CREAM LEMON STUDIO - 14: thread 1 > Compilation and proofreading by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM MAIN THREAD'S START] Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Happy would have gladly come back with Ranma-chan, but that little Akogi vermin proved to be much more slippery than he expected. Meanwhile, however, an unexpected visitor suddenly crashed though the (already quite banged-up) door of the bungalow, startling Faye and Ling. The shambling mound that had been seen lumbering across the studio (and carefully avoided by all the crew) was now standing there, groaning... ... and then it started a flowery speech. "My dark-haired temptress! Your wondrous touch had worked a miracle on the mighty Kunô sword! Now it is harder and straighter than ever before! Nothing will put it at rest, except indubitably the sweet scabbard of your loins!" Yes, it was Tatewaki Kunô, back from a dive in the sea where he got covered in those green algae... though his shaft was poking out... and the girls could see he wasn't lying; it looked even bigger than before Faye stimulated it with her zapper. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Oh shit, he's still alive." Faye covered her face as he began his speech. As he continued with it, she got some nylon rope and quickly tied him up, stripping him naked. "OK, now we got our replacement for Babo. We just need Ranma-chan now." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling sat there, amazed with what she just saw. "My God! Doesn't this guy ever quit?" she wondered to herself. "Sheesh, he makes that Hwoarang jerk look like an angel." she muttered to herself as she remembered that Korean dude who insulted her almost all the time when they were around. However, she was transfixed by that big dick and a little idea warped into her mind. "Hey, Faye!" she began as she whispered in the ear of the other female. "What say we use this idiot as practice for the next scene? And we also make sure he doesn't come, no matter what." she said with a little grin on her face. It seemed like hanging around Faye was starting to have an effect on Ling. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô looked down at the nylon ropes with a little disbelief. How fast could this woman move exactly? Well, it didn't matter to him. As the last seaweeds were falling to the floor, he let out a slightly demented laugh. "Ah! I see the ladies are showing their shy side, afraid to be overwhelmed by the sheer manliness of my august self! But my sweet doves, there's no need for those ropes, since a Kunô is nothing but tender in the amorous care he bestow to his loves! And I'll prove it to you at once!" So saying, he immediately tried pursuing the two women... since Faye hadn't tied his legs... and the main member he intended to use was not in any way hindered.... Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye started to run away as Kunô came after her. "Dammit, he moved too fast for me!" Rolling on the floor and then yanking more of her rope together, she then lassoed his feet and yanked him onto the floor. "There we go." She walked over and stepped on him, so she could tie his legs up. "Sheesh, such a pain. I'll make sure your little friend enjoys us. But it'll be my way, darling." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 'Doesn't this fool realize how we don't want to be around him so much?' Ling thought to herself. She then heard that Faye would be making sure he'd regret being around them. "Say! Why don't I help out?" Ling asked. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "That's the plan." Faye said with a smirk as she slipped the rope off of Ling. "Now, I want you to fuck him. But," she said as she walked over and tied a rope around the base of his dick and added more pressure, "I want him to burst cum out his ears before he does. I want you to cum five times, Ling. When you do, I'll allow him too. Okie?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling smirked as she skipped over to Kunô, and then turned away, removing her suit. She then shook her naked pussy at him. "Do you want this?" she asked as she smirked at him. She then slid her pussy over Kunô's dick. "Ooooh, yes." she cooed as she rocked her pussy over his dick. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Ling got a light smack to the top of her head "Now, now. Slowly. Don't just jump on him. Lick his nuts and everything. I'm gonna sit here." She set a seat over Kunô's head and slowly spread her legs. "I wanna watch." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "Alright, then." Ling responded as she got down near Kunô's balls. She slowly licked one of them and then another. Alternating back and forth, she slowly increased the tempo before taking one in her mouth and starting to suckle on it. Looking up at Faye for a brief moment, she asked: "Mistress, can I..." she began to speak, trying to get in a role perfectly. "Can I... touch myself too?" she asked. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block When Faye had lassoed his feet, the unbalanced (well... worst than usual) Kunô had fallen rather roughly on the floor, hitting his head and temporarily stunning him despite the thickness of his skull. That's why he hadn't reacted to the devious undertakings of the two women. But now that he was starting to come back to his senses, he was finding himself in quite an unexpected position. Not that being tied up on waking was exactly new to him. He was living under the same roof as Kodachi, after all. But having at the same time warm lips surrounding his garroted and very thick cock, and a female sex hovering above his face, was quite disconcerting. "K-Kodachi? Is that you? Sister mine, I warn you: if it's another of your scheme, I may really get upset! I'll even consider giving you a good spanking!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "HOW PERVERTED ARE YOU!!!!" Faye said, roughly stepping on his chest. "I swear, no talking to mistress unless she tells you." She pulled out a large switch that looked like a Swiss-army knife. When she popped it open however, it was a large assortment of dildos. "Now which one to use...?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling was busy playing with Kunô's dick. She took the moment to use a strand of hair to play with the opening and tip. She looked up at the Swiss-Dildo-Knife and asked "Mistress... who is that for?" as she stroked Kunô's cock. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Of course, as many who knew him could confirm, just telling Kunô to shut up was never sufficient to make indeed do that. After an outraged "OOOF!!" from Faye's trampling, he craned his neck to see what was the constricting feeling he felt around his cock. "What! How dare you garrote the proud mast of the Blue Thunder! You're not allowed such an uncouth treatment of my proud sword of manliness! Untie me at once, women!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling punched Kunô in the stomach for a brief moment. "Mistress wants this and she will get it." she calmly said, keeping in part for the role she was playing in this screwjob. Going back down, she engulfed even more of his cock. Hoping that Faye wouldn't criticize her, she began to stroke her pussy. Her moans of pleasure echoed over Kunô's dick. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye lightly tapped Ling on top of the head "Now, now what have I told you about yourself? If you are pleasuring him, he must pleasure you. Kunô!!" she said in a sharp tone. "Eat her. Understand? If you don't, I shock it again." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Oww... why do the lasses have to get violent over my manly body?" protested the deluded kendôka. "And don't you think, my sadistic temptress, that the Blue Thunder would be much more able to pleasure your lovely Chinese pet if his hands were untied?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling frowned at Kunô's statement. "Compensate." she replied as she crawled over Kunô, placing her ass in front of his face. "Now, work your tongue." she said as she stroked Kunô's dick. "Don't make the mistress angry." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Kunô darling...." Faye stretched out the word "darling", and pulled out the longest dildo anyone had probably seen, smacking him in the head with it. "If you don't shut up and stop complaining... this dildo... goes up your ass. Understand?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "What are you waiting for?" Ling asked, as she still had her cunt in front of Kunô's face. "If you don't start, we will never release you." she added. Sheesh, she was starting to act like Faye with every moment. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô gulped. He may be a bonehead idiot, but there were some *things* that could get through him. Like being menaced with a big dildo. Even Kodachi never dared to do that. (To him, at least; Sasuke was another story altogether....) For once using his mouth to more constructive things than ranting, he started licking at Ling's sweet flower, craning his neck upward. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Good boy." Faye said. She neared the chair so that her cunt was right over the small of Ling's butt. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling cooed in delight as she felt Kunô's tongue sliding up and down her pussy. She went back and took his dick back into her mouth, sliding its length in and out of her mouth and throat. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô tried to moan at the exquisite feeling of Ling's mouth around his shaft, tempered by the pain of the rope squeezing it. The sound was muted by the female sex pressed against his face, but it had the advantage of sending nice vibration to Ling's vaginal lips. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye took the large dildo she had threatened Kunô with, and slowly started to rub it against her nether lips. Using her other hand to spread herself apart, Kunô had a wonderful lower end view of her pussy as it slowly started to dampen and then drip itself against Ling's back. Her juices then slowly sliding down the edge of Ling's spine, sending a warm chill down her back and then sliding to mix with her juices in Kunô's mouth. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Jacking Kunô's dick, Ling gasped as she felt the tingle of Kunô's tongue and Faye's pussy honey trickling around her pussy. She moaned in passion as her legs start to get wet by her pussy liquid, trickling down into Kunô's mouth. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô's eyes got wider as he watched not one, but two pussies hovering very close to his face. Desperately, he tried to stick his tongue further to reach Faye's as well as Ling's. 'So beautiful... so soft... so juicy...' he thought. 'I... I can't choose! I MUST HAVE THEM BOTH!' Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye looked down at him as she removed the edge of the dildo out of herself. She pushed it down, so it was rubbing between Ling's ass cheeks, making it so that now, her juices were almost indistinguishable from Ling's. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling moaned as she felt this new sensation. She then screamed out something that she probably wouldn't say at another time. "Stick that thing in, PLEASE!" she screamed. "My pussy. My ass. I don't care!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block From under the wanton women, Kunô starred in awe at the close-shot of the dildo about to penetrate Ling's tender depths. So beautiful was the sight, it actually shut him up, and somehow distracted him from the pain in his loins.... Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling sucked on Kunô's cock for a brief moment before looking behind her and asking, "Please, Faye, don't tease me so much. I want... NO! I need that inside of me!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "OK." Faye said with a satisfied smile. "Since you've been such a good girl...." She slowly slid it into her, making sure that she added pressure to the back, so even though it was mostly a hard instrument it would swell slightly inside of her. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "AAAAHHHHHH-oooooOOOHHHH!!!" Ling cried in extreme passion and ecstasy as she felt that dildo going inside of her filling her to the brim. She then immediately latched on Kunô's dick, sucking, stroking, and nipping at the tip. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Such a waste..." muttered the tied kendôka beneath them. "Ladies... why do you resort to such poor imitation... when you have the real thing... proud, hard, indomitable... just in your reach. The Kunô sword is ready to service you, far better than this poor plastic fake...." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "KUNÔ!!!" Faye said with a stern tone. "What have I told you would happen if you don't be nice?" She twisted the dildo and roughly rammed it into Ling's butt. So now, the horseshoe-looking dildo went into her butt and out of her pussy and into her pussy and out of her butt.... "HMM, do you remember?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling's eyes shot open. She screamed out harder. "OH MY GOD, FAYE! YES! YES!" she screamed. "Fuck me harder!" she shouted out through the slight pain. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô was very tempted to berate Faye for the way she was treating a noble scion of the house of Kunô... but he refrained, not really desirous to irritate the obviously dominatrix woman. He had some experience with this kind of deviant at home with Kodachi... he really wasn't thrilled by the prospect of verifying if she could get as sadistic as his dear little sister.... So, he just tried to lick the connected pussies above him to the best of his abilities... binding his time for a proper revenge, later. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Good boy." Faye said as she slowly slid her body down next to his head, making sure her wetness whipped into his hair. "Now let's make Ling have fun." Grabbing the dildo, she shoved it in harshly both ways. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling screamed even more which each thrust of the dildo. "OH YES!! MISTRESS FAYE!!" she screamed even more. "I... I... am so to coming for you." she shouted as her body was rocking by instinct to the pressing dildo. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Grrmmmmmmffffff......!" moaned Kunô, eyes bulging out. Though this time, it wasn't exactly his fault he was making noise.... Unfortunately, while licking Ling's puffed vagina as she was stuffed by the dildo, the tip of his tongue got caught between the thrusting plastic sex-toy and the very tight inside of the Chinese girl's sex. And he couldn't get free, the Kunô raspberry was stuck, it was like licking some frozen bit of metal in winter... expect Ling's twat was rather hot. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye sped up the dildo, her hand making it pound, as her other hand crept from behind Ling and pinched her nipple sharply. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling screamed some more as the combination of tongue, dildo and now her nipple being pinched some more. "Y...y...yes." she added as she drew Faye's hand over her nipples some more. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block The Kunô boy was nearing the breaking point... this was maddening! Here he had two overly hot women busy doing each other like crazy... and he couldn't move! He couldn't do a thing, except giving clumsy licks to their pussies, which were hard to reach anyway since they were moving too much. He was more than feed up being tied. So, freeing his tongue with a pop, he growled: "For the last time: WOMEN! UNTIE ME AT ONCE! I WON'T TOLERATE THIS ANY LONGER!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Well, he has been a good boy. So let's let him have one hand free." Faye said as she untied one of his hands, using the rope so his second hand was easily hurt if he tried to untie it. "Now, the two of you fuck each other. I want to see it. And no trying to untie your dick, bad boy, or you knows what I'd do with the dildo." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "Mmm... okay." Ling responded with a little grin as she crawled over Kunô's cock. Jacking it a little, she then slid on it with a slight gasp escaped her lips. "YES!" she whispered as she rocked her cunt over the hard dick. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô sighed. 'And I thought my sister was a sadistic weirdo...' he mumbled for himself. Then he gasped loudly as Ling impaled herself on his restrained cock. Not being able to come promised to be very hard on him with such a gorgeous Chinese fox riding him. Still, his free arm grabbed her breast and squeezed it. "These is not necessary, you know... the Kunô sword could easily be pleasuring the both of you for hours without having to cut the flow of my divine nectar...." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "But, Kunô-baby, I want your orgasm to be so mighty that your nice sword will be spurting into her for all those hours. And so that you're in pleasure all that time too. But we have to stop the flow and torture you for a minute. You'll thank mistress later." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling moaned as she rocked on top of Kunô's dick. "Oh yes...." she moaned in satisfaction as she bounced on top of him. She gasped in satisfaction as she felt Kunô's hand on her breasts. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "You're lacking faith in the above-human stamina of the Blue Thunder, woman!" he exclaimed haughtily. "This poor binding will not stop the flow of life-giving seed from my mighty oak!" he affirmed. So, Kunô started thrusting wildly into Ling's snatch, making her bounce like mad on top of him, guiding her with his free hand. "I fight on... I fight on! I FIGHT ON!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Such a long-winded boy, aren't you?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "OH MY GOD!!" she screamed as she felt him fucking her twat even harder now. "Yes! Yes! YES!!" She was getting wetter and hotter with each thrust. She led her hand down to her clit and start rubbing it. "Keep on fucking me!" she shouted. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Your wish is my command, fair lady." said Kunô, complying gladly. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "OOOOOOOHHH!!!" Ling moaned with renewed vigor. Kunô's dick was pulsing in deep within her. "Ooh... I'm getting close. I might cum soon." she squealed out in anticipation. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Really?" Faye had left the dildo in her ass and then walked behind her, sitting on Kunô and sliding the dildo into herself. "Want me to take care of the rear area? Hmm, Ling?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling moaned. "Yes. Please. I want it even more." she moaned. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Woman, you are a wicked one..." said Kunô to Faye's attention, while still making Ling bounce on his lap. "Be sure you'll be punished where you have sinned...." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Whatever." Faye said as she clenched her pussy tightly around the tool. She didn't need any strap except her hips. She lightly pulled out, the head inside of her rubbing against her pink flesh as she used the momentum to thrust into Ling. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "Er... AAAHHH!!" Ling screamed in excitement. "Fuck! Fuck! FUCK ME!!!" her body was starting to get out of control and was trashing around madly. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô was groaning and rolling his hips desperately, trying to find a release that was denied to him by the cord tying the base of his cock. This was getting very frustrating, not to mention borderline painful. His face was very flushed from the exertion and heat of the moment. He wondered... could these girls have done that... because Kodachi somehow told them about his tendencies to premature ejaculation? No way... his dear sister couldn't have betraying him that way, could she? Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye humped her hips forward, the dildo plunging harshly into Ling's ass. The head of it was making sure to massage her insides and rub against Kunô's dick on the other side. Faye reached a hand down and slowly rubbed her fingers against Kunô's slowly wettening balls. "Ling, you're getting him all wet, you know." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling's body was trashing around for a few more moments. Her gasps and moans were getting higher and more frequent, before her body stiffened and which she collapsed on top of Kunô, catching her breath. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Yes, another fair lady succumbing to the manliness of the Blue Thunder!" gloated Kunô. "Now, woman, shall you untie my proud sword at least? I really need to... open the gate for the river of my life-giving seed!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "No, I won't." Faye gave him two little sharp slaps to the side of his behind. "You have not been broken. *Sigh* We have to work harder, Ling. I swear, if it doesn't break after awhile, we'll just have to fuck him." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling took another deep breath and started to rock her pussy over Kunô's dick. Drool was falling down her mouth and down her chin as she continued to impale herself on Kunô's dick. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô grunted, inwardly cursing against the cold-heartedness of this woman (Faye). How could she let him tied like that, while all he dreamed off was to pleasure both until they surrendered? He couldn't do anything in this position, except be used like a large inflatable doll. That was so unfair. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Hey, I think Kunô is a little disappointed. I mean, here he has his hands free and his little friend isn't able to shoot. Do you think I should loosen it a little?" Faye's hand reached to what was binding Kunô's shaft, and loosened it enough so that if he was to orgasm, it would be half orgasm and not finish. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling continued to jump and to rock her pussy over Kunô's dick. "Mmmm..." she moaned as she played with her nipples for a moment. She brought her fingers down to her pussy and rubbed it for a moment, before raising it in front of Kunô. Smiling, she asked if he wanted a little taste. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô endured the torture of having Ling ride him like a bronco without being able to shoot. When Faye made her proposal, he just answered sternly: "Woman, the Blue Thunder doesn't settle for half-measure! Either you free my mighty sword fully, or I won't deign grace the womb of that beautiful vixen with even a drop of my life-giving seed!" Then, rather than following Ling's suggestion... he grabbed the Chinese girl by the shoulder, and pushed her fully against him, his mouth seeking her nipples. "I don't want a taste... I want the whole, delicious dish!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Hmm, this one will be hard to break." Faye thought as she stopped pumping into Ling's bottom. "Maybe I should make him. Ling." She grabbed onto Ling's shoulders and slid her off of him. "You've had your fun. Now it's my turn." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "Hey!" Ling was surprised getting unceremoniously pushed off of Kunô. She slightly pouted at that action. "OK, fine then." she said as she positioned herself behind Faye and began to stroke Faye's tits. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô looked warily at Faye as she took Ling's place. "This was unnecessary, woman... and pretty harsh, too. Your cute Chinese friend hadn't reached quite the peak my manly sword could have brought her to. Are you enjoying yourself denying other peoples their release?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Oh yes." Faye said as she positioned Kunô's dick under her. She then let herself fall, impaling herself on his member and squirming. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. And don't worry, Ling." She pulled the fondling girl close and kissed her tenderly. "I'll reward you for being such a good girl. But we have to train this little man here who is boss. AND that isn't him." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling didn't say a word but continue to stroke and play with the older woman's tits, including pulling and twisting on her nipples while she still continued to let her tongue roll in Faye's mouth. Her other hand slip down to the crack of Faye's ass and began to rub her thumb over Faye's asshole. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô was not using his free arm to help Faye. Instead, he was crossing it over his chest (he would have crossed both if the other were free). "Woman, I have the weird feeling that you intend to use the manly Blue Thunder like a vulgar sex toy." And honestly, Kunô already had enough of that with Kodachi. "Fine if you want it that way, but do not expect me to care any more. I'm really fed up of being tied." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye turned, rotating around Kunô's dick and smirking. "WELL THEN!!!" Looking at Ling, she said, "I have an idea. I don't want you not to be happy or pleasured. So guess what?" She smirked. "I want to see what you have. If you cum early or when I don't want..." She untied his dick. "... I get to spank you till I'm satisfied. Is it a deal? Blue Thunder?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "GRRWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Kunô's answer was much less verbose than usual... Because the very second Faye untied the garrote, Tatewaki's tortured dick twitched and started shooting spurts after spurts of semen into Faye's hot sex, filling her twat with a few millions of Kunô-headed spermatozoids. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Ling blinked. "Oh my." she began to speak as she still groped and fondled Faye's bosom. "I guess he failed to hold it in." Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye sighed as the cum oozed across the sides of her cunt "He's a premature ejaculator." She sighed. "All this boasting and he can't even hold it in. Is his mighty sword going to go soft now?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Gaaaaaahhhhh" exhaled Kunô, getting back his breath. "How dare you, woman! How can you suggest the mighty Blue Thunder wouldn't have godly stamina? It's all your fault, you and your hellish torture!" Still, despite his protest, Kunô's prick was indeed flattening just like Faye foresaw. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "Ah, ah, ah." Ling waved her finger. "However, I see that you failed to keep it up apparently." She then licked Faye's neck again. "So, you must be punished. Miss Faye, can I have my reward please?" she asked. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida "Such a good girl, Ling." Faye smirked. "What do you ask for your reward?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "Umm..." she began to speak and look down at Faye's crotch which was dripping and leaking of Kunô's cum. "I... um..." she began to stutter, hoping that Faye could pick up what she was trying to say. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô's aggravation was slowly rising to dangerous level. He could forgive these women for bossing him around, tying him up, raping him, sexually torturing him... it was just the lot of handsome, irresistible men like him. But now, they were doing much worse than all of this in the kendôka's viewpoint. They were ignoring him. "I WON'T STAND FOR IT ANY MORE, WOMAN!" he barked, raising his free hand... ... and forcefully slapping it on Faye's exposed buttock, with a sharp noise of calloused palm meeting soft flesh. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye looked down at Kunô with fire-filled eyes that would make Satan wet his pants. An evil smirk went up from her lips as she looked at her red cheeks. "Well, that's more like it, Kunô. Are you going to show me what you are made of really?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "The Blue Thunder is a Man of Steel, woman! Now, are you going to free my other hand, or do I have to do it myself?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 "Hmm... should we see if he's nothing but hot air or can actually do it?" Ling wondered aloud. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Fire blazed in Faye's eyes. "Is this a challenge, Kunô? If it is a true challenge, than I shall fight you to the end. You must make me and Ling cum four times. Each. Or you are my slave forever. Are you man enough for the challenge, Blue Thunder?" she said mockingly Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô snorted derisively. "You call this a challenge? Suggesting that the great Kunô Tatewaki, the paragon of sexual prowess and manly talents, could only make you reach the cloud and rain four times each, is in itself ridiculous and borderline insulting. You're the one who'll beg to become the slaves of the Blue Thunder once I'll have made you reach bliss untold from mere mortals!" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 litta_stuff23 Kunô's senseless ramblings was starting to annoy the hell out of Xiaoyu, to the point that she was ready to slap him. "Well, 'O great Kunô,'" the Chinese teenager began to speak, "who are you going to try to make your claims come true?" Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye was a little more direct towards Kunô. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND PROVE IT OR I'M GOING TO GET A KNIFE AND MAKE YOU A GIRL AND FUCK YOU LIKE MY BITCH!!! UNDERSTAND!??! NOW GET ON WITH IT!!!" Her eyes were those that would make God take a step back. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block God would have stepped back, but not Kunô. He was way too stupid for that. He was sprawled on the floor with a hand still tied, so it would have been difficult anyway. "Well, woman, if it's what you want..." he said offhandedly. So, he started untying his last restrained member with his free hand, as if daring Faye to stop him. Re: Ling and Faye pt. 2 Sakraida Faye tapped her fingers impatiently on his chest. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Tatewaki noticed Faye's impatience, and frowned. The gall of this woman! Well, she'll soon come to regret her mistreatment of his august person. Hastily finishing to free his right hand, Kunô flexed his fingers to restore the blood flow within it. He then half-sat and glared back at Valentine, smirking evilly. "Now, witch... it is time to receive your punishment from the hands of the Blue Thunder!" Suddenly grabbing Faye by an arm and pulling her toward him, he pinned her against him, with a ready access to her naked bottom. He immediately started slapping her buttocks *very hard* with a calloused hand, the other keeping a strong hold on her wrist. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye yelped. "That is not sexy, Kunô. It hurts and it isn't exciting me." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 "What the hell are you doing?!" Ling demanded. She was that close to punching the living daylights out of Kunô, but she remembered the bet and was sure Faye would think of something. However, that didn't stop her from clenching her fists ready to wail on him at a moment's notice. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "It is not supposed to be!" growled Kunô for Faye, slapping harder her reddened buttocks. And to Ling, he added: "I'm punishing that haughty bitch like she deserves, that's what I'm doing, woman!" Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye smirked and held her hand out to Ling. "It's alright. I'm sure he can come up with something that doesn't sting as much. Remember, the boy is fighting for his freedom here." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "AH! As if the like of you could threaten the freedom of the great Kunô Tatewaki!" boasted the nobleman. Still, he was impressed by Faye's cool demeanor over the spanking. She was even more of an Ice Queen than Nabiki Tendô. Well, he knew how to break those kinds of girls. He still occasionally slapped her pert bottom, one buttock at a time, by with lighter strikes. His hand also roamed over her privates, the thumb slipping in her cleft and the fingers delving in her snatch. Kunô's manhood was still rather painful from the cruel former treatment. Still, Faye could feel it stirring against her tummy. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye jumped with the insertion of his fingers. "That's it. Good boy." She patted him on the head for further humiliation. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling looked on at what was going on in front of her. On one hand, she wanted to beat the crap out of Kunô for what he was doing. However, another feeling was starting to appear. She started to grasp and play at her nipples and sliding her finger over her slit. Oh my God! She was getting off at what was happening despite of herself. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "You are mistaken..." said Kunô, still massaging Faye's twat, a finger slipping between the wet lips, and the thumb rubbing the flesh between her sex and her asshole. "I'm not a dog... it's you who are the bitch... *my* bitch!" Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "I'm afraid I don't seem to agree." She gulped a little. His fingers, rough from having been practicing as a swordsman, were tingling against her sensitive lips. She wouldn't let him know that, of course. He'd have to figure that out for himself from the way her cunt was drooling on his fingers. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô snorted disdainfully. "As if your agreement would be needed... when the Blue Thunder bestow his fair and deserved punishment, the like of you has nothing to say... just endure." Tatewaki's fingers weren't just teasing the outer lips of Faye's twat. Now he was slipping them inside without hesitation, stroking her inner folds with surprising carefulness. However, although he wasn't rough, his intent wasn't merely to pleasure... more like to tease. For this, he occasionally stopped the ministrations of his long fingers to slap again Faye's buttocks sharply... before bringing them back to work. Pleasure and pain, alternated.... Kunô might be a blockhead on many things, but he at least learnt a few things from Kodachi. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 "I can't help myself." Ling was kneeling on the ground, continuing to stroke herself as she watched Kunô finger Faye. Her fingers seemed to be desperate being clawing at anything. A slight trail of drool came out the corner of her mouth as she took her hand from her crotch and proceeded to suck the fingers of her hand, trying desperately to get every last drop. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "You seem to be letting Ling enjoy it." A small blush passing by Faye's lip. Her cunt was spreading itself around his fingers, spreading her silvery liquid moving onto his chest. "Good, Kunô-dear." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Drool was escaping from Ling's mouth as she watch the sight in front of her. Her breasts were being grasped even harder by her stray hand. She took the other from her crotch to bring it to her mouth to taste what was down there. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô looked dispassionately at Ling while still fingering Faye. "Your time will come, woman. I know the mere sight of my manliness is enough to drive you to the height of desire, but you shouldn't waste yourself, you'll be honored by the Blue Thunder's mighty rod, you have my promise." "Now, woman, go fetch my faithful bokutô and bring it to me..." he added, still for Ling's attention, nodding toward his training kendo stick lying nearby. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "OOH!!! Kinky." Faye smirked. "Well, seems you're not all talk after all." She squirmed a bit on his fingers, smiling. She was impressed, he was a few fingers besides a mouth. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling looked up and walked over to Kunô's bokutô, and brought it back to him. "Here it is." she said to him. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô picked the bokutô and slapped a last time Faye's buttocks. "We'll see if you're still enjoying this when I start getting serious, woman... now, on your hands and knees like a good bitch!" As Faye was leaving his lap, he gestured toward his cock for Ling. "As for you, barbarian woman, my manly staff needs lubricant! Provide it with your mouth." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling gulped and shuddered for a moment before getting down her knees. Taking his dick, she flicked the head with her tongue before taking more of it into her mouth, slowly but surely. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "OOH, rough." Faye said as she got off his lap and onto her hands and knees, showing her rump into the air. "So, what is the plan? HMMMMMMMMM...." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô looked with satisfaction as Ling worked hard to make his rod slick and hard. She'd just have to work on it a little longer, and he'd be ready. Turning to Faye's offered bottom, he simply answered: "The plan, my obedient sexpet, is the following...." He didn't gave lengthy description, for once, instead letting his hands talk. First parting her legs, he let a hand roam on her dripping sex, carefully spreading the petals with his fingers. Then, he used the opening to carefully insert the hilt of his bokutô in her hole. The pointy end of the training weapon could have hurt her, hence his choice, but on the other hand the hilt was wider. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling worked her throat further down Kunô's shaft and pulled her mouth back off of it, before taking it back in her mouth. At the same time, her hands started to play with his balls. Each ball rolled over her fingers. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye squirmed "OOH, it is wood." She lay her hand on the floor "Pet?" She smirked a little, wrapping her long silken legs around his waist. "Are you sure? Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô stroked Ling's head to reward her from the good job she'd done of making him very hard. Yet, he pushed her face away from his manhood, now that it was ready for use. Untangling Faye's legs from his waist, he lifted her rump a bit as to better insert the wooden weapon. Because of its length, the tip was touching the floor behind her. If she moved her hips a bit, it would move the improvised sex toy left and right into her dripping cunt. And that was what Kunô wanted. Now kneeling behind Valentine, Kunô held his asoko in one hand. With the other, he rubbed Faye's naked bottom, parting the buttocks with his fingers, in search for her smaller hole. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 "HEY!" Ling demanded as she was abruptly pushed away. She did all of that and got a mere shove in response. "At least, I demand a little respect!" she shouted so that blowhard could hear quite clearly. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye was starting to have to admit, he was inventive. The hard wood in her pussy was moving back and forth as her breathing forced her thighs to go back and forth. After a few minutes, a small trail of her juices had flowed on the side of the wooden sword, slowly creating a puddle on the floor. Faye's butt spread apart in Kunô's hands, warming them slightly as she took in one large gulp of air and then a normal one, one large gulp and then a normal one. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Silence, woman!" barked Kunô at the Chinese girl. "Your turn will come! But now, I must tame this unruly mare with a good riding!" So, grabbing harder Faye's abused bottom, he spread her ass cheeks wide and aimed the tip of his asoko at her rosebud. The fleshy member was slick from Ling's saliva, but beside that he obviously wasn't caring much for lubrication. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "Wait." Faye reached around, she was shuddering and shaking from the wooden sword inside her, but she was still able to think somewhat clearly. "God gave you natural pre-cum, so let it out now." She reached her hand near her butt and tried to grab the member near her ass. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Her fists clenched with her teeth slowly grinding together, Ling was beginning to become really pissed. "Nobody talks to me like that." she muttered to herself. "He's so going to get it" as she looked at Kunô going over to the older girl in the room. She looked around for something that she can use to extract some level of revenge. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Ignoring Ling completely, Kunô pressed the tip of his organ to Faye's puckered rosebud. "Truly, woman, do you think my divine seed is worthy of a slut like you? Yet, I feel generous, I'll grant you this boon before you feel the ecstasy of the first Kunô sword in you." Squeezing his rock-hard manhood, he coated Faye's anus with a few droplets. Letting them seep inside her tiny hole, he rubbed the mushroom head to her backdoor, tentatively pushing a bit to feel what amount of resistance should be expected. This wasn't yet making Faye's hips move much, but still the bokutô inside her cunt swayed a little as the tip scratched the floor. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye decided to keep quiet this time, and give him the feeling that he had won. Another long argument would just mean she wouldn't be able to fuck him dry. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Satisfied that the woman had found her place and wasn't protesting any more, Kunô didn't tarry any longer in conquering her bottom. Pushing deliberately, the head of his prick pushed past the small ring of flesh, stretching the anus until it allowed the passage of the meaty sausage. The feeling of a tight, warm sheath around his manly sword made it swell even more. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida 'Maybe he isn't so small after all.' Faye smirked to herself and leaned back so that she could engulf more of his length into her ass. "MMMMMMMMMM...." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling had a scowl on her face before she smiled again. "Well, at least I get some fun." She walked over to Faye's, then kneeled down and then said: "My pussy is asking for some attention." She smiled. "Are you willing to do that?" Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô watched as Ling offered her flower to lick for Faye. He didn't mind, but he doubted the woman he was masterfully pleasuring could focus on the task. Grabbing her hips, Tatewaki progressed further by little thrusts, each pushing the hard rod a few millimeters into Faye's asshole. It was also shaking her bottom regularly, and with it the wooden weapon inside her sex. Valentine started to get the real feeling of being double-stuffed by the kendôka's swords. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye had to admit, she was being treated with sexual mastery. But then again, she couldn't let him know she thought better of him. "Why, sure thing." She grabbed Ling's hips "But you have to stay still or I can't give you proper pleasure." She leaned forward so that Kunô would have to plunge into her, and also to make it so the wooden sword bumped against her clit and the floor as she exhaled. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling nodded as she positioned herself to allow Faye easy access to her slit and mound. She started to breathe slowly as she felt Faye's breath beginning to get in contact with her intimate area. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô grunted as he followed Faye's forward movement, and then pursued it, driving his shaft deeper into her bowels. Now he was filling the woman completely, with wood in her pussy and steel-hard meat in her ass. The exquisite feeling of having his asoko surrounded by such a tight and warm sheath would probably have him make loose it if it wasn't for the previous sexual torture. But now, he was fully intent of paying Valentine back, and could certainly hold longer. "Does it hurt, woman?" he asked acidly. "I certainly hope it does!" Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye leaned forward against Ling's warm cunt, licking and pushing her nose forward so that she could envelop herself in her. She removed her mouth for a second to answer Kunô however. "I don't know. Does this?" she said as she squeezed her hips together, creating a creamy warm vice around Kunô's manhood. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling cooed with delight as she felt Faye's breath against her cunt. She slowly started to breathe with fewer breaths as she began to slowly rock her hips toward the inviting tongue. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Urk!" Kunô's eyes rolled and he seemed out of breath for a short while, as his mighty cock was caught in what felt like an organic vise. Damn! That girl was even bitchier than Kodachi; he wouldn't have believed that possible! And even Nabiki had no such control of her sphincter muscles.... "Urrrr... I don't know where you learned that, woman... but I demand you to stop at once, or you'll feel the wrath of the Blue Thunder!" Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye smirked. "What is your wrath now? Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Tatewaki was getting even angrier... why couldn't he score with the women he really wanted, like Akane and the pigtailed girl, and instead always ended up fucking uppity bitches, like Nabiki or this infuriating woman? Well, he swore he would tame her, and a Kunô always kept his word! (Well, as long as it fit him... otherwise he simply forgot about it.) Strengthening his grasp on Faye's hips, his hands made strong by the kendo training started pushing her away, before pulling back and ramming her very tight ass again. "I'll... make... you... beg for mercy... whore!" Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "AYEI!!!" Faye screeched, moaning "Yes, big KUNÔ!!! More, harder, harder." She had decided to inflate his ego to its bursting point, then pop it. That would be fun. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling moaned in passion as she rubbed her hand through Faye's hair. "Lick me... p...please." she gasped. Obviously, she didn't know about what Faye was planning. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "YES! Now you know that no woman could resist the mighty sword of Kunô! Do not ever forget that again, slave!" And so, the raving nobleman kept pounding Valentine's tender ass, his hips slapping the previously spanked buttocks, sending a stinging sensation to Faye in addition to the feeling of fullness in both holes. The thrusts were of course provoking jerks from her lower part, which in turn twisted the bokutô around in the folds of her vagina, as its tip rapped the floor. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye decided to act her part by making her tongue go crazy inside of Ling's body, moving it in circles and catching each fold inside of her with the tip. Her own pussy seemed to be breathing around the bokken, its lips puffed to the extreme as her clit rubbed up against it, leaving a puddle of her juices on the floor Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling was crying even more and more frequently as she felt Faye's tongue going all of over her pussy. She took a few of her fingers and stuck them into her mouth and proceeded to suck on them as more moans escaped from her lips. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô grunted and panted, sweating, as he rode the wild filly. He was having a hard time keeping his next ejaculation at bay; yet he wasn't certain if the brunette climaxed herself, so he kept going. His meaty rod, made just slick enough by saliva and pre-cum, traveled in and out of the narrow passageway, the friction heating both the surface of the manly invader and the narrow walls of flesh. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye was concluding whether she should fake it or not. She went against this though. She didn't want him to stop, besides the continuous plunging into her soft body was making her slowly contract against the wood, making it slowly slip into her. She, herself, dug her face into Ling's body, pushing her hips towards her and almost seeming to prepare to fuck her with her nose. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH~HHH!!" Ling screamed as she continue to lick her fingers on one of her hands with her tongue while the other one was now groping her breasts. "YES!" she screamed. "That's the spot, right there! Lick it! Suck it!" Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô slowed down his thrusts into the woman's narrowest hole, to keep himself from bursting too soon. Now sodomizing her at a leisure pace, he wondered if he could grab the wooden sword and bring Faye to orgasm by pumping like a dildo... his position wasn't the best for doing so, however. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye looked back at him, seeing his face contort as he changed his tactic in order not to cum to soon. She wanted to feast first of Ling though before she came. So it didn't make her mind at all. She snaked one hand under Ling's butt, collecting where her tongue was and thrusting a finger in with her tongue. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Kunô's face was red and contorted as he grunted loudly. He could hardly keep it longer; he truly needed to cum into Faye's oh-so-tight bowels. He was still ramming his rod into her asshole while trying to think unsexy thoughts... like his sister's scary laugh... hearing it generally was enough to kill the mood from him.... Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling gasped as she felt the new intruder inside her cunt. Her face was flushed as she felt each lick and poke as she rocked her hips toward Faye's hands. She more or less forgot what Faye told her, but she didn't care right there. She was getting more excited with each lick. She screamed out again with each poke. "F...F...Faye!! EGH!!" Her head fell to one side as she continue to gasp out loud. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye decided to add to the show of noise by making all kinds of moans into Ling's body. She used the vibration of her tongue to tantalize her clit while at the same time, making a wide range of noises for Kunô's enjoyment. She added to this by making sure that her fucking made the wooden sword slosh around in her cunt. It was making her body spasm while at the same time filling Kunô's ears with its wet sounds. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Faye's loud moaning were what Kunô was waiting for. Not that he could have held it much longer with the spasms shaking the woman's sex, and transmitting to her bottom. With a long, drawn-out sigh of pleasure, Tatewaki's needy prick twitched madly as he finally came. From his painful balls and tortured manhood erupted a stream of Kunô sperm, filling Faye's hot ass to the brim. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling gasped and moaned before grabbing onto Faye's head. She screamed one more time as she started to come all over Faye's face. Her legs were quivering and drool was running down her jaw and neck. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye wiggled her butt a little as it was filled. She hungrily lapped up Ling's cunt juice. She removed her mouth and licked her lips. "MMMMMM... delicious." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "Raaaaaaaaahhhhh...." Now spent, but still embedded into Faye's bottom, Kunô started slumping over the body of the woman. Which was bad, because she couldn't lower herself too much before the bokutô in her sex became painful. But with the weight of the unmoving kendôka on top of her, she was slowly pushed toward the floor. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling lay back and cooed with excitement. She caressed her chest as she felt herself being dried out down there by Faye. Inside her mind, she wondered if Faye was still planning in humiliating this guy or if she got off so much she forgot. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block "zzzzzzzzzzzzz *snore* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..." That's Kunô's voice, if you're wondering. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "God, what a prick." Faye said between gulps of Ling's juices "He he. So...." She moved forward and yanked both things from her body. "MMM... the wood sword is almost a good idea." She grinned and whipped her face. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling sighed as she caught her breath from cumming, thanks to Faye's expertise with that tongue of hers. She looked at the older girl with one eye opened. "What... else... are you planning?" she asked. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM...." She thought to herself. "Well, I need help to get him into an embarrassing position, and then we can go get something to eat and drink and come back to see what the director wants us to do next." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Ling giggled. Yeah, she was always up for a little joke, even though this was probably just plain raunchy, but who cared? Faye had gotten her excited and horny all over, and she gave the older girl a deep kiss before responding, "Sure. Let's do this." Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida "First," Faye said after the kiss, "let's get him out of me." She leaned forward, feeling his softening cock plop out of her ass. She pulled the wooden sword out a little more quickly, afraid of the tantalizing feeling she might feel. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai litta_stuff23 Looking around for anything to use, Ling was trying to decide what would Faye need, before something caught her eye. She picked up the rope, which was lying in the corner of the bungalow. She then turned to Faye. "Would this help in your plan?" she asked. Re: Ling and Faye and Kunô-sempai Sakraida Faye nodded and grabbed the rope, tying both of the martial artist's legs together. She then took his arms, wrapping the rope around his waist so that his hands almost cupped the sides of his privates, sort of like he was pointing to them. She then secured his arms. Now what to do with his mouth? She quickly took the wooden sword, still dripping with her juices, and stuffed that part into his mouth, tying it to his head with more rope, and then rigging it up so that it went under his body and between his legs. The way it was rigged up, if he moved his head forward, his mouth would have the wooden sword pushed into. If he moved back, it would ride up his butt so that he had a major wedgie. To give him entertainment, though, she tied the rope with a smooth sheet against it so that when he got the wedgie, his cock would be jerked by the rope. She dusted her hands off. "Alright, we can go now. Um, he'll stand up that way, I guess." [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 16]