CREAM LEMON STUDIO - 5: thread 4 > Compilation by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 4, THREAD 2] SYNOPSIS #3 St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Synopsis 3: DUNGEON SCENE Director: Happosai Cameraman: Mousse Sound editor: Priss Asagiri Actors: All available Some time after the Shower Orgy, the school disciplinarian is giving to everybody a little "sermon" about what is proper and what is not in school ground. Her definition of disciplining, though, involve a dark, vast underground room lit by torches and braseros, lot of ropes, shackles, chains, whips, needles, red-hot irons, crocodile clips and electricity, dildos, ostrich feathers, wooden ponies, racks and many other SM implements and bondage gear. Roles: The DOMINATRIX: Played by AYEKA, she directs her servants into inflicting the varied tortures on their victims, and also takes personally matters in hand for the most interesting sex slaves. Clothes: classically thigh leather corset, long-sleeved gloves, high- heeled boots and of course the whip. The HUNKS: Played by every male members of the cast (save Wataru or Ataru, see below). They stands ready to obey every orders of the mistress - mainly to rape or gangbang at command the designed victims. Clothes: Naked besides the leather masks covering their whole faces, and spiked collars. They're not allowed to take them off. The MAIDS: Played by the newcomers, like LIME and RANMA-CHAN. They follow the dominatrix's every commands with absolute servility, fetching and dispatching the sex toys as requested, preparing the sex slaves for abuse and handling the torture device. Will do anything ordered by their mistresses, and may be punished if they make mistakes. Clothes: Of the maid uniform, they only have the caps, the aprons and the garter hoses. They're also wearing a collar linked to their mistress by a lash. The SEX SLAVES Played by all the cast formerly involved in the Shower Scene (including Wataru and Aisha). They are all tied (in bondage, shackles or torturous device), helpless and ready to be abused. Clothes: None expect if you count the ropes, shackles and other bondage items. [OOC note: I let every one of the actresses give the details about the kind of bondage or torture device used on her. Try to be creative, and to vary the settings: one riding the wooden pony, one hanging from the ceiling, another shackled against a pillar ready to be whipped, yet another tied to a rack... Your choice should depend on your character and her specificities.] The HEROINE: Played by RALLY, she intrudes in the scene not long after the dominatrix's initial speech, intent on liberating the victims from the crazy SM queen. But in the following fight she's overwhelmed by the hunks, and soon joins the others as unwilling sex toy. Clothes: same as before, a hugging leather bodice, soon in tatter. [OOC Reminder: All the whips (and other potentially lethal items) are FAKE. It's a movie, the whipping and torture won't be real, of course. False blood will be added after a whipping, prosthesis will be used over a nipple before piercing it with a needle, the irons aren't really hot but leave an ink mark, etc. Well, unless someone accidentally screws up or voluntarily tries to sabotage the filming... you never know.] Re: SYNOPSIS #3 Cuteycindyhoney Kaori was the first in costume, for the new scene, if you could call it that! The singer stood in the dungeon set, and looked al around. Some of it looked quiet frightening! She took the two steps she was capable of, and sighed. How in the world did she get talked into this? A leather cuff tightly encircled her erect penis. She would stay erect for some time too. The tightness of the leather saw to that! Attached to the leather cuff, was a length of chain. This was affixed to the iron ring in the floor. Kaori walked in a two foot circle, the tug of the chain keeping her on course. If she could, she'd take the stupid thing off! She couldn't though, seeing as how her hands were cuffed tightly behind her back! Re: SYNOPSIS #3 Shad Devil Wataru was NOT amused...he had just finished looking around the room, trying his best NOT to be involved in the strange goings with that young girl and the older woman..and now a strange, flying baby -.- Then, suddenly he was pushed a new script in his hands. His eyes went wide as he read it...he should get himself on a stretching-table (uhh...dunno the correct term) totally NAKED? And with a RIBBON around his penis? That would look TOTALLY ridiculous! No way would he do that...and he told that the guy who gave him the script. But before he could defend himself, the guy nodded and quickly hit him on the head, making him black out. After he woke up again, he was bound on the said table in a scary dungeon-like set...including the Ribbon and without his clothes...this was even worse than being with Mian in the Enemy Fortress.... Ready to shot Austin_S_Dakota Sitting down after moving her audio equipment, Priss took a long smoke break. Re: Ready to shoot (Cinematic Pain) bigkimo2 Spike peered dully at his copy of the synopsis. He wondered, absently, who found this shit erotic. He voiced this question to his comrade-in-arms. "Well, Ed says the sheer amount of fetish porn on the net is astounding, here," Jet said into his earpeice. The green-haired cowboy winced at the knowledge that Radical Edward was aware of this little escapade, too. "Porn-porn!" giggled Ed, just barely audible in the background. Spike winced again and switched off the comm unit before crumpling up his copy of the script and making his way to the dressing rooms. Seeing no one else around, he stripped down and put on his mask, having long since left Aisha and her prey behind. He could deal with her later. Then he realized...what was he going to do with his gun? Shrugging, he tucked it into his blue jacket and put on a conveniently- placed robe, heading towards the shooting. "Yo," he called, approaching the set, "Where do I go?" Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai Cuteycindyhoney "Director Happosai!" Kaori called out. "Could you come over here a second?" The singer had stopped her circular pacing. Not from being tired. Oh no,it wasn't that! She had a very big problem! She was so hard now, because of the leather cuff tightly holding her penis, that she was beginning to ache! "Director? Could, could you undo me for a minute? I, I have to go to the bathroom!" She yelled. She did, too. Kaori had to go to the bathroom, hide in a stall, and masturbate her cock like crazy! If she didn't cum soon, she was gonna go crazy! It didn't help matters that she was beginning to need to pee too. "Somebody! Un hook me!" Kaori was getting really edgy! "Come on! I've been here for an hour already, and the scene didn't start yet!" It was too bad that she didn't realize her growing discomfort was lending just the touch of realism that the tiny director was looking for! "Happosai! LET ME OUT OF THIS THING!" she commanded, as she trembled. Shit! The cuff was so tight, she probably wouldn't even be able to pee through it! Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai Cuteycindyhoney Shinobu struggled weakly against her bonds. She was tied face down to a valting horse, of all things! It was just exactly like the one they used just yesterday in gym class! Shinobu remembered effortlessly bounding onto the springboard, and sailing over the lightly padded wooden platform. Now she was tied over it, arms and legs spread wide! Shinobu trembled, as she stared at the big syringe, the plastic tubing, and the large bucket of warm water. She could see the hermaphrodite girl nearly jumping up and down, complaining about needing to go to the bathroom, and Shinobu sighed. "Oh shut up!" she said softly to herself. Shinobu didn't want to go to the bathroom! She didn't even want to think about it! All she could think of, was the large stainless steel pan waiting under her body. Director Happosai wouldn't dare, would he? Sh knew she promised to do any twisted thing he could think of, but enimas and public peeing had never entered her mind! "Oh Ataru!" she moaned. I hope your happy with me! I'm nothing but a dirty little slut now!" Did Shinobu hear a note of happyness in her voice? Was this how she really wanted to be treated, deep down? Studio D - preparations St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Happosai raises head from the script when hearing Kaori's plead. Quickly he gives orders to the staff. "What are you waiting? Untie her! The shooting hasn't even started, and all the cast has yet to arrive, no need to get anybody uncomfortable before the start!" The crew members swiftly obey the tyrannical director. He then notices Spike and looks up (naturally) with curiosity. He doesn't recognize him, but he can guess that it isn't Tenchi, he's too tall. Nor Ataru in disguise, for that matter, if the sleazy boy dares trying something like that, he'll be in a world of pain. "Er... you just wait in the background until the start of the shooting, then you'll follow Ayeka's instructions..." Reading back the script, the director frowns. "Mmmh... I fear we may be short for the role of the Hunks... Does Nabiki hire you?" (He has no illusion about Ataru hiring any guy.) Re: Studio D - preparations Cuteycindyhoney When the cuff is swiftly removed from her penis, Kaori moans as it swells even larger. "Be back in a moment." she mutters, as she sneaks off to the bathroom. As she hurries away, she spots a girl all tied up on a valting horse. When Ataru leaves her, Kaori slips up behind the bound girl. The singer looked left and right, but nobody was watching her. The girl was staring at the strange and somewhat frightening objects on the floor, so she didn't even notice Kaori was in back of her. Kaori edged closer, and grasped her penis. This was better then jerking off in the bathroom! The tied up girl's bottom was really quite sexy! The hermaphrodite was really just planning on taking a nice long look, then finishing herself off in the quiet of the bathroom stall. The tied up girl looked so sexy though. Kaori's hand was a blur on her cock, as she frantically jerked herself. She couldn't seem to tear herself away! "Oh fuck! T-Too late!" she gasped, as her body trembled. She tried to stop herself, but couldn't! Thick ropes of semen burst forth, and drenched the bound girl's bottom, and most of her back! "Sorry about that!" she gasped, when her breathing slowed. Kaori ran like hell. Hopefully the tiny director didn't see her do that! She ran into the bathroom, getting angry looks from the women already in there. Too late, she remembered her nudity. "I'm a girl!" she shouted, as she loooked from stall to stall. "Damn! I gotta go now!" Kaori rushed to the sink. "Sorry! Emergancy!" She just made it! Ignoring the stares, Kaori begain peeing in the sink! Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai Shad Devil Wataru wasn't happy...he was totally ignored...though at least he wasn't laughed at with that silly Ribbon around his genitals... From his position he couldn't see much either, so it was boring, too. When would that scene finally start...he wanted to get this over with! Re: Bathroom?? What's this??! (Shinobu) Cuteycindyhoney Shinobu moaned. Being tied like this was so embarrassing! She had to go pretty badly now, but was scared to speak up. The thought of the stainless steel basin under her prone body, filled her with dread. What was worse, was the fact that she was growing wetter by the moment! "Could someone help me please?" she asked meekly. Shinobu heard several people talking about special effects. She didn't know what they were talking about. All she knew was that someone spilled something warm thick, and wet on her back and rear end! "Someone needs to clean this paint or whatever off me, before the shoot starts!" she finally called out. Re: Lets do it!!! (Preparations 2) bigkimo2 Unending streams of tears poured down Rio's face. She lay spread-eagled against an old, canvas covered exercise mat, that damn whistle still nestled between her tits. It was really the only thing she was wearing, aside from a blindfold and a ball gag. She had a feeling, however, from what she saw being placed beside her head prior to the blindfold's application, she wouldn't be wearing the gag for very long. She felt the injector sitting against her left thigh and tried to rustle. She was tied to the canvas and mat by...stakes, maybe? "I'd better be getting paid a whole fucking lot for this," she seethed, waiting for the shriveled old pervert to start the scene. Re: Lets do it!!! (Preparations 2) Cuteycindyhoney Shinobu heard crying. She turned her head as far as she could, and could just make out Sensei Rio laid out, and bound. The young girl's heart fluttered. Sensei looked so exotic and sexy, tied up, and with that ball thing in her mouth! Sensei had an injector too! Somehow this made Shinobu feel a bit better. "Sensei Rio? Please don't cry. Look at me. I'm being a good little slut! Maybe they'll let you loose, and you can help me be an even better slut!" Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, if the director let the beautiful Sensei be the one to inject water into her bottom! Re: Ready for action! (Rio) bigkimo2 Rio, meanwhile, was still tied down, and a random whistling noise or two came from her ball gag as she breathed. Hearing Shinobu babble about being good sluts and 'Sensei Rio', she winced a bit. Did she make that girl's mind snap, or what? [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 6, THREAD 1]