ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL – The Terrible Trio – 4
Compilation, proofreading and HTML coding by St Fan
[COMPILER’S NOTE: This story is a compilation of posts from an online hentai role-playing game, the Anime Hentai High School. This text is just an extract of the whole game, solely concentrating on the Ranma ½ characters (sort of) involved and their immediate surroundings. Remember that the game had already started well before this part, and that others threads, either with original creations or characters borrowed from various animes, are running parallel at the same time. As well, the episode separations are very arbitrary, reflecting a change of place or time, but not really acknowledged in the game. Enjoy.]
Name: Shinji Ikari
Age: 18
Year: Senior
Favorite subject: None
Least Favorite Subject: Math
*Strength- c
*Intelligence- b
*Agility- c
*Luck- a
*Attractiveness- b
*Skill- b
Background: Pilot of eva unit 01
New Character - Tesotu
Name: Tesotu Akeni
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Year: Senior
Favorite subject: Science
Least Favorite Subject: Gym
*Strength- D-
*Intelligence- A+
*Agility- D
*Luck- A
*Attractiveness- C-
*Skill- A
Background: Tesotu (Original Character), is a boy-genius. He excels in Math and Science and looks to become one of the greatest Mecha engineers of all time. Unfortunately Tesotu is also a bit of a dweeb. So, in order to put some zing in the poor boy’s dull physics-and-high-order-math excuse for a life his father, an ex-rockstar, has sent him to a new high school for his senior year with the advice: “have fun, try not to die, and if you’re still a virgin by the end of the year I’ll disown you.”
Needless to say, Tesotu is not amused.
When not tinkering away in the Mech Hanger on his latest project, Tesotu is either in the library studying, the Computer lab programming, the Chemistry lab experimenting, the Physics lab testing, the Biology lab... well you get the idea.
In the past, Tesotu’s natural intellect, luck and skill have made him a born achiever. He gets straight A’s in school in all but his most hated class, gym. His excellent academic standing resulted in his being catapulted ahead through school, skipping years of unnecessary schooling. Consequently he is a senior at only 15, and has letters of acceptance from every university in the Country, and many overseas, but he’s never had a life.
Senior year is more than ready for Tesotu, but is Tesotu ready for it?
Description: Tesotu’s shy, meek exterior hides his inborn megalomania. His brown eyes always have a look of scheming about them and his tussled brown hair always smells of shorted out electronics hardware. He sports thin-framed metal glasses, which he is always cleaning, and have a small chip in the upper left corner. Tesotu is always neatly dressed, and always carries a pen and pad, ready to jot down his latest idea. He stands about 5&#prime;7″ tall, and has a wiry build.
Special Note: Tesotu’s mech building/repairing skills are unparalleled, and, being as proud as he is, Tesotu is more than willing to help with any mecha-related activities. When it comes to mecha, he claims, Tesotu is never wrong.
waiting for someone
Shinji sits in the cafateria and is depressed becasuse he knows no one
Potential customer
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki Takara [along with her usual minions] happened to notice the new student.
“Ahhh... fresh mea... I mean a new customer.” Nabiki murmured.
“Boss, are you sure?” asked one of the minions.
Nabiki gave a feral grin. “Of course! For him to feel better, I’m SURE he’d be grateful... in either a monetary or other fashion. Come.”
Nabiki headed to Shinji’s table, gave her best “Buy me!” smile, and said, “Hi! Do you mind if we sat with you?”
Re: Potential customer
Shinji looked up. “Hi... who are you?”
Re: Potential customer
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki smiled, and said “Oh, I do apologize for not introducing myself. I’m Nabiki Takara, a sophomore of this school... and I think that you are in need of my company.” ^_^
Re: Potential customer
“I’m Shinji, and yes I am in need of company. Do you like running? because I was just about to go and do run a little.”
Nabiki smiles
Louis F. Perico
“It depends on whom I am with.” she said, adding in a wink.
Nabiki then turned to her minions and ordered, “Make the arrangements... I’ll be in a meeting for the next two periods.”
The girls nodded, then disperesed.
Nabiki then grabbed her book bag and asked, “Shall we?”
Re: Nabiki smiles
“Yes let’s go.” Shinji said with a smile
After changing clothes
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki smiled again, and they both left, stopping to grab gym clothes and to change.
Once on the track, Nabiki asked, “Ready?”
“OK, let’s see who can run a mile faster.” Shinji said to Nabiki with a smile.
Louis F. Perico
“Heh... a MILE ^_^;;; ... can’t we do a sprint or something...? I’m really not that great of an athlete...” Nabiki said.
Re: Race
“How ‘bout the 100 yards dash?” Shinji said.
“Wait, I’ll let you choose.”
Shinji was now glad that he had a friend.
Once around the track
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki replied, “Well... how about one lap around the track?”
Re: Once around the track
“OK with me.” Shinji said.
“Ready, set...”
Shinji looked at Nabiki. “... and GO!”
track, and Bell ringing!!!
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki had intentionally forgotten a bra, so her main advantage as they raced around the tract was that her slowly sweating cleavage was becoming more visible to Shinji.
Just before they reached the final turn, the bell rang, and the usual announcement was made.
Re: track, and Bell ringing!!!
Shinji said to Nabiki, blusing while looking at her, “What was that?”
Re: track, and Bell ringing!!!
“Nabiki, you look beautiful” Sinji said.
Nabiki to Shinji
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki paused for a moment and says, “Oh... thanks. I know that already. ^_~ As for the bell, that means fifth period is over. The EXPLOSION on the second floor I have NO idea about.”
She grabbed shinji’s hand and said, “C’mon, let’s check it out!”
Shnji and Nabiki
Blushing when Nabiki held his hand, he nodded. “Yeah lets go check it out.”
6th period BLOWN!
Louis F. Perico
When they finally arrive, Nabiki was shocked... then HAPPY!
“YESYESYES!!! No class for me! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!” she cackled in a Naga-ish manner.
[Everyone else, plez sweatdrop as needed, thank you.]
THEN Nabiki spotted her sister, Ranko.
And Ranko had a delicious redhead on her arm.
“Well, hello there, Ranko! Who... hey! You’re Asuka! Let me introduce you to MY new friend, Shinji.”
Re: 6th period BLOWN!
“Errr, Hi Shinji...” Asuka said softly, still a bit uneasy about Ranko, not knowing her much....
Re: 6th period BLOWN!
“Hi.” Shinji was glad he ran into Nabiki because he was meeting new people.
But he was still a bit shy
Re: 6th period BLOWN!
“Nabiki, you do know I’m shy, don’t you.”
Nabiki to Shinji and Ranko and Asuka
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki smirked. “Well, that can be fixed. ^_~ Come on, gang.”
She got to her locker, and pulled out four passes to Study Hall.
A short while later, the foursome were in the library, making small talk, becoming a little more comfortable with each other, and, more importantly, notice that they all have the same class for seventh period.
Nabiki then brought up another subject.
“Once seventh period is over, what are everyone’s plans?”
Re: Nabiki to Shinji and Ranko and Asuka
“I don’t know.” Shinji replied. “What are you gonna do, Nabiki?”
Nabiki to Shinji and Ranko and Asuka
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki got out of woolgathering mode and replied, “Dunno yet... how about you, sis?”
“Well, I was gonna find Leto-kun again and see if he wanted to party.” Ranko replied with a bit of a mischevious grin.
“Hmmm... a party...” She quickly turned to Shinji and asked with puppy dog eyes, “You DO have some money on you, right Shinji-kun?”
Study Hall
Tesotu arrived in Study Hall a few minutes late. Dragging his feet slightly, he was on his way to convincing himself that if he ignored the massive fluorecent yellow brake fluid stain on his jumper, then everyone else would as well. He’d have to do something about that clumsy fellow in the mech bay. Though it could be worse; he’d only narrowly escaped being hit by a falling impact drill.
His, not particularly elaborate, mental ruse was almost working, until he saw the gorgeous pair of redheads with which he shared Study Hall. Feeling more than a tad embarrassed, Tesotu quickly found a chair, removed a thick book from his bag, and busied himself reading, feeling more than a little self-concious, and trying not to look too much like he was gawking. Now where had he put his pen...?
Meanwhile, in the other seats.
Louis F. Perico
Ranko was checking out both guys in the Study Hall while playing footsie with Asuka. Ranko’s toes, being bold, were going up Asuka’s thigh and closely approaching her sex.
But that stopped when her cell phone rang.
“CHE!” Ranko snapped ash she opened it and curtly said, “Make it quick; I’m kinda BU-SY...”
Ranko had to back away from the phone when Mihoshi yelled, “HELP!!!!”
Ranko hissed back, “Chill, sis! What? He vanished while you two were... oh THAT... eheh... OK, get cleaned up, I’ll be there in a minute.”
As she passed by Tesotu, she quickly pinched his butt, then rushed off.
Moments later, Ranko had rolled in with a multi-tiered book cart. She pulled off the top and PRESTO, Mihoshi popped out.
“Ouchie.” the blonde Takara sister whined.
“Hey, I got you in here, didn’t I? Don’t complain.” said Ranko.
Nabiki shook Shinji again. “Hey, don’t stare! Do you have any money or not?”
Re: Meanwhile, in the other seats.
Tesotu sat stunned for a full two minutes, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. He remembered a drill, brake-fluid, study, pretty girls then something that he must have imagined. One of the girls had pinched his butt and then run off. Maybe she thought he was someone else? Nah, that wasn’t it. He made a mental note to find that girl and ask her what was going on. Just as soon as his nose stopped bleeding....
Entry and arrangements
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki, however, did not want to leave, so she made a few calls on her cell phone, then hung it up.
Ranko saw Nabiki grin, and said, “Operation Cramps, ne?”
Nabiki replied, “Yep. I just LOVE my leverage here, skipping classes when I want to... Oh! Mecha-baby,” she said to Tesotu, “want me to get you out of seventh too? ... Anyone else? Shinji? Asuka?”
Re: Entry and arrangements
Rain wandered down the crowded hallways, seemingly lost. Rain finally came upon a map and studied it quickly. Remembering a book that his sensei had told him about, he decided to head to the library.
After a minute or so, Rain stepped into the library for the first time. He looked around and saw that there were actually quite a few people in the library.
“The Art of War by Sun Tzu... Art of War...” Rain thought as he looked through the rows of books. Finally finding a copy, he sat at a table in the middle of the library and started to read, but was glancing around nervously as it seemed he was the only one with a book.
Re: Entry and arrangements
‘Mecha-baby?!’ thought Tesotu. ‘What on earth does she mean by that? Hell, how does she even know who I am? What’s up with this girl?’
“Uuh... sure, but, uh, what’re we going to do instead of seventh?”
‘Well she did mention Mecha...’ he reasoned. ‘This could be interesting.
‘Now.. what did I have on seventh? That’s right... gym.’ Tesotu exhaled, relieved at a way out of his most hated of all school activities.
Tesotu put his book away, threw a blood stained tissue into a nearby bin and stood up, angling himself in what he hope was such a way that the massive yellow stain was hidden.
“Where’re we off to?”
Nabiki the devious
Louis F. Perico
Seeing that Shinji was staring off into space, Nabiki frowned a bit, then said, “Mihoshi, stare at Shinji while I talk with my newest ‘client’, kay?”
“KAY!” said Mihoshi cheerily.
Nabiki slid over to Tesotu and gently sat him back down, inadvertently grabbing the mecha-fluid stain.
She grimaced a bit, but recovered with a smile as she wiped her hand on his pant leg, almost sensually.
“Mecha-baby, I, Nabiki Takara, know MANY things... and you should be VERY glad to have me as your... ‘service provider’... so to speak. ^_~ Getting you out of your class, well, that’s your ‘free sample’ of services I can provide. Now, let’s just sit and you can tell me what else you need, ne?”
Re: Nabiki the devious
“Uh... well... uh y’see... um... that is... err... um... I really don’t... uuh... need a-anything... um... that is to say... uh, ‘service provider’??”
Tesotu stammered uncontrollably, his mind racing with a million thoughts, and for once, none of them involved mechs. In fact, those close enough to see him blushing (this is to say, everyone with line of sight in a ten mile radius) knew exactly what he was thinking.
“Uh, what is it exactly you mean by, uh *gulp*, s-service provider?”
Re: Nabiki the devious
Shinji woke up from his daydream.
“Um, Mihoshi, why are you staring at me?”
Re: Nabiki the devious
Louis F. Perico
Mihoshi answered cheerily, “My sister told me to, silly.” She giggled a bit, then said, “You’re cute. Can I be your girlfriend?”
Re: Nabiki the devious
shinji blushed.
“Um, If it’s OK with you....”
Shinji and Mihoshi
“Mihoshi, what I meant to say was, yes you can.”
Re: Shinji and Mihoshi
Louis F. Perico
“WAI!!!” Mihoshi screached in glee.
She then glomped Shinji, his face near buried in her cleavage.
“Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! I PROMISE that you can count on me to be the Best Girlfriend Ever!!!” she cried happily.
Re: Nabiki the Devious
“Uh... umm excuse me...” Tesotu stood there, not knowing exactly what to do, Nabiki’s attention obviously having been diverted elsewhere.
“Um... you said something about a service provider? uh... hello?”
Wondering whether or not he was making a fool of himself, Tesotu tried to grab Nabiki’s attention....
Re: Nabiki the Devious
Louis F. Perico
“Oh, sorry about that... I thought I saw someone FLY out of here...” Nabiki then shook her head.
“Anyway...” She then gently stroked tesotu’s arm. “I won’t be going anywhere after the last bell, so I can provide the... ‘services’... you need. ^_~ I will tell you that I don’t give free samples normally, BUT I can let you slide.”
She then got up, started gently rubbing his shoulders, then saw Mihoshi getting closer to Shinji. “Like my sister, Shinji-san?” she said with a wink.
Re: Nabiki the Devious
A vein in Tesotu’s head throbbed, on the verge of bursting, and it took every ounce of willpower he had to stop his nose gushing blood.
“Uh...” he said blankly, then shook his head for a moment and continued. “That is, uh... I’d like that... Um... What do uh... I mean, what do I have to do?”
Re: Nabiki the Devious
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki replied, “Welllll... for starters, take my hand and follow me. Guys, we will be back later; I have a... meeting with my client.”
A short while later, the pair found a table out of the way, passing by other couples who were making out as well.
“OK, Honey. Lie down, and I’ll work on your back.” Nabiki said.
Leto, Nuku, Ranko, and email 2 Maiko
Louis F. Perico
Leto said to Nuku, “Hey, I gotta stop by the library for a sec, comeon!”
They went in, Leto found a computer, and typed up an email:
re: Tutorial?
Are we still on for the tutorial later tonight? Please let me know.
Just as Leto was about to press the send button, he heard a voice ring out.
It was Ranko.
Then Ranko saw Nuku, and smiled. “Oh, you’re with Leto-baby, too, ne? Cool! I wanted us to do a double...”
“Dammit!!! I got DETENTION with that Science teacher... YOUR Science teacher, Leto-kun! Can we go find her so I can talk her out of it, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze???”
email 2 Maiko [plus]
Louis F. Perico
Sensei, is there something that Ranko Takara can volunteer for to get out of detention? She asked me to ask on her behalf.
Re: Nabiki the Devious
More than a little dumbfounded, Tesotu did as he was told.
‘What under the light is this girl up to?!’ he thought.
Suddenly, something clicked in him. ‘Does she like me???’ The thought itself shocked him. The only girl he’d ever been so much as close friends with was a girl in grade school, who’d been almost as shy as him.
Tesotu lay in stunned silence, trying his hardest to figure out just what the hell was going on.
Re: Leto, Nuku, Ranko, and email 2 Maiko
Nuku-Nuku smiled at Ranko. “I hope you can get out of your detention, Ranko.” The catgirl stepped to the side, as Leto typed his email. She leaned close to Ranko, and spoke softly. “Nuku-Nuku wants to know what is meant by ‘a double’, Ranko-chan.” The schoolgirl android had a suspicion, but wanted to be sure. Nuku-Nuku’s imagination filed her mind with all sorts of ideas. If she was right about Ranko-chan, it was nothing new to her! In her past life, sometimes her nights in the alleys were very busy indeed!
Re: Leto, Nuku, Ranko, and email 2 Maiko
Louis F. Perico
Ranko whispered back, “Oh, words won’t be enuf, Nuku-chan, but I will show you... IF I can get out of detention, that is...”
Re: Leto, Nuku, Ranko, and email 2 Maiko
Nuku-Nuku forgot her hunger... well almost. “Nuku-Nuku will help if she can!” The catgirl turned to Leto. “Email her again! Tell her Nuku-Nuku really wants Ranko to not have a detention! Tell her Ranko wants to show Nuku-Nuku something, and can she have a detention some other day?”
Re: Nabiki the Devious
Louis F. Perico
As Nabiki began her massage, she said, “Keep in mind that I don’t do this for the average Joe... either good looks or money... and you, baby, have both, which is a double turn on...”
Re: Nabiki the Devious
‘Ah,~ Tesotu thought, ‘so that’s what she wants.’
It was true to say that Tesotu was quite wealthy. Not only had his father’s career been quite lucrative, he himself held mecha patents worth millions.
Though as for looks, well, Tesotu had never really thought about it. He hadn’t needed to. He supposed he was average looking, nothing to go crazy over.
His mind (partially) at rest, Tesotu relaxed into the massage, allowing Nabiki’s thin, strong hands to work out the knots in his muscles, earned from long hours crawling about in Mechs. He enjoyed the feel of her hands against his back; there was something sensual in it, something he had never felt before. As he lay, completely surrendered to her firm, yet gentle touch, a thought occured to him.
“What exactly do you want from me?”
Re: Nabiki the Confessor
Louis F. Perico
Nabiki got atop the table, her pelvis rubbing his butt as she continued the massage.
In response to his question, she leaned all the way forward, her tits pressing into his back.
Then, she whispered hotly into his ear, “Baby, I have a fantasy... I want a man to take me... on a bed of a LOT of money!”
Re: Nabiki the Confessor
All Tesotu could hear was the sound of a glass pane smashing in his mind. His former relaxation quickly vanished as he stiffened visibly.
Moments ago, Tesotu has been reminicing about the only girl he’d ever liked, and now this. Needless to say, he’d have been less shocked if he’d been used to short circut the whole of Japan. He tried to calm himself down, but the feel of Nabiki’s soft chest against his back wasn’t helping matters much.
His personality split entirely in two as he tried deperately to make sense of the situation.
‘Where the hell am I going to get enough notes to make a bed?!’
‘Who cares? She wants to sleep with you!’
‘What the hell would happen to the money after?’
‘Who cares? She wants to sleep with you!’
‘Wouldn’t it be damn uncomfortable?’
‘For Christ’s sake! She wants to sleep with you, baka!’
‘How would I set it up?’
‘What part of “She wants to sleep with you!” don’t you understand? It’s not an exceptionally difficult concept: You get money, you get laid.’
The most Tesotu could manage to vocalize from this whole afair was a single word:
‘Why did I just say that?’
‘Who cares!? She’s going to sleep with you!!!’
‘This is going to be painful. I just know it....’
Email to Leto, from Maiko-sensei
Re: tutorial
Yes, if you will be home. Please give me a good time to come over. Actually, there is something Ranko can do. But she will have to come down and talk to me about it.
Good news!
Louis F. Perico
Leto turned to the two girls with him.
“Ranko, you JUST might get out of detention.” he said.
“REALLY? HOW?” Ranko asked with glee.
“I don’t know yet; she said that YOU need to see her before school ends.” he replied.
Ranko grinned. “YATTA! Nuku-chan, you keep Leto-kun here, I’ll be back in a lil’ bit. Ja ne!”
After getting her hands on a hall pass, Ranko went to Maiko-sensei’s room and knocked. Once she was allowed in, she said, “Hey, Sensei! You said there was something I can do for you?”
She waited for her response...
Re: Good news!
Maiko looked at Ranko.
“Ah yes, there is.”
She took a package off her desk and handed it to Ranko.
“Take this. Deliver it to Mr. Miyaki down at the office. I don’t have time to do it myself. Oh, yes, and take these.” She handed her a box of cookies. “And go and pass them around.”
She motioned her dismissal.
the obedient Ranko
Louis F. Perico
“OK, Sensei!”
As she went to Mr. Miyaki’s office, she passed out some cookies to random students, saving some for when she would be back to Study Hall.
After delivering the package to Mr. Miyaki, she came back to Maiko-sensei’s office. “Was there anything else, Sensei?”
Re: the obedient Ranko
She shook her head.
“No Ranko, nothing further. You are free to go.”
She motioned that she was dismissed, and seemingly went back to her work. She checked the time and wondered when she should leave to go to Leto’s.
Ranko, Nuku, Leto, and Maiko
Louis F. Perico
Ranko’s reply was “WAI! ARIGATO, SENSEI!”, and she dashed out of the room, back to the Study Hall.
She found Nuku-chan and Leto sitting together and said, “Hey guys! I got free!”
Leto said, “That’s great! Tell ya what. I’m going over to the Haagen-Daaz for some ice cream for the both of you, then we can hang out at my place!”
Ranko asked, “Why your place, Leto-kun?”
Leto replied, “Well, I DO have a tutorial with Maiko-sensei after school... so you can enjoy the comfort of my house while you gals wait. It IS a big place.”
Ranko answered, “Sure, I’m game. How about you, Nuku-chan?”
Re: Ranko, Nuku, Leto, and Maiko
“Nuku-Nuku will be very happy to wait with Ranko-chan. Nuku-Nuku will be even happier after ice cream!” Nuku-Nuku smiled at Leto and Ranko. Somehow, the schoolgirl android was positive they would all need the extra energy that the ice cream would provide!
email to Maiko-sensei
Louis F. Perico
re: tutorial
Hey, Sensei. ^_^ I will be a few minutes before arriving home for the tutorial; I will be stopping for ice cream... is there a pint of something I can get you while I’m at it? Please let me know.
email to Leto-kun
re: tutorial
Sure. If there is any Rocky Road ice cream, I would really enjoy some.
Re: Lina goes after him...
Lina walked down the halls, peering in rooms and making her way to the Gym.
‘Now, if I was a young justice freak of a princess, where would I be?’ she thought to herself as she looked around with Tyson.
Re: Lina goes after him...
Smiling politely, he looked after Lina as she looked around, in the doors and windows into windows... And he sighed a little, wondering where her friend might be at the moment.
Re: Lina goes after him...
As she waited for Leto and Ranko, Nuku-Nuku watched a young woman slowly making her way down the hall, pausing at every doorway to look inside. The schoolgirl android hurried after her, and soon caught up. “What are you looking for?” she asked politely. “Maybe Nuku-Nuku can help you find it!”
Just then
Louis F. Perico
The final bell rang, indicating that school was over for today.
As the bell rang
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Ranko was escorting Leto out of the library. She called out to Nuku-chan, “Hey, Nuku-chan! Meet us in front of the school, ‘kay? Leto-kun’s gotta get his bike out of the garage first.”
Once Nuku-Nuku got the message, the two head on out to their lockers, then to the garage.
Re: Lina goes after him..
Nuku-Nuku looked up, as Ranko called her.
“Uh oh, Nuku-Nuku has to run now!” Before she ran off, she looked closely at the unusual uniform the young woman was wearing. “Nuku-Nuku likes your cape! Can you fly like the girl was this morning in gym class? Maybe she can teach you! Nuku-Nuku saw her run off to the choir room. Maybe she’s still there.”
With that, the schoolgirl android ran off to join her friends.
Re: Lina goes after him..
Lina stared at a moment at the girl who had just approched her.
“ Uh, yeah. I’m looking for a girl about so high,” indicating with hand about height, “with shortish brown hair, a white outfit and an inflated sense of justice. The name’s Amelia, you seen anyone like that?”
She felt this girl was somewhat strange, although she couldn’t put her finger on why....
Re: Lina goes after him..
Nuku-Nuku turned back to the nice-looking girl in the black cape. “Yes, That’s the flying girl! She told us we should all learn about Justice, and fair-play in gym class, then she...” Nuku-Nuku stopped short, and grinned sheepishly. Maybe she shouldn’t tell this new girl THAT part! “Nuku-Nuku saw her run off with her boyfriend to the choir room. Maybe they’re still there.” Nuku-Nuku tilted her head to the side, and listened carefully. With a click and a whirr, her sensor arrays swiveled forward from under her long hair, and locked into place. “I think my friends are waiting for me in the garage. I hope I see you again!” The schoolgirl android spun around, and raced down the hall. The wind of her passing knocked all the notes and posters from the walls. As the catgirl increased speed, her sneakers squealed, laying down rubber on the floor.
Re: As the bell rang
Nuku-Nuku hurried to the garage, after stopping at her own locker. Sadly, Ryunosuke wouldn’t let her take his bike off to her new school, but she wouldn’t have any trouble keeping up with Leto.
“Nuku-Nuku gets to eat ice cream!” she called out happily, as she joined her friends.
Re: As the change came.
I just did a fast web search, and found this site. Hope it helps!
Re: As the change came.
Louis F. Perico
Cool site! Looks real nifty. ^_~
Leto, with Ranko grabbing his waist, was waiting outside.
“Ready to go, Nuku-chan?” Ranko asked.
Re: As the change came.
Oops! I was almost in two places at once! I had to go back and talk to Lina Inverse! Nuku-Nuku is now back outside!
The schoolgirl android smiled. “Nuku-Nuku is always ready for ice cream! Are we going to walk, or did you guys want to go on Leto’s bike?” The catgirl giggled. “I can pedal, if you guys want a ride! Nuku-Nuku is very fast!”
Louis F. Perico
Ranko asked, “Leto-kun, she can’t catch up on just a regular bike... can she?”
Leto smiled. “Oh, she can! I saw her tear up the gym floor... literally. ^_^ Nuku-chan, grab your bike and follow me, ‘kay? We’ll stop by the Baskin Robins, grab a few pints of ice cream, then head to my place. Is that OK?”
Re: Pedal?
Nuku-Nuku giggled. “Ranko-chan shouldn’t worry about Nuku-Nuku like that!” The catgirl wheeled her bike over to her friends. “If Nuku-Nuku knew where the ice cream was, you guys would have to follow!” Nuku-Nuku bent, and tied her sneakers nice and tight. She grinned up at Leto, when she noticed him staring at her bottom. “Nuku-Nuku is ready!” The schoolgirl android winked at Ranko-chan. “For anything!”
Ice Cream Party [attn Nuku & Maiko]
Louis F. Perico
Suprisingly, Nuku-Nuku was as fast as Leto’s motorcycle, so they got to the Baskin Robins in no time flat.
Ranko got a pint of Strawberry Sherbert.
Leto got a pint of chocolate chocolate chip AND some Rocky Road for Maiko-sensei.
Nuku-chan got treated to a pint of her choice.
The threesome then dashed to the Pelops estate.
Dismounting, Leto said to the girls, “Make yourself at home ladies! Maiko-sensei will be here at any minute!”
Re: Ice Cream Party [attn Nuku & Maiko]
Nuku-Nuku sat next to Ranko-chan on the sofa, swinging her legs, as she enjoyed her cookies-and-cream. “Nuku-Nuku loves her ice cream!” the catgirl exclaimed, as she took a surprisingly large spoonful. She looked at Ranko-chan, and smiled. “Leto likes Maiko-sensei, doesn’t he?” she whispered. Leto must have heard, he looked so cute when he blushed. Ranko’s eyes sparkled, as she grinned back. “Leto, do you think Maiko-sensei will play with us? Maybe Nuku-Nuku should ask her, when she gets here.”
Maiko arrives
Maiko walked up to the Pelops Estate. She had a small bag with some books in it and her purse. Inside, she had a few special items, just in case. She rang the bell and waited to be let in.
Leto greets
Louis F. Perico
Leto opened the door and smiled charmingly. “Hi, Sensei. The Rocky Road is ready when you are. Please! Please come in!”
He then lead her to the living room, where Nuku-Nuku and Ranko were whispering and giggling to each other. Nuku asked Ranko a question, to which Ranko nodded positively, then giggled some more.
“Please have a seat, Sensei. How shall we start?”
Re: Leto greets
“Hello, Maiko-sensei. Nuku-Nuku is happy to see you.” She glanced at Leto, and tried not to giggle. She was sure Ranko-chan had noticed too. Leto’s jeans were starting to look just a tiny bit too tight! “Leto is finding something a little hard, and hopes Maiko-sensei will lend a hand, so everything will flow smoothly.” Ranko-chan was snickering, and Leto looked like he was going to sink into the floor any second now. Nuku-Nuku was taking delight in teasing Leto. The catgirl still hadn’t quite forgiven him for leaving her passed out in the showers! “Nuku-Nuku thinks Maiko-sensei would like to eat her ice cream now. Leto, do you think you could whip up some cream?” Nuku-Nuku nearly lost it after saying something so corny, but quickly composed herself. In total seriousness she said, “I’ve tasted Leto’s cream before, he really does make it, all by himself!”
Ranko and Nuku-Nuku couldn’t even look at each other any more. Any second they were going to explode into laughter from Leto’s obvious discomfort. “Maiko-sensei, can I ask you something? Have you ever fallen asleep in the shower?” With this last comment, Nuku-Nuku smiled sweetly at Leto, and gave him a big wink.
Maiko’s Reply to Nuku
Maiko looked at Nuku.
“I would like to have some of the ice cream now.” She took a spoon and the carton of RR. She raised her eyebrow at the comment of the cream, but just looked at Leto with a kind of curious look.
“Ah no, Nuku, I’ve never fallen asleep in the shower. Although I have occasionally nodded off in the bath.”
She dantily sucked on the spoon after each bite of ice cream.
Re: Maiko’s Reply to Nuku
Nuku-Nuku was growing very curious herself. Would the pretty sensei be interested in playing with the three of them? Nuku-Nuku looked at Leto, and grinned knowingly. He was getting so uncomfortable, watching Maiko eat her ice cream. The buldge in the front of his jeans was getting bigger by the moment. “Nuku-Nuku loves baths too, sensei.” The catgirl winked at Ranko, then turned to Leto. “Leto-san, this house is very nice. Tell Nuku-Nuku, is the bathroom big enough for all of us?” The schoolgirl android smiled sunnily. “A nice hot bath would be so relaxing after all that cold ice cream. Don’t you think so, Ranko-chan?”
Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
‘Damn... I never thought ice cream consumption would be made this arousing.’ thought Leto to himself.
“Eh...hehe... *^_^*” Leto blushed heavily. “... That’s very interesting... sensei...” he stammered. But before he could say anything else, he glanced toward Ranko and Nuku-Nuku.
Nuku was digging into her cookies and cream, but Ranko was finishing her Strawberry Sherbert... and she was licking her spoon, slowly licking both sides, then dancing her tongue around the tip, and THEN taking it deep into her mouth, sucking on it, then oh so slowly pulling it out, making a popping sound once it came out.
Leto’s body couldn’t take much more; with the outline of his monstrous hard on clearly visible, he barely stood up and said with a raspy voice, “Pardon me... ladies... I...I will be back...” and then he quickly walked [no, you can’t run with a 16" hard on, no matter how you try] out of the living room and to the hall bathroom, where he quickly shut the door. [For those with special hearing, you hear Leto groaning in orgasm, and hearing a LOT of splashing].
Once Leto had left the room, Ranko quickly took a seat by Maiko-sensei and asked boldly, “Sensei... would it be possible to get extra credit for my biology class? I kinda had in mind to volunteer me and Leto for... well... some studies on sex... ya know, like the Kinskey studies and stuff... do you think that would be OK?”
Ranko waited, hoping for a positive answer....
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Maiko’s usually stern face softened for a moment as a smile slowly spread across her face.
“Alright, Ranko. Since you asked so nicely and since you are finally showing some initiative in my class, let’s make this a project. If you want to help, Nuku, you can. I’ll see that you get extra credit too. So, Ranko-chan, what aspect of sex would you like to study and then do a report on?”
Maiko nibbled on her ice cream while waiting for a response.
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
Ranko just beamed! “Wow, thanks, sensei! You are just TOO cool! Well, I was going to suggest anal, but I think Leto-kun would rip me in two with that monster shaft of his, so... I’d like to do a report on male stamina after multiple sessions of intercourse. Is that OK?”
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Maiko nodded.
“Alright, fair enough. You can begin as soon as Leto gets back.”
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Nuku-Nuku giggled at her friend. “Ranko-chan, Maybe Nuku-Nuku coud do the anal part, that way you could do both studies.” The schoolgirl android smiled proudly. “Papa-san used all his loving care, when making Nuku-Nuku’s new body.” The catgirl actually blushed a little. “Leto cannot damaged Nuku-Nuku, um, even down there!”
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
Leto then came back, adjusting his pants again as he entered the room, looking relieved.
Before he could get a word in, Ranko turned to him and said, “Leto-kun, Sensei said I can get extra credit for an experiment... if you are UP to it.” She winked and giggled a bit.
Leto blushed again, and said, “Uh... sure! What do you need me to do?”
Ranko grinned, then went to the doors of the living room, about to close them, then met B-3PO, Leto’s droid-servant.
Bee asked, “Miss, can I be of service?”
Ranko replied, “Yep! Just make sure Leto-kun and I are not disturbed; we’re doing some experiment for our science class, ‘kay?”
Bee asked into the room, “Is that correct, Master Leto?”
Leto replied, “That’s right, Bee. We’re going to be busy. Don’t disturb unless it is REALLY important.”
“Very well, Master Leto.” Bee then closed the doors. Ranko then locked them, then said “I’m first!” and glomped onto Leto, kissing him fiercely as her hands roamed across his body....
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Nuku-Nuku felt a tiny flicker of jealousy, but it quickly faded. Ranko-chan did manage to beat Nuku-Nuku! The catgirl didn’t have much experience with humans, and decided to watch very carefully. She could plainly see the huge outline showing through Leto’s shorts. “Sensei, are all human males that big?” The schoolgirl android was starting to feel a little scared. She promised Ranko-chan, that she would do the anal experiment with Leto and she couldn’t go back on her word now! While it was true, Leto couldn’t cause her any damage, Papa-san had worked very hard to replicate a human’s nervious-system. Nuku-Nuku loved being capable of feeling pleasure, but she also could experience PAIN! Her hand moved on it’s own, and slipped up under her skirt. Easing a finger under her panties, she touched the tightness of her bottom. “How will it even fit?” she murmured to herself.
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Maiko shook her head to Nuku’s question. “No, not all males are so large. Leto is a special case.”
She looked at Nuku’s distress as she touched her bottom. “Are you concerned about his size?”
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
The catgirl nodded her head. “Nuku-Nuku never breaks her promises!” she proclaimed. She couldn’t help stealing another glance at Leto’s huge member. “Uh, Sensei, will it hurt much, if Leto puts his penis in my bottom?” The schoolgirl android hoped nobody would notice, but even with her worry about the pain involved, her body was becoming more aroused by the moment! Nuku-Nuku closed her eyes, and eased her fingertip into her anus. It felt oddly nice. “It’s really tight down there!” she let slip without thinking.
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
Ranko replied, “Nuku-chan, there’s gonna be plenty for all of us. ^_~ Come on, give me a hand... and a tongue...”
She yanks down Leto’s pants, freeing his sizable shaft, and begins to stroke and lick it....
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Nuku-Nuku snapped to attention from Ranko-chan’s words, and with a nervious giggle slipped her finger out of her bottom. “Nuku-Nuku would love to help!” The catgirl hastened to her friend’s side, and dropped to her knees. The schoolgirl android took a moment to study Leto’s member. Ranko was right! There was plenty enough for both of them! It looked so sexy watching Ranko-chan’s delicate hands moving up and down the thick shaft. Nuku-Nuku could see every beat of Leto’s heart, in the thick veins feeding life giving blood to the mighty organ before her. Her fear was still there, but, but, how would it feel? Nuku-Nuku wrapped her own fingers around the shaft. She could feel Leto’s heat radiating from it, as she began to stroke in time with Ranko. First, the catgirl took a slight chance. She leaned over, and gently kissed the busy girl’s cheek. Ranko didn’t seem shocked that a girl would want to kiss her. In her time before, Nuku-Nuku had seen other females as a threat to her own mating. She never knew how lovely it could be, to have a female as a friend. A friend she could share EVERYTHING with. Nuku-Nuku realized that she would like to try some things she had heard of, things only two very close females could do together! Nuku-Nuku stole another quick kiss, before whispering in Ranko’s ear. “How many times do you think we can make Leto-San squirt?” Nuku-Nuku extended her tongue, and licked Leto’s shaft too. It wasn’t an accident when her tongue met Ranko’s as the licked the swelling head. “If he gets all tired out, maybe you and I could, um, study our own reactions with each other!” Nuku-Nuku blushed, she had forgotten that the pretty Sensei was watching them! She glanced up, and saw the light burning in her teacher’s eyes. Maybe she would like to join them!
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
Leto wasn’t saying much, he was moaning and humming in pleasure, sometimes closing his eyes, sometimes looking at the girls that attended to his manhood, sometimes directing a lustful stare at Maiko-sensei.
Ranko, between licking Leto’s shaft and returning Nuku-chan’s kisses, paused to whisper back, “Sure! I swing both ways. ^_~ Hold still for a sec...” As Nuku-chan continued to play with Leto’s organ, Ranko, finished undressing both Leto, Nuku, and herself in under five seconds!
“Eheh... Anything Goes Special Technique: Birds’n’Bees Unwrapping!” Ranko replied with a nervous giggle.
She then resumed her licking of Leto’s member as she began to fondle Nuku-chan’s boobs.
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Nuku-Nuku was amazed! Ranko-chan had undressed them all, in speed she thought only Nuku-Nuku was capable of! Ranko’s gentle fingers made a lovely contrast to the rough (but very pleasant) friction of the clothes being pulled from her body. Nuku-Nuku looked down, and started to giggle. “You even folded Nuku-Nuku’s nice new school uniform! Thank you!” Nuku-Nuku was never so glad to have fingers, as she was now. Ranko-chan’s skin was so smooth and warm, as she ran her fingertips over her tummy, and breasts. The catgirl resumed licking Leto’s shaft. This time, she and Ranko openly sought each other’s tongues, as they continued to bathe the fantastic length of Leto’s shaft. The schoolgirl android gently pinched first one, then the other of Ranko’s nipples. Her friend gasped, and Nuku-Nuku felt fingers tightening on her own. This was when Nuku-Nuku made a startling discovery. The line between pain and pleasure was much thinner then she thought! Nuku-Nuku moaned, as Ranko continued to tease. The catgirl looked at the mighty shaft before her. curiosity was starting to drive her fear away! Nuku-Nuku nibbled Ranko-chan’s ear, as she whispered. “When, when Leto is ready,” she breathed, “could you help Nuku-Nuku put him in, uh, in Nuku-Nuku’s bottom?” The catgirl blushed, and resumed licking Leto. Opening her mouth as wide as she could, she managed to get the head past her lips. She just did this for a moment. If Ranko didn’t mind, she wanted Leto’s first orgasm to go right into her tight little bottom!
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
Before Leto could say anything, Ranko said, “Nuku-chan, you are going to need to be WELL lubed yourself before he takes you in the ass.”
Ranko then instructed Nuku-chan to get on her hands and knees, with her opening clear to see. Ranko then got right behind her, her face almost at Nuku-chan’s anal entrance. Ranko then turned her head over he shoulder and said, “Leto-kun, fuck my lil’ cunt... but don’t CUM! I’m letting you fuck me to lube that dick of yours, OK?”
Leto nodded positively, then got behind Ranko and began to slowly work his horsemeat in and out of Ranko’s slit. Ranko then managed to bend over, spread Nuku-Nuku’s cheeks, and proceeded to give her a world-class rim job.
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
In her old life, Nuku-Nuku had licked herself there before, in her daily grooming. It was nothing like this! The catgirl purred, and her sensor arrays clicked into their deployed state, totally on their own. “Oh, Ranko-chan!” she breathed, as a warm presence gently probed her. A glow seemed to spread over her whole body. The schoolgirl android smiled up at her teacher. “Sensei, this is wonderful! I feel warm and good all over!” Nuku-Nuku’s eyes closed to slits, as she pushed back at her friend’s lovely face. She wanted more of this new feeling!
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
Working quickly, Ranko continued to eat away at Nuku-chan’s butt, lubing it up REAL good. She also had to bite her lip a few times, trying NOT to cum from being completely stuffed by Leto’s horse-sized dong. Ranko looked at Maiko-sensei, seeing the teacher gently caress herself.
“Hope you like the show, Sensei. ^_~” She then reluctantly pulled off of Leto, and guided his mantool to Nuku-chan’s anal entrance.
“Looks like he’s been saving up, Nuku-chan! Ready for it?” Ranko asked, hoping the droid-girl would say yes....
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
The head of Leto’s shaft hardly managed to get past Nuku-Nuku’s lips. The catgirl delighted in the naughty feeling of the huge knob of flesh filling her mouth. Warm salty musk filled her senses, as his flowing lubrication covered her tongue. She wanted him to enter her bottom though. She needed to feel what it was to be impaled by this monstrous thing. Nuku-Nuku eased back slowly, then was gripped with a moment of panic. Leto’s shaft was still growing! The head had swelled still larger. It would no longer fit past her teeth! “MMrph!!” Nuku-Nuku muttered, as she tried to call Ranko-chan for help. Her mind raced. Leto wasn’t this big in the showers, was he? The schoolgirl android fought down her panic, and grasped the warm throbbing shaft with both hands. She did remember how much Leto could cum, and swiched to her backup oxegen supply. She didn’t know why Leto was growing this big now, but as she began to milk his shaft, she was determened to enjoy every moment of her entrapment!
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
Ranko quickly pulled the thick shaft out of Nuku-chan’s mouth, and using her whole hand, barely managed to squeeze the tip, preventing Leto from bursting... for now.
In mock anger, Ranko said, “Nuku-chan, I thought you wanted Leto up your ass? Make up your mind, OK?” She then stuck her hand in her own cunt, moaned a bit, then extracted more pussy lube, and applied it to Leto’s shaft, giving it a glossy look.
Leto replied, “C’mon, Nuku-chan... show me your ass so I can give it a GOOD fucking.”
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Nuku-Nuku trembled, at her near drowning, but giggled anyway. “Thank you, Ranko-chan. I didn’t know he would get THAT big!” The catgirl dropped to all fours, and presented herself to Leto. “Leto-san, please be careful!” she whispered, as Ranko prepaird the huge shaft for it’s assault. The schoolgirl android flinched, at the first contact of the massive head against her. “Ranko-chan,” she breathed, “make him go real slow, OK?”
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Louis F. Perico
Ranko winked back. “Don’t worry, Nuku-chan. I will.”
Ranko began to lick the shaft thoroughly, applying lots of saliva to further lube the giant dick of Leto’s.
Ranko then played with Nuku-chan’s slit, dug in for the catgirl’s juices, and applied that to Leto’s shlong as well.
Then, she got aside Nuku-chan, held the catgirl’s asscheeks open, and said, “Go in... but SLOW, OK, Leto-kun?”
Leto nodded, then began his slow penetration into the catgirl’s hot ass.
Re: Leto and company [attn Maiko-sensei]
Nuku-Nuku trembled as she tried to prepare herself for Leto’s insertion. Ranko-chan’s fingers were strong, yet gentle, as she spread the catgirl’s cheeks. The schoolgirl android closed her eyes, and cradled her head on her arms. “Ranko!” she wailed, as the head pressed hard against her anus. “It’s too big for Nuku-Nuku!” The catgirl tried and tried to relax her body, but the huge head just wouldn’t budge! Gathering all her strength and willpower, the catgirl pushed back against Leto. Nuku-Nuku let out a piercing screach, as the swollen head streched her, and finally gained entry. Hissing and howling, the catgirl shook, as more of Leto’s huge shaft forced its way inside. “Ranko-chan, it’s in me!” she cried through clenched teeth. “I can feel it, it hurts!” The catgirl threw her head from side to side, as she hissed and screamed. Anyone who ever heard stray cats mating would recognize the unearthly sounds the young woman was producing. They may even have guessed that the pain was only seeming to amplify the pleasure! “Nuku-Nuku is full!” she shouted, raising up on her arms. “Nuku-Nuku is so very full!” Nuku-Nuku hoped her bragging was correct. How would she explain it to Papa-san, if he needed to repair her down there?!?! Just when the catgirl was convinced she couldn’t take it any more, she felt Leto’s large firm testicles snuggle up against her sex. “Ranko-chan, he’s all inside!” Nulu-Nuku cried in triumph, as Leto’s strong arms slipped around her, holding her tightly.
Maiko watches... amused.
Maiko watched the scene before her. As Nuku made her triumph, she gave her one of her rare smiles as a note of encouragement and congratulation on taking Leto’s giant cock, which was somewhat larger than she had remembered it. Watching the scene had definately got her feeling hot and wet, and she rubbed her crotch slowly through her tight skirt. As she remembered her earlier time with Leto, she found herself wanting him to fill her with his meat again. The idea was definately turning her on, and the scene was only helping to enhance her libido. Maiko was itching to get into the action.
“Well, that is very impressive, Nuku. Leto should definately give you the fucking you deserve. But you deserve more than just a good ass-fucking.”
Maiko instructed Ranko to go and put her pussy to Nuku’s face, which she did happily. Maiko instructed Nuku to eat Ranko out while Maiko extracted something from her bag. In a few moments she produced a large dildo and reached between Leto’s legs, tickling his balls while inserting the big dildo into the cat-android’s pussy.
Re: Maiko watches... amused.
Nuku-Nuku somehow felt proud when the pretty sensei complemented her on taking all of Leto’s thick shaft inside her body. The catgirl was happy to taste of her friend, and eagerly lapped at Ranko-chan’s honey. Nuku-Nuku was confused though. How could there be more then this? Leto’s huge shaft filled her. There was pain, but the schoolgirl android discovered that some pain could be an exquisite delight! Ranko-chan’s warm sex filled her senses, and the moans of pleasure from her human friend only added to her own! How could she deserve more then that? Nuku-Nuku was taken by surprise, when Maiko-sensei showed her just how much more there could be! Nuku-Nuku screamed as the large toy entered her! It wasn’t a scream of fear or pain, it was a scream of pure animal lust! Nuku-Nuku took her mouth from Ranko, just for a moment. “Sensei!” she cried out. “Sensei fuck Nuku-Nuku!” Papa-san would be upset over her not speaking properly, but Nuku-Nuku could barely think! The sensual assault on her senses could not be handled by her onboard computers. Nuku-Nuku was running on pure instinct now! “Fuck Nuku-Nuku!” she begged, as she slammed back on Leto’s huge shaft. “Nuku-Nuku want fucking!” That wasn’t all the overwhelmed cat wanted! Wasting no time, the android stabbed her tongue deep into Ranko, deeper then any human ever possibly could! Nuku-Nuku wanted, no, needed her friend to release with her. With a speed no human could match, Nuku-Nuku tried her best to bring Ranko-chan the pleasure she was feeling! More and more of the huge toy filled her body. Nuku-Nuku thought she was filled by Leto’s shaft. That was nothing! Leto’s shaft, and the toy thrusting deep into her, filled her in a way she never could have imagined!
Re: Maiko watches... amused.
“ As you wish.” Maiko smiled cooly as she began thrusting the huge toy in and out of the cat-android’s pussy. The heavy secretions of the catgirl’s hungry pussy covered her hand in short time, making the dildo slick. She worked in tandem with Leto, thrusting the massive thing deeper and deeper into the catgirl’s lovehole.
Re: Maiko watches... amused.
Nuku-Nuku moaned into Ranko-chan’s body, as Leto-San and Maiko-sensei drove into her tightness. “Mmm... Ranko-chan, Nuku-Nuku so full!” she muttered, as she paused to try and pull her senses together. The catgirl shuddered and shook under the combined thrusting of lover and teacher. Pain and pleasure sent her mind reeling, as all her hard won language skills were temperarily forgotten. “MEEOOW!” she cried, then rammed her tongue deep into the heavenly taste of Ranko’s sex. Her long tongue sought and found a very special bundle of nerves, up inside Ranko’s body. Speach was forgotten, but not the need to give her friend as much pleasure as she could. Somehow, the schoolgirl android managed to sidestep several safety overrides, and send just a tiny tingle of electricity directly into that very special nerve cluster. Nuku-Nuku howled, as her body spasmed. This made her step up the voltage, until Ranko was twisting and moaning under her. Her sensors detected it, just as Ranko was forced into her release. Fluid spurted into the catgirl’s face, as she felt Leto’s shaft swell even larger in her bottom.
Re: Maiko watches... amused.
Maiko was having a lovely time pleasuring the catgirl, who seemed to have reached that point when lust and pleasure overrid all reason.
“ Let’s step it up a notch, shall we? “ Maiko muttered as she flicked a switch at the bottom of the giant dildo which she continued to thrust in and out of the catgirl’s cunt. The Dildo hummed to life inside her love tunnel, vibrating wildly, stimulating both Nuku and Leto at the same time.
Re: Maiko watches... amused.
Nuku-Nuku’s whole body jerked forward, when Mako-sensei switched on the vibrator. The catgirl had never experienced anything like it! The vibrations were wonderful, but that was only part of it! Nuku-Nuku twisted and moaned, deep into Ranko, as one after another orgasm wracked her body. The catgirl’s higher functions were all blanked out for a moment. Nuku-Nuku the cat had no idea that the vibrator’s magnetic fields were directly stimulating her neural-network. All the little stray in the sexy schoolgirl body knew, was that she was in a heaven of sensual delight!
The stray cat that was her inner self lapped for all she was worth, from time to time sending light electrical pulses deep into Ranko’s sex. Taste, scent, touch, and warmth overwhelmed her, but through it all, she just couldn’t stop! Nuku-Nuku didn’t mean to, but she abandened Ranko’s delightful sex, threw back her head, and and vocalized her feelings of wonder. “MEEOOOWWW!” The cat in the android body rammed back again and again at Leto and Maiko.
Re: Maiko watches... amused.
Maiko took the catgirl’s bucking to be a sign of enjoyment and continued to ram her with the vibrating toy as well as tickle Nuku’s clit with her free hand.
Re: Maiko watches, Leto & Ranko pleased
Louis F. Perico
Shocking it was.
Ranko NEVER felt so good before; yeah, she had girls dive into her sweet muff, shoving their tongues and fingers deep inside, but NOTHING like this!
And she was even more turned on at the sight of seeing Nuku-chan getting double-stuffed by Maiko-sensei and Leto-kun.
Ranko squirmed along, not removing her sweet crotch away from the catgirl’s tongue, but just enough to start feeling up Maiko-sensei’s tits.
Meanwhile, Leto was giving the catgirl the anal pounding of a lifetime, his balls slapping her sking with each thrust. But now, with the vibrator stuffed into her and fully cranked, he was getting close...
“Oh yeah! FUCK yeah, baby... oh I’m almost there... I’m gonna fill your hot ass with my cum! Ooooooo....”
Re: Maiko watches... amused.
Nuku-Nuku’s computers came back online, and the catgirl became frightened! She couldn’t stop! Her body trembled and shook, as one powerful spasm after another ripped through her! She tried to beg her Sensei to stop, but all that came out was a low moan.
Re: Maiko watches, Leto & Ranko pleased
Nuku-Nuku couldn’t hold on! Leto and Maiko-sensei were driving her through an unending series of orgasms! The catgirl tried hard to keep her higher functions online, as she returned to lapping at Ranko’s sweetness. LETO WAS ABOUT TO DO IT! Nuku-Nuku moaned into Ranko’s body, as she thrust her bottom back at the twin cocks, plastic and human, that were driving her insane! Leto was growing even larger in her, and the catgirl whimpered in fear and lust. ‘Turn it off!’ her mind screamed, as her body spasmed again and again. The cat-android lifted her head weakly, and looked up at Ranko-chan. “H-help Nuku-Nuku!” she moaned, as the feelings once more threatened to shut down her higher functions. “Leto’s cock jerked within her, and the catgirl cried out again. Would her delightful torment ever end?
Re: Maiko watches, Leto & Ranko pleased
Louis F. Perico
Leto couldn’t hold on either.
His cock twitched and spasmed, filling Nuku-Nuku’s bowels with his warm seed over and over and over again.
Ranko screamed as she came, grabbing Maiko-sensei’s boobs tightly as she deposited her girl juice all over Nuku-chan’s tongue, her sensuous body shaking with each girlgasm.
Re: Maiko watches, Leto & Ranko pleased
Maiko had been watching the scene playout even as she was a part of it, in a detached kind of way. She could feel Ranko’s hand quest for her full breasts, brushing her hard nipples. Maiko was focused on Nuku and Leto however, and just at the moment when he began to cum, cum rivers into Nuku’s already burdened bowels, she pulled the toy out and turned it off. She was a little surprised at Ranko, who grabbed her chest abruptly and held on as, what she guessed was the biggest orgasm of her life, ripped through her. Maiko waited patiently to be releaced from Ranko’s deathgrip on her breasts and she marveled at Leto’s capacity. Was it her imagination, or was his balls and shaft larger than she remembered?
Re: Maiko watches, Leto & Ranko pleased
Nuku-Nuku nearly sobbed when Maiko-sensei turned off and removed the troublesome toy. That didn’t slow things that much! Leto grabbed her hips, and slammed her body to him. She felt warm fluids shooting deep into her bottom. The catgirl didn’t mean to do it, and accidentally sent just a little too much electricity into Ranko-chan’s body. Ranko screamed, and grabbed at their pretty sensei, squeezing and groping the teacher’s full breasts. Nuku-Nuku was taken totally off by surprise, when the huges amount of fluid entering he bottom, triggered yet one more orgasm!
Re: Maiko watches, Leto&Ranko pleased
Louis F. Perico
Ranko, after much panting and recovering, looked at Maiko-sensei, blushed a LOT, then reluctanly removed her hands from the teacher’s boobs.
Leto slid his titanic member out of Nuku-chan’s ass, still hard and long.
He said, “Okay... who is next?”
Re: Maiko watches, Leto & Ranko pleased
Nuku-Nuku smiled weakly at her friends and Sensei. At least she hadn’t passed out this time! All that yummy ice cream must have helped! The catgirl noticed Maiko-sensei still held that strange buzzing object. Nuku-Nuku pulled back, as if it were red hot! She was scared of it, she was drawn to it. Nuku-Nuku always thought she was immune to all forms of drugs, and never saw the sense in people taking them, and abusing them. Her cat mind recognized the danger she was in now. Nuku-Nuku could never be left alone with such a device! She was sure, that even if she meant to try it for just a second, she would never have the willpower to be able to turn it back off again! “Put it away, Sensei!” for the first time in her life, the catgirl sounded afraid. “Nuku-Nuku can’t use that any more!”
[To be continued in: ANIME HENTAI HIGH SCHOOL – The Terrible Trio – 5]