
Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan


Re: *CRASH!* Here comes a new challenger!


Name: Jizen
Age: 14
Nationality: Chinese

Jizen is a fighter from a dojo situated in China. His goal as of now is to find a suitable wife (or wives) to continue the family bloodline and conceive an heir to the dojo, as forced to by his father.


*CRASH!* Here comes a new challenger!


OOC: Okay... I’ve been watching this club for quite some time now, and just when I find an interesting Storyline, I depart away from a computer for about a week. >_<;; Nonetheless, I’d like to join this storyline, and, I’d like to prove myself and meeh’s skills with a lil’ entrance....

A pair of eyes had watched the fight from afar, and grumbled in disgust. The young warrior known as Jizen threw his staff down, as he noticed Ranran seemed to be already “defeated” by this newcomer. He planned to take them both in a fight, but, this was certainly a new twist of events. He thought Amazons were supposed to be defeated by their husbands....

He shook his head, and looked to the path of destruction Linlin had left behind. ‘Oh, well,’ he thought, ‘one Amazon would be good enough for a challenge....’ He picked up his staff off the ground, and followed the trail, until he reached a drenched Linlin.
”Nihao, Amazon!” he said in chinese. “Your wayward sister seems to have been distracted. However, if you choose...” He raised his staff in a direct challenge to her, and swung it to his side. “... I will challenge you to a match!” He took a defensive stance, and locked eyes with Linlin, sending her a VERY arrogant look.

“Now... defend your honor as an Amazon warrior!”

Hopefully, he thought, it would infuriate her enough to start a battle....

Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin was seething in a puddle of water, thinking about all the nasty things she’d do to her sister and her pseudo-husband once she’d have caught them. Then, that other boy challenged her.

Standing up, she cast him a smoldering glare that would scare even an enraged tiger. The heat emitted by her angered aura was enough to instantly dry her clothes and hair.

Inwardly, she was in truth very glad to see him. Because at that very instant, Linlin was really in need of someone to hurt. And even better, someone who spoke Chinese, so she could tell in great detail what she was going to do to the fool.

“<You couldn’t have come at a better time, arrogant one. An Amazon warrior is always ready to answer a challenge.>” she said in Chinese with a disturbingly cold voice. “<Now, tell me... how would you like your DEATH? Dismemberment? Skull exploding? Massive internal hemorrhages?>” She took her bamboo staff in a stronger grip, grinning in a shark-like manner. “<No, finally I think I’m more in the mood for EMASCULATION!>”

OOC: Did your character have that death wish for long? Because Linlin is deeply, utterly pissed right now. °_°;

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He could only smile as this Amazon seemed to be more than enraged in her current state. She must have been incredibly infuriated, he thought.... “<It is good to see that you’re prepared for a good fight, warrior. But first, I must ask you what your name is. It is one of my customs before engaging in an opponent.>”

He dropped his stance, and leaned on his staff, looking at her with curiosity. He first had to clear something up...

“<Why DID your sister run off with that weak opponent? Surely it isn’t because of his kind heart... I thought Amazon warriors don’t care for that sort of thing. What about you? Do you have a soft spot for kindness?>”

He stifled a yawn. “<What is emasculation, anyways?>”

OOC: No, not really. o.o

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin was seething. Her opponent wasn’t even taking her menaces seriously. And he was making fun of her sister and of her, not to mention of all Amazon warriors!

“<Your are offending me and all my Nyuchezū sisters by your careless words!>” she growls while taking an offensive posture.

“<My name is Ling-Ling Linlin! I don’t need to know yours; it will only be of use for those who’ll bury you! And if you’re ignorant enough to not know about emasculation, I’ll be glad to show you!!!>”

With a yell, she ferociously launched her first attack.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


“<My name, my dear, is Jizen... all you’ll ever need to know. It’s a tradition of mine to not fight without proper introductions.>” He took a split second to analyze and study his opponent, and noticed a small opening, which he decided to take.

“<You seem very strong, but not very bright at combat, lovely. First rule: NEVER let your emotions control you in battle!>”

And he took up his staff, quickly jabbing it forward into the ground in front of Linlin’s foot. It scattered dust into the air from the impact, and he used the precious seconds to swing his staff to the left, hooking Linlin’s foot and pulling it out behind her!

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

In her blind rage, Linlin was completely taken aback by the low blow, and lost balance. Her natural agility saved her from falling flat on her face, though. Rolling and tumbling, she came back to her feet and stood again, sending a murdering glare to Jizen.

Still, she hadn’t calmed down, far from it. Burning with anger, she charged again, dead set on teaching the arrogant boy a lesson, aiming a destructive swing of her bamboo toward his head.

“<I’ll kill you!>”

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He grinned, noticing yet another opening in his lovely opponent’s attack. He quickly ducked his head, and swung his staff in contact with her unprotected stomach!

He kept going with the inertia of the blow, and lept forward underneath her arm, and turned, posing rather flashily as he returned to a normal standing position.

“<Heh... Lin-Chan, rule number two. Never leave an opening. You’ll have calm down, you know. Otherwise, you won’t be performing at your best.>” He walked forward, touching her cheek in a rather romantic way (or it would be, in much different circumstances). “<And I wouldn’t want to hurt such a beautiful girl.>”

He quickly lept back, putting some distance between himself and her.... He figured that gesture would pretty much infuriate her even more so than she already was.

He grinned once more.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin’s breath was forcefully expulsed from her lungs by the blow. Stunned, she didn’t react when the boy caressed her cheek and complimented her. When she got back her wind and stepped away, her cheeks were burning and confusion swam in her eyes.

‘He called me Lin-chan! And beautiful! What is he trying to do? Embarass me to death?’

Still, the pain of the blow had the benefit of clearing her mind from the imprudent rage. Understanding better his strategy, she forced herself to calm down, not listening to his teasing.

“<You want an Nyuchezū warrior at the best of her fighting? All right, you’ll have it. Don’t come complaining later when you’ll meet your ancestors.>” she announced in a cold voice.

This time, she approached him cautiously, staff in a guarding position, ready to counter his attacks and analyzing carefully his fighting stance.

In the meantime, any thoughts that the boy could be handsome or charming in a roguish way were thrown in the deepest cell of her mind.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He only chuckled, giving her a friendly smile.

“<Good, that’s what I was hoping for. Lessons are over, love....>”

He quickly raised his staff above him, and held it pointed at Linlin. His left hand supported it as he tilted at a slight angle towards the ground. His left leg was straight, while his right was bent.

“<Odd stance, isn’t it?>” he nonchalantly commented.

And then, he bounded toward Linlin, jabbing the staff’s end at any opening (or any possible opening) repeatedly, never in the same place twice in a row. Each blow came to her like lightning; they were just as powerful and twice as fast.

“<After this fight, I would love to take you out to dinner... or perhaps, maybe a movie, my dear?>” he said throughout all this. “<Why, you may ask? Well, I am rather captivated by your fighting skills... but I must admit, they are closely rivaled by your beauty... which are the best traits found in a Nyuchezū warrior, aren’t they?>”

It seemed like as if he was taking this whole fight lightly....

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin was hard pressed by the rain of lightning-fast blows. She parried and ducked at the best of her capacity, but she had to concede that the arrogant boy was much better than she had expected.

The worst, though, was his non-stop speech. Linlin was wondering if it wasn’t another special technique: boring the opponent into submission with hollow words.

“<You speak too much. You’d better keep your breath for fighting.>” she said flatly while swinging her own weapon during a very small relapse he was giving her. She had no real hope to reach him, however; the attack was merely to give her a little pace for the next move.

Backpedaling at high speed, she struck a mighty blow... to the base of a concrete telephone post, which crumbled instantly and started to fall in Jizen’s direction....

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


“<No, thank you, love. I would like to get to know you better, however. That’s why I’m talking....>”

He lept back, and stayed standing as he watched her with what seemed to be a longing look. One would say that he seemed infatuated, but, that thought would be not be pursued any longer as the telephone pole began decending toward him.

He looked up, and grasped his staff at both ends. There was a silent click as he pulled his staff apart, revealing two blades, the staff ends serving as hilts. He quickly delievered two slashes, horizontal and vertical.

The pole fell apart, neatly cut into four sides with him in the middle of it all. He quickly sheathed his blades, clicking them together.

“<Lin-chan, I don’t want to waste time. I won’t hold back if you don’t.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

‘I hate him!’ Linlin flatly concluded in her head. Crushing her opponents under trees, poles or walls was one of her favorite way to end a fight. Older Amazon warriors would have disapproved, judging childish the urge of the young to cause a maximum of property damage just to kill an enemy. But Linlin was hardly an experienced fighter, and childishness was to be expected from a twelve-years old. The rush of power she felt when using her ki-enhanced strength to destroy everything around was simply addictive. But the way-too-much-skilled boy was ruining her fun.

‘Damn you, Ranran! If we were together, we could have take of him easily....’

The fact that Jizen had drawn swords should worry her, but she saw this as an opportunity to regain the advantage.

‘He’s very good with weapons... let’s see what he can do without....’

Smirking, she jumped behind a parked car, shouting “<You’re good at showing off, but try to avoid that!!!>” Another of her insanely powerful blow struck the car... the tires leaving the ground, and the heavy vehicle rolling toward the boy in a series of somersaults.

Like Linlin expected, he cleanly cut the deadly projectile in two with his swords... which cleared the way for her, as she was running at high speed right behind, and she was upon him in the blink of a eye. Linlin’s attack was simply too swift to let him any chance of ducking, so he raised his arms in parry, like she fervently hoped. What the boy didn’t know was that the swirling strike from her bamboo staff (made unbreakable by the ki she was pouring into it), each tip aimed to hit one of his swords simultaneously, carried enough power to crush one of the pillar of Tokyo Tower. Unless his blades were made of something as strong as adamantium, they’d shatter like glass.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


His blades were made of simple metal, forged by his ancestors long before he was born. However, his strength did not lie within his weapon. He knew how to manipulate his ki and channel it into his weapons, enabling him to cut through the debris.

He blocked her attack, and elbowed her gut. Using her recovery time to his advantage, he swept her feet from under her, taking her off the ground. He raised his staff, and swung down onto her, slamming her down into the ground.

“<... I’m not the only one who knows how to use their ki. This was good enough for a warm-up.>” He took his staff, and quickly slammed it into ground. He leaned against it, and looked at her.

“<Fist versus fist. If I win, I get your hand in marriage, as stated by Amazon law. If you win...>” He cracked his knuckles. “<... well, we’re just going to find out, aren’t we?>”

He took a defensive stance, without his staff. It was the first time he looked serious about this.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin cursed. The boy was far more skilled that she thought possible for a non-Amazon. When he proposed to fight bare-handed, though, her smirk came back. Time for a demonstration of Nyuchezū Wushu.

“<Very well. I’ll discard my staff, so.>”

Saying so, she threw her bamboo staff to the side... where it rebounded on a mailbox, and flew toward Jizen. The boy instinctively threw his head back to avoid the projectile, but Linlin took profit of his distraction... to nail him with a good flying kick full in the face!

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


The kick caught him off balance, and he fell backward. He used his momentum to carry him back, and he lifted his legs up to strike back with two kicks to Linlin’s back!

He caught himself with his hands, and stood back up, waiting for the next move.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin was surprised, not so much by the pain, since the off-balance kicks weren’t that strong, but by the simple fact that he managed to nail her, apparently by mere reflex, immediately after receiving a hit that could have knocked down a bull. It wouldn’t do at all if he landed two hits for every one of her.

The very second Jizen was back on his feet, Linlin was attacking in a flurry of hands strikes and legs swipes, not letting him any time to catch his breath. The boy parried every attacks with equally speedy movements, except for one open-palm blow which reached his chin....

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


Meanwhile, Jizen inwardly smiled as Linlin was giving it her all. He was very amazed to see the fighting strength of the Amazon warriors, and the thought that he was fighting one fueled his spirit even more. With each blow and swipe, his ki grew slowly, until he could at least match Linlin’s ki-enhanced strength. At that point, he just noticed a blow heading towards him...

... and it snapped his head back painfully! However, he used the momentum once again to slide underneath Linlin between her legs. He quickly kicked the back of Linlin’s knee, causing her to reel back, and traveled upwards to deliver a powerful elbow strike to the back of Linlin’s unprotected head.

He handsprung off a few feet away to gain some distance, and wait for the next move once more.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin fell on her knees, hands rubbing her injured head, moaning.

Slowly bearing back her gaze on Jizen... the boy could see that her eyes were full of tears.

“<THAT HURT! Why... why are you so MEEEEEAAAAANNNNN????

Linlin yelled painfully (for everyone else’s ears) while two streams of unending tears flowed from her eyes.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He took a step, and then stopped himself. As much as he wanted to go over and help her, he couldn’t. He had a really good feeling that it could be a ruse to lure him close in and unprotected. He sighed, looking away....

“<I’m sorry, Lin-Chan. But, this is a duel. I’m taking this very seriously.>”

He turned his head, watching her.

“<Now, would you like to admit defeat now? Or, would you like to continue?>” He folded his arms. “<It’d be in your best interest not to. I wouldn’t want to hurt you any longer.>”

His eyes closed, not wanting to see her in such a state any longer.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

The very second Jizen closed his eyes, Linlin was on her feet. He heard the whistling of the air as she rocketed toward him, but too late to avoid the fist that met his cheek, hard. The boy reeled backward but immediately got back his balance to protect himself against the flurry of furious attacks that followed.

“<Can’t stand to see a girl crying, hu? All boys are such suckers!>” she said, grinning.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He was stunned for a moment, but expected such a maneuver. He feigned losing balance to cause Linlin to charge in, and make it look like he was struggling to block the oncoming attacks.

After a few moves, however, he started up his old rhythm of matching each of Linlin’s blows, until he used Linlin’s same exact move to parry hers. Few minutes later, he grabbed her hands, and delivered a powerful knee to Linlin’s gut, and whispered in her ear.

“<No. I just can’t stand to see you cry!>” At the word ‘cry’, he thrust his knee again into her gut and lept forward, putting some distance between the two.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin had her breath stolen for a while by the double blow, as tears — this time for real — flowed in her eyes. She had never met a boy of that age that could fight so well, and it infuriated her to no end. That some adult male Amazon could be better, she could understand, but a foreigner maybe two years older, that was just unthinkable.

“<If he don’t like seeing me cry... why the hell is he hitting so hard!>” she muttered for herself.

She resumed the fight, trying to behead Jizen with powerful leg swipes. But she was beginning to tire, and her strikes were not as swift as before....

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He dodged the swipes, and started to notice that the blows seemed to come slower, therefore making his job easier. He continued to keep up his ruse, making it look like it took a great amount of effort for him to block her attacks.

After a few minutes, and Linlin’s energy getting very low, he grabbed her leg and pushed it, causing her to spin around. He caught her, bowing her to the ground like a mock dance, and spun her away, smiling.

“<If I may speak, don’t you think that some fights could be continued like dancing? Graceful steps and spins... they resemble each other so much.>” He bowed, and assumed a stance unlike Linlin had ever seem before.

It looked like as if he was ready to dance a waltz. Or something of the sort.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin felt her head spinning and her eyes were on the verge of turning into spirals.

‘He’s... He’s just toying with me!!’

She’s about to burst into tears again — this time for real — when her foggy mind suddenly realized that the boy may have made a fatal mistake by stepping so close to her.

Her grimacing face turned into a smirk. “<You’re forgetting something, Jizen. In Nyuchezū society, it’s the woman who’s supposed to lead the dance....>”

Strengthening her grip on him, she used her one free leg as support to start spinning around it. Faster. And faster. And even faster. Soon, the Amazon and her ‘cavalier’ were turning into a blurring top, with only the color scheme of Linlin’s hair and clothes recognizable.


When Linlin released her hold on Jizen, the disoriented boy was violently ejected by the centrifugal force, and flew into a wall, where his body ended deeply embedded in the stone.

Linlin slowly stopped spinning, though her eyes were still rolling in their sockets a moment after. She fought to keep her balance on shaky legs. This attack may have been successful, but performing it had drained her last ounce of strength. Turning toward her opponent, she prayed in her head: ‘Please stay down. Please stay down....’

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


Jizen, on the other hand, was smiling inwardly. It was good to see that this technique was powerful. He could feel inside that it probably could have broken a rib, had he dropped the defensive barrier he kept around himself. Opening his eyes, he flexed, breaking the stone around him. He grinned, and wiped the sweat from his chin... what?

Blood. It seemed that attack did more than he thought, and he smiled. He looked to Linlin, and assumed a stance.

“<That was a nice technique, Lin-Chan. Get ready.... I’m coming!>” The very air around his body began to resonate around him as his ki began to grow... and he broke out into a run towards her.


He lept upward, and he swiped upward at Linlin, his foot causing a rippling in the air as he flipped backward. It came at such power and speed that a wave of force barreled into Linlin.

He landed, and waited....

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin scowled in a mix of horror and astonishment. It seemed that her opponent was of the worst possible kind: the battle-happy type.

In other words: the harder the fight was getting, the happier he was....

‘Or maybe he’s just enjoying pain...’ Linlin added inwardly.

Too tired to put much resistance any longer, she chose the safest path. Falling on her knees, she started: “<I yel...>” exactly at the same time Jizen was releasing the Crescent Slash Kick.

‘Oh boy...’ she thought a fraction of second before the impact, ‘That’s gonna hurt.’

OOC: A towering American man in soldier attire, with spiky blond hairs, tapped on Ryan Tamashi’s shoulder to get his attention. “You know, punk,” Colonel Guile said, “you owe me a whole load of royalties for this infringement in martial attacks’ name copyright....”

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He looked up, and noticed her dropping to her knees. He blinked, and heard something.... After finishing the vertical move, he threw a right punch, launching a circle of energy as well. The two combined, and bowled over Linlin.

Thankfully, the second burst threw the first off balance, making it glance off her side. Otherwise, it would have continued to carry her into a nearby car, which would continue to move until it hit a concrete wall, leaving a large crater.

However, the attack still struck Linlin pretty good, and he wondered how badly she was hurt....

OOC: He looked at the person, and raised an eyebrow. “Hey, ‘infringement’? First off, you’re not even real, and secondly, your attack is named differently. Goodbye.” u_u

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin was thrown on the ground by the sideway blow. It didn’t hurt as much as she expected, but still it had badly shaken her.

Her mind twirling, she was cursing Ranran for not being with her at such a critic moment. One fire-breathing dragon attack would have easily put the boy at his proper place. Or if she had learned the advanced techniques, like the Kash&363; Tenshin Amaguriken, or the Hi Ryū Shōten Ha.

Standing up on staggering legs, she cast a last angry glare at Jizen. “<You... just got lucky.>” she told him with utter seriousness.

After this ultimate bravado, she fell bonelessly on her back, unconscious.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He sighed, and ran over to Linlin’s side. It seemed he won. So, he had to do what any other person would do....

He walked over, and picked up his staff and Linlin’s. After that, he went over to Linlin and lifted her up, being careful not to hurt her, and took her to his room that he rented while he was here.

Lying her down on the bed, he sweatdropped. This part would get a bit hard... but, he took a deep breath, and steeled himself. Biting his lip, he quickly and professionally undressed her. Turning to his pack, he took out some bandages and wrapped up any spots where he sensed some damage. After that was done, he grabbed a pair of PJs and dressed her, pulling the covers over her.

He sighed, and started a pot of tea.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin woke up with a start. She was aching all over, but nothing too serious. Looking around, she could tell that she was in some bedroom she had never seen before. And looking down, she noticed that she wasn’t wearing her usual outfit, but a boy’s PJs.

‘Wait a sec... if I’m wearing this, that mean....’

Jizen, his danger sense ringing like mad, took an instinctive step away from the stove a fraction of second before a bamboo impacted on it and reduced it to rubble.

“<YOU SLIME! How dare you undress me a take advantage of me while I was unconscious...>” the enraged Amazon yelled, staff ready to crush the lecherous boy into a greasy spot.

Then, Linlin suddenly realized her situation, and stopped. ‘Unconscious...? But that would mean... he has beaten me... oh shit!’

Unlike with her airhead of a sister, who had essentially knocked herself out, Linlin couldn’t see any way to question the outcome of the fight... there had been a formal challenge, and the boy had incontestably proven he was a better fighter. Okay, she had still the option of denying anything happened, and there hadn’t been any witness beside Jizen, but that would be quite a dishonorable move for a Joketsuzoku warrior.

The pink-haired girl sweatdropped, hid her staff behind her back, and stammered: “<Er... sorry.>”

Then, thinking that this would need her a little while to get used to, she added uncertainly “Wo Da Airen?”

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


He sighed, looking to the broken stove. He was glad that he had already poured two cups of tea for himself and Linlin. He only sighed once more, as he was on the other end of an angry tirade. He raised his eyebrow as he heard the words “Wo Da Airen”.

Shrugging, he walked past her, patting her on the shoulder as he came by. “<It’s alright. And please... call me something else.>”

He gave her a quick kiss, and sat down in a new chair...

“<Lin-Chan.>” He grinned, and closed his eyes.

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin scowled at the kiss, since it reminded her of one little bit of formality.

‘Oh yeah... the Kiss of Life... almost forgot about that. I hope I won’t puke....’

Tentatively, she got closer to Jizen and said a very unconvincing “Ahum... wo ai ni...” while bringing her trembling lips toward his....

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


Jizen grinned and put his two fingers onto Linlin’s lips, stopping her from getting any further.

“<Now, it’s better if you do something that you mean... forget formalities.>”

He chuckled, walking to bathroom to change into some good sleeping clothes. He planned to sleep on the floor so Linlin would get the bed. He wasn’t exactly sure Linlin was pretty friendly with him just yet, so he decided to give her her space for the time being.

Peeking his head out of the bathroom, he looked to Linlin. “<If you want, you can have the bed. I’ll just sleep on the floor.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin was a little startled that he stopped her from kissing him. She had expected Jizen to act like any perverted boy and jump on the opportunity. She was thinking about what this meant.

‘He refused the Kiss of Life... then, there is no marriage promise! I can just leave him here....’

But then she frowned, a little ashamed of herself. Since her defeat, all she tried to do was weasel her way out of the engagement. It was not fair for Jizen. He’d challenged her at a very bad time, while she was mad about Ranran, and she’d lashed all her aggression toward him – the closest scapegoat.

She wondered a bit about her Airen. He might seem arrogant, which was not the best thing for a Joketsuzoku husband, but he was also an excellent fighter from what she had seen – something the elders would approve, especially her great-grandmother....

Linlin smirked, imagining an old crone of a woman rubbing Jizen’s face against the dirt under her gnarled staff.

‘Yes... she will be *very* pleased to meet him....’

Closing the gap between her and the boy, she hugged him closely.

“<It doesn’t matter if I mean it. It’s Joketsuzoku law....>”

Re: Amazons on the Town – Linlin


Sighing, he hugged her gently back. She was pretty, and she was a very skilled fighter, but...

“<I see...>”

He quietly rolled out his bedroll, and lay down. He yawned, looking up on the ceiling.

“<Good night, Lin-chan.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

A vein pulsed on Linlin’s forehead. This stupid boy was ignoring her, just when she was about to perform the most important ritual in the life of a Nyuchezū....

Gripping the sides of the bedroll, she swiftly pulled it, roughly tossing Jizen on the ground. She then straddled the stunned boy and sat on his stomach.

“<Now, listen to me, you! First, you asked me to not call you Airen, but you’re still using that irritating, stupid Japanese-sounding nickname for me. My name is not Lin-chan! Second, you’re not the one who decide whether you sleep on the ground or not. In Amazon marriage, it’s the wife who tell the husband what he can and cannot do, get it? And third, after challenging and defeating a Nyuchezū in battle, you’re certainly not supposed to be ignoring her and go to sleep! No, we’re supposed to do something else entirely....>”

At this point, she blushed, suddenly self-conscious from her position and from what she was saying. “<Er... don’t take this the wrong way....>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He sweatdropped, being flung onto the ground. He blinked, and the next second, he felt a weight upon his stomach.

He sighed, and simply looked at her with an exasperated look. After she was done, he decided to turn the tables.

He flipped her off of him, neatly onto the bed. He straddled her this time, and sat on HER stomach.

“<You’d better listen as well! First, if you didn’t like me calling you that, you should have told me in the first place! Second, I OFFERED YOU the bed, okay? I am NOT going to be some submissive husband, so you can FORGET it, alright? And THIRD, I’m tired, and you’re pretty beaten up because our duel! If we TRIED anything, you think this>”, he poked her bruised thigh just hard enough to remind her that it was still a bit sore, “<would get better? HUH?>”

By this time, he was practically in her face, his hand propping himself up while his face was within an inch of hers. He was sleepy, and obviously tired of Linlin’s bitching. That combination alone made him lose his patience.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin gulped. She certainly hadn’t expected that; this was not the way she envisioned an Airen would act. She was confused, and still seriously upset about Jizen, but couldn’t find any fault in his reasoning – especially the part about her being quite sore from the fight.

And besides... she had felt some weird fluttering in her stomach when he flipped her over... a strange feeling that made her blush as he pinned her on the bed. But that couldn’t be; an Amazon girl could not have any interest in an assertive husband, could she? And certainly not one that would dominate her....

Violently murdering that trail of thought, Linlin crossed arms and showed a prideful face. “<Fine, be that way. Not that I care, it’s not like I would have chosen you as Airen now or in a thousand years.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


Jizen narrowed his eyes. He was now in the state of frustration with her. Maybe his father SHOULD have told him how he met his mother... that way he could know how to act. Sighing, he moved to lie on top of her, just for annoyance. His leg moved to support his weight, being mindful of her bruises, and he grinned, their faces still close together.

“<Oh... really? Are you just saying that because you could defeat me...?>” He gave her a soft kiss, letting it linger... for reasons he couldn’t understand. Chuckling, he rolled off of her, laying down on his back, staring upwards.

“<If you want, I could just not claim you as my wife, and you could go back to your clan. But, that would be shameful, wouldn’t it...? Being defeated... and then refused by a male outsider....>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin hoped that the boy hadn’t noticed the terrible blush creeping to her cheeks after he kissed her. Scowling, she was very tempted to crush his face under her fist, but calmed herself. This was not the way an Amazon warrior got her husband back into line.

“<I’m a Joketsuzoku, and I always respect the rules of my clan!>” she snarled. “<A male outsider has no right to refuse a wife he defeated. He just has to marry her. If you refuse me, I’ll have to chase you to the end of the Earth, nothing less.>”

Yes, only feebleminded Amazon warriors used violence on their husbands. There were much more efficient methods – like the Hohoemi Sannen Goroshi, or Smiling Three-Years Death. Linlin was wondering if it would be a good way to start a marriage.

“<I thought you said I can have the bed tonight.>” she added, smirking, before giving Jizen a good push and sending him on the floor. “<Good night, Airen.>” she concluded, pulling the covers over her.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


Jizen was wandering the streets, the night long ago started and the moon shining on high. He was been wandering by himself for a day. He had decided to test his “wife”’s adherence to her Joketsuzoku principes (not to mention enjoy semi-single life while he could), and train himself to become stronger. He played back the thoughts in his head.

He fell over, catching himself before falling flat on his face. Getting up, he chuckled, and went onto his back. “Good night, my love....” A few hours later, he got up, and started writing... after he was done, he had set the letter upon the dresser. His clothes already packed in a simple back, he strapped it on, and gave Linlin a kiss upon her forehead... and promptly lept out the window.

He sighed, smiling softly. He hadn’t paid for the room, and expected Linlin to be fuming mad when they met up. There had been some close scrapes where Linlin had almost found him, but he was always a step ahead. Seriously, however, he missed her presence. In his mind, he could see her artfully attack, staff or no staff. Those powerful punches and kicks, each blow causing her slightly tousled hair to frame her face, giving her that kawaii look....

Egh. He sweatdropped, and thought of the one downsides of his small act. It had left him with quite a lot of... pent-up energy. However, he had stayed abstinent, running from coming advances. He made up his mind to keep him from taking those chances. He sighed, and continued onward, thinking of his love...

When a random and amazingly kawaii town girl had wrapped her arms around him, oddly strong enough to keep him from escaping. “He-hey! Get offa me, now!”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<You really thought you could escape me?>” a playful voice whispered in Chinese in Jizen’s ear.

Surprised, he turned head to watch her more closely... and his eyes bulged. Jizen could recognize Linlin the Amazon, but her attire and her hair were quite different than before. Blinking, the boy was trying to digest her change of look.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


His eyes bulged, seeing a good glimpse of this girl. Her kawaiiness lighted off multiple sparks in his mind that screamed instant attraction and love and first sight... almost like Linlin did. But, the voice revealed who she was....

“<... What... what... what in the hell?>” He sweatdroped, realizing who it was. He stared for about a few good seconds, before ignoring his inner voice, and turned around, sweeping her up into his arms. He kissed her, and kissed her deeply, the few hours separated added with the increased effect of Linlin actually looking and dressing feminine (more so).

Unfortunately, his inner voice kicked his heart into submission, screaming the fact that this was LINLIN here. The thought crossed his mind, and he broke the kiss, caressing her cheek softly before putting some distance between them. No doubt Linlin had some sort of punishment in store for his departure.

“<So... decided to follow me up on my little test?>” He assumed a family-taught stance... he was standing there, with his hands in his pockets.

“<By the way... may I say that you look extremely beautiful. And I mean that in the most sincere way, my love.>” He smiled softly... a small sliver of mischeivousness within his smile.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Jizen would never know that his sudden sweeping of Linlin in his arms had spared him of the “greeting supplex” – a special move that Joketsuzoku women reserves to their husband when they’ve spent the night away from home. (Some Amazons calls it foreplay, but it isn’t a widespread opinion.)

It was the turn of Linlin’s eyes to bulge as he was kissing her. She couldn’t believe it! She tried several times yesterday to give him the Kiss of Marriage without success, and now he was the one who’s giving it to her! She felt incensed, humiliated, she felt good, her head spinning...

Hu? Where was that coming from?

Blushing, and infuriated with herself that she has given so much into the kiss and enjoyed it, she was about do deck the arrogant boy a good one to finally teach him who was the boss here...

...when he complimented her about her look.

“<Aiyah? You... you really think so?>” she asked, self-consciously fingering the dress she was wearing.

Of course, she wasn’t going to tell him she had to buy new clothes and change hairdo to avoid the many policemen searching for the “Crazy Chinese Chick” who’d caused millions of yen of property damage....

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


“<Of course you do. I mean... wow.>” He chuckled, grinning. “<Why’d you change, anyways? Are you just trying to disguise yourself from me, or...>” He took a few seconds to consider another option. He did notice some policemen around the battle scene of last night...

“<... are you just trying to avoid the law?>” He folded his arms, looking her over once more... he couldn’t help it. “<Yes.. you look stunning...>” he mumbled. “<Is this the first time you’ve worn a dress?>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin started to blush; along with her attire, this only made her look cuter. She turned her head on the side to hide the rosy line above her nose.

“<That’s... that’s none of your business...>” she stammered. Hard to tell which question she was answering; probably both.

Back to her usual self, she grabbed Jizen by the front of his clothes and lowered the boy to talk to him face to face.

“<Now, you explain! What taken you to leave me alone like that last night? I’ve been woken up by some weird man that was yelling stupid things about money. He was bothering me so much that I clobbered him and threw him out by the window!>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


Jizen remained still as she grabbed him and lowered his face down to her level. He only grinned as she was talking, and when she was done, raised his hands in and an X between her wrists, and quickly pushed them apart, breaking her grip. He then took her hands, spinnng her around until her back was to him, and held her close, his arms around her waist. Their hands were weaved together... and all this was done in less than five seconds.

He lowered his head, and whispered in her ear... “<I was simply seeing if you did love me or not. Then again, you could be still thinking your custom....>” He kissed her below the ear, on the cheekbone, and settled his head on her shoulder, holding her closely in a loving embrace.

“<But, I must say this, Linlin... I do love you.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin’s first reaction was to seeth in rage as the arrogant boy turned her around in a reversed hug. She was about to plant her elbow in his stomach and twist his arms in a knot then choke him in a death-hold...

But she hesitated a bit when he said he wanted to test her feelings... or her loyalty to Amazon customs.

“<You know nothing of our customs...>” she started, but she was cut short as he began necking her.

“<Stop that!>” she ordered in a much more shaky voice. She was glad to be facing away from him. Where the hell did this blush came from?

Finally, when he said he loved her, she froze. “<You... you can’t be serious! You don’t know me at all!>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


Jizen chuckled, and smiled. “<You really don’t remember, do you?>” He sighed, and hugged her tightly before spinning her around. He let go, and walked away a few steps. It looked like as if he were about to leave, but then he stopped, and turned.

“<Did you hear about the Amazon warrior who left the village with a man that defeated her?>” He paused, waiting for it to sink in. He continued:

“<Well, do you remember a few years back when that warrior came back to the village to visit? She brought her young son with her. During their stay, her young son met up with a young Amazon a few years younger than he. These two didn’t get along, and they bickered until they fought each other in a duel. Unfortunately, the duel was interrupted by unforseen complications, but... do you remember that, Linlin?>”

He chuckled. “<Well, you should, Linlin, because that young girl was you.>” He turned his back. “<Do you remember who the young boy was...?>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<WHAT?! You were that dirty, snotty brat!!>”

She snarled at him from just under his nose. “<I should have guessed! You’re just as arrogant and full of yourself than back then!>”

Memories were flooding back, of how much she had enjoyed talking with and fighting a boy with a spine – something she hadn’t knew even existed before encountering Jizen, used as she was to the unassertive Amazon boys. A slight blush came to her nose, and she turned around to hide it.

‘Wait a sec...’ she thought, ‘that changes everything.’

Still not facing him, she said “Well... I guess since you lived away from the village for so long, you don’t know that well all our laws....”

She started to step away from the boy, hands behind her back in a casual (and surprisingly feminine) stance.

“<Since your mother was a Nyuchezū, you don’t stand as a ‘foreigner’ for our laws. The law of marriage by defeat only applies to foreigner men – to bring new blood to the Joketsuzoku. It’s not automatic if the boy is a member of the tribe. It depends on the girl’s good will.>”

Her head turned a little, so that Jizen could see a part of her cute face, an eye winking at him. “<In other words, you’ll have to woo me....>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He listened, and took everything in. It was a bit of a shock that he forgot about this, but it wasn’t visible on his face. He grinned slightly, and ran past her, grabbing her hand. “<Alright then!>”

He ran off towards the park, stopping at a bench, overlooking the lake. The moon was full, its image shimmering a wavering along the water’s surface. He sat down and looked up at Linlin, who seemed angry for the sudden change of scenery.

“<... I’m sorry about the abrupt change, but I think it was better for us to go somewhere more quiet, don’t you think?>” He blinked, hearing another insulting response of Linlin, but he didn’t pay heed.

“<Well... I guess it would be better if we caught up of what happened. I’ll start.>” He sighed and begun...

“<I could remember the first time I met you. You were resting, presumably from training. That’s when I walked up to you and said hi, remember? Of course, back then you were...>” He chuckled slightly. “<... more friendly back then, so you said hello back. We talked about you, myself, your sister, our mothers, and how strong they were. And that’s when the argument started.>” He smiled as he began to recall his memories. They seemed to get clearer and clearer in his mind.

“<Well, I said that my mother was one of the strongest in the village. Of course, you said that your mother was stronger. It got so bad that we got into a duel over it. Kids.>” He shook his head, laughing once more. “<Well, from what I remember we were evenly matched. But we weren’t able to finish. My mother was leaving, and I had to go. I never forgot what you said when I left. ‘Come back here, you stupid coward of a boy!’>” He imitated her voice as best he could, and covered his mouth, grinning like a fool.

“<Anyways, after that, I was intent on defeating you. I had to protect my family’s honor, so I trained my best, everyday. I surprised my parents, to say the least. Finally, I was old enough and ready to come and beat you. Before I left, my mother commented that I wanted to defeat you so I could marry you, but I don’t think she was serious. She was laughing when she said it. However, I think my dad took it seriously, because he gave me the weapon he used to beat mom. He told me, ‘Make your parents proud’ or something like that.>”

“<But, that got me to thinking. Did I really want to beat you? Or was it because I wanted to see you again? I wasn’t sure. All I know was that I had to find you. And I did.>” He rubbed his chin slightly, chuckling once more. It was still tender from a blow that Linlin dealt.

“<You certainly changed from when I last saw you. You’ve certainly improved, and not to mention gotten... prettier.>”

“<Well, now you must be wondering why I must be saying all this. Here’s the reason. Linlin, when I first saw you, I thought you were one of the most prettiest things besides my mother, when I was little. I guess... that’s why I was compelled to talk to you in the first place. After that argument, though, I wanted so much to prove you wrong. I spent so much time, thinking of you while training.>” While he was saying this, he watched the lake. He head was down, as if admitting an embarassing act.

“<I guess what I mean to say, Linlin, is that... I’ve loved you ever since I’ve laid eyes upon you. It’s only recently before our fight that I’ve realized it.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin wasn’t very pleased by the way the boy had dragged her... he would really have to lose those bad assertive habits if he ever want to make a good Amazon husband.

She crushed that thought brutally. He wasn’t yet her husband... never would in a thousand years now that she found the loophole in the Joketsuzoku law.

That’s what she was about to explain him in not too kind words once they stopped inside the park. Still, since she was nonetheless a bit curious about what he so much wanted to tell her, she hadn’t immediately smashed his head, just letting him live a few minutes longer to hear his story.

She listened attentively, at first with a frown, as old memories were coming back. She couldn’t help chuckling when he poorly tried to imitate her. If she remembered well, at the time she added a few more chosen threats to the boy’s anatomy for daring to flee from a fight she’d considered very serious.

But since she had herself almost forgotten the incident, it surprised her that Jizen could have trained so much, in the sole purpose of confronting her again.

Her astonishment reached its peak when he declared his love for her. Mouth agape, she stared at the boy with wide eyes.

“<You... you can’t be serious?>” she asked, pointing a shaking finger at him and taking a few steps backward without even thinking about it. “<But-but-but we were just kids! And-and-and that fight, back then... it was just children’s squabbling. Amazon girls can’t be challenged for their hand before puberty, so whatever the issue of this match, it wouldn’t have counted....>”

She blushed, remembering how her mother made sure the young Linlin learned this fact – by teaching her along the thorough spanking she received for quarrelling with the son of a guest to the village (and for not winning – they were Amazons, after all).

The memory was just enough to make her feel some heat spreading over her bottom. Added to her incontrollable blush and her trembling lips, she was no longer showing the façade of the proud Nyuchezū warrior...

She was very much looking like a cute, confused (maybe almost scared) young girl, unsure of what to do or think of the unusual situation.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He sighed, listening to her words. He stood up once more, and held her close, almost reassuringly. “<True, we were kids. The first match we had was over which one of our mothers was stronger, remember? It was matter of family pride, not marriage. And at first, last night was supposed to be over pride. But with my own self-realization, I decided to make it a match to win your heart. And I won.>”

He smiled softly, and squeezed her softly. His cheek was against hers, and Linlin could feel something pressing against her lower back.

“<Or are you trying to say that our match last night didn’t count? Trying to find another loophole? If our match is truly invalid, does it mean that I’ve only beaten you, nothing more? If that’s correct... then remember, that I have the ability to beat you, fair and square. Whether or not you would accept me as your husband would be up to you....>”

He turned her around, and looked into her eyes. They looked confused, and given the situation, he felt that he had probably overwhelmed her with information. So...

“<Look, Linlin, I’ll make this simple for you. Do you want to accept me as your husband, or no? If you don’t, then I’ll come back when it’s time and beat you once more. I don’t want to hurt you again, but anyone that wants to try and take your hand in marriage will have to go through me. If you do... then...>” He took her hand in his and held it with both hands. He gave it a soft kiss.

“<... well... it’s up to you, my love.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin looked at the boy with a panicked face. He wanted her to decide? Right now? No way. She was torn by too much conflicting emotions. She was feeling too young to make such a decision, especially on the spurt of the moment. It was just impossible.

“<But... but... I...>” she stammered.

Why did it have to be so hard? Why couldn’t she make up her mind about her feelings for Jizen – torn as she was between the urge to strangle him and the desire to kiss him –? Why couldn’t she just not care at all who she was marrying and just be happy to have found a husband, exactly like Ranran...?

“RANRAN!” Linlin suddenly yelled, her brain taking refuge in a completely different track. She had completely forgotten about that idiot. How could she have left Ranran in the hands of some stinky boy? Especially after her beloved sister dumbly convinced herself he was her husband despite the highly unorthodox way he defeated her – or rather, she defeated herself.

Linlin had no choice. She must find her sister and free her from the lecherous intents of the perverted ninja trainee! It was her duty as an Amazon.

Jizen, still waiting for her response, was quite surprised when she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him behind as she was running at top speed in a random direction. “<Quick! We must save my sister from this monster. Who know what horrid things he’s doing to her.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He sweatdropped, being dragged away for a few feet. He recovered, and started to run on his own, keeping up with her.

“<Your sister? What’s wrong with her?>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that I left Ranran in the clutch of some pervert who underhandedly made her believe he defeated her in the sole purpose of abusing of her innocence and ravaging her virginity!>”

Linlin stopped suddenly, remembering something else. “<Hey! And it was your fault if I got distracted just as I was catching up on them! You challenged me at the worst possible time, and allowed him to escape!>”

Frowning, she caught Jizen again by the front of his shirt. “<Have you premeditated it? Yes, that’s it!!! You’re in league with that scumbag! Both of you have teamed up to take advantage of poor, defenseless Amazon girls lost in this barbarian city! And you were feeding me with your honey-tongued promises of love to ensnare me into a life of sexual abuse and slavery, along with my clueless sister!!!>”

OOC: Paranoid, ain’t she? ^_^;

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He closed his eyes, and calmly took her punishment. His anger builded itself within his mind when he considered the possiblities of Ranran. Unlike Linlin, he noticed that she was much more nicer than her sister, and she liked it. However, once she challenged his love, he lost it.

Raising his hand, he quickly and sharply slapped her across the face! It wasn’t very hard, but it was enough to cause a slight stinging pain. He hoped it would shock her out of her paranoia.

“<Linlin... for once in yor life, SHUT UP and LISTEN. First off, I didn’t even know who the hell’s this guy. Secondly, how DARE you? Do you HONESTLY think that I would lie about my feelings? About how I feel? Personally, I’m not even SURPRISED that you can’t even tell true love from lies.>” His voice did not raise to a yell, but it came strong and firm and had a completely icy tone. Anyone could tell that he was plain serious, if not pissed.

“<Now, unlike you, your sister is a calm, friendly, and otherwise great lady. If anyone would take advantage of her, I would submit that person to excruciating pain. Now, why in the hell are you wasting your time getting angry at ME when your sister could be somewhere, trapped and hurt?>” He shouldered his staff, and looked around. “<As if you care.>” He turned to her, and coldy looked at her. “<If you’re coming, then just keep up. Otherwise, stay out of my way.>” He threw Linlin her staff, which he kept with him, and began running towards the general direction of Ranran.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Completely stunned by the slap, Linlin listened to Jizen’s reprimands with shock.

She didn’t know what to think when he accused her of being unable to recognize true love. ‘That’s not true!’ she wanted to yell, but no words escaped her lips since she was unsure if she could prove it in any way. Tears were threatening to form at the corner of her eyes.

Then, the foolish boy started to enumerate Ranran’s great qualities. That did it. As much as she loved her sister, she wouldn’t stand idle while being compared to her clueless, bimbo, airhead of a twin. Tears were replaced by dark shadows of anger as her Amazon upbringing came back in force.

Jumping after Jizen, she started yelling:


... while repeatedly bashing the boy’s head with her staff (thankfully without a hint of the usual ki-induced strength she used in battle).

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


... He opened his eyes, ignoring the useless bashing upon his skull. He couldn’t feel it... it was almost insignificant. But, wanting to end this, he grabbed the staff, disarmed her easily. He slammed it into the ground, burying it a few inches.

“<How dare I? How dare I? Well, right now, you aren’t acting so calm. Friendly? You’re bashing me over the head. And true love from lies...?>” He took a few steps forward, until they were less than a inch apart. He stared down into her eyes, his own containing mixed feelings of anger, sadness, and unrequited love.

“<Look into my eyes. Tell me if my feelings are true...>” he hesitated, “<... or if.. they’re nothing but lies to you.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin tried to glare back in Jizen’s eyes, but the steely gaze of the boy quickly made her lose all her superb, and her anger. Why did he have to be so strong, so assertive, so sure of himself? Why couldn’t he simply fold like all the males she was used to? Why did he make her feel so weak and helpless?

“<They are true... I see that...>” she finally answered with a shaking voice. “<And that’s not fair. Why can’t you be a weak fighter that I can bash easily? Our tribe sister Shampoo, she has that fool Mousse that’s always pursuing her, babbling that he loves her, but he’s not good enough a fighter and she can crush him and humiliate him and scorn him....>”

She wasn’t making much sense to Jizen for now, and she could see the incomprehension in his eyes, so she went straight to the point.

“<It’s the Nyuchezū woman who’s supposed to chase the man, not the other way around. The Amazon elders, they teach that amorous men are bad, they are just nuisances to be crushed like bugs. What’s important is to get a strong fighter, to have strong children... there’s no need for love in that....>”

She started sobbing, tears forming in her eyes.

“<But you... you beat me, and still you refused to be claimed as a husband... you say you love me, and I’m not strong enough to beat that stupid thought out of you... not strong enough to claim you, while you’re trying to claim me like one of those weak barbarian girls...>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


Instinctively, he held her closely, putitng his arms around her to comfort her.

“<... Linlin... I was raised in differnt customs. My parents both taught me that if I truly desired something, then I should pursue it. And as I grew up, beating you would have been my goal. But these past few days have been quite... different. Thinking of you, I knew that I loved you. All I would like is that you treat me as an equal... and to know if you feel the same way I feel about you.>”

He stopped embracing her, and held her hand. “<I don’t want to ‘claim’ you. Claiming someone as a simple piece of property is wrong... but I want to know. Do you feel the same way as I do you?>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<I... I don’t know...>” Linlin weakly answered.

“<The elders always told me that claiming your husband is the most important thing for a Joketsuzoku warrior... and now you’re telling me it’s a bad thing... I’m so confused.>”

Slumping to her knees, she looked like about to cry once again.

“<How can I tell how I fell about you? We have just met... though you were stalking me since a long time, I barely remembered our first encounter... that’s not fair....>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He knelt down and looked at Linlin. He cupped her chin so he could be able to see her eyes. His gaze softened... “<Linlin, let me rephrase. It’s not neccessarily a bad thing, but I was brought up under different customs. My mother, of all people, insisted that I be taught that way.>”

He softly wiped away the remaining tears, gave hr a small white handkerchief. “<Now... now, maybe it’s best that you think about it later and pay attention to more important matters. Like finding Ranran.>”

He got up, and picked up his staff, which was alongside hers. “<Whether you help me look or go on your own is entirely your decision.>” He shrugged, and looked around, comptemplating where to start. “<But I’m gonna go for now. See you around.>” He took off towards where he had seen Ranran last.

Where he had seen both Linlin and Ranran fight that odd boy.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin wiped her tears with the handkerchief. Then she sighed, recognizing the wisdom in Jizen’s words. No need to worry too much about such things like cultural differences, marriage prospect and undying love when they just met each other... better to take time and learn to know each other.

Watching at Jizen’s retreating back, she smiled, moved by his offer to help find Ranran. She simply didn’t let him see this smile, of course. It wouldn’t do if the arrogant boy thought she was warming up to him.

Walking to Jizen’s side, she sniffed one last time and then blew LOUDLY into the tissue, before handling it back to its owner with a nod of thanks.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He sweatdropped, and held it by the tip. He simply slaped (well, not slap, but close) it back in her face. “<You hold onto it.>” He chuckled lightly under his breath, and looked around. “<Now... let’s go.>”

He ran off towards the contruction site, with Linlin trailing behind. Unfortunately, her dress hindered her movement a bit, and he noticed her falling. Too late to catch her, he arrived to her side, and helped her back up. Grinning, he continued until they both arrived at the site.

Of course, Linlin protested, saying that that Ranran wouldn’t stay, and he grinned. “<Well, remember that Ranran got soaked in oil. She must have left a trail, so all we have to do is find it and follow it. That way, we’ll have a better chance of finding them.>” He grinned, and looked for the oil trail.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin, a bit miffed by Jizen’s show of gallantry (you’re not supposed to be gallant toward Amazon women... did he think she was a China doll?) answered the boy a little more harshly than necessary.

“<I thought about the oil, you dimwit! What I meant to say is that after a day, the trail may not be that evident....>”

Grumbling, she tried to find the correct stance to walk or run in these unfamiliar dress and shoes... just how are you supposed to fight in such unpractical clothes?

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


“<Um, Linlin. Oil STAINS if left unattended.>” He pointed to a few droplets of an oil stain, surrounding an outline of a footprint. “<See?>”

He tilted his head, noticing her discomfort. He thought to himself for a bit.

“<Oh, by the way, you’d best get out of your disguise and into something less restraining. We could go into a combat anytime soon, and I dunno if you’ll be able to fight your best in that.>” He took off his pack, and shuffled the insides, and drew out a set of clothes with matching shoes. It was a outfit red in color, not unlike the Chinese Amazon’s, and gave it to her.

“<This looks about our size. If you want to change into it, I promise I won’t look.>” He set it in her hands, and hopped away. “<Just to make you feel better... I’ll be singing so you’ll know when I’m around.>” He picked up his pack and turned around, and then began to sing loudly. He walked off, and walked along the oil trail.

“<Just catch up when you’re done!>” He called to her. “<And be careful with those clothes! They’re my mother’s!>” And he picked up where he left off.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<Err...” Linlin started, eyeing at the not far away “crash site” of yesterday’s battle. There was still lot of rubbles here; the telephone pole and the car she’d blown up were in the process of being removed from the street by workers, under the watch of a few policemen.

“<I think it wouldn’t be a good idea yet...>” she said, clutching the clothes. “<Thank for the offer, but I’ll wait for somewhere more... private.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He shrugged and gathered his pack up. He took the clothes from Linlin, and put them into a small bag. He then packed that bag away as well.

“<So, shall we get going?>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin glared at the annoying boy.

“<I was waiting for you.>” she barked in her usual, pleasant tone, starting along the trail left by her sister.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


“<Well then...>” He ran up to Lilin, and gave her a quick kiss.

“<Race you to your sister!>” he laughed, and ran off....

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Putting a hand on the cheek Jizen just kissed, Linlin’s face turned a pinkish hue even more impressive than her hair. It was soon replaced by a deep red, however, as she was seething.

“<Why you... just wait, if I catch you!!!>”

She ran after her husband fiancé suitor friend...? After that annoying boy who just seems to get a kick out of embarrassing her.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He grinned, and called back to her, “<Hey hey, Linlin, save your anger for your fiancé-in-law! Who knows what your sister and he could be doing, what he could be subjecting her to, and all that....>”

He slowed down to stay by Linlin’s side, and turned his head.

“<So, whatcha going to do when you find that guy...?>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<Improvise.>” Linlin flatly answered, swinging half-heartedly her staff at Jizen, who was of course out of range.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


“<No offense, but you suck, Linlin!>” He chuckleed and reached over, thrusting his staff in between her leg in an attempt to trip her. Of course, he succeeded, sending Linlin tumbling.

Unfortunately, he sent her tumbling into a lightpole, where he put himself between the two.

She flew into him, sending him bouncing off the pole and onto the ground, with her falling on top of him. He looked up, and noticed that they had both held onto each other, either out of fear or something to brace onto.

“<Hey... this isn’t so bad, Linlin.>” He hugged her tightly and laughed.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

The EXTREMELY FLUSTERED Amazon girl just blushed deep red at first as she was being hugged.

Then Linlin slowly rose her head and glared daggers at Jizen. She was also hugging him tightly, except the instinctive embrace was turning into a crushing bear hug.

“<You’re right, that isn’t so bad... when the bones start to crack, THEN you can call it bad....>”

She grinned evilly at the boy. “<Now, WHO suck?>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He managed to grin enough, though he began to wince. He looked at her, and...

“<Well... it depends...>” At that point, he surprised her and kissed her, his tongue slowly probing into her mouth.

A few moments later, Linlin could feel sparks tingle in her mouth. Literally. Moments later, a sharp electric shock caused the kiss to break, and eventually electrocuted her until she lost her grip completely and he was able to free himself from her deadly embrace.

He grinned, stretching the kinks out of his body. He anticipated this tactic, as well as his father, which was why he was taught a simple electrical ki technique. He hadn’t mastered it quite yet, but he knew enough to get himself out of a bind (pun not intended).

“<No no no, Linlin, THAT wasn’t so bad after all. When the ‘sparks start flying’, that’s when you can call it bad.>”

He brushed off his shirt briefly. “<Now, shouldn’t we continue to find... Ran...ran?>” He looked down to see that the trail had ended, and they had ended up at some industrial area.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<That-that-that was a dirty trick!!>” Linlin stuttered, her speech a bit slurred since her tongue felt rather numb.

She stood up with difficulties, her legs shaky and her pink hairs sticking out in every direction. “<And you ruined my new haircut!>” she added, sounding for once surprisingly feminine.

Using her staff for support, she was tempted to use it on the boy’s thick skull, but quickly renounced. She had a hard time enough hitting him at full strength; she’d have to wait first for recovery from the ki-shocking attack.

“<What’s the matter?>” she asked once rejoining Jizen near the wall of the old warehouse.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He shrugged, looking around at the industrial area. “<Hey, your fault for ruining a perfectly good moment.>” He walked inside a building where the trail led off, and spotted oil stains here and there, not to mention a certain smell that still lingered in the air.

“<Well, what do you know...?>” he mumbled, and stretched. He turned and looked to Linlin. “<The trail ends here... nothing much we can do for now. The way it seems, Ranran washed the oil off... but... there’s a certain smell in the air here.>” Of course, he knew what that smell was, but, to contain Linlin’s rage for the time being, he kept his mouth shut.

“<We can camp here. It’s a good place to stay, not to mention showers so you can fix... *snort* your hair, and we can boh figure out what to do in the morning. For now, we should just get some rest.>” he said, as he began to unpack his gear: a pillow and sleeping bag, a pot, a few lamps, and some sheets....

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<Whaddya mean, a perfect moment?>” Linlin retorted.

Since he didn’t answer, she followed him and listened as he gave his conclusions.

“<I’m not going to camp in this filthy place! Me and Ranran already have a camp set in the forest, it’s much more comfortable.>”<

Mechanically putting her hands to her head, she blushed at the feel of the spiky bangs. Maybe the shower wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

“<Still... I think I’ll use the shower... but no peeping, or I kill you.>”

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


He shrugged his shoulders, and grumbled as he re-packed his things. “<Fine then... whatever.>” He looked to Linlin, and threw her a few things: a few sheets, a towel, some shampoo and the set of clothes that his mother used to wear.

“<Here, use this. Sheets, use them as shower curtains. Shampoo and towel you know, and you can use those clothes if you want to.>”

He grinned, and leaned against the doorway. “<Don’t worry about me, I won’t peek...

“<‘Sides,>” he added, “<it’s not like there’s anything impressive to see.>” He chuckled, and turned his head to look outside.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<Err... thanks...>” Linlin timidly started... until she heard the last disparaging comment. Harrumphing, she entered the shower room and set the improvised curtain. So, she might not be a full-grown woman... that didn’t stop the perverted boy to try groping and kissing her at every turn!

Still frowning, she started taking off the unfamiliar clothes, obstinately turning away from the doorway where she knew Jizen was waiting. She didn’t want to give him more attention than he deserved by watching every two seconds if he was peeping or not. It wasn’t like she cared. And it wasn’t like she would be disappointed if he didn’t try... not at all.

Shaking her head to kill that train of thought, she finished undressing. She couldn’t help blushing as she reached the bra and panties, and fingered the soft, white fabric quizzically. At the shop where she bought her new clothes, the saleslady had lengthily explained their use and their role. Yet, she was still wondering if she was telling the truth about the effect such simple garments have on the males... Those Japanese really had weird customs.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin


Sighing, he watched the birds fly by in the air, and thought to himself. His life certainly did a backflip ever since he came up across that amazon long ago. She still had changed, mentally, at least. Physically, that was a whole other altogether.

He glanced over to see how long it would take Linlin, and noticed that the light seemed to cast a silhouette against that white sheet. He could see the outline of every curve on Linlin, and he sweatdropped. Whoa. Not a bad view. ... Oooooh... okay, okay, he thought, now he was staring. He turned his attention outside, and sighed. Eh, if she just wasn’t so distracting.... He shook his head, and quietly made his way to Linlin.

He went over to the sheet, and pulled it down enough to let his head room to talk. “<Hey, Linlin, any time now. Try to hurry it up, okay?>” He blinked once as he saw her state of undress, and paused. “<Hey, there IS something there... nice.>” He grinned and hurried off quickly to the doorway before Linlin could get a chance to strike back.

Re: Amazons on the Town - Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“<WHY YOU!>”

Linlin had taken off her bra and was sliding down her panties when Jizen surprised her. She couldn’t believe he had the nerve to ogle her despite the earlier threat.

A bar of soap suddenly flew through the gape in the curtain. Jizen avoided it easily, but by a weird whim of fate it rebounded on a pole and nailed the boy behind the head just as he was turning around.

“<I’ll take all the time I want, you idiot. I don’t need any stupid boy telling me what I should do!>”

Grumbling, Linlin sat on a stool and start lathering her body.

Jizen and Linlin


“GAH!” He stumbled, and tripped on his bag. The momentum carried him into a metal pole, and he rebounded onto the bar of soap, which he slipped on and made a not-so-graceful fall onto the ground.

Throughout the whole ordeal, Linlin was laughing at him when she looked to see what the commotion was about. He sighed. Such a lovely sound... at the wrong fricking time!

The laughter broke when Linlin squealed in pain. The bar of soap had bounced against a wall and struck Linlin smack-dab on her right butt-cheek. He laughed, still on the ground.

“<Now what was that, eh, Linlin...?>”

Re: Jizen and Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin frowned angrily, rubbing her buttock.

“<If you’re quite finished clowning... I’d like to take my bath in peace!>”

Pulling back the curtain, she picked the bar and sat again on the stool. Upending a basin of water over her head, she then rubbed the soap on a sponge and started spreading the foamy lather on her body.

       Linlin bathing
Why you peeping tom!

Re: Jizen and Linlin


About this time, he felt rather lazy, and decided to stay where he was, just for the time being. He folded his arms behind his head, and relaxed a bit.

“<So,>” he said, “<how exactly did you get your hair pink like that...?>”

Re: Jizen and Linlin

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin stopped what she’s doing and blinked in puzzlement. What kind of stupid question was that?

“<It’s natural color for Nyuchezū. Don’t you know?>”

Shrugging, she got up and walked toward the shower, still talking to the boy behind the curtain.

“<At least they’re not like those of my Shampoo-onega. Her hair is purple when dry, and turns blue when weather is humid....>”

OOC: Will someone ever get this joke?

Re: Jizen and Linlin

Starlight Sakura

All of a sudden, a hand reached out, and grabbed onto Jizen’s collar, pulling him back and spining him around, so he was face to face with a certain purple-haired Amazon girl. “Why you sit there next to bathroom, when Shampoo sister inside? You not spying on Shampoo sister, Shampoo hope.” she said, and waited for his answer.

Re: Jizen and Linlin


“GAH!” Jerked back, he was about to deliver a paralyzing technique until his eyes fully comprehended who he was looking at. His finger stopped midair.

He thought to himself: ‘Ah, geezus, it’s Linlin’s OTHER sis, Shampoo! Didn’t expect this!!! I thought she was over in Nerima chasing down some Ran-something guy!’

He sweatdropped, and began to speak in perfect chinese. “<Hello there! You must be the famous Shan Pū I’ve heard about! I’m Jizen. I defeated your sister Linlin in combat, and she’s been following me ever since. Right now, she and I were tracking down your other sibling, Ranran, who ran off with some guy. She, or he, apparently claimed him as her fiancée without being defeated in combat by him, so, Linlin wants to kick his butt! We’re stopping for the night right now. Any questions...?>”

He sweatdropped once more.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

OOC: Be sure I’m also very glad to see Shampoo joining... I’m always glad seeing Shampoo showing up, anyway. (;P~~~~~~|

Little precision: Linlin and Ranran are twins, but Shampoo is their “tribe sister”; more like a revered model for them. They may call her “big sister” but they’re not related. Linlin and Ranran are somewhat like groupies to the tribe champion.

Under the shower, Linlin blink-blinked. Had she just heard a familiar voice? No, that couldn’t be....

Stopping the falling water, she pricked up her ears... listening to Jizen’s explanation, her eyes bulged out.

“<Big sister Shan Pū???>”

Completely forgetting what she was wearing (i.e. nothing), she jumped outside and hugged fiercely the purple-haired Amazon.

“<BigsisterShanPūI’msogladyou’reherebutyoushouldn’tlistentothsistupidboyhedidn’tdefeatme wellhedidbuthe’sofNyuchezūdescendancesoitdoesn’tcountormaybeitdoesbuthe’stryingtowoome andhedidoglemeandhe’spervertbutnoasmuchapervertastheweaklingboythatidiotRanranthinks hedefeatedherandnowwhoknowwhatcanhebedoingtomypoorsisterwemustgofindherandhelpher!!!!>”

Hard to tell if they’d ever understand the hurried speech of the dripping wet girl....

Wait a sec... dripping wet... hugging Shampoo... that wouldn’t be enough to trigger a Jusenkyō curse, would it? ^_^;

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū


He sighed, shaking his head. He watched as Shan Pū transformed into a purple cat... how cute, he thought. That cat, all wet, being hugged by Linlin... a naked Linlin... a naked, wet Linlin....

*SNAP* He took a quick photo, and hid the camera from sight. This would get some good money, he thought.

He walked over to the pot of water, and checked the temperature. Oh well, so much for tea. He promptly threw it over the Amazons.

He looked to the two. “<Anyways... now that the reunion is...>” This time, Linlin was hugging Shan Pū... a very, VERY nude Shan Pū... whom just happened to be wet... as well as Linlin... who was also nude....


He cleared his throat, and continued. “<Now that the reunion is over, let’s get down to business. One, Shan Pū, what brings you here? Not that I mind... oh, by all means, no...>”

*SNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAP* A blur surrounded the two amazons, followed by the click of a camera shutter.

He coughed. “<And second, what’s to be done about Ranran?>”

He sweatdropped. Quickly running to a mailbox across the street, he dropped the film in an envelope, which was picked up by the mail carrier a few seconds later.

“<Sorry about that. I have a contact in Japan who regularly sends me money in exchange for... it’s not important.>” Sweatdrop.

OOC: Guess which Japanese resident makes a living off photos like that?

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

Starlight Sakura

Reaching over, Shampoo wacked Jizen over the head with her fist. “You more worse than old pervert Happosai.” she said, then looked toward Linlin. “Great-Grandmother say you not go home, so Shampoo go look for you. Then Shampoo find you with boy, but not with Ranran. Shampoo bet you not even know where Ranran is.” she said, then started to think. “Oh, wait. Shampoo think you said that, before Shampoo turn into cat.” she said, then looked towards Jizen again. “Shampoo hope that dirty boy not do anything with Amazon girl. If Shampoo find out, then you Shampoo kill!” she said, then picked up her clothes. “Linlin get dressed, so we go look for Ranran.” she said, and walked into a nearby room.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

”<YOU PERVERTED FREAK!>” Linlin yelled as she ground her staff into Jizen’s skull.

Then she turned to Shampoo, red as beetroot.
”<This perverted one hadn’t done anything to me, Shampoo-onega... except trying to peek...!>”

That’s when she finally realized Jizen has no need to peek any longer, since she was flaunting her body right now! Not that, as most Amazons, she had much feminine modesty, but it’s a different thing when the boy who’s looking is openly interested in her....


Retreating, flustered, into the bathroom, she abandonned her staff on the boy’s head, perfectly balanced thanks to the indent she left in Jizen’s cranium.

A little while later, she came out clothed, glaring at her “suitor”. Though he could notice she was wearing the garb he offered to her earlier.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū


He winced from the shot from Shan Pū, though it wasn’t that bad, but he didn’t expect the staff to impact his head. “OWWWW! What’s with the head-hitting?!?” He sighed, sweatdropping as Linlin went to get clothed. “Just my luck to be stuck with TWO half-crazy Amazons...” he muttered in english...

He threw Linlin’s staff to her quickly as soon as she came back, and she caught it as he expected her to. He picked up his own, and leaned against it.

“<So, once we’re ready, what’s next to do?>” He noticed that she was wearing his mother’s clothes. “<Looks nice on you. Does it fit well?>”

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

Starlight Sakura

Shampoo blinked, as she put her clothes back on. She jumped to conclusions, and she sighed, looking towards the young man. “Shampoo sorry. Shampoo didn’t know.” she said, and sighed, finding herself using language besides Chinese. Wondering where she should look first, Shampoo started to hold her hips, resting on one leg, while the other foot tapped on the ground. “Where Ranran last seen?” she asked.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Hearing Shampoo’s question, Linlin sighed. Following the example set by of her “Big Sister”, she answered in Japanese – since Shampoo was making the effort of talking the barbarian language, so could she.

“We lost Ranran’s trail here... sister was dragged here yesterday by pervert boy, we no have news since then....”

When Shampoo turned to her “little sister”, however, she was in for a shock. With her new hairdo and clothes, Linlin’s overall look was quite different from usual. Added to this, her hesitant speech in Japanese also altered her voice... giving Shampoo a hard time recognizing the pink-haired girl.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

Starlight Sakura

Shampoo finaly noticed that her “sister” seemed different. Moving closer, Shampoo touched Linlin’s hair, occasionaly brushing her cheek. “What happen to Linlin’s pretty hair? You look more like cute Japanese girl now.” she said, blinking. She was thinking about how much Linlin’s hair looked like hers, so unlike the Amazon style.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin looked down, embarrassed, and started dwindling her fingers. She couldn’t exactly explain to her big sister that she changed look because some cops were looking for her after she got a bit carried away with property damages... if Great-Grandmother were to learn of it, the pink-haired girl would be in serious trouble....

Thinking fast, Linlin muttered “Err... is Jizen who insisted Linlin dress like that... hentai boy must like girls to look cute and weak....”

Well... she was telling the truth... mostly... Jizen did offer the clothes. ~_~;

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū


He watched this from afar, until Linlin spoke. “WHAT!?!?”

He growled. “How dare you insinuate that I would EVER want to turn an AMAZON WARRIOR into a PERVERT’S DREAM!!!” His rage began to boil over once more, and this time, he couldn’t control the words that flowed out of his mouth.

“For one, YOU changed your hair color because of the battle that you and I had! The authorities are looking all for you! You just HAD to fling cars and stone pillars at me!!!” He stabbed his staff into the ground. It cracked the ground in several places.

“Last but not least, don’t you DARE insinuate that those clothes represent something WEAK. Those are my mother’s training clothes when she trained under YOUR great-grandmother!!!” He pointed directly at Shan Pū.

Obviously, he was very proud of his mother.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

Starlight Sakura

Shampoo quickly turned around. She started to glare at Jizen, and slowly started to move forward. “You... you get Shampoo sister in trouble with police?!?!?!” she yelled out, and quickly grabbed her bonbori. “You Shampoo KILL!!!!” she yelled out, and started to chase down Jizen.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū


“You want to fight ME now?!?” He was still running off his initial anger, and he set into a defensive stance. As Shampoo neared him, he performed a backflip into the air, lauching several smoke bombs that exploded around Shampoo. It gave him a bit of cover time to plan his next move.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin watched in dismay as Shampoo charged Jizen. She hadn’t expected that... her comment was just general badmouthing of the male gender, pretty normal conversation in her viewpoint. She forgot that Shampoo could get very protective of her tribe sisters.

Now, she was telling herself she wouldn’t mind her Shampoo-onega to give a lesson to the haughty boy (since she wasn’t worried about his welfare, not at all, why would she worry about a silly boy saying he’s in love with her, no reason whatsoever...). But she also remembered how much Jizen was a sneaky fighter. Even if the thought that he could beat the champion of the Joketsuzoku was ridiculous, if by any weird twist of fate it happened, that would mean....

No... Shampoo already owned Ranma... no way she would go after another boy... beside, he’d beaten her first, so she had priority... what the hell was she thinking about? It wasn’t like she could feel jealous....

While she was still torn, not knowing who she should encourage, Jizen’s smoke bombs startled her. She stepped away to not be caught in the smoke cloud.

“Jizen is fighting with dirty tricks just like Mousse...” she dryly commented.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū


Little to Shampoo or Linlin’s knowledge, the smokescreen was a little more than cover. The quiet whirl of something spinning in the air, and soon, the smoke was sucked towards Jizen. It formed a miniature tornado, and Jizen stared at her with eyes of fury.

“I’ll start things off!!!” He sent it towards Shampoo, and it ripped up the ground as the tail skimmed towards its target.

He slammed his staff into the beginning of the trail the wind funnel left behind, and a burst of energy traveled through the small trench like a fuse. Upon reaching the tip of the tornado, it exploded in a large blast.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

Starlight Sakura

Shampoo coughed a bit, but then quickly spun around, and walked back towards Linlin, a angry look on her face. She looked at her “little sister”, then looked back at the bunch of smoke. “If hentai boy anything like Mousse, then he blind too.” she said, and sighed, worried about Ranran, and for the first time, showing it.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

Linlin watched with wide eyes as Jizen did his peculiar attack... that somewhat reminded her of a Hiryu Shoten Ha, but with a different application....
The destructive power of it was certainly quite impressive, since the blast sent out lots of earth and dust flying around, and created a rather wide crater...
... for not much use, though, since it had utterly missed Shampoo. The purple-haired girl had already moved out of the way to scold Linlin when the energy exploded. All she saw of it was the flying dust, and all she felt was a gust of wind blowing her back and tossing her hair around.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū


When the smoke cleared, all that could be seen was Jizen, leaning against a wall. He looked to the two, and sighed. “Well, now that THAT important detail has been finally looked at, what exactly are you going to do about it?”

He played with a rock with his feet, then flicked it into the air. It hurtled through the air until it bounced off squarely off Linlin’s forehead. “Oh, and just to let you know, I have perfect vision, unlike my dear cousin.”

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block


Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

Starlight Sakura

Shampoo cocked a eyebrow. “Did you say Mousse your cousin? Then maybe you answer Shampoo question. Why Mousse after Shampoo all the time? And why Mousse cannot see?” she asked.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū


He chuckled as Linlin rubbed her forehead in pain, and looked to Shampoo. He looked as if he was thinking for a bit... “Hm... well, first, Mousse is in love with you. I remember him telling me that the last time I visited the village. Of course, that was quite a few years ago, but it looks like his feelings have gotten stronger since then. As for his blindness... he needs glasses! Simple. Told him to get contacts, but no....” He shook his head.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“He not the only blind fool in family....” Linlin dryly commented, glaring at Jizen while she was rubbing her forehead.

“... unless it was accident, Jizen better explain why he tried to kill Linlin with stone right now!” she asked venomously... conveniently forgetting that she repeatedly attempted to cause him bodily harm since yesterday... and only the boy’s superior fighting prowess spared him from anything worse than a few good staff-bashing on the head.

She was a perfectly normal, balanced Nyuchezū girl, after all... respectful of traditions... it was just her bad luck that she found a potential Airen that simply wasn’t staying put when she wanted to thrash him.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū


He sighed, holding his head in his hand. “Ugh. If I wanted to kill you...” In english: “... and sometimes I’d consider it if you weren’t so damn cute...” He lapsed back into Japanese: “... then I would have thrown the rock harder.” He rolls his eyes.

Re: Jizen and Linlin... and Shan Pū

Starlight Sakura

Shampoo looked at linlin, and started to talk in their Amazon tongue “<Something tells me that he didn’t want to kill you.>” she said, and sighed, wishing that Ranma felt the same way about her that she felt about him.

Linlin, Jizen and Shampoo

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“What did you just said?” Linlin asked angrily. She hadn’t understood a word of Jizen’s muttering, but she suspected it wasn’t something nice.

Re: Linlin, Jizen and Shampoo

Starlight Sakura

Shampoo just sighed, and walked off. She wished that she could be with Ranma, but yet, wondered where her sister was, and worried about her.

Re: Linlin, Jizen and Shampoo


“Hm...” He looked to the sun. He then watched Shampoo walk off.... “Well. Where are we going if we’re going to find your sister, Linlin?”

Re: Linlin, Jizen and Shampoo

St Fan, Kami of Writer’s Block

“How would I know?” Linlin answered brusquely.

“Pervert boy probably brought poor Ranran in some secluded place where we no can hope find her, to force his evil way on sister. It’s not like we’ll simply find them at Linlin and Ranran’s encampment....”

Why are you looking at her like that?