CREAM LEMON STUDIO - 15: thread 2 > Compilation by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 13, THREAD 1] Trunks Enters gogetunks15 Trunks, driving on his way to a new filming place, closed his eyes for just a minute. He really wanted to be a part of this new hentai flick... sex and fame, what more could you want from a job? He stopped by the beach, where filming was currently happening. He got out of his car and walked around and spotted someone, "Hey where do I sign up for this?" he tilted his head a little. Re: Trunks Enters St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The crewman Trunks had met gave the purple-haired boy a few pointers. The director was busy, nobody knew where, and nobody wanted to know. Also, it wouldn't be wise to wait for him in his "office", it was considered off-limits, the old goat not liking anybody to intrude his privacy. However, Trunks obtained the directions for the producer's office, which was another bungalow not far away from the beach. Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 Trunks shook the man's hand, trying not to break it. He walked off and got in his car. He drove down the beach away and spotted the producer's hideout. He got out and knocked, "H-Hello? You here? I heard about a certain movie being made and have come to 'apply' for a role in it." He waited. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nobody responded immediately to Trunks's knock on the door. However, he could tell someone was inside. He could hear the sound of falling water from a shower through the thin walls of the bungalow. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He put his ear to the wall. He knew that meant a shower was running. But should he just walk in was the question. He bit his lip, "I better not, don't want a bad impression or something after all." He sat down in the front of it and listened for the water to stop. Once it did he would knock after it had been finished running for about 10 minutes, enough for most people to dress. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block A short time after Trunks knocked, the door opened... To reveal a beautiful brunette, still busy drying her hair with a towel, and wearing the skimpiest bathrobe he could imagine. One that was cut very short, leaving legs and thighs bare, and was also largely opened, showing of a lot of cleavage. "My, my, what have we here?" idly asked Nabiki, smirking as she ogled the hunky guy. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He stood up, "Hiylo. I was just wondering if there was an open spot in the movie being shot. I was told to come see you." He tried not to look too interested in her body. He tried looking her in the eyes, they very rarely left and he found himself talking to her chest. He scratched his head, "So ya think you can help me?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki smiled like a predatory cat. She was quite glad that a new prospective showed up since the movie was short in male actors. Of course she wasn't going to tell him that; never putting yourself in the demanding position was vital during negotiations. "Mmmh... maybe I can do something. The filming crew is doing a little pause, so we may have some time for a little audition." A pause that would probably last as long the 'Great Genius Director' was... distracted. Inviting him to come inside, she asked: "So, what's your name, big boy?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He walked in casually, "I'm Trunks. How do I audition for a hentai movie? Does it take much acting skills? Cause I did well in school plays." He looked at her. He couldn't help but look at her cleavage for a couple seconds, but he recovered and looked her in the face. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Oh well, it depends... the Director is rather easy-going about that, he often give a try to debutants. Acting skills may be useful for the more complex scenes..." explained Nabiki as she sat, inviting Trunks to do the same on a chair facing her. She also crossed her legs. The skimpy bathrobe was still managing to hide her treasure box, but left no inch of her thighs to the imagination. "Wait a minute... Trunks... Trunks Brief? Weren't you scheduled to shoot yesterday, but canceled? Now, that'll be more tricky... you'll have to get back into the Director's good grace after that stunt, we had to change the script at the last minute to compensate your defection. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He scratched his head, "Sorry... I uh... forgot? Look I won't mess up this time. I really want a chance to play in this. Please I am about willing to do whatever you or the director may want me to." he looked down a bit. He robe was soooo short... suddenly he realized he was getting a bit... aroused. He looked back up quickly, "I need this job. I want to go into acting, and you got to start somewhere. This was the most local job I could find... and hey sex comes with it, what a plus." Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki smirked, eyeing Trunks in a way that would make any guy nervous. "Oh yes, I'm sure you really need this job... mister first son of the Brief family, owner of the Capsule Corporation, probably one of the richest business on this Earth." Yes, she's done her homework. Nabiki Tendo never moved in the dark. "Does your mommy know her bachelor son is eager to fool around with porn actress?" She laughed at the look on Trunks' face. "Don't worry, I won't tell her. Hell, if your parents wanted they'd probably could buy the whole studio. But that's not the point. I don't see any inconvenient allowing you back on the stage, but you'll have to get forgiven by the Director... and promise you won't miss any shoot again." Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He sighed, "I'm trying to avoid using their money. I wont miss any more shooting, let's just say something came up that was kinda hard to get away from. How would I get forgiveness from the director?" He tilted his head, slightly nervous. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmmh... well..." Nabiki made a show of thinking deeply, a finger on her chin and eyes looking up. "Maybe I could talk to the director... to mellow him a bit... but for this, you'd have to convince me you're really full of potential as an actor." She redirected her gaze toward Trunks, eyeing him intently, as if appraising the boy. "Now... how could we figure this out for sure?" she asked teasingly. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He scratched the back of his head. "Well you're the boss, so I dunno. I never have tried to do something like this. But if you need to see my performance skill we just need a girl..." He looked at her, getting hard. He couldn't help but look at the cleavage and her legs. He looked back at her, "Know of any?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Hmmm... but all the actresses are shooting, or refreshing themselves between shots. It wouldn't do to distract them of their busy schedule..." Nabiki leaned forward, legs still crossed, giving Trunks an even better view of her cleavage. Her eyes were peering low, somewhere in the area of his crotch. "Would you have any alternate idea to demonstrate your performances?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He thought, "I dunno..." He looks at her cleavage, getting slightly harder. He bit his lip, getting cramped in his pants. He looked at her face, "Ever slept with an employee?" he smiled a little. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki straightened in mock-indignation. Doing so, the opening of her robe slide a bit on the right, baring her shoulder. "Slept? What a ridiculous notion. We don't sleep with employees here... that would be a loss of precious time..." She crossed her arms under her chest... doing interesting things to her mounds, which had to struggle up for space, almost bursting out of the cleavage. "In this job, we may 'audition' the prospects... 'train' the newbies... 'rehearse' along with the actors... 'prepare' them for shooting... eventually lend a 'helping hand'... but certainly nothing as unproductive as sleep..." She re-crossed her legs, enjoying the flustered look of the young man. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He raised an eyebrow, "Well then how should I 'audition'?" He tilted his head, "Cause really I need to know the answer cause I don't want my parents to find out. I mean I told them I was getting a job but well I don't think porno is what they had in mind. How would I audition?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Don't worry about your parents, Trunks-baby. Confidentiality is one of the clauses of your contract with Cream Lemon Studio. "Now, as for the audition... why don't you start by taking off your clothes? It's only fair, you've been ogling me from the start...." Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He blinked, "Uh... but you're not naked." He took off his shirt and looked at her, a mix of despising her and liking it. He stood up and undid his belt. "This is a weird audition you know... but you would be considered a boss, right?" He let his pants drop, and stood in his boxers. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Why? Would you like me to?" grinned Nabiki, answering his comment about her not being naked. She stood up and sensually stepped closer to Trunks, and started running a hand over his very chiseled chest. "Of course I am the boss here... since I'm the one bringing the money. This means that you have to do everything I say... if you want the role." Her hand slowly roamed down, appreciating the definition of the very muscular half-Sayajin frame. She finally stopped right over his crotch, rubbing his privates through the fabric of the boxers. "You look very promising so far... but I need to check out your main 'tool of the trade', if I may say." Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He shrugged, "It would be more comfortable that's all I suppose." He closed his eyes, feeling her touch him. He opened them and looked at her, taking his hands and pushing his boxers down, they dropped them to his ankles. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki, hands on her hips, leaned forward to look with interest at Trunk's manly member, already more than half the way to full hardness. "Mmmm... Mmmm... not bad... not bad at all... but I'd need to see it in full erection to get a better idea." She looked up at Trunks' face and asked "Can you think of something sexy?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 Trunks nodded, "I guess. Would be easier with something to look at but I can manage." He closed his eyes, picturing HER naked. He opened them, looking at her cleavage. He was uncomfortable but willing. He got harder as each couple seconds passed. He grasped himself and does some mock jerking, and stopped, getting fully erect. He looked at her, "There. This is it. Good enough?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki looked at the proud manhood with a hungry smirk, a finger on her chin. "Hmmm... took you longer that I thought... in this job you'd better be able to get ready very fast. And is it truly at full extension? I'd like to be sure..." Without warning, Nabiki opened the top of her bathrobe, baring her shoulders and chest. The garment was still tied at the waist by the belt, and dangling on her forearms. Round, good-sized, perky breasts were now on display. No tan line was visible on them, and the nipples were standing out in the middle of brown areolas. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 His eyes widened. He couldn't believe she just dropped it like that. His rod got slightly harder still, reaching its full potential. It was about seven inches or so. He looked at her breasts. "... Whoa. Okay that helped." He couldn't help but imagine his dick sliding between her breasts, that was almost enough to make him cum, but he didn't. He just stood curious as to what would happen next. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The bare-chested Nabiki looked at the straight rod of meat with an appraising smirk. "Mmmh... not too bad... let's see." She picked up something on the desk... which happened to be a graduated ruler! Delicately, she pressed it against Trunks's organ, measuring from the root of the penis to the mushroom head. The slightly cold metal of the ruler sent a shrill into his groin. "... almost nineteen centimeters. I've seen bigger, but this should be adequate for the movie." She took back the ruler and moved it (absentmindedly, or at least it seemed) between her breasts. "Now, big boy, tell me about you... You're not a virgin, I hope?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He scratched his head, "Actually I never have had sex... I have had like blow jobs and stuff but never actually had sex. It was another plus with signing up for this." He pointed to his cloths. "Can I put my clothes back on?" He did again his embarrassed head scratching. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki frowned in surprise, her gaze leaving his hard on to meet his eyes. "Never? You've never done more than making out? ... Mmmmh now that may be a problem. The Director will probably not want to loose any time with an amateur." Nabiki pondered this further. She was rather intending to tease this hunky boy to death, leaving him hard and ready for the shooting, but not allowing release. Now, his inexperience should have been a motive for kicking him out, but they really needed more male characters for the orgy tonight... it was an important scene, that Happy was adamant filming while they have the exclusivity of the beach. Sighing, Nabiki concluded: "Well, then... I guess someone will have to show you the tricks...." Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He scratched his head then tilted it a little, "Tricks?" he looked down at his member which was already getting slightly soft, getting used to seeing her breasts. He looked back up, "How would I get to know these tricks?" he smiled a little. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "I've just told you... someone has to teach you..." Nabiki's small hand moved toward Trunks's organ, cupping it her soft palm. She never stopped looking the boy in the eyes, though, watching intently his reaction. "Lesson one... once you got it hard... you must learn to keep it that way as long as possible... some scenes may be lengthy... and redone several times... you'd made us lost time -- and money -- if you got flaccid between shoots." While explaining, her deft fingers started stroking delicately the elastic flesh covering the blood-engorged meat. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 The expression on his face showed that he liked the feeling that he received from her hand stroking it. It got as hard as it could in a matter of seconds. He smiled, "Well I could keep it firm... it's a matter of thought really. If I can just keep thinking dirty, I can keep it up I think. What else do I need help with?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "What? You have trouble to keep thinking dirty?" She let go of his shaft, and stepped away before turning her back to him. "I'm disappointed... I should even say I'm offended. How could you trouble having dirty thoughts..." Walking toward a door to an adjacent room, she finish shedding of the bathrobe, letting it flutter to the ground... giving Trunks a very good of her shapely body, especially her wondrous ass. "... with me around." she added with a wink, head half-turned. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 His eyes widened. "I'm not going to have any problems thinking dirty now... in fact here comes a couple now..." He didn't even try to look like he wasn't looking at her, he kept his eyes on her. He wanted so much to just walk over there and screw. *Mom always warned me about girls like her... heh but I definitely don't listen to her anymore. I'm old enough... I wish she would just come over and grab me, and then put my cock into her mouth.* Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block But Nabiki didn't grant Trunks's wordless wish, at least not at the moment. She simply made a come-hither gesture, and disappeared into the next room, depriving the young man of the sight of her nakedness. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He followed her gesture, going to where she stood then slowly kept going to the room she was. He did this all with some hesitation. He didn't have much experience but he knew what he was doing if his hentai videos served him right. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Trunks entered what happened to be a bedroom. The bungalow rented for the needs of the movie were typically for vacation rental; if the main room was changed into an office, most of the facilities remained. Including a plush bed. With a naked Nabiki on it. Sprawled on her side, legs lasciviously bent, a hand holding her chin while the other was lazily resting on her thigh, she looked at the trainee actor mischievously. "Ready for your lesson?" Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He blinked. "Y-yeah sure..." he again hesitated. The sight alone of her on the bed got him hornier but this was basically his boss. Should he really be doing this? He walked over to her and sat, his member still at full erect. "Sure... show me the ropes." Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki almost giggled, though she was unsure Trunks did make the double- entendre intentionally. So she just added to the private joke: "Ropes are advanced training, Trunks-baby. Here we'll start with the basics." Her hand brushed his thigh and closed around his meaty rod, feeling its heat under her fingers. "The one, really important thing you'll have to learn... is that this job is not for premature. You may have to use your tool of the trade for some length of time during a shot, but by all means you mustn't cum until it is the right time to do so. This require a lot of willpower... do you think you can make it?" The question wouldn't be so tricky if she wasn't gently stroking his shaft while asking. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He bit his lip. Feeling her skin touch his felt rather good. He looked at her and nodded, "I think I can do it. If its willpower that it takes, I can do it." he wasn't sure how he should react to her stroking him. All he could do was sit and wait for any instructions. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "That may be harder than you believe... but if you're willing to take the challenge..." Nabiki rose from the bed, and gently pushed Trunks so that he was the one laying on his back. "Remember... whatever I do... you mustn't cum, unless I gave you the authorization." she instructed while kneeling next to him, her hand idly toying with his balls and stick. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He lay on his back and nodded. "Alright I will try my best then." He closes his eyes relaxing, and feeling her gentle touch. He couldn't really believe the situation he was in. He had to have sex with a boss so she could 'audition him'. He liked the idea of finally having sex but being the way he was could he really resist cumming when his rod told him to? Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki smirked, and leaned forward. Her face close to his manhood, she gently blew on it while her hand was still toying with the skin covering the blood-engorged meat. Appraising the manly tool like a jeweler would do with a diamond, Nabiki examined every little details, from the wrinkles of his testicles to the mushroom-shaped head. Then, she stick a red and wet tongue from and mouth and started licking along a blue vein with the tip. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 Trunks opened his eyes he looked at her for a sec then relaxed again he closed his eyes and breathed deep obviously enjoying this sensation. He knew what his task was but just a little licking was torture. Just a tad bit of precum began to ooze out. Silently he was hoping for her to stuff her mouth with his meat, but he would take what he could get. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "My, My, already leaking, Trunks-baby? That doesn't augur well for your endurance..." commented Nabiki. She nonetheless picked the droplet of precum with a swift lick from her tongue, tasting the salty man product. She then twirled her tongue around the bulbous head, wiggling the tip against the pee hole. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He kept still for the most part. "Don't worry. It's just prestuff. Nothing to worry about. I'm telling you, I can do it." He used his elbows to elevate his upper body so he could watch her. Seeing and feeling got him even more aroused and just a bit more precum came out. He wasn't worried. He liked to hold it back when his last girlfriend gave him a blowjob, cause he wanted it to last longer. And unless she was a lot better, he could hold out for a while. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Seeing Trunks lift his torso a bit, Nabiki shifted on her knees so that her shapely rump and legs were at hand's reach for the boy. All the while she didn't stop toying with his penis. Holding it straight with one hand, she kissed the head, then wiggled her tongue at the junction with the shaft. Her wet strawberry playfully circled around the manhood, slurping and coating it with saliva. Her mouth slowly moved down along the length, still sucking on male meat. Once at the base, she stopped at the level of his hairy balls, the musky scent filling her nostrils. The sperm-filled sacks weren't repelling her, though. She started by kissing one, and inhaling the purplish flesh bit by bit into her hungry mouth, giving the sensitive testicle a warm and wet massage. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He watched her work around his member. He let out a small groan as she played with his testicles. His girlfriend had never done this, it was very new, but at the same time he wanted what she used to do as well. He wanted her to just shove his manhood down her throat. He wasn't sure how to react or anything, being inexperienced. He had to think of what to do back to her as well. She was within reach but what could he do... Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki stopped momentarily to turn her head and watch Trunks' face. His flushed expression made her smirk. He was obviously at a loss on what to do, but she won't help him on this one... she wanted to see if he could take some initiative. Back to the task, she reported her attention to the tip of his penis. Wet kisses and playful licks rained on the bulbous head, mimicking what she would do to an ice cream. Her lips sometimes closed around the sensitive head, yet her hot mouth was never fully swallowing the glans... for the moment. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He wasn't sure what to do... what could he do? She was toying with his stick right now, she wasn't in a position for him to finger or lick her privates... He could play with her breasts but she wasn't really facing a direction for that either... So what could he do? He just watched her he closed his eyes, "That feels so good..." was all he could tell her. He just had to think a bit longer. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki was feeling herself getting hot, absentmindedly rubbing her thighs together. Since it seemed the boy needed a hint, she crawled closer to him on the bed and straddled his face, her knees on either side of his head. "I'm not going to be the one doing all the work, you know." That done, she went back to giving him head. This time he could feel that more and more of his asoko was slipping past her wet lips and sucked into her hot mouth. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He blinked and decided he would follow her lead. He started to place his tongue on her lips and lick around. He wasn't sure how he should go about this but he knew once she got really horny her clit would come out to play, so he just had to get her aroused. He licked around then thrust his tongue into her pussy. To his surprise the taste wasn't gross at all, in fact he liked it. Then he took a hand and rubbed her sex, licking again after, enjoying the BJ as well. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki moaned a little around the dick. He wasn't much experienced, she could tell, but at least he was trying, and until not making any glaring mistake. Truth to tell, she was really getting damp down there. This earned him a little reward. Slowly going down on his meat, Nabiki took more and more of his shaft between her lips, her tongue twirling around it in her mouth. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 Trunks stopped for a sec to let out a very small groan. It felt extremely good to have his cock in her mouth and her tongue playing with it. Then he decided to continue what he was doing, it seemed to at least be getting her horny because her pussy was now wet. He licked up what he could of her juices. Then he started licking where her clit would be. Occasionally he would lick other areas of her. He wanted to experiment so he rammed a finger up her. He moved it in and out curving a little, remembering something about a G-spot that he read in a magazine. He took it out and licked it clean, continuing to lick her. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Hmmmm... not bad at all..." moaned Nabiki, moving her lips away from his manhood, leaving trails of saliva between him and her. "Try to be gentler with your fingers... you better not push them too fast... take your time, there's no hurry." Those advices given, she went back at eating him. This time she didn't lose time beating around the bush. She simply swallowed most of his asoko, sheathing the hard meat in her drooling, hot mouth. She still kept the penis cap from bumping her throat, but nonetheless started to bob her head up and down around his slick shaft. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He let out another small groan of pleasure. He nodded, acknowledging her advice. He licked her again, getting what he could of her juices from her being aroused. He then went back to fingering her. Being as gentle as a Saiyan could be, he pushed it in and out nice and slow, licking the clit a couple times. Then he switched to gently rubbing her clit and fingering her at the same time. He decided he would try a variety to see what got the best results. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Trunks was indeed getting results, the female pussy getting wetter and wetter. Yet, Nabiki was much more experienced and didn't let herself get distracted. The full length of the tasty prick disappearing between her lips, she stopped her descent. Now entirely swallowed, the upper shaft of Trunks' cock was surrounded by her throat, which was expertly squeezing the sensitive head between its walls. Breathing through her nose, Nabiki didn't even relent using her tongue, tickling the base of the penis on the other end. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He felt cum building up but tried to ignore it and keep focused. He decided one finger wasn't enough... he stuck another in, licking her sex a couple times, tasting the building up juices. Then he went back to fingering her he kept it gentle licking and massaging her clit. He had to lick some juices off his face every so often. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki was slightly impressed that the boy didn't stop pleasuring her while she was doing what she was doing to his member. He was getting the hang of it, and the producer wondered if he wasn't going to get an orgasm out of her... though certainly not before him. She too had a healthy amount of Tendo pride, after all. Nabiki started giving a demonstration of the correct way to do a deep throating... using her throat like a female sex would do to squeeze his member, swallowing it very deep without any hint of gagging. The she released the pressure and slide her lips up and down once again, tongue flicking every little nook and cranny of fleshy rod. She was adding even more sensation with her fingers, stroking his balls in perfect coordination. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 She was right when she had felt cum building up because right about now he was about to pour it down her throat. He bit his lip trying to contain himself. He stopped fingering her and gripped the covers on the bed, "I think I'm going to cum. I can't hold it much longer..." He took a hand back up and fingered her slightly rougher, trying to think of what he was doing to her, not what she was doing to him. He didn't want to fail her. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Oooh... so soon?" cooed Nabiki, having freed his cock from her mouth and stopped cold her fellatio. She was still licking the mushroom cap with quick flicks from her tongue, but was even pinching the base of the penis to be sure he doesn't ejaculate now. "What have I told you, Trunks-baby? You must keep it going much longer..." she teased, pursuing her exquisite sexual torture. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 Trunks nodded, "Well I think I can do it. That was just... a warm up. Yeah, that's it, a warm up. Don't worry I think I might be able to do it." he sits up a little and motioned for her to continue her 'work'. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "A warm up, mmmh?" Nabiki smirked cattily, and waved her rump in front of the boy's face. "A mere warm up won't be enough... we need to get hot!" And then, she swallowed back his turgid manhood, sucking frantically as her head moved up and down, slurping and pleasuring the blood-engorged flesh for all it was worth. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He blinked and lay fully back again, this was twice as intense as before but he knew whatever she did he could not give in. So he began licking her rather frantically, but kept the fingering gentle. He wanted her to cum at least even if he couldn't. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki moaned around the big sausage she was sucking. This, however, sent sensations all over the sensitive shaft of flesh, as her warm sheathing throat vibrated all around it. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 Trunks just closed his eyes. He was just starting to get the hang of it. Originally he thought it would be impossible to last but the longer he resisted, the easier it got for him. He had to stop licking her, to clean his face a bit with his tongue, but while he did this he still did his best and fingering her. He kept it slow, but went deep. He wasn't sure how well he was doing but she was moaning every so often so that as far as he knew, was a good sign. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki was getting lightheaded. Trunks was surprisingly good at licking her flower, and it was ruining her concentration on his dick. He was making her run close to the edge, her juices almost drowning him. It really wouldn't do if she was to orgasm first, though. She had to stay in control. So, lifting her head and spitting out his saliva-slick manhood, she exhaled loudly and tried to get away from his grasp on her rump. "You're showing more promise than I thought, Trunks-baby. I think it's time to see how good you are for the main course..." This was strictly professional, of course. No way she'd do that only because he made her horny as hell and she was hungry for his cock.... Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He stopped what he was doing and wiped his face a bit, her juices were getting all over him. He tilted his head slightly, "The main course?" he had an idea of what she meant and if it was what he had in mind then he was getting a bit anxious. His cock still throbbing... Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Yes, the main course..." repeated Nabiki, winking saucily. Turning around above Trunks, displaying teasingly her shapely body, she straddled his hips, facing him, her knees on either sides of him. She nestled his very straight mast man tool against between her legs, pressing the length against her drooling slit with the tip of her fingers. "You're not going to grow shy under me, Trunks-baby?" she asked, smirking. Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 "Shy? Me? I doubt it." He helped her maneuver his member into her. Both of their organs were wet so it slipped in easily. He savored the moment, this being his first time inside a women then he looked up at her, "I think I like this." He started to slowly thrust into her back and forth because he was anxious to start. Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Mmmmmmmmmhhhhhhh.... eager aren't you?" cooed Nabiki as the hard rod pushed into her slick sex. Her vaginal walls sheathed his asoko very snuggly, the warm folds massaging every inch of its length. Nabiki grabbed her breasts as she started bouncing on top of Trunks. She panted and stuck cutely her tongue out. Yet she didn't forget the lesson she was giving. "Ha! Oh! You've... mmmh... proven... you can keep from squirting... long enough... now it's time... Woah! .... to prove... you can keep it hard!" Nabiki left her bosom and settled her hands on Trunks' chiseled chest. "You can cum... in me... as much as you want... HA! But you... MUST... NOT... STOP... OH YES!!!" Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 Trunks loved the feeling he got from her. He'd never done this so it was all new feeling for him. He watched her, she seemed to also be enjoying it. Trunks blinked, "I can finally cum?" He smiled, "Bout time." He started trusting into her a bit harder. "Here it comes!" He closed his eyes and let his fluids shoot into her sex. He let out a groan which said 'that felt pretty damn good.' Then he looked at her. "Alright I will try to keep it hard." he said, still going. Good thing he hasn't told her that his girlfriend generally had to give him 2 blowjobs before he was done, that would almost make the test pointless, and he wouldn't want that. :-P Re: Trunks, to the Producer St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki wasn't surprised that he had come like a fire hose into her twat; with the fellatio she'd given him, it must have been very hard to hold it down. What she hadn't expected is the frantic pounding he's giving her pussy. With her weight on top of him, Trunks should have been pinned down and unable to move that much, letting Nabiki set the pace. Yet it seemed he could lift her with his hips alone, as if she'd weight nothing. And he hadn't even got a little softer after this first ejaculation! Delighted by his stamina and energy, Nabiki began to lose it. Her serious pretense was melting as her inexperienced, yet very enthusiastic lover was rocking her world. Bouncing merrily atop of the Half-Sayajin, she grabbed back her mounds and threw her head backward. "OH YEAH! BABY! DON'T STOP! HARDER! MAKE ME CUM!" Re: Trunks, to the Producer gogetunks15 He decided not to go slow like he was before. He started up at a fairly quick pace. He wanted to blow another load into her before they were finished but the second one would take a bit longer. Of course he wouldn't probably have to hold it back for several minutes like before either. He reached up and fondled her breasts while still going in and out deep as his member could reach. He had a slight smirk on his face, "Come on, cum for me." He could feel himself starting to get into it, his maleness taking complete control of him. He wouldn't even feel slightly guilty after this. His member kept very hard as well. Poking Ranma - Nabiki? - Blow that wizard! Byooki Desu Watching Ranma step right up to the Bungalow and about to open the door to where Nabiki and Trunks were going at it, Babo rubbed his nose, almost drooling as he could literally smell the money. He did not know what was behind that door but he knew that when his precious Ranma opened it... yes... Already in his mind he could see himself once again rolling in the dough... although this time for some strange reason it wasn't such a lonely fantasy. This a small red-head wearing nothing but a smile lay spread out among the money inviting Babo to take a deep plunge and... <><><><><><>>!!!!ZAP!!!!<<><><><><><> That was when Lum decide to punish her darling and the love gnome. That was the moment when Ranma was just about to open the door. That was the moment when both Ranma and Babo saw a hole in the air ten meters above them open up. "YOKO I'm sorrry!!!" The burning fireball yelled as it crashed into the Bungalow obliterating, the front wall and leaving Nabiki and Trunks exposed to Babo and Ranma-kun's eyes. The fireball in question was now nothing more than a smoldering heap of... umm... man crawling up from the crater he had just made. Re: Poking Ranma - Nabiki? - Blow that wizard! jayce_steele Ranma put his hands behind his head, and blinked a couple of times. "Gee. Never thought I'd catch you in a situation like this Nabiki." he said, then started to think. "Now... How much money would you pay me to keep this a secret?" he joked. Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki was having a lot of fun as the hunk pounded her body and pawed her breasts. She was pretty lost in pleasure and close to the edge... Not lost enough, though, to not notice a wall of the bedchamber exploding in flames, leaving her and Trunks suddenly exposed to an audience through the hole. Nabiki glared at Ranma and Babo. That she was naked, sweaty and much wanton-looking was a bit spoiling the effect, but still she glared. "Moo... Can't a girl have... a little privacy?" she pouted, still bouncing. "Don't you dare stop, Trunks-baby." she commanded. Still moving her hips in rhythm with her lover, she proved she could nonetheless held a conversation at the same time -- even if a few moans were intermingled with her words. "Don't even... mmmmh... think about blackmailing me... OH! Ranma-kun. Your little *groan* potato friend gave me plenty... haaa... of naughty footage with your girl-side... Oh yes! ... to last your whole life!" Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 He nodded, "I wont stop" his massaged her breasts slightly rougher. He was slowly getting ready to cum again. He would try to save it for about the same time she did. He closed his eyes. He couldn't stop even if he wanted to anyways. His instincts clouded his senses, demanding his cum inside her again. He opened his eyes and didn't mind the audience, he was enjoying this too much. He just looked up at her, moaning. She was obviously getting close to the edge. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma just grinned rather dopely. "Well, I'm not the one with the father that would kill any boy that was caught with one of his precious daughters." Ranma said, looking up at the potato on his head. "You're getting all of this on tape right?" he asked. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy Byooki Desu "Yes my precious... Babo-san is already ahead of you... getting it al on tape." Babo crowed filming Nabiki and Trunks from atop Ranma's head. That lying little witch was trying to up Babo one again. Luckily she didn't seem to know the first thing about conducting business since the first rule any Akogi learned was to never ever try to mess with Babo... or rather that would have been a rule Babo would have enforced had he had any say in matters. Telling his precious that he had _given_ her any photos of Ranma... bah... the film he still wasn't done with was safely stored away in a place he knew this wench would never visit. The safest place in the world ^_^ "Yes Tendou baby roll those hips of yours .. ." Addressing Ranma he added: "So what do you think we should call it? Superslut? Or maybe one cent whore? Both names have a certain ring to them.." Meanwhile the wizard slowly pulled himself out of the crater his face covered with sooth and his silvery hair all dirty. ... Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma shrugged a bit. "Eh. We'll figure out a name for it later. I'm sure Nabiki's father would love to see it too." he said, then grinned. "But, of course, I'm sure that other people would just love to see it too, like Kuno, or even Ryoga, or even some of the other boys in school...." Ranma said, loving every minute of what he was doing, since he learned from the best, Nabiki herself. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block It looked like Nabiki refused to let the obnoxious audience bother her... Rocking her hips and moaning huskily, her body was shaking with each thrusting of Trunks. In fact, she was maybe even enjoying giving herself in spectacle... she wondered if Ranma-kun already had a boner. What the spectators didn't realize, is that she was simply getting more excited destroying their silly arguments. "MMMMMhhhhh... don't worry about my father, Ranma-kun... I can handle him... he's just a wimp anyway... oh GOOD! I wonder how *your* father will react... seeing a little redhead getting screwed silly by a skinny boy... AAAAhhh... or your mother? "And, you Babo-chan... I hope you realize that... anything you're filming... while on the studio grounds... Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooooh! Is property of Cream Lemon Studio inc.? Try making money of it for yourself and... *gasp!* you'll hear of my lawyers... even the Yakuza fears them... Oh yeesss...YES! TRUNKS-BABY, HARDER! I FEEL IT! IT'S COMING!" Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy Byooki Desu Babo had dealt with lawyers before and knew that the best way to handle them was to take of before they could get their grubby hands on you. This Nabiki was insane though, hiring lawyers? Didn't she know that lawyers would eat up whatever profits there were? "WHAHAHAHA! Don't worry Tendou baby, _this_ is a public beach and anything I film here belongs to me." Yes that was it, he might have video taped Ranma-chan in the Cream Lemon Studios but this vixen had no proof that he had and even if she had he could always say that he had destroyed what he had taped. Nabiki thought she was shrewd, but she had never dealt with mister Potatoe... u.h... mister Babo! Besides he very much doubted that Nabiki was telling the truth. Anything that was taped in the Cream Lemon studios was hers... bah! What a lie. "Be careful now boy so you don't break Tendou Bay's skinny little ass. I'm not making a snuff movie here lad!" Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 Trunks smiled. He didn't mind the audience, in fact it almost is a turn on really. He let out a grunt as he felt his own cum building up. He let his hands drop to her thighs. He held her down to him so she couldn't bounce, then he started thrusting his member into her. Since she didn't bounce, his member could reach further all the time. He looked up at her, "Cum Nabiki..." Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma started to think. "Eh. Frankly I don't care. You don't really know what happened back in China with my pop." he said, then shuddered. "As for my mom, well, I'm sure she wouldn't mind the money I would get from those movies. Right Potato?" he asked, glancing his eyes upward. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "AAAhhh!! You're... wrong... this is... a private beach... rented by the studio... AH YES!" Nabiki ceased the pointless discussion. Ignoring Ranma, she leaned over Trunks. His strong hands were guiding her hips as the hunk's asoko slid deep into her love hole. Molding her front and breasts over muscular chess, she kissed him hungrily. Then, she threw her head backward and moaned, panting as the thrusting gained a new rhythm with the position change. Her luscious body glistening from the sweat, she shook from head to toes as Trunks drove her into a crash-course with orgasm. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 He started to ram himself into her harder. He knew she was either right on the edge, or having her orgasm. Either way he wanted it to be a good one for her. He let out a small grunt again, he was so close to his own orgasm. He decided to let her go first, he had after all already gotten one, her turn. So he kept up with his effort waiting for her to cum. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma just yawned a bit, and leaned against the wall. "Wake me when this is over huh?" he said, then closed his eyes a bit. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Trunks' hand grapping her buttocks, Nabiki's pert bottom was sliding forward and backward around the guiding rod inside her. The rest of her naked, glistening flesh rubbed over the young man's front, her nipples twin hard pebbles poking him. Nabiki put a finger in her mouth to stifle her moans and cries. She still was pretty loud as her body shook and her hot pussy clamped around his asoko, juices flowing out of her stuffed hole and dripping over Trunks' inflated balls. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy Byooki Desu Giving Nabiki's sex-machine a look, he noted with a sorry that they guy's balls looked a bit inflated. Nabiki sure seemed to know how to milk a guy. Speaking of which reminded Babo about that Ranma had done just that the night before. Nabiki was lying as usual renting this beach, pah! Anyway even if she had rented it, then it wouldn't be Lemon Studios even if the studios had paid for it so what she said wasn't worth the clothes the Tendou girl was wearing. And seeing as Nabiki wasn't wearing anything that pretty much summed it up. Watching Ranma yawn and almost fall asleep the Akogi grinned at the boy taking a close up of Nabiki's pussy as it was used like an old glove by the blond guy. "Tendou Baby here is like a slot machine lads... the more you shove into her, the less you get back. So just pull at her arm boy!! Yeah that's it! ... And if that doesn't work, you can always try the back door." Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma opened his eyes, which had a rather evil glint to them. Whatever cream Babo used on Ranma-chan, had a different effect on Ranma-kun, which was taking place now. "Nah. I got a better idea..." he said, standing up, moving over to where Nabiki was, loosing his pants along the way. Holding Nabiki's head, Ranma-kun grinned a bit, before pushing his penis at Nabiki's lips. "Come on. I know you want it." he told her. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 Trunks felt her warm fluids all over him down there. He ran a hand over some and sampled her juices. Then he grabbed a breast of hers and started to suck on it while still thrusting his member in slightly rougher. He took the nipple out of his mouth and grunted, his own warm cum flowing into her body, some trickling out. He stopped when his cum was done coming out. He wanted more but he wasn't sure if he had anymore left, and even if she could go another round. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki was still in the haze of her recent orgasm, and close to another one. Yet, she wasn't completely drained of energy, and stayed aware of her surrounding. When Ranma neared her with his pants down, she watched appreciatively at his cock, and licked her lips. "Mmmmh... Ranma-kun... took you long enough... I was starting to worry about you." Letting Trunks take care of continuing the humping, she grabbed the base of the Saotome prick with a delicate hand, and surrounded the head with her hot mouth, closing it mid-way around the rod. Her wet lips started sliding along the shaft, in rhythm with the thrusts in her cunt. Her hungry sucking sent tremors deep into Ranma's core. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 Trunks didn't mind the extra person at all really. He wanted to cum another time but he was running low already. If he went super he could probably manage it fairly easy but he couldn't give away that he was... different from them. He had stopped for a couple seconds, watching her swallow the new person's member. Getting aroused yet again Trunks decided he would last as long as possible. He put his hands on her breasts and started to massage and lick them. Suddenly his body started to move in a rhythm again. He couldn't get enough from this woman, it seemed. His thrusts were sorta rough but he kept in mind her trying to suck the other guy's member. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele "That's right. Be a good girl and suck my cock." Ranma said, sounding rather unlike himself. Of course, it was all Babo's doing, with his magical cream. It worked on girl-type Ranma, making her as horny as a minx, but still, it wasn't tested on boy-type Ranma, until now. Slowly, Ranma-kun pushed his cock into Nabiki's mouth, a rather evil grin on his face, as he held her head. "Yep. Get it all nice and wet now." he told her. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Now that Trunks was getting his second breath, and that Ranma was holding her head to make her swallow more of his cock, Nabiki had not much room to move by herself. Not that she minded much, even if the guys thought they were using her, ultimately she was the one that used them to her purpose. Yet, it seemed Ranma needed a little reminder of who was the boss. Even if she was distracted by what Trunks was doing on her breasts, she managed to bring her arms closer to Ranma. Although she was still giving one hell of a blowjob, massaging his whole manhood with mouth and tongue, the pleasure was dampened when she started pinching his butt and the flesh between his balls. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 Trunks just kept going. He now leaved her breasts alone though. Same as last time more or less otherwise. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma slapped Nabiki's hand of his rear, as he thrust more of his cock into her mouth. "I didn't tell you to touch my butt did I?" he asked, as he slowly moved back and forth, moving his hard cock in and out of Nabiki's mouth. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki grinned ruefully around the slab of meat in her mouth. Ranma was showing his inexperience... he should realize it was unwise to upset a girl that held his manhood between her jaws. Yet, she let him a little respite before making him feel her teeth... instead sucking greedily on the asoko. But if he felt like getting even more obnoxious... Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 Trunks watched the action. He didn't like Ranma's ways, but he had nothing to say to him. He knew he could beat him down, but this wasn't a fight, it was sex. He leaned up and licked her breasts a couple times, then plopped himself back down. He kept thrusting, only a bit harder now. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele But yet, Ranma wasn't himself. Pulling back, Ranma felt Nabiki's teeth rake against his hard member, before pulling her head up by her hair. His eyes were totally glazed over, as if he wasn't even there somehow. "You shouldn't have done that." he said, pushing Nabiki's head back down, before walking around behind her, pulling the cheeks of her ass apart. "Now I'm gonna punish you for doing that." He told her sternly. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki gasped when Ranma pulled her hair, as his prick exited her mouth, a trail of drool linking momentarily her lips to his tool. She was a bit dismayed that Ranma-kun had backed off before shooting his load in her throat. She was starting to suspect that the pigtailed boy wasn't his normal self... yet his rough treatment was turning her on. Now that her sister's fiancé was behind her and pawing her ass, though, she cooed happily. "Hoo... Ranma-kun... I didn't know you had that in you... you really think you can make it?" Although she often got it into the ass (for some reason Kuno just couldn't resist), it's been a long time since she got double-stuffed. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy Byooki Desu Babo just grinned at Nabiki watching his prodigy get to work. The lad's heart was in the right place but he lacked experience when dealing with a dirty girl like Nabiki. "Carefull now there precious, this shark probably has teeth back there too." His eyes roaming the wrecked beach house, the Akogi spotted something that made his grin turn into a big smile. "Use the back of that Pool stick over there first precious, you need to make this tight One-Cent Slut loosen up a bit before you can it to her." Why there would have been a pool table inside the beach house was a bit of a wonder yet there it was... The Wizard just watched the scene of the two 'ugly monkey men' screwing their tools into the young woman. He was still a bit groggy from what Yoko had done to him but he had suffered far worse in the past. If you have had your forehead split open and your heart ripped out before and still survived, a little something like getting a beating by an angry girl wasn't that big a deal. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma just smirked. "Hmm. Not a bad idea there Potato Boy." he said, and walked over, picking up a queue stick. Taking it apart, Ranma held onto the thick part, leaving the skinny part back on the table, before walking back over towards Nabiki. "So... I wonder if you can really take it... Guess we're going to find out." he said, whispering into Nabiki's ear, as he started to push the butt of the que stick into the middle Tendo's rear. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy Byooki Desu Babo nodded and then walked over to the pool table picking up the eight- ball. Moving over towards the blond guy that had been stuffing Nabiki's worn out little pussy, the Akogi gestured for him to move away. "Get out of her and give her some sausage to suck on.." Turning to the Tendou girl he smiled at her. "So how about it Tendou Baby? The eight-ball in the middle pocket?" Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki frowned. Now those two were really taking a little too many liberties with her beautiful bod! Before Trunks could respond to the annoying demand from Babo (she had a feeling that he wouldn't comply anyway), she kicked like a mule, her foot landing hard in the middle of Ranma's face. "Now Ranma-kun, I wouldn't have minded a little cock in my ass, but certainly not that thing, and certainly not without lubrication!" She then grabbed the eight-ball from the fingers of the surprised Akogi, and unceremoniously... stuffed it into the potato-guy's mouth, pushing it way past his throat! "As for you, you should just have kept filming, and not making stupid suggestion! I'm the one deciding here, don't you ever forget that!" Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 Trunks smirked. He didn't like the idea either anyways. He touched her cheek, "Good choice," he kissed her neck. He had slowed himself down for a bit because of all the odd stuff going on. He put his hands at his sides, and kept his nice slow pace. He didn't feel like getting out of her wet pussy anyways. It felt so good, and if he could manage, he would cum a third time. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma wiped a bit of blood off his lip, and stood up, cracking his knuckles. "Really... We'll see about that..." he said, walking forward with a rather evil smile on his face, before stopping, and grasping his head. "W...wa...water! Get...get the water! Hurry!" Ranma yelled out. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy Byooki Desu Riiight.. Having removed the eight-ball from his mouth the Akogi knew when he saw a disaster about to happen. Bringing out a canteen of water... warm water he opened it and splashed Ranma in the face. "Precious you need to calm down mister Babo is here top take care of everything... don't listen to this one-cent whore.. she might have had more meat stuffed into her than a Christmas sausage but that doesn't mean she knows what is good for her!" Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki kissed Trunks back for his tender gesture, still rocking enthusiastically on his pole. She turned her head a short moments, wondering what those two bozos were doing, but then shrugged it off. She was having fun 'auditioning' the half-Sayajin, she'll get back at those two for crashing on them later. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 He smirked, "Think I can cum again? Never done it three times before" he kissed her again. He started to speed up again, things calmed down just enough for now. Her warm pussy felt so good, this was his first time, but a really good time. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Reaching behind her, Ranma-chan grabbed Babo, and dragged him forward. "What the hell did you do!?!?! I almost... I almost... I almost hit Nabiki... I couldn't stop myself..." she said, realizing what she did. "Oh my... What the hell is wrong with me you damn potato!?!?!" Ranma- chan yelled out, threatening Babo with a rather solid fist. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki kissed Trunks' nose and whispered: "I don't think it would be wise... you passed the audition with flying colors, but now that we may have a role for you, it's better you don't strain yourself to much. As he stopped, Nabiki -- to his disappointment -- disengaged from him and stood up. "Now, what's with the redhead sex-kitten? And about that pile of soot that destroyed my bungalow, by the way... I don't know who he is, but that's gonna cost him a lot anyway." Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy Byooki Desu Babo was more than a little surprised. Hot water, check. Person that changes into girl when splashed with cold water, check. Him splashing said person with warm water and the person became a girl?? Okay something was seriously messed up here... Babo wasn't all that knowing about how Jusenkyo worked but even he found this a bit strange. Looking at his canteen he checked the temperature... and it was... cold. Okay that would explain it. Grumbling something about The Akogi underground network selling crappy products Babo produced another canteen this one with _HOT_ water in it. "Now precious you just stay still for a moment and--" Suddenly somebody was tapping Babo on his head and when he turned around this silver-haired guy towered over the swindler. "Such magic Hah! But I thank you for it..." "Thank me for what? Boy I don't have time for the likes of you I have to see to _my_ precious... can't leave her hanging in a place like this." "Your precious? You say this redhead is yours, bubbleboy?" "Yes Precious is Babo's!" The man laughed then and laughed... and laughed and... "I can't let her be your slave maggot!" "Wha? She isn't a slave!! She is my precious! She is my professional--" "Slayerd, Slayerd. Dark thunder of Balmor..." "Hey what are you doing???" "BAL VOLT!" Suddenly a beam of Lightning energy struck the Akogi, sending him hurtling into the air and leaving the bastard Wizard laughing. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy gogetunks15 Trunks sat up. He felt so much better then he had before he had 'applied' for the job. He looked at his member, her fluids still on it. By now it had become slightly red because of all the work but he wasn't worried at all. He grabbed his boxers and put them on. He watched Nabiki for the moment. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Although Nabiki didn't mind much giving a show -- though nobody in his right mind would expect it to be a *free* show --, she still deemed there were a little too many peoples that could ogle her sweaty, naked body. So she retrieved her bathrobe and covered herself. She was startled when the lightning suddenly struck that annoying pint- sized swindler that thought he could make money on her back. That was something he'd had coming from a long time. Looking around, Nabiki saw that Babo left the camera before going after Ranma, and picked it up. She would gladly keep that little film for her personal archive, but any diffusion would be strictly controlled, of course. Now, there was the matter of that mysterious magic-user... and the big debt he owned to the studio for his explosive arrival. Re: Ranma - Babo - Nabiki - Trunks : Intruding Privacy jayce_steele Ranma-chan looked around. She was about to say something, when the lotion started to take effect again. Looking up at Nabiki, Ranma-chan blushed, then stood up, lightly embracing the middle Tendo in a light hug. "I'm sorry big sister. I didn't know you had company." She said in a rather cheerful tone. Of course, seeing that the lotion affects people on contact, and Ranma-chan just had contact with Nabiki, there was no telling what might happen. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be indecent right now. Neither should you big sister." she said, picking up a couple of robes. Ranma - DarkSneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu Totally at his ease the wizard ignored the ugly monkeyman Trunks as he slid up behind the Tendou girl and Ranma-chan. His arms sneaking around their slim waists his sounded even more manly then usual. "What is indecent about the female body?" His fingers traced little patterns up and down the two girls' spines as he spoke. "Indecent would be to cover them up." Now the lotion worked in the strangest ways. It was a magical ointment meant to break inhibitions and make people act on their most inner desires. In Babo's case it had been to find a girl that he never would have to pay anything for o_O. In Lum's case it had given her a chance to act on her more perverted impulses, and in Ranma's case it had made her into a sex-kitten/Dominating male. But Just like Happosai, Dark Schneider was a bit different. Having lived for over a thousand years there and had over a thousand lovers there weren(t many things the narcissistic wizard hadn't tried. So instead of becoming an even bigger leech the Lotion actually affected him in another way making him a bit... nicer? Oh dear. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki had been frozen in shock when Ranma-chan hugged her. Her half- open bathrobe wasn't providing much protection when the redhead rubbed her naked body. Not that she minded much, in fact the Tendo girl had dreamed to involve Ranma into the ecchi business for a long time. But she could tell this wasn't normal behavior. Rubbing her forehead, Nabiki was about to ask what was going on, when the roguish newcomer had scooped her and Ranma into his arms and started stroking their back. That had momentarily stunned Nabiki further... not that she never seen some perverts acting fast, but this one proved especially smooth. Her hormones, however, where for now satiated from that nice bout of sex with Trunks, and the lotion hadn't affected her yet. So she simply pinched the back of Dark Schneider's hand to have him let go and stepped aside. "Although I would usually agree with you considering our line of work, mister I-don't-know-the-name-yet, now is not the time for sweet talk. It's the time for business talk. Considering all the structural damage your arrival have done to my personal office, you'd better have a lot of money to repay for the reparation, with an extra for... psychological distress. In the case you'd happen to be... *poor*..." (she said the last word with disgust) "... then, I can make you a proposal you can't refuse." Leaving the handsome wizard ponder for a response, Nabiki walked to the piece of charcoal that was once Babo, hoping he was still alive, because he had some answers to give her. Pushing 'it' with the tip of a toe, she inquired: "Yo, you little slime. What have you done to Ranma-kun? He's certainly not acting like his usual self, and I have an inkling that it's your doing..." Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic gogetunks15 Trunks got more of his clothing on. He was confused... and bad. He scratched his head, "Are porno flicks always this tangled backstage? And who would you be?" He looked at the new guy. Then back at Nabiki watching her get her answers. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu Pay back? Well he had paid more than a few people back but not with money. Money was something fools and the pour wanted. With money they thought they'd get power. Such a power hungry bitch. Slapping the woman's ass as she had so carelessly turned her back on him, he chuckled. "An offer I can't refuse? Do tell, this should be interesting." As for the Akogi... well he was indeed lucky that Akogi's had such thick hide otherwise he might not have survived the low energy bolt. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki jumped from the slap on her ass. She wasn't expecting this... Frowning, she simply catalogued Dark Schneider in the 'overconfident macho jerks'. On an upper scale than Ranma, though, she was better than her younger sister at appraising peoples. Glaring at the wizard, she decided against lashing out, and merely added this on his tab. She had heard Trunks' question, also, and pondered it. Well, most porn studio weren't that hectic, but it figured this one should be... even getting away from Nerima was not enough to escape the chaos. To Dark Schneider, she said: "Well, that's quite simple. You can repay the studio for structural damage... with your body. You're not entirely bad-looking, although that dye job to make your hairs white looks silly, but we're not picky. I think one like you may even enjoy this kind of job..." By one like him, she was thinking about perverts, of course. Not that she minded much him being that way, as long as he wasn't annoying like Ataru... Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic gogetunks15 Trunks growled. He could probably take these guys out. But then again if she wanted to use one of them for profit then fine. Besides he wasn't sure which ones to smack right now anyways, and he knew he could do it without anymore damage to the studio. A kick or two and they would be out, as for the ones with some actual power, if there were any, he would teleport himself and his opponent out of the place. Simple solution. His head was spinning, he wasn't sure if she even was being violated by this really. He decided to keep cool for now and if she was threatened or even didn't like an idea one of them had, he would fight them. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic jayce_steele Ranma-chan just blinked. She wasn't too sure of what was really going on, since 1) The lotion started to wear off a bit, but was still strong enough to pull Ran-chan back and forth, making her girlish, yet, tomboyish at times, and 2) She still wondered what the hell was happening in her boy mode. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu Dark Schneider was amused by the young woman's offer and how she almost seemed to think she controlled the situation. The blond doofus who looked to pack more muscle than brains growled unintelligently as Darsch reached out with a hand and pulled the redhead towards him by her arm. Dye job? The hell did that mean? Keeping the young girl possessively close to him, he smirked at the power-hungry little bitch with the page-cut. "Sounds like you've got it all worked out... Very well I will give you two what you want... and your baboon here--" he said indicating the blond muscle bound guy with his head, "--can stay and see how it is really done." Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki looked back and forth between Dark Schneider and Trunks Brief. She could almost smell the testosterone in the air. She certainly didn't want this to turn into a macho brawl; there was enough damage already as this. Stepping back on something that squished (not noticing this was Babo... or maybe she did notice, who know...), she scolded: "Now, now, mister Ego, I don't have the time to 'audition' every potential actor... I'm a busy woman, you know..." Not that she would mind much that... or looking Ranma-chan getting speared by that big hunk, while she was filming. Boy, this job was getting on her... she was having even more ecchi thoughts than usual. "For now, you'll have to prepare yourself for the next scene, first by reading the script... we'll have to check on the director for the role he'll give you." She idly wondered where the old pervert was, anyway. That pause was drawing out... Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu Something that sounded much like a groan of pain was heard from Babo as Nabiki stepped on not just any part of his Akogi anatomy. Babo liked hot stuff, but what the guy had just done to him was ridiculous. "Actor??" Giving brown haired girl yet another amused look Dark Schneider's hands traveled across the little redhead's body caressing her sides and ending up cupping her ample bosom through her Chinese shirt. "I don't act... but I will give you a role... You say you don't want to play just yet?" He chuckled. "Fine you can watch to while I satisfy this little one... What are your names anyway?" Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic gogetunks15 Trunks scanned the room. He figured if it really came down to it, Capsule Corp. could probably pay for all the damages he did if it came to a fight, but he wanted to avoid this. Most people just weren't as strong as him, someone could really get hurt... He cleared his throat, "I think the women has had enough. She's my boss I must do as she says. We need to find the director so we can get our roles assigned." Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic jayce_steele Ranma-chan had enough of the groping. Spinning around, she quickly countered with a Chestnut Fist to the face of the Dark One, then grumbled as she started to walk off. "This is just getting too weird for me. I'll wait outside." she said. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki watched amused as Dark Schneider got slapped Ranma-style. It was diverting to see the redhead confronted to an uber-macho jerk ten times worse than her male side. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu Cheeks almost as red as the tiny girl's hair, Dark Schneider gently brought one of his hands up to his face. Just like Yoko... although not as hard but a little faster. If there was anything that Darsch always looked for in a woman it was spirit, and this little girl seemed to have plenty of it. Laughing, Dark Schneider suddenly appeared in front of the small redhead. "You sure you don't want to stick around little one?" Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic gogetunks15 Trunks glared, "I don't think she wants to stick around buddy. So why don't you step aside and let her pass...?" He kept his attention on Dark. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki could feel a fight would probably erupt between the two machos if she didn't diffuse it immediately. Not that she wasn't pleased by Trunks' protectiveness, but there were more important things to do. "Calm down, you two." To Dark Schneider: "You'll have plenty of opportunity to get your urges sated during the shooting. And, big boy, before asking their names from ladies, why don't you present yourself first?" Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic jayce_steele Ranma-chan blinked. She was about to say something to the weird person, when she felt herself being smothered by several pounds of Amazon. "Nihao Ranma! You here to take Shampoo on date?" Ranma heard, then blinked, before trying to pry the purple haired girl off. "Shampoo! What the heck are you doing here!?!?" Ranma-chan said, as the Amazon girl finally let go. "Aiya! Shampoo start new business! It called Kitty Cat Catering! Ranma try Shampoo ramen?" Shampoo said, and Ranma-chan just sweatdropped. "Oy. Who next? Uyko?" she said out loud. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu Not quite posing Darsch looked at the woman asking his name and the pile of mindless meat that was trying to stop him from doing what he could do whenever he wanted. "My name?? Why I'm the handsome hero, I am Dark Schneider!" It was true he did sound haughty when he said it, but there was also a bit of self-irony in it, and not just a little bit of wry amusement. The way he said it his voice hinted at that he was so much more than he gave himself credit for. At around the same time he introduced himself another woman popped up beside him. Not being very tall she either she was still a little bit taller than the red-head who she wasted no time before smothering in a powerful hug. Ranma... The girl called the redhead Ranma so Darsch concluded that this was either a pet name for the girl or her real name. Further more if he wasn't mistaken she provided him with her own name as well. This was proving a better and better morning by the second. The illusion faded and the real Dark Schneider stepped out from behind Trunks walking over towards the redhead who he now understood probably was named Ranma, and the purple haired girl that called herself Shampoo. "That would be me..." he stated, answering Ranma's question of who would be next. Now pulling both Shampoo and Ranma towards him without really looking at them, he smiled at Trunks. "Now I've got two, what have you got monkeyman?" Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki was about to retort something witty to Darsch when the illusion she was facing disappeared. "What the...?" Turning around, she saw Ranma getting smothered by a familiar purple- haired dynamo, while Dark Something attempted one of the most stupidest thing she ever seen: hugging them both. "This is gonna get bloody..." muttered Nabiki, knowing very well how Ranma and Shampoo were going to react. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic gogetunks15 Trunks glared, "If anything, you're overconfident! If you want to see who is better perhaps we could settle this with our fists!" he growled his blood boiling. Being Saiyan, he was very prone to getting the urge to fight. He would have powered up it he wasn't in a... half building. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic jayce_steele Ranma-chan blinked, then narrowed her eyes again. "LEGGO YOU PERV!!!" she yelled out, once more hitting Dark Schneider with another Chestnut Fist, slipping out of his grasp. Shampoo on the other hand, blinked a couple of times, before making a homerun with her bonbori. "Like rice that stick to wok, Shampoo hate stubborn guys!" she yelled out, before latching onto Ranma again, who just sighed. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu Okay that really hurt, but the tears streaming out of Dark Schneider's face as he sat in a lotus position one the floor were tears of joy. Such spirit! "You see how much they love me, monkeyman? Such innocent love taps from such fragile beauties" Darsch sniggered getting up on his feet while whipping away some stray tears. Sarcasm could almost be said to be his middle name not that he didn't mean it. He knew the sort of man this little blond punk was, more brawn than brain, thinking every woman would want him just because he could tear another man a new asshole. Feh. Studying Ranma he looked at how befitting the long red silk shirt was one her, draping over her thighs and concealing what lay underneath. When he had sat on the floor he had noticed that she didn't wear anything underneath, of course. His grin took in all his face he turned to the brown-haired young woman who had as of yet not bothered to provide him with a name. "Very well, now it is your turn." He sniggered looking at the brown haired woman. Of course he meant it was her turn to provide him with her name but the way he said it made it sound more than a little indecent. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Sakraida OOC: I do run security here and boy am I in trouble for my tardiness. IC: "Nan Nandiya?" Sano looked at the broken wall. "Oh, Saito is going to so murder me and they'll never find the body." Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki was leaning against a wall that was still upright, arms and legs crossed. Since it was obvious nothing she could say would stop the cockfight, she simply decided to watch the show, it wasn't like they could destroy the bungalow much more anyway. Turning head to the side, she noticed Sano timidly peering inside. "Oh, nice to see you're doing your job... at last. Care to explain how the purple-haired girl and the white-haired man could have gone past security?" Of course, Dark Schneider had teleported (or rather, 'meteored') here, so he wasn't the guard's responsibility, only Shampoo. But Nabiki didn't feel like mentioning that. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic jayce_steele Shampoo smiled, then pulled Ranma off towards the catering place that she had set up along the boardwalk, dragging along a rather resistant Ranma. "Shampoo! Let go! Hey! Let go! Someone wanna help me here?!?!?" she yelled out. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu It was a funny thing if you thought about it. Here we had a gorgeous man with more power than what could be considered necessary for anything and here we had a woman who most likely liked getting screwed by gorgeous men and loved power. Yet twice she had chosen not to tell him her name, twice she had made the mistake of thinking that she could get away with treating the wizard like any other man she had met. Unlike other men with power who would have seen it as a challenge and a personal effrontery of being ignored by any woman, Darsch had seen more pussy than most women had and had become spoiled and more than a little picky. True enough he liked it when women played hard to get but he wasn't one to follow any woman around just because she tried being a queen and all. He had screwed with queens before and had them become willing sex-slaves, slaves of their own desire. Now having lived longer than any other... umm good looking man on earth, his taste in women had more and more become twisted as he found violent women, women that would more than likely try to skin him alive as love him, just as desirable as ones that genuinely loved him with all their heart. If possible he wanted both aspects in women, but such a thing was hard to find even for a wizard. So having two more than violent girls very close and two other women who obviously tried to make him run to them he decided that maybe another approach was in order. This little muscle-bound runt only posed an annoyance, one that could easily be disposed of at anytime so Dark Schneider had no reason to get rid of him if he didn't start to get in between him and the girls. A monkey that could do tricks could be fun enough if you played the right tune after all. Walking up to the two teenage girls that where now sitting on the ground he was about to do force his attention on them again when a rather black little thing came speeding past him and stop in front of Ranma and Shampoo. "Ladies, ladies..! Do not my appearance shock you! I am here to offer you some help..." Of course Darch recognized the little charcoaled potato right away. It was the same whatever he was that he had let taste some of his magic. Resilient little bastard wasn't he? The Potato guy indicated the wares and food Shampoo had spread out shaking his head. "Now now, this is no way to have romantic dinner. What you need is music!" Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Nabiki boredly looked at her nails. "Someone should tell Shampoo that she need the Studio's authorization, not to forget paying a fee, to sell her food here... we already have our contracted caterers, after all." Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic gogetunks15 Trunks growled, "Over confident bastard. In my opinion you're rather weak..." He crossed his arms. "And you're very sloppy when it comes to making moves on girls..." he snickered a little. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic jayce_steele But of course, telling Shampoo the rules to something was like trying to tell a clam to produce a pearl. Not sure what catering was, Shampoo just smiled, as she dragged Ranma past the charbroiled potato, and the strange guy that was hitting on them, into the Nekohantan's summer place, which she had just decorated for the heck of it. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Byooki Desu Burying the fried potato into the ground with his foot the wizard looked at blondie with one of those enigmatic smiles of his. "Bastard? Yes that is me monkeyman" For a brief moment Darsch imagined the blond guy chewing on a banana given to him by the brown haired girl. Turning away from the jester Dark Schneider looked at the house wondering where the hell it had popped up from then noticed the small wheels underneath it and the tracks in the sand. Of course Darsch had no way of knowing this but the poor chief of security most likely would have hell coming for letting a whole house suddenly appear on the studios grounds. Darsch just gave the house a look then walked up to it and knocked on the door. "You think you can hide from me, ladies?" Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic gogetunks15 Trunks growled and followed. He noted the marks in the sand and waited about two feet behind Dark. He sighed, "Why do you persist? It's obvious they have no interest in you or I..." Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic jayce_steele Inside though, Ranma-chan struggled rather violently to get out. "SHAMPOO!!!! LET GO!!!!" she yelled out, as pots and pans were heard falling. "C.. C.. C.. CAT!!!!" Ranma-chan yelled out, running out of the rather small restaurant, a small, pink colored cat on her head. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic Sakraida "ORE!!! Wizards and now cats?" Sano got a net. "MY job gets weirder and weirder." He had been trying to plaster the wall earlier and now decided to go chasing after Cat-Shampoo with the net. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic jayce_steele Ranma-chan still ran around, the transformed nekogal still sitting on her head. Re: Ranma - Dark Schneider - Nabiki - Trunks : Magic gogetunks15 Trunks scratched his head. "What a zoo... Where did Nabiki go? And what's up with this place just appearing it seems. Headache" He put a hand on his forehead. [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 16]