Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan
[COMPILERS NOTE: This story is a compilation of posts from an online hentai role-playing game, the Anime Hentai High School. This text is just an extract of the whole game, solely concentrating on the Ranma ½ characters (sort of) involved and their immediate surroundings. Remember that the game had already started well before this part, and that other threads, either with original creations or characters borrowed from various animes, are running parallel at the same time. As well, the episode separations are very arbitrary, reflecting a change of place or time, but not really acknowledged in the game. Enjoy.]
New Character
Byooki Desu
NAME: XalviocusOmoi (Or Xal for short)
AGE: ... ?? nevermind.
IS: second year student in the arts of bodytraveling.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Sex Ed, yet he fails to understand it...
LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Bodycrafting, but since that subject doesnt exist in the human realm I woud say math. Why try counting how many girls he had eaten? After all, why depress oneself?
STRENGHT- A+ (But considering that is the strenght of one tentacle each, and that he has five tentacles, it would give him a total of 5xA+ ... nevermind.)
INTELLIGENCE- F- (Believe me or not he is actually quite intelligent, yet seeing he is from the Shikima Realm and that intelligence is measured by how dirty fantasies one got, he isnt the brightest of the apples.)
Agility- B (C) (Actually, his whole body has the speed of a very slow person, yet each of his tentacles are agile.)
LUCK- F- (Okay tell me how many girl would really want to date a black mass of writhing thingys? )
ATTRACTIVENESS- F- (His mother alwasy called him her beatiful baby darling... and then tried to rape him. >_< Yet, considering he is a mass of... umm, something he is considered atractive by other tentacle monsters.)
Skill- B
BACKGROUND: He is a thinker. As far as Tentacle Monsters go... and he is very fed up with all the judgemental crap that humans have of Tentacle Monsters. In fact, he has been knwon to have tried to start many a campagne where he has invited (abducted) human females to the Shikima Realm, where he has introduced them to his fellow students, just so that he could show that not all sex fiends where as nasty as they were made out to be. Not so unexpectedly, his campagnes failed. >:< Maybe he shouldnt have invited over those humans when it was lucnh recess?
Well, anyway, having decided to aproach the situation from an different angle, or rather position... he is going to enter through a portal and slither into school. After all, how difficult could it be to pass of as another human student, seeing as how most human teenagers dress today?
DESCRIPTION: A mass of black, umm, stuff... well, that is the best way to describe him. His main body is VERY malleable and seems to be able to twist and turn in almost any shape, making it possible for him to slither under a doorcrack. Yet, when full puffed up his main body is around 5 meters high, 6 meters long, and 4 meters wide. His whole black body is covered with hundreds of tiny tentacles that are 1 centimeter in girth and around 5 decimeters long. His maing tentacles... also known as his instruments of extreme pain and pleasure are around 4 meters long, yet can get retracted into his body until they disappear. Their girth varies but have been measured to have a maximum capacity of being 8 inches thick O_O!!
Okay... so he wasnt very well hung... but hey, a Tentacle Monster cant have both good looks and be gifted.
Umm oh yes... he does have a mouth and eyes and noses... somewhere.
SPECIAL NOTE: One thing about his kind... that being of a Shikima Sexfiend, his... um, semen has the unique ability to impregnate any mortal immediately.
And then I mean anyone... wether it be male or female. So, if say somebody has a Jusenkyō curse and switched genders... they would still be pregnant.
Also... it seems his semen is very agile... and he can impregnate people no matter what hole he ends up in.
And his semen has this other unique quality; if say the person is already pregnant.. his little offspring consumes the baby already inside the belly... or merges with it if the baby is already too far evolved.
Umm, well that is all. And yes, it was very hard to adapt the rules of the character sheet to a Shikima Demon.
New Characters nemesis!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Name: Akira Fudō (aka Devilman)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Year: Senior
Favorite subject: Literature
Least Favorite Subject: Sport (before, it was too tiring... now its too easy)
(The first raw of stats is for Akiras human form, the second for the Demonic form of Devilman; this form, being much more powerful, is allowed 18 points instead of the 16 of a student.)
*Strength: B- (3,33) / A+ (4,66)
*Intelligence: B (3) / C (2)
*Agility: B (3) / A- (4,33)
*Luck: D (1) / C+ (2,66)
*Attractiveness: C+ (2,66) / F (0)
*Skill: C- (2,33) / A- (4,33)
Akira Fudō was a rather timid, crybaby, wimpy, clueless student; a nerd without much of a spine and no inclination toward physical activities. I said was. It dramatically changed when his friend Ryō dragged him into a black Sabbath, in the hope of trapping one of the demonic beings that were pursuing them. There, a powerful demon named Amon tried to possess Akira, but instead its the human who prevailed thanks to his pure heart and willpower. Keeping his human soul, Akira was able to use the strength of the demon and destroy its brethrens who menaced to invade their world. Thats how he became DEVILMAN.
Akira is a black-haired Japanese boy, rather ordinary (though girls find him cute). Since his fusion with Amon his human body hasnt changed much, but he looks more confident (more male said his girlfriend Miki). Girls liking the macho type will probably be attracted to him.
Though he can use most of Devilmans power while staying more or less human, fully transformed for battle hes a terrifying sight. At least 3 meters tall (10 feet), Devilman is a hairy humanoid with animalistic legs, wicked claws, a tail and sprouting bat-like wings when he needs to fly. His face is remotely human but with long fangs, yellow eyes, a black hood with wing-like protrusions also reminiscent of a black bat, and elongated brows forming a pair of antennas.
Special Note:
Akira Fudō and Devilman are one and the same; however, the demon sleeping inside him has given the young man a hunger for battle and bloodlust, thankfully only directed toward demons. He has a dont-mess-with-me attitude, but usually dont start fight unless provoked. He always restrains his strength against humans and never kills them unless theyve done some horrid crime.
(Note: I havent described all of Devilmans powers here, to keep the surprise effect. However, Ill stick faithfully to manga canon. If the founders judge I overdo it anytime, please dont hesitate to tell me immediately.)
OOC: Yeah! I dont see why everybody should only swear by recent series. Devilman may be as old as me, but Go Nagai still rules the Manga world!
Day of the Tentacle INTRO
Byooki Desu
Early in the morning, before classes begun, it was a good idea to take a shower, and as such many of the male teachers did as such when they arrived to school. This wasnt something odd, in fact probably all schools have private shower rooms for their teachers and lets face it...
men stink.
umm well... ^_^;;
This was before any of the students had arrived to school, and seeing as it were one could say that Xal was early.
Opening one of those nifty two-bit portals that comes so cheap when you buy an extra pack of rubber, the Shikima Demon stepped, or rather... made his way out into the mortal realm.
As such, the first thing that greeted him was a dozen or so middle-aged men totaly in the nude, staring back at him.
Xal blinked; or rather, if he had had eyelids he would have blinked. Who would have thought that they would all have come to greet him?
Waving one of his tentacles in a friendly greeting, he gave them a smile.
Screams could be heard from the teachers shower rooms as the men scrambled out of there, running for their lives. There was another sound as well, a sound of something slippery making its way out of there.
It was the sound of a Shikima.
No, puny humans... no need to run away from Xal... Xal only want to shake your hands!
There was the sound of a foot tapping, and Xal turned around only to stare straight into the eyes of the ugliest thing he had ever seen. Xal yelped and covered his eyes as the old prune shook a finger at him, then grabbed one of his tentacles and dragged him towards the Principals office... -___-;;
Xal sweatdropped as he lsitened to the Principals little speech. This person was really intimidating, yet what it said was really... not... right.
But Xal no teacher... Xal Student!
He tried to convince the Principal, the frightful memory of that old prune that had dragged him here still fresh in his mind.
Nonsense... you were in the showers, right?
Umm, yes, Xal was?
Well then, that makes you a teacher... no students in their right mind would come to the school this early in the morning.
But Xal no know how to teach....
Pah... Ill find something for you... as it is, I already have a vacant jobb for you....
Xal looked down at the small piece of paper the Principal had given him...
Sexual Education...
What did that mean?
OOC: He wanted to shake the male teachers hands he has tentacles... tentacles or limbs like that are hands to him. Umm, well, that was my intro.
Re: Day of the Tentacle INTRO
Louis F. Perico
The Main Man is coming to school
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira Fudō lazily walked into school grounds, seemingly indifferent to his surroundings. In truth, he was very aware of them, and his senses were scanning the whole campus thoroughly.
Everything in him, from his casual walk to the moody expression on his face, including the hands in the pockets and the opened jacket showing his bare chest, categorized him as a bad boy or at least trying very hard to look like it.
Of course, it was only an appearance; the reality hidden beneath this guise of flesh was much more frightening.
So thats the place... he spat out, talking to nobody in particular. His friend Ryō had reported some weird activities around there... probably the work of some demon. So, he pulled some strings to have Akira transferred here and investigate the problem.
How his best friend always managed so easily to pull out such schemes, Akira had no idea, but he certainly wasnt going to complain. Ryō was fulfilling quite well his job of locating demons... now, it was Akiras turn to play his part. Which consisted in eliminating them.
Perfect for him, since right now he was really itching for a good fight.
Outside the office
Aw, crap... Tyson had gotten in trouble for loitering outside the office so early. Detention tonight... Just perfect, he thought as he headed for the library to relax and warm up, it was fairly cold outside. Looking out the nearest convenient window, he gasped as snowflakes began to fall. Well... at least Ill stay warm now....
Re: Outside the office
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira Fudō, still walking around the school in search of demonic traces, could tell there was some weird activities around here, but nothing clear enough to get a good trail. Shrugging, he decided to give up the empiric method and opted for the other solution Ryō advised him: searching for the local info gatherer and grilling him or her for more substantial hints.
Eyeing dispassionately at the snowflakes falling around him, he entered the nearest building, the library. Spotting some guy watching the weather by the window, he strolled to him and ask:
Hey dude, do you know a chick by the name... He pulled out a paper from his pocket to read it. ... Nabiki Takara?
Re: Outside the office
Tyson looked over to Akira as he heard him talk... and after a moment of consideration, he shook his head. Sorry, I have never heard of her. What does she look like?
Re: Outside the office
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira shrugged. I dunno, Ive never seen her. I just was told that if you want infos in this school, shes the one to ask for.
He turned heel. Nevermind, Ill search elsewhere.
Re: Outside the computer lab
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki Takara sneezed, then looked around suspiciously.
Shrugging, she then leaves the lab, heading for her locker....
In the library
With a shrug, Tyson turned away from the person as he walked away before going into the library. Other than for the librarian, who was rather asleep at the desk (an old lady, definitely not someone any guy at school would like), there was no one else around. Sighing softly, he went to the fiction section, to poke around for some book to pass the time with for a while.
Day of the Tentacle - part 1
Byooki Desu
Xals first class started. This was for the age group 18-19 years old, so he guessed it meant they were really smart or something. But if they were smart, why did they go to school? It never did add up, did it?
As the students first had entered, they had of course been shocked, which Xal guessed was understandable... it wasnt something common that a demon as young as he was to be a teacher. In fact, as far as he knew, it was unheard of.
However, after having calmed down the class... he had started educating them.
Actually, since he didnt really know what sexual education was, he had asked the class for pointers....
The class had told him in no uncertain terms that he was to tell them about fucking and where babies came from.
Xal had sweatdropped.
Didnt you buy babies at the supermarket?
What did fucking have to do with that?
Either way, he had started explaining about the hymen when one of the girls in his class had spoken up:
Isnt there something like an anal hymen?
Well yes, good question, clever puny female human, there is. But Xal now tell you that only puny male virgin humans possess one!
The girl gave him a smile, or was that a toothy grin? He couldnt really tell with these humans.
Cool... could you demonstrate, sensei?
Okay. Then Sensei Xal needs virgin boy. Who here in class has been fucked up the ass?
Xal looked on as all of the male students raised their hands, sweating profusely.
Xal shrugghed.
All of you, then? Oh thats too bad... sorry, clever puny female human, no way of demonstrating, then.
The girls: DARN!
The class ended and Xal made himself ready for his next class.
OOC: Why did the students not freak out more? Umm, well have you taken a look at all the other students?... Also, now it was around the time that Yohko and Akira and the rest arrived. Its time for the 16-17 year olds to have sexual education. ^^
Re: Outside the computer lab
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Apparently unaware of the snow and the cold, despite his open jacket and lack of shirt, Akira leisurely walked toward AHHSs main building and entered it.
Since he was in no hurry to go his class (as no truant officer would ever put fear in him), he pursued his investigation. The few students he met in the corridor, he asked them for Nabiki Takara.
Re: Outside the computer lab
Louis F. Perico
One of the girls was about to ask why, but then caught sight of Nabiki as she came downstairs.
NABIKI-SEMPAI! Please come here! the girl called.
Nabiki came over, a confident smile on her face. Whats up?
The girl replied, This guy was looking for you, a Mister... what was your name?
Re: Outside the computer lab
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Fudō. Akira Fudō. the dark-haired boy answered, eyeing Nabiki critically. Her haircut reminded him a bit of Miki-chan... though this girl seemed to have more wits than his airhead of a girlfriend.
I was told that if one wanted any kind of info about this school, you were the one to ask. Since Im new here, I may have need of your services.
Re: Outside the computer lab
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki gave him a small smile. Well, if you have the yen, I can be your friend... so, what ARE you looking for, hm?
Re: Outside the computer lab
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Yen? Akira almost slapped his forehead. Of course she would want to be paid, that was evident; but he simply hadnt thought of this earlier. He wasnt used to that investigating stuff, it was Ryōs job after all. Well, his friend was wealthy enough, hed probably take care of that.
Ill give a call to my friend Ryō, hes the one with the bucks, youll discuss the price with him. As for what I want....
Akira trailed off, and looked around. Several students had stopped to watch them, and some were whispering among themselves. The boy were wondering who was the new fool about to be milked of his yen by Nabiki. The girls were giggling and somewhat blushing, eyeing at the dark-haired boy and especially his uncovered chest.
Akira gave them THE GLARE the kind that just froze you to the soul. Most of the eavesdroppers paled. Several beat an hasty retreat.
Can we go somewhere more private to talk? he asked back to Nabiki.
Re: Day of the Tentacle - part 1
Yohkos head was in a complete whirl. It was absolutely impossible to locate a single source for the huge demonic presence she felt; it was as if the the entire school had been overrun with them. Since she couldnt just leave knowing there was a demon or two on the prowl in the school, she decided to go about her regular school day as a regular schoolgirl until something out of the ordinary occured, knowing demons couldnt help but do something to cause a scene.
First hiding in a corner, she transformed back into her school uniform, and walked to her scheduled class of sex ed. for the underclassmen. Though she at the time had no idea who or what it was being taught by. As she walked to class she began to mingle and entered the class with a large group of students, and sat down just as the tardy bell rings. Time for class, and to see who her teacher was.
Day of the Tentacle - part 2
Byooki Desu
As the class began, all the students poured into the rather spacy classroom, taking their seats as they entered. There was a general murmur before everybody settled down. After a few seconds, people watched as the door swung open and the teacher entered. XalviocusOmoi slithered into the classroom, his slimy black body being dragged across the floor as he made it up to the teachers desc. There was a stunned silence in class; wether if this was because the teacher looked as he did or because he was a few seconds late might never be revealed.
As the sex-teacher arrived at his own seat, he didnt seat himself but remained as he was as he spoke to his new class.
Hello, tiny humans. Today we will learn about sex, and how you fit an apple into a golf ball into one of your nostrils.
Re: Outside the computer lab
Louis F. Perico
She smirked a bit, then said, Lets go to the cafeteria. Oh dont give me that; its probably the BEST place, since no one can overhear anyone else with all that noise.
Moments later, they were there, Nabiki sipping on a soda and with a bag of chips.
They both had a seat, and she got out her laptop, and handed Akira her cell phone.
Normally, I ask for cash up front... but seeing you have a need, Ill help you. Call your pal Ryō, and we can try to set up some sort of account for you.
Re: Outside the computer lab
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Okay. Akira answered, shrugging.
He quickly composed a number, and after a little while started speaking in the receiver.
Ryō? Its Akira.
No, not much luck till now, thats why Im calling you. I can feel somethings amiss, but I just cant sense any fight coming. Whatever is here either left or is hiding.
Very funny. And since when have you seen any that was not hostile, Einstein? Enough joking, your other info about the schools informant was accurate, but guess what, she wants money.
Oh, give me a break! I already told you, you do the investigation, I do the... He glanced at Nabiki. ... the disposal. And its not like I can pay her with my allowance. So just promise her
Whats that supposed to mean, charm her with my roguish look? I dont have time for such bullshit, Ryō....
NO, Im not afraid that Miki should learn! I dont care what that ditz could think. Jeez, it almost sound like youre jealous! Now, baka, are you going to talk to Nabiki Takara or are you just making me waste my time?
Okay. He handled the phone to Nabiki. Give him your price.
In the receiver, Nabiki could hear a young, but serious-sounding voice:
Ryō Asuka, listening...
Re: Outside the computer lab
Louis F. Perico
Putting up a winning tone, Nabiki replied, Ryō-baby! Its good to hear from you! Listen, sweetie, the only reason Im making an effort to extend credit, which I RARELY do, is because he is good looking. Anyway, your friend has a need for information, and I will help supply it... for a price of course. I can do single jobs, or you can make a deposit to have me as an information retainer if you will; for that particular service, a minimum deposit of 100,000 yen will be a start.
Re: Day of the Tentacle - part 2
Yohko turned around with the rest of the class as the teacher entered the class and introduced himself to the class in his awkward manner. In stunned silence along with the rest of the class, Yohko looked around the room to see if she wasnt the only one to notice their teacher was a tentacled beast.
Jut for her own sanity, she raised her hand eagerly to ask a question, and after what she thought was an extention pointing to her to go on, she asked probably one of the most direct questions she could.
Sensei? Am I seeing things or are you black puddle of goo that could otherwise be called a Tentacle Demon from another realm?
No matter the answer she stayed seated, having decided it would be a bad idea to dispose of it in front of the entire class, since her devil hunting was supposed to a secret.
Re: Outside the computer lab
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Thats quite the sum.... answered the calm voice over the phone. Though I guess with the reputation of this school, wed better keep the information retainer option... so that you keep us aware of the latest news even if Akira isnt around.
A pause.
Okay, Ill make the 100,000 yen deposit. But if were not satisfied of your services, Ill have the money back immediately. And remember: for such an amount of money, Ill expect you to be at Fudōs beck and call... and no indiscreet questions.
Then, Nabiki could almost hear the speaker smirk.
And youll also have to watch over Akira, so that he doesnt make a fool of himself.
I heard that! Akira growled, proving that he had a keen hearing.
In the cafeteria
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki giggled a bit with Akiras comment. Dont worry, Ryō-baby... you and Arira-baby here will be VERY satisfied. She then teasingly winked toward Akira.
Moments later, once the deposit was secured, and Nabiki graciously thanked Ryō, she hung up, then looked to Akira. Okay, Akira-baby, tell me what you need, hm?
Re: In the cafeteria
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
I hope youre up to your reputation... Akira coldly said, apparently unmoved by her teasing.
What I need to know... is everything that happens in this school or happened out of the ordinary. Every weird thing.
Re: In the cafeteria
Louis F. Perico
Well, the latest thing was the attack on the school by some people from MHI.... She started typing on her laptop, pulled up the news page of the Tokyo Times and showed it to Akira.
See? They were after this girl, whos supposedly an android of some sorts.... And then she spilled into the details of said android and Mishima Heavy Industries.
Also, the schools hired some sort of extradimensional being as a teacher, but the details on that rumor are sketchy at the moment.
And of course, we have a Casanova who has gotten at least two girls pregnant, my sister being one of them, after reciving some mystery supplement which has added to his mass, among other things.... Nabiki then showed pics of Leto, before and after.
Was there anything else you need, Akira-baby? she inquired.
Re: In the cafeteria
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira gazed dubiously at Nabiki, obviously wondering if she wasnt mocking him. Looking at the proofs she was showing, though, he had to admit she was telling the truth.
Okay... I know I asked for weird... still....
Looking more closely at the reports of the various events Nabiki presented him, he quickly discarded Nuku-Nukus story as not concerning him. He watched more intently at Letos pictures.
Mmmh... this could be more interesting... he pondered. I doubt ordinary science could produce such a metamorphosis... maybe he merged with a demon... though he doesnt seem aggressive, just horny... maybe hes some kind of devilman....
He kept those thoughts for himself, not wanting to alarm Nabiki, especially since her sister was involved.
Thats all? No unexplained disappearances? No half-eaten corpse pieces found there and there? No students or teachers acting strangely and growing new appendages?
Looking anew at the files, he added Cant you have more info about this extradimensional teacher?
Cafeteria and Tentacles
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki was already working on her various search engines, then the brightened!
THE SECURITY CAMERAS!! she cried gleefully.
Quickly she accessed the security cameras of the school, and LO AND BEHOLD a tentacled beast was entering one of the classrooms, along with a young woman dressed in a short red dress and carrying a sword.
Theres your monster... this was about five minutes ago. she said, explaining also the room and floor where the beast went to.
Re: Cafeteria and Tentacles
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
OOC: I think Yohko had been back in civilian clothes before entering the classroom. So she wasnt any more noticeable than the others students.
Akira glared at the screen showing the slithering thing.
I cant believe it! he suddenly growled in anger, while striking the table with his fist... and turning it into little pieces with frightening ease.
A freaking SHIKIMA! I went here in hope of a GOOD fight, and all I get is a freaking Shikima! Those guys are worthless; all they can do is taking advantage of helpless girls! SHIT!
Standing, he grumbled: No wonder I wasnt feeling any fight coming... phew! Well, whatever, tearing off a few tentacles will calm my nerves....
Re: Cafeteria and Tentacles
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki cut into Akiras, thoughts by saying Before you go, Akira-baby, just a word of LEGAL advice: make your move on this... Shikima-thingy... only once it starts trouble; if you try to hack at him immediately, you may get kicked out of the school AND arrested... and Id be charging you and your friend extra for legal services. Get it?
Re: Cafeteria and Tentacles
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira caught Nabikis eyes in his own, intense glare.
Beg your pardon? Are YOU telling me what I should do? he asked from very close, forcing the Takara girl to lean a bit backward.
Cracking his knuckles, he grunted: I dont let girls tell me what to do. I dont care about being expulsed from school or even arrested no one would have the guts to do it, anyway. What I care is that if I dont have a fight soon, Im going to get frustrated. You DONT want to see me frustrated.
The last part wasnt a question, but a fact.
Re: Cafeteria and Tentacles
Louis F. Perico
She did back up a bit, but only a small bit.
Look, Akira! Im not telling you what to do; I just give advice since you are a customer, nothing more. You want to fight something, fine. Go right on ahead. she said bitterly.
She continued to stare right back at him.
Re: Cafeteria and Tentacles
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Thats exactly what Im going to do. Akira somberly answered, not minding a bit Nabikis dark look.
Re: Cafeteria and Tentacles
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
OOC: I was somehow hoping for Byooki Desu to make some progress in the thread she started before having Akira crash into the classroom. Now, I learned she wont be posting for a while. So, I guess Ill wait... unless Nabiki think of something to distract the boy from his destructive hobby....
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
The door from the Sex Ed. classroom suddenly opened. More exactly, it burst from its hinges and flew through the room before shattering on the opposite wall.
Under the gazes of the stunned students, a somber-looking Akira Fudō stepped in while shooting: NOW PREPARE TO DIE, YOU SLIMY SCUMBAG...!
... before realizing that there was no demonic lower-planar being in the classroom. Just a few wide-eyed boys and girls who were studying or pretending to during the teachers absence.
Err... where is the sensei? Or that thing that pretended to be one? Akira idly asked, sweatdropping.
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohko stood up from her chair and slammed her hands down onto the top of her desk to alert Akira to her presence.
What the heck was that for, you MORON?! Havent you ever heard of opening the door?
Yohko stomped over to Akira and poked him in the chest, trying to back him out of the room. One, so she could go to the Principals office to find the slimy Scumbag as he stated, and two to get the troublemaker out of sight so the students didnt suspect anything.
That so-called teacher you are here for is with the Principal right now. So why the hell did you have to dust in the door like that? I can handle that thing on my own. Its my job, for goodnesss sakes. This is nothing for some punky high school super jock to try and handle. Now get out of my way.
Yohko stopped and placed her right hand on the back of her head and looked completely innocent and chuckled a bit.
Haha, wow, what got into me just then? Erm, forget everything you just heard, I know nothing of the demon that was teaching the class, and Im not a Devil Hunter. All lies just to impress you, hehe, Funny wasnt it?
She sweatdropped a bit and hoped to God she could fool him into believing it was all just made up. But she was suspiscious as to who he really was. After all, no normal student could do that and she felt really slimy on the inside, almost like he was the source of all the demonic power she was sensing.
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira blink-blinked in surprise at Yohkos welcome. Her speech didnt make much sense overall, but still he managed to grasp that the Shikima he was pursuing was with the Principal. Now that could be tricky... tearing off a few tentacles in a isolated classroom shouldnt draw too much ruckus, but if he broke in the Principals office, he would get too much attention, and possibly get thrown out of the school before the job was done. Not to mention it could be a misleading from the rape beast, who was probably in hiding right now.
First, he had this girl to take care off... he was perceiving weird vibes from her. Though he doubted she was a demon in disguise, he could tell she was a threat since his battle sense was starting to heat his blood. It was weird, she didnt look like much.... Maybe she was possessed or controlled some way. It already happened with Miki, so he was wary of her trying to backstab him if he went after the monster... hed have to do something about that.
Glaring disturbingly at Yohko, Akira remembered it was a sex demon he was tracking, so she might be its sex slave. Sniffing the air, his acute nose got confirmation of the suspicion: she had been having wild, sweaty sex not long ago. Hed better lock her somewhere so she wouldnt bother him.
Youre coming with me. he flatly said while grabbing Yohkos loops of hair like a handle, and roughly pulling her out of the classroom.
In the hall, Akira turned to a security camera and yelled: HEY! NABIKI! GET YOUR ASS HERE!
Hed need the Takara girl and her spy eyes to track his quarry, as well as to know where he could lock up his struggling captive.
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohkos eyes went wide and she was about to protest his judgement that shed just go along peacefully.
Why if I... ow owowow let go of my hair!!! Let go you freak!!! Do you know how long it takes to get my hair to look like that?! Youre ruining it!!
AS Akira pulled her along the halls, she tried to pry his hands open from her hair, showing him a bit of her unnatural strength, adding to his suspisions that she wasnt a normal girl. She also got quite a few cheap shots in while he was walking, kicking him hard in the back of his knees, thighs, and calves.
Youll so regret this!!! When I get my hands on you!!! Youre just lucky youre not a demon or Id kill you right now!
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira was a bit surprised by Yohkos strength. Though it was nowhere near his own physical power, even in human form, it was unusual for a girl to give him so much problem handling. Another confirmation that she must be possessed.
Her kicks, though not really painful, were beginning to annoy him. On top of that her threat, though totally ridiculous, wasnt making him laugh.
If I was a demon, Id already killed and eaten you right now. Now CALM DOWN or Ill tear off your so-precious hair from your skull!! he said while stopping and turning to face her. He wasnt dragging her along any more, but he still didnt let go of her hair.
Now, I dont swallow that tale about the Principals office, but Im pretty sure you know where your master is hiding. So, youd better tell me where I can find it, so that I finish this quickly. Then Ill leave you alone.
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohko stopped kicking him once he stopped walking. She stood with her arms across her chest and huffed.
You! Kill me?! In your dreams!!
She was going to say more, but then she heard him accusing her of lying and following orders from it. How stupid could this guy be? Did he really think a beautiful girl like her was some slave of a sex demon? Umm, ooops, most sex-demon slaves were beautiful girls like her. She poked her forhead at that realization, but was still very much upset about his acusations.
My... Master?? Oh boy, thats going to far!! And this finishing business. Youre just a jock. How do you expect to kill a demon anyway? Even if I did know, I wouldnt tell you where it is because youd just get yourself killed. Now just let me go and let me handle this myself. OK?
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira stared at the girl in puzzlement. That wasnt the kind of reaction he was expecting. He was wondering if, to get answers, he should frighten her a bit by showing a hint of his hidden nature... but roughing up girls was just not his style.
Handle this? HANDLE THIS? Youre just a frail, little girl. How in hell do you think you can handle a demon? All youll obtain is to get raped in every hole....
Akira immediately regretted conjuring this image... that girl certainly was cute, and the mere thought of what a Shikima could do with her luscious body was arousing him. To hide his trouble, he shrugged. Well, maybe you like that kind of things....
Re: Troublemaker! Thats Nabiki ^^
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki groped Akira on the butt, then said, You roared, Akira-baby?
Then seeing Yohko, she grinned, with plans for the new female student that invovled videos, sex, and money suddenly filling her head.
How do you do? Im Nabiki Takara... special consultant for Akira-baby here. Want a job in video?
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohko was nearly growling, having to listen to all of this from the mouth of the (to her) dimwitted one before her. Her right eye twitched in anger. have to be kidding!!! Why on Earth would I like that kind of thing?!?!! If Im ever going to be raped, its gonna be by a tall sexy hunk of a man, not by some slimy tentacle demon.
Yet again Yohko had a slip of the tongue, and just as Nabiki arrived to boot. Yohko took a step back, but only managed to actually get half a step back before her hair refused to follow the body since Akira had never bothered to release her hair loops.
OUCH!! Could you let go now?
Blinking at nabikis question, she wondered: By video, do you mean the movies where Ill get to meet handsome celebrities, or do you mean something else? She had to ask this, because nabiki reminded her of her agent Chigako, and there was always a catch when it involved one of her plans.
Re: Troublemaker!
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki grinned. Its more of a video magazine sort of thing... and dont worry, you will get a fair cut, along with the others you will be partnering with.
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira, to his credit, didnt jump higher than the ceiling when Nabiki groped his butt, proving he has very good control of his reflexes. Still, he certainly froze in shock. How in hell did she manage to sneak up on him? He should have sensed her coming....
Recovering from the surprise, he didnt pay much attention to what the two girls were saying, though he complied to Yohkos request and finally let go of her hair. Turning toward Nabiki, he glared.
Do you mind? he scolded the forward girl.
I have a problem here, he started, pointing a thumb toward Yohko. Would you please forget your little schemes and help me with it? Im sure this girl is mind-controlled by the Shikima we spotted shes obviously sex-crazy, just listen to her. We should find a way to secure her so that she wont butt in and get harmed when Ill destroy her master. Or maybe find a way to cure her.
Though Akira didnt have a precise idea how to do that... when Miki had been controlled by the water-demon Ghelmer, he had to make her vomit the corrupted water of the fiend to free her.... Now, how do you disrupt the influence of a sex-demon?
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohko heard Nabikis explanation and had more questions than she had before the first was answered. Then Akira had to step in again, and accuse her of being a problem as well as mind-controlled by a Shikima.
Gah, will you shut up!!! Im not a problem, and I am definately not being controlled by a stupid Shikima, or am sex crazed!! Im here to kill the damn Shikima.... Oh yeah, thanks for letting me know what its actually called. I just called it a Tentacle Monster before. But anyway, why are you interested in taking it out? You have no abilities to do so. So.... :P
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira totalely dismissed Yohkos boast as being able to kill the demon. It was just laughable; the girl was either crazy or lying to confuse him. However, her last sentence certainly raised his ire (even more so than the tongue she was sticking out at him).
No abilities to do so? NO ABILITIES TO DO SO??!
If the human-demon symbiot ever had one weakness, it was certainly pride. Even though she couldnt know, a girl belittling his capacities he simply couldnt stand for.
His eyes glowing an unnatural yellow, he yelled: I HAVE ENOUGH POWER TO LEVEL THIS WHOLE SCHOOL, YOU PUNY WOMAN! SO DONT PUSH ME!!!
Usually, Akira would be more wary of demonstrating his other side... but the demon inside him was lusting for the incoming fight, and making him edgy.
Re: Troublemaker!
Louis F. Perico
Tentacle monster? Nabiki asked. She then replied to Akiras rant, Akira-baby, chill. Save that manly testosterone for the bad guys, kay?
She then returned to Yohko, asking, This thing have long appendages, kinda looking like circumsized dicks at the end? weird eyes, slimy skin? Thats the thing you saw in your class?
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohko glared at Akira, and then Nabiki.
You know, shouting doesnt mean you have any power, all it shows is that you are full of hot air. As for you, pointing to nabiki, I know what that thing that posed as a teacher is. I just didnt know what the proper name is. I never paid any attention when my grandmother taught me that stuff during my training. It was sooo boring!!! But anyway. You should just settle down, shut-up, to Akira, and leave the demon fighting to a pro. OK?
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira had been a bit ruffled that Nabiki could think once again that she could tell him what to do. Still, he had to admit that calming would be a good idea, especially before he started breaking things. So, breathing deeply, he tried to settle down. Really tried.
That was, until he was called full of air by that crazy girl. That did it.
However, with a great effort of will, Akira managed to not explode, and was slowly getting back his cool. What had taken him? He had almost turned to his monster form just to show the girl just how frightening was a true demon. Right in the open. That was just not like him, he was more careful usually.
Frowning, he realized there was something about Yohko that was reeling up his demon side. Usually, when a fight was coming he could feel Amons eagerness for bloodlust... but there, it was different. It was like the girl was a complete opposite to the powerful demon-lord he snatched the body... as if it was willing her total eradication.
Puzzled, Akira dismissed the unnatural urges to attack the girl. It was just against his real, human nature to hurt innocent people. Getting back in control, he harrumphed... then grabbed Yohko by the waist and threw her on his shoulder as if she was weighting nothing. Turning to Nabiki, he explained:
You see, shes utterly crazy... thinking she can take a demon on her own. We need to secure her quick so that she dont get herself killed or raped. Do you know of a place where we could lock her up? Or even better, tie her up?
Re: Troublemaker!
After a few moments of screaming a whining and pounding on his back with hard punches, she actually pulled out one of the moves she learned from grandmother.
Take this, you oaf!!!
She rotated her body to the side as much as she could on his shoulder, and with both her hands she pushed his head forward, while at the same time bringing her knee to his nose with all her might. Even if his flesh were made of granite, it would still cause him pain, as was her intention so hed let her go. She was getting tired of being treated like a little girl, and was just about ready to show him how much butt she could kick.
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
It certainly did feel like Yohkos knee hit granite... but Akira still felt it. Letting go of the struggling girl, who gracefully landed on her feet, he massaged his nose with one hand.
Slowly, he turned toward the Devil Hunter, glaring at her with cold fury. Ya know, Im against hitting girls... but I may make an exception for you.
Re: Troublemaker!
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki got in the way of Akira, putting herself between him and Yohko.
Dont damage the merchandise, ne? Worry about her later; lets head down to the Principals office and lets see if this... thing... is still there.
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira glared at Yohko, then harrumphed, still rubbing his nose. Turning heel, he said Youre right, she isnt worth of it. I dont have time to lose with some crazy, delusional chick.
Glancing at Nabiki, he asked: Cant you check that with your spy software?
Re: Troublemaker!
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki glared a bit at Akira, then shrugged a bit as she walked off, dragging Yohko along.
A short while later, in the basement....
Nabiki said, OK, gang, whats the scoop?
One of the cronies said, Boss, the new teacher went to the main office, then opened a dimensional portal. Said cronie referred to one of the screens in Nabikis information center.
It showed the tentacled beastie slither its way inside and closing the door. A portal appeared underneath, then vanished, along with said beastie.
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohko just responded with a simple yet clear cut reply of sticking her tongue out and pulling down the bottom eyelid of her right eye with her index finger. Then she followed them to the basement to see for herself what all this was about.
Wait, what? That demon is gone? That cant be!! Theres still a demon in this high school, I can just feel it, and its a really strong one too. So, if the tentacle one is gone, where do you suppose the other one is? I highly doubt its Overconfidence over here!
She pointed right to Akira when she said that, which could lead him to think she actually already knew he was a demon. She didnt know for sure, but she was skeptical about him being a normal kid, and suspected it a bit.
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira snickered as Yohko pointed at him. That girl really believed herself to be a Devil Hunter. That was just too cute.
Oh yeah? And how can you feel such a thing? Feminine intuition? Where did you get your demon hunter license? At a school lottery?
Still, he was quite disappointed that the Shikima got away. Even though it probably wouldnt have been a match for him, now he had nothing to vent his frustration on. Just what could he do to kill the time?
Keep still an eye on the school, he said to Nabiki and her flunkies. That thing may come back once itll think its safe especially if it hasnt raped anybody yet; it probably still wants some.
Re: Troublemaker!
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki nonchalantly replied, Of course... but since you two are not going anywhere, especially you, Akira-baby... you need to let out some of that frustration, and theres only one solution:
The Anything Goes School of Sexual Martial Arts!
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohko growled a bit and put her hands on her hips, and explained to him in general how she got the title, as if he would understand what she meant.
Well if you must know: Im Yohko Mano, 108th Devil Hunter of my line. My familiy has been fighting demons to preserve the human race for over 2,000 years. Ive already killed more demons than youve probably seen in your life, not to mention I prevented the resurrection of the Devil itself. (Though she actually doubted it was the Devil, but a really really powerful demon lord.)
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira snickered openly. Right, the Devil himself. Very funny. I happen to be very good friend with him, and its weird but he never mentioned you.
Busy mocking the Mano girl, Fudō didnt pay much attention to what Nabiki said. Yeah, yeah, whatever. he distractedly answered her.
Re: Troublemaker!
Oh yeah. Now look whos telling tall tales. You, very good friends with the Devil. Ha yeah, right!! Youd have to be a first rank demon to even know the Devil. Youre full of it!
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira almost facefaulted at Yohkos answer. Though what he said was technically true, he intended it as pure sarcasm. But it seemed she taken it at face value.
Wow... and I thought Miki was a ditz... he commented for himself.
Then he idly knocked on top of Yohkos head with one finger. Theres really not much brain in there, right?
Re: Troublemaker!
Yohko looked up at him and barely restrained from slapping Akiras hand away from her when he ridiculed her.
... What do you mean by that? Everything I just said was true. Youre probably the one lacking in the brain department. I mean, yeesh, who busts down the door of a class in session? Only a complete moron would do that!!
Yohko hoped Akira wasnt as dumb as she was making him out to be, because she wanted him to lose his tempor so she would have a reason to beat him senseless.
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
That was a surprise move for the monster which was supposedly behind the door. Not my fault if I had lacking info to start with and it had crawled away already.
Akira then shrugged, looking bored. Oh, bugger, why do I even bother to argue with you...?
Re: Troublemaker!
I bet you argue with me because youve fallen in love with this strong-willed, beautiful damsel before you, and you dont know how else to express your love for her.... By the way, the damsel is me.
Re: Troublemaker!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira looked down at Yohko, blinking for several seconds in puzzlement.
Then he suddenly burst out in a thundering laughter.
Oh boy... he started finally calming down, ... thank you. Its been ages since I havent laughed so hard. he said while affectionately tap-taping Yohko on the head, like a little child.
Re: Troublemaker!
Heh hey, whats so funny?! I didnt say anything funny!! Its all true and you know it! Dont try to hide it with that obvious fake laughter. Youre head over heals in love, admit it! And stop patting me!
She took a few swings at Akiras hand to get it away from her head.
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Though still amused, Akiras left eye was twitching. He just didnt know why, but that little crazy chick and her delusions were very annoying. Usually, he would have let her think whatever she wanted, and not care a bit... but now, he was feeling the need to prove her wrong... just like when he was engaged in a battle, and could only settle for victory. Maybe it was a battle, besides... a battle of wits. Though he wasnt sure the term could be used in the Mano girls case.
Youre really living in a fantasy world, arent you? he said haughtily to the Devil Hunter. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but Im certainly not...
And to prove his point, he grabbed the near-by Nabiki Takara by the waist... and brought her close to him, trapping her lips in a French kiss.
Years later, Akira Fudō would still wonders what had taken him to do such a thing....
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
Yohko watched Akira take nabiki into a French kiss, and could even see the shock on the girls face, at least in the beginning, with wide eyes.
... So I had the wrong person, but I was still right, you were trying to impress the girl you love. So you are trying to act all tough. It just didnt happen to be me. No big deal. I dont like you anyway.
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
Louis F. Perico
She pulled away from the kiss, then replying to Yohko, Love?? Girlfriend, dont get me wrong, hes just a client....
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira pulled away from Nabiki, still not believing what he had just done. Was it in any way related to his demon-half, somewhat frustrated of being denied its fight, and compensating by lashing on those girls? The young Fudō certainly felt hot and bothered. He was hoping they wouldnt notice the bulge in his pants.
L-listen, Im sorry... I just didnt know how to convince that delusional chick that I wasnt interested in her.... he said to Nabiki, pointing a finger toward Yohko.
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
Oh Oh, tough guy lost his edge. Hes actually apologizing. Wow, I didnt think Id ever see that!! Hehe.
Yohko was literally bouncing up and down, and making sure she made it clear she was aware of his weakness. One hand keeping the school uniform skirt from coming up to far in the front as she bounced, and the other pointing at him, which happened to be lined up perfectly with his finger on her.
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
The twitching in Akiras eye got even worse. God, he would never have thought he could meet a girl that aggravating... nor believed it even possible.
Seeing her bounce, though, was at least a bit entertaining... he wondered if those balloons were fake... probably. But the fluttering of her skirt gave him an idea.
Okay... he muttered, cracking his knuckles. I was trying to be a gentleman... but since you seem to be bent on making me mad... now youre going to regret it.
He started advancing menacingly toward Yohko... of course, he had no intent to hurt her, but he was very intent on making her shut up... and a good spanking should do the trick.
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
Well, the thing is you had to try. Its not worth it, barbarians cant possibly pretend to be true gentleman, and you are definately no gentleman. Oh now, how am I going to regret? Hmmm, you going to spank me?
She stuck her tongue out at him again, and with a hop turned around and shook her bottom at him, daring him to do it. Shed love to just show she was a Devil hunter, but he hadnt made it perfectly clear to her that he was really a demon as she expected.
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
How did you guess? flatly answered Akira in a flat, humorless voice.
Since she was so obligingly inviting him, the Fudō boy wouldnt disappoint her....
Striking lightning-fast, Akiras meaty hand landed on Yohkos skirt-covered bottom... slapping it with great strength and a resounding *CLAP*.
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
Yohko leaped into the air and away from Akira, and quickly spun around, putting her back against the wall to prevent a follow-up spank to the first.
Why... why you monster! Dont you dare do that. I know what you are, why dont you quit hiding it. Come on, change so I can beat you up without feeling guilty!
Re: Troublemaker! (attn Leto)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Akira heartily laughed, both at Yohkos outraged expression and her silly boast.
You have NO IDEA what I truly am, little girl. But I certainly dont need to show anybody in order to give the spanking you deserve....
Grasping Yohko once again by her handy loops of hair, he tried to make her kneel in order to get access to her fanny.
Why dont you admit youre a sex slave of that Shikima, sent here to make me reveal myself without your master getting endangered? No need to deny it, I can smell it, you had very wild sex not long ago... and with someone not entirely human.