfriend, do you?" As he spoke, Ryôga's hand went out like a striking cobra and connected firmly against the Tendô girl's bottom. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "MMMMMMMMMHHHHH!!!!" Akane's only response to the surprising slap was a muffled groan. Not that she had much choice about it, considering her mouth was gagged. How it could be interpreted in regard to Ryôga's question was anyone's guess. Ranma's reaction, though, was much more evident. The face of the volatile redhead was turning scarlet; she was gritting her teeth while glaring daggers at Ryôga. She had stopped humping the pillow to start pulling on its corner, the fabric beginning to tear off under the strain. "Ryôôôôôôôôôgaaaa... you bastard...." she growled. She really wanted to hurt the pig-boy... more than just with fists. Her eyes landing of Akane's face, she got the right idea for that. Her expression turning in a cruel smile for a split-second, she then took an indignant tone: "Why you... you're making Akane-chan cry! Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota At Ranma's words, Ryôga's heart stopped at right about the back of his throat. Unable to breath due to the sudden hard lump that had formed, the nearly ghost-faced boy turned to look at Akane. It was like a bad dream come to life, one that Ryôga found himself unable to wake from. At one point he had tried to untie Akane's gag with shaking hands, but discovered the task was too difficult. Unable to do it, Ryôga sank to his knees, whispering an apology to the Tendô girl over and over. Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma, just like Akane, was quite thick-skinned whenever it came to emotional anguish... for proof, her habit to exchange insults with her fiancée as a show of "affection". That's why she would never fully understand overly sensitive guys like Ryôga, and seeing the Lost Boy snapping somehow freaked her out. "Hey?" Ranma exclaimed. "Hey? Hey? HEY?" she repeated, waving a hand before Ryôga's face. Frustrated, she finally punched him on the shoulder to get some rise out of him. "What the hell is wrong with you? Sheeeesh... you idiot, don't you realize that even a tomboy like Akane would get tears in her eyes after a spanking? That's nothing to get yourself in knots for! Sheeesh, I can't believe how much of a crybaby softie you can be at time!? React like a man, for once, damn it!" Akane, helped by Ryôga's previous effort, managed to spit the gag out of her mouth. "*SPEW!* _slurp..._ Ranma! You're just lucky I'm tied up, or I would have given the thrashing you deserve! How could you be so cruel to Ryôga-kun!?" "What? But it's him... he... I just tried to tease him, it ain't my fault he's breaking up for the littlest things...." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request Austin_S_Dakota Ryôga said nothing, his state of horror and anger silencing him to the point of stupidity. Like a sack of oranges, Ryôga suddenly fell to the floor alongside Akane's bed. When Ranma turned to look at Akane, Ryôga moved with a sudden violent fury he hadn't show his lover in a long while. Grabbing the redhead's face with a steel-cable-like grip, Ryôga pulled her towards him and off of the Tendô girl's bed. In a flurry of hands and bandannas, Ryôga groped and wrestled with the distracted girl for seconds before he finished his attach. Ending up on her naked stomach, Ryôga sat, his hardness jetting out from between his thighs for the redhead to see. In her moment of distraction, Ryôga had managed to tie her wrists and ankles together, and even Ranma would have a hard time tearing all the bandannas he had used. "Now Ranma," he said, leaning over her to speak, "Akane-san and I have been kind enough to go through your wish, at least have the common courtesy not to interfere...." Re: Part 2: Ranma's Request St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ranma DID struggle, past the initial surprise of Ryôga jumping her, but it was already too late. The Lost Boy's rage was making him astonishingly efficient, and Ranma ended up hog-tied so fast that Ryôga would probably have earned the first place if they were at a rodeo (and if she was a calf...). "HEEEEYY!!!" the redhead indignantly protested. "*MY* wish was never about *ME* being tied up!" She tried to struggle against her bonds, but the fabric of the bandanna was unusual; conceived to withstand Ryôga's superior strength even when used as projectiles, they proved to be incredibly resistant. Akane glared at her fiancé(e), now in the same bondage posture as her. "That'll teach you, Ranma... asking poor Ryôga-kun to act upon your sick fantasies, while they are so much against his gentle nature...." "Hey! *I* did everything *you* asked of us! That's not fair!" [END]