CREAM LEMON STUDIO - 10: thread 2 > Compilation by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 10: END] Re: CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! Cuteycindyhoney Edward giggled in delight. "Ruri look! We made a baby together!" The giggling tech-wiz picked up Ten, and hugged him too. "Sorry! Edward is just joking! Don't be mad at the Director, Ten." she giggled again. "Edward thinks he wants to go play grownup games for a while! You can stay with Ruri and Edward!" The young woman looked at Yuko, and down at herself. Her lightning mind made a sudden connection. "Sorry Ten-Chan." she whispered as her face flushed. "Edward isn't so big there yet." she whispered Re: CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! Shad Devil *Ten had looked indignantly at Ed when she made her baby-making comment. Didn't she know that Earth-babies were brought by the Stork? It WAS a strange thing, considering how the babies were made on his and Lum's planet but that was how it was... But before he could protest, Edward hugged him tight and excused herself....something that was irritating not only because of the wet spot on his diapers that was in view again but also because she was more than a bit sticky...ALL over, too! Therefore he pushed himself away a bit from Ed's chest, examining the mess that stuck to him now, too, not hearing the last words from Ed about her bust-size.* "Why would ANYONE play something that makes you so sticky..what is that? It's not only sweat..." Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward blushed from her head to her toes. "Um, Ten... The techno-wiz took a deep breath. "Ten-chan, when girls play, if they really REALLY like who they are playing with..." Edward grinned, and winked at Ruri. "They sometimes get wet um, 'down there'. Edward hopes you like playing games with girls someday. Uh, when your older, uh, you may even like the taste, too. Edward sure does!" Those last words were for Ruri! Edward looked down at herself, and giggled softly. Her's and Ruri's dampness had become smeared all over both girl's bodies! "Ruri, Ten, maybe we should all take a shower and get nice and squeaky squeak clean!" She glance down at Ten's tiger striped diaper. "I think we all are a little messy!" Edward held Ten tightly, as she stood up. "The gnome went away with the glasses lady. I think we all have time to have a nice shower!" Edward held out a hand for Ruri. She grinned down at her lover. Maybe Ten wouldn't notice just how well she planned on 'washing' Ruri! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled and took Ed's hand and smiled a bit. "A good shower will feel great, got get all nice and clean." She winked at Ed a bit and let her know she might have some ideas about getting clean with Ed. Ruri was more than happy to have someone to love her as much as she loved Ed. Deviations Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten looked at Ed ith a 'You GOTTA be kidding me'-look.* "You mean, if girls like each other lots they PEE themselves? Is that PEE all over your bodies? UGHHH!!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward froze at Ten's comments, and squeezed Ruri's hand. "No no Ten- Chan!" she stammered, not knowing what to say. Se blushed again. "Some people like pee games" She looked at her smiling lover. "But Edward did not pee on Ruri!" Edward stopped herself just in time from saying 'yet'! Why did she think that? The Hypernet was Edward's playground, there was nothing she hasn't looked at. This included some very strange sexual sites. Edward didn't want Ruri to thik badly of her, so she tried to force those nasty thoughts far away. "Ruri, um, Ruri and Edward just like each other so much..." Edward was at a loss. How could she explain?" Edward likes Ruri so much, that hee body wanted to be all warm and slippery, so Ruri's fingers could explore." Edward looked everywhere but at Ruri and Ten. Maybe she shouldn't spend so much time in cyberspace! Edward needed to learn how to talk nice with people! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten still looked with a strange look at Ed.* "Some people like peeing on others? And why should she explore your body? She can see it well enough since you don't hide it...why are you and her naked anyway?" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward giggled nerviously. "Ten-Chan, Edward and Ruri love each other. When, when people love each other, they want to make the one they love feel really good." The tech-wiz smiled shyly at Ten. "Do, uh, did you ever hear about girls liking girls better then boys?" Edward squeezed Ruri's hand again. "Edward feels so good when Ruri touches her!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "She's right, I love her very much and want to make her feel good whenever I can, when I do, her body makes something special that comes out instead of pee. It's all very natural...maybe we should leave it up to an adult to try to exlain." Ruri said, finding the door to the bathroom and leading them inside. she started a shower and tested the water. "We'll be all cleaned up soon." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward smiled at Ruri's explanation. "It sounded so much nicer then her silly babbling! She grinned down at Ten. Did you want to have a nice shower with Ruri and Edward?" she asked. Part of her wanted him to say no, but another part, a very naughty part, wanted Ten there to watch! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten still looked from Ruri to Ed and back again, not really understanding what they are saying...but shrugging it off as crazy girl- and adult-things. But something else pushed itself into his mind...he needed to clean himself...but it was definitely against the rules to say so! No kid would say that it WANTED to bath. A shower was a grey zone...sometimes it was OK, sometimes not...but Ten was sure that it was not OK when two girls, neither of them his mother, were with him...besides, they would see him naked, too. And that was quite embarassing. Ten sighed...what should he do now. This was a hard puzzle and right now, he wasn't up to the task... While he pondered this, he had his eyes closed, his arms crossed over his chest and shook his head thisaway and thataway...* Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "I think he's thinking it over, why don't you set him down over there and I'll scrub your back my sweet Edward." Ruri smiled and soaped up a cloth, just waiting for Ed to join her. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward sighed, and placed Ten on the floor near the showers. "Ten should really clean up." she said matter of factly. "If Ten is to scared, then he can wait until Ruri and Edward are finished." Edward didn't really mean to tease Ten-Chan, it was just so distracting to see Ruri all nice and wet in the shower! "Ten-chan, this is what very special friends can do for each other." Smiling, Edward stepped into the shower. The warm water felt wonderful against her skin. Edward crossed her arms over her budding breasts, and slowly turned her back to her lover. "Edward would love to have her back scrubbied up!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled and placed the cloth on Ed's smooth skin and began to rub it in slow circles across her sholderblades first, sneaking a kiss on the back of Ed's neck as she put a hand on Ed's slim thigh..."Does that feel nice?" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney A soft moan escaped Edwards lips. Back on Bebop, she and Faye-Faye had bathed together, but it was nothing like this! Faye usually had Edward do all the scrubbing, wash Faye's hair, and then she had to paint Faye's toenails! Only then could Edward go back and wash herself! It never felt so melty-soft good, washing with Faye! Edward moaned again, and tiny shivers ran up and down her back. "Yes" she whispered. Ruri is making Edward feel so very nice!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri knelt a bit as she scrubbed down Ed's back moving in circles as she made sure not to miss a spot. She rested her head against Ed's cute bottom for a second, "I love you Edward..." She said soflty then scrubbed Ed's cute little bottom. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil Ten meanwhile had thought various options over and had came to a wonderful solution. A WATERFIGHT! Yes, every kid hated baths but waterfights were more than welcome! And, on the side, he would get clean...the only problem was that he would still had to be naked in front of girls...then he saw a towel lying on a bench nearbye. A WONDERFUL coincidence! Flying quickly over to the towel he made sure that the two girls were busy with their strange scrubbing-methods before pushing his diaper down and off his small body, quickly hiding his nakedness again with the towel. It looked a bit strange, being a normal-sized towel and he being..well, baby-sized, but it covered him and that was what counted. Now for starting a Waterfight... With glee he found that the showers had movable shower-heads, a perfect weapon for wet fun! Taking one near the two girls he used the faucet to ready his weapon...the COLD water-faucet. With an evil snicker he aimed the flow of water toward Ruri and Ed, spraying them with cold Water.* "Waterfight!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward felt so relaxed as Ruri's gentle hands moved the washcloth over he body. Edward forgot about Ten. She forgot about everything, as Ruri's loving hands caressed her bottom. "Edward loves RuriiIIIIIH!" The young woman let out a scream, as a blast of icy water splashed over her. The startled girl slipped, and fell in the shower. "Stop it!" she gasped. Edward's butt hurt, and the water was very cold. The young tech-wiz began to cry. "Ten-Chan! That was bad-mean!" she whimpered. Ruri's washing felt so very nice, and now Edward was all cold and shivery. "Edward is mad at Ten-Chan now!" She got back to her feet, and skidded over the wet showerstall. In a flash, she had skated right next to Ten. "Edward takes this!" she shouted, as she snatched away the showerhead. "Edward take this too!" she whipped off Ten's towel, and sprayed the boy with the icy cold water!" There! Does that feel good? Do you think Edward and Ruri liked that?" She shut off, then dropped the showerhose. "Edward thought Ten was a good boy! Why is Ten being so mean?" Edward looked down in surprise. She didn't know that little boys could get, uh, excited, like that." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri stiffened at the blast and bit her lower lip, she was used to getting soaked like that as a joke..."Ed...I think...he was trying to play. He didn't mean for you to get hurt Ed." She moved over and took the showerhead from Ed and the towel..."it's sort of a game, on that you warn the others about so they won't panic like Ed did. Ten, say your sorry and Ed, say your sorry for shouting at Ten, okay." She put a hand on Ed's bottom and massaged it lightly, gently, to take the sting of the fall away. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward spent too much time on her own. The young woman blushed, feeling rather ashamed of her outburst. "Ten-Chan, Edward is very sorry she yelled at you." Ruri's gentle hand was making it hard to stay mad at anyone! "Ten-Chan, are you still friends with Edward? You're a good boy. Edward should never had yelled like that." Edward moaned a little, and closed her eyes. Ruri was making her relax all over again! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil Ten had shrunk back from Ed as she had started to yell at him. In his head Ed grew to 5 metres and had a dozen other words, she resembled his Aunt Mathilda! The Horror, the HORROR! And then Aunt Mathilda had ripped off the towel, revealing his naked self to her and Ruri, to top the humiliation off, she sprayed his peepee with cold water, making it shrink...but also harden at the same time (hey, he's alien, gimme some slack to explain Ed's words O.o;). This was worse than the time he forgot his swimming-trunks in alien kindergarten and had to bathe least there it wasn't hardening... Therefore he cowered himself together, resembling a bit like an egg and tried to crawl away from the big Teror that Ed had become. He didn't really register when Ruri came and helped him, nor that Ed had apologized to him...he just huddled there and repeated again and again: "I am a good boy...not bad..a Good boy..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward felt wonderful now, as Ruri's hands caressed her bottom, but She felt bad about Ten. "Ten-Chan?" she whispered. She picked him up, and cuddled him, as Ruri continued to fondle her bottom. "Ten-Chan is a very good boy! Everyone knows that!" She held hm tight, and tried to ignore somthing that was pressing firmly against her body. "Ten-Chan? Edward was all alone for a long time. Edward doesn't know how to act around people sometimes. Could you please forgive Edward?" She hugged him tighter, and felt that hard something move against her skin. "Please smile for Edward now." Edward didn't know why, but she moved him a little more, letting that certain something actually press against her budding breasts. "Is Ten-Chan still Edward's friend?" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, " freinds, Ed is sorry Ten...she'll never yell again at you, promise." She smiled and kissed Ed's cheek in reasurance to Ed that she wasn't mad at her for yelling. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward sighed. She was upset that she had scared Ten-Chan, but she was down right scared that Ruri was dissapointed in her. Her face lit with a sunny smile. "Ruri is right! I promise!" Edward closed her eyes, and leaned back against Ruri's hand. She was a little nervous at Ten's 'condition poking at her, but decided that she would just 'not notice'. She didn't want to make him any more uncomfortable then she already had. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil Ten slowly 'thawed out' again and stopped repeating his 'mantra', looking up at the suddenly dreamy look of Ed again. Girls..he propably would never understand second they screamed at you, the next they apologised and cuddled you.Speaking of cuddling...Ed was pressing his peepee against her small breasts..something that felt quite a bit uncomfortable...but luckily it was starting to get soft again due to the warmth Ed's body offered. Still trying to push away some snifflings he nodded at Ed and Ruri* "Alright..I'm sorry, too..but I just anted to have some are always ignoring me when you start this strange mushy stuff.." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "We will try not to ignore you okay Ten, but sometimes, we get mushy cause of how we feel toward each other. It's just something Edward and I do. But we will make sure to play with you more okay." She smiled and slid her finger up and down the crack of Ed's totally Kawaii bottom, smiling happily. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney It was hard, but outwardly Edward didn't show how much Ruri's touch was exciting her. Inwardly was another matter! She felt like she was going to melt! She cuddled Ten, and basically forgot about that certain hardness pressing against her skin. "Y-Yes Ten-Chan. In a few minutes, we can play." Edward gave a little involintary shudder. "Edward wants to relax like this, for just a little while, ok?" edward closed her eyes, and maoned softly, as gentle fingers explored her bottom. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "We should finish our shower Ed...then we will figure out what to do after that." She smiled and took Ten from ed and sat him down and then pulled Ed back into the warm water whispering in her ear..."I love you..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward knew she had a silly smile on her face. She would never grow tired of Ruri speaking those three little words! "Edward loves you too, Ruri." Hugging the wet girl was a sensual treat for Edward. "Could, could you wash Edward some more?" The tech-wiz giggled. She whispered in Ruri's ear. "Don't forget to wash between Edward's legs. Then Edward will do, um, wash Ruri!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled and giggled, one hand continueing the gentle caress of Ed's bottom as the other slid the soapy cloth between Ed's thighs. "YOu mean, wash you hear?" She asked coyly as she rubbed the soft slick cloth against Ed's tender pussy, smiling as she was happy to please her love. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward whimpered softly, as her back arched. "Y-Yes please Ruri. Wash Edward there, w-wash Edward there a whole lot!" The techno-wiz was beginning to breath a little harder, in the steamy warm shower. She spotted Ten sitting there, watching carefully. "Ten-Chan, s-sometimes, girls like to play l-like...Mmm! Like this." she gasped a little, then went on. "Sometimes, they w-want to play with boys like this." Edward smiled dreamily. "Edward doesn't think she wants to play with boys! Ruri is so much nicer!" She closed her eyes, and sighed happily. Oh good golly shit! She was probably giving TenChan the wrong ideas! "Don't you ever touch a girl there, unless she wants you tooooo Oh!" Edward leaned back against Ruri, and moaned. Her little talk went right out the window. Edward just stood stil, and leaned against Ruri, as her lover's talanted hand brought welcomed pleasure. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri giggled softly as she continued to rub Ed gently, brushing her clit with the cloth as she held her close...she mmmed as she felt Ed's body tremble..."Oh Edward...Ruri will always be nice to you." She giggled and kissed her cheek, smiling happily as she made her sweet ed happy. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward would have fallen down in the shower, if Ruri wasn't holding her! Her legs felt like rubber, as her breathing grew harder. "Oh Ruri!" was all she could whmper, as that wonderful feeling grew ever closer. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled and quickened her pace, rubbing faster, more firmly but lovingly, she knew ed would come soon and wanted her too..." about...after work you come stay with me." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil Ten sighed...he couldn't understand why Ed was groaning like she was in pain but asking for more at the same time...All he could see was Ruri rubbing Ed where her peepee should be..only, girls didn't HAVE one. Instead they seemed to have a strange hole or something there. Something like that must be very strange when going to the must be running down their legs all the time. That's when Ten understood! Of CCOURSE! The secret why Girls always liked to bath so much! They always felt dirty because they couldn't go to the toilet without dirtying themselves at the same time! He nodded, satisfied that he could tell his friends back on his planets something they didn't know. And he would look soo smart, too! Despite this secret, Ten still couldn't figure out why Ed would like getting rubbed was dirty, after all...and, seeing how it looked now, slimy, too, UGHH!* Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward closed her eyes, and hummed softly, as gentle fingers gave her wonderful feelings. "Ruri?" she gasped. "Ed...Edward that!!" The slender girl threw her head back, and whimpered, as her body spasmed. Edward would have fallen, if Ruri hadn't been holding her. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, seeing Ed cum from her caresses as she kissed her cheek, "You are soo pretty pretty..." She held her closly and smiled... Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney The heavily breathing young woman looked puzzled. "Edward is pretty?" She knew that sometimes people thought she was a boy. That never bothered her, but pretty? She snuggled up against Ruri, and felt so safe and secure. She smiled shyly. Edward wants to be pretty for Ruri!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "You are, in my eyes and my heart. Lets get you dried off and see what the little man with the bald head has in store for us..." She smiled and snuggled Ed for a while, happy and warm and finnally, never alone again. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward snuggled against Ruri, and after a moment, began to giggle. "Edward thought...Edward thought..." the young woman burst out in a fit of laughter. "L-Little man with bald head!" Edward buried her face in Ruri's wet hair. "Yu mean the King Gnome! Edward thought you meant Edward's clitty! Faye told Edward it was called the little bald man in a boat!" Edward laughed some more, and held Ruri tightly. It was so nice to have someone to laugh and joke with! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten looked at Edward could she mistook that old man with...well, with whatever she mistook him with. To understand he flew up to Edward, poking her in her belly to get her attention.* "Ed, what is a clitty?" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri started to laugh once she realized what Ed meant and held her as she laughed out loud, something she hadn't done in a while..."Sorry about that, I keep forgeting you call him King Gnome..." She chuckled then blushed..."'s part of a girl's body, only girls have it..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten scratched his horn, looking a bit confused. There were two things a girl had what a boy didn't...but the one that made sense had been called different while he was he guessed that it must be a naughty word.* "Sooo, clitty is another words for a female's bosom? does look a bit like the old guy's bald head..yours more than hers, though." *While he talked he first pointed at Ruri's breasts, then at Ed's, his finger missing Ed's nipple only by an inch since he didn't really look where he was pointing but looked at Ruri for confirmation.* Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward felt another fit of giggles starting. She didn't mind Ten implying she was smaller then Ruri. It was true, and she didn't hear the slightest bit of sarcasm in his voice anyway. So, she just giggled and laughed even more! "Ruri?" she finally was able to gasp out. "Should we tell him?" Edward giggled some more. "Edward doesn't want Ten to be mixed up!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled a bit, "Um Ten...the clitty is part of the area between a girl's legs...not on her chest..." She giggled, it was kind of silly having to explain...but fun too. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward was giggling again. "Sensei-Ruri? Edward, Edward can be your demonstration model!" For some reason, the thought of showing Ten was making her heart flutter. "Visual aids always help in education!" That was that! Edward was off in another fit of laughter. "N-not laughing at Ten-Chan!" she gasped. Somehow, acting as a classroom aid seemed so very funny! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "Well, maybe...but I think that Ten would understand tha it is part of a girl's between leg parts and I'm not sure if he's really interested in the exact location." She touched her finger to Ed's clit and rubbed it a bit, teasing her, a hint of what would come in Ruri's apartment, later that night. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten was stunned...he had thought that Girls had only a strange, lenghty hole in their crotches..and now these girls said there was something resembling breasts down there? He looked down between Ruri's legs but couldn't see anything resembling that..and Ed's was blocked from his view by Ruri's fingers.* "I wanna know..there is nothing there I can see...there is no bossom- like thing between your legs, Ruri..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney This was a new sensation for Edward. Ruri had her aroused to a fine trembling, when Ten-Chan got her giggling again. It fet weird, but very nice! "Show him! Let Ten-Chan see what girls have." she laughed, even as she moaned from gentle fingertip pressure. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri gently moved her finger off Ed's clit and pointed it out to Ten, "That's a clitty, its small but should never touch it unless the girl says it's okay..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil Ten looked intensively at the tiny nub, but couldn't understand what would make it so special...or sensitive. Girls were certainly weird, though, if they were interested in rubbing that..and even more so to LETTING it rubbed by someone was where they PEED...UGH! Shrugging, he let himself float down to the floor again and walked (or more, waddled) to his diaper. He still had to clean it before he could wear it again...* "Could one of you help me with this?" *He held the diaper up to Ed, with a begging look.* Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward looked longingly at Ruri. She even wished Ten was just a few years older! She shook herself, and sighed. "I'll help Ten-Chan." she said huskily, as the aroused girl took the diaper. Working quickly, whe begain rinsing out the tiger striped material. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri found a spot to sit down and finish drying as she waited for they to finish up with Ten's diaper thing...she smiled watching Ed and giggled softly as she imagined them in bed, Ed making all sorts of noises as Ruri played with her body... Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward finished rinsing Ten-Chan's diaper. "Al done!" she announced cheerfully. "Edward can't dry it, but Edward wrung as much water out as she could." She handed it over to the blushing little boy. He was trying so hard to look casual, while keeping both hands in front of his private area. Edward felt a stirring at the back of her neck. She turned, and saw that Ruri was watching her. The look in the lovely girl's eyes made Edward blush. It also made her feel a certain heat growing deep inside. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri giggled softly, "I think he can take it from here Edward...we do need to get dressed and find out what we have to do next." Ruri was excited that she was a naughty movie star now and hoped all her roles allowed her to be with Edward...maybe they could do a little series together. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward looked suddenly frightened. "Ruri, Edward doesn't want to 'act' with anyone but you!" She blushed, and looked down at her toes. "What if King Gnome makes Edward do things with a boy?" Edward had found the person she wanted to share her body with, and it wasn't any dumb guy! "Edward, Edward doesn't think she can do that!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri pulled Edward into her arms and gently caressed her hair as she kissed her cheeks, "Don't worry sweet Ed...I'll talk to him and make sure we only 'act' with each other. I'll talk to him and make sure he understands that we only want to be with each other." She said this all soothingly, knowing she could convince Happy, he would more than likely be interested in haveing the two of them act together. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward sighed. Ruri had a wonderful way of making her feel so safe. "Edward thanks Ruri.' she whispered, as her lover's lips brushed her cheek. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten rolled his eyes...these two girls were really impossible..couldn't they stop this mushy-mushy stuff for just one minute? Oh well, at least he had now enough time to dry his tiger-diapers with a conveniently placed hair-drier on one of the walls without Ed snickering over his naked butt...* Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "Besides, If is comes down to it...I can always suggest we work as techs on the film, so we don't have to worry about naughty boys trying to have their ways with us." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward sighed, and her body seemed to relax. "Thank you love." The long limbed girl blushed. She hoped Ruri didn't mind that. It sort of slipped out, but felt so right. "Um thank you Ruri. I feel super better now!" Her good mood was fast returning. She pushed away her worries about boys taking her way from HER Ruri, and ntice what Ten-Chan was doing. She couldn't help it. The little boy looked so serious as he dried his diaper, but the way he bent over his work was waving his little hiney in the air. "Ten-Chan is mooning us!" she exclaimed loudly, as she started to giggle. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri giggled and smiled, "Edward..." She giggled and smiled, "Maybe but he's not trying." She kissed Ed's cheek and hugged her warmly, "And I like it when you call me love." She said in a soft whisper. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney There it was again! Edward didn't imagine it! Being in Ruri's arms made her feel so safe and warm. She just rested her head against Ruri's shoulder for a moment. "Thank!" She giggled softly. "Edward wishes work on nasty movie was done for today." She blushed. "Edward just wants to go home with her Ruri-love!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil Ten turned a deeper shade of pink as Ed thoughtfully made her comment about his butt. Collecting all of his pride he had left, he ignored the silly talk of the kid-genius, hurrying to complete the drying of his Diaper. And now they were again at it with their smoochy-talk. Much more of this and he'd get sick... Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled and stroked Ed's back gently as she held her close..."It may be for us...unless the have another girl scene for us to do." She hoped they were off for the day and would have to check with the boss to find out. "Let's dress and find out Ed." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward kissed Ruri, then got dressed. It took the girl all of 15 seconds. She slipped into her bike shorts, and pulled on her loose shortie tee-shirt. "Edward is ready." she announced. She put on her goggles, and pushed the lenses up to her forhead. She watched with interest as Ruri dressed. "Maybe Edward should get some underwears." she said coversationally. The long limbed girl wiggled her toes. "No shoes though! Edward doesn't like putting her feet in cases!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "I'll help you go shoping for underwears okay sweety...we'll pick out pretty ones. and I like your feet without shoes." She smiled and linked arms with Ed and headed out, "Come on Ten..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward wiggled her toes happily. Shopping for pretty underwears with Ruri, sounded like it would be even more fun then shopping for new computer parts! "Ruri has pretty things. Edward thinks she wouldn't mind clothes like that!" Arm in arm with Ruri, made her feel so proud and happy! She hoped people could see they were 'together'! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil Ten had just pulled up his diapers as Ruri called for him. Looking back, he saw the two, for a change clothed, leaving arm in arm. Girls..normally they would take aeons in the bath..but if you had to finish something important, they seemed to be finished much faster just to make you hurry after them. It figured. Ten slowly learned about girls and their tricks and behaviours....the question was...were these girls around him really good as study objects? Perhaps all crazy girls on the planet decided to meet here today? Sighing, Ten decided to push these thoughts away from him for now..there would be time enough later for such thoughts. Flying after the pair, he wondered how long they would take to loose the clothes again...or how long Ed could take before she would say something mushy again..* Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri patted Ed's hand and smiled as she thought about how happy she was now...they decided to head for the main shooting area to find something to do..."Maybe we should offer to work with the electical systems and such, I'm very skilled there and I know you are...I saw you earlier." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney It was a very releaved Edward that squeezed Ruri's hand. If they were on the tech-crew, Edward wouldn't have to worry about some creapo, future bounty-head, horny-boy trying to stuff his thingy where Edward only wanted Ruri to touch! She stopped her lover in the hall, and kissed her. No reason, Edward just wanted to kiss those lips again. "Edward loves Ruri." she whispered. She spotted Ten-Chan watching them, and plucked the boy right out of the air. "Edward loves Ten-Chan too!" She really did. Edward didn't have to worry about him trying anything! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "I love you too Edward..." She smiled and hugged her a bit and looked around..."Where should we go from here???" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney "King Gnome is probably in his office. Rdward thinks we should go there, and see what he wants us to do." Edward didn't really care where the tiny gnome man was. She just was happy being with Ruri! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten had looked wearily at Ed as she grabbed him and told him that she loved him, fearing that she would try to kiss him like she did with Ruri but luckily she didn't and he relaxed again. You could never be too cautious around these stragne creatures called women...even if they really had nice breasts to cuddle to..well..MOST had them. Ed had rather two wasp-stings than breasts. Almost like a boy actually...* Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri paused, "Well, I'm not sure if we should disturbe him there, he might be busy, tell you what...lets go back to the set and wait for him there. That way, we can relax and talk with the other ladies." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward cuddled Ten-Chan to her chest. "Ok Ruri." she said, as she gave her lover's hand a quick squeeze. "Edward forgot we are Movie Stars now!" Edward had high hopes of doing more 'scenes' with Ruri too. As long as NO boys were involved! She glanced down at Ten, and saw where he was staring. Edward flushed suddenly. The cute little boy had such a look of dissapointment on his face. "Um, Ten-Chan, it's rude to stare at a lady like that." Just days ago, Edward didn't care what people thought about her looks. Now she looked at Pretty Ruri, and felt silly. "Ruri, can you really help Edward look pretty?" Edward didn't want to attract boys, she just wanted to look like somebody lovely Ruri would love to be seen with. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri kissed Ed's cheek, "You already are, but I'll help you buy some pretty close and make sure you look as pretty as you want to." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil *Ten tilted his head at Ed, looking questioningly at her.* "Lady? What Lady..Ten was looking at you, Ed, not a Lady..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward tried to hold her temper. She didn't yell or shout at Ten-chan, but she couldn't stop tears from filling her eyes. "Edward is a lady! Edward IS NOT a boy!" she said, misunderstanding Ten entirely. "Ten-Cahn saw Edward naked! Edward does not have a dangle-down, hanging between her legs!". "Ruri thinks Edward is pretty!" She took a deep breath. "Ruri thinks Edward is pretty, and that's all that matters!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri paused, "It's okay edward...I don't think Ten ment that...I think he ment that you arn't a grown up Lady are young like me...and one day, we will both grow up into very very beautiful Ladies..." She smiled and soothed Ed as she wipped her tears away and kissed her cheek..."It's okay..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward never used to cry like this. She guessed it was all part of being in love with Ruri. "Ok Ruri. Edward will try and stop being such a baby!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "Well, let's make sure ten as a place to stay while we get to work, wouldn't be safe to have him with us with all we have to do." Ruri remebered a spot and lead them to where they could leave Ten in the company of grown ups as they headed off to find something to work on. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward proudly held Ruri's hand as they walked along. She hoped people noticed, and saw that such a pretty girl loved Edward right back! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Shad Devil Ten had tried to shy away from Ed as she started crying...he didn't mean that Ed was a BOY! She certainly didn't look like one...below her hips, that is. But despite the tears Ed had not let loose and therefore Ten had stayed where he had been. He frantically nodded at Ruri's words, though he would have liked to add that Ed didn't ACT like a Lady either...but for once he was wise enough to hold his mouth shut. As Ruri hinted at leaving Ten somewhere he decided to go along with it since he didn't want to stay whith Ed in fear to make her cry for a strange reason again...that girl seemed to be quite sensitive about the strangest things...* Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri made sure to let one of the ladies know that Ten was in the room as she walked off with Ed. She smiled and gave her hand a squeeze, "Okay Edward, lets find something to do for a bit." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward smiled impishly. "Edward knows what Edward and Ruri can do for a bit!" She hugged her lovely friend, and softly kissed her lips. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled and leaned against the wall...her hands sliding slowly down Ed's back to cup her tight, cute little butt as she mmmed into the kiss..."Oh Ed...I want to make you happy all the time..." Ruri whispered as she held her love close to her. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled, "I...I've never had someone love me like you do...and I've never loved anyone like I do you before...I'll always love you matter what...and tonight, you will move in with me and share my home... Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney "Edward used to like being alone. Edward thought she didn't need people at all. Then Edward met Ruri!" Leaning close, Edward gently kissed Ruri's lips. "Edward will gladly share Ruri's home!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri ran her fingers through Ed's hair and smiled, kissing her back gently. "I was alone too, though surronded by people...I needed someone special to fill my life...and I found her in you, my dear Edward." She smiled and caressed Ed's cheek softly..."Lets just be together for a bit...till we are needed." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward felt warm and tingly, when Ruri's fingers touched her cheek. "Yes Ruri." she whispered, as she moved her body against her lovely friend's. "Edward wants to 'be together' with Ruri, too." Boldly, Edward's hands slipped down Ruri's body, until they cuped the girl's bottom. "Edward hopes we're not needed, for a little while at least!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri let out a little gasp as she mmmed and fondled Ed's bottom..."Not for a while...a long while..." She smiled as she kissed Ed passionately, noticing a door, she peeked in, found a dressing room and pulled Ed in with her... Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri pulled Ed to her and kissed her as she slid on hand up under Ed's top, rubbing her nipples, "Yes...I'm going to touch you again...and make you feel as good as we did our first time." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward shivered,as Ruri's hands glided over her warm skin. "Edward will like that." she whispered, as gentle fingers had her nipples growing firm. It may have been a little greedy, but the aroused young tech-wiz kept her hands at her sides. Edward ached to see what Ruri would do, if she offered no resistance! She couldn't stop one thing though. Edward moaned softly, as she buried her face in Ruri's hair. She softly kissed and licked her lover's neck, as Ruri continued to explore her body. Edward felt like she woud melt! No, she would not resist anything! Ruri could do anything she pleased, and Edward would just let her! Edward was giving herself over entirely to Ruri! Lonely Ten Shad Devil Ten hadn't complained when Ruri and Ed had left him alone but on the inside he was a bit miffed...even if they were boring to hang around with, it was definitely better than just sit around and do nothing. Without heeding the surprised exclamation from the woman who Ruri had asked to look for him, he flew out of the room on the search for something to do...there had to be something interesting here.. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri mmmed as ed kissed her neck. she carefull pulled Ed's top off and leaned her against the wall, leaning down to lick around Ed's nipples. then move in to gently suckle then as she slid one hand down to rub ed's pussy through her shorts... Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward felt warm, everywhere Ruri touched her. Her breathing grew more labored, as loving lips closed softly over her swelling nipples. Her hands closed into tight fists. Those fists beat a rapid tempo against the wall, as Ruri's gentle hand slid into her shorts. "Ruri, Edward is a girl." she whispered, as those loving fingers found her warmth. "Edward now knows th-the truth. Edward is a LESBIAN girl. Edward only loves Ruri!" Try as she may, the young tech-wiz couldn't hold herself to being passive! Her hands reached for, and found the soft swell of Ruri's breasts. She moaned, as her fiers began easing Ruri from her clothing. Edward wants to eat Ruri all up! Edward wants to do a number sixty-nine with Ruri! Edward will lick and lick and lick, until Ruri makes nice honey on Edward's tongue!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri moaned softly, everything Ed said was true, she was a Lesbian...she now could face that face...."Ruri is a Lesbian girl who only loved sweet Edward..." She moaned around Ed's nipple as she felt her love begin to caress and undress her...."I want to lick and lick you edward, until you make a sweet honey for me..." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward moaned softly, as her frantic hands struggled to get her pretty Ruri naked. "Edward is so glad! Ruri is lesbian girl too? That means Edward wasn't jst mixed up and wrong!" Lips on her nipple made Edward shiver in delight. "Edward will make honey for Ruri! Edward wants to lick Ruri too!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney It was hard, but Edward danced away from Ruri's fingers. "Edward wants to make honey for Ruri, right now!" Edward had noticed that the empty dressingroom had an old comfy looking sofa. The tech-wiz draped herself over it, in what she hoped was a sexy pose. "Ruri should come 'rest' with Edward." She smiled sweetly. "Edward is waiting for her pretty lover!" She slowly spread her legs. Using skills she only just learned, the girl began to stoke her silky lips. "Edward wants Ruri so bad!" Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri removed what Ed left on her and smiled as she walked over, moving very sexually then crawled onto the couch to kiss her love deeply, rubbing their bodies together..."I love you...soo much my sweet edward..." She smiled, and then moved into a 69 postion so her sex was hovering over Ed's face and Ed's was right were Ruri liked it... Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Ruri's skin felt hot against hers. Edward knew that her lover felt the same thing! Edward was sure that if she didn't fine release soon, her body would just melt away! The slender girl reached up, and cupped Ruri's lovely bottom. She guided her lover, and soon, Edward was giving Ruri that most loving of kisses. A kiss that only two girls could share. Her lips dragged against warm living silk. She thrilled, as her tongue darted forward, encountering the secret taste of her lover's excitment. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri returned the secret lover's kiss with equal passion and love...she caressed Ed's cute bottom and shared all her love as she gently caressed Ed's tender treasure with her loving tounge, circling, seeking out the honey that began to form there. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward felt so sexy, as she licked and was licked. Kissing Ruri down there, was so very warm and exciting! She moaned softly into Ruri's body, as delightful honey made it's way onto her questing tongue. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri moaned soflty, everything Ed did excited her soo...the way she licked her, kissed her touched her...she panted and moaned as she worked her tounge into Ed's treasure, seekign out her honey, loving ever drop she found. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward closed her eyes, moaning softly into her lover's body. She felt Ruri's tongue probe deeper, so she did the same! Taste and scent filled the tech-girl's mind. Edward never drank any hard stuff, but now she suddenly felt almost giddy and drunk. Ruri tasted even more lovely then she looked! Edward's tongue moved faster and faster, trying to taste as much of her lover's sweetness as she could. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri quiverd as Ed began to lick her faster, panting as she struggled to keep still for her love...her hands caressing Ed's kawaii little bottom as she licked and licked and sucked and kissed Ed's treasure, drawing her sweetest of honeys from within her... Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward started to panic! Ruri was gonna make her 'do it'! Edward's tongue went crazy! She had to! She just had to! Edward probed extra deep, then pretty much attacked her pretty lover's clitty! Edward was frantically trying to make Ruri explode, right along with her! Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri could feel her orgasm pushing to escape...she moaned and squealed, tryign to hold outa bit more, wanting to cum with ed...she couldn't take it much longer and cried out as she came, sucking and licking ed to make her cum. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward moaned, trying to hold back as hard as she could! It felt so wonderful! Ruri tasted so good! When her lover cried out between Edward's legs, that was it! Edward cried out with her! The lover's fed off of each other's honey, as their bodies shook and spasmed. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri lapped up the sweeter than honey fluid as she felt Ed do the same, her hands caressing the curve of Ed's bottom as she moaned and gasped, whispering ed's name over and over again. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward understood! All the naughty things she read on the net, finally made sense! It was like heaven! Edward thought her heart would simply stop from fantastic gift Ruri had given her. The young woman's soul flew in joy, as her body trembled and shook. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel It took a while but Ruri had ed in her arms kissing her messy face as she held her tightly..."Lets go to the beach tomorrow so we can get some sun." Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney It felt so safe in Ruri's arms. "Edward likes the beach." she said with a little yawn. She sighed happily, and tasted herself on Ruri's lips. "Ruri made Edward sleepy." she giggled. "Edward doesn't mind though. Ruri can make Edward sleepy any time she wants to!" Edward closed her eyes, and snuggled in Ruri's arms. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower yiffy_angel Ruri smiled as she snuggled with Ed and yawned, "I'm glad...when you move in, we can sleep in my nice warm bed all the time..." she yawned and snuggled ed. Re: Ed, Ruri, and Ten. off to the shower Cuteycindyhoney Edward didn't care where she slept. Usually, she just laid on the floor near where ever she was working, and slept there. A bed with Ruri sounded like heaven though. Edward's face eased into a sweet little smile, as she fell asleep in Ruri's loving arms. [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 11]