ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL The Terrible Trio 7: end
Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan
Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase whimpered weakly. She had been fingering herself and Ranko-chan all the while as Mel-chan and Kura-chan were having fun with each other. Wet wouldnt even start to describe her. Yet, she had promised Melinda that if she could control herself, shed let her play with Kura as much as she wanted, and the kawai futanari showed tremendous control.
Still, now that both girls had disappeared in the bathroom, she couldnt take it any longer. Also, the animalistic noises that were coming from the storage room werent helping any. Now, the mix of the peepshow she watched added with the hermaphrodites pheromones were overloading her with sheer lust. She needed some sex toy to play with, and she needs it now.
So, she got an idea. Say, Ranko-chan, you told me you dont want to be in the dominated role... but what about being the dominatrix? There are two very unruly girls in that storage room that need some serious disciplining....
Not waiting for Rankos answer, she opened again her toys box, and pulled out of it a strap-on... with TWO impressive dildos tied in the front. Smirking, she also took a rather good-sized vibrator and handed it to Ranko Takara.
Walking then to the entrance of the storage room, she violently kicked the door open and towered regally above the two naked girls inside.
Now, now, now, you naughty girls. Dont you have any idea just how THIN those walls are...? I heard everything, and Im not pleased with you....
Inwardly she was smirking, but for the outside world she was displaying a severe, displeased face. And look at the mess youve made in my storage room! Im responsible for this place! What do you have to say for your defense? she asked, menacingly slapping the hard, twin rubber dicks against her palm.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nuku didnt even stop to think. She didnt even stop to dress. Nuku-Nuku will gladly help Tetsuya home! Very carefully, the schoolgirl android picked Tetsuya up, and cradled the tired girl as if she was a baby. Just tell Nuku-Nuku where to go, then Tetsuya can rest nicely. The techno-kitty couldnt help it, she loved getting presents! Its not Nuku-Nukus birthday, what kind of present is Tetsuya giving Nuku-Nuku? The catgirl was trying to be polite, but there was no hiding the childlike excitment in her voice.
Before Tetsuya could answer, the door burst open with a bang. Nuku-Nukus sensor arrays popped up, and the powerful android felt sudden, and unexpected fear. She had fought many powerful mecha in her past, but this was different! The school nurse had to be listened too, the cat-android had to follow the rules! Nuku-Nuku is sorry, nurse. Nuku-Nuku will help fix everything! The cat-android held Tetsuya closer to her, as she watched the nurse advance. When the techno-kitty saw what the nurse was holding, she felt mild alarm. When she saw the vibrator Ranko was holding, she felt nothing but panic. No, no, no! Please no vibrators for Nuku-Nuku!
Still holding Tetsuya, the schoolgirl android backed right up against the wall she had damaged. Nuku-Nuku is sorry! she cried Nuku-Nuku wants to fix things up! she turned to the smiling redhead. Ranko-chan, please stay away from Nuku-Nuku with that! The android looked all around, but there was no escape. She couldnt do any more damage, she would be in so much trouble at home. Please nurse, please dont tell on Nuku-Nuku! Papa-san and Ryū would be so cross!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Louis F. Perico
Ranko grinned like the Cheshire Cat; she might not openly admit it, but she DID like to be agressive first.
Holding onto the vibrator that Ruko handed her, she also went over and stood just behind Ruko, letting her do most of the talking, while she GLARED at Kura-chan. The redhead was genuinely pissed that she didnt get to fully suck off Mel-chan, but something more interesting may just happen!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuya crawled weakly and pushed the nurse a little back. She then crawled to the sink and grabbed the bucket again and turned on the hot water. (Yes she can do this, she is still strong even when exhausted.) She then poured it over her head.
Tetsuyo blinked at the nurse, his eyes tired. He crawled back past her and curled back into Nukus arms as she was still yelling and fell asleep. SNORE!!!!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase smirked at Nuku-Nukus panicked antics... she wasnt fooled, though, since she heard the yells of the cyborg trough the wall, begging to be hurt and fucked hard. In her high state of arousal, the ecchi nurse ws very disposed to give Nuku-Nuku exactly that.
Rukos hard expression, however, didnt last long, replaced by one of surprise when she saw Tetsuya transform into a boy. Once again, she witnessed many wild things in Ogenki Clinic... but an instant sex change, that was yet a new one for her. At first she wondered if she wasnt hallucinating, but the results of the metamorphosis were quite evident, since the boy was naked. If her eyes could be trusted, the girl Tetsuya undeniably became a male.
Just exactly what is going on here? she asked around, not addressing anybody in particular.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo peeped an eye open. Its called a Jusenkyō curse. Ranma has the same curse last time I knew. I met him before I started here. Now as for what it is, Ill tell you later. He closed the eye.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nuku didnt know about any curse, but she tried to explain anyway, while Tetsuyo went back to sleep in her arms. Um, Tetsuya and Nuku-Nuku were playing together, and it was very nice. Nuku-Nuku made Tetsuya cum, when she was all tied up, then Tetsuya liked Nuku-Nuku so much, that cold water made him turn into a boy, so Tetsuyo could stick his boy-penis into Nuku-Nukus hiney. We both liked that! Thats...thats when Nuku-Nuku accidentally messed up the wall! The frightened android tried to hide the damage, by standing in front of it. There was no hiding the long grooves her fingers had carved there. Tetsuyo then turned back to Tetsuya, so Nuku-Nuku could lick up all her yummy cream.... The android broke down, and sobbed. Nurse Tatase, Nuku-Nuku is so sorry! Please, please dont call Papa-san! Nuku-Nuku will do anything! The cat-android eyed the vibrator Ranko still held, and she began to tremble. Nuku-Nuku was at a loss. Papa-san was very clear. If a teacher, or a school offical told Nuku-Nuku to do something, Nuku-Nuku had to do it, just like any other student! Nuku-Nuku will get a job after school, and pay for al the damage! Youll see! Just dont let Ranko buzz Nuku-Nuku! The cat-android was more scared then she ever was in her life! It would be so easy to fal to the spell of that vibrating dildo, but Nuku-Nuku knew she must not! Deep down, the feline android knew she would become the slave of whoever controled that vibrator! Nuku-Nuku would do anything in the whole world to prevent that!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase put a hand on her forehead, feeling a huge headache coming.
Does every kind of sex mutant can be found in this school? Shed already seen one or two guys with huge, extensible cocks, a nympho hermaphrodite, a pregnant cyborg, and now an instant add-water sex-changing girl... boy... whatever... two if what Tetsuyo said about Ranma was true.
I feel a little tired right now.... flatly commented Ruko as she wobbled on her legs.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo was a swordman first, but he did run by somewhat of a code. So his own fatigue didnt matter, if a female was tired she came first. So Tetsuyo was right underneath Ruko and propped her arm over his shoulder. Tired, miss? He blinked confusedly. And Im not a mutant. Someone pushed me in.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Louis F. Perico
Ranko came to the nurses aid.
Here, Ruko-chan... sit back here. said the pigtailed redhead, carefully guiding the nurse back to the bed, least she slump on the floor.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo helped Ranko and put the nurse on the bed. Hmm, wonder what happened to her? He rubbed his forehead and then smiled. Hello. Im Tetsuyo.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Louis F. Perico
Ranko smiled a little. Ranko... Ranko Takara. Pleased to meet ya, Tetsuyo.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo blinked and then turned red as he realized that his energy was back and he had a little friend peeking out again. Uh... He sweatdropped. So, um, Ranko. How have you been? He sweatdropped bigger.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Louis F. Perico
Ranko looked, then chuckled. Well, I am doing more or less OK... I can see how you are at the moment....
Then, to Nuku, she said, Hey, Nuku, you may want to help out your boy-toy here... or do you want...
She then suddenly whiped out the vibrator, now going BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
... THIS???
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
He blinked at it, and then sat in the chair next to the nurse. Um, what are you going to do with that now?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase got back most of her senses now, but she was still feeling a little light-headed. So, it was with some dizzy detachment that she watched Ranko and Tetsuyo casually chatting while in the buff, and Ranko innocently playing with her borrowed vibrator. She couldnt see Nuku-Nukus reaction from where she was sitting, but it didnt really have much importance for her now. Mind spinning from all the weird things she had witnessed on only her first day, she started babbling half-coherently.
Why did I left Ogenki Clinic? she asked in a strained voice, not speaking to anybody in particular. Okay, Dr. Ogeguri was always trying to fuck me, and he has a pole that can reach more than four feet in length and almost twelve inches in diameter... and sometime Id swear it even talked to me... but it felt very good to have it inside me, and to feel so desired....
Getting more and more agitated, she pursued: As for the patients, its true Ive met every kinds of perversion or deviance that could exist... but it was a lot of fun.... Ive seen foot-fetishist, blow-fetishist, fat-fetishist, rubber-fetishist, panties-fetishist, brief-fetishist, hose-fetishist, bondage/S.-M. addicts, otakus, precocious guys, frigid girls, compulsive masturbators, satyrs, nymphomaniacs, dominatrix, transvestites, and many, many more.... Ive ride dicks and dildos of every size and form, some bigger than you can even imagine... Ive fucked men, women, hermaphrodites, heterosexuals, bisexuals, homosexuals....
Finally, she was truly bawling out in tears. BUT IT WAS NOTHING COMPARED TO THAT SCREWY SCHOOL!!!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nuku watched almost mesmerized, as Ranko switched on the vibrator. Its sound seemed to call to her. The cat-android did the only think she could think of. She clasped her hands protectivly over her sex, as if the buzzing toy was about to leap at her, and dive right in!
Nuku-Nuku managed to drive her thoughts away from the toy when Nurse Tatase started to cry. The techno-kitty, ever ready to lend a hand, rushed to the nurses side. It managed to sink into her feline brain that her ruining of the wall was just the last straw for the lovely nurse. Nuku-Nuku didnt mean to make pretty nurse so sad! The android gently stroked the sobbing womans hair. The android curled up next to the troubled nurse, and put her arms around her.
Nuku-Nuku will make it better. Nuku-Nuku promises! The insistant buzz of the vibrator forced its way back into Nuku-Nukus mind, and her body shuddered against the nurses. What can Nuku-Nuku do to make Nurse Tatase feel better? The cat-android made up her mind. If anyone was going to make her a slave to that buzzing toy, it would be the pretty nurse, not Ranko-San! Nuku-Nuku owed the nurse that, for making her cry. D-Did Nurse Tatase want to make Nuku-Nuku use the bad vibrator? The android gave another shudder, and whispered quietly in the pretty nurses ear. Nuku-Nuku is addicted to vibrator toys. Nuku-Nuku wants to feel it again so bad, but Nuku-Nuku wont be able to stop, once Nuku-Nuku starts using it. Nurse Tatase can use it on Nuku-Nuku, if she wants The techno-kitty was trembling now, as she held on to the nurse. Nurse Tatases skin felt so nice and warm against hers, and the feline cyborg grew confused. Did Nuku-Nuku just volenteer to be a sex slave for the pretty nurse? The cat-android didnt dare admit how strong the attraction she felt for the vibrator really was. If the wrong person used it on her, there was no telling what Nuku-Nuku would do to feel that wondrous, continous climax again!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Confused, the nurse looked at the affectionate catgirl with glazed eyes. Nuku-Nukus scratching on the wall has nothing to do with Rukos breakdown it was rather the sight of Tetsuyos transformation that was the straw on the camels back, but the techno-kitty couldnt know that. And now, on top of that... she has a cyborg suffering from vibrator addiction....
Doc Ogeguri would just have LOVED this place.
Clutching on Nuku-Nuku like a lifesaver, the nurse started sobbing on her shoulder.
Snirf! I... When I came here, I swore to myself... *snirf* that I wouldnt indulge any longer into sex...
She pulled on Nuku-chans head to watch her right in the eyes. Sob! And I MEANT IT! WAAHAAAAAAAA!!!!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
The cat-android was truly confused now. Why? Why did Nurse Tatase swear not to have sex? She hugged the nurse tightly, and let the pretty ladys tears fall on her shoulder. Nuku-Nuku could feel their warmth, and the catgirl was somehow getting a little turned on by them! Nurse Tatase shouldnt cry. Nurse Tatase should be happy! Sex is really fun and good! Nuku-Nuku likes to have sex a whole lot, and it is never a problem.... her voice trailed off, as she heard that pesky buzzing again. Um, well, sometimes it is a problem. she muttered. An idea clicked in her feline mind. Nurse Tatase is a nurse! she shouted, stating the rather obvious. Nurse Tatase could help Nuku-Nuku to not be addicted to the bad vibrator toys. Then Nuku-Nuku can help Nurse Tatase see how really nice sex is, and how it should make pretty nurses happy, and not sad! Her mind made up, the catgirl snuggled happily against the still sobbing nurse. Please Nurse Tatase, please dont cry! Nuku-Nuku doesnt want you to be sad. Nuku-Nuku wants to see Nurse Tatase smile! The techno-kitty snuggled tighter against the nurse, and her hands slowly started to slide over the womans smooth warm skin. Please be happy again, nurse! she pleaded, as her hands slowly began to explore.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo blinked and pointed at the nurse. She cracked, huh? Hmmm... He thought and tapped his fingers, and then ran behind the curtain. *Splash* Ahh, thats cold!
Tetsuya ran back out and pushed Ranko a little to the side. Dont go near me with that thing. Now, Nuku, you ripped my clothes. Do you happen to have replacement ones? She blinked. Well, I am getting cold in the buff here. Hello? She sweatdropped at the nurse. See, see, its me. Tetsuya. A girl. See you dont have to cry. No problem. See. I need a beer bad.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nuku looked up from the troubled nurse, and saw that Tetsuya was back to her pretty self. Tetsuya should not drink. she said matter-of-factly, as she continued to just caress the nurses back and shoulders. If Tetsuya is cold, Tetsuya should help Nuku-Nuku make the nurse happy again! She looked at Ranko, and her system nearly locked up, as she saw the still buzzing vibrator. It took all her self-control to fight the urge to impale herself on the toy. Ranko-San, please, uh, t-turn that off! She blinked her eyes rapidly. Nurse Tatase is sad, we have to make her happy! Ranko-chan has to help too!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
And you shouldnt tell others what to do, kitty. I need clothes. And some sake. MMM... She disappeared and ran to the cabinet and started to raid it. Hmm, roach poison. Dildos, dildos, dildos... She whistled. Vibrator. Chains, whips, handcuffs. Jeez, she has a fetish. Pulling out something. Yes, finally. Wild Turkey. Huh? She blinked and came out with the bottle in her hand. Oh well, beggars cant be choosers.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Louis F. Perico
Ranko replied, Eheh... what are you doing with that, hm?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Despite her slight breakdown, Nurse Tatase hadnt really stopped being horny, thanks to Numéro 5 de Melinda, the one aphrodisiac perfume you coulnt resist. So, the amorous attentions of the catgirl were not wasted, and Ruko started to moan under the artificial, yet incredibly soft and pleasuring, hands. The naked female cyborg was enough of a beauty to arouse desire in the shaken nurse, despite her vows.
Im not sure Ive ever done it with a cyborg.... Tatase pondered, concluding than even her could find novelty after all. Responding to Nuku-Nukus embrace, she imitated the girl and started stroking her back and shoulders, rubbing her beautiful breasts against smaller ones. Thank you for wanting to comfort me.
The professional part of her mind had registered Nuku-Nukus request, but she didnt know what to do about it. Im sorry, but I have no idea of to cure an addiction in a robot... must be more akin to some bug... you should consult a programmer.
The nurses gaze closed on Tetsuya, frowning. Hey! What the hell are you doing rummaging into my cabinet! GET THAT BACK! Its OUT OF QUESTION for you to drink anything here, youre underage!
Licking her lips, she added Me, on the other hand, I really need something strong....
OOC: WARNING! DEFCON 3! If any of you is familiar with Ogenki Clinic, youd realize that now is the time to run for the hills!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
The cat-cyborg grinned sheepishly. I was hoping Nurse Tatase could help Nuku-Nuku! Nuku-Nuku just cant tell Papa-san about that! Papa-san is the only one who can fix Nuku-Nuku when she has problems! The techno-kitty was starting to relax herself now, as the pretty nurse was stroking her, making her feel ever so nice. The nurses sudden outburst startled the feline.
Tetsuya! Students shouldnt drink! If Tetsuya doesnt give that bottle back to the pretty nurse, um, ah, Tetsuya cant use his thing on, or have her clitty licked, by Nuku-Nuku! The cat-android turned puzzled eyes back to the nurse. Why do humans like to drink smelly liquids like that, Nurse Tatase? Nuku-Nuku isnt allowed to try. Papa-san wont let her. The android resumed her gentle caressing of the lovely nurse.
OOC NOTE: Nuku-Nukus brain is a living brain from a cat. Her cyborg body must take on food and water to sustain it. What would happen if Nurse Tatase should let Nuku-Nuku try a sip or two?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuya shook her head. No NO no NO No no. Its mine. And I dont care if I am underage. She popped the top off and took a large swig. MMM, good year too. She grinned and stuck out her tongue. And you cant make me cause Im stronger then you even as a girl. So there. And no I am not going to do you as a girl or boy. GOt that. She crossed her arms.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase grinned evilly as she watched Tetsuya disobey. Stronger, than me, hu? And what make you think that this will come into play?
Looking down at Nuku-Nuku, she asked her sweetly: Nuku-chan... could you be a good kitten, err, girl, and bring to me that bad girl... boy... wathever.
While pointing at Tetsuya, she added with a roar: HANDS AND FEET TIED SO THAT I GIVE HER THE THOROUGH *SPANKING* SHE DESERVES!!!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuya blinked at Nuku-Nuku and stuck her tongue out at the nurse. OK, you want to know why? Here. She shoved the bottle of Wild Turkey into Nukus mouth and pinched her nose. Now, take a sip.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
STOP THAT! yelled the nurse, grabbing the bottle from Tetsuyas hand before she could empty it into the surprised Nuku-Nukus mouth. But she wasnt fast enough to prevent the cyber-cat from gulping a few sips.
How can you do that! bellowed Tatase for Tetsuya. She just said that her parents arent allowing her to drink! Ill have you cast out of the school for such a thing!
Incensed, Ruko looked around for her whip, intending to give a severe correction to the cursed boy-girl.
OOC: Oh boy! As for Nuku-chan question about drinking... well considering that her only organic part is her brain, all the nutrients must go directly to it... and a cat-brain is smaller than a human one... and if her papa-san doesnt allow her to drink, its probably because he hadnt included any alcohol filtrating apparatus in her digestive system, discarding it as useless. So, we can theorize that a very small quantity can inebriate Nuku-Nuku.
Oh boy...
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuya shrugged. Oh well. I am being forced by the government to come to school anyways. I just dont want to go to jail. She shrugged. Like anyone could send me to jail anyways. She turned green. Uh oh, I think the old sake I had earlier and the rest is not mixing too well. Ulp. She held her mouth and then went to the garbage can again.
Tetsuya wobbled and sat down. Ugh I dont feel so good. What happened? She blinked at Nuku. AYIEYYY I GAVE HER alcohol!!!! SHIT!!!! She ran over to Nuku and started to pat her back and tried to get some water or something to get her to drink. Gomen, gomen Nurse. I get odd when I drink. Plus mix painkillers and alcohol and I dont do very well. Gomen again. She sweatdropped. Um, as for your garbage can I am sorry bout that too. But Im all better now. Hmmm but. She raised an eyebrow. I had fun as a guy with Nuku-Nuku. Me like you nurse. Want someone else to be dominant for once?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Louis F. Perico
Ranko asked, Er... is it safe for a robot to drink??
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
I dont know. Tetsuya said in a more paniced voice, now full of worries. Nuku-Nuku, Im sorry. Please come back. I want you to talk to me, please. She shook her. Please, Nuku.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
The schoolgirl android jumped to her feet, happy to do as the pretty nurse ordered. Nurse Tatase sounded so much better now, and Nuku-Nuku was very glad. The cyber-kitty stepped up to Tetsuya, fully intending to tie up the naughty girl, when Tetsuya thrust the bottle into her mouth! Normally the android could overpower any meer human, but she was taken by surprise when Tetsuya pinched her nose. Totally by reflex, the feline-cyborg took three big swallows, before she pushed Tetsuya away. The android gasped a little, as the fiery liquid made its was down her throat. An unusual, but pleasant warmth flowed from her tummy, all the way to her fingers and toes.
She turned to Ranko-chan. Nuku-Nuku is not a, um, a robo-ro-ahhh...Row row row your boat! The feline android smiled broadly, as she sang loudly, and way off key. Nuku-Nuku wants to row a boat! Someone help Nuku-Nuku find a boat to row! She took a shaky step forward, and tumbled gracelessy to the floor. Bwaa Ha Ha! the cat-android laughed crazily, as she sat nude on the floor. Nuku-Nuku fell on her hiney! The very happy girl got up on her hands and knees, and scampered surprisingly fast, all over the nurses office. Nuku-Nuku wants a snack! How can Nuku-Nuku row a boat across the ocean without a snack! Her sensor arrays popped up, somehow, their familiar whirr and click sounded slightly out of sync, and they wobbled a bit before locking in place. She stopped and put a finger to her lips. Be vewwy vewwy quiet, Im hunting miceys! (A very poor Elmer Fudd impression.) Quick as lightning, the tipsy catgirl zeroed in on a certain spot on the wall, and punched a hole in it! Before anyone could react, she pulled out a mouse, and stuffed it in her mouth. Just as things looked really bad, the cat-androids eyes opened wide, followed by her mouth. BBBUURRPP! The terrified, but otherwise unharmed mouse shot out of her mouth, and made it safely back into the hole in the wall. Scuse Nuku-Nuku! That sounded funny! The android forgot about the mouse, as she sat there, and amused herself by burping over and over. Oopsie, Nuku-Nuku gotta go piddle-pee now! Nuku-Nuku crawled to the corner of the room, and hunched down low, still on her hands and knees. A yellow puddle began to spread around her. When she finished her little business, she moved forward a little, and went through the motions of kicking sand over her job.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase facepalmed, then pulled hard on her pretty face, deforming it awfully. It was a catastrophe. If the board ever found out she let those underaged kids drink alcohol in her office, shed be fired for sure.
Not that it would entirely be a bad thing.
Feeling very tired, and in serious need of some stimulant, she reflexively rose the bottle to her lips and start gulping it down. Her eyes bulged when she realized what she was doing, but still she didnt stop. Well... its better to make all evidences disappear, after all....
OOC: DEFCON 4! Now youre all doomed.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuya, now glad she had an extra set of clothes, had grabbed her katana in the corner of the room. She blinked at the nurse drinking and Nuku-Nukus reactions, and decided it was best to get out of Dodge while she could. So she quietly tried to tiptoe out of the room, and creak the door open.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nuku looked around the nurses office, with a somewhat glazed look in her eyes. TETSUYA! she cried joyfully, as she spotted the pretty girl slowly opening the door. She scampered over, slipping a little on the dampness she had left. The android planted herself on the floor, blocking the door. She looked back and forth, as if trying to spot someone spying on her. Tetsuya, Nuku-Nuku knows a secret! The catgirl grinned a silly grin, and grabbed Tetsuyaa arm. She pulled the young woman down, and whispered in her ear. Nuku-Nuku saw Ranko-chan do something nasty! Look over there! The techno-kitty wobbled a little, as she pointed to the wet corner she just left. Nuku-Nuku saw it! she fibbed. Ranko peed on the nice nurses floor! Thats so yucky! Nuku-Nuku giggled, not knowing everyone in the room saw her do it.
Wow! she continued, but in a loud childlike shout. Tetsuya has a really big knife! Will Tetsuya help Nuku-Nuku hunt more mice? Mice are nice! Nice mice! She went off in another fit of giggles. One mouse didnt fill up Nuku-Nuku! Nuku-Nuku wants more mice! The android didnt remember it had escaped, she just knew she was hungry! Nuku-Nuku wants mice! she demanded, as she tugged at Tetsuyas arm. She grinned at a sudden idea. Nuku-Nuku will pay for mice! Nuku-Nuku will do sex with Tetsuya, if Tetsuya gives Nuku-Nuku a mouse! The tipsy cat-android looked at Ranko, still holding the vibrator, and Nurse Tatase, hastily chugging down the last of the bottle. Nuku-Nuku will do sex with anyone, who gives her a nice plump mouse! The android crossed her arms, and waited. She threw back her head, and screamed. NUKU-NUKU WANTS TO DO SEX! NUKU-NUKU WANTS FUCKING! NUKU-NUKU WANTS MICE TOO!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Oro? Tetsuya tried to lean back and touch a pressure point to knock her out, and then remembered she was a machine. *Sigh* No, Nuku, you need to go to sleep, OK.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase spit out the last gulp of alcohol she was drinking when she heard Nuku-Nuku yelling. Not that it was mattering much; the bottle was now almost empty.
Wipping her mouth, Ruko glared at the cyber-kitty. The whole school probably heard her! Now there was no way the nurse would be keeping her job....
Owww, SHUT UP! shouted Ruko, as the room started to spin around her. Legs a little wobbly and mind starting to get fuzzy, she walked unsteadily toward the students, grabbing her whip along.
How *hic!* how dare you scream in my own office? If *hic!* someone needs fucking here, its me! I watched a lot of hot shows since I *hic!* arrived here, but I didnt even get a real dick inside me! Only *hic!* some stern dildo. So you have no right to *hic!* be so needy.... Youre a bad kitten!
Making her whip crack once, she started smiling evily. And I heard you *hic!* You were begging Tetsuyayayayoyoyo to hurt ya-you. You like pain? *hic!* Then Im going to show you the real way of doing it! Prepare for a real séance of sadamiso...sodomi...sodamisogyny...*hic!* sa-do-ma-so-chism! Yeah right!
More and more alcohol reaching her brain, the inebriated nurse turned her attention toward Tetsuya, glaring at her like a hungry shark. And you! You think faking to be sick is going to save you? *hic!* Since youve been here, you never stopped DISOBEYING, *hic!* DRINKING, *hic!* MOANING, *hic!* and BEING AN ASS! Now, you got that poor Nukunukunukunukunukunukunuku *hic!* ... did I forget one? drunk. For that... heheheheHEHEHEHE! *hic!* Im going to whip you lil bottom until it is so red that you wont sit down for a whole month! *hic!* And then Ill fuck you!
A huge, silly grin invading her face, the nurse proudly announced AND THEN ILL INVITE THE WHOLE SOCCER TEAM TO COME HERE AND FUCK ME! HeHeHe!
But she suddenly took a pensive look, and whispered Oh, wait, no. Didnt Ranko-chan say that they were a bad lay...? Pooh.
OOC: DEFCON 5! Ruko Tatase may have seemed uninhibited until now, but believe me its even worse when shes drunk. The whole school may not survive it.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuya erked. No way she could handle the nurse as a girl. She checked her pockets and pulled out a bottle of warm water she had planned to drink outside. But it would do here and she poured it over herself.
Tetsuyo stood up and held his hands defensivly. Now, nurse, calm down. We dont want anyone to get hurt or anything. Now relax. And maybe, he smirked, I will give you that real dick you are yearning for.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nuku is not tired! she screamed at Tetsuya. Nuku-Nuku wants to eat mice, and fuck! The android thought about it for a moment, then grinned a lopsided grin. NUKU-NUKU WILL SUCK A PENIS FOR A FISH! she screamed even louder. She groped between Tetsuyas legs. If Tetsuyo makes his boy-cock for Nuku-Nuku, and Nuku-Nuku sucks it, will Tetsuyo give Nuku-Nuku a nice fishie? The techno-kitty turned and giggled, when the pretty nurse walked unsteadily towards her. Bwaa ha ha! You walk funnny! she shouted, as she tried to get to her own feet. With every attempt, the catgirl would only slide back down the door, and land on her rump, with a bump.
Nuku-Nuku knew she was in trouble, even if she didnt know the big words that the nurse was using. She tried to look serious, but kept bursting out and giggling. In perhaps what was the biggest mistake of her life, Nuku-Nuku talked back to the nurse. Nuku-Nuku can scream if she wants too! To prove it, the catgirl tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and screamed for all she was worth. NUKU-NUKU LIKES REAL HARD BOY DICKIES! She smiled crazily at the nurse. Nurse Tatase is just mad because Tetsuya likes young girls enough to turn into a boy and fuck! I bet he doesnt even like OLDER girls! The intoxicated catgirl managed to pull herself to her feet, and swayed just a little, as she smiled at the lovely nurse. Give Nuku-Nuku a mouse! she demanded. Ill lick Nurse Tatases pretty for a mouse! Little warning bells seemed to go off in the cat-androids fuzzy mind (fuzzier then usual, that is). School nurse, school teacher. Papa-san warned her to obey all school workers. Uh, Oh! the catgirl said, as she watched fire seem to dance in Nurse Tatases eyes.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Fire was replaced by ice as Nurse Tatase sends a freezing glare to Nuku-Nuku. Not bothering to answer the drunken catgirl, she simply extended her arm, palm up, toward Ranko, while keeping eyes on the cyborg.
And uttered three words: Ranko-chan. Vibrator, please.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Suddenly, Nuku-Nuku didnt found things so funny any more. No, No, No! she whispered, as she took a hasty step backwards. This was a mistake in her shaky condition, and the catgirl fell once more to the floor. She shook her head, but couldnt clear it. She wanted to explain, she wanted to ask for forgiveness, but her condition seemed to have grown a bit worse, and she couldnt seem to form the right things to say. Nuku-Nuku bad cat. Nuku-Nuku sorry. No buzz for Nuku-Nuku! With that, the cat-android curled tightly into a ball, trying to hide her bare sex. Nuku-Nuku wanted to feel that wonderful buzz again. Oh, how she longed for it, but she was more afraid then she ever was in her short life. Even in her intoxicated state, the catgirl knew how easy she would lose herself to that insidious device. Whoever controlled that toy, would control Nuku-Nuku! Nuku-Nuku knew she could easily overpower a human, but her confused fuzzy mind only knew one thing. Papa-san told her to listen to what teachers and school people said, and to always do what she was told. Papa-san would be so angry if she disobeyed! The drunken catgirl trembled. Even she didnt know if it was from fear, or desire.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatases steel gaze didnt waver a bit, despite her drunkenness, at Nuku-Nukus show. Waving her hand at the hesitant Ranko, she insisted: Ranko-chan, I *hic* asked for the vibrator, please.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
No! Tetsuyo got between Nuku and Ruko. Dont hurt her like that. If you let Nuku go, I will take her punishment as a girl and take my own as a boy for her. A fair trade; I believe. Right?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
And what *hic* make you think youre in position to trade? I havent for*hic*got about you either. Youre going to get your punishment as well as Nuku-Nuku! said the dominatrix nurse as she rose her whip.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo sighed and his eyes changed to those of snakes as he held the hilt of his sword back. Then, with a small flicking of light, his hand clicked the handguard back in. He pulled a bit of his hair back. The vase next to the counter split in half down the middle, and then into small side pieces. Tetsuyo grinned with his snake eyes. Oh but you dont seem to understand. I am offering you something. I could just say screw it and let me take over. Im offering my female body to you in replacement for Nuku-Nuku. And I as a male will take my punishment for myself. Got it?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase looked at the broken vase. She wanted to get madder at Tetsuya for disobeying her, but even in her drunken state she didnt dare whipping the swordswoman, fearing for her precious whip. It was her favorite one; she didnt want it to be cut.
But... stammered Ruko, tears gathering in her eyes, But I want to play with Nuku-Kuku too! Im sure she enjoys pain. We could have so much fun... why dont you let me punish her? Why are you so mean to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!?!?!?
She fell on her knees and started to bawl out very loudly.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo blinked. God. Alright, alright. If she wants too and seriously wants to. Not a drunken wish. And here Ill keep my end too. Here Ill be punished as a girl or boy. Just no whips. OK? He kneeled by her and put his hand on her shoulder, and sweatdropped.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nuku heard the whole exchange, and fear or not, she became very angry. Staggering a little, the drunken cat-android got to her feet. Tetsuya stop! she hissed at her friend. Nuku-Nukus hand flashed out, and she slapped the startled swordswoman in the face. Tetsuya will not hurt the pretty nurse! The android was scared silly, but her honor would not let a human take punishment in her place. Her arm grabbed Tetsuyas wrist, and forced the woman to re-shealth her sword. Then she quickly kissed Tetsuya, before turning to face the crying nurse. Nuku-Nuku gives up. Nuku-Nuku gives herself to Nurse Tatase! The cat-android hung her head and trembled. It was more then fear. Nuku-Nuku lost her inner battle. She just had to feel the nasty vibrator again! No scrifice was too great! She had to, she just had to have it!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo blinked. Her systems must be friend because she still though he was a she. Oh well. He rubbed the red spot on his cheek. Jeez, try to help and see what I get. Hmph.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Is it true? asked the teary-eyed nurse as Nuku-Nuku and Tetsuyo (when did exactly she became a he? Rukos confused mind couldnt remember...) seemed to accept the idea of being punished.
Getting back to her feet, Nurse Tatase put a hand on Tetsuyos clothed shoulder and Nuku-Nukus naked one, speaking very excitedly: Youll let me spank you and hurt you and tie you and paddle you and humiliate you and rape you?!?
She gathered both teenagers in a big hug. IM SO HAPPYYYYYYY!!!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo blinked. Now, I never said anything about paddling. I told you my ribs still hurt and I dont want anything coming into contact with my butt. But fine, I will be a girl and be tied by you and whatever the rest you said.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
The cat-android was a little confused, and it wasnt all due to her accidental intoxication. Spank... Hurt... Tie... Paddle... Humiliate... Rape?? These words should cause Nuku-Nuku to become angry, or maybe even frightened, but they didnt. Maybe Papa-san hooked a wire up wrong, or something. Android or not, Nuku-Nuku blushed, as she felt the growing dampness between her legs. Yes, Nurse Tatase. the techno-kitty whispered, as the nurse hugged her and Tetsuyo tightly. Nuku-Nuku gives herself to Nurse Tatase. Her face almost glowing red, Nuku-Nuku looked up at the happy nurse. Um, Nurse Tatase. Nuku-Nuku wants you to know, uh, Nuku-Nuku means... The android gulped, and tried again. Nuku-Nuku wants Nurse Tatase to know, that whatever happens, Nurse Tatase cannot do any real damage to Nuku-Nuku. The cat-android gave a little shiver. Nuku-Nuku can feel pain, but Nuku-Nuku cannot be damaged. Somehow, Nuku-Nuku was sure the pretty, but strong willed nurse, would enjoy not having to hold back or restrain herself!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Oh thank you, thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyou! chippered the delighted nurse. I promise I wont hold back and hurt you a lot!
Apparently, she hadnt heard or hadnt listened to Tetsuyos plea. Strolling happily to her toys box, she began rummaging in it and throwing out various items. Lessee... whip, bullwhip, cat-o-nine-tails, paddle, shackles, chains, ropes, handcuffs, dog collar, nipple clips, dildo, double-headed dildo, twin-headed dildo, strap-on dildo, vibrator, 110 V-vibrator, 220 V-vibrator....
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nukus eyes opened wide, and she started to tremble openly. What was she getting herself into?? She couldnt help giggling about a Cat-o-nine-tail. The android wasnt sure what one was, but if it was called cat, maybe it was something shed really like!
(OOC: Poor little kitty is in for a shock!)
Nuku-Nuku moaned though, at the thought of a 110 V and a 220 V vibrator. One with batteries was bad enough. What would happen to her if the determined nurse used one with unlimited power on her damp little sex?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo sighed. Oh well, what do you want me as first? A boy or girl? Your choice.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Louis F. Perico
Maybe it was the alcohol that was in the air. Maybe it was something else. But Ranko was NOT into torture... unless she dished out some herself first. So, quietly, she slipped into Rukos hands the vibrator which she asked twice for, then like the good yet naughty martial artist that she was, snuck her way out, making everyone else wonder: Hey... where did the redhead go?.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase smiled. Despite her brain being fuzzy from the booze, she was already planning. Turning around with her arms so full of sex toys and bondage gears that she had a hard time standing, she answered Tetsuyo: As a boy. Now way Im going to miss a dick when I can have one!
She let the varied apparatus spill on the ground and started picking among ropes, handcuffs and shackles. Now, take of your clothes, big boy.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo sighed and then took off his shirt and pants. his dick sprang out of his pants when he slid them down. He blinked at it. Damn, why are you always aroused? Stupid appendage. Hmph.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Even in her confused and intoxicated state, the feline-cyborg couldnt take her eyes off of Tetsuyos pretty penis. Without thinking, the aroused and still tipsy android wrapped her long fingers gently around the shaft, even as the lovely nurse was setting up her various devices of pain and pleasure. Tetsuyo is all hard! Nuku-Nuku can help Tetsuyo feel better, before Nurse Tatase gives Nuku-Nuku a punishment!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo erked at Nuku and blinked at her. His dick on the other hand got harder to her touch, obviously happy to feel her touch. Um, Nuku... ^_^() Are you sure the nurse will allow you to do that?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Nuku-Nuku was staring intently at Tetsuyos penis, as she carefully stroked it to full hardness. Perhaps it was the unacustomed drink, perhaps it was the felines own arousal, but Nuku-Nuku just continued with her happy work. SHHH! She hissed, with a finger to her lips. Pretty nurse is busy with all those nasty things. Tetsuyo should be quiet, if he wants Nuku-Nuku to make his boy-penis squirt!
Nuku-Nukus judgement was way off. She actually thought she could sneak a quickie with Tetsuyo in, before the nurse realized what was happening. Surely the nurse wouldnt be so heartless, as to let Nuku-Nuku miss this chance to enjoy Tetsuyos wonderfully hard penis. Nuku-Nuku needs this! she hissed, as she slowly moved in front of Tetsuyo. She bent forward a little, and felt his shaft hot against her bottom. Put it in! she whispered urgently. Nuku-Nuku needs hard boy-penis in her pussy right now! The cat-android crossed her fingers. Once they started, Nurse Tatase would be forced to wait until they were finished. Then the sexy nurse could begin her punishments. Nuku-Nuku had to keep herself from moaning, or making a sound. She needed this badly! Talk of whips and chains and spankings and paddlings, had for some strange reason made the feline all hot and wet!
In her defense, Nuku-Nuku didnt think Nurse Tatase would mind. She didnt know just how much trouble she was in. She actually thought that the nurse would just let her and Tetsuyo make love, and wait until they finished to punish them!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo erked and tried to go back, being much more in his senses than Nuku was. Nuku, she is going to be even madder at us. Now stop it.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Youre quite right on that! answered Nurse Tatase to Tetsuyo. Turning around sharply, her arm made a graceful arc, and the dry, clacking sound of a whip could be heard. A long trail of red suddenly appears on Nuku-Nukus bottom, to disappear immediately thanks to her indestructible, artificial skin. On a normal human, it would have left a mark for quite a long time.
What a bunch of bad, disobeying student! *Hic!* You just cant control your hormones, right? Then, Ill have to extirpate every ounce of lust from your bodies the hard way....
Now pretty sure that she got their attention, the nurse, back in her black dominatrix attire, walked toward the youngsters, a little bit wobblingly. The former demonstration, however, had proven them that she still kept her deadly accuracy with her weapon of choice, even drunk. This didnt augur anything good for Nuku-Nuku and Tetsuyo, since her hands were full of S.-M. gear, the leather ropes, cuffs and dildos looking almost eager to be used.
Now, slave Tetsuyo, on your knees, and put your hands behind your back. she ordered. And sending a smoldering glare to the cyborg catgirl, she added: As for you, little slut, if you so much want to suck on something...
Trailing off, she brandished the big, pink vibrator Ranko wanted so much to play with before, and turned it on at its highest level, the buzzing sound invading their ears. ... Ill oblige. Open your mouth.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Please Tetsuyo? Nuku-Nuku wants it so bad! The android bent lower. Instead of the welcome hardness of Tetsuyos pretty penis, the android felt a sudden flash of pain. It felt like a red hot wire had landed across her bottom! The cat-android squealed, and jumped up. Nuku-Nuku spun around and faced the approaching nurse. Nuku-Nukus not a slut.... she started to say, when THAT sound filled her ears. The cyborgs eyes opened wide in fear, as Nurse Tatase held up the large pink toy. Does, um, does Nuku-Nuku have to? she asked weakly. Thankfully, the device wouldnt be able to effect her if it was in her mouth, but it was only a matter of time before Nurse Tatase wanted to put it somewhere else! Nuku-Nuku wasnt even sure if she would be able to keep it in her mouth! The urge was growing strong now. The cat-android had lost nearly all her inhibitions now, and wanted to ram that toy right between her legs. She saw the fire flash in the nurses eyes. Nuku-Nuku will suck it! she hastily answered, her alcohol fuzzed mind remembering the pain in her bottom. The catgirl closed her eyes, and opened her mouth wide.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo got on his knees but his pride refused to willingly put his hands behind his head. So he just kept his hands on his sides.
Re: Kura Panics!
Mel was confused. She was a bit dissapointed that she wasnt going to kiss Kuras mouth clean, but this was obviously important to the pretty pink-haired girl. Mel might never see Kura again?!? That really got her attention! Hold on! Let me look! Melinda scrambed to the door, and opened it just a crack. That robot-catgirl, whatever, and some guy are standing there naked, and Nurse Tatase is showing them a bunch of sex toys! I say its safe! Mel grabbed Kuras hand, and charged back into the nurses office. Theres your pack! the hermaphrodite cried, as she practically dived under one of the beds. Here! She handed the fuzzy penguin to Kura, all the while thinking that the pink-haired girl had the oddest-sounding cell phone she had ever heard ring.
Interruption! (Tatase, Mel, Tetsuyo, Nuku)
Kura took her fuzzy backpack in relief and pulled out a small silver object that looked a lot like an ordinary cell phone but with many more buttons. Working in her own little world, she quickly pulled up the antenna and typed in a series of numbers. *sigh*
There! I checked in... everything is fine. Kura said as she threw her arms around Mel. I only have a short time to respond to the beep or else they will think I am being disobedient and careless here on Earth and make me go back! She paused for a moment in thought and made a bit of an angry face. Good thing they dont do it very often!... Id never want to go back now that I found you! Im willing to stay out of trouble just for you alone! Kura smiled happily and kissed her lover on the cheek. She could tell by the look on Mels face that she was still quite confused by everything, but Kura really didnt feel like explaining everything just now.
Realizing at this point that they were both in the nude, Kura leaned forward and picked up their clothes. Now, Mel, what do you say we get out of here? I dont think we.... Kura was cut short by the sight in front of her. The nurse was being very demanding to that catgirl android and even trying to tie up the young man! The catgirl even seemed to be getting tears in her eyes from the sight of that huge vibrator in front of her! Poor catgirl! Without thinking of the consequences (as usual), Kura stepped forward with a loud, bold voice.
I dont think you should be doing that, Tatase-san! No sooner than her voice sounded off, there was complete silence... well, except for the buzzing of a vibrator. Kuras facial expression went from confident to downright scared to death. She stepped back and slumped her shoulders and pressed herself closer to Mel in fear. Maybe she shouldnt have been so brave afterall... she should have known by now that telling teachers they were wrong only leaded to punishment.
Well, I just meant that MAYBE you were wrong, but I never really said you WERE wrong I only said that you shouldnt do that but I didnt say it was BAD or anything. In fact you are doing a good job, but I was just telling you that it just isnt.... Kuras voiced trailed off into a barely audible whisper. Once again she had managed to cause trouble... would the nurse ignore her outburst?
Re: Interruption! (Tatase, Mel, Tetsuyo, Nuku)
Mel caught a quick glimpse of Kuras cell phone. It had way too many buttons, and odd looking figures instead of numbers. Here... on Earth? she whispered, as her heart fluttered in excitment. Mel knew her pink-haired beauty was special, but not from Earth? Melinda wasnt frightened, oh no! Her heart filled with delight at the thought of Kura being from another world! The delight was short lived though, when kind hearted Kura yelled at Nurse Tatase! Oh no! Mel breathed, as Kura pressed against her. The hermaphrodite slipped protectively in front of her love, and eyed the nurse with newfound fear. Uh, Nurse Tatase? Kura didnt mean that! Mel glanced at the android girl, and saw fear in her eyes. Whats going on? Maybe you shouldnt force people to do what they dont want to do!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Tetsuyo looked oddly at the cat and the nurse. Guess some acted stranger than others under the influence of alcohol. Oh well. He was just sitting there on his knees, waiting.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase turned head very slowly, and sent a withering glare to both meddlers, making them feel weak in the knees. Then, she offered them a smirk that could only be described as predatory, not putting the girl and the dickgirl at ease any more.
Now, now, what do we got here? Miss Natural-Pink and miss Penis-Envy. *hic!* Already finished fucking each other? You know that the toilets door is not very thick and we heard most of what you were doing? *hic!*
Turning to her little sex slaves, she pursued: And what make you think Nuku-Nuku and Tetsuyo here dont want to do it? They almost begged me for it. *hic!*
To prove her point, she nonchalantly put the vibrating sex toy into Nuku-Nukus open mouth giving it a little push to be sure it reached her throat.
But I bet the truth is that youre both jealous. *hic!* Youre dying to join, I guess. Come on, Mel-chan, I know youre just dreaming to put your *hic!* big, meaty rod in there.... she said while bending over and offering to Melinda and Kura a great view of her beautiful ass and sex.
Kneeling behind Tetsuyo, she brought the hands of the boy in his back and started the job of tying them to his ankles with leather shackles.
And your little Lolita, here, aint she *hic!* dying of learning more about sex? She has yet to add rape and S.-M. and gangbang to her repertoire...
Taking a mockingly, whinny voice, the Nurse started a bad impersonation: I can do anything for you, Mel-chan, because I love you... even getting fucked, sodomized, put in bondage or joining an all-girl orgy... anything!
Back to her normal voice, she just exploded in a roaring laughter. Usually, the nurse would never be so mean or hurtful to someones feelings... but the drunkenness tended to put forward the worst part of her personality. The youngsters were just starting to learn how much of a crazy, dominating bitch she could be.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
^_^() Tetsuyo sweatdropped. As a boy he could stand pain. But as a girl, when the nurse changed him back into a girl, he was not as strong and the disheartening change back made him somewhat much more sensitive then he normally was. So he was more worried about when she got to that part of his punishment than what was to come recently. His dick, on the other hand seemed to have never been so happy. It stood at rigid attention as the nurse tied him up and seemed to beg itself to sample her inner warmth.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Kura looked at the nurse in disbelief. Was that really the same woman that was so careful and sweet to her?? She blinked a few times when Tatase-san started mocking and laughing at her. Thats when she noticed her eyes were beginning to fill with tears.
Doing her best not to let anyone notice her watery eyes, she turned her head and gather up her clothes and Mels. Only a slight sniffle once and awhile gave indication of how upset she was. She wanted to just scream at the nurse for making fun of her and Mel! Instead, she handed Mel her clothes. Would it be such a bad idea to get dressed and get out of here now?
Kura certainly didnt want Mel to be subject to any more temptations, or especially humiliation!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
The cat-android opened her eyes, and saw the two newcomers. It was the girl with a boy-penis, and her pretty friend with the pink hair. Nuku-Nukus wanted to warn them to go, but just as she was going to speak, Nurse Tatase thrust the smooth pink toy into her mouth! Her subsystems werent fast enough, and the feline-cyborg gagged as the bulbous head forced its way into her throat. Nuku-Nuku was wrong! The nasty buzzing did effect her when in her mouth. The catgirl wasnt getting that pleasure/torment of continuous body wracking orgasms, but the problem was almost as bad. The android couldnt help herself, and gripped the vibrating toy. Nuku-Nuku knew it was only a toy, but something inside was reacting to the heavenly vibrations. With a low moan, the catgirl began to fuck her own throat with the buzzy tool. She coudnt stop herself! She was vainly trying to make the cold hard plastic cum!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back!
Wait just a second, love. Mel whispered softly to Kura. Melinda was angry. She was angry that her stupid penis still was erect. She was very angry that Nurse Tatase mocked her by flashing her bare sex at her. Worst of all, the VERY worst of all, was that Nurse Tatase had made Kura cry! Mel caught a unmistakable whiff, when the nurse laughed. Nurse Tatase! This isnt you! Admit it, youve been drinking! Stop this right now! I dont care what you say about me, but drink or not, you better not ever make fun of Kura! Melinda marched right up to the drunken nurse, grabbed her shoulders, and shook her! I really like you, Nurse Tatase, but not right now! Mel grimaced, because her dumb penis stil wouldnt go down. Hopefully nobody would notice. It was only reacting to the thought of Kura possibly being from another world. Thats what Mel wanted to think, anyway, she couldnt face her own attraction to the Dark Nurse. Youre mean and nasty when you drink! I DO NOT WANT TO FUCK YOU ANY MORE! Mel turned around, and reached to take her clothes from Kura. If those guys like this, then play with them! Mel couldnt believe how eagerly the android girl was gobbling that vibrator. She was treating it like it was a real penis! Melinda forced that thought out of her mind. It only made her think of Kuras wonderful mouth on her own hardness, and that made her even harder then ever! Lets get out of here, Kura. Im not letting her touch you!
Mel felt very brave and sure of herself. She didnt realize she may have been seriously underestimating the drunken nurse!
Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
And where do you think youre going? Nurse Tatase asked as she plastered her half-naked, half-clad-in-leather body on Melindas back. Her hands snaked in front of Mel-chan, one pawing her breasts and the other grabbing her hard penis and starting to stroke it.
Tsk, tsk. You can pretend being not interested *hic!* but this other head of yours is just thinking differently. she said as her nimble fingers rubbed the sensitive skin covering the hard shaft.
And youre not the one to talk... *hic!* Miss Im-going-just-crazy-and-ready-to-rape-everything-that-walk-just-because-I-ate-a-few-pints-of-hormonally-charged-spunk... *hic!* You know perfectly well that most of what happened is your fault... You and your damn pheromones. *Hic!*
Glancing at Kura, she added As for your little pink-bunny friend here, she may act all stuck-up and prissy, but in truth shes just dying to join! *Hic!* And for your info, Mel-chan, I dont need your authorization to touch her. Ive already done it, remember, and she tastes pretty good I must say... *hic!*
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Melinda took a step towards Kura, when she was grabbed from behind. For all her brave words, Mel had forgotten just how strong the Dark Nurse was! Nurse Tatases hands were all over her, stroking her penis, caressing her breasts. The hermaphrodite gasped when the nurse really started to massage her shaft. No! she managed to gasp. I want to be with Kura! Im changed now! I-I have...I have self-control! Melinda struggled weakly, but couldnt break free of the determined nurse. Please! Its not my fault! I cant help being born this way! Mel hated herself, when a soft moan escaped her lips. She glanced up at Kura, and sobbed. Let me go! I can control myself now! I only want to be with Kura! A feeling of overwhelming shame was filling Melindas soul. Deep down, she must want this. Her body was responding strongly to the nurses caresses. Dampness was growing between her legs, and to her complete humiliation, a bead of clear pre-cum had formed on the head of her penis. Mel struggled harder, but she couldnt get away. Kura, Im sorry! I want you now! I swear it! she moaned, as the nurse increased the speed and intensity as she jerked off the reluctant girl. Mel had a sudden horrible thought. NO! Nurse Tatase! I dont want this! I wont fuck you! Please stop! Mel trembled. She tried to tell herself it was fear, but it wasnt. Was the nurse going to take her? Was Nurse Tatase going to use her like some kind of living dildo? Melinda closed her eyes, and tried to fight her growing arousal. It was no use! The nurse had made her cock hard as an iron bar. Mel sobbed again, when she realized what was happening. She needed to cum again! She needed it so badly!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Tetsuyo was glad he was a boy at the moment. If he were a girl right now, the nurse might have wanted Mel to fuck her, um, him, err, whatever. So at least right now he was safe from being screwed. Ack, but what if she went to his girl form and then let Mel at him? Jeez, he had actually wanted that as Tetsuya.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
HEY! LET GO OF HER RIGHT NOW! Kura wailed as she grabbed ahold of the Nurse. Tears blurred her vision, but she could see clear enough to know what was going on was not acceptable.
Kura tugged and yanked against the Nurses tight grip on her sweet Mel. Whats the matter with you, Tatase-san! Come to your senses! We just made Melinda better and now you will make it all bad again! All the struggling was making Kura very weak, but full of rage she was able to hold her ground quite well.
Let go... you BITCH! Kura growled back in reply to all of the insults Tatase was giving. Kura was so hurt by all of those remarks and it wasnt usual at all for her to use such a profanity. The Nurse was indeed a very strong woman! Kura looked over to Nuku-chan and Tetsuyo. Whats the matter with you, why dont you help me??! Then, she noticed the young man was tied up at the wrists and the cat-android was staring into space giggling with a large plastic vibrator in her mouth... her eyes looked a bit glazed over as well.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
^_^() Tetsuyo sweatdropped. I cant control her. I might hurt her and then they would put me in jail. I cant break out of these now that I am tied up completely. Im not that strong now.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Kura was more of an annoyance than anything else for Nurse Tatase, but still she finally let go of Mel-chan to the great disappointment of the latter, since Ruko stopped before bringing her to the edge.
Now, now, who would have guessed? The little kitten is hiding a wildcat.... she said while grabbing the pink-haired girls arms.
Well, since you decided to disobey the nurse... now youll pay the price.
Dragging the younger girl with her, Nurse Tatase found a chair and sat down, pulling the struggling Kura on her lap.
Licking her lips as she watch the naked, shapely backside of the pretty Ishikawa, she rose a hand and...
... landed it hard on the exposed buttocks.
Kuras reaction was, of course, quite vocal.
Dont complain, Im just using my hand, it could be the paddle....
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
She is rather violent today, that she is.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Melinda whimpered, as the nurse held her tightly, and wouldnt let Kura free her. Melinda whimpered, as her orgasm grew closer. Thats when Mel fell to the floor, when the Dark Nurse abruptly just let go of her! The humiliated and aroused hermaphrodite struggled to her feet, just in time to see the nurse grab Kura, and begin to spank the young girl. Mel wanted to race to her lovers rescue, but she felt rooted to the floor. Mel was shocked to discover that seeing Kura naked on the nurses lap, and receiving a strong spanking, was about the sexiest thing she ever saw in her life! She took a hesitant step closer. Mel stared at Kuras shaply bottom, as Nurse Tatase left almost glowing red handprints on baby soft skin. Somehow, Mel managed to retain her newfound self-control. Although her penis quivered with every pounding beat of her heart, she kept her hands off of it. Melinda dropped to her knees. Forgive me, Kura. she whispered, as her hands gently cradled that lovely, weeping face. Mel leaned forward, and rained kisses all over Kuras lips and cheeks, even as the nurse continued to spank the pink-haired girl.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase smirked ruefully as Mel-chan gave in to her true nature, and just started making out with Kura-chan rather than helping her.
The dominatrix didnt stop her spanking, but the slaps became softer, and now more often than not it was sensual caresses that rained on the kawai girls buttocks, cleft and sex.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Tetsuyo fell backwards onto the floor, and then flipped onto his side, starting to try and crawl as best he could with a boner.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Kura screeched out her protest as she was pulled onto the Nurses lap and spanked... hard! OUCH! THAT HURTS SO MUCH! STOP! She could feel the imprint left on her poor exposed bottom. Kura looked to Mel for some sort of assisance, because all of Kuras squirming and wriggling couldnt get her out of the Nurses strong grip. In fact, the more she tried to get away, the harder the Nurse punished her with a blow to the behind!
Kuras eyes were as teary as ever as she felt that terrible sting left behind. Surely it would be a long time before shed ever sit down again! Waiting for the next spank, Kura winced her eyes in dismay... fearing that next swat.
Suddenly, she felt Mels soft hands begin to cradle her tear-soaked face. Kura opened her eyes and looked at her. Make her stop, Mel! Make her She was cut short as Melindas lips began to tickle her cheeks. Kura calmed a bit as she felt all of those nice warm kisses on her face... it almost made her forget about that stinging feeling. Thats when Kura felt the Nurses hands gently smooth over her sore skin. It felt much better, such a soft touch... Kura sighed, thinking now the Nurse would let her go... but without warning, those hands began to press against her sex.
Kuras eyes shot open in fear... what was the Nurse doing?! Kura knew it was wrong, but still it felt so good....
Kura yanked away from Melindas kisses. Mel, stop it! Dont you see what Tatase-san is doing?! Shes reversing everything... look at what she is trying to do to me! Dont let her do this! I think the Nurse is the one to be cured just like you had to be! The Nurses grip became increasingly tighter.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
My, my, what bad things to say. the inebriated nurse scolded. Youve been a bad little girl, and still youre trying to wiggle out of your punishment? Have you no education at all?
Stopping the gentle teasing of Kuras sex, Ruko Tatase resumed the spanking, slapping hard the reddened, tasty buttocks. But she stopped soon, however, and started to coo in a gentle voice:
Ho look... poor Kura-chan little bottom is all red and hurting... she need some medical care now. Let the nurse heal you, my pretty.
The sudden change of tone was unsettling, and to Mel-chan and Kura-chans surprise, she pulled out from somewhere a tube of ointment. Spreading a drop on her hand, she started massaging Kuras abused buttcheeks. The contact of the cream startled the pink-haired girl at first, since it was a bit cold, but quickly its doing its job and was soothing the stinging and burning sensation all over Kuras ass.
As the youngsters wondered about Nurse Tatases sudden reversal, the latter seemed to realize something: Ho, but you must be sore in there too... let me relieve you...
Saying so, she squeezed another creamy droplet on her fingers... before pushing those in Kuras backdoor, spreading the goo inside her little hiney.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
All that spanking was making Kura VERY sore! She wailed out in pain as the Nurse gave one final swipe, harder than ever on her raw bottom. Kura would have swore it wasnt a hand she was doing the spanking with... more like a paddle!
x_x *ouch!*
Kura stopped her trying to wiggle her way from the Nurses grip, it only end up being more painful. She settled down on her lap and before she knew it, the Nurses hands began to carefully rub some ointment on her reddened behind. At first the cold ointment was a shock, but Kura heaved a breath of relief when it started to soothe the stinging.
Even the Nurses voice was back to normal... sounding sweet and calming just like before... but what was she talking about when she said that she must be sore IN there too?...
O.O *WAH!*
Kuras wondering was cut short when the Nurses long slender finger slid up inside her hiney!! She was already sore enough there from when Mel had anal sex with her!
O.O *WAH!*
CAREFUL, TATASE-SAN, PLEASE! Kura begged with tears in her eyes as she held tightly to the Nurses legs in anticipation. The cooling ointment did bring some relief... but she was afraid the Nurse was still angry with her and that she might be rough as some sort of punishment. Please, Tatase-san... Im sorry... Im so sorry!
Kura reached and grabbed ahold of Mels arm while the other still clung desperately to the Nurses leg. Kura hoped maybe Mel would help her somehow before the Nurse would go back to her dark self!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Tetsuyo had made probably a foot every five minutes at the pace he was going. Very, very slowly.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Poor, innocent Kura-chan hasnt realized that Nurse Tatase never stopped being her dark self. The truth was that, while she spanked the hapless girl, she was also planning despite her drunken state. Even as she longed herself for nothing else than a cock, she knew that if she went down on Tetsuyo or Melinda, she wouldnt be able to take care of the other, and two or three of her cute sex slaves could very well escape. She just wouldnt settle for that. Her desire to dominate all of them was stronger than her lust, so she was imagining what kind of lay-out would allow her to play with the four.
Kura was about to have a shock, when shed understood that the nurses intent behind the greasy ointment was not so much to provide soothing for her sore backside... than to provide lubrication.
Lifting the pink-haired girl with her as she stood up from her chair, she walked with determination toward the crawling Tetsuyo, a smirk on her face.
Now, where do you think youre going? she asked him, while pushing the tied boy with her feet, turning him over on his back. Since his wrists were tied to his ankles, he wasnt very comfortable. Now that he wast kneeling the only other position allowed by the bondage besides crawling on his belly , his dick stuck out toward the ceiling on top of his arched body.
Which was precisely what the Ecchi Nurse wanted.
Grabbing Kura-chan tighter, her arms were lifting the pink-haired girls legs right under the knees, while her hands maintained the kawai girl upright by holding her back. This, way, her pretty butt was oriented toward the ground... right above the erect asoko of the bonded boy.
Slowly, Nurse Tatase lowered Kura toward this meaty impaling tool, aiming carefully for her rosebud to meet the tip of the cock.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Ack! Tetsuyo was flipped onto his back and felt his arms being pinned. He then saw Kura being lowered on him and just closed his eyes.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Kura did her best to fight off the dark nurse, flailing and screaming in protest... but she found the more she objected, the tighter the nurses grip became. The skin under the harsh grip was getting very sore and Kura could hardly stand the tight restraint.
Kura was overpowered by the Tatase-sans strength and forcefulness. Feeling the need to obey the nurses wishes, Kura let her body fall numb and compliant. Her legs being pushed up and her rear end being susceptible to whatever was underneath her.
Taking a look down below her, Kura saw that handsome young man, Tetsuyo tied up... and his erection at full mast. It was very big and standing straight up in alignment with Kuras hurting lil bottom!
NO!! Please, Tatase-san! Not in there, Im so sore! Kura pleaded. MEL! Do something!
All of that sex in the behind with Mel had made her very, very sore and to think of that big hardness impaled in her hiney was quite traumatic for Kura!!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Mel watched as the Dark Nurse went from spanking Kuras bottom, to caressing and applying soothing cream. It looked so sexy to see Kuras pretty hiney all glistening, and Mel had to surpress a giggle, when the nurse started to slip a lubricated finger deep inside the struggling girl. Mel couldnt help smiling. She knew the nurse wasnt all bad! Their punishment was going to be Mel fucking Kuras bottom again! Melinda didnt even mind if the nurse was going to spank her that hard too. It would be worth any price to be with Kura again. At first, Mel didnt realize what was going on. Nurse Tatase picked Kura up, and carried her to where the bound guy was trying to crawl away. Mel thought the nurse was just going to stop him. Instead, the Dark Nurse was trying to impale Kuras bottom on the guys huge cock!
NO! OH PLEASE NO! she screamed, when it all finally clicked in her mind. Kuras mine! Shes my girlfriend! she cried, as she raced across the room. Please dont! she shouted, as she tried to pull Kura from the nurses unbreakable grip. She could smell alcohol stong on the nurses breath, as the older woman laughed at her. Plese dont hurt Kura! she begged, as she continued to try and free her pink-haired love. It was no use! Maybe it was the drink, but the nurses grip was strong as steel! Nurse Tatase! Stop! Ill suck him off! He can fuck my ass! I dont care what you have him do to me, just let Kura alone! Melinda moaned in dispair, as the huge cock-head drew closer to Kuras tight little bottom. Mel was desperate! She didnt care how angry the nurse got, or what she would do in retaliation, she just had to help Kura! Fast as she could, she slipped her head between Kuras legs, and took the bound guys penis in her mouth. To Mels shock, the nurse didnt stop, and she sat Kura right down on her head! The huge cock rammed right down her throat! The hermaphrodite struggled, but she couldnt get free! She gagged and choked, and couldnt breath, and stil she couldnt get free!
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Tetsuyo blinked; he was on the floor, still tied, and had his dick impailed into her throat. He blinked and sighed. Can I at least be put right up? Or in a sitting postition? Please.
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase was more than a bit ticked off. It was far from easy to aim right and align Kuras pretty little rosebud with Tetsuyos cock. The pink-haired girl wasnt that tall, but she didnt weight nothing. So, when Melinda dumbly tried to stop her, Rukos strained arms and legs gave up and she fell on her bottom, losing her grasp on Kura.
Blinking, the nurse noticed that Mel-chan had stupidly put her head under Kuras bottom, and now that she wasnt supported any more, she was pressing Melindas head unto the boys crotch, almost gagging her on the dick.
Shaking head, Tatase promptly got Kura out of the way and pulled Melinda up by her hairs to prevent her from choking. Waiting a bit while the shemale was coughing and sputtering, she cast her a frowning glare.
Tsk, tsk, Mel-chan, that was really dumb. How the heck do you think Kura-chan can get her first gangbang if you put your head in the way? You cant do that alone we need two cocks for this, you know. So Kura-chan has to ride Tetsuyo also. And since the boy is tied and has no way to pull out in time, she had to get him in the ass. That way, youll be able to fill her pussy from the front, without risk she explained in a very serious, reasonable tone. Couldnt they see the perfect logic in that?
Re: Nurse Tatase is Back! (and horny)
Mel gasped and sputtered, as she was yanked to her feet. The dazed hermaphrodite thought That makes sense. before she came back to her own senses. Nurse Tatase! Kura doesnt want to be in a gangbang! Please dont do this! Melinda spun around, pulled Kura up from the floor, and shoved the weeping girl roughly towards the door. Get out of here! Run! she begged, as she turned back to the Dark Nurse. Ill do the gangbang. she whispered. You have a strap-on, dont you? Melinda gulped. She didnt really want to do this. She only wanted to be with Kura. Mel wanted to forget about her rather nasty past behavior, and devote herself completely to the pink-haired girls pleasure. If this would keep Kura from harm, then so be it! That guy can fuck my ass, and you can use the strap-on in my pussy! You want cock? Ill then fuck you blind! You can do whatever you want to me, JUST LEAVE MY KURA ALONE!
Kuras Rescue!
Kura found herself shoved out the doorway of the Nurses office. Melinda had pushed her out of harms way and right into the hallway... completely naked! Kura had thought they were BOTH going to run away, but that was until Mel let go and hurried back into the Nurses room. As she turned to rush back to Mel, the door was slammed shut in her face.
Shaking her head and getting rid of the blurred vision that heavy door in the face had given her, Kura tried to open the door. The door knob wouldnt budge... not one bit... it was locked.
LET ME BACK IN THERE! NO, MEL, GET OUT! Kura slammed her fists frantically on the door... but no one answered.
Kura slid down against the door and landed on her sore bottom. *WAH!!!*
OOoops... forgot... too sore to sit down!! *sniffle*
Stooping in a somewhat sitting fashion, Kura tried to think of a plan. She could go tell someone... the other teachers or the principal, but it would get the Nurse in trouble an probably kicked out of the school forever. Kura just couldnt bring herself to do that! The sweet Nurse had helped her and Mel... she had been so kind to the both of them. Well, that was BEFORE she had gotten intoxicated! When the Nurse got drunk, she turned into a monster! In order to have the sweet Nurse back, the monster had to be rid of...
.... hmm....
!!Kura had an idea!! All she had to do was figure out a way to get back into that room!! Surely the Nurse didnt want too much attention brought to the situation... she wouldnt want the wrong people to find out about what was going on behind those closed doors. LET ME IN THERE RIGHT NOW! IM GOING TO STAND OUT HERE AND SCREAM UNTIL YOU LET ME IN THERE!! She threw her fists into the door until they felt numb. Her plan just had to work! Once she got into that room again, it was only a matter of time before she could get to work on her wonderful idea! She would be a hero! The Nurse would be back to her sweet self and her and Mel could live happily ever after!
Re: Kuras Rescue!
Melinda hated doing it, but thank goodness she managed to lock Kura outside. Please, love, just go away for a while. she whispered, as the Dark Nurse dragged her away from the door. Mel looked around at all of Nurse Tatases various devices, and felt an icy fear grip her heart. She saw whips, chains, handcuffs, leather things she didnt even know what they were for, and something that really terrified her. There, on the floor, was a truly gigantic dildo! It was attached to a leather harness, obviously a strap-on. It was so big though, it had to be meant as a joke! Mels free hand (the one Nurse Tatase wasnt gripping) protectively covered her bottom. Please, not that one. she breathed, not able to tear her eyes from the monster on the floor. Thats when Kura started to pound on the door, and threatened to make a scene. No, Kura! Just go away! she begged, as the nurse turned to the door. Dont you let her back in! Mel shouted, as she tried to drag the drunken nurse from the door. Melinda went into a panic, when the nurse began dragging her towards the door. Please, Ill be really good! Use the big dildo on me! You dont need Kura! Shell get hurt. You dont want that, do you? Mel tried to plead Kuras case, as the nurse slowly dragged her back to the door. Mel did the unthinkable, she slapped The drunken nurses face. I wont let you open that door! I wont let you involve Kura!
Mel didnt realize she was setting up a challenge for the nurse. She didnt understand yet exactly how the Dark Nurses mind worked. Mel just didnt know that you shouldnt tell her she couldnt have something! Who knows what the nurse would do now!
Re: Kuras Rescue!
Tetsuyo was rolling towards the door now. This was a much faster way in his predicermint to move then crawling. But bot each roll on his member hurt like hell. Oh well. No pain, no gain.
Re: Kuras Rescue!
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase was a bit dizzy as events were happening too fast around for her intoxicated mind to follow. She had reflexively grabbed Melinda since she feared she would escape too, but she didnt really know what to do with the shemale at this time. Since her plans included Kura-chan, she was at a lost. Also, she had no idea how her giant dildo got out of the toys box. She must have been distracted when selecting her tools she hadnt planned anything with this one, it was reserved for very special cases at Ogenki Clinic.
When she heard the pounding on the door, though, her smile came back in force. But the incoherent struggling and begging of Mel-chan wasnt helping her to think. Indecisive, she watched first the door then Mel-chan.
Until Mel-chan slapped her.
A deadly silence invaded the nurses office as Tatase glared venomously at Melinda. Then she leaned a bit and gave her a chilling smile, saying:
Thanks, Mel-chan, that cleared my mind.
Still pounding on the door, Kura was surprised when it suddenly opened and she fell forward inside the room, at the terrible nurses feet. Towering above the sweet pink-haired girl, Ruko granteds her a deceivingly warm smile.
Calmly closing and locking the door before Tetsuyo could reach it, she turns toward the teenagers... a long leather whip in hands.
Tsk, tsk, Mel-chan, you should be aware by now of whos the boss here. But all right, if you dont want me to touch Kura-chan, Ill humor you....
She cracked her whip with the dexterity of a lion tamer, her face loosing all trace of gentleness. Fire burned in her eyes, fangs showed among her teeth, and her hair took a definite demon-horned look. (Typical anime demon-head, dont see anything supernatural in it.)
OOC: Youre happy, now? Shes really pissed. ~_~;
Re: Kuras Rescue!
Kura had given up the pounding and screaming outside the nurses office. Gee, Ill just have to find another way in... maybe theres a window...? she thought quietly while leaning up against the door in a somewhat sitting position (being extra careful this time not to sit on her sore-hand imprinted butt!).
Just as she was about to stand back up, the door swung open. Kura tumbled backwards, almost rolling head over heels into the room. The naked blur came to a hault at the Nurses feet, Kura looked up a bit stunned. There she was... the Dark Nurse!
When the Nurse walked back to the door and locked it, Kura took full advantage of this alone time. Her eyes quickly darted over the contents of the room... a huge dildo, chains, whips, clothes, panties, guy tied up and rolling across the floor, a catgirl vibrating at the mouth... it was a regular three-ring circus. They werent kidding when they said Earth wasnt boring! Kura caught glimpse of what she was looking for that dreaded bottle!
The Dark Nurse was ranting and raving, snapping a whip, but Kura had her mind set only on her goal. She scurried to the other side of the room, snatching up the half empty bottle. Calmly, Kura stepped to Melindas side and whispered Dont worry! Everything is under control, I have it all figured out. Now that she had that bottle in her possession, everything would fall according to her plans!
Boldly stepping forward, Kura clung tightly to that glass bottle. Ive had enough of your orders! Dark Nurse, you are going to be sorry! They trained me at home how to fight monsters like you... youre going to regret you ever took over the Sweet Nurses body! This alcohol created a monster and the training I had was to fight a monster, you must BE a monster!
With those brave words, Kura flicked off the top of the bottle and slammed down gulp after gulp of that burning liquid. Kura never had any experience with alcohol, the concept alone was very new to her. From what she saw, it was more of a magic potion that caused a strange being to over take that persons body! Her throat burned, her eyes watered and every sense in her body tingled... the magic potion was definitely working she thought to herself!
With a snort, Kura slammed the near empty bottle down on the desk. You! You m-monster beast creature that tooked my Nurse, cmon and fight me! Kura stammered as she swung her fists aimlessly. This Dark Nurse lived in a crazy world, that was for sure! Everything was swaying and everyone looked so... funny! No wonder you are so grouchy, you Dark Nurse! *hiccup* Nothing wants to stay still!
Why was everything so... funny?! Kura giggled at her own hiccup. She steadied herself on Mel... or atleast at one time it was Mel... now there was a huge five-and-a-half feet tall teddy bear with blue eyes that looked an awful lot like Mel. Hey, you fuzzy wuzzy teddy bear, where did you come from? .... Help me fight that beastie!
Kura stepped forward and tripped on something on the ground. What was this? She looked with a blurred, silly vision to the sword at her feet. AH! A weapon! Why didnt she see this before? After fumbling around for a moment, Kura managed to get a firm grip on it and stand up straight, swinging this dangerous sword at the Dark Nurse. Not so tough! Not so tough now are you, Dark Beast?!
OOC: ... if only Kura realized that sword was the giant dildo mentioned in previous posts... *heh*
Now I told you before, I feel bad for Melinda! I dont call Kura the innocent troublemaker for nothing... maybe thats why they threw her off her home planet!
Re: Kuras Rescue!
^_^() Tetsuyo sweatdropped when his efforts to escape were taken away. He sighed and lowered his head. Um, nurse, a question. When we are done doing that to Kura, what is next on the agenda?
Re: Kuras Rescue!
When Nurse Tatase smiled at her, Melindas blood ran cold. It wasnt humor she saw. It was the smile of a predator about to pounce! When the whip cracked, Mel came very close to wetting herself in fear. When the nurse opened the door, and Kura rolled in, Mel sobbed softly. She had no choice now. She couldnt let that whip land on Kuras baby-soft skin! Melinda bowed her head in defeat, and stopped all her struggles. I...Ill do it. she whispered softly. Please, Nurse Tatase, just dont use that on Kura, OK? Ill do whatever you say.
When Mel saw Kura down what was left in Nurse Tatases bottle, she opened her mouth to warn the girl. No sound came out. Maybe things would be better this way. If Kura was good and drunk, maybe she wouldnt be hurt too much. Feeling like a monster herself, Melinda stepped up to where the pink-haired girl was waving the dildo all around. Kura love, do you feel OK? she asked, fighting to keep her voice normal, or as normal sounding as she could.
Youre so brave to come back and rescue me! You scared the monster clean away! Mel took the dildo from Kura, and let it fall to the floor. She hugged the tipsy girl tightly, then picked her up. Kura felt so light in her arms, but Mel could hardly take a step. She kissed Kura, as tears flowed down her cheeks. I love you, Kura! Always know that! Mel hated herself for how hard her penis was getting. How could the thought of what was to come make her grow so aroused? The hermaphrodite took a step, then another. Slowly, but surely, she was carrying Kura towards Tetsuyo. His penis was standing proudly, just waiting for Kuras tight little bottom.
Kuras... Rescue? (Hu?)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatases anger melted down like a snowball in a furnace at the sight of Kuras doings. She just stood there, blinking in confusion. The thought that she could use the young girls drunkenness as an excuse for punishment didnt even come to her mind as she was too astonished.
She was barely paying attention to Tetsuyo, until the boy asked her something.
Huh? What? Oh, I dont know... Ill have to think of something....
This reminded her some of her plan, though, and she snapped her fingers.
Oh, yes! I have a catgirl to take care of!
Since Mel-chan decided to be a good girl...dickgirl and obey, she now walked to Nuku-Nuku, and took off the vibrating tool from her mouth.
Now, my sweetie, its your turn. Youve been a nice, obedient girl, thats good. You know, I think I may have a solution for your little problem with those toys....
Re: Kuras... Rescue? (Hu?)
The wonderful tingly feeling in her mouth went away! The cat-android longed for it back! Nuku-Nuku opened her eyes, and spotted the pretty nurse. That made her feel a little better. The android grinned sheepishly, as her own saliva dripped from the toy, and her chin. Nuku-Nuku felt so warm and happy inside, when the nurse told her she was being a good girl. Nurse Tatase can help Nuku-Nuku? she asked in a whisper. She threw her arms around the nurse, and hugged her tight. Nuku-Nuku thanks you! Nurse Tatase is so good to Nuku-Nuku!
Re: Kuras... Rescue? (Hu?)
Oro? He sighed. Whew. At least she doesnt have a naughty plan already in the making.
Rukos Rescue. (Help!)
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Very surprised by the cyborgs unexpected show of affection, Nurse Tatase glurked incoherently. Her eyes bulged, her face bulged, her breasts bulged (yeah, even more than usual)....
Not from shock, of course, but from the incredible pressure the drunken super-catgirl was applying in her playful (but deadly) hug. It felt a lot like being stuck in an industrial hydraulic press.
The Ecchi nurse was at a lost about how making her stop... she was in no position to use her whip, and she really didnt know what on Earth could be able to counter such a horrendous strength.
Urk... need... breath...
Not feeling so well....
Kura giggled as the big fuzzy teddy bear picked her up. Hey, you do sound an awful lot like Mel-Mel! *hehe* *hic!* You must be the monster of Melinda, huh? I guess all monsters arent so bad... and youre really cute, too! Kura rested her head against Melindas chest and sighed. So I scared off that bad Nurse monster? I wasnt scared at all, cuz you know why? Cuz *hic* I knew exactly what to do! Now the real Nurse can be happy again and maybe since I did right, people wont be saying that Im such a troublesome girl anymore! I even saved the one I love from a real beast! Just like in those storybooks, huh?
Kura clung tightly to this big teddy bear Melinda. How come everything looks so dizzy-up? I dont feel so well... *gulp*... I think Im gonna be sick... *ack* Kuras face turned a nice shade of green. All that spinning sure was making her dizzy! Not to mention the alcohol churning in her tummy!!
Re: Rukos Rescue. (Help!)
Nuku-Nuku giggled, and let go. Nurse Tatase is funny! she shouted, then looked most upset. Did Nuku-Nuku hurt Nurse Tatase? The catgirl was close to tears. Nuku-Nuku is sorry! Please dont tell Papa-san! The android cheered up in an instant. That was the pretty Nurses fault! she said like she was telling a big secret. The cat-android wiggled a finger in the startled nurses face. Ha Ha! Too bad pretty nurse doesnt know about the Alpha Override Command! Displaying a most amazingly short attention span, the drunken catgirl sat on the floor, and actually began to groom herself with her tongue, all the while muttering to herself. Nuku-Nuku hates Alpha Override! She giggled, and gave a fairly good impression of her beloved Papa-san. It was you who broke my mansion plate! Nuku-Nuku bent down, and began to lick her toes. Nuku-Nuku hates being so weak from stupid mansion plate words! The catgirl would most likely regret this drink induced lapse. Papa-san had warned her never to tell this code phrase to anyone. He sometimes needed it to tone down her reflexes and strength, so he could run systems checks on her. Nuku-Nuku looked up, and smiled, when she remembered the nurse was standing over her. Can Nuku-Nuku have the buzzy toy back now? The supple android bent double and gave her dampness a quick lick. Nuku-Nuku really wants to use the buzzy toy!
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Mel was torn. She hated herself for what she was doing, but it was to spare Kura from the pain of the whip. Still, with Kura drunk, it didnt seem quite so bad. In fact, it was kinda sexy and naughty too. Hold on, baby girl. Let Mel help you! Melinda looked all around, and spotted a waste paper basket. She rushed over, and placed Kura gently on the floor. If you have to go whoopsie, just use this, OK, love? Ill be back in just a second! Melinda rushed over to the gasping nurse, and only paused a second when she saw the cat-android manage to lick her own vagina. Nurse Tatase? she asked fearfully. I know I said I would do it, but Kuras about to toss her cookies! Youre a nurse, isnt there something you can do to settle her tummy? Mel blushed. I dont want her to get sick all over us! Can...can you do something? I better get back to her! Mel hurried back to her love, and gently stroked her pink hair. Noting happened, yet, but Kura was hugging the waste basket like it was a long lost friend!
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Tetsuyo rolled onto his stomach right behind Kura. OK, well, youll feel better once you hurled. Now go. He tapped her back with the front of his feet.
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Melinda rushed back to Kuras side. In an uncharacteristic burst of anger, she shoved the still bound Tetsuyo away from the queezy girl. Youll get what you want! she hissed at him, and slapped at his rigid erection. Is that all guys ever think of? Melinda was one to talk! Her shaft was beginning to ache, it was so hard! Even in her confused state, the hermaphrodite took pride in the fact that hers was just as big as Tetsuyo! She took another look. Maybe even bigger! Her look of pride and delight, softened to one of caring and compassion, as she took the girl in her arms. Ill take care of her! Not you! She turned back to the trembling girl, and brushed the hair from her face. Dont be embarrassed, sweetness. If you feel the need, just go ahead. Mel smiled gently, and tapped the side of the waste basket.
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
OW!!! Tetsuyo glared at at Melinda. You baka. I was trying to make her throw up so she would feel better. If she doesnt, it stays in and she will never get it out. JEEZ!!!
Nurse on strike
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase, who had just crashed to the floor once Nuku-Nuku let go of her, watched the whole room waving and rolling madly around her. Head dizzy, both from lack of air and alcohol, she barely listened to both Nuku-Nuku rapid-fire gibberish and Melindas urgent pleas. Together, they were just increasing her headache. Feeling her consciousness slips, she simply said:
I think Im going to take a nap right now...
Falling bonelessly on her back, she lay still and started to snore.
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Kura looked around anxiously. She felt a sharp nudge in her hind end that nearly made her fall face first into the garbage can. Hadnt these people had enough of her bottom?! It was very sore as it was and her only reaction was a squeak in pain. She looked back to see who did it, but everything was far too blurry and the only thing she could see was that big fuzzy teddy bear. Why did the teddy bear want her to go in the trash can? Kura stuck her head inside and before she could do anything, she toppled over and landed on her back, the can still on her head.
Where did you go to, Mel-bear? Kura muttered in pure confusion. Where did the lights go?
Re: Nurse on strike
Nuku-Nuku watched the pretty nurse as she lay back, and went to sleep. Nuku-Nuku will guard the nurse! she proclaimed loudly, then put a finger to her lips, and shhhed herself. Uh-oh. If pretty nurse is really deeply sleeping, nasty boys may try to make sex with her! Nuku-Nuku better protect her! The catgirl felt justified after this to move over and begin touching the womans body. Nuku-Nuku better cover the nurses sex better then this! she giggled, as she began to remove the sleeping womans dominatrix garb. The catgirl bent down, and licked the nurses dampened folds. She picked up the fallen vibrator, and froze for a second. Using every iota of willpower she had, the techno-kitty switched the toy off. Very slowly and carefully, Nuku-Nuku slipped the toy into the body of the sleeping woman. There! she exclaimed proudly. Nasty boys cant stick their boy-cocks into the nurse now! Nuku-Nuku is so clever! To reward herself for doing such a good job in guarding the sleeping woman, Nuku-Nuku bent down, and began to lap her tongue against the womans erect clit. Nurse Tatase tastes nice! Nuku-Nuku happily went about guarding the pretty nurse, from time to time, stopping to taste of her too!
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Melinda glared right back at Tetsuyo, and while Kura had a slight mishap with her head in the wastebasket, she leaned towards the bound man. I know that! she said sharply. I also know that Im the one who will help her feel better, not you! The hermaphrodites eyes nearly flashed green, as her jealousy grew. Youll get your cock into her, dont you worry! she hissed. Just lay there, and keep your mouth shut! If you try to take my Kura, Ill, Ill, Ill ram my penis up YOUR ass!
Mel turned her back on the angry, but still bound man, and helped Kura get her head out of the wastebasket. Im here, baby. Mel-bear is here. Melinda was a bit confused by Kura calling her a bear, but it was kinda cute, so she didnt mind. How are you feeling, honey? Do you think you want to go whoopsie now? Youll feel better, if you get al the nasty medicine back out of your tummy. Mel had a sudden idea. A very nasty idea, but one that may make Kura actually wilingly go along with the nurses gangbang plans!
Kura honey she whispered. I know a sure fire way to make you feel much better, but only very special people can do it. Mel tried to sound reluctant. Um, never mind. I think maybe youre too young for this cure. I dont think I sould show it too you! Mel held her breath and waited. Would Kura fall for her little trick?
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Kura sat up the best she could, using Mel as support. Mel-bear has saved me from the dark! You are awfully nice! Too bad things are still so blurry and my tummy feels not so good at all!... Kura paused for a moment to think about what Mel had just said. You think I am too young for cure?! Well, Im a big girl! I am way growed up now and I can do anything... even save nice nurses from bad monsters!
Trying to get to her feet, Kura tipped backwards and landed on top of Mel. *giggle* Good thing you were there... I mustve tripped, huh? Now that she was eye level with the ground, Kura noticed the Nurse laying on the floor. Gee, I did get rid of that bad nurse monster! I betcha Mel will be real proud of me!
Kura sat up wobbly, but proud on Mels tummy as she lay sprawled out on the floor. Now please, tell me how to make everything feel better! I beg, beg, beg of you sweet, Mel-bear!
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Tetsuyo rolled over to the sheath and took out the blade. At least he was able to separate his arms from his feet, and cut his hands free. He left the binds on his feet and sat down normally. Thank God I got out of that. He rubbed his wrists and sheathed the sword, sighing.
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Mel thought fast. The nurse was asleep, they could most likely escape! Melinda closed her eyes tightly, and took a deep breath. It was terrible and nasty, but she wanted this now! She looked over at where Tetsuyo had freed himself, and smiled. With a quick wink, she motioned for him to join them. I know a sure fire cure for jittery tummys. Its a very special medicine. You cant drink it though. You, you have to have it put into your, um, your hiney. Mel waved almost frantically at the freed boy. His penis was so hard, he must want to do this too! Get over here! she mouthed, as she began to stroke Kuras body. Ill understand if you dont want this medicine, its not for little babies, after all. Mel wanted to get Kura to say it. She wanted her young love to ask for something to be slipped into her pretty bottom!
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Tetsuyo just shrugged and crawled over to them and sat up next to Kura. Mel, are you sure what you are thinking is right? I mean, when I am a girl the only thing that cures my stomach is some sleep.
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Melinda had a moment of panic. Shut up! she hissed quietly, as she casually covered Kuras ears. She gave her love a gentle kiss, before continuing in a whisper. Do you want Nurse Tatase to wake up and start whipping her? Mel looked down at Tetsuyos shaft. Who are you kidding, buddy. Youre just as turned on as me! Mels eyes pleaded with him. Just do it, please? Ill do whatever you want, after. I swear! She leaned over, and looked him right in the eyes. I mean WHATEVER you want! Mel was so excited over the thought of sharing Kura, that no price was too high!
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Kura looked at the Mel-bear and her friend. He sounded a lot like that young man they called Tetsuyo, but her vision was so blurry she could hardly tell. Heeeeeey, maybe you are Tetsuyo-monster, ne? Will you be my friend? She got on all fours and crawled closer to him, stopping only an inch or so from his nose. What kind of animal are you? If I were a monster, I think Id be a fuzzy bunny! *giggle* *hic*
During her jibberish, she happened to hear Mel say something about getting something in her hiney to feel better. B-back there? she paused a moment to think How come everything gotsta go back there lately? Its getting awfully sore! But Im not a baby! It hurts but I can still do it cuz my tummy feels sick and maybe if it makes me not dizzy I will do it for sure. I want it! I want it in my bottom if it makes me feel better!!
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Tetsuyo blinked. Alright, alright. Ill be quiet. And Ill think about what I want you to do later.
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Mel nodded at Tetsuyo, feeling a little scared about their bargain, but shed worry about that later! Oh, Kura love! This medicine will make you feel all better! I promise! Melinda looked from Kura to Tetsuyo, and back again. Youre right! This is Tetsuyo-monster! Hes a good monster though, and likes to help people. Tetsuyo-monsters grow special medicine inside their bodies. He has a special tube to make sure it gets right up where its all needed. Mel started to fondle Tetsuyos penis. See this? Hes used his magic to look like a regular boy, so nobody will try and steal his medicine. Doesnt his medicine injector look just like a penis?
Re: Not feeling so well...Note to nurse!
Tetsuyo shuddered at her touching his manhood and smiled. Yes, I sure do.
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Tetsuyo-monster has the medicine in that tube... Kura repeated Mels words. You are right, Mel-Bear, it does look like a penis! What a clever Tetsuyo-monster!
Kneeling down in her clumsy drunken way, Kura threw her arms around Tetsuyo. OH! You clever beastie, Tetsuyo-monster! Can you help me? Can you give me my medicine to make me all better?
She whispered and blushed. But it has to go in my bottom... you know... down there! she said while motioning to her butt. Youll have to be reeeeeeeeal careful cuz lots of things have happened to me there and it made me very sore though.
Kura sat back up proud and gave Tetsuyo her super-kawaii look, nearly tipping over in the process. Then up at Mel: Will you help me, Mel-bear? Will you help me convince the Tetsuyo-Monster that Im a big girl and I can have the medicine?!
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Melinda felt her cock give a little jerk. This was so exciting! What do you say, Tetsuyo-Monster? Do you think Kura is a big girl? I do! I think shes just the right age for your medicine to really do her some good, dont you? Mel carefully massaged his medicine tube, uh, penis, and winked at him. Please, Tetsuyo-Monster? Put your medicine in Kuras bottom! Melinda gently guided Kura over, and helped her straddle the prone male. Please say you help, Tetsuyo-Monster!
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Tetsuyo felt a little weird. God, everyone was wasted. Oh well he might as well play along. Hai. I do believe she is a good girl. He grabbed Kura by her waist and lifted her up, aiming her butt over his stiff member. Now, are you ready?
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Thank you! Thank you, Tetsuyo-Monster! Kura felt herself being lifted up. She could hardly stand the excitement! She was becoming very aroused by all of this, though she knew she probably shouldnt be. Her drunken mind couldnt think of any reason that what she is doing might possibly be wrong!
Im ready! Im ready now!! And you dont have to worry none cuz the Dark Nurse put lots of slippery ointment down there, so your penis thing should go in really nice! Kura grinned and braced herself by hanging on tightly to Mel, who was kneeling in front of her.
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Not a problem. Tetsuyo sweatdropped and gently lowered her all the way down his length and into her butt. He blinked and held her by her waist. You OK?
Re: Nurse on strike
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
The drowsy Nurse Tatase moaned and squirmed in her sleep under Nuku-Nukus ministrations.
Mmmmh... yes... Ogeguri-sensei, your big cock feels so good in me....
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Kura squeaked and squirmed, but the warm, safe feeling she had when Tetsuyo put his hands firmly to her waist kept her calm. She adjusted herself comfortably on him, his length fitting tightly in her bottom. Maybe it wasnt so painful afterall.
Mmm! Tetsuyo-monster, you fit so nicely! It makes me feel very nice! When Mel-bear told me it was medicine, I was afraid it would hurt like those shots of medicine I got from the Doctor... but I like your shot much better!
Kura inched her rear end back and forth, not being able to resist herself any longer. A few soft moans of pleasure escaped her mouth as she found out how good it felt when she wriggled around on top of Tetsuyo. How long does it take for my medicine? she asked innocently... hoping it might be a long time because that tube of medicine was making her feel awfully good!
See, Mel-bear, I told you I was old enough! I told you I was a good girl, didnt I? Kura sat on top of Tetsuyo proudly looking up at her cute teddy bear Mel!
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Tetsuyo erked as she went up and down. He sighed as he kept his arm securily around her waist. Now, in order for the patient to feel perfectly at ease, He cupped her breast in his hand, we have to keep you calm and collected. Right, Mel?
Re: Nurse on strike
The android giggled, as the pretty nurse talked in her sleep. Nuku-Nuku was a good girl, so she decided to help the nurse feel good, as she guarded her from all those nasty boy-cocks. She grasped the dildo, and began easing it in and out of the sleeping woman. This made the nurse grow wetter, so of course Nuku-Nuku did her best to keep her clean. The android did what was only natural for her, and used her tongue to clean up all that yummy juice!
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Oh Kura, youre a very good girl! Youre so grown up and pretty too! Yes, Calm and collected! Tetsuyo-Monster, help me make Kura more comfortable. Thank goodness Kura was sitting on Tetsuyos penis, while facing away from him! It would make the next step easier! Relax, Kura love, just relax. Mel was whispering softly, while carressing the pink-haired girls bottom. Lay down, Honey. Lay down on the nice Tetsuyo-Monster, and your Mel-bear will give you a nice surprise!
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Kura felt a nice warmth cover over her breasts. When she looked down she saw Tetsuyos hands cupped over them. It made her very happy that he was being so sweet to her! Thank you, Tetsuyo-Monster! I thought maybe you didnt like me. I feel happy that you want to make me better with your secret medicine... and now you make me feel kinda funny, too! Kura whispered as she blushed.
Surprise? I love surprises! Kura giggled in excitement. All of the monsters here are so nice to me. Is it cuz I saved the Nurse? Is it cuz Im a good girl now? Kura smiled and did her best to lay back ontop of Tetsuyo. Sorry, Tetsuyo-Monster, but I hafta lie down now. You can stay inside of me just to be sure I get the medicine like you said.
Kura looked up at her sweet Mel-Bear. Why do I hafta lie down? What kinda surprise do I get? How much longer do I need to wait? She was so anxious to know what she was going to get that she didnt notice how much jibberish she was talking. Realizing she was not staying calm and collected, Kura took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Besides, the room was still making her dizzy and sick!
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
When Kura got hyper, she kind of bounced up and down. Tetsuyo tried to keep himself collected, but the movements inside her made him want to cum so badly. So he just held it and took his mind off it by massaging her breasts and flicking the nipple and lying down with her on top. OK. Sure thing, Kura. Just be careful not to get too hyper.
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Mel looked into Tetsuyos eyes. He was just as horny as she was! Maybe when this was over, Mel wouldnt mind paying back by doing whatever he made her do! Kura looked so beautiful, as she lay back on his body. Melinda thought she would go insane with lust, just from seeing his penis buried deep in the pretty girls hiney! Kura-chan, youve always been a good girl! Youre the best! Now keep your eyes closed love. Im going to give you your surprise right now! Melinda walked on her knees, and moved between Tetsuyo and Kuras outstretched legs. Her penis was so hard and erect, that it was starting to ache! Mel needed her Kura so badly now! She placed the throbbing head of her cock against Kuras sex. Kura was soaked! The naughty girl was turned on by a penis in her bottom! Mel couldnt take it any more! In one movement, she was ontop of Kura, easing her throbbing member deep into the beautiful pink-haired alien. Mel gasped with pure delight! She could feel Tetsuyo inside her love! Kura, I, I have to help the Tetsuyo-Monster like this! she gasped, as she rained kisses all over the pretty girls face. If, if you and me make love, hell be able to give you his most very special, sure-fire tummy cure ever! Mel was babbling now, but didnt care! She began thrusting into Kura, pressing the younger girl down on the penis impaling her bottom. Relax love! Just relax and feel good!
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Uhm, okie, Tetsuyo-Monster. Im sorry, I just got carried away! Ill try to be as still as possible for now, but something makes me want to squirm all over. I guess maybe my monster wants me to be a naughty Kura!
Kura kept her eyes close just like Mel had instructed. In a moment, she had her on top of her and pushing something very hard inside of her from the front. *gasp* I-I feel very full!! Mel-bear, you have a penis just like real Mel! I know that feeling!
Kura was feeling quite uncomfortable at first, but once she adjusted to this full feeling, she began to feel very good! Being drunk was making her less nervous than usual and the jibberish Mel was talking made perfect sense to Kura!
His most very special, sure-fire tummy cure... Kura repeated to herself.
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Tetsuyo felt like he was in a nuthouse. But when in Rome.... Yep, I sure do. He held onto Kuras waist and kept Mel at an even stroke so they could both go into Kura at the same rate.
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Oh Kura! Mel-bear loves you, just as much as real Mel! Melinda didnt know what Kura was talking about, but it didnt seem to matter. Mel-Bears penis loves going inside your pretty, pretty pussy! The aroused hermaphrodite looked Tetsuyo in the eyes. Mel-bear loves feeing Tetsuyo-monsters penis moving with her! Mel wormed her hands under Tetsuyos shoulders, and hugged the three of them tightly together. Mel-bear loves this! she cried happily, as she matched her movements to Tetsuyoss.
Re: Tetsuyo-Monster and Mel-Bear
Tetsuyo sweatdropped and smirked. And remember our deal, Mel-bear. He nodded and kept moving in and out of Kuras ass.
Re: Nurse on strike
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase moaned louder. The combination of Nuku-Nukus tongue on her privates and her wet dream were bringing her to the edge.
Oh yes... Ogeguri-sensei... yes... I love you... YES!!
She spasmed, her cunt gushing fluids around the false cock as orgasm seized her.
Re: Nurse on strike
Nuku-Nuku didnt know who Ogeguri-sensei was, but she did know that Nurse Tatase must like him a whole bunch! As the nurse climaxed in her sleep, the android wriggled her tongue madly on her swollen clitoris. Nuku-Nuku wanted Nurse Tatase to feel extra-special good! She pressed her tongue firmly against that hot little organ, and gave it a nice electrical zap. Warm fluids gushed! Nuku-Nuku lapped at them, eagerly drinking and swallowling.
Nurse no more on strike
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatases eyes shot wide open as she screamed and squirmed in ecstasy under the cyborg catgirls electrically-induced intensive climax.
Once she stopped shaking, her head fell back on the floor, eyes staring at the ceiling. She was panting and confused, but awake. With the start of a hangover and a weird taste in the mouth.
Just... just what happened... I cant have drank... I never drink...
Pushing up on her arms, she watched down her body, finally identifying the culprit that took advantage of her during her sleep. She glared at Nuku-Nuku, who just grinned guiltlessly in return. Ruko also understood why she felt so stuffed.
Oh... you naughty girl! Is that a way to treat the school nurse? I hadnt given you permission to use that toy on me...
Thats when she noticed the moans, pants and grunts coming from behind her. Turning head, she stared in shock at the sight of the ongoing double penetration.
Re: Nurse no more on strike
Tetsuyo noticed the nurse and waved. See, we did like you asked. See?
Re: Nurse no more on strike
Mel looked back, and saw that Nurse Tatase was awake! Even though Kura was kind of passed out now, The hermpahrodite fucked her even harder. See? See? she shouted. I kept my part of the deal! Kuras getting gangbanged, just like you ordered! Mels eyes pleaded with the nurse. Keep your part! Please keep your part! Dont use a whip on Kura! She thrust harder. Tetsuyo is gonna cum up her ass, then Ill pull out, and shoot my cum all in her hair and face! Thats how you wanted us to do it! Please dont whip her!
Re: Nurse no more on strike
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase was too stunned for a while to react. Finally, she tried to get up... Just
... to be reminded by the feeling in her loins of the vibrator still present. Pulling it out, she stood despite her growing headache, finishing her sentence: Just what do you think youre doing?
Glaring at the astonished teenagers, she started to scold them. Mel-chan, how could you? You said you loved Kura, that you didnt want any other partner than her! You promised you would control your libido, and now look at what youre doing! How did you convince poor, innocent Kura-chan to such kinkiness? And you, Tetsuyo, arent you ashamed of taking advantage of an inexperienced girl like that!
Yup, what the nurse had done under the influence of alcohol seemed to have fallen into a deep memory gap.... °_°;
Re: Nurse no more on strike
Tetsuyo was out of Kura and had the sheath of his katana in his hand, whapping the nurse over the head with it gently. You ordered us too. Remember. Jeez, tell me to do something and I obey and.... He tripped because his feet were still tied, and hit his head. Ow. He rubbed his butt. I need a break and time to nap. He slides over to the sink and poured the cold water on himself.
Tetsuya nodded and curled into a ball next to Kura. She fell asleep, little bubble of spit rising and falling with her breathing.
Re: Nurse no more on strike
When Tetsuyo pushed Kura and Mel off of him, it very nearly made Mel do something Kura and her would both be sorry for! Oh God! the hermaphrodite moaned, as she struggled to turn them over, and be on top! She made it just in time! With a very unladylike grunt, Mel yanked her cock from her passed out lover, and frantically jerked her shaft. Thick streamers of semen launched over the sleeping girls body! Mel remembered her promise, and aimed right into Kuras face. Blast after blast coated that pretty face, making it all glazed and shiney! Mel lurched forward, and buried her still spurting cock right in Kuras lovey pink hair! Thick gobs of cum soon matted it down! Melinda started to cry, when she finally slowed to a stop.
Nurse Tatase! You ordered me! she wailed. I want Kura all to myself, but you said youd whip her bloody, if Tetsuyo and I didnt do a gangbang with her! Kura thought she was helping you, and she stole your booze and drank it all down! You made us do it! Mel covered her eyes, and wept.
Nuku-Nuku watched the pretty dickgirl squirt all over her friend, and it was really exciting! Her cat brain was still deeply affected by the drink. It was her only organic part, after all! That was fun! the android exclaimed, as she clapped her hands. Do it some more! She looked a little cross-eyed at the crying hermaphrodite. Nuku-Nuku says dont cry! The android turned towards Nurse Tatase. Order them again! she giggled, and staggered against the nurse. Um, nursie Tatatatse? She giggled again. Can you help Nuku-Nuku with vibrators now? BURRP! Scuse Nuku-Nuku! She spotted the empty bottle on the floor. Oh NO! Nuku-Nuku wants more feel good drink! Please Nursie nurse, can Nuku-Nuku have some more? She moved against the nurse, and slipped her hand between the older womans legs. Nuku-Nuku will make you feel really nice again, if Nuku-Nuku can have some more drinkies!
Nurse Blues
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Are... Are you all drunk?? exclaimed the nurse with astonishment. Feeling dizzy, she fell on her knees. Sniffing her own breath, she came to the terrible conclusion: Im drunk too....
Head falling down, she started whimpering: Thats just great. I was supposed to take care of the students... and I made them drink and have an orgy instead... just GREAT!
Looking up, she gazed at Melinda with teary eyes. Mel-chan, did... did I really force you to do that...? Oh, Im so sorry! I can get so mean when Im drunk! I try to avoid it at all cost, because each time it happened Ive done humiliating things to my friends....
She also glared at Nuku-Nuku, who was begging for more drink. You, SHUT UP! Youre giving me a headache!
Re: Nurse Blues
Sometime during the gangbang, Kuras drunken mind decided it was time to pass out! Now she was feeling a bit restless and opened her eyes. Kuras silly world was now replaced with a pounding headache and a very sore bottom!
Doing her best to sit up, she noticed the Nurse was awake now as well. T-Tatase-san? Im happy youre back. We all missed you very much... but I suggest we destroy that bottle as soon as possible. It has very strange stuff in it, like monsters and bears and a Dark Nurse. I think it made me sick too. Kura whispered to the Nurse. Her voice was hushed only for the sake of her awful headache! Even though the Nurse probably had no idea what she was talking about... it all made perfect sense to Kura.
When the room had gotten quiet again, Kura heard the sounds of Mel sobbing. Mel?! Love, whats the matter? Im back now, you dont have to cry! I told you everything would be alright, didnt I? Kura leaned forward OW! to hug Mel. Though it was quite painful to even move with such a sore behind!
Kura wrapped her arms around the crying girl and sighed. I wish you wouldnt cry like this... I just want you to be happy! Kura now noticed how incredibly messy she was. Gee, Mel, I really am a mess for some reason... is there a place I can take a shower to clean up? Maybe a shower is just what I need to clear up this headache as well. Kura leaned back to face the Nurse. Tatase-san? I dont mean to bother you again, but is there a shower near by? Im really feeling really yucky. I think a nice shower will help me rid of this awful headache. If you have a headache, maybe it would help you too.
Re: Nurse Blues
Tetsuya crept an eye open and then grabbed her katana. She cut the ropes on her feet and then used some ropes to tie Nukus arms behind her and her legs. She sat Nuku in a corner. Now, behave. She curled up again next to the tied up Nuku-Nuku and fell asleep again.
Re: Nurse Blues
The pretty nurse telling her to shut up, and the guy who was helping the dickgirl fuck the other girl tying her up, shocked Nuku-Nuku. She broke the ropes, and just sat in the corner, quietly sobbing. Everyone is mad at Nuku-Nuku! she whispered, as she cried. Nuku-Nuku just wanted to help! Finally, the effects of the drink were wearing off. Nuku-Nuku feels funny. The room was spinning a little bit now. Nuku-Nuku leaned against the wall. Nuku-Nuku doesnt like this!
Re: Nurse Blues
Mel turned to the nurse. She wasnt angry, she was scared. You did! You did force me! she wailed. I liked it though! I really liked it a lot! What am I gonna do now? She turned to Kura, and sobbed. Do you remember, love? We, uh, I took advantage of you when you were asleep! Oh God! I couldnt help it! I didnt want to, at first, but you were so cute and sexy when you were drunk! I fucked you, then I pulled out and shot all in your hair and face! Mel covered her own face. I swear, Kura. I didnt cum inside you! Um, but, but, Tetsuyo, he came in your butt! I thought you were gonna be really hurt if I didnt! I thought you were going to be whipped bloody! I want to say I did it to save you, but forgive me! I ended up liking it! Mel hated to do it, but she didnt want to take the blame alone. Nurse Tatase was going to do the whipping, if we didnt do it!
Re: Nurse Blues
Tetsuya gave Nuku-Nuku some coffee. Here, thisll make you feel better. With all the noise, she just couldnt get any sleep. Want to go home, Nuku-Nuku? I can take care of you there. In fact all of us should head home. Its been too busy a day. She rubbed the back of her head.
Re: Nurse Blues
Kura looked at Mel and then at the Nurse. She looked around the room for Tetsuyo, but she couldnt see him anywhere. What was going on here? This was certainly the most perplexing situation Kura had ever been in. Even the sweet nurse looked upset.
I dont know what is going on, but I wish you would stop crying! Kura reached out and shook Mel in a gentle but firm way. She saw the catgirl was sobbing in the corner as well. I wish everyone would stop crying!... Everything is better now, right? Why is everyone so upset? I just dont understand at all! Kura paused for a moment and looked at Mel And I really have no idea what you are talking about... but everything seems to be fine now for the most part....
Re: Nurse Blues
No, No, No! Nuku-Nuku wants to stay with the pretty nurse! The pretty nurse promised to help with Nuku-Nukus vibrator problem! The android tried to calm down. The pink-haired girl was telling everyone evrything was OK. Maybe it was. Nuku-Nuku hugged girl Tetsuya. Nuku-Nuku is sorry. Nuku-Nuku is being bad. She took the steaming hot cup of coffee, and gulped it down in record speed. Oh! Nuku-Nukus tummy feels hot now! The android smiled a little. Nuku-Nuku should have sipped like humans do. Now Nuku-Nuku looks silly!
Re: Nurse Blues
Mel felt a warmth spreading, where an almost sickening chill had gripped her soul. Oh, Kura! I love you! She was still crying a little, but now it was more from joy, then anything else! How did I ever deserve to meet someone as special as you? Messy hair or not, messy face or not, Mel hugged her lover tight. The smell of her own seed in that lovely pink hair, was turning her on again. Kura? she asked, after kissing her own semen off of sweet lips, Kura, did you want to do it? Mel was hard again, and her penis was pressing against Kuras tummy. Um, maybe, maybe you could make me do something, that you like, OK? Did this sweet girl from another world have a deep dark fantasy? Mel hoped so with all her heart! She would do anything for Kura, anything at all!
Re: Nurse Blues
St Fan, Kami of Writers Block
Nurse Tatase watched her surrounding with bleary eyes. Boy, why did those kids have to be so loud? Her throbbing headache wasnt getting any better. And by the look of it, Kura and Melinda might very well be going at it again. Frowning, she looked around at the mess that the nurse office became, and took the only possible decision.
Everybody... GET OUT!
Calming down a bit, she sighed and says in more gentle tone. Please... I had a very hard day, and I cant do anything for you today. Kura-chan, Mel-chan, go back to your home, take a shower first, I dont know.... Youre excused from your class by the nurse. Im sure you can sort out your feelings if you just sat and talk about it peacefully....
Seizing then the empty bottle, she lazily threw it in direction of Tetsuyas head. As for you, drunkard girl, I dont want to see you, EVER AGAIN!
Slumping on the floor as the teenagers exited the room, she pressed her forehead between her palms to help with the pain. She then remembered she hadnt ordered anything to Nuku-Nuku, but in her state the dizzy cyborg girl was probably unable to get far anyway....
Re: Nurse Blues
Tetsuya got dressed quickly and caught the bottle. Oh yee of little faith. Oh well. She shrugged and tried to pick up Nuku before the nurse got angrier. She helped her up and tried to drag her but fell and rolled out of the office. She sniffed. Mel. Kura. Can I come with you?
[To see where Ranko had gone, read: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL Ranma Saotome 3]
[To follow Melinda, Kura and Tetsuyo, read: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL Tetsuyo Mamuya]
[To watch Nurse Tatase and Nuku-Nukus whereabouts, read: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL Side-Story: start]