CREAM LEMON STUDIO - 5: thread 3 > Compilation by St Fan [CONTINUED FROM EPISODE 4, THREAD 2] Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai FlyingSquirl Kodachi kept watching Ataru groveling and begging for forgivness at her feet as she stood up and brushed herself off. She was going to tell him to stop groveling at her feet, but she had to admit that she really liked it so why would she want it to stop. Still, she needed to read the script, and to do that she needed a chair, and to have a chair she needed Ataru to get her one. "Stop your groveling already, can't you see that I've been standing here for what seems like forever. I NEED to sit down, so I NEED a chair, now why don't you do your job and get me one!" Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai Shad Devil Ataru jumped to his feet at once, saluting to Kodachi before running off to search for a chair.* "Hai! Mistress Kuno-sama!" *Running through several corridors, he finally found a chair that looked kinda comfortable and quickly grabbed it....not taking notice of the script-writer who just sat in there but just letting him fall down on the floor. Before the Writer could understand what just happened, Ataru was on his way back and out of sight. Gasping for air, he returned to Kodachi with the chair, which was more like an office-seat.* "Here, Mistress Kuno-sama, your chair!" Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai FlyingSquirl Kodachi was watching her watch when Ataru comes back into view with the chair. Sitting down she crosses her legs and pats the boy on the head. "Good boy." Opening up the script handed to her, she started to read the thing. Suprisingly, or not so much so depending on how you look at it, she liked the idea of a dominatrix scene, and that the scene Happosai was proposing could actually be done tastefully, she just needed to adjust the camera angles, and some of the characters lines. Taking out a pencil and changing some of the things she hands it back to the script boy. "Make sure all the actors get the revision before the scene starts." She then stands up and starts walking towards the set where the scene will take place. Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai Shad Devil Ataru, having just catched his breath, wasn't exactly thrilled to move already again but since he didn't had a choice...he had to. Taking the chair, he ran after Kodachi until he caught up with her, staying two steps behind her. This was not only the 'proper place to be' but also quite a good place to watch her ass swing in front of him...* Space Cases - Byooki Desu Some things never change, some things do, and some things changes but stays the same way anyway. Ataru would never change, and neither would Lum, not that there was anything wrong with her. Her mother, why was her mother speaking Russian? Why was everybody in space, not counting her mother, speaking japanese? Being an Oni was a full time jobb and as such Lum was very good at what she was doing, whatever she was doing. So, this having nothing to do with anything, Lum and Ten had gone back tho their planet a few days ago, only then Ten had dissapeared, and then the whole reason for going back to her planet at this time had been gone. So.. well she had went back to earth.. and then her darling hadn't been where he used to be.. namly looking uner womens skirts.. or whatever he was doing down there.. Fine things trackers.. it had been a good idea to force her Darling Ataru to swallow it.. -=-O_0--O_O--o_o--O_o--o_O--^_^--^_~--X_X-=- Invisable UFO.. looking down at you -Invisable UFO.. coming back for you -Space cases! nothing is normal--space maze! Nothing is as it should be- I'm lost? Invisable UFO.. who will they beam up next? Invisable UFO.. who have they come for now? -=-O_0--O_O--o_o--O_o--o_O--^_^--^_~--X_X-=- As her UFO, Invisable at the moment appeared above the studio Lum flicked on the screen to watch what her darling was doing ... ((OOC: Stupid song... umm anyway, that thing in the middle was lyrics if you wondered.. and umm yes I know my writting becomes worse each day that passes .. )) Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai FlyingSquirl Kodachi looked around the new set as soon as she arrived in the room. Moving over to a prime location she stood there for a second smiling as she looked at the other people tied in their positions, trying to contain her laugh at the peoples plight. Moving next to Happosais chair, she starts to sit down slowly, fully expecting a chair to appear beneith her as she moves down. Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai Shad Devil Ataru was a bit shocked at the scene-set. Especially with the already bound actors/actresses in several strange positions...boy, was he glad that he wasn't the guy whith the ribbon....or that girl on that horse- thing....wait, wasn't that SHINOBU??? Looking again at the shapely ass, he was absolutely sure that it was Shinobu...and in such a kinky position, too... For a moment he thought about going to her and doing something naughty...but then he saw Happosai nearbye and changed his mind. Then he remembered Kodachi...and his 'job', looking around he saw her descending down over empty air and he guessed that she expected him to put the chair under that bottom of hers. With all of his speed of a leecherous skirt-chaser, he hastened over to her...but stumbled about 50cm behind her, luckily pushing the chair forward with his face which hit it square front on his way down, JUST placing the chair before Kodachi also could fall down, though it wasn't a perfect hit, her butt only being two thirds on the seat. Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai FlyingSquirl Kodachi mumbled a few curses to herself about Ataru as she adjusted herself in the seat, to get her entired butt on the seat. She leaned back and looked over the set, awaiting the scene to start so that she could critique it as it went to make sure the whole thing was up to par. Looking at the chair next to her she looked down at Happosai in his directors chair. "Now, When is this thing going to get started? How long does it take the actors to get ready?" Re: SYNOPSIS #3-Happosai St Fan, Kami of Writer's Block Happy groans in vexation at Kodachi's question. "You really know nothing to this kind of business, so don't ask. Such a scene always takes a long time to be fully prepared, given its complexity and the number of actors." He starts walking away, annoyance written all over his face. What's rattling him the most is that the snobbish girl is right; several actors should already be in place, and everybody is waiting for them. "Now where are the catgirls? And that guy Trunks, he disappeared just after coming in, did he chickened out? And my sweeties Usagi and Ami, where are they?" To that last inquiry, a member of the staff can finally answer him: the teenagers have left the studio after that fiasco in the shower scene. If you can believe the doc, they don't intend to come back. Shaking, Happy look around with disbelief, big tears in the eyes. "What... my pretty blond rabbit and her smart cutie of a friend have left? No... that can't be! What am I going to do without them!" Sniffing and crying, he pulls out two pairs of panties to dry his tears: a pink one with the Playboy bunny logo, and a blue one with a picture of Einstein sticking tongue. (The girls have searched for them everywhere before giving up and leaving without underwear). "Now, all I have left as reminder is you two, my precious..." continues to moans Happy. [TO BE CONTINUED IN EPISODE 6, THREAD 2]